#loot 1970
ozu-teapot · 1 year
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Loot | Silvio Narizzano | 1970
Lee Remick
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wohlbruecks · 1 year
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thecubes · 1 year
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Just finished watching Loot (1970)
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nickyandmikey · 2 years
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Loot (1970) dir. Silvio Narizzano
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loot1970 · 10 months
What if the reason Hal couldn't lie is because of the autism and not the catholicism?
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rudjedet · 1 year
Broke: why are the pyramids still in Egypt? Because they don't fit in the British Museum
Woke: why are the pyramids still in Egypt? Because the Metropolitan Museum of Art couldn't fucking traffick them like they did 1000s of other artefacts
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blueiskewl · 4 months
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Moscow Auction House Sells a $1 Million Painting Stolen from a Ukrainian Museum
In Russia, Ukrainian artist Ivan Aivazovsky’s painting “Moonlit Night” has been put up for auction, according to Ukraine’s former Deputy Attorney General and Prosecutor of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Gyunduz Mamedov, who has reported the auction plans.
Russia’s looting and destruction of Ukrainian museums and cultural heritage sites have resulted in significant losses, with nearly 40 museums plundered and almost 700 heritage sites damaged or destroyed since the invasion began in February 2022, causing cultural losses estimated in the hundreds of millions of euros.
The first report that “Moonlit Night” will be the main lot of the auction, which will take place at the Moscow Auction House on 18 February, appeared on the Telegram channel by Russia’s state-funded news agency RIA Novosti, noting that the painting was estimated at 100 million rubles (approximately $1.09 million) before the sale.
‘In 2017, [Interpol], at the request of [Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Crimea], put the paintings on the international wanted list. Thus, Russia openly disregards [international law], as according to the 1970 UNESCO Convention, the export of cultural properties and transfer of ownership is prohibited,” Mamedov emphasized on X.
In 2014, during the early stages of Russia’s occupation of Crimea, Aivazovsky’s painting “Moonlit Night” was illegally transferred to the Simferopol Art Museum, along with 52 other artworks.
In 2022, during the Russian invasion of Ukraine, some of his works were destroyed in an airstrike on the Kuindzhi Art Museum in Mariupol, and others were looted by Russian forces from Mariupol and Kherson museums, including “The Storm Subsides,” which was moved to the Central Taurida Museum in Simferopol, Crimea.
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This is one of the only terracotta warriors that was found almost completely intact.
Note the detail on the bottom of his shoe, showing that grip and traction were considered in footwear even 2,200 years ago.
Each life-sized clay warrior was crafted to be completely unique and there are no two terracotta warriors-among the 8,000 total—that are exactly the same.
Shortly after the completion of the tomb in 210-209 BC, it was looted for weapons and burned, causing the roof to collapse, crushing the terracotta warriors.
All the other terracotta warriors that are currently on display were painstakingly restored.
What's even more remarkable is that the terracotta warriors were originally painted in bright colors by skilled artisans.
Unfortunately, when they were exposed to air and sunlight during the excavation in the 1970s, the colors began to curl up almost immediately and disappeared within minutes.
These terracotta warriors were put in place to guard the tomb of the first emperor of unified China — Qin Shi Huang (18 February 259 BC – 12 July 210 BC).
To this day, the tomb has yet to be opened.
According to ancient historians, the tomb contains an entire kingdom and palace in which the ceilings are decorated with pearls to mimic the night sky.
The tomb is also said to contain extremely rare artifacts and has been rigged with crossbows to shoot anyone trying to break in.
To keep its location a secret, the workers were entombed with the emperor.
As described by Han dynasty historian Sima Qian (145-90 BCE) in the Records of the Grand Historian, he mentioned that inside the tomb, "mercury was used to fashion the hundred rivers, the Yellow River and the Yangtze River, and the seas in such a way that they flowed."
Modern tests have indicated extremely high levels of mercury in the surrounding soil.
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i learned that in the 1970's the Ford Transit van, with car performance and space for 1.75 tonnes of loot, was used in 95% of bank robberies in the UK (x)
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ozu-teapot · 1 year
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Loot | Silvio Narizzano | 1970
Lee Remick
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wohlbruecks · 1 year
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darlin-djarin · 1 year
Hiya! I've been lowkey stalking ur blog for the last few weeks bcs i recently got rllllllly into dinluke and saw ur recent post about fic, so now I'm wondering if you have any reccs (dinluke ofc)?! I like ur content and read ur tags so I'd say our taste in fic probably overlaps. Hope you have a nice day!! 🌻
hey!! and yeah i’ve got a few fics that i think a lot of dinlukers might like
first let me link @transmascskywalker's list because that’s where i started out originally!!
now as for my fic recs~
some of these fics might overlap, i’m just putting down the ones i loved most. i’m sure i’ve read tons more but these are the ones i found that you can busy yourself with :)
The Storm by shirozora
Din Djarin needs a new ship.
Greef Karga makes him a deal - do some work for the guild and he'll get a brand new gunship. One such job takes him to a planet with a volatile storm system to track down a double-crossing bounty hunter. What he doesn't know is that the bounty hunter is there to loot an ancient Jedi temple. What neither of them know is that someone else is also on the planet searching for the temple.
And then the storm rolls in.
my comfort fic btw ^^ i’ve read it so many times
Mystery Man by snapdragonpop007
Luke is seeing someone, apparently.
And really, it’s none of Anakin’s business.
modern au
one of the best, funniest fics i’ve ever read ^^
Unfold by SilverScriptings
Han can’t help but be suspicious of a certain Mandalorian who’s been spending an awful lot of time at the Jedi Temple…
A Little Farther Down the Line by Chromat1cs
Austin, Texas, 1973. Din Djarin plays the guitar, worries about his kid, and runs aimlessly from a past that pulled the roof down around his ears. When a stunningly-talented duo of up-and-coming performers turns Din’s plans of being a simple session musician clear on their head, Din must decide between the safety of mundanity or the unlooked-at thrill of following his heart lest the tape run out on this track of his life before he’s through recording it.
modern (1970’s) au
the warmest bed i’ve ever known by ceedawks
pre-original series, din djarin is injured on a remote planet and found by an incessantly chatty farm boy named luke skywalker || i won't ask you to wait, if you don't ask me to stay || aka "making out with hot farm boys doesn't count as breaking the creed if he's blindfolded during it".
pre-ANH/meet on tatooine au (in-universe)
We Two Scorched the Earth by annathaema (moony)
That left Luke with a much bigger problem: The Sand People knew he was here, they’d likely sabotaged or stolen the speeder by now, and he was stranded in a cave with nothing but a rifle with three rounds left, a survival pack good for only a couple of days, and no transport home. Great. Luke leaned against the wall of the cave and tipped his head back, thumping the back of it against the stone over and over. He closed his eyes and wished for rescue.
Someone groaned.
pre-ANH/meet on tatooine au (in-universe)
Never leaving well enough alone by DarkIsRising
or Five Times Din and Luke Met (and one time they never parted)
He’s drunk, and he isn’t quite sure how that happened. That’s not true, Luke does remember vaguely how it happened, more or less, and it all started with Han.
Yoda’s Academy for Li’l Padawans by MissDinahDarling
Being a new student is hard.
Being a new student whilst your socially awkward father avoids the school at all costs and your new teacher pines uselessly over a man he’s never met before is even worse.
But by god, Grogu is gonna get through this.
modern au
Just Like Heaven by Kushana
At first, he watches.
Then, he touches.
sfw (both aroace ^^)
Romance As a Series of Debacles by The SexierEvilerCora
Han stumbles on a golden opportunity to make life difficult for Boba Fett, and drags Luke along as backup to crash a Mandalorian party.
Things do not go as planned for anyone involved.
modern au
it’s unfinished with only one chapter but it’s still worth the read
Honey Lemon Popsicle by coffeecatsme
“Good morning,” Luke chirps, not even looking up from the stove, “my honey bunches of oats.”
Din blinks several times, trying to get his muscles to unfreeze, and opens his mouth.
Then closes it.
Then opens it again. “What did you just call me?”
5 times Luke calls Din increasingly weird pet names, and 1 time he finds out Din likes it.
modern au
Restraint and Relaxation by Aureutr_Accoredge
Queen Amidala is sick of watching her son run himself ragged for every good cause he finds. When he collapses at his sister's engagement gala, it is the last straw.
Luke balks, so she summons one of her Mandalorian Knights to take him to the family's lakeside villa to make him rest.
By any means necessary
oneshot (v good ^^)
these are all the ones i recommend for now! i’ve read other really good fics, but these ones ^^ are the ones i’ve found myself return to at least one way or the other.
please let me know if you're looking for something more specific as well!! i'll do my best to find something for your tastes
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nickyandmikey · 2 years
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Loot (1970) dir. Silvio Narizzano
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loot1970 · 2 years
What about a REAL polyamorous triad movie from 1970?? Even better this one has a happy ending!! Gay subtext? No, this is just fully gay, bi, and queer! It’s even a comedy!! WATCH THE REAL MOVIE LOOT 1970
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backinthebottle52 · 7 months
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Loot (1970)
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mybeingthere · 7 months
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Camille Bombois (1883 – 1970) was a French naïve painter especially noted for paintings of circus scenes.
Bombois was born in Venarey-les-Laumes in the Côte-d'Or, in humble circumstances. His childhood was spent living on a barge and attending a local school until the age of twelve, when he became a farm worker. During his free time he drew and competed in wrestling competitions at local fairs. He became a champion local wrestler before joining a traveling circus as a strongman and wrestler.
In 1907, Bombois fulfilled his dream of moving to Paris, where he married and worked as a railway laborer, eventually finding a night job at a newspaper printing plant handling heavy newsprint rolls. Despite the exhausting nature of his job he painted from dawn to dusk, sleeping little. He showed his paintings in sidewalk exhibitions, but his earliest paintings, revealing the influence of the old masters in their subdued use of color, attracted few buyers.
1914 marked the beginning of four-and-a-half years of military service in World War I. Bombois spent much of it on the front line, earning three decorations for bravery. Upon his return home, encouraged that his wife had succeeded in selling a number of his paintings in his absence, he resumed his routine of night labor and daytime painting. In 1922, his sidewalk displays in Montmartre began attracting the attention of collectors. The art dealer Wilhelm Uhde "discovered" him in 1924, and exhibited Bombois' work in the Galeries des Quatre Chemins in 1927.[1] In 1937, his works were shown in the exhibition "Maîtres populaires de la réalité" in Paris. His first solo show was in 1944 at the Galerie Pétridès. Critics compared Bombois' work to that of Henri Rousseau, which it resembled in its naïve drawing, crisp delineation of form, and attention to detail, although Bombois was less of a fantasist than Rousseau.
The paintings of his maturity are bold in color, featuring strong contrasts of black, bright reds, blues and electric pinks. Drawing from his own experiences, he often painted circus performers and landscapes with fishermen. His paintings of women are emphatic in their carnality, and his landscapes are notable in their careful attention to space, and to the effects of reflected light on water. Bombois' works are on view in many public collections, notably the Musée Maillol in Paris.
In 2023, Bavarian town of Passau in Germany restituted a painting by Bombois that had been looted from Jewish collector Marcel Joseph Monteux, who was murdered in Auschwitz-Birkenau on August 15, 1944.
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