#loquatius RUINED me
beedreamscape · 1 year
Changelings are to me what Tieflings are to other folk
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sourpeachjam · 2 years
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i got this off a tiktok and i don’t even know anything about the book it’s from but ever since i first read it i thought of it with laerryn and loquatius and it has not left my mind since
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starlingcircus · 2 years
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Original post: Ah, yes. The best D&D dynamic...divorced. I hope whatever happens with Laerryn and Loquatius ruins me for centuries. Update: It did. [Twitter]
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Adding “If we ruin her plans... we don’t get Evandrin back” to my list of Calamity quotes that make me go absolutely feral
Like, more than anything I feel like that’s when Loquatius chose Laerryn and her plan over anything else.  Up until that point, he’d argued against the road she was on with prioritizing the Leywright over everything (including preventing the Calamity, which is a lot even if she couldn’t have been aware of the full scale) and had mostly been asking questions and offering relatively neutral suggestions in the group.  But right there he’s clearly trying to manipulate Zerxus into taking Laerryn’s side and, like, he’s taking his weapon and pointing it in the direction Laerryn points and it’s so good
And the pause!  For a moment it looks like he might be saying something else, something more along the stopping Lycretia track, but he chooses ruin and the world, (by which I mean Laerryn, who’s his world)
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annemarieyeretzian · 2 years
laerryn has never missed even one of loquatius’ broadcasts. ok. cool. what a cool detail to include. what a cool detail to include that I’m being so, so normal about.
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youcancallmekathyp · 2 years
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Not me thinking about Loquatius manhandling Laerryn when she asks for it. He absolutely sees it on her face too, when she comes in and it’s been a very long day of incompetent people going on her nerves, he just grabs her and lifts her into the desk. Ruining half the notes he’s made, which is why he has to wing it the next day at work, and nobody notices but Laerryn who just quietly smiles to herself.
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nezumidou · 2 years
One of the hundreds of things that still gives me chills about the final moments of the finale is that Cerrit, knowing the odds are slim, stands on the threshold of what should be his grave and watches as its structural foundations slowly begin to unravel, to collapse around them, at the same time that the ground shakes and the fire spreads. He puts all of his attention, all of his years of experience, into at least looking for some escape route, because it's the least he owes his family, the promise he made to his children.
And what really gets to me, what destroys me a little and at the same time makes me smile... is that on the verge of the end of the world they know, his friends continue to believe in the impossible. Because they just achieved the unthinkable. Together, and thanks to Laerryn's genius, this group destroyed titans and created a path of hope for Exandria. Why not go further? Why not keep defying fate? They weren't going to stop now.
So Nydas gives him inspiration to continue, with a smile, just before falling at the hands of one of his creations. Laerryn takes it upon herself to guide him through the soon-to-be ruins. Loquatius gives him one of his most precious possessions, so that Cerrit can rewrite the commands of destiny..
Taking with him the sacrifice of all of his friends, Cerrit allows himself to believe in the impossible.
What is fate against the Ring of Brass?
And they manage to bend it to their collective will once again.
They die and live, on their own terms.
The Ring of Brass endures, determining its own fate one last time.
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sky-scribbles · 2 years
An extremely dumb, non-serious, but fun scenario I’ve been kicking about in my head: Caleb and Essek learn that the ruins of an Age of Arcanum city can be found deep underneath the Shattered Teeth. They head there for a study date. They soon stumble upon a strange bubble of combined abjurative and fey magic that contains two mages locked in an embrace, frozen by whatever instinctive magic protected them in the moment the city fell.
And because they can’t leave anything alone, this leads to a secnario where there are two pairs of sun-moon dichotomy, star-crossed mage lovers running about the ruins of Avalir, with the post-Calamity wizards trying to teach the others about their new world, and the pre-Calamity wizards trying to teach the others about their old world.
Featuring such highlights as:
Caleb offhandedly mentions their archfey friend-of-a-friend, Artagan. Loquatius, immediately: ‘oh, that asshole.’
Essek practically cries with envy when he hears about Laerryn’s grant funding for blasphemous projects.
Laerryn and Essek, both elves, wake up four hours ahead of their partners. Cue excruciating attempts at small talk from them both in the Tower library as they struggle to pass four hours alone together, until they both realise that they’re both equally bad at it and just sit in relieved silence.
Except for the time they go on a four-hour rant about their issues with divinity. Caleb and Quay find them co-authoring the most blasphemous essay they’ve ever seen together.
On one occasion, Essek and Laerryn are working on some arcane conundrum while Caleb and Loquatius keep watch or gather research nearby. Caleb looks lovingly over his shoulder at Essek, in full flow, spilling out ideas, eyes alight. ‘It is a privelege to watch them, ja?’ And Quay closes his eyes and remembers all the times he seethed with resentment at Laerryn’s work, because it pulled her attention away from him, left him lonely and wanting. ‘Yes,’ he says softly, ‘it really is.’
Quay and Essek venting over the stress involved trying to keep their partners alive (’and if I hadn’t cast Silvery Barbs right then -’ ‘I have experience with this. On one occasion, Caleb dragged me to this obelisk in the wastes of Eiselcrosss...’) Meanwhile Caleb and Laerryn are in the next room over having the exact same conversation about them.
There are deep, intense discussions between the three wizards about regret and living with the weight of mistakes, to the point that Loquatius starts to wonder if he should murder someone so that he can fit in.
Caleb: ‘And then the Somnovem plane shifted their entire section of the city to the Astral Sea.’ Laerryn: ‘Plane shifted it? With threshold crests?’ Essek: ‘Yes.’ Laerryn, superbly disdainful: ‘Amateurs.’
Feel free to add more.
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birdverbatimcosplay · 2 years
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“I f✨✨✨ing love insighting the world.”
Loquatius Seelie created by Sam Riegel for Critical Role / EXU Calamity.
Quay/Edit: @birdverbatimcosplay
📷: @thenot-so-magicalgirl
I have not been good about posting on here but here is an update: EXU Calamity has ruined me.
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honourablejester · 2 years
Okay. Quay. Loquatius. Of all the things he did in the Herald’s Tome this episode. That speech. Shutting Loras straight down, cool as a fucking cucumber. Choosing ruin and the world, choosing Laerryn and saving the people of Avalir and Cathmoira, over saving himself and returning to the Feywild. Impersonating Eldamir to authorise the evacuation of the city, to make sure that the administration would back it to the hilt. Memorialising his friends and his wife as his last broadcast. Choosing not to broadcast his falsified story of Laerryn as the hero. Of all those things. And they were … a lot. But of all those things, two things struck me hardest.
Leaving his pin, his sigil as the Herald, on the desk of Elena Tuvaris, the reporter he betrayed.
And thanking Aria, at the last, for being part of the truth that matters.
It wasn’t just about them. The Ring of Brass. At the end, he acknowledged that it wasn’t just about them. So quietly, in such tiny ways. He acknowledged his wrongs, even if just to himself, and finally thanked the person without whom that last broadcast wouldn’t even have been possible, this poor assistant he got up in her nightdress and her curlers during the apocalypse to help him, and who came, instantly and immediately, and did everything she could to help him get that message out.
Aria: It’s meant the world to me to work for you. And I don’t know what the shape of the world’s gonna be, and I don’t know what’s happening out there, but I know that no matter how dark it gets out there, that the truth is gonna matter.
Quay: … It always does. And you are a big part of it. Thank you.
That was the quietest fucking elegy for his own sins I’ve ever seen. The truth always matters, and he knows he has betrayed it before, and even now he’s lied again, but the truth matters, and people like Aria are part of it, and he’s seen to it that at least she and the others have a chance of making it out. Even as he and the Ring of Brass, like the other administrators he’s commanded to stay, probably won’t. He knows they won’t. That’s why he asked they be remembered.
And so the radio man locks the officers in the boardroom, orders the lifeboats swung out, and goes down to the engine room of a sinking ship. To be with the woman he loves.
Fuck this show so much. God. I’m crying.
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talkshitgetcrit · 2 years
I have not watched EXU: calamity and obviously the later episodes aren’t even out yet.
But I already know I NEED a scene of a bloodied, and beaten, and 95% sure they are going to die Laerryn and Loquatius.
I want them among ruins, with broke ribs and nearly broken minds, and with a death-defying smile and the comfort of being with someone who knows you and is known to you.
Who cares they don’t love each other like that anymore? They are with probably the only person who ever truly knew them, and loved them, and they are so familiar with each other‘s souls, they do not have to hide the ugly bits or put on a brave facade.
Give me misery, and laughing in the face of it, because that laugh will endure and echo trough the ages. Give me ironically toasting your own death, and a silent, crooked smile that says more than every blistering, scathing screaming match they had.
I don‘t want any romance bullshit, I want „I hate this person but they are my person, and if I have to die, by the gods I could not wish for a better way than to die side by side“
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beedreamscape · 9 months
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This one's going on the first page of the People's Paper...
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seelieyoulater · 2 years
Everyone keeps talking about “Ruin” by The Amazing Devil for Laerryn and Loquatius, but what about “Battle Cries”
I mean, 
“Don't be uncouth, be a man (Tell the truth to me love, does my hair look as nice...) Don't lie with your eyes, you know I despise that look (...as it did when you once tangled up in your eyes?)”
“With you, I could summon the gods and the stars (Come on love, please, don't start) Watch them dance out the plays that we wrote from the heart (Sing your notes, play your part) And we'd laugh at the ghosts of our fears (Then we'll leave) We were gods, we were kids”
“Wielding words against make-believe wizards and tanks (Say goodbye) And by God, love, believe me, I wanted to play too, I did (And I am not a...) But we sunk into water no creature can know (A drunkard, a daughter, a preacher, God knows) You dragged us both into the darkness that grows (How you dragged me along to watch all your shows) Our devils broke rank (Oh, dear God) and out of the depths came an army (I won't...) I won't let you turn our last night into this (Leave without a fight)”
“All it took to unearth in the dust and the dirt Some release or respite from the heat and the hurt Was taking the time now and then to ask how I am And now at the end (At the end of all things) I'm not gonna scream, beat my chest at the wind I'm doing fine”
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nochiquinn · 2 years
exandria unlimited: calamity: episode 3: Within Ten Feet Of Me
I skipped the live airing for reasons of Being Real Fucked Up, I've got notepad up for watching the vod but idk how much actual liveblogging will take place (for reasons of Still Being Kinda Fucked Up)
"they were makin chicken noises"
"am I a snitch or am I a reporter to the people?"
lmao the sticky note over luis' macbook
"don't invoke artax"
"that's a big ol' brumestone!"
necromancy is so tacky
"so he has back problems"
"electives courses is important!"
"talk about the dragon, I gotta go get a dragon"
"heard you was talkin shit"
"miles' friend sucks"
attel spack
miles come get your friend
I didn't ask how big the room is
the fringe on marisha's shirt confuses me
oh I know that vertebra
"you have approximately one hour before you can't move"
"tight clump, the ideal d&d formation"
everybody just piling on to protect loquatius
"I just lay down and cry in the street"
rogues are whatever
loquatius is whatever
muscle wizard casts fist
"they're gonna eat me"
"I made the wrong choices! D:"
fucking flayed men motherfuckers
reverse what now
"there's no ceiling" "YEAH"
"Sam Riegel Hurt My Feelings"
"it makes ground 👆 that way"
piratical dexterity
cast stab
stab a BUNCH
hasted paladin HASTED PALADIN
aabria's face rn
"I mean if you INSIST...."
"you're my best fucking friend"
I probably missed a bit bc twitch lost my place when I restarted my computer >:[
(honestly it's on me, I should have left a timestamp for myself)
"can [cerrit] see windows or"
por'co's impenetrable bubble
circle of WHAT
necromantic dutch oven
Mutiny Has Only One Punishment
wesley snipes??
I have been informed the second half of this episode is A Lot
"I just beat them with Faerie Fire, guys"
"we're at a table. I can reach you."
this feels like when you have to go around the classroom and say something about yourself
double twenties means all the batteries are safe
"let it fix marisha!!"
"I'll excuse myself"
"you look really nice today" lays in the floor
lays in the floor about the whole conversation but that was the emotional damage capstone
"short the tithe" that feels unwise
"insight and deception into yourself"
"I wanna unpack THAT"
"there's one story of a faerie who stumbled into this world and fell in love"
"why are you like this"
"I'm actively dying"
"you asked to not remember" fuck the what
patia what did you DO
"I hold that title very dear and sacred - but I hold that title"
"are you guys having like a cute divorce moment?" "shut UP"
cerrit: now is the time travis: I want the TEA
"none of this matters, and he does" hello 911 aabria iyengar and sam riegel are fuckiNG MURDERING ME
zerxus: zone of truth laerryn and loquatius: absolutely fucking not
hello 911 brennan lee mulligan is fucking murdering me
hey what the fuck
Generic Tablet Device
"she doesn't trade in gold, but rather her grandfather's name" WOW
"I'm glad I killed you"
"your eminence...what the fuck"
it's gonna be weird going back to the low-level chaos gremlins and not getting all these big numbers
"I leave." and I walk away
only, y'know. furious.
"I'm gonna go take care of mine now"
"you guys are very good at playing D&D!!"
by your powers combined
Time to Tree
"the biggest mistake I ever made was not trusting you" lays in the floor
"you already saved me once, maybe I can return the favor"
quay is gonna die bc he is a sam riegel character and I am going to cry
"the tree is ruining my cool magic"
aabria going from muttering death threats at the tree to "YOU SPEAK PRIMORDIAL?!?!" is very funny to me
"Iiiiii chose dwarvish"
hey laerryn
hey laerryn whatcha doin
that's a trick question I know what you're doing please stop
against laerryn???
hey what the fuck??
hey what the f u c k??
big You Activated My Trap Card energy
"choose wisely. but choose."
patia: fuck y'all, I got shit to do
it's always fucking bears
sam riegel, forever drunk on Love My Wife juice
up to and including if the wife is fictional
(or yeza)
laerryn got LAIR ACTIONS
lou going under the fucking table
"do I get advantage if I roll from down here?"
Is He Within Ten Feet Of Me
"I need you to make this decision, I can't because I'll cheat" you know what A+ self-awareness
brennan that's so many dice
"go find my die!"
"what are we even doing now?" EXCELLENT QUESTION
"never trust a motherfucker with a cause"
there's only 20 minutes left in this episode and I Am Experiencing Fear
oh shit it's his mom
brennan how are you doing that with your voice
oh the LITERAL big bang, okay
the frantic note taking
"not fear at what I'm seeing, fear at what you're doing"
and it WORKS kdjfslk I'm going to die
would that also blight them?!?!?
oh no
travis I will FIGHT YOU
I'm suing travis willingham for emotional damages
brennan's going in the suit
oh what in the fullmetal alchemist
I'm going to die
but that's bullshit tho! if they were gonna take advantage of it they would whether they knew what it was for or not!
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annemarieyeretzian · 2 years
loquatius telling laerryn “I’ve been able to become anyone I want my whole life. I just want to be with you.” and laerryn saying “I can’t believe that the thing I almost broke beyond fixing was us. you’re the best thing that ever happened to me, and I have lived my life in defiance of the gods; but meeting you and being loved by you is a miracle. so I know they’re real. and for whatever time we have left. I love you.” and loquatius saying “I love you too.” and kissing her (bonus: the two of them embracing as everything starts to explode and turn to ash around them)
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