#looking for basara
aroacettorney · 3 months
do not let caseys sunshiness distract you from the fact that she is just as much emotionally constipated as ludger.
#academy's undercover professor spoilers#academy's undercover professor#casey selmore#the fact that casey has never told anyone including betty and terinna about delica/memory storming events is so wild to me#like girlie why r u suffering from all that by urself#ppl hating on casey for having negative EQ but that only reflects how much emotional support she usually gets from others#case in point: marias selmore#wouldnt surprise me if casey has never trusted to emotionally open up to anyone ever again when its her own family treating her like that#in her entire life casey is close to only 4 ppl but they are either:#1) her sister who historically sucks#2) bestie no. 1 who is almost always swarmed with work#3) bestie no. 2 who once again gave her trust and abandonment issues#4) bestie no. 3 who is not even a human but an automaton also learning how to deal with her own emotions#not to mention to maintain her reputation as a renowned detective she must have been neglecting her own emotional needs#casey selmore my beloved just because you dont look at it doesnt mean it is not there#casey tryna brush off her emotions after the memory storming and seek to solve the problem logically like a thinker she is but#she didnt realise that she was just delaying the inevitable and so the basara arc hit her like a truck + left her bedridden for a month 💀#caseys apologies to ludger only really solved the problem on logical terms#but there is never any emotional closure between them bc they are both painfully emotionally constipated so back to suffering we go 💀💀💀#lesson learnt from ludgercasey angst galore: stop trying to solve emotional problems with logics
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benkyoutobentou · 8 months
hi! i'm sorry for the dumb question but i wanted to finally start reading manga in japanese (i already have a little list of titles beginner-friendly) buuuut i'm not sure where i actually find it ;; sorry again for the stupid question
Not a dumb question at all! There are a bunch of places to get manga, the most accessible probably being (unfortunately) amazon.jp. You need to have a Japanese address to buy things regardless of where it's being shipped to (or not, in the case of ebooks), but I believe just any address will do. You can also sometimes buy manga directly on the publisher's sites. Cmoa is another good place to check, and they also will often have entire volumes of manga available to read on their site for free (just look for the 無料 section). Bilingualmanga might also be of interest. It's free (and therefore sometimes gets taken down), but is exactly what it sounds like. Their selection isn't huge, but what they do have, they have in both English and Japanese.
If you want to buy physical volumes, CDJapan is my go-to. I'm in the USA, but I'm pretty sure they ship to most parts of the world. Kinokuniya is also a good place to buy manga from, especially if you're lucky enough to have a physical store near you. My main issue with them is that I think they're overpriced, though. Another thing that depends on luck, if you have any Book Off stores near you, go check them out! It's secondhand, so finding what you're looking for is definitely luck based, but I think it's a good experience to browse Japanese language books and manga regardless.
If you're having trouble finding something in particular, or want some... slightly less legal sources, feel free to contact me off anon!
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witchysenbasacorner · 10 months
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the married couple energy they radiate
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nomorerww · 23 days
I still like vividly recall the scene in SB when Mitsun laments the loss of his bonds or what he thinks is loss [to ieyasu] and says that even if he's all alone he'd "still look at him with those eyes". It goes a long way to portray just what kind of one-track mind he has and that he almost never deviates from his convictions and his obsession with pleasing and serving his god, hideyoshi. I mean, the fact that he's such a simple character, like he doesn't really interact with a lot of side characters, he seems pretty cold and indifferent towards them, and he's consumed by his hatred of ieyasu and you just get this kind of like almost autistic vibe to him, like this dude has these like few obsessions that he focuses on almost exclusively but it's pretty much meant to indicate that he is just stubborn and extremely sensitive to rejection and betrayal. and I think that's probably what makes him at least kind of relatable to a lot of young people -- the overwhelming feeling of insecurity because mitsunari is pretty much consumed by those feelings. he never shows any interest towards the female characters nor does he show much of an interest towards the male characters, either, other than the whole worship of hideyoshi which some people view as borderline sexual because he feels like he owes this dude everything.
I feel like this kind of character isn't super uncommon in Japanese media, especially since boss-subordinate relationships are pretty much the norm over there but mitsunari takes it to an extreme, like he seeks to be nothing more than a tool for hideyoshi, basically. and he feels horribly betrayed and angry when Ieyasu refuses to serve hideyoshi much like he has dedicated his life to like that's when we see him basically declare that Ieyasu is dead to him.
The whole relationship with Sakon is where I feel they just try to tie in this whole thing together because I think in the third game they just wanted him to be this lone soldier type of deal. like it was unclear what direction the game was going to go and It seems like Mitsunari has been manipulated by/dependent on others his entire life, starting with Hanbei.
and it's in the fourth iteration where you see him basically get saddled with this dorky genki guy who's also sort of looking for a guide and somewhere to belong. and we hear Mitsun say that Sakon's [resolution] "reminds him of that man", so it looks like the relationship with Sakon started as basically a replacement Ieyasu, they even kind of look alike. and you can see Mitsun start to basically passively tolerate Sakon, and the implication there I think was that this constituted vulnerability to him considering how sensitive and closed off he was as a character so that was a pretty big leap. Sakon gives off these peppy, sporty kind of vibes but he has his own scars and vulnerability that he has to grapple with and we see that with him when he's offering comforting words & support to others
He seems like the kind of person who would be a good influence. so as a whole relationship feels different from what was going on with Ieyasu, who I think canonically is someone who Mitsunari grew up with. I think it's cute that they decided to give Mitsun a buddy, lol. you can tell that Mitsun is still hurting, judging from his responses, but He's pretty much accepted Sakon and warns him against betraying him because he's decided to let someone in which I'm sure wasn't easy to do considering how he just spent an entire game raging about what he felt was the worst thing ever - betrayal by a person you love.
as brusque as he is, It would have been awesome if they actually let us see more of the vulnerability and more of a change. although this wasn't a game for women, like it wasn't a light novel so they weren't going to go in that direction. I think you can kind of view the relationships between them as kind of like that between men and women and how men tend to not be very nice but Mitsunari being what he is made it different enough so it's not like breaking immersion and making you contemplate stuff that isn't very pleasant. I personally really like the idea of a reserved person. I think that part of his character along with the vulnerability and sadness which is what makes him accessible and someone you can identify with. I thought it was pretty hot, tbh and I was a bretty big Mitsukon fan Ꮚ⁠˘⁠ ⁠ꈊ⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠Ꮚ
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scarskelly · 3 months
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nymphilily · 1 year
Obsessed with him, actually
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kittykittyhunter · 6 months
[Posted 19 October 2012] Defeat Your torn banner, bloodied and snapped by the wind. Swords are not shining headstones. They stand upright, watching the dead, better guardians than you. The claws of a dragon broken and blunt. Look upon them. Their bodies are circled with soil and snow. You cannot fulfil the vow to protect, you cannot grant their tomorrows no. One organ gouged, wasted, gone. There lies another.
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raventhekittycat · 1 year
I recently got a bookstore gift card for graduation, and I was wondering if anyone had any good fantasy recommendations? I tend to like stuff by authors such as Tamora Pierce, Naomi Novik, Trudi Canavan, Shannon Hale, but I've also enjoyed some Madeline L'Engle (I know she's more SF than fantasy) and Dianne Wynn Jones. I also recently read a book by Foz Meadows, who's title escapes me now, that I also enjoyed. I'll take recommendations in other genres as well, but fantasy tends to be my favorite, and I'd love to get a new book or author to dive into!
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koorinokujira · 7 months
Just finished Yakuza Kiwami
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I need to lay down for a bit I think
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iinexorabile · 7 months
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Tanba is a little confused as to why Magoichi is taking... that form (unless that isn't in fact the Shigehide he knew) but he's still glad that for once, a fellow Nobunaga disliker has made it to Chaldea.
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goldenharmony · 8 months
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This is such a nice looking indirect kiss wth
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yukikorogashi · 9 months
I write Itsuki as her 12 year old self 95% of the time, but gosh do I still love imagining her meeting with one of her bros and sis a few years later, with them going "Oh wow, look how much you've grown!" and she's just ouo 🌸
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ichiharas-familiar · 1 year
Guys what shojosei anime should I watch next?
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witchysenbasacorner · 10 months
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they knew what they were doing when they made this episode
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thevagueambition · 2 years
nothing has ever done it like when Sarasa finds out Shuri is The Red King in Basara and nothing has ever done it like when they reconcile at the end. enemies to lovers this, enemies to lovers that. how about mortal enemies meeting under pseudonyms and falling in love, huh?! how about them meeting in secret because Sarasa has to hide she's a woman from her army and Shuri has to leave behind the mask of The Red King to be human every once in a while!! how about dramatically finding out that your lover is also your mortal enemy!!!! how about the original bad guy, who is at this point a minor villain compared to the rest of his family, leaving imperialist violence behind and eventually reconciling with his love! how about that, huh!!!!!!
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Masterpost: Visual Kei movies & other types jrockers were involved
So, it came to my attention some of you want to watch more visual kei movies so I thought of listing what I know, in case you've missed any of those. Please feel free to add anything I've missed with reblogs or in the comments.
Thank you @kirk-goes-to-gallifrey for the three movie links! ^^ And thank you @waretamado for helping with the titles of Plastic Tree's movies! Btw most of the vkei only movies must still be available on YT guys, however not all of them will be on HD.
Visual Kei movies:
Seth et Holth (1993) (Hide) YT link (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vx_laJCEpew)
Moon Child (2003) (Gackt & Hyde)
Verte Aile/Bel Air (1997) (Malice Mizer) YT link (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vdd58pTaK8A)
Bara no Konrei/Bridal of the Rose (2001) (Malice Mizer) YT link (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tr1d_cFRnxs)
BeatRock☆Love (2009) (Takeru ex.SuG)
Number Six (2006) (Alice Nine)
Yuku Pura Kuru Pura... Edokawa Puranpo no 「Ougon otoko」~「Visual bako no bijo」 (Plastic Tree) YT link (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81Bb-3L4l2E)
Yuku Pura Kuru Pura... Edokawa Puranpo no 「Onan tokage」~「Bishounen wo kuu bijo」 (Plastic Tree) YT link (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAha6vDCE0Q)
Yuku Pura Kuru Pura...Edokawa Puranpo no「Angura Kaijin」~「Remon no bijo」 (Plastic Tree) YT link (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pzt3ai5LSXc)
Ascendead Master (2009) (Versailles)
Onegai Kanaete (2011) (Versailles)
Oresama (2004) (Miyavi) YT link (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NcBvKQfVKNM)
Soundtrack (2002) (Sugizo) (I don't know if it's a vkei movie but since the theme appears to be music-oriented, I put it here)
Non Visual Kei movies jrockers acted in:
Kagen no Tsuki (2004) (this is a live action of a manga) (Hyde)
There is a movie that Takeru of SuG had played in for only a couple of scenes that was his first ever role, but I forget the name. I remember sth about "blue generation" or sth. If sb remembers it, please put it in the comments. Most people might remember the scene with the fluffy coat, him with blond hair turning to the protagonist with a menacing look, from the distance.
Paracelcus' Homonculus (2015) (this is an artsy film based off a photographer's exhibition) (Takeru of SuG)
Midori: the Camellia girl (2016) (live action of a manga) (Takeru of SuG)
Bunraku (2010) (Gackt)
Akumu-chan (2014) (Gackt)
Karanukan (2018) (Gackt)
Tonde Saitama 1 (2019) & 2 (2023) (Gackt)
Moshimo Tokugawa Ieyasu ga Sori Daijin ni Nattara (2024) (Gackt)
Furin Kazan (2007) (Gackt)
Mr. Brain (2009) (it must have been 1 episode or 2) (Gackt)
Tempest (2011) (Gackt)
Sengoku Basara (2012) (Gackt)
Time Spiral (2014) (Gackt)
BLEACH (2018) (live action) (Miyavi)
Hell Dogs (2022) (Miyavi)
Familia (2023) (Miyavi)
Maleficent: Mistress of Evil (2019) (Miyavi)
Kate (2021) (Miyavi)
Stray (2019) (Miyavi)
Unbroken (2014) (Miyavi)
There's a movie with either gangs or bands that Chiyu of SuG played after the disband. Papiko, shed your light cause I don't remember the title.
30-thirty (2000) Hakuei
REPO! The Genetic Opera (2008) (Yoshiki was involved with the music production of this film. Personally I learnt it years after I'd watched it)
Death Trance (2005) (It features many Dir en Grey songs in its soundtracks)
Hamlet (1998) (A rock opera version of the famous play, by Penicillin) YT link (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hljXGPsUU1Q)
I hope you can find anything you like and enjoy!
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