#ikevamp galileo galilei
xxsycamore · 2 years
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🍕 𝙒𝙝𝙚𝙣 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙈𝙤𝙤𝙣 𝙃𝙞𝙩𝙨 𝙔𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙀𝙮𝙚 𝙇𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝘼 𝘽𝙞𝙜 𝙋𝙞𝙯𝙯𝙖 𝙋𝙞𝙚,
► A story about Italian vampires, secret admirers, and pizza.
Galileo x MC • rating: G • wordcount: 1,863 • characters: mc, galileo, francis, leonardo, napoleon, comte, dazai • tags: Pizza; Secret admirer; Romance; Cliché; Feelings Realization; Crack treated seriously  • masterlist
a/n: I don't know. I don't know.
I blame the English Ikesen twitter for informing me it's international pizza day (in a very creative way), which led to me going "haha three italians in ikevamp" which made me remember one very bad movie full of pizza and cliché, which led to me coming up with this. I don't even like pizza that much.
Idk if I should label this as crack, but don't take it seriously either way.
MC and Galileo's first encounter described in this fic is canon and you can read a translation of it here - many thanks to @cirillafionariannon
I wanted to try my hand at writing for our new two vamps, and this could also be an early Valentine's Day fic! Hope you enjoy!
Fun statistics!: the word pizza appears 33 times in this fic.
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Leonardo was in Comte's room, lounging around with a drink and listening about his friend's most recent trip to the 21st century. While Leonardo was a man with passion for knowledge, not everything that Comte talked in great detail about was to Leonardo's interest. Mind trailing off in random directions while supposedly continuing to be a good listener, he suddenly feels the need to interrupt his friend.
Waving a hand in the air and looking over the Gucci shades that Comte actually bought for himself, he motions a pause.
"Forget about that, tell me if they made an International Pizza Day in the future yet."
"…Why, there actually is a day like that. It's the 9th of February, if I remember right."
With a little over a week remaining until Pizza Day, or Just Another Thursday as 19th century Parisians know it, Leonardo mobilizes the mansion into preparing something grandiose for the occasion.
"We're going to feed the whole of Paris with pizza."
MC blinks in apparent bewilderment. With the amount of crazy stuff happening around the mansion already, one would think that feeding the whole of Paris with pizza would find its place low in her list.
They're all gathered in the kitchen as if it's some kind of conference hall, with Leonardo using a blackboard to illustrate his schemes. So far he's drawn just one giant pizza taking all of the blackboard. He taps the chalk against the board.
"Think of it as a charity. While everyone would be free to help as well as consume, we'll prioritize those who are in need."
Dazai raises a hand. "Let me guess, you always wanted to invent a giant stove and this is your mastermind plan."
Leonardo enthusiastically points at Dazai with the chalk in his hand, "Esatto! But not exactly a stove. While fixing various gadgets for people in town, I had this idea of making a massive hot plate," he draws an oval under the oval supposed to be pizza, "which is a metal plate heated by charcoal underneath. Some of you will help me assemble it, others will get the word around town. And for those who are incompetent with cooking pizza…"
"I can give out a lesson or two." Napoleon says, with a raised hand. "I love the idea. I have volunteered in food banks a couple of times already around town. I'd be glad to help."
"Heh, Napoleon, knew you had that Italian blood still running hot in you. Alright then, it's settled."
MC is in her bed, staring a hole through the wall. Eating in bed is something she rarely indulges in, moreso if it's pizza, but she can't help it. As she chews with eyes squinted in deep concentration, she tries and tries to make just any connection between recent events and the possible reason behind all of this.
Just a couple of days ago, some white haired guy with a half-up hairstyle started coming to the mansion.
"Pizza delivery! Miss, that's for you. You don't owe anything. Enjoy! Bye!"
Wait, pizza delivery in the 19th century? It was strange the first time, and it's still strange the tenth time it happened. Some of the residents advised she don't eat it, but in the course of events (and hunger) she found out that's some damn good pizza. The best she had ever since she came here. And it was addressed to her. Is this a secret admirer situation?! Very strange.
Of course she suspected Leonardo. With his pizza hype recently it only made sense, but also that would be too easy. Placing the box on the nightstand, she sighs and goes over the possible leads in her head one more time.
The next day she takes Napoleon's pizza cooking class and conveniently stays behind until everyone else leaves the kitchen - namely Vincent, Mozart, and Jean. Napoleon takes the bait and praises her efforts at perfecting her pizza-cooking skills, being more than willing to give her some extra lessons.
Then they have clichéd and intimate dough kneading moment where he stands behind her and guides her hands; she pokes her nose into some private topics as carefully as she could, taking the conversation in the direction of love and cooking a meal full of love. Still, nothing she samples for the sake of learning tastes nearly the same as that same pizza delivered to the mansion's door every night.
Looking out of the window up at the moon that is nearly full, MC can't help but remember about a recent encounter with a strange man. It happened when she had to deliver some Blanc to Isaac who was working late at the university. In one classroom there was a white haired man with beautiful purple eyes looking through an old-fashioned telescope. There was something intriguing about him; about the shooting star they saw together, the timing, his comment about "still looking at the stars even in this day and age". The name he introduced himself with. All of it, full of mystery.
And yet the biggest mystery of her life currently revolves around pizza.
The man with white half-up hair approaches the merchant brig ship has recently docked at the Seine. Night has long fallen but the light inside is unmistakable; of course it's his friend baking pizza again. On his ship, nonetheless.
"Again, Galileo? That's the sixth time this week. I'm not going out this time. And please be careful not to burn down the ship, okay?"
The other whitehaired man doesn't as much as acknowledge the other's presence, too absorbed in his craft. The parmesan falls from between his fingers like a snowstorm over a tomato-red sea; in the next second he's at the cutting board; going left and right like a madman. Or like someone inlove.
The other sighs.
"I'm hearing something about a pizza charity in town. Basically everyone's gonna cook a giant pizza together and then give pieces away. Sounds like your thing, eh?"
Galileo's eyes dart towards his friend for a mere second, his hands never pausing.
"Where are you taking all my pizzas to, anyway? And I'm not participating."
"As you wish."
He exits the kitchen, opting for the company of the moon outside instead. The gentle lull of the waves make him crave a nap ever if it's technically close to his sleeping time. He notices the telescope nearby, unused by his friend in some time, which is awfully unusual of him.
"Man, this stress-cooking is going to ruin him."
The day finally arrives. The masses are buzzing around the square where Leonardo shows his invention that aims to leave everyone with a stomach full of delicious pizza, so long as there are enough hands to help. And they are. Soon the place gets overcrowded, the air smells like heaven, and the chilly February day gets as hot as a midsummer one.
All MC can think about is her secret admirer. With all the pizza being passed around and under her nose, she swears she's not crazy when she claims she didn't catch a whiff of That One Pizza. Will the whitehaired man be here today? Is it him, after all, stating that all he does is deliver it to her door, yet lying? No, there was no trace of such feelings in his demeanor; not the thrill of seeing her, nor the hope of learning something more about her in those short encounters. He was merely a proxy. But whose?
Defeated, the reason why the smile hasn't already left her face is solely the fact that she saw a lot of happy people today. Pizza really does bring people together; Leonardo was right all along. He was excellent at what he did, but he did it only with the people in mind; not a lover, much less her. She liked helping him today. And Napoleon too, who thankfully didn't think anything about her strange behavior the other day.
With the sound of street musicians who joined the celebration drifting in the distance, MC walks along the Seine, admiring the moonlight dancing on the surface. The noise and the hustle had gotten to her, so this little walk was welcomed, and it matched the feeling in her heart. The emptiness wasn't only there, though.
"Haha… I made so much pizza yet it seems like I didn't eat anything all day."
"I can see that. The growling of this belly of yours could be heard all the way here."
Eyes widening at the sound of that voice, she looks at the direction of a docked ship. The man exiting it seemed familiar, along with the voice, and it took just a couple of seconds to remember.
"Ahh, you're the…"
"The man with the telescope. I didn't think we'd meet again."
Right, this is the man who introduced himself as Galileo. The silence was awkward, his earlier comment not helping much, but she still felt good about seeing a familiar face. Though, they're barely more than strangers. Or maybe after having their second encounter, they're not strangers anymore?
MC stares at the fullmoon high in the sky, and surprisingly, so does Galileo. She giggles and breaks the silence.
"It's like a big pizza pie."
That's the single most absurd thing Galileo Galilei has ever heard in his life, being a person who devoted himself to astrology.
He scuffs at her remark, too taken aback to even say anything that won't ridicule her. He decides to spare her.
"So? Are you hungry? I've got some pizza on the ship."
Ah, pizza again.
"Sounds great."
Hoping for a distraction, she followed him on the ship. If anything, with all the pizza flavors she tasted recently, her palate would hopefully forget about the one that her secret admirer makes for her. What a silly story. She's sure it all ends tonight, the person likely pranking the whole of Comte's mansion in relation to the whole pizza cooking event or something.
"What a yummy smell. I must be really hungry. Did you make this yourself, Galileo?"
The man visibly tenses a little, possibly at the fact that she remembers his name. He should've given her a different one, after all.
MC bites into the piece, mind elsewhere. She wonders if she'll be sick of pizza ever since today.
The flavors clash in her receptors and realization hits all at once; she looks at Galileo.
This taste!
"It's you."
The man with the beautiful purple eyes hums at her, without a clue what she is talking about. He hasn't shared his pizza recipe with everyone other than Francis, the look of recognition on MC's face not making sense to him.
He would soon come to know; but not tonight.
With the assurance that she must be mistaking him for someone else; and with the need to help her get home due to the late hour, their second encounter soon comes to an end.
And for Galileo, who barely kept his composure in the face of the one he strangely fell hopelessly inlove with, he swears he'll make sure this time it truly would be their last.
Unless the stars have other plans for him.
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Taglist: @arsnovacadenza @ale-teodora @kimi00twin @otomelady @privilegedpancake @g-kleran   @pumpumnnnp @thesirenwashere @ravenarld @kimmy-banana @devonares @animeworldsposts @randomanimatedhusbandoseeker @galaxyprison @sadshaxk @starshards26 @pro-cat-stination @acethephoenix256 @ikevamp-shrine-2 @nad-zeta @crystal13unny @keen19thcenturygoatsstudent @lordsister @ikemen-banshou  @themysticalbeing @canaria-blackwell @otome-scribbles @rhodolitesrose @coornn @kpop-and-otome @queen-dahlia @kisara-16 @chaosangel767 @ikemenlibrary @queengiuliettafirstlady @aurora-morning @aquagirl1978 ​ @ikemenlover24 @violettduchess @mcofthemansion @tiny-wooden-robot @joy-the-reader @katriniac @ikemen-writer @tele86 Let me know if you want to be tagged/untagged!
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nightkarmaqueen · 2 years
What kind of vampire are Galilei and Francis? Pure blood? Demi? Lesser? If they’re Lesser Vampire, who might have resurrected them? Comte? Vlad?
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cirilla-fiona-riannon · 2 months
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Galileo Galilei Main Story
Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Expect grammatical errors and inaccuracies.
I finally got my account back, so here you go. It's not proofread, as I'm busy at the moment.
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After a struggle with the progenitor, Galileo stabbed a knife into his own chest right in front of me.
Galileo: "Ah!"
Mitsuki: "Galileo!?"
Veins bulged on the back of his hand as he pushed the knife in.
It was as if there was a struggle between the forces within him
Progenitor: "Ah, what's this?"
The progenitor spoke these words, and Galileo collapsed.
Mitsuki: "Galileo, Galileo!"
The blood overflowing from his chest soaked his shirt in bright red.
In a panic, I held him, and he barely opened his eyes.
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Galileo: "Being manipulated by the progenitor is just pathetic."
Mitsuki: "Don't talk! We need to stop the bleeding."
Galileo: "This knife can even kill an immortal vampire. There's no way I'll survive."
Galileo: "The progenitor has no body. If I die, it will lose its vessel too."
Mitsuki: "No..."
(He knew he would die, and yet...)
Drake: "Galileo."
Staggering, Drake approached, and Comte and Vlad came too, frowning.
Comte: "The progenitor's miasma is gone. But he..."
Vlad: "I might be able to at least ease the pain with my power."
Vlad raised his hand, and Galileo's expression softened just a little.
He likely used his mind-control power to dull the pain.
However, there was no way he could recover, and his breathing continued to weaken.
Mitsuki: "It's because I urged you. I told you to resist, and now you..."
(I wanted to save him, but I never thought it would come to this.)
Through my tear-blurred vision, his purple eyes looked at me.
Galileo: "It's not your fault."
Galileo: "Your voice reached even me, who was sinking into the darkness."
He forced out his voice, repeating shallow breaths.
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Galileo: "I've always wanted to see this world fall apart, but chasing power led me to this outcome instead."
Galileo: "It seems I don't have the power to change fate after all."
Galileo: "I was an existence denied by this world from the beginning. I no longer belong here."
Mitsuki: "You sacrificed yourself for this?"
Galileo: "If there's anything I can change, it's only my own ending."
Galileo: "This is the only way I can change fate."
Mitsuki: "........"
His hoarse voice was like a fragile flame that could be extinguished at any moment.
Along with my tears, my emotions burst uncontrollably.
Mitsuki: "I will continue to seek you out."
Galileo: "........."
Mitsuki: "Even if the world denies you, I will continue to seek you."
You've walked a long path, losing your family and friends repeatedly while bearing the fate of a dhampir.
(But it's okay now. It's enough.)
I held his cold hand, transferring my warmth to him.
Mitsuki: "I can't replace those you've lost, and I can never be like them, but can I stay by your side?"
I want to embrace him like family, speak to him like a friend, and make him happy by pouring all the love for those he's lost into him.
Mitsuki: "I love you."
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Galileo: "........."
His clear amethyst eyes remained beautiful even at this moment.
He gently closed his eyes and brushed my hand with his fingertips.
Galileo: "You've always been like this."
Mitsuki: "Eh?"
Galileo: "You always try to affirm me, no matter how much I deny myself."
Galileo: "Ugh. Ha..."
Mitsuki: "Galileo!"
His eyes wandered aimlessly and turned to the starry night sky outside the window.
Galileo: "Father, mother, Sagredo."
Galileo: "Virginia, Michelangelo, Livia..."
He called out as if his family and friends were right there.
Overwhelmed with emotion, I squeezed his hand tightly.
Galileo: "Ah, I see. I just wanted to go back to everyone."
The wish he had arrived at was so heartbreaking and modest.
Mitsuki: "Galileo..."
He raised his trembling hand and reached towards my hair.
With his fingers, he brushed aside my bangs and touched the scar on the right side of my forehead.
It was as if he had known about the scar all along.
He gently caressed the scar, then slid his fingers down my tear-streaked cheek.
Galileo: "Eyes that seek the truth."
Galileo: "These eyes always stirred something in me."
Galileo: "Why didn't I realize it sooner?"
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Galileo: "You're similar to the ones I loved."
The hand touching my cheek fell, and his smile faded.
Mitsuki: "Galileo!"
Desperately trying to keep him conscious, I hurriedly spoke.
Mitsuki: "There's something I understand now. Remember when we talked before?"
It was on the way back after stargazing together.
Galileo: "Do you still dream of being a dhampir?"
Mitsuki: "Ah, yes, sometimes. What do you think the dream is trying to tell me?"
Galileo: "........."
Galileo: "It's reasonable to assume they're expressing regret, but why you?"
He looked at me quizzically.
Galileo: "Is there a truth only you can understand?"
---------Flashback Ends--------
Mitsuki: "The answer from back then. I think those children wanted me to save you."
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Galileo: "Save me?"
They wanted someone to notice him as he rushed to the dhampir children’s final moments.
They wanted someone to stop him as he carried those sorrows.
Those children showed me those dreams to convey their desperate plea from the garden.
Galileo: "A truth that only you could find, huh?"
His wavering eyes, mustering their last strength, locked onto me.
Galileo: "Mitsuki."
Mitsuki: "!"
It was the first time he had called my name, and I widened my eyes in surprise.
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Galileo: "Being able to save you that day was a small ray of light for me."
Mitsuki: "What? What do you mean, Galileo?"
Galileo: "Maybe, from that day, fate has been leading us to this moment."
His words began to falter, and his eyelashes lowered.
Mitsuki: "Wait, please wait!"
Mitsuki: "Don't go, Galileo! No!"
His eyes closed behind his eyelids.
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Previous Part ╎ Masterlist ╎ Next Part
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spring-archive701 · 2 years
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Drew a sketch of one of the new guys in ikevamp hehe
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mei-loves-mozart · 2 years
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mishkakagehishka · 2 years
Galileo Galilei.............. in ikevamp.............
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saeryuart · 5 years
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Thank you again for commissioning me, @diagnosed-by-doyle!! Here’s your OC, Galileo with Arthur!! :3
As of now, I have 6 slots remaining for commissions!! If anyone is interested in commissioning me, please send me an email containing the details at [email protected]. Thank you very much!!
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diagnosed-by-doyle · 5 years
Masterlist 2.0
MC Who Doesn’t Speak Much
K-pop Idol MC
Demon MC
MC with Depression
MC who Smokes
What Languages Can They Speak?
If They Had Instagram
Do They Have Entomophobia?
Love Languages
MC’s Period (NSFW period stuff)
Are They Virgins? (NSFW)
Most to Least Endowed (NSFW)
Kinks (NSFW)
Overworked MC (Arthur, Napoleon, Theo)
Overworked MC (Comte, Leonardo)
Overworked MC (Jean, Dazai, Sebastian)
MC who’s Part Fairy (Arthur, Shakespeare, Vincent)
MC After Surgery (Arthur, Leonardo, Isaac)
High MC (Vincent, Comte, Napoleon)
MC Transformed into a Child (Arthur, Comte, Vincent)
MC Transformed into a Child (Leonardo, Isaac, Napoleon)
MC in Revealing Clothing (Mozart, Isaac, Arthur)
MC in Revealing Clothing (Vincent, Shakespeare, Comte)
MC in Calvin Klein Underwear on Social Media (Mozart, Jean, Isaac)
Favorite Lingerie to See MC In (Leonardo, Comte, Mozart)
Angry MC Withholding Sex (Arthur, Dazai, Shakespeare) (NSFW)
Angry MC Withholding Sex (Leonardo, Comte, Theo) (NSFW)
Yandere (Arthur, Comte, Vincent)
NSFW Yandere (Vincent, Jean, Comte)
NSFW Yandere (Shakespeare, Mozart, Isaac)
NSFW Yandere (Leonardo, Napoleon)
Post-Nightmare Fluff (Comte, Arthur, Napoleon)
Argumentative MC (Leonardo, Comte, Theo)
MC brings home a foundling baby (Comte, Napoleon, Theo)
Bathing with MC (Mozart, Comte, Sebastian) (NSFW)
Goddess MC (Dazai, Theo, Jean)
Pureblood MC (Vincent, Isaac, Mozart)
Short, curvy-figured MC (Vincent, Leonardo, Shakespeare)
MC’s Birthday (Theo) (slight NSFW)
Wet Dream About MC (Mozart, Comte, Sebastian) (NSFW)
MC who Loves Being Carried (Theo, Arthur, Leonardo)
MC is a Blanket Hog (Leonardo, Theo, Dazai)
Artistic MC (Vincent)
Touch-starved MC (Comte, Leonardo, Arthur) (Commission)
Pregnant MC (Theo, Arthur) (NSFW)
Unexperienced MC (NSFW) (Comte, Leonardo, Sebastian) *Coming Soon*
Some Domestic Marriage Stuff (Arthur, Leonardo, Napoleon) *Coming Soon*
Fics (IkeVamp)
A NIght at the Inn (Arthur x Reader) (NSFW)
Hold Me (Arthur x Reader) (Fluff)
The Love-Struck Aristocrat (Arthur x Reader) (Angst, Comfort)
Coffee Break (Arthur x Reader) (Fluff)
Reward (Arthur x Reader) (Fluff)
Cookies (Comte x Reader) (Fluff)
Broken Dam (Comte x Reader) (Fluff)
His Desire (Comte x Reader) (Smut)
An Appetite for Pleasure (Comte x Isaac) (NSFW) (Commission)
Tundra (Isaac x Reader) (Fluff)
Lecture of Love (Isaac x Reader) (NSFW) (Commission)
Payback (Leonardo x Reader) (Fluff)
Overflowing (Leonardo x Reader) (NSFW)
Morning Distraction (Leonardo x Reader) (NSFW) (Commission)
Confession at Midnight (Theo x Reader) (NSFW) (Commission)
Surprise (Theo x Reader) (NSFW)
Grief (??? x Reader) (Angst)
Final Goodbyes (??? x Reader) (Angst)
Galileo Galilei (IkeVamp OC) Fics
Character Information
Official Appearance
Art by some amazing people:
Rise and Shine
Scientists at Work
A Reprimanding
Lights of the Heavens
Back to School
It’s Here
Fics (IkeSen)
Comfort from Hideyoshi (Hideyoshi x Reader) (Fluff)
Just In Case (Hideyoshi x Reader) (NSFW)
Sick Day pt 1 (OC x Nobunaga) (NSFW)
Sick Day pt 2 (OC x Nobunaga) (NSFW)
Don’t Move (Kenshin x Reader) (NSFW)
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xxsycamore · 2 years
So you remember my pizza fic right
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So i searched the word pizza in it and made a compilation on paint:
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Tell me your favorite line. Mine is "Ah, pizza again."
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nightkarmaqueen · 2 years
And you should know I’m a big fan of pretty eyes. You know, like Kicho’s eyes, Mozart’s eyes, and currently the new ikevamp suitors’ eyes. Like, ARGHHH, THEY’RE SO PRETTY!!!!!
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cirilla-fiona-riannon · 3 months
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Vampire Wedding Part 2
Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Expect grammatical errors and inaccuracies.
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A blood oath was a vampire wedding ceremony passed down since ancient times.
The words Galileo told me sounded familiar.
Galileo: "Do you know what the blood oath ceremony is?"
Mitsuki: "I only heard a little about it from Comte before. It's a ceremony performed by two people."
Galileo: "Yeah."
He took my left hand and gently touched my ring finger.
Galileo: "On the night of the full moon, the groom will pledge eternal love by drinking from his bride's ring finger."
Galileo: "If you don't mind, why don't we do it on the next full moon?"
(Full moon?)
I hesitated for a moment, as I was about to nod at his words.
(He's a dhampir. Is it really okay?)
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Galileo: "What's wrong?"
Mitsuki: "Um, you'll drink my blood on the full moon night, right? I'm worried about your body."
Galileo: "Your concern is understandable."
He tightened the arm he had wrapped around my waist.
Galileo: "But even so, I want to make a blood oath with you."
Mitsuki: "Why would you go so far for this?"
Galileo: "I told you. You changed me."
Galileo: "I was able to accept both my vampire and human sides because of you."
Galileo: "That's why I want to pledge eternity to you."
Mitsuki: "Galileo."
I gently leaned against Galileo's shoulder.
Mitsuki: "I also want to pledge 'eternity' to you."
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Galileo: "Yeah."
He whispered and hugged me even tighter.
Then, on the night of the full moon, in a deserted church, our private 'Blood Oath' quietly began.
Galileo: "Mitsuki, come here."
Standing before the altar, he reached out his hand to me.
Mitsuki: "Okay."
I slowly walked toward him in my wedding dress, and a faint smile appeared on his lips.
Galileo: "That dress suits you well."
Mitsuki: "Thank you. I'm happy to hear you say that."
As I felt my heart being filled with happiness from his simple but heartfelt compliment, he offered something he held in his hand.
Galileo: "Mitsuki, this is for you."
Mitsuki: "A flower crown?"
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Galileo: "Yeah, I made it."
It was a delicate flower crown woven with white flowers.
Galileo: "I used to make these often for my sister."
At that moment, the scene I had once seen beyond the door returned to me.
Livia: "Big brother, I can't make the flower crown properly."
Galileo: "Let me see."
Galileo: "Here you go. Happy birthday, Livia."
Livia: "Wow, it's so cute! Thank you, big brother!"
Cleric 2: "Even if they're the family of a heretic, it's sad to see them getting ripped apart by wild dogs."
Cleric 1: "Sure, it's a quick solution, but I wish they'd consider those of us who have to clean it up."
Galileo: "Family of a heretic?"
Galileo: "No way, that can't be."
Galileo: "Livia?"
The white ribbon tied to the flower crown was stained with blood.
Cleric 1: "Alright, let's throw this away."
Galileo: "No, stop! Wait!!"
---------Flashback Ends--------
(The flower crown is a symbol of the bond between the two of them and a reminder of sad memories.)
Mitsuki: "Wasn't it painful to make this?"
My heart ached sharply, and I clasped my hands tightly in front of my chest without thinking.
Galileo: "No."
He shook his head gently.
Galileo: "On the contrary. While making it, I felt a sense of nostalgia and warmth."
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Galileo: "I wanted to see you wearing this flower crown at the ceremony, no matter what."
As he spoke, he reached out and gently placed the flower crown on my head.
The soft, sweet fragrance that surrounded me was endlessly tender.
(It feels as if his family is watching over me.)
Mitsuki: "I'm so happy. I'll treasure it."
Mitsuki: "It's really beautiful."
The mixed feelings of joy and sadness welled up, leaving me speechless.
Galileo: "Yeah, just as I thought, you look beautiful."
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He whispered as he faced me in front of the altar.
Galileo: "In times of health and sickness, no matter what hardships may come, I vow to love and protect only you."
Galileo: "I want you to walk with me until the end of our lives."
His sincere words shook my heart.
To accept his feelings, I looked straight at him and spoke.
Mitsuki: "I also vow to love and walk with you."
Mitsuki: "From now on, I will always be by your side."
Mitsuki: "I want to live my life looking at you and laughing together."
Hearing my declaration, Galileo gave a fleeting smile and knelt.
Galileo: "Tonight, I pledge to make a blood oath."
The moment I felt his fangs press against my ring finger, a sharp pain ran through it.
But the pain quickly turned into pleasure, and a tingling sensation spread throughout my body.
Mitsuki: "Nnn..."
A sweet sound escaped my lips, and my legs gave way beneath me.
Galileo, who had been kneeling, swiftly stood up and caught me in his arms.
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Galileo: "Haah..."
His pale cheeks were faintly flushed, and an unmistakable heat shimmered in his usually calm eyes.
The sight of him, exuding such intense sensual allure, captivated me completely.
Galileo: "The oath is complete."
His outstretched arms effortlessly lifted me.
Mitsuki: "Ah..."
Galileo: "You are mine and mine alone now."
His closely held embrace transmitted the rapid thumping of his heart through his clothes against my chest.
His eyes, looking down at me, reflected nothing but me.
Galileo: "Let's go home. I don't think I can wait much longer."
Mitsuki: "Okay."
I nodded and wrapped my arms around his neck, hiding my flushed face.
Mitsuki: "I want to be yours completely soon."
As I whispered, suppressing my embarrassment, his arms tightened around me.
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Galileo: "Don't tease me too much."
With a sigh-like murmur, he placed a light kiss on my cheek.
Still holding me, Galileo quickly left the church.
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Part 1 ╎ Part 2 ╎ Premium ╎ Epilogue
39 notes · View notes
cirilla-fiona-riannon · 8 months
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Galileo Galilei Main Story
Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Expect grammatical errors and inaccuracies.
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A few days have passed since Professor Maury and Drake took me to their house.
Sebastian: "Mitsuki, you said you've been having bad dreams lately. Are you okay?"
Mitsuki: "Oh, yes. I'm sorry for worrying you."
I said that, but the truth is, I'm still having nightmares.
(I sometimes have the same dream, and other times a different one.)
(But in every dream, I'm still a Dhampir.)
Sebastian: "They said that dreams can be either auspicious or ominous. Some historical figures achieved great things by taking their dreams as omens."
Sebastian: "Scary dreams are sometimes considered a sign of good luck, so why not treat them like fortune-telling?"
Mitsuki: "Hehe. That's a good idea."
I smiled appreciatively at Sebastian's concern.
(But the dreams I see are a little different from ordinary ones.)
(They're so vivid, almost as if they're pleading with me in sorrow.)
As I pondered this, Sebastian exclaimed next to me.
Sebastian: "We've run out of essential seasoning for tonight's menu."
Sebastian: "Mitsuki, could you accompany me to do some shopping? I need to visit a few stores."
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Mitsuki: "Sure."
After arriving in town, we decided to split up. By the time I finished my part, the sun had begun to set.
(I think I got everything we need. Sebastian should be finishing up soon.)
I was looking at my shopping list as I made my way to our meeting place when一
Dog voice: "Woof!"
(Was that a dog's voice? It sounded like a scream.)
Suddenly, a high-pitched cry caught my attention, and I went into the back alley to look for the source of it.
There I found一
Child 1: "Haha, look at this filthy mutt!"
Puppy: *Whimper*
Child 2: "Dogs have to obey humans, you know!"
Several children were bullying a brown-haired puppy, poking it with a stick, and threatening it.
Mitsuki: "What do you think you're doing?!"
In a moment of panic, I moved to intervene, but something raced past me and leaped into the midst of the children.
Suddenly, a large dog with a gray coat appeared.
(Huh? A wild dog!?)
Stray Dog: "Grrr."
Child 1: "Whoa!? What's this thing!?"
The wild dog stood protectively over the puppy, glaring menacingly.
The children's faces immediately tensed as the dog, nearly their own height, appeared out of nowhere.
Child 2: "Shoo! Go away!!"
One of the children, holding a small stone, raised it, ready to throw it at the stray dog.
Mitsuki: "No, don't do that!"
I instinctively intervened, and the flying pebbles struck my arms and legs.
Mitsuki: "Ouch!"
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Child 1: "Now's our chance, run!"
I crouched down in pain, and the children hurriedly ran away.
(My leg is bleeding, but I'm sure it'll heal just fine.)
Puppy: *Whimper*
I turned at the faint whimper and saw the puppy peeking at me from behind the wild dog.
Mitsuki: "I'm sorry for startling you. Are you both okay?"
Wild dog?: "........"
(This dog seems to be protecting the puppy. For now, it doesn't seem like it's going to attack.)
The wild dog seemed more cautious than alert, observing my actions.
Its eyes, upon closer inspection, had a purple hue, giving me a sense of déjà vu.
(The puppy's front paw is bleeding.)
It must have been injured earlier.
Mitsuki: "Will you let me patch that poor baby's paw?"
I took out my handkerchief and quietly addressed the dog, ensuring not to agitate it.
The wild dog seemed to understand my intention and moved away from the puppy.
(What a smart dog. Maybe it belongs to someone.)
(But it seems quite wild for a pet.)
As I wrapped the puppy's leg with the handkerchief...
???: "Sidereus, there you are."
(Huh? That voice.)
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Recognizing the familiar voice, I turned around to see Professor Maury standing there.
Maury: "It's you again."
Mitsuki: "Hello. What a coincidence."
Seeing Maury's frowning expression, my voice unintentionally became sharper.
(I'm not trying to meet him on purpose, so why do we keep running into each other like this?)
Wild dog?: *Bark*
As I blurted that in my mind, the wild dog barked and walked towards him, sitting obediently by his feet.
(Come to think of it, he called the dog Sidereus earlier.)
Mitsuki: "Is that dog yours?"
Maury: "It's not a dog, but a wolf."
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Mitsuki: "W-Wolf!?"
Surprised, I inadvertently raised my voice, thinking it was just a dog.
(This is the first time I've seen one up close. Is it okay to approach?)
Wolves are fierce creatures.
As I shivered with realization, he spoke as if he could see through me.
Maury: "Don't worry. Wolves don't attack humans."
Mitsuki: "I see."
Maury: "As long as you don't recklessly provoke it. Humans tend to exaggerate the ferocity of wolves due to twisted knowledge."
Mitsuki: "I see. Since it was trying to protect the puppy earlier, it must be a gentle creature at heart."
Mitsuki: "Thank you very much."
Sidereus: *Bark*
Maury: "........."
Suddenly, the wolf called Sidereus grabbed the hem of his cloak and tugged at it.
Maury: "What's the matter, Sidereus?"
Sidereus: *Bark*
Maury: "........."
Sidereus turned his head toward me as if wanting to say something.
He glanced alternately between me and the puppy behind me, furrowing his eyebrows slightly.
Maury: "Humans are truly foolish."
Mitsuki: "Huh?"
Maury: "They harm and persecute the weak, and that foolishness remains unchanged throughout time."
He muttered to himself and then approached me, grabbing my wrist.
Mitsuki: "What are you doing?"
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Maury: "I'm going to stop the bleeding. Follow me."
Caught off guard by his unexpected words, I hurriedly tried to pull my hand back, but Professor Maury wouldn’t let go.
Mitsuki: “If that’s the case, I can do it myself. I have a handkerchief.”
Maury: “Isn’t that handkerchief wrapped around the puppy’s leg yours?”
(Oh, right.)
Puppy: *Whine*
He looked down at the puppy whining at my feet and calmly said:
Maury: “If you want to avoid getting mistreated by humans again, you better leave.”
Seemingly intimidated by him, the puppy took a step back, then looked at me and barked before slowly walking into the alley.
Mitsuki: “I’m glad he can walk.”
Maury: “........”
Maury: “Let’s go.”
He led me to the square and made me sit on the edge of the fountain, pouring water over the injured area.
Mitsuki: “........”
I endured the pain as the wound stung more than I anticipated. Then he took out his handkerchief to wrap it around the wound, but I hurriedly stopped him.
Mitsuki: “Your handkerchief will get dirty! I’m fine now.”
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Maury: “What’s the point if I don’t stop the bleeding? Or are you going to leave it dripping everywhere?”
Maury: “It’s annoying to have the smell lingering around.”
(Lingering around?)
(It’s nice of him to treat the wound, but if it’s annoying him, he could just leave it.)
Maury: “Moreover, judging by the situation, you defended the puppy and Sidereus.”
Maury: “In that case, I owe you.”
His words made me blink.
(So, it’s a thank you?)
Honestly, I didn't really sense that kind of attitude from him, and it didn't seem like mere kindness either, but...
(Is he someone who sticks to his principles?)
As he wrapped the handkerchief around my leg, much like I did for the puppy, I noticed something.
Maybe it was the water or perhaps his naturally low body temperature, but his occasionally cold hand against my skin felt ticklish.
After wrapping the handkerchief, he looked up, and his purple eyes reflected me.
(Oh, I see. I just realized.)
The familiarity I felt in Sidereus's eyes was from him.
Maury: "Are there any other places that hurt?"
Mitsuki: "My arm."
I couldn't even bring myself to hesitate, so I just told him honestly.
As he rolled up the sleeve of my blouse and examined the wound, I couldn't bear the silence and searched for a way to start a conversation.
Townsperson 1: "The Paris Expo was amazing! Especially that huge telescope!"
Townsperson 2: "Yeah, I was surprised at how big it was. It was indeed the world's largest telescope."
(They were returning from the Expo.)
(Come to think of it, he's an astronomy professor.)
Mitsuki: "Um, did you happen to go to the Paris World's Fair? The highlight seems to have been the giant telescope."
When I tried to break the silence by throwing out a topic I had found, he let out an exasperated sigh.
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Maury: "That telescope was too large to be practical for astronomical observations. It was basically a front they put up for the World's Fair."
Mitsuki: "I see. I had no idea."
Maury: "Those in power are more interested in showcasing the country's prestige than pursuing the truth."
I sensed a tinge of discomfort in his voice.
(He seems more lamenting than irritated.)
Mitsuki: "That's somehow sad, isn't it?"
Mitsuki: "There should be things more important than just appearances."
Maury: "........."
(When I heard about him from Isaac before, I thought he might be someone who confronts truth for the sake of principles.)
Mitsuki: "I hope the importance of pursuing truth, as you say, gets through."
I spoke my mind, and he glanced at me for a moment, then averted his gaze.
Maury: "It won't."
Mitsuki: "Huh?"
Maury: "Humans are creatures who define what's convenient for themselves as truth."
Maury: "Even if the truth is revealed, if it's inconvenient, they'll be condemned and excluded."
Maury: "I know of a fool who pursued the truth despite knowing this and ended up with a life sentence."
(I wonder if that person is his friend.)
He quietly and decisively labeled someone a fool, but I didn't see it that way.
Mitsuki: "I don't think that guy is a fool."
Maury: "What?"
Mitsuki: "If he ended up with a life sentence, it means there were people around who opposed him or hid the truth."
Mitsuki: "Persisting with your beliefs and pursuing the truth amidst such adversaries is not that easy, you know?"
Maury: "........."
Mitsuki: "For me, that person is braver than anyone else."
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Maury: "........"
(Professor Maury?)
He lowered his gaze, concealing the lonely expression hidden behind his amethyst eyes.
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71 notes · View notes
cirilla-fiona-riannon · 8 months
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Galileo Galilei Main Story
Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Expect grammatical errors and inaccuracies.
TW: Violence
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Man with purple eyes: "........."
A man was putting bright red petals into his mouth, where crimson flowers covered the pure white garden.
The sight was strangely beautiful and ephemeral, and I stood there frozen, unable to look away.
Man with purple eyes: "........."
Eventually, the red flowers fell from his lips to his hands, and he blinked his eyes slowly and gazed at me.
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Man with purple eyes: "What are you doing here?"
For a moment, I was stunned into silence.
It was as if a character from the painting I was observing had suddenly spoken to me, and my mind struggled to catch up.
Mitsuki: "U-Um, I..."
I stumbled over my words, and the man approached, taking hold of my wrist.
Mitsuki: "Ah..."
Man with purple eyes: "Answer the question."
Man with purple eyes: "Why are you here?"
His touch sent shivers down my spine, and his gaze pierced like needles.
The fleeting atmosphere had dissipated, and quiet anger emanated from him.
(He seems totally different from before. Is he really the same person?)
But it was definitely him who was eating the flowers.
Confusion washed over me as I glimpsed the two contrasting faces within such a short span.
Mitsuki: "I'm sorry for intruding! Excuse me!"
I shook off his hand and hastily ran away from the spot.
Man with purple eyes: ".........."
The man watched Mitsuki's retreating figure intently.
Then he heard a light voice.
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???: "That surprised me. Isn't she the girl who lives in the mansion?"
The man who arrived in the garden had a half-up hairstyle.
Man with purple eyes: "Seems like it."
???: "Did you bring her here by any chance? You're surprisingly quick, Galileo."
Galileo: "Is that supposed to be a joke, Drake?"
The man named Galileo glared at the other man.
Drake: "Yeah, yeah, I'll stop joking."
Drake: "But if you really met her by chance, then maybe that means something."
Drake: "She might really be that fated woman after all."
Galileo: "........."
Drake plucked a single pure white flower at his feet and toyed with it with his fingers while leaning against the wall.
Drake: "It seems like those resurrected vampires have really stirred up some chaotic yet amusing fate."
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Galileo: "Then that girl showed up."
Galileo gazed again in the direction Mitsuki had left.
Drake: "She may have a harmless, innocent face like a fawn, but her involvement might change fate once again."
Drake: "If she becomes a hindrance in the long run, wouldn't it be better to just kill her now?"
Galileo: "No."
Galileo objected to Drake's dangerous proposal.
Galileo: "We haven't yet determined who that girl really is."
Galileo: "We shouldn't bury her in darkness before touching the truth."
Galileo: "Everything depends on unraveling the truth."
As if to emphasize that point, Galileo uttered the word "truth" more profoundly.
Drake glanced at his profile for a moment and let out a small sigh.
Drake: "I get it. I respect your opinion."
Drake: "But it’d be troublesome if they started suspecting us."
Drake: "For instance, the true identity of this flower. Did she notice something about it?"
Galileo: "Who knows? It's unclear unless we directly question her."
With those words, Galileo turned his back to the garden, and Drake watched him disappear into the depths of the building.
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Drake: "Perhaps another fate has started moving again."
Drake muttered to himself and dropped the flower he had been holding onto the ground.
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I hurriedly ran away from the mysterious garden and finally arrived at the mansion.
(That man, was he a resident of the building?)
(Well, I did trespass, so it's only natural for him to be mad at me.)
Taking a moment to calm down, I realized it was understandable for him to confront me like that.
Sighing, I stepped into the entrance and reflected on my actions.
Arthur: "You're finally back. Welcome home, Mitsuki."
Mozart: "Geez, you're always making us worry."
Mitsuki: "I'm back. Did something happen?"
Mozart: "Well, we were just talking about picking you up since Sebastian mentioned that you were coming back later than expected."
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Arthur: "It's dangerous for a girl to be walking around at night."
Napoleon: "You didn’t seem quite yourself before you left. Are you okay?"
Mitsuki: "Ah..."
Napoleon gently patted my head.
(Right. I was feeling lost after hearing from Comte that I still wouldn't be able to return to my world.)
(They really cared about me.)
The warmth coming from his hands and seeing all the faces waiting for me warmed my heart.
(Just having everyone here makes me feel so relieved.)
(My life here is truly irreplaceable.)
I sometimes thought about my former world, but everyone in the mansion was like family to me.
Seeing the people in front of me, I was reminded again to cherish this precious time with them and make more memories.
Napoleon: "Mitsuki, is something wrong?"
Mitsuki: "No, I just felt relieved seeing everyone's faces."
Mitsuki: "I'm sorry for worrying you. And thank you."
Mitsuki: "I'm really glad to have met all of you."
I spoke sincerely, expressing the emotions welling up inside me.
As I expressed my emotions openly, everyone seemed slightly surprised before smiling.
Arthur: "Hey, Mitsuki, if you say things like that out of the blue, you'll embarrass me."
Mitsuki: "Hehe. I just wanted to convey my feelings properly."
Mozart: "It's not bad when you express your feelings so straightforwardly like that."
Arthur: "Wow, Mozart is giving compliments!"
Mozart: "I just said what I honestly thought."
I chuckled, seeing them playfully teasing each other.
Napoleon: "Sebastian already prepared dinner. Let's go."
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Mitsuki: "Okay!"
We headed to the dining room and had our usual lively dinner.
Eventually, the night grew late, and the crescent moon shone brightly in the sky.
Mitsuki: "Phew, what a day."
I changed into my nightwear and settled into the soft bed.
Suddenly, the scent of the soap coming from the sheets grazed my nose, triggering memories of the mysterious garden.
(The scent of those flowers was more vibrant and intense.)
(I still don't know what kind of flowers they were.)
And then another memory surfaced.
(His purple eyes.)
(It felt like I had wandered into a different world at that moment.)
The image of that man with his fleeting yet chillingly cold touch was vividly etched in my mind.
(I'll probably never see him again.)
(I worried everyone today. Maybe I should make some apology snacks for tomorrow.)
As I thought about fudge, chocolate, crepes, and everyone's favorite snacks, my eyelids grew heavier, and my consciousness drifted away.
Deeper and farther into the dream, where time and place were unknown一
Girl: “*pant* *pant*”
Father: “This way, hurry! We need to run!”
In a dense and lush forest, “I” desperately ran hand in hand with my father as something terrifying chased us.
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Father: “Hurry, or the hunters will catch up to us!”
After what felt like forever, we found an old, dilapidated shack where we hid while holding our breath.
Girl: "Papa, I'm tired and thirsty."
Father: "I'm sorry. I never meant to put you through this."
(Why? Why are we being chased?)
(Neither I nor Dad did anything wrong, so why?)
At that moment, the silence was broken by a loud noise as several men dressed in cloaks came into the hut.
Vampire Hunter: "Found you, you monsters."
Father: "Please, spare us. Neither I nor my daughter have harmed anyone. We just want to live quietly, that's all!"
My father held me tightly, shielding me from the hunters, but...
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Father: "Gaah!!"
Girl: "Papa! Aaah!"
The hunter, who had thrown my father aside, seized me by the hair, thrusting the terrifyingly sharp tip of his sword against my throat.
Father: "Please, at least spare my daughter! She's done nothing wrong! She was simply born as a dhampir!"
Vampire hunter: "This girl also carries the blood of vampires. You both are abominable creatures that should not exist in this world."
(Abominable creatures?)
Vampire hunter: "In the name of God, I will make you and your father disappear!"
The man's raised sword gleamed under the moonlight streaming through the window.
Father: "Stop, don't kill my daughter. Please, stop!!"
Then the cruel gleam tore through my vision, and everything turned red before me.
Mitsuki: "!!!"
At that moment, I jolted awake in bed.
Frantically looking around, I realized I was not in a forest or a cabin but in my familiar room.
Mitsuki: "*pant, pant* A dream?"
Even though I understood it was a dream, my hands were shaking and my forehead was drenched in sweat.
(What was that dream just now?)
In my dream, I was a little girl, and both me and my father were chased, caught, and killed.
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Mitsuki: "That was terrifying."
My pounding heart reassured me that I was indeed alive.
But the suffocation, the fear of being chased, the feel of the sword against me, and the smell of blood—all of them were so vivid that they made me tremble again.
(Why did I have such a dream?)
I tried calming myself down by embracing myself, but I couldn’t go back to sleep anymore.
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Previous Part ╎ Masterlist ╎ Next Part
67 notes · View notes
cirilla-fiona-riannon · 8 months
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Galileo Galilei Main Story
This is simply a fan translation and is not intended as a replacement for the game.
This is a rough translation, so expect several inaccuracies and mistakes.
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I still vaguely remember the beautiful eyes I saw when I was a child.
The screech of the brakes pierced the air as a massive hunk of steel blocked my view.
Closing my eyes in fear just as the truck, several times my height, came hurtling towards me, I felt a slight impact and a warm sensation on my body.
???: "Are you okay?"
???: "Ah, I finally..."
The soft voice I heard in my dreams woke me up, and as I opened my eyes, the bright light pouring in through the window told me it was morning already.
Even as I got up from the bed, my consciousness still seemed to drift into a hazy half-dream state.
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(I feel like I had a nostalgic dream.)
(That was definitely from when I was little.)
As I started to mull over it, I suddenly realized it was time for me to start getting ready for the morning. I hurriedly fixed myself up and dashed out of the room.
When I arrived at the dining room, Sebastian was just about to bring the freshly made pancakes.
Mitsuki: "Good morning. Sorry for being late, Sebastian."
Sebastian: "Morning, Mitsuki. As your punishment for being late, you won't be having breakfast."
Mitsuki: "What?"
Sebastian: "Just kidding. You must have been busy and tired yesterday, so I'll let it slide."
Sebastian: "I'll prepare your breakfast now."
Mitsuki: "Thank you!"
As Sebastian and I exchanged words, someone at the nearby table, who was reading the newspaper, chuckled.
Theo: "You should thank Sebas for being generous, hondje."
Vincent: "Theo, you're being mean again. Good morning, Mitsuki."
Mitsuki: "Morning, Vincent and Theo. You're also up early today, Isaac."
Isaac: "I have a busy schedule, so I figured I'd head to university ahead of time to get ready. How about you sit down as well?"
Isaac pulled out the chair next to him.
As I smiled at the beginning of another peaceful morning at the mansion, I heard a knock on the window.
Dazai: "Could someone let me in, please?"
Dazai was peering into the dining room from outside the window.
Mitsuki: "Huh? Dazai-san, you usually come in without asking."
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Isaac: "I locked the window. He's annoying when he intrudes."
Isaac said calmly, and I couldn't help but chuckle.
Even though Isaac locked Dazai out, he was clearly enjoying it.
Dazai: "Haha, is this your doing, Isaac-kun?"
Dazai: "But I know it's just your other way of saying you want more of my attention. So cute."
Isaac: "No, don't interpret it that way!"
Chuckling softly, I approached the window and unlocked it.
Mitsuki: "Good morning, Dazai-san. You should use the front door properly. Whoa."
As soon as I opened the window, a gust of wind blew in, making me stagger, but Theo, who was closest to me, supported me.
Theo: "Be careful, hondje."
Mitsuki: "Thank you, Theo."
Dazai: "Toshiko-san, did you hit your forehead on something?"
Mitsuki: "Huh?"
Dazai: "I saw what looked like a scar when your hair fluttered just now. I thought you might have bumped into something."
Dazai, who climbed through the window, pointed to my forehead.
Theo then lifted my bangs gently.
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Theo: "Let me see. Yeah, there's a scar on the right side of your forehead. But it doesn't seem recent. An old scar, maybe?"
Mitsuki: "Oh, yeah. Actually, it's from when..."
I was about to speak, but the scene from the dream I had this morning flashed through my mind.
(Oh, right. That dream was about when I got this scar.)
Mitsuki: "I was in a car accident when I was little."
Mitsuki: "I almost got hit by a car, but a stranger shielded and saved me."
Mitsuki: "It wasn't a major accident, but I got a small cut on my forehead. This scar is a reminder of that time."
Vincent: "I see. Having a scar on your face must have been tough."
Mitsuki: "I don't mind. It's not noticeable when I let my hair down."
Dazai: "Yeah, we didn't even notice until now."
The continuation of the dream brought back distant emotions from the past, warming my heart.
Mitsuki: "I'm really grateful to the person who helped me. It's thanks to him that I'm here."
Mitsuki: "Risking one's own safety to help someone in need is not something everyone can do."
Mitsuki: "That's why, since then, I've made it a point to help others if they're in trouble."
Mitsuki: "I don't remember the person's face very well, but I feel like they had beautiful, captivating eyes.
(Come to think of it, I think I gave them something as a thank you, but I can't remember what it was.)
I dove into the sea of memories for just a few moments.
Comte: "Maybe that's where your kindness came from. It's a lovely memory."
Mitsuki: "Comte! Good morning!"
Comte: "Morning, Mitsuki."
Comte came to the dining room and returned the greeting with elegance.
However, he immediately wore a somewhat troubled smile.
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Comte: "Mitsuki, could you come to my room later, after work? I have something to discuss."
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That afternoon, I visited Comte's room, where Vlad was also present.
The topic of conversation was about the doors in the mansion and Vlad's ancient castle.
Comte: "I've been checking the condition of the door every month, but it's still not stable on the other side."
Vlad: "The door in my old castle is the same."
Comte: "The space-time continuum fluctuates between abnormal and normal."
Comte: "The hallway sometimes appears, but beyond that, it's occasionally distorted. I don't think we can send you to your original world."
Mitsuki: "I see."
Vlad: "I'm sorry, Mitsuki. Perhaps the cause of the anomaly lies with us."
Mitsuki: "What do you mean?"
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Vlad: "That corridor connects to all eras. If that space is distorted, that means there are distortions in history and the world."
Comte and Vlad created the doors to make this world a better place, resurrecting individuals with extraordinary talents as vampires who became residents of the mansion and the old castle.
Vlad spoke about how the fact that great individuals began to live eternally might be influencing the history of the world and warping space and time.
(Everyone's existence affects history.)
Vlad: "Creating that door has caused repercussions, leading to our current situation."
Comte: "Mitsuki, I'm really sorry that I can't send you back to your original world."
I hurriedly spoke up, seeing the distressed expressions on both of their faces.
Mitsuki: "No, I'm grateful that you're looking into it. And please, don't apologize too much."
Mitsuki: "For me, this 19th century is my other home now."
Mitsuki: "I've met everyone in the mansion and Vlad because of that door."
Mitsuki: "Thinking about it that way, it's like a miraculous fate."
(So please don't worry too much about me.)
Vlad: "Mitsuki."
Comte: "Thank you for saying that, Mitsuki."
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As I nodded, Comte and Vlad smiled with relief.
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After hearing their stories, I walked through the streets, lost in thought.
(I've been living in the 19th century since the time slip.)
(This world and everyone I've met here became important to me.)
What I conveyed to Comte and Vlad were undoubtedly my true feelings.
However, it's not like I don't have any attachment to my original world; I still worry about the family and friends I left behind.
(Unless that door gets fixed, I can't return to the 21st century.)
(There's nothing I can do about it.)
Feeling helpless, I stopped and looked up at the sky, where the crescent moon was floating faintly.
(The moon is always there in the sky, regardless of the era.)
I felt like we were all connected under the same sky.
I placed my hand on my chest and gently closed my eyes.
(At least, I'll pray from this world.)
(I hope my loved ones are happy.)
Strongly wishing in my heart, I opened my eyes again and sighed.
(I got a bit sentimental, didn't I? Maybe I should take a little walk before heading back.)
As I walked the streets as my mood took me, I found myself wandering the outskirts of town.
(I've never been around here before. It'd be troublesome if I got lost. Maybe I should start heading back soon.)
Just as I was about to turn back, a gentle breeze passed by, and a delightful fragrance tickled my nose.
(What's that? I think I smelled something nice for a moment just now.)
(Is there a flower blooming somewhere?)
I scanned the surroundings, but I couldn't spot any flowers.
Still intrigued by the unfamiliar scent, I followed my curiosity deeper into the alleyways.
Soon after, I found a building standing quietly in a deserted place.
Mitsuki: "Wow."
I approached the building, drawn by the fragrance, and saw a flower garden.
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The blooming flowers, all shining brightly in pure white, were enveloped in a vibrant fragrance.
(Is this a garden? So, these flowers are the source of the scent.)
(I wonder what kind of flowers these are. They don't look like lilies.)
(I've never seen them before.)
The area where the flowers were blooming seemed to have originally been a part of the building, with walls and ceilings crumbling in places.
As a result, sunlight pours in from above, giving the space an aura reminiscent of a sacred ritual site.
Guided by curiosity, I stepped inside, and suddenly—
A vivid red, like a pool of blood, suddenly filled my field of vision, and in that instant, my heart skipped a beat.
Mitsuki: "----!"
I suddenly felt dizzy.
(What's happening all of a sudden?)
(My head feels dizzy.)
Though there was no pain, my vision shook, so I lightly pressed my hand to my head.
When I lifted my head and looked again, I saw a man facing the red-stained spot.
(Someone's there.)
At that moment, I stepped on a leaf, and the man slowly turned around.
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(No, that's not it. Those are flowers.)
Flowers were blooming between his lips.
Fresh crimson flowers, dripping like blood.
(He's eating the flowers.)
His silver-white hair and his amethyst eyes captured me, but...
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Man with purple eyes: ".........."
(His vacant eyes seem to reflect nothing—not the flowers, not me, nothing.)
I might have seen something I shouldn't have, yet I couldn't look away from the fleeting beauty of the scene.
At that moment, fate began to move.
I still don't know the endless sorrow reflected in his amethyst eyes, but I will find the truth about him.
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cirilla-fiona-riannon · 7 months
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Galileo Galilei Main Story
Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. This is just a rough translation. Not proofread.
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Mitsuki: "Is this a Blanc flower!?"
My eyes were glued to the picture of the flower in the book.
(It looks similar. It's the same as the flower I saw in that garden.)
Comte: "You won't find them at normal flower shops, and they don't bloom in places where people can easily see them."
Comte: "Only vampires know about the existence of this flower."
(Only vampires?)
Mitsuki: "So this flower is incredibly rare, huh?"
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Comte: "Yes. In fact, some vampires secretly cultivate them."
Comte: "Although it's just a substitute, for us vampires, the Blanc is the only thing that can serve as nourishment."
Mitsuki: "So, do you have these flowers somewhere too?"
Comte playfully smiled and put his index finger to his lips.
Comte: "Who knows? Maybe?"
After finishing work, I headed to the mansion's garden, where the flowers that Sebastian and I were tending were swaying lazily in the breeze.
(I wonder if the flowers in the garden where Professor Maury was were Blancs. Or just similar?)
(If it really is Blanc, given its rarity, that would mean it's intentionally being cultivated.)
(A flower known only to vampires...)
As I pondered, the words we exchanged came back to me.
Maury: "You said the other day that stopping by that garden was just a coincidence." Maury: "I ask again. Is that true?"
(Was he checking to see if it was a coincidence that I went to the garden because those flowers were blancs?)
Maury: “What’s the point if I don’t stop the bleeding? Or are you going to leave it dripping everywhere?” Maury: “It’s annoying to have the smell lingering around.”
---------Flashback Ends--------
(Can you even smell blood from an injury of that size?)
I started noticing trivial things and began connecting the dots.
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(Is Professor Maury a vampire?)
(Maybe Drake, who lives with him, is also the same. Or maybe I'm overthinking it.)
(They say that some vampires live among humans.)
(Even if they are both vampires, it's not my place to interfere.)
As possibilities raced through my mind, I suddenly remembered the red flowers blooming in the garden.
(That reminds me... ever since I visited that garden, I started dreaming about being a dhampir.)
The moment I saw the deep crimson flowers, I suddenly felt dizzy.
(If that was the trigger, then is there any connection between the garden and my dreams?)
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Several days have passed since I started questioning things.
(I couldn't help but be curious, so I came here.)
Wanting to confirm if the Blanc flowers are related to my dreams, I visited Professor Maury and Drake's house once again.
Nobody answered the front door, so I circled to the inner garden and was greeted by the same gorgeous, pure white flowers.
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Mitsuki: "Hello, Professor Maury? Drake, are you guys here?"
Getting no response, I crouched down and stared at the flowers.
(They're just like the ones in the book. These are indeed Blanc flowers.)
Despite my hesitation, I continued toward the back of the garden, where the red flowers were densely clustered.
(Comte told me the flowers are white, but why are the petals red only in this area?)
(It's as if they've absorbed blood.)
I pictured the image of Professor Maury with empty eyes, eating the red flowers.
Then, at that moment,
Maury: "What are you doing here?"
Mitsuki: "!"
I turned around at the cold, sharp voice and saw Professor Maury.
Mitsuki: "I'm sorry, I went to the front door a moment ago, but..."
Maury: "Answer the question. Why are you here again?"
Mitsuki: "Because I wanted to see these flowers."
Maury: "Why?
Faced with these questions, I hesitantly decided to speak up.
Mitsuki: "I've been having strange dreams."
Maury: "Dreams?"
Mitsuki: "Since I came to this garden, I've been having nightmares."
Mitsuki: "I thought there might be some connection, so I came to check."
Maury: "You think your nightmares are because of these flowers?"
Mitsuki: "I think it's possible."
Maury: "On what basis?"
Mitsuki: "It's merely a small similarity, but..."
(The dreams and the Blanc flowers are both related to vampires.)
Maury: "So you have an idea based on something, even if it's uncertain."
I shrank before him as his frown deepened.
Maury: "I'd like to say it's just a coincidence, but I'm more interested in the coincidences that happen to you."
Mitsuki: "Eh?"
Maury: "Tell me about the dream you had."
He frowned when he saw that I was surprised.
Maury: "What's wrong? Are you lying about the dreams?"
Mitsuki: "No, I'm not lying. It's just that… It's not a very pleasant dream."
I proceeded to tell him about the dreams I'd had so far.
How I became a being called a dhampir, how I was targeted by humans and vampires, and how I eventually lost my life.
Maury: "........."
After I finished speaking, he fell silent.
His expression revealed nothing about what he might be thinking.
(He's a scholar, so he might think it's absurd.)
Mitsuki: "I'm sorry for rambling on. Maybe I was overthinking about connecting dreams and reality."
Mitsuki: "It's just 'a dream' after all, right?"
As I said this, he gazed at me.
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Maury: "Do you think it's just a dream?"
(What does he mean?)
I recalled the details of the dream, and my chest tightened again.
Mitsuki: "I want it to be just a dream."
Mitsuki: "Because if those were real, it would be too sad."
Mitsuki: "I couldn't do anything in my dream, but if something like that happened right in front of me, I would help the dhampirs and their families."
Maury: "Help them?"
For some reason, his voice becomes even lower.
(Professor Maury?)
Maury: "Do you think you can save those Dhampirs?"
Maury: "Do you think you can save them from persecution and their eventual disappearance with your own hands?"
The atmosphere around him now clearly carried a sense of frustration.
Facing this, I was bewildered.
Mitsuki: "Regardless of who they are, if someone is suffering, I want to help them."
Mitsuki: "I won't abandon them."
Mitsuki: "Have you never wanted to help someone?"
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Maury: "........."
(You were the one who called it foolish when the puppy was being bullied.)
(Even if it was out of obligation, you still treated my injury. I'm pretty sure you still care about people.)
He lowered his gaze slightly.
Maury: "What can you even do?"
Mitsuki: "Huh?"
The moment he said those words, he tightly grasped my wrist.
Mitsuki: "Professor Maury!?"
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Maury: "Come with me. So you can see how shallow your words are."
Feeling his cold hand like a shackle, I was half-dragged and taken deeper into the building.
After a while, we arrived at a place where there was...
Mitsuki: "Is this...?"
(A door that transcends time and space!?)
Although the atmosphere was slightly different, its structure closely resembled the one in the mansion.
(But there's no way it's the same.)
Maury: "You should know well what this door is."
His words seemed to affirm that this was indeed the same type of door found in the mansion and the ancient castle.
Mitsuki: "What are you talking about?"
Maury: "There's probably one in the mansion where you live as well."
(How does he know about the mansion?)
(Does he also know that the residents are vampires?)
(Just who is this guy?)
He is a university professor who can be somewhat intimidating but reasonable. And for some reason, he occasionally seems to exude a sense of sorrow.
As if the impressions I had held about him until now were being painted over in black, I found myself unable to understand the person before me.
Still in shock, he reached for the door.
Mitsuki: "Wait! Are you planning to go through it!?"
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Maury: "That's right."
Without waiting for my response, he opened the door.
The space beyond it was distorted, like the one in the mansion, but...
The moment he stepped through, the mist cleared, revealing a hallway.
Mitsuki: "Why?"
Maury: "If you don't want to be thrown into an unfamiliar place, don't let go of my hand."
Why was there a door? Why did the space suddenly stabilize?
Without understanding any of it, Professor Maury and I arrived at...
Mitsuki: "A forest?"
(But somehow, this place feels familiar.)
Girl: *pant, pant, pant*
Father: "This way, let's run this way!"
At that moment, my eyes widened after seeing the figures coming out of the forest.
(Those two!)
A man was desperately running, with a girl following him behind.
The man was no doubt the "father" I had seen in my first dream.
And the girl was “me.”
(I was that girl in the dream.)
(Why am I seeing the same scene as in the dream?)
(Wait. If it’s the same as in my dream, then the vampire hunters...)
I felt a chill run down my spine as I remembered the scene ahead.
Mitsuki: “Professor Maury! That family, they’re being chased. We have to help them!”
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Maury: “It’s futile.”
He said it coldly as I instinctively tried to rush out.
Mitsuki: “Why?”
Maury: “This is the past.”
Maury: “In other words, what happens now is a reality of the past. We can no longer change it.”
(Was that dream an actual event that occurred?)
Maury: “Besides, trying to help won’t change the fate of the dhampirs.”
Did he also know the tragedy that would unfold later?
Despite this, his indifferent attitude infuriated me.
Mitsuki: “We won’t know unless we try!”
Mitsuki: “No matter what happens, I will never abandon them!”
I left Professor Maury behind and dashed away.
Maury: “You’re truly naïve.”
Father: “Let’s hide in this cabin!”
Mitsuki: “Wait! It’s not safe in there!”
I stopped them from hiding in the old hut, but the father looked at me with surprise, fear, and confusion.
Father: "Who are you!? Are you also a hunter!?"
Mitsuki: "No, I'm not! Anyway, if you hide there, the pursuers will find you!"
Mitsuki: "Run in a different direction. Please trust me."
Girl: "Papa."
Father: "Okay. We'll run into the forest."
Feeling my desperation, the father and daughter didn't enter the shack but fled deep into the forest.
(Thank goodness. I need to leave here as soon as possible.)
(Any minute now, the hunters will stop by the cabin. At that time, I'm sure those two have already escaped.)
Just as I let out a sigh of relief...
Vampire hunter's voice: "Found you, you monsters!"
From the direction the family fled, I heard the voice of what seemed to be a hunter.
(The hunters were ahead of them? How?)
Girl's voice: "Papa! Ahh!"
Vampire hunter's voice: "You creatures should not exist in this world."
All the blood drained from my body as I heard the same conversation I had seen in my dreams.
Father’s voice: "Stop, please don't kill my daughter. Stop, please!!"
A scream resonated through the forest.
(No way.)
I didn't want to think about what happened to the family.
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Maury: "You understand now, right?"
Maury: "Your sense of justice is powerless against fate."
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cirilla-fiona-riannon · 8 months
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Galileo Galilei Main Story
Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Expect grammatical errors and inaccuracies. This is just a rough translation.
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Mitsuki: "Drake, and Professor Maury?"
(Why are they together?)
(Wait, how did I end up here?)
I didn’t know where I was and had no idea what kind of situation I was in.
Drake: “Morning, Mitsuki. Your sleeping face was as cute as a fawn.”
Drake’s casual remark didn’t bring me any comfort; instead, it just made me even more tense.
Mitsuki: “Where is this place?”
Drake: “Our hideout. Well, more like our home. Don’t you remember? You’ve been here before.”
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Drake: “Last time, you were in the garden.”
(Is this the building where Professor Maury was the other day?)
Mitsuki: “How do you know I’ve been here before, Drake?”
Drake: “I told you, this is our home. I live here.”
Drake: “Also, I saw you sneak into the garden, little fawn.”
Mitsuki: “I didn’t sneak in. Besides, I already apologized to Professor Maury for that.”
Drake: “Oh, really?”
Maury: “.........”
He had been standing there with his arms crossed, not uttering a word, since earlier.
However, his sharp gaze was firmly fixed on me.
(What's with this guy?)
Mitsuki: “More importantly, why am I in your home?”
Drake: “You fell asleep on the boat, so I brought you here.”
Drake: “I can’t just leave a girl behind, you know?”
Kind as it may seem, I just couldn't bring myself to believe it.
(After drinking the juice, I suddenly felt sleepy.)
(Although I had been sleep-deprived recently, such sudden drowsiness is still weird when I think about it.)
Maybe there was something in that juice.
(Anyway, I need to get out of here.)
Mitsuki: "Thank you for bringing me here. I apologize for the trouble."
Mitsuki: "I'm fine now, so I'll take my leave."
I tried to get up, but Drake pushed my shoulder back, causing me to plop back on the sofa.
Drake: "Hold on. No need to rush. Let's chat a little more."
Mitsuki: "There's nothing to talk about."
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Drake: "Hey, you still want to talk to her, right?"
Drake shifted his gaze to Professor Maury.
After keeping quiet for a while, he let out an annoyed sigh and approached me.
Maury: "I have one thing I want to ask you."
Mitsuki: "What is it?"
Maury: "You said the other day that stopping by that garden was just a coincidence."
Maury: "I ask again. Is that true?"
(What does he mean?)
Mitsuki: "It's true. When I happened to pass by, I caught the scent of flowers for the first time, so I followed it and found that garden."
Maury: "The first time, huh?"
I repeated what I told him the other day.
Although I wasn't lying, his gaze felt painfully sharp.
(It's like he's peering into my soul.)
As I endured the uncomfortable feeling, he let out a sigh.
Maury: "Then I have no further business with you."
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Maury: "Get out of here."
(What the hell?)
(You brought someone here without permission, and now you're telling me to leave?)
Mitsuki: "If you have no business with me, then I'll excuse myself!"
I stood up from the sofa in annoyance, but at that moment...
Mitsuki: "Ah..."
Galileo: ".........."
I suddenly felt dizzy and found myself leaning against his chest. Without hesitation, he quickly wrapped his arms around my waist to steady me.
(This sensation feels somehow familiar.)
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Mitsuki: “T-Thank you.”
I looked up at him and felt a nostalgic sensation.
Though his amethyst eyes appeared emotionless, up close...
(It’s beautiful.)
(Almost mesmerizing...)
Galileo: “Do you have something to say?”
Mitsuki: “Um, have we met before?”
As soon as I asked that, he furrowed his eyebrows, and I could hear a teasing whistle from nearby.
Maury: “Impossible. What on earth are you talking about?”
Drake: “I’m surprised. I didn’t know you were so aggressive.”
Mitsuki: “----!”
(What the hell am I saying?)
Mitsuki: “I’m sorry, it was just a misunderstanding!”
I blurted out something like a typical pickup line and regretted it deeply.
Mitsuki: "Well then, thank you for your help!"
With a modest bow, I hurriedly left the place.
As I stepped outside, the sky was beginning to turn dark.
(I never imagined I'd meet him again like this.)
The first and second times were coincidences.
However, Drake might have intentionally arranged our third meeting.
(But he only asked questions and didn't come after me.)
(Was he suspecting me of being a thief or something? I'd like to think I've been cleared of suspicion.)
(Or maybe...)
As I was thinking, a breeze blew through the alleyway, carrying the scent of those flowers, and I looked behind me.
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(Was that garden a place no one was supposed to enter?)
The image of the pure white garden and his fleeting figure came to mind, and for a while, I stood there enveloped in the fragrance of the flowers.
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