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call-2-arms · 8 months ago
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Artwork by: John Blanche and Amy Brown
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call-2-arms · 8 months ago
what do you love most about writing your shepard?
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Random asks || always accepting
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I think his military background and ties in with Hackett (as he's my Shep's biological father). Most of my muses don't come from strict military upbringings, and a lot of my muses on this blog are a lot more chaotic, while Shepard is kind of the grown up and responsible adult of them all. Someone who doesn't have a lot of trauma in their past, but lived a very generic soldier lifestyle (I say, as we DO know soldier Shep has some trauma when it comes to battles etc). Even so, I still think he's the more "dad" character on my roster. The one who is willing to take responsibility and make sure that everyone is well looked after while doing it.
There's something good natured and good hearted about him, but solid and very much that Commander Shepard that can get shit done. He'd earned his stripes/stars.
I get to explore the sci-fi world with him as well, as so many of my muses are fantasy based here. It's really nice to write some futuristic stuff with him. Also... aliens. :)
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call-2-arms · 8 months ago
"Ever tried having some fun? Or do you never pull that stick out of your military ass? C’mon, I know how not to get caught.“
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Starter for Shepard
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Johnathon felt his lips press into a firm line. Jack was right, he definitely had a military stick up his arse, but that was probably because all he'd ever known was the military. Both parents were Alliance soldiers, and he followed in their footsteps. As soon as he was old enough, he'd enlisted, and even before that, he'd gone to junior military training.
But he understood where the Biotic was coming from. Every member of this team should be able to lay off for a while and enjoy themselves--to relax. Hell, Shepard wasn't sure he knew how to relax anymore... Not with all the shit that was going on in the world. Sometimes, he just felt like he couldn't afford to let his guard down.
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"Caught?" he asked, a brow raising. "Hang on a sec, Jack... just what exactly do you have in mind? I thought this was supposed to be about relaxing..." If they were supposed to be sneaking around, how could he relax!?
Jack had said 'fun' not 'relaxing'. He had a feeling her idea of fun was definitely something they shouldn't be doing.
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call-2-arms · 8 months ago
Artwork by: Alonso Zumbado
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call-2-arms · 8 months ago
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Megatron - The Treaties (my verse):
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In my verse, Megatron did not actually exile himself like in the comics. What he came to was an agreement, and a treaty with Optimus Prime. That he would lower his weapons so long as none of his men were imprisoned and they were pardoned for their crimes. It was unfair that all of the Decepticons should be seen as villains when many of the Autobots were as well. The war had gone on for so long that nobody truly knew who the villains were anymore. It was never black and white, it was always grey (even though we know Megatron became the villain despite starting off a hero to his people). 
Megatron had lost the war (his personal war) a long time ago, and was simply in denial that he could stop any time he wanted to. As for the actual physical war, the Decepticons were winning by a mile. Cybertron was under Decepticon control (Shockwave remaining behind as Guardian), and the Autobots that remained were living like scavengers, hiding and trying to survive on stolen energon. As for the those that were within the stars, they were all going off their own morals now, and their own orders, or old orders that were outdated. All the Decepticons and Autobots knew was that they were fighting each other. Half of them didn’t even know what they were fighting for anymore. 
Megatron had made a decision long ago that he hated every bit of when he was still on Cybertron, and that was that they needed to leave Cybertron to find more energon. Their planet was dying, and even though the war was on their side, eventually that would be pointless too if they had nothing to survive off. Even though Shockwave’s study of a reusable energon source was underway, it had never been successful, always working on other projects to suit Megatron’s needs of power and conquest (and with limited resources as the war continued). 
When Megatron had crash landed on Earth, his priority no longer truly became killing the Autobots, but stopping them from getting in his way of using Earth as a means of energy. That was his way back home. All Megatron wanted was to return Cybertron to it’s former glory. The Autobots just happened to get in the way of that because he had no regard for human life (and Optimus did). This of course became a feud between them, and meant the war continued. 
Being away from Cybertron changed him, though. He grew tired of the war, but he was also in such denial that it was not possible for him to lay down his weapons. Megatron was angry. He didn’t dare blame himself for any of this. He blamed Prime and the Autobots for them crashing, he blamed them for the energon shortages, he blamed them for keeping him away from his home. Of course, Megatron was wrong, but he wasn’t willing to accept that he was in the wrong. He’d stubborn and hardheaded, and his mental health has been a mess for vorns. This darkness consumed him, this part of himself that he couldn’t stop (and I will go over that as well in another hc post hopefully).
Hearing from Shockwave and knowing that they could form a space bridge connection between Earth and Cybertron was a big moment. Finally, Megatron could return home and start converting Earth’s energy to rebuild Cybertron. Of course, that doesn’t work because the Autobots thwart his plans all of the time. Megatron grew tired, and when he did manage to return to Cybertron, it was a confronting view. His home was dead. Cybertron was a dying planet, starved of life, and that really hit hard for him. Megatron knew deep down that this was his doing.
Thus the downward spiral. Eventually, rather than be defeated by the Autobots who now had annoying Earthlings on his side, he proposed a treaty. So long as he did not live a life in prison, so long as his people were freed and absolved of their crimes, then he would lay down his weapons, so that they could return back home. But if any of that was not agreed to, then the war would continue (because of course he needed the upper hand still). Of course nobody wanted that, so Optimus Prime agreed, and the rebuilding process began.
Megatron, however, knew that his crimes could not go unpunished. He knew that eventually, when all of Cybertron’s citizens came back home, that riots would likely break out. It was all political, and he understood why others would detest him and what he’d done. It was agreed that he would have a trial, but the decision was already made. Megatron would serve his time via community service, helping rebuild what he’d destroyed. It came with terms and conditions (parole basically), but he was still able to live his life relatively free without being behind bars. 
This is the version I write here :) 
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call-2-arms · 8 months ago
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Found my new hyperfixation
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call-2-arms · 9 months ago
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There was missed time between them, yes. Although he wasn't certain he was ready to tell her every, little detail of his life, especially when it came to his mental health. The war had done much to them all, but for Megatron, it was far before then. A life filled with brutality and loneliness, or violence and humiliation. Maybe... one day, when he thought she may not see him as a monster for his crimes.
When the work was done, he helped her close up and then walked beside her, though he did have to take his strides slower considering their obvious size difference.
"I have, yes," he replied. He'd been given the all clear by doctors and his psychiatrist, Karmashock, that he could return to work now. For a while once the treaties had been made, he had taken time off to better himself, to aid in some of the reconstruction (he was also still on parole and would be for a long time, he imagined). But having something to do gave the old warlord a sense of purpose again.
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"I know some may not consider me working in construction a good idea, considering my past as a miner, but I am good at what I do, and Cybertron deserves my aid considering I had only helped in its destruction."
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Arcee had a one good look at the crates, ready to be picked up. The satisfaction of seeing finished work, far earlier than she alone would have made it. Only after starting her little business, she had felt pride for these daily accomplishment. Mechs like him were superior on this field, but she didn't let that fact bother her. One day, she would make her small business bloom.
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" I am glad, since you let me clock out earlier than I would have. Only fair I at least treat you a drink. Besides, there is a lot to catch up. " She turned towards him. Waving with her hand for him to follow. She was thinking about getting the special blend of energon she had spared for the special occassions, and find a nice quiet place for them. This felt exactly like a moment of small celebration.
" But tasks you were speaking of, have you returned to the workforce, too? Not that... I ever really belonged to one, before."
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call-2-arms · 9 months ago
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A son, indeed. A Lannister boy. His father would have been proud, though only because he had a son to carry on the Lannister legacy. He did not want his newborn to have such heaviness upon his shoulders, though. He would grow knowing of the crimes of his long dead grandfather, his auntie, and even his brothers and sisters. Rest their souls, of course. Jaime would never forget his other three children. They had had innocence in them, too, save for Joffrey.
He would nurture this child, though, he would love them openly and freely, and make sure that they were as far from any Lannister he knew. They would be bold and brave, like their mother.
Jaime could feel his own tears welling in his eyes as she pulled him in for a tight embrace. Those words were his world, and she may not have known it. They made him weak and fall into her, though he knew he needed to be strong for her and their little boy.
"I will fetch him," he said, hesitantly parting with her. When he returned, the baby was nestled in a blanket against his chest. He sat on the bed beside her and Brienne saw the first glimpses of her son, cleaned from any remaining afterbirth and mess.
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"Your son. Our son," he whispered proudly between the three of them.
She finds his hand, clutching it tightly as more tears flow.
A son. She had a son…a notion she had never anticipated coming true, least of all with the only man she had ever truly loved.
She shifts then with a wince, wrapping her arms around Jaime’s neck and pulling him into a tight embrace, clinging to him as she begins to sob.
She’s certain she will mock herself in the days to come about how she wept like a foolish maiden in the wake of the birth, but for now, she cares not. Her son lives, as does she. And Jaime can finally call himself a father.
“I love you…” she whispers, drawing back just enough to press a kiss to his lips. “Gods, Jaime…we have a son…”
She kisses him once more before bringing her hand to his cheek.
“I want to see him…”
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call-2-arms · 9 months ago
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Black Undertow
Heavily inspired by Evergrey's album Hymns For the Broken, with Black Undertow being the song I based this one off. An amazing song, an amazing album, and such deepness involved. Give it a listen! 
Black Undertow 
I wanted to capture something about Megatron being dragged by the blackness and trying to escape it. Whether it was his mental state or the slavery he suffered. I was torn about the hand colour, because part of me wanted it to be Shockwave's, where he could be pulling him out, but I reflected and I wanted it to actually resemble Megatron's, as a means of pulling himself out of this darkness and changing the world. 
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call-2-arms · 9 months ago
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Honesty had always been one of Jaime's virtues--perhaps the only one that had lasted his entire life. He did not have the patience for lies and mind games. Although it did amuse him when others thought he lied. The Lannisters had given themselves such a reputation as silver tongues that everyone expected lies from their mouths. Jaime surprised everyone with his honesty, and in turn, his honesty even came with its advantages in war.
No doubt, Daenerys had been surrounded by liars like any king or queen. Somebody always wanted power. He did not envy her at all. Jaime had never cared for such things. No thrones, no crowns. He had only wanted to love and be allowed to love. A simple life, with his sister and his children, but politics and assassins and everything else came in between, and it was so tedious. Daenerys wanted power to do good, yes, but it still came with a storm cloud hovering over her head that would never disappear.
Did she know that? That even if she did manage to win and give peace to all of Westeros and beyond, that she would never live a life without shadows lurking in the corners.
His lips moved to speak, but when Dany lifted her hand--all too knowingly--he paused, green eyes on hers as his lips fell back into a thin line. He would argue, yes, but only because he was a veteran of war now, and he had seen how they destroyed from the inside outward, stretching its roots and burying in deep.
He followed at her beckon, unable to remove his eyes from her as she undressed. Even if she was not naked, it had been a long time since he'd seen anyone as beautiful as her without clothes. Jaime Lannister may have been a veteran of war and loss, but he was not dead.
He averted his eyes only for a moment, to rest his hand on the hilt of his sword as he listened to her. He had had dreams, too. He had had visions calling him back, he remembered. Dreams that had led him back to Brienne of Tarth and saved her from The Goat. He believed her when she said it, swallowing thickly.
"The Others will return, then," he said with a frown. "Should this not be something to consider with the conflict between the North and the South?" They had battled before, and they had pushed back the men of ice. But they had only survived that because they had worked together.
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"We would stand a greater chance if we worked together, Your Grace." After what they had done to Daenerys, he understood why she would never wish to work with the Stark's again. Jon Snow had betrayed her, as much as Brienne had turned her back on him when she had sided with Sansa and still wished to serve so she'd not break her oath.
RP: Treachery Most Foul
There would always be those who questioned. In absolute truth, Jaime did not care. He had never cared what others thought of him. If he had, then he would have looked Ned Stark in the eyes and told him the truth to why he’d killed the Mad King, instead, he had kept his lips sealed and allowed the rest of the world to title him the Kingslayer.
The only person he had ever cared about when it came to their opinion had been his sister, and she had turned against him in the end for the Iron Throne, for Lancel Lannister and Osmund Kettleblack. Disgusting. The mere thought made a fire burn in the pits of his belly even now, years after, and even after the death of his twin. But now, he was beginning to realise, that there were only few people who he cared what they thought of him, and one of those was the woman that stood before him. The others, his little brother, and Brienne of Tarth, but Brienne had always stayed loyal to the Starks, and now? They may very well be pitted against one another if worse came to worst.
When Daenerys’ hand went to the collar of his tunic, he felt his breath hitch, caught in his throat for a moment. How long had it been since he’d had a woman’s hands upon him? Too long, he thought, and yet, it was so out of line to think anything but innocence from it. But Dany was not a girl, she was a woman, she was a hardened, battle-worn woman now, who had watched people lie and betray her just like everyone else who was in power. Gods, who would want for such a thing?
Jaime flinched harder than he wanted to when the knock was heard, and he took a step back, a hand at his sword in fear. How silly, no one that was going to murder the Queen would give a polite knock on the door. He settled when it was just the serving girl, the tension in his arms loosening. All he did was nod in confirmation when Missandei left to gather the blankets.
“I doubt I will do much sleeping,” he replied once they were back in the privy of one another. “But to answer your question, I do not fear what simple minds have to think of me.” He didn’t fear much at all, if he were honest, just the loss of Tyrion, and losing his honour again.
“The Kingdom’s have been at war for a long time, too long if you ask me. I have done many regrettable things, but some of them I would do again if it meant saving the people I care about. That includes you, Your Grace.” He had no problem admitting that, he was part of her guard now. It was his duty.
“I didn’t come here to serve in your guard like my Lord Father would have.” Simply because she was winning the war. “We have all lost because of this war. I do not regret slaying your father, despite how it may sound. He wished to kill the common folk of King’s Landing, and anyone else in his path. But I knew your brother. He was a good man, and you have earned your crown, and the respect of your men.” Jaime included. “I know I serve in good faith.”
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@call-2-arms​ ╣❦╠ ƈօռզʊɛʀɨռɢ ֆȶօʀʍ ❧
Dany noted the faint hitch when she touched his collar. It was a surprise, though not an unpleasant one. Of course, she was aware that Ser Jaime was still a handsome man despite his age. The difference in their ages meant nothing to Dany, who had been married to Drogo with a much larger difference so long ago. She feigned not to see his flinch as Missandei brought the extra bedding into the room and tended the fires. The door closed again a few minutes later and Ser Jaime spoke first. She sighed. “One of the things I appreciate the most about you is your honesty, Ser Jaime. It’s a rare quality.”
Her smile softened at his declaration. Jhogo, Aggo and Rahkaro had been loyal to her due to Drogo. Ser Jorah for his own desires. There was an irony that the one man who was honorably loyal to her was a Lannister. “This is not my first war, though I pray it shall be my last. The ones who suffer the most are the ones who want it the least,” Daenerys mused, pausing to take a sip of wine. “When this charade is over, I will no longer remain here while my people fight my battles.” She lifted a hand, anticipating a protest. “The quicker this war is over, the fewer who will suffer of it.”
“Come. I do not think I’ll have much use of sleep either, but we should try,” Dany chuckled, taking her glass as she crossed into her spacious bed chamber. The larger settee was midway across the floor between the door and the bed itself and she could see that it was prepared. Tonight Dany only removed her tunic dress and boots, keeping on her undertunic and pants. Slipping under the thick fur quilt, she began unbraiding her hair. “You are not the first to compare me to my brother. I know they called him the last dragon, but they were wrong. I am. I am the last.”
If she meant dragon or Targaryen, Daenerys did not elaborate. There was a small pause before she spoke again, her tone softer. “I have seen him, you know. Rhaegar. From a young age, I dreamed of him. I saw and heard him playing his silver harp. I even saw my nephew, Aegon, once. Would it surprise you to know that my dreams come true? At least, the ones of the present. The first time I dreamed, I told Viserys. He beat me and said I was lying so I never spoke of it again. Until now. In one dream, Rhaegar was atop a stallion on the Trident, ribbons flowing from his helm, fighting beings of ice, but when I lifted his visor, it was my face within.”
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call-2-arms · 9 months ago
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his black hole heart and anti matter tears have bewitched me, body and soul
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call-2-arms · 9 months ago
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call-2-arms · 9 months ago
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miner megatron pinup
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call-2-arms · 9 months ago
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Casual Meeting.
It's been a HOT minute since I've drawn and coloured anything Transformers. I started colouring this... probably a year ago? I don't even know tbh. I managed to get most of it done, but then I took a huge break and when I came back... I kind of forgot how to do ANYTHING when it came to colouring again. Honestly, I know I'm out of practice because even the tablet pen felt weird to my hand, and that's so sad >:
Anyway, have a little casual meeting between Megatron and Karmashock in my universe :)  Karmashock is probably still too big in size, but to resize him it was just too much work for someone who has taken such a long break from drawing.
Also, my old Photoshop doesn't work anymore since they killed it, despite the fact that it was a legitimate purchased disc I've had for like 20 years  D'XX 
Texture from Sirius-sdz (as always because they're the best! )  
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call-2-arms · 9 months ago
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Drawing the king
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call-2-arms · 9 months ago
// I know I have been sooo inactive across all of my blogs lately. Life has just been busy, and work has me tired. I'm good, all things considered! I've just been focusing a lot on my own personal writing and fanfics vs RP.
I know I owe a lot of threads from folks from... ahem... months ago... I 100% still want to continue those threads, and thank you everyone for being so patient with my slow arse, but I really have learned not to push myself when it comes to my hobbies.
While I have that creative energy and drive, I absolutely want to use that on what makes me happy, and right now, that's still revamping my longfic series <3
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call-2-arms · 9 months ago
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mass effect legendary edition 🪐
Nihlus Kryik
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