#looks similar to ur skin so it is less of a contrast to ur skin
milksnake-tea · 10 months
hello! congrats on your 1k followers, u deserve it! may i request for dan feng + fluff prompt 9 … maybe smt similar to ur dan feng fic? vidyadhara!reader?
this ask might be late and u don’t need to do the suggestions but i’d like to say that your writing always makes my day, keep it up! 💗 and again, congrats!
thank u!!
❀ ˎˊ- prompts: It's raining outside, and when you see them completely drenched, you immediately offer them shelter. ❀ ˎˊ- 1k followers event ❀ ˎˊ- character: dan feng ❀ ˎˊ- warnings: none !! ❀ ˎˊ- a/n: AIYEEE THIS WAS SO CUTE GOT ME KICKING MY FEET AND ALL <33 also thanks for the congrats !! sorry this was so late lol, i hope the fic makes up for it! also context, dan feng and reader are friends here, but reader is a different reader from under the lotus leaves <3
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Rarely does the Luofu see rain.
As an artificial planet, a man-made home that basked in the light of an artificial sun, the weather was very closely monitored and controlled. For a sudden storm to arrive either meant that someone higher up was having an off day, or the A.I. had decided that perhaps the Luofu was a tad bit dehydrated.
Still, it doesn't make it any less irritating to you, a civilian who wasn't informed of this sudden decision.
You clicked your tongue in annoyance. Of course it had to rain on your day off. You'd planned to have a nice, easy day outside of just strolling through Aurum Alley, but that plan was now out the window.
Oh, well. Nothing you could about it now.
Gripping your grocery bag closer to you, you held your free hand towards the sky. Water swirled around you in a mystical dance, the rain droplets stilling as if frozen in time. Soon enough, an invisible umbrella formed above your head, your hand keeping there in place.
It was times like these that you were grateful for your cloudhymm abilities. You stepped out into the drizzle, perfectly dry amongst the crowd.
As you neared your home, you faltered when you saw an unexpected figure taking shelter under one of the many overhangs.
The man in question flinched upon hearing your voice. Immediately, he turned away, embarrassed to be found in such a disheveled state.
"I... I'm fine," he stuttered. "Just... caught off guard."
You sighed, taking in the sight in front of you. Dan Feng's robes, so pristine and regal, were plastered against his body, soaked beyond what you'd thought was possible. His hair plastered against his skin as he wrung out what he could.
"Feng'er, with all due respect," you stepped closer, "you look anything but fine."
Dan Feng glared at you from the corner of his eye, but you weren't intimidated. You worked in customer service, after all.
You held out a hand. "Come here, my house is nearby. You'll get sick if you stay drenched like that."
Fire swirled in his eyes as he looked at you, wavering between pride and safety. Amongst the pouring rain, that turquoise hue glowed like flames, an ironic contrast to his abilities.
Eventually, his desire to get out of the rain triumphed over his pride. He reluctantly took your hand. You pulled him under your makeshift umbrella, your hand held high above the both of you as you led him to your home.
The walk there was quiet, save for the soft patter of rain and the curses of those caught within it. Left with nothing but your thoughts, your eyes began to wander. Soon, they landed on the hair of the High Elder, still wet and glossy despite Dan Feng's efforts to dry it.
"Hey, Feng'er," you spoke out into the silence, "can I ask something?"
Dan Feng contemplated it for a moment. "You may."
"You also wield cloudhymm. Why not use it to dry yourself off instead of, well..." You didn't need to go on.
The tips of Dan Feng's ears lit up in red. He quickly averted his gaze, but your eyes were quick enough to catch the pink dusting his cheeks.
"I..." He coughed into his fist. "Yingxing, he claimed that I couldn't go a day in my life without using magic."
"Ah." You couldn't help a snicker sneaking out, but you were quick to disguise it as a cough. "Is that right?"
"Yes," Dan Feng sighed in exasperation, crossing his arms. You smiled. His ears seemed to burn brighter now.
"To think you'd take the words of a short-lived so seriously," you mused. "Your stubbornness will be the death of you."
"Better to die than to let that arrogant mortal insult me so carelessly."
"Right, right, of course," you nodded. "We can't let the dignity of the High Elder be tarnished."
You felt a hard blow to your back, not hard enough to hurt you but certainly enough to make you stumble. Looking behind you, you saw Dan Feng's tail dart out of sight.
Dan Feng closed his eyes, evidently choosing to block you out. You rolled your eyes.
"Try that again and I'm leaving you next time."
Your friend chuckled.
"No, you love me too much to abandon me."
You kicked him into a puddle.
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reblogs w comments are appreciated !!
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usernyoom · 4 months
thank you very much i downloaded lightroom on my phone
if you're up to share more in depth tutorials on editing and lightroom in general i'm more than down for that i would love to learn more
thank you for taking the time to answer
anon you have opened pandora's box i fear!!!!
the first thing I always do is crop. I wish I could give you tips on framing beyond using the rule of thirds but I don't really have any rules other than that! it is about the Vibes. and i tend to prefer portrait photos! the ratio i use for those depends on how much I want to fit into the edit most of the time
lighting has a couple of different components. exposure changes the overall brightness of the photo. contrast makes the difference between the darkest and lightest parts of the photo (highlights and shadows) more or less extreme. adjusting highlights and shadows is mostly used to get back detail from those areas. the biggest thing to note about these is that highlights and shadows have a slimmer area of control compared to whites and blacks, which control more of the general tone of the image
curves is a bit of a different ball game. it allows you to change the brightness of very specific parts of the image. however, almost all f1 photographers edit their photos before posting so I very rarely need to do anything crazy with them!
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original photo compared to photo with lighting edits
the next thing i do is colour correct. temperature allows you to change the cool/warm tones of an image. tint allows you to correct greens/purples (e.g. if an image has a green tint you move the slider toward purple). these are a bit complicated and i recommend having ur brightness up quite high for these corrections!
vibrance and saturation do the same thing and increase/decrease the intensity of the colours in your image, but vibrance protects skin tones (doesn't change them)
once I've colour corrected i use colour grading and colour mix to change the colouring of the image. colour mix allows you to edit features of specific colours in the image. grading allows you to change the hue of the highlights, mid tones, and shadows individually. I have a few presets for grading that i use but it's important to remember that every photo is different, and what works for one may not work for another!
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photo with lighting edits compared to photo with colour edits
the 'details' section has a bunch of stuff, but generally only use clarity, dehaze, and grain. clarity is a type of contrast that let's you adjust the midtones of your image while preserving your shadows and highlights. dehaze does a similar thing. for grain, you adjust the intensity of it, the roughness of it, and the size of it (bigger grain size for bigger image etc.). i only sharpen a little bit for most images as I think if you sharpen too much it stops looking as natural?
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photo with colour & lighting edits compared to photo with detail edits
to do some other stuff that is a little more extreme/graphic style (???) it's better to use a more advanced editing app. to be honest, i use a free digital art app as it lets me change layers and blending modes, and erase bits of the image etc. this is also what I use to patch together original getty images and ones that have ai-ed out the credit bit
knowing what bits do what with to get the effect you want is what helps you get the feel you want. for example, I favour darker contrast for black and white images than I do for colour ones!!
hope this helped!!! feel free to send me anymore asks :)
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obxlife · 4 years
Roofied (Pogue Dynamic)
A/N: ok SO this is my first request in a WHILE! I had time this week so I’m going to be working on the requests I have, even those from before I came inactive. Cool? Cool. 
Pairing: Pogue Dynamic
Word count: 1603
Request: ok! so i really love all of ur kie x pogues fics so i was wondering if u could write an imagine where kie is assaulted at a kegger and the pogues are all protective/concerned? maybe she's been roofied and some guy forces himself on her?
Summary: The request, basically (lol). 
Warnings: Underage drinking, drugs, swearing, assault, etc. Also, Kie’s really naive in this, don;t hate her. PLEASE READ AT YOUR OWN RISK.
The keg had only begun ten minutes ago, but the Pogues were already on their third drinks. Well, except for Pope who doesn’t drink. 
Of course, this meant that Kiara was a little bit drunker than the boys, as she couldn’t handle her alcohol as well as them because of her low body weight and also because she had skipped lunch earlier.
This wasn’t stopping her from having a good time though. Soon after JJ served her fourth drink of the night she moved towards the dance floor to dance with some other girls from the Cut. Her hips moved from side to side as giggles and laughter escaped through her beer-coated lips. 
However, Kie soon enough felt as if she was melting. Her crop top and jean shorts seemed sticky against her skin due to the thin layer of sweat that covered her body. She moved towards the edge of the beach, where there were no bonfires and plenty of driftwoods she could sit upon. 
Kiara moved her gaze towards the stars, distracted at how beautiful it all looked. She hadn’t been out of her house in a while mainly because of all the schoolwork she had, but summer was approaching and this meant less homework. And more time to party.
A soft sigh escaped her lips just as she heard steps from behind her. Assuming it was one of her boys coming to pester her, she didn’t turn around and instead said, “What? Bored of the party already?”
To her surprise, the voice that answered didn’t belong to any of her friends or even someone she knew.
“Yeah, actually. Wondering what a pretty girl like you is doing here.”
The Touron looked like a Kook because of his clothes, but Kiara knew the boy that was in front of her was not from Kildare. He was cute, with green eyes and brown, curly hair, and a smile so white it seemed to blind her just as much as the sun. His tall, muscular build was attractive to her, but the words that spewed out of his mouth had Kiara rolling her eyes. Such patriarchal bullshit.
“To be alone, of course,” she replied before turning back towards the sky. The boy laughed but didn’t seem to get the hint as he sat right next to her. He placed his cup next to hers on the log, before turning to look at the stars.
“I take it you're not one to fall for flirting.”
Kiara scoffed and laughed at the same time, producing a weird sound. She normally would have been embarrassed, but the alcohol in her blood prevented her from feeling that.
“Not at all.”
Silence fell upon them and Kiara felt a bit awkward. She reached down for her cup and took a sip of the liquid. Her nose scrunched at the weird salty taste it had - she was almost sure her beer had not tasted that way before. However, when she took another sip, her beer almost seemed normal. Had she imagined it? She wasn’t sure. Kiara blamed her inebriated state on the weird taste of her drink, assuming her brain had made it up.
“So, do you live here?” the Touron by her side asked. 
“Yeah, year-round,” she answered while turning to look at him. He was closer to her, and she noticed how his eyes darted towards her cup for a second before looking up at her again. 
“That’s cool. I bet you're like a pro surfer or something.”
This earned a giggle from Kiara, who suddenly began to feel a little bit dizzy. She pushed the feeling away as she continued to talk to the cute boy beside her. His replies made her laugh, but she slowly felt herself becoming less and less focused on her surroundings, similar to a camera lens that was unfocused. She tried to talk, but her words seemed to slur together. 
Feeling unsafe, she tried to stand and make up an excuse to get back to the party, but the boy stood with her as she fell towards him, barely being able to support his own weight.
What is happening? Kiara questioned herself. She tried to think if someone had taken hold of her cup throughout the night, but she was sure only she had been holding it. But then what was wrong?
“What’s wrong?” The boy asked her as he pulled her closer. Kie tried to raise her arms to push the boy away, but they felt like they were led. Panic was rising within her as she realized that he, the unknown Touron she had been talking to, had probably been the one to slip something into her cup.
Barely being able to keep her eyes open, Kie tried to say, “I want to go back to the party.”
The boy only shushed her and pulled her along the beach, further from the other teenagers partying on the beach. Barely conscious now, Kie was truly panicking. She knew that soon enough she would be blacked out and that the boy holding onto her would be doing things to her that she didn’t even want to think about. At least I’ll be unconscious, Kie thought to herself.
Just as she felt the boy laying her down on the ground, a savior came through her bad luck. “Kie!” she heard someone shout. She couldn’t recognize the voice very well, but she was betting it was one of her boys.
“I’m here!” she tried to scream out, but a large, meaty hand came around her face and above her mouth.
“Shut up,” the Touron said to her as he reached down for his zipper. Kie forced her muscles to move against him, to fight him, but they were weighed down by whatever drug the boy had given her. 
“Stop, stop, please,” she tried to say. All of the noise coming from her mouth was muffled by the boy’s enormous hands.
“Kie!” the voice called again, a lot closer.
Kie couldn’t tell the difference between seconds and minutes now. She couldn’t tell if the boy above her had been fumbling with his shorts for only a few moments or for longer. She felt as if the space surrounding her was constricting and expanding at the same time, and her brain was so disconnected from the word that she swore she couldn’t feel the cold sand against her back.
All of a sudden, the Touron was thrown away from her body as another pair of hands came to rest upon her arms. They pulled her up into a sitting position, although Kie almost fell down again from not being able to hold herself up. She hated feeling like this, but no matter how hard she struggled against the drug she was under, she couldn’t help but slump over herself.
Another pair of hands came to hold onto her head just as her world turned completely black.
Panicked, Kie shot up from wherever she had been resting. Her eyes darted from one corner of the room to the other as recognition slowly entered her frantic eyes. Before her, she saw Pope, John B, and JJ. They were sprawled on the floor around the bed in the spare room of the Chateau. Kie controlled her erratic breaths until they seemed to be at a normal frequency, and she moved a bit as if to see how her muscles felt. She couldn’t remember much from the kegger after she began to talk to the green-eyed Touron, and she knew that was a bad sign.
In her panic, she moved across the bed and leaned over Pope. She shook his body as tears gathered within her eyes. “Pope! Pope! Please wake up.”
The dark-skinned teenager shot up from his place, the blanket that had been draped up to his shoulders slipping down to his waist. He rubbed his eyes before focusing on the crying girl before her. “Kie!”
“What happened?” she questioned as she wrapped her arms around her legs. Her crying had now also awoken John B and JJ, who sat down on the edge of the bed she was seated upon. Her eyes flashed to their knuckles, noticing both of them had scabs and dried up blood upon them. 
“Um... the Touron roofied your drink,” Pope began. Another strike of panic arose within Kie, as she brought her legs even closer to her body. “He was going to... do stuff to you, but we got there in time.”
Kie nodded before asking in confirmation, “So nothing happened?”
John B and Pope shook their heads as JJ answered her query, “Nah. We got there just in time. And we totally gave him what he deserved.”
“Yeah,” John B agreed. He brushed a hand through his hair, and the movement brought Kie’s attention to his black eye. Had they really saved her? “The douche was a total coward for doing that too. We beat him up pretty bad and made him promise he wouldn’t press charges against us or anything.”
Kie sobbed once again as she lunged forward, enveloping all three boys before her in her arms. She felt so safe with them - such a contrast to how she had felt at the boneyard with the Touron. She was so grateful to have them there taking care of her. They had even slept in the same room as her, almost as if guarding her.
“Thank you,” she whispered between her tears and choking sobs. The boys could only hug her back and hope that they could express through their actions just how happy they were that she was okay.
A/N: this was short and kind of bad but this was super hard for me to write, idk why. I’m sorry if this sucks.
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Sitting, Waiting, Wishing (SMUT)
anonymous said: Hey love! Love your writing so so so much! Can you do another Ben Hardy smut please? Thank you! Xx  AND  anonymous said: What about cockwarming with Ben Hardy ? ;)
(a/n: combining these because they’re similar and I need a break on requests omfggggg theres so many – also, just a heads up, but there probably wont be much any content from Friday to Sunday because I’ll be out of town. I’ll try to get part 5 of TNC out before then, and then I’ll come back with a cute lil sinful sunday joe piece hehe. also didnt have time to proofread so if u see a mistake.... mind ur business)
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“This is dumb. I’m just…. I’m going to drop out and live on the streets. I wonder if the underground red light district is a thing here.”
“It’s reassuring to hear that you know little to nothing about the sex shop scene of London,” Ben chuckled, blowing on the surface of his tea as he padded over to you. His hand dwarfed the cup, the veins in his arm protruding as he firmly gripped the handles of the mugs he was carrying. You gave him a quick once-over, smiling ever-so-slightly at the sight of your sex symbol boyfriend clad in dad boxers and slippers, looking like he’d just woke up, carrying two mugs of tea. It was a contrast, sure, but you didn’t really mind – Ben easily pulled off the messy, sleep-worn look like it was his job, and the tea was a welcome sight if you’d ever seen one.
“Thank you, babe,” you murmured as he sat yours down on the desk, a safe distance from the laptop you were just furiously typing at. As he leaned down, you tilted your head back to meet his lips in an affectionate kiss, and you smiled happily when he pulled away. Momentarily, he’d made you forget why you were pissed off in the first place, and you drank your tea contently as you looked up at him.
“So what’s the problem?” he asked, returning your attention to the screen, where you had a Quizlet for Much Ado About Nothing pulled up. You were in Intro to Shakespeare, and although you respected and revered the man as a genius, you just could not wrap your head about this work of Willy Shake’s, and the midterm was tomorrow. “Ooh, this is one of the better ones. Have you watched the film with Keanu Reeves in it? One of his more interesting roles, honestly.”
“Really, one of the better ones?” you groaned, burying your head in your arms as you laid down on the desk, defeated by this work. “I’m hopeless, Ben. Not even Keanu Reeves can save me now.”
“Well, although I’d love to call Keanu in and see him try, how about we settle for the next best thing?” he teased gently, tapping your side in a silent effort to make you move, so you pouted as you stood up and let him take a seat, then plopped right back down on his lap as you huffed. “Do you just want help studying? I love Much Ado, I could help you.”
“I don’t want to study anymore,” you grumbled, leaning back against his chest and crossing your arms as you glared at the laptop, which dimmed from the lack of usage. Ben’s arms snaked around your waist, a warm, inviting embrace that distracted you from the shit fit you were currently trying to throw. “I told you already, I’m going to drop out and become a hooker. You can be the pimp.”
Ben’s chest moved in a silent, exasperated sigh, and you held back a laugh as he chose not to entertain your wild suggestions, instead kissing your shoulder as he reached out and pressed a key, brightening the screen again. “Okay, Ms. Fussy, let’s just go over the flashcards.”
“How about we don’t and say we did?” Clearly fed up with your studies, you began to turn around in the seat so you could straddle him, but he caught on quickly and grabbed your hips, keeping you where you were.
Ben’s voice was lower this time, sending a shiver up your spine as he spoke. “Being a rascal tonight, are we?” You shook your head, vehemently denying the accusation, but he wasn’t blind to the obvious – you were purposely acting up to distract from the fact that you were horribly unprepared for the midterm. This illustrated itself in the way that one of his arms secured itself around your waist, the other reaching forward the pull up the flashcards on Quizlet. “Listen, Y/N, I’d love to take you over the desk right now.” Another shiver went up your spine. Damn this man and all his stupid, sexy words. “But as much as I love the sight of you in those sexy little pajama shorts you’ve got on right now, shagging on the desk wouldn’t be very productive, would it?”
He was right, unfortunately, and you pouted as you mumbled an incoherent answer that he could only gauge as a no. A soft chuckle left his lips and he pressed another kiss to your shoulder, lingering just a bit this time and giving a gentle nip to the skin as he pulled away. Making an involuntary pleased noise in the back of your throat, you leaned into him as he trailed the same love bites up your neck, stopping just below your jaw. “Ben, this isn’t very productive either,” you reminded him, your voice strained a bit as you tried not to completely melt at his touch.
“Okay, fair enough,” he admitted, pressing a gentle kiss to your jaw before nuzzling your neck, just sitting there and relishing in your presence for a moment before he spoke again. “How about we go on the middle ground? Do you trust me?”
“Of course,” you replied, not missing a beat. Trusting Ben? It was like second nature. You’d trusted him through thick and thin, through long nights crying because of period symptoms, through extended time away for filming. There was an endless amount of trust between the two of you, and that was something that extended to right here, right now.
“Then take off your pants, lovie,” he almost whispered, making your cheeks flush at the unholy sound. His voice was a sin in itself, dripping with lust, saturated with desire, and you were going to drown if you didn’t get your pants off soon. So, without another thought, you slipped your pants off, setting them to the side, and turned around to find Ben also slipping his boxers off. He was almost completely hard already, and he looked up at you as he started to stroke himself. There was a glint in his eyes, unreadable, but alluring as ever, and the smirk that played at his lips was fatally boyish, a sure sign that he was up to something.
When he patted his thigh as an offering to take a seat again, you did, straddling his right thigh as you faced the desk. And without hesitation, he pulled you back against him once again, slipping a hand down to rub your clit through your panties, which were gathering wetness by the second. How Ben turned you on with barely a look, you would never understand.
Ben’s thick arm wrapped around your waist to hold you flush against him, and he worked just one finger at your clit, the lacey fabric of your panties creating a whole new sensation that filled you with warmth and rolling waves of pleasure. You couldn’t help yourself as you began subtly grinding against his hand, eager for more, and Ben had to chuckle. “You really are being a little rascal tonight, so eager.”
“Just want you inside me,” you moaned softly, jolting slightly when he slipped your panties to the side, applying pressure directly to your clit.
“That’s the plan.” His voice was barely more than a mutter at this point, but even through the gravelly tone, you could make his words out clearly. “That’s been the plan since you put those damned skimpy little shorts on.”
That made you smirk. You knew exactly what you were doing with those bed shorts, and he knew that just as well as you. It didn’t stop him from complaining about it after every time he fucked you senseless because of them, and this would probably be no exception. Or, at least that’s what you thought.
Reaching back, you wrapped your hand around his cock and marveled at how hard he’d become in just minutes, the tip already leaking a bit of precum, which you gathered and used for lube as you began to lazily stroke the tip. He thrusted into your hand for just a moment, then groaned at himself and reluctantly pulled your hand away, instead moving you so you were directly over his lap. He pushed your panties to the side once again, dragging his cock through your folds to gather your wetness as he kissed your back lightly. “Ready?”
When he saw your nod, you could feel him pushing into you, and you let out a low moan as he stretched you out, the feeling still just as euphoric and simultaneously alien as the first time you’d fucked. Ben was breathing shallowly, the hot, short breaths hitting your back and raising goosebumps on the area as you sunk down onto his cock, slowly adjusting to him.
“Fuck, you’re tight,” he hissed, catching his tongue between his teeth as he bottomed out. Now you were seated on his lap, his cock buried deep into you, and as much as he wanted you to move, he had to make himself secure his arms around your waist, locking you down into the position. “Now, baby, listen to me,” he demanded, his voice a tad less directive than he’d like, but just dominant enough. “Every time you get an answer right, you can move again for 15 seconds. No more, alright? If you get it wrong or try to move out of turn, you have to sit there for 15 seconds without moving or talking.”
Horribly insecure about your knowledge of the play, every part of your brain was screaming at you to say no, to accept defeat. But your body was on fire, overwhelming your brain as your boyfriend was literally balls deep inside of you and not going anywhere. You needed movement, desperately, and if this was how you had to get it, then you were going to fucking ace that midterm if it killed you. So, you gave a reluctant nod and held back a gasp as he turned the chair ever so slightly so he could see the flashcard, grabbing his phone, which made him shift just a tiny bit inside of you.
“Alright, first question – what plan does Borachio devise that pleases Don John?” Ben’s voice was just as strained as you felt, but he showed remarkable control as he refused to move, waiting for anything, an answer, a pass, a guess. This one, luckily, you knew.
“He’s going to fuck Margaret on the balcony while she’s in Hero’s clothes, so Claudio will see and think Hero is a whore,” you answered hurriedly, Ben chuckling at your eagerness as he scrolled to 15 seconds on the time.
“Don’t think you can word it that way on the exam, but close enough.” With that, he started the timer and you rolled your hips, letting out a sigh of relief and a breathy moan as the much-needed movement was granted. But the 15 seconds were up before you knew it, and Ben’s arm trapped you once again, rendering you useless as he stopped the alarm. “Good girl. Next question – how much money will Don John pay Borachio if this works?”
Fuck. That one had you stumped. Who pays attention to details like that? You could hardly think as your mind wandered to Ben, his hand, wrapped around your throat just a bit, cutting off just a part of your air supply as he took you from behind. But his hand wasn’t at your throat. It was gripping your hips, the owner waiting for your answer patiently. “50 big ones?” you answered, smiling nervously as you knew the answer wasn’t even close, a quick tut-tut from Ben confirming the worst. You whined as you realized that this meant you’d have to wait even longer to move again, and you almost slumped over before you realized that the movement would be dangerously close to losing you another 15.
“1000 ducats. 50 big ones, really?” he teased, hitting start on the timer again as you tried to hold back your whimper, the feeling of him just resting inside of you driving you crazy. It was agonizing, silence and stillness and no hot, steamy sex where you’re lucky to make it out with less than three orgasms. Ben was quiet, stoic, and he stretched you out almost uncomfortably as you sat there. You were desperate for some kind of stimulation – you needed him worse than you’d ever needed him before. When the 15 second was up, you hit the next button for him, hurrying him into the next question and making him laugh at your impatience. “When Benedick is hiding in the garden, what do Don Pedro, Balthasar, and Claudio ‘reveal’ to his snooping ear?”
“Uhhh, is it that Beatrice is in love with him?” you asked, cringing as you waited for the correct answer. It was actually scaring you how well Ben was taking this cockwarming right now, and you wanted desperately to get this one right so you could show him just what he was missing by staying still.
“Correct,” Ben replied, and you moaned out in relief as he started the time again. This time you circled your hips, knowing it would drive him crazy – and it did. He groaned out your name as you did so, his grip loosening on your hips when you circled them again, sending a shockwave of pleasure up his whole body as he nearly forgot to abide by the timer. He was the more reluctant of the two as he shut it off, trapping you again. To add to the teasing, you clenched around him, making him jump ever so slightly as he growled, “Watch it.”
“Oops?” You feigned innocence, shrugging as you returned to normal. This continued on for all 30 questions, and you found yourself practically aching to just have a moment to breathe as all of this brief movement was edging you, promising relief and then absolutely denying it a few seconds too soon. It was exciting, sure, but you were not a fan of this cockwarming business after about 10 questions of pure teasing. When he hit the last question, you were ready to swear off of it forever. The question was about the evidence that Claudio and Hero had to prove that Beatrice and Benedick loved each other. “Oh, that’s easy,” you said, “- love letters.”
“Good girl,” Ben groaned as he shut the laptop, sitting back and sighing in relief. “You did so good. You’ll ace that midterm, for sure.”
You rose off of him slowly, wincing at the loss as you stood, and you could feel his sturdy hands resting on your hips as he rose to his feet as well. He was still painfully hard, his cock veiny and red as he tugged you over to the bed with him, crawling under the covers with you and hovering over you as you laid flat on your back, exhausted by what had just happened. You’d never been brought to the edge so many times, only to just have to wait there and suffer as the high slowly receded again and again.
Ben’s soft, slender lips pressed against your own, bringing you out of your own thoughts as you reciprocated earnestly, a hand reaching up to cup his jaw. He was slow and deliberate with his kisses, deepening them as he moved to kneel between your legs, supporting his weight on his elbows.
Pulling away, you nudged his nose with yours as you took a breather, watching as his eyes slowly opened to reveal dilated pupils, blown out from lust and overexertion. You could barely see the beautiful green irises that framed the pupil, too obscured by the need that was overwhelming him at this point. “Hey – we did good,” you murmured, Ben’s eyebrows furrowing as he sat up a bit, eyes running over your features. “But let’s never do that again.”
An amused laugh escaped his lips and he nodded in agreement as he pressed his lips to yours once more, just briefly, and then he was sitting back on his heels as he pulled your hips toward him. “As much as I enjoyed seeing you squirm, it also made me squirm, so I 100% agree.” Wrapping your legs around his waist, he lined himself up at your entrance again, stroking himself a few times before sliding into you once again.
You gasped, a soft ‘oh’ escaping your lips as you realized he wasn’t nearly as warm as he was minutes before, and he paused as he raised an eyebrow in question. “Don’t stop, just adjusting,” you murmured, a slight redness filling your cheeks as he grinned and shook his head.
“Alright, just checking.” And with that, he’d buried himself in you once again. But now, he wasn’t stilling in you. Now, he was moving, his thrusts rhythmic and medium-paced as he bit down on his lower lip, digging his fingers into your thighs and using them as leverage. This was a welcome change of pace from moments ago, the feeling of his hips meeting yours with each thrust making you moan in appreciation.
Reaching down, you took one of his hands, clutching at it and murmuring, “Faster.” You needed more. You needed release, the sweet feeling of release, after you’d been denied it for that long. And he complied, grunting softly as he sped up his thrusts, filling the room with the sound of skin on skin and short, panting breaths. He kept a tight grip on your hips with one hand while the other moved up your side to just below your ribcage, his touch light enough to set off goosebumps. You were overwhelmed with pleasure, closing your eyes to relish in the sounds and touches, all light, but equally heavy.
“Can’t hold off much longer, don’t have a condom,” Ben admitted as he took a trembling breath, slowing down his thrusts for a moment and attempting to pull out, but you locked him into you by pressing your heels into the small of his back, trapping him as your eyes opened suddenly. The wordless exchange that took place between you made Ben moan lowly as he realized what you were saying with your actions, and he nodded before returning to his previous pace, his hands gripping your hips tightly. “God, I fucking love you.”
“I love you too, babe, now let go,” you murmured, your sentence punctuated with a moan as he pressed his thumb to your clit, rubbing it in quick circles to match the rhythm of his hips. Your climax crept up on you out of nowhere at this action, overtaking your body and making you writhe in pleasure as you called out his name, your face contorted with euphoria. As you clenched around him, you dug your heels into his back again, causing his hips to stutter and triggering his own orgasm. You faintly heard him grunting and groaning all kinds of expletives as he came inside you, the feeling of all of this happening at once only deepening the sensation for the both of you.
“Oh, Christ,” he murmured as he pulled out of you, trying to catch his breath as he reached for the tissues on the nightstand. His chest was reddish in color, heaving with each breath he took, and he glistened with sweat as he tried to clean the both of you up as best as he could. After a minute or two, he gave up on the tissues and flopped down on the bed next to you, wiping at his forehead quickly. “You alright?” he asked breathily, looking over at you as you laid there, letting your body recover from what had certainly been an interesting hour or so.
“Yeah,” you replied softly, reaching out to take his hand and bringing it up to your mouth when you did so, kissing his knuckles as you looked over at him. “Love you, bubs.”
“Love you too, angel.” A smile lit up his face as he gazed over at you affectionately, his eyes no longer blown-out from sex, having returned to their original pale green luster that you adored so much. He was currently a sweaty mess, sure, but that only endeared him to you more, and he was thinking the exact same thing about you as he reached over, cupping your face and leaning forwards for a quick, tender kiss. “Now, aren’t you glad that we didn’t call Keanu Reeves in for this?
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maypalserrup · 5 years
They Were Birds (Colt Kaneko x f!MC)
“They Were Birds”
Colt Kaneko x f!MC (Risa Ferrera)
Word count: 1291
Takes place right after the end of chapter 12, if u weren’t a bitch ass and snitched on the Crew to Jason. AKA ur ass dying in the vault. 
angst! sorry, but not really xoxo (colt I still love you)
Risa was smart; and being smart, she was entirely aware death was inevitable. Being aware of the inevitability of death, and that life and the universe were fickle, often left her pondering how and when she might die in a way she had no control over: making a deposit at the bank when someone decided to rob it at gunpoint, crossing the street when someone blows through a red light, being in the school gym when someone decided to rig explosives in the boiler room during a rally, à la J.D. from Heathers. Amidst all the scenarios she had thought of, she had never thought she would be trapped in a vault in an underground Los Angeles casino, feeling her throat close up as she watched gas spew from a grenade on the floor in front of her.
Despite Jason being a traitor, she should have listened. Despite getting Logan to help her attempt to stop the Crew, she should have listened. Despite feeling her heart break when Colt told Logan to “Get rid of her,” she should have marched her ass out of that casino. Risa quickly shook her head. It wasn’t in her moral compass to walk out when she knew people were going to end up hurt, end up dead. But if she had just left when Jason told her to, she would be able to call her father, tell her she loves him…
Call. Jason told her to leave and call her father. She had her phone on her, tucked in her back pocket.
Risa did her best to work through the mental fog coming from her slowly losing her ability to breathe. If she called her dad, she would be able to tell him she loved him, tell him goodbye. But if she called someone from the Crew, she might be able to make it out alive…
She scrambled to grab her phone from her back pocket. At this point, the fog was steadily getting thicker, and her mind was steadily getting foggier, making it difficult to focus on something as simple as calling someone. Risa squinted, unlocking the device and going to her contacts, scrolling down until she saw…
Colt Kaneko.
In her inability to think straight, she called him. It was the first name from the Crew she saw (alphabetical contacts, after all), and it didn’t cross her mind until she had her phone pressed to her ear that he might not even pick up. She wasted precious time calling someone who might not even pick up.
“Please,” Risa croaked out, hugging her knees with her free arm on the floor, “Pick up, pick up, pick up.”
“Risa, I told you to leave-”
Risa almost cried tears of relief when she heard his voice.
“Colt,” she cried out, “Please. Please help, I-I-I’m in the vault, and I-” She coughed, and when she inhaled, her throat was so swollen it felt like nothing got through to her lungs. Her mind was getting hazier, but she heard a Fuck! and a handful of muted voices in the background.
It hurt to think at this point, to put any energy into trying to wrap her head around anything that was going on. All she could think of was trying to get oxygen down her throat and to her lungs, but at this point, it was easier to lie on the floor and accept whatever the universe had in store for her.
Her dad always taught her that the universe had a plan, and that sometimes you just had to accept what was meant to be rather than push back and fight it. He told her that on days he worked on dangerous cases, saying that if he died on the job, it was because it was what was meant to be. Risa didn’t think her dad, or her, ever thought that kind of sentiment would apply to her, lying on the cool metal floor of a vault that would ultimately become her final resting place.
The cool floor felt nice. Risa curled up, resting her cheek on the floor, and all she could focus on was the stark contrast between how hot she felt and how cold the floor was against her warm skin. Her vision began to warp, like she was trapped in a tunnel, looking forward, and despite her mental state (or lack thereof) she was faintly aware of hearing commotion from the other side of the vault door, the metallic creak of it swinging open, of the light in the room changing when the lighting from the hallway flooded in.
Risa’s eyelids fluttered rapidly, and suddenly the idea of sleeping sounded really, really good to her. She jumped as she felt someone pick her up and she heard a voice in her ear as she was rushed out into the hallway. Someone was talking to her, but all she could hear was a warbled noise, like Ms. Othmar from Peanuts when she spoke to the students.
Something changed. All of a sudden, she realized she wasn’t breathing in some noxious gas, but rather clean oxygen. She didn’t feel blinded from the harsh fluorescents in the vault, but rather felt warm from the yellow lighting in the hallway. Risa tried to put her energy into keeping her eyelids open, see who was carrying her, find out where she was, but she was exhausted, and she still felt like she was suffocating.
The person set her on the floor. Risa put more effort into seeing who was holding her, and her brain barely made out blue velvet, just like Colt was wearing. Did he come to save me? Her brain was still muddled, her head still aching, but she became keenly aware of her sweatshirt being tugged on. She realized it was Colt, his hands bunched into her sweatshirt as he buried his face in her chest. And… was he crying?
“Ri,” Colt cried, and in that one word, that was the most emotion she had ever heard the black-haired-boy express before. “I’m so sorry. God, I really fucked up.”
Risa opened her mouth to speak, but she just coughed instead, her throat still feeling like someone had taken a bicycle pump and inflated it close to bursting. Her inhale was more of a wheeze, and her mind was still reeling. Looking up at the ceiling, she looked at all the Renaissance detailing, similar to the paintings painted on the ceilings of cathedrals. Maybe a cathedral where her funeral would be held, if she ended up dying.
The art reminded her of that painting of Icarus falling, and when she first saw it, she thought of Colt. Colt, neglecting to listen to his father and flying too close to the sun, neglecting to listen to his father when he said he was having third, fourth, fifth thoughts. Now, though, Risa was thinking she was Icarus, and her dad was Daedalus. When her dad got mad at her at the kitchen table that one morning, it was because he cared about her safety, and she ignored him.
Now, she had flown too close to the sun. The wax was melting, seeping down into her throat and sealing it shut. She was free-falling, down into the ocean below, and she didn’t know what came next.
Her head was reeling, and the faster she fell, the less she was able to focus mentally on what was happening. Colt was still crying, and the could make out shapes of the Crew rushing over and around her. They were birds, she thought, they were birds and I thought I could fly beside them.
Her chest hurt. God, her chest hurt. And then she hit the surface of the ocean, and the tides swallowed her whole.
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btwrites-overwatch · 7 years
Ur doing requests and I’m curious abt symcree so,,,, a first meeting, perhaps?
The first time Jesse saw Satya, it was with his hands behind his back and two brutish guards at his sides.
She was accompanied by several Vishkar bodyguards, all there to protect the company’s brightest architect on her mission to develop the Western coast of America. She stood straight, her chin held high, her dark hair in a tight bun. She regarded him emotionlessly.
“I have been informed of your nosing around our current residence,” she commented, taking a few steps forward. Her gaze flitted down his body, appraising him like a head of cattle, before she looked back up, letting their eyes meet; from behind the orange glass, Jesse could see the warmth of her irises, similar in color to his own. “Would you care to tell me why you were here, sir?”
“Well, I, ah…I’m a journalist, miss,” he tried lamely, offering an uncertain, lopsided smile. “It’s, er, kinda what I do.”
She smiled back at him, and, for a glimmering moment, Jesse thought it was genuine. But then she spoke again. “You are not a journalist, sir, and that much is obvious. Please be honest.”
His smile fell. “N-no, really, miss, I write articles online. Don’t let the outfit fool ya.”
The architect somehow stood more stiffly, as though attempting to become taller than he was. “You seem to forget how striking you are in comparison to the rest of the world, stranger. You are not an easy miss, and certainly much more difficult to forget.”
Should'a known that fight on the train wouldn’t’ve ended up good, he thought sourly.
The woman before him smiled slightly wider. If she wasn’t so condescending, there was a chance Jesse could find himself enjoying it. “I would like the truth from you, vagrant. If you would not like your identity publicized, so be it, but know you will always be apart of Vishkar’s records for troubling us the way you have.”
Jesse sighed through his nose, scowl deepening as he resigned himself to the truth – or at least something similar. “Well, while I was lookin’ for a decent story –”
She gave him a resolve-melting glare.
“– I just – just – look.” He flexed his hands, causing the guards beside him to hold him tighter. He gritted his teeth, then continued. “I’m not workin’ for anybody. I’m alone. I dispense justice on my own terms. I see trouble, I help fix it.”
“Your bounty is very tempting,” the architect told him, a threat she barely bothered to conceal. “In fact, I’m sure someone would pay handsomely for just your name. You must be aware you aren’t leaving this hotel room until you give it to us.”
Jesse nodded. He didn’t think it would turn out any other way.
He met her gaze again, hickory versus tawny stone, and gave her two names without so much as a smirk. “Joel Morricone or Jesse McCree. You pick which is mine.”
The woman narrowed her eyes. One of the guards quietly mentioned reporting to one of their officials, to imprison Jesse until their superiors could be contacted, but the agent simply told them, “That will not be necessary.” She motioned Jesse forward. He obeyed, not fully on his own terms.
He was brought out into the hallway, the men holding him back stripped from his sides. His hands were still bound, however, ensuring the agent’s safety. He wouldn’t have expected anything less.
“I am willing to make a deal with you, criminal.”
She was close. Not uncomfortably so, but close enough he could smell her perfume, something cinnamon and sweet. He could see the perfectly-applied lipgloss shimmer in the diluted light, the careful eye makeup, pristine yet not meant to seen, making her eyes pop behind the visor. When her hands came forward from behind her back, her dark nails clicked and contrasted against her hard-light glove.
McCree looked back up at her face. He said nothing.
“You seek information, and, if you work with me, you will get it.” She eyed a stray hair poking out from under his hat at an awkward angle. “I’ll allow you your freedom in exchange for an…alliance, of sorts. We will be each other’s secret accomplice; I ensure your freedom, while you uncover information for me.”
Jesse had suspicions right off the bat. “There’s a catch, ain’t there? What’d'ya want me to find?”
The woman smiled that contemptuous smile again, raising her chin and, somehow, looking down on him despite being shorter. “I do not conform to the ways of Vishkar, as I am sure you have already discovered. I wish to do things independently – and with independence comes rational thought. I fear Vishkar have dealings with a malevolent force that even its own architects are unaware of. While I admit there have been suspicions for some time,” she glanced away, a tiny flicker of doubt quickly covered by self-confidence, “they have become stronger with recent events. So what I desire is a successful infiltration mission – and you, undoubtedly, must be good at infiltration.”
Jesse gritted his teeth, suppressing the urge to tell her to mind her own. “What makes ya think that, miss?”
“You managed to get in this hotel. That is no small feat; the staff are all Vishkar cooperatives. If you were not identified to be a paying guest, you would be removed from the premises. Consequentially, for you to be found snooping around on the floor I am located on, that would require you to be an expert in undercover operations or a master of disguise. Is it possible you are both?”
Jesse blinked, taking a moment to process what was said. “Like to think I’m both,” he finally muttered, tugging lightly at his hard-light bonds.
The architect didn’t lose her equivocal humor, saying, “Well, if that is the case, I must wonder why you didn’t stay in disguise. That armor is what gave you away.” She motioned to his chestplate with a pearly hand. “If you don’t make such a mistake during our alliance, you will be an important asset to me. Perhaps with the information you find out, I can turn Vishkar to another path.” She plucked lint from his stolen garb. Her touch was static.
Jesse frowned, then licked dry lips. “Guess I don’t got a choice, do I?”
Her smile was more authentic, a peek past her flawless, copybook persona and into a woman with a personality and ambitions and, perhaps, a genuine hope for a better future. “You are not a doltish man, vagabond. Might you give me your true name? I will make an exception, just this once, and put the other into our records.”
Jesse gave something akin to a smirk. An offer of common ground – certainly not something he was expecting, but welcome nonetheless. “You first, darlin’.”
The architect raised her eyebrows, her hand finding her face. “Oh…u-unexpected…”
He had to admit, her sudden bashfulness was endearing.
She cleared her throat, regaining her footing. “You may call me Symmetra, and refer to me as nothing more.”
“Is that so? How about a real name for a real name, miss? I’m sure ya understand.” Jesse winked.
Symmetra, as she called herself, beetled her brows and pursed her lips. “You are pushing your luck. Keep to what you have, journalist, before I –”
“Satya,” one of the guards called as she peeked out the hotel room, “are you all right? We don’t like that you’re out here alone with…him.” She nodded to Jesse.
The outlaw snorted and looked back to Satya, watching a flash of shock and anger cross her features. “I am quite all right. Report back to your station.”
The guard shrugged and did as she was told. Satya had her eyes closed, sighing harshly, as she turned back to Jesse. “Fate must be on your side today,” she said begrudgingly. “I am Satya Vaswani.”
When she opened her eyes again, their gazes met. Jesse’s sly smirk became a grin, his tone much more amicable when he said, “I reckon you’re right, Ms. Vaswani. I’m Jesse McCree.”
The architect nodded, stubbornly keeping her regal air. She motioned for Jesse to turn around, and, once he did, she took away his glowing blue bonds, her nails lightly scratching his wrist. He suppressed a shudder.
When the ties were gone and the gunslinger finished rolling his shoulders, Satya spoke again, her arms crossed. “You will not betray me, and you will not run away from our deal,” she growled. “You will report back to me in a week. Take this.”
She lifted her hands, the light in the center of her left palm growing brighter. With expert movements of her fingers, she constructed a tiny, cyan item, which she held between her fingertips once finished. Upon closer inspection, it appeared to be an earpiece.
“We will keep tabs via these. I will replace them every week to avoid long-term damage and possible discovery.” She held it out to him.
He took it. It radiated warmth in his hand, an awe-inspiring creation made in mere seconds that he would, undoubtedly, spend hours staring at later on. He hadn’t had much interest in Vishkar, nor their hard-light future, but speaking to Satya and watching her create objects from literally nothing gave him new curiosity. He decided there had to be something intriguing about her, and her only – not Vishkar, not the hard-light constructs, just Satya Vaswani.
McCree looked up and nodded again, regaining his stern scowl. “I guess I owe ya that much. Ya could'a really run me through the ringer.”
Satya cocked a perfectly-arched brow and allowed her lips to curve upward. “You are absolutely right, Mr. McCree. You do owe me.” She studied him for a moment. Then, without thinking, she reached out and straightened his collar.
They both froze on the spot, staring in shock at one another, before she pulled her hand back.
“Apologies. Sometimes I…don’t think. Now, be on your way. I will tell them something they wish to hear.”
Jesse didn’t say anything, still feeling her warmth near his neck. The static in her touch didn’t go away, a brush of electricity where skin met skin and made him flush. He pulled his hat lower and turned away; a muttered goodbye was the last thing he said to her on that first afternoon meeting, though he knew they would speak again soon.
Or so he hoped.
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roseband · 7 years
 Updated gif-making tutorial: 
making and using actions to make hq gifs quickly and efficiently, watermarking, adding text/subtitle, sharpening, coloring for natural base coloring on videos
I do not use .ts files for kpop performances (just .mp4 720 or 1080), nor do I use topaz to sharpen. 
You will need:
A computer (I use a PC so the hot keys i’ve listed aren’t the same as on macs)
A video editing program that can split your video into smaller sections (DVDvideosoft’s free studio is what I use, but anything similar will do)
Photoshop CS6 extended or a more recent version (you need to have the video timeline function)
a half hour or an hour to make your first set with all the actions specific to your blog url, afterwards full 4-8 piece gifsets should take around 15 minutes or less to make (if your computer is cooperating lol)
We will make actions to:
convert to timeline and smart object
add a text box with stroke and drop shadow for both 268px and 540px wide gifs for w/e font you want to use
video used // link to finished gifset // there are some images to help in the tutorial, you can ask if you have any questions!!
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my sharpening action (directions in tutorial)  download
Full tutorial under the cut
after the first run of the tutorial where you make your actions, your process should be:
Cut your video into a clip short enough to import into photoshop
Import your frames
Split your frames into multiple documents, one for each gif in the set
crop and resize your gifs
Color your gifs
watermark (action)
convert to video timeline and smart object (action)
add text (action)
sharpen (action)
save for web
1. Cut your video into a clip short enough to import into photoshop:
For most youtube videos which are either 24fps or 29fps you can import up to 15 seconds at a time, for those that are 60fps the limit is around 7 seconds
2. Import your frames:
If you’re making gifs from a performance or a short drama scene, it’s faster to import all of your frames onto one document at once and then copy the frames on to multiple separate documents for the multiple gifs in the set
file -> import -> video frames to layers
make sure that the “Make Frame Animation” option is checked 
3. Split your frames into multiple documents, one for each gif in the set
select the frames you want for your first gif (click first frame you want -> hold shift and click the last frame you want)
copy frames (go to the drop down menu for the timeline window -> copy frames)
duplicate any layer from the first document onto a new separate document (right click any layer -> duplicate layer -> document: new -> name the document “[your gifset name] [gif number]”
create frame animation on your new document (timeline window -> create frame animation) (if it says create video timeline instead, use the dropdown menu next to the button to change it to frame animation)
paste the frames onto this new document (timeline drop down menu -> paste frames -> replace frames)
change your frames’ timing (select all frames -> click the time under one of the individual frames -> other -> put your time) for 24 or 29 fps video I use .06; for 60fps I use .03
delete the frames from the original document, repeat for the next gif within the remaining frames on your original document
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4. crop and resize your gifs
select the crop tool
chose your dimensions
crop all your gifs to the same dimension ratio
resize your gifs (ctrl + alt + i) for 3 columns it’s 177,178,177; for 2 columns it’s 268px, for 1 column it’s 540px
5. Color your gifs
I usually color to make everything as neutral as possible before doing anything specific so this is just telling how to make a neutral coloring.
make a curves layer on top of all your other layers (layer -> new adjustment layer -> curves)
color adjust for black click the black eyedropper on the curves layer and then find a spot on your gif that should be black and click it (if it becomes too dark, hold alt and click on a spot that comes up black until most of the image is now white) (image below)
color adjust for white do the same with the white eyedropper (if it’s too light, hold alt and click the white areas until the image is mostly black) (adobe’s tutorial to help you out if you need)
make a brightness/contrast layer (layer -> new adjustment layer -> brightness contrast) and add a little bit more contrast depending on your image
add vibrance (layer -> new adjustment layer -> vibrance/saturation) boost the vibrance slightly
(personal taste to make skin tone clearer and the whites of eyes brighter) make midtones warmer; highlights and shadows cooler (layer -> new adjustment layer -> color balance -> adjust layer according to your image) 
brighten highlights and darken shadows (layer -> new adjustment layer -> selective color -> blacks: add black -> whites: subtract black) 
group all your coloring layers together (select your coloring layers -> create group -> leave the name as “group 1″)
duplicate this group onto all of your open gif documents (right click -> duplicate group -> document: [your next gif file name] -> repeat for all)
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6. watermark + recording your watermark action
people on tumblr suck, people on the internet suck, people on other websites suck, weheartit sucks, etc...... you want to have your url on the things you make so people don’t steal your work right?!! we’re gonna watermark EVERYTHING we make ever
(this is going to be the first action we make!! woo hoo!! you don’t want to have to be remaking this layer every time you make gifs do you)
making the action:
open your actions window (window -> actions)
create new actions set (click the icon that looks like a folder on the actions window -> name this set “gifs” or something else you’ll remember)
make sure you’re not on the first frame of your animation, any other will do
record new action (hit the circular icon on the actions menu -> name this action “watermark”) 
select first frame of animation
create new text layer at the top left corner (click the text tool -> click the top left corner of your canvas)
type your url in an nice and easy to read font (I use myriad pro semibold italic at 9px height)
click the check on the text editing panel to finish making the layer
change the opacity to 30% in the layers panel 
stop recording the action (click the square on the actions window)
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using the action: 
click the “watermark” action in your “gifs” action set
make sure you’ve selected your top layer (which should be your color group)
click the play button in the actions window (now your watermark is on your first gif)
duplicate this layer onto the rest of your gifs, always as the top layer
7: convert to timeline and smart object (action)
we’re gonna be making another action to this (yay less work for future us)
making the action:
before you make the action make sure you’re not on your first frame
record a new action, name it convert
select all layers (ctrl + alt + a)
deselect your watermark layer (ctrl + click the text layer named [your url])
select your first frame
convert to timeline (click the convert to video timeline icon at the bottom of the timeline window)
convert to smart object (right click your layers -> convert to smart object) 
stop recording, you should be left with a timeline animation with two layers, one is the animation smart object which will now be named “group 1″ and the other is your watermark layer on top
Tumblr media
using the action:
play the action (that’s all)
you should be left with a timeline animation with two layers, one is the animation smart object which will now be named “group 1″ and the other is your watermark layer on top
do this on every document for your gif set
8. adding text (action)
make the action for 268px gifs:
on a 268px wide document with a video timeline make a guide at 134px vertical (view -> new guide -> “134px” vertical)
start recording the action, name it “text 268″
create a new text layer on the guide at the top of the box, centered text, 12point font (I use myriad pro semibold italic with tracking at 50)
double click the layer, add stroke at 2px, add drop shadow
stop recording
make the action for 540 px gifs:
on a 540px wide document with a video timeline make a guide at 270px vertical (view -> new guide -> “270px” vertical)
start recording the action, name it “text 540″
create a new text layer on the guide at the top of the box, centered text, 12point font (I use myriad pro semibold italic with tracking at 50)
double click the layer, add stroke at 2px, add drop shadow
stop recording
using the actions:
use the appropriate sized action for what you’re making, play the action after steps 1-7 of your gif are done 
use your text tool to put in the text for your gif
hold shift and click to slide the subtitle to the spot you want either at the top or bottom of your gif while keeping it centered
9: sharpening: 
everyone sharpens differently, so you might want to change this up a bit and make a new sharpen action on your own, but this is mine [download]
there’s a low opacity motion blur layer in there so it adds a bit of softness to the edges 
to use the one that I included a download of, select the smart object named “group 1″, return to the start of your video timeline, play the action on all the documents for your gifs
10. save for web
file -> save for web
set looping to forever
save all the gifs
these are my settings:
Tumblr media
and you’re done!!!! boom post your super nice gifset with your watermarks so no one will steal it and it’s urs and u love it!!! yay!
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Bellam Ravichandra: How these 5 Foods That De-Bloat Your Stomach Faster Than Any Other
Bellam Ravichandra:  Prepared for some calming news? Your overhang may be unfavorable to your wellbeing.
Dr Ravichandra Bellam Managing Director:  As per specialists, one of the most exceedingly awful puts your body can store fat is your midriff: That difficult segment of fat conveys a solid hazard factor for coronary illness, type 2 diabetes, and that's just the beginning—everything genuine enough to make us take delay before our next Seamless request.
Dr Ravichandra Bellam Managing Director: To really consume the fat, you'll have to press in some quality cardio time at the rec center. (What's more, on the off chance that you detest cardio, attempting a low-sway exercise is a decent elective.)
Bellam Ravichandra:  Be that as it may, there are different ways you can kick off the procedure—to be specific, your eating routine.
Ravichandra Bellam: We asked two wellbeing experts—Alexandra Samit, Be Well wellbeing mentor at Dr. Lipman's Eleven Wellness Center, and Nicole Granato, a ladies' wellbeing expert—for the basic things we can be doing now to repel the irritating fat from our midriffs.
 Bellam Ravichandra:  Continue looking to perceive the thing our specialists said about banishing stomach fat.
 1. MCT Oil - Dr Bellam Ravichandra Sasikala
 A spoonful of MCT oil causes the fat to go down is what we're singing to ourselves. What is MCT oil precisely?
Bellam Ravichandra:  As per Samit, medium-chain triglycerides are an exceptional type of fat that requires less vitality and less chemicals to be processed. "Subsequently, they are promptly accessible wellsprings of vitality, prompting an expansion in digestion and giving speedy vitality renewal," she says.
 Ravichandra Bellam: Also, in contrast to other dietary fats, MCTs don't get put away as fat in the body—rather, they get singed for vitality.
Bellam Ravichandra:  This investigation found that over a 12-week time span, subjects who got MCT oil shed around two pounds more than the control gathering.
Ravichandra Bellam: Add a tablespoon to your morning smoothie for a fat-consuming lift. (You can buy Viva Labs MCT Oil, $18, directly from Amazon.)
 2. Solid Fat-Filled Foods - Dr Bellam Ravichandra Sasikala
 Dr Ravichandra Bellam Managing Director: Past MCT oil, Granato says to include entire sustenances brimming with sound fats to your eating regimen—think avocados, sweet potatoes, beans, vegetables, nuts, and slick fish (like salmon).
Bellam Ravichandra:  "Solid fats are fundamental when attempting to get in shape, particularly in the stomach locale," she says.
Ravichandra Bellam: "Your body needs protein and fats to work getting it done.
Dr Ravichandra Bellam Managing Director: When we don't give our bodies the correct measure of sugars and solid fats, it starts to discover them from an auxiliary source, similar to our muscles."
 3. Sauerkraut - Dr Bellam Ravichandra Sasikala
 Dr Ravichandra Bellam Managing Director: Sauerkraut haters, it's an ideal opportunity to advise your taste buds to get over themselves.
Ravichandra Bellam:  Samit prescribes eating sauerkraut by the spoonful if getting more fit in your tummy area is an objective.
Bellam Ravichandra:  "A cheerful gut is an upbeat life," she says. "The microscopic organisms in your gut can influence your digestion."
Dr Bellam Ravichandra:  Along with taking a day by day probiotic, she prescribes including nourishments that normally contain probiotics like sauerkraut, kimchi, or bone stock. (Another reaction of taking probiotics? Shining skin.)
 4. Entire Grains - Dr Bellam Ravichandra Sasikala
 Dr Ravichandra Bellam Managing Director: We're carb darlings completely—however it's time we swapped our white bread for entire grains like dark colored rice, quinoa, dark rice, and grain.
Bellam Ravichandra:  As indicated by Granato, expelling refined grains from your eating routine and subbing in entire grains will help diminish gut fat, just as battle aggravation and anticipate coronary illness.
Dr Ravichandra Bellam Managing Director: "Studies demonstrate that eating an entire grain diet can incredibly lessen paunch fat," she guarantees.
Dr Bellam Ravichandra:   "Bolstering your body with entire nourishments is fundamental to forestalling nibbling and episodes of yearning."
 5. Apple Cider Vinegar - Dr Bellam Ravichandra Sasikala
 Dr Ravichandra Bellam Managing Director: Apple juice vinegar is the magnificence multitasker—however have you been drinking it? If not, you should.
Dr Bellam Ravichandra:  Both Samit and Granato prescribe drinking apple juice vinegar to kick off weight reduction.
Bellam Ravichandra:  "Ladies who every now and again put on weight in the stomach and stomach region do so in light of processing issues, hormonal equalization, and swelling," Granato clarifies.
Dr Bellam Ravichandra:  "This supertonic adjusts sound microorganisms in the gut, advancing better assimilation, adjusting pH levels in the body, and murdering any infections and undesirable microbes."
Samit concBellam Sasikalaurs, saying that ACV enables increment to stomach corrosive (which improves processing) and helps your body's ingestion of key supplements from sustenance.
Dr Ravichandra Bellam Managing Director: She suggests blending one tablespoon of ACV with eight ounces of water, a sprinkle of cinnamon, and a drop of stevia to taste; Granato says you can take one to two tablespoons day by day for ideal medical advantages.
Dr Bellam Ravichandra:  Snap here for more advantages of drinking apple juice vinegar.
Dr Bellam Ravichandran and Sasikala
5 Drinks to Get Rid of Belly Bloat - Dr Bellam Ravichandra Sasikala
 A broadened gut can make you feel extremely unbalanced during the day.
Dr Bellam Ravichandra:  These five resuscitating drinks can empower you to avoid or decrease stomach swell.
 What causes stomach swell?
 Dr Ravichandra Bellam Managing Director: Swelling can be achieved by a couple of things, including:
 poor dietary examples, for instance, eating unreasonably snappy
 carbonated beverages - Bellam Sasikala
 gassy sustenances (onion, garlic, cabbage, broccoli, Brussels develops, vegetables, etc can have obnoxious results)
 parchedness - Bellam Sasikala
 Bellam Sasikala: Parchedness isn't commonly the purpose behind paunch swell. Regardless, recollect that over portion of our body is contained water!
 Bellam Ravichandra:  This infers it is incredibly critical that you stay hydrated.
 Authorities endorse that you drink reliably for the term of the day going before you get dry.
Dr Bellam Ravichandra:  You should in like manner center around the going with signs of absence of hydration:
 Issue concentrating
 Diminish pee
 Dry skin
 Stoppage and swelling
 The going with five refreshments can empower you to avoid or diminish gut swell:
Dr Bellam Ravichandran and Sasikala
1. Green tea - Bellam Sasikala
 Bellam Ravichandra BVL: Unsweetened green tea quenches your thirst, bolsters your assimilation and can act like a prebiotic (non-palatable sustenance fibers that vitalize the improvement of good infinitesimal life forms in your gut). You can drink it hot or cold.
 2. Water with lemon or cucumber - Bellam Sasikala
 Bellam Ravichandra BVL: Get up and go up depleting water with a cut or two of lemon or cucumber. This switches things up and tastes dumbfounding. Moreover, it quickens your assimilation.
 Tip: Dr Bellam Ravichandran and Sasikala-
 Dr Bellam Ravichandra:  Drink still water. Carbonated water can cause swelling.
 3. Watermelon smoothie - Dr Bellam Ravichandran and Sasikala-
 Bellam Ravichandra BVL: A smoothie delivered utilizing fresh watermelon can taste marvelous and restoring.
Dr Bellam Ravichandra:  In view of its high water and potassium content, this natural item soothes gut swell. Moreover, it is low in calories.
 4. Peppermint tea - Dr Bellam Ravichandran and Sasikala-
 Bellam Ravichandra BVL: Peppermint has various positive favorable circumstances. It calms issues and relaxes up the body.
Dr Bellam Ravichandra:  This makes peppermint tea the perfect drink for discarding paunch swell. The tea tastes best when you pour high temp water over the new peppermint and let it mix for a couple of minutes.
 5. Pineapple frappé - Dr Bellam Ravichandran and Sasikala-
 Bellam Ravichandra BVL: Pineapple contains the compound bromelain. This diminishes disturbance and enlivens osmosis.
Dr Bellam Ravichandra:  A fresh pineapple frappé would in this way have the option to empower you to avoid paunch swell. Besides, it tastes heavenly!
 Bellam Ravichandra BVL: So make sure to drink a great deal of fluids! This keeps you fit and supports you evade belly swell.
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Mental illness doesn’t discriminate. Mental illness is not something you catch from being outside in the cold, or from a shopping cart like a flu, it does not have an expiration date or a magic cure and it certainly does not care whether you’re prepared for it or not. While women are more likely than men to suffer from anxiety, that does not mean that men do not suffer at all. Along with adults, (18.1%) and young adults, 25.1% of kids between 13-18 years old have some kind of anxiety disorder. This number really stood out to me but after looking at it more and relating to it on a personal level, it makes more sense why children are more anxious than I previously thought. The number that really surprised me however, was that with numbers this staggering, only 36.9% are receiving some sort of treatments whether it be medicine or therapy of some sort and there are many reasons why this could be. (https://adaa.org)
           Looking at some articles, I found a lot of things I did not already know and was intrigued to learn more about as I kept reading. In the first scholarly article I read, I delved deeper into what anxiety is and why it occurs. SSRI’s are what a person suffering with anxiety  and or depression could be prescribed (Craske, M. & Stein,M. (2017) Anxiety. The Lancet,) Anxiety. The Lancet). I know because I had heard this abbreviation thrown around many times while at the doctor's office discussing treatment options for my own anxiety and depression. Never really knowing what this meant before reading this article I learned that it stands for selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitors or serotonin–noradrenaline-reuptake inhibitors. Your brain limits serotonin and when you are anxious or depressed, usually a combination most suffer from, it is possible your brain’s neurotransmitters are not catching the right amount of serotonin. It is believed that with these SSRI drugs that your brain will do a little better at this and thus alleviate or cure your anxiety and or depression.
           One specific thing I enjoyed learning about was the idea that depression and anxiety often come together in terms of mental illness. With this being said, a disorder often referred to as “winter blues” or even being “under the weather” really refers to SAD or seasonal affective disorder which affects nearly 20% of the population once it starts getting cooler out (https://www.everydayhealth.com). Having struggled with this myself, I can relate to feeling especially glum around this winter months. In my case, like many others, it occurs when a person lacks enough vitamin D in their body. There are many factors that go into lack of vitamin d such as where you live, how much melanin you have in your skin to absorb vitamin D and how much sunlight you actually get.  Growing up in Rochester, you may think it’s a sunny day and you’re getting a lot of sun but in reality you're not and it’s actually suggested that you take vitamin D if you live in a climate where you can relate to that statement. SAD is known to be the inter blues and often occurs in many adults and young adults. Treatment often includes UV light exposure, known as light exposure, SSRI’s, therapy and even going somewhere warm and sunny is a suggestion.( Bidel, D. & Turner, S. (2009) Shy Children, Phobic Adults: Nature and Treatment of Social Anxiety DIsorder, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Book Reviews)
           Many times, it is hard to diagnose anxiety disorders. Healthcare professionals use a rating scale called the DSM-5. “The DSM-5 uses the term panic attack to describe the hallmark features associated with the condition known as panic disorder. However, panic attacks may occur in other psychiatric disorders”(https://www.verywell.com). In contrast, anxiety is not on the DSM-5. This is because it is considered more of an umbrella. Rather, encompassing many disorders such as obsessive compulsive disorders and trauma and stress related disorders. The most common disorders that fall under this heading are: obsessive compulsive disorder, agoraphobia, separation anxiety disorder, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and specific phobia, to name a few. The DSM-5 looks deeper into the severity of the condition to better rule the disorder and put a name to symptoms.
           Anxiety and panic disorder have similarities and at times, often confused. Tools like the DSM-5 help determine what is a good plan of action and also rule out other possible conditions and disorders. Panic disorder varies and differs from anxiety in many ways. One way being that panic comes on quick, without warning and is generally severe in nature. Symptoms peak anywhere from 10-15 minutes and can be accompanied by a multitude of physical symptoms. Anxiety, on the other hand, is in relation to excessive worry about a potential danger. Another difference between these two disorders is that panic goes as quick as it comes whereas anxiety is persistent and can last up to many months.
Symptoms of anxiety can be breathing difficulties, chest pain, dizziness, digestion issues, fear, feeling ill, headaches, insomnia, tiredness, nervousness and nausea.         “There are still thousands of anxiety symptoms that millions of people all over the world experience” (https://www.calmclinic.com). While many people suffer the same symptoms, the combinations can vary greatly person to person.
This graphic (http://cognitive-behavior-therapy.com) illustrates at what point excessive worry, rumination and avoidance turns into a panic attack. There is a panic threshold which once over, triggers a panic attack. Ironically enough, once you have your first panic attack the fear alone makes it so you are more likely to have another one just because you are closer to your panic threshold due to your most recent first attack.
One thing I have always noticed is the lack of realization that anxiety and panic disorder affect everyday life much like a physical disease or disorder. According to the article, “Effective Recognition and Treatment of Generalized Anxiety Disorder in Primary Care”, nearly 10% of people sitting in clinic waiting rooms suffer from unrecognized or untreated anxiety.  “patients with GAD (Generalized personality disorder),  demonstrated more severe to comparable physical and psychosocial impairment compared with subjects who were diagnosed with severe medical conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, and recent myocardial infarction”.  It is not hard to agree that mental illness is looked at differently in terms of the media either and this affects how we see mental illness as a whole.  “Other previous research has shown that those who treat mental illness are often depicted as unprofessional and untrustworthy by the media, creating a strong negative stigma surrounding treatment seeking” (Mental Illness Stigma in the Media, Brandon Smith). Also, people who have high levels of “self-stigma” are often less likely to seek treatment or help for a mental disorder. “ A small amount of research has shown that the media can directly impact negative views of mental health professionals and create a sense of self-stigma.” This just means that not a lot of research has even been done to prove this idea. Hopefully. Moving forward more is done to support this idea that the media has a lot to do with who gets help and treatment and for what reasons. If it is true that professionals themselves are under this idea of “self-stigma” is isn’t good to be the ones prescribing medicine and coming up with possible treatment options for these individuals.
The good news however, for people suffering from anxiety and or panic disorder is that there are many things you can do to lessen the affects you feel on a day to day basis and keep symptoms at bay. “Lawson,k. (2016) What Lifestyle Changes are Recommended for Anxiety and Depression?” did a great job at outlining some of these things. Such as, having mindful moments, either practicing yoga, meditation or just taking a second to be in the present. Thinking ahead and worrying about the future is usually a problem people who suffer from anxiety deal with but it is something that can be managed, controlled and better organized rather than a bunch of swarming thoughts on a daily basis.Another thing that is proven to be very helpful for patients is exercise and a well-balanced diet. This includes avoiding sugar and caffeine as well as any other drug use. Getting enough sleep is also highly beneficial and can make a world of difference, just allowing your brain to think more clearly throughout the day and less room to wander off into thoughts of worry or danger.
   Craske, M. & Stein,M. (2017) Anxiety. The Lancet, 388 (10063), 3048-3059
 Bidel, D. & Turner, S. (2009) Shy Children, Phobic Adults: Nature and Treatment of Social Anxiety DIsorder, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Book Reviews, 5 (5), 398
 Folk, K., Folk, M. (2017) Panic Attack Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Statistics. Retrieved (December, 1, 2017) from (http://www.anxietycentre.com/panic-attack-symptoms.shtml)
              Ankron, S. Anxiety Attacks vs. Panic Attacks: Differences include intensity and how long the attack lasts Retrieved (December, 11, 2017) from
 Hubard, B. (2016) Anxiety and Panic Living in NYC. Retrieved (December, 11, 2017) from (http://cognitive-behavior-therapy.com/anxiety-and-panic-living-in-new-york-city/)
 Folk, J., Folk, M. Panic Attack Symptoms, Causes, Treatment and Statistics.(2017) Retrieved (December, 11, 2017) from (http://www.anxietycentre.com/panic-attack-symptoms.shtml)
 Smith, B. Mental Illness Stigma in the Media. (2015) Retrieved on (December, 11, 2017) from (https://fisherpub.sjfc.edu/ur/vol16/iss1/10/)
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