#looking for south park blogs
gravitycoill · 4 months
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the girlies of south park!!!
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Today, Jesus is holding:
Satan (from South Park)
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hey you two:) moss while you weren’t here I promised Kenny to buy pizza! And today is a beautiful day so we can get one! It’s on me ofc:)
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rainwater71 · 3 months
SOME STUFF ABOUT ME (cause i should’ve made a post like this awhile ago)
•Please call me Rainy. That is not my real name but i prefer not to share my real name online.
• my pronouns are she/her
•i’m a minor so don’t be weird
•I’m Omnisexual
•i love my mutuals and if you follow me i will most likely follow you back
•i don’t really post much, i mostly just scroll around looking at fanart
•when i do post it’s most likely gonna be me promoting fanfics of mine😭 I have two active ones right now. The divided-johnny cade and the blonde | south park. both are available on ao3 and wattpad
•i am in the Sander sides, South Park and The Outsiders fandoms. I’m not super into sanders sides anymore but i still interact with the fandom. My main hyperfixation is South Park.
•i USED to be in the dream SMP fandom, but trust me i’ve definitely moved on.
•Tumblr is the only social media where i am Rainwater71. Everything else is personal stuff where i post my face and stuff and people at my school see. (This acc ppl at my school do NOT see because well..i’ve done everything to avoid them seeing it)
•i am super into meteorology and atmospheric science and i plan on being a meteorologist when im older.
•i play trombone but im not a full blown band kid
•im also super into theater, specifically vocal stuff (not so much acting and especially not dancing) but im also not a full blown theater kid
•My favorite characters from my three main fandoms are Kenny McCormick from South Park, Johnny Cade from The Outsiders, and Virgil Sanders from Sanders sides.
•i may occasionally post fanart as i am trying to improve my drawing skills (my main hobby is ofc fanfics tho)
•Ralph Macchio is my favorite celebrity (i have an american flag on my wall with him on it)
Thank you!❤️
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luv4kyle · 3 months
₊ 👛 ᴡᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇ  ⊂ ⊃ 𓂂 ⠀☆
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✶  ― Hey I'm Jecka (or Heidi, ) welcome to my Tumblr account! im a newbie here so i might not know how some stuff works on here <3
✶  ― im pretty busy most of the time so ill disappear then start writing again often. ( i have a messed up sleep schedule and i just started school again too so ill feel tired and wont do requests for a some time )
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1 . if you wanna request i do ONLY fluff and angst. NO smut, lemon or anything else that's weird. ( KEEP IN MIND I AM A MINOR! i will not be accepting / writing nsfw stuff until i feel comfortable doing so and if i do, request only if the character is an adult. )
2 . I write for south park ( only the main 4 plus wendy and butters ) • panty and stocking with garterbelt ( only panty, stocking & brief ) • Inuyasha ( all main characters ) • spiderman itsv AND atsv ( miles, gwen, hobie and only ) • and mcyt ( tommyinnit, tubbo, ranboo and niki only )
3 . PLEASEE specify if you want a small drabble, oneshot, or headcanons cus i get so confused if you dont mention which one you want. I ALSO DO NOT DO SHIPS!!! idgaf my oage is specifically for x reader stuff ( platonic or romantic ) or just the character !
4 . if you need any sort of advice or wanna ask me questions i have an account on tellonym! my user is sun_shined <3
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Shows, Movies, books ; South park, Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt, Inuyasha, Ghost Stories, The Lego movie, Lego Batman movie, John wick 1 , 2 , & 3 , Five Nights at Freddys, spiderman into the spider-verse, spiderman across the spider-verse, The Prince of mist, The Midnight Train, labyrinth of spirtits, 1 for sorrow
Video Games ; Street Fighter, South Park Snow Day, Mario Kart, Minecraft, Fall Guys, Five nights at Freddys 2, Fortnite, Metal Slug, Roblox, subway surfers, sims 4
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masterlist  ―  links  ―  
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stardust-sunset · 4 months
how do you think kyle would react to reader or himself having hiccups?
Well honestly I think if he had them he’d probably just do that thing where he wrinkles up his nose and then just covers his mouth with two or three fingers while mumbling about how gross he’s being. Or it honestly depends on who he’s around. If he’s around friends he probably just tries to get it to stop as quickly as possible but he’d probably be unable to so he just ends up being angry about it for a bit. He hates having hiccups. Or burping. He hates those two things especially because he thinks it makes him gross. And he gets insecure around others. Especially if it’s around someone he likes. He would probablg just keep his mouth covered and end up excusing himself and trying to get rid of them. He doesn’t necessarily feel like…he’s not a stickler for manners. He can be just as impolite as the rest of the boys, though it’s something he refuses to do in public or if he’s out, especially if he were to wait tables in the future, his respect level skyrockets for retail workers. Like I don’t think that he thinks it’s rude, he just hates the noise of hiccuping or burping and he also hates the way it feels. Like he hates the jolting feeling. And he doesn’t think he ‘needs to be full enough to do stuff like that’. Another thing is I headcanon he has acid reflux, inherited from Gerald, not because he’s unhealthy, but that just makes him more prone to it. So I think he would be grossed out and embarrassed. Especially since he thinks like ‘if I’m full enough to be burping like Cartman I’ve had too much’. Does that make sense? I kinda went off on a tangent. My fault. But you get the hint.
I’m not exactly sure how he’d react. If anyone wants to add on lmk.
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butters-flower-mom · 6 months
it may be my stress problems but seeing people demonize butters makes me completely enraged, i almost told that sp confessions anon to kill themselves but i controlled the impulse, he is just a comfort character to me
I understand exactly how you feel because I'm the same way. I'm glad you didn't tell them that because it's never okay to tell someone to hurt themselves over fictional characters, but I completely understand feeling that angry.
It might just be for the best to block that blog. I've been considering it myself ever since that one anon who used "virgin" as an insult and implied they're superior to everyone else for having had sex at a young age. (I swear fandoms are such unwelcoming spaces for ace people but that's another matter entirely.) It sucks because that blog has lots of anons who are nice and just want to share silly thoughts about the show but then there are assholes who seem to just be there to intentionally rile others up while anonymous.
If it really gets you that angry though, consider blocking it. Life's too short to waste it on things that make you feel bad, and it seems like since that one anon said something in defense of Butters not long ago the little gaggle of Butters haters on this site are going to come pouring in now to list all the reasons why they believe he's utterly detestable.
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artidiya · 1 year
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I hate it when you get art block in the middle of the project💀
For the SOT on top I was thinking something foresty(green) or like a sunset(orange) but I haven’t settled on anything yet for that
The TFBW background is pretty much decided for but it doesn’t feel finished yet, if anyone has suggestions on how to make it better I’m all ears
Finally for the main show version of bunny I have a couple of ideas, from the hallways/lockers or somewhere in South Park but we shall see where it goes since it’ll be the last one I’m working on
Thank you anyone who interacts with my blog, it means the world to me and I wish you all the best❤️❤️
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knightinink · 1 year
Do you have any Gregstophe headcanons?
I do! I may mainly be a Dip blog, but I love me some Gregstophe as well! Dip 🤝 Gregstophe gotta stick together, after all!
-Gregory is an early riser, & is very punctual about always being on time, even for waking up. If his alarm goes off at 5am sharp, he's awake. Christophe not so much, & I like to think he's more of a night person. "All ze interesting things 'appen at night." Gregory's heard many a time, but he still encourages Christophe to wake up & go to bed at the same times he does. This stopped however, after one mission in particular had exhausted the Frenchman (who was also injured pretty badly), & now Gregory lets him have his own schedule that is more accommodating to him.
-As a kid, Christophe dealt with his emotions by digging a hole (or a short tunnel) & would sit down there until he felt better. Not necessarily good, but a bit better. He still does this into adulthood, but now he "digs a hole in his mind", as that's usually more convenient, & retreats into his head until he feels better (not disassociating, just shutting everything out that's going on around him; like he put earplugs in). When he's with Gregory, the other notices this behavior & buys him an iPod with some headphones so he can listen to music rather than the silence of his thoughts.
-I've mentioned this here before on this blog, but I like to think Christophe just has a natural knack for baking, & he's very talented at it! He'll never admit it, but everything he makes & sits out on the counter, plated intricately & purposefully, are things he made for Gregory. The Brit has next to no idea what he's doing in a kitchen, so he's always amazed at what Christophe is able to make. (& he knows that those sweets & confectionaries are made specially for him, as they are always something he enjoys or something he mentioned in passing once, & Christophe isn't a huge fan of sweet things).
-I don't really see either of them as "having a pet" sort of people, but if they ever did I could see them getting a cat (Christophe has put his foot down on a "no dogs ever" policy). Gregory would keep it well-stimulated with maze feeding bowls & toys where you need to figure out how to open it to get treats out of it. Christophe would insist on turning a part of the house into an "exercise space" for the cat, drilling little platforms into the walls for the cat to jump onto, & he would spend a lot of time playing with it, but he calls it "exercise training". The cat's favorite spot to sleep would be on the backrest of Gregory's chair in his study, or in Christophe's rocker in the den. It's name would, of course, be something ridiculously high-class, yet hilarious at the same time.
-If it's Christophe who does the cooking, then it is Gregory who does the driving. Christophe gets road-rage too easily when he's behind the wheel, & has crashed & totaled at least 3 cars. No longer wanting to worry about him (or paying more & more insurance fees & new cars), the Brit is the one who now drives them everywhere, both casually & on missions (the casualness will come later in their lives).
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roostertuftart · 2 years
I really am getting frustrated with how little artists are being supported in this fandom. It’s frustrating to see talented artists who have notes only in the dozens because a ton of people liked the art but only one or two people reblogged it. And I don’t think you should be pressured to reblog every single art piece you see, but I am begging you to consider being a bit more lenient in art you will boost??
Art on the internet is dying in some ways. We are losing the websites that catered to our work one by one- Deviantart, Instagram, Twitter, many more. Tumblr is among them, but at the very least it is not the site’s algorithm that is against us, and there are plenty of active people, and yet still, no one actually wants to put in the effort of supporting the creators they like or helping them feel seen, and I feel like at least to a degree that is a major problem specifically in this fandom- Because we have an active fan base on this app, and I can see how many people flock to funny text posts I’ve reblogged, but my art and other people’s art will continue to go entirely ignored and it’s becoming increasingly frustrating because despite the influx of new people on this app, I’ve seen a DECREASE in interaction somehow.
I don’t know for what reason you would want to follow me but for art, for my own and the work of others that I reblog, so can you please actually support it instead of looking at it for half a second and then moving on with maybe a like if we are lucky? Because I’m exhausted of trying to make work that will actually be valued by anyone and other artists have been saying the same things for months, and although I’ve tried to be nice and not too forward about my frustration with this, I’m getting to be at my limit. I don’t want to post art that much anymore. Many other people don’t want to post art much more. What’s the point if no one shows any care?
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sp tumblr is crazy. sometimes you'll get the most beautiful well drawn piece of art you've ever laid your eyes upon and sometimes you'll get someone who ships clyde and his dad together
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nameless-network · 6 months
post infodump clarity. like did i really just spend like 6 minutes justifying south park as queer media
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gummiibladii · 7 months
updated intro/meet the admin/whatever post 🫐
basics: i mostly go by noel but noah is also fine, i spawned in 2005 meaning im turning 19 this year so if im too old for your comfort dont interact. im istj 1w9 and very likely neurodivergent. im into a lot of stuff so this acct is very much multifandom, i post whatever honestly.
my main interests as of lately: ensemble stars, reverse:1999, ride the cyclone, south park, the sims 4, animal crossing, genshin impact, hsr; i also get bursts of inspiration to talk about danganronpa/fangans, project sekai and just a lot of other media lol.
that being said i also have a bunch of kins, they fluctuate a lot but my current highest kins are noel gruber, horropedia, tweek tweak, shu itsuki, mayoi ayase, alhaitham, dr ratio and neuvillette. i dont appreciate doubles.
my current favorite music artists r will wood, slaughter beach dog, mgmt, car seat headrest, tally hall, lemon demon, glass animals you know the basic 2020 alt tiktok stuff.
other stuff im really interested in: fashion, typology, dream psychology, making ocs/writing, making picrew pics and horror.
please dni if you fit the basic dni criteria, post nsfw (text posts, art, real life photos idc), if you are a fujoshi/himejoshi/anything of the sort, if you fetishize toxic stuff in general, if you talk about alcohol often, if you send death threats to people (no matter if its a joke or not, its fucked up), if you post about femstars often (personal discomfort of mine).
feel free to dm me but i might not respond fast, also please use tone tags where necessary when talking to me. :3
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not-siri · 1 year
I’ve probably said this before but DO NOT assume I agree with or even not despise anything I said in 2021/earlier 2022
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plugnuts · 1 year
Sp tumblr is pretty quiet on a Sunday huh
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andrewappreciation · 8 months
hii, i’m angel!! im kinda new to tumblr so i have like no clue whats going on 😭
im interested in south park, kpop and musicals!!
i stan twice, red velvet and stayc ♡
my fav musicals are heathers, chicago, falsettos, the book of mormon, les mis and beetlejuice!!
i can’t imagine that i’ll be active here, but you can find me on tiktok @ ranmarutheworld and on discord as enjolraslover !!
thank you for checking out my silly lil blog ^^
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