#lookit my baby being beautiful
ivysangel · 9 months
I’ve been thinking about this since I saw your post. Your mind. Your brain is so big and beautiful. What. Jason texting you like ‘had a bad patrol’ and you are instantly waiting at the window for him and he’s crawling in and kissing the air out of your lungs. And is he covered in blood? Yeah. It might be his. Might not be. You don’t care because he’s pushing you down on the bed and pulling your pajama pants down and he’s laughing a little, very softly, because your underwear is cute, with the little bow on the front that he kisses before he slides them down, too. And he’s kissing your clit a murmuring ‘thank you’ before he eats you like he’s starving. He could just lay there for hours, lazily sucking and slurping until your brain is fuzzy. But he’s also impatient so he’s giving you literally one of the best orgasms of your life before pulling away and taking your shirt off, kissing you softly and fumbling with his belt until he pulls his cock out and taps it against your clit before sliding in. He is a nice fun mix of praise and degradation… “you’re so pretty. Such a pretty slut.” “I needed this, baby, needed this pussy, y’so greedy, lookit you…” “I’m gonna fuck you until you’re screaming my name, sweetheart.” Etc.
Sorry. Sorry. I’m insane. I’m going crazy. I’m going so insane. Your mind is so big for this concept. I’m obsessed. Will be thinking about this for weeks. -🎊
my big beautiful brain?????????????? WHAT ABOUT YOURS???
idgaf if it's a bio hazard, we're fucking right when he gets through that window. blood and everything. like hearing he had a bad night and your first thought being to comfort him with your pussy. likeeeeeeeee i'm SICK. temporarily abandoning my soft sex jason agenda to say that i think he'd get pretty rough in moments like this. not that he'd hurt you or anything but like...he's got you folded up like a pretzel, kinda just using you, getting a little nasty with his words. (omg can i say that, is it okay if i get a little dark on here guys??) he's still fucking you with love but there's just...a little anger mixed in there too!
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gabessquishytum · 1 year
OKAY this one came to me in a drug induced haze. So we all know the first thing that comes to mind when we see Hob. Get that man pregnant. Could be whatever variation human/warprize/fertility god etc au, I believe in my haze I was thinking specifically Dragon shapeshifter au ANYWAY. So Hob has just delivered a wonderful beautiful miracle to them, and they could not be more thrilled. They were definitely the Planning Parents who accounted for Every contingency in the baby's first 5 years of life, they have a Plan. Part of this plan, regrettably, was that they'd wait until Baby was at least 3 before having another. They both agreed it was just the Optimal Decision for their Great Baby Life Plan, so they'd have to put aside how ridiculously wonderful/horny those 9 months were. It won't be that hard, they'll have a whole ass child to love and dote on and take up all their time and energy.
The hitch comes when having a baby does nothing to dampen how absolutely devastatingly lustful they are for eachother. As soon as Hob is healed up he's begging for just one round, please Dream? It's been so long. Dream makes him wait another few days to be sure he's healed before they are right back to fucking like rabbits. Many orgasms to balance the discomfort of generally havinga newborn, interrupted sleep cycles, cramps from whatever position he was in too long for nursing, etc. And soon enough it's only been a few months and Hob is honestly? Feeling kind of shitty. He thought it would be getting EASIER as the baby got older and disnt need to be so much stapled to him and slept for longer periods of time, but he's very tired and kind of cranky and achey. It isn't until he starts throwing up that he realizes what's happened. Of course his first thought is ANOTHER BABY OMG YES BABIES. But then he has a rude awakening. He wasnt Supposed to get pregnant again so soon. This will break their whole big plan into tiny peices. Will Dream be mad? Oh no.
But Hob couldn't keep a secret from Dream on a good day, let alone a bad day when he's tired and hormonal, so he puts the baby down, sits Dream down at the table, and weeps his way through explaining that whatever birth control they used couldn't stand up to their vigorous lovemaking and he's pregnant again. Hob is trying to read Dream's reaction but Dream is doing his absolute best not to WIGGLE with pleasure at the dinner table. Another baby!! He and Hob are gonna have more babies!!! He's also counting back in his mind through the days theyve fucked trying to figure out when this happened and can remember at least twice when he either forgot to pull out or maybe forgot the condom? He's a tired dad okay. He does his best not to break out into ecstatic laughter while he holds and comforts Hob and tells him What Plan? We'll make a new plan, with our wonderful extra baby in mind. They quickly work through whatever angst there was and are back to being the sunshiniest happy family there ever was, now with an absolutely Glowing Hob, bc of course pregnancy looks GREAT on him. They are also fucking at increased rates without any birth control again bc what's gonna happen? He'll get MORE pregnant? When the ultrasound shows twins, Hob makes a joke like "Maybe we SHOULD have slowed down lol" but Dream can only vibrate with smugness. Lookit his perfect man. He put SO many babies in him.
Lying on the floor kicking my legs in the air. I'm always deeply obsessed with pregnant Hob content and I'm just very!!!!! Very horny about them being horny for each other.
Hob loves his baby so much. But it IS hard being a new parent, and he's so incredibly tired! The only consolation is that Dream is wonderful and still extremely attentive to Hob’s needs - particularly in the bedroom! Whenever the baby takes a nap, Dream makes sure that Hob gets at least a little bit of an orgasm. With his mouth, or fingers... or his cock. It makes the pain of parenting just a tiny bit more manageable.
Until Hob starts throwing up, and aching all over, and he's crying a lot all of a sudden. He's barely recovered from the first baby, and he doesn't feel terribly comfortable in his body. He knows that Dream still loves him but the thought that he might well be pregnant again is utterly terrifying. What if Dream is angry! What if he was sick of Hob being pregnant the first time, and what if he doesn't want another baby at all!? Oh dear. Hob holds his baby in his arms and gives them lots of cuddles, and calms himself down a little bit. It seems very important that Dream should at least KNOW that he's going to be a father again!
Of course as you've said, Dream has to try really hard to stop himself from CHEERING when he gets the news. He's wanted another baby ever since the first one came along. He wants everything with Hob, and that includes many many babies. Plans are overrated! Loving Hob and their children is the most important thing.
Twins wasn't part of the plan, but as previously mentioned, plans are overrated!! Hob looks incredible. He carries the new babies strongly and well, and provides plenty of milk for the twins, the first baby... and Dream, who loves relieving Hob’s swollen breast by drinking his milk as often as needed. Dream is a very proud father to his first baby AND the two nestled in Hob’s womb. He's thrilled to place his hands gently on Hob’s belly and the small of his back. In public he practically vibrates whenever they're congratulated on their parenthood. As they relax at home, he holds the baby in his arms and pops another cushion beneath the small of Hob’s back. He's going to give Hob as many babies as he can ever want and he's going to take the best care of him. That’s the only plan he’s concerned with now <3
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"We need to know about gender so we can know about language. Otherwise, why does anyone care how I identify? You see me, yes? You take in my gendered cues, my physical presence, my space and persona, and unless you want to talk about me, or maybe fuck me, you know all you need to know. Whether or not you can understood me in this way, you can still me. To borrow: I has no gender, neither does you. Only the third-person pronouns, the oh-lookit pronouns or the ooh-baby pronouns, depend on gender, depend on being able to read and understand someone's cues and come up with an answer. Only the third person requires a final reading on a gauge, a matrix measurement that reveals something to put your hands around (like my throat) or your mouth around (like my cock) when talking about me.
Without a gender, without language, people revert to a vocabulary of gestures, pantomiming me between their hands, the breadth of my shoulders, the swell of my breasts, my ears with earrings in them, the length of my stride. Without a gender upon which I can be fixed with steel pins, like a winged insects to a board, I flap around the room, maybe entrancing, maybe beautiful, but maybe dangerous, maybe terrifying. The pins of language are so short, and my wings so invisible with the quickness of their beating, that I evade them until I choose to land, choose to explain myself, or until I get beat out of the air. I try to alight before I can be caught, to try to show myself, but it doesn't mean that someone doesn't have a little jar waiting to stuff me into with nothing for company but a leaf and a branch, even though I eat from flowers, or sweaters, or things that cannot be seen by the human eye; take my comfort behind the bark of a tree, or the ear of a sleeping wolf. Maybe there's a reason that the study of insects and the study of words are only one letter apart, and I can never remember which is which."
"TAXONOMY” Butch is a Noun essays by S. Bear Bergman (2006)
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future-dregs · 19 days
Ep. 1 & 2 Bullet Points
I was gonna post my thoughts about the episodes in real time, but then I got caught up in it and didn't do that. So now, I'm summarizing.
Sam had houseplants in his windowsill.
Can't decide if Dean was pacing around and making noise to test Sam/give him a heads up and see how he'd react, or if that was just him being a kinda inexperienced kid.
I like that Sam was fighting with his whole body. Like, he brought his feet and legs into it. Comes across more genuine that just punching. (Also his little end of spar pat on Dean's arm? Mwah. Falling back into the rhythms already.)
Sam kept his hand scythe. In the house. Didnt leave it as far behind you claimed baby. Because as Dean said, you know what's out there.
That's two "Sammy"s, an arm across the back of the diner booth and an in unison talking moment in close succession. Dean's playing for keeps.
John fucking Winchester. Freaked out by a vengeful womans spirit for real, or ninth level cat and mousing your kids?
Dean getting thrown and pressed over the hood of the car and his "squeal like a pig" comment are stacking up in my brain. Debating about if I wanna make a sexual abuse post or not.
Also, people have been saying from the day the show aired, but that is the second time Dean carried him out.
I dont want to talk much about Mary right now, theres some episodes in later seasons with her that I havent seen, so I dont feel I have enough contact to say something accurate. But I will say this- she knew better, and she should've done better, cause it ALL comes back to her and what she did and didnt do. She doomed her family, and everyone who touched them.
I think Dean was circling around to try again. In hindsight we know he was hanging out for hours before coming in (and oh how bitter bitter it is to see him young and "careless" like that, and have to amend it knowing how very very frightened he actually was) so I think it stands to reason that Dean would skulk around a little longer afterward as well.
Episode 2!
First off, really like that Sam's dream, though still with that beautiful early season low saturation, has more color, and brighter colors (pink in the bouquet, red candles, ect) than the real world does.
Also very funny to see Dean being the one who wants to open up and talk about feelings, and dealing with loss in a healthy way.
Also Dean offering the car to Sam for comfort because that's how Dean feels in control and comforted is killing me.
"Lookit this friggin bear!" My love my love I'm kissing you on the face.
Y'know you never see those shell necklaces anymore? But they kinda rocked.
Also I'm not gonna get pedantic about them getting the mythos wrong (don't get used to it, I LOVE being pedantic, esp with things I actually know about), so I'm not gonna mention it again, but oh! they got the mythos wrong.
Now. I've mentioned this briefly before, but its intriguing to me that in an episode about a corrupting hunger, we see Sam start down the path of vengeance AND get horny over his brother. He's growing enamored with Dean again, and he's watching him when he interacts with other people, looking for threats. Both physical, and not.
(I have a whole separate post in the works about Sam standing bodily between the victims and the threat, but suffice to say, babydoll I love you and you chosen efforts towards goodness from the bottom of my heart.)
Back to above point. Girl of the week kisses Dean's cheek, Sam comes over, sits on that side of him, and stares at that spot on Dean's cheek until he gives him the keys.
Fly by night away from here/change my life again/fly by night goodbye my dear - they knew how to use their music for effect. Also my introduction to Rush, years ago. Thanks guys.
So I think that about covers the thoughts I thunk while watching. Next time I'll try to at least make active notes if I'm not live blogging through it.
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hislittleraincloud · 5 months
Lukewarm Take/Shower Thought: Both Boris and Beatrice's rip on Jonathan were serious speeches of projection.
(This first obvs isn't a new one for me and I worked it into UVC, but just to review...)
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Boris is the one who crossed the line when he gave his number to a student for non-school related things. That's why Jon huffed at his assertion that he knew the line and was (especially with that Male Gaze crap on his phone) BUT...
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Beatrice crossed her line when she said he was the "banner boy for mediocrity". Beatrice is an alcoholic semi-successful (I mean...she has to be somewhat successful, but she still lives pretty humbly near a backwoods area with her teacher husband? I ttly forgot that in the OG script she says that they can't afford a lawyer for Jon, but I went the other way in UVC) writer but her writing might just be mediocre. She's not gifted like Jon perceives Cairo to be, because she downplayed his enamoring of her vocabulary. For all we know, she writes Dark Romance (LOL "Lesser Expectations of a Greater Love"...sounds bitchfully autobiographic).
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Perception is the key here. Cairo was drawn to Jon's writing because it's like hers (as per the exchange) and vice versa. She felt something tangible when she read that passage; and she wanted to be the inspiration for his writing like Bea was.
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She gave her honest opinion before she recited the passage ("grand and tragic"/"romantic horror").
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Lookit that frowny pouty face. Poor baby. 🥺💔💕✨
She was mad/hurt when she dissed it. (And Jon was nothing that Cairo said he was when she was drunk.
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Jon never put himself in front of her as some kind of famous or even wonderful writer. She did that. And Winnie recognized that she was only dissing his work bc she got rejected. Not his fault she rocked the pedestal, or even that she idealized him in that way. She saw herself in him...two ghosts haunting a graveyard.) It's that whole thing about how beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Argh, I need to save some thoughts for the reviewlysis.
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Also, it's real sad that he was emasculated twice by two different women in the same manner. But at least Cairo has room to learn/grow.
Would she have, according to Bartlett's canon is another story. But don't fret bbs, u still gots UVC LOL🥹💖💕✨
Also, there are no Boris Fillmore .gifs. I had to snag the pic off of Google. What're y'all, rayciss? (KIDDING, my gods. 💀) Make some damn .gifs of Boris, I don't have the time!
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My special request: A .gif of him doing the Roger Rabbit. Someone does that for me and they will get a dedication on the Willmore fic that's part of the UVCniverse/happens after Winnie leaves Cairo's in UVC
when it is published.
Anyway, this will probably just end up being repetitive since I'm going over my old notes and want to publish the dang "review" now that it's on Netflix.
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the-nexus · 4 months
"Deal with my mother. Please." He says this through perpetually grinning, yet gritted teeth, before slithering his way into the next room with not even a modicum of context given. In walks Mother St. Cyr, with baby pictures of a once human Alastor that the Radio Demon can't believe she actually brought with her when she'd passed on into the afterlife.
" Lucifer, my sweet child! Won't you come entertain your mother in law with baby talk? Darling Charlie has grown up to be so beautiful and smart, just like her father, but when will you have a sweet baby for me to dote on from you and Alastor? I'd say you two owe me for not getting it done before we died! "
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And he is left in confused silence as Alastor departs. Lucifer has no words. Why the sudden need to flee from his mother after all the trouble Lucifer had gone through to get her visitations?
As she entered the room, flashing the photos before Lucifer and the others, the king melted at the sight. "Awww, lookit 'im! He was such a cutie!!" Was it embarrassment that had made his husband scurry away? Was he that unhappy with the photos being shown to all that had made him so...uneasy?
When the questioning of a child was posed, he only wished he could join Alastor in fleeing the questioning. Keeping a smile, albeit a rather nervous one, he chuckled weakly, tugging at the collar of his coat.
"Oh, well...You see, I don't really, uh..."
Surrounding the king and his sweet mother-in-law were the hotel's residents, making Lucifer even more nervous. His grip upon his cane tightened as he attempted to avoid eye contact, but it was hard not to meet the gaze of even one person.
"Yeah, Short King. When're we gonna see a little gremlin from you's and Smiles, eh?" Angel's smile is wide, rivaling Alastor's notorious grin. Even Charlie seemed interested in the thought, hands clasped together and a shine in her eyes. "I'd love a sibling one day, dad!"
"I...I don't think it's a possibility for us. I know magic, sure! But...not that kind of magic."
As much as he wished he and Alastor could have a child of their own, it was simply not in his own power, despite being an angel. Creating life remained in the hands of his father and couples bearing the ability to reproduce.
He failed to see it, but his own features had become just a little sad, but he quickly restored his smile, quickly taking notice of the curious mass of eyes on him.
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"Sorry to disappoint, everyone. It's just not something I'm able to do."
Besides, hadn't he already failed as a parent once?
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mrvlbimbo · 2 years
this is a request btw but if you dont wanna this could easily just be us geeking abt this beautiful man
okok sO y/ns like this good girl teachers pet-- pleated skirts and mary janes and all-- with straight a's and she's sent to tutor eddie bc man is failing with a capital F so they're studying in her pink room with a bunch of awesome stuffies (in my head a lot of them are dragons and gargoyles and eddie's nerdy lil heart fricken explodes but this is just me being stupid in love) and he has full intention to do absolutely zERO work
(corruption kink and dom!eddie if you couldn't tell by now jdjjd)
and the whole time he's just teasing her (cough degrading her cough) and flirting with her (cO U G H praising her ahem) and- oops now they're fucking *acts shocked*
(also i'm 19 minors pls away away *sprays you with water*)
oh gosh. This is filth, genuinely. I don't know how I wrote this with a straight face. I need to go to confession or smthn.
content: innocence kink, unprotected sex, creampie, improper use of a study date, I literally never know what to put in this part, not proofread bc I'm lazy
Eddie paced around the delightfully pink room, taking note of how the frilly edge of the bedspread matched the girl spread out on top of it to a tee.
In his dreams this is exactly how her room looked, sans the adorable stuffed animals that even he couldn’t have conjured up in his imagination. He plucked one off the bed, inspecting it carefully as if it were some precious item. "Your room is uh...cute,” he commented.
“Oh jeez. I mean to put those away before you got here.” She shook her head and her bottom lip between her teeth, coaxing the stuffed animal out of his hand and carefully setting it back on the bed.
“I think they’re cute. Didn’t take you for a bat girl though,” he teased, gesturing to her large collection of unorthodox stuffed animals. It was made up of mostly bats, with a few dragons and other miscellaneous fantasy creatures.
“Oh yeah. I wanted to rip the head off of one of them, ya know as a reference to Ozzy Osborne, but my mom said it was too vulgar.”
"You're cute too,” he said confidently. She had noticed the way she looked at him in class and when their teacher paired them together to help get his grade up, he knew it was his chance to make a move.
"Hm?” She hummed.
“You’re cute too. Like the bats.” His voice pitched slightly, still unsure of his actions. She sat on the edge of her bed, blinking up at him with wide sparkling eyes.
She shook her head, looking away and hiding the shy smile on her face. “Oh. I don’t think-“
“Aw. Why are you getting shy on me now?” he teased, cupping her face. His thumb brushed over her lip, pushing its way into her mouth when her lips gaped slightly.
“Mmmm,” she whined around his finger, looking up at him though her fluttering lashes with an innocent and confused gaze.
“Lookit you. All innocent and yet you’re sucking my finger like a-"
She tongued his finger out of her mouth, pushing it away harshly and whining the residual drool off her face. “Eddie. We need to study," she warned.
“Alright, baby. Whatever you want. How about you sit on my lap so we can focus on each other better?” He sat in her bed, back against her headboard. He waited comfortably for her answer.
“O-ok.” She hesitantly straddled his lap, knees shaking to hold her a respectable distance above him.
He gripped her waist, tugging her hips down to meet his so she was resting more comfortably on his lap. “So. Tell me about the Pythagorean theorum.”
“Basically…” She droned on about the sides of a triangle and how they all related to each other. Her voice stuttered slightly when his hands fell from her waist down to her thighs, pushing up her skirt and digging his fingers into the flesh of her legs.
“Mhm, keep going. Did I say you could stop?” he asked, his voice innocent enough but he was clearly mocking her.
“Why is your lap so hard?” She questioned, hips stuttering and involuntarily rubbing against him.
“Because someone is soaking right though their panties onto my cock,” he chastised, running two fingers over the seam of her and feeling the wetness seep through.
“I didn’t mean-“ she started to apologize but she was quickly interrupted.
"If you're gonna get them all wet, you don't really need them do you?" he asked, hooking his fingers into the band and tugging it back. The fabric snapped back against her skin, causing a whimper to leave her lips.
"Uh, no. I guess not," she replied slowly. Before she could finish he was already prying the underwear off her body, gently sliding them down her legs.
She whined when she pressed her uncovered cunt back to the denim of his jeans. His arms wrapped around her waist, pressing her tightly to him but stilling any motion she could have made with her hips.
“Aw, none of that. Do you want me to help?” He asked, slipping one hand down to grip her ass and squeeze.
“You’re gonna make me feel better?” she whimpered, a pleading look in her eyes.
He could already feel her wetness dripping onto his lap, easily sliding two fingers into her. “Yeah. I’m gonna make you feel so good," he cooed, curling them against her walls. A smooth metal ring bumped against her clit, sending a shiver though her body.
He teased his fingers in and out of her, revealing in the way her body shook violently against him. "Pleeeease," she whined, grinding herself down on his digits when he stopped moving.
"This isn't enough for your greedy pussy?" She didn't respond, instead wailing against the skin of his neck, drool dripping from her mouth against him.
"More." She rolled her hips, seeking out friction from his unmoving fingers.
"Alright. Alright." He slipped his fingers out, making quick work of unzipping his pants and tugging his boxers over his hard cock. The appendage slapped against his stomach, angry reddened tip already leaking with pre-cum.
"Oh. It's pink!" she yelped, fingers ghosting over the shaft as she examined it.
"Y-yep," he gasped when she wrapped her fingers around it finally.
She giggled when it twitched against her soft palm, lazily jerking him off and watching the way he reacted.
"You want me to put it in?" he asked, peeling her fingers away and replacing them with his own.
She nodded, lifting her hips so he could run the head of him against the silky wet folds of her cunt. He rubbed the tip around her bundle of nerves, giving an adequate amount of time for her to get desperate.
Finally he settled inside her, bottoming out with only a little pain. He stayed still for a moment, letting her get used to the stretch. By the time he started to gently thrust his hips, her pussy was already drooling around him.
Her legs were shaking, doing no favors In helping her fuck herself on his cock. His hips thrusting up into her were doing most of the work along with his hands cupping her waist and sliding her over him like a pocket pussy.
It was only minutes before she was spasming around him, one hand tangled in his hair while the other was clawing at the neck of his shirt.
"S'good," he slurred, cum spilling inside of her at the same time as she convulsed in pleasure.
"mmmMMm," she moaned, slumping against him, exhausted and drowsy.
"Was that good?" he asked, far too shy for their current situation. Both of their laps were sopping with their combined fluids before he even pulled out.
"Yeah," she murmured, nuzzling her head against his chest affectionally.
"I still don't know the pythagorean theorem," he joked, giving her a little kiss on the forehead. A bit of affection exchanged before he got up to clean them both off.
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buckmepapi · 3 years
“He wouldn’t care where you were or who you were with, he would often come up behind you at the shared kitchen counter and spear himself into you like a rabid dog in heat” PLEWSE IF YOU EVER HAVE THE TIME COULD YOU BLESS US WITH A DRABBLE AND MORE CUM IM OBSESSED
Squirt || Bucky Barnes drabble
Oh, you little horn dog, your wish is my command! ✨🌸
Let’s see what my horn knee™ brain can come up with…
This drabble is intended to be a stand alone not connected to the other one. They have an established relationship, they have a safe word etc.
I’m warning you it’s absolutely filthy and I should go sit in a corner and think about what I’ve done.
Warnings: smut 18+ only, semi public sex, rough sex, squirting, buckys dirty mouth, creampie, breeding, daddy kink.
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x f!avenger!reader
A/N: not proofread.
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Bucky just couldn’t help himself.
Not when you were here in the shared avengers compound living room, wearing a cute little pink tennis skirt and white thigh highs. Bucky thought he might combust right there.
He had just come back from his morning run with Steve, shirtless and glowing with sweat, he turned the corner to the living room / kitchen area of the compound and stopped dead in his tracks.
There you were, leaning over the counter eating a bowl of berries with one hand on the spoon shovelling it into your mouth and another hand holding a book you were reading.
You were so engrossed in your book that you didn’t hear the way Bucky lowly growled as he saw you bend over further into the counter to get more comfortable, unknowingly showing the very bottom of your baby pink lacy panties. Bucky brought his flesh hand down to adjust the raging hardness in his grey sweatpants and staggered over to you with determination in his lust blown eyes.
You looked like the perfect slutty little housewife. That sordid unexpected thought in Bucky’s mind sent a further rush of arousal of precum to dribble from his red and leaking tip, forming an obvious wet patch on the front of his joggers.
God, he couldn’t wait to marry you one day. The thought of being able to come home to this everyday, in your own home? Even the thought of him seeing you naked and cooking for him made him feral with want. The term ‘barefoot and pregnant’ came to mind as he settled behind you wrapping his large palm around your abdomen and growled as he pushed into the pillows of your ass.
You jumped when you felt his unexpected embrace, causing you to push yourself into his clothed cock as he hummed lowly in satisfaction.
“W-what..what are you doing?” You said softly.
You knew fully well what he was doing. You just loved to rile him up by acting all innocent, when he knew you were the furthest thing from it.
“Can’t I hold my beautiful girlfriend?” He said teasingly as he rutted into you painstakingly slow, his hand pressing harder against your abdomen.
“Mmm” you replied dazed, your eyes already fluttered closed as his hypnotic ministrations began to distract you from your surroundings.
“Lookit you” he slurred, already drunk on your scent as he reluctantly leaned back from your warmth to trail his hands up the sides of your thick soft thighs. His hands rested at the top of them, just underneath your hip bone, he pressed them tightly and squeezed, forcing you back against his crotch hard, causing you to let out a pathetic whimpering mewl. “Looking so fuckin’ hot in this lil skirt, babydoll. Fuck, the way your pillowy thighs just fill out those socks mmmmm fuck, makes me wanna take you right here baby, bend you over this counter and watch that fat ass bounce on my cock”
“Oh god..” you moaned louder this time, eyes rolling back into your head as you reached behind you to grab the back of his brown locks.
“Hmm? You want that, sweetheart?” He hummed against your neck, his sharp nose trailing up and down your sweet spot, continuing to roll his hips into your backside as he very tentatively licked and sucked behind your ear. “You wanna be my good little girl? Let me slide right in?”
Gasping for air as you opened your eyes and scanned the room. No one was here but you’d never be able to live it down if one of your friends walked in on you taking Bucky’s abnormally large cock. “We can’t” you said breathlessly. Bucky chuckled at your unconvincing tone.
“Why not, baby?” He said feigning a disappointed tone and a pouty face. He slowly lifted up your skirt and cupped your cheeks, pulling them apart and watching the tight ring of virgin muscle clench and pulsate around nothing in tandem with the pulsing and clenching of your soaking wet tunnel. He nearly fucking drooled at the sight.
“All I have to do” he continued as he pulled your underwear to the side “is push your little panties to the side” he wasted no time in then pulling out his heavy and angry cock from its confines and swiped the sensitive head around the globes of your ass, leaving a trail of sticky precum in its wake. He then slowly meandered down to your desperate cunt teasing your entrance with the tip of his thick member, grabbing his cock harder and swirling the bulbous head around your hole in a circular motion, feeling it catch on the ridges of your opening. He stopped and suddenly filled you all at once without warning “and push right inside that tight pussy. No prep needed huh, baby ?”
You lurched further forwards over the counter as your felt the rest of his thick cock breach you and force it’s way further into your tightness “mmm fuck, babygirl” Bucky whimpered as his head fell to the crook of your neck. “Can’t help myself when I see you, gotta have you full of my fat cock whenever and wherever I see you. But this? This outfit? Y’got me so worked up right now, sweetheart , shit, I don’t even care if someone walks in and sees us , oh fuck baby just like that, I’ll just keep taking you even then, when you beg me to stop, I’ll fucking pound your tight little c-cunt harder and let everyone see how your pussy stretches around me”
“I-I-I’m , Im gonna , I’m gonna fucking cum!” Bucky slapped a hand over your mouth as you screamed
“Dumb stupid baby. Shut the fuck up” he growled thrusting harder and harder with each word “you gonna fucking cum on this cock already? I didn’t even fucking touch you”
The bowl of berries you were snacking on for breakfast tumbled to the floor and smashed as you threw you hands across the counter to drastically search for something to hold on to.
“Ohh fuuuckkkk” Bucky groaned deeply as he felt you clench impossibly hard making his hips stutter as he struggled to move “baby, getting so fucking tight I can hardly move, baby ease up or I’ll hurt you, ease up, shit~”
you had no idea what he was saying, your eyes had found permanent residency in the back of your skull as you drooled through Bucky’s fingers still wrapped around your mouth. Your legs were buckling as you began to reach the precipice of something you’ve never felt before. Intense desire was bubbling below you, tingling through your spine all the way to the top of your head all the way back down to your toes. The toes that of which were now curling , Bucky’s grip on you was causing your feet to lift ever so slightly off the ground.
Your muffled screams behind Bucky’s hands got more frantic as you felt your intense release moments away.
“Fucking cum on me, baby. Give me that fucking cum, cmon sweetheart. Need it. Need it bad. Need you to let go it’s too Damn tight oh shit baby come on!” Bucky sent a particularly hard thrust and the end of his desperate plea and that was all it took for you to go completely silent and stock still as your body released squirts upon endless squirts of your creamy cum onto the kitchen floor below you. You screamed as the full amount of the all over bodily sensation of the orgasm rolled over you a second later and your knees buckled nearly sending you to the floor.
“Fuck, baby! Did you just fucking squirt? Shit you’ve never done that before, oh fucking hell, baby” Bucky continued to pound into you as the embarrassing sounds of your leaking wetness increased with every thrust of his hips inside you. “You fucking squirted and I didn’t even touch you. You’re so fucking perfect babydoll. God, you fucking squirted all over the damn floor” he moaned unabashedly as he glanced at the small puddle beneath you.
“Fuck yeah baby” he growled as he moved his hand from your mouth to press down onto your abdomen again, feeling the bulge of himself inside you “you gotta be quiet, sweetheart. You don’t want anyone to come in here and see you leaking all over the floor like a little whore,do you?”
You whimpered shaking your head “n-n-no”
“No?” He mocked “then be quiet, sweetheart. Stop being a stupid little baby and listen to what daddy tells you”
“Oh god feels so good” you slurred struggling to still hold yourself up.
Bucky let your feet reach for floor as he stopped rutting into you , making you moan in inmparience, he slapped your ass hard “stop being a greedy little whore and work for this fucking cock”
You began to push back on him, Bucky stood there hands ghosting your hips as he let you take control watching the way his cock would disappear inside of you and come out shiny and white.
“There you go, baby. You got it” he moaned and panted as he felt you push back hard on him, slamming your ass into his pelvis over and over again, feeling his bulbous tip kiss the end of your cervix “shit baby, yeah get it get it get it get it” he rambled as he watched the way your ass was bouncing on him “love watching this fat fucking ass bounce on my cock” he growled as he delivered a harsh slap to your right asscheek.
You mewled louder as you began to undulate your hips in a hypnotic movement that caught Bucky off guard and nearly sent him weak at the knees “fuuuuuck”
“You nasty fucking bitch, yeah work that fucking cock, work it baby” you were panting, sweating, shaking and struggling to catch your breath as your own goal was to keep fucking yourself on his impossibly thick cock, wanting to hear him lose it and fill you repeatedly
“Wanna fucking give you my kids baby” he said suddenly as he matched your thrusts, the combination of his words and you thrusting in tandem caused you to jerk forward away from him and scream out in pleasure
Buckys hand immediately slapped over your mouth again “where the fuck you think you’re going, huh?don’t you fucking run from this dick” he roared as he pushed you painfully into the counter forcing you to stay in position and take his onslaught of devastating thrusts
“Don’t you ever fucking run from this cock, take it, take it all, take every fucking inch like the good girl daddy knows you can be”
“D-daddy..c-can’t…c-ant take anymore, please oh god please”
“I don’t give a fuck” he said with a harsh snap of his hips “I don’t give a fuck if you can’t take it, because you fucking will. I’ll make you take this cock till it fucking hurts”
Whimpering was the only thing that could be heard from your small form as you struggled to take him
“You gonna be a good girl and take daddy’s kids, baby? You want me to dump this big fat load into your fertile pussy?”
You nodded, not having the ability to form a coherent sentence
Bucky grabbed you by your hair and yanked you back to his imposing form “I asked you a fucking question” he snarled “I said do you want me to nut in this fucking pussy and make you a mommy?”
“Yes! Yes!” You screamed “want it, daddy” you slurred
“Yeah? How many kids you want baby, fuck”
“As many as you’ll give me, daddy”
“Good fucking answer baby, good fucking answer”
“Daddy’s gonna keep you so fucking full all the time. Don’t think I haven’t fucking noticed that you have your implant out , shit. Know you’ve got, fuuuck..know you’ve got to go back and get a new one but we’re not doing that, are we, baby? I’m not fucking joking, you’re cancelling, shit baby yeah like that, you’re cancelling your appointment and I’m gonna fucking knock you up”
“Fucking cum for me baby, need one more, need you nice and open to take my load, come on baby come on come on” he was chanting now as he began to frantically run two fingers back and forth over your sensitive and swollen bud
“Fuck daddy fuck”
“Yeah baby come on, come on, I’m so close, need my special little princess to cum for me”
“Fuck daddy yes! I’m gonna cum I’m gonna cum!” Your heat clenched Bucky’s cock in a tight grip again that felt oddly familiar and then Bucky knew you were gonna squirt again and it drove him feral as he picked up the pace of his hips and the movements on your bundle of nerves
“Oh shit, you gonna fucking squirt again for me, baby? Yeah fucking do it fucking do it, do it now!” He roared as he forced his hand so hard onto your abdomen that it brought your orgasm to the forefront and squeezed more of your juices on to the floor below
“Daddy…m’cumming..cumming…” Bucky was losing his mind, he’d never heard you so fucked out and far away before, and he’d never acted this feral himself before either.
“Shit baby here it comes, here it comes” grinding against you as he whined into your shoulder, sweat dripping down from him onto your shaking form his spine tingling and his balls tightening against your dripping pussy“gonna fucking cum in you..oh shit oh shit oh shit yes yes yes!” He roared loudly as he stilled his hips burried deep inside you, his moth hung open, knees shaking as the most powerful orgasm he’s ever had overtook him. He slammed his metal hand into the granite counter besides your head as it cracked underneath him, gripping it tight as ropes after ropes of high pressured spurts of sticky white nectar forced its way inside your hole and coated your walls. “Oh shit, still fucking cumming” he whined as he tried to pull out only to realise that it was still overflowing from his tip “god there’s so much fucking cum it won’t stop god why won’t it stop” he said as he moaned and rutted into you gently, hearing you cry and whimper beneath him made him growl again “shh baby” he said soothingly as he rubbed the lower part of your back in gentle circles “it’s almost over baby, just a little more” the squirts of his impossibly large super soldier serum load were starting to dwindle now as he began to soften slightly “that’s it baby that’s it” he said lowly as he reached for your stomach feeling the way your belly had swollen at the amount of cum he had poured into you “there we go baby, took all of daddy’s load” he said as he very slowly pulled out from you making you quietly sob, he adjusted your panties to hold in his load for now until he could get you back into his room.
Bucky left the kitchen in the state it was in, including the puddle by the counter. Nobody would know what it was, they’d assume it came from the bowl since it was dropped on the floor and smashed anyway. He’d come back to it and clean it up and explain it was his fault, but right now he wanted to take you back to your shared room and watch you slowly push his cum out and have himself fuck it back inside of you till you were bursting. And that’s exactly what happened after he scooped you up bridal style and carried you over to the elevators.
A/N: why do I say drabble and then write 1k notes 🤔 my horn kneeness gets me carried away lmao
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telemna-hyelle · 3 years
The Things about The Update that makes me happy
I swear every panel with this man
he’s beautiful and perfect and I love him
Warriors working so hard to distract his brother from the pain. I just... the looks on his face when Twi’s not looking, but wiping it away with smiles and banter and puns all just trying to make Twi feel better. 
Wars is dripping big brother vibes and it makes me VERY VERY HAPPY
Time being Very Worried but managing to stay in control and rational despite idiot, bad-joke-making sons.  I’m very proud of him, he is good leader and good dad
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these two panels
i just
i don’t have words i can’t i love it so much
He gets more attractive every update I SWEAR
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war’s face when he finds out they knew all along i’m crying help
peak comedy i swear
also wars why you so hot not fair
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well if this panel ain’t as EPIC AS ALL GET OUT
wild angy
and that is a brief summation of my thoughts, believe me i have many more but this is what i can manage to clump together into something reasonably coherent at this time
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britishassistant · 3 years
Oooo oh! The post you just made is so interesting! Can you do a version with how things go down in the supervillain universe? Like all the dorm heads call Yuu Prefect and Yuu freaks out internally as to how these younger version of the supervillains know their secret?
@ectopus said: ok now i wanna know more on whats happening with older Yuu with the dorm leaders from twisted wonderland
Anonymous said: Finding out your crush is also your enemy sometimes ally is amazing funny! Reporter Yuu gots their hands full with these teenagers and twenty-year-old.
Yuu the Reporter isn’t exactly happy to hear frantic banging on their apartment door late at night. Unsurprised, but not happy.
“I know I told you all I have the 6AM shift tomorrow.” They grouse loudly as they go to open it. “So I don’t care what amazing scheme it is you want to kidnap me for, it is not my pro—”
They stop short when they see what looks like younger versions of Tsunotaro, Charon, and...is that Viper-san? The aide to Kalim Al-Asim?
The trio are huddled together miserably on their doorstep, all dressed in similar school uniforms. Tsunotaro and Charon have a blazer and a hoodie held over their heads, as if that will in any way disguise them.
“This just became my problem, didn’t it.” The reporter says glumly to the three...teenagers? They look like teenagers, Great Seven they’re so lanky and baby-faced, it’s making Yuu feel old.
Teenage Charon lets out a squeak, the edges of his hair flaring hot pink under his hoodie. Teenage Tsunotaro is just staring at them, wide-eyed and mute. Teen Viper-san swallows and says “You think?” in what is probably supposed to be a sardonic manner, but the effect is kinda ruined by his voice cracking halfway through.
It says a lot about Yuu’s life that they just open the door wider and stand aside to let the teenagers shuffle in with only a weary, “Age ray or alternate selves?”
Of course, it can never just be two or three afflicted with the supervillains.
Malleus, Idia, and Jamil are in the middle of explaining how they each came to in different lairs, running into each other on their way to the only recognizable name in the lair’s databases and running away from the screaming townsfolk in Malleus and Idia’s cases, when there’s another violent pounding at the door.
The reporter has to get Jamil to put his...magic wand? thing away before they can go see who it is. Yuu’s not sure how much damage that thing can do, but they’d rather their apartment not get turned into the scene of a brawl again, please and thank you.
The teenager insists on hovering though, as though Yuu is not a grown ass adult who can open doors on their own and not shatter like glass. He promptly gets bowled over by the three other uniformed teenagers and young adult (?) that burst in the moment the handle turns.
The younger King slams the door shut behind them, tail lashing up a storm and ears nearly flat on his head, a growl still rumbling in his chest. The teenage Octo Dealer’s glasses have been snapped clean in half. Yuu still doesn���t get why younger versions of Dr. Rosehearts and Schoenheit-san are with them, but the pair of civilians look understandably shaken.
They are all covered in glitter.
The reporter recognizes that look well. “A RSA hero found you, didn’t they?”
Schoenheit-san sneezes on glitter as he scoffs, “Hero? An overgrown manchild courting indecent exposure and awful fashion sense is more like it!”
White Neige it is then.
The reporter goes to get the first aid kit and lint roller to begin patching up the high schoolers like they’ve done countless times for the minions and supervillains before them.
So Yuu’s little apartment is now filled with high schoolers. High schoolers who are having some trouble absorbing the fact that they’re in a world where four of them are highly feared supervillains, and three of them are hapless civilians. All of them seem to be united in glaring at Grim when he strolls out of the reporter’s bedroom and asks how they all got so small.
By now, Yuu’s phone has begun blowing up with messages from the Game Night group and the other minions asking where their bosses are.
The reporter texts back that they have no idea where Snake Charmer, Poison Queen, or Royal Flush are, but they do snap a picture to send in a group message of the teenage boys who are currently bickering over who gets to sit on the couch versus the floor, and whether Leona lying down on it and taking up the whole thing is “fair” to everyone else.
Uproar in the chat.
Lilia is squeeing over how small and cute Malleus is, lookit him in his little fancy school uniform!! Sebek is both joining in with this praise, and terrified about how they can turn the young master back to his old self! Silver is asleep because he has that luxury, the lucky bastard.
Ruggie is disappointed that his boss doesn’t have anything embarrassing that could potentially serve as blackmail material to get himself a pay raise. Jack wants to arm wrestle young Leona if he’s still there tomorrow and see who would win.
Floyd and Jade want to come over to pick on Azul! Yuu says no! They say they’re coming anyway!!
Ortho is coming too!! His nii-san is now younger and needs him and there’s nothing Yuu can do about it!!
Lilia heavily implies that they all can wait until tomorrow or else.
Suddenly Yuu is no longer anticipating any more house guests tonight. Yay?
Waterboy’s weirdly excited at the picture of Jamil, and Huntsman keeps rhapsodizing about Vil’s youthful beauty, but they’re both a little odd so the reporter purposely thinks nothing of it.
Just like they think nothing of Trey’s oddly monosyllabic mother-henning over the young Riddle. He’s much smaller than the other boys—he probably just set of Trey’s big brother instincts is all. And if the rest of the Heartslaybul minions have gone strangely quiet too? They’re likely just busy searching for Royal Flush. Nothing to read into here, no sir.
Yuuken tells Yuu to call if they need any extra food or blankets for their guests or anything. He’ll try to convince their boss’s boss that Yuu’s taken ill tomorrow. For a moment, all seems right with the world.
Then Azul calls for the “prefect” to come settle the couch argument.
Yuu promptly drops the cup they were about to pour lemon tea into.
They wave off Malleus and Riddle’s concern, Azul’s apologies, and Jamil’s attempts to clear up the shards up for them, saying they were just...startled at being addressed like that.
The reporter explains that, while the students’ version of Yuu might be known as a prefect back at their school, here The Prefect is the name of a...controversial vigilante. One who foils the villainous schemes of the top seven supervillains in the city, and usually takes quite the beating while doing so. The supervillains’ ire even extends to their friend and cameraman, Yuuken, who’s only suspected of being the Prefect.
Yuu likes being on good enough terms with the supervillains that they know even if they get kidnapped, they won’t get seriously hurt. If they or any of their minions were to be given reason, however flimsy, to believe the reporter was The Prefect...
Well. Yuu doesn’t like to think about what would happen then.
The high schoolers keep shooting Yuu looks that suggest they don’t buy this flimsy explanation, but they let the subject drop mercifully, turning back to serving tea and dividing up who will be sleeping where.
Another argument erupts when the reporter offers to sleep on the floor so one or two of them can share their bed. Leona and Malleus come close to almost burning the apartment down before Yuu takes a page out of Uncle Divvy’s book and breaks out the rolled up newspaper to restore order.
Later that night, after it’s all settled and the students are all fast asleep, Yuu the Reporter has a panic attack in the privacy of their bathroom.
They don’t know how much longer they can keep this up.
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shyneanon · 4 years
There is only one bed with red
I bet you thought I was never gonna respond to this one, huh, anon? Nope! I just had to rewrite it like five million times before I felt like it was actually not terrible. lol
Hope you enjoy this even though it’s been foreeeeeever.
“Well. Lookit that.”
You stared at the single available bed in the single available room, pretty immaculately kept.
“There’s only one bed,” said Red, leaning against the wall. “How unfortunate.”
You stared at it for a while, then looked back at him. He was flashing his gold tooth at you in a smug grin.
“It’s fine,” you said. “I can sleep on the floor.”
His smile vanished.
“Hey,” he said, “hold on, sweetheart. I c’n sleep on the floor.”
Actually kind of nice of him to offer, but as much as he annoyed you… no. “It’s cool, I can do it.”
“Nah, it’s gonna make me feel like trash if I letcha sleep on the floor.”
“Well, ditto.”
He grinned. “Ooh, I gotta solution. How ‘bout we both sleep on the floor?”
You held in a laugh, trying your best to give him a deadpan look. Don’t laugh, don’t laugh….
He waggled his brows at you.
And you let out a snort.
You started to set your things down and move onto the floor but Red shoved you towards the bed. “No,” he said, “I don’ wanna feel like an asshole.”
“You are an asshole,” you said.
“Sure but I don’ wanna feel like one…!”
“OK,” you said, “fine.” Whatever, his loss. You climbed into the bed and got under the covers, and you turned a bit as Red lay down on the floor.
… Dammit.
You sighed. I’m going to regret this.
“Red,” you said.
He turned with an oddly soft smile. “Yeah, beautiful?”
Your face turned warm. His nicknames are more effective than they should be. “Just get in the stupid bed.”
“Oh?” A brow rose, and the soft smile was gone. “Feeling bonely?”
“Don’t,” you said, moving over. “You just look so pathetic on the floor, I can’t do it.”
“Sure, sure.” He moved the covers aside and slid under them with you. “You tell yerself that.”
“I will shove you back onto the floor, Red.”
He shut his mouth (figuratively speaking), and you shut your eyes. He was surprisingly warm for a skeleton, perhaps due to wearing a jacket all day. Since he didn’t have the jacket on, though, you were far more aware of the fact that he was literally just… bone. You could feel his actual spine… It was kind of weird, but not weird enough to keep you up. You were just glad he wasn’t getting handsy. Though the truth was that him getting touchy hadn’t been your main concern. In reality, you tried to avoid having to share a bed with anyone. There was a, um, bad habit of yours that people had informed you of.
But hopefully you wouldn’t do anything crazy tonight.
Red was awoken by the feeling of something lying across his whole body.
What the hell?
He was on his side, and he attempted to push it off, but it didn’t budge. Groggy and annoyed, he awkwardly twisted and wriggled until he was on his back and could see what the fuck it was….
It was you.
He squinted, thinking he might be insane, but yeah. It was you. You were lying on top of him. A bit awkwardly, one of your legs was pointing in the direction of your side of the bed, but your head was where the crook of his neck would be, and you were breathing softly.
Red’s face lit on fire instantly.
“Sweetheart?” he mumbled, even though he was pretty sure you couldn’t hear him. When had this happened? Had it happened in your sleep? Had you done this on purpose?
You sighed in your sleep.
Oh… oh my God.
What if she likes me?
Had you instinctively cuddled up to him in your sleep because you… liked him? Or… maybe you liked his smell, or the way lying on him felt… Red was a bit embarrassed to find that he felt giddy, but the giddiness overrode the embarrassment.
“Sweetheart,” he repeated softly, gently wrapping his arms around you. You snuggled closer and he felt his soul start to hum.
We’re… so close….
She’s so cute when she’s asleep….
“You are the most adorable thing,” he said. He knew you couldn’t hear. That was the nice part; he could say whatever he wanted. He started to readjust your stray leg with his own, and his face warmed up even more when you curled your leg around his. He let out a small sound of surprise.
“Baby, you’re uncooperative…. Hah….”
Not that he, uh, minded… having your legs like this….
“Aren’t you just the sweetest,” he purred, pulling you closer. His soul was picking up. While you were asleep he felt no need to maintain his tough guy persona, so he cooed. “Yer cute as hell.”
He nuzzled you, holding you close.
He never wanted to let go….
“Don’t worry,” he said softly, lifting one finger and stroking your cheek. “I’ll keep you safe.” He closed his eyes, relishing the feeling washing over his soul while the two of you were so near each other. “Jus’ stay right here… with me, yeah?”
One hand tangled in your hair and he sighed. It was so soft…. You moved closer to him, making a soft hum, and Red’s grin widened, his soul melting into a puddle.
This was the best night of his life.
When your mind started to barely lift out of its unconscious state, the first thing you noticed was that it did not feel like you were lying on the mattress.
The second thing you noticed was that a pair of arms were around you. What the… Red? Why was he…
Oh. Oh no.
I climbed on him in my sleep, didn’t I?
It was a weird habit you’d never would’ve known about were it not for the unlucky victims who had told you about it. You had never woken up on top of someone before— you always woke up next to the person in the morning, in the same spot where you’d fallen asleep, and then they would tell you about how they’d woken up in the dead of night to find your entire body lying on top of them. It also apparently took a lot of effort to push you off, especially since attempts would usually result in you immediately trying to climb back onto them.
Red, uh, didn’t seem to be making any attempts to push you off, though.
“Hah, sweetie… You look so stupid when yer asleep….”
Did he know you were awake? Judging from his low volume, you were pretty sure that no, he didn’t.
His finger wiped the side of your mouth and then immediately withdrew, and you heard him laughing as quietly as possible. Yep, he was trying not to wake you up.
“Gross!” he whispered, and you heard the sound of his hand brushing against the fabric of, presumably, his clothes. “You drool in your sleep!”
More quiet laughter. If you blushed visibly you’d give yourself away, so you just buried your face in his collarbone. Embarrassing.
“... Ah… doll….”
A hand was gently placed on your back.
“I wish we could do this all the time,” he said softly. If he thought you were asleep he wasn’t saying this to flirt with you.
He meant it, then?
“Why’ve you gotta be so damn adorable, huh? M… My soul’s going crazy over here….”
A hand ran through your hair. He was being unusually gentle….
“Then again, that happens a lot when I’m with you.”
Your face got hotter; thank goodness he couldn’t see it from this angle.
His teeth pressed against your forehead. A kiss?
“I wish… I had the guts tah tell ya how I feel.”
Huh? Not… not like… romantically, right?
“You make me feel amazing. Like… really amazing, I… I dunno how t’put it in words cuz I’m real bad with words. S’why I can’ bring myself to tell you, I wanna tell you but every time I open my goddamn mouth all I say is somethin’ suggestive.”
Some silence. Should you tell him that you were awake? You were basically eavesdropping right now.
But at the same time…
“‘N, admittedly… I wish I was good fer you. Which I’m not, I’m… I’m fuckin’ me.”
Why did your heart suddenly ache?
“I’m lazy, I’m sleazy, I dress stupid, I act stupid, I can’t communicate like an adult to save my damn life…. An’ I… I’ve done a lotta bad things. Y… ya should get with some sweet guy who’s responsible ‘n shit.” He muttered: “Lookit me, fuckin’ swearing while I’m tryna talk about my feeli— Fantastic, I did it twice.”
It took all the effort you had to not giggle.
“I wish I was good for you. Ah, sweetie, I’d… I’d take such good care of you, I really would. Or, I’d try. Tryin’ is… really all I could do, t’be honest.”
Trying is all anyone can do.
“... Too bad I suck, yeah?”
Your heart ached again. Red didn’t suck, he was a good guy…. It was probably best to tell him that you were awake before he spilled any more personal information.
“You don’t suck,” you mumbled, turning your head.
“‘M sorry, dollface, did I wake you up with my rambling? I’ll be quiet.”
“No, I’ve been awake for a while.”
His whole body froze up.
“... Ya have?”
“H… How much of what I was just saying did you—“
“All of it.”
There was a long, awkward silence.
“I’m sorry,” you said, “I should’ve said something—“
“Fuck,” he said, and you lifted your head. His eye sockets were squeezed shut.
“No, Red, it’s OK—“
“No it’s not, I’ve been makin’ a sappy ass outta myself an’ now I prob’ly made you feel guilty—“
“You didn’t make me feel guilty—“
“Jus’ please don’t say that we should go on a date cuz I know you’re only doing it to make me feel better ‘bout myself—“
“Shut up, Red.”
His eye sockets opened and he looked down at you. You could see the two red lights standing out in the darkness. “... Huh?”
“Stop wallowing in self-hatred and listen to me.”
He said nothing. You would take that as cooperation.
OK, he was listening. So, uh… what should you say?
You actually didn’t know.
So you just kissed him.
Initially he just froze up, but after a moment his arms wrapped around you and he pulled you close, kissing back. W… Wow, this feels really good…. You moved into a better position and felt your hair spill down onto him.
“Sorry,” you said as the kiss parted.
“Sorry?” Red cupped the back of your head and gave you a second fervent kiss. “What the hell for? Ya just kissed me.”
“My hair is kinda touching you.”
“Oh no,” he said in monotone, “how awful. Kiss ruined.”
You snickered and leaned down to press your forehead against his. He looked up at you with fuzzy eyelights.
“I don’ deserve your love,” he said quietly. You smiled back.
“Nobody deserves love, Sans. That’s why it’s so special when someone loves us anyway.”
“You deserve love,” he said, “from somebody better than me.”
“That’s awfully vague.” You kissed his cheek. “And besides, I don’t want love from this person you call ‘somebody better than me.’”
He smiled.
“I want love from you.”
“Hah,” he said, and you saw his eyelights change… They were like hearts now. “Sweetheart, trust me, you already have all my love.”
Your face heated up. “That’s really romantic,” you told him.
“... It is?”
A giggle escaped you. “Yes, Sans.”
You kissed his nasal ridge.
“So?” you said with a smile. “You gonna ask me out or not?”
His eyelights got fuzzy again. “Ya think maybe we could go out sometime, beautiful?”
After kissing his cheek, you said, “I’d love that.”
“So, uh…” He looked at the way you two were positioned. “You think… we could do this more?”
You lay your head down on his ribcage.
“We should fall back asleep,” you told him.
“Sure thing, angel.”
Drifting off took no time at all.
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rikalovesrice · 3 years
RoTT trailer’s dropped so it’s time to scream.
deep breath
Okay now that that’s done, time for a wee bit of analysis and theorizing. 
So. The Titans have indeed risen (okay guys what were we expecting it’s literally the title of the movie lol). A titan of Fire, one of Ice, and one of Earth. When exactly Nari will be captured by the Order is of course unknown. It seems like Bellroc is sort of piloting the Fire Titan somehow....I’m assuming Skrael will be doing the same with the Ice Titan.
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Nari....Bellroc and Skrael have to have done something to her. Some sort of mind control spell? I can’t say. However this image is quite curious to me :
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It looks to me like Douxie’s trying to talk something down, with Jim and Claire looking very hesitant behind him. Maybe he’s trying to reason with and speak to a mind controlled Nari??? Perhaps, perhaps. But either way, it does look like he’s taking the lead in handling something.....Or it could just be Jlaire being like, “Um no, Douxie, bro do something.” lol (also why is he so pretty omg he’s so beautiful douxie my husband uwu)
ALRIGHT. Jimbo wielding the swordy sword.
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Also Douxie riding on Aaaargh gives me so much joy hehehehee
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Hmmmm wonder why Excaliber’s crystal is detached and what significance that holds. A piece of the Heart of Avalon? And there’s also that green glowy orb Douxie’s holding. They could possibly be connected. (Also Jim bebe what happened to your hand??? ;___; I wanna kiss all his booboos and tell him is gonna be ok poor bebe)
Blinky....Yeah. I don’t think Blinky’s gonna make it, guys. 
“We have magic, aliens, trolls....and Blinky.”
That’s a odd amount of emphasis being put on our favorite troll dad and it only smells like sadness T__T 
Or maybe they’re just.....trolling us. (aaaaaaye) LORD I HOPE SO THIS MOVIE’S ALREADY GOING TO DESTROY MY EMOTIONS DON’T DO THIS TO ME--
Obviously there’s still heaps of information we won’t get until the movie finally comes out because I kinda doubt they’ll have a second trailer (but boi that’d be crispy and lively in equal measure).
I’m fairly certain that Charlie was confirmed for the movie but we haven’t seen him yet, and Del Toro hinted at Jim’s biological father being in the movie somehow. Archie’s in the poster for the movie but we didn’t see him in the trailer.....My guess is that he was probably captured (because losing your Familiar has to be devastating and Douxie seemed alright for the most part.....but who knows.) OR HE KEEPS FLYING AROUND OFF SCREEN LIKE ARCHIE GET IN FRONT OF THE CAMERA AND STOP WORRYING PEOPLE.
Still hoping for the massive Endgame war with an army of trolls, Akiridions, and hedge wizards/witches (Zoe...? Still hoping for Zoe >_<) CAUSE HOW EPIC WOULD THAT BE Y’ALL LET’S GOOOOOO. 
Okay long post is kinda long. I’m SO excited for this movie. The animation looks gorgeous, my children are all together saving the world, more Douxie more Douxie more Douxie and feels are going to be felt and we’re all about to hurt so good hohoho...... :’)
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okie i’m done .___.
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pwnyta · 3 years
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Shes so beautiful and lookit her froggie pet. I dont care if shes a huge bitch. She deserves to be when shes this good.
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Gotta hold myself back from being completely fucking feral... but HOLY SHIT HERB COSTUME. You look so good my boy.
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ALSO CHERRY BLOSSOM HOLY SHIT. You also look so fucking good.
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Im so sorry Beet, Carrot, and Spinch the devs did you so fucking dirty. I knew there were gonna be some bangers on Lotus’ update and I new she’d happen right after so im glad I stopped trying to pull for Yogurts costume and saved my mileage. I need Herbs costume. And I have a strong desire for the others..... but Herb is a must.
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...Also... baby.
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The Lantern set I like the idea of but not to much how they turned out.
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You bitches turned it the fuck out as I knew you would. Congrats ladies.
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brutalfish · 3 years
Belated congrats on Bersercu, and also AYYY LANCER CU LEVEL 100, NICE!!!!
i pull these out of my pockets like a proud mother with a string of photos from a wallet OH YOU'VE INQUIRED ABOUT MY BOYS
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I screamed out loud at like 2AM. My first SSR5 pull being the ONE that I wanted the most is a blessing I will not soon forget. I need more cups to shove down his beautiful gullet cuz I used 9 of them on Lancer HAHDBJFB
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He's so strong and stupidly useful and carries my entire team SSR5 in my HEART
I gotta finish 10/10/10ing him and then... then he will be perfect...
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levis-little-nuggie · 3 years
5 aand 10 👀👀💜💜
Kaikai my beloved 💜💜 Obey Me NSFW Asks
5. Is there a kink you’ve explored either through Obey Me! as a whole or with a particular character?
Monsterfucking. Is that a kink? I've read fics and drabbles about the demons being submissive and a Dom!MC and pieces where MC tops the demons and it's made me think about where I fall on the Dom/sub and top/bottom/vers spectrums. I'm cis female and am still very sexually naive, always have been, with pretty vanilla experience, and very ignorant. Before being in the OM fandom, I've never understood the desire of wanting to top others. I knew straps were a thing but just, could not grasp the concept of why people would want to use them.
Being in the OM fandom has really opened my eyes to my ignorance and the wonders and beauty of topping during sex.
And reaffirmed my somnophilia kink 😌 thanks Belphie
10. Are there any cards that get you hot and bothered? (Oh I see, this must be payback 🤣)
I spent SO FUCKING LONG going through the card archives for this 😭 bc I love you 💜 I'm posting them under a cut bc....well... you'll see
Sir Daddy 😌 and the second is him rewarding me for being a Good Girl
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LOOKIT HIM SMILING!!! I want to spoil him and be the reason he smiles. The second one, I uh, it's uh, the look, the two fingers okay? The fact he's holding a plushie, I can't explain that part.
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MY BOY MY BABY THE LOVE OF MY LIFE. That first one, he's rescuing me after I've been kidnapped and that shit is my guilty pleasure. And the second one, I HAVE A THING FOR THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA OKAY?
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i don't think i need to explain these two...
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The first one radiates with my thirst for comfy cozy cuddles. Sleepy baby all wrapped up in big coat makes for the most amazing cuddles and him wrapping his arms around me, encompassing me in the jacket with him, snuggling for warmth on cold days. And that second one is like he's teasing me like the little shit that he is, lookit him sticking that tongue out 🥺🥺
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May I request for the Leona, Vil, Azul and our boy Jack getting stuck in their MC's world and their experience? (MC is with them)
Oh sweet Jesus akdhakdhsk FORGIVE ME OF MY RATHER CYNICAL OUTLOOK ON OUR LIL BLUE PLANET 😬 I think it’s understandable to be more cynical than ever in this Hell Year, lolll
Send these poor, sweet babies back home, they deserve better than to be stuck here of all places 😅 ESPECIALLY JACK AAAAAA SAVE THE BABY 💔
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Ok, not even going to play with you... Vil would thrive, lol.
Just give him time enough to stop panicking over all his lost clothes, magic, etc., and find new things that works for him and his detailed self-care routine, and whatever he chooses to do, he will make Fat Stacks in.
He’s the male version of Belle Delphine, here ajdhakdhsj
He appears anywhere, on tv with some company to continue his performer career he had back home, or on youtube/instagram, and he is almost immediately just as famous here as he was in Wonderland.
Can we really blame anyone, tho? Look at him.
And there’s no Neige here!
Also, ‘my’ Vil is definitely the one that knows there are many different ways to be beautiful~. He may be a bit more blunt to his friends if he thinks they’re not quite hitting the usual mark their talents place them in. But that’s only because he cares about them, and wants everyone to see their best, as he does~. He’s an absolutely encouraging sweetheart to anyone else/a beginner at whatever their passion is, though~. And either way, he’s your best cheerleader~.
Of course he still just doesn’t feel himself without his magic, or ability to do potions. I don’t think he’d find the witchcraft in our world would suit him very well.
If he was really stuck for good, of course he’d make the best of it. But if he could go home, especially if you wanted to go back with him, he’d jump at the chance. And always be on the lookout for the chance.
But that being said, I think, aside from all the world’s problems, of course, he’d find it interesting just how similar, and vastly different, things are here.
He donates Ass Loads to so many charities, like honestly.
Rich boy knows his privilege, and lets others ride off his advantages as much as he can. 💜
He becomes friends with James Charles. You know he does.
You can’t be truly fully beautiful if you’re not also lovely on the inside, too, after all~!
Rip Rook wherver he is, he is lost without his Queen 😔
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Gosh, in direct contrast to Vil, Leona probably suffers the most over here?? Jahdkshdj
I know they based his sleep habits off a irl lion, but that also sounds just a Tad Bit like possible depression to me (along with a lot of the other ways he’s behaved so far, lol).
Get this sweetheart to some therapy, maybe?? Help him get a lil energy boost at least to help him feel better 💛
He’s going to HATE the work pace people have to maintain just to eat here, 100%.
He enjoys the entertainment the most, though~. Video games, things you can watch online, all those sorts of things~. Might like a few of our sports, too~.
Poor bby struggles with having to work, though, please help him 💔
At least he doesn’t have to live under being Forever Prince, here, and doesn’t have to worry about turning anything he touches to sand. And the lions in the zoos are pretty cool to go see~!
He’d probably love it if he could go to Africa and see what our “Afterglow Savannah” looks like here~. Meet the lions that are in the wild~.
I imagine he and Jack would both lose the ears for human ones, and the tails, too. (😢💔) So he probably feels weird seeing himself like that, and might miss his tail. Especially if it helped him with balance. Give him some time to adjust to it~. There’s these neat new tails people made for cosplay, that can move around on their own, if he’d like one to help him not miss his old one so much~!
I had to really think about what the heck he’d even do for a job, cause he’s so grumpy to everyone, retail’s just OUT, lol. And I don’t think he’d be that great at something like youtube, either ajdhsjjd
It’s hard for him to not just lay around all lazy, rather than think of stuff to do for it/actually get up and go do it. Let alone all the meetings, and interacting with fans, and the like.
So maybe actually being one of the zookeepers would be a good fit for him~. He’d be obligated to actually go, and he’d get to be around lots of different animals~. Might help him feel more at home, too~. I think he’d be pretty good at it, and the animals would probably be drawn to him~ 💛
He’d also absolutely challenge the authority here (or anywhere else that has appalling governments, especially if they’re not run by women). The state of things, and the way women and minorities are treated by white men around the world, and men in general, would absolutely appall him. He so drunk on that respecc women juice, he just can’t wrap his head around what the hell the problem is with those rich assholes in power. Put him in power, and he’ll ruthlessly show them what-for! ALL the others behind him would be women! Good grief, humans!
All in all, he doesn’t mind it here, but would also prefer to be home, where he can sleep more, and Ruggie can run around for him most of the time, lol
Besides, that allowed him to spend more time with you~! 💛
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Oh, Jack. Sweet, sweet Jack.
He absolutely becomes a personal trainer as a job, here. 1000%. He lives that Exercise Junkie Lifestyle, there’s just no doubt about it.
He’s VERY encouraging to his students, though~! Build up that beef, guys, he has total faith in you~! 🤍🤍
He absolutely loooooooves going anywhere to see wolves. He’d probably really love the wooded mountains in Europe, if you ended up there, or in Oregon/Washington if you ended up here in America~. Definitely Canada, or Alaska, too~! Just give him huge trees, snowy winters, and nearby mountains, and he feels right at home~.
Idk if he’d miss his magic a whole heck of a lot, tbh?? But he WOULD miss his friends and family! It’s just not quite the same here, though he thinks it’s beautiful and interesting to see where you came from~. 🤍
He’s a good boy 😭
Also appalled with the state of so many rulers and governings both in your home, and around most of the world, lol.
He can’t stand seeing so many people suffer like that! How can they possibly live the life that’s the most healthy and happy for them to live, disabled, chronically ill, or not, if they’re suffering under an iron fist all the time?!
He CAN’T stand for it. You won’t stop him till he sees good change starting to finally happen. Especially if you live here! There’s no way he can just sit around and have you be subjected to that!
You gotta calm him down a lot and remind him there are others just as good and kind as he is, fighting to change things too 🤍
God help people if he gets here anytime within 2020-2021. He’s sucker punching nearly everyone he sees without a mask.
He’s also sucker punching every nazi he sees, too.
My goodness, please show him the movie Wolf Children! He’ll hide the fact he’s crying multiple times through it, but it’s one of his favorite movies here~.
If you do manage to go back to Wonderland, please try to bring a copy of it with you. It’s the one thing he’ll miss most, and keep asking to watch with you again, before remembering it doesn’t exist there. 😭
He also misses his tail and ears a lot. Losing all of that + his senses would be very a very awkward adjustment for him, and he wouldn’t really like it poor bby 💔 Give him lots of hugs to compensate U-U 🤍
His favorite thing to do with you would probably be to go hiking, and stay in a little cabin in the woods, for a week or two~. Somewhere in one of the previously mentioned places~.
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(I couldn’t find a chibi gif of Azul to use, rip 😭)
Azul is just straight up becoming a mafia boss, probably wkdhakdjjs.
He’s the ‘good’ kind, though. He’s learned his lesson since his overblot, and he won’t outright kill people for not paying him back, or introduce drugs, or anything like that.
He’ll help people obtain what they want as legally as possible... But that doesn’t mean he still won’t be sly as hell about it, haha~.
He’ll protect loyal/good customers and the areas they live in, too~. In fact, he’d probably reDUCE crime from doing so.
He just learns all the dirty ins and outs of everything about how things run here. And as much as he’ll fight for change as the others would, because there’s no way any of that is an acceptable way for you to live, he’ll work dirty in order to take advantage of the system, to do so. What better way, right? Make the dominos fall from the inside out.
He’s a good business man, he knows doing so would also benefit him, too.
He’s like Bruce Wayne if Bruce Wayne was a rich mafia leader jeehskdje
Need health benefits to work for him? Covered. Need above-average pay to actually afford your bills and other stuff? Covered. Need education to do a job for him? They’ll train you.
He’s also practically a Gordon Ramsey, tbh. Lots of his bars will pop up across the world, if he stays here long enough, lol. But they’ll all help a good number of people, in doing so~.
He also donates as much as he can, too. If he’s gonna become even a fraction as rich as Jeff Bozos, he’s ending world hunger and homelessness every year.
And boy oh BOY will he swindle the rich akdhakdhwj
He will whip them so hard, they won’t know what the hell hit them.
He may have been under restrictions at the college, but he sure as hell isn’t here. Watch out as he spreads his tentacles wings.
And, of course, he adores being anywhere near the coast. Doesn’t matter what part of the world you’re in, he just needs to be by the sea.
All the polution absolutely breaks his sweet little heart, and that’s one of the first things on his list to fix. Dealing with trash back home was much easier... you could just zap it all away at big trash fields. But you don’t have that luxury here.
Being that he doesn’t really like his ocotpus form (bbyyyyyy 😢💔), he probably doesn’t mind the permanent legs. At least he doesn’t have to constantly take a potion to keep them, anymore.
But it’s still awkward to get used to. And he can’t stand that he can’t breathe underwater anymore, or go too far down without dying from the pressure.
He’ll dive as often as he can~. And loves to dive, or snorkle, or just swim~, with you, if you want to join him~.
He does miss his home, if only for the beauty and familiarity it had, despite a lot of bad memories around it. But there’s no doubt he’d thrive here, in a way only he could~.
He totally believes your own version of mermaids exists, and gets excited over anything that could prove it to be true 😅
Plus, he’s just obsessed with how marine life works here in general~. If he can juggle being a freakin maffia boss, and a marine biologist just out of the pure love for it, I have no doubt he’d do it~.
Humans most likely evolved from creatures in the water?? That’s amazing~! So the ocean feels like a distant memory of a second home~! He’d love to bond over that, the romantic~ 💜
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