#london o'neal
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albiorixsims · 4 days ago
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gorgynei · 7 months ago
hi!!! ^_^ i hope this isnt stupid or silly or anything, but ive recently rlly gotten into werewolves n i thought u were the best person to ask abt this (/pos) but do u know like any good books or websites about werewolves??? that arent just like weird romance ??? again sorry but i really dont know where to start hsndkkwnd
not stupid at ALL anon you have come to the right place. not sure i know of any werewolf websites (besides mine. obligatory plug), but i do have quite a collection of other werewolf media recommendations!!!
Rules For Werewolves by Kirk Lynn
Lycanthropy and Other Chronic Illnesses by Kristen O'Neal
The Werewolf Pride Movement by Caitlyn B. Giacopasi
The Wolves of Mercy Falls by Maggie Stiefvater
The Werewolf: Past and Future and by Maegan A. Stebbins (Stebbin's annotated edition of The Book of Were-Wolves is good too)
An American Werewolf in London (1981)
Ginger Snaps (2000)
Wolfwalkers (2020)
My Animal (2023)
Werewolves Within (2021)
Wolf Children (2012)
Dog Soldiers (2002)
The Imperfects (doesn't have a true werewolf, but it's pretty close)
good luck on your werewolf journey i hope you come to be as obsessed with them as i am. amen
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bremser · 7 months ago
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Berenice Abbott at 18 rue Servandoni
The portrait on the cover of Julia Van Haaften's 2018 biography "Berenice Abbott: A Life in Photography" and at the top of Abbott's wiki page is by an unknown photographer. It was taken for the small newspaper Paris-Midi, published June 14, 1928. Keystone France agency, and now Getty owns the rights and incorrectly dates it as 1927, while Wikipedia dates it as "1930s."
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At the time, her studio was at 18 rue Servandoni in Paris, we see the fireplace and door in the background in other portraits, such as the portrait of James Joyce's daughter, Lucia. There's a classic Atget at 15 rue Servandoni, but it's from 1903-4. Atget died in 1927 and Abbott, along with Julien Levy, saved his archive. By 1930 she was in New York City, where Walker Evans made his great portrait of her.
Van Haaften writes that in search of lower rent, Abbott moved to the rue Servandoni studio in early 1928. Abbott kept a clipping of the newspaper, but there's no further detail about the portrait session in the biography.
I was curious about the photographer of the portrait and found Getty has a handful of other frames from the same session that I'd never seen.
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Most interesting of those frames is this contemplative shot showing the windows of her studio, maybe some photo chemicals on the table. A puff of smoke emanates from Abbott's cigarette in the same place where someone has left their fingerprint on the negative or print. There's a strong reflection or light leak in the top left corner of the frame. Van Haaften describes the rue Servandoni studio offering "beautiful north light."
Looking at the building on Google Earth, there is one north-facing spot that has the large windows similar to the 1928 portrait, seen in the center of the screen grab below.
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Another detail Van Haaften mentions is that it took Abbott months to install electricity. An electric spotlight is on a tripod behind Abbott in the standing portrait. In the alternate angle you can see a not-to-code wire dangling.
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So, who made these portraits? The Keystone France agency was an off-shoot of a popular stereoview company based in Meadville, Pennsylvania, hence "keystone." If you've ever flipped through old stereoviews at a vintage shop, you recognize this brand. The French agency was founded by Alexandre Garai in 1927 (whose brother Bertram started a related Keystone in London in 1914). The Met has one photograph by Alexandre Garai, taken in 1927. The jpeg is tiny, but indicates a modern perspective. While it's possible Garai is the photographer, his brother's ethos seems to have been to be the boss ... and never touch a camera.
The identity could be buried deep in Getty's London warehouse, which stores 80 million photographs and negatives. When these frames were scanned and metadata added to Getty in 2010-2016, if there was a name on the back of the prints, it probably would have been added then.
From the photos themselves, it's difficult to say if Abbott had a rapport or was familiar with the photographer: her default intensity is remarkably consistent her entire life, up until the last portrait of her in 1991.
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(left, rue Servandoni 1929, right: Hank O'Neal, Berenice Abbott, Last Portrait, Monson, Maine July 17, 1991)
From the resolution, the depth of field on the lens, these are probably shot with a 4x5 or larger camera. It looks like the photographer shot the lens wide open, the camera in the standing portraits looks very much in focus, while Abbott's face looks slightly out of focus.
Two of the four frames have similar damage, could be a development problem, but could be mold later while in storage. Abbott's Paris portraits of the period were shot on glass (as much of Atget's body of work was), though by the late 1920s glass plates had mostly been replaced by film. Annoyingly, Getty is one of the best places online to see her Paris portraits, but the Steidl book is highly recommended. Seen together, you realize why Man Ray felt threatened, or at least annoyed, by his former assistant.
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The photographer was either challenged or in a challenging environment. Abbott was often a withering critic, one can imagine a green photographer shows up to make portraits and encounters a prickly subject. With the seated portrait above, at first glance, I thought maybe the print has a piece torn out of the left side? Or is it a modern lamp intruding on the composition?
It's difficult to tell with the window portrait how much of it is a metering mistake or the potential development issue, but it looks several stops overexposed to be of use in publication of that time. Today, with our phone cameras taking three frames and digitally merging exposure, we can romanticize the top half of her body dissolving into the light is as the "magic of film."
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I'm calling this the "last" frame of the session, based only on the fact that her pose and facial expression has shifted from intensity to a mix of boredom and exasperation. The photographer told her to sit on the day bed with tea and a book, "look relaxed," but she wants nothing to do with it.
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stastrodome · 1 month ago
Fun Facts. 100% verified.
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"Happiness is breakfast at Jack-in-the-Box" is the official motto of Honolulu.
The popular Carnaby Street beauty shop Satisfaction was founded by the East London artist who designs Mick Jagger's wigs.
Shaquille O'Neal once did TV ads for Diasvillis, a discount blood pressure medication.
Jared Leto worked for six full months as a TV weatherman in San Bernardino while "in character" for his role in the movie Inland Empire.
Mao Zedong said the key to his longevity as a political leader was "to laugh like no one is watching".
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weaversweek · 5 months ago
35 "Indestructible" - Four Tops and Smokey Robinson
written by Michael Price and Bobby Sandstrom
Top of the Pops saved their lives.
Part of the UncoolTwo50 project, marking the best singles from 1977-99.
The Four Tops enjoyed a career swansong in late 1988; they'd recorded the classic throwback "Loco in Acapulco" for the movie Buster, and were promoting their song in London. The week before Christmas, they perform the song on Top of the Pops.
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Producer Paul Ciani had put together an episode marking TOTP's 25th anniversary, with some of the massive hits of the quarter-century. One of them: "Reach out, I'll be there". Recording was a bit of a mess, and the band missed their booked flight to New York. This turned out to be a blessing in disguise; the plane was blown up over Lockerbie, all on board died.
"Loco in Acapulco" was also on the group's album, and the title track is amongst their best. The song "Indestructible" felt like it had fallen through a timewarp from twenty years earlier: Levi Stubbs still had those awesome soul vocals, augmented by Smokey Robinson. Two Motown legends for the price of one? We're buying, what's the price!
The rest of the album is patchy by the group's high standards, though we suspect Alexander O'Neal would have gladly made this LP. Sadly, the single didn't give the group a return to Top of the Pops, just missing the top 20, and they'd not have another big hit here. But for these four minutes, we can remember glories past, and consider those yet to arrive.
Other soul tunes in my UncoolTwo50 shortlist: "Say I'm your number one" by Princess, Macy Gray's "I try", Soul II Soul's "Back to life", and Ten City's "That's the way love is".
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The Unofficial Black History Blog
Phillis Wheatley (1753-1784)
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Imagine being the best-known and also the first African-American woman to publish a book of poetry at the age of 13, whilst being a slave.
This is her story.
Phillis Wheatley was the first African-American and second female to publish a book of poems. And she was also the youngest.
Phillis Wheatley was born on May 8th, 1753, in Gambia, West Africa. There's no record of her real birth name. 
When she was no younger than seven, she was kidnapped by slave traders and brought to America in 1761. The slave traders renamed her 'Phillis' based on the slave ship she arrived on, 'The Phillis'
She was transported to the Boston docks with a shipment of "refugee" slaves who, because of their age or physical frailty, were unsuited for rigorous labor in the West Indian and Southern Colonies. They were the first ports of call after the Atlantic Crossing.
In August 1761, Susanna Wheatley, the wife of Boston tailor John Wheatley, was "in want of a domestic."
Susanna purchased "a slender, frail female child...for a trifle."
The captain of the slave ship believed that Phillis was terminally ill, and he wanted to make at least a small profit off of her before she died. 
It's reported that a Wheatley relative surmised her to be "of slender frame and evidently suffering from a change of climate," "nearly naked, with no other covering than a quantity of dirty carpet about her," and "about seven years old...from the circumstances of shedding her front teeth."
When Phillis was sold to the Wheatley family, she adopted their last name and was taken under Susanna's wing as her domestic.
During her time serving the Wheatleys, which was about sixteen months, Susana discovered that Phillis had an extraordinary capacity to learn. The Wheatleys, including their son Nathaniel and their daughter Mary, taught her how to read and write after discovering her precociousness.
But this didn't excuse her from her duties as a house slave.
Phillis was soon immersed in the Bible, astronomy, geography, history, theology, British literature, and the Greek and Latin classics of Virgil, Ovid, Terence, and Homer. Inspired, she began writing poetry between the ages of 12 and 13.
At a time when African Americans were discouraged and intimidated from learning how to read and write, Phillis' life was an anomaly.
When she started to publish her poems, her fame, and talent soon spread across the Atlantic. With Susanna's support, Phillis started posting advertisements for subscribers for her first book of poems.
However, a scholar of Phillis's work, Sondra O'Neale, notes, "When the colonists were apparently unwilling to support literature by an African, she and the Wheatleys turned in frustration to London for a publisher."
In 1773, Phillis was in continuously poor health; she had chronic asthma. But she sets off for London with Nathaniel Wheatley, her master's son.  
When she arrived in London, she was accepted and adored for both her poise and her literary work. And during her time there, she also received medical treatment for the ailments she was battling.
She met Selina Hastings, a friend of Susanna Wheatley and the Countess of Huntingdon. Eventually, Hastings funded the publication of Phillis's book. "Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral." Was the first book of poetry published by an enslaved African American in the United States. 
Her book includes many elegies as well as poems on Christian themes, even dealing with race, such as the often-anthologized "On being brought from Africa to America."
Phillis was also a strong supporter of America's fight for independence; she penned several of her poems in honor of George Washington, who was Commander of the Continental Army. She sent him one of her works that was written in 1775, and it eventually inspired an invitation to visit him in Cambridge, Massachusetts. In March 1776, she traveled to Washington.
 Phillis eventually had to return to Boston to tend to Susanna Wheatley, who was gravely ill. 
After the elder Wheatleys’ died, Phillis was left with nothing and had to support herself as a seamstress. 
We don’t know exactly when she was freed by the Wheatleys, but some scholars suggest that she was freed between 1774 and 1778. And during that time, most of the Wheatley family had died.
Even with her literary popularity at its all-time high and being manumitted, freedom in 1774 Boston proved to be incredibly difficult.
Phillis was unable to secure funding for another publication or even sell her writing. 
In 1778, she was married to a free African American man from Boston named John Peters. They had three children, but sadly, none of them survived infancy.
Their marriage proved to be a struggle due to the couple's battle with constant poverty. Phillis was then forced to find work as a maid in a boarding house, where she lived in squalid, horrifying conditions.
Even through all her misfortune, Phillis continued to write. But, with the growing tensions between the British and the Revolutionary War, she lost enthusiasm for her poems.
Although she continued to contact various publishers, she was unsuccessful in finding support for a second volume of poetry.
On December 5th, 1784, Phillis Wheatley died alone in a boarding house at 31 years old, without a penny to her name. 
Many of her poems for her second volume disappeared and have never been recovered. 
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The 16 Street Baptist Church Bombing
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knick-nudiex · 1 month ago
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A boycott is an act of nonviolent, voluntary abstention from a product, person, organization, or country as an expression of protest. It is usually for moral, social, political, or environmental reasons. The purpose of a boycott is to inflict some economic loss on the target, or to indicate a moral outrage, usually to try to compel the target to alter an objectionable behavior. The word is named after Captain Charles Boycott, agent of an absentee landlord in Ireland, against whom the tactic was successfully employed after a suggestion by Irish nationalist leader Charles Stewart Parnell and his Irish Land League in 1880.
Sometimes, a boycott can be a form of consumer activism, sometimes called moral purchasing. When a similar practice is legislated by a national government, it is known as a sanction. Frequently, however, the threat of boycotting a business is an empty threat, with no significant effect on sales. The word boycott entered the English language during the Irish "Land War" and derives from Captain Charles Boycott, the land agent of an absentee landlord, Lord Erne, who lived in County Mayo, Ireland. Captain Boycott was the target of social ostracism organized by the Irish Land League in 1880. As harvests had been poor that year, Lord Erne offered his tenants a ten percent reduction in their rents. In September of that year, protesting tenants demanded a twenty-five percent reduction, which Lord Erne refused. Boycott then attempted to evict eleven tenants from the land. Charles Stewart Parnell, the Irish leader, proposed that when dealing with tenants who take farms where another tenant was evicted, rather than resorting to violence, everyone in the locality should shun them. While Parnell's speech did not refer to land agents or landlords, the tactic was first applied to Boycott when the alarm was raised about the evictions. Despite the short-term economic hardship to those undertaking this action, Boycott soon found himself isolated – his workers stopped work in the fields and stables, as well as in his house. Local businessmen stopped trading with him, and the local postman refused to deliver mail.
The concerted action taken against him meant that Boycott was unable to hire anyone to harvest his crops in his charge. After the harvest, the "boycott" was successfully continued and soon the new word was everywhere. The New-York Tribune reporter, James Redpath, first wrote of the boycott in the international press. The Irish author, George Moore, reported: 'Like a comet the verb 'boycott' appeared.' It was used by The Times in November 1880 as a term for organized isolation. According to an account in the book The Fall of Feudalism in Ireland by Michael Davitt, the term was promoted by Fr. John O'Malley of County Mayo to "signify ostracism applied to a landlord or agent like Boycott". The Times first reported on November 20, 1880: "The people of New Pallas have resolved to 'boycott' them and refused to supply them with food or drink." The Daily News wrote on December 13, 1880: "Already the stoutest-hearted are yielding on every side to the dread of being 'Boycotted'." By January of the following year, the word was being used figuratively: "Dame Nature arose.... She 'Boycotted' London from Kew to Mile End."
Girlcott Girlcott, a pun on "boycott", is a boycott intended to focus on the rights or actions of women. The term was coined in 1968 by American Lacey O'Neal during the 1968 Summer Olympics in the context of protests by male African American athletes. The term was later used by retired tennis player Billie Jean King in 1999 in reference to Wimbledon, while discussing equal pay for women players. The term "girlcott" was revived in 2005 by the Women and Girls Foundation in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania against Abercrombie & Fitch. Although the term itself was not coined until 1880, the practice dates back to at least the 1790s, when supporters of the British abolitionists led and supported the free produce movement.Other instances include:
the Iranian Tobacco Boycott in 1891 Civil rights movement boycotts to protest segregation (e.g., Montgomery & Tallahassee Bus Boycotts) the United Farm Workers union grape and lettuce boycotts the American boycott of British goods during the American Revolution, such as the Boston Tea Party the 1905 Chinese boycott of American products to protest the extension of the Chinese Exclusion Act in 1902. the Indian boycott of British goods organized by Mahatma Gandhi the successful Jewish boycott organized against Henry Ford in the United States, in the 1920s the boycott of Japanese products in China after the May Fourth Movement the antisemitic boycott of Jewish-owned businesses in Nazi Germany during the 1930s the Jewish anti-Nazi boycott of German goods in Lithuania, the US, Britain, Poland and Mandatory Palestine during 1933 the Arab League boycott of Israel and companies trading with Israel. the worldwide Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign led by Palestinian civil society against the State of Israel. The global fossil fuel divestment movement, described by Desmond Tutu as an "apartheid-style boycott to save the planet", and considered to be the biggest boycott-style campaign in history. Redundant boycotts along more than one century against Catalan products by Spanish nationalism. Over the years, political/economic claims and self-government milestones, sometimes misrepresented as a secessionist revolt, have often been met with a call for a commercial boycott against Catalonia. This is the case of the creation of the Unió regionalista, the creation of Solidaritat catalana, the ¡Cu-Cut! incident, the Tragic Week (which is advertised as separatist so that it does not spread to other Spanish towns), creation of the Commonwealth of Catalonia in 1914, the participation of Catalan volunteers in the First World War and claim of the Wilson doctrine for Catalonia, the creation and campaign of the Regionalist League of Catalonia, in 1918, autonomy through the Statute of Núria, the Events of 6 October, or, more recently, the Statute of Miravet. More recently there have been other boycotts related to the expansion of Catalan sovereignty. During the 1973 oil crisis, the Arab countries enacted a crude oil embargo against the West. Other examples include the US-led boycott of the 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow, the Soviet-led boycott of the 1984 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles, and the movement that advocated "disinvestment" in South Africa during the 1980s in opposition to that country's apartheid regime. The first Olympic boycott was in the 1956 Summer Olympics with several countries boycotting the games for different reasons. Iran also has an informal Olympic boycott against participating against Israel, whereby Iranian athletes typically bow out or claim injuries when pitted against Israelis (see Arash Miresmaeili).
Academic boycotts have been organized against countries—for example, the mid- and late 20th-century academic boycotts of South Africa in protest of apartheid practices and the academic boycotts of Israel in the early 2000s. Boycotts are now much easier to successfully initiate due to the Internet. Examples include the gay and lesbian boycott of advertisers of the Dr. Laura talk show, gun owners' similar boycott of advertisers of Rosie O'Donnell's talk show and (later) magazine, and gun owners' boycott of Smith & Wesson following that company's March 2000 settlement with the Clinton administration. They may be initiated very easily using either websites (the Dr. Laura boycott), newsgroups (the Rosie O'Donnell boycotts), or even mailing lists. Internet-initiated boycotts "snowball" very quickly compared to other forms of organization Viral Labeling is a new boycott method using the new digital technology proposed by the Multitude Project and applied for the first time against Walt Disney around Christmas time in 2009. Some boycotts center on particular businesses, such as recent[when?] protests regarding Costco, Walmart, Ford Motor Company, or the diverse products of Philip Morris. Another form of boycott identifies a number of different companies involved in a particular issue, such as the Sudan Divestment campaign, the "Boycott Bush" campaign. The Boycott Bush website was set up by Ethical Consumer after U.S. President George W. Bush failed to ratify the Kyoto Protocol – the website identified Bush's corporate funders and the brands and products they produce. Historically boycotts have also targeted individual businesses. During the early decades of the twentieth century hotels in Australia were regularly targeted over the cost of alcohol, accommodation and food, as well as mistreatment of employees. Pope Francis refers to boycotting as a successful means of influencing businesses, "forcing them to consider their environmental footprint and their patterns of production".
As a response to consumer boycotts of large-scale and multinational businesses, some companies have marketed brands that do not bear the company's name on the packaging or in advertising. Activists such as Ethical Consumer produce information that reveals which companies own which brands and products so consumers can practice boycotts or moral purchasing more effectively. Another organization, Buycott.com, provides an Internet-based smart-phone application that scans Universal Product Codes and displays corporate relationships to the user.
"Boycotts" may be formally organized by governments as well. In reality, government "boycotts" are just a type of embargo. Notably, the first formal, nationwide act of the Nazi government against German Jews was a national embargo of Jewish businesses on April 1, 1933. Boycotts are legal under common law. The right to engage in commerce, social intercourse, and friendship includes the implied right not to engage in commerce, social intercourse, and friendship. Since a boycott is voluntary and nonviolent, the law cannot stop it. Opponents of boycotts historically have the choice of suffering under it, yielding to its demands, or attempting to suppress it through extralegal means, such as force and coercion.
In the United States, the antiboycott provisions of the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) apply to all "U.S. persons", defined to include individuals and companies located in the United States and their foreign affiliates. The antiboycott provisions are intended to prevent United States citizens and companies being used as instrumentalities of a foreign government's foreign policy. The EAR forbids participation in or material support of boycotts initiated by foreign governments, for example, the Arab League boycott of Israel. These persons are subject to the law when their activities relate to the sale, purchase, or transfer of goods or services (including the sale of information) within the United States or between the United States and a foreign country. This covers exports and imports, financing, forwarding and shipping, and certain other transactions that may take place wholly offshore.[41]
However, the EAR only applies to foreign government initiated boycotts: a domestic boycott campaign arising within the United States that has the same object as the foreign-government-initiated boycott appears to be lawful, assuming that it is an independent effort not connected with the foreign government's boycott.
Other legal impediments to certain boycotts remain. One set are refusal to deal laws, which prohibit concerted efforts to eliminate competition by refusal to buy from or to sell to a party.[42] Similarly, boycotts may also run afoul of anti-discrimination laws; for example, New Jersey's Law Against Discrimination prohibits any place that offers goods, services and facilities to the general public, such as a restaurant, from denying or withholding any accommodation to (i.e., not to engage in commerce with) an individual because of that individual's race (etc.).[43]
This section does not cite any sources. Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (January 2022) (Learn how and when to remove this message) A boycott is typically a one-time affair intended to correct an outstanding single wrong. When extended for a long period of time, or as part of an overall program of awareness-raising or reforms to laws or regimes, a boycott is part of moral purchasing, and some prefer those economic or political terms. Most organized consumer boycotts today are focused on long-term change of buying habits, and so fit into part of a larger political program, with many techniques that require a longer structural commitment, e.g. reform to commodity markets, or government commitment to moral purchasing, e.g. the longstanding boycott of South African businesses to protest apartheid already alluded to. These stretch the meaning of a "boycott."
Another form of consumer boycotting is substitution for an equivalent product; for example, Mecca Cola and Qibla Cola have been marketed as substitutes for Coca-Cola among Muslim populations.
A prime target of boycotts is consumerism itself, e.g. "International Buy Nothing Day" celebrated globally on the Friday after Thanksgiving Day in the United States.
Another version of the boycott is targeted divestment, or disinvestment. Targeted divestment involves campaigning for withdrawal of investment, for example the Sudan Divestment campaign involves putting pressure on companies, often through shareholder activism, to withdraw investment that helps the Sudanese government perpetuate genocide in Darfur. Only if a company refuses to change its behavior in response to shareholder engagement does the targeted divestment model call for divestment from that company. Such targeted divestment implicitly excludes companies involved in agriculture, the production and distribution of consumer goods, or the provision of goods and services intended to relieve human suffering or to promote health, religious and spiritual activities, or education.
When students are dissatisfied with a political or academic issue, a common tactic for students' unions is to start a boycott of classes (called a student strike among faculty and students since it is meant to resemble strike action by organized labor) to put pressure on the governing body of the institution, such as a university, vocational college or a school, since such institutions cannot afford to have a cohort miss an entire year.
Sports events Further information: List of Olympic Games boycotts The 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin were held after the Nazis rose to power three years prior. Despite advocacy from numerous officials and activists, no country boycotted the games, although the United States was close to it. In the 1970s and 1980s South Africa became the target of a sports boycott. After the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in 1979, the United States led a 66-nation boycott of the 1980 Moscow Olympics much to Soviet chagrin. The USSR then organized an Eastern Bloc boycott of the 1984 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles, which allowed the Americans to win far more medals than expected.
In at least one case, a boycott has been documented due to on-field results of a game; the residents of New Orleans boycotted television broadcasts of Super Bowl LIII after a controversial officiating call led to the hometown New Orleans Saints losing the NFC Championship Game and being denied a trip to the Super Bowl. Viewership of the game dropped in the city by half compared to Super Bowl LII, contributing to a noticeable drop in the overall national ratings, but the boycott failed to achieve any meaningful remedy for the Saints or their fans.
Diplomatic boycott Nations have from time to time used "diplomatic boycotts" to isolate other governments. Following the May Coup of 1903, Great Britain led the major powers in a diplomatic boycott against Serbia, which was a refusal to recognize the post-coup government of Serbia altogether by withdrawing ambassadors and other diplomatic officials from the country; it ended three years later in 1906, when Great Britain renewed diplomatic relations through a decree signed by King Edward VII.
A diplomatic boycott is when diplomatic participation is withheld from an event such as the Olympics but athletic participation is not limited. In 2021, a number of Western nations, led by the United States, Britain and Canada, protested the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics through a diplomatic boycott, citing China's policies concerning the persecution of Uyghurs and human rights violations in the country.
Where the target of a boycott derives all or part of its revenues from other businesses, as a newspaper does, boycott organizers may address the target's commercial customers.
Collective behavior The sociology of collective behavior is concerned with causes and conditions pertaining to behavior carried out by a collective, as opposed to an individual (e.g., riots, panics, fads/crazes, boycotts). Boycotts have been characterized by some as different from traditional forms of collective behavior in that they appear to be highly rational and dependent on existing norms and structures. Lewis Killian criticizes that characterization, pointing to the Tallahassee bus boycott as one example of a boycott that aligns with traditional collective behavior theory.
Philip Balsiger points out that political consumption (e.g., boycotts) tends to follow dual-purpose action repertoires, or scripts, which are used publicly to pressure boycott targets and to educate and recruit consumers. Balsiger finds one example in Switzerland, documenting activities of the Clean Clothes Campaign, a public NGO-backed campaign, that highlighted and disseminated information about local companies' ethical practices.
Dixon, Martin, and Nau analyzed 31 collective behavior campaigns against corporations that took place during the 1990s and 2000s. Protests considered successful included boycotts and were found to include a third party, either in the capacity of state intervention or of media coverage. State intervention may make boycotts more efficacious when corporation leaders fear the imposition of regulations. Media intervention may be a crucial contributor to a successful boycott because of its potential to damage the reputation of a corporation. Target corporations that were the most visible were found to be the most vulnerable to either market (protest causing economic loss) or mediated (caused by third-party) disruption. Third-party actors (i.e., the state or media) were more influential when a corporation had a high reputation—when third-party activity was low, highly reputable corporations did not make the desired concessions to boycotters; when third-party activity was high, highly reputable corporations satisfied the demands of boycotters. The boycott, a prima facie market-disruptive tactic, often precipitates mediated disruption. The researchers' analysis led them to conclude that when boycott targets are highly visible and directly interact with and depend on local consumers who can easily find substitutes, they are more likely to make concessions. Koku, Akhigbe, and Springer also emphasize the importance of boycotts' threat of reputational damage, finding that boycotts alone pose more of a threat to a corporation's reputation than to its finances directly.
Philippe Delacote points out that a problem contributing to a generally low probability of success for any boycott is the fact that the consumers with the most power to cause market disruption are the least likely to participate; the opposite is true for consumers with the least power. Another collective behavior problem is the difficulty, or impossibility, of direct coordination amongst a dispersed group of boycotters. Yuksel and Mryteza emphasize the collective behavior problem of free riding in consumer boycotts, noting that some individuals may perceive participating to be too great an immediate personal utility sacrifice. They also note that boycotting consumers took the collectivity into account when deciding to participate, that is, consideration of joining a boycott as goal-oriented collective activity increased one's likelihood of participating. A corporation-targeted protest repertoire including boycotts and education of consumers presents the highest likelihood for success. Boycotts are generally legal in developed countries. Occasionally, some restrictions may apply; for instance, in the United States, it may be unlawful for a union to engage in "secondary boycotts" (to request that its members boycott companies that supply items to an organization already under a boycott, in the United States);however, the union is free to use its right to speak freely to inform its members of the fact that suppliers of a company are breaking a boycott; its members then may take whatever action they deem appropriate, in consideration of that fact.
United Kingdom When the boycott first emerged in Ireland, it presented a serious dilemma for Gladstone's government. The individual actions that constituted a boycott were recognized by legislators as essential to a free society. However, overall a boycott amounted to a harsh, extrajudicial punishment. The Prevention of Crime (Ireland) Act 1882 made it illegal to use "intimidation" to instigate or enforce a boycott, but not to participate in one.
The conservative jurist James Fitzjames Stephen justified laws against boycotting by claiming that the practice amounted to "usurpation of the functions of government" and ought therefore to be dealt with as "the modern representatives of the old conception of high treason
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robomi · 2 months ago
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Playlist : 2025.01.25 (sat) at  Bridge Shinjuku (Shinjuku)
part 1 (21:30 - 22:30)
Samba (Original Version) / Georgie Fame
Never Gonna Give You Up (Drop Out Orchestra Dub) / Drop Out Orchestra
I'm In Love (Sunday Best Cosmic Dub) / Dub Pistols feat. Lindy Layton & Rodney P
No Scrubs (Drop Out Orchestra Rework) / TLC
Never Too Much (Michael Gray Remix) / Luther Vandross
T.S.O.C. (Main) / Terry Hunter feat. Common, Mike Dunn, Deon Cole, Chantay Savage, Coldhard, AM7, Jamie Principle
Can I Kick It? (Sharam Jey Remix) / A Tribe Called Quest
Ain't Nobody (Dr Packer Remix - Extended) / Rufas & Chaka Khan
I Will Survive (Silk's Classic House Mix) / Chantay Savage
If Only I Knew (On the Buses Piano Groove) / Paul Varney
A Love Supreme (Extended Vocal Remix) / Will Downing
Slam Me Baby (Extended Club Mix) / 4 To The Bar feat. Alexis P. Suter
part 2 B2B with Asako (01:00 - 03:00) R = Robomi A = Asako
R : Never Give You Up (A Mike Maurro Remix) / Sharon Redd
A : Never Give Up On A Good Thing (Mikeandtess Edit 4 Friends) / George Benson
R : Never Gonna Give You Up (Cake Mix) / Rick Astley
A : This Time I Know It's For Real (Extended Remix) / Donna Summer
R : Children Of The Sky (Vocal Version) / Giorgia Morandi
A : Time (Dim Zach edit) / Culture Club
R : Don't You Want Me (Master Chic Mix) / Human League
A : Love Pains (Special DJ Edited Version) / Yvonne Elliman
R : Heart Of Glass (Oliver & Thee Mike B Remix) / Blondie
A : It Only Takes A Minute (Extended Remix) / Tavares
R : Use It Up And Wear It Out (Extended Mix) / Pat & Mick
A : Brand New Lover (The Dust Monkey's Love Bubble Mix) / Dead Or Alive
R : I Don't Believe In Miracles (Merlin's Magical Mix) / Sinitta
A : Disease (JME-LFY Remix) / Lady Gaga
R : Baby I (Frankie Knuckles and Eric Kupper Director's Cut Mix) / Ariana Grande
A : Espresso (Sgt Slick's Discotizer ReCut) / Sabrina Carpenter
R : For Life (Dj Beats) / Kygo Feat. Zak Abel & Nile Rodgers
A : Cry Baby (Amice Remix) / Clean Bandit, Anne-Marie, David Guetta
R : I'm Every Woman (Michael Gray Remix) / Chaka Khan
A : September (Eric Kupper Extended Vocal Mix) / Earth, Wind & Fire
R : Let's Go Round Again (Dimitri From Paris Remix) / Average White Band
A : Canned Heat (Dimitri From Paris Remix) / Jamiroquai
R : Love's Theme (Original Vocal Mix) / Vincent Valler feat. Savio
A : Street Player (Dimitri From Paris Super Disco Blend - Parts I & II) / Leonid & Friends
R : Silly Love Songs (Pete Le Freq Silly Rework) / Wings
A : Last Train To London (Sean Finn Extended Mix) / Alon Waisman & Odelia Dahan
R : Candidate For Love (Joey Negro Disco Blend) / Joey Negro vs. Horse Meat Disco
A : Disco Music (Extended Version) / Fab_o, Fimiani
part 3 B2B with Asako (04:00 - 05:00) R = Robomi A = Asako
R : Saturday Love (Extended Version) / Cherrelle & Alexander O'Neal
A : Heartache No.9 (S. Nolla Remix) / Delegation
R : So Emotional (Extended Remix) / Whitney Houston
A : セ��ラ・ヴィ ~女は愛に忙しい~ (Bruno Barclay Remix) / 土岐麻子
R : Baila Bolero (Bolero Dance Mix)/ Fun Fun
A : Space Cowboy (Michael Gray's Good Vibe Zone - Extended) / Jamiroquai
R : Scatman's World (Divas 70's Mix) / Scatman John
A : Dance With You (Extended Mix) / Sgt Slick, Karina Chavez
R : The Way It Is (Eric Kupper Piano Dub) / The Fierce Collective
A : Keep On (Mikeandtess Edit 4 Mix) / D-Train
R : So Far (Eric's Old School Revival Dub) / Miguel Migs
A : Touch Me In The Morning (Mikeandtess Edit 4 Mix) / Marlena Shaw
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rebeleden · 1 year ago
Is Ryan O'Neal the worst father in Hollywood? | London Evening Standard | Evening Standard
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kai-konishi · 1 year ago
Primary Sources:
Bryant, Kobe, and Shaquille O'Neal, performers. NBA Players Only: Shaq and Kobe. TNT, 2018.
Galifianakis, Zach, and Barack Obama, performers. President Barack Obama: Between Two Ferns with Zach Galifianakis. Netflix, 2014.
The Last Dance. Performance by Michael Jordan, ESPN and Netflix, 2020.
These three are a few of my favorite interviews I've watched. In the Shaq and Kobe interview, the two were able to settle the bad blood that stayed between them ever since Shaq left the Lakers in a heart to heart talk. The Between Two Ferns is a comedic sketch hosted by Zach Galifianakis where he asks the guests really uncomfortable questions and I think it's hilarious. The Last Dance is a 10 episode documentary about Michael Jordan and the Chicago Bulls dynasty.
Secondary Sources:
Guinness World Records. 2017 ed., London, Guinness World Records, 2016.
National Geographic Kids Almanac 2013. Washington, National Geographic, 2012.
Weird but True. Washington, National Geographic Kids, 2018.
I used to have these books as a kid and read them ALL the time. I was always very intrigued by what I learned in those books. It was a nice blast from the past when I thought about using them for my secondary sources.
Tertiary Sources:
"Encyclopaedia Britannica." Encyclopaedia Britannica Online. Accessed 1 Oct. 2023.
Merriam-Webster: America's Most Trusted Dictionary. www.merriam-webster.com. Accessed 1 Oct. 2023.Wikipedia.
Wikipedia, www.wikipedia.org. Accessed 1 Oct. 2023.
These are some tertiary sources I use often when doing research.
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lesliecost · 5 years ago
Tursday, July 23, 2020
On today’s news! After a couple of thunderstorms, the heat still remains. Let me remind you that exposure to extreme heat can cause exhaustion, cramps, strokes, and even death so remember to keep yourself hydrated, under the shade, and if possible in an air-conditioned room. So far, the projection of the still tropical storm Gonzalo is expected to rub the Dominican Republic’s belly, passing by the south. But like all of us, the storm can always change its course. Wish I could say the same about hurricane Douglas, which is straightening in the Pacific and could reach Hawaii by Sunday.  Are you a fan of the story behind the creation of the world? Scientifically, of course. Well, there is a 3D model of the universe created by more than a hundred astrophysicists. Not only for our knowledge but because they find a troublesome gap in the middle 11 billion years. Cosmology, do your thing. You probably heard or seen her: Qhamar Gul, a teenage girl (15) fought against Taliban militants who murdered their parents. She is seen posing with an AK-47 assault rifle. Girl, you’ve got more than guts. From my list of disliked people we add another one: Daniel Ortega (who has a disturbing resemblance with Danilo ‘Vico’ Medina), says Nicaragua has the virus under better control than ‘capitalist’ countries. Nicaragua’s president relies heavily on the hardworking spirit of the Nicaraguan,... who have not stopped producing. I would like to raise my hand and support the local epidemiologists who disagree. You a Starbucks slave, like most of us coffee-holics? Well, there will be some changes on the app, like more options to pay and earn stars in the app as a Reward Member. Using a Starbucks Card you get two stars. Now you will have the option to pay with any method you want but will only get one star per dollar. Talking about rewards, in London, a train station employee stopped a bike thief and then stayed 4 hours after work to wait for the owner. Abdul El-Gayar you are a bike-saver. Talking about people helping people, a woman in Florida had a car crash but luckily someone pulled over to help her. It was no other than Shaquille O'Neal. That is nice, but you know what is worth more than a 3-pointer? Wearing a mask, protecting the environment, and listening to  Bill Nye explaining why racism makes no sense. Now please go and laugh at a tortoise at San Antonio Zoo trying to beat the heat while staying in front of a streaming faucet. Don’t mind me if I do too. Happy Revolution Day, Egypt. Today is Thursday, July 23, 2020. Day unknown of quarantine.
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albiorixsims · 5 months ago
Эван, Пи, Лондон и Агнон 11/21
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Прошло уже прилично времени, а старик в свою комнату так и не вернулся. Вместо него явились два штурмовика и приказали Лондону идти с ними.
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Парень сначала растерялся при виде ситха. Но быстро взял в себя в руки и придал голосу побольше беспечности. Решив, что лучше уж сделать вид, что Верховного Лидера, о жестокости которого Лондон был так же наслышан, он вовсе не боится, чем продолжать трястись, как жалкий пес.
Вот только его запала хватило ненадолго.
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gorgynei · 2 years ago
Do you have any werewolf media recommendations? Books, shows, movies, anything regardless of age. I really need something to sink my teeth into, and you know your werewolf stuff.
oh YES i definitely do. here's a list of stuff i enjoy and recommend, grouped by type for ease, with my personal favorites starred ^_^ these range from very very good to mediocre but fun to watch anyway
SHOWS: teen wolf (2011-2017), wolfblood (2012-2017)
MOVIES: an american werewolf in london (1981)* , werewolves within (2021), wolfwalkers (2020)*, viking wolf/vikingulven (2022), silver bullet (1985), ginger snaps (2000)*, wolf children (2012)*, dog soldiers (2002)
BOOKS: lycanthropy and other chronic illnesses by kristen o'neal*, rules for werewolves by kirk lynn*
also worth noting are the werewolf pride movement by caitlyn b. giacopasi and the werewolf: past and future by maegan a. stebbins which are much more like theses than media, but great reads if you want really awesome historical analysis of werewolves
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Could you do some Cettie ships please??
Yes! Let's have some Etcetera love!
I've queued up a bunch of reblogs and a couple of new posts - mostly Elecetera, Tuggcetera (sometimes with Plato), and Mistocetera - and here's some cute London Elecetera to start with.
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(London 1988: Jackie Crawford as Electra and Marsha Bland as Etcetera.)
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(London 1993: Sarah-Jane Honeywell as Electra and Scarlett O'Neal as Etcetera; with Peter Bishop as Munkustrap and Phyllida Crowley Smith as Victoria.)
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deep-dive · 5 years ago
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CFCF - Night Bus 4
Tracklist — Ed Tomney - Safe Goldie - Letter of Fate Susumu Yokota - Sea Blue PNL - Sur Paname Moby - Feeling So Real Lorenzo Senni - Angel Chemical Vacation - Real Style Yves Tumor - Role In Creation Babyfather ft. Arca - Meditation Carla dal Forno - Fast Moving Cars Marie Davidson - La chambre intérieure Sky H1 - Air exael - flowered knife shadows Oval - Do While (Command+X) ANOHNI - Marrow Bjork - Hyperballad The Blue Nile - Stay Close Portishead - It Could Be Sweet Kuedo - Slow Knife Massive Attack - Man Next Door Andrea Parker - Ballbreaker Basement Jaxx - Just 1 Kiss (nb fix) Oblivion - Last Dance Terre Thaemlitz - Love Theme From Ai No Bakudan Jon Hassell - Slipstream Intense - The Genesis Project Tim Hecker - Up Red Bull Creek Mobb Deep - Quiet Storm Actress - Ascending Sonic Youth - Dirty Boots Underworld - King of Snake The Future Sound of London - Spineless Jelly Young Thug - Safe (nb remix) Aphex Twin - Rhubarb Rihanna - Sex With Me (nb remix) Jennifer Lopez - Waiting for Tonight (nb remix) Faye Wong - 童 (Child) Alexander O'Neal - If You Were Here Tonight EMBACI - Walk on May 5th Pentagon - Heal Talk Talk - Wealth Graham Lambkin & Jason Lescalleet - Loss Yves Tumor - Limerence Julia Holter - Hello Stranger
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aliya-ilyankova · 7 years ago
Why did this get like 200 more RBs in the last two hours? How did you guys find it 😂😂😂
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