#looking back its fresh as a vintage wine
bambinification · 18 days
Beast 2017 really was a movie. It was really for the tcc girlies. You KNOW Moll had a coquette tumblr
0 notes
wholoveseggs · 4 months
Hi there!! I been reading your works and I love your writing. This my first request ever.
I had this idea, and I was thinking about a gothic vampire reader with the personality and the looks of Morticia Addams, and the love for the macabre. And Elijah catches her attention and she catches his attention. Of course, they meet at a gala, a opera etc. And for weeks, they have been getting to know each other. Until one day, he comes over to her house, they are having a good time then the visit turns steamy and smutty, it is passionate and feral. And maybe with blood sharing between the two.
But of course, if you don’t want to then you don’t have to and you can ignore this.
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18+ ---- {Masterlist} {Tag-List}
Elijah meets an intriguing woman at the opera, leading to an evening of music, wine and vampiric indulgences.
♡♡ Thanks for the request @thealienartist!! Absolutely obsessed with this idea, I LOVE gothic romance & horror!!! This was an absolute dream to write. Can Elijah please be the Gomez to my Morticia heart? ♡♡
5.9k words - Warnings: smut, oral sex, blood drinking, I was self-projecting hard with this one... {I just want to be her}, black cats, chocolate cake, vintage wine, a love letter, Victorian gothic everything... I listened to Totentanz on repeat while writing this... {its a vibe}
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Elijah had always enjoyed the arts, whether that be in music or literature or even painting and live performances. He found that the arts were one of the only things that made him feel truly alive. Even with his undead heart beating within his chest.
Around the turn of the century, Elijah discovered his love for horror. It amused him to see how humans depicted the supernatural, their interpretations of his kind were rather off. Vampires living in run down castles, with no regard for the world around them, their main purpose to drain the blood of the innocent. It was almost laughable, though some of his kind did enjoy that lifestyle.
It was during this time that he fell in love with opera, something his siblings didn't exactly agree with. Rebekah found it to be dull, Klaus found it to be pretentious and Kol didn't care either way.
They just didn't get it, the music, the drama, the costumes, had him completely enraptured.
So, when he heard that La bohème was being performed, he immediately made plans to go. He had seen it many times, but never got tired of the performance. He just wished that he could have somebody to go with, but none of his family wanted to attend.
He put on his favorite four piece suit, combed his hair, grabbed his black trench coat and made his way to the opera house.
As the lights dimmed and the stage lit up, Elijah couldn't help but feel a little sad, wishing he had someone to share this interest with, but he was content watching alone.
He watched as the curtains parted and the actors began their first scene, he immediately fell into a trance as he took in the performance.
Intermission was announced and he went outside for some fresh air, he was surprised to see a woman, who looked like she was plucked straight out of the past, standing on the balcony.
She was smoking a cigarette, the long stick held elegantly in her fingers. Her nails were red talons and her dark hair cascaded down her back, stopping at her hips. She was dressed in a all black Victorian style dress, which complimented her pale skin, making it look almost ghostly.
She tilted her head at him in acknowledgement, then went back to staring out into the night.
Elijah usually wasn't the one to approach women, he preferred for them to make the first move. But something about this one intrigued him, he was curious about her.
He stepped onto the balcony and approached her slowly. Watching the wisps of smoke rise into the air.
She looked up at him and smiled.
"Elijah Mikaelson, I presume?" Her voice was deep, but still feminine, her eyes darker than his own. She was strikingly beautiful, there was no doubt about that.
"You know who I am?" Elijah raised his eyebrows.
She chuckled, gracefully flicking her cigarette butt away.
"Who doesn't? The infamous Mikaelson's, who rule the streets of New Orleans with blood and fear... I'm a big fan," she said.
He smiled and shook his head, "We do not rule the city, we simply protect it from our enemies."
She hummed, a smirk gracing her ruby red lips.
"You do have a reputation," she replied.
Elijah nodded and stepped forward.
"What is your name, darling?"
She chuckled and leaned against the railing, gazing up at him with a smirk. "Y/n," she said, extending her hand out to him.
He grasped her hand gently, his lips brushing against her knuckles, her eyes sparkled as she watched his lips.
"Hmm, they don't make them like you anymore," she mused, her eyes traveling up and down his body. "You are so very old-fashioned," she added with a sly smile.
"Well I am quite old," he jested, matching her smile.
They stood and stared at each other for a moment before Elijah broke the silence. "What do you think of this performance?" He asked, gesturing towards the theater.
She shrugged, "I've seen worse, I've seen better," she replied.
Elijah found himself smirking at her response, not really knowing why. Maybe because he had found himself feeling the same.
"May I ask what brings you here?" He wondered why she was attending an opera alone.
"I was bored, looking for someone to eat," she stated. Her eyes roaming over his body once more.
Elijah let out a chuckle and ran a hand through his hair. There was only a handful of times in his long life that a woman actually made him nervous, this being one of those times.
She reached forward and placed her hand on his chest, leaning closer towards him, her lips ghosting against his ear, her scent surrounded him, it was intoxicating and Elijah found himself leaning into her.
"I'll see you around Mr. Mikaelson," she whispered and gently pulled away from him, giving him a wink before going back inside. Elijah watched her go, letting out a sigh as he shook his head, not being able to wipe the smile off of his face.
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You considered yourself a solitary creature. Even in your human life, you tended to keep people at a distance. You felt misunderstood, even a bit judged by your peers, you didn't really like being around people.
After you were turned, things hadn't really changed that much, you still found it difficult to connect with others, but now you were mostly untethered and unburdened by society's rules.
The freedom of being a vampire was nice, to be able to go and do whatever you pleased, whenever you pleased and live however you saw fit.
You spent most of your years traveling, seeking out new places, experiencing new cultures and meeting people along the way. And with all this knowledge you learned exactly who you are and what you like.
New Orleans was one of your favorite places, full of vibrancy and life. It was an aesthetic heaven for you, a place that celebrated death, promoted the macabre, had strong connections to magic. Not to mention their appreciation for the arts.
For the last few decades, you had taken up residence in an old Victorian home. You compelled the local historical society to allow you to paint the exterior completely black. Planted dark red roses along the windows and hung little chandeliers made of animal bones along the porch.
You had spent quite a bit of time decorating the interior, making it a space that you could feel truly comfortable in. Something that made your home feel like it truly reflected your personality.
The house fit you perfectly; outside looking like something from a B-horror film, but the interior was homely and feminine, decorated with macabre pieces, gothic furniture, tapestries adorned the walls and candles were scattered everywhere.
You never really acclimated to modern society, you were turned in the 1800s and preferred to live according to the time. You liked old things, dark antiques, things that held a certain kind of energy within them.
So when you met Elijah Mikaelson at the opera house, you knew you had to add him to your collection.
You had heard about the Mikaelson family for a long time, whispers of them among the vampires. You had become intrigued, they were the oldest of your kind, the knowledge they possessed fascinated you.
You couldn't help the smirk that had stretched across your lips when you finally came face to face with Elijah, he was exactly how you imagined him. Tall, dark and handsome, dressed to perfection, emanating wealth and power. Finding him at the opera added to your attraction, knowing that his interests matched your own made it all that more charming.
Elijah Mikaelson was the fine wine of men and you wanted to bathe yourself in it. Wanted to drink up every drop of it, savoring the taste of it on your lips.
You sat in your living room, your cat on your lap, purring contently as you ran your fingers through his fur. You were dressed in a large silk robe, your hair tied up in a bun, dark wine colored lipstick on your lips. A mug filled with blood sat on the table beside you.
You were writing out a letter to him, with ink and parchment, your favorite fountain pen adding a certain flourish to your lettering. Your cat jumped off of your lap and you grabbed an envelope to place the letter inside. You folded the parchment and stuck it in the envelope, sealing it with wax and writing Elijah's name onto the paper.
You hoped he would like the gesture, you knew he was an old fashioned man, so sending him a letter with a gift was bound to catch his attention. It had been a long, long time since you felt nervous, and it had been at least a hundred years since you had a crush like this.
You grabbed the parcel with his gift in it and walked over to your front door, slipping on your heels, you headed out of the house and down your side walk, plucking a rose along the way.
The postman was close to leaving, just as you approached his mail van.
"Hello," you greeted, and watched as he turned and jumped, clearly startled by your sudden appearance.
"Jesus lady, I didn't hear you coming," he stammered, looking you up and down, a nervous smile on his face.
"I'm sorry, I just wanted to catch you before you left."
He shook his head and smiled, waving away your concern.
"I have a parcel for you to deliver," you said.
He nodded and held out his hand for the letter.
"What's the address?" He asked, staring down at the envelope, taking note of your fine penmanship.
"The Abattoir, in the French Quarter. For Elijah Mikaelson," you told him, running your fingertips along the thorns of your rose.
The postman nodded his head and placed the letter in his van.
"Have a nice day," he said as he walked away.
You watched him climb into his vehicle and drive away, a smirk playing on your lips, hoping your letter would get the attention you desired.
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Elijah was spending the day lazing about, enjoying a rare day of peace and quiet, catching up on his reading. He wasn't expecting any visitors, but a knock sounded at the front door, which was a highly unusual occurrence.
He wandered downstairs, a nervous looking postman was waiting at the gate, looking around the old compound with fascination and hesitation.
"Elijah Mikaelson?" He asked timidly.
"Yes?" Elijah looked at him in bewilderment, it had been a long time since he had received anything in the mail, it wasn't like he had a registered address.
"This is for you," he said, handing him the envelope and a small package, wrapped in crimson coloured paper and tied with a black ribbon.
Elijah thanked him and made his way back into his home, he wondered who could have sent him a letter, the handwriting was immaculate, a skill that wasn't common in today's world.
He realized who it was from instantly when he saw the initials, y/n. A smile graced his lips, feeling like a giddy schoolboy instead of a thousand year old vampire.
He quickly undid the black ribbon and opened the paper, revealing a beautiful piece of art, depicting a flying demon eating a young woman's heart. The detail was incredibly fine, and he realized after a quick sniff, that the red of the painting was not paint. It was blood.
A thought crossed his mind, he wondered if it was a piece of your art, he found your work to be truly frightening, beautiful and enchanting, reminding him of the piece Nighthawks, though darker and macabre.
Opening the letter, he read it carefully,
Dearest Mr. Mikaelson, I hope this letter finds you well, if not please pardon my forwardness. I never understood the flirting etiquette of the modern woman. I find myself longing for the company of a man with your refined tastes, such a delicate palette. I was intrigued from the moment we met, our meeting felt fortuitous. I must confess that I have not felt this way in centuries, being in your presence awakened something within me that I wasn't aware still existed. I find myself completely enamored. Perhaps my feelings are returned? If not, then please accept this gift in hopes of extending our friendship. Though I do wish you share in my hopes of something a little more. I will be home tonight, perhaps you would do me the honor of joining me for a drink? Until then I remain Your Admirer, y/n.
Elijah couldn't wipe the smile off his face as he gently folded the parchment and placed it on his desk. He immediately went to check himself in the mirror, fixing his hair, combing it neatly to the side. He found himself anxiously changing his tie, nothing matched what he was wearing, but he wanted everything to be perfect.
He found a pair of ruby cufflinks, feeling that they complimented the letter and would perhaps set the mood.
Grabbing his black wool jacket and adjusting his tie, he made his way outside before stopping and running back inside, he couldn't possibly come empty handed and he knew just the thing to bring you.
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You waited nervously inside your house, you had decided to wear a simple black slip dress, your hair flowing over your shoulders in waves, your black winged eyeliner perfectly defining your eyes.
You needed a way to quell your anxiety, so you decided to play a tune on your organ, something to fill the silence, create a soundtrack to go along with the nerves that bounced around inside your mind and heart.
If he didn't show, you would understand. It had been quite a while since you've expressed your affections to anyone. It had been a lifetime since you were courted.
Your fingers idly drifted over the ivory keys, producing a somber yet melodic tune. Your nails were filed into sharp talons, painted a deep crimson, matching the lipstick on your lips.
The melody flowed through the house, the tune reverberating against the walls, seeping through the floorboards. Your cat jumped up and settled in your lap, the soft vibrations from the organ lulling him into a purring trance.
A soft knock broke the melody and you felt your heart stutter. Placing your cat on the seat you walked over to your door. Taking a steadying breath, you grabbed the handle and opened the door.
Men usually didn't have you so utterly flustered, but with Elijah, it seemed like even your centuries old blood could grow warm.
"Good evening, I received your letter and gift, thank you."
He greeted you with a genuine smile, an excited glint in his eyes. You let your eyes wander over him, taking in his appearance, he was dressed to perfection, like always, obviously following along with your old fashioned aesthetic. You liked that you didn't have to ask him, he just got it.
"Please, come in," you stepped to the side to make room for him, you shut the door as he walked inside.
"Quite a lovely home you have here," he said, admiring the interior of the house.
You took his coat and led him into the sitting room, pointing to one of the antique sofas.
"Please, take a seat."
He sat and placed the bottle of wine he had brought on the table.
You took the bottle and marveled at the label, your interest peaked, feeling slightly taken back, it was one of the rarest reds, bottles of this were difficult to come by, most of them now lying at the bottom of the sea.
You knew it was not a simple gesture, this was the kind of thing you save for very special occasions. Knowing that he considered this date that special made your stomach flutter.
"Now how did you manage to get your hands on this?" You asked, placing the bottle beside the two glasses you had set out earlier.
"My brother was the culprit behind a number of shipwrecks, during the golden era of piracy," Elijah responded, a smirk gracing his lips.
You chuckled as you grabbed the corkscrew. "That is no surprise," you replied as you popped the cork out.
You grabbed the glasses and walked over to him, passing him one of the glasses before sitting across from him.
You both raised your glasses and clinked them together, taking a drink, closing your eyes and savoring the taste.
"I heard you playing as I approached the house, you have a lovely talent," Elijah said.
You smiled and nodded your head, looking down at your wine.
"That was very sweet of you to say," you looked up at him through your lashes, admiring his handsome features.
You took another sip and watched him over the rim of your glass, his eyes watching you as well.
"What were you playing? Totentanz?" He asked.
"Indeed, it’s one of my favorites," you said, tilting your glass in his direction, "and it felt appropriate," you jested.
A beautiful smile stretched across Elijah's face as he let out a chuckle. His smile made your lips curl up, mirroring his expression.
"So tell me," he began, "What made you decide to come to New Orleans?"
You shrugged and crossed your legs, the sliver of skin left exposed as the fabric cascaded over your thighs, capturing his attention.
"I love it here, the culture, the art, blood tastes sweeter here," you said, letting a sly smile grace your face. "I like the way this city weaves death and beauty," you paused and took a sip, "it just feels like home to me."
Elijah nodded his head in understanding, he appreciated what you had said. "Yes, there is a certain allure about this city,"
"Your family helped build it back in the 1800s, no?" You asked, running your finger along the lip of your glass.
He nodded, "yes we did, from swamps and brothels to one of the wealthiest cities."
You chuckled and shook your head, "yet the swamps and brothels remain," you mused.
"But not nearly as much," he joked.
You both sat and talked for hours, getting to know each other, laughing and drinking. Elijah was surprised to find that you didn't mind listening to him talk about his travels and life, in fact you hung onto his every word. To him, you were utterly enchanting, the way your eyes lit up as you talked, your laugh, the way you looked at him.
At one point he got up and sat closer to you, his hand gently grazing your thigh, leaning in close as you spoke, his eyes locked on yours. Your lips parted and you felt his breath ghosting across your mouth, his eyes flicking down to your lips. He was such a gentleman, waiting for you to initiate the kiss, but you wanted to do one last thing before you tasted his lips.
"I made something for us, if you would like to try it," you whispered.
He leaned back and tilted his head, his eyes curious.
You smirked and placed your wine glass down, slowly standing up.
"Follow me," you told him.
Elijah trailed after you into your dining room, a large wooden table in the center of the room, filled with silver platters and a centerpiece of black and white roses.
You had made a decadent chocolate cake using human blood, the dark rich blood mixing with the cocoa, making a sinfully dark and delicious dessert.
You pulled out a chair for him and motioned for him to sit.
"This looks delicious, did you make this?" Elijah asked.
You nodded and cut a slice for him, placing it on a plate.
"Yes, I made it from scratch," you said, a small smirk playing on your lips. "Gathered all the ingredients from local suppliers."
Elijah hummed, taking his first bite, his eyes widened and he let out a soft groan.
"This is divine," he exclaimed, the veins around his eyes darkening.
You sat and watched him eat the entire slice, his eyes were blown out, the bloodlust apparent in his expression. You bit your lip, trying to hold in your excitement.
You pushed your plate towards him, a wicked grin on your lips. "Would you like another slice?"
His eyes flicked up to meet yours, the bloodlust making him look feral, his eyes completely black.
"I would prefer to taste something else," he said.
Your lips curled into a smile as he stood, pushing his chair back and pulling you out of yours.
His arms snaked around your waist, his hand coming up to tangle in your hair, pulling you flush against him. You ran your hand up his chest and wrapped it around his neck, your lips meeting his.
He tasted like red wine, chocolate and just a hint of blood, his mouth soft and pliant, his tongue brushing against your lips. You nipped at his bottom lip and he growled, pushing his hips against yours, walking you backwards, pinning you against the wall.
"Where did you come from?" He marveled, his hands grabbing your ass.
You laughed and ran your hand through his hair, giving it a light tug.
"Does it matter?" You whispered, pressing your lips against his again, kissing him hungrily.
"You've been in my city for so long, yet I only just met you, how very unfortunate," his voice was gruff as he spoke, his hips rolling against yours.
"I guess we will have to make up for lost time," you said, your voice dripping with lust.
Elijah picked you up and flashed up the stairs, his hands cupping your ass, his lips attached to your neck. He walked you into the bedroom, tossing you on the bed.
You laid there, propped up on your elbows, staring up at him, a teasing smirk on your lips, your dark hair fanning out on the pillow.
He looked at you in awe, your red lips were swollen from his kiss and the hem of your slip had risen up your thighs. He climbed onto the bed and crawled towards you, hovering over your body, his mouth finding yours again, his hands running up to the hem of your stockings, his fingers teasing the skin under the material.
You wrapped your legs around his waist and flipped him, straddling his hips. Your hands ran over his chest, undoing the buttons of his shirt, revealing his toned chest.
His hands roamed over your body, slipping the straps of your slip off your shoulders, revealing your black corset, his hands trailing over the boning, the lace covering your breasts, the garters that held up your stockings, and the panties that were already ruined.
"I miss when women would dress this way," he sighed, his eyes drinking in the sight of you, a look of hunger in his eyes.
You chuckled, bending down to nip at his bottom lip, your lips moving along his jaw.
"Happy to keep the tradition alive," you whispered, nuzzling your nose against his neck, your fangs running along the artery, feeling his pulse against the tip of your fangs.
Elijah flipped you over and pressed his body against yours, his hand wrapping around your throat, squeezing the sides, his thumb tilting your head back. His other hand found the ties inn the front of your corset, slowly undoing the knots, the ribbon sliding through the eyelets, the corset loosening with each pull.
You watched his eyes flicker over your breasts, his fangs extending, his breathing heavy. He looked up and met your gaze, his face shifting, his veins spreading underneath his eyes.
He bent down, his fangs sinking into your chest, your blood filling his mouth, dripping down his chin. Your eyes rolled back as he fed from you, his hand squeezing your breast, his fingers pinching and twisting your nipple.
The pain of his fangs and the pleasure of his hands were overwhelming, you felt drunk, you felt euphoric.
You grabbed a fistful of his hair and pulled his head back, your mouth colliding with his, tasting yourself on his lips. He groaned into your mouth and rolled his hips against yours, his bulge pressing against your core.
You both frantically began to undress, his pants and belt tossed aside, your dress and corset ripped off, thrown onto the floor. You laid back, wearing nothing but your stockings and panties, his boxer briefs the only piece of clothing left on his body.
He grabbed your hips and pulled you back underneath him, his lips finding yours, his hand running up your leg, hooking his finger into the thin strap of your panties, tearing them off.
"That was entirely ungentlemanly," you said, a teasing glint in your eye.
Elijah smirked, kissing his way down your stomach, stopping at your pelvis, his fangs lightly scraping the skin above your pussy.
"You don't seem to mind," he mused, his hand pushing your thighs open, his lips wrapping around your clit, his tongue flicking over the sensitive bundle of nerves.
Your hips bucked and your hand grabbed a fistful of his hair, tugging it, urging him on. You appreciated his enthusiasm as he indulged in pleasuring you.
His tongue felt deliciously warm against your skin, your eyes shut, your breath ragged. It had been so long since you had a man between your legs, and Elijah was no ordinary lover, his skill level matched his age.
You moaned and writhed beneath him, his thumb pressed against your clit, your wetness covering his chin.
"Fucking hell," you panted, your body starting to tense.
Your hands gripped the bedsheets, your body a ball of pent up tension, with one final stroke of his tongue, your orgasm broke through the last sliver of control.
You shook and gasped as your climax took over, your whole body erupting in pleasure. Elijah lifted his head, watching you, his lips curling into a sly smile.
"That's a sight," he praised, sitting up and wiping his chin with the back of his hand.
You slowly opened your eyes, a blissful smile plastered on your face.
"Indeed it is," you replied, your breathing uneven.
"But you should watch your language, I thought you were a lady," he teased, his eyebrow raised, the corners of his mouth twitching upwards.
You narrowed your eyes and smirked, leaning forward, grabbing his shoulders and rolling him onto his back. Your bodies were slotted together, your faces close to each other.
"When have I ever claimed to be a lady?" You asked, kissing along his jawline, nipping the soft skin at the end of his neck.
Your hands trailed down his body, running over his chest, letting your nails run down his torso, breaking the skin, long bloody tracks appearing.
You kissed your way down his chest, licking the blood up, your fangs scraping against his abdomen. You looked up and caught his hungry gaze, his body tensing under you, his erection straining against the fabric of his boxers.
Smirking, you kissed the fabric that separated you from his cock, your hands reaching up and tugging at the waistband, pulling them down slowly.
Your lips wrapped around the tip of his cock, licking the pre-cum. His eyes fluttered shut and he hissed in pleasure, his hands tangling in your hair.
"Mr. Mikaelson," you said as you slowly descended on his cock. "I may look like a lady," you popped off him and kissed the head. "but I fuck like a dirty, filthy whore."
Elijah groaned at your words, the hands in your hair tightening, gripping your strands, guiding you back down, taking in more of him.
You bobbed your head along his shaft, sucking and lapping at the vein along the underside, one of your hands pumping the part you couldn't fit in your mouth, the other gently cupping his balls, squeezing and massaging them.
Elijah slowly began to rock his hips, matching your rhythm, his breathing heavy and rapid, his voice hoarse as he murmured your name.
Pulling his cock out of your mouth, you looked up at him, tilting your head, "yes?" You smirked, blowing air onto the tip.
Elijah pulled you up and kissed you, flipping you over and once again pinning you underneath him. He pulled your thigh up to hook around his waist, gripping your ass, letting his cock rub along your slit. He pulled on the hem of your stocking, letting it snap back against your skin.
"Gorgeous, intoxicating thing," he cooed, slowly sinking into you.
You threw your head back and let out a moan, your leg hiked up to allow him deeper access. He placed one hand under your thigh, holding your leg in place, while the other found your neck, his thumb grazing your windpipe, applying the perfect amount of pressure. The hand under your leg holding you firmly. You knew that a part of him wanted to give into the bloodlust, the animalistic side of him that was desperate to sink his fangs into your neck. His gentleness mixed with his aggressiveness drove you wild.
You felt every inch of his cock as he slowly rolled his hips, pulling out of you almost fully before entering you again. He leaned down and kissed you deeply, his tongue dancing along yours. It was intense and overwhelming, the way he had all your senses tied up in his touch, his mouth, his taste, the sound of his breathing, his movements.
You struggled to hold it together, your pleasure building with each stroke, and he knew, he loved seeing you come undone.
He began to pick up his pace, his hips snapping against yours. It was like the perfect dance, his hips moving so smoothly and perfectly in time with yours, both of you chasing the inevitable crash.
Your eyes met, and everything else seemed to fall away as you lost yourself in his gaze, everything slowing down. He kissed you softly, tenderly, making you melt in his hands.
You brought one hand down to rest on his cheek, holding his face against yours, kissing him back just as tenderly. You ran your index finger along his jaw line, your sharp nail drawing blood, dipping your finger between your lips. He tasted so much better than you imagined, like pure power and divine lust.
Elijah groaned at the sight of your blood stained lips and he sped up, his lips on your neck, his fangs running over your skin.
You tugged on his hair, urging him to bite you, to drink his fill, you wanted nothing more than to give yourself over completely.
His fangs sank into your neck, your blood spilling into his mouth, some of it dripping onto your chest, his teeth slicing into your skin.
The sensation pushed you over the edge, your orgasm ripping through you, your hands grabbing at his shoulders, a strangled cry of his name leaving your lips.
He didn't stop, just as he was reaching his peak, he sank his teeth in deeper. He growled, his hips losing their rhythm as his climax hit him. You were both a gasping, moaning mess, clinging to one another, your fingers digging into each other's skin.
The two of you collapsed in a sweaty heap, tangled in the sheets, your skin glistening, breathing heavy.
You felt light headed and euphoric. His gaze was piercing and loving, his fingers brushing across your neck, softly wiping the blood off. His mouth gently caressed yours, his hands cupping your face.
He brushed your hair behind your ears, pulling you into his embrace, his fingers tracing your skin. It was hard to believe that you had only known him for a night, it felt like a lifetime.
A long overdue release of tension and you were happy to be the object of his affections. He was by far the most interesting man you had ever met.
You melted into him, his hands wrapping around you, holding you close. Everything felt perfect, the dim lights, the sound of rain in the background, the weight of him beside you.
The slow creak of your bedroom door opening, cut through the stillness of the night. The soft mew of your cat greeted the both of you, followed by the sound of him jumping onto your bed. The comforting feeling of his paws walking along the sheets as he came to investigate the disturbance in his home.
He walked along Elijah's body, bumping his head against Elijah's outstretched hand, purring happily.
"And who might you be?" Elijah asked.
"Erebus," you responded, stroking Erebus' fur. "It means darkness."
Elijah nodded, the corner of his mouth turning up in a smirk.
"An appropriate name," he mused, watching the black cat turn around on his chest, finding a comfortable spot to settle.
Erebus yawned and curled into a ball, closing his eyes.
You smiled and snuggled in closer to Elijah, your head resting on his shoulder.
"I guess Erebus wants me to stay," He chuckled.
You laughed and reached over him, scratching the cat behind the ears.
"It does seem that way," you teased. "And I have no intention of kicking you out."
Elijah smiled, kissing the top of your head.
"Good," he said. "Because I intend on staying right here."
You looked up at him and smiled, your heart skipping a beat. You had never met anyone who could make you feel so special and desirable.
Elijah's face was gentle, his eyes crinkled, his mouth curled into a smile. He kissed you again, a sweet, chaste kiss, and then he turned his attention back to Erebus, who was now fast asleep on his chest.
"Did you know that Erebus fathered Eros, the god of love and desire?" He asked.
"I did," you chucked, watching your little cats chest rise and fall.
"There is a play house not far from here, they are putting on a performance about it, the play is called Sweet Eros. Would you like to go see it? It's quite twisted, it seems like something you would enjoy."
You nodded and kissed him, a grin on your face.
"Mr. Mikaelson, I think this is the start of something beautiful," you teased, your fingers tracing his collarbone.
"Oh my darling," he said, his lips brushing against yours. "It already is."
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lullabyes22-blog · 1 year
on a scale of 1 - 10 what would you say the alcohol tolerance of the characters in FnF are.
2 - Caitlyn: She isn't a fan of drinks, and even at social functions, tends to eschew the champagne for a tall glass of water. Sometimes if there is wine served at her family's dinners, she'll take a few sips, make appreciative noises about the label/year, then put the glass on a maid's tray when nobody's looking. The staff know the young miss dislikes spirits, and the nicer ones will sneak her a fresh juice at her mother's parties.
4 - Jayce: Like Caitlyn, he's not too fond of strong drinks. Champagne just goes up his nose, and the hard stuff makes him queasy after a few sips. At galas, he'll snag a glass of champagne - and then proceed to hold on to it for the duration of the night so nobody tempts him with refills. On the rare occasions he partakes too much, he's a friendly but somewhat pensive drunk. Will ruminate at length over his Hex-tech projects, science, magic, philosophy, the human condition - and his mom. Awww.
6 - Viktor: Undercity-born and bred, so he's had his share of gutrot hooch when growing up in the Fissures. Has better tolerance than Jayce, and sometimes monitors his science-buddy's intake to make sure he doesn't fall asleep facedown in some caustic solution. On principle, he is a teetotaler. Not only would booze exacerbate his poor health, he's generally at once drunk and high off the adrenaline of his and Jayce's projects. If he breaks his own rule and actually gets drunk, you'd best leave him alone. He's a quiet, bitter, irritable mess who just wants to lament his fickle mortality in peace.
7 - Jinx: Likes the fruity concoctions and cocktails, and can knock 'em back like a pro - but she isn't allowed a lot of opportunity to partake, because 1) Silco orders his crew to keep watch over her intake, and 2) having grown up in a bar, she doesn't find alcohol a huge novelty. Mostly, she sees liquid cheer as something losers need to give them courage. She's already got plenty. Not to mention loads of heavy artillery, all which requires a cool eye and a steady hand. She'll stick to her favorite cherry soda in her favorite sippy cup, tyvm.
8 - Vi: She's not much of a drinker. Like Jinx, having grown up in a bar, she also doesn't find alcohol hugely interesting. In many ways , the opposite: she's watched people get belligerent and make absolute jackasses of themselves while drunk. If invited to a night of drinking, she'll indulge in moderation, then quickly go into 'designated driver' mode and begin watching her companions' intake. Booze isn't bad for a little buzz, but she hates having to break the seal and go pee every twenty minutes.
9 - Silco: This man grew up drinking absolute poison. By this point, either his liver is made of steel - or on its last legs. That said, he's more of a casual drinker; he can go without alcohol if necessary, but nicotine is his real vice. Has an appreciation for top-shelf whiskeys, and the rare vintage wine - but in a pinch he'll drink the same swill as everyone else in the Lanes without batting an eyelid. Best stop him from getting drunk though. He's prone to rants full of billingsgate and general belligerence. Might threaten to gouge out someone's eye with a broken bottle right before he blacks out.
9 - Mel: Has a surprising tolerance for strong drink, and enjoys using them to smooth tempers and sweeten temperaments during galas and negotiations. A little liquid cheer enhances a good verbal spar in her experience. That said, she prefers high-end wines and will turn up her nose at hard liquors and beers. She also prefers to drink in moderation, so it's very rare that you'll find her tipsy, let alone drunk. On the rare occasion that it happens, she'll get somewhat quiet and melancholy, and want to go paint by herself.
10 - Sevika: An enigmatic well of a woman. Booze goes in. Nothing comes out. Not words, not tears, not tantrums. She's been known to drink the toughest comrades under the table, then shrug it off and go shoot pool or enjoy a round of darts. She's also the person the crew summon when Silco threatens to get too deep into his cups. He'd never tolerate being bodily hauled up to his quarters. But she can match him shot-for-shot and take his invective in stride, until he subsides into sleep. (She'll treat herself to his fine cigars afterwards. The next day, Silco will pretend he doesn't notice they're missing.)
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eddiesgorlie · 1 year
He’s So Lana Pt.2
Read part one here!
Warnings: None!
Word count: 2.7k
Comment to be tagged in Pt.3! Follow me on Tiktok @Epresleyforprexy
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The clock ticked so slowly as I waited to close the shop. I read and reread Austins text a million times and it never failed to make me smile and butterflies swarm my tummy. Just those simple words “Dinner at my place at eight?” I kept running it through my head and counting down the seconds. The clock ticked six and I closed the shop in record time, forgetting about sweeping and shutting the computer down. I tossed my bag into the passenger seat of my VW bug and jumped in the front seat, the radio blaring The Beatles as soon as I turned the key.
I didn’t make it home until 6:30 and after calculating, Austins house was a 30 minute drive with traffic so I only had an hour. I only had an hour to pick out an outfit and do my makeup and hair. I quickly ran to my closet and after what seemed to be throwing every single article of clothing on my floor I decided on my all time favorite, holy grail vintage clothing piece, my 70’s Gunne Sax white v-neck midi dress. It had beautiful little purple lavender flowers on it, crystal buttons and lace straps and I matched it with a purple cardigan. I decided to do my hair and makeup first to protect the dress from any possible makeup spills.
I put my hair up in a very loose high ponytail and just put on light pink eyeshadow, mascara and a wine colored lipstick. I looked at the clock to see I had 10 minutes until I had to leave so I quickly took the dress out of its garment bag and pulled it on, matching it with purple Candies heels. I had just enough time to grab a basket and run out to my garden to put together a harvest basket for him. Mom always told me to never show up to a hosts home empty handed.
I put a couple oranges and apples in the basket and a tomato. I clipped some flowers and herbs and added them to the basket and went back inside. I grabbed a jar of blackberry jam and a jar of wine mustard I made the other day. I finished it off by wrapping a fresh loaf of zucchini bread in a cloth and laying it in the basket.
I grabbed my patchwork purse and the basket and ran out of the door. Quickly running back in once I realized I forgot my keys… and to lock the door.
I was incredibly nervous the entire drive. Would he not like my outfit? Or my car? Or not like me? He had only met me for a short time while I was working but what if really getting to know me scared him away like many before him. Dates always had me nervous after my last boyfriend. He was a gentleman and so nice during the first few months but after a while, he became cruel and violent. I have the scars to prove it.
My GPS told me to take a right which a came to a complete stop as I looked at the road to my right. It was gravel and wooded all around. I sighed and hoped the gravel wouldn’t destroy my 1967 VW. I drove slowly and continued to monitor my GPS when it told me the destination was on my left. I didn’t see anything so I drove a little further until a large farmhouse came into view. I parked, grabbed the basket and my purse and walked up to the door, knocking twice before stepping back.
I heard some movement in the house and could see a figure through the stained glass window. The door opened and there he was, wearing a blue apron over his dark jeans and blue denim-like long sleeve button up. “Hi.” I said. “Hey, come on in.” He smiled. I nodded and walked in the house. “Here you go. Thank you for inviting me over.” I smiled, handing him the basket. “Oh of course. You didn’t have to bring anything.” He said, moving somethings around to look at all the items in the basket. “My mom always told me to never arrive at someone’s home empty handed. And its just some things from my garden or made from things from my garden.” I smiled. “I’ve never gotten something this thoughtful.” He smiled. “I hope you like everything.” I said. “I know I will. Come on in, make yourself at home. Dinner is almost done.” He said. I followed him into the kitchen and sat at one of the barstools and watched him cook.
“I have never been on a date with a guy that can cook.” I smiled. “Really? I think more people should try to learn to cook, I really enjoy it.” He said. “I’m definitely more of a baker than chef but I know enough to survive.” I laughed. “Baking is an entire new territory I am yet to conquer.” He said. “What’s your favorite thing to cook?” I asked. “Well, my comfort food is just a simple peanut butter and jelly sandwich, but I really enjoy making sourdough grilled cheese and homemade tomato soup.” He said. “Is that what you’re making now?” I asked. “Yeah, is that alright? I didn’t realize how low I was on ingredients until I started cooking.” He laughed. “That sounds wonderful.” I smiled.
He grabbed some cream from the fridge and added it to the soup. “I told you about my family, I’d love to hear about yours.” I said. “Well, I have an older sister, she moved states a couple of years ago and my dad still lives here.” He said. “Have you always lived here in California?” I asked. “Yep, I lived in New York for a little while I was on broadway but I missed this place more than anything.” He said. “So a Cali boy through and through. Do you surf?” I asked. “I tried a couple times but was never successful. I want to try again sometime.” He said. “It’s a lot of fun. My dad taught me.” I said. “I have an extra board, if you want I can take you out sometime and teach you! Its like riding a bike.” I smiled. “I’d really like that.” He said. “You’re going to love it. Maybe one of the times, I can bring my dad so you can learn from the master himself. He hasn’t been out on the water since mom passed so I think it’d be great for him.” I said. “Sorry, that was weird.” I said with a nervous laugh. “No, I think that would be a really great time.” He smiled.
I nodded. After that there was an awkward pause. Damnit, I blew it. I got too comfortable and blew it. “When did you lose your mom?” He asked quietly. “When I was 24, so almost 3 years ago.” I said. He nodded. “When did you lose yours?” I asked. He looked up with a confused and sad look. “How’d you know?” He asked. “I can just tell, there’s apart of you thats lost, searching for something.” I said. “I was 23.” He said. I could tell they were close and that it was a fragile subject for him. “Look at us, two half orphans.” I said, reaching over the counter and stroking his hand.
He took the grilled cheese off of the stove and put them on plates and grabbed bowls for the soup. “Do you have pets?” I asked. “I don’t. I really want a dog though.” He said. “Do you like cats?” I asked. “You know, I’ve never had a pet cat before.” He said. “I have cats. They are the lights of my life.” I laughed. “Cats.. plural?” He laughed. “Yep. I have well um…” I sighed. “2?” He asked. I shook my head. “4?” He asked. “5?” I shook my head. “Oh my. 6?” He laughed. “Close enough. 6 are mine and one just lives with me.” I laughed. “Tell me, how’d you get all of these cats?” He asked. “Well, I found Moe, Larry and Curly on the side of the highway in a bag when they were kittens, Lieutenant Dan showed up in my backyard and he was missing his front paws, Moe ended up being a girl and two kittens, Mercury and Styles and the one that lives with me was my moms cat, she’s a Maine coon named Zeus and weighs 25 pounds.” I said, holding back my laughter. “Oh my, thats a lot of cats.” He said, joining in on my laughter. “I’ll have to meet these cats. But first, is that a cat scratch on your arm?” He asked, referring to the vertical scar on my wrist. “Oh no no, they aren’t aggressive!” I reassured. He smiled.
He spooned the soup into two bowls and put the grilled cheese’s on plates. He grabbed silverware and napkins and set a bowl in front of me, the other on the placemat next to me. “So how’d you get into the record business?” He asked as he sat next to me. “So my parents had a college fund set aside for me, it was enough to go to any school I wanted and get any degree I wanted but of course, me being me, I took all the money and bought the building that is now Lucy In The Sky. My parents of course weren’t to happy about that and thought it’d would be better if I moved out so I moved in with my boyfriend at the time, he was horrible so that pushed me to spend most of my time working on remodeling the shop and hunting for cheap records to buy to get started. It was a journey but now somehow I am the owner of the most successful used record store in California.” I laughed. “That’s amazing. Did your parents ever get over it?” He asked. “I don’t think completely but we became closer again a couple years ago. I think my dad is proud now.” I said. “He should be. You built that all yourself.” He said. “With his money.” I laughed. “But if you didn’t put the work it, money or no money it wouldn’t have mattered.” He said. “I guess you have a point.” I smiled. I dipped the grilled cheese in the soup and took a bite. “Holy shit, that’s amazing.” I said, covering my mouth as I ate. “I’m glad you like it.” Austin said. “Like it? Like it?? This is like death row final meal choice quality!” I said, taking another bite. “Oh it gets better each bite.” I said.
“Tell me, what’d you think of Lana?” I asked. “I honestly don’t know how I’ve gone this long without listening to her.” He said. “Favorite song on the album?” I asked. “Born to die and National Anthem had really nice feels to them but Video Games was an out of body experience.” He said. “That is literally the only way to describe Video Games. That song got me through a lot.” I smiled. “I can tell her music means a lot to you.” He said. “It really does. In the entire shop, she is the only artist we sell new vinyl of.” I said. “I can see why. Her music is lovely. It draws you in like a siren’s song.” He said. “You have a way with words, Austin. Do you write?” I asked. “Thank you. I try to journal everyday but I’ve never written anything serious before.” He said. “You really should. You have the words of a poet.” I said. “Do you write?” He asked. “Yeah, its the only way I can express myself when I’ve feeling stressed or sad, or even happy.” I said. “Thats so beautiful.” He smiled.
We spent the next half hour talking about his upcoming Elvis role along with many other things. “How about we go in the living room and listen to some music?” He asked. “I’d love to but at least let me help with the dishes first.” I said. “Nope, I simply can not allow such a beautiful woman help clean up.” He smiled as he held his hand out. I blushed as I grabbed his hand and we walked into the living room. “Oh no way you have a Rega!” I squealed as I took in his record player and stereo system. “Is that a good one? I picked it up at a place downtown. Your shop doesn’t have record players, right?” He asked. “Its a great one, I’d definitely own one if I could afford it. I’m more of an audio technica gal. And nope, we don’t. Not enough profit.” I said. “Gotcha.” He said. “Do you mind if I?” I asked. “Not at all, go crazy.” He said.
I got down on my knees and turned the receiver on and picked up a record from his shelf. I grabbed Abbey Road. “A classic.” He smiled. “Yes it is.” I said as placed it on the turntable and placed the tone arm down on She Came In Through The Bathroom Window. I let my body flow and move to the music, smiling at Austin as I turned. I reached my hand out to him. “I’m not much of a dancer.” He laughed. “Well we better fix that, soon to be Mr. Presley.” I said as I pulled him up.
I guided him in the movements through the rest of the song. We laughed as he spun me and I came crashing into his chest. I wrapped my arms around his torso as we rocked back and fourth. People would say we honestly looked insane if they say us. I was just happy.
We sat down on the couch as Golden Slumbers came on and I sat down next to him, a slight distance between us as I closed my eyes swayed. “Sleep pretty darlin’ do not cry.” I mouthed. “My mom sang this to me as a lullaby.” I smiled. “Thats beautiful.” He said. I watched as he pretended to yawn and then laid his arm over my shoulders. I leaned into him a little as I tried not to laugh. “That was so lame.” I giggled. “It really was. That was my go to move as a teenager.” He said laughing. I comfortably laid on his chest until the end of the album. “Lets see what else ya’ got.” I smiled as I stood up and went back over to his albums. I put Abbey road back into its sleeve and put it away. “Got any Pink Floyd?” I asked. “I don’t think so.” He said. “Darn, you have a great collection beside the missing Floyd.” I said. “I’d love to see your collection sometime.” He said. “You’ve seen it.” I said. “Hm?” He asked. “The store is my collection. If I have something I want to listen to, I grab it from the store and then put it back on sale.” I said. “That’s actually really smart.” He smiled. “I know, right?” I laughed.
I pulled a record from the shelf and set it on the turntable. The sounds of Lana Del Rey’s Video Games came over the speakers. I sat back down next to him and leaned on his shoulder. I looked up at him, his eyes were closed and lips parted as he listened to the song. “She’s ethereal, isn’t she.” I smiled. “I think you’re ethereal.” He said, looking down at me. I blinked for a moment as I took in his words. I sat up, my legs straddling his. “You’re so beautiful.” He whispered. I looked down as I blushed. His hand came up and lifted my chin to look at him. “Don’t get shy on me.” He said. He pushed my hair out of my face and tucked it behind my ear. My heart took over as I flew forward and placed a heavy kiss on his lips. His hands buried in my hair and pulled me impossibly closer as my heart felt as though it was beating out of my chest. His thumb brushed against my bottom lip once I pulled away. “You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.” He smiled. “Not bad yourself.” I smiled.
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radiokathryn-if · 1 year
French kisses with Eva!
from this prompt list. (pls no more) 307 words. this kind of got away from me... a lil steamy 🤭
Dressing rooms were new for Eva, she wasn't used to having at all let alone one as spacious as the one she had. She supposed becoming the main singer of the lounge had its perks──perks that included the very nice bottle of vintage wine that greeted the two of you as you returned after another successful performance.
She had changed into a robe, the sequinned dress she had performed in slung over the back of an empty chair, its fabric wrapped around her body loosely, falling to expose her shoulder and the majority of her chest. Eva was lent back in her own chair, looking over at you seated on the lower couch through her lashes, before she made her move.
The glass of refilled wine was half drunk in her hand, sloshing as she lent forward over her crossed legs to call you to her with a curling finger and a seductive smile.
You went to her easily, hovering slightly──her legs still crossed as you stepped over her and your legs were either side of hers.
Eva bit down on her lip, tongue jutting out to wet them as she raised an eyebrow. You reached down to take the glass from her hand, lifting it to your lips to finish it off before discarding it on a table. Then your mouth was on hers, the taste of wine fresh on your lips──on your tongue.
Eva hadn't thought she'd use her dressing room for anything other than preparing for performances but here she was, indulging on the taste of your tongue, the heat of your hands being the only thing touching her, the way her heart beat faster as you decided to straddle her for real──the weight on her hips igniting something within her as she kissed you back with heightened fervour.
And yet here she was.
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prismaluv · 2 years
Here is a S/andman fanfic I wrote a few years back. It’s based on the comic.
I was really hoping S/andman would start feeding in the snz community so after some reservation I’m trying to do my part to get the ball rolling. Im also really confused by how Tumblr works despite being here for 3 or so years so really I just hope this inspires others to write more of the same content! Feedback is always appreciated!
Catch your death.
The family had not met in many years. How many is inconsequential. Suffice to say that I merely quantify the amount of years for the benefit of the reader, as to the Endless, the idea of "many years" would be beyond your comprehension. Sometimes these meetings were for family business and sometimes, albeit rarely, they were purely social. This was one of those unique times.
It was in fact Death who had called this gathering. The arrangements were made in the usual mundane way of standing in the gallery and holding a family member’s sigil The all too familiar incantation this time to act as an invitation for a future event. Before long the day had come! Death did all the important cleaning up and making sure her place looked suitable. She didn’t need any jokes about her lack of tidiness from Destruction like last time! Once she was satisfied all looked presentable she headed toward the dining area and waited.
The first to arrive was Dream. It was of no surprise as he was always precisely on time. Next followed Destiny and then Destruction, Despair next and Second last was Delirium. Last but not least was of course Desire who was never on time for anything they felt was beneath them.
Death relished her role as the hostess and made sure there were edible delights for everyone. She took time and care in choosing each and every single bit of cuisine, Making sure to match it to the personal tastes of each of her relations.
The menu was as follows:
Dream - Turkey Breast with an almond and walnut crust. A side of white rice. A tart cherry juice for a complimentary beverage. Dessert would be an intriguing combination of kiwi and banana. Chamomile tea to follow. These culinary sleep aids have been factual proven to give anyone a good nights rest
Destruction - Greek style Lamb roasted in palm oil. A side of soy beans and corn. For dessert a sugary confection including chocolate and coconut. The cumulative effect of so many of these ingredients was factually known for their insurmountable damage to the planet.
Destiny - A nondescript dish of fish and a simple salad of beans and onions sprinkled with cheese in a light olive oil dressing. To drink: wine. A fortune cookie for dessert with Tea. ( heavy on the leaves). Most of these foods were used as tools in the art of ancient Greek divination.
Despair - Hamburger with french fries lots of ketchup. A tall cold glass of soda. To finish of this meal a large bowl of your favourite ice cream which has been discontinued crowned with candy sprinkles, gummies and butterscotch sauce.
Desire - A generous portion of raw oysters. Served with a side of lemon, Tabasco sauce and chalet vinaigrette. To sip a glass of vintage Dom Pérignon. Dessert was a heart shaped box of chocolates.
Delirum - Shoelace spaghetti with rectangular sauce. Juice of tentacle and a peanut butter and jealous sandwich cake for dessert. Obviously fresh mango juice to drink served in a glass that looked like a pill container
Death - Fugu or Puffer fish. One of the most deadliest foods known in the universe! Après dinner was Hemlock tea.
They made pleasantries to fill in the awkward silences. And it was Destruction who first broke the ice. " How is my favourite lass?" He directed the question at Delirium. Desire's golden eyes narrowed.
Delirium, who was engrossed with using her spaghetti as a lasso looked up. " Ohh! Its so really. Great. And look did you see this. I can be one of those. Um....what do you call them ? again?"
"Cowgirls?" Destruction offered helpfully.
"no. Um....." Delirium seemed to be deep in thought. "Cowgirls!" She beamed proudly as if she had arrived to this conclusion on her own.
"Now why didn't I think of that?" Destruction said humouring her.
" Because? ... umm .....?" Delirium's thoughts trailed off fading as though remnants in the end of a song.
"Silly sister." Desire said with a sharp saccharine smile." Destruction was just humouring you much like the rest of us with your silly prattling." Desire was vexed at the thought that someone would have the gall to declare anyone was their favourite in their presence. Unless of course it was Desire themselves.
Destruction didn't miss a beat. "You mean the way we humour you, Desire?"
"Funny, I don't recall asking for anything of the sort." they looked at him with dark amusement. "But I'm delighted to see you care." The descriptor was used with deliberate incidence.
Destruction knew verbally sparing with Desire was a fools game. Instead he turned the conversation to Despair. Hesitantly she looked to Desire before answering any of his questions as though for permission. She confessed it was good to see him and soon they fell into familiar dialogue. All was going very well as the relations all talked amongst themselves. That is all but Desire. They were bored and idly swirled their drink around in the crystal flute.
"So Dream." Desire paused dramatically until they were sure they had his full attention. " Seeing anyone these days?"
" I am in fact, yes." Dream said a bit to stately for anyone but Desire to notice.
"Anyone I know?" They purred.
" It is no one of your acquaintance " Dream bristled
" I'd love to meet them. I'd be able to tell them ever so much about you. Ohh, all good things of course." They mocked,
"Don't you ever tire of meddling in the affairs of others? " He countered
"Why Dream" Desire pretended to look deeply offended, placing their hand over their heart. " I don't meddle. I merely help things arrive to their natural conclusion. May I offer you some advice? Perhaps you should pay attention to this one. Instead of ignoring her for days on end. Leaving her to question every last encounter the two of you had. Driving her to her quarters to cry pathetically into her pillow deep into the night. Maybe you should try not being an asshole for once." Desire looked around the room. All eyes focused on them as each one of the endless stopped what they had been doing. It seemed as though the room was dipped in inhospitable silence.
"What?" Laughed Desire. "Did I say too much?"
It was then that Death spoke out.
"Desire! Stop, just stop!. I invited everyone here to have a nice time and I am not going to have you ruin it!"
Dream spoke next
"Sister I feel I am perfectly capable of handling this myself"
" Is that a fact? Because from what I have seen our incompetent ninny of a brother is completely incapable of handling anything." Desire was smug.
It is known that Death is merciful and compassionate. let us say at this time she was neither one of those things.
" This is my place Desire and you can bet your bottom dollar I'm not going to stand here and let you insult me or the rest of our family. Now get your ass over here!" She commanded.
Desire had every intention of ignoring her demands until they saw the utterly scary look in Death's eyes. Languidly Desire began to rise from the table
And if words could roll their eyes. "Sigh, If I must"
Despite themselves Desire jumped a little.
Death turned on her heel with the understanding that her brother/sister was to follow.
Now in the hallway Death turned to face her sibling.
"OK" Desire said hands on hips. "Have at it. But first let me just light my..." One look told them that might not be the best idea.
"After tonight, not to mention all these years, consider yourself lucky this is all you're going to get!"
" And prey tell what might that be? You can't kill me. We are bound by rules remember?"
" Trust me Desire after I'm done with you, you'll wish you were dead."
"And Just what is that supposed to mean? " Desire was as ever defiant.
And then it happened.
Desire sneezed.
Nothing to you or I of course but as an Endless that just wasn't a common occurrence. In fact it wasn't an occurrence at all. Desire was about to find out just exactly what Death meant.
It is a little known fact that while Death is barred from harming the rest of the Endless there are small liberties she might take. One of which is based off the phrase "To catch your death of cold."
It happened again. Desire sneezed for the second time in it's life. They stood there dazed, slack jawed.
"What did you do to me?"
Death smiled her cheery smile " Oh? Do you have a bit of a sniffle?"
Not wanting to give Death a modicum of satisfaction they looked her square in the face and said: "Nice try." It wasn't convincing.
Desire's head immediately began to throb. They pinched their eyes shut and took a deep breath and in a guise of nonchalance, they fished in their pocket for the cigarette they had attempted to light only minutes before. With their head held high Desire gathered every scrap of dignity they had and walked back into the dinning area to face the rest of The Endless.
Always wanting the last word, it was Desire's intention to save face and retreat to their realm before anyone was the wiser.
The grand entrance they aspired to was promptly ruined as they inhaled dramatically on their cigarette making a great show of it only to end up choking on the smoke. Tawny eyes now watering with the effort they feebly tried to compose themselves only for it to backfire. For now they were caught in a coughing spell and Desire was the centre of attention. At last the spell subsided and Despair approached her sibling with a glass of water. Tentatively they took a sip and set it down.
"Well!" Their words came out as a throaty rasp much to their chagrin." What are you all staring at?" Desire felt hot. And all at once the world was spinning. They grabbed the table for stability. Vainly Desire tried still hiding their vulnerability.
"This party is boring and I have better things to do than spend a night with beings as dull as you."
To Desire's absolute horror their nose began to run only just slightly. Sniffling back what they now recognized as a sneeze they continued with quivering breath.
"I refuse to waste another minute of my precious time." More sniffling ensued as a delicate hand was brought to their nose instinctively in hopes of quelling the urge to sneeze.
Unfortunately the fight was lost.
And as Desire exited the remaining Endless heard an echo of sneezes trailing behind them.
Retreating to the Threshold they made their way to the main place of residence: The heart. As they slowly trudged through they noticed the temperature surrounding them heighten. This was unusual because the climate needed no regulation, as it was consistently in tune with Desires preferences. The Threshold, being a gargantuan flesh and blood statue of Desire itself, it was intrinsically linked. There were some other odd internal irregularities such as small leaks and slight shaking and these weird looking purple blobs encased in a gelatinous membrane which scientifically were known as macrophage a type of phagocyte,responsible for destroying bacteria, fungi and parasites. Essentially the Threshold was acting as though it too was under the attack of a virus mimicking Desire's own body.
Finally when Desire reached its chambers they felt dreadful. Not only were they reeling from the embarrassing scene but physically they felt worse and worse by the minute. Usually they would shake off any sort of threats the family made to them and start plotting revenge but at this moment all they could focus on was the pounding in their head and increasing sore throat.
'what is happening to me?'
Desire had never been sick a day in their life. And while some people throw around that expression I doubt it seems as ostentatiously impressive as someone who has lived about four and half billion years or so years.
Feeling unpleasantly hot they changed from their suit into that of a loose flowing robe.
Of course they knew what being sick was. But it was something that happened to humans as they were pathetic.
Desire searched for solace in the left ventricle. A wave of exhaustion swept over them. They lay down feeling particularity sorry for themselves and thats when Despair appeared.
Before this moment it was almost impossible to find Desire in repose without them appearing glamorous and luxurious. They were usually draped upon some fainting couch or just sprawled out looking more alluring then any model could aspire.
Despair found them in a fetal position, their knees tucked in and arms hugging their legs in close. They were shaking.
She pondered the sight and reflected on the handful of times she had been called to her brother/sister's realm without being summoned at the gallery.
Desire felt the looming presence of someone and looked up to instantly regret it as their head starting swimming once more.
"You're here."
They said said simply, their voice mimicking that of the very twin that stood hovering over them, gravel personified. They sneezed again in spite of themselves feeling all the weaker at being watched. Rising from their position they winced at the pain they felt in their head. It felt heavy and clouded.
" I came to see how you are."
Desire looked at their twin with watery eyes. Their nose was rimmed with traces of pink,their cheeks were flushed,and their already pallor complexion was paler then Despair thought possible.
" You didn't call with your sigil. I must be worse off than I thought." Desire said ruefully " It has been an age since your duties brought you to me. I feel like shit if you must know."
"I talked to Death after you left." Despair was undeterred by her siblings brash attitude. Being twins they had an understanding and connection the other Endless did not.
"What the fuck did she do to me?"
"It's a cold."
"I know what it is sister, but I just want to know how?"
Despair had questioned Death on the same thing. She was not entirely detailed with her answer but mentioned that it had something to do with the power humans gave phrases and since The Endless existed by people's belief, by proxy death could harness that.
Death also had another message for Desire.
"The ball is in my court?" Desire was incredulous. "Whatever is that supposed to mean?!"
" I am only relaying the information that our sister gave." Despair was stoic as usual.
Frustration burned through them much like their ever present fever. They conjured a cigarette and and in an instant a silver heart shaped lighter appeared in their hand. It was lit and Desire proceeded to smoke just to retain some semblance of normalcy.
They got about two puffs in before they again started coughing.
"Ugh! I can't even smoke!" Desire was furious.
"Perhaps, my twin, it would be to your benefit to forget about your addiction for now."
Arms crossed and folded they appeared as petulant child. The temperature in the atmosphere rose then, a clear indication that the virus was indeed circulating through Desires humble abode. And then the place seemed to be vibrating."
"Did you feel that? " Despair asked and it was almost warning as Desire themselves began to shiver violently.
"I'm s - s- suddenly so c - c - cold!" They began so rub their arms frantically in an attempt to generate heat.
"Go and lie down." Despair instructed. "I will bring a blanket for you."
Desire did as was told, and by the time Despair came back with a blanket for their sibling was trembling uncontrollably. Despair maternally placed it over them and tucked it into their sides. She also procured a pillow. Desire wanted to say 'thank you' but as they opened their mouth to speak they sneezed instead. Luckily it was caught in the comforter. An expensive silk handkerchief was produced out of thin air and handed to them and Desire would have taken the time to appreciate the fitting choice were it not for the desperate sneezing fit that took hold. One after the other the sneezes ricocheted through their being until they were left out of breath and dizzy. Their head fell back miserably on the pillow. Letting out a wretched moan they clutched fiercely at the duvet, an instinctively vulnerable act.
Desire's twin looked on approvingly.
"What does it feel like?" Despair asked darkly.
"It's as though someone is banging a drum in my brain. Like my veins are filled with ice one minute and molten lava the next. My nose is exploding beyond my control and leaking. My muscles are as sore as if I've spend a dozen consecutive nights in the throes of passion.And my throat feels as if it's engulfed in fire. Most of all it feels mortal."
Even speaking felt labours.
"It's not fun." Desire finished with a pout. And seeing her twin's eye widen in interest added. "Well maybe it would be for you. You would probably have a ball."
They snuggled down deeper into their makeshift bed atop cardiac muscle. " I don't like this." Desire complained pitifully.
" I am not sure what to do for you." Despair said. "It is odd, in all the years through my countless mirrors, I have observed many human customs and yet I have never had the opportunity to put them into practice."
"Mortals are boring." Desire said congested.
"Don't move." Despair ordered. " Rest. I will be back shortly."
Despair ventured out into the further reaches of the left ventricle in search of a mirror. Along the way there was more earthquake like shakes and at a one point convulsions that caused her to loose her footing. It was assumed that was Desire once more either sneezing or shivering. Despair didn't have to wonder far to find what she was looking for and when she come upon the mirror. Despair peered into it. She yanked her hook like ring across her naked bloated belly. The scene unfolded before her, A fancy restaurant : A women was there waiting. She was crying and trying hard not to. It was the place her and her husband always went to on their anniversary before he died.This was the first time she was there to celebrate alone. She felt her walls begin to dissolve and the sadness was overwhelming she knew any moment she would being wailing and make a scene. She needed to get out of there. Fast! She got up with grace and walked out, mere moments before she had her complete breakdown. Back at the restaurant the waiter returned to the table to bring the appetizer: Duck soup. For one. The waiter left and Despair went through the mirror and snatched it up and quickly returned to Desire's Threshold. Despair looked in cautiously and entered their siblings quarters..
"What took you so long?" Desire asked in a cranky tone.
Slowly and extra carefully whilst carrying the soup. Despair approached Desire's bedside. She saw the beads of perspiration on her twins face and their febrile dazed eyes and a small part of her just wanted to watch and observe. The misery that hung about Desire like a storm cloud made Despair feel closer to her sibling than she had felt in a long time.
"I have some soup for you Desire."
"It better not be chicken soup. I'm not taking any disgusting human medicine."
"It's not chicken soup. It's duck soup. It is from a gourmet restaurant."
Desire scoffed. "Now, this should be interesting." They said sarcastically.
Despair stood by their quasi patient's bedside and began to feed them spoonfuls of rich broth. To their credit Desire was obedient and devoured the liquid hungrily.
"Ok. I'm done." Desire pushed the empty bowl toward her. "Satisfied?"
"I am. I think I have done all that I can do here. Except..................." Despair paused. " Here." She handed her elder sibling a stuffed toy rat. " It is often customary for mortals to provide the ailing with tools to provide comfort."
"Ohh you shouldn't have." Desire was only slightly mocking. "Is it based off one of yours sweet sister?"
Despair with absolutely no humour and in total seriousness said. " Henry."
Desire was then left alone.
Feeling weak and exhausted they lay back down. It was maddening being ill. Desire was used to being in control. Not only of themselves but others. They pondered this set of circumstances. It was easy to blame Dream. Their feud had been long established but he never did anything about it. Sure there were threats. 'Empty as his head'. They chuckled at that out loud which resulted in some harsh coughs and they winced at the pain that seized their tender throat. But this horrible situation they were now in wasn't about Dream. Not really. It was their eldest sister who had the proverbial balls to actual enact some sort of attack. 'I didn't even do anything to her.' Desire mused to themselves defensively. And then it was back to 'This is all Dream's fault'. ' If he wasn't such a lawnmower. Yeah! Why was he always using his laser beam cats to comb the eels?' Desire began to perspire. The temperature in the Threshold was increasing at an alarming rate. Desire moaned and placed their hand to their temple. It was blistering hot. The beads of sweat began to glide. The room appeared to be melting around them.
And that's when Delirium appeared. Looking around the room curiously she tip toed in an exaggerated fashion up to where Desire lay and was now feverishly tossing about. Their cropped hair matted to their damp cheek in angry stands. She crept closer.
"Sistery - brothery?" Delirium intoned into their available ear.
Desire Immediately jolted forward to find their youngest sister preached on their bed staring at them. Desire's eyes squinted and narrowed at altering degrees. "Delirium?" They managed to croak out through parched lips.
"Yup! It's me!" Delirium cried happily " Were you expecting another something? Like a puddle. Because those things are never where you leave them. And this one time it actually was where I left it and I was very confused because it wouldn't say why."
"Oh great!" Just what I need. How many more of you are going to visit me without an invite?" Desire was not in the mood to cater to her littlest sister's whims.
"Go away! I don't feel good." Sneezing in triplicate served to prove their point. The threshold shook with the aftershocks.
"Weeee" Squealed Delirium. "It's like a rollercoster!" She then pointed at Desire and scrunched up her face. " You're dripping. Are you broken?"
Desire took out their pocket silk and dabbed gingerly at their nose.
"No, I'm not broken. I'm sick! I suppose, though, it's the same thing." They answered dejectedly.
"That's why I'm here I guess." Delirium looked at the floor sadly. "Poor Desire. You must feel pretty crumbly. I almost never get to come to your place. Especially not for busyness."
"Don't be a nuisance Del."
"But I love new scents. Have you ever smelt jamboree and tourniquet. Maybe I can make things more fun. Do you want to sneeze sparkles? I could do that?? If you want." She looked ever hopeful.
Desire shuddered at the thought. "No. I don't want that." They said dully. The absence of cheek was a clear indication that their fight had indeed been knocked out. The furnace inside them seemed to be working overtime. Blanket's kicked off they longed for even the unpleasant sensation of chills. Everything seemed too hot. They wanted nothing to touch their scorching skin. The pillow by their head only served to aggravate. The stuffed rat that had been gifted to them seemed blistering hot. Desire grabbed it with the intention of hurling across it the room when it came to life and bit them. Desire dropped it in shock.
"What the fuck?!"
"It's not really. Real, really." Delirium said. This wasn't her fault. " I'm sorry. I can't help it." Delirium said woefully. " I wanted to do the sparkles." This was the part of her job she hated. What made it worse was this was a member of her own family.
Desire thrashed against the bed. Confused and scared at the things they saw. They could no longer distinguish reality.
"Please go away." They begged and it wasn't clear if they meant Delirium or something else entirely.
And then weakened by exhaustion and fever Desire passed out.
Desire fell into a sea of blackness and in the space of the unconscious their fever dream began.
They found themselves walking. It was in a forest and it was day. The sun beat down and filtered through the foliage causing it to intermittently cast it's rays and forcing them to shield their golden eyes. They shivered with chill despite the warmth in the air.
'I'm dreaming' Desire ascertained and sneezed suddenly against their wrist. 'And I'm still ... sick' And even in their own head it was painful to admit. 'Well of course I am'. Desire continued narrating to themselves. 'I'm in my brother's realm after all, and when has he been in the habit of doing me a kindness?"
"When have you ever given me reason to."
Desire turned around and there stood Morpheus.
"This is indeed a rare event my brother." Desire said clearing their throat. "It isn't like you to intertwine yourself in family affairs. That's usually my job."
"If I am not mistaken, it is you who came to I."
" Believe me It wasn't a choice." Desire answered annoyance dipping from every syllable.
"So I am aware. I heard of your ailment." Dream was careful. "I must admit I was curious to see how you were affected."
As if on cure the familiar and feathery tickle returned to Desire's nose. If there was a more embarrassing time for sternutation Desire could not think of one. They gave their nose a vigorous rub, trying not to sniffle.
"I'b fide." Desire said, so obviously not 'fine'. The tell tale signs of fever displayed on their cheeks were a dead give away as was their cold converted speech. Their breath became hitched , mouth slack and eyes closed. It was evident that Desire was about to sneeze and was doing everything in their power not to. Their head reared back and with an audible gasp of air they let out a viciously loud sneeze that propelled them forward and almost in half with the force. They groaned wearily.
"God bless." Dream said " You do look rather awful." It was meant as an observation but the insult to his sibling suited him.
Dream handed them a square of cotton. Desire begrudgingly thanked him and turned around humiliated to quietly blow their nose.
"I'm sure this is entertaining for you." Desire retorted shrinking inside themselves with how horrid they still sounded.
"I will admit. It is very intriguing. Clinically speaking."
"I'm glad I amuse." Desire managed through a few coughs." So what am I even doing here Dream? Am I just here for you to gawk at like some animal in a zoo?!" Desire could feel their temper begin to flare.
The night king was infuriatingly calm. " It is your dream, you tell me."
The scene changed. They were transported to a room furnished and decorated in elaborate wealth. There was an impossibly large bed in the centre. Desire was so fatigued and fragile at this point they blunderingly made their way over to it and lay down.
Desire's eyes closed naturally. They felt a cool hand rest on their forehead. Desire sighed contented and leaned into the cool touch.
"You are very warm sister-brother." Dream sounded concerned.
Desire had almost forgot themselves, now fully remembering they feebly swatted Dream's hand away. Lacking in co - ordination and strength the attempt was futile.
They moaned in protest unable to do much else.
"Hush sibling." Morpheus admonished gently. He dipped a cloth in the water filled basin that sat beside him. He proceeded to gently stroke Desire's heated forehead and cheeks.
"Why are you doing this?" Desire asked huskily
"Is it not what big brothers would do for their siblings?"
"Not you. Not us."
"I suppose you're lucky it's a dream then. I have a cup of tea for you. Can you sit up?" Dream's voice was both soothing and encouraging in tone, the likes of which Desire had never heard.
Placing the weight of themselves on their arms and using their hands Desire was able to manoeuvre in an upright position.
They took the steaming mug from Dream and tried sniffing it but were too stuffed up to smell anything.
"It's rose hip and chocolate." Dream answered their siblings silent question.
Desire drank the tea and as much as they hated to admit, it was much better than they had anticipated. Dream being nice was something very similar. They weren't quite expecting to like it and they would never let on that they did. Their contradictory feelings caused Desire a feeling of underlying anxiety as they were forced to endure this perplexing scenario. Surfacing again the ubiquitous tickle made its presence known, only this time in their throat and their coughing interrupted this internal dialogue. Desire urgently put down the mug before the attack began. The coughs sounded deep and very painful. Desire tried to inhale as best they could in between each convulsion but it seemed as if they sincerely couldn't stop. Watching their sibling is such distress Dream began to rub their back in small circles. When Desire finally did stop they were left wheezing and short of breath, tears streaming down their face. Desire clasped their throat and winced in pain.
"Ow." They whined.
"Poor thing." Dream sighed.
It was the second time that night Desire had heard such similar phrasing but from her older brother it had the complete opposite effect.
"I don't need your pity." Pouted Desire.
"Excellent. I'll not waste any. Instead I might offer you my compassion." Dream was reasonable.
"I don't want that either. I don't need anyone feeling sorry for me, Dream!" Mustering all the bravado they could was difficult but Desire was acting in self defence. They wished they could just wake up. This dream was getting intensely too surreal for their liking.
Dream looked fondly at his sibling and said. "It is a true shame, as it is often the ones most in need of sympathy, that are loathe to accept it." Dream tenderly brushed away a stand of stray hair from Desires forehead and and as if making room placed an affectionate kiss in that exact spot. .
"Rest well, my sister - brother."
And before Desire could take much more they awoke.
Upon consciousness Desire's mind ventured over the events that had just transpired in their brothers realm. It left them confused and the more they thought about it, it made them furious. 'Why was Dream being so kind?', 'What has he to gain?', 'How am I to act the next time we meet?'. It was a never ending cycle of question after question. Their relationship was clear previously. They both understood the parts they would play and now Dream had ruined that! If he had been the cold and unfeeling dream king as was usual, then there would be no cause for concern. But he was NICE!
While Desire sat in bed still nursing their malady and pondering this new revelation both Dream and Death were conversing through their gallery's, much like old friends on the phone.
"I need full details!" Death squealed giddily to her brother.
Dream went over the events. He was sure to include how unsightly Desire looked, the handkerchief he provided, soothing their fever, the tea, aiding their fit of coughing and lastly, the one that had death in peels of laughter, the kiss on the forehead.
" I bet Desire loved that." She said sarcastically. "So they looked awful too, huh? Death prompted, hungry for all the details.
"They not only looked frightful, my sister, but they sounded almost as ghastly as well. If not more so."
" I wish I could have been there to witness everything!"
"It was very fascinating. I told them as much. As I stated before, It was was one of the main reasons why I agreed to this arrangement with you." Dream replied thoughtfully.
"Bullshit!" Death blurted out. "You just wanted to see Desire suffer. Admit it Dream." Death smiled broadly. She found this excuse as amusing as it was transparent.
"I do not deny that it was a motivating factor to see our sibling in dire straits however it became apparent to me that I rather liked doting on Desire and in truth this may have been an experience I had been otherwise lacking. Perhaps Desire was not the preferred candidate, yet were it not for them, I might not have arrived at this epiphany."
"Watch it there, lil brother or someone might accuse you of getting soft."
"That is unlikely as the only others who know about this are you and our aforementioned sibling and I am quite confident that Desire will not be so keen to boast as it appeared to make them quite uncomfortable." Retrospectively this was the source for most of his amusement and in reality, had more to do with Dream's enjoyment than he would have liked to admit.
"How so?" Death probed. She was so glad she had asked Dream to do this. It almost just as enjoyable hearing about it.
" It seemed as though the more kindly I behaved toward Desire the more I incurred their anger."
"That's perfect!!" Death said giggling picturing it.
"Well I think their lesson was learned. On multiple fronts." Dream said wisely.
"Lesson? Nah! " Death waved her hand in a dismissive fashion. "I think they learned a whole curriculum!"
They two said goodbyes through their galleries and parted ways on either side of their realms.
The next day in Desire's own realm they were consumed by yet another dreadful sneezing fit. This one seemed to be the worst yet. It was so bad, and caused such chaos and commotion within the Threshold, that Desire themselves was tossed off the bed and onto the floor due to all of the resulting turbulence.
They lay there like a rejected doll at first, and then when they tried to get up, they stumbled, as the area was still somewhat unstable.
The sneezing continued. The tremors due to the sneezing continued. And Desires intolerance due to both of those things continued.
"I can't take anymore of this!" Desire shrieked out loud.
Driven by pure frustration and fury they were determined to confront Death and end this misery once and for all. Feeling chilled they grabbed the blanket off the bed and draped it cape like over their shoulders and headed to their gallery.
Still sneezing along the way made for a treacherous path. After each the pericardium of the heart shook keeping desire almost perpetually off balance.
When they arrived at the gallery they were worse for wear. Nose running , eyes streaming, they were a mess.
They plucked their sisters sigil from the wall and held it.
"Sister, Ahatischoo! I sdand in your gallery ....Haitsshchoo! *sniff* I hold your sigil. Will you talk to be? Ahhtichoo!!" Desire could barely get the words out for all the sneezing.
Death appeared and took one look at Desire and had to swallow a laugh.
"I was wondering how long it would take you." Death said pleasantly " You look tired. Have you not been sleeping well?" She smirked.
Desire clutched the blanket tighter and honestly Death was almost beginning to feel sorry for their sister - brother. Dream had said they were in bad shape but she could have never expected this.
" I give ub! Ok?" Desire sneezed a double and groaned. "Jusd kill be." They pleaded miserably.
"You see! I told you I would have you begging for death!". This time Death did laugh. "Obviously I'm not going to kill you silly! And I'll reverse the effects, on one condition."
"Adything. Dame it."
"I think Dream deserves an apology. And I hope you will think long and hard before you try messing around with anyone in the family again." Death was stern but could see Desire had suffered enough.
Desire wiped their hand across their nose and then held it up. "I swear by the fist circle."
Immediately they could suddenly breathe. The pressure in their head and sinuses vanished. Their nose was left in peace and they felt like their body was no longer shaking with chills. They were well in a flash. They dropped their blanket dramatically to the floor. And struck a pose.
"I suppose I have a call to make." Desire said, honouring their promise.
" Well." Death said with finality "I suppose you will never forget what it's like."
"what, what is like?" Desire arched an elegant eyebrow
" A taste of your own medicine."
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friedhologramturtle · 17 days
Environmental Initiatives in Modesto: Promoting Sustainability
Modesto, California is a city that is committed to promoting sustainability and protecting the environment. With a wide range of environmental initiatives in place, Modesto has become a leader in green living and eco-consciousness. From promoting renewable energy sources to implementing recycling programs, Modesto Fence installation is dedicated to creating a sustainable future for its residents and visitors. In this article, we will explore the various environmental initiatives in Modesto and how they are contributing to the city's overall sustainability goals.
Top Attractions in Modesto, CA
Modesto, CA is known for its rich history and vibrant culture. Visitors to the city can explore a variety of attractions that showcase the beauty and charm of this Central Valley gem. Some of the top attractions in Modesto include:
McHenry Mansion: This historic Victorian mansion offers guided tours that provide insight into Modesto's past. Gallo Center for the Arts: A state-of-the-art performing arts center that hosts a wide range of productions throughout the year. Vintage Faire Mall: A popular shopping destination with a variety of stores and restaurants. Great Valley Museum: Located on the campus of Modesto Junior College, this museum showcases the region's natural history. Dry Creek Trail: A scenic walking trail that winds through beautiful parks and neighborhoods. The History of Modesto, CA
Modesto has a rich history dating back to its founding in 1870. Originally established as a railroad town, Modesto quickly grew into an agricultural hub due to its fertile soil and favorable climate. The city was named after William C. Ralston's modesty and his wife's modesty in dress.
Best Restaurants in Modesto
Modesto is home to a vibrant food scene with an array of restaurants offering diverse cuisines. Whether you're craving Italian, Mexican, or Asian cuisine, there is something for everyone. Some of the best restaurants in Modesto include:
The Dining Room at The Creek: A fine dining establishment known for its farm-to-table menu. Camp 4 Wine Cafe: A cozy cafe offering delicious food and an extensive wine list. Harvest Moon Restaurant: This family-owned restaurant specializes in American comfort food with a twist. Surla's: A popular spot for Asian fusion cuisine with a focus on fresh, local ingredients. The Twisted Pig Bar & Grill: Known for its mouthwatering BBQ and craft beer selection. Modesto: A Guide to Local Parks
Modesto is blessed with an abundance of parks and green spaces, making it a perfect city for outdoor enthusiasts. Whether you're looking to go for a leisurely walk, have a picnic with friends, or play sports, Modesto has a park that will suit your needs. Some of the must-visit parks in Modesto include:
Graceada Park: This park features beautiful tree-lined paths, playgrounds, and picnic areas. Dry Creek Regional Park: With over 150 acres of open space, this park offers hiking trails and opportunities for wildlife viewing. Legion Park: Located along the Tuolumne River, this park is a popular spot for fishing and boating. Beyer Community Park: This park offers a range of amenities including sports fields, playgrounds, and a skate park. John Thurman Field Sports Complex: Home to the Modesto Nuts baseball tea
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chsthrive · 22 days
Uncovering the Best Nightlife Hotspots in Charleston, SC Shop Local Charleston, SC Businesses [ad_1] Charleston, South Carolina is known for its rich history, beautiful architecture, and delicious food. However, what many visitors may not realize is that Charleston also has a vibrant and exciting nightlife scene. From lively bars and clubs to intimate speakeasies and rooftop lounges, there is something for everyone looking to experience the city after dark. In this article, we will uncover some of the best nightlife hotspots in Charleston, SC. The Cocktail Club Tucked away on King Street, The Cocktail Club is a stylish and sophisticated spot for cocktail enthusiasts. The menu features a wide selection of handcrafted cocktails made with fresh ingredients and house-made syrups. The cozy atmosphere and knowledgeable bartenders make it the perfect place to unwind after a long day of exploring the city. Stars Rooftop Bar & Grill For stunning views of Charleston Harbor and a laid-back atmosphere, look no further than Stars Rooftop Bar & Grill. Located in the heart of the Historic District, this rooftop bar offers delicious cocktails, tasty bites, and live music on select nights. Whether you're looking for a place to watch the sunset or dance the night away, Stars has it all. The Commodore If you're in the mood for a speakeasy-style experience, head to The Commodore on Meeting Street. This hidden gem is known for its creative cocktails, retro ambiance, and live music performances. The dimly lit space and vintage décor transport guests back in time, making it a must-visit for those looking for a unique nightlife experience in Charleston. The Royal American For a more relaxed and casual night out, check out The Royal American in the North Central neighborhood. This dive bar features a large outdoor patio, tasty bar food, and a rotating selection of local beers on tap. The laid-back atmosphere and friendly staff make it a popular spot for locals and tourists alike. Pour Taproom If you're a craft beer enthusiast, Pour Taproom on East Bay Street is the place for you. This self-serve beer bar offers over 70 taps of local and regional beers, ciders, and wines. Guests can pour their own drinks and pay by the ounce, allowing for a fun and interactive drinking experience. Pour Taproom also has a spacious outdoor patio and regular events like trivia nights and live music. Conclusion Charleston, SC may be known for its historic charm and Southern hospitality, but its nightlife scene is not to be overlooked. From swanky rooftop bars and speakeasies to laid-back dive bars and craft beer spots, there is something for every taste and preference. Next time you find yourself in Charleston, be sure to explore the city after dark and uncover the best nightlife hotspots it has to offer. [ad_2] EXPLORE MORE: Nightlife in Charleston SC Best: Places to eat in Charleston SC FIND: Things to do in Charleston SC CHARLESTON BUSINESS OWNERS: Get a Free Business Profile FIND BUSINESSES: Charleston Business Directory BE SEEN: Advertise Your Business Here #NIGHTLIFE
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Uncovering the Best Nightlife Hotspots in Charleston, SC Shop Local Charleston, SC Businesses [ad_1] Charleston, South Carolina is known for its rich history, beautiful architecture, and delicious food. However, what many visitors may not realize is that Charleston also has a vibrant and exciting nightlife scene. From lively bars and clubs to intimate speakeasies and rooftop lounges, there is something for everyone looking to experience the city after dark. In this article, we will uncover some of the best nightlife hotspots in Charleston, SC. The Cocktail Club Tucked away on King Street, The Cocktail Club is a stylish and sophisticated spot for cocktail enthusiasts. The menu features a wide selection of handcrafted cocktails made with fresh ingredients and house-made syrups. The cozy atmosphere and knowledgeable bartenders make it the perfect place to unwind after a long day of exploring the city. Stars Rooftop Bar & Grill For stunning views of Charleston Harbor and a laid-back atmosphere, look no further than Stars Rooftop Bar & Grill. Located in the heart of the Historic District, this rooftop bar offers delicious cocktails, tasty bites, and live music on select nights. Whether you're looking for a place to watch the sunset or dance the night away, Stars has it all. The Commodore If you're in the mood for a speakeasy-style experience, head to The Commodore on Meeting Street. This hidden gem is known for its creative cocktails, retro ambiance, and live music performances. The dimly lit space and vintage décor transport guests back in time, making it a must-visit for those looking for a unique nightlife experience in Charleston. The Royal American For a more relaxed and casual night out, check out The Royal American in the North Central neighborhood. This dive bar features a large outdoor patio, tasty bar food, and a rotating selection of local beers on tap. The laid-back atmosphere and friendly staff make it a popular spot for locals and tourists alike. Pour Taproom If you're a craft beer enthusiast, Pour Taproom on East Bay Street is the place for you. This self-serve beer bar offers over 70 taps of local and regional beers, ciders, and wines. Guests can pour their own drinks and pay by the ounce, allowing for a fun and interactive drinking experience. Pour Taproom also has a spacious outdoor patio and regular events like trivia nights and live music. Conclusion Charleston, SC may be known for its historic charm and Southern hospitality, but its nightlife scene is not to be overlooked. From swanky rooftop bars and speakeasies to laid-back dive bars and craft beer spots, there is something for every taste and preference. Next time you find yourself in Charleston, be sure to explore the city after dark and uncover the best nightlife hotspots it has to offer. [ad_2] EXPLORE MORE: Nightlife in Charleston SC Best: Places to eat in Charleston SC FIND: Things to do in Charleston SC CHARLESTON BUSINESS OWNERS: Get a Free Business Profile FIND BUSINESSES: Charleston Business Directory BE SEEN: Advertise Your Business Here #NIGHTLIFE
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foodloveslondon · 2 months
Experience Unique Vibes and Delicious Food at Royal Star
Located in the heart of London, Royal Star offers a unique dining and social experience with its eclectic decor, delightful food, and exceptional service. Known for its draught beers, craft beers, cocktails, and a variety of delicious dishes, Royal Star is the perfect destination for a casual night out, a gathering with friends, or a special celebration. Whether you’re looking to enjoy a relaxing evening or a lively atmosphere, Royal Star has something to offer everyone.
As you step into Royal Star, you are greeted by a distinctive ambiance created by the exposed brick walls and junkstore decor. The pub’s interior features a blend of vintage and contemporary elements, comfortable seating, and a lively atmosphere that makes you feel right at home. The friendly staff are always ready to welcome you with a smile and ensure that your visit is enjoyable from start to finish.
The menu at Royal Star is a celebration of classic pub fare with a modern twist. Each dish is crafted with care and attention to detail, ensuring a dining experience that is both flavorful and satisfying. From gourmet burgers to mouthwatering pizzas, the menu offers something for everyone.
One of the highlights of the menu is the selection of gourmet burgers. The Royal Star Burger, featuring a juicy beef patty topped with melted cheese, crispy bacon, lettuce, tomato, and the pub’s special sauce, is a favorite among diners. For those looking for something a bit more adventurous, the Spicy Chicken Burger, loaded with a tender chicken breast, spicy sauce, and fresh vegetables, offers a delicious and satisfying option.
Pizza lovers will also find plenty to enjoy at Royal Star. The hand-stretched and wood-oven-baked sourdough pizzas are made with the freshest ingredients and a variety of toppings. The Margherita pizza, topped with fresh tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, and basil, is a classic favorite. The Pepperoni pizza, loaded with spicy pepperoni and melted cheese, provides a flavorful and satisfying option.
In addition to their delicious food, Royal Star offers an extensive beverage menu that includes a selection of draught beers, craft beers, cocktails, wines, and spirits. The beer list features both local and international brews, offering something for every beer enthusiast. The cocktail menu includes both classic and innovative creations, such as the refreshing Mojito, made with fresh mint, lime, and rum, and the Royal Star special, a unique blend of flavors that perfectly complements the menu’s offerings.
One of the standout features of Royal Star is its beautiful back beer garden. This outdoor space provides a perfect setting for enjoying a drink and a meal in the open air. The garden’s relaxed and inviting atmosphere makes it an ideal spot for socializing with friends or unwinding after a long day.
The staff at Royal Star are known for their exceptional hospitality and attentive service. They take the time to understand your preferences and ensure that your order is prepared to your specifications. Their dedication to providing excellent service and their passion for creating a welcoming atmosphere shine through in every interaction.
Royal Star is also an ideal venue for special events and celebrations. Whether you’re planning a birthday party, anniversary celebration, or any other special occasion, the pub’s team will work with you to create a customized menu and a memorable experience for you and your guests. The unique decor and lively atmosphere make Royal Star the perfect place to celebrate with family and friends.
For those who prefer to enjoy their meal at home, Royal Star offers convenient takeout and delivery options. Their expertly prepared dishes and signature cocktails can be enjoyed in the comfort of your own home, bringing the delightful flavors of Royal Star right to your doorstep.
Royal Star is more than just a pub; it’s a destination where you can experience the true essence of London’s vibrant dining and social scene. With its delicious food, inviting atmosphere, and exceptional service, Royal Star promises a dining experience that is both satisfying and unforgettable.
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trendsoflondon · 2 months
Unwind in Style at the Royal Star Pub in London
Situated in the heart of London, the Royal Star Pub offers a unique and charming experience for those looking to enjoy delicious food, refreshing drinks, and a lively atmosphere. Known for its eclectic decor, welcoming ambiance, and exceptional service, the Royal Star is the perfect destination for a casual hangout, a hearty meal, or a fun night out with friends.
As you step into the Royal Star, you are greeted by the pub’s distinctive interior. The exposed brick walls, vintage furnishings, and quirky decor elements create a cozy and inviting atmosphere. The pub’s layout is designed to accommodate various social settings, whether you’re looking for a quiet corner to relax with a book or a lively space to catch up with friends. The beautiful back beer garden offers a serene escape from the hustle and bustle of city life, making it a favorite spot for patrons during the warmer months.
The menu at the Royal Star is a delightful mix of classic pub fare and modern culinary creations. Each dish is made with fresh, high-quality ingredients, ensuring a delicious and satisfying meal. From juicy burgers to gourmet pizzas, the menu caters to all tastes and preferences.
One of the standout items on the menu is the Royal Star Burger. This mouthwatering burger features a juicy beef patty topped with melted cheese, crispy bacon, lettuce, tomato, and the pub’s special sauce, all served on a toasted brioche bun. For those looking for a lighter option, the grilled chicken salad, made with fresh greens, tender grilled chicken, and a tangy vinaigrette, offers a healthy and flavorful choice.
Pizza lovers will delight in the selection of hand-stretched, wood-fired pizzas. The Margherita pizza, topped with fresh tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, and basil, is a classic favorite. The BBQ Chicken pizza, featuring tender chicken, smoky barbecue sauce, and red onions, offers a delicious twist on a traditional favorite. Each pizza is made with a perfect blend of toppings and baked to perfection, ensuring a crispy and flavorful crust.
In addition to their delicious food, the Royal Star offers an extensive drink menu that includes a variety of draught beers, craft beers, wines, and signature cocktails. The pub’s knowledgeable bartenders are always on hand to recommend the perfect drink to complement your meal or to create a custom cocktail tailored to your tastes. The extensive selection of beers includes both local and international brews, ensuring that there is something to suit every palate.
The Royal Star is also known for its vibrant social scene. The pub regularly hosts live music performances, quiz nights, and other special events, creating a lively and enjoyable atmosphere for patrons. Whether you’re enjoying a quiet drink with friends or dancing the night away to live music, the Royal Star offers something for everyone.
The staff at the Royal Star are known for their exceptional hospitality and attentive service. They take the time to understand your preferences and ensure that your visit is enjoyable from start to finish. Their dedication to providing excellent service and their passion for creating a welcoming atmosphere shine through in every interaction.
For those looking to enjoy the Royal Star experience at home, the pub offers convenient takeout and delivery options. Their expertly prepared dishes and refreshing drinks can be enjoyed in the comfort of your own home, bringing the lively atmosphere of the Royal Star right to your doorstep.
The Royal Star is more than just a pub; it’s a destination where you can unwind, socialize, and enjoy the best of what London has to offer. With its delicious food, inviting atmosphere, and exceptional service, the Royal Star promises a dining and social experience that is both satisfying and memorable.
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bestinadelaide · 3 months
How Can You Experience Adelaide's Best Food and Wine?
Adelaide, the capital city of South Australia, is renowned for its vibrant food and wine culture. With a diverse culinary scene and world-class vineyards, there are countless opportunities to indulge in gourmet experiences. This article will guide you through the best ways to experience Adelaide's food and wine offerings.
1. Explore Adelaide Central Market
Adelaide Central Market is a food lover’s paradise and a must-visit destination for anyone wanting to experience the best of the city’s food culture. Here’s how to make the most of your visit:
Fresh Produce: The market is home to over 70 traders offering fresh produce, including fruits, vegetables, meats, seafood, and cheeses. It’s an excellent place to sample local ingredients and discover seasonal specialties.
Gourmet Foods: Apart from fresh produce, the market boasts a wide range of gourmet foods such as artisanal breads, pastries, chocolates, and international delicacies. Don’t miss trying out the famous Adelaide Hills cheeses and Barossa Valley smallgoods.
Food Tours: Join a guided food tour to learn about the market’s history and discover the best stalls. Tours often include tastings, providing an excellent opportunity to sample a variety of products.
Cafés and Eateries: The market has numerous cafés and eateries where you can enjoy freshly prepared meals. Whether it’s a hearty breakfast, a light lunch, or a decadent dessert, there’s something to satisfy every palate.
By exploring Adelaide Central Market, you can immerse yourself in the local food scene and enjoy some of the finest produce South Australia has to offer.
2. Visit Renowned Wineries in Barossa Valley
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The Barossa Valley, located just an hour’s drive from Adelaide, is one of Australia’s most famous wine regions. Here’s how to experience the best of Barossa Valley’s wine offerings:
Wine Tasting: Visit the numerous wineries and cellar doors in the region to sample a wide range of wines. The Barossa is particularly known for its Shiraz, but you’ll also find excellent Rieslings, Grenaches, and other varietals.
Winery Tours: Many wineries offer guided tours that provide insights into the winemaking process. Learn about vineyard management, wine production, and the unique characteristics of Barossa wines.
Wine and Food Pairing: Some wineries offer wine and food pairing experiences, where you can enjoy gourmet meals paired with the perfect wines. These experiences highlight the region’s culinary talents and enhance the wine-tasting experience.
Events and Festivals: The Barossa Valley hosts numerous events and festivals throughout the year, such as the Barossa Vintage Festival and Barossa Gourmet Weekend. These events celebrate the region’s wine and food culture with tastings, workshops, and entertainment.
A visit to the Barossa Valley allows you to indulge in world-class wines and enjoy the beautiful landscapes of one of Australia’s premier wine regions.
3. Dine at Adelaide’s Top Restaurants
Adelaide boasts a dynamic restaurant scene, with options ranging from fine dining establishments to casual eateries. Here are some of the best dining experiences you can have in the city:
Fine Dining: For an upscale dining experience, visit some of Adelaide’s top-rated restaurants like Orana, Magill Estate Restaurant, and Shōbōsho. These restaurants offer innovative menus featuring local and seasonal ingredients, often with a focus on modern Australian cuisine.
Casual Dining: If you’re looking for a more relaxed atmosphere, try popular casual dining spots like Africola, Peel Street, and Bread & Bone. These venues offer delicious, high-quality food in a laid-back setting.
Multicultural Cuisine: Adelaide’s diverse population is reflected in its food scene, with a variety of international cuisines available. Explore the flavors of Italy at Osteria Oggi, Japan at Sushi Train, and Greece at Estia.
Street Food and Markets: For a more informal dining experience, visit street food markets like the Adelaide Night Market and Fork on the Road. These events feature food trucks and stalls offering a wide range of delicious, affordable options.
Dining at Adelaide’s top restaurants allows you to experience the city’s culinary creativity and enjoy meals prepared by some of Australia’s best chefs.
4. Discover McLaren Vale’s Wine and Dine Experiences
McLaren Vale, another renowned wine region close to Adelaide, offers a blend of exceptional wines and gourmet food experiences. Here’s how to make the most of your visit to McLaren Vale:
Boutique Wineries: McLaren Vale is home to numerous boutique wineries that offer intimate and personalized tasting experiences. Try wines from producers like d’Arenberg, Wirra Wirra, and Coriole Vineyards.
Wine and Food Pairing: Enjoy wine and food pairing experiences at wineries that have their own restaurants. d’Arenberg’s Cube and Maxwell Wines are known for their innovative pairings and exceptional dining options.
Regional Produce: McLaren Vale is also famous for its regional produce, including olives, almonds, and cheeses. Visit local markets and farm shops to sample and purchase these products.
Scenic Dining: Many wineries and restaurants in McLaren Vale offer scenic views of the vineyards and surrounding countryside. Enjoy a meal at places like The Salopian Inn or Star of Greece, where you can dine with a view.
A trip to McLaren Vale provides a delightful combination of wine tasting and gourmet dining in a picturesque setting.
5. Participate in Food and Wine Festivals
Adelaide hosts a variety of food and wine festivals throughout the year, offering unique opportunities to experience the best of the region’s culinary delights. Here are some festivals you shouldn’t miss:
Tasting Australia: This annual festival showcases South Australia’s food and wine culture with events ranging from cooking classes and chef demonstrations to long table dinners and wine tastings. It’s a great way to experience the best of Adelaide’s culinary scene.
Adelaide Food Fringe: A celebration of diverse food cultures, this festival features a wide range of events, including pop-up restaurants, food trucks, and community feasts. It’s a vibrant showcase of Adelaide’s multicultural food offerings.
Crush Festival: Held in the Adelaide Hills, the Crush Festival is a summer celebration of wine, food, and music. Enjoy wine tastings, gourmet food, and live entertainment in a beautiful setting.
Sea and Vines Festival: This McLaren Vale event celebrates the region’s food and wine with a weekend of tastings, lunches, and parties. It’s a fun and festive way to experience McLaren Vale’s offerings.
Participating in these festivals allows you to immerse yourself in Adelaide’s food and wine culture, meet local producers, and enjoy a variety of culinary experiences.
Adelaide offers a rich tapestry of food and wine experiences that cater to all tastes and preferences. Whether you’re exploring the bustling Adelaide Central Market, tasting wines in the Barossa Valley and McLaren Vale, dining at top restaurants, or participating in vibrant festivals, there are countless ways to indulge in the city’s culinary delights. By following these strategies, you can make the most of your time in Adelaide and savor some of the best food and wine Australia has to offer.z
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jasmineway · 1 year
Providence // 6-20-2023
This is my favorite restaurant in LA, and quite possibly my favorite restaurant to revisit. As such, I will spare you the prose, and leave with you the visual story, indulged as part two of an unbelievably thoughtful present commemorating my graduation.
Providence is an understated, yet richly luxurious dining experience. You will not find mahogany. The space is a modern LA bungalow, easily missed if not for a subtle entryway around the block from valet. While the team will be dressed Formal you can expect diners ranging from elegance to leisurewear, yet no ones experience is dampened in the slightest as the service gives the space and ease to match the diners' energy.
They recently reopened after a refresh that just as much gives "modern art aquarium" as it does "Incredibles-Metal-Balloon-Escape-Sequence," and yet it incredibly works, and avoids the easily overtly-brutalist concrete box feeling.
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Teal velvet cradles the diners back with a marine respite from the minimalist tones. The lighting is not the easiest on people's faces for photography, but absolutely perfect for filtering the room.
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They have wine pairings, A5, and truffle options.
We opted to skip the truffle, mainly due to a personal sense that truffle is frankly overused in fine dining. I should say, it has been over-represented to my palette. Certainly, this is because if you like truffle, you Like truffle—and want to indulge.
My feelings on it is that truffles are very much like Thor — he works best as a character that is sprinkled into his movies, timed right for maximum impact (Ragnarok was certainly a Hela movie). Too much, and it becomes overwhelming. I want movies featuring Thor, and dishes featuring truffle.
All too often you get All Truffle and then it overpowers the dish it is showcased in. I have had one too many Truffle-featuring pastas that obliterated the other flavors.
Pre-Seating Mocktail: my favorite, cranberry mint bubbly
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Amuse Bouche: miscellaneous delicious things
I'm going to defer to my post on Jeune et Jolie // 3-30-2024 for my thoughts on fine dining's obsession withthe casual-snack-but-gourmet opener, but 'cheez it' aside the meal kicked off with art at no less a standard that I've come to know and love. The honeycombing, the perfect petals, and the unironically-delivered spritz of flavor a la vintage perfume bottle are all you need to see to know what kind of evening you are in for.
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Course 1: One Potato, Two Potato
"golden kaluga caviar, garden herbs"
Resisting harping on the eternal Alina callback, this was respite; we were permitted to enjoy however we liked, and it was delicious.
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Course 2: Shima Aji*
"armenian cucumber, basil from our garden"
My dining companion reports this was delicious. I however, was not in the mood to flirt with mortal peril, and thus was met mysteriously by a large pan of crystals that would soon be revealed to be incredibly hot salt in which fresh prawns were currently being cooked (though I pray, not alive).
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While I don't love eating a thing while its face looks up at me (a commonality, I suspect, with my pescatarian colleague), I accept this meta commentary of my role in the food chain as a small price for the wild luxury of having a man in suit prepare a special dish tableside.
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Course 3: Uni
"white asparagus, salted egg yolk"
I hate uni. It always feels like a human tongue. I liked this uni.
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Course 3.5: Bread Course
Ah, red fife sourdough. Where would we be without a mission-driven carbohydrate resurrected through love and investment in local grains.
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Course 4: Halibut
"clam bouillon, grilled fava bean"
Providence is known for their seafood and not one plate let us down. I particularly loved the diningware, which thankfully was heavy in the use of Actual Plates and also came with utensil holders that tickled our table. I love the design choices here - rather than Pollack with sauces, the food is served clean, while decorative elements baked into stone look painted with the ocean itself.
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Course 5: Santa Barbara Vermilion Rockfish
"morel, sorrel, miner's lettuce"
Crisp. Light. No notes.
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Course 6: A5 Wagyu
"charred eggplant, spring garlic confit, jus de boeuf"
I stand by the controversial opinion that the best* wagyu I have ever had was at Providence, a seafood restaurant of all places. This remains true even with 2023. Unlike many places who make wagyu a hyperbole, mixed into ground meats or flavored into nothing, the chefs here take care to allow the standout sear to remain the star, served with merely accents in a constellation of flavors. My far my favorite part of the meal despite not a single poor serving preceding it.
*best tied with the larger portion I ordered at Cut Beverly Hills, where my server, coincidentally a former Providence host, informed me that they curate the same cut of beef from the exact same supplier
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Course 7: Desserts
peach, almond, shiso was served with house-made hawaiian dark chocolate (coconut, indonesian long pepper) and I'd elected for a light tea as we made our way through the additional plate of petit-fours. The artistry in the chocolate course was magnificent, and I counted at least five preparations in that one plate alone.
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Overall Impression:
I have no hesitation; this is my favorite LA restaurant. I come anytime I can. I suggest you do too, even if you are not at heart a seafood lover.
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I cannot be grateful enough for the magical evenings I have been blessed to enjoy.
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ravenloftian · 10 months
Spider Spider Burning Bright...
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November 29, Y356 (Game session 12/1/2023)
The trio of paladins discover a beguiling unicorn statue at the end of a hallway and begin to explore the niche. Enraptured by the majestic equine form, Percival climbs on its back. He manipulates the horn and triggers a mechanism that unleashes a poisonous fog and unveils a clandestine passage. The gas causes Val and Costi to fall into a trance-like sleep.
Their companions try to wake them up and when they don't respond to typical stimuli begin to apply more draconian measures. Percival goes as far as to burn Val's hand with a hot blade. At their wit's end, Marcus carries the unconscious men back to the chitine lair where they hunker down and wait.
A day later, the men wake up and report similar dizzying visions, hallucinogenic dreams, and the slaying of a white unicorn. The symbol of a skull with a lemniscate symbol between its teeth is the same as the one they saw on the wall. The heinous visions leave them rattled.
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Once more the adventurers set out to explore, heading back to the hallway of the unicorn statues. Costi figures out a way past the pit trap and reaches the door on the other side. At the end of the hall he discovers an ancient cellar filled with cobwebs. While most of the bottles have spoiled, he finds four one-gallon wine jugs with ethereally exquisite wine tasting of mountain lakes and fresh berries. When the paladins partake of the vintage, they feel a surge of might and heroism.
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They head south and come upon a wide hallway with a series of doors. One of the rooms is filled with a flock of spider-like flying creatures whose paralyzing bites instill fear. The webbirds were being grown as a food supply by the chitines as evidenced by the broken cages. From one of the dead corpses in the room, it appears the creatures incubate their eggs inside the bodies of their prey. Using Euphonious, the paladins communicate with the dead to discover that the gray-skinned humanoid is a race called "Darro."
The next room yields tattered glowing webs and a vicious phantom spider. The creature manages to paralyze Percival but is soon dispatched by the rest. Unable to hit it with his weapons, Costi resorts to throwing a vial of holy water which burns the thing as if it were acid.
Beyond the webbed lair, they uncover a door leading to a room filled with debris and a rocky nest. The opening of the door triggers a magical trap that sends a piercing gong reverberating throughout the dungeon. While battling the axebeaks, they are confronted with a trio of giant spiders from the rear. Costi is poisoned during the encounter and gets progressively worse as time goes on. Luckily the venom begins to fade after a quarter hour.
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The axebeak nest contains two unhatched axebeak eggs, 35 gp, 131 sp, four sealed crystal vials each containing a potion, and a bone ring.
Upon exploring the wide hallway, Costi uncovers another pit trap along the south wall. The party realizes that they can jump from the side of the trap into the adjoining corridor. The first warehouse along the hallway is empty, but the second and third are occupied by more phantom spiders–one of which manages to paralyze Percival. As the party begins to look for secret doors, they disturb a nest of webbirds and the creatures pour out of a hole in the ceiling.
Shortly after, they are surprised by another axebeak, but at Val's behest, the party holds their attack. Val has the strangest sensation that he can somehow befriend the beast–and sure enough, he does. A few jerky tidbits later, the bizarre creature out of time is eating out of Val's hand.
The hallway ends at a round room with rotting and stained plaster that has long ago peeled and flaked away from the walls. The ceiling of this room reveals rude stone. Broken masonry, statuary, and other odd­ments are visible beneath the layer of undisturbed dust. Several minutes of diligent searching reveal a hidden door.
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Costi disarms a nasty needle trap and a door opens to reveal a chillingly cold chamber. The air inside is dry and stale and dust coats every surface, including a rough block of some crys­talline substance. The dust-covered block stands several feet tall and measures a few feet to the side. A large blot of darkness mars the center of the translucent, dust-shrouded object. A closer inspection reveals the block to be solid ice. The party decides to leave whatever is trapped inside alone and closes the door once more.
Next to the round room, they find a room with a spiral stair leading down but decide not to descend. The party retreats back to the chitine lair to heal and regroup. Val takes the Axebeak eggs with him.
Two days later, they descend the stone steps shown to them by the chitine guide. The stone stairs descend 20 feet toward the east before breaking into the ceiling of a large cavern. The stair is carved into the side of the cavern, though there is no railing along the side to protect against a fall.
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The first room the adventurers explore is a bioluminescent garden. Fungi coats the walls and ceiling of this natural cavern, illuminating a fungal garden. Underworld lichens, fungi, toadstools, mushrooms, and unclassifiable growths run riot in this chamber. The smells range from pleasant to revolting, and a strange whining and crying seem to emanate from the north. The brave men follow the wailing sound to discover another cavern with a rocky protuberance erupting from the earth. The rock formation looks like a giant's hand clenched tight but for one finger. This room is also lit by softly glowing fungus, though subtle, the growth here is more restrained. Growing all around the finger are strange fungal puff balls that shiver and shake. The puffballs emit a continuous vegetable wail.
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On their way out they encounter two chitine mushroom pickers armed with spears and a brief scuffle ensues. The fight comes to a sudden end when one of the gardeners cuts into his own leg and bleeds out, causing his companion to flee.
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Great job everyone! You've earned 2150 XP each!
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visit-eldorado · 1 year
Old Vines and New Tastes: The Evolution of Fair Play Wineries
Nestled in the rolling hills of California's Sierra Foothills, Fair Play has long been a haven for wine enthusiasts looking to discover something unique. The region, with its distinct terroir and passionate winemakers, has undergone a fascinating evolution that perfectly balances its reverence for history with an eye toward the future. Dive into the tale of old vines and new tastes, and explore the captivating journey of Fair Play wineries.
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A Storied Past: Fair Play’s Vintage Roots
The story of Fair Play's winemaking heritage can be traced back to the Gold Rush era when early settlers, recognizing the potential of the region's soil and climate, planted the first vines. The old vines of Fair Play, some of which still thrive today, have deep roots both literally and metaphorically. They've witnessed the ebb and flow of the wine industry, from its early flourishing days to the challenges of Prohibition, and eventually its renaissance in the late 20th century.
New Beginnings: The Modern Wine Wave
The last few decades have ushered in a fresh wave of innovation for Fair Play wineries. As technology advanced and viticultural knowledge grew, Fair Play winemakers began experimenting with diverse grape varietals and winemaking techniques. This era marked a shift from traditional, often rustic wines to more nuanced, complex profiles. But even with modern innovations, the essence of Fair Play - its old vines and the wisdom they carry - remains at the heart of every bottle.
Melding the Old with the New
One of the most enchanting aspects of Fair Play wineries is their ability to harmoniously blend time-tested methods with new approaches. Many wineries here practice dry farming, an ancient technique that relies on natural rainfall for irrigation. This, coupled with the old vines' deep-reaching roots, results in grapes with intense flavors and character.
Conversely, modern wineries are not shy about embracing technology. Temperature-controlled fermentation, optical grape sorting, and precision viticulture are just some of the tools used by Fair Play winemakers to craft wines that resonate with today's palate.
Varietals: A Spectrum of Flavors
Fair Play's evolution is also evident in its diverse range of varietals. While Zinfandel, with its robust and peppery profile, remains a homage to the region's history, newer varietals like Tempranillo, Viognier, and Petit Sirah showcase Fair Play's versatility.
Looking Ahead: The Future of Fair Play
The journey of Fair Play wineries, from their Gold Rush origins to their contemporary prominence, is a testament to the region's resilience and adaptability. As we look ahead, the region is poised for even greater growth. With sustainability initiatives, wine tourism, and an ever-evolving portfolio of wines, Fair Play is set to enchant generations of wine lovers to come.
The allure of Fair Play wineries lies in their seamless blend of old-world charm and new-age dynamism. It's a place where century-old vines coexist with state-of-the-art wineries, where tradition meets innovation. For those eager to savor wines that carry the weight of history while surprising with modern flair, Fair Play beckons.
So, the next time you uncork a bottle from this region, take a moment to appreciate its rich lineage, its journey from the old vines to the new tastes that define the ever-evolving world of Fair Play wineries.
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Friday, June 16th: 10/10
“and I think we make gods who look like us for a reason. I think, in spite of it all, we trust we can be believed in.”
Excerpt From You Better Be Lightning Andrea Gibson
I’ve been known for the occasional 3, 5, and 7 day streak, but usually the weekend has a habit of snatching good routines and well-intentioned alarms right out of my nail bitten hands. 
Today was the first time in a long time I’ve successfully hit 10 days straight of hitting my goals. So I’m celebrating that, because it wasn’t easy. There was rejection, reality checks, and pillows Lumos peed on. But every day I also gave myself the following. 
Yoga: 20 minuets today- achey knees, and I’m always wobbly on my left side. But I signed in and moved my skeleton around in a way that would make Jenny Slate laugh. 
Walking to the beach: It’s finally fucking sunny out. I threw on a white sports bra and some leggings I cut in to spandex shorts and lapped up the rays like puppy at his water dish. Mmmmm. Speaking of skeletons: Today I saw a bright turquoise vintage car, a vintage man at the wheel, and a full skeleton chilling next to him. It was a blink and miss it moment. 
Reading: Finished Andra Gibson’s “You better be Lightning”. Totally cried my eyes out at story she told about being so excited to wear new shoes to basketball try-outs only to have the other kids make fun of them and then she had to pretend she didn’t like them and her better shoes were coming in the mail. This women also writes about chronic illness and death, but something about childhood enthusiasm and pride being mutilated by embarrassment and shame cracks how my whole chest open. When I was at the DMV today I made a point to tell the little girl I was sitting next to that I liked her sparkly pink crocs. She smiled, said thank you, and hide behind her knees. 
Meditation: Staying mindful, feeling your breath in your chest as though your own body is being breathed in by the universe. I put my headphones on at the DMV and just tried to be present. To see humanity in all of its weirdness: exhausting and beautiful. 
Political Awareness: Oof. We’re in a post-Dobbs world and republican monsters are coming for the queer kids during pride month. It’s not enough to know though. I want to do something, how I’m not sure yet. Back burner. 
Writing: Here I am. Stuck in the middle with you. Writing down jokes I think are funny, dreaming of screenplays. Might be time to tell a story where I’m not both the narrator and main character. 
Cooking: Today I ended up making the Chicken Stir Fry. Spilled rice all over the kitchen listening to MFM recap Terri Broome murdering an Italian asshole (somewhat justified) and Bernie Lito murdering an elderly widow so he could live a lavish lifestyle as a closeted gay man (alllllso somewhat justified but I’m a sick fuck so don’t listen to me). 
Cleaning: Bleached the life out of my walls and have been running that dishwasher to my hearts content. Fresh bed linens, folded laundry. 
Dressing well: Killing it. Today’s plan: 90′s pearl choker, white eyelet crop top, flared jeans, vans. Lately been living in the blue striped terry-cloth set. 
Reduce drinking: Not a drop, sugar tits. And in general never alone. 
Sunscreen/Skincare: Aging like the wine I’m not drinking
Running: At least 3-5 blocks of each walk. Building up to 4-6. 
Therapy: Kicking my ass. Making progress. 
Music: My head is a radio station. 
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