#long tags wops
best-kotlc-ship-2024 · 2 months
Hello! I’m staying anonymous, don’t be shy to turn this into some tam cam thing lol. This is a blog designated to find out who the fandoms favorite ship is. The tournament will start September 1st, as long as everything goes according to plan! Now let’s get into the ACTUAL rules.
• You must send me an ask or private message if you would like a certain ship to be in the tournament. I’ll try to think of every ship possible, but I am capable of missing one :)
• If you send me an ask I won’t answer it, but rest assure I have probably seen it!
• You will be able to submit ships until August 25th so I can have time to organize everything
• Any illegal ships will not be included in the tournament. Examples- a minor with one of the adults, or an elf/human with an animal.
• Sokeefe, Sofitz, and Sodex are unfortunately not allowed in the competition. I feel like these are the main ships people talk about, and I would prefer if this made people discuss less popular ships
• Depending on how many ships are submitted, more explanation on how long this will take will be released soon.
• I will allow any propaganda/fanart for a ship, I would love for this to be an opportunity for some creativity!
• These can be submitted any time before/during the contest, as long as the ship hasn’t been disqualified. The art/propaganda will only be used for one round, so multiple people can submit things if they want
More rules/details will be updated soon as needed!
(sorry if you don’t wish to be tagged, it’s only once so I can get the word out!)
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permanently-stressed · 3 months
Sokeefe Microfics 5: Peace
Me and my cognate, @myfairkatiecat, have finished day 5 of the challenge! This one was especially sweet (married Sokeefe gives us all the feels) and it's vaguely inspired by a post I did a long while ago. (I'll award mutual points to whomever can find that post actually)
Taglist bellow the cut
(This is a combined me and Katie tag list since she helped me with this project!! If you’re like “wait a minute, I’m not on your tag list” you’re probably on Katie’s. As always, you can ask to be added or removed from either list!)
@sparklenarniawizard @bookwormgirl123 @carmie122 @thatrandomlemononyourcounter1 @a-lil-rats-art @imobsessed123 @jedikeeper @randomity-101 @sunflowersandpuffs @stunning-mess @lucentstarss @justalunaticfangirl @alaydabug2 @thoughtlescat @swans-chirping-in-the-distance @permanently-stressed @periwinkle-the-11th @personnotofintrest @aspenaspenaspenaspenaspen @sketchy-potato @theleopardstalker @2857142 @sharksinyourswimmingpool @lostwarllock @ohmygoly @sophieswundergarten @rosenightmares @the-oracle-at-delphinitely-not @figure-skating-avocado @missxmaxpower @baguettes-and-biscuits @thishumanformislimiting @blooky8 @sophiefostersno1stan @justmossyall @ham-cheese-toastie @thoughtlescat @missxmaxpower @thatrandomlemononyourcounter1
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frizzle-mcshizzle · 4 months
I think your "You don't decide if you're a big blog, it's given to you like a medal" tag on Fin's post might be somewhat opposite to what the post is saying.
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i understood the post as fin saying that you shouldn’t get wrapped up in popularity contests, and that the poll was deleted because people where focusing on that to much. but reading it again you’re right, that was a bad analogy that missed the point of the post, because i skimmed, but i also had just woken up and my brain wasn’t on when i wrote that so cut me some slack
though i was referring to the fact that people will end up telling you you’re popular and argue with if you don’t believe them, but i ALSO said that being popular doesn’t really matter and that if you talk enough people will listen so…
look i used to marketing practices to get people to find my blog and they worked, there’s nothing wrong with wanting to have people look at your blog as long as you don’t get wrapped up in a popularity contest. like have fun and be you, and if you talk enough people will follow, don’t talk about the popular thing to get followers talk about what you want to talk about, people who are interested in that will follow and you’ll end up with a circle of people to scream with. isn’t that the whole goal of fandom?
i actively look for new people to scream with all the time, even if they’re newer blogs to the tag, thats literally how i ended up being friends with @doodle-do-wop before they started to post a lot of art, all they did was mention Kesline unprompted and i was like YOOOOOOOOOO PLEASE BE MY FRIEND
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winterfireice · 2 months
Chapter 2 has been posted of stinex/sokeefe fic hope you enjoy!
I don’t know if people want to be tagged for future chapters so let me know if it’s annoying: @frizzle-mcshizzle @doodle-do-wop
Full chapter under cut
“So Verdi is fully out of her pen at this point and running wild,” Edaline is telling Keefe and Sophie, “Grady and I have to chase her through the woods and the only way we got her back into her pen was to lure her through the trees with snacks,” Eda laughs with Grady who couldn't stop smiling at his wife,
Family dinners in the Ruewen house were pretty rare due to Sophie’s busy schedule and the fact that the animals at Havenfeild were constantly causing trouble, luckily the family had all adjusted to the craziness of their lives and tried to have at least two family dinners a week. A development from the last few years was Keefe being a regular member at least once a week.
Those days usually included a lot more epic stories of Verdi's escapes or other rehabilitation disasters. Sometimes one of Sophie’s parents even tried to slip in a Sophie story, which made her immediately blush and send Keefe a wave of embarrassment.
“How long did it take you guys to secure her?” Keefe asks with a bit of amazement in his voice. Sophie always loved her parents' stories but watching her boyfriend love them too was a different type of enjoyment,
“Hours, I still think the only reason she was able to be tricked back to her pen was that she was about to miss dinner,” Grady says still laughing,
“Makes sense, I am also easily persuaded by food. I mean these dinners are definitely what keep me going through the week,” Keefe half-jokes,
“Well you know you are always welcome here, even if Sophie is busy,” Edaline winks,
Dinners without Sophie rarely happened but were not unheard of. Once Sophie had been so busy with Mr. Forkle that she didn't have time to text Keefe or her parents that she was going to be late. When she did finally get home she found a very stressed out Keefe sitting at the table with her dad. Edaline was apparently also busy with one of the animals so the two of them spent the rest of the night laughing at their retrospective partners' inability to maintain conversions with each other.
“Thank you, it means a lot,” Keefe says barely above a whisper, “Ironic timing though because Elwin wants me home soon, so I should probably leave you Rue-Wins for the night,”
“Oo that was not one of your best babe,” Sophie responds standing up with him, “But I appreciate the effort,”
At this point, Sophie is starting to believe that her life revolves more around homework and documents than it does about anything else. She was sitting on top of her bed with books laid around her and was trying to finish a paper about the treaty between elves and ogres which Sophie found both hilarious and boring.
During her seventh imparter check (just to see if anything interesting enough was going on so that she did not have to keep working) it actually started to ring.
Stina’s face filled the screen and it seemed like she had just gone for a run or something because her hair was tied back and there was sweat all over her face,
“Were you serious before?” Stina’s voice fills the room before Sophie’s hand even leaves the accept button,
“I am going to need more context before I answer that question,” Sophie responds,
“When you said I could call you about the… thing,”
“Oh,” Sophie signs out of realization, “You mean the, having a huge crush on Dex thing?”
“I never said huge,” Stina snarks, ‘But yes that thing,”
“Then yes I was serious, super serious,” Sophie adjusts and practically throws her notebook to the other side of the bed, only somewhat overestimating her strength and sending the book toppling over the edge and to the floor,
“What was that sound?” Stina asks alarmed,
“My patience for distractions crashing, go back to Dex,”
“I don’t know! He just is always there, on my mind there, in the room there just always there,” Stina grumbles, “and you want to know what is also always there? His dimples and those should not be as cute as they are,”
“Why do you sound so angry about this? Isn't this a good thing?” Sophie smiles,
“No, It's awful I hate this feeling,”
“It gets better I promise,” Sophie reassures her while chuckling,
“Stop laughing! This is not funny,” Stina says starting to laugh, “Ah, I hate feelings and emotions,”
“You’re literally an empath,”
“And you are the only person who has hand-picked abilities,”
“I had no control over that. I also feel like we are losing control of this conversion, we should go back to Dex and his dimples,”
“You are the worst,” Stina grumbles,
“Stina, you are the one that called me,”
“Well I regret it,” She mutters half-heartedly,
“No, you don’t, admit it you’re happy you have someone to talk to about this,”
“I will not admit it, but I won’t deny it either,”
“I knew it!” Sophie exclaims, “You should tell Dex though, the two of you would make an adorable couple,”
“I don’t even know how I would go about talking to him about this,”
“Well I do not recommend doing what Keefe and I did which is dance around your feelings until you’re so confused you start to believe it’s platonic,” Sophie advises
“Trust me, you were the only one that thought it was platonic. The two of you were very obviously falling in love with each other,” Stina says, “Oh shoot, I have to go, one of the unicorns is trying to escape again,”
“Again?” Sophie asks, the question gets no response though as Stina’s image flickers away from the screen,
“KEEFE! KEEFE! KEEFE!” Silveny, screams in Sophie's mind, causing her eyes to crinkle together a little,
“She screaming already?” Keefe asks noticing the discomfort in Sophie’s face,
“Isn't she always? It's fine just takes a minute to adjust to it,” Sophie says to him before transmitting to Silveny, “Yes he is here, but I need you to be a little bit quieter so I can also be here,”
All she gets is more “Keefes” but they are at least quieter and make Sophie laugh,
“Hey I think she may be trying to beat me in the ‘who loves Keefe the most’ game,” She says as Keefe brushes his hand down Silveny’s mane,
“Well I’m sorry Silveny but I think I know who I want the winner to be and it's not you sweet girl,”
“You are the only saying that because we are on a date right now,” Sophie jokes,
“I will never tell, think of it as a fun way to add mystery into our relationship,” Keefe tells her playfully,
“I think we have enough mystery in our lives, I mean I was literally a mystery to the Lost Cities for a while,”
“Yeah but you're my favorite mystery,” he tells her blushing,
“You are adorable and a flirt,” Sophie says while she also blushes, “Anyway, how was your day? We haven't talked since dinner last night,”
“Pretty boring,” Keefe responds, “I’m not saying I miss school but life is not as interesting when I don’t have a girlfriend to bug or teachers to torment, but I am enjoying being able to torment Nobles at Slurps and Burps,” He says as they sit down in the flower field which was today’s date night destination,
After Keefe graduated Foxfire Kesler offered him a job for as long as he wanted. His job was usually just putting elixirs away and coming up with creative names for new ones but every once in a while, Keefe was allowed to make some which left very few people with injuries by the end of the day.
“I did have an interesting phone call with Dex yesterday though,” he smirks,
“Oh,” is all Sophie responds with, trying to keep her face calm,
“You know you just sent me a wave of excitement right?” Keefe says smiling, “What do you know?” he questions,
“I don’t know anything… unless you know something,” Sophie says smiling just as big,
“Well, how do I know if I know something if I don’t know what you know?”
“I don’t know,” Sophie says,
“Is it just me or does the word ‘know’ now have no meaning to you?”
“It’s not just you,” Sophie reassures him, “Okay I can’t tell you what I know but I can tell you that last night after you left I also had a very interesting conversation with someone but it was not Dex,”
“Was it Stina?” Keefe tries
“It was,” Sophie says as both of their smiles get bigger
“So you do know what I know,” he smiles,
“I think I do, or at least I know a part of something you know,”
“This is amazing, I mean they are not at all a pairing I expected but I am already imagining their wedding,”
“Keefe I love how excited you are but Stina and Dex are not even dating yet, you need to slow down just a little,” Sophie says after her eyes widen, “By the way I want to know how you found out,”
Dex called me after I got home after dinner, and he just told me. He said that out of everyone I would know how he was feeling when crushing on one of your friends. How did you find out?”
“Stina has been talking to herself in French about how she feels about Dex for weeks after Team Vailent meetings, she seems to be pretty bad at remembering I can understand every language that exists,” Sophie laughs, “I finally told her I knew what she was saying and she called me about it last night. I think she may still be in a little bit of denial about her feelings,”
“I remember what being on the other side of that feels like,” Keefe jokes which earns him a handful of grass being thrown at him by his girlfriend, “Hey cease fire, cease fire, I was just telling you the truth,”
“It still deserves grass throwing, but I will also apologize if needed,” Sophie grins,
“Well the grass was very sharp, I could have been seriously injured, I think I deserve compensation,” Keefe says
“What kind of compensation?” Sophie asks,
“I think I kiss would cover it,”
“Deal,” Sophie says leaning towards Keefe,
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thanks for the tag @ginevralinton! tag someone you'd like to get to know better. (i've been tagged in two of these so i'm gonna tag different folks in each)
Favourite colour: lilac and turquoise
Last song: we were all wounded at wounded knee by redbone
Last movie: welp i haven't watched any films for a couple of months. last film i watched was dances with wolves!
Currently watching: the great british bake off
Other stuff I watched this year: the west!!! (my family want to rewatch it, but no. too long. too miserable. joseph died)
Shows I dropped this year/didn't finish: the frontier (another documentary)
Currently reading: 1984 by george orwell. and also a century of dishonor by helen hunt jackson, but i've been reading that on and off for ages.
Currently listening to: uhhh nothing
Currently working on: a novel!! i probably wont share it here because it's pretty private, but what i can share with you is that i have started writing fanfiction again after a five month hiatus! go and check it out *wink wink nod nod*
Current obsession: JOSEPH!!!!! he is absolutely AMAZING and i LOVE him (as all my friends are aware)
tagging @camillecorot, @lalallorona, @wastedonthesebutterflies, @iiep-wop, @spineless-lobster, @sonnet-of-anarchy and @theoriginaleppieblack-blog
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lylilorden · 5 months
tagged by @displayheartcode, thanks rachel!
last song: no longer you from epic the musical
last thing i read: every single tybalt short story available through seanan mcguire's patreon account
last movie i watched: cinderella (2015)
last tv show: i don't know if youtube counts as tv, technically? but tasting history with max miller's lusitania episode
last thing i googled: special federal land designations
last thing i ate: i should probably know the answer to this, huh?
sweet, salty, savory, or spicy: savory! although i like it best when my food is at least two of these at a time
sleep: ......mm, i think i managed eight hours last night?
currently reading: the winter long by seanan mcguire, dracula (via email), and whatever fanfic catches my eye
tagging: open tagging anyone who'd like to fill it out, and @dreamingthroughthenoise @caffienegremlin @kanafinwe-makalaure @doodle-do-wop @quack-snail-umbrella @flowersnteacups and @jabberwockypie specifically (no pressure tho 💖)
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someinstant · 1 year
I was tagged by @bright-thorn in a quick get-to-know-you game, and what the heck. I've got time before a meeting, so let's do this!
Tag nine (9) people you'd like to know better!
Last song: "Doo Wop (That Thing)," Ms. Lauryn Hill. Today was our first day back in the classroom for pre-planning, and I have a million things I need to do before I have kiddos in front of me on August 1st. And because one of the things I have to do is check transcripts for all of my rosters-- gotta make sure that my seniors aren't missing any graduation requirements, gotta keep an eye out for ELL and 504 and IEP and gifted services, gotta check that no new transfers have duplicate credits, or aren't placed correctly-- I was working my way through a lot of old favorites today as background music. Stuff that would keep me awake and focused so I wouldn't miss anything critical-- and that I knew well enough for it to not be distracting. So The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill fit the bill and was my last selection of the day.
Currently reading: Oh, like four different things. The City of Brass, by S.A. Chakraborty, which I started reading ages ago and then got distracted by life, so I've started over. A Memory Called Empire, by Arkady Martine, which I started reading during the early summer of 2020 and absolutely adored-- and then both my parents needed major surgeries within the same week, and a week later my gallbladder gave out on me-- and in the chaos and haze of am-I-dying-or-is-my-gallbladder-infected, I couldn't concentrate on it. So I've started it again as well, and it's so brilliant. I love it. But it does take me immediately back to that godawful summer in a very visceral way, which makes me somewhat uncomfortable. A couple of historical murder mysteries. And I've just started The Anarchy by William Dalrymple, which is about the role of the British East India company in South Asia.
Currently watching: Literally? I've got the replay of Stage 3 of the Tour de France Femmes on right now because I couldn't watch it live. (Stupid having to work for a living.) In the greater sense, I've just finished watching The Law According to Lidia Poet on Netflix, which hits all sorts of buttons for me, because I do love a good period mystery show-- especially if it's not set in the UK. Plus the costuming is fabulous. I'm two episodes into the second season of Shadow & Bone, but-- eh, I dunno. I really am only interested in one or two of the storylines, so I'm not sure I'm going to finish it.
Current obsession: I am so sorry to everyone who has suddenly been thrown into my rabid cycling fandom, especially if you started following me for, like, Andor stuff or whatever. I'll be somewhat normal again soon, I promise, and will only occasionally reblog GIFsets of Wout van Aert doing Wout van Aert-ish things until it's time for the Vuelta. What you have to understand is that this is not a new thing for me: I've been following men's pro cycling in the form of the Tour de France since I was... twelve? Thirteen? That's when I got seriously into long-distance cycling for a while, there. And while I'm nowhere near as fit as I used to be and the week-long cycling journeys my dad and I used to do are now well out of my reach, I still watch cycling obsessively. It used to be just the Tour de France, and then I started following riders and related folks on various social media platforms, and then started listening to podcasts, and then I started watching the other Grand Tours, and the past several years I've also gotten sucked into watching the spring Classics, and now I've also fallen down the rabbit hole of women's pro cycling, too. And as an obsession it is at its most all-consuming every year during July, which is when the Tour is on-- and I live blog the whole thing. (Not on this platform, although I've considered it.) Like, I do detailed narrative stage-by-stage write ups. The document for this year's total recap wound up being 46k words long, so. Yeah. Definitely an obsession, and it's one that everyone around me just has to kind of learn to live with during the summer every year.
And if you would like to answer these questions yourself, please consider yourself tagged! I love learning things about folks.
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shivunin · 1 year
✨9 Ship Songs✨
Rules: List nine songs for one of your ships
Tagged by @brother-genitivi---Thank you so much! I am always delighted by any opportunity to talk music c:
I didn't want to pick one ship, so here are three songs for each of my canon DA ships instead (I have great playlists for all of them that I want to show off haha), so nine total split across the three.
The Killing Kind by Marianas Trench (YT link)
The ghost in me was true but you were haunted too just didn't see it all along. Nevermore to leave here, nevermore to leave here You should never be here I know, I know, I know, I know, I know I know my love can be the killing kind.
Howl by Florence + The Machine (YT Link)
If you could only see The beast you've made of me I held it in but now it seems you've set it running free Screaming in the dark I howl when we're apart Drag my teeth across your chest to taste your bleeding heart
Got Weird by dodie (YT Link)
I got weird when we made out What a goddamn kiss to think about Poured a drink all over my wiring Short a fuse, all cylinders firing It got weird when we made out Clearly I've got shit to figure out Baby, baby, please don't hate me Call me up again, I won't get weird
Francesca by Hozier (YT Link)
Now that it's done there's not one thing that I would change My life was a storm since I was born How could I fear any hurricane? If someone asked me at the end I'd tell them "put me back in it." ... I would still be surprised I could find you, Darling, in any life
reckless driving by Lizzy McAlpine (YT Link) (with Maria singing the man's part)
Now we're at 180 and I can finally see but then it's over in a second, crashed the car into the tree Yeah, I can see it all happen You'd rather die than take your eyes off me
Lose Myself by Lera Lynn (YT Link)
Don't want to talk Don't want to listen You'll just convince me That you're what I'm missing If I stay longer, I know what I'll do I'll lose myself in you
Dark Doo Wop by MS MR (YT Link)
The world is gonna burn, burn, burn, burn As long as we're going down Baby you should stick around It's all gone to shit; it's out of our hands Baby if you could, I know: you would hatch a plan That's my, that's my man
You and Me on the Rock by Brandi Carlile (YT Link)
I'll build my house up on this rock, baby, every day with you There's nothin in that town I need after everything we've been through. Me out in my garden And you out on your walk Is all the distance this poor girl can take without listening to you talk I don't need their money, baby Just you and me on the rock
Photograph by Cody Fry (YT Link)
If I wished myself a superpower I would make this moment last for hours If I had my will, time would just stand still Wait for me until I find some magic film To take a photograph and live inside I need some way to prove that this was real A memory is not enough I'm scared that I'll forget the way it feels To be young and in love Let me stay right here---just a moment longer The picture is so clear Please let this last forever
Tagging (no pressure): @greypetrel @demandthedoodles @star--nymph @vakarians-babe @scribbledquillz @zenstrike @gaysebastianvael @transprincecaspian @ndostairlyrium @gvnseylike @idolsgf @layalu @bitchesofostwick @jtownnn and YOU
Tell me what music you like for your fellas!!
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zelphafrost · 1 year
Thanks @big-low-t for tagging me in this! A game of First, Last, Next, and Favorite.
First Concert: My actual first concert was a local Doo-wop group called The Vandalls in the early 80s that played at a small amphitheater in a local park. My first big concert, that I didn't admit to for a long time, was New Kids on the Block, Tiffany, and Tommy Page in the summer of 1989. The one I told people was my first was Morrissey in the summer of 1991.
Last concert: The Sick New World Festival in Vegas this past May. The last band I saw there was The Sisters of Mercy. It was everything I hoped it would be. 💜
Next Concert: Nothing planned right now, but I hope I get the chance to see King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard or TWRP.
Favorite Concert: It was 1992 and The Cure had been my favorite band for so many years. My sister and two or our friends went to see them on the Wish tour. Tied with that was getting to see Skinny Puppy this past April, also with my sister.
If you would like to do this, please do!!
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simmancy · 2 years
🎶✨when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, and publish. then, send this ask/tag 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool) ✨🎶
tagged again, this time by @morrigan-sims!! thank you I love talking more about my terrible horrible musical tastes... also kpop
Lucifer by SHINee (HER WHISPER IS THE LUCIFER) - this is my favorite song ever I’m not exaggerating. Don’t listen to whatever Spotify or my last.fm say, because I go back to release day with this bitch. I’ve been in the trenches with Lucifer. Bonus, it was released July 19 2010 so it was happy belated birthday to me that year. Bonus 2, you can also enjoy this together with Ring Ding Dong for Kit’s Ultimate Kpop Joy.
Cyberpunk by Ateez (my favorite thing in the song is Seonghwa tbh) - I’m glad Ateez is keeping alive the time-honored tradition of boys sadly hip thrusting about how terribly sad they are. The world needs more of it. Dance your sad little hearts out gentlemen.
Navillera by WJSN (Pass through the world with my wings, you can call me “oh my Queen”) - I hated this the first time I saw it and then idk I guess the witchy-vampire-wlw vibes won out in the end, anyway stan Cosmic Girls for clear skin. I will not elaborate further.
Daughter of the Sea (Beware, beware the daughter of the sea... Beware, beware of me) - God I hate Blizzard so much, Jaina is so cool. The song is also on my Fathomless warlock’s playlist because of course it is. I don’t even play WoW but I watch every cinematic because if my husband is going to listen to me talk Sims and Animal Crossing and Dragon Age, it’s only fair. The song is a banger, Jaina is super freaking cool and I love her.
Broken Crown by Mumford & Sons (so hold my hand, consign me not to darkness) - the first time I heard this song was in someone’s Game of Thrones MV right after the Red Wedding. Beautiful song using biblical references that is instead, in my mind, about either a Grey Warden facing down the Blight (please god ask me about my Tabris I dare you), or a vampire princeling struggling with undeath.... Or Robb Stark.
Bonus Song, because I was thinking about my Dragon Age playlists: Dark Doo Wop by MS MR, the original Handers song imo (though I am more of a Fenhawke girlie and it could really fit with any of them by the end). This world is gonna burn burn burn burn, as long as we’re going down, baby you should stick around!!!!!!
More tags to hand out, feel free to ignore if you: @lazarish @musicalplumbob @rebelangelsims @floresibs @hazely-sims @xiapxls @nizaberry @disasterbri @thatsimslove @gothoffspring .... and bonus tag: anyone who sees this and wants to do it, I tag you.
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stonerbughead · 2 years
tagged by @usercassieblake ❤️ these are always fun!
rules: tag 9 people you want to get to know better.
three ships: Bughead (Riverdale), Natewyn (One of Us is Lying), Nace (Nancy Drew)
first ship ever: probably Rory and Jess back when i watched Gilmore Girls live on the WB as a literal child with my mom and sister :) we got to watch live as long as we went to CCD that afternoon lol
last song: Doo Wop (That Thing) - Ms. Lauryn Hill
last film: 9 to 5 (the best)
currently reading: Nothing More To Tell by Karen M. McManus and On The Line: A Story of Class, Solidarity, and Two Women's Epic Fight to Build a Union by Daisy Pitkin
currently watching: so much always!!!! i don't have a tv podcast for nothin'! i'm bored so i'll break it down into subcategories lmao
current rewatches: Ginny & Georgia (new season tonight yay!), Younger (never watched s7 so i will this time), Young Royals (i'm behind on watching S2 i know), One Tree Hill (along with listening to the Drama Queens podcast)
currently airing series I'm watching: Gossip Girl (2021), Abbott Elementary, All American, All American: Homecoming, Mythic Quest, The Sex Lives of College Girls that just wrapped up its sophomore season
first time watches: Everwood at a @leftistteendrama listener's request :)
on my docket to watch next: Heartbreak High, Reservation Dogs, A League of Their Own; also will soon be rewatching Outer Banks and Yellowjackets before the new seasons!
currently consuming: well i just got back from a tasty ass dinner with my fiance celebrating 100 days until my wedding so i recently consumed crostini, calamari, and gnocchi!
currently craving: dessert! lol
tagging @heartunsettledsoul @feisty-aquarius4 @monica-posh @simon-eriksson @writeraquamarinara @onlyalittlebookworm @lurker-no-more @sullypants @imreallyloveleee
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project1939 · 1 year
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Day 28: “I’ll be seeing you in all the old familiar places...” 
50s slang of the day: “Maybe what they tag me cuts no ice!” (Maybe what they label me isn’t of any importance to me whatsoever!”)  
Best/worst quote of the day: “Is that why I worked to keep this family together? So that I can have spinster daughters around the house? Is that why?” 
Song of the day: “Perfidia,” by The Four Aces. I have no idea why, but I get this song stuck in my head all the time! It’s not because I especially like it, it’s just some weird kind of earworm for me. The Four Aces were a clean-cut doo-wop-ish quartet of white guys, and their music is very squeaky-clean pop. The film I watched today took place in the 1920s, and for some reason it reminded me of this song. So a little toast to the earworm, then! 
One last dance with Tallulah Bankhead on The Big Show. I was able to fully revel in it, knowing it would be the last episode. 
Betty Furness was back with 2 different new products today! 
Week FIVE starts tomorrow! It’ll be May in 1952 for now. A whole new month’s worth of media to enjoy! 
No more Tallulah Bankhead from here on out. Waaaahhhh! 
I made a recipe from my 1952 cookbook called “Chicken en Casserole.” Obviously, it was something like a casserole, but it was very very plain tasting. The only "spices" in it were salt and pepper. I’ll have to experiment and amp things up for the leftovers! 
Watching an hour-long drama that took place 2600 feet below the surface, where miners were trapped in a fire. As someone with claustrophobia, I just about lost my mind. 
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kaijudyke · 7 years
songs to definitely not listen to right now unless you want to cry:
the hazards of love 4 (the drowned) - the decemberists
do you want to die together? - stars
in a week - hozier
dark doo wop - ms mr
hero - regina spektor
c'est la mort - the civil wars
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nightcreepsin · 3 years
got any fics in which dream is a massive fucking simp for/is down bad for/crushes on gogs. true to life and all.
HI IM SO SORRY this took literally forever but i hope these recs make up for it! as always make sure to read tags.
(this rec is nice and long bc there is an endless supply of dream down bad, but also some re-recs wop)
find your way home to your roots by fensandmarshes, lieyuu - touch starved dream picks up george from the airport.
4:51 am by planetary (55cancrie) - george falls asleep in dream's bed, and dream stops functioning.
cherry lips and checkmate by sageofsimping - dream and george are rivals in a chess tournament, and dream finds himself a tad... distracted.
something more (something real) by cardans - george moves to florida and lines are blurred.
stars and sandalwood shampoo by sageofsimping - confession: i binged all of this authors works a bit ago and i suggest you do the same. george moves to florida and dream struggles with emotions. a lot.
between cherry and lime by offday - dnf + sapnap, a trip by the lake, and some discussions about falling in love. i really love this sm, there are just some lines in this that make me melt.
wrapped up in so much life (it's just the way you hold me) by dancebydusk - george is cold post ice video. cuddling ensues.
this is getting long so more under the cut
the idiot's route to confessing a crush by crimsvn - dream has a crush on george and gets george to tutor him in a language he already speaks.
bubblegum bitch by hendollana - tw drug use. dream loves george so much, even if he doesn't always agree with him. the tw is scary but seriously this fic is so good.
pretty by fluxtterfly - "five times dream thinks george is really pretty, and the one time he finally tells him."
weak knees; don't go by limerence (lavendergreen) - it's the summer after high school, and all dream wants to do is be with george. unfortunately, things don't always go as planned.
whatever you make me (wherever you are) by squigly - 500 days of summer au, ie dream is obsessed with george.
happy reading :]
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cuteiemonster · 7 years
ha HA I was tagged by @hungrylikethewolf09 and i literally have?? The songs in a playlist already
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wutheringmights · 3 years
I always really like it when people send you songs that remind them of your fic but can I know what songs you already have on your playlist? 🥺 for personal reasons 🥺🥺🥺
My writing playlist is way too long for me to write out the full list of songs, and if my Spotify account wasn't associated with my full name, I would just link you to it.
Instead, here are some of my top essential songs sorted into arbitrary categories, though a lot of them (especially the character songs) can work for multiple people.
Also, I won’t include other people’s suggestions on this list, but you can find them on the #ctb music tag with my topic lyrics from those songs. Give this post one (1) note and I’ll add my top lyrics for these songs too.
Please note that a lot of this is break-up music, but I interpret them as platonic.
Call Them Brothers – Regina Specktor
Come Undone – Vanessa Carlton
Dog Years – Maggie Rogers
Don’t Speak – No Doubt
Everybody Wants to Rule the World – Lorde
Hey Brother – Avicii
I Know the End – Phoebe Bridgers
A Lot’s Gonna Change – Weyes Blood
No Children – The Mountain Goats
One For Sorrow – Steps
Sign of the Times – Harry Styles
Warriors (The Captain)
Burning Pile – Mother Mother
Human – Rag’n’Bone Man
Hurt – Johnny Cash
It’s Not Living (If It’s Not With You) – The 1975
Run Boy Run – The Woodkid
Sick of Losing Soulmates – dodie
Supercut – Lorde
Viva La Vida - Coldplay
Time/Mask (The Child)
Brother – Matt Corby
closure – Taylor Swift
hope ur okay – Olivia Rodrigo
Thumbs – Lucy Dacus
tolerate it - Taylor Swift
Youth – Daughter
Spirit (The Engineer)
Bite the Hand – boygenius
Cherry Wine – Hozier
Foreigner’s God – Hozier
Happier Than Ever – Billie Eilish
Kyoto (Copycat Killer Version) – Phoebe Bridgers
Salt in the Wound – boygenius
Oh Yeah There’s A War In This Fic
Buzzcut Season – Lorde
Candy – The Blasting Company
Dark Doo Wop – MR MS
I See Fire – Ed Sheran
Kingdom Come – The Civil Wars
Mama – My Chemical Romance
We’ll Meet Again – Vera Lynn
The MidLink Mixtape
Hard Feelings/Loveless – Lorde 
Like Real People Do – Hozier
peace – Taylor Swift
Skinny Love – Bon Iver
Slipped Away – Avril Lavigne
Work Song – Hozier
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