#long haired smii7y is better fuck you
kittycat-427 · 27 days
He is the most perfect man on earth, I need to look like this man right now. Give me his hair right now. I want to be Kryoz. He's so perfect.
SAME WITH SMII7Y!! (especially long haired smii7y) Men (or androgynous) with either long hair or mullets and a mustache... I need to be them. I have to be that guy. I need to be kryoz and smii7y. I need to be funkyfrogbait. I need to be jimmyhere. I need to be Kurtis Conner. Give me ALL OF THEM. I want to be that pretty. I need to look like that when I'm in my 20s/30s. I so badly want to look like Kryoz. Give me his gorgeous hair. IM SO UPSET. WHY CAN'T I BE THAT GORGEOUS. I need to look like Kryoz when I'm able to truly transition. My trans ass is craving to look like this man.
edit: I forgot to add- JimmyHere also gives me gender envy, idc what you say. That man is perfect.
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dawnarowdite · 1 year
Lovely (What They Don’t Understand)
Chapter 2
"Ayo Smii7y welcome back," a voice called out as a teen waltzed into the room.
"What up Wildcat," Smii7y smiled as he placed a bag on the table. The bag slumped to the side, weighted down by the number of items in the sack. Smii7y had a pretty good run tonight. The Millers are always gone so Smii7y never has to worry about getting caught. It’s an easy in-and-out heist, perfect for a casual day.
"You got anything good," the tall man asked, walking towards the bag Smii7y brought in. Wildcat, also known as Tyler, was Smii7y’s second in command. He has known Wildcat since Smii7y first started his record. They didn't have the best lives, but he was glad that Tyler had stuck by him throughout everything. The taller peered over the table, eyeing the new treasure that the shorter brought into the base.
"Of course, the fucking Millers are so fucking easy to steal from," he responded taking a diamond out of the bag. Smii7y felt Tyler playfully mess his hair around, before pushing his head away to get a better look inside the bag. Smii7y laughed at Tyler’s eagerness.
"Oooooh goodies," a voice cheerfully said as he saw the bag.
"Ah ah ah, Marcel you know you can't have anything I take," Smii7y said. Marcel, also known as Basically, was the newest member of his little gang. He was almost finished with his training, but Smii7y knew he wasn't ready to go out.
"But Smiiiitttty you hardly ever let me go out and steal," Marcel jokingly whined using a different version of his nickname. Smii7y rolled his eyes playfully.
"And the reason for that is that you're still the newest one here and you're not ready," Smii7y casually replied, making Marcel pout.
"Come on Marcel, maybe you'll go on a heist soon," someone added from behind the three. Evan walked closer to the group standing in the middle of the room. Smii7y smiled at the entrance of the familiar Asian man.
"Evan, you know that'll never happen," Marcel dramatically complained, making Evan chuckle. Smii7y knew Evan just as long as he knew Tyler. He's been there from the beginning and was probably his first friend in this business. He would consider Evan to be his best friend, but he wouldn't tell Tyler that.
"Anyways, I've been thinking of trying something bigger, something more grand if you will," Smii7y grinned.
"Oh do tell Smii7y," another person, who went by the name of Scotty, said joining the room. Scotty, also known as 407, was their hacker. He'd find out people's security and disable them as much as he could. He licked him up somewhere along last year.
"I want to steal from the Keyes residence," He revealed. Smii7y expected laughs and cheers however the room went completely silent.
"No," was the first thing that came out of Tyler's mouth.
"Wait what? Why," Smii7y laughed out in shock at his friend’s sudden disagreement.
"Because you know how dangerous their security can be," Tyler argued.
"So what I've dealt with is so much worse than that. I can definitely handle a few security cameras and alarms," He argued back. Smii7y was very confused. Usually, his friends would fully be on board with trying out a new venture. For them to suddenly shut down his plan was extremely out of nowhere.
"He's not ready to see you," Marcel mumbled softly.
"Wait, who's not ready?" Smii7y asked, Smii7y never heard of another person being at the Keyes residence. He thought there were only Mark and Angela Keyes who lived there, but there was another? Smii7y needed to know more about this mysterious boy.
"No one," Evan said, shooting a glare toward Marcel. Marcel avoided his gaze nervously. Smii7y raised an eyebrow at his friends. Smii7y knew his friends were hiding this person from him, something that only fueled his burning curiosity.
"Come on guys you can tell me," Smii7y said, getting excited about the possibility of meeting someone new, he was looking for someone new to mess around with.
"No, because we know what you'll do considering your past," Jay said, making Smii7y smirk.
Smii7y was prone to find someone, either male or female, to lead them on and leave them high and dry. It started when he was 15 and has been doing it for 2 years. He found it so much fun to manipulate them into falling for him, it was his favorite pastime, behind stealing of course. "Whaaaat me never," he denied, still wearing a smirk on his face.
"I'm serious Smii7y if you go to Keyes you'll regret it," Tyler threatened.
"Alright, alright I won't go to Keyes's residence, I promise." Smii7y rolled his eyes annoyed. He smiled sweetly and crossed his fingers behind his back, he was not going to give up that easily. His friends nodded in confirmation before diving into a conversation. Smii7y didn't miss the threatening glare that was thrown his way from Tyler, but he decided to ignore it. Smii7y ran his hand through his rough silver hair, fixing his messed-up hair into something neater. Smii7y smiled, Now he definitely has to meet this person whom his friends are oh so trying to protect.
John hates school, but he hates staying home more than actually learning. Of course, he doesn't really learn anything. He's learned everything since he knew how to talk. It's a bit over-exaggerated but he still knew a lot of things. He wasn't even supposed to go to school either, but he managed to convince his parents that attending school would allow good publicity.
He even got to choose what school he went to, something that he never knew would ever happen. Of course, he chose a public school, much to the dismay of his parents. But he convinced them by reasoning that one day when he took over the business, he could scout out potential people to work for them at his school. They patted him on the back and said how proud they were that he was thinking of the business. But John wanted to make a life of his own, hoping no one would recognize him, but his parents insisted the limo driver take him.
He didn't make many friends, only a couple. His first friend was a guy named Cameron, but he calls himself Fitz. When he first stepped out of his limo Cameron approached him and said: "I am now your new best friend, oh rich person." Being Fitz's "new best friend" caused him to meet his other friends. There was Eric, or Swagger, who he has to admit is a bit crazy all the time. But he was high all the time so John couldn't blame him. If he could be high all the time, he would probably be happy. Then there was Mason, or Zuckles. He was the guy everyone made fun of but still is a cool guy. John then met someone named Tobi. She was very good friends with John’s group of friends, and she sometimes hung out with his friends. However, she was usually gone hanging out with her girlfriend instead, but she was always a blast to be around and was super funny. Lastly, there was Jay or McCreamy. Those are the main guys he hangs out with. Of course, he also has Tyler, Marcel, Scotty, and Evan but they hardly have time for him. He will always consider them close friends, but he likes the group he's with now.
"Hey hey John, watch me make this in Swagger's mouth," Fitz said excitedly as he held a piece of popcorn. Swagger was asleep with his mouth open, and they always took the opportunity to just throw random food in there. "And he shoots... and he misses," Fitz said pouting as the popcorn landed on his cheek.
"Alright, alright let a professional handle this," Zuckles said as he took aim.
"And he misses as well will anyone put their popcorn in Swagger's mouth," John said in an announcer voice making them chuckle.
"Clearly it's all up to me," McCreamy said as he took aim. He tossed the popcorn, and they all watched in anticipation to see if it would land or not.
"And it's good!" John cheered as it landed in Swagger's mouth. They watched Swagger blink awake. John found it comedic at Swagger’s delirious state of mind.
"What?" Swagger asked, sleepy as he chewed on the popcorn.
"Good morning, sleeping beauty," Fitz said dreamily.
"What year is it?" Swagger asked. He blinked slowly and turned his head around. John found it comedic, fighting the urge to laugh at the delirious man.
"It's still the same year dude," John laughed.
"Oh wake me up never then," Swagger mumbled, trying to go back to sleep. The boys all laughed at Swagger’s neediness to sleep.
"So, John, how are the rich parents?" Zuckles asked, turning over to the blond.
"You know the same, gotta act super posh and all that," John said, taking out his vape and taking a hit. A sweet watermelon taste filled his senses, and he felt the nicotine calm his nerves. Swagger peeked an eye open and held out his hand to John, asking for a hit. John laughed as he handed the sleepy man his vape. Swagger took a hit and lay down on his back, blowing the vapor into the air.
"It must be nice to have rich parents," Jay sighed and John slightly flinched; however, it went unnoticed. He focused intently on Swagger’s vape cloud floating into the air.
"Oh yeah, I get to do anything I want and have anything I want," John said sarcastically. Of course, John wanted to tell them his life was hell. That he was struggling to just pass by each day trying to be the perfect son his parents wanted him to be. Isn't it why they had personally selected their best genes just to be in him? He was supposedly the perfect son and yet he rather be anything than that. Maybe the doctors messed up and gave him the want for freedom. Swagger returned the borrowed vape back to John, seemingly finished with it. John grabbed it and stared at it in his hands, flipping the cartridge over and over again.
John must have had a distant expression on his face because Fitz noticed something was up with John. "Hey, are you okay dude?" Fitz asked softly. John looked over at him. He noticed Fitz wore a weird expression; it was different from his normal joking and fun personality. This was something out of curiosity, concern, and strangely enough, understanding. John was about to reply when a limo had pulled forward. He quickly stashed his vape and mumbled a small goodbye to his friends. They waved at him as he entered the car.
"You have an appointment with the Thompson's son and then later you have piano lessons. You'll be able to do your homework after the lessons and then you have a free day young sir," his limo driver said as John settled into the luxurious car.
"Alright thank you, Kevin," John replied in a monotone voice.
John noticed from the rearview mirror that his limo driver was frowning at him. He loves his staff; they take care of him. They always seem to worry about him; he considers them his real family, not the parents who quote on quote raise him. But every time he ever showed kindness towards the staff he was reprimanded with the words: "Don't be nice to the help. They get paid for what they do, that's why they're the help."
Overall he hates his family and their beliefs in everyone. They believe that anyone who isn't rich isn't an important person. That is why his parents didn't know his school friends. They only know Tyler, Evan, Scotty, and Marcel but that's because their parents are among the rich. They're pretty much the only friends he could have but he's glad to have this part of his life a secret.
"We'll be arriving in ten minutes young sir," his car driver said but John didn't respond. He might as well merely stare out the window for the rest of the ride. He knows he isn't going anywhere soon.
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vanosslirious · 1 month
BBS Dialogue Prompts #357
ʙʙꜱ ɪʀʟ ɴᴀᴍᴇꜱ & ᴀʟɪᴀꜱ ᴘʀᴏᴍᴘᴛꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ꜱᴇɴᴛᴇɴᴄᴇ ꜱᴛᴀʀᴛᴇʀꜱ: [ 6 ]
How do you like that, Delirious?
Not for long, Delirious.
It's my turn to watch Nogla's turn.
Go ahead, Daithi De Lucky.
Brian, do you want to play instead of me?
That's your brother's life everyday, Nogla.
That's Nogla at the dentist.
I'm with you, Moo, I'm with you, forget that other guy, let's get out of here.
Are you serious, Delirious played this so there's a teddy bear.
We could've milked that for so much longer, Nogla.
Yeah, it's your turn, Vanoss.
Nogla, you survived, you did it.
You were so close, Moo!
Nogla's winning by the way.
Alright, Moo, it's your go.
Wow, they just give it to Moo, he's got a shotgun again.
Oo, you better not jump Moo, you better not do it.
What the hell, Fourzer0?
Moo, are you following me, do you want to kill me?
Me, Nogla, and Speedy, were together.
Vanoss is just confused now.
You want to go there next round, Wildcat?
I can hear you, Delirious, what's up?
Evan, you're winning now.
Evan, I'm here to help you.
I don't care about sucking Evan off.
I'm with Evan again, that's pretty much being bullied.
Evan, are you listening?
We actually barely lost, Evan, good job.
Evan, you're winning now, you're winning.
Evan, shut up, I can't fucking think.
I'm just gonna watch Matt die.
Soup, you gotta go faster.
Your hands up, Matt!
Grizzy, yes, we love it!
Matt's going to win, he just won!
Matt would not lie.
Matt has no reason to lie.
That was fucking useless, go ahead, Matt.
Why'd you do this to Matt?
Fuck you, Puffer, I'm trying to win.
Grizzy, what you did there, not impressive.
Oh, you're dead, SMii7y, see you later.
There's two people down there, SMii7y!
You're doing a great job, Nogla.
It's turn three, Nogla.
We're not even halfway done, and Nogla's pulling hair out.
Vanoss, you should make your own decisions and stop fucking listening to that guy.
Say it, Nogla, say it.
Droid, what are you doing?
SMii7y, do you see this idiot between us, get him the fuck out of here.
I'm robbing Puffer.
I think Puffer actually won.
For who, SMii7y, for who?
Puffer, I'm gonna need guidance.
That's so relatable, SMii7y.
I wanted Matt so bad.
I hope he shits on your fucking grave, SMii7y.
Do it, do it, Puffer, you bitch!
I just genuinely don't give a fuck what you think, Puffer.
Nah, SMii7y's been practicing.
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nyoschief · 4 years
Heart Of The Darkness
This was a Secret Santa that I never posted for @Nikki!
Rating: Mature Characters: John | KryozGaming/Jaren | SMii7Y, Eddie Gluskin Tags: Outlast, Panic Kisses, Secret Santa Warnings: Violence, Minor Character Death, Creepy Motherfuckers Words: 2,135
It’s only when John turns around, looking as though he’d been in a dozen fights and is still ready for another, that Jaren feels hot tears spill over reddened cheeks.
“I’m sorry, I’m so fuckin’ sorry! Are you okay? I—No, you’re not okay.”
{Read here on AO3}
Three simple words keep Jaren quiet. They repeat like a broken record, a mantra that increases with every blood-curdling scream and fresh wave of iron-laden air that floods the damp room. He’ll return once the exit is clear. Shaky hands flatten against rusted metal, taking comfort in the cool chill as he peers into the gloomy area, straining to see human-shaped demons in the shadows.
“Darling!” a sultry voice crows from the right, singing sweet lullabies.
‘No, fuck, not him.’
Every muscle tightens, lungs clenched and breath held, but frantic eyes refuse to close. Pleading cries respond to unnervingly saccharine words. A dull thump preludes a sobbing groan, hoarse and crying with desperation as nails scrabble against moldy tiles.
“What did I say about keeping your stress levels down? No child can be borne like this.”
The stomach-churning memory of mangled bodies cut apart and sewn together, a mockery of a carrying woman, has Jaren silently gagging, a palm covering his mouth and nails cutting into his cheek.
They should never have come here. ‘Abandoned’ mental asylum, his ass! No power doesn’t mean the crazies inside are gone.
“No, no, no, please, please!”
“I warned you and you didn’t listen!”
A wet squelch spills into the air, Jaren choking at the possibilities. His eyes grow wet, face turned against his torn and muddied sleeve.
“Oh?” the man purrs, a childish laugh bubbling beneath. Jaren freezes, swallowing and peering between the metal slits of the locker. “Have my followers… brought me another bride?”
He’s a deer in headlights, a hare hypnotized by a stoat, a hen frozen in fear of a fox. Fingers twitch, useless when his arms can’t even push the door open.
He has no chance when a body slams against the front, jostling him within. Manic eyes stare back at him, lips pulled into a grin. Can’t breathe, can’t scream, can’t move.
“There you are, dear! The perfect gift after… a terrible tragedy.” Yeah, tragedy. He can only imagine the leftovers, the body slit and covered in gore and blood, still warm. Something metal tracks across the front of the locker. “But don’t worry, I’ll fix you up, make your body a welcoming vessel.”
Voice cracking, he lets out a shaky, “Fuck you.” A crazed laugh echoes through the grotesque room, head thrown back as he smacks the rusty locker. Barely illuminated, he looks like a dirtied man from the mall, covered in blood and grime, bowtie falling off. Palms sweating, Jaren smacks his hands against the door, only for the rattle of metal to trap him within. “Let me out!”
“Nooo, no, no, my love, I can’t let you out in this state, you’ll only hurt yourself!” Blood pounds within his ears, rushing like a torrent, an uncontrollable stream. Jaren slams his fist harder against the metal, the growl in his throat fading into a desperate whine.
He’s not getting out of here alive.
A blade scrapes across the locker, barely glistening in the light shining through the window. Jaren shrinks away, knees buckling, ducking down from the slits in the door. He’d rather not have a scalpel in the eye.
“Now, I don’t want to ruin your perfect body,” he begins, voice dropping with warning, “but I will if you keep fighting me.”
Tongue dead weight, Jaren swallows and scrunches his eyes shut. ‘Where is he?’
“Why would I fight you?”
A coo spills forth, hair standing on end and spine rigid. “Much better, sweetheart,” he hums, taking a step backwards. Metal scrapes again on the locker, hinges squealing and revealing the crazed man’s horrifying appearance. It takes every single ounce of self-restraint to stop from running, hands shaking and gaze darting, searching for an escape route. “Look at you, the perfect vessel, don’t you think?”
Jaren’s stomach twists over itself, tightening up like a knotted rope. A shake to every word, he whispers, “Okay.” His stare lingers on the blade in the other’s raw-knuckled grasp, the weapon raising when he takes a shaky step forth.
“You want this, don’t you? Want to become beautiful, to pave the way for our loving family.”
‘No,’ he thinks, ‘I want to leave with John.’
He refuses to let this psycho know of the other’s presence. Fingers crossing behind his back, Jaren hopes to at least have his body recovered before it’s mutilated beyond recognition like the corpses of earlier.
The hand against his elbow has him jumping, strung taught and on edge. “Come, my love, I’ll show you the way, the truth…”
Movement catches his eye, moonlight glistening against silver.
Jaren snaps his gaze away, movements slow and steady, gaze tracked onto the blade. He needs to get the weapon away, get the scalpel out of his white-knuckled grasp, so John has a winning chance. They won’t get out of this alive if this fucking maniac still has his weapon.
He stumbles.
The man’s face twists into a grimace and he lunges.
Jaren yelps and finds himself slammed backwards against the wall. His head pulses, skull smacking against the tiles as metal stings at his throat.
“You scared me, darling, you shouldn’t try to escape like that,” he pants, leaning in closer. Nostrils flared, dark eyes soak in his appearance, leaning closer. His stench alone has Jaren swallowing bile, flinching at the hand caressing his cheek. Shaky hands grab hold of the man’s elbow, struggling to keep him at bay, to squirm his way to freedom. The blade digs into his throat, bringing him to a halt as a strangled cry spills forth. “Maybe it’d be better if I just cut out your voice box. Wives are supposed to be seen, not heard.”
Frantic, Jaren rushes to say, “I’ll be quiet, I’ll be quiet, please, I promise.”
There’s a flicker of movement over the man’s shoulder.
Jaren looks for a moment too long.
The man twists in time for a grazed elbow to slam into his unsightly face, flinging him aside.
Jaren jumps away, grabbing his own throat, feeling a thin line of blood beneath his palm.
The stumbling form snaps his head up, scowling and frothing with broiling hatred. “How dare you—”
“How dare me?” John spits, backing up and glancing over a shoulder at Jaren. Upon realizing the other isn’t in immediate danger, he glares at the crazy man and huffs, “Stay the fuck away from him!”
“You can’t come between us!” he shouts, posture menacing and looming. The blade in his hand draws attention like a magnet, dragging their eyes towards it as he flicks the weapon within gnarled fingers.
Jaren flinches when the man steps closer, hip bumping into a table laden with jars of intestines. A whimper slips out, capturing both of their attention for a split second.
John positions himself between them, shoulders hunched and fingers clenched, shielding Jaren. The blade raises. John flinches, balancing on the balls of his feet, teeth clenched and eyes narrowed.
“No, no, nothing is as strong as… as the bond we form—”
A boot slams into the man’s shin, dragging a shriek from raw, bloodied lips. Jaren’s head whips to the side, spotting a door and quickly running towards it. He freezes in the crooked doorframe, looking back, spotting John grappling with the bedraggled man, mouth pulled back into a sneer. The silver scalpel wavers, tip nicking at John’s clothing, held back like a snarling dog.
No warning, the man yanks himself away, pulling his arm free, only to slam the blade downwards.
A scream tears free of Jaren’s hoarse throat, the metal sinking into John’s arm, drinking rich scarlet blood.
Wild eyes scan the room, flicking between the garishly cut body on his right to the mess of broken furniture to his left.
Jaren latches onto a metal rod, breath rapid and uneven, yanking it free from the wooden debris.
No hesitation, he runs closer and swings, a sickening crunch filling the air as it connects with the man’s skull. He tumbles to the side, leaving John scrambling free. When he freezes up again, staring at the blood already dripping from the damage he’d caused, John takes the weapon from him and wastes no time in bringing it down directly on the deranged man’s neck.
He falls to the ground and goes limp. Air slides free from rattling lungs as haunted eyes grow dull.
‘Oh god.’
Jaren hiccups, eyes locking onto John, on the fucking handle still embedded in his bicep. Tears well within green-blue eyes, brows furrowed and lips parted. “Your arm,” he gasps, stepping closer, hands raising, only to freeze when he realizes he doesn’t know what to do.
A yell reverberates through the dusty air, a low growl following, filled with hunger and desperation.
John grabs him by the elbow, already yanking him away. It doesn’t matter where they’re going, as long as John’s with him, they’ll be fine.
They’re red-faced and panting by the time the shouting dies down, inaudible. John shoves them both into a shadowed room and slams the rattling door shut. A metal cabinet serves as the perfect blockade, stopping any unwanted visitors from entering their makeshift safe room.
It’s only when John turns around, looking as though he’d been in a dozen fights and is still ready for another, that Jaren feels hot tears spill over reddened cheeks.
“I’m sorry, I’m so fuckin’ sorry,” he whines, stepping closer and staring through bleary eyes at the weapon still in John’s arm. “Are you okay? I—No, you’re not okay.” Every inch of John is tensed, frozen as he keeps glancing at the door, breathing through his nose. He flinches at the hand on his shoulder, finally meeting Jaren’s watery stare. He’s still ready for a battle, on edge, antsy to keep them both safe. “Fuck, John, your arm, oh god…”
“It’s fine,” he grits out, still standing there with a doctor’s scalpel sticking out of his sleeve, careless of the blood soaking his shirt. Jaren’s instincts are screaming to run, to get away, John’s a threat. But every other part of him is desperate to help, to ease his pain, make him better, and repay his kindness.
Jaren takes hold of his good arm, leading him towards the unsteady table against the wall. “Let’s just… fix it up, yeah? Make it better. We can fix this—” A loud crash from outside has John jolting, pushing himself to his feet, despite Jaren’s attempts to get him seated. “It’s fine, they can’t get in, let me—”
“They’re close—”
“Don’t worry about them—”
“How can I not worry when they’re—”
“You’re bleeding!”
“I can make more blood.”
Fingers snatch hold of greasy hair, snapping John’s gaze towards him for long enough that he can press a desperate kiss against his bloodied mouth. The wildness in his eyes fades, returning to his familiar stare.
Jaren relaxes his hold, eyes flickering to the side.
“You can’t make another you,” he counters.
John licks his lips. “What was that for?”
Jaren backs up, mouth twisting to the side, failing to hide his embarrassment. “You weren’t listening and I—” He swallows. “I’m scared we won’t get out of here and I just—I just wanted to, just once, sorry, I shouldn’t have…” The silence that ensues has Jaren’s fingers itching, staring at the blade which, now that he looks at, isn’t all that deeply embedded into John’s arm. Swallowing, he clears his throat and says, “Let’s get this—”
“Better be more than just once.”
A frown embeds itself on Jaren’s face, blinking at John. He’s met with surprising determination.
He doesn’t even ask before John’s explaining, “We are getting out of here. That better not just have been a once off haha joke.” Jaren doesn’t have a response to that, letting slip a confused little noise followed by an awkward laugh. When he says nothing else, John asks, “You gettin’ this knife outta me or what?”
“Wh—Yes! Yeah, hold on, I…” Jaren fumbles for a moment before shedding his overshirt, figuring it’s cleaner than anything in this place. “Can you—” John grabs hold of the scalpel and yanks it out, a grunt and hiss following. Crimson spurts out, seeping quickly. Jaren gasps and hurries to wrap the fabric around the wound to stop the bleeding. “Fucks’ sake, John.”
A bloodied hand against his chin has Jaren freezing, allowing his head to be tilted upwards until he can meet the other’s gaze. “We’re gonna get out of here,” he states firmly. His hold shifts, resting against the side of Jaren’s face. Warm concern and conviction replace the earlier rage. “We will, I promise.”
The knot of unease wrapped vice-like around Jaren’s heart unwinds, loosened by trust and belief. On his own, no, he wouldn’t believe that, but with John here…
“I know we will.”
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crimsonbluemoon · 5 years
So i know i wanted to request krii7y for the kissing prompt, but i don't know if i want 5 or 11 more! I'm equally craving for fluff and angst right now ugh I'll let you choose cuz in the end i really love your writing anyway crim!!!!!
I’m not sure if this fits either requirement but…eh.
Number: 5/11Prompt: when both people can hardly stop laughing to kiss properly/kisses that might be the lastPairing: Krii7y
“The plane could catch fire.” A kiss to his ear followed the crazy statement, like his boyfriend worried he wouldn’t hear it’s stupidity that close.
“There’s a protocol for that, John. And we’ll land in water, probably.” 
“Aliens might abduct you.” Lips trailed over his eyebrow, making him arch it up slowly.
“When they could abduct you, something even weirder?”
“What if your high school stalker is riding the plane and has an elaborate plan to kidnap you?” The words were smothered against his cheek, large hands grasping his hips to keep him still even as the call for his plane was announced over the intercom.
“You better Captain America that shit and save me.”  
“Okay, but what if your soul gets ripped out of your body and you forget who you are? And then only people who can see souls get to fuck with you? What if you pick a stupid name like Smii7y for people to call you by?” The playful nip on the edge of his lip after the crazy statement had Jaren scoffing, flicking John’s side with enough force to finally make him pull back. 
“Seriously, what kind of fanfiction have you been reading?” He went for a real kiss, one that he had tried all morning not to let linger with sadness, but John couldn’t keep his mouth still long enough to actually finish it.
“At least it’s not furry.” The deadpan statement had Jaren snickering into his boyfriend’s mouth, ruining any ambiance he was trying for. The airport was a shitty place for romance, anyways.
“Just kiss me fucker, before I have to really go.” His words were mumbled against John’s lips, and their eyes met in a somber silence. If he was being honest, Jaren didn’t want to go home; he’d liked living with John here, ignoring his problems and stressors back in Canada. They’d been college roommates, then regular roommates, before Jaren realized how gay he was for John and snatch him up two years ago. But recently, his mother (who had been sick for some time) had gotten worse, and his siblings were all off in college. He was the only one left to take care of her. He loved John, probably more than any man should, but he had a responsibility to his family. And John’s job meant he couldn’t up and leave with Jaren with such short notice. So they were going to try long distance for now.
Except Jaren hadn’t left the airport yet, and he was already missing John. 
“You’ll come back when she’s better, right?” John tried to look calm with his questioning, but Jaren knew how deep the separation would cut him. He’d seen much longer, stronger relationships crumble from long distance before. There was no guarantee he’d ever get to kiss John again. 
“Of course.” But he didn’t want to admit that. Instead, Jaren huddled closer, sliding his hands into the unruly waves of John’s hair to pull him into a slow kiss. It wasn’t playful or silly like before, but a longing message that proved he wanted nothing more than to kiss him until they both died. John let his head be tilted and moved the way Jaren needed without a fight. Their mouths moved with experience and adoration, mapping each crevice for however long they’d go without the other’s lips and taste against theirs. It took time for them to part, breaths shaky from the minutes that had passed. The final call for his plane moved through the air, and Jaren closed his eyes at the pressure of a forehead against his own. 
“I’ll be waiting, dumbass.” And somehow, Jaren knew John wasn’t kidding or making a declaration he would forget. John would wait forever for him, if that’s how long it took.
And Jaren fell even deeper in love.  
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cassiedangerclouds · 5 years
Everything Is Green {Krii7y}
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DeviantArt: SugarHigh100 (Smii7y)
Twitter: Beaudicea (Kryoz)
Trigger Warning!: In this story, I will write about colour blindness. Sorry if I do not get it correct as I myself do not suffer from anything of the sort (I am mildly longsighted). If this may offend you, please don't read. And I would really love to hear from some colour blind people on how I can fix my perception of it up in case I write this type of thing again.
Remember that this is MY interpretation of colour blindness (Protanomaly and Tritanopia), this is how I understood what I read from my research. So please don't take it personally if I get it completely wrong.
In this story, there will also be:
Anxiety Attacks –Based off of the ones I get. Because everyone experiences these differently-
Bullying (mentioned)
Self-Deprecating Tendencies
Life gets pretty boring when all you see if various shades of green, grey and if you're lucky, violet.
But not the pretty, dark violet everyone else sees. No, it's a dull, kind of light version.
That's just life when your parents are Red-Green and Blue-Yellow colour blind and you pull the short straw on both ends.
No, I couldn't just have one; like not perceiving reds or greens properly. Or maybe become a very rare case and not be able to see blues properly.
I ended up Red-Green in one eye and Blue-Yellow in the other.
So my world is full of dull, warped greens, boring and monotonous blacks and whites, only light grey and maybe, if luck wants to grace me, with violet. I strive for the moments that slightly purply-blue colour pops, I try to capture every detail of the moment so that I can try recreate it.
My parents try to tell me that when I'm older, my eyes may get better.
But I know that they won't.
Magic doesn't exist. If you're born with these things, you live with them forever.
People get weirded out by me. I confuse them. So I learnt to keep to myself. I sit under the trees, on the grass, things that should be blindingly green and are but just a dull blue really.
I got told that my glasses would help me see colours properly, but the kids all picked on me, so I don't wear them anymore.
The glasses were pretty cool I guess, I mean they were blue and red, and the world looked amazing back in fifth grade for the month that I wore them.
It's been five years since I've worn them though, I figured that, if I was picked on in fifth grade, high school would be no saving grace. So they sit in draw at home, collecting dust.
I guess life isn't too bad, I mean, at least I'm not blind. But this is no better.
"Hey. Hey. Can you hear me?" I kept my head down, knowing exactly who it was.
"I asked you a question."
I looked up, not too much, just enough to see if it was who I thought it was, "Yeah. I guess. I'm not deaf." I said, tapping my fingers against the ground.
"I'm not here to pick on you kid. I'm not an arsehole. My friends and I saw you sitting by yourself and I wanted to know if you wanted some company."
This time he caught my full attention, "Like for real? This isn't some big joke that Evan and all that set up to give me hope?" I asked.
He laughed, "Nah dude, honestly, Evan and his friends are a little overrated." He said, "With the exception of like Ryan. Oh and Craig, he hangs out with us sometimes."
I smiled, "I mean, sure. I guess that I could come and sit with you guys." I said.
"Sick." He said, helping me up.
He led me over to a table, not far from where I was sitting, I noticed him stumbling a little.
"Hey fuckers. I'm back." He announced.
"No one gives a fuck John." One of the other males at the table replied, looking up from his phone.
"Fuck you to, bitch." John replied.
"So guys, this is...uh I never asked your name, did I?" John asked.
"Good goin' John. You see a lonely kid, invite him over, but don't even ask his name." another said, this one was for sure in grey.
I snickered a little, looking over the group, of course, looking at everyone wasn't going to help me tell them apart, but it was worth a shot.
"HEY! That sounded a lot better in my head." The grey one stated.
"So, what's your name stranger?" one of the guys closest to me asked.
Come on, just say Jaren. "Lukas." I answer. What the fuck did I say that for?
"Well Lukas. As you could figure out, I'm John. In order around the table from my left. Cameron, Ryan, Craig, Anthony and...where did Crystal go?" John asked for a person I guess was here before he came over to me.
Crazy hair, grey guy, glasses, panda case. I recited in my head, it was the only way I'd actually remember them.
"Brock's nut of a sister came over and requested that her friend join her for a conversation." Anthony, I think, answered.
I frowned, "Cassidy isn't too crazy." I stated, causing everyone to stare at me.
"What. She used to be my..." I trailed off, "Never mind. Why did you invite me over here. I'm just the weird kid."
"We're all weird here." Cameron said, completely ignoring my slip up or at least I hope he did.
"I mean. Probably not. At least compared to me. Nobody is as mutant as I am."  I stated, looking down.
"What. Why? Because your eyes are different a little off centre or your hair is white? Every time I saw you, I always thought you just bleached it, like John does with his." Craig said with a shrug.
I sighed, shaking my head, "Okay. Don't like freak or anything okay John. But like, that jumper you're wearing is probably rad. But it's like literally all green, different shades. But to me. That whole thing is green, except the white bits near your wrists." I always found it was an easy way to explain my problem to people by talking about something that probably wasn't green and trying to tell them that's how I see it. "I can imagine and sort of figure out the colours, because I've done it for so long-"
"What shades of green?" John asked.
I shrugged, "The top is like a lime kind of colour. So it's probably like yellow or somet'in'. Uh, the middle is a dull green. So that's like red or orange, I don't remember because I don't see those colours a lot. The top of the sleeves is like, mint ice cream green. So they're some type of blue." I explained, hoping I got the colours close.
"That's so cool dude." John said.
"How do you live like that? Not being able to see colours. Only green?" Craig asked.
"Well. I mainly see the green spectrum, but I can see light grey, black, white and sometimes, violet. But it's like not the cool dark violet colour, it's more like what I think you would see as a cross between magenta maybe and periwinkle. I can see some shades of yellow, kind of. Most colours appear as greens though." I explained, tapping my fingers against my leg.
"Well, sit down you weird ass human." Cameron said.
I smiled, shaking my head, "Sorry. This was a nice..experience, but I'm just gonna leave." I said, turning around, I walked back towards where I was.
Suddenly I was on the ground, noticeably colder than before.
I looked up and saw my jumper in John's hands.
"Hey, fuck you. Give me my jumper back, it's cold." I demanded, getting off my arse, snatching my jumper out of his hands, slipping it over my head.
"It's a mild fifteen degrees, it's not that cold." Cameron stated.
"Shut up, you Kiwi fuck. We get it that it's fucking freezing in New Zealand." A feminine voice said from behind me.
Cameron pouted, "Piss off you Aussie bitch." He stated.
"Oh, and this is Crystal. Crystal, this is –"
"Hey Luke." Crystal said with a shrug.
"Vibe." I returned, watching as they walked over and sat between Cameron and Ryan.
"Wait- you two know each oth-"
"Whatever, reunions are boring. What did the nut want with you, aye?" Cameron asked, nudging Crystal's shoulder.
Crystal shrugged, "Never say that again. Worst Australian accent ever. Come on Fitzy, you're the closest one to where I'm from and you can't even fake a believable accent." They said.
The group started to banter, giving me the perfect chance to slip away.
I kept walking, not really knowing where I was going, I just knew I had to get away from that group before something bad happened to them because of me.
"Hey. Hey! Lukas, wait up." I heard a call from behind me, recognising John's voice, I picked up my pace, not watching where I was going.
Once more I was on the ground and I noticed that it was because I had bumped into someone. I stood up, "I'm so sorry. I-" my breath hitched.
In front of me stood well known school menace and Evan's right hand man Jonathan.
"I-I'm so so sorry. Uh, Delirious." I said, I could feel myself shaking.
Delirious turned to face me, and I could feel my lungs get heavy.
"Dude. Are you okay?" he asked me, sending me into surprise.
"What?" I managed to squeak out.
"I asked if you were okay? You hit me pretty hard and fell to the floor." Delirious said.
I shrugged, "I'm uh. Fine. Just yeah. Sorry." I stammered, my breathing starting to even out.
"Lukas, why are you-" I heard John stop dead, his boots squeaking as he skidded on the hallway floor. "Fuck."
"Well, if you're okay. Then I'm just gonna walk away." Delirious said, walking away.
I was still shaking, I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths. In for four, hold for seven, out for eight.
"Dude, are you okay?" I heard John was near me now.
But I still didn't open my eyes, I shakily pointed at my bag, "Pap- Pap- Bag" I started coughing.
"Pap Bag. Pap. Paper Bag! Oh, get the paper out of your bag!" John figured out, quickly flipping the latch on my bag and handing me the almost empty bag.
"I don't understand how this will help you." John said.
I cupped my hand around the opening, placing it near my mouth, breathing in and out into the bag.
My breathing went back to normal after five minutes and the coughing stopped.
I moved it away and drew in a deep breath.
"What the fuck was that?" John asked, making me painfully aware that he was still there.
I opened my eyes to see him standing in front of me, "That was an anxiety attack you fucking idiot. Holy shit. I could've-no-probably would've passed out if you hadn't have helped me. Jesus, I haven't had one that bad in a while." I stated, half talking to myself.
"Your welcome. I mean, I don't know how to respond." John said.
I smiled, "Thank you. But seriously. I thought that Jonathan was a bully. He didn't even threaten me. I think a lot of people just spread rumours and one rumour made it out and became popular saying that the BBS are bullies. They're probably just a bunch of misunderstood kids. I- I'm sorry for walking off." I said.
"Nah dude. My friends can be a little much sometimes, even for me." He said.
"Oh. Okay. Well, I'm still sorry. It was a good thing you did you know, asking me to join you guys. Your friends don't seem to bad. I'd probably fit in with you all. I feel like a big dou-"
I felt something warm against my lips for a split second and then it was gone.
"You talk too much." John stated.
My face started heating up, "What the fuck? We haven't even known each other for a day. John you're fucking weird," I stated, pulling my sleeve over my hand, wiping my mouth.
He laughed, "You enjoyed it. Don't deny it." He said.
Maybe I did. It doesn't matter, I don't even know the guy. "No I didn't." I retorted, but I knew my body language said otherwise.
"You're a bad lyre Lukas. You're red as a firetruck." He teased.
"Shut up you fucking prick." I muttered.
He rolled his eyes, "Come on. Come and hang out with me and my band of Misfits." He said.
I sighed, "Fine." I said and we walked back towards his friends, maybe a bit closer than previously.
But seriously, who the fuck kisses someone they just met? Like what even is that?
"Someone who has a set." John replied.
"Fuck. I said that out loud. Sorry." I said.
He stopped and turned to face me, "Stop fucking apologising. You've done nothing wrong." He said.
And that's when I noticed one small thing, well not really small thing, but it was something that would this was a moment I'd never forget.
Everything is green.
But his hair is my favourite colour.
Because it is violet.
Authors Note:
Hi guys!
Yes, I am a weirdo. I would've made it John's eyes, except that in this case it wouldn't work because John's eyes are blue and for them to be violet, they'd have to be yellow. Which just isn't realistic.
Anyway, that's it.
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mssjynx · 6 years
For the dabble thing: 58 w/ smii7y and whoever you think best fits 😉🌹❤
thanks for the drabble req ash!! hope u enjoy sum smiitz xx.
“The person you have called is unavailable. Please leave a message, after the tone.”
“Cam. Still me. You said you’d be home half an hour ago and you still haven’t sent me a single message. It does not take this long to get your fucking car cleaned. Call me back. Now.”
“Cam. For fuck’s sake, can you please call me so I know you’re still alive and you haven’t been kidnapped or murdered or dropped off in Australia.”
“I’m going to send out a fucking search party if you don’t get here in the next five seconds.”
To say Jaren was irritated was a slight understatement. He’d been waiting for Cam to return home for around forty minutes, having received no calls or texts about why exactly he was suddenly MIA. With a huff, he dropped his phone on the table and walked from the room in an attempt to stop himself from sending another voicemail to his stupid boyfriend.
Fingers carded through his hair, hands busying themselves with putting dry dishes in their drawers as he tried to tear his mind away from what could have possibly happened to his lover. And when he finally managed to get his train of thought on the week ahead, he heard the familiar sound of the car pulling up and dropped the plastic cup.
“Cam?” He called the name as he opened the front door, scolding words caught in his throat as his eyes landed on his boyfriend. Said words vanished immediately as his eyes widened. “What the fuck happened!?”
Cam stepped out of the car, grimace on his face as soapy water pooled at his feet, running from his clothes and the inside of his car. His hair was plastered to his head and his clothes stuck to his skin. A permanent grimace of displeasure pulled a small smile from Jaren.
He trotted down the steps, shaking his head.
“Why didn’t you pick up my calls!?” he asked, only for Cam to flinch, pulling his phone out of his soaked pants, the black screen slick with moisture. “Oh…”
“How did you…?” Realisation washed over Jaren as he stepped closer, soap suds clinging to Cam’s clothing and the felt covers of the seats drenched. He couldn’t help the snicker that rose in his throat. “Did you have the window down when you went through the car wash?” The sharp glare he received in response was more than enough of an answer, and he giggled, turning back to the house. “I’ll go get towels, stay here.”
When he returned out the front, he threw two towels at Cam who started grumpily patting himself down and trying to dry himself off as much as he could as Jaren walked around him to the open car door, wiping down the seat and console and anywhere else in the car that was wet.
“It jammed and I realised too late that I needed to put the damn thing up…” Cam grumbled dropping his head to Jaren’s shoulder when the shorter man straightened up. He scrunched up his nose, turning and gently nudging the other back away from him.
“I love you an’ all, but you smell like a wet dog,” he said, and Cam frowned, glaring.
Innocent, dry hands rose. “Go have a shower and dry off, and then we can cuddle up on the couch all you like, okay?”
A roll of pale eyes. A mumble of, “Fine,” falling to the puddle on the pavement as Jaren closed the car door and watched his boyfriend trudge up the path into their house. He couldn’t help his amused grin.
Only his dipshit boyfriend would manage to fuck up that spectacularly.
But as promised, as soon as Cam emerged from the bedroom in warm clothes and a grumpy pout, he tugged the kiwi to the couch and settled between his legs. He laughed as Cam tucked his face into the side of his neck, arms tight around the smaller boy’s waist.
“Feel better?” Jaren asked, reaching a hand back to ruffle Cam’s damp hair. A huff of air washed over his shoulder as Cam tightened his hold on him. “You smell better,” Jaren admitted, grin broad as Cam groaned and ungracefully shoved his boyfriend off his lap. The younger’s laughter didn’t cease as he dropped to the floor.
He pulled himself back onto the couch, leaning over and planting a kiss on Cam’s cheek.
“Love you,” he cooed, snuggling up to his side as Cam folded his arms and ignored him. “Caaam!”
“Fuck off.” Still pouting, he grumbled to himself as he pulled Jaren back onto his lap. “Asshole.” After another few quiet moments of Jaren playing with Cam’s fingers, turning on some Christmas movie for the two to enjoy, Cam rested his chin on Jaren’s shoulder and huffed. “I love you too,” he mumbled, words hardly coherent through his childish tone.
“I know,” he cooed, letting his eyes fall shut as Cam pressed a kiss just below his ear. They fell into a gentle silence, the annoyance slowly washing out of Cam’s system as they watched the movie. And so what if they only got halfway through it. They found each other far more interesting and opted for kissing and cuddling and drowning in one another for the rest of the evening.
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poly-bus · 7 years
Krii7y - Room Mates
Prompt 7: we’ve known each other for like 4 months but when you get cold things get pretty intimate and we’ll sleep together wanna be more then friends?
By M (I know Poly’s already done this but this prompt looked like fun so Imma do it as well lol)
“What do you mean, the heating is broke? It’s the middle of January!” Smii7y was listening to his roommate, Kryoz, agitated at that, yell at the landlord as he explained the heating to the building had shut down.
They’d known something had been off the whole day, it being a little colder in the apartment, until the mini heater they had also malfunctioned and died, and they realized that there was no heat coming from the vents.
They had been watching TV on two separate couches bundled in hoodies, sweatpants, and blankets until the landlord knocked on the door and explained that heating was out for the rest of the day and possibly the next.
“I’m sorry but it’s the truth. It will be back tomorrow. Just hopefully the rest of the day and tonight the heating will be out. Stay warm please. There are extra blankets in the lobby if you need some.”
Smii7y heard a few more words exchanged and the door being shut.
He saw his roommate walking back to his seat, his face a combination of slight anger and the signs of being cold, the pale face with cheeks and nose flushed red with the chilly air.
“Should we go to the store nearby and get some of that microwavable hot chocolate for tonight? We’re out,” he asked John as he sat down.
He immediately nodded, having had started a slight addiction to the stuff when it got very cold because of Smii7y.
They hopped up and walked out the door, Smii7y grabbing the apartment key and stuffing it in the pocket of his yellow jacket.
They walked to the said nearby store and purchased a pack of the beverage mix.
Happy with their item, they rushed back to the apartment and made themselves some hot chocolate and settled down on the couches to continue the movie Smii7y had put on before they’d been interrupted by the landlord.
By the time the movie finished, the sun was starting to go down.
As Smii7y put on another movie, John got up to fix them some dinner and make more of the hot and sweet liquid. Not long later they were hounding down hot Roman Noodles™ while focused on the movie.
They had moved to just on couch, because it was starting to get colder.
Kryoz sipped his chocolate, watching the movie. His attention was stolen, however, when he noticed his friend starting to doze off.
He had no clue how he was dozing off when the freezing air was pricking his face like little knives. He nudged Smii7y and he started awake.
“You tired bro?” John asked.
Smii7y nodded and yawned, the breath coming from his mouth visible, like smoke from a small fire.
“Should we get some extra blankets?” Another nod.
John quickly got up and walked out the apartment, going to the lobby to get some extra blankets that the landlord said would there.
He returned highly annoyed and empty-handed.
The last blanket had been taken minutes before he arrived, said by the receptionist at the counter when he asked, bundled in layers of clothing since she sadly had no blanket either.
Smii7y and John settled down in their beds, located in two rooms connected to a small hallway that began in the living room.
They were bundled in layers of clothing and a blanket.
Yet John was still freezing. He lied uncomfortably, shivering, as he cursed himself for not being used to the cold.
He hoped his roommate was warm, before realizing he probably was, having grown up in Canada.
He lied there until midnight, staring at his small alarm clock, shivering and seeing his breath against the angry red light the clock produced.
And then he’d had it. He got up from his bed with the blanket draped across him and traveled to Smii7y’s room, knocking on the door.
He had knocked thrice when a sleepy Smii7y opened the door, his head tilted.
He was only wearing a hoodie and sweatpants, and for a brief second John wondered how the fuck he wasn’t cold.
“What’s wrong John?” Smii7y yawned and looked at him with puppy brown eyes.
Suddenly he felt it would be better to go back, but decided that it would be insufferable going.
“It’s very cold,” he started and swallowed in nervousness. “Can I- uh- sleep? With you? In your bed? Y-Y'know! Since it’s freezing.”
Smii7y looked at him and shrugged, not at all phased with the question John had asked.
He turned around and walked back to his bed. He looked back as he lifted the blanket, as if saying ‘You just going to stand there?’
John walking to the bed after shutting the door. He tossed his blanket on top of the blanket already there and slowly got into bed, Smii7y getting into a comfortable position.
They ended up facing each other. Luckily his roommate had his eyes closed, or he would of saw his face more red than it already was.
He noticed it was a lot warmer in this bed than his own. He started dozing off, until his hand accidentally touched Smii7y’s warm hand.
He jolted back awake as Smii7y’s hand twitched away.
“Jesus you’re hand is freezing!” Smii7y giggled as he put his hand back.
Their hands touched again.
And there goes John’s heart rate. He knew he had liked the guy ever since they met a few months ago, but not this much.
Eventually he dozed off again to the sound of gentle breathing.
We awoke about two hours later, with a startling realization that Smii7y had his face buried in his chest, his arms wrapped around his waist and legs wrapped around his right leg.
His own left arm had betrayed him and was draped over Smii7y’s arm.
He felt his heart start to pound loudly, which made Smii7y stir, as his ears were close to his heart.
John took a deep breath to calm down his heart before it woke him up.
He pulled his right arm from under his head and wrapped it gently around Smii7y, his hand, no longer cold, gently nestling into his soft hair.
Suddenly feeling braver than ever, he reached his head down and pecked Smii7y’s forehead.
“I love you,” he whispered.
He suddenly felt Smii7y stir.
“I knew that,” he whispered back, face out of sight. “You ain’t slick. Love you too John.”
Then he fell back asleep, with John wheezing softly, wide-eyed.
“You… What?”
I swear to fucking god, this is so much better than the one I did earlier on, this is so fucking adorable and the ending is absolutely amazing. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH, OML. -Mod Pup
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smileygene · 7 years
“Business Man” 407Ladd fic
This is a Fic I wrote with the lovely @corkcollector :D
She’s a great writer and artist so better check their stuff out!!!
Word count: 8900+ words
Warning(s): Angst, Smut (at the end), Mochi (Because she is a cute dog)
Character/s: John(Kryoz), Smii7y, Scotty(407), Craig(MiniLadd), Mochi
Based on this song :D
New day, new target...
An envelope sat on Scotty's doorstep, he picked it up and saw a note "No Witnesses" he sighs, opening the envelope and seeing the target with a small deposit in a check, and a date on when is the kill due before they cut off the pay. Bonus will be added if you make it look like suicide, Scotty smiled at the bonus noted at the bottom of the file. He was a creative killer, cops do not suspect anything at all on his kills, and he was as invisible as the wind, not leaving any tracks or witnesses. He grabbed his bags and tools... "Time to scan the area." he said, grabbing a cigarette and lighting it.
Craig hated this place
He spent 5 years on getting a good degree on IT.  Even passing his grades with flying colors, but in this economy he ended up as a computer repair guy for this big ass company.
The job didn't even pay well. Well, more like the boss had something against him, he didn't know fucking why he just showed him how to fix his laptop once and suddenly his pay is cut. He grumbled as he fixes yet another broken monitor, he even had to give reports on why it broke in the first place and they always put the blame on him.
"You just turned the thing off you idiot... “Craig thought to himself as he magically fixed yet another monitor, he was done. He would actually murder someone if they accidentally turned off their monitor again. He politely excused himself as He went back to the tiny prison he calls his office. Walking as fast as he could to get away from the idiots in the office. Suddenly, he bumped into someone, looking up he saw a good looking man with brown hair.
 "Whoa, you gucci fam?  Slow down now..." He said, in a smooth raspy voice.
 "Ri-Right... Sorry..." Craig said, his cheeks blushing red as he walked away.
 "Alright, see you later hot stuff... “The man said making him blush even more.
 Scotty admired the nice view of Craig's ass, he was on his itinerary on People who has access on the target. Apparently within Craig's office lies the codes to disable the cameras on certain areas of the office. While there is a security room with access to the cameras.  Craig basically has control of everything around here...
Craig sighed and sunk into his office chair. He spent all these past couple nights doing what his boss had told him to, doing even the man's own work. Yet, he still had more sent to him by the time he got back to his office.
 He suddenly had the urge break shit he was so mad.
But he refrained himself for the sake of his shitty job.
He typed away on his computer, yawing every so often. He took tech, coding, math, IT, and Evan business for this? No, he had better plans, but he got stuck with this.
Scotty sat down, blending in perfectly as he is, well not perfectly really, he had to flirt his way in and right now he counted 3 women and 6 men complementing his ass. The cubicle he sat in was reserved by his employer, he had the perfect view of Craig's office and the target's office...
Now all he needed was a plan.
He took a sip of his coffee, the only thing he can tolerate in this place. Hopefully eliminating the target would make changes around here. He isn’t going to blame poor Craig for looking so glum while working here.  This place was a literal hell...
Another five notifications popped up on Craig's computer popped up, everyone wanted him to do their shit. He threw his coffee cup and it shattered against the wall, the walls were sound proofed so no one would be able to hear him fume. He groaned and rubbed his face as he muttered to himself, walking in circles, his face red from the overwhelming anger he felt.
Why… why do they have jobs in the first place?
He can name a few people that hadn't even gotten the education or experience with this shit.
"These fuckers are getting paid twice as much as I do and they can't even work their fucking monitors!" He groaned. Yet again, no one heard him, his walls were sound proof.
He looked down at the broken mug on the floor and sighed.
That was his favorite mug...
Knowing he made a mess in his office, he got up and went to attend to the poor five souls who needed his help.  Opening the door to his office, he used his phone track down the ones who needed help, starting of course with the Boss, the bastard always needed his help, whether it's in his PC or the router connecting to the internet, he always finds a way to break something in his office, even his sanity!
Scotty leaned back as he observes the office, he was only given a whole month to complete this assignment. He was thinking of doing the whole bit in a week but seeing the opportunities to mess around, he might do it in two weeks or so, whatever comes first.
He tapped on Craig's phone so he could profile him, know some dirt on him and his schedule so that he could know the guy better. Seeing the man out of his office, he easily assessed him as someone who had his dreams flushed down the toilet because he landed on a bad job. His brows rose at the sight of his credentials…
“What a waste…” Scotty muttered, he gazed through the glass seeing the broken mug and the coffee sleeping into the carpet. He noted that.
Craig flinched when hearing his boss yell at him through the phone, fingers twitching in annoyance. He sighs, "Got it boss, seven reports." He hangs up, running a hand over his cheek. Craig decided to work on his other co-worker so they would stop bitching.
Guess you're not going home tonight, Craig. Well, whatever you consider home. You live in a shitty apartment with no electricity.
He buried those thoughts at worked on someone's RAM, computer, wiring and such.
Something inside Scotty twitched as he looked at Craig, he actually felt sorry for the guy. Seeing the poor man deal with bitching co-workers and a whiny boss (which is actually his target), this job could actually be beneficial, after killing Craig's boss, one nuisance would be removed from his life.
He saw Craig approaching him now, Scotty sat up straight and went in character as he started to pin the guy on anything he could use as an advantage.
"Alright, what's your problem?" Craig asked, his tone sounded bored and uninterested.
"Uh, yeah... I-I think this file here must be corrupted, I can't open it." Scotty replied, receiving an eye roll from Craig.
"Have you tried unplugging your hard drive and then plugging it again?" Craig asked, Scotty nodded.
Scotty can tell that Craig was having a migraine already, Craig told him to step aside as he went inside Scotty's cubicle, and he leaned in and started to find the problem.
Craig focused on the computer, fixing his glasses every so often.
"Alright here's your problem," Craig spoke eyes still glued to the screen, "your file is corrupted, but it isn't that bad. We can still get it back." He smiled, this was one of things that was less idiotic. Didn't help is migraines, but he could easily fix this.
After five minutes or so Craig pulled away, "There! Good as knew." Craig grinned at Scotty before wincing at his phone suddenly ringing, he sighed, "Call me over if anything gets corrupted again." He patted Scotty's shoulder and went to take the call.
Scotty looked at Craig's ass before going back to his work, so his assessment was right, Craig was smarter than your average Joe. Scotty's file was coded with a hard to crack virus that looked like a simple corrupted file. He's gonna have to ask Smitty later to get him a better virus to get access to the security system.
Or maybe something else would work...
Scotty looked over at Craig's office, thanking the heavens that glass walls are built in so that he could easily observe him, his boss, the target's office, on the other hand, was just across Craig's. A long hallway stretched through it before seeing the door. Scotty smiled, a plan formulating in his mind.
Craig cleaned up his mess in his office, cutting his finger in the process, he sighed. He’s gonna be listing a box of Band-Aids after getting a stainless mug. Never again will he buy ceramic mugs. A knock on the door snapped him out of his thoughts.
 He looked upwards to see that... New Employee? He didn't know and didn't really care, he sighed and stood up after dumping the glass into his trash bin. He stretched out his back and opened his office door.
He asked nonchalantly. Craig reminds himself to take Tylenol later for his migraine. His eyes were void of any sort of enjoyment, just glaring.
"I just wanted to say thanks for fixing the problem earlier, and I also saw that you broke you coffee mug so I got you this" Scotty said, using in the friendly act to get to him.
Craig blushed at the word of thanks, he saw the new employee holding a bag of food from Starbucks and a box of Band-Aids. Seeing the Band-Aids reminded him of his still bleeding finger now staining the glass door.
"Oh shit!" Craig exclaimed, wiping the blood off the door. Scotty watched as the man get all flustered and compose himself.
"Here." Scotty stepped in his office, putting the bag of food at his desk. Craig only stood still, embarrassed at being like this in front of a really good looking guy.
Craig was flushed red and used a tissue to clean up a bit of the blood, sticking a band aid to his stinging finger, "I-I'm not usually like this, you caught me off guard." He muttered. This was a first for Craig, he never really got the chance to eat meals at the correct time.
He chuckled nervously, "Thanks... I'm, Craig," he smiled awkwardly, "though you may already know me." Scotty smiled, completely having the technician under his control "Scotty, I just got hired a few weeks ago so you might not really see me that much. How long have you been working here, you look younger than I Am.” he asked. Craig bit his lip, no one in the office really took time to know him, and Scotty was the first one who engaged him in a conversation.
"I'm just 28 years old, I got hired a year ago after graduating... It's hell really..." Craig said. Scotty handed him a Cappuccino and a Muffin, his stomach grumbling at the sight of food.
"Thanks... You know, you're the first person to actually acknowledge me here..." Craig said, taking a bite from the Muffin, almost tearing up because of food.
Craig happily ate, the muffin melting on his tongue. It was so good he could cry, he hasn't eaten properly ever since he got hired into this hell hole. His boss could suck it, he's taking a break to eat because he was hungry.
The thought of being acknowledged but another employee, a new one at that, made him a little suspicious, but he wasn't really trustful of strangers anyways.
Scotty tried to make a good impression as possible, wanting to get on his good side. Seeing Craig eat the muffin now means that the first contact was a success, he now had a good view of his tiny office and a peek at the codes on his PC. They chattered a bit more, Scotty disarming Craig for any useful info, So far he had none, Craig really was a smart cookie.
As Scotty made his leave, Craig thanked him one last time before returning to his cubicle. Scotty wrote in the first few things he observed. Making sure to add the details on Craig. He thanked his employer now for giving him a month to execute his plan.
The day passed and it's now 10 pm in the office, everybody went home and the only ones left are Craig, Scotty, and the Boss who is now approaching Craig.
"I'll be needing those reports in tomorrow Thompson, better wrap this shit up chop chop!" He exclaimed, Craig's boss was a fat guy with a balding problem. He wasn't even listening to him, he just looked at the poor buttons of his shirt, doing their best to hide a nightmare underneath those clothes.
"But sir— it's seven reports you want me to do," Craig fiddled with his wrist, "I don't think I can finish them all by tomorrow." Craig tried his best not to sock that fucker, he was getting tired of this.
"Then you're staying overnight to get it done!" The fat man snarled.
 Craig shot his boss a glare and stood up, "Listen you fat ass I've been your work for the past year! It's almost been two years— two!" Craig didn't even acknowledge Scotty as he cussed out his boss.
It ended in a loud smack and a crunch.
Craig broke his boss' nose.
 "Mr. Thompson? Am I clear?"  Craig snapped out of his thoughts, breathing a sigh of relief knowing that what happened was just an illusion. He just nodded, continuing to type away as his Boss left.
Scotty just stared at the whole ordeal, wishing for something to happen because Craig looks like he's about to lose it in a moment. As the fat man left, Scotty stood up and collected his stuff. He contemplated on visiting Craig but he seems too immersed in his work to even notice him.
Craig sighed, "Bye, Scott." He muttered as he continued to type away on his computer. He wouldn't be getting a wink tonight, he already prepared the shitty espresso machine.
Bad coffee and several reports. This is going to be fun. He thought sarcastically with a scowl. Be really just wanted to break his boss' fingers, but he didn't want to stick in jail for "assault". Picking on big CORPS like him usually didn't end well.
5 am
Scotty was the first person to walk in the office, he wanted to do an initial background check on the area but it was disturbed when he bumped into Craig. Scotty almost screamed in terror by his looks.
 "My god, did you really stay here and finished all that?" Scotty asked.
Craig stared at him, his eyes burning with anger "Yes" he said firmly
"I know I look like a fucking mess, don't need to be so dramatic." Craig mumbled grabbing another cup of coffee. He yawns as he makes the coffee, he has another day full work anyways, so there instead any use going home. He'll check people's computers to see if any of them have problems.
It's funny for such a big company yet they buy shit monitors.
Craig passed the reports to Scotty "Give this to the fat man, I'm going home" Craig said and left. Scotty was left to his devices and took this opportunity to inspect the specs of the office.
Craig walked all the way home when he realized that he has no money for a ride home, he took a sip from the coffee he stole from the office. As he relishes the warmth of caffeine on his throat a hand grabs him and drags him in the alley
"Give me your money" Said a man, pressing a knife on his back. Craig rolled his eyes. Coffee in hand he threw the remaining caffeine on the man's face, his attacker stepping back to wipe the hot liquid off his eyes. Craig then punched the man's lights out and the man fell down in one swoop.
"Fuck off" Craig says, walking away...
He arrives at his apartment, grinning as he stepped into his bedroom. At least his bed is was so comfortable, he would be out for hours he knew that for sure. Two all-nighters really take a toll on someone.
He falls limp onto his bed, not even bothering to change. He's knocked out instantly.
Two licks is all it takes to put him back to the world of the living. Craig's Samoyed pup sat neatly on his chest, barking at his return.
"Did you thank Mrs. Ferguson for feeding you?" Craig asked, patting the dog, in which he got a bark as a reply. "Sorry I can't play with you today Mochi, I need to rest, come rest with me..." Craig muttered, the dog seemed to understand him because the little pup found a nice place just beside his head and took a nap. The dog's soft breaths lulled Craig back to sleep.
Craig smiled, lying next to Mochi happily as he slept.
Scotty had almost finished surveying the office, writing reports on each of the things he finds interesting or informational. He kicked back in his seat and yawned.
His phone ringing woke him from his sleep, he looked and saw his boss' number on the caller ID (named "Fat Bastard") he tapped in and answered. A scream from across the line almost deafened him. Apparently Craig didn't sort out the reports correctly and now his boss is confused. He sighed, muttering that he will be there in a few minutes. He looked at the dog, the pup was wagging her tail at her now fully awaken Master.
"Fuck it... I'm taking you to work" he said, standing straight up and went straight to the dark shower. "I gotta pay the bill soon..." he muttered to himself.
Scotty was bored, flirty co-workers we seriously boring him, he fucked one of them in the Executive bathroom earlier in which he regretted doing because now the bitch seems to be attached to him now. He has laid out an initial plan in his first sweep in the office. He also realized that there aren't any cameras on the Boss' room, not even bugs. He'll planned on just grabbing the essentials when he got home and going for the kill the next day and just grab the payment and go to Hawaii.
Craig walked in the office, looking more human than what he looked like earlier. Mochi sat happily on his carrier, seeing the new environment around her made her wag her tail like crazy!
"It's nothing to get too excited about," Craig giggled kissing Mochi's nose, "Hope you don't mind me brining you to meet my crap boss." He muttered patting her head gently.
He walked towards his boss’s office, keeping Mochi safe in his arms. Craig sighed when stopping at the door, shoulders deflating. He was already getting a migraine and he hasn't even spoke to his boss yet.
"Craig explain yourself!" He boss screamed, anger in his eyes.
Craig sighed, "You have me two days to sort out several reports, sir." He said with a glare, "I usually get at least a one good night of sleep, but you've kind of ruined that for me."
"That doesn't excuse you from doing a sloppy job, seems to me that degree of yours is as useless as a toilet paper I wipe my ass with" his boss said, smirking at him. "I pay you too much to be doing such an awful job.”
Mochi whimpered on Craig's arms, hiding from the Boss' glare, Craig only managed to roll his eyes. "Sir, with all due respect. My student loans costs greater than my salary here. Now if you'll be giving any work load not related to the degree I took in college then I will be seeing you later." He turned his back on his awful Employer and went straight to his office, carefully putting his dog on the ground, she took in her new surroundings, emitting a happy bark at her master.
Scotty saw the new activity on Craig's office, a fluffy white pup ran around while Craig was working on a new work load. Scotty was on his phone talking to a friend as he would prefer to.
"Scotty? You still there?" Smitty asked on the other line.
"Yeah, so anything on this Craig guy?" Scotty asked
"He's a good friend of mine in college, smart ass dude and graduated with flying colors. Shame to see him ending in the dump of a job" Smitty sighs "I can help you talk him into getting a bug on the cameras so you could go and execute the plan, but you know how my services cost." he said
"I'll treat you and your boyfriend to a one week all expense trip to Japan. Sound good?" Scotty said
The line was silent for a few moments then Smitty answered "Fine... I'll drop by tomorrow, or maybe next week, I’ll text you…" he said then hung up.
Mochi jumped into Craig's lap, laying her head down his thighs and she yawned. Craig chuckled and ruffled his fluff, "Me too Mochi, me too." He was in a better mood when Mochi was here, he thinks he should bring her to work more often. His boss wouldn't give a shit, so it'll be good for him and for his stress.
 He typed away on his monitor. What his boss said about his degree being as useless as the toilet paper he wiped his ass on infuriated him. He worked hard to get that degree, he put in the effort.
Craig ran a hand through his locks, he's been staring at the screen for so long it's fucking with his vision now. Craig's going to take a well-deserved break after he finishes his work.
Scotty was outside, just by the back off the building, he puffed out a smoke as he checked around the area for any escape route. Calculating any jump or curve, nook and cranny. The whole building itself was pretty easy to escape to, but it's better to be safe than sorry.
"Okay, Mochi heel! Geez, I'm gonna have to cut the treats if you keep that up... Hey! that's mine get back here!"
 A white puppy stopped and sat in front of Scotty, it's tail wagging happily at him, in its mouth was a half-eaten bagel. Craig ran in after picking up the dog and looked at it angrily. "That. Was. My. Last. Bagel!" he exclaimed not noticing Scotty's presence
Mochi licked Craig's nose acting like she didn't do anything wrong, it worked on Craig as he pouted, "I can't ever stay mad at you. Damn your puppy charms." He muttered pressing a kiss on her forehead.
 Mochi barked at Scotty again and Craig faced him, "Oh, hey Scotty. Taking a break?" He asked, eyeing the cigarette and gazing firmly into his eyes. Craig was a tad embarrassed by getting caught being so soft, he usually held a strong figure, but he's done that for most his life.
 Scotty, a little caught off guard, hummed lowly, "Uh, yeah," he cleared his throat and took a puff, "I don't get how you're still sane working here, 'specially dealing with that douchebag boss of yours."
"It pays the rent, a few more years or so and I might even pay the bills..." Craig said, looking at the discarded bagel Mochi dropped when she licked his nose. "Sarcasm helps keep me sane for one..."
 Scotty laughed, "I can see that..." he took in another drag of his cigarette, puffing the smoke out as he crushes the butt of it with his heel "Wanna go to a bar or something?" he asked.
 Craig's eyebrows rose "I'm still working on six reports..." he muttered.
 "Come on, I know a place who allows dogs inside, it's my treat..." Scotty said walking off. Craig thought of going back to his office to work, but his stomach said otherwise. Beer isn't really food but it's a nice substitute...
 "Scotty wait!" Craig exclaimed, running to him with the Mochi in his arms.
Scotty grinned at Craig, laughing as he ran, "Come on! I know a place where you can bring your pets!" The hitman knew he was getting off track, but Craig made him feel things he hadn't felt before. He was kind of a fuck once and no feeling attached kind of guy, but Craig was giving him problems. He wasn't sure if he hated or loved this change, but that doesn't matter. Scotty can have fun for tonight, a little delay in his plans wouldn't be a bother.
"John! My man! Get us two beers here!" Scotty announced as he walked inside the bar. Luckily the retro style bar was only a few blocks away from the office building so Craig was relieved. Mochi barked happily in his arms as he took in the scene.
 Vinyl records decorated the place, while a jukebox sat in a corner playing indie songs. Craig loved it...
 "Careful now, Hitler's a moody today" a man, John by the looks of it,  said. He was a blonde, a little chubby on the side. He was wearing a Hawaiian shirt decorated with hula girls.
 "Hitler?" Craig asked.
 "It's his cat..." Scotty said. A low growl was heard from a distance. Mochi leaped from Craig's arms and rushed to the jukebox, tackling a black and white cat. Mochi barked happily, the cat only looked annoyed.
"Mochi!" Craig exclaimed hopping out off the stool as he rushed to grab the white puff. He picked her up gently, but with a enough force to carry her away from the cat, "I don't like scolding you but," Craig inhaled, "bad girl." He muttered with a slight enforced glare. But he kissed her forehead anyways, "C'mon let's sit and order something."
He plopped right next to Scotty and sipped his beer. Craig himself knew wasn't a lightweight, but he didn't drink much either way.
"Bad for the resume" they say.
"You have an enegetic pup there pal. Hitler here just can't stand energetic pets, but I think he likes your pup." John said, taking a hit from his vape and puffing out a smoke that smells like cotton candy.
Craig smiled, patting Mochi's head, the dog barked happily as she sat in the bar, leaning over to Craig's touch. Scotty found himself smiling at him. He looked entirely different from outside of the office. Killing his Boss would be a favor.
"How's the boyfriend?" Scotty asked John.
"Still sending memes... but he's taking me to Japan next week. I wonder why." John says, glaring at him. Scotty only managed to bite his lips. Making Craig blush at his looks. Craig took a sip from his beer again, his eyes wandering over the place.
"So, Craig right? What do you do?" John asked him.
"Oh, I'm in charge of the IT department at BBS industries..." he replied, a sudden wave of nausea hits him when he says the name of his workplace
Craig sighs, "Which fucking sucks by the way." He mutters taking another sip of his beer. He never took notice of how much he really hated his job till now. Craig honestly wouldn't mind being a stock boy, hell, that job probably pays more.
Mochi licks his hand, tail wagging slowly.
All he wanted was to work somewhere he was at least a little respected and not wasting his three and a half years’ worth of college. Craig was just pissed at the world as of right now, but he'll eventually find a job that pays enough. Or he'll be able to pummel his boss at least once in his lifetime.
"I've only been there a few weeks so I'm a witness to it." Scotty said, sympathizing with Craig.
"Hey, the Bar is always open for y'all. Drain your sorrows here, and bring your pets too!" John said, giving them another round of beer. Craig smiled, still feeling the dread of going back to the hell that is his work place.
"I'm just gonna go take a leak." Scotty said, going to the restroom.
Inside, Scotty took out his phone to find a message.
 Got the virus, just gonna need Craig to install it... Meet me at the office tomorrow at 5 -S7
 Scotty took a deep breath, finally seeing his plan come in place. His thoughts wander onto Craig, a warm feeling settling in his chest.
 He didn't like it
 The next day Craig followed his usual routine with a harsh migraine pulsating his head. He was already preparing himself for his douchebag of a boss, but at least Scotty was going to make it more bearable.
His cheeks heated up at the thought of the lean, but otherwise muscular man.
Craig won't deny when a man looks good.
Oh, fuck it. You're in love pussy.
He thought to himself as he slipped on his suit, not really caring about his tie. Craig sighed, his thoughts landing on Scotty again.
He had it bad.
Mrs. Ferguson, his neighbor, happily gave Mochi another treat as she sat on her chair knitting.
 "Take care of yourself now Craig" the old lady said "and pay your Bills, you and your Dog here might freeze when winter comes."
"Don't worry Mrs. F, I'm gonna be paying them soon enough." Craig said, petting Mochi and saying the old woman goodbye.
Taking a painkiller before entering the office building, he accidentally bumped into someone, almost dropping the pill. He glared onto the person until he finds himself facing a familiar face.
"Craig! What's up dude?" Smitty said, giving Craig a side hug.
"I'm fine, just fine... What are you doing here?" He asked.
The white haired man smiled, "I got a call here saying they need to upgrade some features in the security system, I think someone's managing it now but you better get there to check. I gotta go, I've got a plane to catch later. Talk to you soon!"
Craig was about to utter a reply but Smitty was already at the door. Something suspicious was happening at it made Craig uneasy.
He's a bit hesitant, forgetting about the pill and putting it back in its bottle. Craig was more worried about the security system than his migraine right now.
Craig rushed to his office, it was kind of the central of everything. Something must be wrong if Smitty was here, the dude was like an expert in this shit, but he guessed he had somewhere to be.
 Oh, that's right. He said he was going to Japan with his boyfriend.
 Craig hummed and sees Scotty standing over his desk with a... He wasn't sure what expression the man was wearing.
"H-hey Scotty," his voice had cracked and he cleared his throat, "I heard about the security system. Smitty run a diagnostic yet?" Craig asked standing next to the lean man.
"Yeah, he um, just got fixed a few bugs here because of some glitches in the system. Nothing to be worried about, we just need to install this" Scotty took a CD and gave it to Craig.
 Craig sighed, "Oh, phew, I thought it was serious..." he took the CD in Scotty's hand, looking at it well "This is a pretty high class software..." he said, inserting the CD into the PC and letting it run.
 "Only the best says the boss..." Scotty said "I'd better get back now, I'm pretty sure you can handle this..."
 Craig waved him goodbye as he went back to finishing the reports and waiting for the new system to install.
 "Now, we wait..." Scotty thought as he got back to his desk
 The uneasy feeling didn't fade, neither did his migraine. He should take his pain medication now— first thing when he finds a better job he's getting the proper medication for these migraines. He downs a couple of pain killers with the disgusting office coffee and gets to work. It's the usual, but less people had asked for his help which he welcomed with open arms.
 “I actually might be able to head home early tonight.” Just as he thought that five more reports were sent over from his boss. "Why do I even get my hopes up anymore?" He said flatly.
The hours passed but it felt like years, Scotty was getting impatient, fortunately, the people in the office were decreasing in numbers, hearing the folks say their goodbyes. He looked at his arsenal, a rope, knife, and a gun for emergencies. He was going for the suicidal kill. Hopefully the rope would hold on the Boss' fat ass.
"Just a few more..." Scotty muttered, seeing only five people including Craig inside the office. The four people are now starting to pack and leave, seeing them all head for the Elevators, Scotty went in, Knowing Craig will be too busy to even notice him.
"He'll call the cops...Perfect" Scotty thought, a sudden feeling of dread hitting him, but he didn’t mind it, he had a job to do.
Using the virus Smitty installed in, he got the cameras to play a loop that he recorded to display a video of a few people leaving the office.
"Three minutes..." That's all he needed. He walked the long hallway, reaching the Boss' office. He opened the doors to see the fat man sitting down and watching some erotic movie and reaching down to pleasure himself. It made Scotty look away for a minute. Slipping in quietly inside, he got the rope.
"Killing you will be a pleasure" he thought, before going in for the kill...
Scotty snuck up behind the boss who was wearing headphones and jacking himself off in his chair. His face contorted with disgust and he untangled to rope.
Scotty began to tie it in the shape of a noose.
He gets in a pouncing stance, a serious expression on his face.
He lunges, the rope tight around the fat ass' neck. It tightened more the man struggled, Scotty just snarled.
"Hey, Carl..." a co-worker called.
"Craig... its Craig..." he said, pinching the bridge of his nose...
"Whatever, the boss wants you to hand these to him." she said, her voice annoying Craig even more. "Why don't you hand them?" he asked
"Cause he asked for you Dumbass" she said, dropping the files and leaving him. Craig sighed, grabbing the files and the finished reports into his Boss' office.
Craig trudged down the hall, papers in his arms. For some reason the uneasy feeling grows, a cold nervous feeling building in his gut. He wasn't sure what for, but his hands began to tremble and he felt a little sick.
He hesitated twisting the door knob, fingers twitching. Craig bites down in his bottom lip and swallowed the sudden lump in throat.
He slowly opens the door.
What he saw made him drop the papers onto the floor.
He saw his Boss hanging like an ornament from the ceiling, with Scotty tightening the rope on his neck. He jumped down on the table making sure that he doesn't leave prints
Scotty was breathless swear picked up from the long white sleeved shirt he wore. He drew his gun, a bit disappointed that he didn't get to use it. He looked at the man.
"It was difficult hauling your fat ass... but luckily you're in hell now..." Scotty said, putting his gun back on his holster.
Craig just awkwardly stood there, not sure how to react. His brain just trying to process the situation. He didn't technically feel bad for his boss, but he's trying to wrap his head around the whole Scotty just killed one situation.
Craig's mind landed on one thing.
He was going to die, well, he knew this because no murderer in their right mind would leave a witness.
Ah, but Mochi.
Mrs. Ferguson could take care of her.
I hope Mochi doesn't feel as if I abandoned her.
His fingers twitched, his body kind of numb. Paralysis from fear he guessed.
"I know you're a smart guy Craig, it will be a shame to kill you... not unless you walk away right now..." Scotty glared at him. Craig registered his words, picking up the papers and running as fast as he could.
Scotty knew that a panicked witness will be a problem, Craig was smart but he couldn't risk it. He ran after him, after cleaning up.
Craig was just at the back of the building. His hands shaking as he stared at his phone, his migraine got even worse, the pain was too much that he can't even see the numbers right. His breaths got quicker and his chest is getting tighter than the minute.
"You're having a Panic Attack..." Scotty's voice made him jump and fall, luckily Scotty just got him in time before he hit his head on something. "Calm down..."
"G-g-g-et away from me!" Craig uttered, pushing Scotty away, but the man was insistent and just held him enough that he wouldn't escape his grasp.
"I'm gonna need you to calm down Craig or else I'm gonna kill you..." Scotty smirked, this was a pleasant feeling for him to be holding Craig like this. If only he would stop struggling...
Craig took in sharp breaths, struggling to breathe. Everything was too fast, his head is beating in sync with his fast paced heartbeat. His vision was fucked, all he could see was red as he clawed at Scotty's back.
He was going to die. Mochi was going to be lonely.
"F-f-fuck— fuck, f-fuck—!" He muttered over and over.
He couldn't focus on anything besides Scotty and it unbelievable that this man who killed his asshole boss made him feel calmer.
Scotty managed to calm him down, the scratches Craig did on him was stinging yet oddly satisfying. He looked at Craig only to see him leaning at his shoulder, softly breathing.
"You calm now sweetie?" Scotty asked, Craig nodded and blushed at the name Scotty called him.
"Alright, let's go talk somewhere private..." Scotty whispered. Craig swallowed a lump on his throat as he meekly followed the assassin on his tail.
Craig felt scared, but overall calm. He kept his head down only looking up at Scotty when the hitman wasn't looking. Craig doubted he could run from a trained hitman, so he didn't push it.
Plus he still fell for the man.
Being in love with the killer. What a strange thing.
Craig might die tonight, but he didn't find himself caring. Of course he'll miss his little Mochi, well she deserved more than him anyways, so this might have one good thing coming out of it.
The walk was pretty short and he felt familiar with the surroundings. Suddenly Craig found himself staring at his front door. Mrs. Ferguson stood across with Mochi in his arms.
"Back a bit early today Craig!" the old woman greeted "And you bought in a handsome fellow with you! Is he your boyfriend?"
"That's a nice thought ma'am, but I'm just here to walk him home, work just gets to him y'know? Oh, I'll be getting that little thing now." Scotty said, as he took Mochi. Craig tensed, fear creeping on his back, will he kill Mrs. Ferguson too? Thoughts are racing as he frantically reached for his keys.
"You alright Craig? You seem tense?" Mrs. Ferguson asked, looking at him with concern. Craig can feel Scotty's glare "I-I'm fine Mrs. F! Ju-u-st tired that's all, me and my friend will be uh, resting for the night!"
 "Alright dearie, just don't wake the neighbors now..."
 Craig blushed at the last words the old lady said, Scotty smirked "Oooh, something you're not telling me Craig?" he asked
Craig's face turned bright red and finally managed to open the door with his shaking hands. Mochi barked happily patting his shin with her paws as they stepped inside. He was fucking terrified and his migraine was coming back, he's forgotten he'd had one since the burst of panic from earlier.
 I'm a sick bastard, I'm in love with a hitman.
 He stood awkwardly in his apartment, closing the door behind him and Scotty.
He kept his apartment clean, but used candles and battery fueled lamps— no cords and such since he had gotten to pay his electricity bill which he doubt he'll ever do now.
"Already setting up a romantic vibe here huh?" Scotty said, whistling at the sight.
"I-I don't have electricity..." Craig muttered, taking a seat on his sofa, Mochi jumped on his lap, licking his cheek. He smiled, but another jolt from his migraine made him wince.
"Hmm, we'll have to get warm somehow since it's starting to get cold..." Scotty said, poking around Craig's apartment.
"What do you want? Why did you take me here?" Craig asked bluntly…
Scotty's brows furrowed, "Hmm, not sure," he hummed and stared up thoughtfully, "if you were a normal witness, which mind you I rarely ever have a witness, you'd probably be dead by now." Scotty sighed and ran a hand through his unkempt locks.
"You make me feel... I guess— fuzzy? I usually fuck with no feelings attach, but you… I want."
Scotty was now leaning over Craig with a glare, "I don't know if it's just some sort of pity or that you genuinely make me want you. You're not boring like everything else."
Scotty grabbed a fist full of Craig's hair and pulled him forward, "It pisses me off."
Craig swallowed a lump in his throat, feeling... Aroused?
 What did he want?
Why is he feeling this way?
What the hell is going on!?
 "The hell does that even mean!?" Craig said, the dog started to whimper in his lap, feeling the fear within him.
 "I don't know... but if you and your dog want to live you better stay put and don't get any funny ideas." Scotty said, kneeling down in front of Craig, he gently grabbed Mochi off his lap and sent the dog running to Craig's room without looking away from him. Craig only managed to watch in awe of what is happening...
Craig's body trembled slightly and his mind raced. He wasn't in the right mindset, questions flowing through his head.
 Did he want this?
 Didn't this guy kill someone?
 So many questions, too many worries. His emotions, logic, and body were fighting with one another.
 Craig jumps when two hands squeeze his shaking thighs and his eyes flicked quickly to meet Scotty's.
 "Stay still, I have two guns on me right me right now, you don't want me shooting the other one... Well unless you don't want this…" Scotty said, his steely gaze turning soft. Craig only managed to surrender to his touch, leaning back on the sofa. Scotty took this as a signal to continue. "I'll take care of you... don't worry…" Scotty said. Running his hands over Craig's legs and started roaming to his body. He pulled at Craig's tie, and leaned in for a kiss.
 Craig's thoughts and worries flew away as Scotty's lips pressed to his. He lifted his arms and encircled them over Scotty's neck, his hands running through his locks.
 "Fuck, this is real..." Scotty thought, leaning over to rest Craig by the sofa's armrest. He felt his dick getting hard by the little moans Craig is emitting.
Craig's face was hot and red, holding back his small whimpers and moans was harder than it seemed. Scotty growled, "Open that sweet mouth of yours." He murmured between the kisses, pressing his lips harder against Craig's as his hands gripped tightly at the man's sensitive sides making him gasp.
Scotty pushed Craig against the couch more, the other's thighs wrapped around his waist. He takes advantage of said gasp and forces his tongue between Craig's lips.
This was such an unfamiliar feeling to Craig, never once had he made out with another person. He's kissed yes, but never got any farther than that. Heat began to pool in his gut, gasping and whining in the kiss.
Scotty started to mingle with Craig's clothes, removing his tie and throwing it somewhere across the room. Afterwards he began to unbutton his shirt, kissing the newly exposed flesh, the rest still covered by an undershirt. "You wear too much…" Scotty muttered as he bit onto the skin on Craig's neck, making the man moan. "Not too loud now... Remember what the old lady said.
Scotty took a moment and look at what he has done. Craig was sprawled on the couch, his lips swollen by the kiss, his clothes in shambles on his body, and he was a panting, sweating mess.
 Scotty liked the view... but he wanted more...
 "Pants. Off. Now." Scotty said.
 With shaky hands Craig reached for the zipper of his trousers as tears started to fall in his eyes.
 "I fucking hate myself, why am I like this? Why couldn't he just kill me!?"
 Scotty didn't mind the tears, ran a hand through Craig's locks and tugged them for the man to look at him, "Don't cry now," he muttered, "you're in good hands." He kissed those tears away. He grabbed Craig's hand and helped him undo the zipper, keeping a fist full of his hair and staring into his eyes as he pulled down the man's pants.
 Craig whimpers, his scalp stinging from the tight hold on his hair. He almost sobbed when Scotty's lips met his again, but he held back these tears as Scotty pressed his hand against the front of his boxers. His face growing red again.
Scotty liked the reactions he was getting, and he like it even more as he got ahold of his dick. He began stroking it slowly, the sensations making Craig squirm underneath him.
 Craig needed to hold something, someone...
 He embraced Scotty as the man started to pleasure him, nails digging on his back. Scotty liked the feeling, it was better than anyone he took to bed, couch, table... whatever!
 "You're so good baby boy, I got you, don't worry" Scotty whispered, he himself beginning to get hard as he is.
"H-hhh– ngh–!" Craig gasped, biting his lip to keep himself quiet. He kept what his neighbor said in mind. His eyes watered, his legs trembling as more heat pooled into his office.
 The nickname made him blush hard causing him to buck his hips upwards letting one moan slip by.
 He felt overwhelmed, his body overheated as he let out whimpers and small moans into Scotty's shoulder keeping his grip tight on the man.
 One of Scotty's hands made its way to Craig's backside and slips into his boxers.
"Mmhm, I like this..." Scotty whispered, he began to rub Craig even harder, faster. With each stroke comes an occasional thrust on Craig's hips. "Just a few more, just get those worries out of you, I'll take real good care of you baby boy." Scotty said.
 "Fuck" Craig muttered, feeling almost light headed as he almost reached his limits.
 One last stroke sent Craig over the edge...        
Craig's eyes widened, his mouth open as he silently released. His body shook as he digs his nails into Scotty's shoulder with his back arched. His eyes watered as he panted, face red and body hot and sweaty.
 He whimpers into Scotty's shoulders breathing heavily, body trembling from his high.
"Good boy" Scotty whispered "Always so good to me…"
 Scotty took a second, standing up to remove his and Craig's clothes "You still up for another round baby boy?" Scotty asked. Craig blushed, but managed to nod. Scotty smiled, licking his hand and rubbing his now erect cock, he then lifted Craig's leg.
 "Scotty… I-I don't think that would - Ah!"
 Craig gasped in pain, whimpers leaving his throat the deeper Scotty went. His toes curled and nails dug into Scotty's back. The feeling of Scotty inside him was uncomfortable and itchy, his body hot as he clenched his eyes shut to get used to the sudden length inside.
 He breathed through his nose, body trembling as the itch didn't go away because of how still the hitman was.
 "Sc-Scotty it itch-itches," he managed choke out, "pl-please..."
 Craig grew embarrassed when hearing his strained voice.
 "I'm sorry love, didn't have lube on me I'm afraid, but just hold on now, it'll get better" Scotty's voice was a bit strained too, a mix of pain and pleasure coursing through him as he went in raw. He managed to pull out smoothly spitting on his dick to gain more friction and avoid hurting Craig even more. Scotty managed to thrust in with a little more friction, now picking up pace. He can see Craig getting hard again, he grabbed his pulsating dick, still throbbing from the earlier release, and started to rub him off again. Craig bit his lip, embarrassed about the pleasure he felt from this.
"Scotty... Ah!"
"That's it baby boy, keep saying my name..."
Craig's gut tickled with pleasure, his voice hard to keep down as he began to follow Scotty's thrusts. He swallowed thickly, sputtering out swears and Scotty's name as tears formed in the corners of his eyes.
He sniffled his head falling back, the itching feeling fading away as it started to hurt less. Craig didn't know how to feel, everything felt too hot or too good.
Craig's thighs jostled with Scotty's rough thrusting, a sudden jolt of nerves making him let out a sweet moan of surprise.
The moan sent Scotty over the edge, his seed spilling inside Craig.
 Craig also came, his seed spreading across his body. Slow deep breaths filled the room, Mochi barked from the side, the dog finding Craig's tie and now playing with it.
 "Mochi... no... not my tie..." Craig uttered, lightheaded from the orgasms he felt. He was drained, his body unable to move, he liked the feeling.
 "Hold on now, lemme clean you up before you pass out there.." Scotty said, walking over to the bathroom.
 With the moon as his light, Craig saw himself, sticky seed covered his chest and abdomen, the feeling he felt was wrong but he didn't care. He loved the hitman, and if a bullet to the head comes after this, he will welcome it with open arms.
Craig breathed softly, eyelids going slack as he began to drift off. If he was going to die he hoped Mochi would have a better owner and the life she deserved. He loved Mochi and Mochi loved him, but he wanted her to have a good life if anything. Too exhausted to care he allowed Scotty to wipe him down, body shuddering as he looked at Scotty.
 "If you're going to kill me," he started, "get Mochi a good home please..." Craig mutters in all seriousness, his heart clenching.
 He loved Scotty, but leaving a witness was no good for hitman's rank he guessed.
"Who says anything about killing?" Scotty says, pressing a kiss on Craig's forehead.
"Wait... what-"
"Look, when I leave a witness, I kill them on the spot. You, eh, my heart got a bit too soft for you. Besides, I think my employer has a better use for you than your old Boss." Scotty says, lifting Craig bridal style as he walks to his bedroom
Craig's mind was fully awake now, questions boggling his mind "What are you going to do to me?" he asked
"Well, after cleaning up the mess in the office, I'm thinking... you resign and leave that shithole, get my employer to hire you, and then maybe get dinner over at Hawaii." Scotty replied, tucking in Craig before he slides in beside him, his head resting on Craig's chest.
Craig blushed and timidly wrapped his arms around Scotty. He buried his face in his hair, somewhat relieved to be bake to stay with Scotty and Mochi.
"Okay... But we have to take Mochi with us." He muttered into Scott's locks with a smile.
 He couldn't believe he fell in love with a hitman.
Scotty smiled "Of course, we'd be taking her, can't leave this little angel now can't we?"
A great weight has been lifted off of Craig's chest, the feeling of living another day filled him with great joy, soon enough a wave of drowsiness started to wash over him, but he fought it just to make this moment last longer.
"Go to sleep now you idiot..." Scotty murmured, wrapping his arms around Craig. Mochi jumped in and took her usual spot just beside Craig's head.
Craig sighed, for the first time in his life, he didn't have to bother getting up early to work ever again...
 He definitely wouldn't believe he'd actually be married and working with this crazed man in the future.
Hawaii was nice, it was exactly what he read in the books. Mochi sat on his lap, the dog grew bigger thorugh a few years, but she was still his little lap dog.
“Some juice love?” Scotty asked, passing a glass to him, the ring he wore shines brightly in his finger.
Craig wore the same ring on his hand, he smiled as he thought of the small ceremony, some friends came, a few sketchy people (He didn’t want to question it anymore), and of course. Mochi!
“Thanks love” Craig said kissing Scotty in the process.
 Scotty only sat, draping his arm on his husband. Thanking the stars that he decided not to kill this one.
 (end <3)
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vanosslirious · 3 years
Jk. ☕💖
🎲 ~ 3
Prompt: Kryoz — I can stop SMii7y.
Wc: 917.
John had come back with a Big Mac Meal and a Sprite. He expected everyone to be asleep until he switched the light on, and he found puddles of blood, a broken chair, and the dishes weren’t yet finished even though he told them to do it.
“I asked for one fucking thing,” John said under his breath as he placed the bag and drink on the table that wasn’t splashed with blood. “What happened?”
“Where’s your crazy boyfriend?” Byze asked, sneering at him from the floor. He was holding his bleeding arm that was covered in gauze. Unfortunately, the blood was seeping through it.
“Probably doing crazy shit,” John said, looking at the others. Matt was on the couch, frowning at his phone with a smashed screen. Oddly, it still worked.
“Are you going to tell me what happened, or am I going to guess?” John asked, grimacing at the idea of guessing what happened, but the knives were missing, so he was kind of understanding the situation.
“Called some people over,” said Byze, grasping his phone from the floor beside him, “Anthony said he’d be here soon with all the others...I don’t know who the others are, so you’re going to have to fill in the gaps, John.”
“Evan, Marcel, Brian, Brock, Tyler...David, maybe?” John said as he grabbed a mop from the closet in the hall and filled a bucket with water. “You didn’t bother cleaning up, also...you didn’t answer my question.”
“Thought maybe you would’ve figured it out, idiot,” said Byze.
Matt groaned as he laid down on the couch. “Can we please go to the hospital now. SMii7y will get arrested, and we might even be safe.”
“No,” said Byze and Kryoz.
“Your boyfriend freaked, said he saw some shit, then he started swinging a knife and me and Matt,” Byze explained.
John hummed. “Why would he swing a knife at you two? And where did he take the rest of the knives?” Byze didn’t answer, and John managed to do a half-ass job of cleaning. He did grab his food and munched quietly beside Byze until his friends arrived. They were mostly confused by what was going on, including the blood that was stinking up the house.
“Why didn’t you take him to a hospital?” Tyler glared.
“And get questioned and out SMii7y to the cops, fuck that,” said John.
“Better than sitting in your own wounds,” Evan said, checking Byze’s arm while Brian checked Matt’s.
“We’re not that badly wounded, are we?” Matt asked, a frantic look made him glance at Byze who shook his head.
“We’re fine, we just need to change the gauze.”
“And what about SMii7y?” David asked who was standing in the threshold of the backdoor, munching on a bag of chips.
Anthony had also arrived not too long after, and was helping Tyler clean up the blood that was staining the floor.
John sighed when everyone looked at him, waiting for an answer, “Fine. Fine. If you makes you guys so fucking happy, I might as well right?”
“I mean...yeah?” Evan said, frowning at him.
John closed his eyes for a moment. What did SMii7y see anyways? Did he watch a horror movie and freak out, or was he...seeing things from another place? The place in the corners of the room. The...bad things that talked in the walls. That isn’t right either? John didn’t know.
“I can stop SMii7y,” said John as if it were more a reassurance for himself than the others. He walked by David and headed into the night, hoping to find SMii7y, it was crying and whimpering that led him to where he was. It was so quiet that the wind spoke in his ears, making him shiver and curse under his breath.
SMii7y wasn’t even that far away from the house. He was standing on the street, talking to people at a house party. They were asking him questions, but SMii7y was shaking his head. He had soft brown hair and wore black jacket and blue jeans. He looked...normal enough, not someone who freaked out and stabbed his friends.
SMii7y tilted his head. “Hey.”
“Get over here!” John said.
SMii7y rolled his eyes and trudged his way over to John. “What?”
“Where’s the knives?” John asked.
SMii7y shrugged his shoulders, moving his arms slightly. “I threw them in a bush somewhere.”
“I thought I would stab them again.”
“I don’t know why, fuck...are they alive?” SMii7y asked, rubbing his eyes.
“Yes. They’re alive, Byze called some people over, they might want to know that you’re okay.”
“Or they called the police...again.”
“No, they won’t call the fucking police, and you’re coming back with me so you can clean up Jordan and Matt’s damn wounds yourself,” said John, grasping SMii7y’s arm, and dragged him down the street.
“I’m sorry…” SMii7y muttered.
“Tell them that.”
SMii7y breathed in, muttering sorry over and over again until they returned to the house. Evan, Tyler, and the rest had stayed in the house, watching a movie.
“I’m sorry.”
“Sure you are,” Byze muttered.
“I really am…”
“This wound didn’t hear you,” Matt said, waving his arm that was bandaged up with gauze.
“I’m sorry,” SMii7y gritted his teeth, pushing Matt’s arm out of his face.
Kryoz wasn’t really sure what was going on with SMii7y, but maybe next time, he’ll just bring him next time he goes for a run to get take-out.
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vanosslirious · 5 years
Flash Fic: Knife
[notes] So, I got this idea from my interest in watching Hellboy: The Golden Army again. My favorite characters was Nuada and Nuala. Mostly because of the connection they have, not particularly on their relationship. They are a source of inspiration to some of my original work though. :) This is a bit longer than I had hoped...but oh wells. (I also wanted to write something because I love the ship, Krii7y. And Nogla’s recent r6 video where Kryoz & SMii7y sound similar to one another.)
— not edited, so expect errors.
[sprint] 15+ mins.
[wc] 1.1k
[pairing(s)] Ambiguous H2oVanoss, Krii7y, BasicallyIDo407, Terrormoo. (These aren’t explicitly stated, but it’s hinted at...or you can take them as friends, whichever makes you happy.)
[warning] Ambiguous character death(s). Vampires? Soulmate AU. Swearing. Blood. Nothing too graphic. Angst (?). Friendships. Self-mutilation. 
SMii7y wanted to do this right, well...as right as it can end up becoming. He checked his gun, and the extra mag he brought with him. Maybe this was a bad idea. He didn’t like it, but it’s not like he had any other choice. 
His comm went off, and he pressed his finger against it. “What?” he asked, glancing down the long dark corridor ahead of him. 
“Are you in position?” Vanoss asked with a sigh. He always sounded more relaxed than the others. He didn’t take anything seriously, and maybe that’s what made him their wild card, their good luck charm, a nuisance in their ear. 
“I should be asking you that,” SMii7y replied, chuckling, as he made his way along the corridor, trying to listen to the other sounds within the old building that they seeked for the last two weeks.
“Hey, I’m only asking because Wildcat thinks we’re all going to fuck this up,” Vanoss said, grunting low, and there was a subtle sound of his feet landing in a room that echoed. 
“Are we?” 
“It’s not really our fault if we do.”
“Sure it is,” SMii7y said, checking the next hall that he came upon, “but if we don’t do this right, we’ll end up not in a good position to retreat.”
“Are we going to do that?” Vanoss wondered. He didn’t lower his voice while he spoke, and there was not a single quiver in his voice. Maybe he did feel better with a gun in his hand, unlike SMii7y who was completely alert of all sounds around him. He didn’t want to be caught off guard again...not again...not like last time.
“Do you sense them?” SMii7y asked, changing the subject.
Vanoss sniffled, “I feel them, they’re close by. Not close to me of course.” Was that the reason why he wasn’t so nervous? 
“He can sense you,” SMii7y pointed out.
Vanoss scoffed, “I know, but he’s the theatrical type, when he wants me to know where he is, he’ll reveal it. I have a bullet with his name on it, literally, I used a sharpie before we came here.”
“On all the bullets?” 
“Enough that will keep him down, and less biting at my feet,” Vanoss chuckled dryly, “but I’ll do my best to shut him up.”
SMii7y grinned in the darkness, “Of course you will. What about Marcel, how’s he on his end?”
“He’d rather not get chewed out on these guys, so it’s best if he and Moo end up being the back up.” 
“And what if that back fires?” 
Vanoss laughed softly, “Then it back fires, and I hope they can deal with the issue on their own. We can’t always carry them.”
 “What about you?” Vanoss asked, and it sounded like he stopped and lowered his voice to a whisper, “can you sense him?” 
SMii7y let out a shuddered breath as he glanced down another corridor. “Like you said, theatrical.”
“He’s not like mine.”
“He’s close enough,” SMii7y said. It was cold, too cold inside this old place, and it was completely covered in dust, and the scent of blood was strong in the air, as if it filtered with the dust motes and moonlight coming through the top windows that were shattered, and left its shards on the cement several feet from him. “I can sense him. He’s staying in one place...maybe he’s sleeping.”
“No...they’re not sleeping,” Vanoss whispered, and then he sucked in a breath, before SMii7y was shocked by the grunting noises on the other end, a low rumbling, and raw laughter that echoed close to where SMii7y was. 
“Vanoss?” SMii7y whispered, glancing to one end of the hall to the next, “are you alright?”
The line was dead, and SMii7y swore under his breath. He changed channels to Basically’s line, “I think Vanoss found one of them.”
“Already,” Basically said, sighing, “finally.”
“Yeah, and I think they also found him…”
“Shit...are you in trouble?”
SMii7y held the gun tightly in his hand, “Not yet, but I think you guys should be ready, they can sense us as much as we can sense them, and they won’t hesitate to attack us.”
 Basically chuckled. “Yeah, I’d like to see Scotty get close enough to do that.”
 “They know our weaknesses.”
“Sure, but I don’t give a fuck. It was their fault in the first place.” He sighed. “Go find Vanoss, make sure he’s okay, and if it comes to it, shoot those assholes down, it’ll be easier to return them to the base once they’re dead.” 
SMii7y nodded, and he turned off the channels before heading back toward where he figured Vanoss was. The silence didn’t last that long when he felt a presence closing in so quickly that he didn’t think to turn around until it was too late. 
He was grabbed by the back of the neck and thrown hard toward the wall, his gun falling from his fingertips. He groaned hard when he gripped the side of the doorpost, trying to stay steady.
“Can you feel what I feel?” 
SMii7y was too dizzy to hear properly that he’d fallen forward, reaching out for the gun. His vision blurred for a moment, but he recognized the blood before him on the ground, a body was lying in the shadows, and he wasn’t particularly eager to find out who it is, not when he was dealing with his own issues.
He crawled until the familiar laugh rang in his head and he was grabbed by the back of the collar, and thrown the other way toward the center of the old building. More blood, and another body laid on the ground. He recognized it easily with the light shining on dirty blond hair.
“Tyler,” SMii7y whispered, and then he turned around, staring up at his best friend, Kryoz. He didn’t look the way he had before, not with his orange and black eyes, and his skin was deepened and shadowed, more so with how pale he was. 
He held a knife and grinned at SMii7y, “Can you feel what I feel?” he asked him. 
SMii7y bit back the curse, and glared, as everything else he wanted to say was blurred by the single act of his best friend placing a knife to his cheek, and cutting into the skin. 
He winced, the same pain rising on his own face as he reached up and his fingers touched the blood coming from the wound. He stared at it on his fingertips, words fell away as he gritted his teeth, and frowned up at Kryoz, who smirked at him. 
“Can you feel what I feel?” he asked him again.
If only things were different, if it didn’t end this way, not like this. 
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cuddlysmii7y · 7 years
All Dressed Up (Halloween Fic)(High School AU)
“Is it okay if I bring my exchange student with? My mom said I need to include him more.” Craig asked.
“Yeah sure, we can get a better discount at the fair with a larger group.” Brock said
“Which kid did you end up getting anyway?” Marcel asked.
“The Canadian.” Craig replied.
“Wait, you got that one?? I thought you had like Brian, seeing how you’re both Irish.” Tyler stated
“I’m not really Irish though.”
“You said you were from Northern Ireland!” Scotty jumped in.
“I am! But that’s British, not Irish!”
“Same fucking difference!” Marcel yelled.
“No its not!”
“Shut up, you idiots! We still need to plan this shit!” Evan yelled back.
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cuddlysmii7y · 7 years
“Where is Smii7y anyway?” Craig asked.
“I think he said he was gonna work on some editing upstairs.” Tyler replied
“Oh, so interrupting him for dinner would be bad?” Craig asked.
“Nah I think he’d be fine with it.”
Craig got out his phone to tell the others food was there while Tyler got out plates.
“Did you really send out a group text for dinner?” Smii7y’s laughing voice carried into the room.
“You got a problem with that?” Craig turned around to face him. “Wait, when did you get glasses?!”
“Oh fuck, I forgot to take them off before coming down.” Smii7y started to go back up the stairs.
“Where do you think you’re going, Smit?” Tyler called after him.
“To put my glasses away?” Smii7y cocked his head.
“No you’re not.”
“What do you-”
“It’s time for dinner, bud.” Anthony smiled as he patted Smii7y’s shoulder, passing him on the stairs.
Smii7y had no choice but to follow. “Okay but really, since when did you get glasses?” Tyler asked in between bites of pizza. “Junior year, I think?” “So last year.” “Ha ha ha you’re hilarious.” Smii7y deadpanned. “You gotta admit, that was kinda funny though.” “….. alright it was. But I’m still mad about it.” Tyler chuckled before leaning over to pinch Smii7y’s cheek. Smii7y smacked away his hand and glared. “Aw come on, you just look too god damn adorable. I just wanna pinch your lil cheeks.” “Woah man, that’s a little too soon, don’t ya think? Take me out on a second date, then we’ll see.” Smii7y grinned. “I didn’t mean those!!” Tyler through up his hands. “Stop twisting my words, you little nerd.” “Hey now, I’m not little. I have one million subs, thank you very much. Do ya research before you come at me.” “Just eat your pizza, Smii7y.” Tyler said as Craig and Anthony tried not to crack up. ~Time Skip~ Anthony slammed the door closed as he came back inside from throwing out the greasy pizza boxes. Smii7y whipped his head around towards the sound, accidentally flinging his glasses clean off his face. Everyone watched as the frames skitted across the wood floors. “Well that wasn’t meant to happen.” Smii7y laughed. “Oh fuck, did they get all scratched up?” Anthony asked, concernedly. “What? Oh nah bro. They fall off a lot.” Smii7y shrugged. “Then why don’t you get them fixed or some shit?” Tyler asked. “Yeah, like mine never just fucking Peter Pan fly off my face.” Craig said. Smii7y laughed. “Well, ya see, since I only wear them when I’m editing or reading, I don’t realllly need them to be fitted.” “Smii7y, they just bibity bopity booped the fuck off your face. You need them fitted.” Tyler said. “What the fuck was that?!” Smii7y laughed. “Oh so Craig can be all Disney but I can’t??” “Neither of you are Disney. His just flowed better.” “None of us are Disney, you fucks. We’re all demonitized.” Anthony joked. “Oh, too close to home, Anthony. Too close to home.” Smii7y clutched at his heart dramatically. “Oh fuck off.” Tyler laughed as he started the movie. ~Time Skip~ “Hot cocoa, anyone?” Tyler brought in two mugs in each hand. “Ya got marshmallows too?” Smii7y sat up. “Duh.” Tyler dropped the bag out from under his arm and onto the tabel. “Hell yes!” Smii7y took a long gulp of his cocoa. “Ah fuck.” Smii7y pulled away from the mug. “You burn your tongue?” Anthony chuckled. “No,” Smii7y turned to face him. “I just can’t see a god damn thing now.” Smii7y said as the fog on his glasses began to fade. “You dork.” Tyler shook his head. “What can I say? Science issa bitch.” “Shut the fuck up, Smii7y.” Tyler said lightheartedly. “Psst, Tyler, look.” Anthony nudged him, getting Tyler’s attention. “What?” Tyler whispered back. Anthony nodded his head towards the couch adjacent to the one they were sitting on. Tyler looked over to see Smii7y’s head resting on Craig’s shoulder, mouth slightly open, his normally well kept hair all over the place, and his glasses cocked to one side almost completely off of one of his ears. “Dumb ass forgot to take off his glasses.” Tyler mused, his voice laced with amusement. “They’re gonna be broke by the morning.” Anthony chuckled. ~Fin~
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