#look it's none of my business who you're making fan content about
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magis-ghast · 11 months ago
What do you do when someone follows you so you follow them back because they seem cool enough, but then later they post
"Um all my followers please make sure you've read my card and dni list"
And so you do because you're curious and didn't see it before
And they're like, fairly normal and accepting except for "proshippers"
And you don't post any "proship" anything because you don't actually actively ship any characters or people, but you are definitely Pro Shipping "ship and let ship" philosophy
You see they have a "don't unfollow or block me without dming about it :(" line
Because im just going with "ignore it and it will come up when it comes up"
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alfredsolos · 2 years ago
One of the most frusturating thing being a Damian Wayne fan is watching people mischaracterize him so bad that people think he is a boring and bad character, without opening a single comic issue their entire lives.
Look, whether people choose to read comics or not is none of my business. But hating on a character without interacting with the original content is just unjust.
Going back to the topic, Damian has a certain trait in canon which is very much disregarded in the fanon. And this lack of trait literally changes everything in his personality and behaviour.
The thing is... Damian is fucking hilarious.
And I don't mean that he is a clown character that makes jokes all the time.
He has a very sarcastic and dark humor. And he isn't afraid to use it against anyone. Be it Alfred, Bruce, Slade, Talia or anyone you can think of.
And most of the time, he doesn't even mean to be funny. It's just natural with him.
Now of course, I didn't pull these out of my ass. I'll show you some panels as an example:
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I've put panels from different comics with their own unique plot. And Damian's age varies from each to the other.
If you still think that this is lacking, literally open a single comic that he's in, and just read his dialogues.
And for me, that's why it's so fun to read about Damian. Unlike some other members of the Batfamily, he doesn't hesitate to say the things in his mind. He doesn't care whether he fucks things up and he's expert at getting out of bad situations.
He isn't glued to Batman's side, and most of the time goes out on his own. He is very independant and does not take shit from Bruce or anyone. Hell, I can think of two seperate occasions where he punched Bruce on the face.
I just love how he plainly mocks even the most dangerous people. I like his attitude, in which he thinks that he's the best. It's so refreshing to read about. Because it deviates from the stereotypical "Hero" behaviour.
And in most fics, this trait of his is entirely erased. And not just the ones where he's the "evil" side character, also the ones where he's the main character.
He's written as being a copy of Bruce which frusturates me to no end.
And if you're reading this as someone who just found this out, please take this post into consideration when characterizing him.
He's such an interesting character, so please don't write him off as a mini-Bruce.
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olderthannetfic · 9 months ago
i generally believe in/support the concept of ship and let ship, but I feel like there should be lines. Like, it feels really disrespectful of IRL people who don't like being shipped. For example, I know a guy who posted smut online about an ace YouTuber who has expressed discomfort over content like that, and... I just feel like there should still be boundaries for people that you respect. some people are super cool with content like that about them, and thats great for them! but at the very least if you're going to make content about someone who has mentioned not wanting that, don't post it? the person posted it to ao3 and the only reason he took it down is bc it was a hint he'd accidentally given to a friend and I that would have helped us figure out his account.
(I should say that I've never and never plan on harassing people over their ships, it's none of my business. even with this friend I just kind of looked at the other friend present and made a face that they imitated.)
You know I'm not going to be sympathetic to tired RPF discourse, right?
The same arguments have been made for longer than I've been alive.
"But what if they're uncomfortable" applies to actors who play characters fans write about. It applies to novelists. It applies to every creative, not just RPF subjects. You might find someone's discomfort over RPF more legitimate, but that doesn't make it so.
The bottom line is that RPF posted to places like AO3 is not in the faces of the subjects. If they choose to go looking there, they are the ones crossing a boundary. If their other fans choose to show them such writing, those fans are the one crossing a boundary, not the RPF writer.
It's more awkward now that youtubers who maintain really poor boundaries with their fanbases are so popular, but it's not that different from all the RPF about boy bands or actors. Fundamentally, these are about fictionalized versions of these people. They're something for the fans. Just keep it out of the person's face, and you're good.
If you believe there should be lines in what people are allowed to write or to post in fan spaces then, no, you do not support ship and let ship.
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gravehags · 9 months ago
sweet treat
pairing: cardinal copia x curator!reader (plus bonus ghoulettes)
rating: T for suggestive content
tags: summertime activities, gelato, ghoulettes cockblocking (affectionately), flirting, copia plotting
"Ah, feels good to be home!"
The man walking at your side turns to you with a devilish grin, reaching behind you to grip you by the ass and pull you towards him, chuckling sinisterly.
"Copia," you giggle, playfully shoving him away, "you're insatiable."
"Sì, and? I don't recall hearing any complaints about it last night when I had you bent over so prettily an--"
"Copia!" you stage whisper, looking around the silent country road. The only sounds in the warm air are cicadas buzzing and your footfalls on the hot pavement.
"Dolcezza, there is no one around but us. If I wanted to pull you into that bush over there and have my wicked way with you, there would be no one to save you."
Well that's a thought. You stop and consider it, ultimately deciding--
"Hey!" a feminine voice calls in the distance, "Wait up!"
Copia groans in frustration as the two of you turn and behold two figures lightly jogging towards you. You immediately recognize them as Copia's ghoulettes - Cumulus and Cirrus. They've abandoned their uniforms for something more weather appropriate - glamours cast. Cumulus' long white curls are piled high on her head in a messy bun, and she looks sweet enough to eat in her tanktop and Daisy Dukes. Cirrus, on the other hand, with her long dark hair, wears a pair of loose basketball shorts and a sports bra. They're both smiling as they approach, panting in the summer heat.
"Afternoon ladies," you say, "You wanted to get gelato too?"
Cumulus nods eagerly while Cirrus gives you a playful little eye roll.
"Mind if we tag along?"
You turn to Copia who looks as though he does, in fact, mind, but you also know he adores his ghoulettes and can't deny them anything, much like he can't with you.
"Come along, bellezze mie," he says, waving them into step with you. You really liked the ghoulettes - thought they were so charming (and beautiful), you never complained about an opportunity to chat with them. Cumulus slings an arm around your waist and pulls you close.
"He treating you right?" she whispers loudly, causing Copia to whip his head around with a pout. You laugh and lean into her.
"Yeah he's not half bad," you whisper back, giving the ladies a wink, "Just between us girls I'm using him for his money but he doesn't know that okay?"
Cirrus snorts loudly and grins.
"How much does being a Satanic cardinal pay these days, huh?"
"Since becoming the head of the Ghost project," Copia interjects loudly and archly, "A considerable amount. But that's entirely none of your business, ghoulette."
The ladies dramatically "ooooo" while you bump his arm with your shoulder.
"He's just sensitive because Imperator had to confiscate the Ministry credit card."
"Amore!" he squawks, glaring at you. You shrug with a smile.
"Boss what did you buy that pissed Imperator off that much?" Cumulus inquires, highly intrigued.
He's really pouting now, mustache twitching as he frowns deeply.
"I don't want to talk about it."
They look to you and you mime a zipping motion over your lips, giving them an apologetic, yet amused, glance.
The four of you walk in silence for a few minutes and you reach up to wipe the sweat from your forehead with the back of your hand. Which is also sweaty so it really doesn't make much difference.
"This humidity, huh?" you pant, using the hem of your sundress as a fan for your legs, "You girls must hate it."
"We do," they say in sync, "but we run cooler by nature so that does help."
"Oh yeah?" you ask, fascinated, "because you're air ghouls? Or do you have some other infernal secret?"
"The air ghoul thing," Cirrus confirms before waving you over to her, "C'mere"
You step over to her and she looks to Copia for a moment, who nods, before wrapping her arms around you. All of a sudden you're awash with deliciously chilled air, and the feeling makes you moan. Cumulus, not wanting to be left out, embraces you from behind with a grin.
"It's like being inside an ice cream sandwich," you marvel, "This is divine. Copia have you tried this? Copia?"
The man in question is standing, watching the three of you with a peculiar look in his eye. If you didn't know any better you'd say it was...hungry. Predatory, even. It's as if he doesn't hear you as his gaze flicks between the three of you. The ghoulettes catch him staring and slowly pull away, the loss of your air conditioners making you whine.
"Come on, village is close," Cirrus says and you spot her giving Copia a wink and a grin. You have the distinct feeling that a plot is being hatched but before you can air your suspicions, Cumulus grabs you by the hand and drags you up the street.
"Look at these!" she gushes, gesturing to the small yellow climbing roses on one of the storefronts. She reaches up and picks a bundle, tucking it behind your ear with a soft smile.
"Beautiful," she murmurs, "they suit you."
Something about the way she regards you makes butterflies flit around in your stomach and you open your mouth to thank her when Cirrus and Copia catch up to you. Copia gives you a soft, knowing look that makes you cock your head but you stay quiet. The gelato shop is only a few doors down and is mercifully quiet. The owner knows the two of you by name and greets you warmly. You all place your orders (stracciatella for you, lemon for Copia, mandarin for Cirrus, and fior di latte for Cumulus) and step outside with your prizes.
"Stracciatella," Copia sniffs, "You've been spending too much time with Terzo."
"Oh excuse me, signore," you say archly, "Not all of us like sour fruit flavors. Next time I'm ordering two scoops just to piss you off even harder."
Cirrus snorts mid spoonful and looks at Cumulus, who grins into her treat.
"Guys," you say, playfulness dropping from your face and voice, "I have some really fucking bad news."
Copia looks so intensely concerned as he comes to your side and cups your elbow you nearly laugh.
"Dolcezza, what is it, what's wrong?"
"We've got to walk all the way back to the fucking abbey after this."
A silence falls on the three of you before Copia speaks.
"I'm calling a ghoul to pick us up."
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ar3s-r4t-qu33n · 6 months ago
Idfc if he's real or not, he's still worse written than Eddie. Also the problem is in his fans that are making him no guilty, innocent baby and always refering that Coyle/Eddie/Everybody else im outlast are the same. And if you think it'll work, try to compare Walker (with PTSD after war) with Franco (who is just a sicko). Anyway Barbi's simps are way more agressive than any other fans when you say something bad, what's a fact, about a grown ass man. I feel like those people are just little kids who are getting upset after school and shouldn't play the game ;) When I see all those comments with "He'S mY PoOkIE" I'm getting sick... Ya'll should get a brain
Guys look!! I got one!!
You don't deserve a response, because if you were old enough to be playing Outlast, you would be able to figure out that shaming people for (checks notes) liking a fictional character in a horror series? Is plain stupid.
It would also serve you well to maybe do some spell check before you come into my asks like this. I'd take you more seriously if you maybe drafted this one more time, but here we go:
First of all, you don't know me. You can check out my like, five posts and see that only two of em are Franco related and none of them baby him. In fact, I don't think I've seen a post yet by anyone who says "Franco is a sweet, innocent baby who did no wrong" because... That's the point. He's interesting BECAUSE he's done shit wrong. We are playing Outlast. Everyone is complex and awful and interesting. Just because not every post is marked with a little footnote that says "oh by the way everyone, Franco is a bad, bad man 🥺 I don't support his actions, I'm not a Franco defender, I just wanted to draw him being silly 🥺" doesn't mean we're all out here claiming he's a saint. The fact that he's a fucked up lil guy is why we like him. I feel like that's a given with all Outlast characters? But that's just me after being a fan of this franchise for years now, idk, being able to step back and analyse a community to see what they enjoy about something is quite a fun and easy task, I recommend giving it a try instead of coming into "loser nobody who has been on Tumblr for like a week's" asks to complain to me like I can put all the Franco fans in the corner until they learn to interpret characters the way you have decided is objectively correct.
But even if they are "babying" him and apparently ignoring that this is the Outlast series and Franco is a character from Outlast... Oh no! What horror! Someone is misinterpreting a VIDEO GAME CHARACTER what a terrible and unique crime!
Franco "just a sicko" Barbi was abused and neglected by his father, his mother was murdered, and he only ever received affection after he killed someone. But yeah, he was just born fucked up whereas every other Outlast character earned their trauma and the right to kill the player. What a senseless and just untrue take and I'm sure you know that, you just want to complain because that's all you people like to do. You want to feel morally superior over someone because you don't understand why they feel the way they do instead of just moving on and ignoring them like any other sensible adult would. Because who's actually getting hurt if some people think Franco is their lil Pookie? Is it you? Does it cause you psychic damage? Because last I checked, this is the internet. We are responsible for ourselves, so unless somebody is actually hurting anyone...
Block the Franco tag. You are brave enough to type out this whole message to a stranger online and act morally superior because comparing which video game character deserves the right to kill you is THE most mature thing in the world, so you're definitely brave enough to block the tag and move on.
You are responsible for what you see online, but ESPECIALLY on Tumblr, it is so so easy to hide content you don't want to see, and mind your own business. Quite frankly, I don't care if I come across as aggressive here. You came into my asks about a tag/fandom you clearly aren't in trying to act like you're better than the rest of us. That's pretty damn aggressive, wouldn't you say?
This is Outlast. A game about fucked up guys doing fucked up shit, and we love them for it. If that is too much for you, if the mommy issues gangster is too crazy for you but Eddie and Trager and Knoth and Coyle are completely fine, no questions asked? I don't think this series is for you. Sexual horror is a staple of Outlast. Childhood trauma is a staple of Outlast. You can't be shocked when people respond to a new character in a video game they like.
YOU are not better than me because you like Chris Walker and I like Franco Barbi. I can't believe you need to be told this, we are all in the same uncomfortable freakshow cesspit that is The Outlast Fandom, no one is morally good. No one is better than anyone else. You cannot claim moral superiority over any character because at the end of the day, I can point to Wernicke and say with my full chest that he is objectively the worst because he's a literal nazi, and what then? Are you going to tell me that Franco is worse than a nazi? The debate is over, in the list of "who is the worst of these awful people", Wernicke wins hands DOWN. The point is null because EVERYONE SUCKS HERE!!! THAT'S THE POINT!!!!
Is that enough for you? Or are you gonna keep harassing people through your alts or getting your friends to do it? I can go alllllll day, baby, you ain't making me feel bad about my interests in the O U T L A S T fandom, dear GOD, this is ridiculous. Don't fucking condescend me, telling me to "get a brain" you don't KNOW ME, I am a stranger to you, why do you feel comfortable coming onto my blog harassing me about a video game character? That's not a good look for you and now it is immortalised here. Anonymous or not, you still did this. Whoever you are, you typed that out and sent it to a random person you do not know and felt comfortable enough to do so.
That's weird.
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cafesweetvn · 10 months ago
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Café Sweet contains sensitive topics such as, stalking, kidnapping, murdering, heavy manipulation, scary imagery(Blood, eyes, body horror), cannibalism, mentions of sa, police and swearing. DO NOT continue if these topics may trigger you.
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Café Sweet is a visual novel where you work at a lovely café with your two coworkers that you've gotten extremely close to over these past few months. However, it seems you're cozy town has lost it's safety as there have been multiple disappearances, with only a few bodies being discovered dead.
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If I make "Café Sweet" content, can I tag you in it?- Yup! I would LOVE to be tagged in any fan content! It makes me so happy and overjoyed to see people making stuff for Café Sweet. I'm happy that others are interested in my stories and characters.
Are we allowed to send asks interacting with the Li's? - Yeah! I think it would also help me write the characters better for when I write their routes.
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Artemis: Your extremely strict manager. Despite how he comes across he does care about you(as well as Sanka and Hyun-ae), truth be told he wants to protect you, from what, who knows(I do)? Will you take the time to get to know him?
Sanka: Your coworker! He's extremely extraverted and friendly to you and Hyun-ae, you three forming your own little trio. Sanka likes to look out for you and Hyun-ae, wanting to make sure you two get home safe, putting up a strong front. He loves being reliable <3
Hyun-ae: Your coworker! She's a lot more chill then Sanka. She would rather just follow whatever kind of mischief you and Sanka come up with and decide to do then decide to make any plans herself. She ADORES gossip and knowing everything ever. Despite her grunge appearance, she's a bit of a nerd!
Davi: A customer turned into a regular. Hyun-ae is convinced that Davi might have something to do with the disappearances, and even more so that he's been stalking you. Is he really creepy like Hyun-ae thinks he is?
Valeria: One of your childhood friends who moved away years ago. Thankfully, you two have always kept in touch with each other. It seems she's grown up to be an influencer. You wish to see her again in person, who knows, maybe she'll visit you soon~
Imani: Another one of your childhood friends! Thankfully, Imani never moved away and you two are still in contact. She's very shy and you're one of her only friends. She wishes to tell you how grateful she is to have you in her life still.
Fritz: Your final childhood friend! Works at a vet and adores animals, He's always so gentle and sweet towards animals and humans alike. They're so happy that you've stuck by their side after all these years and with the recent murders, they've been so worried about you and your mutual friends.
Archie: Your boss! You've never met him before, and it seems that neither Sanka nor Hyun-ae have either. Archie mainly leaves everything to Artemis while he goes out and does his own business. However, do NOT ask Artemis ANY question about Archie.
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#☕️-Cafe Sweet
#💌-fan content
#🔞-minors dni
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Proshippers, bigots, generally creepy and shitty people don't interact with me or any of my games
Ageless in bio(either put your age/birthday in your bio, or you can send me a message telling me your age, if none of those I’ll block you)
That said I'll also be blocking blank tumblrs
I won’t be writing any gross out kink or anything like that.
If you’re a minor please don’t interact with my content that is 18+, especially since the base content won’t be 18+ so you can still get content.
Due to certain topics in this game, 16+ only
Please be patient with me, thank you!
I’m happy to take criticism on anything and will take it into consideration. What I won’t listen to is any hate comments without criticism, I’ll just block you.
If you're going to send in an NSFW ask, please turn off anon, otherwise I'm not gonna respond to it or I'll make it SFW, thank you!
More might be added/changed to most sections as I develop this blog
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This is a side account so any other interaction will come from @starswirlfoxgames
I have a Twitter that will be STRICTLY 18+: https://twitter.com/Starsw1rlF0x
Ask box is always gonna be open unless I say otherwise so feel free to spam me with asks!
I'm probably not going to continue posting asks in order, just gonna post em when I finish them. Sorry if you asked me something and it's taking a while, I may be struggling with ideas or motivation.
I won't be having a schedule anymore to avoid burnout and stress. I also won't be using the queue feature anymore since I heard that it can delete posts.
I will try to post Dev logs weekly or every other week!
Masterlist 1
Asks: 0
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narrators-journal · 2 months ago
Hey there! I just read your Machi xmas short, and I found your writing style really comforting. So if you're still open, could you write another x fem!reader story, in the same setting for her? a bit longer, and maybe this time in a Machi pov?
Thanks for putting out content for the pinknette, god knows I crave for more stories for this woman!
Okay, so I know this isn’t a LOT longer than the first one, but I hope it’s still a satisfying read! I tried my best to make this cute, and to keep it consistent with the first part so that it properly came across that this was a sort of prequel/pov shift of that same situation, but I’m running on little sleep rn and had to finish up/rewrite a couple of chunks. So! A bit of a hit or miss piece here, but I still like it and I hope you do too!
That year’s Christmas heist had been a surprisingly easy task for the spiders. They had gotten in, gotten out, and had ended up with an impressive haul with none of their own blood shed in the process. So, as some form of gift to his spiders, Chrollo had sent them away to lay low and “enjoy the holiday.” Which, was what had led the pink-haired healer of the criminal group to stand in front of an odd-scented, 24-hour gas station’s meager offerings for something she could call a Christmas gift for her lover.
Bobble heads, cheap plush toys, candies, gimmick-y Christmas headbands, snacks, and a few discounted movies that the pink-haired woman wasn’t sure weren’t just ditched on the shelves by a customer. Nothing that she’d deem worthy of a surprise ‘sorry I nearly missed the holiday’ gift for her lover, even as she looked down at the reindeer headband she held. “Are you looking for something in particular?” One of the gas station’s female employees asked, polite enough to not comment when the pink-haired spider jumped at her sudden question. “Uh, not really. I was just hoping that you had something I could give to my girlfriend for Christmas.” She responded, and like the ELF movie that stared up at her from among the cheesey bobble heads, she couldn’t seem to decipher if the look the worker gave her was due to her cold voice or the fact that she was gift shopping in a gas station so close to the holiday. Neither made the spider look very good, though, and when paired with the shame her own words stirred up in her belly, she couldn’t blame the stranger for the dirty look. “This isn’t exactly the place for good gifts, ma’am. Walmart might be more appropriate? There’s one only about ten minutes from here.” She offered regardless of her own opinions, and Machi felt a small amount of heat creep into her cheeks when she had to shake her head, “I-I figured, but I can’t exactly...I don’t exactly have…” God, I fucking hate talking to people. “I’m not exactly a fan of Walmart, you see. It’s far too busy this close to a holiday. A-and I couldn’t get away from work until now to shop, so...I’m a little desperate.” As she spoke, the spider kept her expression tastefully ashamed as she spoke. She even swallowed some of her pride and let the worker judge her once more before her next words. “Well, I think your best option in that case is to simply offer your company. A gas station bobble is far more demeaning than no gift at all, trust me.” And the nen-user nodded in understanding. However, before the employee could turn to leave, she stopped her with an even more awkward, “Oh, um, wait. I-I know this might be weird, but could you maybe help me pick out some sort of makeup? So I don’t get to her home with, y’know, no effort put in?”
The woman paused to look Machi over and the woman could almost feel the pity that grew in the woman when she saw the nice shirt and ripped jeans that she wore. Which, for a woman who’s arsenal of gala-wear or dress clothes either sat in the trash from her muscular build ripping through them or blood stains, were the best she had at that moment. Even if she could agree that the outfit wasn’t set to impress. So, she felt a twinge of gratitude and relief in her chest when the woman nodded and led her a few aisles over to find her some sort of makeup.
With her help, the spider was able to find something to spruce her look up and get checked out without further issue. Her cheap headband swept over the scanner and put into the bag with the lipstick, blush, eye shadow, concealer, and mascara, though she wasn’t entirely sure why she’d kept hold of it for the entire conversation. “That will be 20$, ma’am. Cash or credit tonight?” The cashier asked, and without a word she handed him a twenty and took her items. Maybe a little bit too quick to return to the bitter chill of the darkness outside.
Damn it, I should’ve asked for the bathroom key before I left. I can’t do my makeup in the damned dark with no mirror. I’ll look like a clown.She scolded herself when she was halfway across the mostly empty parking lot. Yet, it was too late for her to go back with her tail between her legs. Not when that woman was still there and would surely judge her further. So, Machi sucked it up and simply used a particularly reflective car window somewhat close to a weak street lamp to do her best to add some more feminine softness to her angry, scar-littered face.
Not that the spider feared her girlfriend would be horrified to see the marks left by fights and hard experiences, she had been the one to encourage her to dabble with cosmetics. She’d fallen for the same angry expression that Machi did her best to dull with a bit of pink on her lips and cheeks. However, it was a special occasion, so her girlfriend deserved to at least have a lipstick stain to wash off in the morning. The same way that she deserved at least a flower, even if Machi had to get one from a stranger’s garden before she reached her apartment building.
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queenendless · 1 year ago
🩵Satoru Main Frame (Adult!Gojo x Fem!Reader)🩵
A/N: Yall. MANGA LEAKS. New episode tomorrow about ... ya know what. And I'm not okay. So more self-indulgent comforting cute stuff okay!?
Fluff, wholesome turned steamy confessions, make out time, and all with the best man there IS!
All credit to JJK and the image goes to Gege sensei ... even after the crap they just pulled .... sorry.
I hope you all enjoy my attempt at consoling venting content during this time. Okay enjoy!
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You may not be the strongest nor a sorcerer for that matter, but your use as a Window meant you were a member of Jujutsu Tech for as long as you were usable to them.
Meaning you not only got to see the first and second years who you've gotten closer to; all precious in their own crazy ways, but you also got to see their sensei. Whenever he was around, you mean.
Watching you mingling with his students from afar kept you on a fidgety edge. Toying with your hands and checking yourself over to make sure nothing looked off.
"Whatcha talkin' about~?" Gojo weaseled cheekily into your group talk with the two female students turned kouhai friends of yours.
"None of your noisy business." Maki tersely replied.
"Personal private space, creepy sensei!" Nobara snapped out.
You mouthed I'm sorry over the shoulder as the girls dragged you off the opposite way. Him gaping at you a bit at your concern before grinning coyly as he waved it off like it was no big deal made you a bashful smiling mess.
Exorcizing curses high enough in the air for you to see made you bashfully look away from his cheery expression above, to your internal elated heart but to your other two companions' ire.
"Going overboard as always," Megumi groaned.
"At least the area got evacuated." Yuji's trying optimism did not lessen Megumi's annoyance.
Even having lunch in the courtyard, seeing Gojo annoying Nanami-san passing by the outdoor roofed pathway nearby made your dopey smile have your two eating buddies look to you then to their sensei, piecing it all together.
"Ooohhh you have got it bad~!" Panda teased only to deflate. "But does it have to be Gojo-sensei?"
"Bonito Flakes." Inumaki shook his head, eyes pitying your choice.
You were internally panicking as swarms of butterflies frazzled your nerves, externally staying mute and red as you looked nowhere else but your lunch box set.
And yet, you couldn't help it.
Despite everyone's obvious distaste for the strongest sorcerer on their side for his crazy rule breaking irresponsible antics, that didn't deter you in the slightest.
Even as you finished your meal and excused yourself, hurriedly leaving, you seeked out that chaotic man purposely.
His voice.
His strength.
His spikey propped up snowy hair paired with that velvety black blindfold resting over those illuminating eyes you've only heard about and never seen with your eyes —!
"L/n~!" That familiar cheery voice breathed in your ear from behind. You yelped, jumping in fear, before swiftly turning around at that toothy smile. "Hi~!"
"Uh – I – I was just … just –!" Your stuttered rambles were cut off swiftly as he pointed a finger right in your face.
"Question! Answer truthfully, pretty please~!" His wide toothy grin had you sold.
"Um …. okay?"
"You were looking for dear old me, weren't you?" The smug confidence from his expression to his irresistible voice had you flushing and swelling up inside in anxious worry. You felt either lying or not would just amuse him.
Looking at your feet in burning bashfulness, you quietly spoke. " … Yes."
He hummed loudly, his smile widening, rubbing his chin in thought. "What about exactly?"
"Just … just to …" You felt darkness overtake you, looking up slowly, startled out of your own skin at how close his face leaned into your personal space.
"Yeeeeees~?" Gojo was enjoying this too much.
Shakily gasping, you breathed in and out deeply through your nose.
"When you're not too busy … I was wondering if you'd … want to … hang out?"
He held his chin, pondering, humming loud enough. "Hang out, huh? Well, while I'm flattered you think so highly of me and my presence … I can't help feeling suss … what brought this on all of a sudden? Especially since this is the first time you've spoken to me. When it's just us two … all alone … when I can be the most unpredictable one here and you are unprepared for what I could do~?"
His wiggling fingers and the low tone he spoke in had your brain screaming at you to tuck tail and bolt.
Yet you didn't want to move. You were stuck in place. Entranced by his everything.
"Like THIS~!"
A whoosh of the winds and the setting made you dizzy when the secured warm embodiment of the strongest kept you caged against his front. Blinking while getting your bearings to what happened, you saw the cloudy blue sky way up close. Your eyes peaked down.
Yep, you were way way high up. And Gojo alone kept you two floating still and not plummeting to oblivion. Exhilarating being on top of the world with the strongest there is and petrified of the extreme height. You trembled, clutching your hands at his jacketed lower back, when his enriching voice lulled down your nerves.
"You're not gonna fall."
"Gojo-san, what are you – ?!"
"Figured I'd get the point across on top of the world. Literally." His towering self-gazed down at you; blindfolded and all. "All those gazes you give me, seeing you smiling down below when I'm up this high, I could tell right away that you're not like everyone else. I mean, your admiration and affection has not gone unnoticed …" His chuckles set you in a blushing burning state as butterflies raked your nerves, leaving him chuckling deeper and longer.
That's why his deep frown unsettled you so much. "But I'm not the best choice to have feelings for."
Your heart began cracking.
"You know the spoken truths about me from the others. The idiotic, irresponsible playboy teacher that causes chaos wherever he goes. But you still view me as more than that, don't you?"
Your nod of agreement brought him to brush his nose against your forehead tenderly. "All I want is to not have anyone feel lonely anymore in this doomed system of ours … yet in this imbalanced world … it still finds ways to give me hope." His arms gave your waist a squeeze. "You have to be somewhat crazy to survive this sorcerer's life. Perhaps I'm just that crazy for thinking this all up on the spot."
You can feel the crazy emanating off of him.
"To think, a wild card such as myself holding your precious self in my arms right now … I revel in it~ I mean sure, you're not the strongest one here. That'd be me." You deflated at his light jab and smug pride. "But still, the sound of your voice soothes me deeply. I cherish how your smile lights up wherever you are. You still see the good in me despite all my flaws. Heh, you're something else, you know that?"
You yelped as he lifted you up with one arm, having your bum rest on his forearm, immediately hugging his neck in your wrapped arms. You gulped at how close your faces were now.
"I know earlier I said being with me isn't the best choice to make … but I … I don't want you to stay away either. I don't want us keeping such a distance apart. After all, you didn't intend on us just hanging out like coworkers or comrades even today … right?"
Your squeezing lips betrayed your true intentions loud and clear. "No …" The ends of his lips curled upwards as you took a deep breath, braving to see this through. "I like you Gojo-san … a lot. You … you truly do care about our comrades … your students … you want them to stand with you … help in your fight to bring about a better world … makes me want to support and help you in any possible way I can … I'm not the strongest … so supporting the strongest is the next best thing. Then there's your own enriching laughter, your enrapturing voice, your odd sense of humor …"
Listing it all off had him beaming proudly. "Most of all … deep down you do care … in your own Satoru way …" You giggled at that last one when his rattled groan startled you just as much as his embrace did, having your legs hugging his waistline, burying your face in his neck so as not to panic at how high up you were.
"Why you gotta be so cute~?!" He whined playfully. "So naive … so adorable … ugh why must you make me sway so~!?" He dramatically cried out to the heavens. You snorted at his performance when the cradling gesture of his hand running slowly through your hair comforted you much more than you thought. "Now I'm really tempted not to let you go." The deep possessive tone he took shivered you to the core.
Breathing in his scent that soothed your anxious quaking soul, you dove fully in. Past the point of no return. "Then don't."
He pushed your hair aside enough to kiss the bare skin there, your shuddering gasp leaving his lips curled into your flesh at his greedy claims. "I hope you're prepared for what you just signed up for." The howling winds hit you hard as you clutched onto him for dear life when his warp to solid earth only took a moment, back on school grounds with the main building in plain view in the distance. "Because I like you too … and I plan on keeping you sweetie all to myself."
You pulled back, looking down at him gave you a surge of control at having this giant looking up at you with such a charming face. "Gojo-san –"
"Just Gojo or Satoru is fine coming from you, Y/n~" He assured you with his blessing.
You shyly smiled. " … T … Toru too?"
Literal sparkles appeared, adorning his face as he laughed out loud, unrestrained and rambunctious, as he hugged you tighter. "Oh, you are quite the catch, indeed!" Your own laughter was soft compared to his but it only heightened his affections for you. "Yes, yes, Toru too … has quite the ring to it~ So, can we make it official then … Y/n? Will you let me take you out?"
Your hands held his face, gently brushing his cheeks, bringing a light blush to his own cheeks had you endearingly gleam. "Yes."
He kept one arm around your waist, so his other arm wrapped around your shoulders, brushing aside your hair, massaging your scalp, smiling broadly. "Can I kiss you?"
Your eager nod followed by your own face leaning in was all the prompting he needed as the hesitant smooch felt so freeing.
You felt yourself at peace. Your skin tingled at how sweet he tasted, how safe and warm you felt in his hug. Tepid pecks soon turned to lingering drawn out sucks as your sighs pleased him, even more so when his tongue lapped at your bottom lip before treading new ground in your cavern, leaving a mewling mess inside you against his hungry groans as your tongues danced.
Weaving your hands upwards just to run them through his stand upish do, you accidentally making his blindfold slide down, letting his hair fall free, revealing his Six Eyes. He didn't mind, if only to look upon you with his gaze out in the open. The vibrant blue pulsated with such vigor and drive it had aroused you beyond all reason.
Running your own hands through his hair, you pulled him deeper to keep him as close as possible, both of you sighing elatedly as the squelched sounds of kissing passion wafted through the air. The gleaming sun highlighting you two in your own little world made it all the more sacred.
"Thank you, Y/n~" He gasped, pulling free from your wet tasty mouth as his fingers brushed your clothed sides and neck, his hold on you lingering as his strength was unbound, mushing his lips to the corner of yours. You felt lightheaded at how smooth and rich your name sounded coming off his tongue. "For giving me the chance to ask you out."
You hummed contently, smiling. "You're welcome."
He chuckled. "Movie date. My place. Sound good?"
"Wow, so forward. And we just started dating and everything." Your sarcastic tone had him smugly smirking as he spun you two around, cherishing your laughter at his action.
"I can't help it. Just you and me … nestled together … binging and snacking to our hearts content …. now that's my kind of heaven. And I don't plan on letting you go anytime soon." The covetous manner he voiced in your ear before tugging in your lobe had your mind racing on what it could insure for you, to both your excitement and nervousness.
Your surprised squeal and his dark chuckles were the last sounds heard in the vicinity before Gojo warped you two away yet again.
You, the admirer, just became the admired.
By the most selfish, gluttonous, overwhelming man there ever is.
But he's also yours now.
And honestly?
You wouldn't have it any other way.
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acewitch-writes · 1 year ago
Hello! I recently found your account, and I went on scrolling down and down...and now I hope you know how grateful I am. Thank u- Merci. About 90% of the content you share here has made me feel so much better. I realllyy hope wonderful things happen for you. I've been a fan of hp since 2001, but I'm not really a social media person so I haven't been active in the fandom. I had no idea what was happening here until recently..two months ago to be exact (other details are not important) and omg.. I ended up in a discussion with some I think, new fans. tbh I thought, "Great! I'm good at this, I read all the books more than once Let's talk :)"  and omg their very first question was "What do you think about Regulus?"
I was like, "Who?" *dying from secondhand embarrassment bc It turns out I'm not that good at this
but as the discussion continued, I became more and more baffled bc "Why was everyone talking about Barty, Evan, and Regulus? who is daddy Remu? and what do you mean people ship James Potter with R.A.B.? What?"
I swear for a moment I thought "Did the writer publish a new book? Did I miss something? " tbh, I respect everyone's opinion it's none of my business but I'm still shocked. The only thing that bothers me is everything that happened with this new Wolfsar
omg, for most fans around my age (or at least people I know), Sirius was the complete portrayal of a bad boy- a rebel, with boots, tattoos, a leather jacket, and a fucking motorcycle. so this new Sirius is like a stranger to me, and that's okay. Mein issue is kinda with this new Remus T T my beloved .
They (the fans I was talking with) told me Remus is "tall, so handsome, SO strong, and hot-headed person because,  yk he's a werewolf." I was like "hot headed? excuse me?" I tried to explain to them that Remus being a werewolf is a metaphor for illnesses like HIV, it's not some superpowery gift.  they didn't believe me, but then they literally looked me in the face and said, "Then why would Sirius like someone like him? He's poor, short, and ugly." I swear I wanted to cry right then and there.
What is this mindset that makes some people think that a person should be, Idk, hot and flawless to deserve to be loved? Yes I don't think Remus is tall and super hot and perfect and isn't it fine? and I am 100% sure he's so beautiful. not like Sirius ofc but he has this "warm, cozy, and soft" sort of beauty. and I don't think he was a coward (ok maybe he was a liitle) but I guess it's easier for us, humans, to take the worst or weakest moment of a character and amplify it until it defines them entirely. and omg I'm so sorry for my rant and my bad english. but once again thank you for your beautiful soul <3 thank you
Hi anon! I, too, am baffled by the recent obsession with Regulus in this fandom. I think Jegulus is fine as a crack ship, but it has become so mainstream that many fans have just gone ahead and canonized it to the point that you'll be vilified for not accepting it as canon. I underestimated how popular the "best friend's brother" trope was, apparently. I also think it appeals to many fans as a Marauders Era version of one of the most popular ships of all time, Drarry.
This new version of Wolfstar is my biggest complaint with today's fandom, too! I get that the Marauders have very limited canon information and therefore we have more creative freedom to flesh them out, but I really believe that it has gone way too far. Sirius and Remus in today's fandom don't bear any resemblance to the characters they're based on. Remus is just a generic alpha werewolf OC and Sirius is his generic himbo femboy love interest OC. They don't even share a physical description with their Canon counterparts, and their personalities and character traits are so far removed that I can't even fathom how we reached this point as a fandom. How can you claim to like these characters if you have to change everything the source material says about them?
You're English is great, by the way! I completely agree that Remus has a cozy-and-warm sort of beauty. He made a point to distance himself from the stigma surrounding Lycanthropy because it was the focal point of his shame and self-loathing. And I just adore Wolfstar's dynamic from this lens, with the intimidatingly beautiful, confident, headstrong Sirius Black, who could have his pick of anyone he wants, choosing this ordinary guy because he's cozy and soft and it's exactly what Sirius wants after surviving the harsh ideals and abuse of House Black.
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aces-solace · 10 months ago
Impartial sins
Chapter 2: Stranger in my house
Warnings: language, I think that's it... If I missed something let me know. If you are uncomfortable with this, don't read!
Recap: My hands are cramping… I stretch out my hands and put up my sketchbook and pencil. Still not tired, might as well try though. I yawn and lay down turning on my fan as I get under the covers. Something doesn't feel right… Maybe it's paranoia..
I groan as I wake up. My head feels fuzzy, and my vision… it feels like I'm in third person… oh, wait.. “Azrial, let me out..” I mumble “but I never get out anymore! You rarely let me see…” he whines. I swear this thing…
I groan “I'll let you see but I won't let you out, you almost got us kidnapped last time you were out…” he huffs but I soon feel normal again. I let out a sigh as a burning sensation fills my left eye. I wipe away the tears that escaped and stare into the mirror.
“Happy?” I ask, his hums of contentment ring in my head. I shake my head and grab my tooth brush, “what a parasite you grew to be…” I mumble. He gasps “I am not a parasite!” He shouts. I quickly put my hands over my ears.
Him and his damned emotions are gonna kill my ears. I think as I feel the pounding in my head slowly subside. “Sorry…” he mumbled. I nod and continue my morning routine.
My blind spots increased because I gave into his whining… I can't see out of my left eye but I can deal with it. Where is my computer… there it is. I open it and open my notes app. Ok, new symptoms. Back pain, magic boosts, unable to de-neutralize soul.
I think that's all for the evidence of being a nephilim. Right?... Hm… someone's staring at me. I close the tab and turn around to find green eyes staring into mine. “Who are you? What are you?” I don't like the way he's looking at me…
Is it mockery? Annoyance? I can't tell… it's off putting. He doesn't even answer me. Rude. Whatever. He's none of my business. Still though, I don't like having increased blind spots while he's here.
I push Azrial into the headspace. “Hey!” He pouts “only until he's gone… he makes me uneasy” I mumble. He huffs but says nothing else. So he senses it too… For him to sense danger is like being dressed head to toe in red flags.
Then shouting at him multiple times everyday, every hour for six months that you're dangerous. Honestly, if he can sense it, then we are in deep trouble… Shit… I close my computer and lay back further in my chair.
That feeling last night, that wasn't paranoia. It couldn't have been. “Your left eye, it changed colors” he said. I roll my eyes “my eyes are none of your concern” Az huffs “I know he's a stranger and dangerous but that was mean..” he says.
“Luckily I'm not known for being nice” I say under my breath as I close my eyes. While I'd much rather not close my eyes while he's here, It would be awkward to watch him. Don't dull your other senses, don't let your guard down.
Most importantly, don't look guarded. Dull the opponent's senses, have him underestimate you. I sigh as I think about other symptoms. My stamina has increased. My teeth have become stronger and sharper.
Especially my canines and lateral incisors. What surprised me most was the ones on the bottom sharpened as well… My dentist seems to believe it's simply because I'm ‘growing’ and my doctor giving me pain medicine for my back pain doesn't help…
I tell him it helps anyway to avoid further inspection. If I am a nephilim and my doctor discovers it, no doubt it'll cause chaos. I'll just keep settling for filing down my teeth. I run my tongue across the top row of my teeth, avoiding the sharper parts.
Hm… they can grow for a day or two. Every time I file them down they grow back faster though… It makes sense though because they aren't supposed to filed down at all and they are probably trying to grow the way they are supposed to…
Oh well, filing them down is tiring anyway. I'll just drop my dentist. Not like I take bad care of my teeth anyways. Did he leave yet? I can't sense him, so he probably left. I open my eyes and let out a sigh of relief.
Still gotta add those symptoms to the list and call my dentist… Damn it.
It's only been an hour and they are almost back to their original length… thankfully it doesn't hurt, “it does hurt, you just can't feel it” Azrial says. “What do you mean?” I ask “I can't feel pain either but I can feel that your mouth is throbbing” he says.
I press my tongue to my gums and it is throbbing. I sigh, while he can't sense danger he makes a damn good pain sensor. “Thanks…” I say as I get up, ice should help with the swelling. I think to myself as I grab a zip Lock bag.
I put ice in the bag and grab a paper towel wrapping the bag in it. “Since you can sense pain, can you make sure we don't get burnt with ice?” I ask. He gasps “I get to take control!?” I groan “yes and if you can do this, I'll start letting you out more” I say.
He squeals, “I won't let you down!” He says.
Fun fact! - Azrial can read people's emotions! He claims that it's nothing compared to Ace's soul reading.
Taglist: @cuddlybelphie @doomsday-fae @a-crazy-little-goblin
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northwest-cryptid · 3 months ago
Just gonna drop a vent below this, a pretty lengthy rant about the way people view women in the live streaming scene. Specifically about how it effects literally everyone because of a toxic audience.
You know, I honestly can't stand the way women are treated as a commodity to consume as a key component of something, rather than as a person. Now listen I get it; yea we're all tired of how women are treated so why am I mouthing off about it as amab nb who isn't effected by it? Well because A. it's just garbage scummy behavior I've been tired of my whole life, and B. because I AM effected by it!
I have spent the last literally 8 or 9 years of my life trying to make it as a live streamer, content creator; anything in the entertainment field on account of multiple physical and mental disabilities. I'm not about to tell you that "women have it easy" because whoa boy they do not. However I will tell you that a vast majority of the market in the business of entertainment is cishet men or lesbian/bi/pan women. I know this because I've spent a lot of time observing these markets, trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong with my streams vs what others are doing right with theirs.
For every man I see streaming a game, engaging with his audience as small as it is; and actually putting on a show, I see a woman doing the same thing with an audience 3 - 5 times the size. What kills me is that most of her audience don't even care what she's talking about, it's sad; they view her like an object to ogle. She's a fucking entertainer, putting on a show for an audience who don't give a shit about the half of it. Meanwhile this schmuck with half her audience looks at her and says "oh so she's only popular because she's a woman and I'm not because I'm a man!" To which I have to sit there like "...I mean in this case yea kinda but hold that thought there's a whole other issue here!"
I cannot tell you how agonizingly annoying it was/is as a fan of Ceres Fauna to encounter other fans who would tell me they LOVE Fauna. Only when I'd talk to them about her they'd go off about porn, or waifuism, and just talk about her in a way that wasn't just objectifying but was clear they didn't actually watch her content or know anything about her. I'm mutuals with a handful of other Hololive fans on tumblr and it's so god damn refreshing to see people actually appreciate the talent for the work they produce, their personality; and generally speaking the person behind the character. Because yea it's fine or whatever if you want to be horny over the character okay I don't care, but like; hey can you also maybe at least watch their damn content if you're going to call yourself a fan? Can you at least know anything about the person you're talking about?
Well no, they can't; because that's not the culture around vtubers or honestly even content creators. People just see a pretty girl and decide to turn her into whatever they want. Which- okay here's the thing right; so if the major reason a lot of people watch these girls is because they find them hot, and they don't actually care about their content. Then where does that leave a lot of male talent? Well, since most of the men who are ogling these women are cishets; the male talent have nothing left to offer. It doesn't even matter that a good lot of them just aren't actually as entertaining (trust me I've really tried to get into HoloStars several times and I actively enjoy like 3 of them at most; we really lost 90% of the talent in HoloStars when we lost Vesper and Magni and I would go into that in more detail but this isn't a post about that.) Because none of it matters when the metric for whether or not someone cares about your content is determined solely by whether or not they can wank to your character or not.
And it's not like this is a win for these girls either; sure a lot of women on twitch are at least getting subscribers and donations or whatever; but a lot of them aren't. So not only do they get hate from their male content creator counterparts for having a bigger audience and shit, because yea a lot of these men end up resentful of it. But on top of that these women have to deal with the bulk of that bigger audience just being a bunch of pervs who want them to be wank material for their audience. Now sure that works for some people; hell I got nothing against it if that's your thing! Trust me I've worked in the adult entertainment industry for YEARS and I fully support that shit. However the problem is that there's a LOT of women who DON'T want to do that sort of thing, and their audience doesn't understand that not everyone under the sun is on this earth to be consumed as pornographic media.
A lot of the time, especially with Vtubers there's this concept of "if I can't wank TO you I'll just talk to you about pervy shit to get my fix." I've seen it across multiple different chats from various different circles. The majority of the time I've seen people get banned over it; but you can tell especially smaller male or masc presenting streamers are scared to lose any potential audience they may have, even when that audience doesn't care about them. It's not like women have it any easier then men; they just get a bigger audience but then that audience doesn't even respect their work.
Which makes it a lot harder as a masc presenting amab nb to even approach a woman about collabing or reaching out to network. If you're not a masc presenting amab individual I don't know how to explain what it's like to reach out to someone and get blocked outright when you made sure to write an extremely polite, easy going; and non-committal message of like "hey I'm a fellow streamer who has been a member of your chat and I figured I'd reach out to see if maybe you'd be up for a collab some time since we both play [game], if not; no big deal. If you're curious about me here's a link to my channel if that helps you sorta get a vibe for who I am and what I do." Or worse, get reported for harassment over it; or be literally shouted at by someone's boyfriend because I dared to directly message them about collabing. Because at the end of the day, the way a lot of cishet men have wronged them has just made them respond so poorly to anyone they deem a man even approaching them. I'm literally not blaming all men for this please don't think I'm saying all men do this shit, or that all cis het men do this shit I'm literally just saying a lot of the time this happens it's cis het men doing it. I am good friends with many cis het men who I'd lay down my life for because they are great people, so please don't take it that way.
There's so many layers of suck to this. Like it sucks that women are treated like fucking objects, and rarely actually seem to be given the respect they deserve for the content they create. It sucks that men by extension see much smaller audience numbers because a lot of the audience these women get, is unfortunately a lot of people who don't believe those men have anything to offer since they can't jack off to them. It sucks that these male streamers don't understand that it's not these women's fault that their audience are a bunch of pervy dudes who think you're not worth their time no matter how entertaining you are if you're not willing to bounce some tits around on the screen for them. Because that leads to these streamers becoming hostile to these women who are already being harassed by the very audience they're now being yelled at for having! All of this leads to the fact that it sucks these women are forced to be extremely guarded and shut off but it also sucks that I honestly can't blame them after how they've been treated.
I was literally in some random vtuber's stream a couple days ago because I'm trying to branch out and network and get to know people around the games I like to play. Everyone was talking and having a great time and out of nowhere the whole conversation turned sexual, and it just didn't stop; it just snowballed until the mods kinda got involved and were able to move the context of the conversation back to the game. It was crazy to witness because I couldn't for the life of me figure out what the hell brought that on in the first place.
I also admit it's really hard as someone masc presenting to see how little support I get, when I've literally seen my audience supporting other small streamers where the only real big difference I can see between us is; they're fem presenting and I'm not. I really have had to stop myself from falling into the trap of saying "wow it's so much easier to be a streamer if you're a woman." Which is a lot easier as someone who knows a lot of women, and listens to their struggles; and actually pays attention to how they're treated.
I cannot tell you how shitty it feels to work with so many people in the adult entertainment industry. Not because of the work itself, that's fine actually; great people, fine work; all that jazz. But rather because of the way people treat and talk to my friends off the clock or when they're not even talent like that. A friend of mine is a voice actress and the way people talk to her makes me want to vomit. Sure she gets a lot of work, and that's great for her; she really needs the money after all. However I wouldn't blame her if she decided to hit one of these dudes up side the head with a wrench one of these days. I've even heard other VAs get mad at her because "women in [the adult entertainment industry] have it so easy."
I don't know how to explain to people that they don't, because they don't have any respect, they don't have an audience like you think they do. They have a crowd of leering drooling incels who think if they throw money at the girl she has to put up with the shit they say to/about her. I'd be fucking pissed to have the audience half my friends had to put up with back when I actually knew more streamers. It's a pain because it feels like the environment is so toxic it turns everyone against each other and while it does effect all of us, I feel like certain folks aren't allowed to say that because they'll be accused of making themselves a victim or something.
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shizuu-chann · 2 years ago
I need to write my thoughts, so if you have no interest in Horizon: Forbidden West, then feel free to move along. No worries. But I have Thoughts about the Burning Shores DLC, more specifically the introduction of Seyka as a love interest. Spoilers abound; you've been warned. Also, not looking for a debate. I won't be debating. If you like Seyka and the romance, that's your business. I'm not here to change you mind. I'm just here to express my opinion.
Before anything else, let's address one thing: my opinion on this pair has absolutely nothing to do with it be a lesbian couple, or fuck's sake, Seyka's race. Anyone who knows me or has been following me for a while knows that none of that offends me, and I embrace diversity in all forms. So, for anyone inclined to do so, don't come at me in the comments/reblogs/tags trying to paint me like a villain because of my opinion on the plot and the romance itself as a plot device. Everyone knows this is the website where if you say ANYTHING negative about the above, there are going to be people who decide you're a bad person when you're not, and I don't feel like dealing with that.
Getting into it, I'm sure you could gather from the paragraph above the cut that I am not a fan of the Aloy/Seyka pairing. Seyka has grown on me a bit more since playing through the DLC a second time, but man do I think she makes a terrible first impression (and by "first," I mean the first time playing through the entire main story). I hate how she jumps down Aloy's throat for "keeping secrets" when she does the same thing, and I hate even more that Aloy gives a shit about how upset Seyka gets hearing about Nemesis coming to destroy life on Earth. Like, bitch, she asked. Don't get upset with the person who told you the truth when you asked for it, and don't feel somehow guilty about revealing the info when that's what the person literally wanted! To be fair to Seyka, she says something similar when she said "At least you were honest" when Aloy apologizes (again, why???) for "dropping that on her." So, there's that, I guess.
In general, I just think the whole romance was weird and out of place. If I had to choose between Seyka and no romance, I'd choose no romance. Personally, I ship Aloy with Avad. I really like Avad, I think he's cute and a good person, and I'd be interested to see how they would make that relationship work. Barring Avad, I like her and Erend, or even Talanah (Talanah's crush on Amadis notwithstanding). At least with any of those three, or even just Avad or Erend, there's history there. Aloy knows Seyka for, like, two weeks tops in game (going based purely off how many day/night cycles went by while playing through this time, more like 5-7 days). It feels very much to me like a summer camp fling: something that's fun and new, and you really get along with this person, but then you have to go home and back to reality, and eventually you forget about each other and move on. I'd be okay with her joining the squad back at the Base, but only as a friend. I really don't feel like dealing with that weird tension in the next game.
Which brings up my next point on why this romance is not good, in my opinion: why did they introduce it so late? Now, I enjoy DLCs. If they seem worth it, I'll buy them, because I love new content and places to explore, but I am also of the opinion that devs/writers shouldn't put seemingly important characters or character development into extra, and clearly optional, content. If it wasn't in the base game, then it's not as important. Otherwise, it would have been included, again, imo. There are going to be people who won't play Burning Shores, and if Seyka makes an appearance in Horizon 3, a lot of people are going to be lost, confused, and reasonably annoyed. I've kind of shipped Aloy with Avad for two entire games at this point, but they're going to introduce an actual whole ass love interest for Aloy in a DLC that you can only play AFTER you've beaten the base game/main quest line? That just feels so forced and strange, and I don't understand why they would do that.
I can understand Aloy not having romantic feelings for anyone in the first game. She's on a mission to find out where she came from and why, stopping another end of the world with HADES, etc. And while the second game is similar, this is also Aloy's character growth journey. She learns how to make friends and rely on them. She learns that she doesn't need to take the fate of the world onto her shoulders, that she can share that burden with people she learns to trust. So introducing a love interest in Forbidden West feels reasonable--but not in a DLC at the end of the game. They should have introduced Seyka much earlier. Hell, I might have even accepted her introduction when meeting Alva at the Greenhouse or going to retrieve Alva and delve into Thebes! I would have been MUCH more receptive to Seyka/Aloy then! But after the whole story is over? Why? For what? What was their thought process???
I've already had an attachment to another character for Aloy to fall in love with, and went the entire second game thinking that maybe she and Avad could have something (because, at least the way I play/interpret it, they seem to have something, even if it's only a mutual respect--I mean, Avad clearly has a crush, but I play Aloy like she reciprocates, but is just too busy to think about it). All that only for some random person to show up and get shoehorned into the plot at the last second and go "hey, look at me! I'm hot and badass, AND a carbon copy of you, Aloy! I have all your physical abilities, the same temperament and outlook on life with only minor differences, and we both even have sisters! Isn't that awesome? Aren't I awesome? Now, act like a weird, stuttering mess as you develop this weird and out-of-character attachment to me after knowing me for a week."
I've run out of steam writing this now, but I think I got my point across. This crush of Aloy's just feels so out of place and out of character. It would have been much better had it not been so abrupt and fast. If she'd had the whole game, or at least a decent chunk of the MAIN game to develop it, I would be more receptive, but this? I just can't. I don't like it. ANY romance introduced THIS LATE and THIS QUICKLY is bad.
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 2 years ago
Jimin is single single. Not his parents telling him his home looks like a model house lmaooooo
Btw I don’t get why jokers are saying he ignored the elephant in the room regarding the ig pic
He acknowledge it and wished Jk a HB. What was he supposed to say more?!?! The pic is not even romantic. Bros without a shirt hold each other like that all the time
They are ignoring the elephant in the room: Jimin said he called Jk to wish him a HB and it looked like Jk was busy. Does that sound couply to them?
This is proof 35455 that while they are friends they are not updated about each others day to day lives
I've always thought that Jimin's home was uneventful and #plain. I also never really trusted that person who said that Jimin goes to art exhibitions a lot, and even if he did my thought was "he must buy art to give as presents." It's that kind of stuff that only makes sense to me and I could never explain to people why I believed that.
The elephant in the room being shippers' galloping schizophrenia???? As far as I know, he got asked about his moon tattoo and replied to that. There was no question about the photo or about Jungkook being in the photo.
Jimin used to post bon voyage photos only after the episodes were aired. I never expected him to talk about or post photos from the US because it was an official schedule. He was there filming, for work. If he ever talks, or posts about it, it will be once the content has been aired. Which is exactly the way he's moved for the past decade.
A lot of people really forget that they don't see or feel the same way we do about most things. Funnily enough, when it comes to shippers, they usually remember that when it's to talk about their careers or thing "solos" are complaining about. I say "hybe sabotaged Jimin" and they go "Jimin loves Jungkook!!!! You can't dictate how he feels!!!" (which none did anyways, but they immediately assume you're talking about their feelings).
So, they know that what fans feel about something it's not always what the members themselves might think or feel about the same thing. It's the same with these birthday greetings or whatever. They spent years saying Jimin didn't care that Jungkook never posted for his birthday. Well.. the photo might seem scandalous and boyfriend to FANS, but rest assured neither Jimin nor Jungkook see the photo that way.
Not to mention BTS members have been to the bathroom together, they've showered together, they've all seen each other naked, they've punched/grabbed each other's balls. What's even more, both Jimin and Jungkook probably have similar photos with their other friends as well.
I don't even wanna know how they're spinning the fact that Jimin didn't see Jungkook for his birthday, especially considering how they made fun of taekookers and used it against them last year because Taehyung didn't visit Jungkook on his bday. They kept using it as proof that jikook are dating and taekook aren't, but now jikook didn't see each other, so where does that leave them??? Besides, Jungkook might be busy but he was literally out having dinner with other people for his birthday and took photos with fans and then went live. So, free enough to go out for dinner but busy enough as to only fit a phone call with Jimin. That alone tells me it was Jungkook's decision, as almost everything is.
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Please don't apologise for the rant!
It was an interesting read and everything you said made a lot of sense!
I feel really disappointed with the direction jungkook's taking tbh. His album and solo projects were the ones I was looking forward to the most since the second bts announced their hiatus and the fact that they were all going to release solo projects.
But now it's less than a month before his album debut and I'm hardly looking forward to it at all, because none of it seems to be the kind of music I could vibe with (even though his solo songs under the bts label were my favourites lol. I recognise that's a me problem but it does feel like outside of twitter a lot of people feel this way, more so than with the other members' solo works).
That might change once we receive the name of the tracks and the features and stuff, but we'll see.
Also, I think releasing 3D was honestly a bad idea because of the timing. Seven was (and is still) doing REALLY well. Super catchy, most people loved it, and it WAS new and unexpected. but the focus shifted a bit to 3D, except not everyone focused on the main version, and you can tell it's not gonna be as big of a hit.
You also mentioned on another post how the concept photos for golden appear to be very similar to seven and 3D and I can't agree more.
When you do the same thing more than once in a short period of time in a row, the hype becomes a little less because the surprise/anticipation factor is less, y'know?
Idk, I'm aware Jungkook was chilling and enjoying his break (and good for him) but that did mean he got less time to release a lot of content, so the whole idea of trying to release 2 big singles and then an album in 5 months doesn't seem like a good idea.
they could've kept it at one single with a lesser known artist (everything you pointed out about Latto is true)
and then released his album 5 months later with a slightly different vibe. Because now by the time 3D will become more accepted and more known by the general public, his album will release and the focus will be on the title track.
The timing and really everything surrounding 3D was bad all round (except for the alternate version and the performance for that because I agree it was 100 times much better)
Sorry I feel like I'm being far too negative and that frustrates me as well, I just...Jk has so much potential and is such a great singer but some of these decisions I feel won't properly help him in the long run, you know?
And especially knowing the album will likely follow the same formula as well. But he's accomplishing what he said he wanted so I guess that's something.
No, you aren't being too negative! If you are, I am too, and you're being more positive than me! The timing with 3D did suck. If you just think of it as a "gift" for the fans who were waiting for more music, then it didn't suck. From a business perspective, it wasn't the best move. The main issue was really the feature imo (though 3D's sound was never going to make a splash). Had 3D been announced as a solo, there would've been some of that shock/surprise factor and a lot more anticipation since we're all waiting for a real solo release. That would've been something to look forward to and to generate hype. A better MV would've helped too. At least 3D is kinda helping Seven in the charts...? It's gone number 1 on Spotify Global twice ever since 3D came out haha.
I'm really hoping that the album will surprise me! Tbh, boring concept photos are a BTS thing. It probably doesn't just happen to them, but I think Dynamite and Butter were the last eras to have exciting promo pics that had everyone talking about them. The concept/promo pics for Proof, for example, were super boring imo. I didn't even care for Jimin's Face promo pics and I remember a lot of people liking them. I don't think Big Hit is the best when it comes to that.
Let's see what happens, anon!
Thanks for the ask!
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amynchan · 2 months ago
I think fandom needs to come back to what media/literary criticism actually is, and I actually think that true media/literary criticism can be both helpful and healthy for fandom.
What people have taken for criticism is "this is bad and I'll tell you why it's bad so you also believe it's bad (if you also feel bad about yourself for liking it in the first place that's None of My Business, but good on you for seeing the light now! :D)." Sure, people will go into the source material and pull out their quotes and scrutinize actions and motivations, but what the hell is the end goal? To prove that you're smart? To make others feel like idiots? To win an argument that literally no one is enjoying having?
That's not criticism. That's argumentation with evidence from a primary source (the media itself) or a secondary source (where you got secondary knowledge regarding the culture or related traits that you believe you needed to win the argument you're having).
That's not criticism. That's argumentation. Criticism is different.
Media criticism requires media literacy. It requires knowing the different components of what makes that media tic and what makes it unique. The combination of characters, plot, framing, pacing, themes, execution, style, and more create a piece that's worth enjoying in written, visual, and audio forms. When you know the elements of the medium, you can understand what you're reading and looking at. You can break it down and look at each little piece, putting it under a microscope and picking it apart like a mad scientist to your heart's content.
Criticism is a form of evaluation, not argumentation, and that requires being an objective judge based on preset or clearly outlined criteria. We, as fandom and as a society, have become accustomed to criticism that reveals the negative aspect of a piece of media, giving the whole concept a bad name and turning "criticism" into "you wanna fight?". However, criticism can also show off elements that work really well, where the judgements according to those criteria are, in fact, good. A critic's job isn't purely to root out and unveil every negative thing about a piece of media. A critic's job is to evaluate the different elements and share if those elements are bad or good.
And why would a critic do this? It's simple.
Because critics are fans, too, and they need a space for themselves to engage, intellectually, with the media that they love and cherish.
And I think if we stop equating with "critic" with "flamer" or "troll" or "combative personality" or anything like that, those critics who are seriously just here to observe and lay their observations out could really enrich the fandom space. Neutral observations and analyses are fascinating, and I think future fandom spaces would be so much more fun if people didn't have to fear a criticism of their favorite blorbo or show. It would be so nice if "criticism" didn't have to mean "the start of an argument" or "shit I need to defend my position." Criticism is, in itself, another act of creation, and I think it'd be neat if so many more people understood this.
Criticism is not argumentation. You can use a criticism to argue, but the criticism itself is not an argument. Criticism is just an evaluation based on criteria that can be explained and discussed, and I think that's important.
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kyokiiro · 10 months ago
How about romantic hcs with robin x gender neutral!reader who also has wings I think it would be fun:p
The singers dove
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Synopsis - Robin dating a halovian!reader
Warnings/Content - gn!reader, fluff, headcanons, halovian!reader, LOTS AND I MEAN LOTS OF PHYSICAL AFFECTION (sorry none physical touch lovers), mentions of harassment, ooc Robin?, yall act like a married couple, tiny bit of crack, possible grammar mistakes, not proofread
A/N: I had so much fun writing this, i think Robin is my fav hsr character next to Acheron! Still funny how i have 0 Acheron fics, BUT LETS IGNORE THAT FOR NOW- Overall enjoy the fic! Also i couldnt think of an end hc so its pretty random😭 (Yk now i look back at it, its kinda similar to my "dating hcs w/ robin" fic-)
Tags: none yet
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☆Before yall started dating. To say Robin was shocked would be an understatement.. She never expected to meet another fellow Halovian like her and her brother, but she was also glad to find someone similar to her!
★Due you guys being the same type of species, you guys got along fairly quickly. Eventually you guys got in an official relationship
☆Robin was already touchy with you before yall started dating, but that doubled after you guys got together. Handholding, kisses, hugs, pet names, compliments, etc. Robin is smothering you with affection (not that you are complaining)
★But Robin doesn't want you to be uncomfortable, so if you tell her that her affection makes you uncomfortable. She'll stop, tho it does make her a tiny bit sad, but she understands
☆You guys definitely act like yoi guys are married, you already live together, cook together. Just general domestic stuff
★One of Robin's favorite moments and activities are when you guys preen eachothers wings. Since Halovian's wings are quite sensitive, it's can be handful to preen them. But now that she has someone who can help her and is familar with them since you're also a Halovian, she knows that you would do a wonderful job and vice versa<33
☆Due Robin being a popular star across the cosmo, it's no surprise that she's busy, but also her fanbase! Most of her fans were supportive of her relationship for you, but some of them weren't so happy.. So unhappy that they started to harass you. Though Robin found out rather quick and warned (threatened) them to never do that again or they will suffer the consequences
★After that little incident, Robin became slightly protective you. Scared that you would be harassed or even attacked by one of her fans, but you always reassured that you would be fine<33
☆One of the most funniest thing to see is when yall bicker, bc yall bicker like an old married couple. Talking about arguments. Fights dont happen often between you two and when they to they get quickly resolved
★Robin does love friendly fights specifically tickle fights and pillow fights! It makes her feel like a child again. She also just gets to spend more time with you<3
☆You guys are a match made in heaven and live happily ever after♡
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