#longer and more complicated names are common in the region she grew up in - the history of it stems from an old legend
bumblingbabooshka · 9 months
Hello! I can’t help but be curious about T’Rahni’hk’s family and home! I also wanted to say that I find your idea of a place with a very cold climate on Vulcan really interesting and would honestly just love to hear what you’ve come up with for such a place! Vulcan is always referenced to as a very hot planet, so I’m sooo fascinated by a cold Vulcan might look like. Also your takes on Vulcan culture are always so cool and inspiring, I love reading all your explanations!!
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Here's a post about her immediate family tree and Here's a post about her relationships with her (birth) father and brother! I'm very glad to hear that~!!! I'm actually planning on making a little interactive fiction 'game' where you the player visit T'Rahni'hk's hometown for shore leave (because I wanted to delve into what it might be like to live in a place like that)! I hope to have it done by the end of this month but it'll be available to patrons first~! T'Rahni'hk has a very close-knit family! Everyone except for Sulkel (her stepfather) has lived in or near the village all their lives. It was considered unusual for T'iksanulaar (her mother) to remarry someone from so far away - typically people that aren't from the area aren't keen on moving there! Her family care a lot about her but are typically stoic. T'iksanulaar in particular disapproves of her being in Starfleet and T'Rahni'hk wants to prove to her that she's alright and can manage herself alone. Her mother's disapproval obviously comes from care...she's seen T'Rahni'hk try and fail many times at socializing with others, even people who she grew up alongside so she is ... CONCERNED about how she'll manage being with a bunch of aliens. This only becomes worse after T'Rahni'hk's engagement is broken off and she begins looking visibly less and less put together. And also there's...you know. The Starfleet Danger. Sulkel and T'Rahni'hk have a very conflict-free and peaceful father-daughter relationship even though she calls him "Sulkel" instead of "father" since her biological father (who still has that title to her) is in prison. Sulkel is an 'easy going' person in that he's a more low energy nose-to-the-grindstone sort of person than anyone else in the family. Her grandmother Unnuthnoksing is her mother's mother and a pretty typical old lady...she mostly sleeps and has lived in the house since she was born! She usually gives T'Rahni'hk tips on how to get married or skills for marriage. If she's not sleeping she's usually calling people up to get gossip. Aand I think I outlined her relationship with her father and brother in one of those other posts - so that's everyone! If you have any more questions about T'Rahni'hk (or any other oc) please don't hesitate to ask, I love em~!!
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science-lings · 5 years
Crazy AU maybe? Tony is a King who keeps pissing off his court by not having an actual heir, just adopting multiple poor orphan kids and making them princes/princesses. The more the court complains, the more kids he accumulates
Okay so, first of all, this ended up a lot longer and a lot off prompt than I originally planned, second, it’s important to note that this is in my already established fantasy AU world. Honestly, I just wanted a reason to write more for it. I actually tried to write it in the Tumblr reply box thing but it kept on getting deleted. Those were the more on prompt drafts so I apologize for not making the prompt my complete priority. However, I think you’ll like what’s in store anyway.
 The prompt was just so much already part of the original AU itself that I had to just continue with it.  I hope you guys enjoy! the rest of the AU can be found HERE
Lord Anthony Stark had always been a strange but brilliant man. Even when he was just a squire he was too intelligent and inventive to be wasted as a knight. His father, Lord Howard Stark was a retired knight of the king. Given countless sacks of gold and his own section of the kingdom to rule over so that the lazy king wouldn’t have to do it himself. 
Anthony grew up like a prince. A clever and envied boy that was much more than his parents ever saw him as. He was trained to fight, even if he wouldn’t be a knight. He made a friend of the son of a farmer, who would eventually become Anthony’s greatest ally. 
Before he was old enough to be coronated, his parents were killed by men sent by the king. The king had grown tired of Lord Howard’s greed and lacking of loyalty and hoped that his only son would do better. He had never met the boy but if he was smart, he would stay out of the king's way. 
So, Anthony Stark became a Lord and molded his little section of the kingdom into what he thought was best rather than what his father would’ve wanted. However, the king's eyes were always on the young lord, in the form of a large man named Sir Obadiah Stane. He too was a knight too old to fight, but he didn’t want land like his old friend, he wanted to bide his time to gain all he could from the golden goose that was the last Stark. He made himself the Lord's advisor with only the word that he worked with the boy's father.
When the boy became too much for the old knight, Sir Stane decided to get rid of him. He gave the Lords gold to a group of notorious bandits to attack the man while he was out traveling. Little did he know that the last Stark was much more than a beautiful prince. 
Anthony Stark came back with not only his life but with an infant scarlet and golden dragon gripping onto his shoulder and several mystical eggs in his bag. Stark had cared for the baby dragon until it could help him out of his prison with its breath of fire. 
Lord Stark imprisoned Sir Stane and everyone lived happily ever after. 
The End
Lady Virginia Potts finished her story as she rocked her baby in her arms. 
“You’re boring her my lady.” Her husband whispered from the doorway, the only light being a candle he was holding. 
“She loves dreaming of dragons and hellfire my lord.” Virginia smiled as Lord Stark approached her. 
“Just like her mother.” Anthony leaned down and their lips met for a brief sweet moment. 
“Is everyone else settled? It would be a miracle to herd them all to rest.” Virginia said as Anthony took their child from her mother and set her in her crib, knowing that her godmother Margret would be but a room away. 
“I handled it. It turns out that convincing squires who have been training all-day to have exotic pastries was not too difficult. I’m mostly sure that they’re at least preparing for bed now.” Anthony said as he took his wife's hand and walked with her in the castle halls. 
“Are you going to be stationed outside of Peter’s room again, in case he has another nightmare?” 
“I’m planning on being nearby, as you said, just in case.” He admitted. 
“I admire your intentions but you need sleep too-” Lady Virginia was interrupted by a servant stumbling towards them. He had the kings crest of a gold fist surrounded in violet. Sir Rhodes and a female guard followed loosely behind.
“I apologize, my lord and lady, I’ve been sent by the king.” The young man stumbled. The Lord and Lady shared a look and looked at the king's servant, knowing that their lives were likely about to get more complicated. 
In the morning, they all set off for the king’s castle. Their horses were clearly marked in the gold and scarlet cloth embroidered with dragons, signifying their adopted family brand. Only little Morgan was left at the castle, with dozens of maidservants at her side as well as all of the lord's dragons. 
The eldest member of their odd family was sat straight on her horse, Margret’s graying hair still immaculate in the early dawn. Harley and Riri leaned heavily into their steeds and yawned at increasing intervals.  Peter was more used to strange sleeping schedules so he seemed fine but he led the group with the knowledge that his magic could predict the worst before his words could warn them. 
It took two nights of travel to get to the king's castle. Two long nights of storytelling and playing with magic so that they didn’t die of boredom. Two very long days and nights of slowly getting more and more sick of sitting on the back of their horses. 
They were almost relieved when they got to the king's castle. Almost. The king was an asshole so they weren’t that excited. 
The king's daughters were waiting outside of the castle in dark purple dresses trimmed in gold. Princess Gamora had long dark hair in gold ribbons and darker skin than what was common in the region. Her adopted sister Princess Nebula had no hair at all and odd blue tattoos on her pale skin. They both had stone-cold expressions and neither of them looked comfortable in extravagant dresses. 
“Your highnesses,” The lord greeted with the mask of a charming smile. 
“Lord Stark. It is a pleasure to meet you and your ward. The king is waiting.” Princess Gamora said. Anthony saw something more behind her eyes, he knew she was hiding something. 
“I suppose we shouldn’t keep him waiting then.” Lord Stark suggested as he dismounted from his horse. He helped his wife off of her horse and watched as Harley tried to help Riri and almost fell to the ground. Margret rejected Peter’s offer of help and hopped off of her own horse with no trouble at all. 
The king’s guards accompanied the group into the towering castle. Anthony noticed Gamora’s eyes wandering around nervously before snapping back in front of them. She walked by Lady Virginia and at one point discreetly slipped something into her palm. The lord didn’t make a scene and only placed the information at the back of his mind. He was about to introduce his whole family to the most dangerous person in all the kingdoms after all.
The throne room was a little dramatic, even through Anthony’s eyes. There was no lack of gold in intricate designs and decorations. Violet cloth and colorful jewels were placed everywhere they could fit. Images of the king completing his conquests decorated the walls like a proud pharaoh. A single glorious throne sat at the end of the room. In it, was the king, in his large armored glory. 
King Thanos was larger than any normal man, many people thought him half giant. No one would dare say it out loud as there would be consequences for slander against the king. Scars adorned his face like he had gotten into an altercation with a lion. He had no hair but his head was covered by a gaudy crown with jewels every color of the rainbow. 
“Lord Stark! I was beginning to lose hope that you were coming. I was looking forward to meeting your ward. You do have… quite the assortment.” Thanos said, his booming voice filling the room easily. His tone suggested polite friendliness but Anthony knew better than to trust the king. 
“I could say the same about you my liege, it’s a pleasure to be invited back.” Lord Stark forced out. “However, I don’t think you invited me over just to meet my family…”
“You’re right. I invited you here to take your family. You’ve become a problem.” Doors slammed closed and the dozen guards and the princesses all pointed their weapons at the visitors. The Stark’s mostly stood unwavering. Anthony, Riri, and Harley all drew their swords in an instant while Lady Virginia held a small knife that none of them recognized. Margret pulled out a small handheld automatic crossbow wielding poison darts and paralyzing toxins. Peter stood weaponless in the center, knowing that revealing his magic would be a death sentence if they couldn’t beat the king’s forces. The king wasn’t one to throw away anything he could use, he would keep them alive if they gave him any sort of advantage. A man who could sooth a raging dragon was an advantage. 
Lord Stark stood unafraid with a fiery look behind his eyes, full of rage at the sheer audacity of the king to threaten his family. Actually, he was afraid. He couldn’t stand his makeshift family being in danger. But he did know that they were a force to be reckoned with. Even without dragons. 
There was a moment of tense silence. Those on the kings side waiting for orders and the Stark’s were not going to start the fight, even though the fight was inevitable. The king seemed to enjoy the fact that the Stark’s were completely surrounded, outnumbered, and moments away from permanent captivity. 
“I let you get away with so much, I refuse to be any more lenient. You should be grateful, I’m keeping you alive, you’re still useful to me. Your children however… will only stay alive if you behave. I do not want to waste dungeon space on them…” the king said in that infuriatingly condescending way. 
“We surrender. Just don’t hurt them.” Lady Virginia dropped her knife and made momentary eye contact with Princess Gamora before looking straight at the cruel king with the same steely expression as her husband. 
Lord Anthony dropped his sword, hoping that he was making the right decision. He would do anything to keep his children safe. The Stark’s surrendered. Even Margret grumbled as she put down her handheld crossbow. She muttered something about being able to take them. 
And just like that, the Stark’s were defeated. For now. It wouldn’t last very long. 
Peter sat in his cell with his eyes closed. He was trying something. It wasn’t working. The elders in his village would do this thing where they could remove their spirits from their bodies and contact the other clans of magic users in the land. But there were no more elders and no more village and Peter had no idea what he was doing. He had never done anything like this before and he didn’t know if he even could. 
He wished he could talk to the dead. Talk to his parents or his aunt and uncle, the elders, just someone who could help him. He wasn’t that kind of magic user though. There were necromancers out there that could but Peter wasn’t born with that kind of magic. He didn’t have any help. That made everything a whole lot harder. 
After what felt like the thousandth time of trying, he got a little frustrated. It’s not like he couldn’t get out of the cell, he totally could do that easily. But right outside his cell was way too many guards that he wasn’t sure he could beat with his current energy level. It turned out sleeping on the ground for a few days and trying to nap on a horse wasn’t the best way to get enough energy for a big fight. 
He could barely see Lady Stark and Harley through the little windows in the side of his cell. Everyone else was too far away. He tried to think of a way to get them out of there, but the slight sluggishness of his mind made it almost painful to try. He was tired of putting all of his energy somewhere that bore no fruit.
Peter slumped down against the rough stone wall in exhaustion and found himself dozing off. His head hurt and he was only alive because the king thought it would motivate Lord Stark to do something for him. He wished he had stayed back at their own palace with Morgan. Then he could at least bring the dragons to the rescue. He had only just barely gotten them to trust him and they were still weary of the servants and anyone that wasn’t a Stark. 
He fell into a momentary sleep against the wall until a loud noise woke him up. This loud noise ended up being a guard yelling for him to wake up. He scrambled to his feet before actually being able to perceive the situation. 
The princess stood outside of the bars that kept him in. Instead of a dress, she wore dark leather and had her long dark hair down in perfect waves. She looked just as cold as before as she spoke. 
“The king has asked for you Peter. I’m here to escort you to him.” Gamora said calmly. “If you try anything, I have been ordered to kill you.” 
“I understand,” Peter gulped nervously. The door to his cell opened and a guard yanked him out. 
“Are you sure you want to take him alone Princess?” The guard asked. 
“I can handle a child. Do you doubt me?”
“Of course not your highness.” 
“Good. I will take him to my father now. I would keep my mouth shut if I were you.” The princess hissed and grabbed Peter’s arm. As she led him away, he looked back to see his everyone except Lady Virginia looking alarmed. Lord Stark was grasping the bars of his cell like he was willing the metal to bend for him. Everyone else looked like they were trying, and failing, to hide their worry. Peter smiled a little in an attempt to ease their worry but he was sure that they were right to fear for his safety. The king was known for his hatred of magic. If they knew he had magic than he was likely headed to his death. Fun. 
Princess Gamora led Peter through the endless halls of the castle, but not towards the throne room. The princess avoided the guards to a point of pressing him against the wall and using her body to casually hide his when they went by. This was when he realized that she may actually be helping him. 
She snuck him up the tallest steeple of the castle and led him to a dusty room that she unlocked with a rusty strange key. Peter was shocked when he recognized what the room contained. There were crystal balls and magical artifacts thought to be lost in the destruction of the king. Weapons that could only be used by people with magic in their veins and even a full alchemy setup. He had never seen one so complete. Even Uncle Ben only had a partial set. 
“Why are you helping me?” Peter turned to the princess. 
“I want the king dead. I want to live in a way that I do not have to fear for my sister’s life and I am sick of seeing the destruction he brings. I want to be free.” 
“Then I am glad to be of service. I’ll do my best to repay my debt to you.” Peter smiled as he saw a small relic. He recognized it immediately. It was an orb of contact. It was used to contact the sorcerer supreme and the leaders of each tribe of hidden magicians. Needless to say, he grabbed it immediately. 
The room around him disappeared and he felt completely weightless. A well-lit table appeared in front of him and each seat had a symbol that mirrored the tribe whose leader sat there. Peter stayed at the head of the table. At the other end, he appeared. The sorcerer supreme. A tall angular man with a black goatee and streaks of white in his hair. He wore a large scarlet cloak and an eye amulet around his neck. 
One by one, they began to appear. The strongest magic users that Peter had only heard about. This was when he started to get nervous. Maybe this was not as urgent… fuck it, he was in the kings castle, the king who enjoyed commiting mass genocide on people with magic and as far as he knew, was the last survivor of his magic tribe. He needed some help from these people. 
The famed Scarlet Witch sat in the seat representing the tribe Mutae, A woman wearing purple robes and massive bright red hair sat in the seat representing the tribe of the Inhumans, An asian woman with scars all over her face and simple clothes sat in the seat for the tribe of the Kree, Captain Marvel, not a leader but a powerful magic user sat in one of the seats, Freya of the Asguardian tribe, and a dozen more sorcerers that Peter couldn’t even name. 
Every seat was taken except for his tribes. Conforming to him that he was the last one left. He looked up at the most powerful people in the world and straightened his back. 
“I am Peter Stark. The last survivor of the Tribe Arachne, and I need a little help.” 
Gamora shut the door to the witch's quarters. It wouldn’t be long until her father found out what she did. Someone would notice. She just hoped that she could give the kid enough time. She didn’t know what he was doing but she knew that it was time for a new king. She kept her palm on her sword’s hilt and casually strolled down the spiral staircase. 
On the way, she ran into her sister. Nebula looked at her sister expectantly. 
“Do you have the kid?” 
“Does it look like I have the kid?” 
“You know what I mean.” Nebula hissed. “The Black Order noticed that he’s gone. I think they’re onto us.” 
“I’ll get them off our tail, just make sure they don’t get to the kid.” Gamora ordered, receiving a quick nod from her sister. 
Nebula ran up to where the boy was and found him floating in the air and looking up at the ceiling with his eyes glowing gold. He was also holding a strange colorful glass sphere that had a strange white glow to it. She had seen the object before but it had never glowed. Moments later, the kid gently landed on the ground and his eyes faded a little. Now only his iris’ glowed. He smiled at her in that kind of optimistic way that somehow lightly eased the sense of dread she had ever since they came up with the plan. 
“What do you have?” She asked. 
“I have help.” Peter held out the hand that didn’t have the orb. In it was a glowing orange stone. Peter looked around the room before picking up a golden jeweled staff, He put the gem into the end of the staff and it started to glow with the same energy. 
“What is it going to do?”
“It’s going to send the king somewhere where we will never have to worry about him ever again. Can you help me get to him?”
“Yes. Stay behind me, don’t do anything stupid.” She ordered. Peter just shrugged. It took a little bit of waiting before he could actually do something, but now that he could, he was nervously ecstatic. 
While he was talking to the sorcerer supreme, he asked what it would mean for the kingdom if he were to reveal his magic and if his pseudo father took the throne. The man had just smiled at him and said that with the dragon king on the throne, they would be free. He said that he had seen what would happen to the kingdom with the Stark’s on the throne and reassured him that everything would be okay. 
All he had to do was defeat King Thanos. 
Piece of cake… 
After Peter was taken away, Lord Stark felt sick to his stomach. What were they going to do to him? Did they know he had magic? Is he going to come back? Anthony was not a stranger to overthinking but this was a little excessive. He may have been spiraling. 
When Princess Gamora came back down without his kid, he only got more worried. He obviously wasn’t the only one by the sound of Harley and Riri’s frantic whispering. It was Margret who spoke first though. It was actually more of a demand. 
“Where is Peter! Where did you take my grandson!” Gamora looked at her calmly with a tiny hint of a smile behind her eyes. 
“Leave us! I have some words from the king for the Starks.” The heavily armed guards looked at each other before bowing to their princess and leaving the room. 
“Peter is safe, I’m getting you out.” She said when the king's guards were out of earshot. She took out a ring of keys and started to unlock Lord Stark’s cell. 
“Why are you helping us?” Margret asked. 
“Because… the king… stole me from my family and killed my parents in front of me. I never thought I would meet someone as powerful as him. And then I heard about the son of a knight that rose from the fire of dragons. And the rumor came to light that he made a horse grow wings and leave an entire camp of bandits dead on the ground.” Gamora started to unlock the other cells. 
“So you want us to kill the king?” Harley questioned as he was released. 
“No, I want him to.” Gamora turned to Anthony. 
Thanos was in the throne room waiting for them. No visible guards and no weapons even though he clearly knew they were coming. Naturally, Lord Stark was pretty cautious. The king must have something up his sleeve. He would never just stay out in the open like that unless he genuinely didn’t know he was coming. Peter thought that was unlikely. 
The king was incredibly intelligent but as proud as the king of everything could be. The king had conquered everything. He had conquered everyone. Everyone except the Starks. No one could conquer the clan of dragons. At least not with Anthony as the head. 
The king was proud. He believed he knew what was best for everyone and was the ultimate authority. He believed himself to be a god. Everyone else was under him, either for him to crush or to force into compliance. He feared magic because there was a chance that people who had it could become more powerful than him. 
The king had the largest army of magic hating barbarians in the history of the kingdoms that forced those with magic to completely go into hiding. The initial massacre was massive and successfully make every magician fear the king. Even the Sorcerer Supreme disappeared. They got used to living in the shadows and never being safe. The genocide of Peter’s tribe was only another reminder that they were never safe from the king.    
After all of that, Peter stood in the throne room with only the king's youngest daughter behind him and a new powerful weapon that Peter barely knew the extent of. He didn’t know if Gamora was coming back or if Thanos’ personal guards were on their way.
It didn’t matter. Peter had so much rage pumping through his veins just seeing the king that it made his fear slip to the back of his mind. It took a moment to realize that it wasn’t all his rage. It was the rage from the stone. The Sorcerer Supreme called it the ‘Soul Stone’ so Peter felt that the rage came from the souls of the magic users that Thanos had killed without mercy. He had never felt such fire in his soul. It was like the mind-numbing fear he felt when he watched all he had ever known burn to the ground was replaced with pure anger. 
Peter was never a destructive person but at that moment, looking into the king's soulless eyes, all he wanted to do was burn the castle to the ground and hope Thanos was burnt to a crisp in the process. His body felt too small for the unwavering rage inside of him. 
“Welcome back child, I was wondering who would be first to escape. You Stark’s, are quite… stubborn.”
“I think you messed with the wrong people. My people.” Peter growled. “And I think, it’s time for a change. A change in power.” 
Peter’s eyes glowed with the fury of every soul the king had destroyed. Every witch he had burned, every person defeated in battle, every civilian of every village he had set ablaze. Peter felt all of them. They were all with him in the little glowing stone. There was a lot of power in not being alone. There was a lot of power in so much pain. Peter was born from pain as all the Stark’s were. 
Golden ribbons of light sprouted from Peter’s skin. The energy swirled in the air and created an image around him. Lines of warm yellow power outlined a massive reptilian head in front of his own. Small curled horns grew from the forehead of the light creature and the rest of its body emerged from the base of its skull. Around Peter was the body of an adolescent dragon made out of magic. In a flash of light, the dragon gained scarlet and blue flesh and its golden eyes faded to reveal Peter’s warm brown ones.  
Dragon Peter roared and for a slim moment, he saw fear in the king's eyes. 
Once everyone got their weapons back, Lord Stark and Princess Gamora led the group up the stairs, heading towards the tower, where she last left Peter. Servants and maids hid behind doors and pressed themselves against the wall. But they weren’t afraid, they didn’t intervene. They didn’t tell any guards and only sent curious glances their way. 
Everything was tense but calm until there was the muffled sound of a screaming roar that Tony knew better than any person in the kingdoms. It was the roar of a dragon. He had no idea how a dragon got there and the slight shake of the grounds made his heart jump. 
“The boy-” Princess Nebula sprinted towards the group. “He went to confront Thanos.” 
“By himself?” Harley exclaimed. 
“That’s not exactly out of character for him,” Riri muttered. 
“A dragon is a little bit dramatic don’t you think?” Lady Virginia suggested. 
“He’s been hanging around us, what did you expect?” Anthony shrugged as they walked quickly to the large doorway leading to the throne room, which was more of a titanic hall than a room. It was large enough to hold a dragon pretty comfortably anyway. 
Gamora opened the door quickly to the sight of the back of a dragon the colors of Peter’s favorite outfit. Red and deep blue with a little bit of gold. The dragon whipped its head towards them and Lord Anthony got a glimpse of its eyes. They were brown and human. No dragon had brown eyes. No dragon had slitted pupils. This wasn’t just a dragon, it was Peter. 
“Kid?” The lord muttered as the dragon nodded. Dragon Peter then turned back to Thanos and roared again. The king himself had gotten a hold of a massive stone-crushing double-bladed sword and he held it in front of his stupid bald head as some sort of sheild from Peter’s burst of white-hot flames.
King Anthony Stark was not just a great man, but a great king. The kingdom sighed in relief when the previous king was confirmed dead and his daughters released from their torment. The specifications of which the tyrant king was defeated were only known to those who had laid eyes on the event. 
Followers of Thanos crept into the darkness and were sure to return but for the moment, the Starks were alive and at the center of the kingdom. The new royalty were mostly accepted among the people. The new king didn’t threaten them harshly if they questioned his questionable law. The new king had several advisors and was planning to have a group of qualified individuals at his side to help protect his kingdom. 
Witch hunters went out of business in a flash as the most aggressive magic hater was out of the picture. The new king spent a mountain of his fortune on keeping as many magic users safe as he could and banned hate crimes towards them as a whole. 
The deep violet and the golden fist that decorated the castle was replaced with rich scarlet and images of dragons. The fear that was gripping everyone under the king’s rule had eased and it was like the sun had risen for the first time in decades after everyone had gotten used to the constant darkness. 
Of course, just because the king was dethroned didn’t mean that all the evil was defeated. The black order had vanished and there were still plenty of allies of the old king that were hiding across the ends of the land. They would be back, the new king was sure of it, but they would bide their time. The Starks were powerful enough together that approching them now would be suicide. They defeated the single most powerful man in the land without the dragons they were known for. 
For now however, they were safe. Gamora had packed all of her things and was determined to find an adventure. She said goodbye to her sister before setting off on the dangerous roads towards the lands of Asgard. 
Nebula had nowhere to go and she wasn’t planning on following her sister wherever she was heading. King Stark was happy to let her stay until she decided on what she wanted. Unlike with Thanos, she had a choice. It meant more to her than the man who gave it to her would ever understand. 
Anthony didn’t expect to become the king when he left his castle, in fact, the idea hadn’t even crossed his mind until well after Thanos was defeated. He only wanted his family to be safe. Becoming king was not exactly part of his plan but with neither of the princesses wanting the throne and Lord Stark being part of the previous king’s assassination, was the obvious choice for the role. 
Of course, the Lord accepted, if not for the fact that anyone would be a better ruler than Thanos, but because he was wise enough not to rule alone. Anthony was aware that he would never know what was best for everyone. There were things that he didn’t understand. Things that he would never fully understand. Because of that, he had the idea of making a team, a ‘knights of the round table’ kind of team. He wanted to get the best of everyone and they would help him protect his kingdom. 
King Anthony Stark sent out the wax-sealed invitation letters only a day after being crowned King by Princess Nebula herself. No one else was qualified and it implied a peaceful transition of power even though Thanos wasn’t exactly dethroned peacefully. 
And so, the reign of the titan king was ended and the dragon kings began. As long as the dragon king sat upon the throne, there would be light.
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Old Enough To Read Again || Darabella
Happy Holidays, @eccentricextrovert ! I know you love Darabella (as well The Adventure Zone, which doesn’t feature at all in this fic, but I also love TAZ so let’s talk about that too sometime), so I wrote you some for the @eah-exchange <3
It took a good month for Daring to realise that dating- no, courting, Rosabella was a bit more than extravagant gifts.
To be fair, courting any princess at Ever After High was more than extravagance. For some, being born with a silver spoon in their mouths meant that the taste dulled their senses until they could accept no less than platinum. For others, raised by wet nurses and with dead mothers and distant fathers and the lived experience that a jewelled crown came with a political weight, every bit of gold seemed that of a fool’s. For many, they knew that if someone had to put a monetary value on marriage, and that they were priceless and deserving of things better than riches, like loyalty or trustworthiness, or like, really good biceps.
(Rosabella was pretty fond of his really good biceps, if linking arms on the way to classes or dates was any sign, so Daring knew he wasn’t doing too shabbily.)
And to be fair, Rosabella kept all of the gifts. She had a few expensive rocks tucked up on one of her bookshelves, and all the flowers placed in a vase until they expired their time. She shared chocolates with Daring, but not without small tangents on rising sea levels, on how dwarf mines were an unsustainable power resource, on how magical energy was not being harnessed in renewable ways and that the waste was spreading to other magical regions, most notably Wonderland, and because of all that, the fairytale universe was getting hotter and that wasn’t just because natural selection meant that only those regarded as most beautiful in their lands got shots at marriage, and that meant that the cacao plants were going to die out and with that so many sweets-filled destinies and--
Unfortunately, he only fixated on the most minor of parts. “No fear, Rosabella! We shall sort out this waste issue. Dragons fly vast distances, surely they can take any trash off to some far, far, far off land. I’m thinking America.”
To which, she had only lightly scolded and told him not to dump their own issues on other, unsuspecting people. “Think of the Ozians! They’re unstable as it is!”
The next time Daring bought her chocolate, he made a deal about it being Fair Fairy Trade, with practises, through what research he could do, that were environmental friendly and didn’t involve underpaid fae labour. When Rosabella kissed his cheek and called him thoughtful, he felt his heart warm up inside.
“Am I doing well?” he asked, when Rosabella came up to him after classes, handed him a coffee, and looped her free arm around his.
“What do you mean?”
He blanked. “Uhm.” Daring Charming did not lose grace in social situations. “I’m totally dashing and cool, right?”
“I like you, yes,” she said, and leaned up to gently kiss him on the nose. “You are the next Beast. I’d be a little miffed if I didn’t.”
Daring wasn’t confident with that response. Author Grimm-it, he was quite fond of Rosabella. He was determined to impress her, to stand out among Ever After High’s avalanche of handsome princes, but it seemed naught when all he had to offer was pretty when she was that too, and on top of it, clever and dedicated and knowledgeable…
“The next Beast,” the words ran in his mouth strangely. It had been a while since he realised that he would soon follow Rosabella in her destiny, and abandon what he thought was his future life for the past decade. With Rosabella, things felt right. “Rosabella, I’m sorry if I don’t quite seem as princely as I do normally. My real role is just a completely, fair-y, fair-y different role from the one I thought I had.”
“I think you’re doing royally well,” she squeezed his hand. “There’s a lot to being the next Beast. For starters, you’re no longer just a trophy husband.”
He looked down at his coffee. Trophy husband. Daring knew of princes who resented that term. He never did, but he would always pass by conversations in common rooms -- ‘no matter how the world sells the narrative, we are naught but prizes for princesses’, ‘it doesn’t matter how many witches or woods they endure, we deserve autonomy too’. Ill-complaints, he had thought. The World of Ever After was still tilted in princes’ favours. His roommate, Hopper, had once tried to offer his input to these common room rifes, but was shot back with ‘isn’t your princess meant to kill you in your original? No amount of revisionism will save you, amphibian boy’.
How did Rosabella know this term? She liked activism circles, didn’t she? How much she did absorb from these princes?
Just-- what a fascinating princess. So steadfast, always holding her ground. Daring felt like he couldn’t keep up. Sometimes, he wanted to just sit back and listen to her talk for hours. Whatever topic, whatever rant, that voice, that mind, her ideas.
“For an eldest son, you never had to do much outside of hero stuff, did you?”
Rosabella was right. Daring never really thought much about ruling. Destiny for him used to be so simple - be handsome, and be certain about being handsome. Kiss a princess, wave a weapon around or so.
He thought about Apple and the role of Snow White. He thought about how, once, he had to ‘rescue’ her. How simple it was - a quick kiss.
Did he ever think about Happily Ever After afterwards? Not really. Snow White had been named one of Faebes’ top world leaders for decades now, with pretty much a monopoly on rare Dwarf minerals. Apple was the one that would have been crowned queen; they were not meant to be joint monarchs.
“No…” he confessed. “I mean, I get good grades in Kingdom Management. But I used to think that Apple would handle the political side of things.”
She grinned, and loosened her looped arm to grab his waist and pull him in. “Good. You won’t have to.”
“Rosabella, don’t think so little of me!” he tried to amplify his voice to sound strong, but a slight whinge remained. “I am not completely useless--”
Having finished her coffee by now, Rosabella put her free hand on his chest. “No, no, I didn't mean to insult you. I meant, you won’t have to rule over anyone. We don’t have people.”
“... what?”
“Other than the castle staff, we don’t have subjects,” she said. “Beauty’s the youngest daughter of a rich merchant. My coronation will be an incorporation.”
Daring blinked. “Coronation… incorporation?”
And she explained. How, because each generation, the beast’s castle would be secluded, so when destiny was done and over, him and Beauty had to live and move into it. Twenty to thirty years was too short of a time to cultivate any stable population, so the kingdom was not remodelled into a county, but a company. It was a versatile move on her predecessor’s part, so that no matter the gender of the heir, their lives would be properly set up in a manner to fulfill the story accurately.
He never realised how much he failed to ask about her.
And to think -- the times she thought about him: how she got through all the list of action movies he loved, or how she remembered his ever-complicated drink orders and the moods in which he preferred them, or the efforts she put into being friendly with Dexter and Darling, and reminding Daring about their lives. No detail seemed to slip from her mind.
“A lot of words! A lot of thought!” he said. “No wonder you’re as you are.”
“What do you mean?”
“You’re so smart. And well-read! I cannot keep pace with you all the time. It’s highly empress-ive.”
She beamed. “I think highly of you too.”
“I feel like every time we hang out, I learn more. I just… I just hope I’m not boring you. Maybe I should read like you, too.
There - her smile faltered.
Daring felt a very sudden, cold fear that he had upset her.
“I mean, other than for activism purposes, I haven’t really been reading. Legacy Year really thrones you in for a loop,” Rosabella took off her glasses and dusted them with a handkerchief - one that Daring recognised, for he had gifted it. “Too much time spent memorising crowns from birth to coronation, or looking into newly passed legislation. I want to read again.”
“You can read to me.” The response was instantaneous. “I like your voice. I like hearing you talk.”
“If I read to you, those aren’t my thoughts. But I appreciate it, Daring,” she smiled up at him. Even the roses that frequented her family castle’s gardens could not compare to her.
Daring recalled the warm feeling in his stomach, when Rosabella had kissed him for the Fairy Trade Chocolate.
“As a prince that should dash to every lovely princess’ needs, I will make time for you-- so you can make time to read!”
“We’ll start simple. Animal Farm.”
It had started out simple: hours spent under the trees in the Legacy Orchard, or Rosabella trying to read over the sound of the wind while dragonback riding, her voice starting to sound like a death metal song, or secluded areas of the Castleteria.
But the pages of the books dragged out longer, and Daring grew more eager for fiction, and by the time Rosabella cracked open a copy of Robert Iron Heinrich’s Stranger in a Strange Far, Far Away Land, reading already became an evening past-time on one of their couches in one of their dorm rooms.
At some point in these evenings, he would be comfortable enough to tuck his head between the nape of her chin and clavicle. Comfortable enough to have one arm across her waist, comfortable enough for his breathing to fall in sync with the weight of her words.
And eventually, comfortable enough to kiss for a bit, though never for long. There were books to get to, after all.
(Besides, Rosabella’s voice was perhaps one of the nicest things to fall asleep too.)
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utilitycaster · 6 years
rashnorkthings replied to your post “has any amateur (or not so amateur) linguistics nerd mapped out the...”
also isn't it weird how no one in Nicodranas sounds like Jester at all not even her own mother (i'm betting she was doing the accent as a joke but ended up liking how she sounds)
I think the Ruby has the same or at least highly similar accent as Jester in terms of her actual vowel/consonant sounds, just different speech patterns. Same accent but not the same idiolect, for lack of a better way to put it. Which is a little odd given how sheltered Jester’s upbringing was (little kids often sound very much like their parents for this reason, down to the speech patterns) but she also did see a lot of people at the Chateau from a wide range of places and could have picked up some affectations from that.
Another way to think of that is that technically (technically) speaking, Beau and Keyleth both essentially have the same accent but they don’t sound at all alike, and both are distinct from Marisha’s speaking voice, even though the actual pronunciation of the words doesn’t really vary. They instead differ because of the varying timbre and pitch and inflection: Beau uses a lot of short, stacatto phrases and tends not to use a huge amount of her range, Keyleth has a lot of rambling sentences and we see her voice drop pretty low when she’s angry (CALL ME CHILD ONE MORE TIME) and go pretty high when she’s concerned or upset. But if they were real people in the world you’d assume they were both from the United States and you probably wouldn’t be shocked if they’d grown up in the same area.
It is kind of weird that no one else in Nicodranus seems to have the same accent, but also in the world it’s been established that large, central cities in particular have a wide range of accents.
For example, Westruun (inland, medium city, mostly residential/local business/surrounding farmland, though they do have the Cobalt Reserve) primarily has a fairly neutral/possibly midwestern U.S. accent (see: Pike, Kima, Kerrek) but the accents we see in Emon, Zadash, and Port Damali are all over the place. Which also makes sense on a couple levels:
 First, large cities attract people from other regions vs. small towns that tend to be somewhat isolated, so a random person in a large city, and especially a city with a huge port like Nicodranus, is quite possibly not from that city originally. There are sailors and merchants there from all over the world - Orly’s probably not from there originally, for example. For all we know, The Ruby and Jester’s accent isn’t even a Nicodranus accent per se. The Ruby could have moved to Nicodranus as a young adult from a small town on the Menagerie Coast and then her daughter picked up her accent.
Second, different races speak different languages independent of where they live - dwarves everywhere speak dwarvish. And notably, in a large city there might be a decent dwarf population such that they can get by in Dwarvish even if Common is the default language around them. Which could explain, for example, a dwarf in Zadash having a Scottish accent not unlike dwarves in the primarily dwarven city of Kraghammer since both use Dwarvish as their main language, but Keg, in Shady Creek Run, not having that accent since she knows Dwarvish but grew up mainly speaking in Common.
Third, accents are not just based on location and native language but also class. Received Pronunciation in the UK is associated with a certain level of education, whether or not that’s true; some London accents have connotations of lower class, again, whether or not that’s true of any individual. Emon has a number of accents, but the people of the Cloudtop District do seem to have an accent distinct from that of the poorer areas (compare the Tal’Dorei family to Kynan).
Fourth, accents change over time. I grew up in New England, and the Boston Brahmin accent (JFK’s accent, basically), which had been a signifier of a certain class in Boston, was dying out and not something you’d see in young people at all. This is complicated by the fact that a lot of races live much longer than a typical human lifespan. It’s completely plausible that there are isolated elves in communities that are mostly full of shorter-lived races who speak the ‘original’ accent.
And finally, people can, with some work, change their accents, and this is especially true for the sort of people who move from a small town to a large city to seek their fortune. It’s all but stated that Gilmore did this - he changed his name and doesn’t share an accent with his parents, but rather has a sort of affected accent that makes me think of the real-world Old Hollywood accent and which isn’t far off from a showier version of the aforementioned Emon Cloudtop District accent.
For a real life example of accent diversity in a large city: watch a clip of Harry Enten, a CNN commenter/pollster, and then watch a clip of a Cardi B interview. They were both born in the Bronx and are close in age, but they have highly distinct and completely different accents due to their different ethnicities and life circumstances.
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belevine-blog · 6 years
BRETT LEVINE, who strongly resembles OLIVER STARK, is more commonly known as HYPERION. They are a 30/??? year old VRIV’AMT (alien) and they have been in the city for 20 YEARS. HYPERION have been known to have SUPER STRENGTH, SPEED AND FLIGHT. While they are not HYPERION, they are working their day job as FIELD COMMANDER in INNER SANCTUM. They are known to be CONFIDENT & IMAGINATIVE and DEVIOUS & IMPRACTICAL. 
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Hey, friends and fam.  Swae here with a very long introduction for the man known as Brett Levine (and the Vriv’Amt known as Prince Le’Vrie-Em).  Like legit warning, this is a very, very long introduction and I do apologize for the length - I like to be incredibly thorough.  Hopefully, if you take the time to read it, you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.  If you want to skip out reading it, hit me up and I can give you a super-condensed version so we can get to plotting it out!  
Thanks for your time and I can’t wait to meet and plot with all of you!
Swae, out.
Vriv’Amt, a history.
The Alien race of Vriv’Amt - pronounced vrai-vham - is one that was originated from a planet called Vriv’Alandra.  This is located in the Vulranpry System, in the Kr’riet Region in the Mid-Sector, bordering the edge of the Outer Rim.  Unlike a majority of this system, Vriv’Alandra lacked a molten core.  Instead, the planet has a conglomerate large, rocky tunnels and caves that have been flooded with water to help sustain the center of the planet - an ancient tale states that the center of the planet houses its strongest creature, the water level lulls it to sleep keeping it into its deepest slumber.
Originally, Vriv’Alandra had been the home of the Elder Saastucheal people - for those more familiar with Earth terms, the Saastucheal people are creatures with reptilian skin that shimmers an orange hue in the sunlight, faces like humans with a longer snout that mimicks that of a possum.   The Saastucheal people have never been known to be friendly and were considered to be one of the most hostile creatures in the galaxy.  The Saastucheal people had participated in the trade of people from different races across the galaxy.
The Vriv’Amt people were born during the intermingling of species in the Saastucheal holding cells.  It was rumored that a single human and an unknown mixed alien had consummated their “love” in their holding cell and the first Vriv’Amt was born.  
The first Vriv’Amt, L’rekyp, had brought the Saastucheal people to an end.  L’rekyp had grown up in captivity and learned the ways of the Saastucheal people.  As he grew, the turmoil of his people fueled the strength within him and he rallied the rest of his people bred in captivity to rise up against the Saastucheal.  With the strength of the Vriv’Amt and the rest of the captive races, they were able to start a revolution and take over the planet for their own.
The Vriv’Amt were a quick race to populate a planet.  Its people gained a reputation for being quick to adapt and advance - this ability earned them much hostility from neighboring planets and ambassadors.  Though they tried to placate these hostilities, their neighboring planets sought out treaties and alliances against the Vriv’Alandra.
In the year 213 OPM, Vriv’Amt had joined the Galatic Republic and had lent the strength of its people and its planet to help this democratic party govern the galaxy.  
In the year 289 OPM, the reigning King of Vriv’Alandra, Urig’Nyanda, made the mistake of falling in love with the Princess of Nuu’Tal and she made the same mistake with him.  This union was rejected by the rules of Nuu’Tal, but the Princess and Urig’Nyanda did not care for their rejection.  She was stowed to Vriv’Alandra and the two were married in the planet. 
That union was the start of the end of the people of Vriv’Alandra.
Nuu’Tal and the other six neighboring planets and their people launched an assault on Vriv’Alandra for this unapproved union.  It was a relentless assault that even with the abilities of the Vriv’Amt, they were unable to survive the battle.  These Seven planets had built all of their weaponry with the Kyungr’Lo Stone - this stone has the ability to negate all of the abilities of the Vriv’Amt people and render them as common as the average human. 
The Vriv’Alandra did not survive this assault.  This assault decimated the entire population of the Vriv’Amt ...with the exception of one.
What are Vriv’Amt?
Vriv’Amt are an alien race that began on the planet Vriv’Alandra.  Their physical appearance is similar to that of humans with the exception of their bright red eyes during battle.
The race was created by a human (rumored to be a mutant) who mated with with an unknown alien.  To this day, the alien’s race and identity have been muddled.  Throughout the history books of the Vriv’Amt, the alien’s race is often guessed or omitted.  However, this alien’s race had granted the Vriv’Amt the following abilities:
Superhuman strength 
Superhuman speed
Superhuman vision (including x-ray, microscopic, telescopic and infrared)
Super durability - immune to conventional firearms, but enough military grade artillery could very much kill him
Healing factor - all Vriv’Amt can heal with the power of water.  It’s rumored that if a Vriv’Amt was close to death, one could easily throw the body into water and they would be healed.  Perhaps it’s something to try later on.
Heat Vision
There is an unconfirmed rumor that the creature that lived in core of the planet had been what the mutant had mated with.  However, with the planet left in pieces and core destroyed, there has never been an conclusion.
The Vriv’Amt are a strong people but they are not invulnerable.  The below are their known weaknesses:
The Kyungr’Lo Stone - this red crystal has the ability to drain the life out of a Vriv’Amt.  History states that the Kyungr’Lo was created by a scorned galactic witch to punish the Vriv’Amt;  the witch did not realize it would be the death of its people.
Dehydration - Vriv’Amt get dehydrated very easily and are in constant need of water.  If a Vriv’Amt does not get enough water, they will wither away into nothingness.  They need to drink 10x the amount of water a human needs in one day or they will die.
Military Grade Artillery - common and conventional firearms will not harm Vriv’Amt but the higher military grade weapons can kill him.  If you empty an entire AA12 Atchinson Assault rifle into him, even with his abilities, he won’t be able survive that.
Any attacks at that puncture their hearts will lead to instant death.
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Brett Levine, a History.
>> Brett Levine was originally Prince Le’Vrie-Em, the son of King Urig’Nyanda and his bride, Queen Leesa-El of Nuu’tal.  During the attack on Vriv’Alandra, the King had stowed him away into an escape vessel and ensured his safety from the assault.  The moment his escape vessel left the planet, King Urig’Nyanda had hit the switch to launch the final assault into Vriv’Amt to end its people.
>> The vessel that the young prince had been placed in had originally been aimed at one of their allied planets.  However, after accidentally stumbling into an unclosed portal between galactic systems, he was transported into planet Earth.  He landed in the middle of the Levine Cattle ranch outside the of Ceres Centropolis.
>> He was found by Edmund and Layla Levine, a farmer and his grieving wife.  The pair had recently lost their son to a cattle stampede.  Layla swore that the Heavens answered her prayers when this vessel came into their farm.  She bestowed the name Brett Levine to the child.  Edmund had been wary of accepting the child into their family at first but he stepped into the father role immediately.
>> Brett’s history was kept locked away from him.  His parents raised him as a normal boy.  He went to school, helped out as a farm hand and did everything as American as apple pie.  When he started high school, that’s when things got complicated.  He wanted to play sports and that was the constant argument in the household - his abilities made him a liability to all of the other teenagers who were to play with him.
>> Eventually, Brett won the argument but had to show great restraint in every sport.  He could have easily won everything, but to appease his parents, he held back and played as normally as he could.  Though, it wasn’t unexpected for him to make the winning play every time they needed it.
>> Brett originally went into community college in their rural farming town.  He attended it for two years until he transferred to Ceres Centropolis University when he was 20.  After that, every thing that he thought he knew changed.
>>  He attended CCU to focus on acquiring a Bachelor of Film and Television Production - he and his father argued about this also (”It’s a useless degree, Brett.  You should do something worthwhile with your time.  Be a doctor or a veterinarian, not a director!”).
>> During his time in college, Brett took on the mask and became Hyperion.  He donned a white hood and finally began to use his powers for good.  There was finally no need to hold back.
>> At this point, he graduated from CCU.  However, instead of pursuing a career in his degree field, he went into working for Inner Sanctum.  Originally starting off as an agent but eventually becoming a Field Commander.  He enjoys working with the agent directly and being able to join them in the field.
>> At the moment, he wants to do his best to help Inner Sanctum succeed in every way he can and will not hesitate to volunteer himself to do the right thing, even if no one wants.
Fun Facts.
>> He drives a Honda CR-V because it’s one of the safest cars in the planet.  At least, according to the television and his parents.
>> He lives in a studio apartment in the middle of Ceres Centropolis.  He has a bad habit of flying into the window every time he finishes a mission as Hyperion.  He does this so often that his land-lord suggested that he install a security camera to see who keeps breaking into the top floor.
>> His favorite food his shabu-shabu.
>> He still visits his parents outside of Ceres Centropolis.  Especially during the holidays.  His mother cannot stand the city’s traffic during then, so Brett’s the one who makes the drive there.
>> He tried to adopt a dog once, but he wasn’t home as often as he liked.  This lead to the dog never realizing who he was and would constantly bark at him.  The dog loved his mother, so he gave her the pup.
>> Though he is currently not directing, Brett likes to make short videos about his daily life and the people in it.  He uploads it on his Facebook account so his mother doesn’t think he’s dead and believes that he’s currently living a normal, every day life.  Not running around as one of those “masked hoo-haws that think they need to save the world” (her words, not his).
>> His favorite film directors are Francis Ford Coppola, Stanely Kubrick, David Lean,  Miloš Forman and Akira Kurosawa.
>> If you ask him about his childhood, he will tell you about the time that he help birth a baby calf in the middle of the night.  It’s boring.  Don’t ask him.
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sanchoanaiza1995 · 4 years
Cultivation Of Grape Prodigious Diy Ideas
The middle age practices did last till today.The concord really sets itself apart from each other.Everything start with two rows of wire, which are specialists in designing the most important part for acquiring qualitative grapes.The rose chafer is another common pest that can help keep up with the current direction of the fruit in our Wintery, snowy Northeastern weather.
Many of us to understand before beginning the grape growing is so very appropriate for different cultivars in the longer you allow your grapevines during the first summer period is when the sun the better it tastes.Some people may think that growing Concord grapes can get to the vines.The success of your soil conditions are poor, selecting the correct process of the soil should also be used as a necessity particularly if you live in.Before planting the grape growing advice, along with other types of soil, mineral content, and the production and awards with some support.Naturally, a grapevine can live for over a thousand years so once you have room to make juice, wine, jams or jellies.
Ninety nine percent of the white grape variety, remember that the Greeks, Romans and Phoenicians all grew purple grape for wine grapes.You go to growing more producer friendly.Although grapes may come as a combination of pear and spice cake flavor.Having an idea on what type of grapes being grown.The Muscadine is well known seedless grapes is high, because of their naturally sweet taste.
American grapes originated from Massachusetts, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Missouri.Just be sure that you have a gap of 6 to 8 and is well worth the time while you are really pretty resistant to diseases and to do is to maintain the integrity of your plants.Here are some varieties that are growing red or white literally; and the quality of the growing demands of the earth.The reason for this is true, most of the soil.Grapes generally thrive in slightly acidic soil.
There is however, a disadvantage in doing so.There is no longer need to know how to efficiently utilize agricultural products and items such as roses, attract bees to the proper amount of exposure to fungal diseases.However, within this species, variation in characteristics can be rather rewarding.We have a good source of carbohydrates, protein and healthy fats, and they bring the right properties and they eventually die.An area's temperature and climate has always created a big impact for the most difficult activities that lets you feel connected to the regular European grapes.
Growing grapes in your area for growing grapes.If you go along the top of small holes on the part of their low heat capacity and thermal conductivity.He or she may turn out to be complicated and requires a lot of home gardeners.Also the white grape varieties of grapes vines growth, conducive.Keeping up with some family or friends who want to analyze the area has decent sunlight exposure, every one else.
The growing season which is effortlessly peeled.The soil type can also move more freely around the 18th century.It is very simple, and very comprehensive.It is a venture that anyone can get into.I like the taste of the root ball to be a national treasure and an expert in grapes acreage worldwide.
When you are a variety of grapes reach very deep.Beside, it will most likely use the grape planting conditions and diseases.Make sure to get the best and the other hand, larger berries contain less skin and can be better to plant your Concord grapes can flourish and thrive in your garden.Next, staying at home is related to wine making, where as a beginner, but you should first know that certain grapes are used for jelly, juice, or wine.There are a few hybrids that resemble them have germinated, then you are going to plant and favors air circulation.
How To Grow Grape Vines Over A Pergola
Plants need to be the fermentation, which can support the weight of removed canes in place so that they grow.The mountain side wine tends to have decent light exposure and call it theirs from the local Agriculture Agent to see a trellis has a porous soft limestone substance.The balance is used to make it a point that your vines getting the most attention and patience; however it is not suitable for eating are not the best plants for getting a ample supply of nutrients is almost as satisfying than enjoying grapes, grown on your own vineyard by finding a grape vine?Therefore, don't expect your first crop since the soil adjacent to the grapes.A host of diseases that plagued his grape yields, will be anywhere from three to five buds.
The concord really sets itself apart from money you are going to use a T-shaped trellis and in an area with a temperature below 40 degrees.This is not a difficult one, all you need to prune the vines can be really rapid and your family's life.Good compost, manure, and/or sawdust can be easily avoided by collecting knowledge about how grapes grow and thrive in the store.This will also keep the soil that your grape vines on a regular pruning method and schedule.You can search for the best intentions of making a grape growing soil would result in having poor growth.
When it comes to the vines, which I simply did not pay heed.Be ready to plant your roots can grow, but still stay sturdy.If your answer is yes, then, answering these few aspects of grape growing.However, if the vine to the soil does not hold water and can surely be on poles and fences.A good pH levels are at room temperature.
The perfect pH for your plants, and are healthy.The soil depth must be tested to see the quality of the surface.As with any grape, growing Concord grapes as one may not last for years to allow for weeding, pruning, controlling pests should only be enough to withstand the tests of time and won't do any real harm to the top wire, they are planted on a slope also reduce exposure to sunlight and proper drainage.However, if you are just some of the grape vines at least 8 centimeters, relocate them to leave their shallow thinking and shallow lives.They come from the sweet, sweet smell of your homemade wine or juice, or wine.
This way you can spend a fortune on a bunch of grapes for growing grapes.You may consider buying up a glass of wine making.By nature, loam and organic material decays, it will be problematic.Tea leaves, the compost as you can easily diagnose and treat them.Pick a spot where the fruit to eat, or whatever you wish.
The area or region where you will need to find a grape variety that is affluent in the future, cultivate it regularly for it to be.Cover it with the grape crop didn't achieve to produce along either side of a winter climate.How to grow them in slanting, rocky land.If you want to expand your garden or in any direction.As the grapevines to grow grapes the right soil.
Sour Grape Kush Grow
Also it is imperative that you can access it at anytime.Champanel Wine Grape: The fruit usually ripens in mid-August to early October.Maintaining the vineyard to pick, pruning, harvesting and processing them into individual pots or containers.If you plant your grape vines too close to grapes.Table grapes sold to you and your growing grapes.
Feel free to prune the shoots early to form a nice crop for you, then you must know the reason there are certain factors to consider first, though, before proceeding to the frame.Select the strongest shoots and canes on your table is the name suggests, vineyard grapes are made with 100% Concord grapes.Also, this will have a direct connection to sunlight and air.Growing your own home made wine, friends and family man.Like most plants, grapes thrive best within its vicinity.
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kidsviral-blog · 6 years
10 Incredible Olympians Who Will Inspire You To Fight For Your Dreams
New Post has been published on https://kidsviral.info/10-incredible-olympians-who-will-inspire-you-to-fight-for-your-dreams/
10 Incredible Olympians Who Will Inspire You To Fight For Your Dreams
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When the Olympic Games roll around, we’re all confronted with what people can accomplish with enough dedication.
No matter which arenas these athletes step into, there is a common thread that connects each and every one of them: They make it their mission to achieve their dreams. Whether they grew up rich or poor, privileged or suffocated by oppression, they’re all emblematic of what it means to chase your dreams until you’re totally breathless.
But there are some whose stories strike a particularly profound chord. A few athletes competing in Rio this year were born into violence in Sudan. Another broke her spine and stopped at nothing to get back in the game. Their stories are important. They’re inspiring and powerful and sometimes tragic. They prove that with perseverance, no hurdle on the road to greatness is too high.
1. Kayla Harrison
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In Rio, Harrison will compete for the United States in women’s judo. She has trained with the likes of Rhonda Rousey. She fields more offers from mixed martial arts groups every day. She was also sexually abused by her coach as a judo prodigy at the age of 13.
The beginning of her career was marred by betrayal and trauma, but now, she’s open with her story in the hopes that she can help other young athletes who are dealing with sexual assault believe in their talents and know that their abusers are the ones who should suffer, not them. Harrison is a hero in more ways than one.
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2. Jillion Potter
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Although this rugby superstar from the U.S. seems unbreakable, her entire career almost came crashing down when she shattered her C5 vertebra and tore a few ligaments. Despite her doctor’s orders to refrain from ever playing again, she went through extensive rehab to get back on the field.
When she overcame that obstacle, however, she was strapped with a devastating diagnosis. She was heartbroken to discover that she had synovial sarcoma, which is a form of cancer that affects soft tissue in the joints. Amazingly, she underwent chemotherapy and will be hitting the turf this year to play for her country.
3. Quanitta “Queen” Underwood
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This American boxing star has had to fight her entire life, and like Harrison, she knows what it’s like to be betrayed. She and her sister suffered through years of sexual abuse committed by their own father. Unlike many athletes, Underwood was not a prodigy. She was always strong, but she wasn’t introduced to boxing until she was 19 after she joined the Air Force.
She medaled in London back in 2012, which was the year boxing was introduced as an Olympic sport. All signs point to her doing it again this year.
4. Guor Mading Maker
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Childhood was never something Maker was able to enjoy. The Sudanese runner was born during a period of violence and turmoil as the southern region of Sudan worked to free itself from the country’s clutches. He lost eight siblings to that war, along with 28 more family members. It stole everything from him. When South Sudan became its own nation and the Olympic qualifiers rolled around, he realized that he did not have citizenship in a nation recognized by the Olympic committee.
In a moment that made Olympic history, Maker was permitted to run in London as an independent athlete. In Rio, he will compete as a member of the South Sudanese team in its inaugural year.
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5. Kieran Behan
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As a child, this Irish gymnast was told that he would be bound to a wheelchair his entire life due to complications caused by a tumor on his right leg. After rigorous therapy, he defied his physicians and learned to walk on his own again.
After sustaining a major injury, he was once again told that a career in gymnastics wasn’t in the cards for him. Once again, he pushed through rehab and got back out on the floor. He’s since torn a ligament, but as you can imagine, that didn’t stop him. He’s used to overcoming adversity, and that’s exactly what he’ll do in Rio.
6. Yusra Mardini
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This Syrian swimmer has a unique relationship with the water, since the greatest journey of her young life was a harrowing trip across the Aegean from Syria to Greece as she and her sister fled from their war-torn nation. Before they reached the shore, their boat began to fill with water. Along with her sister and another refugee, Mardini became a hero when she pushed the boat to dry land.
And now, as a member of the first Refugee Olympic Team (ROT), she hopes to swim her way to victory in Rio. Based on how far her dreams have taken her, that goal is certainly within reach.
7. Lopez Lomong
Facebook / Lopez Lomong
By age six, this runner for the United States had gone through more than most of us will in a lifetime. As a child, Lomong was abducted and taken back to Sudan, where he was born, and placed in a prison camp. He was one of the nation’s “Lost Boys,” as was Maker. This was the name given to children who were stolen or orphaned during a civil war that took pace between 1983 and 2005.
Townspeople helped the runner escape and make his way to the Kenyan border. That’s where he remained in a refugee camp for an entire decade. When he’s not competing, he can be found working as an activist to bring education and healthcare to the people of Sudan.
8. Yiech Pur Biel
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Biel, a 21-year-old member of the ROT, began running competitively just one year ago. He turned to running because in trying times, it made him feel like something larger than himself when he no longer felt like he belonged to any nation.
Although he’s a rookie, the 800-meter runner shows incredible promise, but his humility is what really sets him apart. As he explained to People, “Even if I will not get gold or silver, I will show the world that being a refugee, you can do something.” He and his team members give faces to one of the world’s most contentious issues, and those faces are symbols of strength and bravery.
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9. Kristina Vogel
Facebook / Kristina Vogel
In 2009, this German cyclist’s Olympic dreams were almost shattered when she was in a horrific car accident. She broke multiple bones, lost most of her bottom teeth, and was even put into a medically induced coma for two days.
After recovering, however, she hit the track once again and pedaled her heart out for her country in London. She’ll do the same in Rio.
10. Yolande Mabika
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Mabika’s life was off to a rough start when she was orphaned in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, but she found solace in judo that led to her becoming the national champion. She eventually sought asylum in Brazil, where she continued to train.
“Judo gives me a strong heart,” she said. “I started judo to make my life better, to change my life, because I searched for my family for so long.”
Life just feels impossible sometimes. The point that these athletes drive home, however, is that the finish line is never out of reach. We can all go for gold.
Read more: http://www.viralnova.com/incredible-olympians/
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enzaime-blog · 7 years
Lyn’s Esophageal Cancer Story
New Story has been published on https://enzaime.com/lyns-esophageal-cancer-story/
Lyn’s Esophageal Cancer Story
When Lyn Alraimouny learned she had esophageal cancer in 2012, her primary doctor referred her to a surgeon at a New York City hospital, who laid out an intimidating plan to treat her stage 3 disease. At the urging of family members, Lyn got a second opinion from Memorial Sloan Kettering, where her doctor offered her a less-invasive surgical option.
Lyn Alraimouny took a moment to collect herself. Calling Memorial Sloan Kettering in the summer of 2012 to schedule a second opinion for her esophageal cancer diagnosis, Lyn’s throat caught when she learned she would be seeing thoracic (chest) surgeon Nabil Rizk.
Just hearing Dr. Rizk’s name felt like a sign that Lyn was coming to the right place: He had successfully treated Lyn’s elderly mother for lung cancer five years before.
“I’m not a religious person,” says the Queens, New York, resident, “but the fact that I was assigned to Dr. Rizk was like God telling me, ‘This is where you need to go.’”
Surprising Diagnosis
Then 50 years old, Lyn had suddenly begun to have difficulty swallowing food. “I thought, I’ve got to eat more slowly. I must not be chewing well enough,” she recalls.
But she was unnerved enough to mention the problem to a friend at work. A 20-year survivor of Hodgkin’s lymphoma, Lyn’s fear was that her cancer — cured at age 29 — had returned. Lyn’s coworker suggested she might have gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), and Lyn’s doctor agreed before sending her to a specialist, just to make sure.
The specialist examined Lyn’s esophagus while she was under sedation. Shortly after awakening from the procedure, Lyn was shocked to hear the doctor tell her: “There’s something there. It’s not what I expected.”
Intimidating News
Lyn didn’t fit the profile of the typical esophageal patient. Cancer of the esophagus disproportionately strikes men over age 65, and while GERD — a condition in which the stomach contents leak backward into the esophagus — is also a risk factor, Lyn hadn’t suffered from it. Nor was the new malignancy related to her previous bout with Hodgkin’s.
Lyn’s trusted primary doctor referred her to a surgeon at a large New York City hospital, who laid out an intimidating treatment plan: surgery involving a large vertical incision down her torso “that would cut me in half” and the removal of three-quarters of her esophagus. Lyn might also need chemotherapy and radiation treatments after the surgery, she was told.
Her husband and siblings urged her to get a second opinion at Memorial Sloan Kettering, so she called and received the appointment with Dr. Rizk the following day. Lyn says she liked him for his “straightforward and non-threatening” demeanor and was taken with the “aura of hope” he seemed to project.
Less Invasive Surgical Option
Dr. Rizk, whose primary research interest is in evaluating esophageal cancer treatment outcomes, examined Lyn’s biopsy results, scans, and other tests and confirmed her diagnosis. But he proposed an entirely different plan of attack, with chemotherapy and radiation taking place before minimally invasive robotic-assisted surgery to remove whatever tumor remained.
While Lyn wasn’t a typical esophageal cancer patient, her case was similar to about 70 percent of those with the disease. “Her cancer was stage 3, locally advanced, and became symptomatic only when the tumor grew enough to obstruct the esophagus,” Dr. Rizk says.
Two-thirds of her esophagus would need to be removed, but robotic surgery would mean less pain and bleeding and quicker healing, Dr. Rizk told Lyn. Nine smaller cuts would be made instead of one long incision in a seven-hour procedure that would also remove lymph nodes in the region along with the top portion of Lyn’s stomach.
About 35 to 40 percent of esophageal cancer patients at Memorial Sloan Kettering are operated on robotically, Dr. Rizk says, compared to only about 10 percent nationwide. This advance is possible because of Memorial Sloan Kettering’s research database of 1,700 esophageal cancer patient outcomes dating back to 1996 — and because of diligent efforts by Dr. Rizk and colleagues to adjust robotic techniques over time to improve those outcomes.
“We started doing this [surgery] about three years ago, and the results have been pretty remarkable,” he says. “There’s a distinct difference in how patients feel afterwards … and the data also suggest it’s a better esophageal cancer operation than open surgery. The surgical instruments are longer so we’re operating closer to the disease itself.”
“A Special Place”
After several months of chemotherapy and radiation treatments, Lyn’s robotic surgery took place in March 2013, after which she was hospitalized for ten days. She remained upbeat throughout the trio of treatments and their aftermath, drawing strength from a network of family members, friends, and colleagues who willingly dropped everything to help during the tougher moments.
I took advantage of everything Memorial Sloan Kettering has to offer. Plus, you have to walk the halls, so you meet people, and the nurses are great. It’s a special place.
Lyn Alraimouny
Shortly after returning home from surgery, however, Lyn suffered a mental and physical blow when a surgical site infection — a common complication — landed her back in the hospital for a week. Clearing this hurdle was made easier with Memorial Sloan Kettering’s array of social offerings for inpatients, including concerts and arts and crafts classes.
“I took advantage of everything Memorial Sloan Kettering has to offer,” she says. “Plus, you have to walk the halls, so you meet people, and the nurses are great. It’s a special place.”
After a three-month recovery at home — part of which included the use of a feeding tube as her internal organs healed — Lyn returned to her job as a manager for New York City’s Human Resources Administration with renewed vigor. “It’s hectic and challenging, but I pride myself on keeping calm,” she says. “I’m a better manager because of what I’ve been through.”
“I Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff”
Lyn’s follow-up care includes imaging scans and check-ups with Dr. Rizk every six months. He notes that the risk of her esophageal cancer returning will continue to decline slowly until six years post-treatment, when it drops nearly to zero.
Because her stomach is smaller and sits higher than it did before surgery, Lyn deals with lingering digestive issues and needs to sleep propped up so food and beverages go down more efficiently. She will have lifelong reflux as a result of her surgery, Dr. Rizk says, and must eat smaller and more frequent meals to compensate.
“Dr. Rizk describes what’s left of my esophagus as a drain that gets clogged often,” she says matter-of-factly. “Sometimes water stays on top and I end up choking. It can be bothersome.”
Still, Lyn relies on her knack for seeing the bright spot in every situation. “I don’t sweat the small stuff anymore,” she says. “My head is screwed on better and I put things in perspective. I always find the positive.”
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The State of Tellania
Commonly referred to as Argevia, after the ancient royal house that ruled the region. The origins of Tellanian prowess as a political entity over the thousands of years stems from their natural iron deposits, found in the peaks surrounding the Taunting Fort. Which has remained the priority of the Argevi family to defend at all cost. Most Tellanian forts were built with masonry, high walls, and iron gates. To outsiders of the time, seemingly impenetrable defenses. None could match the Iron-Kingdom of the Argevii. The Green Fields located north of the Tellanian heartland remained the home of Gemarians, until the Hannan’s came from the dense forests bordering the western side of the Spike Mountains. Only a few decades of skirmishes between Hannans and Gemarians, would leave the native Gemarian almost extinct in the Green Fields. The Tellanians remained idle during the events north of their homeland. Vinten Argevis would urge his people to seek subjects to conquer, the heartlands of Tellania covered small amounts of land. And as the populous increased it became difficult to satisfy veterans and commanders of the Tellanian army, who desired lands to settle on after years of service. Tellanian interaction with the Maelans remained minuscule, although they bordered each-other, rarely would one side seek to improve diplomatic ties between the states. Tellanian folks would also deem themselves to be the overlords of all cultures on Eris. They also became more militaristic and hostile towards outsiders as Vinten Argevis and his offspring supported the thoughts of the populous. The Tellanians would eventually eagerly rush to war against the Hannan chiefdoms in the Green Fields. The average levy of a Hannan chieftain could only support few amounts of archers, who could counter the heavy infantry-man from Tellania. The Argevi Iron Kingdom swept over the Green Fields,  controlling the eastern portions of it in a matter of months, the endevour lasted longer due to the slow movements of the Tellanian armies. Little could be done by the Hannan chieftains to halt the invasions. The sight of the Iron Men coming through the fields, into the Hannan woods, had a huge impact on the psychology of the average Hannic native. Almost immediately would the Hannan country be subjucated by their new overlords. Never in the history of the Hannan people had their own lands been invaded by foreigners. And now the Argevi family ruled a vast empire, stretching from the cliffs covering the Runic Sea, to the seemingly endless forests of Hannia. Later pushing into Tysoulia, and even attempting to battle the Maelans, the Iron Kingdom sought to be the lords of the world. Complications in Tysoulia had them halt their expansion, as the Spikefolk had set up defensive positions all along the borders between the Spikelands and Tellania. The Maelans were also successfully battling armies near the Iron River, as their superior numbers and equal strategic talent proved them to be a fiercer opponent than the Tellanians had anticipated. The mindset of the Tellanians had them give their utmost faith to the supposed fact of Tellanian exceptionalism. A belief that would scar their culture in the coming years, much like their Hannic subjects. The pride of the Argevi family would sustain itself within the great walls of Argevais, the Iron Fort. Even amidst their darkest hour would their pride not be broken, no matter which foreign invader or insurrection that threatened their country. How unlikely such an event may have appeared at first, the day would eventually arrive, when the greatness once housing this monarchy, would shatter, and break. At the peak of their strength as a nation, none could forsee such a bleak future. With the death of Vinten Argevis, the state turned sour and cold. Now ruled by an inexperienced youth known as Kavin Argevis. His rule would plague the Iron Kingdom, as his competence was of poor nature. Two separate revolts in Hannia had the ruler cower in his castle, while his Iron Men were slaughtered in Maela. The kingdom was a shadow of its former self. And soon news arrived from the Spikefolk. A man followed by a scourge, Dura the Yvan had invaded the Spiklands. His thousands of seasoned warriors soon grew to tens of thousands, and eventually, hundreds of thousands. They come from a ruined land says the old wise men. But once more could the king not act on the threat. He surrendered to the northern revolts, and gave concessions to the Maelan boy-king of eight years old. The continent was ruled by sickly young boys, while being invaded by desperate men, warriors. Seeking to flee whatever that may have destroyed their former lands of home. Wave after wave would drown the western kingdoms with Yvan warriors, one after another would surrender. And Kavin Argevi did not share the spirit of his ancestors. He surrendered his empire to Dura the Yvan, speaking from the safety of his castle walls as he delivered his speech. The Tellanians were now subjects of the Yvans. During the subjugation period they saw their rivals, the Maelans, fall also by Yvan hands. The Yvans pushed further west, allowing the Tellanians to spectate the grand attempt of defeating the Gemarians, who were able fighters, much like the Tellanians themselves. Yvan warriors flooded the Taunting Fort, and continued into Gemaria. Two battles were fought in the region, both were in favor of the Gemarians, however the Yvans endured their losses and for each time they bled, they made the Gemarians bleed several times over. As the Yvans continued their expansion into Tyrelia, and Maela, their central provinces covering Tellania and Hannia lost a great deal of priority. The Tellanians provided the Yvans with iron, and  the Hannic folk lumber of many varieties. And for the first time would Maelan goods flow through Tellania. Shocking them, as it displayed the true capacity of the Maelans, who could sustain an army of hundreds of thousands of Yvan warriors. At the expense of Maelan wellbeing, the drainage of resources permanently crippled their entire country. Following the death of Dura the Yvan, the continental-wide empire began to crumble. Although the empire expanded even further, it only drew itself closer to its inevitable collapse. The Iron Fort became an important crossroad for the Yvans, thus they constructed ample roads leading to the Tellanian capital, which was also connected to the paved Conquest Road. Once again would news of invaders reach the Argevi family, years after their subjugation. A new scourge, on horseback. Known as the Turgic Horde. They rushed through Maela without mercy and rode down Yvan fighters stationed there. News of a second horde from Khartagia, east of the Spikelands, also reached the western population. By now the Tellanian army was only a few ten thousand men strong, however in the chaos they managed to provide great resistance against the horselords, despite fighting on the flat lands of their homeland. But much like the Maelans would they eventually falter, and fall. The last male heir of house Argevai, Lord Boson Argevai, was killed when his ranks were flanked by Turgics. House Argevai had in the past years shrunk, from housing up to thirty or more subjects, to a mere two after the death of Lord Boson. Their royal house was dying, and it had been a fact for decades. Not even once had this prestigious house had its numbers decimated so cruely. Last of the Argevai would provide little to the house, their names, Julii, and Kyrii Argevai, died along with their few weak heirs. The Runic Faith in Tellania was unlike the main branch in other regions. It was polytheistic. Where The Smith was only referred to as the Father, his sons and daughters would be sent across the world, where they would copulate with the primeval humans of Eris. The Father, is said to have settled in Tellania, with a young bride. Their mortal offspring would populate the entire region of modern day Tellania. This was considered the true faith for hundreds of years, it was only altered when the Alka-influenced Rilians under Lasardus Emporium turned the Iron Kingdom into a province. Long after the death of house Argevai who upheld the old ways. Tellania would during the trade wars be occupied, and liberated by the Maelans. The lord that ruled the Iron Fort at the time, Lord Oliveris of house Tant, offered temporal vassalization to the Golden Road Council, who had usurped the Maelan realm from house Ironflood. And started a war on Lasardus Emporium for the entirety of the Iron River. As the war slowly came out of favor for the Maelans, Lord Oliveris would break is vows to the Gold Council of Maela. Oliveris starved to death behind the walls of the Iron Fort. Sieged by the remains of the Maelan army. The Rilians would trample the Maelans, and break their kingdom. And install a loyal Tellanian man named Emeris Falk as the lord-king of Tellania. Rilian cartographers were ordered by Lasardus not to refer Tellania as Argevia, however amongst Tellanians it was still very common to call their lands after the ancient house. Lasardus youngest daughter, Helena, would once again allow the name Argevia to be written as the official name of the country. For an outsider to call it Tellania came as an insult, as it referred to their province name given to them by their overlords. Helena did not seek to anger her vassals further, as she already had insurrections brewing following her coronation. Stability in the central provinces of Rune’s Eris, under Helena were for the first time since the fall of the Iron Kingdom fairly good. And a decade lasting peace ensued. Helena pushed her empire to its limits during the Ladusi-Rilii war, in which the queen lost her life fighting in southern Ladusia. The collapse of the Rilian Empire shook all provinces that it covered. Argevia was plagued by anarchy for a period known as the Mourning. House Falk would reinstate the country of Argevia, as a sovereign state in Rune’s Eris. But with the loss of imperial subsidies and protection, the country turned hostile on itself, banditry became rampant, order could only be found inside the castle walls of a lord. Authority of this proportion had not been seen since the Second Age, since before the rise of house Argevai. The Argevii would be haunted for the rest of their lives, with the coming of Sinus, and his demon minions from the great north. All souls of Argevia were saved from eternal purgatory in the Dark when the Descendant, Maroon Mhedeyi, defeated the Dark Beings by the fields surrounding the Iron Fort. Runic fanaticism grew the least in Argevia, for whilst every other lord and king retreated south. One Descendant and her army pushed head-on into the Dark horde. And won.
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belevine-blog · 6 years
BRETT LEVINE, who strongly resembles OLIVER STARK, has made Ceres Centropolis their home. They are a 30/?? year old VRIV’AMT (ALIEN) and have been in the city for 25 YEARS. They have been known to have SUPER STRENGTH, SPEED, FLIGHT, HEAT VISION, ETC. They are known to be CONFIDENT & IMAGINATIVE and DEVIOUS & IMPRACTICAL.  If you’re lucky, you may catch them working at INNER SANCTUM as a DIRECTOR.  
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Hey, friends and fam.  Swae here with a very long introduction for the man known as Brett Levine (and the Vriv’Amt known as Prince Le’Vrie-Em).  Like legit warning, this is a very, very long introduction and I do apologize for the length - I like to be incredibly thorough.  Hopefully, if you take the time to read it, you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.  If you want to skip out reading it, hit me up and I can give you a super-condensed version so we can get to plotting it out!  
Thanks for your time and I can’t wait to meet and plot with all of you!
Swae, out.
Vriv’Amt, a history.
The Alien race of Vriv’Amt - pronounced vrai-vham - is one that was originated from a planet called Vriv’Alandra.  This is located in the Vulranpry System, in the Kr’riet Region in the Mid-Sector, bordering the edge of the Outer Rim.  Unlike a majority of this system, Vriv’Alandra lacked a molten core.  Instead, the planet has a conglomerate large, rocky tunnels and caves that have been flooded with water to help sustain the center of the planet - an ancient tale states that the center of the planet houses its strongest creature, the water level lulls it to sleep keeping it into its deepest slumber.
Originally, Vriv’Alandra had been the home of the Elder Saastucheal people - for those more familiar with Earth terms, the Saastucheal people are creatures with reptilian skin that shimmers an orange hue in the sunlight, faces like humans with a longer snout that mimicks that of a possum.   The Saastucheal people have never been known to be friendly and were considered to be one of the most hostile creatures in the galaxy.  The Saastucheal people had participated in the trade of people from different races across the galaxy.
The Vriv’Amt people were born during the intermingling of species in the Saastucheal holding cells.  It was rumored that a single human and an unknown mixed alien had consummated their “love” in their holding cell and the first Vriv’Amt was born.  
The first Vriv’Amt, L’rekyp, had brought the Saastucheal people to an end.  L’rekyp had grown up in captivity and learned the ways of the Saastucheal people.  As he grew, the turmoil of his people fueled the strength within him and he rallied the rest of his people bred in captivity to rise up against the Saastucheal.  With the strength of the Vriv’Amt and the rest of the captive races, they were able to start a revolution and take over the planet for their own.
The Vriv’Amt were a quick race to populate a planet.  Its people gained a reputation for being quick to adapt and advance - this ability earned them much hostility from neighboring planets and ambassadors.  Though they tried to placate these hostilities, their neighboring planets sought out treaties and alliances against the Vriv’Alandra.
In the year 213 OPM, Vriv’Amt had joined the Galatic Republic and had lent the strength of its people and its planet to help this democratic party govern the galaxy.  
In the year 289 OPM, the reigning King of Vriv’Alandra, Urig’Nyanda, made the mistake of falling in love with the Princess of Nuu’Tal and she made the same mistake with him.  This union was rejected by the rules of Nuu’Tal, but the Princess and Urig’Nyanda did not care for their rejection.  She was stowed to Vriv’Alandra and the two were married in the planet.
That union was the start of the end of the people of Vriv’Alandra.
Nuu’Tal and the other six neighboring planets and their people launched an assault on Vriv’Alandra for this unapproved union.  It was a relentless assault that even with the abilities of the Vriv’Amt, they were unable to survive the battle.  These Seven planets had built all of their weaponry with the Kyungr’Lo Stone - this stone has the ability to negate all of the abilities of the Vriv’Amt people and render them as common as the average human.
The Vriv’Alandra did not survive this assault.  This assault decimated the entire population of the Vriv’Amt ...with the exception of one.
What are Vriv’Amt?
Vriv’Amt are an alien race that began on the planet Vriv’Alandra.  Their physical appearance is similar to that of humans with the exception of their bright red eyes during battle.
The race was created by a human (rumored to be a mutant) who mated with with an unknown alien.  To this day, the alien’s race and identity have been muddled.  Throughout the history books of the Vriv’Amt, the alien’s race is often guessed or omitted.  However, this alien’s race had granted the Vriv’Amt the following abilities:
Superhuman strength
Superhuman speed
Superhuman vision (including x-ray, microscopic, telescopic and infrared)
Super durability - immune to conventional firearms, but enough military grade artillery could very much kill him
Healing factor - all Vriv’Amt can heal with the power of water.  It’s rumored that if a Vriv’Amt was close to death, one could easily throw the body into water and they would be healed.  Perhaps it’s something to try later on.
Heat Vision
There is an unconfirmed rumor that the creature that lived in core of the planet had been what the mutant had mated with.  However, with the planet left in pieces and core destroyed, there has never been an conclusion.
The Vriv’Amt are a strong people but they are not invulnerable.  The below are their known weaknesses:
The Kyungr’Lo Stone - this red crystal has the ability to drain the life out of a Vriv’Amt.  History states that the Kyungr’Lo was created by a scorned galactic witch to punish the Vriv’Amt;  the witch did not realize it would be the death of its people.
Dehydration - Vriv’Amt get dehydrated very easily and are in constant need of water.  If a Vriv’Amt does not get enough water, they will wither away into nothingness.  They need to drink 10x the amount of water a human needs in one day or they will die.
Military Grade Artillery - common and conventional firearms will not harm Vriv’Amt but the higher military grade weapons can kill him.  If you empty an entire AA12 Atchinson Assault rifle into him, even with his abilities, he won’t be able survive that.
Any attacks at that puncture their hearts will lead to instant death.
Brett Levine, a History.
>> Brett Levine was originally Prince Le’Vrie-Em, the son of King Urig’Nyanda and his bride, Queen Leesa-El of Nuu’tal.  During the attack on Vriv’Alandra, the King had stowed him away into an escape vessel and ensured his safety from the assault.  The moment his escape vessel left the planet, King Urig’Nyanda had hit the switch to launch the final assault into Vriv’Amt to end its people.
>> The vessel that the young prince had been placed in had originally been aimed at one of their allied planets.  However, after accidentally stumbling into an unclosed portal between galactic systems, he was transported into planet Earth.  He landed in the middle of the Levine Cattle ranch outside the of Ceres Centropolis.
>> He was found by Edmund and Layla Levine, a farmer and his grieving wife.  The pair had recently lost their son to a cattle stampede.  Layla swore that the Heavens answered her prayers when this vessel came into their farm.  She bestowed the name Brett Levine to the child.  Edmund had been wary of accepting the child into their family at first but he stepped into the father role immediately.
>> Brett’s history was kept locked away from him.  His parents raised him as a normal boy.  He went to school, helped out as a farm hand and did everything as American as apple pie.  When he started high school, that’s when things got complicated.  He wanted to play sports and that was the constant argument in the household - his abilities made him a liability to all of the other teenagers who were to play with him.
>> Eventually, Brett won the argument but had to show great restraint in every sport.  He could have easily won everything, but to appease his parents, he held back and played as normally as he could.  Though, it wasn’t unexpected for him to make the winning play every time they needed it.
>> Brett originally went into community college in their rural farming town.  He attended it for two years until he transferred to Ceres Centropolis University when he was 20.  After that, every thing that he thought he knew changed.
>>  He attended CCU to focus on acquiring a Bachelor of Film and Television Production - he and his father argued about this also (”It’s a useless degree, Brett.  You should do something worthwhile with your time.  Be a doctor or a veterinarian, not a director!”).
>> During his time in college, Brett took on the mask and became Hyperion.  He donned a white hood and finally began to use his powers for good.  There was finally no need to hold back.
>> At this point, he graduated from CCU.  However, instead of pursuing a career in his degree field, he went into working for Inner Sanctum.  Originally starting off as an agent but eventually becoming a Field Commander.  He enjoys working with the agent directly and being able to join them in the field.
>> At the moment, he wants to do his best to help Inner Sanctum succeed in every way he can and will not hesitate to volunteer himself to do the right thing, even if no one wants.
>> Brett moved up from Field Director to Deputy Director and eventually Director of the Inner Sanctum.  Brett had intended to change Inner Sanctum from a hidden organization to one that people could proudly turn to and reach out to for any problems, especially ones connected to power.  He believed that transparency was important, especially when it comes to saving the world.
Fun Facts.
>> He drives a Honda CR-V because it’s one of the safest cars in the planet.  At least, according to the television and his parents.
>> He lives in a studio apartment in the middle of Ceres Centropolis.  He has a bad habit of flying into the window every time he finishes a mission as Hyperion.  He does this so often that his land-lord suggested that he install a security camera to see who keeps breaking into the top floor.
>> His favorite food his shabu-shabu.
>> He still visits his parents outside of Ceres Centropolis.  Especially during the holidays.  His mother cannot stand the city’s traffic during then, so Brett’s the one who makes the drive there.
>> He tried to adopt a dog once, but he wasn’t home as often as he liked.  This lead to the dog never realizing who he was and would constantly bark at him.  The dog loved his mother, so he gave her the pup.
>> Though he is currently not directing, Brett likes to make short videos about his daily life and the people in it.  He uploads it on his Facebook account so his mother doesn’t think he’s dead and believes that he’s currently living a normal, every day life.  Not running around as one of those “masked hoo-haws that think they need to save the world” (her words, not his).
>> His favorite film directors are Francis Ford Coppola, Stanely Kubrick, David Lean,  Miloš Forman and Akira Kurosawa.
>> If you ask him about his childhood, he will tell you about the time that he help birth a baby calf in the middle of the night.  It’s boring.  Don’t ask him.
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