#look he has no idea if his family came from a dalish clan or the city
chronurgy · 25 days
Warden - Ailith Amell
Human mage (blood mage/shapeshifter), she/her, Romance: Zevran, Status: unknown (I haven't decided if she does the dark ritual or not)
Presents the image of the quiet, easy going circle mage. Upon closer contact, it becomes clear that her supposed easy going nature is a facade over a cauldron of boiling anger and resentment.
Champion - Caelan Hawke
Purple Hawke, they/them, class: mage, romance: Anders, status: alive and well
Charming, funny, and better at running away from their problems than facing them.
I have four inquisitors (though I certainly haven't even made it out of the hinterlands with all of them). It's two sets of siblings, with small choices in their pasts changing who is sent to the conclave.
Gawain Trevelyan
Human mage, he/him, romance: Josephine
Gawain was a younger son of the Trevelyan family who came into his magic unusually late and therefore remembered much of his life outside the circle. He attended the conclave in hopes of finding news of his younger sister Rhian, who was sent to the circle at Kirkwall not long after he was sent to Ostwick.
Divergence point from Rhian - not long after his arrival at the circle, Gawain became very ill. His mother desperately tried to bribe the knight-commander of Ostwick to bring a spirit healer from another circle to save his life. In this timeline, she succeeded.
Gawain is quiet, calm, and competent. He gets along well with everyone, even as he pushes implacably for mage freedom. At least until he finds out that his sister died in the Gallows years ago, and that it was Cullen who carried out the sentence. Then things start to spiral.
Rhian Trevelyan
Human mage, she/they, romance: Josephine
Rhian was the youngest daughter of the Ostwick Trevelyans. She developed magic not long after her older brother Gawain and thus could not be sent to the Ostwick circle. She was sent to the Gallows instead.
Divergence point from Gawain - in Rhian's timeline, their mother is not successful at bribing the knight-commander and Gawain dies. Fearing the wrath of a noble matron who saw her son die, the knight-commander has Rhian transferred to Ostwick in an attempt to both assuage her grief and save his own position.
She wears her anger and her scars like armor. She also feels a lot of guilt around her brother's death, knowing that it's the only reason she wasn't in the Gallows as things got worse. She's all coiled rage as inquisitor, coiled rage over an endless pit of fear. She's competent but makes few friends despite it.
Zahale Lavellan
Elven mage, he/they, romance: Dorian
He and Viridis are twins. Their divergence happens early in their lives - in his version of the timeline, he is the first twin to be discovered to have magic and is quickly apprenticed to the keeper as his First.
Zahale struggled in Clan Lavellan. He loved his family but he never felt like he really belonged. He hated being First, hated the idea that all these people would one day look to him as their leader. When he went to the conclave, he wasn't sure he intended to come back.
As inquisitor he is simultaneously trapped and free. He's left his clan behind and started to find somewhere he can maybe belong, but now he has more people depending on him than ever before.
Viridis Lavellan
Elven mage, she/her, romance: Solas
In her version of the timeline, she's the first twin to be found using magic and she is the one apprenticed to the keeper as his First, a position she takes to like a duck to water. Viridis has always been the dutiful daughter. She loves nature, loves Clan Lavellan, looks forward to being keeper and guiding another generation of Dalish in their traditions. When she is sent to the conclave, she goes to spy on the proceedings as her keeper instructed her, though she holds a quiet hope in her heart that she will hear something of her brother Zahale who left the clan in the middle of the night nearly a year ago.
As inquisitor she's thoughtful, kind, always seeking the best in people, and ever concerned with how her decisions will affect her people. She carries them in her heart always. She refuses Solas's offer to remove her vallaslin, seeing them as marks of kinship and belonging. And it destroys her when she finds out who he really is. She loses her whole foundation. How could she ever claim to protect and shepherd her clan if she herself fell prey so easily to the dread wolf?
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gyrovagi · 3 days
ok here's My surana (and tangential tabris) lore dump so i can talk about dea and valerie so i can at some point maybe talk about owain and sebastian.
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^ as noted in the top right corner of this diagram, sang tabris is the cousin of eloy and dea surana. tassin is adaia's younger sister, surana can be adaia's maiden name it's not really all that relevant. while adaia ran off to risk her life as a rebel soldier, tassin was left at home in amaranthine, failing to see what difference it would make if it was orlesian or ferelden shem looking down on them. while tassin would eventually follow adaia and her new husband to denerim after their parents passed, this was a rift between them for a long time. as the years went by and it became apparent that a newly independent ferelden did not actually spare much consideration for an elf who was once a good soldier, that rift never really healed.
before we get to all that though sang was born in 9:04, when the tabrises and at the time unmarried surana still held onto some patriotic fervor, though it was beginning to wane. adaia would pass on her martial skills to her child, as well as romanticized stories of glorious battles and revolutionary heroes - tassin was entirely against her own children getting exposed to any of this, when she married aris and had eloy in 9:08. after the alienage was purged in 9:10 any lingering patriotism adaia held turned to a quiet sadness. she could never quite swallow her resentment, eventually leading to her cultivating her reputation as a troublemaker. dea's birth in 9:11 was nevertheless a source of joy for the family, and sang was always delighted to spend time looking after their baby cousins.
when eloy first displayed signs of magic at age 6, tassin immediately turned to her sister adaia for advice. aris and cyrion seriously considered the viability of trying to leave and find shelter with the dalish, but tassin thought the idea was ridiculous and would be more likely to get them all killed. they managed to teach eloy enough to hide his talents, mostly kept him inside and supervised, and for around half a year, they actually got away with it.
then cyrion came home one day to see sang sobbing and struggling with a fully grown templar in front of their aunts' house. sang, who was always delighted by eloy's cool new tricks and wanted to see what fun thing he could do next, has long held the belief that they encouraged him to be too reckless and are therefore responsible for him eventually being found out by the templars. at age 11 they were too fucking terrified to coherently talk about this with their parents or their aunts, so no one was able to convince them this was wrong. even as an adult knowing it's probably baseless, it's something he's never been able to fully shake.
in truth no one was ever able to say for certain how the templars found out about eloy, but the suranas never recovered from the experience of having their son taken away from them. they grew reclusive, and finally a year after eloy was taken they simply disappeared without any warning. rumors circulated around the alienage that dea might have also been taken, and her mothers imprisoned for fighting the templars, or that they might have gone to join the dalish after all. adaia was devastated. sang's guilt multiplied.
(cyrion ends up taking shianni in like a year after all this happens btw ^. crazy. sang takes a WHILE to adjust to the new arrival and nobody will explain to a six year old shianni what the hell is going on. so initially shianni thinks sang fucking hates her and sang truly kind of can't stand to look at her but eventually it works out and he's like. new baby cousin........)
the suranas actually did leave to seek out the dalish, no longer feeling safe in denerim and terrified by the possibility that dea might prove to be a mage and be taken from them as well. they managed to find clan sabrae and travelled with them for several months, but tassin was never able to adjust and didn't think it was a proper life for their child. they left the dalish for amaranthine, where tassin still had some connections to contact, and then eventually left ferelden entirely to cross the waking sea and end up in kirkwall on the advice of a cousin who promised they could help them find work there.
while the suranas managed to make a life in kirkwall, the truth was they were never going to be the same. when dea was 13, a child in the alienage displayed magic and was shortly taken to the gallows, and the reminder of their own loss finally caused tassin and aris's marriage to collapse. the separation wasn't bitter or resentful, just sad and necessary. aris had always thought they should have stayed with the dalish, and asked dea if she would come with her mother to live a different life than this. dea said no - reflecting on it later, she thinks on some level she knew aris could survive on her own, but if tassin lost her only remaining child it would destroy her.
(aris eventually is taken in by clan lavellan. she's fine‼️)
dea would meet valerie trevelyan in 9:28 while she was working at the hanged man. at the time valerie was running away from a potential arranged marriage, and wound up in kirkwall's lowtown with a bad haircut she'd given herself and her stolen money starting to run low. dea initially didn't think much of the other girl, clearly of noble birth and not very worldly - but a part of her couldn't help but pity someone who was clearly desperate and alone, and eventually she was genuinely charmed by valerie's wits and determination. (valerie in turn thought dea was like literally an angel sent from heaven in her time of need.)
owain managed to track down valerie to kirkwall within two months, by which time she'd formed a fast friendship with dea. in my mind a dramatic confrontation plays out where dea very carefully hides the fact that valerie is In The Fucking Hanged Man Right Now Trying To Sneak Out The Back Door from owain who is out of his mind with worry interrogating her about his sister, and valerie knows there's any number of people who will eventually attest that dea is lying out her ass and potentially land her in hot water, so instead of running away she's like owain stop leave the poor girl alone. i lied to her that i was running away from slavers she's done nothing wrong. she's been nothing but kind to me. i'll go home with you.
and then owain just kind of awkwardly watches them exchange a tearful goodbye and valerie promises she'll never forget dea, she'll send letters, if dea ever needs a favor just ask her, and dea doesn't believe any of this is actually going to happen but it's sweet of her to say it. and then a courier shows up outside her door two months later awkwardly going Well. This bouquet of flowers is from the young Lady Trevelyan. i've been told to wait if you want to send a missive back to her so if you're going to do that you can bring it to me i'll be in the inn.
four years later in 9:32 valerie pulls off the infamous owain's fiancee seduction maneuver, convincing her parents that it's probably for the best if they just cut her loose so she stops fucking ruining their lives. she shows up in kirkwall without warning like "sorry i didn't send a letter. my parents have bought my silence with 1000 sovereigns. i'll literally give half of it to you right now but also do yuo want to try and go find your mom who left to live with the dalish with me. Also did you know the hero of ferelden is named surana? circle mage, relative of yours?" and dea, who has mentally categorized valerie as kind of a never going to happen two ships in the night situationship for fully 4 years, is like What
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dragonfartart · 5 years
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In his defense, there wasn’t much alcohol in the circle. And he has never met a dalish clan before so, after visiting Brecilian Forest, he’s excited.
In Zevran defense we can say that, even drunk, that man is still an artist.
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sky-scribbles · 4 years
Party banter with Inquisitor Essek
(Because this ridiculous crossover has taken over my life. A brief explanation, as much as explanation is possible: a mis-cast spell has yote a post-campaign Essek through a planar rift and into Thedas, and he happened to land in the Temple of Sacred Ashes. These banters go up to the destruction of Haven, which is why Cole isn’t here - but he will be in later instalments!)
Cassandra: Leliana has found no information about you. Not a thing. Essek: Considering that most mages are met with disgust and imprisonment, it would be... imprudent of me to advertise my presence. Cassandra: Living in secrecy is one thing. Leaving no mark on the world at all is another. Essek: And you would prefer, I think, for all my secrets to be at your disposal.  Cassandra: Are you surprised that I suspect you have something to hide? Essek: Is hostile intent the only possible reason for secrecy, Seeker?
Solas: It would appear that your mark is affecting you physically, Herald. Essek: My hand was not green before, no. Solas: Aside from the obvious. While I tended to you after the conclave, you did not always seem to be asleep. At times, you lapsed into true unconsciousness. At other times, you seemed to trance, half-sleeping. Essek: Ah. Yes. I suppose... the connection to the Fade has altered the way I sleep. I find I can enter these trances at will, as a substitute for sleep. Solas: That is fascinating. The ancient elves could enter an endless dream called uthenera. Perhaps this is a related phenomenon. Essek: So one would assume.
Essek: So, Sera. I was going through  my research notes - Sera: [Sniggering] Essek: And I found that they had been expertly illustrated. Sera: That's what your weird rifty timey magic shite needs. All the butts. Essek: They certainly add interest. Although... that drawing of me closing a rift full of demon butts? You should have shaped my cloak so that it looked like a dick. Sera: [laughs] Like a dick! You're all right, Herald Weirdyhand. Essek: And you are quite the jester.
Varric: How is it you can just walk around pitch-black caves without a problem? Don’t tell me you're part-dwarf and it's stone-sense. Essek: Ah, no. I would assume it is yet another change from the mark. Varric: So this thing lets you fix the sky, and it's a free torch? Who knew that being Andraste's chosen came with a multi-purpose toolkit? Essek: There is no evidence for my being chosen by anything other than political convenience.  Varric: You’re not crazy about the whole Herald business, are you? Essek: About people deciding that I am the mouthpiece of an unproven god who does not speak to anyone, and yet whose name and teachings people use as an excuse for war and conquest, without investigating the truth behind those teachings? No. I am not.
Blackwall: So what does an apostate do, if he's on his own for... I don't know, how many years? Essek: Arcane research, mostly. Why, what does a Grey Warden do when he's on his own for however many years? Blackwall: Kill darkspawn. Recruit for the Wardens. Kill more darkspawn. Essek: And your fellow Wardens do not accompany you? Blackwall: You don't need more than one person to say 'how do you feel about fighting darkspawn for the rest of your life?' Essek: Did you... ever find yourself becoming lonely, in your solitude? Blackwall: I... sometimes, I suppose. Never gave much thought to it. Easier that way. Essek: Mm. I know the feeling.
Dorian: So you think Alexius’s perception of time was fundamentally flawed? Essek: I do. Time is not a straight line, through which one can jump ahead, skip back and rub bits out. Dorian: How would you have done it differently? Aside from the whole ‘conjure a world infested with red lyrium and catastrophe’ part. Essek: Imagine time as a branching thing. Every choice we make causes potential timelines to fade into non-existence. Essek: But their potential remains, waiting to be tapped. Alexius should have attempted to manifest a timeline in which I was never here, rather than removing me from this one. Dorian: Well, don’t tell everybody how to make it work. Wouldn’t want them to get ideas. Though perhaps you’d like to compare notes, later? Essek: I... would like that. 
Vivienne: You carry yourself remarkably well, Herald. Almost like nobility. Essek: Only 'almost'? I shall have to try harder. Vivienne: And despite your youth, you deflect personal inquiries with the deftness of a seasoned player of the Game. Quite remarkable, from a hedge mage. Essek: I'm mildly curious: 'hedge mage'? Vivienne: A self-taught mage, dear. One who has gone without the instruction of a Circle, or even a Dalish clan. If you ever require tuition, I am at your disposal. Essek: I’m sure you are. But I am not especially interested in whatever you think you have to teach.
Sera: You’re proper weird, you are. You go all swanny around the noble piss-bags, all smiles and pretty words like Lady Josie, but you put teeth in it, like Vivvy. Essek: Like Vivienne? I should hope not. Sera: And then you screw the nobs over like Josie does, ‘cept she makes them love her for it and you make them scared. Leliana kind of scared. Essek: When people don’t know you, or what to make of you, they fear you. It makes them... malleable. It’s something I’ve learned to use. As has Leliana, it would seem.
Varric: You doing all right, Smiles? Essek: 'Smiles'? An intriguing choice. Varric: Same reasoning as Iron Lady and Sparkler. Meet as many messes as I have, and you get good at spotting masks. Essek: Indeed? Varric: You fell out of the sky, got attacked by a shit ton of demons and put in charge of an army, and never once stopped smiling. Kind of impressive, actually. Essek: Thank you. Varric: Also, creepy as shit. 
Solas: I'm curious about your name, Herald. Essek: My name? It's Essek. Sera: [laughs] Solas: I meant that it isn't elven, though your family name sounds very like it. Solas: ‘Thelyss’. I wonder if it is is a result of syllables from the name 'Lethallas' being lost and altered over the years. It means, 'a gift to one's kin.' Essek: Ha. Solas: You don't find that likely? Essek: Me being a gift to my kin? Highly unlikely.
Iron Bull: So, boss, what do you make of my guys? Essek: They clearly have an array of talents. Iron Bull: Oh, come on. I didn't ask for what the Herald thought of his new recruits, I asked what you make of my guys. Essek: Very well. They are... unusual. Enthusiastic. I think that some would underestimate them, some would be thrown off-balance by them, and many would do both. Iron Bull: Ha. Yeah, we like to keep people guessing.  Essek: I like them. They are... lively.
Sera: I don’t get it. You can screw over noble shite-faces without being scary. And you’re not scary! I know you and you’re not scary, so why be scary? Essek: Well, I don’t find you scary either, Sera. But I’m sure our enemies do, when they’re on the wrong end of your arrows. Sera: That’s different things, though. I learned arrows because arrows mean nobs are dead and I’m not. Essek: Exactly. Like you, I have had to fight for survival in my own ways. And unlike you, for a long time, I was without friends. Sera: So... you learned how to do scary because you’re scared? Essek: I would say more... aware of potential dangers. Sera: So, scared.
Solas: As for your first name, the final syllable is not even a sound that occurs in elven. Is it Qunlat? One of your parents is Qunari, I assume? Essek: Ah. Yes, of course. Solas: So it is Qunlat? Iron Bull: Nah, that’s not Qunlat, whatever it is. Almost sounds like it, though. Kinda like ‘isskari’. Name for Ben-Hassrath who get hold of weird magic crap. Essek: Oddly appropriate. But since I'm not in contact with my family, the truth shall have to remain a mystery.
Blackwall: Are you all right, Herald? Essek: Fine, thank you. I simply have somewhat sensitive eyes and skin, and it is a very bright day. Blackwall: If you need to stop, I could... I don’t know. Hold a shield over your head? Essek: I appreciate it, but no, thank you. It is tolerable. Blackwall: Didn’t meant to offend. Essek: It is all right. I - [sighs] I apologise. That would help, if you could. Years of solitude have made me... reliant on my own self-reliance, I suppose.  Blackwall: I know what you mean. Shield parasol it is, then.
Sera: Don’t need to be scared, right? Anyone gives you shit, I give ‘em arrows. Or just pies. Or worms in their shoes. Essek: [chuckles] Thank you, Sera. Please do. Sera: Did think you were scary at first, you know.  Essek: What changed your mind? Sera: Scary wouldn’t grin when I drew butts on things.  Essek: ... Are you at all fond of cupcakes, Sera?
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call-2-arms · 3 years
Character Ethnicity, Religion and Inspiration
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// Because I want to talk a little about the inspiration and culture of my muses (I won’t go into too much depth about the canon ones since we know already, but I WILL mention them). This isn’t going to be heavily in detail, just a basic outline as I’ve realised I have a real passion for biracial muses--possibly because I don’t feel we see them enough in media today, especially parents of mixed race children, and simply because I enjoy the different cultures between them and how that effect their children etc. I also feel like biracial folks are shoved under the bus a LOT because they “aren’t dark enough” or “you don’t look (insert race)” and that’s bullshit, so I think I like to focus a lot on that and bring light to the situation, or at least I realised that when I was thinking about making this meta. I’ll go alphabetical through my muses (including the ones that I don’t RP here but are still part of my muses lives, and my Inquisitor Kaaras).
This will be a little long, so I’ll post it under the cut.
- Mentions of fantasy racism.
- I use a non white washing filter on my icons for those who are poc. :) PLEASE note that even with filters, DA:I lighting isn’t the best at depicting colours.
- Closed character means I do not RP them here but they are still muses I share here
- Please note that Thedas is not the country they may seem to be inspired by, but MULTIPLE countries of inspiration. These are my headcanons alone. 
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Abzi Pământ: Dalish elf from Nevarra ( Egyptian / African inspired ). His clan is a stationed clan in the wilderness of Nevarra, they perform rituals for their dead much like the humans of Nevarra (Egyptian). However, their clan also practices in body modifications, scarification and body plates. Abzi’s clan has an unusually high life span for Dalish elves, which may be due to their stationed life, or their rituals to the gods. Abzi is a warm, medium to dark in skin colour. Abzi’s clan follows the Dalish gods, however, they practice their worship in different ways to most, with sacrifices and preserving their dead (mummification). Abzi’s accent is Egyptian.
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Aithell’ana ‘Aith’ Adaar ( closed character ): Ex Dalish elf, ( European inspired ), who has since abandoned and refused to follow her former Dalish way of life. Aith is from the Brecillian Forest, Ferelden . When she came into her magic, she was forced to leave her clan and attacked by templars. She holds hostility towards many Dalish because of her negative experience, and refuses their gods. She was only 7 and did not gain her vallaslin before she was set to be on her way. Aith was adopted by the Adaar family (and Kaaras’ adopted sister) when Kaaras stumbled upon her in the forest. Aith is Caucasian in colour. Aith is atheist and does not believe in any gods. Aith’s accent is Welsh.
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Arach Sgott ( closed character ): A city elf from Starkhaven, ( Scottish / European inspired ), he has red hair and pale, blotched skin. His grandparents were former Dalish elves, but his parents lived in the alienage. He wished to embrace his Dalish heritage, so he had facial tattoos (not vallaslin). Unfortunately, Arach’s experience with most Dalish has been negative due to their contempt towards “flat ears”, so he has stopped paying attention to his heritage and makes sure to remind others his tattoos are not vallaslin. Arach is agnostic, he doesn’t know what to believe. Arach’s accent is Scottish. 
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Bastien Beaufort: Bastian is a templar of Orlais, a noble born son and biracial ( French / French Louisiana inspired ). Both mother and father are from Orlais, but his mother’s side is darker in skin tone while his father is Caucasian. His mother has Marcher ( French Louisiana inspired ) ancestry, while his father is of a strong Orlesian ( French inspired ) line. Bastien is a medium to dark skin tone. Bastien is a devout Andrastian who holds his religion very close to him, taking vows to keep himself to the Maker and Andraste (he is abstinent). As someone who was punished for his interest in other men, he believes his sexuality is a sin and he must repent. Bastien’s accent is French.
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Cassandra Allegra Calogera Filomena Pentaghast: As in canon, Cassandra is of Nevarran ( Egyptian inspired ) descent, her skin colour is a light to medium, olive tone. Cassandra is a devout Andrastian, however, she can learn to accept the gods of others if given time and for someone to teach her. I have always heard a more Romanian accent when it comes to her VA, so I do believe that their accents are Romanian inspired.
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Fintan ‘Finn‘ Ghilain: Finn is a Dalish elf from the Dales ( Irish inspired ). He is descended from the Ghilain clan, although he was moved as a boy with his family to Clan Durgen, who resided closer to the Frostbacks. Finn left his clan to wander alone when he was younger, due to the idea that he believed elves and humans could somehow find peace together. He is ghost white in skin tone and has the hereditary condition of Poliosis (whitening of the hair). He is spiritual in beliefs, but exceptionally open minded to all spirits and gods. Finn’s accent is Irish.
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Garrett Hawke: Of Lothering, Ferelden ( European inspired ). Hawke’s father was a Marcher, olive in skin colour while Leandra was Caucasian. Hawke is of olive skin himself, a little lighter than Malcolm. Hawke is atheist, and if anything, holds contempt for any god or those who claim to be gods. Hawke’s accent is English ( as heard in game ).
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Ignis Scientia: As of FFXV, Ignis is Caucasian and pale in skin colour. I do headcanon that he is of a Tenebrea blood line, however, the Scientia family has been in servitude of the Crown for such a long time that they speak the King’s tongue. Ignis follows the Six. Ignis’ accent is English ( as heard in game ).
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Jaime Tywin Lannister: Of Casterly Rock, Westeros. He is Caucasian. Jaime follows the Seven, although he is more agnostic in nature. Jaime’s accent is English ( as heard in the series )
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Kaaras Taashath Adaar: Kaaras is a Vashoth qunari, whose parents fled the Qun ( East Asian / Greek inspired ) when knowing they were expecting a child. Kaaras knows little of his parents upbringing under the Qun and was ignorant as a child to why they were so much different from the other children. He grew up in Southron Hills, Ferelden, though was born in Starkhaven, aided by a Chantry sister. He is pale grey in skin tone, his father being medium to dark and his mother being pale like him. Kaaras is Andrastian, however, he is very open minded when it comes to other religions and gods, believing that all gods stemmed from some kind of truth. He loves learning of other religions and cultures. Due to growing up in Ferelden, Kaaras’ accent is English ( as heard in game ).
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Latika Madan: A city born elf from Kirkwall ( Indian inspired ). She is medium to dark in colour. Her family history is one of slavery and in the alienages of the Marches. Most elves in the alienages are forced to believe in the Maker, however, Latika never took to the human beliefs. She believes in respecting ones self and inner peace, however, she will use Andrastian curses as it’s what she grew up around. Due to growing up in Kirkwall, Latika’s accent is English.
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Lyna Mahariel ( closed character ): The Hero of Ferelden, born and raised in Ferelden’s wilderness in the Brecilian Forest ( Native American inspired ). Lyna is of strong Dalish heritage and faith. She is a light to medium tone in skin colour. Lyna’s accent is Welsh.
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Rike Zimmerman: A Vashoth, abandoned by her parents and left on the doorstep of a small village in the Anderfels ( German / European inspired ). She was raised as humanly as possible, but has turned to a very spiritual belief. She befriends animals more than she is interested in people. She is dark in skin tone with a grey undertone. Rike’s biological parents are of the Qun ( East Asian / Greek inspired ). Due to growing up in the Anderfels, Rike’s accent is German.
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Talan’ash: Tal’Vashoth from Kont-aar, Rivain ( Spanish influenced ). Talan was born under the Qun ( East Asian / Greek inspired ). He speaks a multitude of languages, and grew up mingling with the people of Rivain, although still subject to the strict teachings of the Qun. He still follows the beliefs of the Qunari people, that their bodies are hosts to who they are and that their spirit will move on to still fulfil its purpose, although he has struggled coming to terms with being Tal’Vashoth. He is medium to dark in skin tone, with a grey undertone. Due to growing up in Rivain, Talan’s accent is Spanish.
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Tobias ‘Tobi’ Ettore Clarke: A human of Ferelden, his mother was Chasind ( Māori inspired ) and his father was Antivan ( Italian inspired ). He grew up with a mixed childhood when it came to culture and language, as well as religious beliefs. Tobi hated feeling different from everyone else, so he embraced his mother’s Chasind heritage, hoping that he would be welcome to their village one day. Tobi is atheist and frowns upon anyone who believes they require worship. Tobi is olive skinned. His face and body tattoos are linked to his Chasind heritage ( Māori inspired ). Due to growing up in Ferelden, his accent is English.
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atilla-da-honey · 4 years
Dragon age fans!
Tell me your unique/wierdo Dragon Age head canons! Gush about your Warden's/Hakwe's/Inquisitors! If you want, tell me a little story/ficlet about your characters or OTP's!
I just want that jucy DA content. I don't care if its off the rails bullshit crazy, completely and utterly mundane or tropey and cliche, if its Dragon Age and you wanna talk about it I WANNA LISTEN. Can be your canon's or just an idea you like!
Feel free to tag people!
I'll go first! (This turned out longer than I meant, you can legit just write a short sentence summary i don't care)
"Treya Lavellan was First to her clan as a child. It was super stressful for her because she wasn't magically powerful enough to keep up with the needs of the Clan but at the time she was the only option so it was her duty. She felt extremely insecure and embarassed about her lack of talent and was frequently tired and iratable as she constantly pushed herself to the point of exhaustion.
When Treya was 17, the Clan was approached by a city born elf woman and her son. The son was a mage and the mother said that Templars had been known to kill mages from Alienages rather than go to the trouble of taking them all the way to the circle. She had hidden him for years but her husband discovered the magic recently and wanted the boy out. They had several other children and she couldn't leave them, but she had heard that the Dalish do not fear magic and she begged Deshanna to take on her son Maharial. He was only 15 and had a lot of magical potential, and Dashanna considered it to be a great blessing.
Treya was...conflicted.
It was soon apparant that this flat eared child was going to end up replacing her. After years of training, of struggeling to pick up even the basics, he came in like an eager little whirlwind and blew everybody away with how quick and capeable he was. Magic was so easy for him, but more than that he was charming, soft spoken and polite where Treya was thought to be something of a no-nonsense hardass, something her near constant exhaustion didn't help.
He dedicated himself to The creators, he ate up her Pape's stories abiut the glory of Elvhenan and The Dales, he deffered to the wisdom and advice of the Haren with dignity and grace.
And Treya HATED him for it.
She didn't want to. She knew she was being jelous and unfair and that he was an elf and had every right to claim his place amoung the people. She even knew that he was far, far better suited to the role of first than she would ever be.
But she still hated him for it.
One day she lost her patience. She, Deshana and Maharial were seeding the grounds with their magic to clear the hidden paths so the Aravels could move. It was a task she had been performing since her magic manifested at 6, and it was a long, sustained spell that they would have to hold for hours at a time.
Maharial noticed her flagging and innocently started giving suggestions on how to better apply the spell in order to better concerve her mana and she lost it.
"I don't need your fucking input you pushy, obnoxious flat ear! I have been first of this clan since before you even knew it was possible for an elf to have dignity!"
Everybody froze.
Treya knew she'd fucked up. She knew it. But she was proud and insecure and stupid and so she doubled down.
"What? I'm not going to sit here and hear advice falling from a mouth that has probably spent more time sucking human dick than -"
It wasn't Mahanon. Or Deshanna.
It was her Pape.
Her soft, gentle Pape, who kept the hearth and sung their history to the Clan. He had never once raised his voice at her, and he did not do so now.
"Treya, First of Lavellan, Daughter of mine and apprentice to our Keeper, you will apologise to this boy this instant."
Treya was numb.
Her eyes filled with tears.
She fled.
In the end, it was Mahanon who found her. Her father had advised to give her some time and reassured him that he was one of them and that she was out of line. It was kind.
He knew The First didn't like him but she usually just kept it to a frosty silence.
He found her crying, her staff cast aside and her head hidden in her hands. She wouldnt meet his eyes.
"I don't know why I said that." She whispered softly.
"You hate me." He said with a shrug.
"I dont mean to. I dont even want to. You just....showed up one day, and you are better at things I've been trying to master my whole life. The clan loves you effortlessly."
"So you're what...jelous? Of me? Thats... ridiculous. Its not effortless." He sat down next to her. For once he looked as exhausted as she did. "You realise you're not the only one who hates me because I'm from a city right? Not three nights ago I heard Haren Loril trying to talk Deshanna into giving me the boot. Says my lineage is in question, whatever that means.... Mother told me to do everything in my power to be accepted. To be exactly as they want me to be. But im not like you. Im not serious and sensible, I don't know how anything here is susposed to work and you are unlike any elves I have ever known. I don't know how to belong here. So I say what I think they want to hear. That I love living here, that I don't miss the alienage...that I never believed in the Maker anyway and all your elven Gods give me courage and hope.
But its not true. I'm tired Treya. I miss my family and I want to go home. Void, I'd happily suck a human cock if I could just go home. But I can't.
You idiots already taught me to value freedom above all else. I'm not going to let some templar kill me or drag me to a circle just because I couldn't get you lot to like me."
She felt even more shame. It was easy for her to forget that he didnt materialize out of thin air with the express desire to ruin her day, that he'd come to the clan seeking their protection.
She was a poor First.
"I don't want you to die or to go to a circle." She said, tentatively.
"Thats an incredibly low bar, but I'll take it." He returned with a tired smile.
"I'm....sorry. About what I said. About what a shit I've been. It must have been difficult to leave your family and I certianly didn't make you feel welcome."
"Yeah you've been a bit of a total bitch." He said with a wide grin. "But you know, winning over the clans terrorfing First who hates me would make a great impression on the others. What do you say, do over?" He reached a hand towards her, his eyes met hers with a lot more uncertainty than she would have expected.
"Yeah. Ok. Do over."
Eventually, Mahanon did take Treya's place as First. By the time it happened she could admit that it was a relief. She made a far better apprentice to the War Leader anyway."
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cidnangarlond · 4 years
hi I’m gonna put this here about my da:i OC Sparrow because this was 5 pages and a result of an idea I had that hurts me greatly :)
Sparrow sighed as she looked over at all the points on the war table, seeing many things that needed her attention across all of Fereldan and Orlais. Some were even farther north into the Free Marches and Starkhaven. Varric mentioned knowing the current prince there; he could be a good ally. There was one specific mission Sparrow eyed, though: Clan Lavellan, her clan, was in danger and under attack. That was their first priority, and it was to be done and settled first.
She thought about the missive she had been handed, written by her keeper and mentor Istimaethoriel. Bandits, well-armed and in large numbers, were attacking the clan and might force them out of their temporary home in a valley by Wycome. If help didn’t arrive in time…
Well, Sparrow didn’t want to think about that.
“What are my options?” Sparrow asked their advisors.
Josephine spoke first. “The Duke of Wycome. He’s an ally of the Inquisition, so it is quite odd he has yet to do anything about the bandits so close to the city. We could ask for his help.”
“These don’t seem to be regular bandits, though,” Leliana piped up. “Considering their numbers and how much they have with them, I think more is going on here. Some of my men can go harass them while Clan Lavellan escapes.”
Sparrow looked to Cullen next, who looked deep in thought, perhaps calculating how many men he would need. Eventually he spoke, saying, “I agree with Leliana. They don’t seem to just be bandits attacking so forcefully. I can send my men to support your people.”
It was Sparrow’s turn to be deep in thought. There were three options presented in front of them, and they were all good. They were glad to have such smart, well-connected, and confident advisors. But a decision had to be made soon, and quickly; lives were at stake and every moment, every minute counted.
“The Duke,” Sparrow began, “would he get there in time Josephine?”
She nodded. “Considering his city might be in danger of these… forces, whoever they may be, I feel he would act quickly.”
“Even though he has yet to act?”
A pause. Sparrow looked up at Josephine. “Would he act quickly?”
Sighing, Josephine looked at her notes. “He wouldn’t do anything to make enemies of the Inquisition, I know that. If he wants to prove himself an ally, this is the time to make it known.”
The Inquisition needed all the allies it could get, noble or otherwise. The more noble allies they had, the more that would join, and the reputation of the Inquisition being champions of justice and fairness would spread and be well-regarded. The Duke was a middle-man, however; they would go through him to get to Clan Lavellan instead of sending forces straight there. It was a tricky decision, and not one made lightly. They were the only family Sparrow had.
“I agree with you Josephine,” Sparrow said as she bit her nail. “Contact the Duke. Have him prove himself.”
Josephine nodded as Sparrow then went on to organize other missions; Leliana would infiltrate the castle in Denerim to weed out the spies there on behalf of King Alistair, and Cullen would help Sera help Red Jenny gather… bees? They would make an interesting bomb in combat, that’s for sure. Maker knows they would take anything they could get to have the upper hand in battle.
The advisors left the war council room as Sparrow placed their hands on the table and looked at the small piece representing where her clan was. They had fought stronger enemies before, and they knew that the Lavellan were fighters to the very end. Never again shall we submit. That was part of the Dalish motto. Last of their kind. Keepers of lost and old lore, to be passed down from generation to generation. If push came to shove, she knew they wouldn’t back down and surrender.
Somewhere in Sparrow’s things were old poems, either transcribed from tales told to the clan or ones they had written themself, and in the back of their mind there was one line they could recall: Boldly they rode and well into the jaws of death. That was one written many years ago by herself to pass time as they moved to a new valley, a new field, a new home. No, they wouldn’t give up.
The letter from the Duke of Wycome was the first thing Josephine saw on her desk when she walked into her office. With eager but nervous fingers she unfurled the parchment and quickly scanned over the short letter. Josephine paled at what she had read. Rolling it back up she hurried to see Leliana.
Leliana sighed and shook her head when Leliana had told her of what the letter said. “We knew this was an outcome. One we didn’t want, but it was an outcome nonetheless. Have you told them yet?”
Josephine shook her head. “I was about to go tell Cullen. I woke early and before the Inquisitor did, who is very much a morning person, you see, so I could read this before they called the council together.”
The two stood in silent contemplation before Josephine said she should hurry to Cullen.
Cullen had much the same reaction. Shock, sorrow, sadness. He repeated what Leliana had said of this being an outcome, and a regrettable one.
“Is the Inquisitor awake yet?” he asked.
“I am unsure,” Josephine said. “I should hurry back and meet her there. I- We don’t want to keep them waiting.”
The first thing Sparrow did as soon as she woke up was to call the war council. She had to know what became of her clan.
“If I may go first,” Leliana said, looking at Josephine - a look which Sparrow hadn’t seen. Sparrow nodded.
Leliana cleared her throat before reading the missive from King Alistair. The cultist spies had been found and it was a rousing battle, one which he reminisced reminded him of old times; Leliana had a small smile on her face as she remembered fighting alongside him a decade ago during the Fifth Blight.
Next went Cullen, who said he got what was needed for the Red Jennies, for which Sera was grateful. He added Sera brought him a slice of cake, which he took as thanks for the help, but he was still hesitant to eat it in case it was one of her pranks.
Sparrow looked at Josephine. “My clan. How are they? What happened?”
The advisors shared a look between each other, shifting nervously and not wanting to make eye contact with her. Sparrow knew what this meant.
“Josephine,” she said quietly. “Tell me what happened.”
Josephine looked down at the letter and began to read it. “Ambassador Montilyet,” she began, “I regret that my help for your Dalish allies came too late to be of use.”
Sparrow took a deep breath to calm herself as they looked down at the map of Thedas, and nodded to continue.
“By the time my forces arrived in the area, the Dalish had been scattered or…” Josephine hesitated to read further. The bearer of bad news. Sometimes that was the job of the ambassador; she couldn’t falter here. “...or killed, and there seems to be little left of their clan. I understand your Inquisitor must be feeling the loss of her clan. Please accept these gifts and my promise of future help whenever it is necessary.”
Rolling up the parchment, Josephine finished by reading, “Yours, Duke Antoine of Wycome.”
A tense silence filled the room. No one wanted to speak, and the advisors waited to see what Sparrow would do or say next.
She took another steadying breath, then nodded once more. “Thank you, Josephine. That will be all for right now.”
The group disbanded as Sparrow placed both hands down on the table and let the thoughts run through her head. She slammed a fist down, hard enough to shake the table and move the markers on the map, some falling over. The next thing they did was to tell Josephine she didn’t want to be bothered until late that evening, and Josephine understood.
Sparrow went up to their quarters and paced, before finally breaking down and crying. But it was worse than crying. It was wailing. Gut- and heart-wrenching sorrow. The sounds of someone who had lost everything. You couldn’t make those sounds unless you were feeling that way, knowing it was all gone. It was like having the floor fall out from under you and the falling feeling in your gut never went away. She felt sick to her stomach, distraught, the tears flowing endlessly.
As they ran their hands over their face, they remembered when they turned 18 and got their face tattoos, the vallaslin. The keeper did it herself. Each tattoo corresponds to a specific Dalish deity; hers was to June, god of crafts and building. Historically, June was the one who taught the elves how to make clothes, weapons, things they needed to survive. Though a wielder of magic, Sparrow liked the story of helping people this way. To build things to help others, to create. She used her magic to help keep the young children entertained and create small ghostly animals to train them.
Memories of helping them train and raise the halla, of showing them how to pass time as they rode in the aravels across every kind of terrain. The lifeblood of the clan, their future. Eyes filled with hope and wonder. Teaching them the three tenants. The Vir Tanadhal. The Way of the Arrow, to fly straight and never waver. The Way of the Bow, bend but do not break.
Oh no, Sparrow thought. The children. This made her weep more; innocent children, lives lost forever. Lives taken indiscriminately. Frightful images flashed in her mind and she shook her head to rid herself of them, but they came back. Images to haunt them. Regret to destroy them.
Loss. An indescribable feeling until you feel it yourself. Every other emotion disappears and you are just left with your thoughts, the pit in your stomach. An empty void consumes you and your throat becomes hoarse from the screaming, the wailing, the anguish. Eyes red and puffy. Snot everywhere. It’s not pretty.
But then again, loss isn’t pretty, either.
The Way of the Forest: together we are stronger than the one. But what do you do when you are the one? Sparrow would have to figure that out on her own. Was she the keeper now? Of a destroyed clan? The lone survivor. More grief and anguish. Over time it will lessen, but it will never leave them. They can only hope it stays quiet.
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ranawaytothedas · 5 years
The Stuff of Dream (Chapter 2)
Main Pairings: F!Lavellan/Solas & F!Lavellan/Cullen 
Word Count:  7645
AO3 Link - HERE
Summary:  A collection of encounters in the Fade between Tamaris Lavellan and Solas during the two years he was missing after the defeat of Corypheus.
Part 2 of 3
Part 1
A / N: This is just some fluff, with feels… and there some plot points but I wanted something fluffy at its core for this middle bit because we need more fluff in all our lives right!? I love Solas and Lavellan having a baby… it’s tropey I know but I love it… It’s my brand of trash… anyway, this is my best like domestic fluff with Tamaris and Solas in the fade. Rating - Mature just for safety
In the weeks since her first encounter with Solas in the Fade, he returned as promised nearly every night. Tamaris still struggled to grasp the depth of what Solas had told her of his past and plans for the future. He had explained a little more about his plans each night. While Tamaris saw the reasoning behind his goal to restore The People to their former place in the world. To her, tearing down the Veil and remaking the world couldn’t be the only way for them to achieve this. Solas told her it was but Tamaris knew there had to be a better way. 
She had been spending most of her waking hours in the Rotunda, in Solas’s old study that was now hers. Her position with the Inquisition was largely research-oriented, taking on many of the duties that Solas once held. Tamaris spending hours in the study, her nose buried in a book was not something uncommon. Most around her just assumed she was deep into research and not that she was carefully planning her part in her love’s rebellion. Tamaris spent each day at Solas's old desk, looking up at the murals that he had painted during his time at Skyhold. Studying his notes while Shivana played on a blanket nearby with her dolls, blissfully unaware of what her mother was planning. 
Tamaris was going to leave the Inquisition and everything she had known. Or rather that was her end goal. There was much work she still had to do first. Solas had positioned her as the main point of contact for his Agents already in place within the organization. It was a role that Tamaris was uncomfortable with at first, thinking she was going to have managed a decent-sized group, but really it was just three people who came to her most often. A young scout that only just joined, an older mage that had come into the fold with the Mages from the Circle and a quiet former Dalish serving woman, near Tamaris’s age, who worked in the kitchens. Though Tamaris suspected that Solas had more agents still hidden throughout the whole of Thedas.
The agents were all kind to her when they spoke but looked at her with fear in their eyes. Tamaris knew that they likely didn’t fear her directly. She was not known for being harsh or unpleasant to deal with. Rather, they feared displeasing Fen’Harel was a more likely answer. Of three agents it was Lenan, the former Dalish kitchen servant, that Tamaris took a liking to the most. Each afternoon she would bring Tamaris her tea and under the pot always a note. With all the latest gossip from the servents. Lenan would often sit and chat with Tamaris just about life and the events of the day. Simple conversation but it was usually one of the highlights of Tamaris's day. Lenan would always stop and greet Shivana as well. Offering her a sweet she had hidden the pocket of her apron with a warm smile. Once, Lenan had mentioned that she had once had a little girl, but a sickness took both her child and her husband years before. Tamaris felt for the woman and offered the opportunity to spend more time with Shivana. Which Lanan happily accepted. 
Lenan started lending Tamaris a hand with keeping track of Shivana, who had taken her first steps just days before she celebrated her first birthday. Though, Tamaris knew she had actually done it several nights before in The Fade when Solas had appeared in the treeline and Shivana spotted him. She pushed herself up onto on unsteady feet and toddled over to him, giggling the whole time. Solas had been so proud of her, the look on his face as he bent down to pick her up was an image Tamaris would never forget. His eyes bright and filled with joy. A broad smile plastered across his face. That’s the man I fell in love with. She had told herself at that moment.  It was a memory that Tamaris couldn’t share.  It was, however, one she cherished above all else and would for the rest of her life. 
On Shivana’s birthday, Skyhold was bursting with activity. Josephine had insisted on organizing an elaborate celebration for the event. Nobels, dignitaries and all manner of important figure in the political landscape of Thedas funneled into the keep to Celebrate the little girl’s first year of life. Even Varric had returned from Kirkwall for the occasion. As per usual, Dorian had attempted to micromanage every detail of the event. From the food to the clothes that ‘his family’ would wear, and even what colors the hall had been decorated in for the event. All had to be up to Dorian’s exacting standards. Tamaris thought it was all too much, repeatedly saying. “She is still so young, she will likely not even remember any of this..”
However, Dorian, backed by Josephine, explained that it wasn’t the point of an event like this. The point was, “To show the world that survived… you have locked yourself away in Skyhold for years now. This is your return to the world’s stage.” An idea that made Tamaris’s stomach turned. When time came for the party, Tamaris dressed in the opulent, deep purple dress that Dorian had sent in from the finest seamstress in Val Royeaux. Shivana was dressed in a matching gown of her own, though it was a pale silver rather than the deep purple. Cullen has not been left out of this family textile fueled nightmare. Even he had a suit that matched Mathras’s which Cullen was not happy about, in the least. He grumbled the whole time he dressed and Tamaris couldn’t help but sympathize as she struggled to get Shivana into her dress. The fabrics were heavy and embroidered with metallic threads, which caused them to be more style over comfort. Which should have been a hint at how the events of the night would unfold.
The party itself was not an event for a small child. Most of the guests were adults. They all brought gifts that were far too lavish and not practical. Save a few from Tamaris’s closest companions. Sera made a bright yellow blanket, which Shivana snatched up as soon it was handed her and rubbed it against her cheek. Varric gave the most thoughtful gift, he wrote a children’s story just for Shivana based off an old Dalish story from Clan Sabrae. This was something the writer had sworn he would never do, but he could not think of a more fitting gift for his dear friend’s child. The story was one that his friend Merril told him about a young girl who wished to join the Emerald Knights and the trials she endured to achieve her goal. Tamaris was near tears as she flipped through the pages of the book to see a little girl, that looked quite like her daughter featured in the drawing in the book. Varric was a little flustered by her reaction and tried to pass off most of the credit. “Merril and Bianca helped me with the pictures, I am a writer, not a damned artist. Really it’s not even my story… I just wrote the words down...” Tamaris didn’t say anything more than thank you as she hugged him. 
As the party continued late into the night, Shivana quickly grew overtired and cranky. When the point was reached that little Shivana had too much, it was Cullen who came to Tamaris, as she was catching up with Briala at the time. He had Shivana screaming in his arms, one arm out of her dress as she fought against Cullen trying to hold her. Tamaris apologize profusely to Briala, but her friend understood that her daughter was quite done with the affair.
“I’m going to put her to bed…” Was all she had intended to say to Cullen but his offer to go with her caused her to pause. It was odd, a few months prior she would have begged him to come with her not wanting to wage the nightly battle to get the headstrong little girl into bed herself. Yet, now that she knew that she would see Solas again in the Fade it felt odd to fall asleep in Cullen’s arms only to wake in the Fade to run into Solas’s. What she often found more upsetting was that she would rather spend more of her time asleep, in the Fade with Solas than awake living the life she had built with Cullen. Tamaris put on her best smile for him. “No, stay… Varric is going to get a game of Wicked Grace going… enjoy yourself, Cullen. We will be fine, I am just as tired as she is. I just hold it together better.” Cullen nodded and kept his thoughts to himself. 
Tamaris knew Cullen had growing suspicions that something had changed in the past few weeks. How could he not? She often asked herself. Tamaris was almost always sleeping when he returned to their rooms. They barely spoke or even saw each other. They hadn’t been intimate in weeks. He suspected that he did something wrong, overstepped with Shivana or something of the sort but it was far simpler.
She wanted to be with Solas. It was becoming harder for Tamaris to maintain her relationship with Cullen with each passing day. Each time he held her hand or kissed her cheek, she felt like she was betraying the man she really loved. Tamaris longed for it all to be over, but Solas had his carefully thought out plan. Everything in due course.
Tamaris spent the next hour trying to settle the now, one year down. Shivana was over-tired and fed far too much sugar by her ‘Uncle Dorian’ during the party. It took sitting in the rocking chair that Thom Rainier had made her before he left to join the Grey Wardens, as himself this time. It was the first gift she had been given for Shivana and it had proved the most useful. Before too long, the little girl was asleep, clutching the bright yellow blanket that Sera had given her. Tamaris took a moment to settle Shivana in her crib before climbing into her own bed a few feet away. 
After tossing and turning for nearly another hour, Tamaris finally drifted off to the Fade. 
When she awoke, the first thing she noticed was the forest she awoken was not the one she had created. It was still a forest, but it was like none that Tamaris had seen before. The trees were older and taller than most she had seen. The air was thick with the smell of sap and a flowery scent she couldn’t place her finger on. There was a small path that led deeper into the woods. Tamaris followed the path lit by soft glowing blue lanterns. The joyous echos of Shivana’s laughter could be heard long before Tamaris could see her as she made her way through the densely wooded forest.  While Shivana was a happy child in most people’s opinions. When she was with her father, it was a different type of joy. It was untainted but the outside world. He could make her laugh in ways even Cullen or Dorian, who were Shivana’s favorite people, could not. Solas had a way with her, that was just an unexplainable connection between parent and child. Her eyes were brighter when she was with him and it reinforced to Tamaris that she was making the right choice. 
The path led to a clearing with a small cottage in an architecture style Tamaris didn’t recognize. It reminded her of some of the ancient elven ruins she had seen, but it was far less complex in design. She was trying to figure out where Shivana and Solas had gone off to as she wandered through the clearing. Then out of the corner of her eye. Tamaris spotted Shivana toddling around the corner of the house. Solas following a step behind her watching her as she explored. A warm smile grew across Tamaris’s lips once she spotted them. Seeing them together never ceased to make her heart swell with pride. Her only wish was that it was more than just in the Fade. She wanted to see her daughter as happy as she was in her dreams, every day. Soon, a few months more than we will be together. She reminded herself that there was going to be an end to this and they would be together. 
 Tamaris stayed back for a few moments. She watched as Solas doted upon their daughter. Till as they meandered around the house Solas noticed Tamaris standing there. He smiled lovingly at her and lent down, scooping up Shivana in his arms. His hand lifted as he pointed over towards Tamaris. “Look, Mamae’s here.” He kissed her cheek as he balanced her on his hip, carrying her with him over to greet Tamaris. His free hand went to her waist as he leaned in a placed a quick peck on her cheek. “How was the party?” He asked with a hint of smugness in his voice that made Tamaris want to hit him for a moment. She settled with an eye roll and a disapproving huff. “Oh, it could not be that bad?”
Tamaris smirked as she leaned over and kissed Shivana’s cheek. Shifting her attention back to Solas. A bemused chuckle escaped her lips. “Dorian had matching outfits made for the five of us.” Her tone was light yet, there was an unmistakable bitterness in her voice as she spoke.  Solas was quite amused at the idea. He was holding back laughter which just earned him a scowl from Tamaris. “I would not laugh if I were you, remember regardless of what happens Solas. Dorian is still family now. He and Mathras seem to have a rather permanent arrangement. You already know his feelings on your general taste in clothing.” Her laughter was light like a songbird’s call. “I love Dorian really, but I would rather leave my wardrobe up to my own choosing.” 
Solas gave her a rather smug glance as his hand moved up her back. “He does not even know my actual taste in clothing.” Solas protested as Tamaris let out a soft chuckle as she smirked up at him. 
Shivana began to squirm in Solas’s arms eager to get down and back to exploring. “Alright, da’ean.” He mumbled softly as his hand slipped from around Tamaris as he turned away to set Shivana back down on the ground. As soon as her bare feet hit the soft grass she was off. While she wasn’t the fastest she did make it up with enthusiasm, clapping her hands as she laughed excitedly. 
How Tamaris longed for this to be what life was always like. Just enjoy this moment, the rest will come. Tamaris reminded herself as Solas took her hand. Her gaze shifted upwards. Solas had a soft smile playing on his lips as Tamaris leaned in resting her head against his arms. “So, did she at least enjoy the party?” Solas asked weary of the answer he was likely going to receive. 
“Not really.” Tamaris began. “I really do not think it was meant for her, it was more like her birthday was another event in Mathras’s attempt to play the Game.” Solas scowled briefly. Tamaris just nodded and shrugged, “Trust me, I am not thrilled about this either.”
“Why would your brother agree to such nonsense in the first place?” Solas asked as he glanced back towards Shivana who was looking at some wildflowers just a few feet away. 
Tamaris shrugged again. “He thinks if he gains some standing in Orlais and Fereldan that when Dorian is eventually forced to return to Tevinter that he, a Dalish Elf, will be able to walk into Minrathous without issue.” Tamaris knew her brother loved Dorian, but there was no way they were going to be able to have some life together in Tevinter. Their society was far from progressive, and that was just about Elves. The rest was another matter entirely. As much as Dorian jested he would just name Shivana his heir one day and really cause problems among Magisterium, Tamaris knew it was only a jest. Mathras still believed it could become truth. 
Scoffing slightly as he shook his head Solas looked down at Tamaris. “He is a fool… a moron even.” Solas pointed out sharply. It wasn’t that Solas disliked Mathras. He was actually quite fond of him, he had a good heart but a hot temper and was blinded by the appeal of wealth and status. A combination that Solas could relate to on a personal level. He had tried to show the young man the errors of letting his pride get the better of him. Mathras was a stubborn man, Tamaris was stubborn in her own way but she was not as inflexible as her brother had become during his time as Inquisitor. Solas let out another groan. “He really is far too stubborn for his own good.”
“I know, but he is in love…” Tamaris added with a small smile as she placed a hand on his chest. Solas rolled his eyes dismissively. Noticing this Tamaris pulled back and looked at him wide-eyed, her lips pursed together for a moment before she elaborated. “You know, I want his foolish plan to actually work.” 
Solas laughed softly as he leaned in to kiss her, with his lips nearly brushed against hers as he smirked. “I know, but that does not mean it will.” His lips brushed against Tamaris’s lips for a moment. It felt like such a normal moment between a happy couple just going about their lives. For the briefest moments, Tamaris forgot they were in the fade as she stood there looking up at him blissfully. Solas’s gaze moved back to Shivana as she wandered around the clearing enjoying her little bit of freedom. 
A happy sigh escaped her lips as Tamaris turned to watch their daughter play noticing the smile growing on Solas’s lips. “I am glad she is at least happy here,” Tamaris noted mournfully.
Solas slipped his arms around her waist as he rested his chin on her shoulder. “What do you mean?” Though he had never seen his daughter outside of the Fade, he had assumed she was just as happy during her waking hours. He watched as Tamaris’s gaze never left their daughter. He ran a hand across her stomach trying to get her to look at him. “Vhenan,” he uttered softly finally getting her attention. 
There were reasons Tamaris didn’t want to tell Solas what she meant. She knew that it would only hurt him, but he was a persistent man. As she let out a heavy sigh as she turned around to face him. Solas’s hands now resting on the small of her back. “Ma’lath,” Tamaris muttered as she went to kiss him but Solas shook his head and gave her a stern glare. “It’s complicated…” Tamaris grumbled as she turned her face away from his. 
His hands slipped from around her before he took her hands. “Show me…” he insisted looking deep into her eyes. Tamaris shook her head trying to dismiss him but Solas wanted to understand. “You know how to show me memories, show me the party.” His tone was soft but had a commanding tone that made Tamaris feel as if she had no choice in the matter.
Her head nodded weakly as she glanced back over to Shivana. “At least let us bring her, so she can dream that you were there…” There was a sadness that seeped through each of her words. Solas nodded but said nothing. Tamaris felt nervous as she walked the few feet to where Shivana was looking at a log on the ground. She smiled brightly at her daughter as leaned down. “Bae wants to see your party… should we show him?” Tamaris asked the child in a vaguely sing-song voice. The child giggled as she reached out for Solas who was walking up behind Tamaris. Shivana giggled as her tiny hands reached longingly out for her father. “Oh so Mae is nothing now, I see… go on… go to your Bae…” Tamaris teased as Solas smiled smugly lifting his daughter from her mother’s arms. 
He was quite pleased with how much Shivana had taken to him. She rested her head against his chest as she reached out towards his face with her hand. Solas smiled broadly as he captured her hand, “Hello, da’ean..” he beamed before kissing her fingertips. He glanced up at Tamaris who was watching, smiling. 
“She loves you, you know that…” Tamaris’s words weren’t meant to cut at Solas but they did. His smile waived for a moment as he glanced at Shivana who was still staring at him intently. 
“I know…” He muttered kissing her little fingers again. 
Tamaris nodded and smiled. “Good…” She noted bluntly before turning her back to Solas. “Remember that…” Her words were soft and they weren’t meant for Solas to hear but he did. Tamaris closed her eyes and slowly the world they had been standing in melted away and was replaced the warmth of Skyhold’s hall. 
It was Tamaris’s memory of the events of a few hours before. The hall was empty for the moment but decorated in pale pinks and soft silvers. The tables were covered with food and with a wave of her hand Tamaris was in a deep purple Orliasian gown. “Welcome to what I would have faced a Nightmare Demon again to avoid…” She gestured down to her gown, which was well made, beautiful but looked out of place on her. “I had to take a piss in this…. Just so you know.” She explained with a laugh. “Do you want to know how many people it took for me to piss wearing this dress? Do you know how much shit Sera gave me for having to hold this up while I squatted?” She asked gesturing to the large hooped skirt. 
Solas was standing back, still wearing his same sweater and leather breaches, holding their daughter still clad in her simple white dress, trying to do everything in his power not to laugh at her story and the dress in question. “You look beautiful..” He confessed softly. I was true, he did think she looked lovely. Though he always felt she looked beautiful and would still be beautiful if she clad in nothing but plaidweave. “What do you think, Shivana? Mae looked beautiful in that dress that was very obviously picked by Dorian.” He chuckled towards the end mention of Dorian, which Tamaris did not find amusing. 
“Uncle Dorian” Tamaris corrected quickly. 
Solas laughed softly and repeated. “Uncle Dorian... “
Her lips pursed as her arms folded in front of her chest. Her eyes closed again and when she opened them Solas was wearing the same outfit that Cullen had been forced to wear that night. It was similar in style to what they had worn to Celine’s ball, but the fabric was rich velvet, the tiny silver filigree throughout so that when it caught the light it seemed to sparkle. Shivana too was wearing her outfit from that night. A stunning silver dress, that actually looked quite darling on the child but was made of a horribly itchy fabric. Instantly Shivana started to wiggle in Solas’s arms trying to get out of the dress. She shook her head as she pulled the dress up over her head to take it off. Solas laughed softly. “I do not think she likes this dress..” With that Solas waved his hand and she was back in the simple white cotton sundress she had been wearing before. “Better?” He asked. 
Shivana giggled as she grabbed at the fancy jacket he wore before scowling again. His scowl, Tamaris noted and so did Solas. He chuckled softly at her expression of dislike for the garment. “I do not care for it either.” He noted before the suit morphed into what Tamaris could only assume was what he wore in the days of Arlathan. The fabric of his tunic was rich, deep forest green silk. Trimmed with delicate gold piping. He wore black leather breaches Over his shoulder was a black wolf pelt, which drew Shivana’s attention. Her twisted in her father’s arms as her hand ran through the fur. She giggled with delight as she ran her cheek against the soft fur.
Smiling deviously, Tamaris crossed her arms in front of her chest. “So, this is Fen’Harel…” There was amusement in her voice as she spoke, she had wondered for quite some time what the Dread Wolf really looked like. 
Much to Tamaris’s surprise Solas shook his head. “No, this is what I wore most days before they gave me that name,” he explained as he watched Shivana rest her head on the fur in his shoulder. As Solas glanced back over at Tamaris. He smirked as her puffy Orliesian gown morphed into a flowing gown that he viewed far more fitting for such a beautiful woman. 
A bright smile grew across Tamaris’s lips as she ran her hands over the deep forest green silk. The neckline dipped low, between her breasts. A detail that made Tamaris blush as she gestured to her cleavage. Solas chuckled as a devilish smirk played on his lips. The rest of the dress was flowing. Tamaris felt very much like some sort of divine creature wearing it. “So, this is what you would have me wear?” Tamaris asked sheepishly taking a step closer to Solas who looked quite pleased with his choice. She wondered if this is what it would be like when they were reunited.
Solas reached out, placing his hand on her waist. Drawing her closer to him, her body pressed up against his. He was blissfully happy in that moment. It was a rare occurrence. Solas often felt as if he didn’t deserve the love Tamaris still had for him. He had hurt her. Abandoned her. Through all the pain her love for him remained. Fortune had smiled upon him that she was so blinded by love to give him another chance. Every day he promised himself he would be the man she loved, not the man he was. It was a promise that Solas knew he may one day break, but he pushed the dark thoughts from his mind to focus on the love that was surrounding him.
A content sigh escaped Solas’s lips before he finally answered Tamaris’s question. “If I had my way…” He teased. In a more serious tone, he finished, “I would be happy with whatever you choose to wear as long as you are comfortable.” He paused and looked at her questioning. “You are comfortable?” 
Tamaris laughed as she nodded, “Yes, it’s a lovely dress.” Her hand slipped up around his neck to the nape of his neck. Her hand applying a slight pressure to the back of his neck, urging Solas to lean down so she could place a sweet peck on his full lips. Solas thought that feeling her lips pressed against his that he would never grow tired of the feel of her lips on his. Solas let out a pleased chuff as Tamaris took a step back, taking his hands. “Now that we are properly dressed, shall we go to a party?” Tamaris tried to muster amusement in her voice as she spoke but there was trepidation as well. She knew the evenings’ affairs were sweet for moments but most would not be what Solas had hoped for. Tamaris only hoped that he would be understanding.  She turned her back to him and focused all her thoughts on the events of the night. Like fog rolling in the room began to fill with spectral figures. Nobles whos faces Solas could not recall and the faces of a few of their old companions. 
The first thing Solas noted was there was not another child to be found. It appeared to be more of a grand ball than what little he recalled of children’s parties, though he assumed they may have changed some since his youth. There were hushed discussions in every corner and it took him a moment to find Tamaris, dressed in the puffy purple dress holding a rather sour-faced Shivana standing off in a corner looking panicked. Her eyes were wide, her lips drawn tight. Shivana was clutching on to her mother already overwhelmed by the affair. Her bright blue eyes looked upwards, pleading with her mother to leave this event before it had even truly begun.  
A wave of guilt washed over him, this should have never happened. He noted silently. I should have taken her with me. How did I not know she was pregnant? I left my family to lions. Solas struggled to maintain his composure watching his daughter entrenched in fear over something that should have been a happy affair. 
Tamaris stood a few feet away watching herself, the sadness of recalling the event radiated off her like the heat from a fire. She was never one for balls or parties. Playing the grand game turned her stomach. Tamaris wished that she had been listened to about the event even more as she relieved it a second time.
Even Shivana was becoming as she watched the spectral version of herself. Confused and upset, Shivana turned her head away and buried it against the pelt on her father’s shoulder. Her hands clutching at the fabric of his tunic holding on to him as she had held onto her mother.  Solas kissed the top of her head before whispering, “You are alright, da’ean.” Feeling her clutch on to him with so much fear, for the first time, rattled Solas as he held Shivana close. Wrapping both arms around her. “I have you, my sweet girl.”
Tamaris waved her hand. The echoes across the room shifted with the ease of smoke in the breeze. Crossing the hall Tamaris led to where she had sat earlier in the evening with Sera who held Shivana in her lap. “This was the happiest Shivana was all night.” 
Sera was bouncing Shivana in her lap, singing some ridiculous song that she was obviously making up as she went along. Krem and several of the other chargers sat around the table trying to entertain the small child with a set of nug plushies dressed in various garbs. One even had a set of horns and eyepatch. It made Solas chuckle softly. “Does she like them?” He asked softly walking up behind Tamaris.
She turned back for a moment, the movement of the echos still as her attention shifted away. “The toys or the Chargers?” 
“Both, I suppose?” He hadn’t thought if his daughter was fond of anyone really. He had assumed like most small children she like most people. 
Tamaris smiled broadly as she turned back to her memory. “Yes, to both.” She mused softly. “Krem makes her all these little plushies to play with, he says it gives him something to do. I think he loves to see her face when he walks into the rotunda with a new nug of some kinda for Shivana to play with. Dalish is really sweet with her, Grim has made laugh so hard she made herself sick because she finds the grunting highly amusing oddly enough… the rest of them are kind to her will go out of their way to get a giggle out of her.”  Which the echos were doing at that moment. They were making silly faces and holding her new toy just out of reach for a moment till she tried to squirm out of Sera’s arm to reach it. 
Solas couldn’t help but notice how protective Sera was being with his daughter. Her eyes constantly darting around the room watching the movements of all who came near. Her arms were wrapped protectively around the child, her freckle covered cheek resting against the top of Shivana’s auburn curls. “Sera?” He asked Tamaris softly curious to know her relationship with his daughter. 
“Sera loves her, like her own flesh and blood.” There was smile playing on Tamaris’s lips and it could be heard in her voice. “Shivana likes that she usually has something good to eat.” The happiness in Tamaris’s voice was not lost on Solas. Tamaris shifted her attention and as she moved across the hall once more the scene shifted. 
Now what played out before him was a slightly more distressing scene. Tamaris held Shivana in her arms. The child was sobbing and pulling at her mother’s dress. With a great deal of haste, she pushed through a crowd of people. Nobels, some with masks that marked them as Orliesain, others were more obviously Frelden. They all shot Tamaris dirty glances as pushed passed them. Their looks of disgust at his daughter’s distress caused Solas to seethe with anger enough that Tamaris turned back and watched him for a moment before asking. “Are you alright?” Solas nodded, unable to actually utter anything more than ‘mhm’ as he held their daughter closer. 
He rested his cheek against the top of Shivana’s head, the child hiding her face once more the uncomfortable memory. The spectral version of Tamaris had finally reached Mathras, who stood near Dorian as he told one of his lively stories to entertain the dignitaries. Her hand pulled at her thick fabric of her brother’s coat. Solas caught her asking, “Have you seen Cullen?” Her brother turned to her for a moment and gave her a look of disdain. It was like Mathras could not even be bothered by his sister’s troubles. 
“I haven’t a clue where he is, but could you do something about Shivana… the guests are starting to get uncomfortable.” Her brother spoke sharply to her. It something Solas had witnessed before. It has always unnerved him how Tamaris would just bow to her brother’s wishes when she was the one with the real power. He had spent so much time building her confidence during their relationship, he had thought that she would be able to retain it but from the exchange with Mathras it was obvious she had fallen into old habits. 
The look on her face as Mathras turned away ripped at Solas’s heart. Her eyes held back tears, her lips drew tight and thin as she took a deep breath trying to steady herself. Solas didn’t question the exchange as he had the others. It was very obvious what had happened. Walking up behind her he leaned forward and kissed her bare shoulder. “Ir abelas, Vhenan.” He murmured against her skin. The guilt over his absence overwhelming him for a moment. 
Tamaris cleared her throat as she turned to him. A smile crossed her lips briefly as Shivana looked up at her. A hand lifted and she trailed her fingers along his jaw, her smile turning mournful. “Ir abelas sul ahn ju'garas.” Her tone was soft but filled with regret. Solas looked at her confused as to why she was apologizing to him but Tamaris just shook her head as she turned away. Things shifted once more. 
They were now off in the Garden where Cullen had taken refuge from the party. Tamaris was walking briskly with Shivana, now screaming loudly, tossing her head back having quite the fit. Tamaris looked as if she was crying as well. Cullen raced towards them having leaped from his perch on a bench as soon as he heard Shivana’s cries. “Please, Cullen… just take her… I can’t do this.” Tamaris’s voice shook as Cullen took Solas’s daughter from her mother’s arms. Shivana went to him willingly, as she wanted him more than she wanted to be held by her mother any longer. 
A sharp stab of guilt hit Solas like lightning bolt as he saw how quickly Shivana settled in Cullen’s arms, He is the only father she has known, who is at fault for that? Solas asked himself as he looked at his daughter who was smiling up at him, her hand reaching up and brushing against his jaw. “Da’ean.” He muttered softly as he kissed the top of her head and cherished the fact she was at least safe in his arms in the Fade. 
Turning his attention back to the scene, Solas’s icy blue eyes narrowed in on the other man’s face. It was filled with concern and love. The look of a man, looking at his family. An anger he did not expect began to slowly fester deep within the darkest place of his soul. 
Cullen bounced Shivana with one arm trying to calm her as he pulled Tamaris into a tender embrace. “I told Josiephine that this was a bad idea.” He grumbled angrily as Tamaris looked up at him, tears still streaming down her face. This only seemed to upset Cullen more, seeing his heart so upset at that moment Solas could not help but relate to his anger. 
Cullen took a deep breath and looked down at Tamaris with a weary gaze. “You at the very least have to go back.” He didn’t want to point this fact out, that was plain but was something that needed to be said. Tamaris scowled and shook her head in protest mumbling before Cullen cut her off. “It’s only for a short while longer, but you have to play along.” Tamaris looked upset, like that was not what she had hoped to hear. A scowl grew across her face and Cullen scoffed. “You are still the Herald of Andraste. That means something to the people in there.” He gestured with free his hand towards the hall and Tamaris looked deeply upset. There was tension in the looks they gave each other, tensions that were not new. 
Tamaris’s eyes narrowed in on Cullen as she scowled. “It means nothing.” She snarled as she turned away almost storming off. For a moment Solas was proud for the first time that night, she seemed to attempt to stand up to someone. Something stopped her though. The heal of the pointed shoe she wore dug into the dirt as Tamaris turned around and gestured to Shivana. “Just, keep her out here or better yet, take her to our rooms because I know she is tired,” Tamaris added and Cullen gave her a warm smile. Tamaris didn’t return it, her eyes only focusing on Shivana.
Bouncing Shivana in his arms, Cullen beamed down at her. “We got this? Right pumpkin?” Shivana looked up in Solas’s arm’s hearing Cullen’s nickname for her. It was a small, instinctual thing that made Solas taking in a long, deep breath as his eyes closed. Cullen has his own pet name for it, it was something so small that it should not have bothered him as deeply as it did. Solas for the briefest of moments thought that was the worst of what he would witness that night. 
Cullen shifted Shivana in his arms to lift her up and smile brightly as he got her to giggle. “That’s my girl. Daddy swoops in and saves the day? Right, my little pumpkin...” Cullen’s voice stung deeper than any blade. Hearing Cullen call himself Shivana’s father was a thing Solas never thought of before that moment. He had assumed that he was just ‘Cullen’ and nothing more.
It wasn’t unknown to him that Cullen had assumed a certain role in his daughter’s life. Tamaris never hid that from him but he also never asked for details. Thus leaving him rather unaware of the depth that Cullen had embedded himself into their lives. That was his own fault. 
In an instant, he knew why she had to apologize to him. She had every intention of showing him this, even if she didn’t have to show it to him to make a point. Which he now saw was the point of the memories she had shown him. She did though, you know this. All the pain you have caused her, does she not deserve to cause her own in turn? His rationalization of why Tamaris had shown him such a moment did nothing to quell the guilt and rage that was brewing like a storm inside his mind. His crisp blue eyes finally fluttered open to see Shivana looking up at him confused. Flashing a brief smile he tried to show his daughter that he was alright, even though he was far from it.
Tamaris had stopped the memories, the echoes of the people faded away and they were left standing alone in the gardens at Skyhold. Solas kissed the top of Shivana’s auburn ringlet covered head, never wanting to let go of her again. She was his child. Tamaris was free to do with Cullen what she pleased, for the time being, so he could stake no claim to her other than she was the mother of his child. Shivana was another matter entirely. Solas’s jaw grew tight as he finally looked up at Tamaris who had turned around. 
Her eyes were heavy with sadness, her hands folded in front of her as she looked up at him. “The rest… is…” Tamaris didn’t finish her thought for she couldn’t bear to look the pain on Solas’s face. She knew that seeing Cullen with Shivana would hurt him, she wanted him to see what he left. There was even a part of her that wanted him to hurt because he was still not beside her when she awoke. He needed to see the life that should have been his. While he plan had it’s desired effect, Tamaris had never expected to feel such guilt upon seeing his pain. Her lips parted as she wanted to explain but Solas shook his head. He did not wish to hear any explanation. “Solas,” Tamaris started her eyes darting back to him for a moment. 
“No.” He said flatly as his hand ran down Shivana’s back. Tamaris was not going to control this conversation, not this time. Solas scowled as began, “So he… what?” Solas his voice seething with rage that he normal never let slip out. “Is her father to the world?” He scoffs, shaking his head. Tamaris gave him no answer, which was more than enough to answer his question. His bitterness shouldn’t have surprised Tamaris but it still hurt to hear and see how bothered he was by Cullen. “Of all the people you could have picked… The Templar… raising my child.” Tamaris was allowing him to have his moment, he deserved to be upset. What could have been more insulting to him than knowing that for most of her life thus far, his daughter had viewed a former Templar as her father? Nothing.  
Solas was barely holding his composure, he had to gather his head. It was not something that he could do in Tamaris or his daughter’s presence. With a few short strides and he closed the gap between Tamaris and himself. “I need some time to think..” He uttered with a sharpness that caused Tamaris to cast her eyes to the ground as he handed Shivana to her. To her surprise, after Shivana was settled in her arms and Solas had leaned in and kissed Shivana’s cheek. He then turned to her. “Ar lath ma, Vhenan.” He muttered with a great deal of sadness in his eyes as he leaned in and placing a tender kiss on her cheek before leaving them in the Fade.
When Solas awoke, in his chambers far away from the halls of Skyhold. He was livid. He shot out of his bed. Strode over to his desk and stared down at the various papers that detailed a carefully thought out plan. In all his plans he never factored in his own jealousy getting in the way. He wanted his family back. The idea that at the very moment, far away, Cullen had his arms wrapped around Tamaris made his stomach turn. He let out an animalistic growl before in a fit of rage his hands gripped his desk and in a single fluid movement, he flipped the desk. It came crashing to the ground with a solid thud, papers scattered all over the floor. If the noise of the desk being flipped was not enough to rouse any others nearby. Solas let out a frustrated, guttural scream. 
It wasn’t long before the door to his chambers was pushed open and the lean, hooded figure of Abalas stood in the doorway. “I take it things did not go well?” He asked flatly.
Solas’s gaze never moved from the floor, “What would have given you that impression?” He snarled. Abelas gestured to the desk and Solas snarled once more as he looked up. “The plans have changed,” Solas spoke sharply and there was venom dripping from each of his words. “We need to get them away from The Inquisition sooner than we had planned, which changes many things.” Abelas nodded. “I will not stand for that man…” He wouldn’t even think of speaking Cullen’s name. “Raising my daughter, being with my heart for a moment longer… I know this is selfish of me to ask you or anyone else to be apart of, but…” 
“She is your child. This is your family.” Abelas finished his gold eyes cast to the floor. Solas nodded surprised by the sentinel’s empathy for his situation. “Then no more explanation is needed, I will await further instruction.” Abelas left Solas standing over the overturned desk as he began to formulate his plan to get Tamaris and Shivana away from the Inquisition, Away from the Templar. 
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for-the-dales · 5 years
Chapter 2: Josephine
Chapter 1 (Leliana):  https://for-the-dales.tumblr.com/post/185692342364/the-path-forward-chapter-1-leliana
           Josephine didn’t cry until she saw the burst of magic miles away fling itself up into the monstrous green vortex in the sky. She saw it calm, but remain stubbornly where it was.
        Then Josephine wept.  
        The weeks before the conclave had been a flurry of activity. Making sure that two sides of a continent wide war didn’t kill each other before the peace talks even begin was a difficult task. Josephine had reveled in it.  She did not believe in false modesty, and so she had no problem admitting that she was one of the best at what she did. It was, after all, why Leliana had brought her on. And yet, looking up at the Breach in the sky, Josephine felt useless. Leliana was out there fighting while Josephine was here, standing around and picking at a loose thread on her sleeve. She pulled a little too hard and a perfectly placed ruffle fell flat.
           No. Josephine would not depreciate herself. She looked around the courtyard and forced her to witness what was happening around her. Soldiers lay on pallets in neat rows where they were being treated by the surviving Chantry Sisters. No Revered Mothers. They had all been at the temple. There was not a single Sister present that looked older than Josephine. Some of them had put on a determined face and gritted their teeth. Most looked as terrified as the soldiers they were treating. Many of the soldiers were screaming, some were praying, too many had fallen ominously silent. The silent ones looked more like monsters from the Breach than men, their skin blackened from burns, and Josephine doubted their mothers would be able to recognize them. This would make the funerals that much more difficult.
           Suddenly Josephine had an idea, a way to be useful. She scanned the people running around her until she found a woman who looked like an officer and wasn’t bleeding out.  Josephine rushed over.
           “Madam, may I bother you for a moment?”
           The woman attempted to stand at attention but almost doubled over. Josephine quickly took hold of the woman’s arm and helped her sit back down. The woman nodded at her gratefully and asked, “What can I help you with ambassador Montilyet?”
           “Do you know if there are lists of soldiers who were serving at the conclave?”
           The woman thought for a moment and replied, “I believe Commander Cullen had a list. It may still be in his quarters. May I ask why you need it Ambassador? Can I be of any assistance?”
           “Do not concern yourself. You have already served bravely. Rest now. Thank you so much.”
           “Of course my Lady.”
           The officer placed her fist over her heart in salute and Josephine strode down the steps towards where Cullen had pitched his tent. The man had refused to sleep in the chantry while his soldiers had to sleep outside.
          No one paid much attention to Josephine on her way. Too consumed with their own panic and grief. Josephine slipped into the commander’s tent and immediately walked over to the small desk.
          A shiver ran down Josephine’s spine as she realized she may well be poking through a dead friends desk. No one had heard from the commander as of yet, he had led a charge towards the Breach.
          She riffled through the papers on his desk only scanning the documents for what she needed. Finally she found a bound stack of papers in a drawer that had names on it as well as ages and where the soldiers came from. She took the papers and quickly returned to the main triage area in front of the chantry. There she began walking around to the conscious soldiers that had already been treated and began asking for names and checking them off. Some of the soldiers knew who was dead and Josephine place a small “x” next to those names. Too many were not yet twenty years of age.
           Suddenly there was a commotion outside the gates. Soldiers burst into the area, screaming for bystanders to make room. Josephine’s heart seized in her chest. With strength born of desperation and fear she pushed her way through the crowd of soldiers until she saw who she was looking for. Leliana strode calm and imposing, ordering people around her to make ready for more injured. Josephine couldn’t truly hear what she was saying over the thundering of her heartbeat in her ears. Leliana was alright. Josephine took a single selfish moment to revel in the fact that her dearest friend had survived the horror. She could see the little tells on Leliana’s face that she was drained, but she was still walking and breathing and in control. She was okay. Josephine almost cried on the spot, but then she saw Cassandra marching in behind Leliana, carrying the prisoner. The woman’s dark skin was ashen now, and were it not for the terrifyingly slight movement in her chest, Josephine would have thought her dead. Much of her dark curly hair had come loose from its intricate braid. Purple bruises were already beginning to show on her face; particularly around her left eye that Josephine could now see was swollen shut. The elven apostate that had arrived earlier was walking close to the Seeker with his lightly glowing hands hovering over the prisoner’s head.
           Leliana’s calm voice broke through the panic, “Josie. Is there a private area we can place her?”
           Everything rushed back into focus as Josephine turned to face Leliana, “Yes, follow me.” Josephine led the group to a small hut that had an empty bed in it. Cassandra laid the prisoner in the bed and the apostate’s hands never wavered from their position above the woman. Leliana walked through the door with a box laden with medical supplies. She set it down and turned to Josephine, “Please go get Adan.”
           Josephine turned on the spot and rushed out the door back into the chaos outside. She stepped onto a box and scanned the hectic crowd. Whatever happened at the temple had caused many of the soldiers left in the valley to return to Haven. The population had more than doubled. Josephine finally spied the apothecary tending to a badly injured boy. Josephine felt her stomach twist, but she forced it down and rushed towards the man.
           “Master Adan. You’re services are desperately needed to tend to the prisoner.”
           The man looked up from the boy and regarded Josephine with disdain, “All due respect Ambassador, but my services are more needed here. If this boy doesn’t get surgery he could very well die.”
           Josephine looked down at the young boy. Andraste’s mercy he couldn’t be more than 15. He wore the flimsiest of armor and his shoes were worn and a little too big for him. He had likely lied about his age to join the Divine’s army. Josephine forced herself to imagine the faces of his mother and father, of his possible siblings, all waiting for him to come home. Josephine also remembered the urgency and slight fear on Leliana’s face when she told her to get Adan. She thought of the way Cassandra’s eyes flitted around when she first returned to haven with the limp prisoner. The creased brow and a slight frown on the apostates face while his hands tried to mend the prisoner, he had been sweating from effort. Then she swallowed the bile in her throat, turned to the apothecary and said with a tight voice, “Master Adan, your services are more needed with the prisoner.”
           The man stared at her for a moment, the anger evident on his face.
           “He is a child.”
           “Your services,” Josephine’s voice cracked slightly, “are more needed with the prisoner.”
           The man glared at her but stood, “Fine.”
           He looked around until he spotted a sister walking by with a basin of dirty water. He shouted, “You there! See to this boy! A claw nicked an artery. He is losing blood quickly and the wound is most certainly infected.”
           The sister looked a little panicked but rushed over. Adan turned back to Josephine and said, “Take me to her.”
           Josephine turned on her heel and didn’t look back to see if Adan was following. If she did she would also see the boy she had almost certainly just condemned. She held back tears. That would have to wait until later. She had to be strong right now, like Leliana. When they reached the hut Adan brushed past her and into the building without a word. Josephine didn’t follow. Leliana emerged a few moments later. Leliana took one look at Josephine and grabbed her hand, leading her to a secluded nook before hugging her tightly.
           “It’s okay, there’s nothing more we can do right now.”
          Josephine began to cry again. She wept and wept and wept into her friend's shoulder. She clutched her like if she let go she would fall apart.
           “He was treating a little boy,” Josephine hiccupped, “He’s going to die now, if he’s not already dead.”
           “That isn’t your fault Josie.”
           “But I told Adan to come treat the prisoner-“
           “After I told you to. If a sin has been committed here it has been committed by me. Not you.”
           “Her name is Ellana Lavellan. She didn’t cause the explosion, but she did almost die trying to close the breach. She was not forced to do so. She volunteered. She is kind and brave. She stopped on the way to the temple so she could save some scouts. She chose that path instead of a charge, which would have been safer for her, because she couldn’t abandon those soldiers to die. Adan is saving a good person. It is unfortunate that we only have one of him, so he can only save so many good people, and not all of them. Do you hear me Josie?
           Josephine sniffed and nodded.
           “I would like to write to the boys family.”
           “We will write to all the families.”
           Josephine nodded again and leaned back into the hug. She didn’t know how long she stayed there in the arms of her closest friend. Finally she pulled away and wiped her eyes. She smoothed the fabric of her blouse, straightened her posture, and tried to regain her composure.
           “The woman, Ellana, I saw she had facial tattoos. Is she Dalish?”
           Leliana nodded, “Yes, and a mage. She’s young, so likely she is the First of her Clan.”
           “First to do what?”
           Leliana chuckled, “No, she is the First. It’s what the Dalish call the chief apprentice to their keeper. The mage who leads a clan. Also the tattoos are called vallaslin, it means blood writing. It’s religious in nature and denotes which of their gods they dedicated themselves to upon reaching maturity.”
           With something else to think about now, Josephine began to calm, “Ah, it seems I have some studying to do then before she wakes up. I do not wish to offend her.”
           “I suspect she won’t wake today. I’ll tell you what I know after supper. I also have a book by Brother Genitivi that may be useful. Pretty much anything else you would read is hateful propaganda.”
           “Thank you. She will be staying then?”
           “We believe she is likely the only one who can seal rifts, and this is far from over, so yes.”
           “I see.” Josephine thought for a moment before realizing, “Oh, I should also try to contact her Clan, let them know she’s alright. If she occupies an important position they must be worried.”
           “They would be worried regardless, the Dalish are small in number so every member of a Clan is important. Contacting them may be difficult however, if her Clan doesn’t wish to be found they won’t be.”
           Josephine deflated, “Oh. I really do need your lessons it seems.”
           Leliana placed a hand on Josephine’s shoulder and gave her a crooked smile, “Don’t worry, I’ll have you speaking elvish by the time she wakes up.”
           Josephine chuckled and allowed Leliana to lead her back into the fray. That would be tonight. Now there was work to do.
Chapter 3:https://for-the-dales.tumblr.com/post/186595614949/chapter-3-cullen
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serafinnlavellan · 5 years
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Aramas Lavellan
Dalish Elf, Assassin Rogue (Blades)
30-31 (DAI), 33 (Trespasser)
Romanced Josephine
- Born the oldest of 2 into Clan Lavellan
- Has a younger brother, Serafinn, who was the Inquisitor
- Was always somewhat snarky and rambunctious, even as a kid
- Despite being the oldest, always felt like he was living in Serafinn’s shadow
- Started training with blades around age 12 and was quite good with them right off the bat, but Serafinn learned new magic much faster
- Tried to hide his envy with sarcasm and jokes into his teens, but was quickly becoming moodier as he grew
- Was given Mythal’s full Vallaslin at age 16
- Also at age 16, gave himself an accidentally self-inflicted wound across his left eye while training (it left a scar)
- Stayed with the Clan until Serafinn received his Vallaslin at 16, but left shortly after to go out on his own
- He had started collecting found blades in his early teens and considered it a bit of a hobby
- At 18 when he left, he hid away most of his collection in a private and secure place only he knew about, and set off to really start collecting in earnest
- Aramas referred to himself as a treasure hunter for a long time, and explored many caves and towns in search of rare items (and fulfillment)
- Shortly after Serafinn was sent out to the Conclave he returned home for a visit, where he was told of Serafinn’s new quest
- His mother requested he check up on his brother for her, and while he wasn’t thrilled with the idea, he begrudgingly agreed to do it for her sake (part of him was also just excited that he felt needed for once in a long time)
- He found Serafinn in Haven, but he stayed hidden from him and didn’t reveal his true identity to anyone for a long time
- He spoke briefly with Josephine and signed on to help with Inquisition efforts under a fake name, thinking that would be the best way to keep an eye on his brother for the time being
(Aramas’ guide to coming up with a fake name:
Marasa? No. Maaras? Nah. Ramaas? NO.
“You can all me Aries. It’s an...old nickname.”)
- He was given a uniform and some menial tasks, but turned down any offers for lodging, opting to stay in his own tent just outside of Haven
- He would write to his mother and give her updates about both himself and Serafinn, to which she would always encourage him to reconnect with his brother
- Even up until now, Aramas just assumed that not only was Serafinn thriving, but he was reveling in the attention
- It wasn’t until after the events at Haven, after Serafinn became Inquisitor, could Aramas visibly see the cracks in Serafinn’s mental health
- He felt so foolish for assuming all this time that everything was ok, but this new title was LITERALLY putting the weight of the world on his brother’s shoulders.
- Before he spoke with Serafinn, he first wanted to register with the Inquisition as himself, to which he discovered that Josephine had known for longer than he realized that he was of Clan Lavellan
"I’d like to change the name on my registration, Josephine. You see, my actual name is-” “Aramas Lavellan, I know.”
“You bare a striking resemblance to our Inquisitor, Aramas. It was quite easy to look into your background. Though, considering you went through all the trouble of an alias, I assumed there must have been a good reason, so I have been keeping all of this under wraps from your brother.”
- Aramas considered himself a pretty sneaky guy, but knew from that moment on that he had a LOT to learn about what it was to be a Rogue
- After formally introducing themselves to each other, though, it was easy for Aramas to admit that he was impressed by Josie’s investigative skills (which she admitted to picking up from Leliana)
- From then on, he would check in with Josie to see if she had any new advice for him, or even just if she wanted to chat
- Once Aramas officially joined the Inquisition efforts as himself, he had Josephine set up a meeting for himself and Serafinn so they could meet face-to-face after all these years
- Serafinn was shocked and confused to not only see his brother, but to find out he’d been in plain sight for so long
- The meeting went well, though, and Aramas apologized for his pettiness and antagonistic attitude when they were younger (Serafinn was just glad they could be a family again)
- Once Aramas was settled into his own room in Skyhold, he asked Josephine on a date
- He also had some members of the Inquisition track down his collection of rare trinkets and blades so that he could display them in his new room
- Aramas did not follow his brother into the Fade, but he did try to help him deal with the trauma afterwards (as much as he could, anyway)
- Aramas and Josie attended the Halamshiral ball as a couple, and Aramas very much enjoyed all of the Orlesian politics
- Serafinn tried his best to get along with everyone at least somewhat, but there were many people who he just didn’t click with
- Aramas, on the other hand, got along very well with just about everyone (especially Sera, Bull, Varric, and Dorian, but not so much Solas or Blackwall)
- He came to the Temple of Mythal with the team and was proud of his brother for drinking from the well
- Experiencing the temple was something they were excited they could do together (they were Dalish and wearing Mythal’s Vallaslin after all)
- Aramas stayed to help for a little while after Corypheus’ defeat, but soon proposed to Josie and they moved to Antiva together (where Josie continued her work remotely)
- The two returned to the Winter Palace for the events of Trespasser, and stayed with the former Inquisition for a short while to help Serafinn get settled in, but eventually made their way back to Antiva to settle down themselves
- A couple years after the events of Trespasser they would have two kids: Carina and Amaranth
- Both kids learned how to wield blades from their parents, but Amaranth eventually developed powers and went to train with Dorian and Serafinn when they were in their teens
- Carina would continue to train as a Rogue, but eventually discovered her love of history and stories and became an historian as an adult
(Depending on when the events of DA4 take place, I think Aramas would come back to help Serafinn for those events)
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softdekus · 5 years
Tell us about your DA characters!!!!
aa thank you! I’ll put it under a read more so it doesn’t take up too much space, and fair warning...it’s pretty long. 
Tldr i have Feynhel and Pirras Lavellan, Selanz Adaar, Luelle and Hayden deLoriot- Camriel, and Tenar Brosca. I dont have any canon hawkes yet bc i haven’t gotten to play da2 and i wanna wait till i can to do that asdfas
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First there’s Feynhel Lavellan, my most developed da character; he went through a backstory overhaul within the last year or two! When Inquisition starts he’s around 27, and he’d show up at Haven to be a companion pretty soon after the start of the game. He’s a gay trans man, and usually he ends up with either Pirras or Dorian(though if he were an actual companion he’d be open to romance by any male inquisitor). that’s a whole other subject entirely though that should probably be a post of it own lmao
    He was born in Orlais and left his family there to go join his father’s Dalish clan (Lavellan) when he was around 12. It was a fresh start he dearly needed considering his history with his mother. He’s a mage but had no interest in being First despite being very gifted with his magic, instead he was content to learn the basics and try to help out around the clan where needed. He apprenticed under the Clan’s craftmaster (Pirras’s father) and helped out the Hunters on occasion. Feyn’s father Thelras is a hunter and his stepmom, Shi’thra is a scout. He also has a younger brother named Cyrris, who’s now about 14 when Inquisition starts. 
    A big defining moment for him was when he was around 14/15 and had a close call with some Templars who wandered too close to where he was gathering craft supplies. He survived the encounter just barely, but since one of the Templars managed to retreat it made him paranoid of the possibility of being tracked. It’s part of the reason why he agreed to study under the Traveling Keeper who came to his clan looking for an apprentice some years later. He left for that when he was around 18/19 and has been away from his clan for most of the time after that, save for when he checks up with them in accordance to his duties. 
He takes his duties very seriously and has explored quite a few ruins in search of knowledge. He’s friendly with many and has quite a number of friends in the clans he’s visited across Thedas, as well as contacts outside of the clans. He loves to tell stories about the places he has visited and things he’s seen. He also will tend to hide the fact the he’s a mage(and by extension a Keeper) from most people until necessary, and he prefers to use a long sword or a dagger in most combat situations. He uses it as a focus for his magic and claims he simply had the blade enchanted. Overall he has a fairly diplomatic stance about many things, but he has strong morals and is very vocal about them if confronted with situations that challenge them. He’s generally a very warm and pleasant person to be around, although he’s tired pretty much all the time because he just refuses to sleep until he absolutely has to. I love him very much...
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After him there’s my current/consequential Inquisitor, Pirras Lavellan. He has a lot less development but I have added a lot to him recently. When Inquisition starts he’s about 29, a couple years older than Feyn. He’s very bi, and very into Iron Bull if he and Feyn don’t get together. He’s Inquisitor only because he went to the conclave with Feyn and a small party of other Dalish scouts, but got too impatient and went ahead before everyone else. 
Pirras’ whole arc is about him growing out of his previously childish and arrogant behavior. It takes him until the end of Inquisition though and its pretty back and forth. He has a natural feel for magic and out of other apprentices he was pretty much a shoe-in for First. Family-wise, it’s been just him and his father Tala’ren since he was young, since his older brother(a mage) and mother were lost to Templars when returning from visiting another clan. After that he was fairly withdrawn even when his magic manifested. It wasn’t until Feyn showed up and tried to befriend him that he really opened up and became more outgoing. Pirras was constantly(and still does) treat everything like a competition and feels the need to try to impress everyone, especially Feyn. (despite Feyn telling him numerous times he doesn’t need to) 
Shortly before Feyn left and Pirras became First, he went into the forest to try and prove how ready he was and promptly got his ass handed to him by a bear that had been giving the clan’s hunters trouble. He barely made it by virtue of Feyn and another hunter showing up, only because Feyn and Tala’ren had an idea he might do something foolish. Up till and even after then he was fairly sheltered about life outside the clan, never having ventured to speak to humans when the clan traded largely due to his own strong dislike of them.
The events of Inquisition were a pretty big shock to him and he grows a lot and learns much more about responsibility than he did in the clan. Though he’s certainly eager to return to the clan after Corypheus is defeated. Pirras and Feyn have a..complicated on and off relationship that really needs more space than this to talk abt lol. 
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Aside from those two we have my other Inquisitor, Selanz Adaar, who I haven’t really worked on in a long time. She’s 25 at the start of Inquisition, and fresh off her parent’s farm in Ferelden, only having done mercenary work for a couple of years when she heads to the conclave. 
She’s a dual-wield rogue, and one of her moms is a former Saarebas. Selanz is smart and cheerful and always ready for more action. She becomes fast friends with Sera, and most of the other companions(Sera and Selanz end up getting married in Trespasser and she later joins the Red Jennies.) She’s really intrigued by history and lore, and spends a lot of time in either the library going through all the books, or the garden checking on the various herbs growing since she knows her way around plants. As i said she isn’t nearly as developed as some others, but i should do another playthrough with her and fix that,,,
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After that there’s Luelle and Hayden du Loriot-Camriel. Luelle is in their mid/late thirties, nonbinary(genderfluid they/she) and pan. Hayden is 25/26, a trans man and is bi.They’re both mages, Luelle trained as a Knight Enchanter and Hayden is a Spirit Healer.I’m toying with the idea of Luelle becoming my new HOF so their story is likely to change.
Luelle and Hayden are half-siblings, sharing the same human father of a minor noble house, while Hayden’s mother is actually a mistress. Though since both Luelle and Hayden’s mothers were quite close Hayden and his mother were allowed to live on the estate. Luelle was very protective of Hayden growing up, and still is currently, and Hayden feels the same way. 
Luelle’s magic manifested when she was around 14 and at a very bad time. Her elder sibling and Heir to the house had a number of bad habits, one of which included being particularly shitty to Luelle, a number of the servants, and even their parents. It was really a long time coming, but after a particular instance Luelle’s anger bubbled up and the magic just manifesting reacted to it in an explosive manner. Quite literally. The fiery explosion was so intense that it killed their sibling and burned her arm so badly it needed to be amputated. Their parents notified the Templars and after medical treatment they took Luelle to Ostwick before being transferred to the Ferelden circle(this is where it would branch to becoming HOF). At the circle she learned to control her magic very quickly under the constant watch of the Templars because she had already proven she could be dangerous. However, they were a quick learner and by the time the the events of Origins rolled around they were going to begin studying under a Knight Enchanter. In the event Luelle isn’t the HOF, they go through with their Knight Enchanter training but disappear
Meanwhile, since Luelle was a mage Hayden was left as the only heir. He didn’t want to be the heir but he took it in stride and was pretty spoiled, though he turned out very kind. He was upset with his father for sending Luelle so far away and not even telling him where,though he never actually brought it up and didn’t fully understand why it was such a bad thing that she was a mage. In secret, between his studies in the library he had actually been obtaining and reading books on magic. His magic manifested in a much more subtle way than Luelle’s did, he awoke one night to find his sheets had frozen where he was gripping them after a dream. He was able to keep his abilities a secret for a few months as he tried to learn more about controlling them from his books. His father found out on accident one day during dinner, where their mabari spooked him and he froze his glass. 
In contrast to Luelle’s situation, their parents were now desperate to keep some sort of heir. Instead of informing the Templars, Hayden’s father sought to hire an apostate tutor in secret, despite Hayden’s own desire to learn in a Circle(with the goal of finding out which circle Luelle had been sent to). Before his father could find an apostate to hire, Hayden simply packed up and left in the middle of the night to find Templars to take him to a circle. He was around 12, and like Luelle he learned very quickly and had a strong desire to become a healer. He became a capable spirit healer about 3-4 years before Inquisition starts, and if he joins the Inquisition as a healer after being contacted near the Crossroads in Ferelden while accompanying a group of mages and tranquil in aiding refugees from the fighting.
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Then theres my main Hero of Ferelden, Tenar Brosca. He’s a two-handed warrior and Berserker specialization. He’s trans and bi bc i say so, and romanced either Zevran or Alistair.(i did playthrough for each and couldn’t,,,decide which i liked more) He is sort of morally questionable with a dark sense of humor(him and Morrigan get along rlly well), but from exposure to his companions he’s grown a bit and is trying to be a better person. He doesn’t have nearly as much to his backstory bc i haven’t really messed w him in a while, but he goes along with the dark ritual with Morrigan, and does some adventuring with Zevran before he eventually plans to help the Wardens rebuild.
There’s also a few other characters i have but for the main ones thats it sldakfj
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sassylavellen · 6 years
Retribution: Chapter 5
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Story: Dragon Age Retribution
A short(?) story by Sam Shenberger
Words: 3,835
It had turned out to be a hot day by the late afternoon. Down in the Trevelyan stables, several elven servants went about their works, polishing saddles and laying out fresh hay for all the horses. Zaria sat off to one side with a scrap of parchment and a quill. She was doodling all the family horses in their stalls while her father and other workers toiled. At that moment, the stable doors opened and Stephen entered. All the servants quickly stood up straight and bowed. “My lord Trevelyan!” cried Zaria’s father.
“Good day,” said Stephen with a curt nod. “Tell me my good man, has my sister come through here?”
“Aye, my lord.” He replied. “She came to get her horse not ten minutes ago.”
“I see. Was her tutor with her?”
The elf’s expression faltered. “Yes, my lord. The elf was. She had her own horse with her as well.”
“Do you have any idea where they may have been going?” Stephen asked.
“I am not sure, my lord.” He said.
“Her ladyship and Miss Evelyn?” asked Zaria from the corner. “I may-”
Her father turned around sharply. “Zaria!” he snapped. “Mind yourself, girl!”
“It’s quite alright.” Said Stephen, stepping over to the child and kneeling down to her level. “What were you about to say, young one?” he asked gently.
“I heard miss Evelyn mention a clearing in the forest north of here.” She said.
“A clearing in the forest to the north?” Stephen asked. “I’m not familiar with this.”
“It’s an ancient Dalish haunt.” Said Zaria’s father. “Many elves go there to reflect, even those that aren’t Dalish themselves.”
Stephen stood up and turned back to him. “Do you know where this clearing is?”
“I’m afraid not, my lord. I have only heard tales.” He said.
“I know where it is!” Zaria cried excitedly, standing up and running over to a map of Ostwick that hung on the wall, she grabbed a nearby stick to point out a spot in the forest. “Miss Evelyn showed me where it was on a map!”
Stephen examined it closely for a second, then nodded. “Very good. Is there a saddle ready for my horse?” ______________________________________________
It had taken less than an hour to reach the edge of the Winding Wood Forest. Holli and Evelyn slowed their horses to a trot as they entered the woods along an uneven path. Evelyn arched her back and took a long, deep breath through her nose, exhaling with a loud sigh.
“Can you feel that, Holli?” she asked with a grin.
“Feel what?” said Holli, confused.
Evelyn threw her hand out and gestured all around them. “This! The clean, fresh air!”
“It smells like a forest.” Said Holli. “Does it smell different to you because you’re an elf?”
“Not all elves come from the forest, y’know.” Shrugged Evelyn.
Eventually, they came to a fork in the path. Evelyn looked down both paths.
“How far in is this clearing you mentioned?” Holli asked, scratching a bug bite on her neck.
“Not much farther. Maybe a quarter mile? It’s down the left-” Evelyn was cut short as Shadow suddenly stood up onto his hind legs and began snorting loudly. This then upset Holli’s steed who began stamping nervously. “Whoa! Shadow!” cried Evelyn in surprise, reaching up to touch the side of his head. “Calm down you crazy bast-” again, she stopped short, her ears twitched.
Holli stroked her horse’s main. “What has them so spooked?” she asked.
Evely held up a hand. “Shut up a second…” she said. Holli gave her an indignant look, but remained silent. Evelyn listened closely. They were surrounded by the normal sounds of the forest - birds singing, leaves rustling, wind making branches creak - but there was something else, very faint but there… sounds of clanging swords and cries of distress. Evelyn drew her sword.
“Evelyn…?” Holli asked nervously.
Evelyn looked at Holli with a serious expression on her face. “Something’s going on up ahead.”
Evelyn pulled on Shadow’s reigns to get him going again. He galloped away down the path towards the commotion, leaving Holli on the trail. “I’m not dressed for this…” she mumbled as she followed.
The sounds grew louder the further they went down the path. Soon Holli could hear them as well. This wasn’t just a scuffle; this was a full on fight. Evelyn could hear the clink of multiple blades locked together. Soon, she brought Shadow to a halt and Holli caught up behind her.
“Leave the horses here.” Evelyn said as she hopped down.
“whoever they are, they better not try to steal them.” Said Holli.
Evelyn tied Shadow’s reigns to a nearby tree. “You hear that, big guy?” she said to the horse. “Don’t let anyone steal Buttercup, got it?” Shadow shook his head with a snort. “He said yes.” Evelyn nodded, then walked off into the brush. Holli finished tying her own horse to the tree and followed, drawing her sword.
As they crept through the bushes, the fighters came into view. Evelyn peered over the branches to see several men and women wearing black robes fighting a group of five elves. The elves were outnumbered but putting up a valiant fight. Some of them weren’t even fighting with swords, but with bow and arrow.
“Who are they?” whispered Holli.
“They’re Dalish… Don’t know what clan. And them…” she was suddenly interrupted as one of the hooded robed figures suddenly sent a fiery bolt from his hand that exploded in the midst of the elves. Two of them dodged out of the way, but three were not so lucky, bursting into flame.
“Dear Maker!” exclaimed Holli. Evelyn quickly covered Holli’s mouth, but Holli roughly pushed Evelyn’s hand away. “We have to do something!” she said, indignantly.
“We’re outnumbered, I’m trying to think of the best way to…” Evelyn began, but at that moment one of the elves was stabbed clean through the chest. His companion cried loudly, throwing off her helmet and leaping upon the man who stabbed him. “Oh shit!” shouted Evelyn suddenly and she leap out of the bush, swinging her sword angrily.
The men were caught off guard by this and quick as a flash Evelyn had two of them down. With a quick roll, she dodged a clumsy retaliation swing and countered with a blow that severed the man’s arm completely off his body. The helmetless elf seemed to have gone into a fury at her companion’s death and killed several more of them. As another robed figure fell, Evelyn and the elf locked eyes. Evelyn felt her heart drop, and she saw the same expression of recognition on the white-haired elf’s pale face. “Look out!” Cried the other remaining elf as lightning erupted from her fingertips. It zapped three enemies behind Evelyn, all of whom fell to the ground.
Now only one hooded figure remained. She stepped menacingly towards the group, but suddenly let out a cry of pain as a blade appeared out of her chest. She fell over dead, revealing Holli. “Nice work, Trevelyan.” Said Evelyn, breathing heavily as she crouched down to examine one of the bodies of the attackers. There was nothing noteworthy about him except for an emblem on his right sleeve, a patch with a blood-red hand with the thumb folded in on the palm. It almost looked like someone gesturing the number four. All the attackers has this emblem on their right sleeves.
“Got blood on my garments…” mumbled Holli, but she suddenly stood up straight and threw her hands up in the air as she noticed a sword pointed at her throat. The white haired elf was glaring at her. The elf mage came up behind Holli and pointed the tip of her staff at the back of Holli’s head. She too removed her helmet and her wild brown hair fell around her face.
“There will be no escape for you, Shemlen.” She said through gritted teeth.
“You did just see that she helped us out, right Shiawyn?” asked Evelyn.
Shiawyn took her eyes off Holli for a moment. “How do you know my name?” she said.
The other elf lowered her sword slowly. “You certainly picked a strange day to show up again, Ellana.”
Evelyn’s face fell. “That’s not my name, Naren,” she said, disappointed. “It never was.”
Holli, still standing with her hands in the air was looking back and forth between them. “Wait… I’m confused… you know each other?” ______________________________________________
Shadow and Buttercup stood in the woods tied to their tree as the sound of galloping came up from behind them. Shadow snorted and started stamping his feet nervously as a horse and rider came up the trail towards them. It was Stephen. He slowed his horse down, when he saw them. “There you are!” he said to himself in relief as he dismounted. He stepped up to Buttercup and stroked her nose. “But where are your owners…?” He slowly became aware of the sounds of running further ahead. Confused, he looked up. Four men in black robes appeared in front of him. They stopped short seeing him.
“What do we do?” asked one of the men.
“Kill him. We leave no witnesses!” said another man.
All four of them drew their bows and took aim at Stephen. He froze, realizing he hadn’t brought his own bow, nor any weapons of any kind with him. “Now hold on…” he began, but suddenly he felt the wind of two arrows fly past from behind him and two of the men fell down. Before the others could do more than look around to see what had happened they were struck down by more arrows. Stephen turned to look around. Running up behind him were two Dalish scouts, bow with arrows drawn to their bows and pointing at Stephen.
“Give me one good reason, Shem!” said the shorter elf.
“I don’t think he’s one of them, Aeslin.” Said the taller one.
“No! I’m definitely not with them. I just got here” said Stephen quickly.
“He’s a shemlen, just like them. If he’s not here with them, then why is he here?” said the short one, whose name was apparently Aeslin. “Trespassing on our lands? Thieving?”
“I’m just looking for my sister. This is her horse, I don’t know…” Stephen began, but Aeslin took a step closer, her arrow still posed to her bow.
“Aeslin, stop.” Said the taller, putting her arrow back in her quiver. “Look at him, look at what he’s wearing. He’s obviously a lost noble, he’s not even carrying a weapon.”
“Fine…” said Aeslin as she lowered her bow, but kept the arrow ready. “One false move, shemlen…” she continued threateningly.
Stephen looked to the taller elf. He had mainly kept his eyes on Aeslin since she had been the forward one. She was almost as tall as he was, but she had short, curly brown hair and striking blue eyes. Stephen couldn’t help himself but to look at her a little longer, her eyes were very piercing, but kind. “I really am only trying to find my sister, Holli. She came here with an elven woman too. She has the markings on her face like you, perhaps you know her?” he said.
“What would one of our people be doing, associating with the likes of you?” scoffed Aeslin.
Stephen shrugged. “She’s tall like you, reddish-brown hair, named Evelyn?”
The tall elf’s eyes widened. “What did you say?” she asked sharply. ______________________________________________
Evelyn and Holli were lead, hands bound, to the center of the camp by Shiawyn and Naren. Once there, the elves gathered in a circle around them. Holli titled her head and whispered to Evelyn. “Are you certain this is really your clan?” she asked hesitantly.
“They were,” said Evelyn. “Me and them… let’s just say that we didn’t part on the best of terms.” At that moment, another familiar figure emerged from the crowd. It was an elder woman who wore long robes and walked with an ornate staff. Evelyn cleared her throat as she approached.
“Istimaethoriel!” said Evelyn. “It’s been a while, right? Your name is still as long and hard to say as ever.” “And your name is as insulting as ever.” said Istimaethoriel. Evelyn backed up a step with a sidelong glance. The robed elf glared at her as she approached them. Finally, she spoke again.
“Do not think we have forgotten you, Harellan,” she spat out. “You turned you back on us long ago. Ma banal las halamshir var vhen!” Holli looked between them, confused. Evelyn’s jaw tightened. “And now you think you can just walk back into our midst and count yourself among us? After your… betrayal?” she continued.
Evelyn glared at her defiantly. “Tel'abelas.” replied Evelyn, her voice full of spite.
Istimaethoriel shook her head, but then a commotion began at the far side of the gathering. Evelyn looked behind her to see a young woman pushing her way through. “WHERE IS SHE?!” Evelyn heard the woman shouting. A second later, the tall elf stumbled into the center of the circle and locked eyes with Evelyn. Evelyn knew that this elf was very familiar to her but before she could think, the girl cried “SISTER!” as threw herself at her in an embrace.
“Moira! Step away from the captives.” Istimaethoriel said sternly.
“Moira?” Evelyn said in suprise. It had been years since she had seen her little sister and she barely recognized her. “Maker’s breath, you’ve grown!” The last time she had seen Moira, she was only 13, and she was short, plump and had no vallaslin yet. Now she was tall, thin with curly brown hair, bright blue eyes and bearing the vallaslin of Mythal. She also had a large bleeding cut at the tip of one of her eyebrows.
“So have you!” Moira replied, looking up at her big sister. Moira was taller than most of the other elves, but she was still almost a head shorter than Evelyn. “I have so much to tell-” She began, but Istimaethoriel slammed her staff on the ground and sparks few from the tip. Moira jumped in surprise and turned back. Meanwhile, Aeslin came in, leading Stephen over to Holli and Evelyn.
“Hello sister. Evelyn.” He said as Aeslin shoved him over to them.
“Stephen.” Said Evelyn shortly. “Didn’t expect to see you here.”
“Wasn’t expecting to be here.” Replied Stephen.
“Enough of this! You and your Shemlen friends are not welcome in this camp, Harellan.” Istimaethoriel snapped imaptiently. “You will leave at once and never return to our lands.”
Holli cleared her throat. “Technically, this forest falls under land granted to the Trevelyans in 7:41 Storm, so this land is owned by…”
Evelyn nudged Holli in the ribs to shut her up. She then straightened up and called after her. “Where is The Keeper? The Clan’s first has no authority to banish one of their own.”
Istimaethoriel paused. “Keeper Revan’nain is dead.” she said. “Not that he would have shown you any more mercy because you were his daughter.”
“What?” said Evelyn quietly, shocked. She looked to Moira, whose face had fallen.
“Father died a year ago when a great sickness took hold of the clan.” She said solemnly. “Mother too.”
The color drained in Evelyn’s face. “I- I’m sorry…” she managed to choke out.
“No you’re not.” said another voice in the crowd. A young male elf stepped forward, also carrying an ornate staff and wearing intricate robes.
“Ezra!” Evelyn cried out in excitement. “Help me out here!” She looked to him with hope, but the smile on her face quickly turned as she saw his stone cold face.
“No.” he said as he passed her. “You deserve this.”
“Ezra…” pleaded Moira, “Brother, please don’t do this… she’s our sister!”
“Keeper Istimaethriel is right.” He said. “This Herallan and her shemlen companion have no business being here.”
“Holli and I helped defend you all from the raiders!” Evelyn cried out indignantly. “We fought with you, we risked our lives and you and you would throw us out without so much and as a thanks?”
“These shemlen attacked our clan without warning, they have killed many of our people and they stole a tome of sacred and forbidden knowledge…” Istimaethriel said.
“They did?” asked Moira.
“Yes they did. We have not the time to deal with you three. You will leave now and never return.” Said Istimaetheriel.
“Fine.” Said Evelyn, standing up. “I didn’t want a nice reunion anyway.”
“Evie…” said Moira.
“Moira,” Ezra called. “We may have a trail we can follow to recover the stolen tome. Come away from them.”
With a sad glance at them, Moira turned and left.
Naren put her hand on Evelyn’s shoulder. “I told you it was an odd time to come back.” She said. “I’ll lead you all back out.” ______________________________________________
On the ride home, Evelyn remained mostly silent while Holli explained everything that had happened to Stephen. This certainly was not how she thought the day was going to go. If she had known the clan was in the area, she would never have come close to the spot. This was supposed to be a good time relaxing with Holli, but instead it had brought her more anxiety than she had felt in her life. It was a different type of anxiety, it was a feeling of anger and sadness, less of fear like her normal anxiety.
“Evelyn?” asked Holli. Evelyn was still lost in thought and didn’t respond. “Evelyn!” Holli said louder.
Evelyn snapped out of her thoughts. “Yeah. Sorry, what?”
“Can I-” Holli began.
“You want to know what happened between me and the clan.” Evelyn cut her off.
“Yes,” said Holli. “If you’re willing.”
Evelyn took a deep breath. “My parents were both Dalish elves, but my mother for a time was a servant girl for some noble family. They treated her poorly, all except for their daughter. She helped my mother escape that life and find her clan again. The daughter’s name was Evelyn. That’s how I got my name. Everyone in my clan is extremely traditional and very anti-human after the March on the Dales, so my father – who was essentially the leader of the clan – would say my human name was an insult to his perfect little proud Dalish clan… My father hated me. He tried to change my name to Ellana so he could save face with the rest of the clan. I was never a daughter to him. When I was old enough, I ran. I ran and I never looked back. That’s the long and short of it.”
“You couldn’t have been hated by everyone.” Said Stephen. “What of your sister?”
Evelyn smiled slightly, but it quickly faded. “Moira was the only one who ever had my back. My brother Ezra on the other hand… He was just like my father.”
“Evelyn… I’m sorry” said Holli seriously.
Evelyn shrugged. “It’s in the past. I’m not Dalish anymore and I don’t want to be.”
“Evelyn!” a voice cried from behind them. They turned to see a pure white halla coming towards them with Moira on its back. Evelyn shook her head as she caught up with them.
“Moira…?” she began.
“Officially, I’m not here.” Began Moira. “I’m tracking those men who attacked us. But… I needed to talk to you. I’m sorry for how the clan treated you.”
“What did you expect them to treat me like?” snorted Evelyn. “You know how they are. They don’t change.”
Moira glanced at Holli and Stephen. “Can we have a moment, please?”
The siblings looked at one another, then Holli cleared her throat. “We’ll just be up ahead.” She said to Evelyn.
With a nod, the two of them trotted off a few yards away.
Moira sighed. “Not everyone hates you.”
“They certainly seem like they do.” Retorted Evelyn.
“I don’t.” said Moira, hurt.
Evelyn shook her head. “Moira, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean…”
“I know you didn’t,” she said. “I just came out here to tell you…” She looked at Evelyn, struggling to find words. “For years, I’ve been waiting, I’ve been hoping that one day you’d come home. You can’t imagine how much we missed you. All of us.”
“All of you?” asked Evelyn.
Moira reached into her pouch and produced a partially burnt envelope. After looking at it for a long second, she handed it to Evelyn. “Here… Father wanted you to have this if you ever did come back. Ezra tried to burn it but I kept it.” Evelyn took it with a confused look. “I can’t stay any longer, I have to find out who those men were and where they’ve taken our tome.”
Moira steered her halla back towards the forest.
“Moira! Wait!” called Evelyn after her. Moira paused and looked back at them. Evelyn couldn’t find words to express what she was feeling. After an awkward moment of struggling, she finally spoke up. “I’ve missed you so much.”
Moira nodded sadly. “Me too.” She turned again and rode off. Evelyn sat there on Shadow quietly watching as Moira disappeared into the forest. Holli came back over behind her slowly.
“Are you alright, Ev?” she asked.
Evelyn became aware that tears were falling down her face without her even noticing. Quickly she wiped them away. “I’m fine. Let’s just go home.” She said shortly. ______________________________________________
Night had fallen on the Trevelyan estate by the time they returned. Evelyn had already said goodnight to Holli and Stephen and put Shadow in his pen and was walking back to her cabin in the cool night breeze. So much had happened to her in the course of one single day. She was tired, she hadn’t eaten anything since that fruit tart in the city square. It seemed like an eternity ago.
As soon as she entered her cabin, she threw off her boots. The cold wooden floor actually felt good on her bare feet. She stood in the dark, debating if she should make some food before retiring for the night, or just to go straight for bed. In the very least, she wanted a drink of something strong to wash the events of the day away. With a sigh, Evelyn stepped towards her liquor cabinet. She froze; something was wrong. She had stepped in something wet.
“What the…?” she began, but then her ear twitched. She heard breathing. Not just breathing, but the breathing of someone in pain. She grabbed a nearby candle and lit it, and in the dim light she saw a trail of blood on the floor. “Can’t this day just stop…” she spat under her breath. Slowly, she followed the blood trail into the sitting room. Raising the light up revealed who it was breathing so irregularly. A woman sat slumped in a nearby chair with a bleeding gash in her lower torso. Evelyn hadn’t met her before but she immediately knew who it was.
It was Alyssa.
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blondepomwrites · 6 years
Uh, that's quite a few of them, but I couldn't pick! For the end of year writing meme: F, M, O, T and/or V!
Thank you for the ask and apologies for the lateness of this answer. I thought this meme would help revive my desire to write again, but not quite. So I had to do some good ol’ fashioned keyboard CPR before I could tackle these. I think I’ve got it now.
F. What stories are you planning for the future?
Oh gosh. Well, finishing What We Leave Behind, for one, would be a great place to start. After that, I think it’s mainly give Walk the Void the boot out of my WIP section whether it (or I) like it or not. It needs to see the light of day before the sun sets on DA2 Fenhawke and DA4 utterly wrecks the story’s canon. I don’t have any other concrete fanfiction plans at the moment… though re-reading Room by Emma Donoghue and churning out Playing House could be rewarding (and, again, doing it before DA4 comes in and wrecks known canon).
As far as original fiction goes, I really need to hop back on The Girl Who Struck Lightning. It’s theoretically halfway done, and I did that in maybe a year and a half? Maybe with some luck and more stability (fingers crossed) in the future, I can accomplish the second half in just as much time.
M. Meta! Have any meta about a story you’re dying to throw out there?
I’m VERY disappointed in myself because I cannot for the life of me think of anything that fits this. I reserve the right to reblog this later when an idea suddenly hits me at ass o’clock.
O. Do you believe in outlines? Show us one!
YES! Listen, I am all onboard for spontaneity, particularly when it’s character driven in the moment, but I think spontaneity in writing as a whole only works when you are nearly constantly ~in the groove~. I am not one of those people, so outlines mainly help me remember 1.) what the fuck I’m doing and 2.) why the fuck I’m doing it.
Here’s an (old) outline from the the middle part of What We Leave Behind, before it evolved into what it is:
T. Themes, motherfucker, do you have them? What are they?
Hurting and healing, healing and hurting, probably. And having someone there to go through it with you.
V. Which story was the most viscerally pleasing to write? Tell us your narrative kinks.
UNFFF. Well, the last part of chapter three of What We Leave Behind really got me going. But I guess stories like Walk the Void and Luxeferre are probably manifestations of my narrative kinks because they’re so un-apologetically purple, somewhat lyrical, and so full of malaphors that they’re practically indecipherable. (See, you’ll also notice that the last two have never seen the light of day in whole. Now it’s no wonder why.)
Again, thank you so much for the ask!!
(from the End of the Year Writing Meme)
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selenelavellan · 6 years
For the Unusual Inheritance meme, 8, 9, or 10?
10. “you died and left me on the hook for a hereditary marriage contract”
how could I not
The Evanuris family is based on @feynites writing.
Selenehesitates, standing still in the late afternoon heat before twoover-sized and over-decorated wooden doors. The imagery bears aresemblance to some of the stories she's grown up with, of gods andtricksters and cities in the sky, but it still feels just slightlyoff. Like some version of herpeoples pantheon has been bastardized for the sake of some weird formof propaganda.
Surely, asign of good things to come, shethinks sarcastically.
Shepresses the almost hilariously small in comparison doorbell, andwaits.
Herfather had been a pain in the ass in life; somehow it seems onlyfitting that he continue the trend after his death. Selene had nearlytrekked back to Var Bellanaris to dig him up and turn him to ashherself when they had uncovered his lingering debts. Some remnantfrom Elrogathes days before he joined clan Lavellan; when he wasstill young, and hot tempered, and impulsive. When he had promisedhis first born in some ridiculously long contract to what is, to thebest of her knowledge, some sort of mob-like family.
Notthat he had ever toldher about it.
Twentythree years and never so much as a 'hey, you should probably know Itraded you for an apprenticeship once, so that might come back aroundfor you one day. Sorry!'
Witha little luck, these people will see what a ridiculous idea ahereditary marriage contract is, and she can go on with her life.
Thedoors swing inward, revealing an older elven woman with bright yelloweyes and well-earned wrinkles in her brow, who looks at her asshrewdly as if she were some sort of unwelcome dog defecating on herporch.
“Hello,”Selene tries anyways. “I'm here because of a contract my fathersigned around thirty years ago. If I could just get the head of thefamily to sign off that it's forgiven, I can go ahead and get out ofyour hair.”
Thewoman's countenance changes immediately as she holds out a handexpectantly. Selene quickly rifles through her bag and pulls out theslightly crumpled bundle of papers to deposit them in theoutstretched palm. She shuffles awkwardly from foot to foot while theolder woman skims through the papers before clicking her tongue.
“You'reElrogathes child?”
“Youare late,” She tsks, motioning for Selene to finally enter themansion. She presses a button in the entryway, and moves further intothe house. “Half of my children are already married. You will haveto marry one of my sons. Do you have any siblings?”
“Ashame, but one we will contend with.”
Selenecan hear the shuffling of footsteps as they come to a stop at thebase of a large staircase, the motifs from the door clearly carriedthrough to the interior decorations, and she turns to the olderwoman, with a slight note of panic in her voice. “So-here's thething, I don't want to marry any of your kids.”
Thewoman raises one perfectly groomed eyebrow up as she glances up at Selene, the look from theirfirst meeting bleeding back into her expression.
“Notthat I mean any disrespect,” Selene quickly backpedals. “I'm surethey're grea-er, fine.But I don't have anything to offer you. There's no money, my wholeinheritance was this ridiculous marriage contract so really, its abad business decision on yourend to carry it out, if you think about it. How about instead oftying one of them down to some unknown dalish girl, I just pay forlike, a year of membership to a professional dating service. What doyou say? IHarmony? OKMythal?” the sound of footsteps is gettinglouder now, whoever she called nearly upon them. Her voice cracks asshe continues her plea “...AndrastianMingle?”
Threemore elves descend down the stairs. One has arms covered in ornatelydone tattoos that resemble the wings of an owl, with thick rings laidover most of his fingers. Long blonde hair that is currently pulledover his shoulder, covering a part of his leather jacket andfake-faded band tee. His eyes remind Selene of the elven woman stillstanding beside her, though the lecherous feeling he leaves as theyrake over her form are more reminiscent of the wolves in the woodsback home. The next has shorter black hair, floofed up slightly ontop of his head, and has most of his skin hidden beneath what looks toher to be a suit jacket hastily thrown over a pair of high-endpajamas. The third is practically lounging over the shoulder of thesecond, his own hair long and sleek and black, skin peppered withfreckles and a slightly bent nose, staring at her expectantly.
Theolder woman next to her makes a shooing motion at the third man, whomakes a dramatic pout before skipping down the remaining stairs andstanding just behind Selene. She has the distinct impression thathe's staring at her ass and legs, but her already heightened anxietyin the situation is preventing her from speaking up about it.
“Selene,these are my sons,” the woman states, gesturing to the two elvenmen still on the staircase. “Falon'din, and Dirthamen. One of themwill be your husband.”
“I'lltake her,”The blonde one speaks, pretending to seem disinteresteddespite the fact that his eyes haven't left her since he entered. “I'm the oldest, and the old man keeps bitching about me settlingdown anyways. Those legs open, right?”
Selenesshoulders raise at his comments, her own impulsiveness finallybreaking through her wall of nerves. “Not for you! No one is'taking' me!” She turns to the woman beside her, glaring down infull fury. “This whole situation is ridiculous; I'm not marryingyour sons because of some awful contract my awful father signedbefore I was even conceived! I do not know them, and I will not bespending my life with someone whom I have never even had aconversation with! Whatever game you may think this is, I'm notplaying it!”
Theman behind her snickers, and she thinks for a moment she sees himgive a thumbs up to someone.
“...Isuppose it is unfair to make you choose when you have no priorknowledge of my children,” The woman relents. “Very well. Youwill stay with us for a month, and in that time you will get to knoweach of my sons. At the end of the month you will make your decision,or I will find another way for you to repay your fathers debts; wecould always use more 'helping hands' at the Tevinter estate.”
Thewoman dismisses herself without another word, leaving Selene alone atthe bottom of the staircase with the men of the family.
“I'mimpressed you got so much wiggle room,” The freckled man behind herspeaks up. “Mythal's not really known for leniency.”
“Sure,'wiggle room',” Selene gripes. “Marriage to a stranger orenslavement; such great options, really. Who could resist.”
Theman snickers again, tossing an arm over her shoulders. “You'regonna be fine,” he assures her. “My names Des, and I think we'regonna be great friends. Word of advice though? Try not to spend toomuch alone time with Falon'din; he really isthat bad.”
“Fuckyou!” The blonde yells, quickly hopping down the stairs andgrabbing Selenes ass through her pants before making an approving noise.
Sheslaps the hands of both men away, and starts walking backwardstowards the doorway she came in from; maybe if she just runs,they won't be able to follow her. But as she does, she finds herselfstopped by another form behind her, as two dark hands settle over herhips.
Shescreams, flames igniting around her as she spins to light up the newstranger. The shorter, older man grabs her wrist before she cansummon a true fireball and laughs, seemingly thrilled by this turn ofevents.
“...Youcould let me leave,” Selene tries, pulling her wrist out of hisgrip.
Twosurprisingly strong hands grasp onto the sides of her shoulders, andguide her through the living room and towards the kitchen. She turnswith pleading eyes towards the only person still around who hasn'ttouched her against her will, and mouths a silent 'HELP ME'to the dark haired, silent elfstill standing on the stairs. His brow furrows, and a moment later heis gone, Des chasing after him.
Well,she thinks. This is hell. My father died and dragged me tohell with him.
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batsintheshadows · 6 years
Athera the Companion
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Inquisitor’s Name: Athera Lavellan Race / Class / Specialisation: Rogue Elf Assassin Gender Identity: Female
Varric’s Nickname for them: Antlers
Short bio: As a typical da’len hunter nearing the time she could recieve her vallaslin, Athera was taken by slavers while away from the camp with her younger brother. Her sacrifice allowed the clan to escape, but lead to a grueling ordeal before she escaped and found her way back home. Now she is a respected hunter and occasionally travels to visit the elves that live in human cities, so they may know more of their history should they be interested. She also assists with problems that the human guards tend to ignore.
What would their companion card look like? I actually commissioned one of these! it hasnt quite been finished yet tho.
Athera aiming her bow high above her head with a victorious smile as the sun rises, a halla head with three arrows in the horns formed from the clouds behind her and a green bird perched on her shoulder, coat billowing in the wind.
More under the cut, because theres gonna be a LOT here.
Recruitment mission: Athera approaches the Inquisition in Val Royeaux, quietly and from a side street. She wears a hood to hide her face and when asked about it she says that she may be making a poor choice, and if she is it would be better to have the option to hide. Athera tells the Inquisitor that she is visiting family in the city, and has discovered that elves have been vanishing. She says she wants to see what’s going on, but has a feeling that whatever is happening is too much for one person to handle. If pressed about her identity, Athera stays vague, saying that she could get in trouble for looking into this at all, and wouldn’t want that to affect anyone she cares about.
If the Inquisitor agrees to investigate she tells them to meet her at a certain location at midnight, and not to worry about her too much. She has enough martial training to help in any fights there might be.
When you meet up with her, Athera is nervous, checking her arrows and pulling her hood down further over her face. If you ask her about it she says she hasnt ever done “anything quite like this” before.
When you enter the building, you discover a slaver ring and some captured elves. Athera strikes first, no matter what you say, and in the ensuing fight her hood comes off, revealing her vallaslin. when everything is said and done Athera very pointedly ignores the party in favour of freeing the captured elves, who are very grateful for her arrival. She asks if they will be able to get back to the alienage safely and one of them says that they can get them there, leaving Athera free to look for letters and talk to the party.
She picks up some letters and folds her arms, and asks the Inquisitor if they are going to take any sort of action now that they know a Dalish elf is meddling in the city. There is an option to tell her that if she joins The Inquisition then the Inquisitor will stay quiet. Athera is silently furious, but says she would prefer this to end without bloodshed if possible. Athera Greatly Disapproves if you pick this option. You can also ask about her lying to the group. Athera claims she never lied and points out the ways that everything she said was technically true.
Otherwise you can attempt to turn her in, which causes her to flee and become unrecruitable. or you can say that you won’t alert the guards. In the latter case, she is grateful and asks to join The Inquisition. When asked why she says:
“I’m not stupid. A big hole in the sky? Demons around every corner? This could be the end of the world. My clan can’t outrun that. You’re the only ones I’ve seen even trying to make a difference. If theres any way out of this, its with the people that arent caught up in petty squabbles. So yes, I won’t like being away from my clan for so long, but I’ll like it even less if the world dies.”
She agrees to meet the Inquisitor back in Haven, and pulls her hood back up, heading off into the night.
Where they would be in Skyhold / Haven: In Skyhold she would probably hang around in the gardens, but move to somewhere around the stables if it was converted into a chantry garden. In Haven she would be on the docks by the frozen lake.
Personal quests: 
Quest 1: After arriving in Skyhold and gaining some approval, Athera will go over what she found in the slavers letters. She says that the slavers were reporting to a merchant called Vivicus, and that she suspects that theyre related to the Venatori. Athera has followed a trail that has ended in Redcliffe, and asks the Inquisitor to go with her as backup. If the Inquisitor tries to bring Dorian, the cutscene will not trigger and Athera will suggest trying again with “company better suited to the operation. Like people that never owned slaves maybe.” Once the cutscene triggers, Athera give you what she knows about the slaver. A small and pretty easy fight with demons ensues as you enter the building, and the party makes it up the stairs to a room with a man in fine clothes sitting on a chair facing away from the group. As the group approaches, the man falls sideways when touched, revealing he is very dead and has a note stapled to his chest that simply says “your move Inquisition -V”. Athera is upset by this, and tells the Inquisitor that they need to be sure the body gets proper death rites. Back at Skyhold Athera thanks the Inquisitor for their help and apologises for dragging them into her mess. She says that itll probably last a while as well, if this guys as much of an asshole as he seems to be.
Quest 2: Occurs after either The Fade or The Winter Palace. Athera is reading a letter, and claims that its information on Vivicus. If asked about where the letter came from, Athera says she’s been tracking weird courier orders and got lucky with this one. Athera says the letter reveals that Vivicus has somehow discovered her identity and is using it against her. She doubts her clan will be targeted, but asks permission to grant them safe passage through the surrounding lands and trading rights at Skyhold. She admits that in spite of what her clan could bring in, its really just a favour to her. If the Inquisitor agrees, you get the option to open a new area on the war table, but cannot select Dorian for the mission. When you arrive, you run into an ambush of slavers who seem to be expecting you. The fight is really difficult, but you only need to defeat half the slavers to trigger a rescue by Athera’s clan. As the last of the slavers fall, Athera gets the attention of one of the hunters and gives him a big hug, introducing him as her younger brother Elgadir. Elgadir is overjoyed to see his sister again and says the clan has been worried since she stopped writing. Athera replies she has been writing weekly and getting letters back as well. After a bit of confusion, they figure out something weird is going on, and tells the other hunters to check if any of the slavers are still alive. One is, and they get to them before the throat cutters do. Elgadir says that he doesnt much like the idea of bringing a slaver back to any of the clans camps, but if this problem is gonna get solved then they’ll probably have to. one of the other hunters goes ahead to warn the clan to prepare for a captive and some guests. Elgadir gives the Inquisition members a warning that if they do anything foolish, they will pay with their lives, but if they approach in good faith, then the clan will be happy to do business with them. The party is introduced to the clan and Athera goes off to talk with her brother and the Keeper, leaving the team free to explore. There are a few quests to help the clan or act like a dick, Athera gets approval or disapproval for them even though she isnt in the active party. To advance the quest, you enter the Keeper’s aravel. Athera sits with her brother hugging her, clearly distressed. The Keeper tells the Inquisitor that they have all come to a consensus that it would be a lot easier to deal with the situation with all the facts, and asks Athera if she would be willing to tell the story herself. Athera then tells the Inquisitor that she was taken from her clan by slavers around six years ago, and though she managed to fake her death and escape, Vivicus has discovered her identity and has been intercepting her letters for a while. The letter that sent her running back to her clan was to be sent to the person that owned her, and she intercepted a similar one at Skyhold intended to sow some discord. Athera says that its probably a game to Vivicus now, and that he will go to any lengths to win. She fears for her clan, as she fears for those she has become close with outside of it. At the prompting of the other two elves, Athera also admits to being very stressed out, since the Inquisitor unknowingly hired someone from the family that used to own her. “Theres a reason I don’t get along with Dorian, I’m scared to death of him.” The Inquisitor can tell Athera to stay with her clan for safety, offer to expel Dorian from the Inquisition (Athera will reject this idea because she knows the Inquisitor wouldnt have let Dorian stay if they didnt like him or need his help.), or keep to the plan of allowing the clan safety in the lands around Skyhold. Back at Skyhold, Athera thanks the Inquisitor for listening to her, saying she feels far more at ease now that someone knows, but begs the Inquisitor not to tell anyone her secret and to make tracking down Vivicus as much of a priority as possible, otherwise she doesnt know what could happen to her.
Quest 3: Takes place after the second main quest you complete after unlocking Skyhold. Athera and Dorian are arguing as the Inquisitor approaches them, though most of the shouting seems to be coming from Athera’s side with a lot of what is obviously swearing in elvish. When pressed, Athera accuses Dorian of going through her letters, and Dorian denies the accusation. “If you would listen before you started screaming at me, you would know that this is my letter. That I was trying to give to you quietly. But if you insist on discussing this in the courtyard...” Athera snatches the letter and runs away, leaving Dorian to ask the Inquisitor to go after her, saying that Athera probably wouldn’t want to see him right around now. When the Inquisitor finds Athera she is incredibly upset, and lets them know that this letter has been opened and Dorian knows who she is now. The Inquisitor can comfort her or be awful, and after theyre done talking Dorian knocks on the door, asking to come in. Athera tells him to keep his distance, and he agrees. Trying to lighten the tension, Dorian makes a joke about how Vivicus is really an idiot if he thinks sending Dorian a letter is going to do anything, what with the whole pariah thing. No one laughs. Athera asks Dorian what he’s going to do, and Dorian suggests using the note to lure Vivicus out. “We’ve been playing cat and mouse for months. I’ll be glad to see it end.” Athera tells Dorian that she doesn’t trust him, and will only go if the Inquisitor comes too. Dorian agrees, and they begin to make a plan, through the door because Athera can’t face him yet. After this, a war table mission to smuggle a letter to Vivicus opens up, and once it is completed a mission on the storm coast opens up called “Trigger Venatori Trap”. Once there the party fights off some Venatori, and Athera slowly breaks ranks with the group, making herself an easier target and leading to Vivicus showing himself at last. The rest of the party sets up a good flanking position and a boss battle against Vivicus, who is a blood mage and ACTUALLY DOES BLOOD MAGE STUFF WHY DID THEY LEAVE THIS OUT OF DAI???, begins as Dorian makes a snappy “oh what an idiot” type remark at Vivicus. The party are victorious, and they return to Skyhold where Athera tells the Inquisitor that she has no idea what to do now, since she has no way of knowing who Vivicus sent letters to. If you did a war table mission to stop the letters, you are able to reassure her that the Inquisition has the situation under control. Athera says that she likes the Inquisition, and whatever comes she would like to stay until the end as long as her and Dorian are kept separate. Preferably on opposite sides of the castle. At this point Dorian wanders past because a little light humour won’t kill anyone and begins yammering on about their victory a little too nervously. He admits that he’s been feeling a bit nervous since finding out about Athera’s past, but has done some deep soul searching and wants to apologise for how the relationship between the two of them has been. He promises to try and do better in the future, to which Athera replies “You’d better! Your family put me through hell! The least you can do is try and make it better.” Dorian doesnt make eye contact, and promises to keep her words in mind. He also says that they don’t need to speak again if Athera needs space. Athera says that would be for the best, but she won’t complain if they end up working together since stopping the end of the world is more important than the hurt one person carries. As Dorian turns to leave, she lets him know that once corypheus is dead all bets are off, and that she’ll probably throw him out the window, but the comment doesnt have much bite to it.
How to get their approval: helping elves and mages, respecting artifacts, killing venatori, freeing slaves, and generally not being an ass.
How to get their disapproval: Cruelty to elves and elven relics, slavery in any form, chantry and templar supporting, being an ass to mages, and victim blaming anyone.
Are they romanceable? Y/N Can you have sex with them? Y/N Are they open to polyamoury? Y/N If they can be romanced and are not, will they begin a relationship / relationships with other character(s)? If so, who? Sera already gets with Dagna, so odds are Athera wouldn’t get with anyone if unromanced.
Who are they friendly with? Vivienne and Sera (after a while).
Who do they dislike? Cassandra, Dorian, and Solas.
Companion card changes: (use a text descrip. if you have no images)
Loyalty:  Athera stands in the middle of a dark forest, her bow ready to draw and a smile on her face as she moves. the trees are gnarled and twisted, something could be hiding in them. but she is armed, and the forest is her home.
Romance: (if any) The bow and arrows have been put aside, and Athera sits cross legged by a campfire. there are trees all around and Athera has a serene smile on her lips and a look of total peace in her eyes.
Side Missions: (eg: fetch / gather / kill quests) None because fuck those. Ok maybe destroying monuments to the Exalted March on the Dales. Thatd be pretty satisfying. Also a war table mission to ensure that no letters get to the Pavus family that unlocks a dialogue option at the end of Athera’s last quest.
Opinions on mages / templars / how the world is going to shit? Templars fuck shit up, mages have been friends and guides to the clan and the Templars always try to take them away and people get hurt. She would rather just leave the Templars alone entirely. And of course mages can be trusted with their own lives! Everyone else does it what makes them so bloody different?
She has more nuanced opinions on the Chantry and how it relates to the oppression of mages and elves, and how its all a bid for power, but she’ll only talk abt it with an Inquisitor she likes.
Something guaranteed to make them leave the party: defiling the graves at the elven burial site in the exalted plains, killing the golden halla, or straight up betraying her.
Special Events:
Imprisoned at Redcliffe: How is your Inquisitor holding up in Redcliffe, being slowly infected with red lyrium over the course of a year?
Athera is almost unable to speak at all after a year in Redcliffe. She talks in fragments, and when she first sees the Inquisitor she just stares at them for a long time with a blank look on her face, waiting for them to either do something or vanish. Whenever Dorian speaks she glares at him. After all, this guy from Tevinter shows up and then everything fails and the world dies? She’s been blaming him. The Inquisitor has to talk her down.
She puts all her remaining energy into the fight ahead, wordless, expressionless, and merciless. When it comes time to hold off the horde she says in the flattest voice possible “Going out. Hold them off. Do not fail. Dareth Shiral.”
At the Winter Palace: Does your Inquisitor enjoy the party, any special events with them at the Palace?
Athera spends most of the party doing things to mildly offend the Orlesian elite, talking with the elves, and quietly smashing expensive vases when no ones looking. She likes being in Halamshiral, hates what it is now, and corners more than a few nobles and gives them a “history lesson.” She will do the same to the Inquisitor if they ask, but will be less passive aggressive about it. She also complains about the outfits, saying she hates red but Josephine wanted everyone to “present a unified front” and she couldnt wriggle out of it.
She also takes joy in being announced as “Athera Lavellan, Hunter of Clan Lavellan and Emissary to the Cities.” since she’s betting he’s never had to introduce an elf before, let alone introduce one with a few titles.
When asked about it later, Athera says the only good thing at Halamshiral was Briala, with various comments depending on what happened.
In the Fade: Your Inquisitor’s reaction upon entering the Fade? Archdemon’s taunt, and Inquisitor’s response? Epitaph on their grave?
Athera does not understand any of this. She shoots arrows, mainly at wolves and terrible people. now there are demons here because its their home that theyre the ones invading and what with recent events theres pretty strong evidence that this sort of thing doesnt end well. Athera isnt mindlessly terrified, but she. wants. OUT.
Nightmare: “What’s this now? Valeria, pretending to be a wild elf? You looked much better in red.”
Athera: “Say that name one more time and I’ll rip you in half.”
Nightmare: “Dont worry about Marcus hating you for leaving him. He died a month later, his thieving ways finally discovered and punished.”
Athera: “You-you’re lying! Theres no possible way for you to know that!”
Nightmare: “That you know of.”
Athera’s grave says “Losing Herself” 
Trespasser: What is your Inquisitor up to two years after Corypheus’ defeat? Any special events with them over the events of Trespasser?
Athera spent the past two years using the influence gained during her time in the Inquisition to help elves in both the cities and the wilds. she has busted up a few more slaver rings and is one of sera’s contacts. she has traded information with the Inquisition out of respect for her place in it and so leliana can send her some useful stuff back. she’s been using her clan as a safe place, and looks forward to returning every second she is away.
Other Major Events: Any other major events that happen with them over the course of the main game?
She becomes friends with Sera, who she likes for not taking things too seriously when everyone else is so grim.
She also has a Talk with a human Inquisitor romancing Sera that more or less amounts to “I know ur cool so this whole thing is probably legit, but if u ever hurt sera i’ll cut off your arm and hit u with it ok good talk kiddo love u bye!”
uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu this took a long time and a lot of thought, but i had LOADS of fun doing it! I always like working on Athera’s backstory, though nothing is quite 100% set in stone yet sooooo... dont quote me on any of this.
I was tagged by @heyscience and i am throwing this tag right back at you! Do it!
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anyu-blue · 6 years
OC: Child Edition
I was tagged by @littleblue-eyedbird :D Thank you!!! You’re super sweet XD
Once again I’m going to Pick on Joran (negative traits here bc I just realized I no longer have a page on him D: ). X)
Who named them/Significance of their name:
Joran I would say was named by his grandmother(?)- the Keeper of Clan Lavellan, Deshanna Istimaethoriel Lavellan. It’s not widely discussed but his parentage HCs pretty much solidify this.
Home they grew up in:
Joran grew up living a nomadic lifestyle as is typical for Dalish. He was used to moving from place to place and picked up tracking thanks to this. Ever curious, he had a hobby of following wherever a set of tracks would lead him, though he was cautious thanks to potential dangers everywhere. Many trails led him to find potential trading partners, lost caravans, and animals that had not quite been put down by other hunters. Thanks to his compassion and own pain in seeing suffering, he eventually chose/was gifted the Vallaslin of Falon’Din- complex version as he always did his best to provide a swift, painless death to whatever quarry he and other hunters came across.
Relationship with parents:
Joran never got to know his parents save from some stories from those old enough to remember them. He is sure they would have loved him as his keeper does, whom he views as a grandmother, even if it is not entirely clear whether he is her grandson or not. It is said he has the skills of his (potential) father who died thanks to foul play on the Free Marches, and the demeanor of his near-mute, escaped slave mother, who died whilst giving birth to him. His questioned heritage did not bother the clan and so does not bother Joran either. He was still one of them, family.
Three Words to describe them as a child:
Curious, quiet, sweet.
Childhood friend(s):
Being more of a listener than a rambunctious child, Joran either kept to himself to avoid bruises, or spent time sitting with the adults whenever they did not shoo him away. He particularly looked up to Deshanna and their head hunter, but they were busy women.
His favored friend otherwise was probably another quiet young boy from a separate clan they traded with here and there. He didn’t get to see him very often, but they did court for a small time just after their formative years. Free marches conflicts and the differing opinions of their clan did not let it last, much to Joran’s sadness.
Favorite Toy:
Joran was resourceful. He would find an odd shaped rock or a particular stick that caught his eye and find ways of playing with them. Rocks could be juggled, spun, stacked, or clacked to make peculiar noises, and sticks could be swung, tossed like spears, or bent into different shapes, or be used to poke at bugs that were wandering by.. or offer them a ride, to other children’s dismay.
There was no shortage of options for his clan being traders- like plushies, and dolls, figures, and even fancy noise makers, but he just didn’t particularly find fondness in any of them. He preferred things he was allowed to accidentally break- being a kid and all.
He also loved the livestock and pets kept by individual members of the clan, but those aren’t toys.
Childhood Trauma?:
Joran was privy to many fights he should not have been due to his curious nature. He did not start any, but was dragged into one as a boy because he got too close. Being bashed by a rock as he tried to get away during this fight left him with a scar just under his left eye. Keeper said it was lucky he hadn’t been blinded and so he avoided most children and teens thereafter.
Another thing that stuck with him is the story of his parents, passed down to him. While he wasn’t there and had no part in any of it save his creation, the story of his father’s(?) death and his mother’s following was perhaps told to him too soon. He felt guilty and frightened for a long time afterwards. His training as he grew helped immensely. He knew he could defend himself to avoid the same fate as his father, and knew he’d never be anything like the people whom had treated his mother so horribly she could barely speak.
Tracking, eavesdropping, reading, and the occasional art critique.
Joran both loves and loathes being the quiet one because so many interesting and useful details come up when people don’t know/forget you’re there. He was instantly happy to have Cole along in the inquisition due to their similar wishes to use their skills for good, though they could easily and potentially use them for great harm. He enjoys his own quiet time too, when he can just sit down with a book. Should the opportunity present itself, however, he adores running around through markets and galleries peeking at all manner of made goodies, and potentially encouraging or discouraging some artists (some are absolute assholes, while others are painfully shy and need a good hand on their shoulder).
Childhood fear(s):
Injury and yelling. Joran hated all sorts of scrapes and bruises that came unnecessarily. Running through the woods or out on open fields was great and it was understandable to come home a little beat up, but getting beat up, especially while being screamed at. No thank you.
It is prudent to say that Joran, himself, was probably a fear of many a dalish child though. He had no qualms about wandering around in the dark of night and approaching desperate, injured animals that could lash out at any second.
Quirks/Fun Facts:
-Joran loves to laugh, though is self-conscious about it. He’s got a fine laugh, it was just that when he made any sort of loud sound in his clan there would be lots of eyeballs on him. Understandable when you’re a really quiet kid.
-Joran has a bit of a temper. He’s not sure where he gets it from, but it pops up now and then and he can get mean, particularly when coming upon abuse of any sort. Don’t play with your food when he’s around. Just tips him right over the edge.
-Just like The Iron Bull, Joran has some PTSD and also experiences panic attacks. He, understandably, doesn’t like being hit when they come though...
-Joran will absolutely fall over himself for anything fluffy. He loooves soft things and can’t help but give gentle paps or run his fingers through whatever soft thing is presented to him.
-If he could have been, Joran would have chosen to be a healer. Being his skills did not lie in that area, he chose instead to become the best assassin in the trade. Best not to make your target suffer/yell. It attracts attention.
I’m tagging @dryadsanddemons because you have some lovely OCs & writing ideas floating around :D 
@colorcitos-condenados because I just saw you talking about your OCs (if not wildly popular they're still good!!)
Anyone else also feel free- Dragon Age related or not!! :3
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