#lord Potter
practicecourts · 6 months
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more snippets from Lord Potter & Miss Evans, Leave me your advice, thoughts, wishes in the comments here or on AO3 because I've not yet decided what will happen (maybe different things need to be explored ;-)
I'm curious to hear any and all thougths (and enough days in march left to perhaps make it happen)
read on ao 3 Disheartened || ca 700 words
a little rushed post here bc of real life events, bye take care of yourselves
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tiredwriter2003 · 1 year
Old drafts
Ok so I was going through my google docs and found what looks to be the beginnings of a fic idea for Harry Potter, but I have no memories of writing this and no idea where I was going with it. I'm not reading HP fics right now but will probably bounce back soon enough. I thougt why not put it here and see what happens.
It is listed as Potter vs DoM
Potters know they’re Peverell, have been claiming the Lordship for centuries, have not announced it. Have also been claiming the Gryffindor and pranking the DoM
People have 3 names in magical world, magical, formal and common
How Wizengamot chamber chairs work. If the seat is present but dark it means they’re dormant, meaning the bloodline is still around but no one has claimed the lordship. If the seat is on a glowing platform then lordship has been claimed. If it is a glowing platform and the chair is glowing gold then the lord is present in the chamber. Potters have three lordships and claim them so the platform glows. They go in to vote so the seat glows. They don’t tell anyone so everyone panics and thinks the magic is broken. The Peverells were paranoid so put protections in place, no-one can link them to the chairs unless they announce it, spells don’t work. Potters know the DoM is looking into it, don’t tell them cause they think it's funny. DoM don’t know who's behind it but hate them, the grudge gets passed down. 
James dies before he can claim his lordship, only claims the Potter so seats fade before the Potter one does. DoM are ecstatic because they think they finally fixed it. Then Harry shows up at the bank. He claims his lordships and finds out about the prank. Decides to roll with it and make it better, has slytherin by conquest. Claims it 3 months after the others to f with them. All start glowing. Makes sure to claim them after he claims potter, as is tradition, so no one puts it together that they belong to him. Goes to meeting, bad Dumbles. 3 months after joining claims Peverell and Gryffindor. DoM breaks down. Then, later, claims Slytherin. Another melt down. Figure out its a person or family who are doing this to them. Decide to hunt them down, not to attack but out of spite, and reveal them. Harry decides game on. All this is a subplot.
Harry finds out about his Lordship through the Library accidentally. Is studying for potions and finds out Sleakeazy hair was invented by “Lord Fleamont Potter and his brother Charlus.” Looks into it. Charlus and Dorea had kid, James, whereas Fleamont and Euphemia cursed barren. All helped raise him/adopted him so all are his parents. Harry finds out about Lordships, looks it up, tada Gringotts visit. Harry also has black lordship, doesn’t claim it but gets heir ring so Draco can’t. Don’t want the Malfoys getting his stuff.
This is what was in the document and it made me laugh at least. Anyone have any ideas?
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Propriety By: ToAStranger
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Harry Potter/Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Harry Potter/Tom Riddle, Harry Potter/Voldemort Characters: Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Harry Potter, assorted others - Character Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha/Omega, Alpha Tom Riddle, Omega Harry Potter, Breeding Kink, Knotting, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Voldemort Wins, Somewhat Good Voldemort (Harry Potter) Summary:
The absolute, absurd relief he feels upon seeing Harry enter the ballroom is practically it's very own brand of illicit potion-- even if he's being escorted on his godfather's arm.
It nearly has him stepping forward, stepping away, from the insipid sycophants talking his ear off. Only propriety stops him.
Just the sight of him, in the robes Voldemort sent, is enough to relieve him of the pounding headache he's had since arriving. And, as he draws nearer, the scent of him adds to the soothing balm of his presence.
"Good evening, my Lord." Harry says.
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fandomena · 1 month
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dulmetra · 4 months
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Some unfinished black and white pieces of young Thomas as Voldy <3
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generaljenobi · 6 months
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stolenviolet · 1 month
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At a Dark Wizard’s wedding, rather than a ‘first dance’, the happy couple shares a ‘first duel’!
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coquetteriddle · 4 months
insane ass tomarry book quotes we dont talk abt enough
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cisusnar · 11 months
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He is a silly guy 🥰
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semina-art · 6 months
Lord Voldemort
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mauveberries · 6 months
obsessed with the fact that tom riddle's three career plans were shop assistant, teacher, or murderous fascist dictator.
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practicecourts · 6 months
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A collection of links to the regency Moody March prompts that got a little out of control and could be read as sequels but also as different ways Regency Lord Potter & Miss Evans danced around each other.
Missed Dance
A Particulary Exquisite Vegetable
Straight From the Horse's Mouth
No Good Choices
Disheartened (aka Hiding in the Library part 1)
The many routes to Jily Love from the "situation in the Library"
A Woman of Inferior Birth vs To Seduce vs A Fainting Spell
Meanwhile outside of the *library* pple are going about their business...
To Win
No Good Deed Goes Unpunished
Secret Keeper
Whatever the route... when in love do as lovers do ;-) Green Dress
Last but not least a different Regency micro (because somehow my brain couldn't let go of this world just yet)
Back to Black
I might go back to edit and turn this into a longer story but for now I just don't have the time to do it justice,
I'm not sure if you are on Tumblr but a special thank you to Mrs Flowerpotts for all the love and encouragement you gave (to all the march micro's but to Lord Potter & Miss Evans especially ;-)
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faithsoneluv · 14 days
i don't think people understand how hard it is not to ship tomarry / harrymort because what do you mean they're borderline canonically soulmates. what do you mean they're PROPHESIED to each other. what do you mean they're literal parallels, had the same childhood circumstances but turned out the exact opposite. what do you mean harry's the embodiment of the light side and tom's the embodiment of the dark even though they're so, so similar. what do you mean they both have common names even though they themselves are anything but common. what do you mean they have uncountable amount of bible references that apply strictly to them, what do you mean harry makes sure to mention tom's the handsomest in the room whenever he sees him and apparently likes their connection. what do you mean their wands share the core of the same phoenix and therefore literally can't kill each other even if they wanted to. what do you mean harry wanted to give him another chance despite everything he's done, what do you mean tom offered him his hand, what do you mean harry killed tom at the same age except the order of the numbers is reversed. what do you mean harry's eyes are the same colour as tom's favourite unforgivable (avada) AND the colour of his house, what do you mean TOM'S eyes are the colour of harry's favourite defence spell (expelliarmus) and the colour of his house. WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY ARE EACH OTHER'S OTHER HALF. WHAT DO YOU MEAN HARRY IS LITERALLY TOM'S SOUL??? 😭
NOT TO MENTION THESE THINGS AREN'T EVEN FANON LIKE...? lmk if i missed something though.
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If you are living right now in 2023 and are still a big fan of LOTR please reblog bro where are my fellow Tolkienites (Tolkieneers?)
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handledwithgloves · 5 months
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harry potter pov:
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sumerek · 14 days
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.slytherin prefect.
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