#lonestar proud event
rafaelsilvasource · 2 years
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RAFAEL SILVA and RONEN RUBINSTEIN at the Spectrum Celebrity #LoneStarProud fan event in Burbank, California - March 4, 2023
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beautifulhigh · 2 years
Spectrum Event: Lonestar Proud
Fuck it, I’m getting my thoughts down now while I remember them because today was the kind of day you don’t want to forget a beat of. I’ve got a LOT of photos to sift through but you can have some highlights here.
When Tony was doing his intro you could just about see Ronen peeking around the doorframe, waiting for the intro, and he was straight into the room as soon as he could. Rafa then strolled out, cool as anything. We had autographs first and I got to talk about coming out for this, the 26 hour travel, what day/time is it? Rafa was touched I came all the way out there for them but I assured him it was very much worth it.
I was behind Emma in the line for Ronen and I bounced off her comment about her ‘short’ trip up to Burbank for this - “You’re going from one end to the other” and he said he could hear it already in my voice. Ah, the joys of a British accent! He thanked me for making the trek out (and checked how to spell trek) and I got my first hug from him. He’s so soft and gentle with his hugs but not in a “I wanna get out of this” kinda way. Like a “you get to stay here and you’re safe” kinda way.
Once everyone was done it was the photo line next - bit of miscommunication to start off with! Those who paid at Sponsorship level got individual photos with the boys: while Rafa was doing his Ronen came and sat with us, chatted about shoes and sports and made a mess with the muffin he was eating. It was pointed out that the dogs weren’t here to clean up after him - he said he had thought about bringing the girls but it would have been a lot for them.
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When Ronen was doing his one-on-ones Rafa did not come over but we had a nice view so no complaints! At one point Rafa jumped in and they did some pair shots which Brad turned into the gifs and videos that are already out there:
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During my photos Ronen tried to do an English accent. He said ‘ello Gov’nor a couple of times in the most horrific version of a Cockney accent I’ve ever heard attempted! My response was “no, just... no” but it was hilarious.
After photos was lunch, then the panel - which you can read about here - which was about representation and people finding their places. Rafa made the comment about people “finding [their] throne” and taking their place on it because we are here for a reason and to be the people we are. There’s real thought and consideration that goes into everything that comes out of his mouth and it shows. He picks his words carefully and he makes sure that the point he wants to make is the point he’s making.
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(I love this photo so much. Ronen’s laughter. Rafa’s lil’ blep.)
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After the panel was the M&G. We had smaller groups for this and I was in the first one: we got to talk about S4 so far, how they feel it’s the best one yet and how they’re just getting started in terms of what we’ve seen. They wouldn’t let anything slip - no matter how much we tried. Ronen asked Rafa, “What wedding are they talking about?” to which Rafa replied, “I don’t even know why they’re here.” The way they play off each other is brilliant - you know they care about each other and it’s lovely to see the off-screen friendship which builds into the on-screen relationship.
Which, Ronen did say, is endgame. He promised that no matter what happens they will always come together in the end. “Anyone else? Couldn’t tell you. But us? We’re good.”
There was talk about rep and being seen - but I got to tell them how much it means to me when they use the full initialism. As an Ace person I don’t get to see myself on screen (yet), but I get to hear myself mentioned, to be talked about makes me feel seen and acknowledged and that means a lot. 
We got to do personal selfies as we left the room and Ronen ended up being the photographer for everyone - Rafa pointing out he’s very good at them. And yes, yes he is.
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More hugs
I got to share this day and these moments with my Diet Coke girl, my muse, my darling @bubblesandroses8​ and there is no one else I’d rather flail with, do this with, and ask “and what’s that in English?” when you give me a temperature in Farenheit...
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4x01 Review
Walker has returned and it's better than ever. Like all good premiere episodes, "The Quiet" set up a lot for us to expect this season and I can't tell y'all how excited I am to see what comes next. But first, there's a birthday boy to celebrate!
The bulk of the episode covers Cordell's birthday celebration. Five months after the return of the Jackal and a horrific break-in at the bungalow, Geri is looking to make it a day to remember, especially after everything he did for her birthday. Initially, this plan includes a family trip to a Lonestar Steak Eating challenge that Cordell has been looking forward to since he was but a wee 16 year-old. But major unexpected events, including a break in the Jackal case and Cassie bringing a huge drug case to their doorstep forces the celebration to be more local.
August suggests getting some steaks and hosting their own competition and everyone jumps on it. Geri takes over decorating, Abby makes the sides, and Bonham handles the steaks. Everyone else just has to keep the party a secret, which they do very well, even when roping Cassie in to deliver him to the party. While Cordell was happy to insist he didn't need such a big celebration, he was more than happy to chow down on his steak. Even if he didn't win, the party was definitely something he needed and Geri is right to be proud of her work- even if it did get interrupted by work.
All this winds down into a more serious discussion about where Cordell's head is at looking at the next year of his life. While Geri wanted to focus on the positives of an empty nest (like perhaps more of what they got up to at the beginning of the episode and maybe more time just for them), she listened to Cordell's concerns about his kids growing up and leaving him behind with just "the quiet". He loves his children for who they are, but he also loves the distraction they bring from the heaviness of his work. Not having them to come home to in the near future is something he doesn't know how to deal with, something he came to realize when August asked to leave the birthday party. While that wasn't where I thought the conversation was going, it was one that needed to be had and I think it was a really solid moment for Cordell and Geri's relationship and that's a big part of why I finally felt the ship this episode.
The other big thing this episode was Cassie's return to Ranger HQ. We discover her 8-week summer camp trip with the FBI to Tampa turned into a 5-month investigation with near radio silence from her to back home. While Cordell and Trey are a little salty about being abandoned by her for Tessa Graves, they're excited to have her back and more than happy to help when she drops a case in their laps- even if it does tamp down on the birthday celebration.
While Cordell's feelings on Cassie's new career are likely dampened by his upcoming empty nest, he is happy that she's pursuing a new opportunity with the FBI- if that's what she really wants to do.
Though Cassie spent most of the episode assuring everyone she wasn't really being swayed one way or the other, it wasn't hard to see that she'd found her place in the FBI, leading an investigation despite not being a full special agent and successfully getting her guys. James did offer her a more local opportunity to make the big changes she was so committed to making with the FBI, but we'll have to see what that opportunity is and if she'll take it.
Trey's interactions with Cassie were extremely awkward this episode. It's clear he was looking forward to her coming back much sooner than she did- or at least being able to talk to her while she was gone. Maybe him holding onto her is why his current attempts at a love life aren't going so well. But, at the very least, it's good to see them back in action as friends.
One of the more serious plots that returned in this episode was the ongoing Jackal investigation. We learn that the Jackal has been quiet since he took his last victim, but that Detective Luna found a lead in a motel room. When Trey checked it out, they found evidence that the Jackal was there, and he left behind a pile of his calling card- jackal teeth (hence the name). This is proof that Hollis was not going to be his final victim- a fact Kelly recognizes all too well when she sees the evidence for herself. She begs Cordell and Trey to keep this a secret from James and Cordell is happy to agree; they both know how bad things got all those years ago and neither of them are ready to relive that.
While Trey is willing to go along with it, he does wonder if the situation is really that serious. After all, he's only ever known James to be a cool, collected leader. Would a serial killer case really be enough to spin him out? When he asks Cordell, we get a flashback to a time during the initial Jackal investigation. James was drinking while looking at evidence and he hadn't been home in days. Desperate to get him to take a break, Cordell brought Kelly to the office to talk to him. James was less than happy about this impromptu intervention and things got physical, scaring everyone involved- especially James. But he still wasn't ready to give up, not yet.
Seeing James like that was shocking; that man is definitely not the captain we've come to know and love. Which begs the question- how close to that will we get when the secret investigation is finally revealed?
Another subplot of the season that was dropped this episode is how Stella is dealing with the aftermath of the break-in. Based on the state of her dorm room and how distant she's been from the family, it's easy to tell she's not doing very well. It's bad enough that she had to go through something like that, but we find out during her meeting with the investigator's that she's lied to them and to Liam about knowing Witt prior to the break-in.
Which begs the question of why? Why lie about that? Surely it wouldn't affect Stella badly to say that she'd met him at a college party a few weeks before. If anything, it might help the investigation. But, if my theory is right about Sadie working with/for Witt and his cohorts, a connection like that could put her in danger, so it's possible that that was her idea, just like not calling the police was her idea and Stella went along with it out of panic.
Speaking of Sadie, where is she in all this? We can gather from Stella asking about Sadie's "counsel" that the two girls haven't been speaking, but we didn't see anyone else showing concern, not even Geri. Was this distance encouraged because of the investigation or has enough time passed since she left that everyone is okay with it?
Big questions aside, it was really nice seeing Liam's support of Stella in this episode. She's nowhere near okay, and he somewhat understands why. Here's hoping he can keep helping her like this in future episodes.
A small but noticeable plot dropped in this episode is August drifting away from his family. Based on dialogue, he's been spending more time with his friends than his family and even dipped out of his father's birthday party early. Though his reasons aren't quite as dramatic as Stella's, it's a distance everyone is feeling to different degrees. I can only imagine this gap is going to get bigger as August attempts to fulfill his military dreams.
can't wait for next episode!
All in all, this was an excellent start to a new season and I am so excited to see what happens next and I have so many questions! Where is Sadie? How long are Trey and Cordell going to be able to keep their Jackal investigation a secret? How will James handle it when he finds out? Will Stella be forced to tell the truth about her and Sadie's connection to Witt? Will Cassie stay on past season 4? Will Cordell ever be able to live out his steak eating competition dreams?
See y'all next episode!
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daniwib · 9 months
Fic Writing Review 2023
Words and fics
• 281,412 words published to ao3
• approx. 150,000 more unpublished (unfinished WIP’s)
• 2 fandoms (911 & 911 Lonestar)
• Most recent drop: Night at the (Wax) Museum – an utterly cursed piece of work that is virtually unreadable. Seriously. I dare you to try. I wrote this for a guess-the-writer event and made it so unrecognisable as my own work that virtually no one read it at all. It’s a fun story and I hope that more people will read the grammatically correct version that I’ll be posting hopefully today.  
• Longest fic in 2023: empty, broken, lonely, hoping at 44k (Buck and Christopher are presumed dead when Buck’s building burns down) This is one of my favourites this year.
Top 2023 fics by kudos
• empty, broken, lonely, hoping (Buck and Christopher are presumed dead when Buck’s building burns down). I really like this one and am quite proud of it. One of my favourites I’ve written this year.
• Losing Hope (Buck gets pregnant right before the lawsuit but loses the baby). Huh. This surprised me. I never thought I’d write mpreg or lawsuit fic OR that it would be one of my highest kudos’d fic this year. How bizarre!
Upcoming events and projects for 2024
Gah this is scary, I have so many.
Reluctant Werewolf crack – I really need to sit down and finish the last chapter of this. It’s about half done.
Coronation crack – likewise. I got blocked when RWRB was released and featured a polo scene very similar to what I was planning for Buddie in England and haven’t been able to get back to it since. I think I’ll scrap that chapter and just finish it off. I loathe having unfinished wip’s partly posted, it does my head in.
Big werewolf AU – featuring all my favourite tropes of kidnapped Buck, worried Eddie, Buck whump and Eddie whump too. I started it in January 2023. It’s fully plotted and maybe 2/3’s written at around 70k.
Navy Seal Buck – there’s something so fun about secretly bamf! Buck going all out to protect his firefam. He gets whumped during the course of, naturally. Again, started in January 2023, fully plotted and is maybe half done at about 50k-ish.
Angsty Buckley family drama set around the Madney wedding aka the one that will make you all weep. Fully plotted, partly begun.
Kidnapped TK – this one is so big and complex that I’m thinking of turning it into a novel some day. Fully plotted and partially written.
Eddie porn reviewer. Plotted only.
Buck sex worker. Plotted, partially written.
Carla romance novelist gets Buddie together. Plotted, partially written.
Plus the other 90+ ideas in my Ideas folder!
I’m unlikely to get much done before Christmas, too busy with family stuff and am recovering from having to have an emergency appendectomy while also having Influenza A this week. It’s been… rough.
Same for January as hubby and I are going on the first holiday alone together since having kids – Tasmania here we come! I am very glad my surgery didn’t ruin that.
Thank you for the tag @sherlockcrossing  
No pressure tagging: @daughterofscotland  @rogerzsteven @cal-daisies-and-briars @ronordmann and anyone else who wants to share!
Rules: Feel free to show whatever stats you have. Only want to show Ao3 stats? Rock on. Want to include some quantitative info instead of stats? Please do this. Want to change how yours is presented? Absolutely do that. Would rather eat glass than do this? Please don’t eat glass but don’t feel like you have to do this either.
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thebumblecee · 2 years
I see a lot of critique for 9-1-1 and 9-1-1 Lone Star that is either “this is so unrealistic” or “this happened in XYZ show” well I get to be the nerd that tells you a lot of what happens in the show is based on real life events and fictionalised (like a lot of shows). So the same storylines come up again and again.
This nerd is going to make a list because real life really is stranger than fiction.
Things that actually happened in real life plus their Lonestar episode:
(Some of these are on IMDB so I’m using the direct quotes)
01x01 - Pilot: A manure factory fire that kills the original 126
Real life: The opening incident at the agricultural-products facility is based on the real-life ammonium nitrate explosion at West Fertilizer Company in West, TX, on April 17, 2013. Fifteen people died in the fire and explosion, including ten firefighters from the West Fire Department. (IMDb)
01x02 - Yee Haw: a man poisons sandwiches with mercury.
Real life:
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01x03 - Texas Proud: someone gets trapped in a grain silo, sucking them down.
Real life:
01x04 - Act Of God: tornados in Texas
Real life: The tornadoes are based on the 1997 Central Texas tornado outbreak that occurred on 27 May 1997 that resulted in 27 fatalities around Central Texas. (IMDb)
01x05 - Studs - fire in a bull semen factory
Real life: The explosion at the bull factory was inspired by a real-life event in Victoria, Australia. (IMDb)
01x 06 - Friends Like These - a dog alerts the 126 of its owners farm accident
Real life:
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01 x 07 - Bum Steer - runaway bull causes havoc in a car dealership
Real life: (happened in Scotland lmao)
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01 x08 - Monster Inside - a rattlesnake infestation in the basement of a house. The dementia storyline was too sad I’m not researching it. Son refuses to accept his mother has passed.
Real life: this one is self-explanatory and there was too many examples and now I’m getting adverts for anti snake traps. America you scare me. (Although I’m reading texas houses don’t have basements the more you know). The last one is a common motif in shows this Criminal Minds episode did it too and so did the film Psycho.
01 x 09 - Awakening - gender reveal party goes horribly wrong plus a caving disaster.
Real life: here is an article about gender reveal party accidents and here is the wiki about John Edward Jones’ tragic death in Nutty Putty Cave
01 x 10 - Austin, We Have A Problem - solar storm fries the electricals
Real life: In the year 1989 in Quebec, Canada, waves of energy called a coronal mass ejection or CME wreaked havoc on the power grid for 12 hours. These CME's are the result of an explosion on the surface of the sun which has released powerful bursts of electromagnetic energy into the solar system. (IMDb)
Season 2
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mumucow · 2 years
ao3 wrapped
tagged by my wonderful friend @spaceprincessem
works published: 16
word count: 148,776
hits:  58,196
bookmarks: 934
most popular by kudos:  Tryna find my way back to you (Cause I'm needing a little bit of love) | Crossover with Lonestar where Buck goes to help the 126 for one month and Eddie can’t handle the distance
most hits: Tryna find my way back to you (Cause I'm needing a little bit of love) | Crossover with Lonestar where Buck goes to help the 126 for one month and Eddie can’t handle the distance
longest:  Tryna find my way back to you (Cause I'm needing a little bit of love) | Crossover with Lonestar where Buck goes to help the 126 for one month and Eddie can’t handle the distance
shortest:  I will have your back (even in bed) | Smut with feelings, mostly buddie being in love and trusting in bed
most comments:  Tryna find my way back to you (Cause I'm needing a little bit of love) | Crossover with Lonestar where Buck goes to help the 126 for one month and Eddie can’t handle the distance
fic that made me cry:
I have two for different reasons
Who knew | MCD Eddie after buddie gets together, because I had to hurt myself and my friends with it. I’m really proud of my writing in this one.
Mistakes are meant to be made (But you are not one) | Buddie getting together in the most loving and subtle way possible. I cried of frustation, happiness and just how fucking loving they are with each other
fic that made me smile: 
Hershey's Kisses | Buddie kissing because of a stupid joke that Buck pulls out, I just had so much fun with this one and I like it so damn much for how simple and fun it is.
gifts: I got so many, I have 5
Tryna find my way back to you (Cause I'm needing a little bit of love) for @ty-in-bedlam, who is to blame for all my buddie fics happening
You Found Me Among Lights and Shadows for @ty-in-bedlam’s birthday, buddie finding each other in a gay club and going back home together.
Being Set Up While Setting Up for @triskel-samulet, because we can’t stop shipping Tommy and Josh while getting Buddie together
Will you still kiss me when I am sick? for @spaceprincessem because she was sick for a few days and needed to be cheered up so I got Eddie taking care of a sick Buck and getting together
Mistakes are meant to be made (But you are not one) for @spaceprincessem‘s birthday because she is amazing and I want to be such an amazing writer as her and just needed to get her soft Buddie with most of her favorite tropes and just melt people with the fluff
collaborations: So far I have nothing and nothing planned
events: I did sign up for one that never really happened but the fic was this one
Outside Looking In | Coma Buck, it’s mostly from his POV and he sees Daniel while in a coma to help him understand how much he is loved.
coming in 2023: Honestly, only the AU event which it will I will keep a secret for now considering I’m not sure on the idea yet
I am tagging @sherlocking-out-loud @leandra-winchester @ironkissedmage @justlovehimanyway , I’m sorry if you all already been tagged
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craftytragedysalad · 1 year
My list of fics
I have watched 911 Lonestar for years. I have always had many ideas for fanfics but have always been very insecure about publishing them. The fourth season gave me great inspiration and I started writing and had the courage to publish my first story just before the season finale.
I am very proud that I had the courage to put myself out there, and deal with people's reception to my ideas and writing.
Then I've decided to put my list of fics here, in case you want to spend some of your time reading and making me the happiest person in the world!
1. Wedding Conversations
Let's just say no one in this family has the best skills when it comes to communication. They have several overdue conversations and in true Lone Star style of leaving things to talk at the worst possible times, TK and Carlos' wedding becomes an ideal moment for everyone.
What's better than never talking, right?
Note: I love this one, because I wrote this before knowing Gabriel would not be in the wedding, so in my version, he is and he takes time to talk with his son.
2. The best of man (a 4x18 coda)
During his honeymoon with TK, at a very special moment, Carlos gets some much-needed closure.
3. Almost
As TK and Carlos complete three months of marriage, the police officer decides that a celebration is in order and also a very special thanks to the man who saved his life in so many different ways.
4. The second proposal
After Carlos proposes to TK, both grooms talk about everything that has happened and recommit to the postponed marriage.
5. There is no forgetting
Six months after all the events involving the death of Gabriel, strange things begin to happen involving Carlos and so the officer ends up compulsorily thrown back into the investigation of his father's death.
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tabbytabbytabby · 4 years
2020 Writer Memes
I was tagged by the lovely @matan4il. Thank you! 💜
Writer Interview
Name(s): Tabitha, Tabby, Tabs (username tabbytabbytabby)
Fandom(s): So so many. My favorite ones this year were 9-1-1, 9-1-1 Lonestar, Chicago Fire, Prodigal Son, The Rookie, The Mandalorian, Anne With An E, Teen Wolf, Merlin, Hawaii Five-0, Agents of SHIELD, Julie and the Phantoms, The Umbrella Academy, The Witcher, Star Trek Discovery, The Good Place, New Amsterdam, The Resident, Roswell: New Mexico, All American, Doctor Who, and Once Upon A Time. I feel like I’m forgetting some. 2020 lasted a million years.
Where you post: AO3, mostly. Sometimes I double post to Tumblr if I have the time/feel like it.
Most Popular One Shot (by kudos) Overall/this year: High Hopes (906) (Sterek)
Most Popular Multi-Chapter (by kudos) Overall/This Year: Gonna Make This Place My Home (433) (Thiam). This one was started in 2019, but I finished it this year so it counts.
Favorite story you’ve written so far: I’m going to take this to mean so far in 2020, and not like overall. Because that is far too much pressure. Even 2020 is hard since there are 203 things. All Doors Lead To You was one of my favorites I did this year though. It was an endeavour plotting that out but I had a lot of fun with it.
Fic you were nervous to post: I get a little nervous with all of them. Even with how much I’ve written, it still happens. But the one I was probably most nervous about was The Best Present I Ever Got, which was major character death. I write MCD alot for the Teen Wolf fandom, but it makes me nervous doing it for other fandoms because I never know what the reception will be same. Same with unrequited love, which is why I was also nervous about Somebody Else’s Arms.
How do you choose your titles? I should say now that I usually hate naming things. Especially lately, when I’ll think of a title for something and then realize I’ve already used it before (which is bound to happen with 800 fics but still). Sometimes the titles come from lines from the fic or something about it, sometimes the prompt itself if there was one, and then other times song titles. I’ve started a doc with lines from songs that can work as titles so maybe that’ll help me be more creative with them 😆
Do you outline? It depends on the fic, really. I usually have a doc with notes if it’s a longer fic that I can turn to. I have outlined for a few though. Especially for Quest For Camelot, because it helps me know what I have planned for the chapters and who I wanted to write for. Which helped after I took some time away from it. I had an outline when I was writing All Doors Lead To You as well, which helped me keep track of which universe I wanted to have in which chapter and colors for doors, etc. 
Upcoming work you’re most excited about: I’m pretty excited for my fic for the Buddie Big Bang. If it turns out how I want it to, it’s definitely going to be one of my favorites that I’ve done. I have a Sterek fic I’ve been working on that I’m pretty excited about too and hope to have done in the next couple of weeks.
AO3 stats (for 2020)
Amount of works posted: 203
Total word count: 608,437
Longest fic: Reconcile (80,545) (Thiam)
Shortest fic: Rainy Night (106) (Sterek)
Fic with the most kudos: High Hopes (906) (Sterek)
Fic with the most bookmarks: You Are In Love (153) (Buddie)
Fic with the most comment threads: All Doors Lead To You (90)
Total amount of kudos: 37,116
Total amount of bookmarks: 4,795
Total amount of comment threads: 1,976
Fandoms written for: 9-1-1, 9-1-1 Lonestar, Teen Wolf, Chicago Fire, Merlin, All American, Agents of SHIELD, Hawaii Five-0, Chicago PD, Prodigal Son, Criminal Minds, Star Wars, The Rookie, The Witcher, The Good Doctor
Fandom events you’ve written for: Fandom Trumps Hate, Fandom AU Fest, Jenna Geyer Appreciation Week, Dr. Geyer Appreciation Week, Buddie Big Bang, Thiam Big Bang, Sterek Week, Sterek Secret Santa, A small disord Secret Santa, 9-1-1, Crack Week, Secret Elf Buddie Discord fic exchange, Buddie Discord Advent,  Sprint September, Whumptober, TW Bingo, Greenberg Appreciation Week, Laura Hale Appreciation Week, Merthur Glompfest, Scisaac Week, and maybe more? This year has been a blur. 
Pairings written for: We’ll start with 9-1-1 and end with all the Teen Wolf pairings to make organization easier. Everything else in between. Here we go... Buddie, Jevan,  Eddie/Josh, Buck/TK, Arthur Pendragon/Josh Russo, Greenberg/TK Strand, Brettsey, Chenford, Merthur, Geraskier, McDanno, Tarlos, Daisysous, Luke/Penelope, Finnpoe, Melendaire, Ashivia, Malcolm Bright/Derek Hale, Thiam, Sterek, Steo, Chris Argent/Dr. Geyer, Scott/Nolan, Scisaac, Berica, Morey, Therek, Isaac/Theo, Greenberg/Derek, Isaac/Jackson, Danny/Theo/Jackson, Halemore, Sceo, Danny/Jackson, Danny/Greenberg, Isaac/Danny, Liam Dunbar’s Mother/Liam Dunbar’s Father
Favorite fic you’ve written this year: I answered this above and said Doors, but here I want to mention my Geraskier fic I’m Mr. Brightside because it’s something I’m really damn proud of. And also a mention to my Theo/Derek fic Strangers on a Train where they meet The Doctor. It wasn’t something many people read, but I had fun writing it. ALSo, my Jevan fake dating AU You’re My Favorite Place
Goals for next year: Continue writing and being productive. It’s going to be hard over the next few months since I’m in the home stretch of nursing school (done in June). But I want to write when I can and just keep enjoying it.
Gonna tag (and sorry if you’ve done this already. I’m late here): @lovelylittlegrim @hazelestelle @novemberhush @manonisamelon @acejuddryder @schweetheart @theproblemwithstardust @dopemixtape @halinski @snaeken @li0nh34rt @lightfiretomypaperwings @imjustafangirl-nobodylovesme @underthegallowws @theladyandthewolves @seylaaurora (and anyone else that wants to do this, just say I tagged you!)
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weoutherebrand · 5 years
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We will be at @lonestarthrowdown, so stop by our booth & get your #weouthere™ Lonestar Throwdown Event T-Shirt! Can’t wait to see you guys there⠀ .⠀ 👍🏼: @WeOutHere_Official⠀ 🛒: http://www.weouthereonline.com⠀ ➡️ Link in Bio⠀ …..⠀ “More than just an Apparel Brand but a Lifestyle. It’s about being proud of who you are, what you wear & letting the world know... #WeOutHere”⠀ …..⠀ 🧼: @weoutheredetail⠀ #billethats #clothing #apparel #lifestyle #clothingline #original #followus #brand #style #fashion #tshirt #mens #womens #family #hats #trend #automotive #tees #snapbacks #flexfit #shopnow #shop #design #event #LST #LST2020 #lonestarthrowdown #lonestarthrowdown2020 (at Lone Star Throwdown) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8Zj-E2ihKH/?igshid=1tyozxt1qsvnd
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008400 · 7 years
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Hi guys, still alive. Just keeping myself busy with my real-job and running a family. Still active on Instagram as well @eightyfour for those who may not know. I’ve had a few great opportunities come my way this year, you can see some of it on my personal website if you’re curious.
Caught this sunset on Monday of last week, wouldn’t be surprised if these were rainbands from Hurricane Harvey pushing north to my neck of the woods of Dallas, TX. Such beauty but a sad reminder of the tragic events that unfolded last weekend.
Super proud to be a Texan and too see everyone in the Lonestar state pulled together for their fellow South / SE Texans.
How is everyone doing? 
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Texas Lonestar Shootout 2019
Texas Lonestar Shootout 2019
Galati Yacht Sales is proud to sponsor the 2019 Texas Lone Star Shootout. This event is an Invitational Billfish tournament known for its great format, fun times, big payouts and contribution to charitable causes.
The Lone Star Shootout provides the opportunity to compete against the best billfish teams on the Gulf Coast. The Shootout culminates each year with an Awards Night celebration talked…
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rafaelsilvasource · 2 years
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RAFAEL SILVA with RONEN RUBINSTEIN and COLTON LITTLE at the Spectrum Celebrity #LoneStarProud fan event in Burbank, California - March 4, 2023
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beautifulhigh · 9 months
4, 9 & 18 💕
Feel like you chose these ones on purpose...!
4. Movie of the year?
Anyone who has followed me for the last six months knows that Red, White, and Royal Blue has re-written my very soul so there's that.
9. Best month for you this year?
March, hands down. I got to go to the Lonestar Proud event, I got to meet and hang out with Emma, and I got to enjoy my first proper holiday in ages.
18. A memorable meal this year?
Memorable for the company, and for how awful the staff were, but there was this Italian meal I had in June with these two weirdos that was good fun...
End of year asks
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itsworn · 6 years
Challenger Drag Pak Wins NHRA Factory Stock Showdown World Championship
It was supposed to create a more level playing field, but NHRA’s recent 50-pound weight penalty on the Dodge Challenger Drag Paks seemed to have little effect on these 1,000-plus horsepower HEMI powered Stockers. Despite penalty, Leah Pritchett’s Drag Pak, nicknamed “El Bandito!”, claimed the SAM Tech NHRA Factory Stock Showdown world championship title at the AAA Texas NHRA FallNationals, the final race for the 2018 FSS season. Pritchett earned this championship in her first full year competing in the Factory Stock Showdown class.
It was just month ago that Pritchett  and fellow Drag Pak driver and Don Schumacher Racing (DSR) teammate Mark Pawuk cleaned house in the FSS class during the Chevrolet Performance NHRA U.S. Nationals at Indy. Immediately following the “Big Go”, the NHRA Competition and Technical Departments threw more bulk on the Challenger Drag Paks and took some weight off the COPO Camaro and Cobra Jet Mustang to create parity among the manufacturers.
Even though Pritchett was hot off her Factory Stock Showdown victories at the NHRA U.S. Nationals and the NHRA Midwest Nationals, she knew there was a target on her back. She might have been the first NHRA Factory Stock Showdown driver to make a pass in the seven-second range, but she and the team had their work cut out for them during the final FSS race. During the NHRA FallNationals, she had qualified her Dodge to the No. 10 spot after two sessions. Looking to improve, crew chief, Kevin Helms made some adjustments, but the third and final qualifying session was cancelled due to violent thunderstorms rolling across the landscape of the Lonestar state.
With Pritchett and her Dodge going into the last FSS race of 2018, the fulltime Top Fuel star knew it would be a battle. In the FSS points chase, she was trailing a pair of COPO Camaros driven by Stephen Bell and Arthur Kohn, both with 328 to her 327. Pritchett would need to advance one round further than the COPO drivers and it was inevitable she would face one or both of them during eliminations at the NHRA FallNationals.
In the opening round, Pritchett posted her quickest pass of the weekend, an 8.079-second E.T. at 169.64-mph in the opening round to defeat Aaron Stanfield in his COPO.
Pritchett’s supercharged HEMI Drag Pak would advance to the quarterfinals as Randy Taylor’s COPO Camaro had staging issues, rolled the beams, and handed the win to the Drag Pak. That didn’t stop Pritchett from making a stout run of 8.106 but she didn’t run it out the back door, clicking the Challenger off well before the stripe and ranning 152 mph. This would then set up a dramatic semifinal match up with the co-point leader Stephen Bell. With Pritchett trailing by a single point, she lined-up against Bell and took an immediate starting line advantage with a 0.038-second reaction time. The Drag Pak crossed the finished line first with a 8.107-second run at 169.00 mph to the COPO’s struggling 9.65-second pass at 101.23 as Bell got out the groove before half-track as the nine-inch slicks lost t
As Pritchett and Bell cleared the traps, the next pair lined-up, current FSS points leader, Arthur Kohn in another red COPO Camaro, and number-one qualifier Kevin Skinner in his sinister-looking black Cobra Jet Mustang. Kohn needed to win this round to stay in the hunt for the championship, because if he lost to Skinner, Pritchett would be the 2018 Factory Stock Showdown world champ. At flash of green, Skinner left the line first with a .027 reaction time to Kohn’s .036 light. The Mustang was ahead, but the Camaro’s blower equipped LS engine was coming on fast. When the top end scoreboards lit up, both cars ran identical 8.13-second times, but it was the Mustang that got the win light due to Skinner’s baby holeshot, despite the Camaro running 168 mph on the top end to the Cobra Jet’s 166 mph. Talk about close: the margin of victory was 0.0023-seconds which is approximately just seven inches.
Never in the history of drag racing has the Mopar crowd cheered this much for a Ford to win.
With Factory Stock Showdown world championship declared, the celebration was quick for Pritchett as she had still the final round against Skinner to get ready for. After her semifinal run, Pritchett’s Drag Pak had just cleared the scales and mandated NHRA fuel check, when out of nowhere the car began belching black smoke from the exhaust and would barely stay running on the return road. Once again, Kevin Helms and SRT Engineer Mike Rossey jumped into action and began to diagnose, isolate, and correct the problem. In the end, the problem was due to low voltage from a bad battery.
Sometimes it’s the simple things that can trip you up.
In the final round, Pritchett chose the right lane and was driving like the FSS world title was on the line even though it wasn’t; the championship Wally was already tucked away in the team trailer. Her Challenger Drag Pak blasted off the starting line with a stout 8.106-second pass at 169.02 mph to Skinner’s out-of-shape 9.697-second effort. This would be Pritchett’s third consecutive victory in the highly competitive and contentious Factory Stock Showdown series.
“This championship ranks at the top of the list,” said Pritchett. “I might be holding this Wally right now, but 100% this is Dodge, Mopar, Pennzoil, and the technology they pour into this class. I just get to drive the car. For Kevin Helms, Terry Snyder, all of Don Schumacher Racing, powered by Pennzoil of course, this is absolutely incredible. We came in with a chance to win the championship, but our mentality was one round, one burnout, one line at a time, and that’s what it took, so thank you to everyone that made this happen. I know I probably speak for the whole class, but a huge thank you to SAM Tech for sponsoring the Factory Stock Showdown Series. It’s really become one of the most exciting, grassroots classes out here.  I get to hold it, but this Wally is definitely going home to Mopar.”
The NHRA season won’t conclude until the World Finals at Pomona in November, but the seven Factory Stock Showdown events are in the record books. The Dodge Boys, and Girl, should be mighty proud of their achievements. They’ve now added another championship to the HEMI engine’s ever-growing list of drag racing achievements. For the Chevy and Ford teams, they’ll spend the winter in the dyno cells and testing on the drag strips of the south east, constantly reengineering and refining their weapons. The NHRA rules committee will also look at all the run data they’ve collected from all three brands this year and decide if more changes are needed. With the 2019 SAM Tech NHRA Factory Stock Showdown season opener scheduled during the National Hot Rod Association’s legendary Gatornationals in Gainesville, Florida, the competition will once again be fierce and hotly contested. But for Leah Pritchett, Don Schumacher Racing, and the engineers at SRT, they’ll be ready for whatever the Bowtie brigade and Blue Oval camp throw at them.
The post Challenger Drag Pak Wins NHRA Factory Stock Showdown World Championship appeared first on Hot Rod Network.
from Hot Rod Network https://www.hotrod.com/articles/challenger-drag-pak-wins-nhra-factory-stock-showdown-world-championship/ via IFTTT
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rafaelsilvasource · 1 year
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RAFAEL SILVA and RONEN RUBINSTEIN at the Spectrum Celebrity #LoneStarProud fan event in Burbank, California - March 4, 2023
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rafaelsilvasource · 2 years
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RAFAEL SILVA with RONEN RUBINSTEIN and former 911: LONE STAR Guest Star COLTON LITTLE (S2 E4) at the Spectrum Celebrity #LoneStarProud fan event in Burbank, California - March 4, 2023
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