#lore time!
starsofang · 6 days
pirate poly!141 x reader tw: NSFW, MDNI, mentions of death, angst, lore!!!, a bit of realizing feelings masterlist
When a group of unhinged pirates invade your small village, you're whisked away from your peaceful home and thrown on to a voyage out at sea. Forced to obtain a new role as their medic, you have no choice but to accept your fate as you join their forces and aid them in their treacherous travels.
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Everything felt like it was moving in slow motion.
The mystery man was petrifying, what with his grimy smile and darkened eyes burning with a thousand fires that longed for fear and destruction. The mere sight of him had your body freezing, stopping you from walking with Ghost.
Ghost was quick to notice. He paused his steps, halfway turning to you. He took in the sight of you, stiff and paralyzed, before shifting his focus to the cause.
You weren’t sure what was wrong with you. You felt trapped. Under a spell. Even as the man was beginning to disappear into the bustle of people, the smile never vanishing from his face, you were captivated, yet in the most sickening way.
“Dove,” Ghost called out. His voice was rough, and perhaps a bit frantic. “Let’s go.”
Just as you were able to turn your attention back to Ghost, his hand snatched up your arm, pulling you along the curvy paths. His pace was hard to keep up with, and you stumbled for your footing several times, yet he didn’t seem to care.
He had hatred practically oozing out of him like poison. It fermented the air, souring your nose with a sickly pit forming in your stomach.
“Ghost,” you tried. “Ghost, who—goodness, will you slow down? Who was that?”
Ghost paid you no mind. He was blatantly ignoring you, but for what? That man with the wicked smile… did Ghost know him?
Dust kicked up at your feet as your sped walked along his side. His grip never faltered, only tightening every time a shopper passed by too close to you. The muscles in your arm throb, and you could feel the blood pumping.
“Ghost,” you pleaded. Ghost merely glanced at you from the corner of his eye before shaking his head and resuming focus on his mission.
You didn’t know where the two of you were going, or why he was so put-off, but it made sense once you began to approach the clearing where you and the crew split to do your individual purchases.
You were heading back to the ship. The sun wasn’t quite sitting along the horizon, so you weren’t even sure the others had returned.
Something twisted within you, like a knot tightening. That sickly feeling only grew the closer you got to the ship.
Something was terribly wrong. As always, you were left in the dark.
“Up,” Ghost ordered, hands cupped together and lowered to your level. You stared at him as if he’s grown two heads. He grew impatient rather quickly. “I said up, damn it, don’t you listen?”
The plank to walk up to the deck hadn’t been lowered, and that was all because Ghost hadn’t taken the time to do it. He seemed to deem it unnecessary, as now he was attempting to haul you up on to the deck himself.
Reluctantly, you placed a foot into his hands. He immediately grabbed hold, hoisting you with a firm grip on both your foot and calf. You clumsily clawed on to the upper deck of the ship, pulling yourself into standing position on wobbly knees.
Ghost was quick to join, not even breaking a sweat as he grasped the sides of the deck and joined you, only letting out an annoyed grunt as his form of struggle.
"Get into Price's quarters," he commanded, lightly giving a shove to your shoulder to beckon you to the Captain's doors.
His body was stiff, standing monstrous and frightening over you. The only other time you'd seem him so coiled up was when him and the others slaughtered your town, when he appeared from the shadows like the boogeyman and sucked up all the souls of the village.
When you looked into his eyes, they were as pitch black as the night. You could hardly see the whites in them from how much anger pooled over.
This wasn't the man who had slowly but surely made attempts to open up in his own way.
Opening up is an overreaction, but it was his way.
Slow and steady.
Now, he was back to his former shell, the one you feared meeting again since the very first day you met.
You were quick to scramble to Price's quarters, slamming the door behind you. The air was eerily quiet now that you were alone, and it prick your ears like an aggravating fly buzzing at your head.
Fear crept inside of you like an incoming storm.
To see Ghost so serious when the past few interactions, he's been rather pleasant was worrying. He didn't answer your questions, nor did he seem to want to acknowledge them.
You knew it had to do with the man you saw. All mighty and erotic, with the smile of a demon. It'd be something that would surely haunt you in your nightmares.
Something about him was odd. You couldn't pinpoint it. It wasn't only the creepiness he exuded, but rather the way he appeared. Out of thin air, like a ghost. And he spoke to you.
I'll be seeing you, dove.
Your blood ran cold as you played back his voice, over and over. Taunting. Mocking. Yet, hypnotizing.
What was a boisterous day with you leaving the ship and becoming apart of the people of normalcy was stripped from you once again.
The only thing that broke the deafening silence was the distinct sound of a bell, the piercing ringing traveling through the cracks in the wood and filling the air around you.
It was Ghost. And he was alerting the Captain that something truly was terribly wrong.
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For a while, it was radio silence. Ghost remained outside, while you stayed locked into Price’s quarters, forced to remain trapped in your mind, sifting through what could possibly be happening.
You tried to connect dots. It was clear to you the man you saw wasn’t of the normal crowd. He was an oddity, something that stuck out yet wanted to be hidden.
Ghost knew him. His instinct reaction was to flee, bringing you in the mess. Sure, the man was unsettling, but what about him had Ghost of all people running?
Or perhaps he fled because he wanted to protect you. Even thinking of that scenario filled you with doubt, because it didn’t seem like a him thing to do, but you couldn’t think of any other reason why he’d drag you along the way he did. Frantic, and angry.
It didn’t matter how confusing the bigger picture was. Ghost had a well enough reaction for you to assume that whoever you saw was dangerous.
You wanted to rip your hair out from how little you knew. The Captain held you back from finding out, yet now, it felt important to know more than ever.
Damn him.
Damn this ship.
Damn being left in the dark.
It was unfair. You feared for your life. And worst of all, you feared for their lives as well.
You wondered if they felt the same. As ridiculous as the feeling was, in this time of terror and uncertainty, you wondered if things were to go down, if you were to fall trap into something you’re not supposed to, if they would care enough to pull you out themselves.
Just as you got too wrapped up in your own negativity, you heard voices outside the door. Familiar ones, and they sounded serious.
Between the cracks of the wood and the little soundproof the walls offered, you could faintly hear it.
“It was Graves. I swear it, Cap.”
Ghost. His voice was no longer littered with shock and panic. It was lower, laced with venomous anger.
Graves? You’d never heard that name before, and you could only assume it was the man you saw before. The name was rather fitting. Riddled with something ominous.
The door to the quarters barged open, slamming against the wall. In front stood the Captain, hand still firmly pressed to the door, eyes quickly darting around the room until they landed on you.
“Dove,” Price breathed.
He hurried up to you before you could give it a second thought. His hands grasped everywhere he could, pulling your arms straight out to inspect them, rough fingertips running along your skin. Then they moved to your neck, tilting your head side to side.
His eyebrows were knitted together with concern as well as concentration. But his eyes spoke for themselves. Enraged, just as Ghost. Burning embers broiling into a forest fire.
“Are ye okay, dove?” Soap asked. When you looked at him, he was standing cautiously behind the Captain, eyes flickering over your exposed skin as Price studied it.
“Yes?” you replied, unsure. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
Price paused, glancing up at you. He seemed to realize something before dropping your arms, letting them fall back to your side.
“Price?” you asked. “Why wouldn’t I be fine?”
“It’s nothin’,” he grunted, looking away. He stepped away from you, clearing his throat. “We heard the bell. Thought somethin’ happened—”
“No,” you cut him off firmly. You were growing tired of the games, tired of the tiptoeing. Even now, when they thought you were in danger, or even hurt, Price was actively trying to avoid telling you the truth. “There’s more. You’re lying to me again.”
“Dove—” Price attempted.
“Who is Graves?” you ordered. “I saw him. Earlier, in the town. He whispered to me. Who is he, Price?”
Soap and Gaz shared a look of concern before glancing over at Ghost. Ghost shifted uncomfortably, avoiding their gazes.
You hated this. You knew something was wrong, and all of it ended back to Ghost. It was him, wasn’t it? He was the one causing this distress without realizing. He was the one being distressed.
“You asked if I would trust you, and I agreed,” you continued, staring down the Captain. He was stiff, unsure of his next move. His eyes bore into you. “But you are toying with me and I will have it no longer. This is not trust. If you do not tell me what’s been going on, I will leave the ship and you will never see me again. None of you will stop me.”
Your words seemed to hurt the people you weren’t intending on hurting.
Soap’s eyes told you everything you needed to know, brimming over with surprise from your boldness and an aching sadness from your reality.
Gaz was glaring daggers into the back of the Captain’s head, more frustrated than upset.
“Just tell her, will you?” Gaz said coldly. “You’re playin’ hopscotch with her feelings. Both of you. She deserves to know.”
Your eyes flickered over to Ghost, who winced at the comment. He was just as fault for hiding the truth as Price was. All of them were. But at least Gaz was sticking up for you in the end of it.
“That’s Ghost’s decision,” Price grumbled, scowling.
“Bullshit,” Gaz retorted. “It stopped bein’ his decision when we became a crew. She’s apart of it now, whether any of us wanted that or not. For God’s sake, tell her.”
“And risk puttin’ her in danger? You want that?” Price hissed, anger bubbling more rapidly.
Gaz sneered at Price, matching his emotions. He stepped up to him, pressing an accusing finger into the Captain’s chest. “She saw him. He spoke to her. That’s enough to assume she already is.”
“Danger?” you asked. The two of them whipped their heads in your direction, realizing their mistake.
Your fear from before returned tenfold. Your life seemed like it was bound to an unbreakable contract of deception and betrayal.
“What did he tell ye, dove?” Soap asked, breaking the tense silence that filled the air. “Word for word.”
You wrung your hands together anxiously, picking at the skin around your nails. All men held a different form of expression in their eyes, yet they all held their breath all the same.
“He said he’d be seeing me,” you explained, a tight knot in your throat. “He didn’t exactly… tell me, I mean, I was with Ghost the whole time. It was more like a whisper. From afar.”
The looks on their faces had you wanting to coil back into your skin. It was looks of perplexity, of realization, of worry. You had nothing to be worried about, right?
“What the hell does he mean by that?” Ghost roared, the tension in the room thickening. He seemed visibly angry, even under his mask. His body language was surely enough to read. “What, he’s goin’ after her now?”
“What?” you breathed, hands becoming clammy. “Who?”
“Graves, damn it,” Ghost hissed, shoulders tightening. His voice was rough, spitting out pure venom. “The black blood? The mask? The skulls? All him, dove.”
“I don’t understand,” you whispered. Your head felt like it was going to explode. They were explaining, but not getting anywhere with it. None of it made sense.
“He’s Ghost’s old captain before he found Price,” Soap explained, a sadness to his tone. His expression was solemn as he looked at Ghost. “He has Ghost on a leash. Even now.”
“A leash,” Ghost laughed mockingly, sharp and bitter. “That fuckin’ traitor has me marked. That’s worse than a damn leash.”
Soap winced, appearing guilty for even mentioning it. Yet, Ghost was so occupied in his own misfortunes that he failed to notice.
You stared at Ghost while he spoke. The skull mask stood steady on his face, hiding how he truly felt beneath. His eyes were a world of hurt, giving you the only gateway into his mind.
You weren’t sure what marked had to do with him, but judging from old tales you’d heard as a kid, you knew it wasn’t good.
He was a target. Whoever Graves was, his old captain, he had a vendetta against Ghost. Now that the old can of worms was opened, part of you wanted to shut it back up.
This is what you asked for. You wanted open honesty. You just didn’t know that learning about the very men who changed your life for better and worse would hurt so dearly.
“Marked?” you asked. The skull ring on his finger glinted tauntingly at you. “What do you mean, marked? How does that explain anything?”
Ghost went silent, as did the men beside him.
Price, calmer now and looking much more defeated than anything, gave you a sad smile. “He has the marking for the curse of death, dove,” he said quietly. “We can only hope that you don’t, too.”
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a/n: a bit shorter than i’d like, but i have some things going on. i hope you enjoyed regardless and as always i’d love to hear your theories!!!
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zvmz · 6 months
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@smileyfacemojisworld @athena-xox @eggtqrt @multifandomangel @gumjester @blackbirdsnonsense
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lucyjung · 8 months
Lonsdaleites are made for destroy planets. They made from 'Them'(aka God), and there's only two exists.
Black Lons was has to be White Lons, but unexpectedly Dark Gems colonized the planet that Black Lons's gem is in, they put Dark energy into the ground and her gem affected, and boom. Black Lons born. So she's like half-dark Gem. She knows what she have to do, so she destoyed every planets that caught in her eyes. She is very cruel and merciless, she doesn't feel guilty for any genosides. And also, she has a mission that find her partner Lons. Her purpose was find Lons and fuse(!) with her, and cleaning the whole universe. That's why follows Lons every time.
And Lons, born from other planet, she didn't know what is her purpose. She's been around a lot with not knowing. And she meets various creatures from some planets, she liked when she hanging out with them. A lot of time passed, she meet Collector from her own planet. They became friends and she met Yellowverse too. She felt happiness first time when she with Diamonds like them.(bc she was alone for six billion years) And then she decide to protect them from any danger for her own purpose. So she really doesn't like Black Lons. Because she doesn't want to destroy her playgrounds and her friends. That's why she avoid her. And she will never be on her side. So yeah, she refused divine command.
So Lons and Black Lons will never be together. Forever i guess.
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teamphobia · 10 months
// Bane often feels guilty over Killer's (Danger's mom) passing. He blames himself, though there was nothing he could've done to prevent what happened.
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ask-the-royal-absol · 2 years
(@askpokemoncrossover Sai @ 'Thief': *The lucario from before approached the jail cell when the coast was clear and looked at the thief with arms crossed* "Okay, 'King flint'. 'Prophecy'? I think this is the part where you come clean, miss. Who are you really? And why is Destino needed for this prophecy you mentioned?"
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‘Theif’: And to answer your questions.
1. King Flint is the ruler of Terrestria, the land of fire, fighting, rock and ground type Pokémon. Again, I’m still confused as to how you don’t know that. He’s an excadrill who’s incredibly tough. A strong leader too.
*she mumbles something under her breath but you vaguely pick up, “Annoying too.”*
2. The prophecy. I don’t know all the details on it to be honest with you. The only thing I know about it is that there is something coming to destroy the land and 6 Pokémon have been chosen by fate to destroy this threat. It’s actually fascinating because the Underdark has the exact same mural as Terrestria when it comes to the prophecy. Dunno about the other provinces however.
There’s even a description of what each Pokémon is supposed to be like. Something that everyone roughly knows. I say description. It’s more like a sentence for each. If I remember the wording correctly, it’s something like this:
-The one with wings of an angel,
-The one that is strong despite weakness,
-The one with the kind-hearted soul,
-The one with struggles to overcome,
-The one with the strength of a storm,
-The one enveloped in white.
All come together to…erm…yeah I don’t remember the end part. I think that’s roughly how it goes.
Apparently Destino fits one of these criteria. Honestly not sure which. The only thing I’ve been told, and trust, is the fact that Destino has to be one of the six. If not, this world may not be around for much longer.
And 3, if you were from the surface, you’d 100% recognise who I am. I’m not gonna reveal my identity that easily.
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gallusrostromegalus · 1 month
Move To A Darker Place
This is a story of Man Vs. Machine.
Last March, my father attempted to file his Taxes.
My beloved father is a Boomer. Unlike most Boomers, my father is rather handy with technology because he was one of the people that had a not-insignificant hand in Developing a hell of a lot of it. He was studying Computer Science at Cal Poly before the computer science degree existed. I have many fond childhood memories of skipping through the aisles of various electronic and computer part warehouses while Dad described something that either terrified the staff or made them worship him as a God.  He taught himself how to use his smartphone.  Internationally.
So when he saw the option to file digitally with the IRS through the “ID.me” program, he leapt at the chance to celebrate the Federal Government finally entering the Digital Age.
It was all going swimmingly for about six hours, until he was ready to file and the system told him that it needed to verify his identity. 
“Very Well.” said my father, a man unafraid of talking to himself and getting something out of the conversation. “It wouldn’t do for me to get someone else’s return.”
The System told him that it needed him to take a “Digital Image ID”.
a.k.a: A Selfie.
“A-ha!” Dad beams. Dad is very good at taking selfies. He immediately pulled out his phone, snapped one, and tried to upload it.
Please log into your Id.me Account and use the provided app to submit your Digital Image ID. The System clarified.
“Oh. You should have said so.”  Dad pouted, but used his phone to log onto the ID.me account, do the six security verification steps and double-checked that the filing looked the same as it did on the desktop, gave the IRS like nine permissions on his phone, and held up the camera to take his Federal Privacy Invasion Selfie.
Please align your face to the indicated grid. Said The System, pulling up a futuristic green-web-of-polygons approximation.
“Ooh, very Star Trek. Gene Roddenberry would HATE this!” Dad said cheerfully, aligning his face to the grid.  My father is a bit… cavalier, when it comes to matters of personal information and federal government, because he’s been on FBI watchlists since the late 60’s when he was protesting The Vietnam War and Ronald Regan before he’d broken containment. Alas.
Anyway, there is very little information the federal government does not have on him already, but he’s as good at stalking the FBI as they are at stalking him, and had worked out a solution:  He has something approaching a friendship with the local Federal Agent (Some guy named “Larry”. Allegedly), and got Larry hooked on Alternative Histories and Dad’s collection of carefully-researched “there is very likely buried treasure here” stories, and Larry is loath to bother his favorite Historical Fanfiction author too much.
But I digress.
After thinking for a minute, The System came back with an Error Message. Please remove glasses or other facial obstructions.
And here is where the real trouble began.
See, my father wears glasses that do substantially warp the appearance of his face, because he is so nearsighted that he is legally blind without them. His natural focal point is about 4 inches in front of his nose.  While Dad can still take a selfie because he (approximately) knows where his phone is if it’s in his hand, he cannot see the alignment grid.
He should ask someone to take it for him! I hear the audience say. Yes, that would be the sane and reasonable thing to do, but Dad was attempting to do taxes at his residence in Fort Collins, while his immediate family was respectively in Denver, Texas and Canada.  He tried calling our neighbors, who turned out to be in Uganda.
He looked down at the dog, Arwen, and her little criminal paws that can open doorknobs, but not operate cell phones.
She looked back at him, and farted.
“Well, I’ll give it a try, but if it gives me too much trouble, I’ll call Larry, and Larry can call the IRS about it.” Dad told her. 
She continued to watch him. Arwen is an Australian Kelpie (a type of cattle-herding dog), going on 14 years old, deaf as a post and suffering from canine dementia now, but she still retains her natural instinct to Micromanage. She was also trained as a therapy dog, and even if she can’t hear my dad, still recognizes the body language of a man setting himself up for catastrophe.
So, squinting in the late afternoon light next to the back door, Dad attempted to line his face up with a grid he could only sort-of see, and took A Federal Selfie.
The System thought about it for a few moments.
Image Capture Failed: Insufficient Contrast. The System replied. Please move to a darker place.
“...Huh.” Dad frowned. “Alright.”
He moved to the middle of his office, away from the back door, lit only by the house lighting and indirect sunlight, and tried again.
Image Capture Failed. Please move to a darker place.
“What?” Dad asked the universe in general.
“Whuff.” Arwen warned him against sunk costs.
Dad ignored her and went into the bathroom, the natural habitat of the selfie. Surely, only being lit by a light fixture that hadn’t been changed since Dad was attempting to warn everyone about Regan would be suitably insufficient lighting for The System.  It took some negotiating, because that bathroom is “Standing Room Only” not “Standing And Holding Your Arms Out In Front Of You Room”.  He ended up taking the selfie in the shower stall.
As The System mulled over the latest attempt, Arwen shuffled over and kicked open the door to watch.
Image Capture Failed. Please Move to a Darker Place.
“Do you mean Spiritually?” Dad demanded.
“Whuff.” Arwen cautioned him again.
Determined to succeed, or at least get a different error message that may give him more information, Dad entered The Downstairs Guest Room.  It is the darkest room in the house, as it is in the basement, and only has one legally-mandated-fire-escape window, which has blinds.  Dad drew those blinds, turned off the lights and tried AGAIN.
Image Capture Failed. Please Move To A Darker Place.
“WHUFF!” Arwen reprimanded him from under the pull-out bed in the room. It’s where she attempts to herd everyone when it’s thundering outside, so the space is called her ‘Safety Cave’.
Dad frowned at the large blurry shape that was The Safety Cave.
“Why not?” he asked, the prelude to many a Terrible Plan.  With no small amount of spiteful and manic glee, Dad got down onto the floor, and army-crawled under the bed with Arwen to try One Last Time. Now in near-total darkness, he rolled on his side to be able to stretch his arms out, Arwen slobber-panting in his ear, and waited for the vague green blob of the Facial grid to appear.
This time, when he tapped the button, the flash cctivated.
“GOD DAMN IT!” Dad shouted, dropping the phone and rubbing his eyes and cursing to alleviate the pain of accidentally flash-banging himself. Arwen shuffled away from him under the bed, huffing sarcastically at him.
Image Capture Failed. Please move to a darker place.
“MOTHERFU- hang on.” Dad squinted.  The System sounded strange. Distant and slightly muffled.
Dad squinted really hard, and saw the movement of Arwen crawling out from under the bed along the phone’s last known trajectory.
“ARWEN!” Dad shouted, awkwardly reverse-army crawling out from under the bed, using it to get to his feet and searching for his glasses, which had fallen out of his pocket under the bed, so by the time he was sighted again, Arwen had had ample time to remove The Offending Device.
He found her out in the middle of the back yard, the satisfied look of a Job Well Done on her face. She did not have the phone. 
“Arwen.” Dad glared. It’s a very good glare. Dad was a teacher for many years and used it to keep his class in order with sheer telepathically induced embarrassment, and his father once glared a peach tree into fecundity.  
Arwen regarded him with the casual interest a hurricane might regard a sailboat tumbling out of its wake. She is a force of nature unto herself and not about to be intimidated by a half-blind house ape.  She also has cataracts and might not be able to make out the glare.
“I GIVE UP!” Dad shouted, throwing his hands in the air and returning to the office to write to the IRS that their selfie software sucks ass. Pleased that she had gotten her desired result, Arwen followed him in.
To Dad’s immense surprise, the computer cheerfully informed him that his Federally Secure Selfie had been accepted, and that they had received and were now processing his return!
“What the FUCK?” Dad glared. “Oh well. If I’ve screwed it up, Larry can call me.”
I bring this up because recently, Dad received an interesting piece of mail.
It was a letter from the IRS, addressed to him, a nerve-wracking thing to recessive at the best of times.  Instead of a complaint about Dad’s Selfie Skills, it was a letter congratulating him on using the new ID.me System.  It thanked him for his help and expressed hopes he would use it again next year, and included the selfie that The System had finally decided to accept.
“You know, my dad used to complain about automation.” Dad sighed, staring at the image. “Incidentals my boy!  My secretary saves the state of California millions of dollars a year catching small errors before they become massive ones! He’d say. Fought the human resources board about her pay every year.  I used to think he was overestimating how bad machines were and underestimating human error, but you know? He was right.”
He handed me the image.
My father was, technically, in the image.  A significant amount of the bottom right corner is taken up by the top of his forehead and silver hair.  Most of the image, the part with the facial-recognition markers on it, was composed of Arwen’s Alarmed and Disgusted Doggy face.
“Oh no!” I cackled. “Crap, does this mean you have to call the IRS and tell them you’re not a dog?”
“Probably.” Dad sighed. “I know who I’m gonna bother first though.” he said, taking out his phone (Dad did find his phone a few hours after Arwen absconded with it when mom called and the early spinach started ringing). 
“Hey Larry!” Dad announced to the local federal agent. “You’re never gonna believe this. My dog filed my taxes!”
Larry considered this for a moment. “Is this the dog that stole my sandwich? Out of my locked  car?” he asked suspiciously.
“The very same.” Dad grinned.
“Hm. Clever Girl.” Federal Agent Larry sighed. “I figured it was only a matter of time before she got into tax fraud.”
I'm a disabled artist making my living writing these stories. If you enjoy my stories, please consider supporting me on Ko-fi or Pre-ordering my Family Lore Book on Patreon. Thank you!
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ditzybat · 2 months
tim drake is the type of guy to drop random lore then walk away.
tim: ugh i hate baseball, it’s like, when you have to play it in order to save a whole planet once, every game after seem boring
dick: that’s not…
tim: only downside to that was how we almost totaled barts brand new spaceship
dick: what spaceship??
tim: oh, hi mom
shiva: hello timothy, how are you? still keeping up with your training i take it?
bruce: mother? she’s not your —
shiva: let’s spar then timothy, let’s leave it strictly non lasting injuries, i don’t rather feel like dying by your hand again today
tim: of course!! ^-^
bruce: again?
tim: man i forgot to take my meds again
duke: your meds for what?
tim: i have no spleen, so i have to take probiotics, it really is manageable but i dont know where those pills went
duke: i’m almost scared to ask, tim, how did you lose your spleen?
tim: weird spider dude, it was a whole thing
tim: you talk a lot of shit for someone who got replaced as heir to your immortal grandfathers empire by me
damian: you what!?
tim: i regularly beat his ass at online chess every week too, and i don’t think you’ve seen him since he stole your corpse
tim: here
jason: what’s this?
tim: a box of all the photos i took when i obsessively stalked you for your entire tenure as robin
jason: thanks?
tim: you’re welcome, bye!
jason: … creepy ass kid…
steph: so how did you to get together?
bernard: well —
tim: i saved him from a getting cut open by chaos monster cult members
bernard: yep, i was rescued from being a vessel for a greek god, and we just really clicked afterwards
steph: well, it’s better than the brick
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gramarye · 4 months
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playstation wife gf post trinity
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painted-lemon · 11 months
um can we make this a real thing??????
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please tag any other fandom that could use this meme format
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junotter · 5 months
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Part 1 of my modern avatar au, the fire nation
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atissi · 7 months
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hadn't seen anyone post the full comic about laios + falin's family on tumblr yet so. here you go source is from the reddit
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Gregory asks Michael an important FNAF lore question..
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lucyjung · 1 year
It's funny some people doesn't like Orca's behavior. I know it's just for fun but yeah, Orca is the most powerful villain in mermaid AU. Which means, true villain. Even White can't beat her alone.
Orca was the first ruler of an ancient Sea. And... she eats Mer-gems. She enjoys to eat her own kind. She was one of the first Mer-gems. (White, Yellow, Blue is also first Diamonds.) When Orca almost eaten up all Diamonds, White and the rest of the Diamonds decided to put her underground. White lead them and they suceeded to lock her up in the underground with a close call. But the rest of them are died bc of Orca's attack. Only White, Yellow, Blue was survived. And then White begin to start their own undersea kingdom. After that, they found the last Diamond, Pink.
Orca was been stuck in the underground for a tens of millions of years. She was waiting for the day to get out. And there was an earthquake near Orca's jail, and that created a gap. That's why she get out from the underground and now she's here.
Eh, I felt like I had to say something about her.
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teamphobia · 10 months
🔍 his opinions on other regions outside of Merrtoz
// What a great question!!
He has many connections in Kanto and Johto, so he visits them often! But after so many times running into a stubborn rocket grunts it can get annoying, and he feels there's not much to do there.
He has only visited Hoenn twice, and both times he was picked on by the local Trapinch population because he just had to wear heels. He sees Hoenn as a place with frustratingly unpredictable weather and an annoying grunt population.
He won't step a toe into Sinnoh unless he has to.
He went to Unova after many Plasma members disbanded, picjed off the shitty ones and recruited the better ones, changing their views and putting them right to work. He visits Unova often for business, and to visit friends.
He does have connections in Kalos, but he's also not well liked there. He's had many heists and stunts pulled in Kalos- causing entire groups to want him dead. He likes it in Kalos despite all of that.
He has not visited Alola.
He has only gone to Galar once. He hated every second.
He loves Paldea- it reminds him so much of home! The diversity in food, people, vast stretches of land and sonewhat still weather. He would never say no to a trip to Paldea.
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liquidstar · 1 year
adventure time lore is insane. it starts off just being a goofy kids show that has magic for no reason, but then you learn that all magic users are manic and/or depressed (what betty calls sadness and madness). because it turns out magic is actually a cosmic force beyond mortal comprehension, that itself was learned from cosmic entities that predated the existence of time itself inside a sea of monsters. and "magic" really is just understanding more about the nature of the universe than most people. that, in a way, reality isnt "real" and understanding that allows you to mold it. and thats magic. but that drives you to insanity and/or apathy. and there are beings who hold significant cosmic importance who are more prone to magic. and the reason magic became prevalent on earth is because of a nuclear war a thousand years ago, which released the entity that represents the destruction of all life onto the world. and after a nuclear apocalypse this gave way to a new earth, where magic could thrive. but a lot of the beings we see arent even magical, theyre just mutants from what happened 1000 years ago. and humanity as we know it has been all but wiped out. but everything stays the same because cycles of war and violence continue. and it doesnt matter if its nukes or magic. everything stays the same, but still changes.
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antirepurp · 1 year
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top 10 most ominous tweets in recent memory
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