#lore accurate jeff
mrmillipede · 1 day
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lalalalalaaaalalalalaa lalaalalala
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verianal · 9 months
Cw: Heavy scarring, cigarettes/smoking, Jeff the killer ( he is like 20% 2000s anime twink and 80% lore accurate so take that as u will )
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Yeah he might be evil and he might kill people but what if that was just him serving mitski realness :/
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Im bored soooo
•Doors entities lore•
The Eyes:
°one of the oldest residents other than seek and figure
° they used to be the receptionist for the hotel, ringing people in and handing them their keys. They appear so often in the first 20 doors to greet the visitor like they used to back around the late 1890's. Unfortunately if the player looks at them for to long they get fatigue and pass out. Eyes is aware of this but still thinks it's rude to at least not look at him once and greet them properly. It's quite rude to just barge in the hotel like that, much less steal the items and money that naturally spawn. How barbaric.... They think.
° regardless of gender eyes will attempt to reprimand them for stealing....except by then the player is either dead or gone into the next room, it agitates them so much. >:(
° despite looking like a biblically accurate angel, eyes has no direct connection to guiding light or curious light. They don't even know they exist actually
° they can be quite moody, especially if a player ignores him. They won't snap at anyone but they'll end up ranting again to either seek or jack.
° they can and will talk for hours straight, they hyperfocus on a single thing, a very small detail. Like rush being 00000.01 centimeters off from his usual path or hide being a quarter of a second late to kick a player out of his closets, it's quite annoying actually.
° unlike eyes he's really quiet, doesn't talk alot and when he does ...oh my. His voice is naturally very loud and commanding, which he secretly hates.
° he views all players as trespassers that must be escorted out. He appears in the first 20 doors normally and forces the player to walk the other way to the exit...which does not work since they just go forward when he tries to go behind them.
° he was an officer before...the uh.... incident™ 👀
° like figure, he knows nearly always who's in the hotel and where their at. While it's extremely frustrating for him since they normally get away, he doesn't to bother to try again since they end up dying to figure or ambush anyway.
° he's seen guiding light a few times, he attempted to talk to them but they disappeared. He also finds it annoying how they help the player.
The figure:
° the oldest resident along with seek, he stays in the library most of the time organizing books and guarding door 51.
° as suspected he was the librarian for the hotel and supplied things like candles and lighters around the nearby hallways so the guests could see what books they were reading. He was actually very kind, not quite a talker but he would hum alot and make other noises frequently.
° since he's blind he can't read most of the books in his library anymore...:( thankfully some of the other entities got him braille books they got from players or Jeff. He reads those quite a lot since he's very fond of reading in general.
° he knows where every book goes has them neatly placed on the shelves, he gets quite angry when players mess with his perfectly organized library and it's so frustrating for him since he has to ask seek to help him put those back since he can't see what they are and therefore where they should go :(
° rush and ambush are permanently banned from the library after he caught them running through it trying to catch a player and messed up multiple shelves...he also hates loud noises since his hearing is sensitive. That's also why screech is banned-
° he can actually hear when seek or the others are chasing a player throughout the entire hotel. His hearing is that good.
° he always knows the combination for the lock, if by some chance he doesn't hate you and you don't mess with his books/your really quiet he might give you it so you can leave.
° probably the nicest entity there other than Jeff and El goblino If you don't piss him off.
° he's not part of the hotel staff actually, he was a German soldier that stayed there after world war 1.
° after the incident™ he got stuck there along with everyone else. He is rather very quiet like halt yet has a mischievous side and likes to scare the players when he's bored.
° which needless say pisses off hide since they don't like anyone in their closets...
° jack tells everyone he was a captain of a ship at one point, everyone thinks he's lying but he did captain a ship when he came to America (which is where he saw the hotel)
° he's rather spiteful and if you don't get scared when he appears in front of a door he will block the nearest closet when he hears rush...
° he doesn't really like anyone at the hotel other than eyes and Sally. He's actually bonded with her quite a bit since she's quiet yet silly like him.
° he hates halt and will fight him without a single thought, seek has to separate them frequently or they'll reck the hotel.
° he listens to eyes rant a lot, not because he wants to comfort them but because he wants to hear the tea 👀🍵
° he's probably one of the meanest entities there if your just passing through, he's not malicious though...(Unless you made Sally cry) Just mean.
(keep in mind these are all just my au not canon nor do I claim them to be canon :>)
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request for you to write anything sad and comforting about Helen please, just let your thoughts flow
I went with some varied headcanons :) I hope you enjoy them. I really miss writing for Helen.
Hates the way he's set up his life to go socially. When Helen first joined the mansion he didn't want to be friends with anyone. He was so used to isolation that he didn't want to try and forge bonds with anyone, so he became the quiet loner that just sits quietly in the back of the room. In a world where he has you, it's more tolerable, and much easier, as you give him the socialness that he craves, and you make it so much easier for him to cross the boundary with others as well. But, in a world without you, in a world that's just my lore, he doesn't have that. I mean, sure, he has Pup and Natalie, but even then, they don't talk nearly as often as he would like, but he's too scared and timid to try and ask them to hang out more, to ask them to help him get to know the others. Helen feels constantly trapped in the isolation that he's built for himself.
On rainy or snowy days, that's when Helen craves you the most. He feels so much colder and so much lonelier, especially because he can't really escape outside as much as he would like on these days, and so he always searches you out. These are the few times when Helen will be openly clingy with you, grabbing onto your arm and your hand gently as he quietly asks you to go somewhere more private, assuming that's okay, but if it's not, he'll just settle himself beside you, refusing to release your arm as he buries into your shoulder. Helen isn't sure why these days are so difficult for him, as nothing involving his trauma had to do with rain or snow and clouds hanging above, but he just feels so lost and cold and alone, and your company is the best solution he's found to cope with it. On the days you're happy to indulge him and go somewhere private, he'll curl up in bed with you, your back against his chest, a warm blanket around both of you and warm hot chocolate to drink close by. Sometimes he'll turn on something to quietly play in the background like a show or music, but for the most part, he just wants to indulge in the comfort of your warmth.
Draws people's faces when he misses them. Something he's done for a while now is that when he really misses someone, even someone he's not necessarily close to, he'll draw their face to soothe the ache in his chest. When Natalie or Pup have been gone on a long mission, he'll devote whole pages to sketching their most shown emotions. When he hasn't gotten to see you for some extended period of time, he'll spend hours drawing you in such wonderful detail, making sure every line is perfect. When Toby hasn't stopped by the art room in a while to hang out and draw, Helen sits in Toby's favorite spot and draws the bright smiles Toby always has on his face when he stops by, or the sad frustration when his drawings begin to represent Toby's inner sadness. When Jeff hasn't been around the mansion in a while, Helen draws his louder expressions, when he's yelling, laughing, or just being annoying. Helen remembers so many details from everyone's faces, and the drawings are always so accurate and well done, and yet, nobody knows. He feels too... Nervous? He's not used to feeling nervous, but he tells himself that nervousness is what he feels about it, maybe even shy, and so he keeps these drawings to himself, to leaf through and add to when that longing for companionship rises back up again.
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doorrobloxstuff · 6 days
Alright, so, after some thinking. I’ve decided to blow up my old au and rework it :)
After all, it’s two years old and it’s lore has been kinda blown around in the wind. So, resetting everything.
I’m doing the ones I have lore for, as I don't have all the energy in the world anymore.
Important stuff:
Seek’s family + the other entities are trying to escape the hotel. Their family was sealed away by the guiding light nearly a couple thousand years ago.
The entire hotel was pissed off at humanity for destroying their old home, killing Seek’s mother (A-250.), Killing Depth, Some of Rush’s and Ambush’s children, permanently disabling Ambush, potentially killing Silence (they never found their body), and causing Greed to die from a grief induced heart attack.
The guiding light was an angelic being sent to stop them. It built the hotel entity and gave it life, she had no malice towards them, but they needed to be stopped.
It made their prison as humane and as comfortable/natural as possible. Intending for it to eventually return to earth and become their replacement home after their rage cooled and grief healed.
…But never made it inescapable until then, rip.
The other entities work for Grumble and company in various positions.
Jeff betrayed Grumbles and chose to side with the guiding light after seeing that its basically blinded with hate and was making a monster out of its son, Seek.
The upper hotel is the living quarters for the worker entities to stay in except they have their own large suites behind doors inaccessible to humans.
The lower floor is a busy multiplex of pipes and productivity. The pipes are meant to feed into Seek’s mass and get it to a powerful enough state to escape the hotel.
Entities names are actually quite long and complicated! A mixture of sound-words from entity language. The names we call them as are shortened versions or not accurate to their true name! They also have names chosen at the time of their birth, and names they choose. Those change very frequently.
So..let’s get to the hotel’s denizens, shall we?
- Canon characters + lore (in order of sort of importance) -
Grumbthinkle von tentacle:
The ring leader behind this whole operation
Pretty mean and grumpy to be honest. The human-translated name is very accurate.
Jeff’s brother, Seek’s uncle, parent to the giggles. Screech’s GREAT uncle.
Disowned and reverted to its natal name after what happened with Jefftholomew. Wants nothing to do with him.
Imagine a pot of pure, unadulterated rage and grumpiness and resentment and spite and every other negative emotion stewing in a pot. Behold, GRUMBLE.
The boss man :tm:
Okay okay headcanons now.
..and also perhaps with a smidge of sorrow.
Aro Ace :)
Brilliant at engineering and construction. Built a labyrinthine network of pipes and mines to try and get more resources.
May have..once taught humans how to build aqueducts.
Also really, really likes gardening.
What can I say? It’s really good at digging with those tentacles.
Its favorites are gardenias.
Eyes loves it lmao those two have entire cork boards dedicated to their plants and what they want to plant this “season”. (Sunlight is rare in the hotel dimension.)
Would probably be caught dead with a garden trowel in its hands singing in the worst goddamn voice you have ever heard.
Really close to its nespring, Seek..though..it also may see it as a tool necessary for it and the others to escape and take their revenge.
Often lazes about in its nest when it exhausted itself from working on pumping raw ore and metal into Seek’s mass.
Does give a flying fuck about its underlings..but its number one priority during work hours is GETTING OUT and its second one is GETTING REVENGE.
So..certain things have..flown under its radar.
Adores its children the giggles and often cajoles them + the hotel’s children with tales of its inventions and adventures long past.
Loves to read to them in its deep voice.
It’s nickname is grumby :)
Its stories are long and complicated, sometimes hard to follow but very entertaining if you manage to stick along for the ride.
It frequently dreams of home..sometimes of a certain someone to.
Grumble's Nespring (nonbinary term for neice/nephew), Parent of Screech, Snare + one more.
Married to Figure. <3
Twins w/hide
Still the spiteful little british guy I want to write more of, just huge(r)
Built like something out of vita carnis, think the harvesters with tendrils that suck the everliving shit out your blood and liquidify your organs in an agonizing display of unnatural brutality.
..a bit..err, peeved with the fact that its uncle pretty much is using it to get their way out, sometimes forgetting the fact that Seek is not, just an object for him to use in its escape plans.
Veeeerrryyy particular in the placement of it’s mass.
Hates how much its grown, almost to near dysmorphic levels.
Sick of it all, not gonna lie.
Figure is it's rock and sanity.
No more winemaking rip. But still loves drinking wine and will often be seen sharing a sip or two on a romantic night out with Figure.
Still wears its suits. Still does the fancy thing.
Mischievous lil guy
Plays with the giggles.
Has a more humanoid form, just doesn’t take it.
Is growing quite strong mass wise (see what’s in the nest lol), but Seek FORBIDS grumbles from getting children involved in its plan.
Grumbles concedes, because it kind of agrees, but also because Seek could turn it into an albinistic stain on the wall.
Screech still loves to listen to its to it’s auncle’s stories.
Extremely anxious sometimes to the point of near-neuroticism.
Talks like this this! This! Meant to be disconcerting! disconcerting and all over place! Place.
(There will be translations so people with screen readers can still read! )
Sometimes feels ignored, despite being older then Hide and Seek combined.
Secretly heartbroken about it, but doesn’t say a thing..but they’re boiling over..ohhhh they’re boiling over.
Their emotions are a complicated and LOUD mess.
Besties w/halt they both yap.
Misses their father. Sometimes visits him when they..gets really bad.
Teleports around when their thoughts are everywhere and they want to talk.
Can be dignified..when they want to be.
Don’t look at me! DON’T STOP LOOKING AT ME! Don’t look at m- PICK A LANE GODDAMNIT IT.
Dating Jack, it’s casual and going steady tbh.
Kinda frowned upon that they’re doing so because Jack used to date hide and that was cringe for all involved.
Kinda just is around, likes to cook :) Chef eyes.
Do not bother them in the kitchen they will scream and go crazy.
Giggles + (older giggles/big giggles)
There’s a 100 of them.
Four large ones, and a bunch of increasingly smaller ones.
The four older ones were alive when the hotel collapsed.
Three of them are getting very. very. Tired.
The forth is uhhh..complex.
I’ll do “fourth x reader” fics with the fourth fully grown adult giggle I just want don’t want the aromantic grumble (their father) in any romantic fics lol.
That’s my compromise to you so you do get find romance with one of the nest entities
The four large ones meet every night.
Twins w/Seek
Dating Glitch.
COULD be as strong as Seek, but would never even consider increasing its own mass after what happened with Seek.
Extremely close w/Seek
Much more reclusive.
Afraid of its uncle and hates what he’s doing.
light-based in mass that can become much more gooey when distressed or nervous.
Sometimes looks like a weird abstract painting.
Also grieving its home and mother.
Loves to paint.
Used to a lot of paintings of their old home, which tend to be misinterpreted horrifically by Grumble and would further its resolve and/or be used as an example. So, it stopped painting that.
Instead it’s gotten a bit more..secretive about what the meaning behind the paintings it makes are..some are more obvious then others. (Nudges the paintings of shadow/depth.)
The paintings are mostly used to jab at grumble/show better futures without going through his insane ass plan.
Those who truly know and are be to interpret them correctly and figure out their meaning are their friends lol.
It’s sort of its little artistic rebellion against Grumble.
It may ;) have painted ;) a few ;) familiar friends. ;)
Seek’s and hide’s + eyes dad lol
A couple of thousand years old, created alongside his sibling, Grumble.
Used to live at the bottom of the ocean with him before both of the siblings chose to travel the world in search of a home entity.
It took them awhile, those two going on many adventures, finding treasure, fighting other entities, discovering fascinating creatures, meeting friends along the way (some of whom joined them), procuring knowledge.ect
Whole ass dnd campaign with those two.
Jeff gained a deep understanding of humans and respect for them. Viewing them as friends and kin while Grumby kind of just- 🤷
They eventually, did find a home entity. One large enough to house them and their friends.
They all moved in and it was a very happy life for awhile. :)
Found a wife. Had Eyes and later Seek and Hide with her.
Then well..
The humans came.
Centuries later he still doesn’t hate them.
Betrayed grumbs and worked with the guiding light to use his knowledge of the archaic and magical and help Guide create the crucifixes.
Was disowned and is now violently hunted alongside Dread and El-Goblino so they will stop murdering humans.
He also managed to place a spell upon his shop so it’s always concealed.
A bit of a silly guy, loves to play coy.
He’s good at drawing magic runes and ancient languages but utter dogshit when it comes to writing in english.
The money (knobs) is magic too.
Help how do I describe him, goddess of everything else vibes.
Is extremely depressed on the inside though, but DARES not to show it.
Is hurt that Grumbles has pretty much turned his entire family against him and (to him) very few actually see that what he’s doing is insane.
More furious then hurt that he’s using SEEK of all entities.
Glad to have to have Dread, Hide, Gobby and Guide so he’s not too early.
He’s also dating dread lol
Toad entity :)
Has pores in his skin and poison in his blood that is extremely deadly.
He can also squirt it in your face.
Also Jeff’s personal spy and pair of eyes.
NO ONE has a clue that he's working with Jeff and except those who are close to Jeff.
Kind of just stands there and pretends to take little naps while secretly spying on others casually.
He's very friendly, so if someone comes up to him while he's listening to others he'll just go about chatting with them.
He also bakes pastries and cooks with Eyes.
Rush and Ambush trust him a lot! He's one of their buddies :)
Him and Bushy are both aquatic entities :)
Tries his best NOT to hurt humans, but given he's older and disabled (Post-traumatic stress disorder + missing an eye.) usually, the other entities will hunt any humans for him so, it's not much of an issue.
However, if a human being IS in his proximity, he is expected and obligated to try and kill them as to not blow his cover.
He prays this will never come to fruition. ^
He's not expected to participate in any active hunts!!
He's the one he least expect.
Overall very well trusted by the hotel's denizens.
Considered one of the hotel's best singers (though to humans he just sounds like a toad)
Yea get that old man.
Pretty much the same as canon.
Just fluffy :)
Outcasted from the hotel AND separated from his wife after what happened with the humans.
Just happy to be here.
The lovely pair of speeding soulmates. + everybody else I actively have the energy to write about.
Married to Ambush! <3
They have had many litters and raised many children over the centuries, but the notable ones are the rooms entities and the Sally + Dupe (who are twins.)
Bonded pair do not separate.
One of Grumble's most violent and ardent supporters.
Still very, very mad about what happened.
Doesn't mean it like it very much, though......Grumbles is very grumpy and disgruntled alot of the time.
Ambush's better half.
Both work as miners/line workers. Whatever is the necessity for the day, but Rush primarily works with the handling of larger ore chunks due to it's strength.
Constantly exhausted and very achey.
Very touchy around the topic of humans, dislikes their situation being discussed. Will get into violent arguments with those it disagrees with, sometimes ending in minor fights that Ambush has to drag it away from.
Hangs out with Blitz sometimes, but doesn't talk a lot, (esp since the backdoor entities are scheming against Grumble).
Flirts w/Ambush while they work. It's like those two are still dating.
Still loves to knit, sometimes does it when its worried.
Bonded pair do not separate
Permanently disabled, it's jaw was twisted in such a way that it could never heal and is in constant pain because of that.
Some days are better then most, but sometimes It's left in bed twitching in pain.
Also super loyal to Grumble, even if the guy can be..mmm..
Smokes a lot to help cope with the pain, and unfortunately is very depressed after losing its sibling and some of its children.
Very tired...just.. very tired.
Is on the verge of quitting working, but doesn't.
Those weird ass flies:
Just a prey item the entities will gobble on
Kind of like flying popcorn chicken to them
Rush and Ambush both love catching them and frying them.
They’re very territorial and will kill someone and then suck their blood.
Flying evil parasitic popcorn
You! That’s right, you’re canon to this au! (Sort of.)
You’re a bit subjective, but depending on your POV, you can get a lot done learning about the lore of this au :)
sorry guys i am very tired, i'll finish the rest later.
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sleeplyparks · 6 months
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— ⭒ Family Movie Night!
The slendermansion hosts a movie night, a whole bunch of family feels, banter and chaos happens! : this is not lore accurate, but I heart found family, so this happened.
“I got popcorn!” Lazari shouts over the talk in the living room, walking in with a big bowl of it — she leans over the couch, “what movie we watching?”
Natalie looks towards her, “I say we watch Scream, but—“
“It’s not accurate!” Jeff stresses, “we could watch Friday the Thirteenth instead!”
“And that’s accurate?” Lazari questions, before leaning forward a bit more. “I say we watch Ghostbusters, personally.” Her words are targeted towards — well, Ben: He shoots her a look.
Tim sighs, “we’re not watching ghostbusters, last time we did Sally freaked out.”
Lazari rolls her eyes, going around the couch to sit on it — shoving Ben out of her way to do so. He glares at her, she glares at him. It’s a lovely experience.
“But,” she starts, “is Sally here?”
Natalie moves to snatch up some popcorn from the bowl, “She left to go grab mister Charlie or whatever that fuckers name is.”
“Mister Death.” Jeff corrects without thinking, before stopping. “Wait, no. I don’t know what that stupid animal’s name is.” He coughs awkwardly.
Lazari rolls her eyes, “It’s okay to like tea parties, real men like tea parties.”
“I don’t—“
Footsteps come running down the hallway, a giggle following along. Ben grins, “Speak of the devil.”
“Sally,” Natalie calls from the side of the couch, “you’re an honest girl, right?” She starts — and Lazari holds back a laugh: Jeff looks to the ceiling, he must know where this is going.
She nods quick, “Mhm! The most honest ever ! One time my mama asked me if I ate two cookies, and I said I ate three! ‘Cause I did!”
Nat smiles. “That’s good, Sal. Now— how often does Jeff come to your tea parties?”
“Jeff is the best, ever! The super duper best! He comes when I ask! Which is a lot!” She says— eyes glowing, “one time he even helped me make little mini cakes for it!”
“Does he dress up?” Lazari asks, a suppressed laugh coming forwards— but Tim shoots them a look.
Sally kicks her feet and swings her hands together as she and her stuffed animal — now known as Mr. Death, sit down by the bottom of the couch.
Jeff is not looking at any of them as he speaks, “The kid pulls puppy eyes, what am I supposed to say, no?”
“Duh.” Ben states.
Sally perks up, “Ben? I can please play with your switch later?”
She looks at him. He looks at her.
Ben sighs, it’s fond. “Sure.”
“You guys have zero back bone.” Lazari teases, nearly jumping at the sudden popcorn that was thrown at her by Ben himself— “You bitch!”
“Bitch!” Sally echos.
“Guys!” Tim snaps, “Settle down, Jesus. We do not live in a farm, y’all are acting like animals.”
Lazari blinks, “Y’all? What are you a cowboy?”
She goes quiet at the look he gives her.
“ Thank you , was that hard?” He mutters, sorting through a book of CD’s. “We can watch Goosebumps, Spiderman or Fear Street.”
“Spider-man!” Sally says excitedly, “he’s so cool! He goes like — whoosh ! And beats bad guys!”
Ben nods, “I like when Spider-Man goes Whoosh.” He speaks, amused above all else.
Natalie shrugs, “ I just wann’ watch somethin’.”
Jeff goes to interrupt— but Tim claps his hands together, “Alright, Spider-Man it is.”
“Favouritism.” Jeff whispers, which gets ignored.
The move starts to play: and it’s nice, she thinks— Ben makes his side comments, Natalie and Jeff both point out the plot holes, Sally tries to copy what the hero’s do on screen— looking at the others in the living room, she gets a distant feeling of warmth.
She had never seen a family before, not a healthy one, and fuck they may be the most furthest thing away from being healthy in the slightest: but it was hers. She would clench onto with her blood ridden fingers until it can be tugged away from the fates themselves.
Family , is a thought that comes quietly, maybe that’s what family is about: loyal to a fault even if you’re own family is made out of maniacs.
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storyofmychoices · 1 year
Blades 2 Inside Choices Blog: Blades of Light and Shadow 2
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We’re so happy to be back in action with the gang we know and love! Where does Blades of Light and Shadow 2 pick up after the first book’s ending?
Emi: I will say that we don't pick up where you're expecting. 
Kathleen: Unless you were expecting to get hucked out the back of the plot truck and onto the action highway at 80mph. (Fury Road theme plays)
Lil: (is overtaken by the Two Towers theme)
Emi: But rest assured, our original four love interests are back and dealing with their own challenges. 
Lil: And they’re definitely going to need help with those challenges whether you’re romancing them or not. Though we support all variations of ‘mancers here. Mono-, multi-, and necro- . 
Emi: Also they get some new looks that can best be described as "sleeves are B.S."
Jay: Don’t forget “badass pirate coat important”.
What kind of new main characters will we meet in the sequel? Or perhaps, any new love interests?
Jay: There is a strange but familiar hooded figure…whose hotness level was of great discussion.
Lil: He’s very constructive with his feedback. And a monster from Book 1 returns, but not in a way you expect. 
Emi: I think we all know I'm obsessed with Valax. I mean, she's a badass purple lady who only has one sleeve. Obviously that makes her my wife.
Kathleen: Idk I'm still mad that hot scorpion lady didn't win the monster contest.
Lil: Sky whale supremacy how dare. 
Kathleen: Okay I am excited about the dwarves and goblins though. New dwarf friend is just A+ chaos babe and I love her.
Emi: Honestly though, my fave character is the one who's "head empty, no thoughts, falls over a lot."
Making this sequel has been a labor of love. Does the book team have any must-tell stories/bloopers during production?
Jay: There was an accidental floating dwarf? And too many battles with code. Writers, please don’t do it to me again. I cannot take it. The while loop will win.
Kathleen: During one of my editorial passes I had to give Emi a note like "Okay when we first meet the Big Bad maybe we should use that moment to establish that she's really imposing/scary instead of just going off about how hot she is."
Emi: I may have made too many Aerin memes that are now weekly traditions for our team.
Danielle: I was instructed to design a character with “Vision as a hotness bar” as a guide, I ignored them and used Jeff Bridges instead 😏. 
Jay: Danielle also came up with some incredible filenames, my favorite being “tentacle_monster_buff”.
Danielle: It’s accurate, is it not?
Are there any elements that you are particularly proud of?
Tom: The Shadow Realm was fun to make! Think the Upside Down, but more purple. And to make all the awesome new weapons and armor work with the outfits took 150 unique assets! You’re welcome.
Danielle: My first full book!
Lil: The lore guide for Blades was 60 single-spaced pages before we started adding things that came up during active production. I’m really pleased with how much actually ended up being discoverable in the book itself, so be sure to explore every nook and cranny of Morella and beyond! Because they are filled with beauty and chaos. 
Emi: I cannot tell you how many spreadsheets we made to keep track of things. I mean, the outline alone was 100 pages!
Jay: My code built 😭. And that my production planning got it to you a little earlier than y’all had anticipated hehe.
At the end of the first book, we seemed to have wiped out the forces of evil for at least a day or so. What kind of dangers will we face in the second edition?
Lil: Evil never sleeps y’all. It gets its coffee from Aerin. 
Kathleen: (Aerin, walking up to the counter): "I have a large non-fat birthday cake latte with caramel drizzle and four shots of espresso for (squints at label) ...Emile?"
Lil: In all seriousness, you’re really getting it from all sides in this book. There’s rival factions, shifting leadership, societal upheaval, and monsters. So. Many. Monsters. (Thank you for giving us the Shadestalker, by the way. Can’t wait for you to meet the beefy boy.) 
Kathleen: One cool scary thing about book 2 is that THIS TIME, IT'S PERSONAL (like instead of you and your buds racing against bad guys to collect the magic things, you've now got a villain single-mindedly hunting you down so she can steal your <REDACTED> for use in her evil plans).
Emi: Kathleen may have called me out for it but our Big Bad is hot! Both literally and figuratively!
How much do you love QA?
Emi: Pour one out for our poor QA folks who have had to test what is the most complex book we have ever done! You are the real heroes!
Jay: QA peeps are my saviors!! Their work alone cures my anxiety.
Kathleen: Gawd I would be lost without QA my grammar is a disaster
Erin: Everyone on the Blades team is so wonderful to work with. I also tested Book 1, and to be able to contribute to Book 2 means everything to me. It’s absolutely a labor of love.
We know that years of hard work and passion went into this book. What would the Blades team like the readers to take away from this sequel?
Emi: So Kathleen and I actually helped to brainstorm the entire Blades world back when it first came into being, so it felt like coming full circle to be back and expanding it in new and fun ways. I was already in love with all of these characters and they're even closer to my heart now. I can't wait for you all to see what we've come up with!
Jay: Y’all better like it! This book has taken years off my life. *lies down on floor* (But seriously, we’re as excited about Blades 2 as all of you and hope that it brings as much joy to you as it did for us to make. I think the best word to describe the team as we wait for September 1st is giddy.)
Danielle: I hope you like our art :).
Tom: If you don’t, please keep it to yourself, artists are fragile :’} 
Lil: I was one of the few people who was new at Choices when I began working on this book, and it was truly an honor to see this thing come together. These are the minds that brought you The Crown & the Flame, The Cursed Heart, Wake the Dead, and the first Blades. It was amazing to go from watching them work as a fan to taking this epic journey together. 
Lastly, how much does the team love Aerin?
Kathleen: I DON'T love Aerin he KIDNAPPED my WIFE.
Danielle: Which one…
Emi: Aerin is my sweet baby boi with a little dose of evil. He should be protected at all costs but also really needs to go to therapy. I live for the angst of him and Raine though. It's so juicy.
Danielle: Aerin has caused me, personally, a lot of pain.
Lil: Really, one of the fun things about the book is you can decide how much pain Aerin causes you. Unlike us.
Jay: He haunts my dreams and my Wednesdays.
Danielle: Livid and sad and livid and sad
Thank you team for taking us through the fantastical production journey of the Blades of Light and Shadow 2! We can’t wait to dive in and meet up with the gang. Launch day is so close!! 
Thank you, readers, for supporting us and our book teams!
<3 The Choices Community Team
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tixuctoad · 1 year
Was originally gonna draw Ben as BOTW link because
Costume stuff for spooky month but I gave up
Drew him in his standard outfit SOBS
Brain blast though I could just dress him up as dark link but not in a "costume accurate" way but more of a "haha I dyed my clothes black" and he would think he's so clever for it or some shit
Also side thing idk if it was just bc of the side of the fandom I was on but why was dark link included in a bunch of CRP stuff 😭😭 like idk anything about the character or LOZ lore because I've never touched it but I'm curious!!
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I have GOT to make a consistent look for Ben but
Enekrkr.... same for Jeff but this isn't ab him
Okay ramble over
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grazer-razor · 1 year
my NEW final verdict on monster girls
in the past, i’ve made lots of posts about the MG trope, including this one. so here’s another one.
Part 01: the problem with MG’s.
MG’s should be centered around creative design- namely, character design and worldbuilding. but too many people use this as an outlet for sexualizing. this isn’t even a problem with the trope itself- a lot of people on the internet tend to sexualize women. a lot.
Part 02: MG’s CAN be good!
that being said, there is nothing wrong with the monster girl trope itself. it can be used for GOOD, and really deserves redemption!
something to note: it is never wrong to design an attractive female character. however, if you choose to deliberately tailor your characters for sexual gratification as much as possible(IE, big boobies & cleavage, juicy butt, levels of thicc that point more towards sexual gratification than regular attractiveness), then that’s not good. but if you just make a cute girl with attractive properties who isn’t blatant thot material, that’s all right. be sure to make MG’s responsibly.
Part 03: how DO we save the trope?
the thing is, we can’t save the trope through normal means. a lot of people in the MG fandom tend to go down these sexually passionate avenues, so it seems that the default for the trope is that of the sexually iffy variant(googling MG’s on google images can easily prove this), when it doesn’t have to be.
so how we DO save it is by being good examples, and make a secondary empire reflecting this positive role model-ness. we can make good MG works that aren’t borderline pr0n, and help educate others on how MG’s should be utilized. we can’t truly transform the already-existing trope into something radically different than what it currently is, but we can at least split the trope into two parts- one already-existing BAD side, and another new, GOOD side.
Part 04: conclusion
monster girls are an untapped sea of creative potential. i say this not because they are an untapped resource in general(plenty of people are tapping into the thot factor), but because the true creative potential that can come from the application of character design and worldbuilding is something that needs to be utilized.
i am currently working on a “monster girl field guide” that’s a guide to all the standard MG’s associated with the trope. YES, i am very aware of the MG encyclopedia, but i have seen some entries from it(particularly the slime girl’s, which discusses their diet. do not research), and i am hella disappointed. my MG field guide, however, will brief you in on every MG you need to learn about, while providing interesting lore i’ve come up with. in short, it should be a good example on how to use MG’s creatively, as well as a good introduction to MG’s that’s not as sexually flawed.
i still need help- an artist for MG portraits would be appreciated, as would an expert on various MG tropes, so i can provide relatively accurate details in my book. but i am getting progress done on the book! i am just having trouble coming up with cool ideas for certain MG’s.
will people find this post? probably not. will the few that find it care about it? probably not. does it deserve to be made? HELLA JEFF YES.
Part 05 (nights at freddys): uhhhh....
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spoopy-pasketti · 1 year
Right! Have a massive lore dump for my au!
So, the premise is that Slender and Zalgo run rival killing companies.
They kill people for money - or, more accurately, their proxies do.
Slender manages the Van Eldritch Killing Company. One of the most successful in the business. And it's been going for years.
Zalgo's, however, is "Zalgo's Assassination Practice". While it has been running even longer than Slender's, the two are roughly neck-and-neck in comparison to success.
There are multiple killing companies in the Underrealm - with two others being "The Ladies of Leviathan" - an all female killing company that primarily targets abusers - and "Cthulu Killing Incorportated" (you can guess who leads those two).
All the major killing companies (and some of the smaller ones) get together every year or so for the Proxy Games.
They're held in Brooklynn, and generally give the proxies a chance to showcase their skills, and potentially get scouted by other monsters.
See, to become a proxy - you have to take multiple tests, and a final exam. And the tests are all generally administered by your Proxy Mentor. This is an older proxy that works for the same monster that claimed you.
Now, in the time between being claimed and taking the exam, any potential proxy is up for grabs. And while most generally stick with the monster that claimed them (as in, found them and called dibs), some will shift sides.
Such as Jane, who originally worked for Leviathan.
If a more lucrative offer comes their way, they could switch to their employ.
...anyway, back to the Proxy games.
During these games, Lady Van Eldritch - the founder of the games, and the one who started the Van Eldritch killing company - oversees the events, alongside all the other killing company heads.
And every year, it's a chance for Proxies to get to know each other.
They hang out at the same hotel, the bus travel to the city is a great chance for the Proxies from the same company to bond, and its just a chance to show what they can do.
Moving on...
In my head, there are three kinds of Proxies.
The first is your brawler/buster proxy. Y'know, the ones that handle the heavy stuff, tackling people, using heavy weapons like bats and clubs. Proxies like Masky - and, to a lesser extent, Doby.
On the opposite end of the Proxy spectrum is your silent assassins. They're stealthy, stylish, and do what they do best in complete silence. These are proxies like Hoodie, Clockwork, and Nina.
Finally, towards the middle - you have your all rounders. They can be stealthy, and they can handle their own in a straight up fight. They're a good middle ground. These are proxies like Jeff, Liu, and Toby.
This ties into the Proxy games and the exams they're given during the training process as well.
You train for your speciality. So, like, Toby trains with his axes. Doby uses his bat. Stuff like that.
Now, there are specific sports for apprentice proxies, but - at the next ones (which I'll try write about) - Toby will be participating in the professional games.
Because, despite still being an apprentice proxy - he is so close to completing his training, and in record time, too.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
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sanriosratz · 2 years
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I posted 3,081 times in 2022
That's 2,797 more posts than 2021!
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#pigment of your imagination - 558 posts
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#creepypasta kagekao - 391 posts
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Longest Tag: 123 characters
#skin in heds doesn’t have to be super stretchy! the softness fragility etc. is generally milder compared to other eds types
My Top Posts in 2022:
Hello ! Sorry for my bad English, I'm french. But can I ask you how is x virus with his partner ? ^^ I'm sorry for asking if "commission" are closed <3
hi! sorry this took so long to get out, my mental health has been in the gutter, lately
X-Virus with his partner
(this is my version of canon, so I'm sorry if it's not what you wanted lmao) First of all, we're not going to talk about how you got with this man, but if he (hypothetically) had a partner, it'd probably be very neglectful. Cody doesn't take care of himself all that well; I mean, he's an addict; he's pretty much always focused on making new viruses he can test on himself, so there's no attention going your way. If there was, likely, it's just trialling a virus on you, which would be rare as he prefers to feel the after-effects of his viruses so he can note them down more accurately. You'd have to tend to him quite a bit as many of his viruses have very harsh side effects, which can leave him writhing in pain for hours or even (temporarily) paralysed. The whole relationship would be very one-sided, with you being neglected 99% of the time.
hopefully, it was to your standards, if you want it within normal creepypasta AU (and not my lore), then just send it in again
27 notes - Posted October 18, 2022
Hiii! I hope your having a nice day or night! Can I request older sibling headcanons with Ben drowned,Nina and judge angels? Platonically ofc! How much younger the reader is,is up to you! Also gn reader please!~hyper anon
hi, hyper anon!!!! sorry I didn’t answer earlier and took me so long to actually answer it!!
(reader isn’t too young, maybe a few years younger than the creepy <;3)
Older Brother! Ben Drowned & Younger Sibling (GN)! Reader
In my canon Ben was an only child so the reader is platonically adopted as Ben’s younger sibling. He’s very happy to have a younger sibling! Growing up, for them, they didn’t have too many great male role models so they try their best to be a greater role model for you. He definitely plays video games with you; purposely losing to make you feel good about winning (or if you lose Ben makes sure you win the next round!), he’d also introduce you to his friends (namely Jeff and EJ, as he lives with them) and they, too, adopt you as their lil’ sibling.
Older Sibling! Nina & Younger Sibling (GN)! Reader
Nina 100% makes it her sworn duty to protect you from any dangers that may present itself to you! They're very happy to have another younger sibling and makes sure to love you as they did their brother, Chris. She does tons of things with you from baking at stupid times of day/night, to picnics, to just a bunch of fun activities! Their girlfriend, Clockwork/Natalie, definitely adopts you as her younger sibling so that she can be a better role model than her older brother was to her.
Older Sister! Dina & Younger Sibling (GN)! Reader
Dina, having never had a sibling before and being a completely lonely child, is overjoyed at the idea of being a older sister! She's very caring and gives you tons of cute angel-like nicknames/petnames such as "Angel", "Feather", "Avengelos" (Greek name meaning messenger or good angel), "Dove" and more. Dina loves nature and spends every moment she can outside and definitely pulls you outside so you can feel the wind against your face, the grass between your toes, and can hear the many calming sounds of nature. Picnics are also a must; a basket packed with good food, and sweet or savoury snacks is always taken and after you've both filled yourselves with food you lay down and go cloud-gazing, laughing at the ideas of what certain clouds look like. All in all, Dina is the best sister 100/10
EEK, sorry this took so long to answer, I just kinda forgot about it, haha 😅
34 notes - Posted April 29, 2022
Toby headcanons
@eldritch-hall-asylum / @ellie-insertsurnamehere cuz you like Toby! (I think, at least)
Connie (Toby's mum (or mom if ur weird >_>)) had Tourette's when she was younger. She grew out of it before having kids, though.
Loves axe-throwing! He's pretty good at it, too!
Gets along quite well with EJ! They're both quite artistically talented and love sharing tips together.
Also just likes EJ's being in his presence. He feels safe.
He wants a pet raccoon. (so do I :()
Has a tic of "Guess who made waffles!" from Invader Zim
Definitely likes vintage things.
His most common motor tics are throwing his head back, hitting his chest, and cracking his neck. These can be quite dangerous and he definitely hurts himself without knowing.
His most common vocal tics are coprolalia (the vulgar/swearing tic), the waffles tic and just general shouting/loudness.
Can't taste but loves sour/savoury things over sweet things.
Collector. Of what you might be asking? Anything he can get his grubby little mitts on.
Has freckles. Like, tons. They're mostly on his shoulders and back, though.
39 notes - Posted April 25, 2022
Hyper anon is aliveee!!! Can I request a platonic Ben drowned x Gn reader where the reader is a newbie to the mansion? Please and thank you! Have a good day or night!-hyper anon
hello hyper anon! :D i hope you’re doing well, today!
Ben Drowned w/ Newbie GN! Reader
Woah. New friend? Not the most sociable of the residents at the mansion but is either a) tasked to tour you or b) has a connection with you! He’d show you around the mansion, tell you the many quirks that the mansion has, the shortcuts and whatnot. As they tell you about the “chores” that everyone has, they definitely moan about their own (electricity/tech mainly). Showing you the many rooms the mansion has, such as a very large library, laundry room, the basement (that has no real use, he guesses Toothpick has it for some unknown aesthetics?), the game room (his personal favourite! It’s got new and old games, virtual and board games, it’s stocked!) and the other many, many rooms (Ben swears the mansion grows with every passing day. He’s glad he doesn’t live here!). Finally, showing you to your bedroom (where you can choose to reside or you can find your own small home if you prefer privacy.), they lay themselves on your bed and definitely did not nap (jk they did).
Ben, being a bit of a nervous soul and liking to keep to himself, wouldn’t be the best tour-guide. They’d probably forget some key details (such as the rules that need to be followed if you reside in The House.) and probably, maybe, definitely get the both of you lost, seeing as though they don’t live there and instead live with EJ and Jeff in a small house further away.
If you do decide to live in The House, you’d definitely have to get more details from other people but your initial tour-guide and information-giver(?), Ben, was quite nice!
Thank you for requesting, Hyper Anon! <33
45 notes - Posted April 25, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
i’m not gonna lie every time i read a creepypasta + y/n i immediately think that y/n is just a normal person who just toddled in
79 notes - Posted January 12, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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toad-64 · 8 days
hear me out on lore accurate Jeff like I saw some artist on tiktok (the one that inspired me to make lore accurate Jeff and will put their user when I get the chance) AND LIKE THEY MADE HIM LOOKS SO HOT LIKE WHAT!?
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do you have any pictures/faceclaims/drawings of your ocs? or how would you describe their appearances?
oh man youre gonna kill me. hhngnggngggnnnnn.....fuck i really do lol. their appearances are sooooo fuckin clear to me in my head that i tried to recreate them on artbreeder LMFAO.
as for the drawings maybe i'll post some someday somehow someway......i'll definitely post some art but yeah for now you get inordinately beautiful AI generated humans
also i just wanna say these are just my main four right now but i have a constant rotation of OCs in my head. i spin them like rotisserie chickens on a metal rod. there's Gretchen, Emma, Nina, Dawn, Franky, Lanelle, Felix, etc etc liiiiike.....but you get these motherfuckers for now
sooooo we got Ren, who's the most accurate one. Ren looks exactly like this except maybe a little more elven. like pointier. but you get it. he's clearly serving cunt here
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then we got Percy which is like..... i would say this is the closest i was able to get with this shit. he resembles a deer, in my head. just big watery eyes and a small mouth with a perpetual worried crease to his forehead. he needs to look even more concerned than he does here fr. like theres an impending doom to Percy's personality that i just couldnt quite grasp with a fake human face
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then we have Jeff and Lotus, which are my oldest OCs. ive had them since i was like, ten? and theyve morphed so much through the years its crazy. Lotus used to be a straight cis man. now he's a transsexual faggot like me. his faceclaim before was Michael Pitt specifically from The Dreamers and Jeff was Louis Garrel for the longest time. that was in highschool.
but theyve changed a lot. Jeff changed ethnicities like 3 times. he was quebecois, arab then jewish and now, in the storyline ive put them both in together, he's just a good ol midwestern boy from Indiana
this is Jeff, always dark features and good hair. he's the character with the most lore but his smug ass face has never changed lol
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and Lotus my baby demon angel. he's everything to me like....dont even look at him.
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this shit is sort of really embarrassing for me but i have to shoot the part of me that cringes in the fuckin forehead so here's them and i love you whoever you are
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oceancreaturee · 11 months
all the lore accurate drawings of jeff the killer are cool dont get me wrong but i love hot anime boy jeff the killer im sorry . im just a man a gay man at that
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datespolh · 2 years
The last bastion sombra
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These videos tell previously unexplored stories about the heroes' origins, and help flesh out the game's lore. Some chosen Overwatch characters got their own animated shorts. Work on the second season of Overwatch animated shorts is "well underway." Jared Moore is a freelance writer for IGN.You can follow him twitter. However, for Overwatch news, check out this article detailing how the Overwatch League 2022 season uses the initial build of Overwatch 2. And want to know how the pace of the next sequel will change.Ĭurrently, there is no official release date for Overwatch 2. Overwatch 2 is set to feature many other changes, such as a team size switch from 6v6 to 5v5, so fans can tweak and rework the character to get the overall flow of the game. Combined with her new passive effect, she has even more finishing possibilities.” “But instead, it only deals up to 40% of your current health damage to your enemies. “For her ultimate ability, we tweaked it so that we no longer remove all shields,” Goodman explains. Like Bastion, Sombra has seen her transformation to the ultimate. This ability makes it easy for enemy players to see the sombra, but instead of completely removing stealth, it immediately returns to stealth mode. It has also become clear that Sombra will be able to use hacks in stealth mode if it is not enough to convince the player of this rework. This may seem inadequate as a trade-off with more crowd control options at first, but Sombra’s Passive has gained the ability to do 50% more damage to hacked targets. The second component of the hack is a brand new effect that reveals the target of the hack to Sombra and her team through the wall and lasts for the entire duration of the hack. “But the effect has been reduced to one second. “The first component of the ability works exactly as it did in Overwatch 1 and disables the ability,” says Goodman. Sombra’s main ability, the hack, lasts for 8 seconds and has a reduced cooldown of 3 seconds, but now includes two components. Regarding Sombra’s rework, Keller says her ability to control the crowd has diminished and her potential damage has increased. When unfolded, players get a top-down perspective on the map, from which they can identify the three zones where Bastion will drop rockets. As part of a complete overhaul, Bastion’s tank-based Ultimate has been replaced in Overwatch 2 with a new artillery mode. Perhaps the most notable change in Bastion is its ultimate. To ensure that Bastion’s Sentry Form mobility doesn’t overwhelm the character, the developers have confirmed that it has a cooldown that players can’t use at all times. This form of movement seems to be similar to the tank-based Ultimate movement of the original Overwatch character, although it slows down significantly. Sentry Form also allows Bastion to move around the map. According to Goodman, this change will allow Bastion to “push a much longer distance and play like a pseudo-sniper.” However, to compensate for this, players will notice that the rate of fire of their weapons has dropped significantly. Goodman also explained that Bastion’s reconnaissance form weapons were also changed to be more accurate because his machine gun arm was completely unspread. This ability fires a projectile that can bounce off the wall and stick to the player, doing a lot of damage and having a very large radius. “Instead, he now has a whole new ability bound to alternate fire. “First of all, he doesn’t have a self-healing button at all. In addition to having a charismatic new cap and a slightly streamlined design, Bastion has made some changes to Overwatch 2 to make the Battle Automata play quite different. Overwatch 2 game director Aaron Keller and lead hero designer Jeff Goodman have revealed a substantial character rework of Bastion and Sombra created for the next sequel. For more information Access the timeline not only, Detailed report on the subject. Activision Blizzard is currently facing Serious ongoing allegations of harassment When Abuse of left-behind workers.
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pixelfun20 · 3 years
So: The Hermitcraft Game Theory
First thoughts after watching it: Not bad at all! Of course, it’s very basic and doesn’t go really into detail, and there are fnaf jokes (as always lol), but as long as you aren’t expecting this 100% accurate deep dive into Evil X and Jeff the Minion lore, it’s a fun watch! You can tell that he did put effort into it, and there are good references and clips dating all the way back to ThePooka’s work and Hermitcraft s1. I enjoyed it! Solid 7/10, as long as you don’t expect much.
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