#lore olympus fast pass
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Rando: Minthe was turned into a plant! Whereas, Apollo got a slap on the wrist! She received the worst punish–
Persephone restored Minthe to her true form and the river nymph got to live a peaceful, free life in the Mortal Realm. No everlasting punishments from the author (Minthe's "number one hater", according to certain people 🙄): Minthe was given an opportunity to turn a new leaf. A happy ending for her.
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Apollo: *Unending mental anguish and life as a pariah (torture for someone who craves people's attention and adoration)*
And his bodily autonomy was violated by Ouranous, who made him his vessel. He became purple goop. Apollo got better following the fight versus Ouranos, but the fact that he'd been working with his great-grandfather definitely bolstered his pariah status even more.
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His first time ever feeling remorse. He did not want this. *World's smallest violin*
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genericpuff · 2 years ago
fp spoilers ahead and a content warning for violence:
hades normally:
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hades when he's possessed by his dead dad and threatening to rip his wife's head off:
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i rest my case, make murder hobo hades president, rip her head off you beautiful sick fuck-
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psyaurorak · 2 years ago
Ok I just wanna say, yes Minthe did bad things and made bad choices but did she ever murder an entire village, turn people into plants, bully the working class, abuse her power, support slavery, commit crimes and then act like the paragon of innocence afterwards?
But do you know who did?
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museit · 1 year ago
~~~~ ✨️Season 3 ✨️ ~~~~
We are back in business boys....let's go!!!
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I read it too fast but wow......
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persephadees · 1 year ago
Fast pass spoilers/// they were just getting along tf?? 😭
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themusesof75 · 2 years ago
Lore Olympus FAST PASS: 252 spoilers
Or wait a month!
Seriously, spoilers will ruin your life...
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midnightsecfan · 1 year ago
Lo Fast Pass spoilers Chapter 265
for the others
All I want is for Melinoe to be saved, and meet her parents.
In This chapter, Melinoe was in a watery disguise and she spoke to Morpheus about meeting.
Hades has decided to do another Sleep Dive. (Melinoe meets her Dad, maybe????? Do we find out if my theory is correct?)
my theory is during the Banishment Period is Hades got pregnant from Persephone's magic tree and Melinoe was the result. Zeus had kids out of his head and leg sooooo totally plausible.
Persephone is absolutely drained (physically, mentally, emotionally).
Hades comforts her; by talking nice things, calling her Dread Queen, and positioning to eat her out. Congrats, hun.
While it's very, very sweet I really want more Revenge Action!!
Persephone, after Hades tells you of your magical little girl, I hope you're inspired to put your arm through Apollo's chest and rip out his little grey heart. Maybe save your daughter first, I don't timing.
Also, I miss Artemis and Eris.
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antiloreolympus · 11 months ago
What is LO Cooking?!
I heard Lore Olympus was ending soon, so I caught up, and wow, it somehow got worse. The main thing I'm stuck on is Hera being the fertility goddess.
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I don't know about y'all, but this is NOT the same person. But I assume this is for the reveal to be a 'surprise'.
((If you have to switch up a character's whole look and remove their only "unique" trait (mole) for a surprise, maybe don't do it.))
To continue, while this recent episode (273) depicts Zeus as awful for using Hera's powers. It also doesn't explain why Metis couldn't fight Kronos herself.
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I haven't read the fast pass, but I'm going to make an educated guess that Hera is going to solo Kronos easily like Persephone did.
If this is the case, wouldn't that mean Metis was powerful enough to stop Kronos on her own, and she simply chose not to? Not only that, but she and Hera could've teamed up him if they were this powerful on their own.
It's very odd how this story wants me to believe Zeus did this only out of greed and not necessity if even Metis can't handle Kronos.
Also, Metis not only didn't take Kronos out but kept the truth from Hera? The blame is instead shifted to Zeus as if Metis didn't have the responsibility of telling her daughter.
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If the story is willing to critique Demeter for lying to Persephone, why isn't Metis getting the same heat story wise?
This isn't me saying Zeus is justified using Hera's powers post-titanomachy as that is unacceptable (RIP Zeus Stans). Only in the context of defeating Kronos.
It just feels like another way for Metis to be seen as a "caring mom" as if she didn't sleep with Young Zeus, knowing two of her kids had a crush on him.
- - -
The potential reasons I have are between:
"RS didn't think this through and made Metis such a terrible mother that most of the aftermath could've been prevented if she had either fought Kronos on her own or taught Hera how to use her powers."
"Hera (and Metis to an extent) wouldn't have been able to use the full extent of their abilities without a man using them as a battery first."
Both of these are terrible, and I hate it here.
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winns-stuff · 1 year ago
Agree that shippers of kronos and hera are freaking disgusting, though im a little hesitant to lay the blame on rs. When i first read it, i recognized it for being awful and insidious abuse and thought it was framed surprisingly well. Webtoon readers are known for being shit balls at reading and media comprehension, so many other webtoons i read suffer from readers being way too obtuse and rooting for genuinely abusive characters that the creator always frames as toxic. (tho full disclosure i haven't read the fast pass episodes so this might have changed!!) while i also do wish rs might make it clearer that its abuse so these commentors would shut up, at the same time i think its sad creators would need to sacrifice more sublte, clever storytelling just so that certain sections of the fandom won't misunderstand.
I understand your point, the main reason why I included Rachel in that rant is because if she can make an authors note about Persephone not dying, she should be able to come out with at least a statement saying that you shouldn’t ship Hera with Kronos at all because half of those people are grown adults, they should absolutely know better.
Rachel never holds her fans accountable when they’re saying fucked up things in Rachel and Lore Olympus’ defense and she’s known for being active in various groups including Lore Olympus so she should have no problem making an announcement condemning stuff like that. The problem isn’t that her subtle writing wasn’t clear enough for her fans the problem is you have over 45 comments on your main page talking about how Hera’s SA wasn’t SA and victim blaming her for the trauma Kronos gave her and you’re not saying anything about it.
It’s even worse since like I’ve said there’s a lot of fans who relate to both Hera and Persephone with their traumas, having a fandom like that condoning disgusting stuff like that and dismissing coercion and SA is disingenuous and honestly made me lose even more respect for her. I’m not asking her to stand up for her fans as an anti I’m asking her to stand up for them as a decent person, it’s the bare minimum to make a statement and of course if the fandom doesn’t listen I won’t talk anymore about it since she’s one person but she hasn’t said anything and that’s the problem.
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ecsta-zi · 9 months ago
Well, I can't believe that only after I access my account again Lore Olympus is coming to end. Per usual, I fast pass, so Yup, I read the season finale.
Get ready to shed some tears and experience the justice we waited 6 years for.
I started reading Lore Olympus at my lowest. I was just released from the precient after a DV situation. I was bald, my bird was taken from me and k-lled and I was crying in a hotel room late at night looking for SOMETHING to distract me. And BEHOLD, there were already several Lore Olympus episodes to read, about 2/3 years worth. I scrolled endlessly for days taking my time to look at each panel carefully. Just to admire the artwork and really take in every detail I could.
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I am now, much older, stronger, and in a different place in life. I'm expecting my first baby, I'm healthy, I'm happy, and I am in a much more stable position in life.
Thank you, Rachel Smythe, for giving us this amazing story that got me through the last 5 years. I appreciate you for getting me through my darkest times. ❤️
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museit · 2 years ago
Now, since we are all caught up to speed to some extent with LO and finding out the Child Deity is Persephone and Hades's future daughter. I would like to say I'm scrapping my theory on it. Though I would like to hear what people think about having this child come so soon and the episodes overall?
Is anyone up for theories and discussions?
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t4tails · 11 months ago
Wait, did you see the update that Lore olympus is ending in june, not the original date given? It's gonna be 287 chapters, not 280.
oh shit yeah i did know that, i just forgot fast pass existed and did the math of how many chapters until june from 271 instead of 274. still a very short amount of time to wrap up everything considering how little development is packed into each chapter. theyre just so uneventful
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minthe-lover · 2 years ago
I’ve given up on the timeline of lore Olympus, because what do you mean the been married for five days now they have a kid I can’t anymore. I hate this novel so much and I’m only continuing reading it because I’ve invested so much time. 
yeah... it's really fucking bad.. even worse is that like.. instead of just adding a few small timeskips of days.. In one of the fast pass Rs decided to just lampshade the rushed timeline with a snarky line from ares and hades calls attention to how much Persephone did in one day... which is supposed to be a "you did so much so fast your clearly good at your job".. but also alot of them are really big things that she should've definitely taken longer to do.. so really it just ends up feeling like hades say "wow look at all this shit you rushed through.. lets hope that doesn't get fucked up in the future"
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rawmeknockout · 1 year ago
Lore Olympus is so interesting to me, less for the story its telling (I enjoy it but understand the criticisms. Persephone is p much a stand in for the reader but in a cheap romance novel kind of way) and more for like, what it represents for monetized web comics as a whole. Like if it weren't such a cash cow for Webtoons, would the author have less pressure to end every ep with a cliffhanger to incentivize fast passes? Idk capitalism sucks
things like LO and twilight and HP remind me of this
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swampstew · 1 year ago
Man thank you so much for readin about her, I read your post and ofc, I will keep it to like twice a week… so the next one will probably be Saturday 👀 and yes killer made his cameo 🤭🤫 but I have done MANY drawings of her so maybe.. I’ll make an Tulip-annon page and share her with you through that so I can send you the pictures as well. (Drawing her in the one piece art style was HARDD so erm yea I like showing it off so.. 🧍‍♂️) BUT IM SO HAPOY N GODDY YOU FOUND HER INTERESTIINNGG OMGOMG genuinely find it so cool.
ps. saw the Dropkick Murphys post… Aris happens to have a rose tattoo on her sternum..(like since I made her in June)
ps2. I’m 21 actually lol
Thanks Tulip, I look forward to the lore drops! It'll be like when I'm waiting for my Lore Olympus fast pass to drop🤭
TELL ME ABOUT IT! I've been working on my One Piece style drawing of Rowena for a year and I just can't quite get it and it's MADDENING! I'm so grateful to fandom artists because I was on the cusp of despair and they were able to help bring Rowena to life through commissions!
I highly encourage you (and to anyone else who wants to give life to their OC but in a semi-private way) to make a tumblr or any social media page to post about and just gush about them. No one will love them as much as you do and they should have a space to exist!
NIIIIICEE!!! I love little details like that! My other OC design (Andrea) has a tulip tattoo on her sternum to cover up a scar :)
And TYSM for verifying your age, it just makes me feel more comfortable knowing I am talking with adults in my adult designed space and not a child impersonating an adult persona.
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the-reincarnated-princess · 2 years ago
Webtoon sideblog here!!
I read a bunch of webtoons and canvas and can't make the whole list here, but here's a small psa/how the blog works:
#le french webtoon -> french exclusive webtoons, be it Château d'Ambre, Angelic Lady (not french exclusive per se, but it's not on the english app)...
#fast pass spoilers -> tread at your own risks... I read a few series that are way further along in french (marry my husband is over, Your Throne, Sisters at War and I'm the QUeen in this life have about from two to ten more episodes in french than in english...) so it might not be fast pass spoilers per se, but it covers all spoilers about episodes that have not yet appeared in english.
#canvas, the overall tag for the canvas
#[webtoon title] or #wt [webtoon title] if it's a title that can be found in other things (Blood Reverie for example sends to a bunch of posts that have nothing to do with the webtoon)
#cw nudity -> that's for pictures with mildly nsfw imagery (a male lead bare chest for example). #tw blood, #tw gore, #tw horror, depending on the needs, for screenshots from thriller or horror webtoons depending on the needs. Do tell me to tag stuff i'll do my best!
#fanworks -> if i ever reblog fanart or fanfic it will be under this + the tag of the webtoon it belongs to
#[webtoon] critical -> stuff against one or the other stories. mainly gonna be Lore Olympus honestly but I also have qualms with a few other stories. Doesn't mean i totally hate the story or such, just means "this post contains pretty harsh criticism".
#critical -> the overall tag for every criticism i'll do. If I roast Lore Olympus' plot, it will go under both #critical and #lore olympus critical. I don't plan on using it a lot despite the two distinct tags but this way you're sure to get the positive experience you're here for if you don't want negativity.
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