#look i may be getting brainrot from the crack but I’m not stupid
plotwholls · 2 years
Keeping in mind that I really want natural hair!Annabeth for the show, I cannot get the idea of blonde live action Annabeth out of my head purely because I think I’d die of laughter if every time someone’s blatantly racist to her she asks “is it because I’m blonde” and That’s the reason she bleached it
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so-mordor-itis · 1 year
BESTIE CONGRATS ON 1k!!!!!! also u said earlier u wanted to write angst, so i present you with a prompt: “after a gunshot wound” with leon !! pls and thank u ;3
❛ i couldn’t utter my love when it counted, but i’m singing like a bird about it now.❜
Pain. It was seering, shooting up from your side to every part of your body. It was as if someone had cracked you open and replaced every nerve with stabbing pieces of glass. You cried out, holding your side as your back slammed against the wall. Soon, warmth flooded between your fingers. You didn't even need to look down to see what it was.
The person who had shot you had collapsed, their face now planted to the ground, the gun which had shot you now tossed to a different area entirely. This was supposed to be a persuasive mission, one that meant elaborating details for neutrality. You were supposed to discuss methods to cooperate.
Now, you were carrying a bullet in your hip.
You didn't even remember how it got to this point. No use dwelling on that now.
You attempted to trek across the room, holding your side as hard as you could while leaning against the wall for support. It wasn't helpful, not in the slightest. You found yourself crying out as you slid down, still cradling the wound. Your strength was being sapped as seconds rolled into minutes. If you didn't get assistance soon, the outcome would shortly greet you with disappointment.
"Sparrow? What's your status? There were gunshots reported."
Sparrow. That stupid call sign.
"Sparrow, come in."
Your walkie-talkie had been scattered across the room just as your opponent's gun had. With your sapped strength, attempting to reach for it wouldn't lead anywhere. You may be able to if you tried hard enough, but even trying to breathe created pins and needles.
"Sparrow." You could hear Leon's voice growing desperate.
He called out your name soon after. Your eyes widened; only moments such as this one would lead him to be less discreet, to toss your call sign out the window, and allow his personal emotions to slip through. A part of you wanted to slink forward, grab the communication device, and scold him.
("I can't lose you.")
An icy realization pierced your veins, and suddenly, you were fearful. Leon relied on you, just as you did him. For a moment, you pictured him without you, staring out a window, a cup of scotch in his hand as he glared at the moon--it still remaining the same, even after you were gone--and that scared you more than the pain, than the blood running through your fingers, staining them red.
He would cave under the pressure the moment you vanished from this world. You couldn't let him. Couldn't let it destroy him.
You began to crawl to the device.
It hurt like hell, dragging your crumpled body across the hardwood floor, feeling your cheek scrape against it. When you finally felt the small box in your hands, you let out a breath, pressing a shaky finger to a button. "Sparrow reporting," you could taste iron on the roof of your mouth. "I've been shot."
"Tell me your location. Please." Leon had swallowed his emotions--well, attempted to. His voice wavered. "...I thought -"
"I know," you mumbled. "You're not gonna kill me off anytime soon. No matter how hard you try."
He didn't laugh, and you didn't blame him.
You'd rather he be mad and scold you than disappointed and say nothing.
@leonskillshot , @unhealthy-leon-brainrot , @mandalhoerian , @honeyfict , @izuniias , @seraphiism , @muffimtv , @justonemore-fic , @konigbabe , @darklinxx , @songbird-garden , @darklyevermore , @elfven-blog , @hermizery , @greywardensaywhat , @angellwingsss , @boiled-onionrings
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rakumel · 1 year
More Xenoverse 2 (and other games) brainrot because it’s my blog and I can do that.
But I’ll still put it under a cut, even though there’s no more screenshots than there were last time. It is, however, way more rambling and stupid. In a fun way, not a self-depreciating way.
Fuck, who am I kidding, it’s both.
If you set Goku as your mentor, then talk to Cell, this becomes one of his dialogue options:
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Seasoned? Taste? You and your fucking food words again, sir. Have you ever even cooked anything? Ever? (Seriously, if Cell says you look like a snack, is he flirting with you or threatening you?)
I talked to him a few more times, he never mentioned the wedding dress Aloe’s wearing.
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Which sucks even more than it normally would, because maaaaan, you know what I had to go through to even get that thing?
Actually, the Wedding Dress is kind of weird. There’s four types of armor in the game: top, bottom, gloves, and shoes. But the wedding dress “top” includes those gloves - which don’t cover the hands. You can put on a separate pair of gloves *over* those, and there’s plenty of white ones to be had (or other colors if you like), but pretty much all of them look odd because...that’s not how fancy gloves work. The other two pieces in the wedding dress set are shoes (no idea what they look like, I never got them) and a plain pair of shorts that are completely covered by the top. (Seriously, your character could go commando under the thing and no one would know.) I have no clue why they made it this way, instead of say, a dress top with special shoes and separate gloves, maybe with like, a little corsage on the side or something.
I know it’s a fighting game and dress-up shouldn’t be their first priority, but a little bit more effort on that wouldn’t have gone unappreciated. I’m just saying.
Especially since they did just fine with the tuxedo. Here’s my short king Yokan showing it off:
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(Man, I really need to play with his base colors some more, I don’t know that I like his dull brown armor. But nothing else I’ve tried seems to suit him?)
Anyway, meh, whatever. So what if sensei didn’t notice our clothes. Who needs fancy shit?
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This is my favorite setup for Aloe right now because at first glance it’s kind of badass, but the longer you look at it the more ridiculous it gets. (Which is the perfect aesthetic for this game, really.) Especially the car seat belt-looking fastener thing across her chest. It might have looked more intimidating on Bido, but on Aloe it cracks me the fuck up. I can’t take it seriously at all. "Hang on, almost ready, just gotta buckle up the girls!” Just one click and voila! Easy motorboating access! Okay, okay, I’m sorry. I’m done.
That Super Soul, by the way? I fucking love it. Aloe has kind of an absurd amount of Ki, and it’s a pain to refill it by most normal means. This particular Super Soul refills it completely every time you defeat an enemy. Very nice. There’s actually a few Super Souls I go back to time and again, depending on the situation, and I wish there was a way to pin the ones you use most at the top of the list, for easy access. Because believe me when I say there are a fuckton of Super Souls available, and most of them won’t apply to your character’s fighting style at all. (But they’re still handy to unlock for other characters to use.) Still, when I’m scrolling through the list trying to find a particular one, or worse, can’t decide which one would be best, I tend to experience what Dave Barry once called “Way Too Many Product Choices Rage.”
I took a break from Xenoverse 2 for a couple of weeks - unintentionally, work got crazy - got back into it this weekend, but I think I may be getting ready to move onto something else soon. (The two people who actually read this shit: “THANK GOD”) I’ve always wanted to try a writing a video game diary/review kind of deal, but in the past it didn’t occur to me to take any screenshots or write anything down until I was like, halfway through the game. I’d like to try and do this right from the start this time. But if I do, it probably won’t be for a couple more weeks yet. Got a work week coming up that’s going to be longer and even worse than the one I just got out of.
I’m leaning toward Ys 8: Lacrimosa of Dana. It’s a beautiful game, I love most of the characters, the story’s pretty good, controls are nice and fluid, and it’s been a long while since I last played it. Soundtrack slaps pretty hard too.
I haven’t completely forgotten about the remake of Pocky and Rocky that I talked about months ago, though. It did come out and I did buy it, and I have played it. Here’s the thing, though: it’s...hard. They leaned heavy into Pocky and Rocky’s arcade origins, and there is a LOT going on any given screen at any given time. It’s not unfair or anything. It’s just that I’m just older now and my reaction times aren’t what they used to be. So I’ll have to unlock the easy mode (*grumble grumble shame grumble*) before I can give the story a proper look. I’ve only gotten as far as the fourth chapter, and it looks like they’re adding a twist to the old story. Intriguing, says I.
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manjiroro · 3 years
character: ran
content: fluff, gender neutral reader, slight crack
synopsis: ran may not be too vocal about it but he really loves it when you do his hair
yo so i feel the need to write something and im having ran brainrot so im gonna do smtg about those
i apologise for any mistakes and i hope you enjoy~~
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haitani ran may look like the biggest, teasing asshole there is but you knew him better than anyone else, asides from his brother of course. you knew ran was far from that, when he’s in the comfort of his own home, ran is a drama queen, one who gets upset when you refused to run your fingers through his hair. though, he’s not one to outright tell you what to do, he’ll just sulk and be petty until you find out what was wrong.
living with the haitani brothers was fun, everyday was filled with something new. just the other day, the brothers got into an argument over who ate the last box of cereal and of course, whenever such arguments happen, you’d have to be the one to step in. you may be ran’s partner but sometimes it feels as if you’re rindou’s personal assistant.
rindou would be the one to ask you to get groceries for the house and asking you to do his chores for him. whenever you questioned him, he’d give the excuse of him being too tired and on occasion, would threaten to tell his brother what you did when he wasn’t home that one day. spoiler alert, you were using ran’s precious hair products because you were jealous of his shiny, soft locks.
dating ran wasn’t always bad, sure he can be cocky and loves to tease the living shit out of you. but, being domestic and casual with him was the most enjoyable. the both of you often opting to stay home, cuddling together with you laying on top of ran as the both of you stared lovingly into each other’s eyes. or when he lays his head on your lap while you were occupied with something, he loves it when you subconsciously start raking through his hair, scratching his scalp in the process. it always gave him tingles running down his spine.
ran loved it when you touched his hair, you were the only one who had the privilege of doing so, anyone else would’ve risked their arms getting whacked by his baton. the feeling you gave him while playing with his hair was indescribable but it was addicting to him. ran wouldn’t outright say it though, he’s not one to admit things easily. so instead, he plays it off by asking you to do his hair every. single. day. as much as you loved him, doing his hair every day can be a tiresome task especially when he doesn’t know how to sit still.
“ran stop moving, if you’re gonna keep doing that, i’m not gonna style your hair anymore. you can ask your brother to help you”
you grumbled at your boyfriend. he had been fidgeting in his seat, sometimes even turning to face you to give a quick kiss to catch you off guard. it would’ve been a sweet gesture if it weren’t for him messing your progress up, causing you to restart again.
“aw don’t be like that y/n. i’m sure rindou doesn’t wanna do it.”
and right after he said that, his brother walked past the both of you, trying his best to avoid eye contact.
“hey rindou! style your brother’s hair.”
rindou stops in his tracks and gives you a look of disbelief mixed with disgust.
“no way i’m touching his nasty hair.”
“okay first off rindou, i wash my hair everyday.”
the younger brother grimaces before walking away, not wanting to continue the conversation which he felt was stupid.
“see y/n, you’re the only one who can do my hair.”
ran gives you his shit eating smirk, looking triumphantly at you while you deadpanned at him for once again, turning around and messing his hair up.
“you have arms you can do it yourself.”
you sighed, letting his hair go to redo his now messy hair.
“then it wouldn’t be as fun anymore.. i like it when you style my hair”
ran mumbles, cheeks slightly flushed, making you smile. your heart swells at finally hearing a heartfelt confession come out of ran, the last time you heard one was the day he confessed to you. you kissed the top of his head, making him perk up at the sudden gesture.
“well if you say it like that then i guess i’ll have to continue styling your hair every day then.”
ran hums his response, smile slowly creeping onto his face
“i love you y’know that?”
“mhm i love you too idiot”
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❥ masterlist
reblogs are highly appreciated!!
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ultfreakme · 4 years
Some To Veer the Tides notes
Yes I know no one cares about this kinda shit but I worked hard on creating this fic and need to get this out of my system because it’s literally only in my brain and echoing in there and disrupting my life. This is just word vomit. If, for some reason, you actually got through all the currently 50k + words of my akafuri fic and want some more, here’s some notes-
Overarching themes:
1.       Sun and Moon
When it comes to AkaFuri, I use a lot of comparisons to sun, the sunlight, and metaphors regarding the sun. It plays a huge role, at least in my fics, in defining their relationship. Akashi seems to be influenced by the sun a lot. In his manga introduction, he was standing right in front of it, the light hiding his face(as far as I remember), and it stayed in my mind. He’s unreachable, and even if you manage to get close you get burnt. It can be cruel and kind, and it colours the sky in so many different colours and the one I most often remember when thinking of Akashi is the setting sun when the sky is red but the sun is this blazing ball of orange. (something like this)
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Furihata’s always been filtered sun rays, the ones that peek through clouds, coming down like rain through leaves of trees. He’s Komorebi. His aesthetic and presence are meant to be gentle in the manga and he looks it. He looks sorta wispy and soft, the most beautiful and gentle form of sunlight to me. But it’s not something too many people think about because you get caught up in the grand colours of the sun.
(the pictures are here to make this less tedious. Also, nature’s cool.)
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But they’re the one and the same. In the end they’re of the sun, from the sun.
In To Veer the Tides, a lot of the hard-hitting and emotional scenes happen based on the sun.
-          Their first conversation was in the dead of the night which is neither of their domain. They haven’t met eye to eye it’s a dodgy interaction where both of them are hesitant. Their first kiss was in the night too. A kiss may seem like progress but it was the worst possible decision to have been made then.
-          The time at the field was in full sunlight and it was the first time they met eye to eye.
-          One thing I was giddy writing, was Furihata’s birthday. It starts at night, they aren’t meeting eye to eye, Furihata’s not having a good time and everything sucks. But as the night goes on and it gets close to sunlight, they slowly start to understand something with each other. Furihata was so averse to Akashi until the gift moment and suddenly he’s like. “Okay fuck what is happening I was planning on avoiding you forever.”
Was it annoying trying to line up events to time of days? Yes. Did I do it? Abso-fucking-lutely because I’m horny for symbolism in stories.
Now the MOON. In this fic, Nijimura is the moon. Sun and Moon parallels are the bread and butter of romantic analogies and the “we’re totally bros” (a no-homo cannot fix this) build-up in queerbaiting anime targeted at boys which are enjoyed better by people who aren’t cishet men.
Akashi and Nijimura are like that. One can’t live without the other, they depend on each other. They are seemingly different but of equal importance. I straight up said it in chapter one. In this fic, NijiAka are the soulmates. But the fic is called ‘To Veer the Tides” right? It’s about defying fate and what’s supposedly set in stone. It’s about Akashi learning that just because you are always winning doesn’t mean you can’t lose, and that just because you hit rock bottom doesn’t mean you can’t get back up.
Also, I do love the idea of two people being made for each other, fitting perfectly, but I love the idea of two people loving each other enough to say “fuck it!” to fate just to be together more.
Had the siege at Rakuzan not happened, NijiAka would’ve been satisfied and happy together, it would’ve been perfect. For Akashi and Furihata to be anything real, I feel like something radical would have to happen because, as we all know, it’s a crack pair.
(Even MayuAka falls into the Sun & Moon, Light & Shadow analogy. No hate to both ships, y’all actually have canon backing ;_; which is always fun.)
We as shippers and artists are what made it something legit. You could hypothetically ship Kawahara and Kagami but literally no one does and just the idea of it sounds a little ridiculous right? Well AkaFuri is like that for people who don’t get it. But then we made it into something plausible (and the cute art and fics dragged me in, man akafuri creators are convincing).
ANYWAYS- something stupid and impossible needs to happen for AkaFuri to have a chance- and where did our beloved ship originate? When the blessed Chihuahua-Lion thing happened and Akashi, THE AKASHI SEIJUUROU, miscalculated. Something that shouldn’t be happening, happened. And Akashi fell so hard. It was a ripple effect from Furihata standing up against Akashi, the making that basket, Seirin getting pumped up again, etc(I’m not saying “uwaaaah Furihata caused that” cuz he didn’t, Kuroko’s responsible for pushing Akashi to change but shipper brainrot dictates that I mention it).
So something like that needed to happen. Thus, Akashi fell.
2.       Flowers
I started it for the aesthetics. Pretty boys in flowy clothes surrounded by flower symbolism. That’s how it began and then I accidentally put plot in it. It’s not as heavy as the Sun and Moon comparisons, but they do have a level of significance. Chrysanthemums are symbols of royalty and prestige in Japan, so obviously the Akashis get that. Camellias are for faithfulness. Zinnias, are for loyalty and perseverance. The flowers define the House, the state they’re in and the clans.
The biggest moment was with the Kiku and Niko story in chapter 12.
3.       The concept of  being truthful
The story, to one extent, is about how hypocritical and broken some of the land’s ideologies. If you look at it past the romance, it’s about how literally no one is sticking to the virtues of the land, or the basic decencies of being a human being. In canon, Akashi’s the ‘villain’.
I disagree.
The true villain of KNB are the adults. Teikou pushed middle school children into hierarchies in a basketball club just to keep up the prestige of their name. The coaches never approached the kids when they were emotionally broken and needed someone to ground them. Akashi’s dad pushed him so far that he developed a mental disorder.
We never see the actual villains and they’re never defeated. This is because in reality, the children are powerless. KNB lasts just one school year. What about when they get out? What happens when they face the real villains?
That’s what happens in this fic. They’re all more aged up, but Akashi suffered his worst defeat as a child in the conflict of adults. Now that he’s grown up, he stands a chance. The entire fic is, to an extent, the cruelty of the adults and the powerful.
People go on and on about honesty, truthfulness and being honourable but no one is, and no one should try to be so rigidly perfect. These phrases or virtues according to which people are supposed to live are taken to be used whenever it’s convenient for them.
Seirin is the biggest example of this because that’s where a lot of the story takes place. “Honesty Above”, but they’re always gossiping and rumours keep spreading like wildfire there. False and romanticized rumours. It’s what Akashi depends on to brush up on his reputation and it works.
Akashi didn’t really do much good in the grand scheme of things but his closeness to Furihata, Kawahara and Fukuda along with ratting out on Yuito and Toshi was enough to sort of sway their opinions on him. People used to be terrified of him in the main house but after a while he gets respect (though imposing and kinda scary).
Yes I’m trying to be a pretentious fuck but I’m no….idk insert awesome writer who actually can handle these kinda things. Writing like this is difficult ngl and I accidentally create analogies I don’t intend because of the already existing stuff.
Eg: To Veer the Tides- Nijimura’s the moon. What can ACTUALLY veer the tides and is associated with it? The moon. But Nijimura doesn’t have that big of a part in the story.
 Anyways, here’s my word vomit. You can use these analogies for your fics to and jump off these ideas cause’ I need more fics dang it ;_;
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