#lord if aint the one force him to be
generalnerdvoid · 8 months
I hated any form of physical contact, avoided even the lightest brushes of fingers even from people i trusted. Ive hit people in reflex when they accidentally made contact.
And you march in, gallivanting your hands all over me , and leaving me craving in lone .
So either stfu and be nice to me or imma chop your hands off before they touch someone else.
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hunterbunter3000 · 1 year
How do you think the boys would react to sweetheart wearing some of there clothes 😏
Oh my fucking god.
He would be just- w h a t
Sweetheart walking out with a pair of jeans and one of Ghost's long sleeve graphic shirts (you CANNOT TELL ME that Ghost doesn't have band shirts)
And ghost spits- LITERALLY SPITS OUT HIS TEA (HE NEVER DOES THAT) his eyes are ZEROING on her. I mean Sweetheart was getting hot from just his staring
Sweetheart, smirking: Do you have a problem with me wearing this, Ghost? I can take it off
Ghost: No. I want to do that myself.
Sweetheart: wait huh
Omg his neck almost SNAPPED
She was wearing his Grey Scotland Forever shirt, but it was quite small so it was like a crop top, and it was showing her womb tattoo (Soap can't get enough of that damn tattoo)
he licks his lips, eyes roaming on her waist. She turns to him and winks and he laughs while getting on top of the table
Oh lord he wouldn't know what to do
She wearing his blue jacket with the England flag on the back. Watching her tug on the sleeves and warming up her hands is making him light-headed-- like girl why do you do this to me
Gaz: You- you're wearing my jacket...
Sweetheart: yep!
Gaz:....take it off.
Sweetheart: huh
(Gaz doesn't like sharing SHIT)
He was a bit irritated that he couldn't find his hat. Or his sweater. He looked everywhere for it-- the team knows not to mess with his shit, especially his trusty fuckin HAT. AND HE LOST HIS GREEN SWEATER?? THE OLD MAN AINT HAPPY
He stomps in the living area and hears a soft snore. He stops, turning to the couch. Oh my lord-- Sweetheart curled up on the couch, wearing his sweater and using his hat a cover for her face. (HNNNGGGGG) He huffs and smiles, suddenly all his rage melting away. He bends down to collect his hat, and Sweetheart whines in her sleep.
Price, sighs: So pretty...
He bends down more and kisses her temple.
Price: Have a good nap, Princess.
He would be so damn REEEDDDD
Sweetheart, slapping his unconscious face: König? König-- Hey please don't be dead, I need more of your hoodies
Sweethearts wearing one of his big ass hoodies and SHORTS-- TIGHT TIGHT SHORTS THAT YOU COULD ONLY SEE IF SHE RAISED HER ARMS-- oh König died. And then she smiles at him and spreads her arms, showing how big it really is on her.
He has followed the light.
Good lord, girl. You playing with FIRE
Came out with one of his flannels and got YANKED BACK INTO HER ROOM. I mean with s p e e d. She said 'hey guys', choked because of the force of Krueger's pull and was gone. Those were her last words 💀
Krueger locked the door and pushed her up against it, hooded face insanely close to hers. He chuckles at Sweetheart's hitched breath from his big hands tracing her arms.
Krueger: You like wearing my clothes, kleine Göttin?
Sweetheart: Uhm... yeah...
Krueger: Good. I have other shirts you could try on while we have fun.
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xiaosonlybeloved · 1 year
A Soul Shattered~ Xiao
featuring:- Xiao, gn! reader warnings:- blood, character death, angst, hurt/no comfort a/n:- i think im physically incapable of writing fluff bc there aint any fluff in my life. anyways enjoy some more angst word count:- 1k words
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His hands were bloody. His clothes were stained by blood. His spear was bloody. The battlefield he, the lone victor, stood upon, was bloody. 
He turned around and left the battlefield, not giving a single backward glance.
The Archon War was taking a toll on everyone, and Xiao wasn’t spared. Every day, every night, he fought relentlessly, to pay back the debt he owed to his savior, Morax. Every day, every night, his karmic debt grew. Every day, every night, he got less and less time to spend with his lover. You.
He met you shortly after Lord Morax rescued him from his life of slavery by his old master. He didn’t know what was it about you that attracted him to you. Perhaps it was your caring nature. You helped him heal his wounds, both physical and emotional. Perhaps it was that you were one of the first people he saw after his freedom. You never judged him for all the lives he had been unwillingly forced to take. You understood him.
But he still couldn’t believe you became his lover. 
You loved him genuinely, he could see that. And he was ever so grateful for it. You were the reason he made sure to come back alive every day. The thought of you is what sustained him on the battlefield. 
This was a normal day; well, as normal as days could get during the Archon War. He returned to their base camp, a slight excitement stirring inside him at the thought of seeing you again. On the way, something caught his eye. A bunch of Qingxins growing in their natural habitat. White, pristine, untouched. He carefully picked them, planning to give it you. You’d love them for sure.
But as he neared the camp, he was quick to realise that something was wrong. Why was there such a heated clamor in the middle of the night? Why was there such a great mass of moving bodies at this time?
And then he realised with a sinking feeling… 
An ambush.
Their camp had been ambushed.
He ran forward, seeing Morax’s warriors clash with another’s. It was Osial’s army. They were the ones who had succeeded in ambushing their well- hidden base. As he ran through the camp, mercilessly slicing up any of Osial’s soldiers he saw, he saw dead bodies. So many of them… So many from their side.
And then a sudden fear entered his mind. You. What about you? Were you safe at all? Were you fighting too? Had you fallen already? Were you already one of the bodies littering the ground? Were you dead?
No. You couldn’t be. You were an excellent warrior, he’d seen it himself. There was no way you could be dead. He banished the thought from his mind, but he continued to relentlessly run through the camp. Searching for you.
As the battle around grew more and more heated towards the heart of the base, it seemed to happen in slow motion. He saw you, your weapon in hand. You both caught each other’s eye, you smiled at him, he smiled back at you, relieved that you were alive and relatively unharmed, you beckoned over to him, calling out his name.
And then a sword pierced through your chest. 
Your name was on the tip of his tongue, changing from a happy exclamation to a silent scream of pure, unadulterated terror. He raced towards you, as fast as his battered body could allow, but it was too late. You collapsed to your knees, your weapon clattering to the ground as your hands slowly wrapped around the tip of the sword. Your expression was frozen, shocked. He raced towards you, uncaring of whom he pushed by, slicing anyone who came in his path, his mouth still open in a silent scream.
He dropped on his knees in front of you the moment he reached you. Blood was starting to leak out as you both stared at the sword. Xiao’s breath hitched. This… This couldn’t be happening.
 With shaky hands, you pulled the sword out of your chest, but the agony from doing so caused you to double over in pain. You should have known better, you shouldn’t have let your attention wander in the middle of a battle. Xiao instantly caught you. He quickly carried you over to a place where few people were there, where the remnants of battle were present. 
He was desperate. He didn’t want to lose you. There was so much he wanted to still do with you. He was trying his utmost to heal you, help you the way you helped him. He wrapped your wound with bandages to the best of his ability. But no matter what he did, it wasn’t enough. He could see the life fading out of your eyes as you weakly shook your hood. 
“..I’m sorry, Xiao…” You whispered. “Don’t be, I’ll do something, I swear!” He was panicking, but then he felt you grasp his hand. He froze as you rested his hand on your cheek. “Thank you so much, Xiao, for everything. I’m so, so sorry. I love you, Xiao.” A tear trickled down his cheek. Then another. And another, till there were two clear lines of water on both of your faces. “I love you too, [Y/N]” He whispered, voice hitching. “We’ll meet in another life… I promise. Stay strong for me, please?” You said softly, and he nodded, gripping your hand even tighter as he rested your head on his lap. Your grip on his hand loosened, as your eyes stared off, distant and unblinking.
He knew you were gone.
His life, and soul, had both been shattered.
But he’d still do his best to continue, even if he was sure he couldn’t, for you.
He gently slid your eyes shut, silent tears running down his cheeks. Something fell out of his pocket. An audible sob escaped him when he saw what it was. The Qingxins he was going to give you, still just as pristine, white and untouched as they’d first been. 
likes, comments, tags and reblogs are always appreciated :) ps my 100 followers event is ongoing go check it out XD
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noxexistant · 1 year
Jack muttering" take me instead your not touching him."
Specs pulling splasher away to gently soothe him. And jack desperately yelling no scrambling in their direction.
Blink and skittery holding him. "Shhh Jackie we gotcha. Yer allright now. We aint gonna letcha go there again."
Jack not recognizing them crying silentky thinking he failed and his friends hearts breaking just holding him till he falls into a fitful sleep and eventually they do too though not before looking at each other desperately for way too long wondering what they can do
(based on this)
Jack’s pulled from sleep by a little hand shaking his shoulder. It’s gentle and tentative, accompanied by the sniffling of a kid about to burst into tears - and suddenly Jack is wide awake.
“Shh,” he hisses immediately, a knee-jerk reaction, as he hauls himself upright in his bunk and then over the side, bare feet hitting the floor silently but hard enough to make his shins sing. He always sleeps in a top bunk if there’s one going, there ain’t as many rats that can get up there, but that means if there’s a kid shaking him they must be stood on the lower bunk, which means they might wake those kids up, which means more noise and more trouble.
Sure enough, the kid - Splasher, Splasher - has his bare feet planted on the bunk below Jack, a mattress occupied by a sleeping body. He’s got one hand gripping Jack’s bunk to keep balance while the other - the one he’d used to wake Jack up - is wiping clumsily at the tears streaming down his face.
“Jack,” he whines.
“S’okay,” Jack whispers, scooping Splasher up under the arms and lifting him down to the ground, glancing cautiously to see if the body in the bunk is stirring but panicking too hard to really look. He then crouches in front of the kid, still holding him by either side of his ribs to keep him close and still. “S’okay. Alright? Calm down. You gotta calm down. You gotta be quiet.”
Splasher hiccups. It’s deafeningly loud to Jack’s ears, and he feels himself start to panic because the kid is starting to cry. His face screws up and he huddles closer to Jack, his one hand gripping tight at Jack’s shirt.
“Jack—“ he repeats, a sob this time.
“Shh!” Jack hisses again, maybe a little sharper than he’d meant to, but he doesn’t need any listening guards to hear his name and know it’s him. There could even be listening kids, the types who’ll snitch and tell the guards Jack was up making noise hours past lights out just to get him beat or at most get themselves an extra piece of bread next week, but that’s his second priority. His first is the kid, and getting the kid to be quiet.
“You gotta stop. You gotta stop, buddy - quiet, okay? Just—just—‘s’okay, just…”
His mind is blank. Splasher is sobbing, the loud crying of a kid that don’t know what’s coming, and Jack can’t let him find out. He can’t, he can’t, the kid’s only tiny, and he’s already crying, he’s shaking like he’s scared - and suddenly his eyes, all huge and full of tears, go behind Jack like there’s someone there, and Jack immediately knows there is. His stomach drops like a stone, like his chest caved in and fell there and left the space around his pounding heart chillingly empty, and he could throw up. He’s scared. But he ain’t scared, ‘cause Splasher’s scared, and he’ll take any beating like it don’t hurt at all to make sure a kid stays safe.
He wrenches Splasher behind him rough enough to make the kid shriek, and spins with the knowledge that maybe the first hit won’t hurt so bad if he acts like he was gunning for it.
“Was me!” he says, and it’s only then that he realises he’s breathless. He forces himself to keep speaking regardless, throat feeling like it’s closing. “Was me, I woke ‘im up, ‘s’my fault, please—“
Please don’t hurt him. Please don’t hurt him. Lord, Splasher ain’t even running, he’s still stood stock still right where Jack shoved him to, even though there’s someone coming right at him now—
“No!” Jack screams, as the person reaches out for Splasher and grabs him, and Splasher goes willingly, like he trusts the monster. He don’t know what’s coming. They ain’t being rough, they’re leading him away careful but firm with hands on his shoulders, but that gentleness don’t mean much. Often enough it means it’s gonna be worse, but there’s hands grabbing Jack too when he tries to go for Splasher. Arms winding around him to hold him back, even as he kicks and wrenches and fights.
“No!” he shouts again, desperate as Splasher gets further and further away. “He didn’t do nothin’! Don’t, don’t! You ain’t touchin’ him, take me, take—‘s’my fault—You ain’t fuckin’ hurtin’ him, please!”
Jack is pulled back helplessly into the chest behind him - smaller than any guard he’s ever seen before - and suddenly he’s sinking to the floor, knees buckling, entirely unable to get air into his lungs. They’re burning, searing, as hot as the burning in his eyes, and his ears are roaring like there’s a fire too. He can’t hear nothing, can’t feel nothing, can only see Splasher being dragged away - he was trusting Jack, he woke Jack up, he wanted Jack to protect him but Jack couldn’t even do that. He failed, the kid’s never gonna trust him again, never gonna trust no one again just like Jack can’t.
“Please,” he sobs. “I gotta—he’s jus’ a kid—‘s’my fault—“
He wrenches again against the hold on him, barely a useless little jerk against those arms bound way too tender around his waist and chest, wrapped around him like a hug, and maybe he’s insane but finally he can’t help but melt. Exhaustion and failure crash over him like a wave to finally drown him, and he’s left adrift, sobbing like a kid. Sobbing like Splasher did.
Blink feels like he can’t breathe either. There’s something visceral about watching Jack writhing and wheezing like this, something that makes his brain feel like maybe there really ain’t any air in the room, even though he’s talking so there must be. He don’t think Jack is hearing a word of it, but it’s worth it just to say it. To not feel quite as helpless as they is.
“Yer alright. Yer alright, Jackie, it ain’t real. You ain’t there. Jus’ a nightmare, fella. Splash ‘s’fine, he’s wit’ Specs, he’s safe. You’re fine.”
“He ain’t fine,” Skittery scoffs, venomous, almost as breathless as Jack is.
He’s still holding him tight, even though Jack ain’t fighting anymore. It looks more like a hug now, just holding instead of restraining, and Skittery’d probably sooner die than admit it but Blink supposes that’s probably what it is. Jack is all boneless, just crying, and Skittery’s holding him like he’s trying to hold him together.
“You’re here,” Skittery tells Jack, spoken into the wild sweaty mop of Jack’s hair. “You’re at home, Jack. You’re alright now. You’re safe. Alright?”
Jack definitely ain’t listening. His eyes are still all distant and glazed over, but his eyelids are drooping like maybe he might fall asleep again, like maybe the fear’s already crashed, and on nights like this, that’s often more than they can ask for.
“Get him back in bed,” Blink murmurs softly to Skittery. “C’mon. We can get ‘im up together.”
They do. They haul him into Blink’s bunk behind them, underneath Jack’s, and crawl in with him while fiercely ignoring the eyes all watching them, startled awake by the commotion and Jack’s hollering. Crutchie’s watching from the next bunk over, but Blink can’t stomach looking at him - though not much less than he can stomach looking at Skittery where he’s on Jack’s other side, curling himself around Jack’s back. Skittery looks sick, maybe as sick as Blink feels.
Blink settles himself against Jack’s front and pulls his face to his chest, wincing at the burn of his tears and the clammy feel of his skin.
“Yer alright,” Blink tells him, quiet. “We got you, Jack. We ain’t lettin’ you go back there.”
Jack’s passed out a second later. He’s out cold, dead asleep like he got knocked on the head, and Blink don’t doubt for a second he’ll wake up in the morning still exhausted and without a damn clue what happened, like he always does when he has turns like this.
Blink and Skittery’ll remember, though. Just like they’ll remember every second they spent staring at each other over the top of Jack’s head, through sweat-damp strands of his dark hair, until they both finally manage to pass out too.
(And, true to form, Jack doesn’t remember a damn thing in the morning. He don’t even know which way’s up. He looks like shit and can hardly walk straight, stumbling with bleary, half-glazed eyes right out of Blink’s bunk a full hour before the bell’s rung. But he won’t settle - not until Blink gets up too and guides him over to where Splasher is tucked with Specs in his bunk, cosy and fast asleep and entirely unharmed.
“Think I musta had a rough dream last night,” Jack mumbles. Blink doesn’t correct him.)
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caesar-meow · 5 months
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Finally i have managed to draw this amazing family I have talked about them but never really showed them. I tried. But the design just wasn't good. Now, i have finally got them and BOI do they have a bunch of lore...
Let's start with the beginning; Felix Peregrine, born in the Romanian-like countryside, by the name of Răzvan Șerbănescu, had been cursed with vampirism, killed his whole family (which he hated anyway), let some rich dude by the farm, killed the dude as well and burned the place; jumped on a ship all the way to Khaladius (largest empire's capital city), started doing business and join the civil war, earning military points; bit the crown prince turning him to a vampire, so he could have the royal family at his finger and also to hopefully start a revolution and normalising supernatural creatures into day-to-day life (which succeeded) ; move to the countryside, trick some local estate owners into giving him their manor while throwing them in jail for misconduct; becoming a Lord by the 1730s and building a new house from scratch, bringing revelation to the vampire communities with blood plants and crops, living for the capital as industry and railroads were growing and he wanted a piece of that while leaving in charge the vert family he threw out but still controlling them; creating a whole company and businesses across the capital becoming a very recognised business man; engaging in late victorian murder mysteries "which he had nothing to do with. nah-uh" (not like he spent the entire 17th century hunting houses, killing people, steal their money and burn the place), found a heir left orphan after his parents' house burned down (the first ever noble house to burn and felix was NOT involved) and fished him out to be his vampiric slave; save the local noblewoman, Evelyn Greenford (which later finds out she's a witch because apparently her parents decided it's not an important detail), from a horrible abusive marriage and life of misery by helping her killing the husband, which then went on to marry Felix just for the facade as they were both gay and ace and live happily ever after with their 3 kids and one heir, up until another war ravished the kingdom bringing new diseases which will kill the poor kids leaving them alone once again. Spending the entirety of the 20th century in the capital helping people recover from war while they also battle a huge economical crisis; using advanced magic and technology to gain 2 more kids, twins, Damien and Pandora, as they needed a purpose or heirs having the place country threatened by a war AGAIN, which eventually forced them to go back to the countryside where they currently reside, help the villagers, help the surrounding area and gain the title of counts. Pandora joined the Uni to study Psychology and robotics (which is why she aint in the pic) but also becomes a werewolf and joins the Lopez pack, and Damien as he did not got into any uni, he joined the military (eboy in the army... that's new) as there was a close base nearby (the same felix attended back in the day) and is now training to become one of the special ops while also trying to figure out his feelings for the local grocery boi. They got a huge manor with a castle like exterior, 20 bedrooms for guests and 80 for servants, featuring a great hall, family drawing room and royal drawing room where they greet the other nobles or members from the local country club, they got a butler (the orphan one) which act also as a footman and valet from time to time, maids, gardeners, chauffeurs and tutors (which some tend to keep "disappearing" when Felix want to see them alone in his office) and the family is also dealing with tenants, around their estate... FYI, you can see that felix changed his when he got to the capital and i would like to address that: "Felix" is from a Roman cognomen meaning "lucky, successful" in Latin, and "Peregrine" is from the peregrine falcon, a traveling bird, usually around the shores, known for its speed and excellent hunting abilities, highly successful example of urban wildlife in much of its range, taking advantage of buildings as nest sites and an abundance of prey ... sounds like a good metaphor for what Felix had done across the centuries, right?
pfew... that was a lot ... as i said. but yea! fucking love this family, they been my favorite ever since created and their my versions of the Addams.
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thebadtimewolf · 10 months
this was is my drafts at 2:40 am. i have nearly 200 and most are pictures of billie so this has to go.
yall need yall ears checked.
15 said what he said: i am better because you (14) got better so go do it. which means all that trauma 14 went through 13, 12, 11, its got processed and grieved and he stood still and has a family to call home to hes an uncle hes a stepson hes a best friend and has a dad and not alone and not running and finally just breathe he os now more open hes going to continue (and we see literally 15 does shows signs that not only is he not haunted by what 14 is currently going through but is more jovial more jovial than 9 ever was).
He cant skip out on it because the nobles wont let him and 15 definitely wont: hes finally finally stopped running. Living the day by day, not running from danger to danger to danger to danger to danger - something we havent seen since 4 k9 and romana ii: a doctor sitting tf down and going 'wtf this shit bonkers!'
how do they both - how did dhawan!dr run around while his corpse is in the glass box. WE JUST EXPLAINED THAT THE DR ISNT GALLIFREYAN.
stop discounting timeless child stop ignoring flux, all the so called gallifreyan myths about regeneration were put in place by tecteun to stamp out any of the dr's hope and those that wished to follow in their steps and it failed in real time. All those types of regeneration? Those were all the dr because they ARE THE SOURCE OF IT THEY HAD IT ON RECORD. Bi regeneration - means that timeless child has done this before in one of tecteun FORCED AND MEMORY WIPED experiments.
Anything that is considered to be a myth in regards to what a time lord can and cant do needs to be under a heavily different lens. Because its not what a time lord cant or can do, its what a Gallifreyan granted with regeneration can and cant do but what the Doctor/Timeless could do on a whim that the rest have to struggle to replicate with their regeneration cycles.
'but toymaker said he-- ' so has clara, great intelligence, 4th and or 8th dr, tecteun, rasillion, gallifreyan society, daleks anyone that are in the audios HES NOT SPECIAL JUST BECAUSE OF WHAT?? he killed torvic and mind swaped the memory of it to the dr?? he made dr time's champion so time would spare them even though in turnn wiping the dr's mind about said encounter? girl toymaker rearranging the drs history aint special. its not. hes 60 YEARS LATE in participating a already-turned in group project. which im betting its the 4 x river audios where 4 knows river when he should not at all.
you see how david watched matt,peter,jodie AND HES HIGHLY LIKELY GOING TO WATCH THIS AND NCUTIS? you see how ncuti ALSO WATCHES THIS? YOU SEE HOW THEY DONT SKIP NONE AFTER NINE? and these eps are short without ads.
yeah do that. that way you know exactly who and what and why and when and where the reference ks being referenced and the character progression had been from point a to current.
dont be surprised if ryan gosling decides to be the next dr since we have three gigantic whovians also be the dr.
note: if anne hathaway and or tatiana maslany becomes the next or later dr they are actively stealing my 2010 shit alk because of a gifset i made.
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ao3feed-tf2ships · 1 year
The RED the BLU and the confusion in between.
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/49174135 by the_false_thomahh essentially, they r gay af, miss pauling is a confused lesbian. zhanna doesnt understand that women can kiss women. or men can kiss men. and the administrator is a homophobic Dick knuckle. Words: 802, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Team Fortress 2
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con
Categories: F/M, M/M, Multi, Other, F/F, Gen
Characters: Thomas Bangalter, Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo, Soldier (Team Fortress 2), Engineer (Team Fortress 2), Pyro (Team Fortress 2), Spy (Team Fortress 2), Sniper (Team Fortress 2), Zhanna (Team Fortress 2), Miss Pauling (Team Fortress 2)
Relationships: BLU Soldier/RED Engineer (Team Fortress 2), Sniper/Spy (Team Fortress 2), BLU Spy/RED Sniper (Team Fortress 2), Engineer/Soldier (Team Fortress 2), Other Relationship Tags to Be Added, Engineer/Pyro (Team Fortress 2), Miss Pauling/Zhanna (Team Fortress 2)
Additional Tags: my boys are confused help them pls, zhanna is hot af, soldier is a loveable dumbass, engie is unable to catch a hint, the spy is a bi king and i love him, the sniper says he aint gay, but then he goes to make out w the spy, hes in denial, sniper's dad is deaf he uses auslan not ASL ppl, he is Australian after all, I Should Know, im one too, the pyro is a....is something alright, dad!engie, platonic texan toast, engie is just a dad, and i may say, a dilf, Slow Dancing, ticktock joji [if u know u know], we hate the red spy here/j, hes a dick to his BLU counterpart, also, the BLU sniper uses the huntsman, and the BLU spy is scared of spiders, this is important i swear, bonding moment, ikr, this is actually angst i swear, im just a tumblr user as well, ALL OF THE FUCKING TAGS RARHHHH, maybe smut?, who fuckin knows, Forced Bonding, daft punk moment in it somewhere, they r robots, Leave them be, They/Them Pronouns for Pyro (Team Fortress 2), also wtf is tenta-spy?, Angst with a Happy Ending, S E A L S I N T F 2, saying something stupid like i love you, i love frank Sinatra leave me be, fuck daft slash, RED spy being a asshole, kinda dead dove: do not eat?, Sexual Assault, good lord look at the amount of tags i should stop, no beta we die like scout
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/49174135
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zeynatura · 1 year
My DND character missenterpreted by my friends
an essay by Zey
I'll start by giving a small sumary of my character.
His name is Helel ben Sahar, he's an eladrin elf, 120-150 years old, he/they, masc nonbinary, pansexual, tall, androgynous, long hair, long nails, loves to dress feminine and be fabulous.
He's a storm sorcerer, youngest prince of a Kingdom in the Feywild, his hair colour changes based on the season he's attuned in (this is one of my fav characteristics of all time), he's chaotic evil and the second dnd character i ever made, also the first one to have a detailed backstory and even family npcs with their own description.
(I love this family so much askfhbafin)
He's a very spoiled prince, very flirty and charismatic ofc the complete opposite of my party ie my friend's characters.
Under all that he's a lonely sheltered child who just wants to find his own place in life, you know, because he's the youngest (big sis and big bro) he aint gonna be the next heir and his parents just let him do his own thing, that's why he leaves in search of adventure.
Now to the missinterpretation by my friends.
They think of my sorcerer as a whore, even more so than how he actually is like... i don't mind you thinking that but at least get your facts straight (heh)
So across our campaign there were 3 npcs that caught the attention of Sahar, 2 of them were actually married to each other, it was a couple of two husbands one of them asked our party to save the other and that's how we met.
Ofc one of the first things i ask when meeting an npc is "are they cute tho?" and my DM friend loved answering that ok, so when we meet the first husband my sorcerer was like "for someone as cute as you i'll be willing to do it" but in the middle of the quest, my character was dying of exhaustion so he was like "the 2nd husband better be hot to be worth all this"... turns out he was, so ... i flirted here and there with both of the npcs and even offered them a night of passion, but they weren't into polyamory so i left it at that.
"I'm not a monster Jake", Sahar respects people's sexual and romantic boundaries, in anything else he doesn't care.
For some reason my friends didn't get that... they tought i wanted to break them apart and kept joking about it, and i was "eh whatever" till i realized they actually meant it which made me so confused cause if i wanted to i would, that's the whole personality of my Sorcerer, he gets what he wants if not heads roll.
And that's how he was in any other aspect of the campaign just no on the romance part, our DM makes us write and sign a consent sheet of the content we are comfortable and not in having presented in the campaign, and all of us wrote off any kind of sexual violence cause nah, we don't want that...
So tell me, why did 3 of my 5 friends thought Sahar wanted to force himself into the npcs marital relationship!? Cause I have no idea
The 3rd npc was a pirate captain lady and actually one of my friend's character and my own did have some fun with her, all consensual, and she got pregnant o: so there was 50/50 chance the kid was mine, cause ofc she had to be a freaking dragon in disguise (dragons are literally free for all when it comes to interspecies reproduction lol)
After some dice were rolled turned out it was mine, and cause she aint a girl that wanted to settled down, she free she a pirate, and Sahar didn't want to live their life on a ship they decided she would keep the child, he would pay child support and visit here and there, and she was happy with that arrangment.
And once again my friends were like: you are an absent father, you just mess around and leave cause you don't wanna settle down, "eres como todo papá de latinoamérica"... bruh
Literally family is the most important thing for Sahar, he loves his family, what are you talking about!?
Also my Sorcerer ended up marrying a Fey lord, to save one of their friend's ass cause by that point in the story he felt endearment towards the party they weren't strangers anymore so he was willing to take one for the team, and so he did.
They formed a fey contract, Sahar was to marry him and he would give us the weapon we needed to progress the story.
So they married even after my friends did everything to crash and stop the wedding Shrek style, what they didn't know was what Sahar planned on doing right after the wedding...
Let's be honest if the Fey lord asked my Sorcerer's hand in marriage in any other fashion, maybe just maybe he would have said yes, cause he was a cute floral wolf but because he did it with a fey contract Sahar felt used... and he didn't like that, he's the one that uses other people, never the one to be used so ofc he killed his husband.
My Sorcerer went from single, to married, to widowed all in the same day asjhffgkjsgjns it was great.
Oh and he also had a collection of dildos he found throughout the story pfft i'm not kidding, in my inventory there were so many dildos, of different shapes, sizes, based on different species.... i even rolled a NAT 20 and found the rarest of them all or so my DM said... a Basilisk dildo xD
By the end of the campain Sahar went back to his family, to the Feywild, having matured and with a lot of stories to tell, he literally killed a God so he's ready to boast about it and receive all the praise they deserve.
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quirkthieves · 1 year
tagged by: stole from @ofgravitation
WHAT IS YOUR OTP FOR YOUR CHARACTER(S)? cracks my knuckles. davai lets go
Nobimaru: Umenobi. If you saw you would know. Hinata: my friends oc, honestly, it really depends more on the other person's muse. Hinata is my special princess and I want her to be happy Monoma: monoshin, monotetsu, monomido... Ibara: kamibara, shishibara, momobara, serobara, jirobara, ibaiida, togabara (PLOT TWIST) (ibaras name is really easy to shipmash damn) Hound Dog: Bloodhound....whatever him and tensei is. Natsuo: him x his girlfriend... shiganatsu i guess? Curious: curious x skeptic Setsuna: Momosetsu, setsumina
for the students, i wont ship them with third years and up. for nobimaru, i'm willing to go up to ~25 (same with natsuo), but i think characters like inugami are way too old for him. characters in their late 20s+ im willing to give a lot more leeway, it's more about the dynamic they have together.
cosigning the "you know when you know". that being said i wont go beyond light kissing with the kids i aint about that. im 21.
it's entirely chemistry-based for me, but i want it to grow organically. i prefer to have a plan beforehand, but i wont force my character to fit the plan if its out of character.
@ofgravitation got me shockingly hooked on monochako. im willing to do monobaku, but good LORD does that need dev. ibara im willing to ship with almost anyone who is willing to handle her everything, same with monoma.
PLEASE let me know if you want to ship i get so so shy trying to ask and never do. theres a high chance im down to at least discuss it. please
more-or-less. its about the dynamic for me-- once again, i want chemistry.
absolutely. fuck it we ball
didnt i answer that up top?? if i had to pick a top fave i guess for each fandom itd be umenobi and kamibara(?) idk. love wins
literally just ask me please. pwease. oh yeah and we have to have at least a few threads & speak ooc that is the other thing.
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carcharsaur · 1 year
wol questions 27 and 30? or maybe 27-30 but no pressure if thats too much lol
NO WORRIES I love answering questions thank you :D
27. How did the events of Shadowbringers impact them?
this one is kind of a doozy... for the main version of caranar I run with it's the first time he's recognized as a hero front-and-center since he gets labeled as the warrior of darkness rather than eryna. it's simultaneously something that really touches him and also really upsets him because he feels like he can't do enough to justify the praise he's given. by the end though, he can come to accept that anyone can be a hero... shadowbringers was a like intense character development arc for him but it's hard to describe succinctly... but he definitely wouldn't have been able to survive endwalker without it, I can see him otherwise becoming a blasphemy for sure. him and thancred in the early thavnair quests like "wait you guys haven't thought about killing yourselves? that's crazy"
more under cut AAGAGH
for kozu shadowbringers was like the emotional equivalent of throwing a brick into an empty running dryer I really put him through the ringer. him having a year or so in the first before shadowbringers msq proper starts gives him a lot of forced time to slow down and reflect, since most of his personal issues aren't really resolved in arr-sb. he got called to the first during the CS that the exarch first gets to properly talk to the wol during the zenos-elidibus instance. he bums around the crystarium for a while with like extreme numbness. separated from everything he built, everything that mattered to him, and placed in a world where his at-the-time main job (whm) is something I'd imagine people are genuinely kind of scared of if not unsettled or disgusted by. he helps out at the medical section for a while, and tries to get into the facets but bounces off due to his state. exarch is like "get help!!" and calls urianger in. and then kozu decides to fully switch over to red mage while heading out to il mheg to help out urianger's tasks/goals there. I could write about that for WAY too long but basically SHB is when kozu starts being truly emotionally open with the people around him, airs out his past with the scions, etc. and he was so glad to have been able to help save a world that wasn't his own. he still misses the first, especially the crystarium and the fae, a lot (moogle and sylph experience paid off with handling the fae also LOL) when kozu gets back to the source he's like way more chilled out and just wants to embrace his wanderlust while also helping people instead of getting himself stuck. does this make any fuckign sense good lord.
28. Were they suspicious or open to Emet-Selch's presence when he first appeared? 
kozu just fucking ignored him as best as they could I'll be real. didn't feel the need to give him the time of day, felt as if even his half-hearted words didn't match up with his actions most of the time. caranar though butted heads with him ineffectively and would have tried to chase him off or at least annoy him any time he showed up. my guys are haters not only for the ascian thing but like bro the imperialist father of the empire trying to be buddy buddy? FOH
29. Did your WoL suspect anything was amiss with Urianger or the Crystal Exarch? Did they feel betrayed? Upset? When the truth finally emerged? 
caranar was extremely suspicious of crystal exarch but not in a "I think he's evil" way just in a "he is NOT telling us the whole truth" way. in the SB patch content and VERYY beginning of shb he'd be a little more dismissive and angry at him but as soon as he understood the state of the first and the work the exarch put into saving it he'd pull back a little but something would be nagging at him the whole time. especially since the exarch claims g'raha wasn't in the tower just SOMETHING AINT RIGHT. and by the time we get to the pre-gulg leadup he knows that's g'raha but isn't sure what he could do or say about it. and regrets he didn't say more before he got FUCKING SHOT but he never felt betrayed or upset with him about it. a self-targeted upset maybe also caranar never interacted directly much with urianger before SHB so both in HW patches and SHB he had no idea. in HW he was legit mad for a bit but in SHB he gets why he did what he did, doesn't hold it against him but does feel stupid and guilty for not putting stuff together faster to help g'raha earlier for kozu.... I'm still of two minds.... I need to like replay because kozu as he is and the exarch have some parallels that I still need to consider more. duty bound by both hope and guilt... a 100 year vigil where they hold others away from them... their sense of identity slowly wearing away... disregarding the value of their own life in service of others... BASICALLY he wouldn't feel betrayed or angry he would just feel very conflicted. and sad. urianger, kozu was very suspicious of him in the HW patches even though he didn't have free movement for most of hw to like potentially keep an eye on him he knew something was off but wasn't sure how. until he saw him in his disguise he was like COME ON MAN. and was mad but in a "I'm gonna set his ass straight" way not "we've been betrayed" way. in SHB he could tell there was something he was hiding but he didn't want to pull at it recklessly, he just wanted urianger to share his burden with him; didn't want him to suffer alone as he clearly was. and the fact he didn't confide really really ate at him and nagged him... when the truth came out he was angry but like. sad-angry. thinking he was unworthy still of full trust. he still forgave him but he made him swear not to hide things anymore. (AND I KNOWWWW HE TECHNICALLY DOES IN EDEN AND ATTEMPTS TO IN ENDWALKER ON THE MOON but this is relationship drama fodder to me. also the eden one he would've keyed kozu in)
30. What was their highest point in Shadowbringers? Their lowest? What caused it? 
highest point... hmm I think for caranar it'd be the end of the base expac, graha saved and his wife's soul not about the explode into a million pieces the relief and the WE FUCKING DID IT!!! WE LIVED!!! of it all would've given him a huge boost ever since that point like. DAMN we can do ANYTHING actually. his lowest point is definitely pre-gulg whereas everyone else is feeling hyped up, it's when eryna takes any of the light he insisted on carrying himself from him and he just feels like he can't help anyone, that his efforts are always in vain (the ardbert parallel hah). he feels he's not worthy of even being a figurehead. the g'raha emo peptalk was so needed
for kozu, I think his highest point would be the end of 5.3, the past laid to rest, everyone made it, life is returning to the empty, and they can go home... he'd cry when he woke up in his body on the source I think, joyfully but also mixed with a little sadness that they can't watch over the first ever again. his lowest point was right when he arrived LOL as ascribed above
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ramu-ego · 2 years
AHHH JEEZ A 2 DAYS LATE REPLY MY BAD, i def wouldve responded sooner but i suddenly got busy, missed camping in this little blog here 💔😭 (yes 2 days is a lot in my book LMAO)
when i saw sir nighteye, i looked at ego and i was like. Yea. Yea that’s a type alright LMFAOO.. IVE MEVER SEEN THE REST EXCEPT DAZAI BUT MAYBE THATS SIGN FOR ME TO OPEN MY TASTES A BIT MORE..
100% agree on the ego paragraph!!..!.!?! EVEN IF I WASNT THE BIGGEST FAN ITS SOO OBVS HE CARES.. one day imma see an ego appreciation paragraph analysis explaining every single detail abt what he did and i wouldnt be surprised if that post is from you LMFAO
god i’ve never heard nikko’s eng voice but i’m def not looking forward to it — i read the nikko post though, GOODD LOORDDD may of changed my perspective of nikko on ruining him but still, gotta stay loyal to my favs (a lie, i’m a whore and would jump around but niko just aint it for me LMFAO)
god yea, my timezones been like .. the direct opposite of most people so i wasn’t surprised to see ours be different, JUST CRAZY HOW KUCH OF A DIFFERENCE IT ACTUALLY WAS .. fuckk guess we can twin in being last to almost everything then huh? the only win i get is just having an asian timezone to be early to actual content LMFAO
i respect liking dubs!!!! i used to watch dubs for like, romance anime? toradora and shit when i was WAYYY younger!! HONESTLY I SEARCHED UP ALL UR RECS AND III THINKKK i may start with mob psycho first since it peaks my interests the most! but i’ll def check fire force since it’s one of ur favs, i’ll tell you what i think abt it when i actually DO start it (chronic procrastinator, i even procrastinated writing this message despite how much i wanted to chat LOL)
I HAVE REALLY BAD MEMORY SO IVE GOT NO IDEA WHICH GUY I WAS REFERRING TO.. curly hair??? black hair??? looked kinda dead inside??? I THINK IT MIGHTVE BEEN W GAGAMARU AND RAICHI.. his hair looked kinda like it hadn’t been washed in weeks ngl
IM HAPPY TO READ YOUR RESPONSES HONESTLY, SUPEPRRR FUN and it feels like im having a genuine one on one convo even if we are like — replying to it like letters or sum LMFAO, guess we going back to the past era for this! BEINNG A HAIRDRESSER FOR 5 YEARS IS SOO COOL?? you’re only 25 now so like — did you pick this job up early on??
i’ve never watched haikyuu but i could see a lot of people felt differently abt blue lock compared to haikyuu, blue lock kinda increases that competitive spirit that’s rare to find in that. team work stuff?
since i felt as if my replies were kinda ass this time, i got news! just watched blue lock episode 11 and good fucking lord this shit was good — yea i was worried about bad animation but shit POPPED OFF.. and rin itoshi :?/!.?.!?! i screamed creamed probably was thinkign with only my metaphorical dick from that point on because good lord i want this man HELP.. it’s been like a year or two(?) since i first saw rin itoshi in the manga but good lord when i saw him animated and even spoke, i felt sum ROARING DOWN THERE … (excuse my language i only think with my lower region!) this awakened sum in mme.. don’t be surprised once i start sending genuine requests and thirsts
since i even joked about this being like a literal letter, maybe i should start signing off like one!!!
from 💌 anon or something LMFAO
-I am so bad at like focusing to respond so trust me no apology needed bc I'm chronically bad at looking at a message and then giving myself anxiety over it. It's something I'm working on 😂😭
Dazai is mildly the odd man out except for the dude with black 'n white hair they're kinda con losers together but I'd say the over arching theme is "they look like they bite...but not really" I have no sense of danger I want the weird looking men no one wants 😂 but no seriously all the fandoms they're from are really good highly recommend Dr Stone and Fire Force if you enjoy Blue Lock. They are *chefs kiss*
do you know how hard it is to keep my twitching fingers on my keyboard to not rant about Ego??? I could do it I could go on and on about this man but- asdfghjkl- I'm controlling myself! mostly bc i don't wanna share my weird husband shhh that's not the point shhh he's my ugly little greenbean
i blame my friend on the niko bullshit!! she went on about how perfectly he'd fit that pervy hentai protagonist who like- steals panties- and cries when he gets caught and all that bullshit?? now I can't unsee it?? he's so stealing panties and putting under his pillow to sleep with only to make up a loud sob story when he gets caught. He's a perv and now I can't unsee it and I hate it 😩
really you have the problem of conflicting timezones?? I'm genuinely surprised bc like- everyone I talk to is like bare minimum in Europe and further over as I sit my lonely self in the United States. Count your blessings bc at least you don't live in the States we're awful 😂 we can be opposite timezone buddies like long drawn out lovers from two forlorn families writing drawn out poetic letters to each other to be sent by snail mail as we try to survive the black plague! or you know...something like pen pals 😂
my peanut brain suffers with subbed I can't look at the animation and take in what they're saying T^T I did it with Jujutsu Kaisen when it came out and can honestly say I don't recall anything I watched bc I was reading subs. RIP this is why I have to read the mangas </3 Oh but Mob is so good!!! It's one of my favorites and my comfort animes I can't tell you how many times I've watched it?? I think like- seven times? Eight times? Easing your way into the list makes Mob Psycho a good starter. But no seriously I cannot stress it enough how much I love Fire Force. Plus cursed knowledge, English dubbed Ego is Fire Forces main character and he is a cinnamon roll of a good boy and a total 180 of Ego's character 😂 Equal parts blessed and cursed when you hear Ego being a good boy
a lot of them look dead inside but dying so hard at gagamaru being put in the dead eye category?? my wife is in love with him so now I'm dying over the dead eye thing 😂 tbh they're so many characters I still have to look back and know who's who
you will find out I can't keep my mouth shut so if you get me talking I will put in that much effort 😂 But actually sweet I'm not 25 I'm 27 (had to double check with my wife I lost track) So the five years of hairdressing isn't too out there but I did pick it up after two yrs of college when I dropped out bc US education system suuuucks. Love hair but covid made people entitled shitheads and didn't want to spend nine hours a day with jackasses to come home to a baby so I just swapped entitled costumers to an entitled baby XD
haikyuu is...cute. like- ok i dont really do slice of life animes and heavily dont do sports anime (haikyuu and blue lock are literally the only ones) but Haikyuu is definitely not the same as Blue Lock. They spend a lot of time explaining how the game works where as Blue Lock its kinda "you know how soccer works or sucks to be you" which I like bc the one thing I do get tired with haikyuu is the over explanation of things. It's a cute show though! I could only watch it once thru but its fun when you haven't watched it before
UGH IM SO WORRIED OVER WHO IS GONNA PLAY RIN I'VE BEEN CHEWING MY NAILS OVER IT- Their casting director has been so good so?? Like?? I know it'll be good but at the same time?? I'm still so worried?? I mean- They convinced me to love Ego even after knowing who his VA was (and what I watched him previously in was NOT anything like his Ego role) but still- Rin's my baby?? Rin's my little bratty temper tantrum baby i wanna smoosh?? He has to be perfect?? More so than anyone else?? Pleading with the casting gods Rin sounds good or I will sob 😭 And I'm like- Have no idea are they doing 12 episode season or a 24 episode season. I need answers T^T
pls send me Rin thirsts I can't shut the fuck up about him
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lasaetarubia · 7 years
Kylo Ren’s behavior toward Rey is fucking abusive and toxic and there is no denying that fact. There is no deeper meaning in his behavior toward her, the woman he supposedly loves. And Rey deserves so much better than that, so much better than Kylo Ren and his abuse and people trying to make excuses for it by saying he had a terrible childhood. That doesn’t excuse him NOR anyone who sympathizes with him. Two negatives don’t make a positive.
He tortured her, used the force to hold her prisoner and knock her out. Played on her insecurities to try and get her to join the dark side then THREW A HISSY FIT WHEN SHE DIDN’T. Tried to have her shot down from the sky, literally by ordering that the Millenium Falcon be shot down.
Done with people thinking abusive and toxic behavior toward WOMEN by MEN is okay as long as the man is in love with the woman.
It’s gross and disgusting and says more about your character than anything else can. 
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bakugosbratx · 3 years
Okay im really nervous to request but I love your writing so lets do this
(Y/n) has been in an abusive relationship prior to being with katsuki, he knows about it and tries his best to be there for her whenever her mind wanders about it. They’ve been together without being intimate because of how y/n is effected by her previous relationship. But one day, y/n tells katsuki that shes ready, and when they’re about to get intimate she freaks out and holds both of katsuki’s hands that were on her thighs as he was about to eat her out and kept screeching “wait,wait,wait”
He totally understands, gives her a moment to catch her breath before saying “look at me, focus on me” as he kisses her clit and drags his tongue along her slit. He keeps reminding her to look at him and focus on nothing but him and proceeds to fuck her ex out of her mind.
When they come down from their high, he says smugly “i’ll never hurt you, im not like that guy, but they dont call me lord explosion murder for nothing, cause i dont fail to murder this pussy every time” HAHAHAHAHAH I HATE HIM omg was that too specific? Love you stay amazing
I really hope im not late its still the 14th here smh, also lat minute removing the anonymous cause i aint no scardey cat bitch and i want to love you without being scared
NSFW 18+ I’m Not Him — Katsuki Bakugo x Fem! Reader
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Warning: 18+ Content. Sexual intercourse, degrading, cursing, unprotected sex, breeding kink, fluff, smut, talks abusive past relationship, etc.
Check out my other works here
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A/N: Omg I love this. As someone who has experienced bad relationships, this is comforting. Even better that it’s with my comfort character. Thank you so much for the request and I’m so sorry it took me forever to get to it. I hope this meets what you’re looking for. The last line killed me to write.
Words: 982
Tags: @peachsenpie @awilddreamerwrites @milkthistletea @lanarist @quietlegends @miriobaby @sickchildren @lil-miminini @bakugousbrat
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Katsuki was home earlier than planned tonight. Earlier than you have honestly planned. You just finished rubbing in your favorite lotion amongst your soft skin, a spritz of your matching perfume to enhance the scent, a tad of makeup, and some brand new lingerie you bought for this exact moment.
The door slamming open and then shut alerted that your lust filled boyfriend is stalking up the stairs. This man is hungry and ready to devour every bit of you. He has been very respectful of your wishes to wait, but he is still a man with needs. Needs he only wants to be met with you.
You walk out of the master bathroom that connected to the shared bedroom. You did not even get time to greet your significant other as his lips magnetically connected to yours. You stumble back to the wall where Katsuki barricaded you in with his large mass. He poured all his need for you into your dancing tongues as his hand cups your cheek. You two slowly pull away.
“Welcome home.” You giggle, your heart racing from the thrill of it all. The anticipation you have felt all day has all led up to this moment. The many times you wanted to just give the okay, but the past trauma stopped you. The past always paused moments like these.
Contrary to Katsuki’s temperamental ways, he has never pressured you to have sexual relations with him. He has been very patient and understanding. From the night terrors to the random moments of crying, Katsuki is always there to comfort you to the best of his ability. So, when he received the text message with you in your outfit and the words “I’m ready” his breath hitched. He couldn’t even text back as he is racing home to get to you.
Katsuki did not even speak any words as he leads you to the bed, laying you on your back, hovering over you while planting delicate kisses on your exposed skin. Lovely little moans erupt from your parted lips. He leads your hand to his throbbing erection in his pants, a smug smirk plastered on his face. Your eyes widen.
“Don’t be frightened, babe. I’ll go easy on ya.” Katsuki reassured with a chuckle, releasing his grip from your hand to undo his pants. His throbbing penis is begging for sweet mercy and just the sight of you in that slutty outfit is doing wonders to him. He wanted to show you a wild time, he dreams of it, but he knows to be patient.
Bending down, he discards your panties. You cover your face with your hands since your bare core is in Katsuki’s line of view. A simple swipe of the tongue sent trauma flashbacks into your mind. All the misery, pain, and agony that ex of yours put you through. You cannot take it.
“Wait! Wait! Wait!” You screech, placing your hands on Katsuki’s that rested on your hips. Katsuki looks up at you with his normal intense eyes, but they soften with the sight of the tears that prickled in yours.
Giving you a moment to regroup, he speaks, “look at me, focus on me.” He directs. You nod, taking a deep breath. Katsuki places a gentle kiss on your clit then dragging his tongue amongst your slit. He repeats this pattern, not removing his gaze from yours.
Katsuki digs in deeper once he feels your tense muscles relax. Sweet little melodies break free from your plump lips while his tongue explores every part of your cunt. Your pussy is soaked in saliva, each part earning its special attention. Each swirl of his tongue brought you closer to your high. Katsuki can feel you become closer and sped up the process to help you out. Every single drop was digested by Katsuki.
You slightly whined when you feel Katsuki’s face disappear from your pussy, but your whines were quickly silenced when Katsuki’s cock enters your weeping hole.
“Mm Katsuki,” you impatiently demand, “more.”
“You want me to be gentle, remember?” Katsuki chuckled as he slides in more of his erection. Your tight soaked walls stretch to fit his length. Gasp fluttered out of you as you take in all of him. Katsuki has the length and the girth. You are not a virgin, by any means, but you have not been with a man that held this much of size.
“K-Katsuki.” You choke out as he begins to pick up a steady rhythm. Your dripping cunt engulfed all of his cock, stretching to fit his girth each thrust he takes.
“Feels so f-fucking,” he groans as his grip on your hips tightened, “good babe.”
“Mm Katsuki.” You sob, gripping the bedsheets for support. Any thought of your ex cleared your mind because all you can think about is all this cock your cunt is enduring. Katsuki is being gentle as he possibly can be, but he is rough by nature.
“Yeah, I’m fucking the memory of your shitty ex out of your pretty little my mind.”
“You fuck me so good.” You mewl out. Katsuki smirked, enjoying the lewd faces you make.
“Damn right I do.” Katsuki smugly remarks, his dick twitching within the depths of you. He cannot last much longer. Pre cum leaked into your sobbing hole and by a few more strokes, he was busted into you. You are filled with every drop of his cum, Katsuki refusing to remove his dick from you until you milk him dry.
Laying next to you once he is done filling you up, he kisses your lips. Cupping your face so you are forced to meet his rubies, he smugly remarks, “I’ll never hurt you. I’m not like that guy, but they dont call me lord explosion murder for nothing, ‘cause I don’t fail to murder this pussy every time.”
All Rights Reserved
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jodiie-leighanne · 2 years
"Randomly wrote this, it's not that great. Angst, angst and more angst.
Draco love could you come to the bedroom"
Fuck yes. Shucking off my jacket, shows kicked somewhere in the hall as her angelic voice calls me. What man doesn't want to be summoned upstairs seductively after a busy day working?
Skipping a step at a time eager to get to her,  palms on the door frame, that's when I see her. 
Oh, fuck no.
The lights dipped to a demonic claret. Perched on a chaise by the window, concealing something in the shadows.
"What's wrong with your face darling not happy to see me?"
She stands doused in crimson silk, matching painted lips. Probably easier to mask the blood she is going to bleed from my veins. I'm aroused and terrified because in her left hand as the moon light hits it, is a file I've been desperately trying to conceal.
"Who's Mary-Beth?" 
There it is. Think up an explanation, fast. 
Blank. Cheers brain. 
"Who?" I smirk, trying to humour the situation. Bad move, she charges at me shoving the folder into my chest and my spine against a wall. 
"Mary-Beth, you know the slut from the 4th floor of your building, average looking about 5ft 7inches voice like a raked chalkboard", She has a fair point. "Fair sized bust" Again, she aint lying. "Oh come on Draco you know the one youve fucking frquently at the Beaumont.." I'm dead, mum if you read this I'm probably fish food by now. If you find my body well I hope you're not squeamish because this crazy cow is about to castrate me, then force feed it to me. 
"Or was that Larissa? Jasmine?.." 
"Ok ok, listen baby.." A searing sting fills my cheek with warmth. As she squeaks in frustration, dropping the evidence she held to the floor, her once stark green irises have turned venomous.
"No you listen, whilst i've been at home recovering from birthing your big headed baby" Bit mean "Stitches down to my arsshole magic or not that shit fucking hurts. I can't even shit Draco" Good lord. Each speech spat, I'm jabbed in the pectoral with a digit.
"Then the little bastard had the absolute audacity to be the mirror image of his father" Grinning slightly at the thought of my beautiful blonde boy, that thought disappears as her daggers pierce through. "Little bastard sucks my tits raw daily. I keep him nourished, clean and safe. Yet he is your doppelganger" 
"Lucky kid", Her hand lifts to strike me again. Managing to grip her wrist mid air, causing her to squirm away. Backing acrossing the room. 
"Dove come on", wind whips my face as a hardback novel hammers towards me. 
"Dont you fucking dove me", Followed by another, and a another. 
"Shit, Hope stop fuck throwing books at me, looney bitch"
"It's the least you deserve", Upgrading to a vase. 
"Bit of pansy move don't you think could have at least thrown.. I was joking, god damn woman", shifting out the way as my desk chair hurtled towards my form.
Deeply chuckling she hauls out her wand, conjuring a basket of blades into her arm throwing them fast paced. Causally launching them as I remain unshielded. 
Sometimes I fucking hate magic. 
"Are you trying to kill me ?", I scream. Trying to get closer to her to stop the madness.
She sprints at me again, knife in hand. With no mercy she slammed me into the draws. A Mirror any surface that may bruise, cut or mane me. I was thrown against it. Shards of glass, wooden splinters and blood decorated the floor joining to mix with petals, water and scarlet from her shredded bare feet. 
Leaping she knocks me onto the bed, I may have let out a girlish scream as the wind knocked out my lungs. Her petite forearm locking my chest down as she straddles me dominantly. Sharp side of that blade she wields to my jugular. Fuck she looks good like this, sweat claiming her forehead, panting ferociously. 
My dick hardens underneath her core, I'm a sucker for Hope Malfoy always have been.
"You just couldn't keep your pathetic little cock in your pants could you"
"Woah there little?" 
"Miniature" She scoffs in disgust, she is testing my patience. 
"That's just cruel and a lie", I retorted, smirking once more, which just angered the fired brunette. 
"I only speak the truth", Right enough of this, in one swift move I push her off me as she tumbles over the edge of the bed to hit the ground. Grunting as she makes contact, dropping to join her I now mount her. Sides tucked in between my knees as I point to my very obvious erection straining my slacks. 
"Does that look small to you baby? I believe you've screamed that it's too big for your tight little cunt have you not?"
"Perhaps I did" She shrugs from her laid position, rolling my eyes at her childish ways. "And no your right it's massive", Knew she would cave for me. "Makes a pretty good target actually", Her fist raises to connect with my family jewels.
"Woman, stop trying to hurt me"
Pinning her arms, we are nose to nose now. Breathing the same ragged air. I catch her leaning in to either kiss me or headbutt me, I'll go for the seconds. Completely caught off guard when she actually captures my lips with her own. 
Somehow, that fighting got us both immensely turned on which lead to a few rounds of hate fucking, we are now naked under the sheets. Slowly coming down from our highs, covered in bruises and scratches. 
"You can leave now"
"Wait what?"
"Get out" She points to the door, swinging her legs round to get up. But I pull her back into me. 
"But we just.." Usually we fuck and its all over. We are happy again. 
"So you thought I forgave you?" She struggles out my grasp, tears rimming her eyes. Time to come clean. 
"Baby listen I'll explain.." Shifting to lean my back against the headboard, I summon the folder to my palm. 
"Five minutes go.." Hope eyes stay on her nails as she picks the skin around them, trying to distract herself.
"Larissa is an estate agent", Her hues briefly flick to mine as I opened the paperwork to back up what I was saying. "Mary-Beth's husband is an interior designer, i met them both at the Beaumont for a meal to discuss decor" Placing blueprints in front of her, daring to hold her tiny hands in my own. "Also, i don't know a Jasmine"
"I know, it was a test" She smiled faintly. 
"I bought us a house, just the three of us"
"A house?" There's that light in her face, I love so much. 
"Yes, I would never cheat on you silly girl", Warming up to me, her arms clinging to my neck, mumbled 'sorrys' left her lips as she scattered kisses. 
"Well it's a good thing because we've fucked the room up..  I-I fucked the room up", Chuckling at earlier events. 
"It comes furnished", My turn to kiss her now. 
"Perfect, I'm sorry I doubted you love"
"That's ok" 
Later that evening, married life was back to normal. Affection every moment we could. 
Myself and my wife were sitting around the dining table eating a meal she made as an apology. Our small son cradled in my arms as I rocked him, whilst trying to eat. 
Multi tasking is no joke. 
"Hey draco?" Hope quips out of nowhere. 
"Don't drive the range rover for a while, take a different car", Hiding a devilish grin behind her wine glass.
"Cut the brakes?" I ask nonchalantly, popping a chip in my mouth. 
"Planted a bomb to designate when the engine turns on", My eyes widened as the food got lodged in my throat, from how dry it went.  
"Your insane"
"Mhmm only for you"
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relax-and-read-on · 3 years
A series of Very-Good-Much Appreciated-Pls-I-need-More-Fanfic-Of-Them Ship in warhammer
I love warhammer. I really, really do. And since I am a dirty multishiper, I have developed with time quite a collections of ship that I personally adore. This is just a lowkey personal archive of them all, because it's fun and it make me happy to gush about them. I ship more than those, this is just my lil list of OTP. If your not comfy with astartes shipping, primarch shipping, or generally queer content... Then im sorry but I'm not gonna be a super fun blog gor you lmao.
Jurgen/Cain + Amberley: The OG. The two bros. Those two fuck, and are not even subtle about it. Amberley like to join, because Jurgen aint so bad after he take a shower, and Cain is a cuddler. It's less of a relationship and more of a deep affection and trust between them 3. Best OT3
Gaunt/Rawne: oh those two FUCK. HARD. It's less of a relationship and more of a "fucking hell your still alive you bitch" type of deal. Very sexy.
Larkin/Bragg: I love them. So much. Surprisingly amount of good fanfic about them on ao3, because EVERYONE could see that those two were in love.
Obyron/Zahndrekh: GAY!!! ROBOTS!!! I don't take any criticisms, I will ship them until the heat death of the universe.
Sevatar/Sigismund: what is there to say here, aside from "they definitely fucked That One Time and Sevatar was the bottom?".
Polux/Dantioch: listen, this one make me cackle, because they are so clearly in love and care for one another, but their dads would be UP THE WALLS about it lmao. Very good boys.
Talos/Half the fucking night lord: I love Talos. He's my baby boy. But my god. He has such slut energy. He hit me as the kind who get lowkey frustrated and ask for a fuck instead of a fight. He's a poetic lover boy.
Thiel/Literally anyone: Listen. This baby deserve the world. He's too wild and free to be stuck surrounded by boring ultramarines. Give him a nice boyfriend.
Kharn/Argel Tal: the gay dudebros. Incredibly oblivious, the two of them. The kind that go "It's not gay if the dick don't touch right?". Would have probably adopted a ton of rescue dogs and ride motorcycle in another life, they just have that vibe.
THE PRIMARCH (there's gonna be a whole lot of those lmao I love them)
Guilliman/Yvraine: this one make me cackle so hard. Ofc mister boyscout would go for the big tidies eldar goth gf. He would bring ber to family dinner too, and only half because he wanted to see everyone loose their shit.
Leman/Lion: The only Lion ship I can tolerate. Lion must be deep in the closet and go "stupid sexy Leman I want to punch him >:(". It's a fun one.
Leman/Magnus: Toxic. Ex. The kind that burn down your shit on the front lawn and crash your car, and you still sleep with them two weeks later. I adore them. They are the best if you are in the mood for spicy stuff.
Magnus/Kitten: TTS still got me by the THROAT, and those two are just perfect. If I have to force Kitten in every warhammer media, trust me, *i fucking will.* Probably my actual fav ship on this entire list.
Magnus/Perturabo: Pert is my problematic fav, and I want him happy. Clearly, he only love and care for ONE boy and one boy only, and it's Magnus. Pert would be romantic af toward him, you can't change my mind
Perturabo/Calliphone: the only woman he ever loved, truly. She was his soul, and ngl, he should have just taken her with him when he left, life would have been BETTER for everyone.
Sevatar/Konrad: Do i need to get into this one? Really??? Yall know how much I love those two. I made an entire post about them. Just find my Konrad tag lmao.
Konrad/Vulkan: I know, that's a odd one, but I firmly believe Konrad hated our man partly because he was high key attracted to him and it was freaking him out. Vulkan would never... Unless Konrad got *all the therapy*. I will probably ramble about it more one day lmao.
Fulgrim/Ferrus Manus: They are cannonly together your honor, I swear! I snuck into gw and saw all the sexy secret art of them kissing. They are just hiding it away from us.
Horus/Sanguinius: Those two are married. That's canon. You just need to read the Horus heresy in its entirety while high af and listening to Celine Dion backward. You then acess all the secret chapter chapter where they are married.
Emperor/Valdor: SOMEONE has to keep big E company and call him a bitch ass dumbfuck for all the move he make, and Valdor can have that role!!
Guilliman/Lorgar: Almost forgot those two lmao. I love them because they are basically the Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss meme made ship. They both DEEPLY regret every interaction that brought them together. Still very entertaining for me lmao.
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shoezuki · 3 years
do think the appeal of c!techno is that hes a simple character that doesnt try and tackle heavy shit bc every time save for like wilbur fucking sucked and was disappointing which. i think seeing a character i like get ruined is worse than if they were shit at the start. like c!techno is a light character that has good fucking emotional beats when there and receives catharsis which trumps like. so much of the server
AMEN!!! honestly i was thinkin a it while this ask Sits Here n i am . I got It now cuz u sayin he doesnt tackle heavy things i was GOING to disagree but i THOUGHT. I REALIZED
One thing i hate with other Lore Streams: the Angsty Monologues where the cc just laya it all right out on the table and verbally says how Distraught they are and Recounts the Horrible Things they seen and Experienced and Oh Lord Have Mercy!
Its like. Too much. Its too explicit and like. Id say the audience could infer and put things together without it having to be laid out right on the table but.... but..... nah
Techno is Different. He doesnt Ever do such types a 'serious' streams where its monologuing. Literally the closest we got was him lamenting bout his cows but that shit was just FUNNY mans was waxing poetics.
Any Potentionally 'serious' or heavy things he does is..... not explicit. Like it Can be there if the audience wants to look. Like when he blew up the area tommy lived under his house. But he doesnt force us to choke on it. We can tap out and just. Enjoy that shit. He aint here with heavy hard shit like self harm or loss of reality or 'oh no i am losing my memories of all my loved ones :((' thank GOD. its great and refreshing cuz like
I DO love the more serious shit n the analysis of his character. But i like it More than any other Angsty character because a) its not riddled eith suffering and b) the deep diving i do isnt a necessity nor the like.... entirety of it
Hes just. Technoblade. And the homies love it
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