#lol owned by his own circulatory system.
tysonfurybattlepass · 2 years
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doing my part to keep rent down around here by posting cringe
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weirdmageddon · 1 year
the new zeltik video finally pushed me over the edge and made the connections between the bunch of details i noticed throughout totk seem more significant than i already thought they were. by myself i was hovering around these connections i came upon like “is this anything?” for a while, but after the video i was like “ok this is something”
alongside the theme of hands, i also noticed a secondary and more minor theme of blood and siphoning/circulation
most importantly
rauru rips into ganon’s chest with his bare hand like a badass to bind ganondorf’s heart, suck away and purify his dark magic. (btw and Not importantly ganondorf still has rauru’s finger holes in him and it’s pretty funny)
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gloom seeps out from organically branching root-like structurs in the depths. if you watch closely you can see gloom slowly move inside them. they all seem to lead back to gloom’s lair where ganondorf is absorbing them. this is very evident in the cutscene where you finally make it to ganondorf himself and they show a close-up of this through thicker branches of these “gloom vessels”
gloom sucks away vitality from a person. fittingly, whenever a heart container is damaged due to gloom, you hear a heartbeat. gloom hands visibly siphon this vitality in more of a physical way. if you watch them they will sort of grotesquely pulsate when sucking the Juices out of link
is gloom ganondorf’s dark-magic infused blood? when the edge of the master sword cut mummydorf’s face, instead of blood it oozed gloom which boiled after making contact with a chip of the sword. rather than being magenta gelatin like malice, gloom is red and flat, staining surfaces like a liquid
phantom ganon is made entirely out of gloom. the compendium says it’s made from “the demon king’s own flesh and blood”. the dark clumps left behind from the gloom spawn/phantom ganon (with the depths talisman on them i guess to turn it into gloom antibodies lol??) also pulsate like monster guts
my idea is that this all goes back to those roots that pump this back to ganondorf to revitalize him. he was siphoned by rauru, now he siphons others to revitalize himself. there’s a lot of details put into this no way it isn’t connected
btw i didnt notice it at first but the landing pad for gloom’s lair is shaped like a heart like actually. it shouldve been stupid obvious
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the gloom system is like a reverse circulatory system. instead of nurturing the periphery from a central location, it drains the periphery and delivers the nutrients to a central location. so like, oops! all veins. apparently after writing this i found an identical point from a forum post made ONLY YESTERDAY
“real world cardiovascular systems deliver vitality to the rest of the body from a centric location, while Gloom drains vitality from its surroundings and delivers it to a centric location”
and this “nurturance” line of thought made me remember how I thought at one point that the lightroots look a bit like hearts and the big roots are like the vessels. it wasn’t really a significant thought at the time until I made these newer connections. if we put them into my analogy, they would be the opposite to the gloom vessel system since they deliver light from the surface and emit it to the periphery (the surrounding area). i associate light with rauru, and he healed/nurtured link, so there’s just parallels and another reason that made me think of the lightroots. also the lightroots heal gloom-damaged heart containers
there are more minor but supplementary details such as
the sound of a heartbeat is featured very prominently in the E3 2019 teaser, and is literally the first noise in the game itself as the opening screens play. so it’s literally the first experiences we have with the game, both the game itself and in the meta about the game.
gaining an essence from a goddess statue, the heartbeat was not in botw (and of course neither was the miasma emitting from link’s entire body every time)
the gloom in link’s body reacts to every shrine of light blessing he absorbs into his arm and the joycons themselves pulse using the haptics
probably more shit i missed lol
the whole thing doesn’t really mean anything significant to the lore at all but neither does the hands theme. but it’s just definitely a pattern, potentially a minor theme, and deliberate choice in setting tone. i think it’s Something. im not a heavy zelda theorist tuber or anything but i’m very observant of patterns and i like to share them for deeper appreciation and contemplation/discussion
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plural-culture-is · 1 year
I've been wondering if I'm a system lately, specifically with a couple of fictives. Mostly my problem is, how do I get over feelings of shame over the state of my own life, and the embarrassment of sharing a body? I feel like it's been a huge roadblock in trying to establish communication. It's just, the one or two characters I suspect to be knocking around are pretty capable people with many exciting experiences, but there's pretty much nothing going on in my life. Demeaning jobs, no friends, nothing to do where I live, completely shot concentration and energy. I just feel guilty? I also don't want to put too much pressure on them to "fix" my life or "live up to my expectations" either. Although, some help and company really WOULD be nice. I don't know what to begin to offer them and what they could possibly gain from my company, and overall I don't want to trap them in my life lol. It's also hard to give up privacy and independence for both of us, I think. Experimenting with fronting sounds good I theory but I think we're both insanely distrustful and controlling so it's going to be difficult. Some other things, I've been pretty obsessed with them and I feel like this has contributed to them appearing, but I honestly can't imagine them liking or respecting me for that. I also have OCD, so my intrusive thoughts aren't helping establish trust either. Anyways, this is all over the place, but any advice? I've been trying to connect with his interests lately, and I've been listening to music that I associate with him, and just simply talking aimlessly to him, as ways of trying. I feel like it has been working a little. This message is supposed to be anonymous, my Tumblr has been glitching lately. Thank you.
depending on your origin, chances are your headmates are there to help you, and as long as you treat them with respect, I'm sure they wouldn't mind doing that. our old host felt guilty for being in a bad situation and "trapping" us (mostly fictives of characters he was obsessed with) there with him, but that was literally why we existed, to keep him company so he could stay mentally stable, and then when it was possible, help him out of the situation. even if you might not be in a situation exactly like that, I still think your headmates, if they exist, would be there to help. also, they probably can't leave the system, so regardless of what you do they're gonna be "trapped" in your life. and it would be kinder to let them share your life rather than have them be trapped in the back of your mind, possibly doing nothing at all. it's completely fair to be worried about privacy and independence, but that's why boundaries are important. you could set rules about not invading on each other's private things, you could make a fronting schedule so everyone has time to be independent, etc.. but before you can do that, you need to be communicating to some extent. you need to establish trust so you're both okay with giving up control sometimes. it's also fair to be worried about them not liking/respecting you for obsessing over their source, but think of it this way: if you didn't do that, they wouldn't exist, and existing is a pretty great gift, regardless of how much is going on in your life. and when you trust them to have more control, they could do things to make life more exciting for them if that's an issue. one last thing, there's a reason systems are called systems (idk if this is an actual reason but I'm going with the metaphor lol), systems in bodies (e.g. nervous system, circulatory system) are a bunch of organs that all work together to achieve a common goal, and if one goes out of wack, then the whole system goes out of wack. and that's basically what any definition of 'system' is, things working together. plural systems need to work together to function smoothly and have a good collective life, else there can be bad consequences. you're not there to oppose each other, which is why communication is so important. I know communication can be hard, but maybe try asking your headmates how they feel, because maybe they don't have the feelings towards you that you think. again, they're stuck in this body with you, so I think the best course of action is to embrace it, and enjoy the pros that come with being plural, like being more connected to your headmates than you could possibly be with anyone else.
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An incomplete list of things in TGCF Volume 4 that made me shriek or laugh:
(TGCF spoilers but like, as per usual I’m very late to this fandom so not sure it matters)
The illustration of sleepy Quan Yizhen yeeting a table at Pei Ming is very fun.
Xie Lian you beautiful dingus that thing you’re feeling is called jealousy and you are jealous of yourself (literally the only kind of love triangle I can stand is the Two-Person Love Triangle, it’s both funny and frustrating).
PFFFFT coffin scene, good grief you two are absolute disasters. "Why didn’t you just build a bigger coffin?” I’m wheezing. 🤣 (That said, I’m annoyed by the implication that Hua Cheng was also having a *ahem* “problem” in this scene, for the same reason vampire boners annoy me. Like at least Hua Cheng sometimes has a functioning circulatory system, but he did just shift into the form that doesn’t automatically have one. Logically, as tragic a loss as it is for moments like this, that man should only be able to get hard on purpose. End of rant lmao.)
Poor Pei Ming building coffins all night when they’re no longer needed lol.
I am very very worried about Shi Qingxuan somebody give that precious baby a hug.
I absolutely adore Xie Lian’s complete trust of Hua Cheng and his refusal to do anything other than give him the benefit of the doubt.
Local god pinned to his own altar and kissed senseless by his most loyal believer, who built the altar: 10/10 this is excellent.
Xie Lian seeing through “Lang Ying” and cornering him into admitting who he is was very cute.
The automatic “Ling Wen, something bad happened!” when Ling Wen is causing the problem, and her just going “I know.” 😂
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shearlin · 2 months
Chapter 2: What is magical energy?
Word count: 5386
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It took me much longer than I anticipated, but it's here! :D I had to write the last two pages of this chapter down on a piece of paper to battle the writer block, lol.
One chapter left, hopefully it won't be this long this time, but who knows.
Enjoy! :D
The sun passed its zenith as they kept walking to an unknown destination. The chain rearranged itself a bit after the brief intermission in their talk. Time followed Hyrule to the back and Four took his place. Twilight was walking ahead, surveying the land, but still listening to the conversation happening behind him.
“As you may recall,” Legend began, “I mentioned at the beginning that magic and magical energy are two very different things even if in a day-to-day language they are both simply called ‘magic’.
“To recap, magical energy is the power and partially the intent behind magic. It fuels it and gives it the ability to actually affect things around you. Without putting any energy in the magic you speak, you would end up striking a very strange but ultimately harmless conversation in the language of spirits and gods.
“As to where does it come from? Well, magical energy is a consequence and an extension of a different force - life energy.
“Life energy - also called vitality, vigour, Farore’s Breath or simply Life - is a quantifiable force that allows living beings to stay alive. It’s usually defined as ‘the energy required for a soul to stay connected to the physical body’ by philosophers or ‘the energy required for living organisms to maintain their bodily functions’ by healers. If for any reason your vitality would dip below a certain threshold, you would die. Simple as that.
“Vitality is stored-” he paused, thinking about his phrasing, “located in? Concentrated?”
“Need a little help?” Sky chuckled.
“Words suddenly sound weird.” Legend responded with a scowl, trying to find the right description.
“If it helps,” their attention turned to Time, “When my magic was awakened for the first time, my friend and companion from back then sat me down to make sure I understood what it meant. She told me about magic and vitality. She said that the latter is a lot like blood, flowing through the body and keeping it healthy.”
“Yeah, that would be correct,” Legend confirmed and Hyrule was nodding in agreement as well, “Some people I met argued that blood is infused with life energy to the point of equating the two, which in my opinion is a step too far. I would say that some of your earlier theories were closer. The ones with invisible veins similar to the circulatory system.” He looked over to Wind who perked up in excitement. “Minus the tiny magic bugs living in them.”
“Killjoy,” the boy murmured.
The veteran laughed and ruffled his hair, earning an offended squawk from the kid.
“However, I think that discussing different planes of existence might be a bit too much for a lesson one so how about we skip that part.”
“Different what?” Sky looked at him confused, but true to his word, Legend pretended he didn’t hear anything and moved on with the lecture.
“The thing is, the bare minimum to stay alive is not how much energy your body usually has. Vigour is directly connected to health, the two impacting each other in a feedback loop - when one increases or lowers the other follows. If you are injured or ill, your vitality will take a toll because it is being spent on keeping you well and alive through whatever ails you. If something would increase your vigour by the means of healing magic, you would become healthier.
“But naturally, you can’t get healthier than healthy. You can’t unbreak your mended bones or cure a cured illness harder . There is a limit to how much life energy your body can hold at any given time. However, that doesn’t mean that upon hitting that limit living beings just stop acquiring it. We do that by the simple virtue of existing . It can’t be turned off. So what happens after your body can’t hold any more vitality?”
He paused and looked around, partially for a dramatic effect, partially to see if anyone would try and guess. His eyes landed on Hyrule, who was smiling.
“It needs another container,” Hyrule said, loud enough to be heard even by Twilight at the front.
“Exactly. And that container is your soul. And that … is what magical energy is.”
Read the rest on Ao3!
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tj-crochets · 2 years
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So it turns out the reason I’ve been having trouble focusing on sewing Gengar is probably because I’ve been super cold (it’s not cold in my house my circulatory system just doesn’t work right). Today my brother lent me his fingerless gloves, and they helped a lot (when added to the hot water bottle/wearing layers combo) but they are too big for me. Fortunately, I can totally make fingerless gloves. Unfortunately, it turns out the pattern I wanted to use called for needles I don’t have, so I’m just writing my own pattern instead lol
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infernalclay · 1 year
Caliban History 2/??
Anatomy and physiology.
Okay this is going to be a long one. Under the cut you will find a break down of what we know about the demon prince physiologically and the various contradictions we are handed through out the show. Also a confusing word vomit about what I think the insides of Caliban actually are. I am LITERALLY going to dissect my muse. Well okay, not literally but I'm gonna do more than just prod his brain and hurt his feelings lol
External/ Integumentary system: Specimen has medium length blond hair growing from scalp. Eye brows and eye lashes growing from face. Has a lack of facial hair or signs of facial hair growth. However, does have hair on arms and legs. Lack of hair on chest. Appears to have skin with a skin like texture. Hair seems to grow at normal human speeds.
Contradictions: Scars do not appear to remain. Anything removed from the specimen's body returns to original clay structure but returns to flesh when re-attached. Potential regeneration.
Circulatory system: Obvious signs of life. Skin appears to be warm to the touch as no comments are made about specimen being cold or cool as with most inhuman figures in media. Pulse seen in several moments throughout the series.
Contradictions: Specimen does not bleed as stated by own mouth in Golgotha, plus lack of obvious hemorrhaging and hematomas after injuries. . Possible clay anatomy makes skin thicker than that of human skin, but no evidence suggests such.
Respiratory system: Specimen is clearly capable of forms of speech and breath. Proving respiratory function
Contradictions: No significant findings beyond being crafted from clay.
Nervous/Sensory system: Specimen clearly as a form of intelligence, showing evidence of an advanced brain and thought compacity. Has nerve sensation as stated by own words in Golgotha, Specimen claims to feel pain. Capable of major senses: vision, olfactory, auditory, taste and balance.
Contradictions: No significant findings beyond being crafted from clay.
Digestion: Specimen appears capable of some form of digestion as he is seen enjoying food and drink. Which proves existence of some form of digestive capabilities.
Contradictions: Specimen survives 2,000 years in Golgotha without signs of malnutrition, muscle wasting or signs of soiling. Presents the theory that food is not needed to maintain existence.
Reproductive System: Specimen states they are capable of reproduction to Sabrina Spellman. Has shown interest in sexual intercourse throughout the series. Appears to have functioning reproduction system
Contradictions: Potential lack of blood flow needed for arousal. Specimen is seen removing testicles and presenting them to Sabrina Morningstar in clay form, which raises questions of vestibular tube connection. Also brings questions of regeneration.
Assumptions Based on Discoveries
Having an anatomy made of clay disproves most known facts about human anatomy and physiology. It is possible specimen has regeneration properties based on lack of scars and removed anatomical parts returning to clay once separated from specimen.
Veins are seen through skin of arm marking them present. Since tissues seem to return to clay once removed, it is not farfetched to assume blood would do the same. Thus preventing visual blood being removed from skin. Unclear what would happen if blood was drawn through medical means.
Specimen does not require sustenance to maintain health and body mass but is capable of eating for enjoyment and to enjoy others company. Food and drink does not cause illness or discomfort.
Specimen is abnormally warm, which confirms theory that the anatomy was crafted using Hellfire. Unsure if literal or a form of magic. But could be the force of which his powers pull from.
Final thoughts
Specimen is crafted from clay thus giving him abnormal healing qualities and extended life span, including a form of immortality. While there appears to be a pulse, it is unclear if it is blood or magic being forced through his body as retrieving a blood specimen is impossible.
Can confirm that specimen is of demonic and magical origin but is, in fact, a living being.
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amrago · 2 years
Worldbuilding Wednesdays - 01: Mages and magic!
Okay so I've come across this thing while searching the tags and I've decided to put down my rough notes from my head. Keep in mind that I'm a believer in things that doesn't exactly click 100% all the time, mostly because life is messy, information is lost or compromised and sometimes things just don't make any sense to anyone. (You can see why my characters think like they do now lol).
1. What are mages exactly?
They are the descendants of the deities that rule the universe. They are a different species from humans, humans were created, mages were born once deities discovered how much fun is to actually hang out with humans.
Mages and humans can mix with varying results - but that's not a thing socially acceptable in Rosaspina's times.
Mages have three hearts, two different circulatory systems, a smaller liver and a couple of extra organs. Rosaspina can get completely shitfaced with the equivalent of a can of beer or a couple of glass of wine.
The first circulatory system carries blood. The second one a particular substance called lymph (hey I never said I was original!). Lymph and blood when mixed causes the latter to look blue. The "blue-r" and the darker the blood the more powerful (and close to the deities) the mage is, generally speaking. Lymph gets mixed with blood in the "second heart"(located on the right part of the chest) while the third pumps the lymph in the rest of the body (I also never said I was a doctor, so I made these things up).
Lymph is generally transparent white and dense. Once lost is never recovered since the only place lymph can be made is in the placenta, you are born with a quantity. If you use more than this your third and second heart stop working and your life is cut short because your first heart is not strong enough to to the work on his own (they are smaller than the regular human heart, which means they beat faster - and mages live less than humans).
Depending on the lymph and the heritage of the mage it can destroy someone's body.
Lymph also is known to prevent blood clotting so mages are all hemophiliacs. And the novel is settled in 1820, and there are firearms, so yeah.
2. How do they live?
Mages have their own continent. Two thirds of the world are inhabited by humans, mages have the rest of the third. They don't really believe in "number supremacy" and pregnancy is very dangerous, so their numbers are quite low in terms of "how many people live there". There are only a couple of millions of mages.
Mages live in clans. Clans are generally descendants of the same demigod, they live on their own estate and are quite independent from one another. They exchange mostly products but trading knowledge and magic is not permitted, even in married couples.
Due to the risk that women have carrying children mage clans are matrilineal and often matriarchal.
The blood of a mage has the "instructions" to change a particular thing in the universe, and to prevent that clans start to kill each other to acquire their blood, each clan has a venom that they use since they are newborns. The venom does nothing on the members of the clan, but if someone had to drink or inject themselves the lymph or blood from another clan they die. In an horrible way.
This is "pure" worldbuilding as I can't see it making its way in the novel, if not for a couple of phrases here and there: for example one of Rosaspina friends is going to be the head of her clan, but that's it.
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noxseraph · 13 days
🔀 uno reverse card: ✈️🖊️💯🐉🎂 for nox!!!
:O omg i got uno reversed....this turned into the ancient tome of a billion pages about nox the evil bastard so i'm putting it under a read more but this was so much fun tysm for the ask >:3
✈️— does your oc like traveling, or do they consider themselves a more homey person? he loves to travel!!! he's a wanderer and goes everywhere and anywhere that causes him curiosity; but he's a very homey person too, he likes having a house and thinks that nothing beats staying at his own place, so i'd say a bit of both maybe? he's always been a wandering soul but he does enjoy having somewhere to return to and stay for a while 🖊️— does your oc have any tattoos? do they want any (more) tattoos? he's covered in celestial markings that tell the story of the universe but they're not really tattoos, he's always had them, they are sort of changing and moving, like a projector but ink on his translucent skin. so not really tattoos but i call them that sometimes, it's just not that important. does he want more? well he can shapeshift into having whatever celestial markings he wishes so yeah but it doesn't worry him bc he can obtain it in a second lol 💯 — share three random facts about your oc that others may not know. 1.- his voice has an otherworldy echo to it, and it sounds both high and low but a bit more on the low side. he also speaks with a bit of musicality to his words, if you hear him speak his voice is very melodious. not intended by him nor a conscious effor, that's just what his vocal chords are like. he speaks somewhat formal but will 100% curse a lot 2.-other than a heart and a circulatory system, he mostly doesn't have many organs that resemble a human's. he's an incorporeal being and translucent so sometimes you can catch a glimpse through his skin. a fun way he could mess with you is high five you and after high fiving you passing through your hand and you'd feel a strange burning cold sensation 3.-it may be obvious but before me and my gf made aura and him get together i had him for a flirt. if we were to categorize him in broad mythology terms he'd be a trickster god and he liked to flirt with whoever he found attractive and found it easy to do :3c 🐉— what is your oc's favorite mythical creature? dragon and phoenix definitely. oh and also salammander 🎂 — when is your oc's birthday? how old are they? what are their sun, moon, & rising signs (if known)? what about their tarot card, ruling planet, & ruling number (if known)? do they fit the typical traits of these sun, moon, & rising signs? 1.- his birthday is on october 31st!!! 2.-age: unknown. older than the multiverse. 3.- sun: scorpio, moon: scorpio rising: cancer. just a snip snip son of a bitch i guess 4.-tarot cards: the sun, the moon, the ten of swords, and death 5.-ruling planet: pluto bc he's death (does not apply and i just picked this for funsies lol) ruling number: idk what that is but for me he is 13 and 777 6.-idk shit about astrology and it doesn't really exist in my universe the way it exists in ours so it doesn't apply but he's such a scorpio *does the gay hand thing*
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avengernomore · 1 year
That's such an interesting idea and I really wish we got to see more examples of it... Kabuto and Yamato are the only ones we've seen Bloodline Limits get transferred to, and even with that, I'm not sure if the blood solution was modified beforehand or not!
It would've been so cool to see ninja like Orochimaru go more in-depth with why they couldn't replicate Kekkei Genkai through blood fusions alone-- especially when his own underling Kabuto managed to do it... seemingly using that exact method.
Like, does your chakra network have it's own specialized immune system in addition to your ol' run-of-the-mill lymphatic system? Does it attack and reject anything that doesn't fit your natural chakra affinity? When you learn new natures, are you forcefully changing the very genes in your chakra pathway system through epigenetics? Is the compatibility of your chakra network in particular what leads to it developing at all? If yes, can't you grow the cells able to accommodate the Limit using stem cells, and implant them in the chakra system? How would that work if the pathway doesn't work properly...
People like Rock Lee can barely use chakra at all, but is that because their pathway cells don't have the receptors capable of turning that energy into something tangible, like say, fire?
Or are the cells in the tenketsu points just not sensitive enough to the chemicals that produce the chakra to begin with, like in Type 2 Diabetes-- keeping most of it locked in the pathway system, unable to leave because the cells are too desensitized?
This so long, and it kinda goes off topic a bit, I hope you don't mind! I also think this concept is super interesting, and I couldn't help yammering about it lol :b
Well, of all of my rambling, I didn’t expect this one to get such a long ask. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing, not at all! Just unexpected. Let’s see if I can provide some answers.
I don’t recall Kabuto having a Kekkei Genkai at all, but with Yamato, I think it was being implanted with Hashirama Senju's cells rather than blood. There were a lot of cases of that, it’d be a wonder if any of his corpse is actually left, really. But some did it to try and get Wood Style, some did it to extend their life… somehow… But it would also be a question of whether or not the body would attack those foreign cells and kill them off, or if they have some sort of medical ninjutsu or drugs to suppress their immune system, like a transplant patient.
Again, I do not remember Kabuto having a bloodline limit. He did have a sage mode, which might be what you’re thinking of, especially since Orochimaru does not seem to have a sage mode himself.
There is the way Orochimaru takes over his vessels, which definitely seems to have something to do with chakra, considering Sasuke managed to seal him in his curse mark, and Orochimaru managed to take over Kabuto to an extent through the remains Kabuto implanted into himself. I don’t know if learning new chakra natures is necessarily a huge change, but I am basing that off of Sasuke having learnt a jutsu that didn’t match his natural chakra nature when he was an academy student. In fact, most, if not all, the Jonin in Naruto tend to be able to use two or three chakra natures. So I doubt it's anything as drastic as changing their own genes.
Rock Lee is actually explained, in that he has an underdeveloped chakra circulatory system, which is why he cannot use ninjutsu or genjutsu. He does have SOME chakra usage though, he can walk up walls and on water, after all.
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sparkkeyper · 4 years
Whumptober Day 6: "Get it out" / "Please"
Yes, I'm skipping between fic and art this month, trying to finish up some WIPs.
The premise for this fic came from an art by @aussiepineapple1st, which I asked permission to use a loong time ago it feels like, lol.
Warnings: Blood, gore, body horror, getting eaten from the inside out by holy water
"Good afternoon, A.Z. Fell and Co, I'm afraid we're just about to close--"
"Crowley? Where are you? What's happened?"
"F-flat..." A noise like choking crackled across the phone line. "I can't...please..."
"I'm coming, stay right there!"
Crowley had discorporated before.
It had been several centuries since the last time, though the memory of a sword in his gut wasn't likely to ever fully leave him. Horribly unpleasant, bleeding out. He'd vowed to himself not to repeat that one. The paperwork involved with getting a new corporation had been an absolute nightmare, and had taken him the better part of thirty years.
This was nothing at all like being discorporated.
Crowley gasped heavily, curled on the tile floor with his mobile lying just beside his fingers. He couldn't tell if the line was still open or not - it had been all he could do just to fumble it from his pocket and get to the speed dial.
He couldn't concentrate on much of anything, really. The pain that coursed through him was blinding: the searing heat of holiness blazing from within. It had started in his chest from the contaminated breath, but within seconds it had spread and by now it coursed through every inch of him. Must have been absorbed into his blood, he realized hazily. Cursed human circulatory system, pumping the worst kind of poison through his veins. Trying to vanish it hadn't worked, of course. Holy water, like hellfire, could not be banished out of existence so easily.
It was eating at him. He could feel something fundamental inside himself coming undone.
Not now, his thoughts spun away from him wildly as he clawed at the fraying edges of his being. We've won, we're supposed to be left alone, not now, not now!
His sole saving grace - the only reason he wasn't already a melted black stain on his own tile - was that the mister had been facing away from him when he'd gotten the single spritz out of it before realizing what was in it. By the time he'd dropped it, it was already too late. He'd inhaled the mist in the air and the damage was done. Or, more accurately, was currently being done.
It burned.
He clenched his teeth, casting healing miracle after healing miracle on himself in an effort to stave off his fate but he could tell it wasn't enough. He couldn't keep up with the damage. It was like stitching up a knife wound while someone was still carving it, but it was all he could do. Without the miracles he would be dead in seconds.
"Crowley!" Aziraphale dropped to his knees beside him. When had he opened the door? Had he opened the door?
"A-angel--" Crowley managed, grabbing at Aziraphale's sleeve and clutching it as though it alone would be enough to keep him from slipping out of existence. "Wasss a trap--"
"Something's holy nearby, I can feel it. What happened?!"
"The p-plant missster..." Crowley gasped. "H-holy water...didn't r-realisssse..."
"The mister? Good heavens, you didn't breathe it out of the air?!"
"Couldn't help it...didn't realisssse..." His body spasmed involuntarily as he tried so, so hard to keep it together. "It burnssss..."
"Where does it burn?"
"Everywhere... It's insssside..."
Aziraphale waved a hand over him, trying the same vanishing miracle Crowley had attempted earlier.
"T-Tried that..."
"Let me...let me think--"
His body shuddered again. "A-Azira--"
"Sober up."
"'M not drunk--"
"Just do it!"
"Be ssseriousss!"
"I am being completely serious! When you sober up, you're forcing the alcohol out of your bloodstream, correct? Do precisely that but instead of alcohol, concentrate on the holy water."
"C-can't," he gasped. "Can't do both. Sssober and heal at the ssssame time, I can't..."
The angel took Crowley's free hand in his own. "Leave the healing to me. I can do that for you but I can't sober you up. You've got to do that yourself." The pulse of regenerative energy thrummed through him. "Come on, Crowley. I've got you, I promise."
There was nothing he could do but try. As Crowley gathered himself, he had the horrible thought that this could very well be the last thing he ever tried. No no no, I don't want to leave all this, I don't want to leave him, I don't--
The problem with sobering up was that the substance always came out the same way it went in. With alcohol, it usually just left a sour taste in his mouth. Now, he could feel the grace-filled molecules shredding his nose and throat like a cheese grater as they passed out of his respiratory system.
Crowley choked and gagged on it, concentration on the miracle failing.
"Come on, my dear. You can do this." Aziraphale's other hand was cradling the back of his head, cushioning it against the harsh tile, and Crowley couldn't remember when it had got there. "Give it another go, come on now."
Crowley gripped the tan sleeve like it was the only thing anchoring him to this world, sucked in a gasp, and struggled to comply. His veins felt like they were being scoured, and he couldn't tell if it was the holy water alone or the act of sobering it out. He tasted copper. Another tearing across his lungs and sinuses, another choke and retch, and again the miracle fizzled out before it was complete. Not enough, it still wasn't enough, it was pulling him apart--
But Aziraphale was holding him together. 
"That's it. You've got it. Another try, come on."
Crowley keened, straining to force the abominable burning from his bloodstream as Aziraphale's steady voice talked him through it. It bled from him in a series of fits and starts. Each time he lost control of the miracle, the voice was there to grab him through the panic and the pain and refocus him. It was terrible work, and seconds stretched for eternity as he eeked out molecules at a time.
At last, with a horrendous gag and the sensation of spikes dragging up his throat, he hacked the last of it out and lay heaving for breath on the floor, eyes streaming.
"There you are." A thumb was running carefully over his temple. "That's right. Is that all of it? Are you completely certain?"
Crowley felt raw from the inside out. It was as though every artery had been scraped through by steel wool. There was blood in his mouth and he could feel it trickling from his nose as well, but he no longer had the sensation of coming undone at his core. "Sssss'all," he croaked.
"Good. Good. That's good." Aziraphale shifted him up to lean against the angel's chest, ignoring what the nosebleed was sure to do to his jacket. Crowley let himself be moved, as long as he could hang onto the hand in his grasp. The warmth of healing miracles continued to flow through it, dulling the rawness to something bearable. He rested his head against the soft shoulder, soaking them in. The arms around him shifted to hold him close, secure. "Good Lord, don't do that," Aziraphale breathed in his ear. "Don't ever, ever do that again, I swear to the Almighty--"
"How'd you know tha' would work?" Crowley rasped. "Sob'ring up?"
"I didn't," the angel admitted. "I hoped. It was all I could think of."
"Brillian', you are. 'ave I told you tha'?"
"Don't talk too much, you sound dreadful. What can I do to help?"
"Jus' keep doing wha' you're doing." Crowley closed his eyes, their joined fingers clasped securely between them. He pulled at the energy Aziraphale was giving him, focusing it where it would do the most good. The angel's free hand brushed his cheek and he felt the blood fade from his face.
And for here, for now, Crowley knew he was safe.
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alirhi · 3 years
part 2
Yep. My muse decided to come back around for a little while on that BuckyNat AU lol. if this keeps happening I'm gonna need a title for this thing... Any ideas?
Anyway, here:
(currently untitled) BuckyNat stepcest AU part 2 Warnings: still fairly mild, but sexually suggestive, some language. Nothing too major. Still would prefer anyone under 18 just stay away from my writing and my blog in general.
It hadn't happened instantly. For a while, they tried to act like normal siblings; Bucky picked on her, lightly, always careful not to hurt her feelings or cross any boundaries, and Natasha, the bratty younger sister, always one-upped his teasing. Their parents were almost always underfoot, falling all over themselves as they tried to help Bucky adjust to civilian life while also arguing constantly with Nat. They were so proud of their army veteran son and bent over backwards to make sure he had everything he could possibly need. They didn't understand their wayward daughter at all; how could she be so selfish?! Didn't she see what Bucky's military service had done to him? Why would she put herself through anything even remotely similar? On and on the contradictions went; everything they praised in their son, they tore their daughter down for.
They were suffocating. Desperate just for a night of peace, Bucky and Natasha decided enough was enough. They needed their overbearing parents out of the damn house! So, the night before Nat's first day at the police academy, they sent their parents out on a romantic date night they'd planned and prepaid for, just to make sure they'd feel too guilty to say 'no'.
"Are you sure-"
"I mean, really, kids, this is-"
"Ohmygod just go!" He laughed, trying to cover the fact that he was at the end of his rope, and pointed to the door. "It's all set up. The tickets are waiting for you at the theater, the restaurant is expecting you, for god's sake just live your own lives for one night, please! We're adults. It is actually perfectly safe to leave your grown offspring alone for a few hours! Go!"
His mother winced. "We're smothering you."
Unwilling to lie to her, Bucky nodded. "I love you so much, mom, but... Yes. Absolutely. One hundred percent. You're driving me crazy. And honestly? One more word from either of you about Nat's career path, and I will lose it. You need to stop using me as a weapon to guilt her into changing her mind. I joined the army at eighteen and you didn't say a word. She's just getting a job."
She opened her mouth to speak, but Bucky held up a hand to stop her. He knew his mom's 'about to argue' face all too well. "Nope. Not tonight. You've got a date to get to. Now, with the utmost love and respect to you both..." He gestured to the door, which his grinning stepsister was holding open. "Get the hell out of this house. Now."
Everyone laughed. As their parents finally, finally obeyed and left, Natasha shut the door behind them and Bucky flopped bonelessly onto the couch. "Sweet Jesus! Have they been like this the whole time?"
Snickering, Nat sprawled on top of him and hugged him tight, nodding. "Pretty much. My neurotic dad found himself a neurotic bride."
"I'm suddenly grateful I missed the wedding. Getting shot at in the desert legit sounds more appealing than dealing with them all hyped up on wedding stress."
"It wasn't pretty. I was actually jealous of you."
He sighed, raising his left arm from where it had been resting across her back. She lifted her head, saw that he was staring at his hand, and twisted to follow his gaze. "At least you're not a freak with a robot arm."
"It's kinda cool, though." Not caring that it was weird, Nat rolled over onto her back and laced her fingers with his metal ones. "All futuristic and stuff... And how is it so warm?"
"The components inside that make it move generate heat," Bucky explained with a chuckle, watching her trace all the seams from his fingertips to his elbow. "It even has a circulatory system, in a weird way; there's 'veins' of coolant running through the whole thing, to keep the electronics from overheating."
She let out a little 'huh', impressed. "You really know a lot about this thing, huh?"
"I would hope so," he teased. She thought he was going to point out that, artificial or not, it was a part of his body, but what he actually said next shocked her: "I helped design it."
"Wait, what?" Twisting again, she gaped at him. "Seriously?" When he grinned and nodded, she rolled back over to face him properly and grinned right back. "Rock on, sexy nerd boy! And here I thought you were all brawn."
Bucky blushed, not quite able to look her in the eye. "You think I'm sexy?"
"Um. I'm not blind, so yes." She laughed, poking him when he only got redder. "Come on! Like you don't know! Between that face and that soft, sweet voice and you're smart? I bet it rains panties everywhere you go, you beautiful bastard. Especially now that you've got the totally hot Terminator arm and the extra genius points when you tell people you made the damn thing!"
With an awkward little cough, her red-faced stepbrother shrugged. "Not... Not really so much. And I didn't make it, just helped. I designed the cooling system. No big deal."
"No big deal? Are you on crack?" Laughing, she sat up and stared down at him, not yet fully aware of the fact that was occupying all of Bucky's attention: she was straddling his crotch. "I guarantee we could walk out that door right now and I could get you laid in five seconds flat."
"Why go out there when the prettiest girl in the world is right here?"
The way she was sitting and what she was sitting on finally dawned on her as the coy, vaguely predatory glint returned to those heart-stopping blue eyes, and this time it was Natasha who turned bright red. "I... I'm your sister."
"Stepsister," he corrected her, smirking. "And if we'd grown up together, that'd be gross, but we've known each other a week, Nat. You're not my sister. You're my neurotic stepdad's freakishly hot adopted daughter."
"Yeah... Legally, that still makes me your sister. Stepsister, whatever."
Eyes locked on hers with an intensity that made her shiver, Bucky told her frankly, "Tell me you're not into me and I'll never bring it up again." The smirk returned and he added, "I won't even call you out on your obvious flirting for the past ten minutes."
"I wasn't flir-" She stopped, not remotely motivated to even finish the sentence, and instead growled, "Shut up and kiss me, Barnes."
"Not here." Getting a firm grip on her thighs to hold her in place, he sat up and then stood, carrying her toward the stairs. "I don't wanna risk them seeing us making out first thing when they come back."
"They just left!"
"Oh, honey," Bucky purred in her ear as he pressed her up against the door to her bedroom. "This isn't gonna be quick."
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minnochu · 5 years
Lustrous (Pt. 16)
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Hybrid!Kook x Fem!Reader AU
Pt 1 | Pt 2 | Pt 3 | Pt 4 | Pt 5 | Pt 6 | Pt 7 | Pt 8 | Pt 9 | Pt 10 | Pt 11 | Pt 12 | Pt 13 | Pt 14 | Pt 15 | Pt 16 | Pt 17 | Pt 18 | Pt 19
Warning: Violence and death and poorly written fighting sequences
Notes: Hope you enjoy, I took quite a bit of time trying to write this part ‘cause it’s really hard for me to write fighting sequences and be descriptive lol so I’m sorry.
Within the blast radius of the projectiles creates a large crater where they land. Your body is no exception of the impact and you manage to quickly emit the spell of mana clypeus, mana emitting from your necklace in the form of a sheen of light that covers your body in the nick of time. The explosion proves too strong and meets your body with brute force. You fly backwards feeling like you’ve just been hit by a truck that had been set on fire. It had knocked the wind out of you, your lungs wheezing in desperation for air as you shut your eyes at the impact. And if you had focused enough, you might’ve heard a crack among the cacophony of noises the attack brings.
There is no impact against a tree or the ground even as you feel your back hit the warmth of another body. Your body is shifted so arms hold you from under your back and the crook of your bent knees. Pressing you closer, you feel your body relax at the scent. Jungkook. Eyes lids rising, you look up at the said hybrid from under your lashes. You had momentarily forgotten the peculiar twist in your chest from earlier, but everything comes rushing back and you just can’t help but feel relieved that he was here with you. 
He lands backwards, digging his feet into the ground to keep from being pushed back anymore from the force of the meteors. 
Not looking at you, his focus is on the two figures emerging from the flaming aftermath of the attack. Vibrations reverberate from his chest as he emits a warning growl. Face twisted in anger, his eyes bleed with blue and adopt a chaotic ring of gold emerging from the pools of aqua. Creases form in between his brows the harder he glowers. His incisors grow sharp as he snaps viciously at the two newcomers.
Through your hazed state, you can feel the aura of the two, at least as much as you could with Jungkook’s magical power overwhelming your senses. Squinting through the debris and smoke, you make out a male and female. The two look nothing short of regular humans and you couldn’t sense anything abnormal from them, then what were they? How were they able to use black magic, if you were to define the midnight flames that continue to crackle from the disaster?
“Who are you?” The hybrid snapped, eyes glancing down at their hands, all the while pressing you closer defensively. One is empty handed while the other holds a baton in one hand. His eyes flit down at you worriedly. This had to be a really bad situation if they were capable of conjuring another meteor attack like before. He wasn’t sure if you were ready to hold your own in a fight, for now he’d have to keep you out of fighting range if anything escalates and they prove to be more deadlier than they appeared.
“Straight to the point I see,” The male dramatically sighs, waving his hand around exaggeratedly, “Werewolves, I swear… so impatient, don’t you agree Seol-ah?”
The two donned casual clothing, almost as if they could pass as two teens taking an evening walk through the forest… well except for the weapon in the female’s hand. The woman named “Seol” spreads her lips into a wide and almost maniacal grin, her wrist flicks and her baton whips to the side, extending greatly with a loud, resounding crackle. The weapon extends into a long garrote, it’s length crackling and glowing with heat.
“I’ll say, but they do bring a good price,” she hums, pink tongue peeking out of her painted red lips to swipe over her bottom lip, “Not only that… but a hybrid? What a score.”
“I’m going to set you down, (Y/n), try to get as far away as possible,” Jungkook whispers as he carefully places you back on your two feet, “They’re mortal, but bounty hunters are a pain to deal with.”
Bounty hunters? You thought as you gulped at the sheer length of the woman’s whip. There was peace between the supernatural and humans, why was there a need for bounty hunters to be around these parts anymore. Before, when the worlds had first converged, assassins or hunters appeared and killed the supernatural for pay before peace was made and they were made illegal. If you remembered correctly, anyone who attempted to disturb the trust and peace between the two races, especially in a sector that the two races coexisted, like Seoul and the urban areas surrounding it, were imprisoned and possibly given capital punishment.
“Besides that,” The male mirrors his partner’s grin, “Did you enjoy our greeting? Of course, courtesy of the Blackwells!”
If you weren’t already having difficulty breathing, this information almost makes it feel like all air has escaped your lungs once again. 
“Witches are something else, very good at bargaining though,” Seol shrugs, “They promised a good price to bring your head back to them, little miss.” Her index meets her thumb to form a circle that she looks through to focus on you. The glance makes you shiver but Jungkook pushes you behind him.
“The Blackwells set you up to this?”
“Surprising, right?!” The assassin chortles, his eyes go wide but it doesn’t divert from the glint that comes from his hand. You don’t even see the quick flick of his wrist but Jungkook cranes his head to the side in time, narrowly dodging the path of a throwing knife. 
The male clicks his tongue in annoyance, “I was hoping you would comply without complaint, but I guess we’ll have to do this the hard way.”
Where were the other boys you thought worriedly. There was no telling how massive and loud the magical attack had caused. By now, the boys should have been alerted and be on their way.
A hand presses flat on your shoulder to give you a soft push. 
“Run now!” Jungkook commands as the bright length of the woman’s garrote wraps around his wrist. The whip bites into his flesh, blood seeping from his wrist as white hot pain sears his skin from the enhanced leather. The assassin yanks her arm back and his body is non too gently tugged forward and crashing into a tree.
“You’re in the way puppy!” She sings, her eyesight set on you as you attempt to inhale but breathing continues to prove difficult. Finding the feeling in your feet, you turn on your heels to run when you can’t help but notice the dull ache in your chest. You don’t question it with adrenaline still running through your circulatory system, but you hope it’s nothing too bad with the way you can’t seem to breathe correctly anymore. 
Jungkook snarls as he shakes off the collision with a tree that has snapped at its trunk. Fury igniting the flame in his eyes, he makes to lunge towards the woman when he stops midair to create an “X” formation of his arms to block the sidekick from her partner.
“I apologize for our rudeness,” the man grins as the hybrid drops to the ground on all fours, “I’m Suho and that is my ever lovely partner: Seol. It’s only courtesy that we let you know the names of the hunters about to take your head!” The mortal rushes forward, meeting Jungkook halfway with an exchange of punches and throws. With a flick of his wrist, a blade appears in Suho’s hands, his fingers twirling the blade before launching it at the hybrid. The other dodges, taking him by the arm and twisting around. Planting his heels into the ground and twisting his hips over to throw the hunter over his shoulder. 
The hunter’s back meets the ground with a deft thud and a gasp when the impact nearly dazes him.
However, quickly throwing his legs up and over, onto his feet, Suho spins with a back fist and spinning kicks that the other deflects and blocks against. All the while, the hunter manages to swipe at and throw knives his way in between attacks. Distracted, Jungkook doesn’t notice the blade that’s been thrown upward when Suho manages a pushing kick on his stomach and promptly flips forward. The blade comes falling when the back of his foot meets it and launches it at the hybrid. It grazes his cheek, blood emerging from the shallow cut, as the knife lodges itself into the dirt below. 
At this, Suho grins widely before the two are interrupted by your shriek. Jungkook feels the hairs on his body stand at attention at the scent of your distress. There’s a sudden “pang” as if his whole body reverberates momentarily and a wave of nausea hits him. He strains his eyes to see Seol with her whip wrapped around your ankle. It’s high temperature searing into the skin of your leg, causing you to cry out in pain as she yanks on the whip to drag you towards her. 
“No,” he whispers under his breath, feeling a surge of energy, enough to travel to your side where he wraps his claws around the female assassin’s neck. She gasps as his hand nearly threatens to crush her trachea, lifting her off her kicking and struggling feet. Fear courses through her as his eyes burn furiously. She releases the whip in favor of clawing at his hand around her cervical, this causes the whip to loosen around your ankle. 
Hissing, you retract your foot from the weapon when you look up to see Suho.
“Jungkook!” You nearly scream as the hybrid hurls the woman to the side to block the impending attack with his forearm. The knife lodges into his arm, piercing through skin and muscle. 
It takes only a second before the hybrid crumbles to the ground on his knees. He barely has enough strength to pull the blade from his appendage, squinting at the offending item. Teeth gritting, his whole body grows paralyzed and burned painfully. 
By now, his cheek — and now arm — has developed a pink and red hue around the cut from the blade laced with liquefied wolfsbane. Veins swell and bulge on his forearm, bruising terrifically at the stab wound.
The hunter chuckles, stepping up to the wolf before swinging his boot-clad foot into his jaw, causing the boy’s head to snap to the side and body to tip over with no strength left.
“W-wolfsbane,” Jungkook grits out venomously. 
“Hurts doesn’t it?” Suho grins, standing above the wolf before crouching down. “I’ll say.. You’ve got quite a fight in you, most betas become incapacitated with the amount I put on my knives. Perhaps it’s the vampire in you.”
His fingers delve into the hybrid’s hair, yanking him slightly upward before shaking his head and swinging a hook to his cheek. Blood and spit sputters from Jungkook’s mouth, his body falling back down unceremoniously. Suho rises from his crouched position, staring down at him indignantly before raising a leg to dig his heel into his middle. 
“I’ve heard of the Bangtan Pack before. Just a cute little rag tag team of teenagers. Wolves, vampires, even a witch, to think they had a monster like you. Should’ve left her alone while you could. The Blackwells aren’t ones to mess with.”
His laugh starts small, like a soft chuckle, before escalating into a chaotic cackle as he brings his heel slamming down on the younger’s middle. The hybrid groans and grimaces as he no longer has enough strength to do anything but take the blows.
“Don’t hurt him!” You cry, conjuring magic from your amulet to form crystals around the downed wolf in form of a shield over his body. It’s stops Suho short from hurting him any further and the two turn on you immediately. Seol is slightly dazed from Jungkook’s strength, but she finds her whip and manages to get onto her feet.
“Bold of you to take his place, little Blackwell.”
Please remember what you learned from the books, you chant over and over again in your head. The male hunter turns away from the downed wolf to look your way. His fingers twitch, and almost immediately does a blade find its way into his hand. 
“I wonder why you’re so important to the Blackwells to make them ask for the help of us assassins. You’re like any other witch, so why are they so hell bent on killing you?”
His eyes fall onto the amber stone that rests over your chest, the amulet glowing brightly as you shoot your arm forward and dark thorns rise from the ground like a wave. The two dodge, jumping from their original spots to safety. 
“Siphoner? That’s new. Not too many siphoners live past adolescence, especially in the Blackwell coven that prides themselves on immense innate magic.”
“I suppose that’s why they put such a large price on your heads,” he shrugs nonchalantly before his mouth twists into a wide grin and his wrists flick wildly. 
You gasp, whispering a quick spell as purple crystals unfurl all around you to shield yourself from the barrage of knives. From the corner of your eye, you catch Seol’s movement and strain to remember the name of the teleportation skill. The heat of her whip feels so close, not even touching you and feeling as though it were singing the skin of your arm. You hear the crackle of its snap as you hold your breath, chao stamine! Your body disappears, leaving behind a black miasma, before your body phases again with a cloud of similar colored smoke meters away. 
Your eyes widen at the skill, only remembering it from your studies back with your mother at the Blackwell estate. It was merely a memory but your body knew it well, the magic from your siphoning stone flowing through you almost fluidly like it was natural. 
The act itself caught you by surprise, staring at your hands in bewilderment. You weren’t too confident in your skills, but if you could remember spells and skills like so from your childhood —
dimittere terrae! You sucked in a breath as you slam your palms down onto the ground, a wall rising from the earth. The sturdy shield blocks against Seol’s strikes before it’s reached its threshold and shatters in a mess of dirt and rock. 
Perhaps you could hold them off before the pack members came. 
It was worth a shot as you mustered up whatever magic you had left in the stone, feeling your body absorb its remnants and surge through your veins. In a blink, you disappear just as Suho charges you with blades in his hand. When you reappear, Seol’s whip burns around your neck, but you grit your teeth and whisper in effort for a final spell before all magic has been used from your amulet.
Quantum exitium.
The two look up in horror at the large purple rune that shines brightly above the forest. From the circle, multiple needle-like thorns emerge in ready to fire at the ground below. 
“Knock her out or something!” Suho stammers in a hurry, eyes wide with fear of their impending doom. The coven never told them about her talent for magic. She was a siphoner, no born magic in her body, and shunned from her coven at birth. Why would she know any high level magical skills such as this?!
Jungkook’s chest rises and falls quickly, his heart rate racing in his chest as he watches you fall to your knees, fingers clutching and burning against the whip wrapped tighter and tighter around your neck. The asphyxiation from both the whip and the constriction in your chest causes your mind to blank and the rune disintegrates all together. Your eyes are wide, staring at the hybrid as you fail to pull any oxygen into your lungs. 
Anger runs rampant through his veins. Burning as he’s nearly hyperventilating now, momentarily forgetting the wolfsbane that’s currently affecting his bodily functions. He snaps furiously, incisors growing sharper than that of a wolf’s. Fingers twitching, his eyes morph, no longer blue. They burn a brilliant gold and he no longer feels the effects of the poison.
Blood! Blood blood blood blood! His mind chants over and over. Crawling out from underneath your crystallized shield, his mouth nearly waters at the scent that hits him full force. Fuck, it’s your blood, and it both fuels his hunger and anger as his body phases and he reappears at your side. He narrows his eyes, jaw jutting out, feigning indignation before he pierces his hand into Seol’s chest. The assassin’s eyes go wide, the glimmer of his golden hue reflecting in the fading light from her chocolate own. 
A shrill scream emerges from her mouth as his fingers spread inside her chest cavity and seizes her heart. Squeezing his hand into a fist, he relishes her shrieks as she struggles, releasing the handle of her garrote in favor of trying to push him away. Blood spills from her chest and mouth, gasping one last time before his claws sink into her organ and rips it out. 
“The wolfsbane, what happened to the wolfsbane?” Suho demanded in shock, crouching at the side of his dead partner.
Jungkook takes a moment to release you from the whip, his blood boiling at the sight of damaged tissue, a dark fleshy red ring around your neck where the thermo-charged whip had been wrapped around. 
“I blocked my gene,” Jungkook replied curtly, his thumb brushing across your jaw gently as you breathe batedly. Leaning down, he hovers his lips beside your ear, whispering softly, “You did well, just close your eyes and wait for me.”
His voice is low and soft, making you shiver.
It was already no use telling you to close your eyes when you had already witnessed him brutally murder many in his memories and Seol just now, but you do as he says. Squeezing your eyes shut, you focus on your breathing instead, but as the adrenaline leaves your blood stream and you’re no longer on a high of fight or flight, you feel the once dull ache in your chest turn sharp when Jungkook sets you against a tree trunk. Breathing proves painful and difficult, but you bear it despite this.
He notices the twist in your expression, your frown morphing with pain, but he ignores it for now as he turns towards the last of the assassin duo. A flame has ignited in his eyes, burning ferociously in comparison to the contempt boiling his blood. His fingers itched to kill, tongue salivating for blood that he had not gotten the taste of in a while. 
Stepping carefully and slowly, steam unfurled from his body where the wounds from the knives healed. His tissues worked to weave together. The blotched skin on his cheek and forehead disappearing.
“My body already knew how to suppress that side, so how hard would it be to suppress my genes?” The corners of his lips curl subtly in a slight smirk, “Surely you didn’t forget that I’m a hybrid, did you?”
With increased speed, he appeared in front the male in the blink of an eye. Arm winded back, he swung with a strong punch that resulted in a satisfying crunch upon contact. Landing forward on his right foot, he pivots and swings his upper body down and around over his left shoulder and behind him while kicking his left foot up. His heel meets Suho’s arms formed in a x-formation block. Landing behind him, he springs forward and slashes left and right with his extended claws, creating jagged fissures across the flesh of the other’s arms. 
The hunter bit back a cry, jumping backwards, however Jungkook takes a step before propelling himself forward. Catching up quickly, the hybrid extends his hand forward to seize him by the neck. His feet kick and teeth clench as the younger sinks his claws into his neck, nearly crushing his cervical out of anger. 
“You picked the wrong job,” Jungkook seethed, glaring up at the male as he raises him and slams his back down on a conveniently torn up tree trunk. During the initial meteor attack, the tree had been bisected leaving jagged splinters from the two cross sections. Blood rushes from Suho’s mouth, wheezing as the pungent spikes of the trunk penetrates the dorsal side of his middle and emerges out of his front from his chest and abdomen. Eyes wide, the light fades within his hazel eyes, head rolling back and feet and hands falling still. 
Nose wrinkling, Jungkook sniffed the air, glancing down at his hands and his clothes. Disgusting. And yet in contrary to his initial thoughts, his stomach growled, mouth salivating at the scent. He had to get to the cabin before he did something he would regret. A blood pouch or two would help satiate his monthly cravings. 
As if on cue, as soon as the body sunk onto the trunk, the sky pulsated. A pastel myriad of colors appeared above before slowly dissolving slowly. A barrier. He clicked his tongue at that, they didn’t want the others to interfere. Staring down icily at the two corpses, he shook his head before turning to retrieve you. He walked carefully, lowering himself to your level where you have your hands tightly shut over your face.
Flinching, you uncover your eyes to find Jungkook crouched down in front you. His golden eyes are downcast towards your feet, mouth pursing in attempt to make up something to say.
“Did you… kill him?” You whisper softly, glancing down at the new stain of red over his plain white tee. Further inspection showed his hands covered in the same hue as his shirt. You didn’t need to wait for his reply as you gaze past him to see the remains of the two hunter’s in the clearing.
“I did…” 
“I see…” you agreed awkwardly, exhaling softly, accompanied by a pained twinge in your chest. At least you were both safe. The cabin was not safe however, if they knew where to send the hunters. “We should get home.. Yeah?”
He nodded, offering you a clawed hand to get up. You purse your lips at his soiled skin, looking away when he realizes this and retracts his hand quickly. Shifting, to get up, you feel the sharp pain in your chest and you whimper at that to his concern.
“The explosion must’ve hurt me way worse than I thought,” you grimace, biting your lip as he carefully loops his arms underneath you to pick you up bridal style. The pain is excruciating, but you have to bear with it.
“We should get home quickly then, Seokjin-hyung will clean this up and fix us up.”
He doesn’t speak anymore after that, hurrying towards his home. It’s nearly homeward bound when he’s become too conscious of the tempting scent of your blood. His breathing becomes ragged, almost as bated as yours is with your possible broken ribs. Trying to ignore it, he can’t when his whole being pulsates and his knees buckle. You both go tumbling down as he covers his face in his hands. A cry falls from your mouth at the intense pain in your upper body. 
“Jungkook, what happened? What’s wrong?” You ask through dragged out breaths. Glancing over when he doesn’t reply, you suck in a breath as he glares your way through the cracks of his fingers covering his face. Gold burns brightly as his mouth is open to reveal his sharp incisors. 
“Blood… blood… I-I need blood…” he whispers lowly, voice coming out raspy and deeper than usual. His eyes are downcast, staring at your blood smeared over your neck and ankle. 
You remember in his memories that he usually took monthly pouches to keep his cravings under control, but you can’t remember when was the last time he had done so. And now, with his wolf gene turned off, you were left at the mercy of a hungry vampire. Fear seized your lungs from working, as you could only meet his ravenous leer.
He shook his head vigorously, “No. (Y/n). Get away from me. I won’t do that to you.”
He was obviously in pain. And that broke your heart. 
Dragging yourself closer to him, you felt your heart beat faster. Out of... fear? The closer you got, the closer you were to those fangs and those wild golden irises. They made you remember that night. Jungkook pinning you to the ground with his claws pierced through your middle. 
You’d forgiven him for the ordeal, but it still didn’t help the way you nearly flinched and recoiled when he raised a hand to place on your shoulder.
“Don’t be stupid (Y/n),” he hissed lowly, although he knew a side of him welcomed the idea of feeding from you. 
Sucking in a painful breath, you grasped at his shoulders, “Just do it, I can’t keep watching you in pain like this every time.”
Tags:  @twilight-loveer @reinyrei​ @mistytail @mygukandonlyficrecs​ @xanny91 @unpocodesoledadywisky @xxqueenwxtchxx @lildemonangele @gukworld @sunnyoongles  @zamirayinyue13 @hannahdearr  @serendipity-secrets  @ilaria-np  @jules-park  @treetops68  @mischiefmakerliesmith5  @jeonkooksgirl  @coffeeismylife28  @nshitae  @bookoffracturedescapes  @ellsbells72
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panlight · 5 years
If you could rewrite one Cullen background to better match their personality/power, who would you chose and why?
I’d probably want to take a crack at re-working Jasper’s power, I think. SM … does not do a good job of explaining it, and as such fandom has wildly different views of what he can and cannot do with it. On one extreme there’s “he’s actually super self-controlled and it’s feeling everyone else’s bloodlust that makes him Bad at it” where he’s kind of overwhelmed all the time by other people’s… not even even strictly emotions in that sense because thirst isn’t an emotion? It’s a physical sensation, yeah? (But the shame or desperation or whatever that comes with thirst could be emotions. And if he’s that bothered by the thirsts of a half-dozen mature vegetarian vampires, how on earth was he a functional lieutenant for Maria surrounded by the thirsts of dozens of ravenous newborns??).  On the other there’s a Jasper who can manipulate people’s emotions in very specific ways, almost to the level of mind control–”Haha Jasper make X fall in love with Y!” or make someone so thirsty they’d slip up no matter how devoted a vegetarian they are. Personally, I didn’t see it as either of those scenarios, but SM gives us so little to work with here that I can’t blame anyone for interpreting it that way. Specifically re: background, she says it comes from being charismatic in his human life, always able to get people to see things his way.  That doesn’t seem all that related to the way his power actually turned out to me. If anything it reminds me more of traditional lore of vampires being able to compel people, or Jedi mind tricks, especially the part where SM makes it PHYSICAL, like literal endorphins and heart rate and all that. What’s that got to do with charisma? Heart rate, maybe–hearing a stirring speech or something could get the blood pumping. But literally messing with brain chemistry? That’s weird. I’m still like 90% convinced that originally SM only planned to make Bella immune to Edward’s power and later decided she’d be immune to All the Powers and then realized, oops, she’s already written Jasper’s power as working on her, so she had to ret-con his gift and make it physical. Because like, how the heck are literally changing the levels of endorphins or a heart beat even supposed to work on vampires who do not have a functioning circulatory system? It doesn’t make sense to me?So if we’re going the ‘charisma’ route, I’d probably write it more like the traditional vampire ‘hypnosis’ kind of power. He’s the most vampire-y one anyway. But it’s still mild–I like what Edward said “it’s a very subtle gift.’ There are people who are more swayed by charisma, hypnosis, or the power of suggestion than others. Jasper could probably rile up a room full of people as a whole, but there would be levels to which each individual person felt it based on their own susceptibility. I think it also should obviously be classified as a mental gift, and so shouldn’t work on Bella. Because you can’t adjust the heart rate on a vampire and Jasper can still mess with vamps, after all.  I think this is kind of the opposite of what you asked since I want to re-write the power to fit the explanation (whoops) but it’s what first came to mind! lol
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obsidiancreates · 5 years
Anon Jim: well the more you learn :D thank you for that. Anyway circling to Dark again (I feel like I talk a lot about him lol) I have to wonder if he stays in the void or does he make his own worlds like The Actor does, we always see him in the void but I wonder if he has his own (not counting from Markiplier tv because to me personally, that feels more like what Wilford would make)
Oh yeah. Dark probably would have given anyone chairs if he had made the conference room. 
“Standing is better for your circulatory system.”
“You’re sitting!”
“My circulatory system doesn’t work anymore, standing has no advantage for me.”
“Oh goodie, the undead excuse again.”
“If you’d like to have that excuse for yourself-”
“Standing is fine, actually, I like standing.”
Don’t know who he’s having that conversation with lol.
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theinsanecrayonbox · 7 years
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ok, who bet it’d take me this long to make a BNHA AU for Superverse lol
in this universe, our already established heroes were all there right; the Power Pals were a thing, and they saved the world from the super villain group The Body of Evil, but both sides had casualties. Crimson Chin was sort of a rookie/apprentice to Super Sam there, and was one of the survivors, and became poster child for heroism because he was young and survived, and blahblahblah. Catman was there too, but he got hurt and sorta retired. but after that, there weren’t *really* any super or villain teams
fast forward to the present, and there are rumors that the Body of Evil are trying to reform, and looking for young recruits as a great evil is resurfacing. so the Chin goes to the school to try to help Catman protect the students from corruption and whatevers; they also suspect that a member of the staff might be an evil plant, but they can’t figure out who (spoilers there is one; Mrs. Sunshine is actually the villainous Doombringer and she is, in fact, pulling a Medusa on them)
but enough about plot, lets talk about the kids! lol
Timmy Turner
Quirk: Luck/Probability Manipulation
Tim’s quirk went unrecognized for a very long time, since it’s very passive in teh way that everything just naturally seems to go his way...even when it seems competely improbable. he’s never wrong when it come sto situations, and he comes out of tough scrapes with ery few, if any, injuries or inconvienaes himself. it was after the loss of his Dad that his ability was really figured out; their home was collateral damage during a super fight, and while his Dad died and his Mom was left in a coma, Tim escaped completely unharmed from the wreckage
Nicole Amsel (Gertrude Summers)
Quirk: Weapon Manifestation-Fire Arms
Cole here entered the school with her own agenda; she knows there’s a traitor in the school, and is trying to find them to get information out of them about where her family was kidnapped to. of course, she doesn’t bother telling anyone what’s going on, so she’s suspected as being a traitor...that and the fact that the new villain that pops up who can manifest blades *coughBabyShreddercough* seems to recognize her and calls her out doesn’t help her case at all.
her quirk works in the way that she can basically pull firearms out of her body at will...of course she has to be in good health to do that, and needs  to know the make of the weapon she wants. she typically sticks to hand guns, but can create larger caliber weapons. this also explains her long coat, cause she just constantly is reaching in and pulling things out lol
Sanjay Dev
Quirk: Sound Projection
Sanjay’s mother is either quirkless or has a very passive quirk, but in the field of quirk studies i guess, so he had no problem getting supplemental training growing up. he also knows how to use tech to his advantage too, seeing as his powers basically let him scream with a sonic projection, but due to his flight glider pack, he’s able to manipulate his powers enough to give himself limited flight.
he also got into the school on recommendation, and was not present for the main big test day, so no one knew who he was the first day of school
Francis James
Quirk: Bovine Physiology
he’s actually older than the rest of his classmates, because he was a homeless street punk, getting in trouble with the law. Catman crossed paths with him and took pitty on him, offering him the chance to attend the school instead of going to jail. Francis took the offer, figuring he’d just ditch it...but turns out going to school counts as his parole pretty much.
he’s another obvious plant for the “who’s the traitor???” plot, but he does not have a connection to the BoE going in...but he is one that they approach later on to join them
Chester McBadbat
Quirk: Matter/Energy Conversion
Chester’s dad (or grandfather, not sure yet) once tried to be a Pro Hero and...yeah...he was branded as “the worst hero of all time”
Chester’s ability allows him to consume any type of matter and his body will convert it into energy, which he burns through to achieve super sonic speeds and the like. this means he’s nearly constantly eating, and if he’s not eating he’s dead asleep because his metabolism is super high.
Molly Wright
Quirk: Power Mimic
the oils in Molly’s hands act as some sort of conductor that will first temporarily paralyze anyone she touches, and secondly give her the instinctual knowledge of their fighting moves and a copy of their quirk powers. this is only on her hands though, so she constantly wears gloves (and if they don’t breathe right will just intensify the potency of the oils in her skin)
she comes to school with the attitude of “i’m here to learn not to make friends or a comic book deal”
Missy Lebowitz
Quirk: Impenetrable Skin
Missy is Luke Cage ok, unbreakable skin, and has built up her own athleticism over the years to be more muscularly toned. she is quite literally the tank, and she’s not ashamed of it
Trixie Tang
Quirk: Glamazon Might (known) and Energy Blasts (unknown)
the Glamazons are actually a group of heroic women, mostly related to one another, and all share a similar power set. the current leader is Harmonia, but she’s getting old and is going to step down and is looking for a successor. Joan Jett was a Glamazon, but she was one of the PP that was lost in the big battle. Shannon is a retired Glamazon, but she does teach at the school, whole Marigold is the most active and publicly noted Glamazon currently.
Trixie here is the youngest Glamazon, and could have just attend school without going through the entrance exams because she had full recommendations, but she still took the exams to prove she was worthy of attending.
she is the biological child of Joan and Sam (Glamazons are known for quirk marriages), but her secondary quirk, which was inherited from her father, hasn’t really become prevalent yet since all the Glamazons basically share a similar enough power set of super strength, speed, and durability
Veronica Star
Quirk: Avian Physiology
Veronica was born with bird wings and feathers, but as she got older she molted and became more human-like in appearance, but her avian features are still very prevalent. she has hollow bones like a bird, and a matching circulatory system to match. she can fly, and doesn’t eat meat.
she really wants to be a Glamazon, so she follows Trixie like a groupie at first
Chloe Carmichael
Quirk: Persuasion (Mind Control)
Chloe’s powers were always thought to be very passive; she was always good at talking to people, and getting them to talk about their problems and work through issues, so she originally applied to be in the support class, figuring her skills woudl be better suited for like social work or something
but Doombringer recognized that her powers weren’t just persuasion, but showed signs of actual mind control, if she was trained properly, so she switched Chloe’s application from the Support pile to the Hero pile
since the Support class was filled up, Chloe settled on doing at least a semester of the Hero course, because it wouldn’t hurt after all if she wound up going into hero-Public relations instead
and as i said, Catman sorta seems to be in charge of the school, while Shannon (Wandergal) is also a teacher, when CC joins the staff. and Doombringer works there too, but as Mrs. Sunshine, because she’s working for the bad guys. Vicky shows up to annoy people at some point, to throw suspicion onto Tootie (because they are still sisters), and Kevin might join up later down the road too as a defector from the evil team
so BNHA AU for Superverse. whooot!
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