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Meme Time
Over in the OC community I’m apart of, there were some memes posted and I got a few questions there, so I’m gonna put all the questions asked there in one big post.
And since an oc wasn't specified, I'm taking this as an opportunity to answer the question for all of them. I'll also do the questions that were put on the red emoji post too, since that also wasn't specified and I'm feeling chatty.
Spoiler warnings for IkeSen, IkeVamp, IkeRev, IkePri, and Obey Me as a lot these answers are gonna pull from various routes and story lines as I like to mix and match ideas to suit my needs for my OCs' stories (Ex: Clara is romantically involved with Nokto and a lot of her story follows the events of his route, but I also like to pull elements from Rio's route to enrich their friendship, things like that.)
Other things of note, I'll be talking about various themes depending on the question. Some things will go into topics like depression and things adjacent to that. There's also gonna be talk about sex and sexuality, thoughts of having children, and various other things that might be uncomfortable for some readers. The questions are featured first so you can skip between them if one of the questions makes you uncomfortable.
The Memes:
Emoji Asks (Orange Edition) (Yellow Edition)
(Red Edition)
Put below the cut because, yeah, it got kinda long.
See you lovelies below~
🌅 (sunrise) What does your oc look forward to every day? Do they have something to look forward to in the first place? What makes them wake up in the morning? Why do they want to be alive?
Houki (IkeSen)
Houki wasn't really the type to look forward to anything when she wakes up in the morning. Before she had been worm-holed, she was a noble lady of leisure, spending her days reading for hours on end, really only stopping when her mother nagged her to be more social or the servants gently prodded her to make sure she had eaten something every few hours. Now that Mitsunari was in her life, she looked forward towards to saying good morning to him, and to him responding back with how much he loved her.
Ophelia (IkeSen)
Answered here!
Thea (IkeVamp)
Thea looks forward to seeing her loved ones every day. The people she sees has changed over time, but the act of greeting her loved ones in the morning is still something she looks forward to each day.
Abby (IkeVamp)
She is also the type that doesn't look forward to anything in particular when she wakes up in the morning, save for after she and Vincent got together. Like with Houki and Mitsunari, she and Vincent say affirmations of love in the morning. She looks forward to hearing Vincent's voice in the morning, quietly whispering sweet things to her in sleepy Dutch.
Maddie (IkeRev)
Maddie looks forward to having breakfast with Harr and Loki in the morning. They talk about their plans for the day, local Cradle gossip, and teasing Harr for putting apricot jam on his toast a little too thick… again.
Clara (IkePri)
Clara looks forward to going to the bookshop and seeing her regular, smiling customers. She loves helping out fellow book lovers find their perfect books and it gives her recommendations for her next read.
Miri (Obey Me)
Miri looks forward to every day because there's always something going on. Devildom always has something happening so she's never bored in her day to day as there's always something to do.
🍊(orange) - Is your oc more selfish or selfless? Are they willing to sacrifice themselves or their goals for others? Why are they this way?
In a way, Houki was more selfish in that she used to only pursue knowledge just to know it, not that it had much practical use or that she used the knowledge she had to really help anyone, save when she was transported and she saw the importance in helping out, especially with Mitsunari.
Ophelia is selfless, despite having the moniker of the 'Ambitious Widow'. At the end of the day, she just wants to make sure her family is cared for and will go to great lengths to make that happen, sacrificing herself for their sake.
Thea is willing to sacrifice some of her goals for her loved ones because they are important to her and she wants them to succeed in their endeavors.
Abby sacrifices herself and her goals to please the people around her because she wants to keep up the image of the 'good, devoted daughter', even if it's extremely detrimental to her mental health.
Maddie is selfless, willing to sacrifice some of her goals for her loved ones so she can help them pursue their goals. She wants to help out because she feels it's the right thing to do when people help her first, so she's naturally going to return the favor and help them out when they need it.
Clara is selfless, willing to sacrifice some of her goals for her loved ones and only a little bit of herself. She kind of had to if she wanted to pursue a relationship with Nokto, now King of Rhodolite. She changed her social class for love and has a lot more responsibility placed on her now that she was going to be a queen.
Miri is selfless, willing to sacrifice herself and her goals to make sure her loved one succeed. The demon brothers helped her come into herself, becoming more confident and understanding of the new world around her and she cares about all of them as though they were her family too.
🏵(rosette) - What is your character’s most prized possession? Is it something they could never bear to part with? What makes this object so special?
A book of fairy tales she bought for herself while she was in the Sengoku era. The writing system here is a little different compared to home and at first she had tried to read one of the tactics books that was lying around Mitsunari 's room, but found it too difficult to read. So, after she had earned some money working as Chatelaine, when there was a book seller in town, she and Mitsunari searched among the seller's wares for something simpler for her to learn from. It's special to her because it shows how much she has learned and adapted to Sengoku life. It was also one of the first books she read to her son, helping to inspire his love of reading as well.
She isn't the type to place sentimental value on objects because she doesn't know when that object would be taken from her like other things have been in the past. If she's keeping something, it needs to have practical use, else there isn't a sense for keeping the object if it's just going to weigh her down. Which is why she holds onto the hairbrush that Kennyo gave to her once they became close. It's sturdy and has a use, plus it has flowers on the handle so it's nice to look at some days.
Her sewing kit! She's had it since she was a little girl. Her mother and her dads helped to gather the materials together so it has a lot of sentimental value to her. It's light blue with flowers on the lid.
Her first sketchbook. Le Comte had gotten it for her when he saw that getting her dresses wasn't making her happy. She had asked him if she could have his discarded invitations and letters so that she could practice drawing on them. He gives them to her, but the wheels were starting to turn in his head. So, he takes her shopping later on to the stationary shop she gets Arthur's and Mozart's ink from, feigning that he was looking to get a new pen and wanted her help in selecting one. Comte makes small talk with the shop owner, making it look like he's distracted, but he's watching her as she browses the shop, seeing her linger on a particular sketchbook, a look of longing on her face. He secretly tells the owner that he also wants to buy the sketchbook the young lady is looking at (along with some basic drawing supplies) and to have it sent to the mansion later on that day. She cries a little when she sees Comte next, explaining that no one had gotten her one before because her family didn't like her pursing art, but she wanted to so badly. After a bunch of hugs and a few more tears, he reassures her that her passions won't be denied here, that he wants her to do what she loves. It's one of the reasons he's gathered some of the greatest minds together in his mansion, so that they can pursue what they loved in their previous lives, so it would be hypocritical of him to deny her that much. After that, aside from doing chores with Sebastian, she was rarely seen without it. Vincent even had the foresight to take it with him when he traveled to the future to find her, taking comfort at her little doodles and studies while he searched for her.
A necklace that's been passed down through her family, originally belonging to her great grandmother (who was Alice the First). She was wearing when she traveling to visit her grandparents in London when she ran into a white-haired gentleman that wore glasses. He was pleasant to her and apologized for knocking into her, but her necklace had been replaced with a pocket watch, and when she had tried to get her necklace back, she followed the white haired man to Wonderland, whoops.
Her copy of Midnight Cinderella: Alyn. It was the first book in the series she had read as a young girl, looking for a more challenging read after she had exhausted Mr. Akatsuki's stock of children's stories at the time. It helped inspire her love of romance stories and her love for the Midnight Cinderella book series as a whole. That well-worn copy means a lot to her.
The items that the brothers gave her in order to be able to summon them to where she is when she needs them. A lot of them have sentimental value to her. Pictures with Asmo that evoke special memories, the script from the play she was in from Levi, the body switching book (now powerless) from Satan, the keychain that was the mate to her original one from Mammon, etc. Lucifer's Ring of Light, while also his summoning token, it originally serves as a tempering object for her magic so that it doesn't go out of control as it has done in the past.
🍑 (peach) - What are your character’s thoughts on sex if they have any? What is their sexuality? What is their sex life like? Do they even have one?
She sees sex as more for procreation than anything, only getting bold on occasion or when she has bouts of curiosity (it's how 'The Experiment' happened) (it's one of my rare full-on smut fics so I won't link it here, but you can peruse my masterlist to find it).
Though she doesn't have the words for it, by modern standards, she's closest to demisexual with a dab of bi-romantic (as in her home game, her first suitor was a warrior princess that was just at the Summit meeting for the free food and to look at all the pretty girls, which is valid of her, tbh.)
Otherwise, she doesn't have much of a sex life as it doesn't interest her much outside of fiction.
Ophelia isn't interested in sex as she has other things to worry about, plus she has some trauma with her previous marriage so she's even less likely to get sexually intimate with a new partner because of that. By modern standards, she's closest to a sex-neutral ace with some touch aversion (specifically towards kissing). She doesn't have a sex life nor does she want one, thanks.
Thea is polyamorous as that was the kind of relationship that her parents had, her mom and her two dads. She really can't choose between Theo and Arthur as intimate partners, so she didn't and is in a relationship with both of them, loving them in tandem. Her sex life is wild, as I'm sure you can imagine.
At first, she was scared of it, wanting nothing to do with it after a snooty rich boy forced himself on her. With Vincent, he always gave her reassurances and would stop if she was visibly nervous or unsure. He always wants her happy and comfortable first above all else. And after his constant reassurance and telling her how beautiful he thought she was, they got her to her first orgasm. As her confidence grows, she gets bolder, and after they had been apart for a year, they spent their first night together not separating (literally) for long. As for her sexuality, she's demisexual. Vincent was her first love and she wants him to be her only love.
Maddie is bisexual. She thinks of sex as an expression of intimacy. You show your most vulnerable self to another at their most vulnerable self and there's something beautiful about that. She's pretty exclusive to Harr these days, helping him to build confidence in himself, letting him try what's comfortable for him and only pushing a little a time, just to get him out of his shell.
Though she doesn't have the words for it, Clara is demisexual with an active sex life thanks to Nokto being a horn-dog. At first, she preferred just reading about sex in her books, clinging to tropes that she hoped to experience in real life. Unfortunately, becoming Belle turned those plans upside down, especially after she caught Nokto's eye.
Miri is pansexual. Gender expression isn't a factor to her when it comes to liking someone and given that she's in a relationship with a demon, how someone presents themselves, gender-wise, seems small in the grand scheme of things. She sees sex as a way to show someone that you love them, as mentioned in Maddie's entry, it's a way to get emotionally close to someone. As for her sex life… well… her partner is a demon, literally. That should be descriptive enough in of itself.
👑(crown) - How does your oc feel about power? Do they hold any? If so, what kind of power and how did they attain it? If not, would they ever want power? How do they feel about those that hold power over others?
Houki, while from the nobility class, her family was branch family to a much bigger complex main one, often ignored for the most part and left to their own devices. She is cautious of those in power as they can often force you into doing things you don't want to do. She was forced into a role her cousin had ran away from, and she couldn't refuse the role else her family would lose favor and funding from the main family and her family wasn't about to let that happen. She doesn't want power because it can quite easily be taken away, something that's still true even now when she's in Sengoku era Japan.
Doesn't trust anyone holding power over her. Though her family was from the nobility class, they were poor nobles and were often at the mercy of other, richer nobles. Not to mention her home country recently went through a political upheaval, uprooting the old royal family and putting in a new one. So, yeah, she has a strong distrust of those with a lot of power. She does not want power as that is something that can be taken away, very easily and very violently, as she's seen almost personally.
Thea is probably the most neutral of my girls towards authority figures, if you can call it neutral. Nothing really bad has happened to her specifically and her relationship with authority, but her mother has instilled in her to at least be cautious around them. Her dads lived through a time where being open about their relationship was, at best, frowned upon, while her mother was a victim of inaction because someone had more money and power than her family had and paid for their silence. She wishes she had the power to make authority less corrupt than they are, but she doesn't have that kind of power and to undertake that task would be a horrific uphill battle.
Abby doesn't trust authority figures all that much as, like Houki, they have a tendency to make you do things you don't want to. And in Abby's case, her distrust comes from authority's inaction. Those in power have a way of making things they don't like disappear, horrendous actions as if they never happened at all, and no consequences for those horrendous actions. Abby was a victim of inaction and she's been scared and distrustful ever since.
Maddie's position as Alice the Second gives her leverage in a power struggle between the Red and Black Armies. If the Red Army has Alice on their side, they can overtake the Black Army and assimilate them for total control over Cradle. The Black Army obviously doesn't want that to happen, so they want Alice to be on their side, so that they don't lose their sense of identity and freedom. Maddie, having this role thrust upon her, isn't too pleased with the situation as the Red Army often uses underhanded tactics to bring her to their side (kidnapping usually being a favored method of theirs) and really, she just wants to go back to the Land of Reason at the end of the day, so being thrust into a war she wanted no part of puts a sour taste in her mouth.
Clara is in a unique position, being Rhodolite's Belle, where she can observe the authority directly and have authority of her own on how her home should be run, namely that she's choosing who will be the next king. It's a big responsibility, especially with the threat of war and/or assimilation from the other nations on the horizon. She didn't want the position initially as, again, it's a big responsibility to choose who's gonna rule over your kingdom. Holding the fate of your kingdom in your hands is intimidating, after all. She pushes through, however, choosing to the best of her gained knowledge of the princes and for what she thought was best for Rhodolite, given the circumstances.
Magical abilities aside, she kind of fell into power by virtue of who she associates with. She's in good graces with the local royalty along with seven of the most powerful demons in the Devildom. Not only them but she's also has friendships with some high ranking angels, one of the most powerful sorcerers in the Human Realm, and a reaper. Miri is surrounded by a lot of influential people, to say the least.
With her ties to many kinds of powerful people, she wants to use those ties responsibly, to try and bring a sense of harmony between the three worlds, not an easy feat especially when the worlds are at odds with each other with tensions that can be cut with a knife.
🐥 (baby chick) - How does your oc feel about parenthood? Do they have children? If not, do they want any? Why or why not?
She sees it as an inevitably, being a noble lady, thus she's expected to provide children. She's fairly neutral on the subject of children, as in she doesn't care one way or the other, she just know she's supposed to have them someday to be a good wife or whatever. However, due to health problems, she was only able to have one son, Shigenari. She's felt bad that she can't do more and has said that she would be understanding if Mitsunari wants to take on a mistress to make up for her inadequacy, but Mitsunari never does, just proud that Houki and Shigenari are healthy and happy, and that's enough for him.
Ophelia isn't interested in children as she already had her fill of them from her siblings. There were too many of them and not enough to go around and she didn't want to put any child what she went through. She's also infertile, meaning if she even wanted them, she can't have them biologically, not with the technology available to her in Sengoku Japan. Adoption pretty much is her only option if she really wanted to, but it's not likely at this point in time.
Thea thought about it and thought 'yeah, maybe someday!' And then someday comes and she's got fraternal twins, a little boy that looks like Theo named Vincent and a little girl that looks like Arthur named Mary Louise. Comte and Leonardo are confused about that one too, given that children produced from a vampire and a human is rare enough already, the fact that the twins also look like both their fathers is also baffling. She loves her kids regardless.
Her and Vincent’s first kid came as a surprise to both of them. She had a vague sense of 'yeah, maybe someday' with Vincent after they babysat some of their artist friends' kids occasionally, but then they're separated for a year, spent their first night reunited 'catching up' and then the symptoms started, taking both of them by surprise. Abby was the more worried of the two, given that she and Vincent didn't have a lot between them nor did she know if she was ready for parenthood. She and Vincent talked it out, deciding to keep their little guy, Theodorus, named after his uncle Theo. Abby gets in touch with her extended family and they help her get a bigger place to live and all the baby supplies they could ever need. She loves her son and watching him grow. Then, she found she was pregnant again. She wasn't so scared this time, having her safety net and that she knew what to do this time, thus giving her and Vincent their second son, Wilhelm. Then it happened again with their third child, a little girl named Anna Cornelia, affectionately called Cora. So, yeah, parenthood has grown on her, loving all her kids as they grow up. She couldn't imagine her life without them now.
Maddie isn't really interested, wanting to focus on her studies and her business more. If it's in the cards for her, she's not gonna be mad about it, but it's something that isn't a top priority to her.
At first, it wasn't really a priority to her. She liked playing and interacting with the kids in town, but that was about where it ended for her. Except then she became Belle, fell in love with Nokto, and the two were married not long after. Then, there were pressures began from the nobility at court, strong hints that the king needed an heir, some being especially harsh towards her because she was a commoner originally, some telling Nokto to his face that he should have a noble wife so at least his children will be legitimate. Nokto ignores them and takes her away so they can talk privately. He reassures her that he will look to her for her decision. If she wants kids or not, that's up to her and her alone. He's got seven other brothers, after all, one of them is bound to have a kid at one point or another and he could always name that kid as his heir, it wasn't as big of a deal as the snooty nobles were making it out to be. Clara thanks him, feeling better about the issue.
I'm still on the fence about giving her and Nokto kids. Maybe I'll change my mind in the future about it, but as of this posting, there are no plans to give them kids.
She's got too much going on for her to think about having kids of her own, what with also trying to keep with the demon brothers and that's a job and a half. If she ever does, she certainly is ready for anything any potential kids could throw at her!
That aside, I have had some late-night thoughts of different AUs of her having kids with Diavolo and Simeon on different occasions, so I'm not completely opposed to the idea, but in her main timeline, she's not interested in having kids at the moment.
🎺 (trumpet) - Is your character talented at anything? How did they gain this skill and why?
She's really good at reading books and retaining the info she's earned. She earned this skill because it's one of her main hobbies and she loves reading a lot.
Maybe not especially talented at it, but she takes small pleasures in caring for a garden. It gives her time to reflect and think without anyone around her, plus, if she's particularly frustrated that day, she can take it out on the weeds and dirt. She had been away from Nobunaga and company for a while, looking for something to do, and had saw that the local garden had been neglected, starting to be overgrown and messy. It was something she sometimes dabbled in back home when she wasn't being called to meet with various nobles and she somehow always felt more at peace when she was in a garden, she could never put her finger on the reason, but she always just liked working in a garden.
She's really good at sewing. She can make whole outfits in a matter of days, just give her the material, some thread, and let her go to town. She developed her talent for it thanks to her mom and her dad Benito, who both had interests in fashion and making clothes, thus inspiring her love of it as well.
She's not as good as some the other artistically-inclined members of Comte's mansion, but she likes drawing and painting with watercolors. She wasn't allowed to pursue it until she came to the mansion, thriving under the great minds that surrounded her and the love and support to help her continue following her passions.
Singing! It ties into her powers, but she's always loved singing, coming up with little tunes on the fly when she was little and singing along to whatever tune was playing on TV or the radio.
She likes baking, bread especially. It was one of the first things she learned to cook and it's something she's created bonds over, with Mr. Akatsuki, Rio, and Yves, so bread has a special place for her because of that.
She's a quick study at magic! Any spell that's placed in front of her, she'll be doing it in no time, something Solomon is quite proud of.
⚠️(warning) - What is your oc’s go-to weapon? Do they prefer melee weapons like swords or brass knuckles or do they prefer guns and other ranged weaponry? Do they even use a weapon? Why or why not?
Houki isn't a fighter type so she's never had the need for weapon, never really been in a physical fight. The one weapon she has is her wit and she will use it how she sees fit.
Another non-fighter so she doesn't have a go-to weapon. I remember in the beginning of her development I had given her an iron fan, but that's not especially useful for hand to hand combat. If she has to choose between melee or ranged weapons, she's going with the ranged ones. She doesn’t have a lot of physical strength, so something that can be handled easily and where she doesn't have to be close to her opponent, the better.
Another non-fighter, but she was given the choice, she wants melee weapons, swords especially. She thinks they're cool and always wanted to own one.
Especially not a fighter, she prefers to avoid combat all together, she doesn't want to be involved at all. She doesn't want a weapon as she doesn't want to fight and that's her stance on that.
Her weapon is her voice. She uses magic through making suggestions to inanimate objects, made stronger if she's singing while doing it.
She's, first, a non-fighter, but will use the skills she does have to protect those weaker than herself. Given that she works in a big bookstore, she has super strength from lifting books and shelves since she was young.
She has a magic staff that she can change the size of to help enhance her magic. When she's in combat mode, it's as tall as she is. In everyday mode, it's a necklace she wears around her neck.
💄(lipstick) - What does your oc think of their face? Do they have a positive or negative opinion? Do they wear makeup? Do they have a skincare routine? What traits do they like most about their face?
She thinks her face is okay, for the most part. She only wears makeup for special occasions, so she doesn’t wear it often. She only washes and dries her face as a skin care routine and that's pretty much it. As for what she likes about it, she thinks her eyes are a pretty color.
She used to wear makeup all the time because she needed to keep up the image of a rich noble lady, and that included wearing makeup. She doesn't do it as much anymore since she doesn’t have a pressing need to wear makeup in her day to day. She will use a cream at night to help with dryness tho. What she likes most about her face is that, aside from the mole on her chin, she's never had a pimple or blemish, a miracle with how much makeup she used to wear.
She thinks her face is okay, but it doesn't lend itself that well to historic makeup styles because of all the freckles on her face. She does think it's fun to wear dark red lipstick sometimes though, to emulate the 1930s-1940s makeup style because she thought it was a fun style and likes to try out different styles when she can. Skincare routine-wise, she'll wash, dry and use a powder when she goes out in historic styles, as was the style of the time. What she likes about her face is her smile. She thinks it's nice.
Abby doesn't like her face that much. Extra oil and acne haven't done her any favors in the confidence department and creams to try and correct the acne have left her with some scarring. Some makeups irritate her skin so she really can't wear very much of it very often. Thanks to her time in le Comte's mansion, she's had help in finding products that help her skin out, some of which are still manufactured in the modern day (or at least close equivalents.) If she had to pick something she liked about her face, well, she thinks her nose is okay? Something small and button-like. It's got its charms.
Maddie likes her face! She loves to wear makeup and look pretty! She makes her own soaps and creams so her skin always looks great. Her best feature, she thinks, is her smile.
Clara thinks she's got an okay face, not outrageously beautiful but not ugly either. Just something normal. Ever since she took on the role of Belle and had to be a noblewoman to hide that secret, she started wearing makeup more often and using creams to moisturize and clean her skin. She thinks a freshly washed face is the best feeling after a long day. Her best feature is her eyes, specifically her long eyelashes.
Miri has grown to like her face more than she used to. At first, she didn't really care that much about it, only using basic soaps to clean it and living with the dryness left behind. Since coming to Devildom and getting her pact with Asmo, he has dragged her into making regular beauty routines, helping her to pick out what this or that product is best for her skin and, now, she has fun when she looks in the mirror, seeing the pretty sorcerer she's become over time. Makeup-wise, she doesn't really wear it save for special occasions, like fancy dinner dates or upscale parties at Diavolo's castle. Her favorite feature is how soft her skin feels, especially after a spa day with Asmo.
🥊(boxing glove) - Has your character ever been in a fight? Did they win? Do they fight often? Are they professionally trained or self-taught? Do they enjoy fighting or only do so when necessary?
Physical fight, no. She doesn't know how to fight save for what she's seen from her time in Sengoku era Japan. She has been taught one self-defense move by a warrior princess she met, but doesn't know much else other than that. She doesn't enjoy fighting, preferring to only do so when it's absolutely necessary.
She has not been in a fight and would prefer to keep it that way.
She has been in a fight before, when she was a kid. She and her mom had made her a Halloween costume together, Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz's blue gingham dress. She was so proud because she had (mostly) made the dress all on her own and she looked pretty cute in it, thank you. But, some school bullies started calling her names and making fun of her and her dress. When she had finally had enough, she attacked the main bully, giving him a piece of her mind with her fists. She had to be pulled off before the fight was settled. Since then, when she came to 19th century Paris and had a run in with some scruffy lads, she asked Jean and Napoleon to teach her proper self-defense, so she could look after herself should she find herself alone and getting accosted again. She doesn’t like fighting as a whole, but she does deem it necessary sometimes, if nothing else to protect herself from harm.
She doesn’t like confrontation, so she hates the idea of getting into a fight, period.
Maddie has been in a fight before, technically, also when she was a kid. Some kids were making fun of her for various things (her singing, that she's fat, other mean things that kids will say), so, while it wasn't intentional on her part, she had made a fake flower as was her hobby at the time and thanks to her powers starting to bloom, all her negative feelings were transferred into her flower. Since she didn't know she had powers back then, imagine her surprise when her bullies started bothering her again only for them to be strung up by their ankles from the ceiling by a giant string plant stem, embroidered flowers dotting it everywhere.
She had to transfer schools because of that but she did win that fight, technically speaking.
Overall, she prefers to take peaceful routes, trying to avoid a fight if she can. But if she can't avoid it, she's still got enough power to put an end to the fight quickly.
Clara has been in a few fights before. Mr. Akatsuki taught her some moves so that she could protect herself when he wasn't around to look after her (and if Gilbert ever found her, so she can protect herself from him, according to Mr. Akatsuki). She mostly uses her skills to protect those weaker than herself, even standing up for Rio once early on in their relationship. She prefers not to fight unless she has to.
Miri has been in a few fights, yeah. She prefers not to fight unless she absolutely has to, wanting to talk things through first before she has to bring out the magic. Solomon has been her teacher in magic, teaching her defensive spells, healing spells, summoning spells, and various other incantations useful for daily life. She also learns some curses from Satan, should she ever need them.
���(scarf) - What comforts your oc? Is it an item? An action? A person? Whatever it is, how and why does it comfort them?
Thick book she can hold onto. The heaviness grounds her back to reality, that she's holding onto something heavy and tangible. It comforts her to know that.
Holding herself. Sometimes, if she's holding onto one of her arms, or if she's got her arms crossed, she's probably trying to self-soothe herself. She's not the type to immediately reach out when she needs help, so she's often left comforting herself in small ways and this is one of them.
The smell of fresh laundry. Doesn't matter what the object is, if it smells fresh and clean, that's comforting to her.
Sitting some place quiet helps her to calm down. Her room or the library in le Comte's mansion were her go-tos when she was there. She wants to be away from the noise and that quiet comforts her.
Talking to her loved ones, it's usually the quickest remedy of comfort for her.
Holding onto one of her favorite books, or any book really. Thick books are best for this. Books are a frequent comfort for her when she's feeling down, so that's her go-to.
She talks to her brothers and her friends if she needs some comfort. Something about talking about what's bothering her always makes her feel better. She's also quick to do the same if they need it, always willing to be a listening ear for her loved ones troubles.
#answered asks#houki of jiyel (oc)#ophelia of revaire#dorothea reid (oc)#abigail clarke (oc)#madeline fleming (oc)#clara laurent (oc)#miriam (oc)#houki asks#ophelia ask#thea asks#abby asks#maddie asks#clara asks#miri asks
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💋1k Follower First Kiss Celebration✨
First and foremost: THANK YOU. I joined this fandom a little over a year ago and found myself in a place that was supportive, kind, respectful and so much fun. I've mentioned before that even though I've been writing stories since I was little, I never thought to share any of them. Who would want to read my writing? Was it "good" enough to share?
And then @aquagirl1978 convinced me to try.
And @atelier-the-atelier encouraged me to take part in her event.
And the next thing I knew, I had posted my first fic and never looked back! A huge thank you to both of them 💜
I had a lot of different ideas on what to do to celebrate and thanks to polls, you helped me decide! So welcome to my 1k First Kisses Celebration!
I'll be opening requests until Sunday. Below you'll find a list of prompts and a list of suitors. Pick a prompt, pick a suitor and send them my way!
First Kiss Prompts 💋
an accidental kiss
kissing as a dare
finally kissing, after a long time of pining
a surprise kiss, catching one of them off guard
learning how to kiss together
desperately kissing, being in danger
kissing as part of a game
movie kiss/kissing while acting
kissing in the heat of the moment
a soft and unsure kiss
kissing to prove a point
at first a gentle kiss, getting deeper and deeper
winning and a kiss as a reward
kissing to try it out
laughing while kissing
a breathless kiss
kissing as a distraction
a kiss on the corner of the mouth
smiling while softly kissing, finally showing their love
Available Suitors 💕
Ikepri: Leon, Chevalier, Gilbert, Clavis, Silvio, Sariel, Licht, Keith, Cyran, Carlo, Tanzanite Prince, Acroite Prince, Ruby Prince
Ikevamp: Napoleon, Mozart, Leonardo, Comte, Arthur, Vincent, Theo, Isaac, Dazai, Jean
Please note the following:
credit for the prompts goes to the amazing @creativepromptsforwriting
Obviously these will deviate from what the suitor's canon first kiss is, but hey, that's the fun in it!
If you would like to add another element to your request, such as an AU, please specify that!
You can send as many requests as you like. I will pick and chose at my discretion which ones I fulfill!
The length of the fic is up to me. Some may be shorter and others may be longer. It all depends on time/inspiration!
All fics will be suitor / reader
That's it! Thank you again and I'm looking forward to seeing what you send my way! 💜
#ikemen series#ikemen prince#ikepri#ikemen vampire#ikevamp#ikemen vamp#cybird ikemen#1k first kiss celebration#violettwrites
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This could be just me, but you can have your own opinion!
So we know that in every Ikemen game, it has become a trend of introducing three new characters to the initial roster.
For example, in Ikegen they released - Akihito, Ibuki, Sueharu
Ikepri - Gilbert, Silvio, Keith.
Ikevamp - Vlad, Faust, Charles, and two more characters.
Ikesen - Kicho, Kanetsugu, Keiji
Ikerev - Mousse, Dalim, Dean
Cybird initially teases us on Twitter by releasing their silhouette first and then releasing their short voice line where we have to guess the voice actor, and then after sometime officially reveals the characters and their voice actors and then reveals all their information, from their personality to their relationship with the old characters and what role they will play in the story. After all this, they officially show these new characters in a new prologue and them interacting with MC. They show it in a way as if they are scheming something, but it wouldn't be a surprise at this point because we already know who they are.
But don't you think it's much better if they don't reveal the faces of these characters at all? For example, let's take Ikepri (I know I always take ikegen as an example but for this time, let's take everyone's fav game, Ikepri). Imagine this, what if Cybird doesn't even reveal, the names of Gilbert, Silvio and Keith, their designs, or who they are. NOTHING. Imagine if they posted only their silhouettes on Twitter. After that, they straight up released the 2nd act prologue. While reading the 2nd act prologue, Emma a.k.a YOU meet Gilbert outside your room. Since cybird didn't reveal anything about this guy, you who are reading the prologue have no idea who this eyepatch guy is. He drags you to the ball and when the guard finally introduced the name 'Gilbert Von Obsidian, the First Prince of Obsidian' you will be surprised! Straight-up SHOCKED!! Don't you think that will enhance the player's experience even more?
Because Cybird released everything about Gilbert, Silvio and Keith, I'm pretty sure you guys weren't as surprised when their names were revealed.
Just think about it! Players will get more curious about these 3 new characters and will be willing to find out more about them. If Cybird released all their information beforehand, the only thing the player will look forward to is their routes.
#ikemen series#ikemen genjiden#ikemen prince#otome#cybird#cybird ikemen#cybird otome#ikemen sengoku#ikemen vampire#ikemen revolution
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Is august 2023, Eldarya is almost dead but y'all still thinking about faery dick haha! Anyway, since Chino put that unholy post in from of my poor eyes, I'm coming to say hi! and hoping you're doing good.
Ikepri Silvio is out and he make me thought about you because you love enemies to lovers. So far I'm sold, the story is hilarious and makes me think on that movie "How to lose a guy in 10 days" in the sense that Silvio is like "I'm going to make you fall in love with me bitch" and MC is like "I'm going to make you wish you're dead". I think I'm going to have so much fun for the next few days.
I'm finally jumped into Ikevamp 84 years later (because Sebas was out last year) but I ended hooked into the game because of Faust, and I can`t believe I ended falling in love like a fool a second time with the same type of character: Faust is just Klaus from Wizardess Heart but with a upgrade (He a priest and a vampire and has glasses) and I can't believe that Faust exist because he is everything I wanted in a otome character and I'm a total sucker for that sadistic asshole ❤️.
I have not played that much lately (aside from Tears of Themis but that's a BIG parenthesis), but I did enjoyed myself in the past few months and I wanted to share a bit of my experience with fun asshole characters (because I thought maybe you would get me). I hope you can share with me if you're up lately to something fun (reading or playing) :)!
Hiiiii!!! It's been a while, it's always lovely to see you around 💕
Oh what you said is so interesting because, firstly, I'd heard about ikepri Silvio being an asshole and potentially my type and the only reason I didn’t check the game at all is that ikevamp's dynamic ended up boring me since it's always the same story plus I find the MC super lame playing maid and getting kidnapped in every route. But from what you described ikepri's MC seems a bit better? Does she have a personality? Agency? I may consider downloading the app if that’s the case. Aaaaand yeah... Faust... he is the ONE reason I still haven't deleted the ikevamp app, I've had my eye on him since the first time he was announced, but I haven't played his route yet for the same reasons mentioned above. I really should though. Another reason why I got upset with ikevamp is that I was waiting for a specific event... ehm... cough cough *threesomes event* cough and apparently it was ran and I didn’t know and I missed it 😭😭 I've been heartbroken since then.
So what I've been up to lately? I haven't played much of anything, only MCL basically, I am really looking forward the new game because one of the crushes is a sadistic asshole, just the way we like them lol are you going to check New Gen out?
Other than MCL, I have been writing an Alternate route for Lance in Eldarya. Chinomiko created the plot and I've been writing it, posting it on AO3, I'm currently writing the final chapter.
Oh and my latest obsession is Fourth Wing, I recently read the book and I'm impatiently waiting for the second to be released in November. Have you heard about it?
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IkeVamp OC Bio
Meet Katarina - Half human, half succubus.
All you see is a gorgeous woman with a big ol' tote bag of yarn and knitting needles. The horns and wings? She keeps those invisible. She decided to come back in time with le Comte and leave the 1980s because she couldn't stand all the synthetic fabric (No, really! That's the real reason! I promise it makes sense, LOL 😅)

Name: Katarina Koser
Gender: female
Race/Birthplace/Planet: Human female with Succubus bloodline, Hungary (ancestral home in Kiskunsagi Forest), Earth, 1890s
Current Home: Northern Italy, 1980s (but then she travels back in time with le Comte to 1890s Paris!)
Age (and how long does your race usually live?): 80-ish now. Lifespan varies. Because of her succubus lineage, the females of her family live much longer than humans, and therefore age more slowly. But they are not immortal. Their appearance will depend on the volume of life-force they recently absorbed. Some can retain the look of a young adult their entire life if they regularly take in adequate energy. They can always de-age from any elderly appearance if enough life-force is consumed, but they can never look younger than when puberty first hit them.
Build: voluptuous hourglass
Height: 5’8"
Hair: Deep reddish-mahogany. Long to mid-back, with slight wave/curl.
Eyes: Gray
Most Treasured Possessions: Thimble used by her grandmother, red headscarf with embroidery done by all her relatives.
Family: Two aunts, a sister, many cousins. Probably has male relatives but knows nothing of their existence.
Friend: Her cousin Lucia in Italy/Austria/Slovenia
Romantic Relationship History: In a rebellious streak at 17 eloped with her sweetheart Rolf. A mistake at that age, but she was revolting against the matriarchal rule and the anti-male mentality of the family. Divorced him two years later. Only dallies with men now when she’s feeling the urge for sex. Has come to accept that falling in love will only result in grief since she will outlive any man she chooses to stay with. Besides, she doesn't really need or want a partner; independence suits her globe-trotting lifestyle. (See *Deepest Secret* below)
Education/Training: communally raised so her basics were taught in an unorthodox manner, but as she traveled to more developed countries she was able to supplement/improve her education. Has a Masters of Fine Arts (just don’t ask to see what decade her degree was issued! LOL)
Things They’ve Done: Documented hundreds of diagrams/patterns/instructions for weaving/knitting/crocheting/embroidery techniques which had previously only been passed down through generations through oral tradition. Traveled to almost every country in Europe and South America, plus several key places in the Mediterranean, India, and North America. All for the sake of collecting artifacts, stories, and samples of the oldest thread-work. Once used her powers of charm to get unprecedented access to the 70-meter-long historial Bayeux Tapestry in a French museum.
Goals They Have: Preserve fiber craft traditions before they are lost.
What Motivates Them: Finding alternative ways of collecting/storing life-force without resorting to the traditional method of seduction and sex. And then somehow bringing that method to her clan and other succubi. So far she has developed a method that involves collecting and binding extra life force into plaits or knots to be used like batteries.
Favorite Entertainment (music, books, pastimes, etc.) : traditional European and Slavic folk music, music you can dance to. Sometimes has classical music records playing in the background while she knits. Doesn't watch much TV or film. Books are usually lace/knitting diagrams or research for weaving techniques. Reads some poetry. Loves to look through photo albums from world travels.
Favorite Food/Beverage: Enjoys cooking with lots of garlic and butter. Loves to eat berries and stone fruits of any kind, but raspberries and apricots are her favorites. Enjoys red licorice. Though she prefers cooking to baking, she is very proud of how her Paska bread and Sachertorte usually turn out perfect.
Personality: Confident, thoughtful listener, creative problem-solver, thinks outside the box, can appreciate the time/thought/skill that went into any effort (enthusiastically applauds her colleagues’ projects regardless of the size/scope), feminine/graceful, talks with her hands, cosmopolitan/worldly, unintentionally sensual in her mannerisms (unless she is deliberately mindful of maintaining a closed-off vibe), patient, is more likely to dive into deep discussions of how someone arrived at a decision/idea rather than be interested in the final decision itself, loves to travel, likes to help (is a bit of a “fixer”), can watch birds and spiders for hours at a time, can be a bit of a skeptic if a man begins “mansplaining”.
Note: At first glance she may appear kind and gregarious, but if watched closely over time you will see that she rarely offers any personal or private opinions/stories. She is friendly, but she doesn’t make friends. Katarina can be very invested in a person without letting that person get too close. This is an unconscious habit she has perfected over the decades while needing to move on from a place before they are suspicious of her not aging.
Deepest Secrets: Because Katarina rarely uses her power of seduction, she is out of practice. While she can usually keep it from seeping out, there is no way to put a cap on it 100%. Which means sometimes she will get VERY good service at a hotel or restaurant without even trying to charm them. The comedy starts when she actually DOES attempt to use her power for non-sexual purposes, such as getting through International check points quickly or convincing a cop to waive a parking ticket. In those instances, her inexperience often results in TOO MUCH power being used and the men throwing themselves at her or escaping with embarrassment at their sudden and unexplained erection (both predicaments are counter-productive to her reason for charming them in the first place!). Though she prefers to collect and absorb life-force that has been cast-off rather than feed off of a living human, she can perform seduction well and gets the job done quickly. However, this means she doesn’t have much experience enjoying sex inside the parameters of an established relationship. To elaborate even further: Katarina can’t recall the last time she was ever pampered or treated like a queen in bed. She is usually the one in control; just once it would be nice to feel treasured, to lie back and enjoy sex without having it feel like work. But that would mean having a lover she has a trusting connection with. She can’t have a normal relationship because she will outlive them. …Unless she finds someone worth giving up her immortality for. She doesn’t really believe there’s anyone out there like that. But that doesn’t stop her from wishing and fantasizing.

#ikevamp oc: katarina koser#my oc#oc: katarina#katarina koser#ikevamp oc#ikemen vampire#ikevamp#ikemen oc vacation#my OCs#oc talk
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Byron (MidCin): he first caught my attention in the prologue since he was in gothic attire and our supposed enemy. He wasn’t available at the time so I had to suffice with his appearances in other routes and finally his debut event story. He came off as stoic, but still kind and thoughtful. It left me wanting more. Once his route came out, I got to learn more about him. Byron had a lot of hardships growing up, from his dictator father and having to overthrow him and take over the throne at 16 to repairing a broken kingdom where everyone just saw him as another copy of his father due to looking like a carbon copy of him and only being able to trust Nico and Albert, all while locking away his emotions. Regardless of the odds stacked against him, he never let it blacken his heart and not only did he revive the kingdom into prosperity, he became a benevolent ruler. He’s even willing to help out Wysteria when they were threatened on several occasions, even if the country was wary of his own. He has such a kind and beautiful soul and I love the moments where he can let down his guard and joke and laugh and smile just like any normal person.
Isaac (IkeVamp): the first time he grabbed my attention was in the first story event I did when I first started playing back in 2022 (Two Hearts, Two Lives, One Love: Part 3). I thought his story was really sweet and cute and it also made me vote for him in that event. A little while after I finally played his route and the rest was history. Isaac is prickly at first, but once you make it past that he is an absolute sweetheart. He’s a very awkward and shy person, but he cares about the people around him and does his best to help in whatever way he can, from teaching underprivileged kids to protecting MC whenever she’s in danger. Poor guy had a rough life when he was human, from abandonment to people stealing his work, so I’m glad he finally finds a place in his new life where he has caring friends, a family, and love. The moments where you see him starting to trust MC and falling in love with her are so sweet and it’s so nice to see his character growth and read about him improving his communication skills and opening up in general. Plus I love how adorable he is and how he lights up and gets animated when he’s able to tinker with things or talk about his research.
Yves (IkePri): he was the second route I played and initially I found him a little annoying with his attitude, but that went out the window as I started seeing more of his kind and sweet side. He puts on an air to hide how inadequate he feels and protect his heart. He uses beauty as armor and to hold his head high in the midst of people looking down on him because of his lineage. He uses the excuse of surveilling MC as a way to be there for her and protect her from the harsh life in the palace. Yves cares so much for his brothers and Rhodolite, but never extended that kind of compassion towards himself. Reading him cry how he wishes he was anyone else but him and saying he hated himself broke my heart and left me sobbing. If there was ever a time I wish I could cross over into a fictional world and give a character a hug, that would’ve been it. This is also why it is so heartwarming to see Yves’s progression go from wishing he was anyone else but him to being happy about who he is and getting stronger in every way every time. And while he may look delicate and weak, he is far from it. He works hard to improve himself to not only better himself, but to protect those he loves.
Gilbert (IkePri): I can’t go too much into details like I want to due to spoilers, but I’ll try my best to express my feelings. First off he caught my eye when I stumbled across him on the JP side back in Summer 2022. Gothic eyepatch prince? Dark haired red-eyed character? Our enemy? Check, check, and check! I love how Gilbert can either be this intimidating man that can bring people to their knees all while wearing a smile on his face to a complete dork who loves eating and trying to make friends. Boy is an obvious walking red flag and toxic, but (in fiction) if you look past that, he’s also a caring person in his own unique way. Sure the tactics that he uses on MC to isolate her are not good, but at the same time he’s protecting her from people that are up to no good, opening her eyes to corruption as a means to be careful about who you trust, and pushing her to be more outspoken and assertive so that they don’t walk all over her. Plus I love villain characters so that’s a bonus.
Luka (IkeRev): my eyes locked on him in the trailer when the game was first announced, but I never got around to playing until late 2022. While I was playing Jonah’s route he was starting to captivate me and when I finally got to read his route it was like cupid hit me. He’s another guy who’s prickly at first, but is honestly a kind and sweet guy. He lived his life in the wings in the Clemence family and had no purpose in life other than to be a spare, but Luka broke through and forged his own path. He joined the Black Army and rose up the ranks to be the Jack of Spades. He trains hard everyday to the point of exhaustion and still manages to train his squad and cook up delicious meals. He never really knew about love and I love seeing him find his found family in the Black Army officers and experience love with MC. He also goes through an arc of learning about how to care about himself more and not throwing himself into dangerous situations thoughtlessly. He learns to open up to others and even slowly rebuild his brotherly relationship with Jonah. And with all the new things he’s learned he’s also able to help out others so they don’t have to go through what he’s gone through, like Levie in his Looking Glass route/sequel. Plus he’s an adorable dork and has a cute hamster, need I say more?
begging Cybird Enjoyers to tell me their favorite suitors and why
#I wrote this late at night so my brain is a little limited in terms of thoughts#if I had more braincells and text space and time I could go on lol#but this is the gist of why I love and enjoy these boys#they are special to me
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Day 271, Flirty's hand has been redone and I'm quite happy with this result :D I am gonna stop there for the night, though. I started writing IkemenVampire fic yesterday and I kind of want to keep going >.> Jean's arc is doing rude yet interesting things to my kokoro. Namely shattering it like glass then staring forlornly at the pieces.
#the great artscapade of 2022#bobbi's being weird again#art#my art#friend oc#roommate oc#untitled gunpla comic#I don't recommend any of the Ikemen games despite how much I play them#they do this rude thing where you can only read a chapter per day and if you want to read more you have to spend actual real life money#and Jean's got me HOOKED#I might have a second husbando everyone#I thought it was going to be Faust when his route finally came out but hahahaha NOPE IT'S THE GENDERBENT JOAN OF ARC#that man needs a hug and a nap and a whole lot of therapy and I love him 🥺#him and Napoleon I tell you what#Isaac is pretty high up my list too#look if you can find a way to read IkeVamp's story as much as you want with out paying a dime a) plz tell me and b) plz do#I need more people to cry about Jean with
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🍕 𝙒𝙝𝙚𝙣 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙈𝙤𝙤𝙣 𝙃𝙞𝙩𝙨 𝙔𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙀𝙮𝙚 𝙇𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝘼 𝘽𝙞𝙜 𝙋𝙞𝙯𝙯𝙖 𝙋𝙞𝙚,
► A story about Italian vampires, secret admirers, and pizza.
Galileo x MC • rating: G • wordcount: 1,863 • characters: mc, galileo, francis, leonardo, napoleon, comte, dazai • tags: Pizza; Secret admirer; Romance; Cliché; Feelings Realization; Crack treated seriously • masterlist
a/n: I don't know. I don't know.
I blame the English Ikesen twitter for informing me it's international pizza day (in a very creative way), which led to me going "haha three italians in ikevamp" which made me remember one very bad movie full of pizza and cliché, which led to me coming up with this. I don't even like pizza that much.
Idk if I should label this as crack, but don't take it seriously either way.
MC and Galileo's first encounter described in this fic is canon and you can read a translation of it here - many thanks to @cirillafionariannon
I wanted to try my hand at writing for our new two vamps, and this could also be an early Valentine's Day fic! Hope you enjoy!
Fun statistics!: the word pizza appears 33 times in this fic.
Leonardo was in Comte's room, lounging around with a drink and listening about his friend's most recent trip to the 21st century. While Leonardo was a man with passion for knowledge, not everything that Comte talked in great detail about was to Leonardo's interest. Mind trailing off in random directions while supposedly continuing to be a good listener, he suddenly feels the need to interrupt his friend.
Waving a hand in the air and looking over the Gucci shades that Comte actually bought for himself, he motions a pause.
"Forget about that, tell me if they made an International Pizza Day in the future yet."
"…Why, there actually is a day like that. It's the 9th of February, if I remember right."
With a little over a week remaining until Pizza Day, or Just Another Thursday as 19th century Parisians know it, Leonardo mobilizes the mansion into preparing something grandiose for the occasion.
"We're going to feed the whole of Paris with pizza."
MC blinks in apparent bewilderment. With the amount of crazy stuff happening around the mansion already, one would think that feeding the whole of Paris with pizza would find its place low in her list.
They're all gathered in the kitchen as if it's some kind of conference hall, with Leonardo using a blackboard to illustrate his schemes. So far he's drawn just one giant pizza taking all of the blackboard. He taps the chalk against the board.
"Think of it as a charity. While everyone would be free to help as well as consume, we'll prioritize those who are in need."
Dazai raises a hand. "Let me guess, you always wanted to invent a giant stove and this is your mastermind plan."
Leonardo enthusiastically points at Dazai with the chalk in his hand, "Esatto! But not exactly a stove. While fixing various gadgets for people in town, I had this idea of making a massive hot plate," he draws an oval under the oval supposed to be pizza, "which is a metal plate heated by charcoal underneath. Some of you will help me assemble it, others will get the word around town. And for those who are incompetent with cooking pizza…"
"I can give out a lesson or two." Napoleon says, with a raised hand. "I love the idea. I have volunteered in food banks a couple of times already around town. I'd be glad to help."
"Heh, Napoleon, knew you had that Italian blood still running hot in you. Alright then, it's settled."
MC is in her bed, staring a hole through the wall. Eating in bed is something she rarely indulges in, moreso if it's pizza, but she can't help it. As she chews with eyes squinted in deep concentration, she tries and tries to make just any connection between recent events and the possible reason behind all of this.
Just a couple of days ago, some white haired guy with a half-up hairstyle started coming to the mansion.
"Pizza delivery! Miss, that's for you. You don't owe anything. Enjoy! Bye!"
Wait, pizza delivery in the 19th century? It was strange the first time, and it's still strange the tenth time it happened. Some of the residents advised she don't eat it, but in the course of events (and hunger) she found out that's some damn good pizza. The best she had ever since she came here. And it was addressed to her. Is this a secret admirer situation?! Very strange.
Of course she suspected Leonardo. With his pizza hype recently it only made sense, but also that would be too easy. Placing the box on the nightstand, she sighs and goes over the possible leads in her head one more time.
The next day she takes Napoleon's pizza cooking class and conveniently stays behind until everyone else leaves the kitchen - namely Vincent, Mozart, and Jean. Napoleon takes the bait and praises her efforts at perfecting her pizza-cooking skills, being more than willing to give her some extra lessons.
Then they have clichéd and intimate dough kneading moment where he stands behind her and guides her hands; she pokes her nose into some private topics as carefully as she could, taking the conversation in the direction of love and cooking a meal full of love. Still, nothing she samples for the sake of learning tastes nearly the same as that same pizza delivered to the mansion's door every night.
Looking out of the window up at the moon that is nearly full, MC can't help but remember about a recent encounter with a strange man. It happened when she had to deliver some Blanc to Isaac who was working late at the university. In one classroom there was a white haired man with beautiful purple eyes looking through an old-fashioned telescope. There was something intriguing about him; about the shooting star they saw together, the timing, his comment about "still looking at the stars even in this day and age". The name he introduced himself with. All of it, full of mystery.
And yet the biggest mystery of her life currently revolves around pizza.
The man with white half-up hair approaches the merchant brig ship has recently docked at the Seine. Night has long fallen but the light inside is unmistakable; of course it's his friend baking pizza again. On his ship, nonetheless.
"Again, Galileo? That's the sixth time this week. I'm not going out this time. And please be careful not to burn down the ship, okay?"
The other whitehaired man doesn't as much as acknowledge the other's presence, too absorbed in his craft. The parmesan falls from between his fingers like a snowstorm over a tomato-red sea; in the next second he's at the cutting board; going left and right like a madman. Or like someone inlove.
The other sighs.
"I'm hearing something about a pizza charity in town. Basically everyone's gonna cook a giant pizza together and then give pieces away. Sounds like your thing, eh?"
Galileo's eyes dart towards his friend for a mere second, his hands never pausing.
"Where are you taking all my pizzas to, anyway? And I'm not participating."
"As you wish."
He exits the kitchen, opting for the company of the moon outside instead. The gentle lull of the waves make him crave a nap ever if it's technically close to his sleeping time. He notices the telescope nearby, unused by his friend in some time, which is awfully unusual of him.
"Man, this stress-cooking is going to ruin him."
The day finally arrives. The masses are buzzing around the square where Leonardo shows his invention that aims to leave everyone with a stomach full of delicious pizza, so long as there are enough hands to help. And they are. Soon the place gets overcrowded, the air smells like heaven, and the chilly February day gets as hot as a midsummer one.
All MC can think about is her secret admirer. With all the pizza being passed around and under her nose, she swears she's not crazy when she claims she didn't catch a whiff of That One Pizza. Will the whitehaired man be here today? Is it him, after all, stating that all he does is deliver it to her door, yet lying? No, there was no trace of such feelings in his demeanor; not the thrill of seeing her, nor the hope of learning something more about her in those short encounters. He was merely a proxy. But whose?
Defeated, the reason why the smile hasn't already left her face is solely the fact that she saw a lot of happy people today. Pizza really does bring people together; Leonardo was right all along. He was excellent at what he did, but he did it only with the people in mind; not a lover, much less her. She liked helping him today. And Napoleon too, who thankfully didn't think anything about her strange behavior the other day.
With the sound of street musicians who joined the celebration drifting in the distance, MC walks along the Seine, admiring the moonlight dancing on the surface. The noise and the hustle had gotten to her, so this little walk was welcomed, and it matched the feeling in her heart. The emptiness wasn't only there, though.
"Haha… I made so much pizza yet it seems like I didn't eat anything all day."
"I can see that. The growling of this belly of yours could be heard all the way here."
Eyes widening at the sound of that voice, she looks at the direction of a docked ship. The man exiting it seemed familiar, along with the voice, and it took just a couple of seconds to remember.
"Ahh, you're the…"
"The man with the telescope. I didn't think we'd meet again."
Right, this is the man who introduced himself as Galileo. The silence was awkward, his earlier comment not helping much, but she still felt good about seeing a familiar face. Though, they're barely more than strangers. Or maybe after having their second encounter, they're not strangers anymore?
MC stares at the fullmoon high in the sky, and surprisingly, so does Galileo. She giggles and breaks the silence.
"It's like a big pizza pie."
That's the single most absurd thing Galileo Galilei has ever heard in his life, being a person who devoted himself to astrology.
He scuffs at her remark, too taken aback to even say anything that won't ridicule her. He decides to spare her.
"So? Are you hungry? I've got some pizza on the ship."
Ah, pizza again.
"Sounds great."
Hoping for a distraction, she followed him on the ship. If anything, with all the pizza flavors she tasted recently, her palate would hopefully forget about the one that her secret admirer makes for her. What a silly story. She's sure it all ends tonight, the person likely pranking the whole of Comte's mansion in relation to the whole pizza cooking event or something.
"What a yummy smell. I must be really hungry. Did you make this yourself, Galileo?"
The man visibly tenses a little, possibly at the fact that she remembers his name. He should've given her a different one, after all.
MC bites into the piece, mind elsewhere. She wonders if she'll be sick of pizza ever since today.
The flavors clash in her receptors and realization hits all at once; she looks at Galileo.
This taste!
"It's you."
The man with the beautiful purple eyes hums at her, without a clue what she is talking about. He hasn't shared his pizza recipe with everyone other than Francis, the look of recognition on MC's face not making sense to him.
He would soon come to know; but not tonight.
With the assurance that she must be mistaking him for someone else; and with the need to help her get home due to the late hour, their second encounter soon comes to an end.
And for Galileo, who barely kept his composure in the face of the one he strangely fell hopelessly inlove with, he swears he'll make sure this time it truly would be their last.
Unless the stars have other plans for him.
Taglist: @arsnovacadenza @ale-teodora @kimi00twin @otomelady @privilegedpancake @g-kleran @pumpumnnnp @thesirenwashere @ravenarld @kimmy-banana @devonares @animeworldsposts @randomanimatedhusbandoseeker @galaxyprison @sadshaxk @starshards26 @pro-cat-stination @acethephoenix256 @ikevamp-shrine-2 @nad-zeta @crystal13unny @keen19thcenturygoatsstudent @lordsister @ikemen-banshou @themysticalbeing @canaria-blackwell @otome-scribbles @rhodolitesrose @coornn @kpop-and-otome @queen-dahlia @kisara-16 @chaosangel767 @ikemenlibrary @queengiuliettafirstlady @aurora-morning @aquagirl1978 @ikemenlover24 @violettduchess @mcofthemansion @tiny-wooden-robot @joy-the-reader @katriniac @ikemen-writer @tele86 Let me know if you want to be tagged/untagged!
#ikevamp galileo#ikemen vampire galileo#ikevamp francis#ikemen vampire francis#ikemen vampire galileo galilei#ikemen vampire francis drake#ikevamp galileo galilei#ikevamp francis drake#ikevamp leonardo#ikemen vampire leonardo#ikevamp napoleon#ikemen vampire napoleon#ikevamp comte#ikemen vampire comte#ikevamp dazai#ikemen series#ikevamp#ikemen vampire#ikevampire#ikeseries#cybird#ikevamp fanfic
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I adore the way you write and understand the characters, and so I was wondering if you'd be comfy with indulging me about a little request of mine - ikevamp Leonardo da Vinci x a chubby inexperienced MC? 👀 I melt at even the tiniest of touches and I'm wondering how this lovely scoundrel would deal with someone like that. In any case, I hope you're doing swell!!💕
This was harder than I expected! I considered going very very spicy with it but I don't know how old nonnie is so . . . approx. 1000 words of Leo and some light touches. A little spicy!
Leonardo found his compagna in the library. She was curled up in a chair, reading. He stood there for a moment, studying her. His cara was not a traditional beauty, he knew, but he found her alluring. Her soft curves, the slight roundness of her sweet face, the curl of her hair against her cheek. She was perfect.
And perfectly oblivious to his presence. She hadn’t looked up yet. Must be a good story, he thought. Leo cleared his throat, but she still didn’t twitch, except to turn the page. He moved to stand beside her chair, letting his fingertips graze her shoulder through the fabric of her dress.
“Wahh!” She nearly threw her book in surprise. “L-leo!”
“You didn’t notice me, cara?” He put his hand over his heart. “I’m hurt.”
She gave a soft laugh. “Well I am noticing you now!” Her hand brushed her shoulder where he’d touched her.
Leonardo didn’t miss the wistful gleam in her eye or the tender lift at the edges of her lips as she traced the same path his fingers had. Funny, as he hadn’t meant anything with it particularly. But his compagna was clearly affected. Was it only the surprise? Or perhaps her shoulder was very sensitive. He felt the sting of curiosity and the temptation to tease.
“So, what did you need?” She set the book down, careful to mark her place.
“Just to see you.” He moved to sit in the chair across from her, ‘accidentally’ letting his hand brush hers.
Her skin dimpled lightly where it met his. She tucked her hand into her lap with a little breath. “Th-that’s very sweet. I thought you were busy today helping Isaac. Or I would have come to find you.”
“We already finished. He left with Sebas to order the parts for this new counting machine.” Leo leaned forward and set his hand on her knee. There were at least three layers of cloth between them, but he could still feel her warmth and the pulse of life beneath.
“Oh?” She shifted as if to press her leg closer to his touch and then froze. Her eyes darted to the window as heat crept up her cheeks. “I - ah - th-that’s great.” She cleared her throat. “So what did you want to do for the rest of the day?”
Leonardo chuckled. “I have a few ideas.” He let his eyes caress her curves, following the plush lines of her body, the swell of her breasts and hips, the slight gather of fabric between her thighs.
“Want to share?” She glanced at him shyly, still not turning her head to face him.
“More than you know.” He grinned. Leo let the tip of his index finger draw a line up her leg. There was no missing the shiver that swept up from that light contact through her body.
Leonardo stood and went to check the library door, making sure it was locked from the inside. He hadn’t planned to linger, but her reactions were so precious that he felt a certain eagerness to see what else she might do. He didn't want to shift the mood, the tension between them.
She watched him with wide eyes. “Did you lock the door?”
“From the inside. Are you thinking of running, cara? You can.” He took out a cigarillo and placed it between his lips. Just for the sweet scent and the feel of it there.
“No.” His compagna bit her lip. “I’m not scared.”
He knelt beside her chair and took her foot in his hand. “Good. You shouldn’t be.” His palm skimmed up the back of her calf, feeling his callouses tug at her silk stockings. “I want you to enjoy this.”
Her eyes shut for a second. “Mmm. Yes. Ok. W-what are you going to do?”
“Nothing much.” He tugged her slippers off one by one and set them beside the chair. His cara was watching intently now, a blend of curiosity, wariness, and desire heated her gaze. Leonardo knew she’d never been properly spoiled. It was something he wanted to change.
Gently, he began to rub small circles on the bottoms of her feet with his thumb. Fairly innocent, though he could admit to himself it was prelude to less virtuous activities . . .
Her breath shook as he massaged the tension from her, moving his hands slowly up to her ankles and calves. Every so often, he’d find a sensitive spot and she would breathe in sharply, then slowly let it out as his skilled fingers eased the discomfort away. She relaxed enough that she barely seemed to notice when he passed the line of propriety.
His fingertips grazed the top of her stockings, the bare flesh just above them. That was when her mouth opened in a surprised little ‘o’ and a soft moan escaped.
“Should I stop?” His amber eyes were lanterns, glowing with desire and love. He wasn’t even aware of the way he looked as he gazed up at her, his cheek resting against her knee.
“No,” she sighed. “I - I like it. When you touch me.”
“Good.” His lips moved against her, breath tickling. The tip of his cigarillo caught on the folds of her skirt. He tucked it away with a laugh.
Her mouth was a thin, tight line, holding back her reaction, though she could not stop the rush of heat nor the tension in her body.
Leonardo wondered if anyone had ever touched his beloved in this way. Part of him hoped not. There was something to be treasured in believing he was the first to explore her body with her. But it was intimidating too, knowing that his touch would be her first and likely last.
He turned his head to let his lips press against the skin just above her stocking, not a kiss exactly. Just touching. Leonardo was rewarded with a strangled little moan and the sight of her fingers digging into the armchair fabric. He deftly undid the stocking straps and slid them off her legs. His fingers dragged slowly across her skin in the wake of the silk leaving little marks trailing down her calves.
Her legs twitched under his grasp. More as he followed that touch with his lips. The lightest touch. The tip of his tongue just above where her ankle. His compagna's breath was shallow now, and getting ragged. Yet he’d done almost nothing to warrant it.
“You are so sensitive, cara,” he said hoarsely. His breath, if he’d admitted it, was almost as jagged as hers. "I can't wait to touch the rest of you."
She gave him a wide-eyed look, equal parts wary and eager.
They were in for a long, hot afternoon, Leonardo thought. The best kind.
#ikemen vampire#ikevamp leonardo#leonardo da vinci#fanfiction#fanfic#otome guys#otome#fluff#slightly spicy
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Hi!! I saw your requests were open, so uh could I request an Ikevamp headcanon for Arthur, Theo, Vincent and Isaac reacting an MC who is super energetic. Like, as in she could literally dance around the mansion without having a care in the world? ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Yeah lol pls feel free to take your time with this request and have a nice day!! ༼ つ ◕◡◕ ༽つ
This is cute 😳😳
This ended up being wayyy longer than i thought it would be. Arthur's part went deeper than i thought it would be-
This is probably one of my longest headcanon/scenario, i hope you enjoy 😌
Lets say for context, MC is sweeping through the hall while humming, and as time went by her humming becomes louder. Eventually she straights up start singing while twirling and dancing around
The first encounter with this trait of MC kind of surprised him. He wasn't expecting young lady to be this active and bright
Gets along very well with her actually
He doesn't mind her energetic personality, but sometimes in gets in the way when he is working on his stories.
He doesn't see her as "annoying" like what most people woukd describe her
He just thinks that she has so many things in her mind (in a good way) that she expresses them all at once //my mans pulling off a doctor doyle 😳
Arthur was in his room, trying to concentrate on his writing when he heard MC singing loudly outside
"I dare say, she is one active lady." Arthur said to himself as he exhaled.
Arthur got up and openned his bedroom door, revealing MC who was singing and dancing around with the broom
MC noticed arthur who was leaning on the door frame with a defeated expression
"Good afternoon to you arthur!" MC greeted him cheerfully, which then she went back to singing and dancing around
"Good afternoon to you too, dear" arthur said which MC probably didn't hear
Once he tried flirting with her but it all flew over her head
This one time MC and arthur was left alone and he tried to make a move on her
Arthur leaned over to MC's ear and whispered
MC seemed unbothered and let him lean over to her
"Seems like we're left alone, love.. would you like to have some fun?" Arthur whispered suggestively
MC was an innocent and very bright girl but she wasn't stupid
"Hm? No. Oh! Arthur can i ask you something?" MC asked unbothered by arthurs invitation
This took him by surprise
"Oh..ehm, go ahead poppet."
"Am i annoying?"
Arthur was blown away by her question.
"Annoying? No, no. That's not it, love. Why do you ask?" Arthur asked her curiously. He wasn't expecting this question from her.
"Ahahaha..! It's nothing important, its just when i lay down at night, i start realizing the unpleasant looks i get from some people whenever im doing something or saying something. I tell myself not to be annoying but i lose control of myself the next day." MC said cheerfully as if what she felt wasn't anything serious at all
Arthur felt really bad after hearing that. He realized that she was being misundertood badly.
He realized that behind that cheerfull personality, she had such deep thoughts
He wasn't expecting her to reveal her most vulnerable side to him out of everyone
He realized that the time he looked defeated arounded MC must have been in her memories
"Oh..oh dear me. I didn't know you felt that way, and im sorry if im one of those people who made you feel that way." Arthur said, with a sympathetic look on his face.
Arthur realized that MC never wanted to cause discomfort to anyone with how she is.
"Hmm i probably sounded REAL silly with what im saying, you can pretend that i never said anything, honestly!" MC said casually as she got up from her chair
"Wait! Hang on a second, poppet. Sit back down" arthur said as he gestured her to sit down, which she did
"I dont think you are annoying. You are just misunderstood, love. It seems to me that you have many going on in your mind that you express them all at once, like a big ball of energy." Arthur explained to her
MC's eyes widen
She found his explanation rather accurate
"Oh..you..you think so?" MC said taken back by the way arthur described her
"Yes, yes. I have an idea for you, poppet. If you want to learn how to express yourself better, how about you try writing all the things in your mind- in any form you want." Arthur suggested
MC's face lit up
"That sounds very fun!" MC exclaimed
"In fact, i want to do it now!" MC said as she jolted off her seat hurrying over to the door
"Oh, and thankyou very much arthur. You are the first person to understand how i feel" MC said smiling genuinely as she headed out
Arthur felt his heart skip a beat.
Without realizing, his cheeks were tinted pink
"By jove! What is this feeling?" Arthur said to himself
Surprisingly, MC was seen in the library writing away in peace most of the time, when she isn't doing her chores
If arthur was working on his own work, MC would sit next to him and start writing aswell
She would write poems
Everyone was worried if MC had fell sick because it was very unusual for her to be this quiet, but arthur just explained that she found herself a new hobby.
Mc would show arthur what she had written, and arthur woukd be blown away everytime.
Everyone got curious with what MC was writing, and when they read her poems, their brains just melted away
Even when vincent brought one of her poems to shakespeare, he became shookspeare
Everyone actually encouraged her to publish her works to the public
MC was excited with that idea, but she said she would give it a thought
Occasionally MC would be the ball of energy she was, but she settled down more
He would find it extremely adorable!
Just combine MC and Vincent together would make them the angels of all angels
For context, vincent would be entering the mansions gate after visiting shakespeare
He noticed a dancing figure in the hallway through the window
As he entered the mansion, he could already hear MC's singing voice from the second floor
He goes upstairs and there was MC singing and dancing around with the broom
"Hello MC! You seem very energetic as always" vincent greeted with a smile
He would ask MC if she was singing a song from her time period
He would even ask her to teach him how to sing the song
Vincent isn't an energetic person, but MC's personality rubbed onto him
He would only be energetic around her as she is basically the catalyst xD
Vincent would end up dancing around with her, spinning around through the hallway, laughing and singing
The night after goofing around with MC, she was stuck in his head
He got up from his bed and went over to his art supplies.
He had the strong urge to paint her
The way she danced, sung, and laughed created a crystal clear image in his head
After spending the whole night painting, he was knocked out asleep from morning to afternoon
MC was sent by sebastian to wake him up
She recieved no answer when she knocked, which then she invited herself in
When she came in she saw a beautifully done painting of her
Feeling her heart skip a beat
For once she felt really shy instead of her energetic self
"V-vincent, its afternoon" MC shook his shoulder gently
Stirring up, vincent woke up
"Oh..good afternoon MC. Thats strange, usually you would yell at everyone to wake them up."
Being fully awake, he noticed that her cheeks were tinted red
"Whats wrong MC? You seem rather flushed" vincent asked softly
"The painting.. it's beautiful." MC said, smiling shyly
Realizing his painting was exposed in his room, he blushed into a deep shade of red.
He wasn't mentally ready for anyone ESPECIALLY her to see it
It went silent for a moment and they both avoided eye contact
Not being able to take any more of the awkward air, MC went back into character
She started giggling
"W-what are you embarrased for vincent?" MC said surpressing a laugh
"You tell me MC." Vincent said with a chuckle finally melting away from the awkward situation
Eventually they were both laughing full of joy, even everyone was wondering what was going on in vincent's room
Long story short, they are the inseperable ball of joy 😌
He finds it SO iritating but he can't bring himself to hate her
Despite being so annoying she still had that angelic aura that reminded him of vincent
He already finds the mansion's residents irritating (except vincent ofc) and they arent even as energetic as MC
Wont admit that he adores her at the same time
"HONDJE! For the last time, shut up!" Theodorus shouted, his head poking out of his bedroom door
He was trying to have his afternoon nap after a long day of wheeling and dealing some art.
"Dancing and singing is good for the mind and body! Would you like to join theo?" MC said ignoring his harsh tone
Looking at her with annoyance painted on his face, he glared at her then slammed his bedroom door shut
"Guess he doesn't.." MC said to herself, continuing to sing and dance around
A few hours after that theo payed vincent a visit in his room
He wanted to ask him for advice on how to deal with how loud and energetic MC is
He would have asked arthur but he would most likely give him advice on how to get into her pants
"Come in, what's bothering you?" Vincent invited him, noticing the conflicted look his brother had
Theo sighed folding his arms
"Broer, how do i get hondje to shut up? I keep yelling at her but she never stops" Theo asked, irritation clear in his voice
"Don't call her that! She's a very sweet person" Vincent scolded
"S-sorry broer.." theo appologized looking like a sad puppy
Vincent gestured theo to take a seat next to him
"Well, i understand where you are coming from. She is very energetic indeed." Vincent said
"So..how do i stop her from driving me crazy?" Theo asked
"You say you would yell at her to be quiet right? How about.. you try talking to her VERY nicely" vincent said, emphasizing the word "very"
Theo looked at his brother, confused
"Broer.. are you sure?" Theo asked
"Yes! She is someone you have to speak kindly to for her to listen. Trust your big brother!" Vincent said cheerfully
Vincent ended up teaching theo how to speak to MC the rest of the night
As expected, the next day MC was singing loudly once again
Theo was going to go shout at her but he remembered what his brother said
He gulped and exited his bedroom approaching her
MC who was singing and dancing stopped in her tracks when she noticed a figure standing behind her
She turned around greeted with theo who had a stiff expression
"Good day to you theo! How can i help you?" MC asked cheerfully
"I.. uh hond- i mean MC. C-could you please lower your voice p..please? I am- i'm trying to rest. I would v-very much appreciate y-your coopera..tion." Theo said stuttering allover the place while fidgetting
He wasn't used to being nice to people
It went silent for a bit
"Oh my! How strange, you aren't yelling at me! My appology theo, i didn't know i put you in such distress!" MC said with a guilty expression
Theo was blown away by her response as it just sounded way out of character, making him feel guilty
"O-oh! Don't worry, i appologize for always yelling at you." Theo said flailling his hands all over the place.
MC looked at him and started laughing softly
"O-oi! What are you laughing at hondje!" Theo exclaimed, his face red with embbarasment
Secretly, he felt refreshed after hearing MC laugh again
"Ahaha! My appologies, you just looked and sounded very adorable! It's..ahaha.. very unlike you theo!" MC said, laughing
Theo's brain stopped working, i mean did MC rly just call him adorable
"Whatever! Im going back to my room!" theo stomped away, face still red
"Alright, alright! Have a nice rest! MC said still giggling
Theo slammed his door shut and slumped down against the door
"Maybe.. hondje isn't that bad at all..." theo said to himself
Poor boy will have a mental breakdance
ESPECIALLY when hes reading or doing some cool kid stuff //p h y s i c s
Atleast she doesn't tag along with arthur and dazai...
He knows that she is a kind soul, just has too much energy >:(
He doesnt hate her of course! He just wish she would tone it down :(
Isaac was in the library reading a book when MC started humming while she sweeped the floor
The humming slowly became a string of "lalala" and soon enough she was singing
"Goodness me, MC! This isn't the first time you have distracted my concentration.." isaac said as he burried his face into the book he was reading
Considering how soft isaac's voice was generally, MC did not hear him.
Having enough of it, He shut his book close aggresively and proceeded to walk out the door, slamming the door
The sound of the door slamming alerted MC causing her to jump slightly
"That was really loud..where did isaac go?" MC asked to herself
That was when she heard the door open, revealing leonardo
"Hello leonardo! By any chance, did you come across isaac? He suddenly left and i dont know why..." MC said
Leonardo lit up a cigarrilo and spoke
"Ah yeah, by the looks of it.. you might have upsetted him by accident, cara mia. I saw him stomping through the hallway with a sour look on his face" leonardo said calmly, inhaling his cigarrilo
"W-wait what? I..upsetted him?" MC asked in disbelieve
Leonardo noticed the unsettled look on her face
"Calm down cara mia, here take a seat" leonardo said as he gestured her to take a seat in front of him
MC sat down with a conflicted look on her face
"Heres the thing cara mia- you are a very bright soul and isaac..he is a quiet kid. He finds loud noises distressing especially when he is focussing on something. In this case.. i assume you were singing loudly around him?"
This realization hit MC like a truck
"Oh no! I never meant to make him feel uncomfortable.." MC said sadly
"I need to make it up to him...but how?" Mc continued
Leonardo leaned back to his chair
"Well, as you know, isaac has a monstrous appetite. It will be his meal time in a bit. Maybe you could bring his meal to him and talk things out with him
MC's once gloomy face lit back up
"Thats a great idea! Thankyou very much leonardo!" MC said as she stood up, hurrying out of the library
When MC arrived in the kitchen, he was greeted by sebastian who was plating up some food and rouge.
"Good afternoon sebastian! Is that for isaac?" MC asked
"Indeed, why?" Sebastian asked curiously
"I will take it up to him, since i also have something to discuss with him" MC reasoned
Sebastian stared at her for a bit
"Very well." He said
As soon as sebastian finished plating things up, MC took the tray and headed to isaac's room
She took a deep breath and knocked his door
"Come in." He said calmly
MC went in and placed the tray next to him
Isaac looked up which then his face twisted into discomfort
"Oh..thankyou" he said simply
"Im sorry.." MC said sadly
Isaac's expression showed confussion
"Huh? Why are you apologizing?" He questioned
"You left earlier, because i was bothering you right?" MC questioned back
Isaacs heart melted a bit. He felt like he did something mean considering how he saddened someone who he thought would be the last person in the world to be sad
"Oh! Oh..that.." isaac exclaimed not knowing how to respond to her question
"I really am sorry. I have always been a loud and active person that sometimes i forget about the people around me. I just fall deep into my own world once i do something..." MC explained
Somehow isaac could relate to her words. He knows how it feels to be so engulfed in what you are doing that you just forget about everything else
Maybe her peronality is like his deep interest with physics..
"Dont worry about it... i kind of understand what you mean..im sorry for storming out like that" isaac said, guilt in his voice
It went awkwardly silent for a bit
"Oh! I have an idea! What if... you shout out "gravity" whenever im being too loud around you? Im 100% sure that will alert me!" MC suggested cheerfully
"P-pardon?" Isaac asked unsure if he heard her right
"I guess that was an awfull idea..." MC said as her expression dropped once again
Isaac felt really bad when he saw her sad expression
"N-no! I.. i will think about it.." isaac mumbled, which MC heard
"Really?! Thats great!" MC exclaimed
"So...are we on good terms now?" MC continued
"I suppose you could say so.." isaac said shyly
"Good, good! I will head out now, give me a shout if you need anything" MC said as she left the room
Since then MC and isaac had formed some sort of frienship. Leonardo was glad to see that isaac was finally speaking up, guess its thanks to MC that a tiny portion of her personality slightly rubbed onto him
The day came when MC was being too loud
This time, isaac was playing chess with arthur as dazai watched them
Just like always MC started singing loudly
Isaac took a sharp inhale
"GRAVITYYY" isaac shouted on top of his lung scaring arthur and dazai at the point they probably ascended to a different dimension
"Oh! Sorry isaac!" MC said
"Bloody hell, isaac! I know you came up with the concept of gravity, but what the on earth was that for?!" Arthur said with a hand on his chest that was beating fast
" i think i pooped myself" dazai said as he hurried out of the room holding his butt with his hands.
Isaac stayed quiet, not answering his question
"Back to the game please" isaac said calmly
Arthur just sighed still wondering what all of that was
#ikevamp#ikemen vampire#ikevamp arthur#ikevamp vincent#ikevamp theo#ikevamp isaac#ikevamp headcanon#ikevamp headcanons
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Can I have some really short headcanons with MC spending time with the Ikevamp boys?
✧✎ A/N: Hiii sweets! As I’m dealing with pretty heavy topics right, both in life and writing (my cheating!mc headcanon, oh my), I decided to make this short fluffy one first. Make sure to drink water and to sleep well :))))
Also, these kept on getting longer (and longer and longer)... I dunno how that happened 🤷♀️
Napoleon Bonaparte
While you enjoyed accompanying the former emperor and Isaac to teach the children in town
Or going for tranquil evening strolls
Or watching him spar with Jean (HOT)
Both of your favourite past time by far was you waking him, and the cuddling that would always follow (among other... activities *wink wink*)
He’d nuzzle up against your neck, enklindling giggles from you as he protested about you wanting to help Sebastian with breakfast
You couldn’t bring yourself to care too much (sorry Sebas)
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Music is the centre of his life; but so are you
He had to learn to give you the attention you deserved, and he’d often wonder if you were were truly content with sitting beside him as he played
You’d love to watch the genius in action, humming and singing along when you happen to recognize his songs
If you don’t already know, he’d teach you to play the piano and the violin
And despite being the ever strict instructor, you’d often catch his tranquil simper as his hands would ghost over your own
Leonardo Da Vinci
After all your chores would be completed, you’d hunt down the Renaissance man
Which would be quite time consuming, as he could be anywhere. Literally.
Once you succeeded in your mission, you’d sit beside wherever he decided to sleep this time (sometimes with one of your heads resting on the other’s lap) and you’d talk. As simple as that
You were, of course, aware of the scientist’s unquenchable thirst for knowledge, and you were more than glad to tell him about everything you knew about your time in detail
In return, he’d find a way to charge your phone, as you always expressed the desire to show him actual pictures of your old life
Curious boi is impressed
Arthur Conan Doyle
If his girlfriend were to be a social butterfly, you’d probably enjoy tagging along with the third wheel Theo to their regular bars, sharing embarrassing anecdotes of each other
Both of you could often be seen taking Vic for a walk, and Arthur would, no fail, try to get your attention away from the dog acting as his love rival
You could only roll your eyes at his histeronic behavior as he pulled you close, hiding his flaming cheeks at your teasing
If you tend to be more quiet loving, you’d indulge in some alone time in his room [goddammit, not that type of indulging]. As you listened to his calming puffs or air, he’d sometimes ask you to read some of his drafts
Whatever the case was, it would always end with Arthur sweetly pecking your purses lips, a smile gracing his handsome face
Vincent Van Gogh
Wanderlust is a mutual feeling you two shared, and Theodorus had to come to terms with the fact that you two could disappear for hours to end
As soon as you two would find a stunning location, he’d unpack his painting supplies while asking you questions about your old life
You two preferred to stay until the sun would retire for the moon to reign, so that the artist’s canvas had the chance to dry
Sebas would always prepare some snacks for you two upon Comte’s suggestion (because Sugar Daddy takes care of his kids)
As the picnic blanket lay beneath you two, Vincent would pull you close, basking in the serene serenity of your embrace
Thedorus Van Gogh
Whether you know or don’t know (in which case Sebastian would gladly help you out) how to cook, the others would find the resident couple in the kitchen as Theo judged your pastries
Of course, he might be mean about it, but that was just apart of him that you’ve learnt to live with; after all, you weren’t perfect either
You discovered that he preferred his sweets... well, sweet, so you have grown used to making two batches of every dough/custard/anything, really: one for you and the other residents, and one solely for him
He’d sometimes saunter behind you, swiftly swiping some saccharine cream onto his finger from a bowl you were currently using. Before you could utter your protests, he’d paint your lips with it, a smirk parading across his cheeks
Successfully shutting you up with a tooth rottingly sweet kiss, he’d say, “Your creations are quite delicious, wouldn’t you agree, knabbletje?” [Would you look at that, Food Play!Theo has returned]
Your knee joints were seemingly replaced by the jelly chilling in the basement
Dazai Osamu
When he’d require inspiration for his novels (or simply felt trapped in his own misery), he’d find himself looking across the vast expanse of le Comte’s land
And somehow, he’d find you more than often amongst the flowers, waving at him to join you
He’d assist you as you cared for the flowers, watching your lithe and nimble hands as they practically danced across the fields
A few butterflies would appear, and he somehow had the ability to make them land on his finger as he explained each of their meanings, explanations spanning from eastern culture to Native American even
You’re always so fixed on the little butterflies resting on him, the writer can’t help himself but kiss your forehead, the subsequent crimson staining your face eliciting such a calm expression from him that you can’t help but smile at his joy
Isaac Newton
As you were both more than busy during the day, you’d vacate your time as the first stars speckled the horizon, Isaac busying himself with mapping the stars
You’d sometimes ask him to teach you, but you tended to zone out as the lectures became more and more scientific and “can you please repeat that in English”-like
Despite the ire lining his voice when he noticed your blank stare, his pouting made it rather apparent that he didn’t mind
He’d scoff whenever you’d start with astrology. “But you’re determined, just like a Capricorn.” “That doesn’t mean anything.”
As more and more stars would appear, you’d catch yourselves gaze more into each other’s eyes than the sky, alabaster rays illumining your loving eyes
His research would be entirely forgotten as your head rested upon his shoulder, liking the prospect of your figurative weight resting on him
Jean d’Arc
You want to watch him spar
Soft boi doesn’t want you to watch him spar
You want to try using his foil
Soft boi doesn’t want you to try using his foil
More than adamant about not revealing his dark side (you couldn’t care less, him sparing was hot but you didn’t know how to bring that up)
As such, you’d ask him to go shopping with you, arguing that his presence would act as the perfect protection
Foolproof way to persuade the stoic soldier: Volume I
You’d enjoy spending time with him in quiet cafes, enjoying him struggle to contain his expressions of content upon trying all the delicacies
Stone on the outside, panic in the inside when you decided to lower yourself onto his lap, telling him that no one could see you two (soldier life did not prepare him for his flirty amour)
William Shakespeare
Stabbing is his favourite past time
To Theo’s disgust, whenever you and and his broer would visit THE creep, he’d often return alone, relying your wish of staying at his mansion for a little while longer
He’d be besotted by all the stories you relayed to him, all the anecdotes of modern life
As you saw his latest works, you were glad he wasn’t using the residents for his drama anymore
He also liked dancing with you, in the moment the clock would hit midnight. As you would both sway beneath the moon’s embrace, he had never felt more at peace
Comte de Saint-Germain
Sugar Daddy likes buying you stuff, that’s it. That’s the headcanon
Jk, but he genuinely enjoys the prospect of shopping clothes with you
He’d even draft some on his own (I mean, have you seen his fashion style? Yes babayyy). If you were a fan of design, you’d both make outfits for one another
Would buy you the best silk if you wanted it... would buy you holo fabric from the future if you wanted it
After your shopping would be done, you’d walk along the Seine, reminiscing about the times none of you have gotten to life in
He enjoyed having you in his office, allowing you to vent about noble ladies that thought they could do as they please and parade around your man
As your ire left your ears fuming, he’d muse how scrumptiously adorable your jealousy it
He’d probably lift you ontop his desk to show you that you had absolutely nothing to fear— if you get what I mean ;)
...What are you talking about? I wasn’t talking about that 🙄. He’d simply show you all the designs you’ve made together smh
Vampires were goddamn lucky creatures. They, unlike him, didn’t have to deal with those horrid muscle cramps
However, his pain was more than familiar to you. Thus, one evening, you proposed as you prepared for bed if he’d like a massage from you
It would... sometimes lead to other acts, but that’s a story for another time 🙃
...I- that’s- I was talking about him massaging her... I should probably omit these insinuations
Now, you’d also spent time by adjusting your (and Dazai’s) favourite Japanese dishes with ingredients the 19th century France granted
This would oftentimes lead to questionable results, but you two would laugh it off with mirth enjoying your company
I am physically unable to write a Theo without foodplay, or Dazai without angsty undertones
#ikemen headcanons#ikemen fanfiction#ikemen meme#ikemen series#ikevamp#ikemen vampire#ikemen napoleon#ikemen mozart#ikemen leonardo#ikemen arthur#ikemen vincent#ikemen theo#ikemen dazai#ikemen isaac#ikemen jean#ikemen shakespeare#ikemen william#ikemen theodorus#ikemen le comte#ikemen comte#ikemen sebastian
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My opinions on Ikemen Prince Characters...
He’s okay. Nothing so much special. Just a milder version of Masamune and more energetic Napoleon. Other than that I don’t find him that much special. Also his route is okay. The ending made me scratch my head a little. That’s all I can say about him.
Yves is cute. I love how he’s always unlucky. He’s the tsundere character and although I have seen a lot of those type, I still can’t get enough. I think I’m the only one who thinks this way but Yves reminds of Barbie dolls. His blue eyes and blonde hair makes him look like a barbie doll not a prince. Also his room is pink and elegant. Also I love how he always changes from a tsundere to a doting brother when he talks about Licht. He has the most beautiful smile according to me.
Licht for me is like a robot. When heard Licht’s voice, he sounded like a robot. Also his clothes looks like its made of steel. Like the buttons on his jacket looks like screws for some odd reason. So Licht is the depressed guy of this game. I haven’t played his route because for some reason nothing was encouraging me to play his route. But other than that I like Licht little more than Nokto.
The fox of this game. But I’ll be honest, I love Mitsuhide and Tamamo more than this guy if I had to compare fox characters. Nokto is the flirt and polar opposite of his brother. I love Nokto’s voice actor though and that’s the only thing I love about this character. I only played halfway through his route and stopped playing for some reason. I have no idea why I leave the routes halfway, maybe because I find it boring or maybe because I’m not interested on going further because I don’t feel any kind of emotions at all.
Jin Jin Jin....where do I even start with this one. I’m a person who is obsessed with older men so taking that in mind, I should be liking this character. But that’s not the case. I FREAKING HATE Jin very much. I feel like he’s a showoff. Whenever I see him, I always cringe. He’s like ikesen Shingen’s clone for some reason. But Shingen is funny and always compliments Mai-chan which is also funny. When he says those generic pick up lines I kind of chuckle because they don’t work on Mai-chan because she is from the 21st century. Jin is just AAGHH!! This happens when he talks about boobs and stuff. It just kills my mood when I eagerly progress through the story and suddenly out of nowhere this guy shows up. Also, why doesn’t he button up his shirt? I know it is obviously for fanservice and that’s another reason why I don’t like him. I know he is also the big brother and all, but I don’t want a big brother who talks about boobs and walking shirtless around desperately to look like a daddy. Rather I would like to have a brother who is matured and occasionally spoil me. This makes me think, what makes a man ‘daddy’?
Chevalier, according to me is somewhat of the normal and much more relatable character. I love him because of how intelligent and practical he is. He doesn’t care about how people see him and always works for his country to make it a better place. Cheva’s route was the first one I’ve played till the end, and it was not that bad because he and Clavis was the only thing best about the route. I love how he calls everyone nicknames and also his obsession with romantic novels. I sometimes wonder if I give him novels like Twilight and 50 shades of grey, will he read them too? Also if he is present in this era, will he be watching romantic k-dramas? Who knows? Maybe he will.
Cheva also has the best chemistry with Clavis than any other characters (including Emma), where Clavis is always teasing him and Cheva is like “......”. Cheva is much more better daddy than Jin.
I FREAKING LOVE HIM SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!! According to me, he’s the best thing about this entire game. I’m just waiting for this guy to come home so can slowly take my time and enjoy his story to the fullest. If someone asks me the reason for my liking this guy, I would say ‘IDK.’ Seriously, I have no idea why I like this guy so much and I have also seen other players liking him so much. I only re-installed this game for playing this guy’s route. So cybird, I won’t be telling you to release his route quickly. I want the writers to take their time and come up with a better storyline for him. Don’t ruin him please!!! Because the recent routes were not that great for me. So take your time, and write a good story. I’ll wait as much as you want only for this guy.
Luke is my 3rd favorite character after Clavis and Cheva, because I think he’s a very good person. He’s the right person to talk to when you’re feeling down. Also his obsession with honey. Hehe....I love that about him. He’s quite unique. I don’t know much about him about he’s the kind of character that I won’t hate no matter what. Such a calming personality.
Okay. So is it just me or almost all the male character with glasses in otome games are portrayed as a sadistic devil who likes to punish MC by whipping her ass. Because of how much otome games I have seen and played, these type of characters always has a whip in their hands. Well there are exceptions like Sasuke in ikesen. So since its so common, when I saw Sariel for the first time, I expected him to be the same and I was not wrong. So, I just don’t find anything interesting about him. Just another glasses character to fill the sadistic slot in the game.
This man is soooooooooooo annoying sometimes. Other times he’s okay. I know he’s Emma friend and always follows her like a little puppy wanting for affection but he’s just so annoying when he starts to talk good things about Emma. He just never shuts up. No matter how many times he is friend-zoned by Emma he never gives up. I feel bad, at the same time annoyed. Whenever he starts praising Emma, I’ll be having the same expression as Sariel and tells him to shut up. That’s all.
Emma (MC)
This list is not complete without Emma of course. Emma is like a boring version of MC from ikevamp. She is portrayed as this kind and innocent young lady with the most purest heart in the entire town. But for me, she is this dumb woman who lives in her own fairytale world and once she started learning the reality, she’s all scared. Sometime she’s bearable but other time she’s just boring. I love brave MCs who fights her fears and stands up on her own, rather than a dull one, who is just there for the sake of romance and fanservice. Seriously she makes some of the routes even more boring to play. Good things about her is just that she’s kind person and that’s all. I wish I could say she is fierce but sadly she’s not. If I get to play very badass MC or MCs who have much more than being kind like a tsundere MC, won’t mind the story even if it’s too blunt. Playing like that would make me happy than being called dumb or stupid by male characters.
#ikemen series#ikemen prince#ikemen prince leon#ikemen prince chevalier#ikemen prince clavis#ikemen prince jin#ikemen prince nokto#ikemen prince licht#ikemen prince yves#ikemen prince luke#ikemen prince sariel#ikemen prince rio#ikemen mc#cybird otome#ikemen games
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(Otonymous’ Follower Milestone Celebration): From the Pages of Le Comte’s Diary (IkeVamp - NSFW)

Description: You happen to find le Comte de Saint-Germain’s diary by chance. Do you dare to take a look inside? Warnings: NSFW/18+: Explicit/graphic language — reader discretion is advised. Trigger warnings: very mild hints of somnophilia & dubcon (without actual violation), mentions of death. SPOILERS for something minor noted in Leonardo’s MS. Author’s Notes: Hey everyone! This piece was heavily inspired by a personal headcanon I have of le Comte’s backstory and, for all intents and purposes, can be seen as a continuation to an earlier fic I wrote for him, Bitten.
(SPOILER ALERT!!) I also noticed while playing Leonardo’s route that he sometimes refers to le Comte with his name in quotation marks. It happened so frequently that I was inclined to think that this was no mere typo. This observation will figure in the following piece as well.
I’ve never played le Comte’s route before in the JP server and I try to stay away from spoilers, so the rest is just pure speculation on my part! That being said, please note the potential trigger warnings listed above, and happy reading! 😊
Tagging the following lovelies: @ambrosiallkiss, @all-my-cuffs-have-buttons
All characters & Ikemen Vampire owned by Cybird.
17th of May, XXXX
She sleeps; soft skin taunting beneath the gossamer silk of her nightgown - satin ribbons and blush pink and almost coquettish in how it barely concealed anything of the wonders beneath:
Breasts exquisitely tipped, nipples hardening like jewels beneath the heat of my stirring breath.
Hourglass curves limned in silver moonlight spilling into her room (for even after lifetimes apart, she maintains the habit of retiring with the curtains open) — lending her the ethereal cast of the goddess Diana herself.
The shadows between her legs, darkness undulating every time she shifted upon the bed; thighs parting...then closing…then parting again as her lips dropped in a wisp of a moan that reverberated nonetheless like an orchestra in my ears.
For she had called to me.
Writhing upon her bed in the throes of what seemed a particularly feverish dream, she had uttered my name — that which had never been revealed to her nor any of the mansion’s other residents aside from Leo. And there is no other man I trust more with a secret. Yet, there it was like a miracle…spilling unbidden from those perfect lips.
How long has it been since I was last addressed as such? Not “le Comte de Saint-Germain” but by the name of my birth. Not since she was in my arms last, hundreds of years in a past when I knew her by an entirely different name and face.
Different, yes, but beautiful no less. And though she returned to me changed, I recognized her immediately by scent — fragrant blood ripe with the sweet spring of life, pulsing hot beneath delicate skin that flushed when I approached her that fateful day, palm outstretched like a hopeful supplicant to return what she had lost:
An earring of amethyst.
The same precious stone as the one in which I had carved the elegant profile of her face; the cameo the very first gift I had given her...and the very last piece of jewellery I adorned her body with the day they laid her to rest all those grey seasons ago.
But my lover has returned. And though many say our kind walk in darkness, God has revealed itself to me by this very act of faith. For she is the light: the spark in her eyes more brilliant than a thousand suns, the warmth of her soul the very fire of a hearth, forever burning.
Yes, she has returned. And I am home once more.
Yet, I linger at the threshold, paralyzed by the thought of her dissipating like smoke before my very eyes. Could this much happiness be allowed for one such as myself? Would Cupid’s arrow be tipped with sympathy for a creature’s plight, striking twice like lightning bearing down upon the selfsame tree?
Alas, caution, caution. To be exercised constantly.
I remind myself, always, to stay the haste that would urge me to reveal all, as fantastical as the story may seem to a woman both worldly and hailing from a time that, I’ve learned, has very little tolerance for things incapable of being stripped away by science.
Thus, I must find contentment in observation, watching the slow procession of my bride as she fumbles among the great men I’ve gathered. Waiting…hoping for the day that she’ll discover her place by the side of one who has loved her and only her since time immemorial. For I would never force her hand. If she is to love, it would be completely of her own accord.
Such is my situation: to look but never to touch. Never seeking to interfere. It is torture of the most acute degree.
In a stark reminder that I, too, was once a man possessed of love and passion, jealousy and lust, I almost succumbed tonight. Her soft moans had drawn me to her bedchamber, and when she failed to respond to my inquiries as to her well-being, I entered her room without express permission, fearing the worst.
And there…a sight to rival Venus’ birth upon foamy shores:
Tresses of silk fanned out upon down pillows as a thin sheen of sweat glistened on her brow, ma chérie had thrown off her bedcovers and continued to writhe under the influence of a dream. Her lashes fluttered long like butterflies in flight, and I was captivated by the rapid rise and fall of her chest, the perfect flesh of supple breasts visible beneath the gauzy layers of her nightgown.
I pressed a hand to her forehead, relieved to find it cool to the touch and tried to keep from being distracted by her tongue as it slipped out to wet pink lips from corner to corner, as if fighting to quench some unfathomable thirst. I wondered from which well of desire she had drawn in the hazy web of sleep to excite her so.
I wasn’t left ignorant for long, for it was then that she moaned my name, beckoning like the goddess of love herself and impossible to ignore as the sound stirred something deep in my enraptured heart and loins. And just when I gathered every last shred of willpower to pull away, she grasped me by the wrist, fingers curling tight and with surprising strength.
Selfishly, I yielded. Allowed her to draw me in any direction she saw fit until I was positioned over her sleeping form on all fours, like the basest of beasts. I told myself that I did not wish to disturb her slumber, but the heart knows its own darkness. For I was hopelessly drawn to the flush of her cheeks, the way her hands sought purchase in my hair — pushing my head lower and lower, allowing my gaze to take in every glorious inch of her body as it moved towards the heat between her legs.
She stopped then, spread herself even wider and lifted slightly off the bed as if seeking the warmth of my breath. It blew shaky upon bare skin, for she had worn no undergarments. Her heady scent wafted towards me, a bouquet delectable and sweet, as if deliberately fashioned to please my palate, and I smiled to remember the times I’d feast upon her until the candles burned low.
She glistened — rosy flesh trembling as her arousal beaded to drip from her entrance, leaving a salacious trail that ended in a growing spot of moisture on the bed beneath her. She called for me again, the wanton whine of her voice mixed with a desperation I only knew too well, and it would’ve been so easy to take up her invitation with the tip of my tongue, lapping at the nectar offered up by her beautiful flower in bloom.
It would have been easy, yes. But I am not one unaccustomed to hardship.
And so, with the greatest care not to rouse her, I extricated myself from her grasp, pulling the covers over her sleeping form once more.
On this night, I allowed myself this: the gentlest press of my lips to her forehead. The slightest touch of my nose to the tip of hers. Then I bade ma chérie “bonne nuit” as I closed the door behind me.
She will come to me once more, awake and willing. And when she does...
…she will know my name.
(End of Entry)
Thank you so much for reading! Check out more of my work here! 📓
#otonymous 2020 ms#ikevamp#ikemen vampire#ikevamp le comte#ikemen vampire le comte#le comte de saint germain#ikevamp smut#ikevamp fanfic#ikevamp fic#fanfiction#smut#my writing#cybird
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hi hi!! hcs for nobu, hideyoshi, yuki, and ieyasu finding out that the (female, if possible!) reader has a twin sister? if ikevamp is fine, then also arthur and isaac! you can disregard hideyoshi and ieyasu if u want! 💞
Hi hi, love! ❤😊Thank you so much for the request! And sorry for taking 2 million years to get to this lol! I hope you enjoy this dear and I hope you have a super good day!❤🌻 @x-jodi-x
Headcanon: MC with twin sister feat: Nobunaga, Hideyoshi, Yukimura, Arthur and Isaac
When Nobunga found out you had a twin sister he was shook ◉_◉
In his books siblings, or well families for that matter, was not to be trusted
But then you told him all about your twin sister and what a good relationship you had with her and that you missed her so much (>﹏<)
And as if the universe heard your prayer
Low and behold the wormhole picked up your sister and dropped he off at the gates of the castle 。◕‿◕。
She walked in easily and was super confused at everyone addressing her as “princess.” (^^ゞ
That’s when she spotted you walking down the hallway (≧▽≦)
She legit sprinted to your side and tackled you in a hug \(^o^)/
Cue Nobunaga walking out of the council room
Whhhhhaaaaat ⊙△⊙
How are there two of you �(゚□゚*川
He keenly examined both of you and grabbed you by your hand to pull you away from your sister in a tight embrace ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Be gone imposter (┛ಠДಠ)┛彡┻━┻
“Oi listen here you demanding little brat..” your sister legit took your hand to pull you back into her embrace (ง'̀-'́)ง
“If you want my sister, you are going to have to go through me, we were parted once, and I’m sure as hell, not ganna be parted from her again”
(/‵Д′)/~ ╧╧
Your twin and Nobunaga had an intense staring contest (¬_¬)
Finally, you broke the silence and cleared up the misunderstanding, reminding Nobunaga of the conversation you had had with him about your twin
And then you turned to your sister and introduced her to your devil king boyfriend (◠‿◠✿)
She legit looked him up and down suspiciously, “You sure this one makes you happy, cause I saw a cutie with a beauty mark under his eye as I was wandering around..” (;一_一)
At the sight of your beamingly happy face your sister reluctantly gave you her blessing ¬_¬
But that by no means met she let Nobunaga completely off the hook
The two of them would bicker all of the freaken time and 100% compete for your attention
Even though Nobunaga and your sister fought like cats and dogs, Nobunaga still felt it only right to ask he permission to marry you
One day he stomped up to your sister’s room, while you were out in the markets helping Mitsunari |*▼皿▼)
“So you want to marry my sister, and what makes you think you are good enough to marry my sweet cute sis, huh?” (≖︿≖✿)
That is when Nobunaga told your sister everything that he loved about you while wearing the most gentle of smiles (◕▿◕✿)
“Fine, you can marry her… if you beat me in a shoot of” (¬‿¬)
And your sister and Nobunaga shook hands and sought out Mitsuhide to have a shoot-off, naturally your sister won (Which low key impressed Mitsuhide big time)
̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿'̿'\̵͇̿̿\з= ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀) =ε/̵͇̿̿/’̿’̿ ̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿
Your sister took one look at Nobungaga and knew he truly did love you so she smacked him on the back and said with a huge smirk, “Welcome to the family Nobungaga, just remember if you break my sister’s heart, I will break your face.” (◠‿◠✿)
Nobungaga smiled his devilish smirk, perhaps families and siblings genuinely aren’t that bad
Both you and your sister had travelled back in time together
You sister was shyer and more reserved, so she spent more time reading with Ieyasu, Mitsuhide and Mitsunari (✿◠‿◠)
While you would explore the markets and go on adventures with Masamune and Hideyoshi (◕▿◕✿)
You had taken a liking to a certain boyish merchant and soon the two of you were in a relationship
You had told Yukimura that you had a sister but forgot to mention that she was your identical twin
(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)
After gushing about Yukimura to your sister, she was intrigued at the type of man who could make her beloved sister so happy and wanted to meet him
The two of you walked around the markets together when you caught a glimpse of Sasuke (◕‿◕✿)
The two of you stopped and chatted with the ninja
That’s when Yukimura spotted you (˶◕‿◕˶✿)
He rubbed his eyes cause he thought he was seeing doubles (*ノω-)
The closer he got, the more his confusion grew ◉_◉
He tapped you on the shoulder and both you and your sister turned around at the same time (。◕‿‿◕。)
“Witchcraft!” (ʘ言ʘ╬)
Yuki backed away, slowly, pulling your sister into his arms, “Dummy, quick let’s run, it seems like an evil enchantress has stolen your appearance.”
Just then your sister flicked Yuki on the forehead, and when he looked into your sister’s eyes, he realized that she was most definitely not you
Meanwhile, you and Sasuke were laughing at the fact that Yuki couldn’t tell the two of you apart (≧y≦*)☜(˚▽˚)☞
That’s when you stepped forward to gently cup Yuki’s cheeks in your small hands, “Oi calm down, I’m right here, and this isn’t witchcraft, she is my sister.” (。◕‿◕。)
Yuki looked at your sister and then back at you, and then at your sister again, and let out a long sigh ◑.◑
He then smiled his boyish smile, “why didn’t you just say so, geez you almost gave me a heart attack, I thought your sister was some evil witch. I’m so relieved to hear she is actually a good witch.” (◠‿◠✿)
“Hey, I’m not a witch you.. you… idiot,” your sister pouted, and you laughed at the awkward Yuki, now blushing from embarrassment
“yeah yeah, and this dummy here isn’t a wild boar, geez your family sure is weird.” ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Cue both you and your sister smacking him, “You’re the weird one.”
After the initial shock Yuki actually really liked your sister
He low key adopted her as his little sister, even though you were the same age
(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)
He legit low key still thinks she is an enchantress even after you explained that you are twins
You and Hideyoshi had been in a relationship for a while now but lately, you had seemed slightly down (ノ﹏ヽ)
You simply told him that you were missing your sister and that you were worried about her
You sister was also sent back in time, unbeknown to you, but somehow arrived in the past a year earlier than you.
She had saved Kenshin’s life and was living with Sasuke in Kasugayama Castle (ㅇㅅㅇ❀)
Just as you had found love in the Sengoku period, so had your sister falling head over heels for the bunny warlord himself (⁎˃ᆺ˂)
War was on the horizon and one morning during war council, Nobunaga had declared that his lucky charm would accompany him to the battlefield.
(▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿)
You usually helped the rear guard with cooking and treating the wounded soldiers
Hideyoshi accompanied his lord in the front lines when he spotted a familiar face riding beside Kenshin (◯Δ◯∥)
Your name slipped from his lips
He rode full speed towards the woman riding beside the God of war
He yelled your name and your sister looked at him curiously, just how on earth did this random man know your name �(゚□゚*川
Before she could question it, the Uesugi forces pulled back for the evening and went back to camp (◕ㅅ◕✿)
The tide of war was turning as new information of Kennyo’s involvement had been discovered
So naturally, the Oda and Uesugi forces formed a temporary alliance, and that’s when it happened
You were out with Ieyasu collecting some herbs ~(˘▾˘~)
Kenshin and your sister had just entered into the Oda camp and at the sight of your sister, Hideyoshi ran towards her and pulled her into a hug
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
“How many times have I told you not to go wandering off in the middle of the war, and just what do you think you are doing with the God of war.”
“Hey, I think there is some misunderstanding,” Your sister gently pushed Hideyoshi away as Kenshin was now ready to cut the mama bear down
Hideyoshi’s eyes widened in confusion, he looked between her and Kenshin, as your sister retreated into his arms
♡。゚.(*♡´‿` 人´‿` ♡*)゚♡ °・
Hideyoshi felt his heart break in two, “Tell me this isn’t true, I thought you loved me” he chocked out (ಥ_ʖಥ)
“Dude I don’t even know you..” ┐( ͡° ʖ̯ ͡°)┌
Just then you appeared out of nowhere carrying a bunch of flowers (◕‿◕✿)
“Hey Yoshi look at all these pretty flowers I found, while Yasu and I were out collecting herbs” you placed your hand on Hideyoshi’s shoulder as you walked closer your way to the group (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
Cue Yoshi being hella confused (ʘᗩʘ’)
As you got closer, you spotted your sister and instantly dropped the flowers and tackled her in a tight hug (╯°□°)╯︵( .o.)
Cue error.exe Kenshin & Hideyoshi
=( ̄□ ̄;)⇒
After a few moments, Kenshin simply smiled at you, as your sister had been talking non-stop about you (。◕‿◕。)
while Hideyoshi just stood there frozen( ̄□||||
There were two of you, how was that possible
When he finally processed the information before him, he bowed his head and apologized profusely to your sister, “OwO ahh him so sorry, i-I didn't realize-“
Your sister was super chilled and just smiled at him, “it’s all good, people used to mistake us for each other all the time!” 。◕‿◕。
Definitely lets you spend lots of time with your sister while the Oda forces are in the alliance
He will legit mama bear the shit outta your sister while the two forces are in an alliance, much to Kenshin's displeasure (¬_¬)
He instantly adopts, and sister zones your sister
Even after the war is over, he will invite her to visit the two of you, even putting his differences aside with the God of war
Anything to make you happy
Is super happy to have met a member of your family and loves it when your sister tells a bunch of embarrassing stories about you when you were little (◕▿◕✿)
Ohhhhooohhh Arthur is definitely excited to have two pretty little skirts around to chase (◕▿◕✿)
Will flirt mercilessly with both of you, to which both of you just scoff and walk away
(;一_一) (¬_¬)
As you get to know the real Arthur a little bit better, you can’t help but fall in love with him (◠‿◠✿)
Much to your sister’s disproval ب_ب
She legit marched he way up to the playboy’s room the second you told her that the two of you were dating, to find out his intentions
“Tell me sherlock wanna be, what exactly are your intentions with my sister.” (ノಠдಠ)ノ
Arthur was sister shook, your sister was honestly hella intimidating, “i-I assure you I have no ill intent towards my dearest little bird,” Arthur gave your sister a nervous smile (◕‸ ◕✿)
Your sister simply narrowed her eyes at him, “If you break her heart, you will wish you were never born when I’m done with you,” after a final threat your sister gave him a chilling smile and left (≖︿≖✿)
God, she was frightening (゚ω゚;)
After that Arthur tried to spend time doing 3 people activities to get to know your sister a bit better and to prove that he truly did love you
“Come on, Arthur is not such a bad guy, yeah he’s got a past, but he also has a cute dog, and no one with a dog is super bad” 。◕‿◕。
Arthur would often invite the two of you out with him to solve cases, something which all three of you actually really enjoyed ( ಠ ͜ʖರೃ)
As time went on your sister started to accept Arthur as part of the family, plus you were right, Vic was the sweetest dog in the whole world, no way such a sweet dog would hang around a crappy owner | (• ◡•)| (❍ᴥ❍ʋ)
You and your sister would often prank the residents by pretending to be each other 。◕‿‿◕。
But it honestly never worked on Arthur as he could instantly tell which twin was which
One day your twin came walking into his room in an attempt to fool him
Arthur simply smiled up at her, and walked over to the coach, which you were hiding behind
“Found you Luv, did you really think I wouldn’t be able to tell the love of my life apart from her sister,” he would then shower your face with kisses
(~ ̄³ ̄)~
“Ewww affection, could you guys like not do that in front of me! That’s it, I’m outta here, common Vic lets go see if Napoleon has finished those pancakes yet,” ≧☉_☉≦
Arthur would definitely get jelly sometimes with the amount of time you spend with your sister, and can’t help but whisk you away to have you all for himself (>^_^)><(^o^<)
The first time both you and your sister arrive at the mansion you can’t help but want to befriend the physicist ≧☉_☉≦
Although the only problem was, that both of you were shy little hedgehogs and were rather awkward when it came to human interaction
That’s where your sister comes in
Out of the two of you, she had always been the more outgoing one (◕▿◕✿)
After watching you and Isaac dance around each other for the better part of a few weeks, your sister decided to team up with Napoleons
And so operation GET SHY CINNAROLLS TOGETHER was created
(☞゚ヮ゚)☞ ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)
Napoleon had left some of Harry the hedgehog’s favourite food down in the wine cellar, which caused harry to naturally, stray from Isaacs room to nibble up his fav snacks V✪ω✪V
While Napoleon worked on getting Isaac into position, your sister had handed you the new shipment of wine to be placed in the cellar
You made your way to the dark cellar only to stumble upon Isaac on the floor reaching under one of the shelves ಠ╭╮ಠ
“Oh I-I-Isaac, what are you doing down here” you shyly asked as Isaac sat up and looked down at the ground sheepishly (*^_^*)
“My hedgehog, got himself stuck under the shelves and I can’t seem to quite reach him.”
(〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ
You gave him a timid smile and sat beside him reaching your arm beneath the shelf to retrieve the hedgehog (◕‿◕✿)
You handled the little critter to Isaac and the two of you started chatting about your mutual love for animals
All while unbeknown to the both of you, your sister and Napoleon watched from the doorway high fiving each other at a job well-done
ヘ( ^o^)ノ\(^_^ )
It wasn’t long before you and Isaac was in a relationship (/^-^(^ ^*)/
Honestly, this boy could easily tell you apart from your sister
Isaac was more of an observer than a talker due to his shy nature so he noticed even the smallest of details about you (´∩。• ᵕ •。∩`) ♡
Hehe, he is super awkward around your sister, but tries to get to know her a little better by spending time with both of you
The three of you actually help out together at Napo’s school
(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)
Isaac is a little bit of a jealous boy and will get pouty if you are spending too much time with your sister and neglecting him (◕ω◕✿)
But never fear, one hug and kiss from you is enough to bring his cute blushy smile back to his face (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ
Your sister loves ganging up with Arthur and Dazai to tease Isaac
Isaac low key sees your twin sister as an older sister figure, and will go to her for advice whenever he wants to surprise you with a fun date or thoughtful gift ✿◕ ‿ ◕✿
I hope you enjoyed this, dear! and I hope you have a super good day! 🌼❤🌻
#ikemen sengoku headcan#ikemen sengoku headcanons#ikesen headcanons#ikemen vampire headcanons#ikesen headcanon#headcanon ikemen#ikesen hc#ikemen sengoku hc#ikevamp#ikevamp isaac newton#ikevamp isaac#ikevamp arthur#ikemen vampire arthur#ikesen nobunaga#oda nobunaga#ikesen yukimura#yukimura sanada#hideyoshi toyotomi#toyotomi hideyoshi#ikesen hideyoshi#ikemen vampire isaac#isaac#isaac newton#ikemen arthur conan doyle#ikemen arthur
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“Go. Just Go.” - Ikevamp Leonardo angst fanfiction
Title: "Go. Just Go.”
Prompt: “Go. Just go.”
Fandom: Ikemen Vampire / Ikevamp
Pairing: Leonardo X F!MC
Genre: Angst
Warnings: heartbreak
Spoilers: Major spoilers for Leo’s route. I suggest you skip this one if you want to be surprised when and if you read this adorable genius’ main story.
Word Count: 2000+
Description: F!MC wanted Leo to turn her to vampire, but that breaks him because of his beliefs resuting in him telling her to go back to her own time.
I’ve struggled witht his one for a few days. I’m glad I gave it a little break, I like it s lot more now.
Full moon was approaching them with every passing day she spent at this mansion. She had gotten used to living here and acting like the girlfriend of an Italian genius Leonarda Da Vinci, the famous inventor, pureblooded vampire and Comte de Saint-Germain’s good friend and housemate. The thought of falling in love with that messy and frightening creature she thought was just a folk’s tale was unbelievable at the beginning, but the more time she spent with him, the more she had fallen for him. He was a man with many talents and many centuries behind him, leaving him with no desire to get romantically interested with anyone so he doesn’t have to bear the burden when all the sand from their mortal hourglass would finally fall and they would leave him just like everyone that was dear to him eventually did.
But he was falling for her, even if that was never part of the plan. The plan was to put them together for her protection since Leo would say goodbye with no regrets, but also because of his heart that was locked away just like the door she had once walked through. In his heart there was just one promise, he will be there at the end to say goodbye as she safely walks back to her time. Even if he knew that was what would break them both, just as Comte has said.
She had practiced countless times in the mirror already how to tell him what she’s feeling before she was supposed to go back to her time and this love tale in 19th century France would end. But she never found the courage to tell him… The so called “Jack of All Trades” was hard one to read. She made a deal with her reflection that she will tell him on the day when she’s supposed to go, so if he doesn’t accept her, she can just walk away and never look back.
So much happened between them, it was clear that he cared deeply about her which made her both incredibly happy and unbearably sad. It was a sign that their feelings were mutual, but the pain she felt in her chest was telling her just how this story will end, no matter what. Their fears kept them apart…
Every day since her arrival in the past, he protected her and kept her happy with no complaint, all by himself. He gave her everything, he gave her Nwt with all the stars on her body, concert with Mozart, portrait by van Gogh, and the one thing she would cherish the most, a hand watch that kept on tickling as she kept on moving and living, showing her that time is limited and that she should do what makes her happy, and what made her happy all the way until now was her job and old life she led until this incident. But now…
Now that was changed. She no longer had any desire to go. She wished to spend all her years of living with him. She didn’t care if she was a mortal as long as she could be with him. But he was immortal, there was no way she could live with him for too long. Turning her into a vampire would give them so much more time to share, to make each other happy…
She was ready to surrender to this beautiful storm that was called Leonardo Da Vinci, she was ready to ask him. Just as the moon was closing in on them, leaving them one more night together. She was ready to ask even before she had originally planned, she couldn’t stick to the deal she made with herself, she had to tell him just how she felt before she burst. Everyone could see just how in love they were, so why keep on pretending anymore?
She ran down the hallway, straight to Leo’s room, confidently knocking on his door. He opened them and started at the smile on her face and her glistering eyes with unshed tears in surprise.
“Leo, can we talk?”
“Sure, come in cara mia” he fully opened the door letting her in and she became self-conscious. Now what to do? How was she supposed to tell him she loves him with her whole being and that she wants to spend all her time with him and then ask him if he could turn her to vampire just to be with him a bit longer then her mortal time would originally allow them?
“What’s bothering you so much? Keep frowning like that and you’ll end up with frown lines” he said with an uneasy smile to try and make this awkward situation a bit more relaxed. He already had a felling where this was going. It was clear to him that they were in love, but his heart was already locked away and he didn’t plan on unlocking it, for the sake of her smile.
The awkward silence carried on for several minutes until he finally spoke:
“Listen cara mia. I know what you’re going to say. I know you have feelings for me, which makes me really happy as I feel the same.”
This made her heart dance and butterflies fly all around in her belly. This is what she wanted.
“But…” What’s wrong? What could be the problem here?
“It’s never going to work. This love tale was over before it even began. Your mortal life will equal nothing to mine and I can’t bear to see you pass and not do anything to stop that, but it’s inevitable.”
“But you can turn me into a vampire! I can live longer! Please let me live by your side Leo! Why is it so hard for you to just let me in?”
That was like a punch to his gut. She was ready to throw away her life and the purpose that her passing time gave her. He believed that knowing your life will end at one point gives it purpose and motivation to keep going, so why did she want to throw that away? She was happy before she came here? Why did she have such a change of heart so suddenly? And most importantly, why did she want of him to go against his own beliefs? He has tried and failed so many times already, why would she ask him to commit such a sin in his eyes?
“I refuse to turn you or anyone else into a vampire. There is no way to make someone immortal so get that idea out of your head!” Leo raised his voice for the first time, losing his composure. She was taken back by that and decided to give up on him turning her. If he wasn’t going to do that, then Comte will. For Leo’s sake.
“I- I got to go!” she rushed out his room leaving the door open behind her.
“Dammit!” Spilled out of his mouth as he kicked a stack of books and fell on the bed. “Why are you doing this to me cara mia? Why are you torturing me? Can’t you see I’m trying to protect that smile from myself?” A stray tear rolled down his cheek. He couldn’t believe it! He hasn’t cried for decades, so why is he doing that now. He quickly wiped it away and took a deep breath, trying to ignore the pain he felt from both the bloodlust and his aching heart.
She ran until she reached her next destination. She knocked and entered Comte’s room, closing the door slowly behind her.
She poured out her heart to him and begged him to turn her. Just to let her spend her time with Leo and be truly happy. She told him she never truly knew what happiness was until she fell in love with him, so why not rewrite this love tale and make it have a different, happy ending?
But Leonardo’s dear friend didn’t want to go behind his back. It would just break them more and make some irreversible changes that will be regretted. And he proposed the idea of turning her only when the time or that will be necessary, not now when she had a long life ahead of her still,
So, with no more options left, she decided to retreat to her room and cry her heart out, hoping it would just stop so she didn’t need to feel this pain. Leo didn’t want to ever turn her and Comte wants her to be sure and not now when everything around was falling apart just when she was a few steps away from the finish line. The climax was here and it was slowly starting to fade, signaling the end of this sad tale of heartache. She closed and locked the door behind her, sliding to the floor and hugging her knees to her chest, letting the tears roll down her cheeks and fall to the hard wooden floor.
This love story was never meant to have a happy ending, just like Romeo and Juliet, they were kept apart by the destiny. That cruel lady Destiny screwed them over and there was nothing left she could do, but try to resist it one more time. For the sake of her sanity, she had to try and beg him to give this a chance one more time. He didn’t need to turn her just yet, he just needed to take a leap of faith with her and rewrite the last pages.
The night of full moon rolled around and she had said her goodbyes to others with no regrets, they were all dear to her, but not like a certain someone. She had a smile on her face until she saw Leo. He was late and he looked like a mess, he was probably just awoken by Comte to come and tell his goodbyes with a smile, just like he promised. But deep down she knew she needed to fight back against the destiny if she ever wanted to have peace in her soul and a happy ending.
“I- “
“Don’t.” He cut her off, quite harshly. It was clear, this story has ended. He was still hurting because of her request the other night. Deep down he wanted to give it a shot, to try and imagine just a bit of his future with her, but he couldn’t. He was bound by a deal and by a promise that he can’t even keep that he will let her go. It was for her own good. It was so she can find a lover in her time and choose to live and die with him when the time comes for that and not turn into a vampire trying to catch up to his life span.
But he couldn’t use gentle words, he couldn’t find them at least. He was deeply hurt and he thought that it’s better if he was seen as a monster in her eyes, as a someone who should be forgotten. So, he told her just what first came to his mind.
“Go. Just go.” Were the last words she heard from the man she loved. She couldn’t believe her ears for a moment. Everyone was gone already, giving them a bit of privacy before the undestined lovers had to say their goodbyes. She felt tears well up in her eyes before she ran through the door with an unexplainable pain in her chest mocking her and telling her that it was over. Destiny won and the tale was officially over.
He fell to his knees and finally cried, after so long, his heart was now open just like the time travelling door was, but he closed them both off, just awaiting his end with soft sobbing like both him and Comte have predicted. He was finally a broken man and he had no knowledge how to fix himself. He didn’t even realize that he never said goodbye with a smile as he promised he would a month ago.
She came back to her hotel room in 21st century Paris and took off the watch from her hand. She felt like her heart had stopped beating that day and so has the watch…
The end.
#i'm sorry i tried#here have some angst on christmas#ikevamp leonardo#ikevam leo#ikevam leonardo#ikemen vampire leoanrdo#ikemen vampire fanfiction#ikemen vampire fanfic#ikevamp fanfic#ikevamp fanfiction#ikevamp leonardo fanfiction#ikemen vampire angst#ikevamp angst#ikemen vampire leonardo angst#🥭
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The Ikevamp boys with a suicidal s/o
Hi! So, this is going to be super angsty and I 100 percent get if you don't want to write this, but...This year is the worst year of my life, so would it be alright if I request the vamps with a suicidal s/o? I don't care who you choose or how many (I love them all and I would request for all, but I'm sure that's too much...) I hope you're freling well and again, I completely understand if you don't want to do this. Take care
Author: @ikevamp-shrine
Fandom: Ikemen Vampire
Character(s): Le Comte, Sebastian, Napoleon, Jean
Warnings: suicidal thoughts, actions, and words, depressive content
So this is obliviously a very touchy subject, and I wanted to write this with more of the boys, but I needed to know how those who read this reacted. So practically this is just a “tester” writing. If y’all are okay with me writing more of this then please say so, but if this is too... hard (I don’t know what else to call it) then also please say so. If everyone is too uncomfortable with this then to the one who requested this- I will write this with the rest of the boys and will send it to you, and you alone, if you would like that.
1-800-273-8255 Suicide Hotline Number
Le Comte
“What am I doing here Comte?”
The question that his s/o whispered had took him off guard. Putting down his book on the side table next to him, Comte looked at the human sitting in front of him in a recliner. Their eyes were filled with so much pain, and just... emptiness, Comte felt as if he was suffocating while staring into those colored orbs.
“____? What is it? What is wrong?” Comte said speaking evenly as his eyebrows furrowed and a frown placed itself on the panels of his face.
His s/o slowly glanced over to the roaring fire place emitting a soft glow that caressed the blank expression on their face before rasping out, “what am I doing here? What is my purpose in this life? Why am I here living, breathing, existing,” they paused their speech to sigh deeply, running a shaking hand through their hair, and shifting slightly to stare at Comte with tear filled eyes, “I just feel as if my life is passing by while I watch from the outside. I do nothing other than clean and get baguettes… I have no purpose.”
Comte felt as if he had been thrown in cold water at the sudden chill slivering down his spine when his lover continued by say, “I just feel that no one would notice if I was... gone.”
The fear that flittered through his system forced him off his feet only to throw himself on his knees, at the feet of his lover, while wrapping viper like arms around their waist.
“Never... never think those thoughts again. Do you understand me? You have single handedly changed not only myself, but every other man in this mansion.” God, how stupid he felt. Centuries of living, and he still had no idea what to say at this very moment. Comte could feel the burning in his eyes as he almost choked with emotion. My how long has it been since he cried?
He had always been one to seem emotionless, but that still didn’t mean he didn’t feel them.
“We were all broken before you came, all shells of what we once were... please my love, my life, my everything... don’t disappear from my arms, I don’t think I could take it,” Comte whispered, emotion thick in his voice, as he raised his head from his s/o’s lap to stare into their wavering eyes. A tear slipping down his cheek.
It was the middle of the night when Napoleon woke up to sniffling beside him. His eyes blurry and mind foggy, but Napoleon could still make out the slight trembling of his lover partially covered by the comforter he had taken the majority of. Unbenoced to himself Napoleon wrapped an arm around their waist and lightly kissed the back of their head and shoulder, causing the human to noticeably tense under his touch.
That woke him up completely.
Lifting himself with one arm, Napoleon rested his elbow on the bed to take his weight and with his other arm he reached over and slowly rolled his lover onto their back to face the ceiling. Napoleon’s eyes harden when he saw the empty look in their eyes and the tears staining their cheeks. The sight felt so familiar to Napoleon, but from where he didn’t know.
“Nunuche…,” Napoleon whispered as he brushed a few tears off their paler than normal cheeks.
“...I had a dream that... I was gone and you were happy, happier than what you are now,” his s/o continued to stare at the ceiling, their expression showing nothing of what they were thinking.
“Would you be happier, Napoleon? If I was gone from this world?”
Napoleon thought his heart had stopped for a moment when he figured out what his s/o’s facial expression reminded him of. It was the same expression that was plastered on the faces of his soldiers who only a few hours later were pronounced dead after taking their own lives. Becoming overcome with panic, an emotion he had felt in a very long time, Napoleon wrapped around his s/o trying to touch them as much as possible to let them know he was there, with them. This time he would not be holding his tongue on what he really thought. He would be selfish.
“____ I could never again live without you in my life. Never. If you leave me I would not be able to go on. You are now my only reason for living... so please don’t leave me, or this world. So please Nunuche, live for me,” Napoleon rasped out grasping the clothing adoring his s/o’s body tightly between his fingers as if that would chain them to Napoleon, to this world.
“How selfish you have become Napoleon to ask me to live for you.”
“____? What are you doing?”
Jean had been searching for his s/o for what felt like hours, only to find them curled up in the corner of his room bathing in the moonlight that shone through the single, small window.
The human didn’t move other than to breath in a shaky breath.
Jean gracefully glided over to his lover, stopping just off to the side of them, and gently gripped their chin between his fingers only to gasp aloud when he saw the dark bags under their usually vibrant eyes and tear marks over their cheeks. Jean could see his own reflection in their teary, red eyes.
“Jean... I don’t want to be alive anymore,” his s/o’s whispers shocked him immensely. They didn’t want to be alive anymore? He was confused at the declaration, angry at himself for not noticing the deep sadness in their eyes, and sad that the only person he had ever fallen in love with didn’t want to be by his side anymore, alive- with him. Jean knew he needed to do something, his body was screaming at him to move, react, and say something. The look he saw on their face was not new for Jean himself had it every time he thought about taking his own life.
“______ I... I don’t know what to say.”
“That’s fine. You don’t have to say anything, I know I must be burdening you with my words,” his s/o moved their chin out from Jean’s hold only to go back to staring at the night sky through the window.
“Did I do something to hurt you, ____?”
“No,” they whispered, their voice cracking with raw emotion, “just leave please.”
Jean moved quickly, the quickest he thinks he had ever moved before to wrap his arms around his cold to the touch lover, pull them towards him, and shield them from the prying eyes of the night with his warm body.
“Even if you leave this Earth I shall follow you to the very end if it meant I was gifted another second to be in your radiant presence. So what ever you shall decide to do, just know I will be there to hold you in my arms my love.”
The wind bit Sebastian as he threw open the doors that led to the roof of the mansion, serval stories above the hard ground below. It was dark, very dark, as dark as the emotions he felt swirling through himself at the moment, but even that didn’t stop Sebastian from seeing his fellow human, worker, and lover standing atop the roof, teetering on the edge as if they were playing with death.
“_____! Get down please! Please my love, let’s just talk about this!” Shouted Sebastian, the wind almost drowning out his terrified words as it shot up and through his clothes, sending his hair flying out of the normally perfect styling.
“I can’t do this anymore Sebastian!” His lover shouted as they spun around quickly to stare at the butler standing before them causing Sebastian’s heart to drop even lower than it was already. There was so much fear in their eyes, so much suffocating sadness.
Slowly creeping his way towards them, Sebastian shifted on his feet, holding a hand out, praying his lover would grasp his digit between theirs.
“I understand what you're feeling ____. But this is no way to deal with it. Just come down, come to me, and we can talk.”
It all happened so fast.
There was another strong gust of wind, seemingly to carrying it’s mocking laughter, causing Sebastian's s/o to lose balance, swing their arms wildly as they tried to regain it only to fail and start leaning backward towards their death.
“____!” Screeched Sebastian once more as he sprinted towards his falling lover, arm still outstretched, and fingers grasping wildly at the unforgiving wind.
The panicking man grabbed a hold of their lithe fingers just in enough time to pull them into his arms, falling back onto the roof behind them. Sebastian’s chest heaved frantically as he held his sobbing s/o tightly in his arms as if they would disappear from his sight suddenly if he didn’t. Their scent calm him immensely. They were there in his arms. They were alive.
“I don’t want to die... I don’t want to die,” they repeated over and over again as they broke down completely in Sebastian’s arms.
“I know my love, I know... You’re going to be okay. We’ll be okay.”
#ikemen vampire#ikevamp#ikemen series#ikemen vampire comte#ikevamp comte#ikemen vampire sebastian#ikevamp sebastian#ikemen vampire napoleon#ikevamp napoleon#ikemen vampire fanfic#ikemen vampire fanfiction#ikevamp fanfic#ikevamp fanfiction#ikevamp drabble#ikemen vampire drabble#ikemen vampire jean#ikevamp jean
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