#lol my life is hella bland
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meteor752 · 2 years ago
Actual Baby children who have no idea what they’re in for
So the Double Life anniversary is coming up, which is insane, and I thought I’d celebrate it! Kinda ish I guess?
I just did more designs of da kids
Buuuuut, this time I took it one step further to show them as actual children, together with their favorite parent (Apart from Johnny cause he loves both)
It was incredibly fun and I had a blast trying to make the lil block men in Hero Forge, maybe I’ll do it again some other time just by themselves lol
Baby Liana and Scar
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Scar is the favorite parent cause he’s more chill and also he didn’t betray the family. Had a blast making him and his ranger outfit, I tried my best to get it as accurate as possible and I think I turned out great. Baby Liana’s outfit is really cute, it reminds me of the lil suit for the toddlers in The Sims 4. Also Jellie <3
Baby Wes and Impulse
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Impulse is the favorite cause BDubs is…well he’s BDubs. Impulse was also a lot of fun, especially the more non human features, but the stupid I on his T-Shirt tripped me up, It's literally just a yellow blood stain lol. Seeing Baby Wes is also so strange, cause he's like without his shaggy stubble, dyed hair, and thicc af body. Now he's just a lil guy.
Baby Gertrude and Ren
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Ren is the favorite because...well he didn't cheat. Very easy answer there. I've said this with everyone so far, but Ren was so fricking fun, I love his shirt and its colors, had a fricking blast. Gertrude is just a precious baby in a full princess costume, getting read a bedtime story, just an absolute gem. Also this is pre-sunglasses, mainly cause it looked weird with the plastic tiara she’s wearing.
Baby Johnny and both his dads :D
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They good parents. Also, FUCK Jimmy, FUCK his bland generic looking ass skin, and FUCK hero forge for making it so hard to translate it. Zero enjoyment in the making of it, but Tango was hella fun. Baby Johnny is honestly just my lad but smaller. He probably has a lil tooth gap too. Prime boy.
Baby Jassy and Etho
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Etho is the favorite because Jassy finds him very cool lol. Etho was more difficult than I first thought, mostly because I wanted to make him more than just Kakashi so I avoided the Anime hairstyle and customed the hell out of the patchy hair, but he looks great! Baby Jassy was a huge Etho fangirl (The OG Ethogirl lol), so her look is Just Him but smaller.
Baby Jekiv and Cleo
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They’re the favorite because she didn’t fucking leave, Martyn. Cleo was surprisingly easy honestly, but that shouldn’t really have shocked me. Just any green skinned person with red hair kinda looks like Cleo. Wanted to make them look a little different from Jek, but yeah I guess Zombie genetics are just that strong. Baby Jek is without the hood, that’s a later development, so his patchy hair is in plain sight. He hates it.
Baby Novo and Pearl
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Pearl is the favorite because she’s more fun. Pearl has a really easy outfit to make, and I thoroughly enjoyed it honestly. Baby Novo doesn’t have the runny makeup yet, so he looks…surprisingly normal. Just an ordinary child honestly. I really liked making his outfit too, especially the colors.
I enjoyed this, hope you did too
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marengogo · 1 year ago
and you still think this man has a partner ? He made it very clear he doesn't have ANY special person in his life , be it boyfriend, girlfriend whatever. He stressed that he just wants to work NOW and DON'T FEEL THE NEED. That means if he feels the need of a girl, he will get. And you still shipping Jimin with him thinking they are in some holy romantic relationship, life partners you say. Please, this man gives only one vibe- that he is het af and only into casual flings. NOTHING MORE NOTHING LESS. If you are still not getting it idk what more say lol. I assume that girlie in the video was also just his fling who accidentally got caught.
Dear Anon,
I saw this ask and I knew it was for the colosseum, but then I was like, this is kinda unfair to all the people lined up outside waiting for a fair fight/chance … not to talk about all the people waiting for my chapter two😬🙏🏾.
See, I’ve been so busy honestly! But gurl/boi/enby, I’m so happy that I got to hear from JK today that I am in high spirits also I really don’t need my asks to get any further than where it is right now tbh, so no colosseum for you, in fact I only have one quick question for you: WHY ARE YOU SO 2D?
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So bland, living in your XY-world … so superficial you know? Where’s the excitement in that?!
Why not add another dimension to your world? To your train of thoughts. Why not go 3D? Common, you know you want to😏… add complexity to your life, exhuberant colours, add chance and possibility, abstract deductions, educated guesses etc.
Let me tell you, I’m in it, and it’s a lot of fun, hella sexy too.. why not try?
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ravenbloodshot · 1 year ago
Someone who gives me the same asshole vibe as Cha Eun Woo and Song Kang is Eunwoo's friend Kim Young Kwang (the actor) I really liked his drama and he is quite handsome but he looks like a sadist and super manipulative to me I'm not gonna lie? No matter how much I try I can't seem to get into him? He was also caught before whilst he was a model (when he was much much younger) talking about what he finds distasteful in women and he said really weird/sexist shit but it was childish af too, like he really didn't think before speaking but I like to give benefit of the doubt to the "youth" LMFAO (not really) but you know he's also Korean so I wasn't shocked, I said oh another one bites the dust 👏🏾☺️😋 Anyway there's something sweet about him (I'm probably reaching and trying to give him a compliment) but he really totally makes the hairs on back stand idk he gives me torturous type vibes? Maybe it's past life between me and him vibes LMFAO but I see evil, I know I'm not tripping, like the dark triad evil? Am I wrong? What energy do you feel from him, please let me know!! Like he looks like if he wasn't told right he'd hold people captivate or be that weird kid that's cruel to bugs? I wouldn't be surprised if he was a bully or humiliated people, especially women. Like you know the energy of a closeted man that hates on women? He looks like the type to say mean things in a joking manner and not even consider people "beneath" him? I feel he can be sweet but it is selective, like he may want something? Idk he feels fucking cold, like his eyes and his smile, no emotion etc I wouldn't be surprised if he has a disorder or something that makes him unemotional etc He's a major homebody too and he always acts uncomfortable in social situations etc, he probably is but maybe he really does has some disorder or something because he expresses that he wants to go home etc. Like I could see him being condescending like Song Kang and Cha Eun Woo too?
CEW always gives me the energy of misguided energy? Like if he were to be surrounded by good people who humbled him he could be okay? I always see some sentiment in him? He looks like people don't check him and out of all 3 he looks to me the most reflective, like if something happened it could give him a spiritual awakening etc and change his life. Like the type of guy that heals if he was loved right. CEW gives me I am a "twin" vibes, like he has a counterpart in this lifetime who's gonna have a profound effect on his life? He always looked like a redeemable soul to me? I don't know but the more he gets deeper into the industry and this cold, cruel, money driven environment he just gonna end up being unredeemable as well, in the deep end? Like he'll end up the worst out of the bunch? I hope he don't start doing drugs but he looks smart to me lol, I'll give him that much. The more I see actors/celebs the more coldness I see lol, some of them have really scary eyes.
It's hilarious to me that people found Song Kang cute, the mf gave me I'm bland and incompetent but have the audacity to be disgusted by you vibes. He generally looks like the type to sanitise his hands if he accidentally brushed past somebody he don't respect, he looks hella coddled too and a mamas boy. He literally admitted himself that he wore the same socks for months straight. He's probably the type that doesn't do the dishes or wash his clothes etc, like he young forever? I was shocked he was feeling Han So Hee LOL but she grown woman vibes and I think it's opposites attract. Her rough girl image, idgaf demeanour probably intrigued him. A part of him also looked like he was pretending, so people could talk about them, like he used her for a come up? He shot a show with that young pretty actress and the interviews (my demon) were a pain to watch. I could tell he found her stupid and you were RIGHT, he cannot hide his dissatisfaction well!! Like it was second hand embarrassment. He was also on another show with BP Jennie and he literally iced her lmfao, he didn't even look at her, he also pushed past another woman and was heavily disgusted by another older woman complimenting him, like how dare you compliment me when you not on my level? Like the type that wants people to ask for permission before they greet him? He called another woman by another name and said "that woman" and she was like "I am that woman, it's my name", as in he didn't even bother learning their names and she said to him don't you think it's too soon to speak casually (banmal/drop honorifics) and refer to me as "that" and that you should learn people's names etc. It baffles me how people give a pass to "handsome/pretty" people in the world and especially Korea? But more so handsome men because of sexism right? Like he was not careful of his behaviour at all but people thought he was "clueless" and cute. It's obvious when he thinks people aren't on his level etc and I think he's at a point where he generally believes he's made it, so he dgaf like yasss I don't need to kiss ass anymore, when he was simply just expected to be polite LOL 😂 I think it's a chore for him to treat people well, like he might think about the beneficial reason why he should give charity and help people? Like they broke, they can get up, I'm not, I work hard. Like simple minded? He's cut the nice act now and he said so himself, that he hates being perceived as cute and a little adorable boy but he masked himself as such and then complains? Probably because he finds his fans disgusting. I'm ngl he feels like that. I don't know lol! Don't mind me, I be popping out here and there and giving the lip and the tea LMFAO 🤣 I'll stop here! 💀
— Lip Service Girl 💄
Me and you must just be on the same wavelength. I think it's too much to say Kim Young Kwang has a disorder, but everything else, I agree.
Cha Eunwoo has the best energy out of the three. But he has his own bs that comes with him. He's not a bad guy, though, the other two .....🤷‍♀️
What sticks in my mind the most is Kim Young Kwangs' weird comments about women as well. Like it's okay to have preferences, but like damn....
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hermit-frog · 8 months ago
Omg I just read your post about Claudia and Lestat, with book quotes, I read the books years ago but i remember it was weird how Lestat became so obsessed with David all of sudden, why do you think he connected Claudia with him? It’s weird imo, he is not my favorite I admit I wanted him gone by Merrik, he was snooze fest but that’s not the point.
the post anon had mentioned. sorry for taking so long, finally got time today
i rarely find characters boring, but David being the “snooze fest” would be the least of my problems with him, lol look, neither of these two men interest me, this is going to be a very superficial and bland read, i'm leaving you book excerpts so you can come to your own conclusions. if anyone wants to jump in, please. it's hella long, mostly quotes. this is about book version of Lestat and Claudia!
“(…) the one who came to the concert-David Talbot, the older one-he fascinates me. I suppose I want to know.” + ��Do you want the Dark Gift? You know. To become one of us.” “Not in a million years would I ever accept it. As God is my witness, no.” + D: “I'd want to know about you. I'd want to talk to you. No, I wouldn't kill you. Nothing could make me do that.” + L: It was just an acknowledgment of the bitter loneliness that had brought me here, the need with which I'd come, to stand in his little chamber and feet his eyes on me; to hear him say that he knew who I was. (…) “Yes,” he said in a timid tone behind me. “I know who you are.” I turned and looked at him. It seemed I'd weep suddenly. Weep on account of the warmth here, and the scent of human things; the sight of a living man standing before a desk, I swallowed. I wasn't going to lose my composure, that was foolish. “It's quite fascinating really,” I said. “You wouldn't kill me. But you wouldn't become what I am.” + He was a very interesting man. “You silver-tongued British bastard,” I said. “How dare you say that to me with such condescension? Maybe I should kill you right now.” + How brave and poised he had been. (…) he knew me, knew what I was-that had been his greatest charm for me. What if I make you one of us. I could do it, you know… He's never wavered in his conviction. “Not even on my deathbed will I accept,” he'd said. But he'd been fascinated by my mere presence, he couldn't conceal it, though he had concealed his thoughts well enough from me ever since that first time. Indeed his mind had become like a strongbox to which there was no key. And I'd been left only with his radiant and affectionate facial expressions and a soft, cultured voice that could talk the Devil into behaving well.
i think one of the reasons behind Lestat's obsession with David might come from his ego (David's unveiled interest in Lestat as an individual and species), David's refusal of the dark gift had definitely amused and intrigued Lestat, (something vamps find fascinating and alluring in humans), the warmth of a human being (that attracts vampires, is even more inviting to Lestat due to his loneliness), and just like with our Dubai trio, amusement by human's defiance. + Lestat becomes obsessed very easily, it wasn't at all surprising, lol (bwt, this whole Lestat “flirting” with David, in the final of qotd, was happening right in front of Louis😭but Louis was only mad that Lestat was messing with some poor human, anxious about the consequences)
“You're a perfect devil, Lestat!” he was saying. “That's what you are! You are the devil himself!” “Yes, I know,” I said, loving to look at him, to see the anger pumping him so full of life. “And I love to hear you say it, Louis. I need to hear you say it. I don't think anyone will ever say it quite like you do. Come on, say it again. I'm a perfect devil. Tell me how bad I am. It makes me feel so good!” i really can't hate bookStat 😂
now about Lestat's brain linking Claudia and David (who got her diaries, which itself is already a seed sprawling inside Lestat's mind)
They have Claudia's diary in there, in their cellar (…). Besides, it's not really the diary I want. They can keep the diary. It was Claudia's. I want to talk to one of them, to David Talbot, the leader. They're the only mortals in the world, you know, who really believe in us. (…) Twinge of pain inside. Ignore it. The fun's beginning. + it's important that I tell you about the dreams I'd been having (…) of a child vampire with a woman's mind and an angel's face, and a dream of my mortal friend David Talbot.
With Claudia, it was almost a haunting. Just before my eyes would close each dawn, I'd see her beside me, hear her voice in a low and urgent whisper. And sometimes I'd slide back over the centuries to the little colonial hospital with its rows of tiny beds where the orphan child had been dying. (…) And that crying. Who is crying? Claudia was not crying. She slept as the doctor entrusted her to me, believing me to be her mortal father. (…) “Snatching me from mortal hands like two grim monsters in a nightmare fairy tale, you idle, blind parents!”
David is young in the dream and he is walking in a mangrove forest. He was not the man of seventy-four who had become my friend, the patient mortal scholar who regularly refused my offer of the Dark Blood, and laid his warm, fragile hand on my cold flesh unflinchingly to demonstrate the affection and trust between us. No. This is young David Talbot of years and years ago, when his heart didn't beat so fast within his chest. Yet he is in danger. Tiger, tiger burning bright. Is that his voice, whispering those words or is it mine? (…) But look at its yellow eyes, mere slits, and full of horrid mindless cruelty. David, its fangs! Can't you see these fangs! But he is curious as a child, watching its big pink tongue touch his throat, touch the thin gold chain he wears around his throat. Is it eating the chain? Good God, David! The fangs. (…) David, beware! And then I see that he is down on one knee, with the long shiny rifle cocked against his shoulder. And the giant cat is still yards away, bearing down on him. On and on it rushes, until the crack of the gun stops it in its tracks, and over it goes as the gun roars once again, its yellow eyes full of rage, its paws crossed as they push in one last final breath at the soft earth.
What does this dream mean-that my mortal friend is in danger? Or simply that his genetic clock has ticked to a stop. For a man of seventy-four years, death can come at any instant. (…) “I want you to ask me for the Dark Gift,” I'd said to him when first we met. “I may not give it to you. But I want you to ask.”
Lestat unconsciousness connects his guilt of turning Claudia (including all the consequences that came like a domino effect) with his wish to give David the dark gift, (in order to save him from the inevitable slowly approaching natural death), therefore, ironically, kill the human David himself. the Tiger is death. Lestat warning David about the Tiger (illness or genetic clock. tigers hunt the weaker and slower prey), but also being the tiger, the one to sever David's golden chain (turn him, kill the human) (//to Claudia's golden locket he took when he had killed her), the way Lestat stalks David in the beginning of ttotbt also parallels his dream. David, being curious by Lestat/Tiger, lets him close enough to risk his own life and mortality. About the image of the tiger, this is what Lestat wonders:“Pictures of him with the animals he'd killed. Did this explain my dream?” He knew about David's hunting trophies. Symbolism: Bengal Tiger — courage, strength, royalty, and power. Dreaming of tigers reveals deep emotions, desires, and subconscious challenges. It also foreshadows David's body swap. Lestat in qotd: “No one to see me as I walked away and then turned and made the quick feline leap(…).” (when he revisits their home in nola). David weighting the offer (reading Goethe's Faust).
L: I vowed I would not torment him with my old question. And yet I saw death when I looked at him, even more perhaps for his brightness and cheerfulness, and the vigor in his eyes. + D: “I'm speaking of something more indicative of immortality than a preternatural body anatomically dependent upon the drinking of human blood. (…) And what a desperate loneliness emanates from you. Don't you see I can't accept your gift, and if I did, what would you think of me? Would you still crave my company? Would I crave yours?” + “David, take the blood from me before I go!” I whispered suddenly, desperately. “You don't have a year left to you. I can hear it when I'm near you! I can hear the weakness in your heart.”
L: “I'm going to a desert place. I've figured a way to end it, I think.” (…)“Don't want to be alive anymore.” (…) I saw Claudia suddenly as if she were standing there in some other realm, staring at me, waiting for me to see her. How clever that our minds can invoke an image so seemingly real. She might as well have been right there by David's desk in the shadows. Claudia, who had forced her long knife through my chest. “I'll put you in your coffin forever, Father.” But then I saw Claudia ail the time now, didn't I? I saw Claudia in dream after dream… D: “Don't do this,” David said.
“Was it fun to kill the tiger?” I asked. He hesitated. Then forced himself to answer. “It was a man-eater. It feasted on children. Yes, I suppose it was fun.” I laughed softly. “Ah, well, then we have that in common, me and the tiger. And Claudia is waiting for me.”
Tiger=Lestat, Claudia's fate. Lestat talks about his wish to die, sees Claudia, while David tries to talk him out of it. After his unsuccessful suicide attempt, Lestat travels back to David, badly burned.
I traveled gently for hours, willing myself to David's house once more (...). I went down on my knees, ignoring the pain, and collapsed upon the tigerskin rug. I laid my head beside the tiger's head, and my cheek against its open jaws. (...) I stretched out my arms on its legs and felt its smooth, hard claws under my wrists. The pain shot through me in waves. The fur felt almost silky and the room was cool in its darkness. And in faint shimmers of silent visions, I saw the mangrove forests of India, saw dark faces, and heard distant voices. And once very clearly for a full instant I saw David as a young man, as I'd seen him in my dream. (...) I saw myself walking in Paris in the old days when I was alive. I was wearing the red velvet cloak, lined with the fur of the wolves I'd killed back in my native Auvergne, never dreaming that things lurked in the shadows, things that could see you and fall in love with you, just because you were young, things that could take your life, just because they loved you and you'd slain a whole pack of wolves... David, the hunter! In belted khaki, with that magnificent gun.
foreshadowing of the transformation again, Tiger death being the sweet relief, and yet Lestat refuses to give David this chance (just like he took it from Claudia), while Lestat himself had sought it in the desert. + the hunter parallel between them (especially when Lestat reads about David's youth)//“my intrepid little Claudia, companion hunter”. + //to Lestat's and Magnus, both fascinated by this one human hunter. cycles everywhere
And soon he'd be gone from me. Death would have him. And all I would have would be these manuscripts of his life.
David//Claudia (the only thing left would be their written word)
“Well, of course, you pick the voices that scold you. You always have, in the same manner in which you pick those who will turn on you and stick the knife right into your heart.”
another David//Claudia (the defiance and bravery in the face of danger, he sees himself in it, and he likes it)
she had been the only one who had been like me really-as they say in this day and age. And that might have been the reason that she was haunting me now. Surely there was some connection to my love of David! And I had failed to see it before. How I loved him; and how deep had been the emptiness when Claudia turned against me, and was my companion no more.
Lestat sees himself in both Claudia and David, he seeks to fill or at least soothe the emptiness that Claudia's betrayal and death had excavated in him. he's considering turning David.
I was trembling. I was weeping. (...) To be human again. (...) Then a sudden whispered laugh startled me. It was a child somewhere in the darkness, a little girl. I turned around. I was almost certain I could see her-a small gray form darting up the far aisle towards a side altar, and then out of sight. Her footsteps had been barely aiidible. But surely this was some mistake. No scent. No real presence. Just illusion. Nevertheless I cried out: “Claudia!” And my voice came tumbling back to me in a harsh echo. No one there, of course. I thought of David: “You're going to make another ghastly mistake!”
Lestat's subconsciousness manifesting David's warning against Raglan James in Claudia's form. She represents Lestat's fear, doubt, and guilt (for what he had done to her, and what he wants to do to David).
“We are death, ma cherie, death is the final answer.” I gathered her up in my arms, felt her tucked against me, kissed her, kissed her, and kissed her vampire skin. “There are no questions after that.” (…) Oh, please, help me… the dreary prayer of the devil to his cohorts, as he tumbles deeper and deeper towards hell. (…) + “Not a human being, if that's what you mean. Nothing could make you human.” “Why did you bring me here? What do you want me to say-that I'm sorry about what I did, taking you out of that bed and making you a vampire? Well, do you want the truth, the rock-bottom deathbed truth? I don't know if I am. I'm sorry you suffered. I'm sorry anybody has to suffer. But I can't say for certain that I'm sorry for that little trick.” + GhostC: “Aye, the way that Magnus took you away from your life, and gave you something monstrous and evil in return. You made me a slayer of my brothers and my sisters. All my sins have their origin in that moment, when you reached for me and lifted me from that bed.” (...) L: “I gave you life, Claudia. It wasn't for all time, no, but it was life, and even our life is better than death.” GC: “How you lie, Lestat. 'Even our life,' you say. The truth is, you think our accursed life is better than life itself. Admit it. Look at you down there in your human body. How you've hated it.” L: “(...) Would you really have chosen death in that tiny bed rather than the life I gave you? Come now, tell me. (...)” GC: “What did I know of choices?”
as time passes, you can see Lestat debating on his past and future choice of giving the dark gift. he is demanding the truth from himself, the truth that he has no regrets, that being a vampire is better. also rationalizing with himself about the choice and free will, can he really make this decision for David again this will, even if Lestat believes it will save his life? Claudia had no such choice, can he give it to David?
“Are we close to God when we create something out of nothing? When we pretend we are the tiny flame and we make other flames?” David shook his head. “A bad mistake.” “And so is the whole world, then. She's our daughter-” “I'm not your daughter. I'm my mama's daughter.” “No, dear, not anymore.” I looked up at David. “Well, answer me.” “Why do you claim such high aims for what you did?” he asked (...). + Louis was sad. “There's plague out there in the city.” “But that can't hurt you, David,” I said. “You're right,” he said. “But there are other things…” Claudia laughed. "She's in love with you, you know.” “You would have died of the plague,” I said. “Maybe it was not my time.” + “Yes, and I'm not sorry. I'm not. I would roar it from the rooftops right up into the dome of heaven. Claudia, I would do it again!” A great sigh passed out of me. I repeated the words, my voice growing louder. “I would do it again!” (…) David turned from the window. He stood over her shoulder, looking down at me as I stayed there on my knees.
after body swap, Lestat hallucinates Claudia, Louis, and David when he's close to death, and while recovering. as you can see, Lestat, in his delirious state while hallucinating this scene, has a revelation that makes him release a sigh/weight, — he would do it again. his doubts and fear start to diminish, but his fear for David's life persist. Lestat has already made his mind, even though he knows David is strongly against it. Lestat might have no regrets, but some part of him is clearly aware he's being unjust. this illusion of David and Claudia also represent themselves, as a memory of their wishes.
I thought of Claudia suddenly. I thought of my fever dreams. A leaden stillness came over me. When I spoke again, it was a quiet act of will. “I'd much rather be a vampire,” I said. “I don't like being mortal. I don't like being weak, or sick, or fragile, or feeling pain. It's perfectly awful. I want my body back as soon as I can get it from that thief.” + And only now did I think of the Dark Gift again, and not of Claudia (...). + oh the hypocricy L: “I will not do it. Not now, not tomorrow, not ever. Go back to her, Lestat. Live this mortal life.” L: “How dare you make this choice for me!” I was on my feet again, and finished with whining and begging.
foreshadowing for Lestat's decision about David's fate, again. Lestat can now think of dark gift without Claudia's looming presence. his doubts are almost gone. unfortunately for everyone, Lestat thinks he's the truth holder. whatever is good/bad for him, must be the same for others, hence his decision to turn David. because being mortal sucks. how pissed Lestat was at Louis for refusing to give him the dark gift.
“My greatest sin has always been that I have a wonderful time being myself. My guilt is always there; my moral abhorrence for myself is always there; but I have a good time. I'm strong; I'm a creature of great will and passion. You see, that's the core of the dilemma for me- how can I enjoy being a vampire so much, how can I enjoy it if it's evil? Ah, it's an old story. Men work it out when they go to war. They tell themselves there is a cause. Then they experience the thrill of killing, as if they were merely beasts. And beasts do know it, they really do. The wolves know it. They know the sheer thrill of tearing to pieces the prey. I know it.”
Lestat growing confidence about his decision and vampirism itself dissipates Claudia's apparition. No more doubts, no more guilt (about the dark gift).
The past will not be recovered. The past will be perfectly eclipsed. “Won't it, Claudia?” I whispered, standing in the back parlour. Nothing answered me. No sounds of a harpsichord or the canary singing in its cage.
and so we came to the end of David's mortality
He had a small gift for me (...). It was the locket with the miniature of Claudia. (...) fine gold chain. He had it with him(...). Or would I not come to see him, and accept it from his hands myself? + My dream of the tiger. I was afraid for you. And now the menace of the dream will be fulfilled." “What do you mean?" “I'm going to do it to you, David. I'm going to bring you to me.” (...) All along I've told you I was evil. I've told you I'm the very devil. The devil in your Faust, the devil of your visions, the tiger in my dream!” (...) “You're angry, so very angry, but you're not afraid. You're like me, David-you and Claudia-the only ones who really have my strength.” (...) “Ah, yes, Claudia. I have something for you, my dear friend.” (...) When he turned around again he had a small locket in his hands. “Oh, yes, the locket. Give it to me.” (...) I pitched the locket out of the room, over the porch, past the sand, and into the sea. The tiny chain was like a scratch of gold on the fabric of the sky for an instant then it disappeared as if into the luminous light. // And then he turned and almost fell forward into the little porch, stumbling over the rail and towards the beach. I came behind him, following him as he staggered down the slope of white sand. The thirst rose, knowing only that the blood had come seconds before, and that it must have more. When he reached the water, he stood there, tottering, only an iron will keeping him from collapse. I took him by the shoulder, tenderly, embracing him with my right arm. (...) “I told you I would do it again,” I said to Claudia. “Why do you bother to explain to me,” she asked. “You know perfectly well that I never asked you any questions about it. I've been dead for years and years.”
Not Claudia, my merciless Claudia. What a dream! A pure dream. There had been the opportunity for salvation-and I had said no. I wanted to say something to her as I held the locket; I wanted to say something to the being she had been, and to my own weakness, and to the greedy wicked being in me who had once again triumphed. For I had. I had won.
there's your answer. Claudia's connection to David lies in how Lestat sees himself in them, their defiance, strength, bravery, sense of adventure. the three of them being hunters. Lestat is lonely, he reminisces his time with Claudia, his companion, and he sees David, his mortal friend, the potential is there, and so is the love. When he thinks about Claudia's lost life, he thinks of his own. Then about David's. He tries to rationalize it, successfully. And since Lestat thinks his experience is universal, he makes David his companion against his will. And Claudia is dead.
Ghost Claudia wasn't Claudia, what Lestat later realizes, but the inner projection of his fears, doubts, and guilt regarding the dark gift, humanity, and mortality. He literally fights it through the whole todt, and you can follow his thought process, how he comes to a conclusion (in his own logic ofc). Lestat experiencing mortality again cements his beliefs about vampirism and dark gift being an actual gift. It lifts a weight from his shoulders to realize he'd do it again, he embraces the evil of it. David stood no chance lol
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kangdan101 · 8 years ago
questions tag :)
tagged by @hwangminyeo :’) lmao im sorry my life is so uninteresting but it was fun to answer these still heh
·        drink: water! Recently I’ve been trying to drink more water bc I am extremely dehydrated; i tend to drink like 1 cup a day (lol) stay hydrated kids
·         phone call: this morning!
·         text message: like one min ago I was just arguing with my friend whether or not our math teachers first name is jose or not (update: I was right, it IS jose xD)
·         song you listened to: ENERGETIC BY WANNA ONE!!11
·         time you cried: maybe like 15 min ago…????? Lmfao I was watching wanna one sing always and I got emotional (i cry about everything)
·         HAVE YOU EVER
·         dated someone twice: it’s hard to date someone twice if you’ve never dated someone at all lol (motae solo like minhyun)
·         kissed someone and regretted it: no
·         been cheated on: no
·         lost someone special: yes :’(
·         been depressed: yes. This last year was really really hard for me. Balancing dance and school and everything made me super stressed and I started to pull myself away from ppl :/ tbh produce kinda got me out of it lol and im 100% ok now
·         gotten drunk and thrown up: nope (lol bc I’ve never drank before hahaha theres so many things I haven’t done)
·         Baby blue
·         Mint green
·         Peach pink ;)
·         made new friends: yes
·         fallen out of love: no 
·         laughed until you cried: literally I laugh way too much for my own good
·         found out someone was talking about you: I don’t think so :o
·         met someone who changed you: yes, many of them! (esp kangdan tho)
·         found out who your friends are: yes :)
·         kissed someone on your Facebook list: yikes no
·         how many Facebook friends do you know in real life: mostly all my fb friends go to my school but I don’t actually know some of them? So I’d say like 70%
·         do you have any pets: I’d like to think my little brother Anthony is secretly a dog bc he resembles one and can get hella wild sometimes lmao
·         do you want to change your name: my name is legit the most basic Chinese name ever I know like 3 other people with the exact same first and last name and alskdjgowaei;lskdfj it gets on my nerves sometimes I always liked the name lilia / lily but in 7th grade I met this girl whose name was Philomena and its now my favorite name ever
·         what did you do for your last birthday: lmao I studied bc I had a hUge test the next day and your girl’s serious about her grades man
·         what time did you wake up: LMAO I woke up twice this morning: first time at 4:40 to catch WANNA ONE DEBUT and then went back to sleep @ 6 am; woke up again at 7:30 am for class
·         what were you doing at midnight last night: I was on tumblr watching everyone hype about wanna one it was gr8
·         name something you can’t wait for: finishing junior year + SAT shit :/ lol my junior year hasn’t even started yet but im so nervous I hope I don’t screw up and thinking about it is making my heart beat faster yikes (wish me luck guys hopefully im still alive by june)  
·         when was the last time you saw your mom: a few min ago~
·         what are you listening to right now: my little brother Anthony is singing shape of you and its not pretty lol (he’s eleven)
·         have you ever talked to a person named tom: I don’t really remember
·         something that is getting on your nerves: the SAT omygod I just really want it to be over and im SO NERVOUS also anthony’s singing is starting to bug me (he changed songs and now he’s singing gibberish and it’s very distracting)
·         most visited website: probably youtube/fb/tumblr
·         hair color: blackish-brown. my roots are black but the ends seem to be browning a lil? Probably since it’s summer now and the sun is working its magic 
·         long or short hair: medium length! Like halfway down my back???
·         do you have a crush on someone: nope & haven’t had one for like two years
·         what do you like about yourself: my monolids? But my mom wants me to get surgery lmfao also i like that i have a naturally high foot arch bc its helpful for dance :)))
·         blood type: a… I think?
·         nickname: name: sarah; nicknames: sawa, sala, salad, swisso (I promise this makes sense in context), moon, moonmoon (these make sense in context too lol)
·         relationship status: single mom of my 98 produce children and always have been lollll
·         zodiac: capricorn
·         pronouns: she/her
·         favorite tv show: descendants of the sun, suspicious partner, I hear your voice, once upon a time, produce aka a horrible show that hurts u in all sorts of ways (pls rec me some bc I wanna binge some tv shows before school starts)
·         tattoos: none atm but maybe when I’m older I want a tiny star, or a tiny moon, or maybe my Chinese name?
·         right or left handed: Right
·         surgery: I got eye surgery done when I was rly young bc the gland between my eyes and nose was blocked which basically made me cry ALL THE TIME (like even when I’d be staring at nothing)
·         sport: I dance! And I used to do rhythmic gymnastics but I had to quit bc school was getting too busy I miss rhythmic gymnastics so much u have no idea
·         vacation: I think I’m going to go out touring colleges along the east coast near the end of august!!!
·         pair of shoes: I wear my converse a lot as well as my nike free runs. But other than that my shoe collection is p limited rippp
·         MORE GENERAL
·         eating: just finished dinner
·         drinking: nothing atm xD gdi in the beginning of this tag I wanted to be more hydrated and look where I am now lmao
·         I’m about to: wash the dishes that we used for dinner
·         waiting for: the day I graduate high school so I can go to college and take classes I love and alskdgjaowlfkdsfj (lmao im such a nerd im sorry)
·         want: to eat some ice cream (I love ice cream)
·         get married: that would be a miracle tbh
·         career: high school student / summer school teachers assistant  THE KIDS I TEACH ARE SO LOUD AND WILD theyre legit animals everytime I step into the classroom i can’t believe these 8th graders are capable of such chaos
·         hugs or kisses: I luv hugs and I luv kisses
·         lips or eyes: both???
·         shorter or taller: taller (its not hard to be taller than me lol)
·         older or younger: older
·         nice arms or nice stomach: I think…. Arms 
·         hook up or relationship: relationshiip
·         troublemaker or hesitant: jesus idk I’ve never dated so I really wouldn’t know alskdjgoalkdsfj (but i mean troublemaker is a gr8 song??)
·         kissed a stranger: no that sounds scary :0
·         drank hard liquor: no
·         lost glasses/contact lenses: I LOsT MY GLAssES IN FLORIDA ONCE agldkgjaosdfkj I swear I put it down on the airport seat and when I turned around THEY WERE GONE I spend a good 2 hours looking for them but they legit disappeared :/ to this day I am still wondering where that pair of glasses went
·         turned someone down: yes
·         sex on the first date: no 
·         broken someone’s heart: i sure hope not 
·         had your heart broken: no
·         been arrested: no
·         cried when someone died: so many times
·         fallen for a friend: lowkey yes but they still don’t know about that
·         yourself: I try to
·         miracles: yes or else what will happen to me in the future I need miracles to carry me bc my luck is trASH
·         love at first sight: no
·         santa clause: maybe for the first few years but then I caught my parents
·         kiss on the first date: no
·         angels: idk actually… I guess?
·         eye color: brown; I feel like my eyes have been getting lighter over the years bc the outside of my iris is like brown but near the pupil its more of a hazel
·         favorite movie: I have so many omg I luv spirited away, howls moving castle, the book thief, and I recently watched wonder woman (pls rec some movies too im always in the mood for one :D) 
im tagging anyone who wishes to do this! 
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mrstsung · 3 years ago
How come anymore they make raiden so weak? Are people really that against raiden being the overworked,underappreciated,older brother of earthrealm? Are people that against the fact raiden could do everything and anything to help people. And yet.....absolutely be given the short end?
Raiden isn't supposed to be this,no offense to NRS and mk fans. Weak as fucking all hell.
Even in mortal form he was supposed to be an expert fighter with the highest level of whoop ass. The only reason why he kicked more ass is because of his godhood. But his godhood...LIKE ALL THINGS PEOPLE. Has some form of self responsiblity and honor.
Not to mention he cares extremely deeply for mortal lives. That's what made him the protector of earthrealm in the first damn place. Because he related so much to them.
He wasn't like other gods. The only other one closest to that was his Younger brother fujin. Who in turn. Also became a protector.
They kinda take turns between each other to watch over earthrealm and also the kombatants/earthrealms warriors too.
Like good lord some people obviously don't pay attention. But it's ok. It's a game. We too busy throwing hands and having fun to pay attention to story.
But thats also a double edged sword because this unfortunately makes the storylines bland af
But hey that's what blogs like these are for. So you can fill in the gaps better and dust off the unwanted bull.
Again ugh. Sorry for all the raiden rant posts of late.
But i can't stand to see one of my faves get so much slander and horrible writing.
Like raiden was my boy. I had many other crushes n faves(sassy hatbae kung lao and of course our favorite local bih sorcerer). But rai? Oh he was special.
He was comfort character,the easiest for me to play with,i loooooved his character,he was better imho when he was sarcastic and gentle but when push came to shove. Dont fuck with the god of thunder! He was indeed the older,wiser,and more reserved of the storm bros. But he was just as loving,passionate for life,and gentle as his brother fujin. (It's just older sibling problems ya know?) Like Raiden is the dude i would honestly go to talk to when i felt i needed advice or a shoulder to cry on. I feel he understands human emotions on a deeper level than most wanna believe. But he doesn't let them control him. Instead he feels them. And then lets it be. (Zen that shit mofo) he sits with them,be's their friend instead of going against the currents,he flows with them. He's definitely a "let me sit with you and let you talk,i will listen" or "sit with me a while and ease your burdens for a bit" type guy. Like i feel like they went hella backwards with raiden so much.
What is it with people making the most human,fun,and compassionate gods so to speak. Nerfed and weakened to all hell?
Do people not believe in compassionate gods or characters in general? I blame the worlds state and suffering for this terrible influx of writing. Which is sad. Because this should make people write even more compassionate characters,to bring light to the irl problems we see every day. But hey,it is what it is brah.
But anywho. I need sleep. No need to get too deep. Lol.
(Don't worry the shang tsimping will be back I'm just trying to give some love to my boy raiden because i see too much hate on him and it hurts my heart.)
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onstoryladders · 3 years ago
Hi, how did you know you were aroace? I'm pretty sure I am but I'm still not 100% sure. I hate dating, sex makes me hella uncomfortable, literally my ideal life is just me being alone lol.
I thought a lot about myself and my experiences growing up before I decided to use this label. I spent most of my teenage years thinking I was straight. I only ever got crushes on boys, but I never talked to them, and I was okay just crushing on them from afar. I could also get rid of my crushes pretty easily, so I never quite understood when other people said they couldn't do it lol
I've always been a hopeless romantic, but my idea of romance has always been weird, a little bit different from what other people seemed to be searching for. I loved romance stories but when it came to reality they all felt bland and boring. I also never felt like dating like other people did, the idea of having to see a person for so many days a week made me (and still makes me) feel almost claustrophobic. Like no thanks, just-- no lol
I only had crushes on people I didn't know or didn't know well, and even then, as soon as I so much as thought that the person liked me back, I stopped being attracted to them. Even more, my attraction turned into repulsion. The idea of concretizing my feelings nauseated me.
For the longest time I just thought there was something wrong with me. Then I searched online, found some aro content on blogs and some forums and YouTube. And I remember watching a specific video and thinking: uhhh, I can relate a little too much to this lol
But it took me some time to label myself. I had to ask myself some questions – about what I felt, and what I wanted, and what I thought I wanted only because it was “how life worked” and no one ever offered an alternative.
As for the ace part, I just never cared much about sex. When I was younger I was sex-repulsed, even sex-negative at times. Now I'm neither, but I still don't experience sexual attraction for people I am close to – only strangers (almost never) and celebrities (... all the time gdnrudgsy).
So yeah, this is my experience. Each individual in our community has their own, though, so I'm not sure you'll be able to relate to any of this. I think sureness is overrated anyway. I think that people can change sometimes, and that knowing yourself is a lifelong journey. It doesn't matter whether you're 100% sure of a label, because you can always change it in the future if it doesn't fit anymore, but the important thing is that it's comfortable right now.
So if thinking yourself as aroace makes you feel safe and comfortable in your skin... just do it 💚
Wishing you all the best, anon, mwah.
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falcqns · 4 years ago
Pairing: Post Endgame!Bucky Barnes x Barton!Reader
Summary: You and Bucky are sent on a mission to the 1950′s, and you come face to face with Steve Rogers for the first time. 
Warnings: mention of Thanos, swearing, Steve being protecting, Y/N being more protective, The Winter Soldier makes an appearance, insinuation to smut. 
A/N: We love stories based off shifting experiences lol. also it was hella exhilarating to scream and swear in America’s Ass’s face LOL. Also If there are any chronological errors with the whole Hank Pym thing, just ignore it I haven’t seen Ant Man yet
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You were hiding behind an overturned desk, your gun in one hand, both batons in another. You, Bucky, and Sam had been sitting on the couch enjoying your Saturday, when it was raided by rogue S.H.I.E.L.D operatives from 1951, hell bent on preventing the avengers from forming. But, they didn't have time-space GPS’s like you guys did, so they were thrust into 2024, a year after the events of the final Thanos fight. They had held the three of you at gun point, until you threw a lamp at them, and Bucky reflected their bullets with his vibranium arm while you and Sam ran, you to your gun and batons, and Sam to get his wing suit on. A fight ensued, and everyone had eventually spread across the compound, to where you took refuge behind the overturned desk of Tony Stark. No one had touched his desk since he passed, but that changed today.
You felt someone approach from behind, and you flicked your wrist holding your batons to turn on the taser function, and went to knock out the person behind you, when you were met with Bucky, an amused look on his handsome face. He had two time-space GPS’s in his hand, and well as the bracelets that contained the suit. 
“Don’t electrocute me yet, doll,” He said, and you rolled your eyes. “We can fix this. We go back in time, we prevent them from taking the Pym Particles. It’s risky, but I see it as our only option right now. They’re not going down. We need to do something.” He whispered. 
“What about Sam?” You whispered, and Bucky looked over his shoulder. 
“I knocked a few of them out and told him to get the hell out and I had an idea. He escaped while I covered him. They won't notice anything happening because it might be minutes or hours for us, but it's seconds for them. Trust me?” He asked, and you nodded before taking the suit bracelet and the GPS he offered you, and slipping them on. You put your batons in the holster on your lower back, and your gun in its holster on your thigh. You double tapped the suit bracelet, and took a deep breath as the nanotech quickly covered your body, and head. Bucky programmed his GPS, and you programmed yours to go back to February 23, 1951. 
You looked at Bucky and nodded, before you felt the helmet covering your face, and a pull behind your navel, seconds before you entered the quantum realm. You watched as the colours of the quantum realm sped by you as you traveled, and you glanced to your side, sighing as you saw Bucky right there with you. You were nervous, but as long as he was there, you'd be fine. 
You felt a stronger pull behind your navel, and you were thrust into 1951. Luckily, the two of you landed in a supply closet, where there were janitors uniforms. You two didn't say anything while you pulled the uniforms on, and slipped out of the closet.
You two kept your heads down, determined to not get recognized while you figured out the plan. 
“So, this specific building changed considerably since before I fell off the train, but the labs are this way, just passed the offices in this coming hallway, which is where I’m guessing they put Pym’s lab and office,” He said, and you nodded. 
You two turned the corner to the office hallway, and you heard Bucky swear. You looked up at him in confusion before following his eye line and biting back a swear word. 
Peggy was standing outside her office, talking to a rather tall, broad shouldered, blonde haired man. Before you could process who it was, Peggy noticed Bucky, and her eyes widened. She exclaimed, and the blonde haired man turned around, to reveal himself as Steve Rogers. 
“B-Buck?” He said in disbelief. “What are you doing here?”
“You’re alive?” Peggy said right after. 
Bucky sighed, but the two of you walked up to the couple. You shifted so you were standing slightly behind Bucky. You had quite a few words for Steven Grant Rogers, none of them good things. 
“We’re here on a mission. We’re trying to stop 5 rogue agents from coming to 2024, and killing me, Sam, and my girlfriend Y/N.” he said, and you stepped put from behind him, giving Steve a tight lipped smile.
Steve looked over at you, and looked you in the face intently. “How did you meet Bucky?” he asked seriously.
“I met him when my dad introduced me to the remaining Avengers when we went to see Wanda after-” You were going to say ‘the Westview incident’ but didn't want to risk screwing up the timeline so you changed it slightly. “An unfortunate incident.”
He crossed his arms. “Who’s your dad?” He said, his chin tipping up slightly. 
“Clint,” You said simply, and he eyed you again, as if he didn't quite believe you, but chose to let it go, wisely. You rolled your eyes, and heard Peggy giggle, to which you gave her a smile. 
Steve turned to Bucky and dropped his arms. “Who are these agents?”
“George Peterson, Charles Collins, William White, Robert Gomez, and Paul Cox.” You said, and Bucky looked at you in confusion.
You rolled your eyes and looked at your boyfriend. “Their names were on their uniforms. Where were you looking when they had their guns pointed at our heads?” You said. “AT THE GUNS!” Bucky exclaimed and you rolled your eyes again. 
He turned back to Steve. “We need to get to Hank Pym’s lab.” He said, and Steve sighed. “What?”
“Pym’s lab hasn't been moved to this building yet, it’s still in downtown New York. Do you guys have a car?” He asked, and you scoffed. 
“Oh yeah, we had time to shove on of those in our pockets while being attacked by psycho’s.” You said, sarcastically.
Bucky looked at you. “Y/N.” 
You glanced up at him.    
“Sorry. No we did not Capsicle-OW!” You exclaimed when Bucky elbowed you in the side.
Steve sighed, and turned to Peggy. “I might be home late. Gotta help him,” he said, and Peggy gave him an understanding smile.
“It’s okay. Go help,” She said, and after they shared a kiss, Steve was leading you and Bucky out of the building.
“How’ve you been Buck?” He asked. Bucky sighed.
“Oh, y’know. Compound got rebuilt, met the love of my life, been on a few missions with her and Sam. The usual,” To which Steve chuckled.
You three reached Steve’s car a few moments later, and you climbed in the back, while Bucky sat in the passengers seat. You weren't as tall as him, and you were afraid you'd cause an accident if you put next to the literal ass of America. 
“Wait,” Steve said, pulling out of the parking lot. “How’d you get on the team,” He said to you. You rolled your eyes but answered. 
“I’m the daughter of two super soldiers, Hawkeye and Mockingbird. My mom has multiple serums, which were passed to me, and I got both their strengths, but I prefer to use batons rather than stupid ass arrows that can only be used once,” You said, crossing your arms over your chest, and slumping against the leather seats of his car. Steve nodded, and gave Bucky a look, which Bucky knew meant ‘she doesn't like me does she?’, to which Bucky gave him a look that said ‘this is her being nice to people she despises.’ Steve nodded, and focused on the road.
As the car drove into the city, you looked at how different the buildings looked. It looked exactly like the pictures you had seen, but you were in awe. There were a few skyscrapers, but they certainly didn't look the ones you were used to seeing whenever you went to New York. Bucky and Steve were talking in the front, and you blocked out the conversation to gaze at New York in a time when your father wasn't even born. 
You felt the car come to a stop moments later, and you looked up to see you were outside a bland looking building that said “Pym Technologies”. You stepped out of the car, and Bucky immediately took your hand in his. The two of you followed Steve into the building, and made it about a third of the way down one hallway before Bucky pushed you into a room, and pulling Steve with him. 
“What the f-” you started to say before Bucky covered your mouth with his vibranium hand. 
“That was them. The guys.” Bucky said, and Steve went to the door to see the guys Bucky was referring to walk down the hallway and turn right, in the direction of the offices. 
“Okay,” Steve said, turning around to face you two. “Do you have your weapons?” he asked. You unzipped the janitor suit and pointed to the gun and baton holsters on your leggings. Steve nodded, and looked to Bucky who was taking off his janitors uniform and pulled out his gun as well. 
“Okay, good.” Steve said. “Now, I left the shield at home because I barely use it, and the kids prefer to use it as a sled in the winter.” 
At the mention of his kids, you rolled you eyes again, and Steve had had it with that. 
“You keep that up and your eyes will stick,” He said, and you stuck your tongue out at him. He furrowed his eyebrows at you and spoke again. “What is your problem?” He asked, looking over at Bucky for help, who just raised his hands in defeat. He had tried many times to figure out why you had such a problem with Steve but eventually let it go and knew you would tell him when you were ready.
But, you finally decided you were ready. “My problem? What about your problem?”
Steve scoffed. “I don't think I have a problem.”
You laughed. “Oh, you don't have a problem? Do you feel any guilt, AT ALL, for leaving Bucky behind? Did you stop for one second to think about how this might effect him? He risked everything, multiple times for your stupid ass, and when the world was finally safe, at least for a while, you ditched him for a girl you kissed once? I get it, you ‘loved’ her, but she had her own life, her own husband, and everything. You left Bucky with Sam. THEY BARELY GET ALONG! I’m not saying you should have taken him with you, because then I wouldn't have met him. I’m saying that you should have stayed. You could've gotten with Sharon, gotten married and had a few kids with her. Instead, you chose to say ‘fuck it’ and abandon Bucky when he needed you most. And believe me, I know Sharon isn't Peggy, but you liked her as well. It’s called a compromise. Also, don't you think it's pretty shitty that Bucky DIED FOR YOU, came back to life, walked through a goddamned portal, fought aliens with a gun, all without a break, and you didn't have the fucking decency to talk to him, at least once before the fight was over? For the greatest soldier in history, you sure are pretty fucking selfish.” You stated, and walked out the door with your batons in hand without a second look.
“Wow.” Bucky said, looking at Steve. Steve just shook his head and motioned for Bucky to follow you. 
“Follow her and help. I gotta find something to fight with,” He said, looking around him. Bucky nodded, and walked out. He raced to catch up with you, and saw the men huddled together in a conference room, probably planning what to do next. He pulled you to the side before you reached the room to talk to you. 
He pulled out into a little alcove in between the offices, and pressed his forehead against yours. “Baby,” He breathed out, and looked up at you when you sniffed. “What’s wrong?”
“I couldn't let him sit there and think that what he did was okay. It wasn't. he left you when you needed him most. After he came out of the ice and found out you were still alive, his main goal was to find you, and save you. But when he finally gets the ‘big defeat’ he wanted with Red Skull but didn't, he immediately abandons you for Peggy? Nothing against her, she seems nice I just hate his guts for putting you through all of that and I know you’re gonna say that I shouldn’-,” Bucky cut off your rambling with a kiss. He pulled away and smiled at you.
“He needed to hear it. Now, let’s finish our mission so we can get back to 2024, and finish The Sound of Music because I really wanna know how the Von Trapps escape Austria.” he said, making you smile, your grip on your batons tightening. The door to the conference room opened just as Steve was coming around the corner, a shield slightly smaller than his own in his hand. He pressed back against the same wall you and Bucky were pressed against.
“Looks like they're trying to recreate everything about me,” Steve said, and Bucky chuckled. He glanced down the hallway, and saw it deserted. The 5 men continued down the opposite direction, towards the labs. 
“Y/N, corner them. Steve, go around to the opposite hallway and block off the exit there. I’ll do the same with the opposite exit. After that, we should be good, and we can fight them, and hopefully stop them.” Bucky said, and Steve nodded. 
“How do you know so much about this building?” You asked, and Bucky blushed. 
“The Soldier has more than one mission that involved breaking into Pym Industries,” he said. “Now let’s do this.”
“Didn't think you were one for leading,” Steve said, tightening the shield just before he walked off. 
“Yeah well, sometimes you have to step put when it comes to Sam Wilson.” You said, walking off. You pressed your back to the wall before turning the corner, giving Steve and Bucky time to get into position. 
Through the reflection on the mirrored ceiling, you saw the men come face to face with Steve, and turn around and head the other way. They passed by you without a glance, only to be faced with Bucky, who had ripped the sleeve off his metal arm. You heard them swear. 
“Fuck. He’s The Winter Soldier.” one of them said, and when you glanced up at the ceiling again, you saw Steve charging at them, Bucky following seconds later.
The men realized what was happening, and turned around to escape down the hallway where you were, and you flicked your wrists to turn on the taser function on your batons, and hitting an agent in the head.
He fell to the ground and you kicked him in the face for good measure. You looked up and saw Bucky in a chokehold by an agent with his back to you. You stood up and ran towards him. You planted the batons on either side of the agents neck and watched as his whole body convulsed, releasing Bucky. He turned around and swore. He pulled you off to the side and let Steve keep fighting.
“W-What are you doing?” You asked. 
“Theres more rogue agents coming. I need you to bring out The Winter Soldier.” He stated. Your eyes widened.
“Shuri got rid of him.” 
Bucky shook his head. “Remember when you went on vacation with your dad, stepmom and the kids and I visited T’Challa?” You nodded. “Well, it wasn't to see the Wakandan kids like I said. I went to Shuri and I asked her to put a version of him back inside. I can take down and kill people, but YOU are the only one who can control me. I won’t hurt you, or Steve, I’ll know who you are, but you need to say my trigger words. I know you know what they are. I fight, you and Steve get to the lab, take the Pym Particles and run,” He said, glancing back at Steve, who was holding his own fairly well against multiple agents.
You nodded. “Fine. But I don't like that you lied to me, and we will be talking about this when we get back.” You stated, and Bucky nodded.
You cleared your throat, and started speaking. “Longing, Rusted, Seventeen, Daybreak, Furnace, Nine, Benign, Homecoming, One, Freight Car,” You said in Russian. 
Bucky became very stiff, his eyes shutting. His whole body spasmed, and his eyes opened, brown eyes replacing his steel blue. 
“Ready to comply,” He answered, and you gave him his orders. 
“Take down anyone who gets in our teams way,” You said, and the Soldier nodded before rejoining Steve to fight, with him, instead of against him.
You ran back to Steve and him and watched as the Soldier took down agent after agent with no difficulty. Steve’s mouth dropped open as he stood and watched. “What did you say to him?” He asked, and you smiled.
“I brought out the Soldier. Now, let’s finish this,” You said, allowing Steve to lead the way.
You two ran down the hall and turned to corner. “I thought Shuri got rid of him,” He said as the two of you continued running.
You glanced behind you before answering. “She took one Soldier out and put a different one in,” You said, and the two of you skidded to a stop when you came face to face with the Pym Particles storage room. 
“I know Hank only keeps a certain amount here, but no one but me and him know that at this point in time. Let’s go in, grab them, and destroy them. I’ll take the blame for it but I couldn't give less of a shit,” Steve said, and the two of you burst in the room. 
There were only 10 vials of Pym Particles, each of you grabbing 5. You ran out of the room, and back the way you came. You made it to the hallway where the Soldier was still fighting.
“SOLDAT!” You shouted. He stopped and turned to look at you. “Let’s go!”
He nodded and ran towards you. Steve burst through the door, and the three of you ran towards Steve’s car. The three of you hopped in, Bucky and you in the back, Steve in the drivers seat and speeding away. 
“D-do you know how to get Bucky back?” You asked Steve. He looked at you.
“Remind him who he is. That’s the only thing that worked for me, but this Winter Soldier programming is different.” 
“Wouldn't hurt to try,” You said, and took Bucky’s hand in your own. “Bucky, look at me,” The Soldier turned to you. “You’re James Buchanan Barnes. You were born March 10, 1917. Your best friend is Steve Rogers. Y/N Y/L/N is your girlfriend. Your favourite food is plums. You absolutely despise Sam Wilson,” You said, and watched as he came back to himself slowly. Steve cackled at the last part, before pulling into an abandoned parking lot.
“We gotta destroy these particles,” You said, looking down at them resting in your lap. 
“That’s what we’re doing. Take these,” He said, handing you the rest of the particles. “And put them on the ground in front of my car. We’re gonna run them over.” You nodded, took the vials out of his hand and hopping out of the car. You placed them on the ground and got back in. 
Bucky groaned, just as Steve accelerated, and ran the vials over, a satisfying crunching noise coming from under the tires. You turned and gave him a smile. He groaned again, and buried his head in your neck. Steve chuckled and turned the car around to head back. 
He glanced at the time on his watch. “Theres no point in going back to Lehigh, Peggy’s at home now. Where do you guys want to go to head back?” He asked, and Bucky pointed towards a small clump of trees in a park. Steve nodded, and pulled over. 
You walked up to Steve while Bucky got his tired body out of the car. “Thank you for helping us. I’m sorry for what I said.” You admitted, and Steve smiled.
“Don’t be. I needed to hear it. I was incredibly selfish, and I should have stayed with him. But, thank you for helping him.” He said, and you nodded. He gave you a hug, and you walked towards the trees to allow Bucky and Steve to say goodbye. They talked a little, shared a laugh, and hugged. Steve walked over to where you were standing. 
“Come back whenever you guys want to. I’d visit you, but that’s not my time anymore. Plus I don't have a suit or a GPS. I’d probably end up in the Sokovia fight again if I tried.” He said, and you and Bucky laughed. 
“We will. I know the fairs coming up soon, so maybe we’ll come back then?” Bucky asked and Steve nodded. They shared a smile again, and Steve watched as the two of you tapped your bracelets, the nanotech covered you and programmed your GPS’s. You waved at Steve, and he waved back. Bucky nodded at him, which Steve returned at the two of you locked eyes as you felt that familiar pull behind your navel, and your were thrust into the quantum realm again. 
You returned to 2024 seconds later, and glanced around at the untouched compound, and Tony’s desk, which was completely fine. Bucky looked around in confusion.
“What happened? Wasn’t it only a few seconds here? Why is everything fixed?” Bucky asked and you smiled.
“The chronological timeline where we were attacked was erased by us when we destroyed the particles, so the attack never happened.” 
Bucky nodded, before scooping you up and carrying you into the living room. “Good. Now, let’s finish the movie, and maybe have a quickie before Sam gets back.” Bucky said, sitting on the couch, and lifting your shirt over your head. 
You laughed, but agreed. “Sounds like a plan.” 
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iheartgirlymcs111 · 3 years ago
just downloaded ikemen prince and oh boy...
New hyperfixiation here we go!
Enjoy my first impressions of each character
Please note that this is based off literally they’re looks the most basic information besides a few headcannons (never too early in the game to start looking for fanfiction lmao) and ✨vibes/aura✨
And obvious disclaimer these are my personal opinions feel free to agree/disagree and i’d love to hear yours maybe i’ll do an updated one once i get more familiar with all of then
Jin: I’m sorry but I literally cannot get over his head to body ratio/proportions like he looks like sirius from ikerev but just with a tiny ass head lmao but personality wise seems the most intriguing and most like my type he’s the more chill flirt especially if you were to compare him to arthur or nokto just the casual “yeah i get women” lmao also whats his reasoning behind not wanting to fall in love with belle? I mean he will obviously but i am interested
Leon: cute i like his hair nobunga vibes starting with his route first the lion predator x prey thing kinda gives me the ick the way they do it but i like lions so- he’s charming but kinda is bland and feels like at some points he’s just there and kinda falls flat
Rio: kiro from mlqc but worse and charles ikevamp maybe it’s me projecting bc i’m not used to having loyal people in my life nor people with a bubbly personality but he sus asf I don’t trust him fully i feel he’s up to something- definitely the possessive yandere type if pushed and i think he would be like nico from midnight cinderella and i could see him being secretly in love with mc in every route i will say tho i do appreciate mc/belle has someone she’s familiar with and has a friend so she won’t be so alone when literally being thrown into the hands of 10 princes in a completely separate environment cybird said besties who stay together get kidnapped together 😌
Chavalier: i like his design although i keep mixing him up with yves lmao they run out of hair colors or something? although he has a library which is lit and belle loves books so that’s a good jumping off point for them to get to know each other definitely the most serious and most guarded major tsundere i’m intrigued but kinda annoyed at the same time like dude lighten up sometimes “eat a moon pie, drink a seven up, quit murdering people.” LMAO iykyk
Yves: really like his earring fr something with men and wearing dangly earrings man- just a shorter chavalier looks wise lol jonah vibes with like vanity and sweets? I think? I read one hc is he the sweets guy?! i think he’s empathetic just really guarded and introverted and seems like iyasu in the blunt way speaks but his actions mean 1000 words
Licht: mitsunari vibes looks but also aura? but he’s more reserved in a don’t bother me way and just seems uninterested in everyone and less angelic he just seems to keep to himself and kinda reminds me of sai from naruto with him being mysterious and a blank slate when it comes to facial expressions and personality probably the one I don’t know what to expect from the least hella mysterious dude
Nokto: arthur 2.0. That’s it. It’s that office meme “they’re the same picture” i mean the mole/beauty mark, cool toned clothing/color scheme, a shameless flirt? ngl tho i love arthur and i am such a sucker (as much as i hate to admit) for the playboy/flirt finding his one true love and becoming loyal type beat so his route is on slightly higher on my list
Clavis: chavalier? Clavis? I’m sorry maybe it’s my poor memory retention and the fact that i can hardly remember names of people i just met in real life but like man i can’t keep all of them straight definitely not the same as chavalier just the C names with pretty much the same letters throwing me off he seems nice, kinda flirty but honestly the hardest to get a read on he just seems chill and like a mix of all the other guys attributes I don’t know where to place him or what to think of him yet seems like the guy to just go with whatever the mood is or change it in an impactful but subtle way like by being observant or saying something if that makes sense
Luke: aww I already love this fool he really is just a teddy bear fr so I couldn’t imagine his corresponding animal being anything else and i love his little bear keychain would 10/10 go to build a bear or go squishmallow hunting with him we’d be homies fr also i love the fact that he literally is just lazy and doesn’t care and whenever he enters on screen he just seems like he woke up from hibernation definitely would be a good friend and good pilar/support to mc if they didn’t go down the romantic path
Sariel: hello Sebastian?? Both from ikevamp and bb? I mean the game made it clear this dude is incredibly sus and dangerous also just like unhinged?! Like he literally just kidnapped belle and like didn’t bat an eye he’s just like “yup i liked how you slapped that drunk guy and now you’re belle no if’s and’s or but’s” and that’s like so funny to me for some reason lmao not that belle got kidnapped just the way this guy is so just offputting but in a way where i almost wanna root for him??! faust vibes fr seems the experimental type plus the glasses plus the devil thing and maybe this is me just playing devil’s advocate *wink* but i think they’re dramatizing how “bad”or truly “evil” he really is like his route isn’t out yet (i follow the english games so idk about his original release in japan yet if it’s out or not) but if the whole game is the beauty and the beast theme maybe on the inside or from a psychological standpoint from how he views himself he’s like jean d arc
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emachinescat · 3 years ago
MacGyver (2016) :)
First off, thanks for the ask! Secondly, sorry it took so long to answer! Christmastime is always very busy for me!
So I should probably preface this with the fact that when I first started watching the MacGyver reboot, I went into it expecting to -- and wanting to -- hate it. I'd fallen in love with the original and was hella mad that there were so many differences between the show I loved and this newfangled re-imagining of it. Boy, did my tune change! It's now one of my greatest fandom loves. So yeah. :)
The first character I first fell in love with: It has to be either Mac or Jack. Honestly, for the first few seasons especially, there really is no Mac without Jack, so they're kind of a package deal. I fell in love with Mac because he's genuinely kind, sassy, funny, and has so much angst and so many daddy issues that he doesn't know how to explore because he doesn't know what an emotion is, and he's so much fun to whump. Plus, have you seen Lucas Till? What a cutie lol!
I fell in love with Jack because he's earnest, unafraid of his emotions, an amazing father figure to both Mac and Riley, quirky, funny, and so very caring. His and Mac's relationship is my lifeblood when I'm watching the first two seasons especially.
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Well, I mean, given what I said at the beginning about going into the show wanting to hate it, I guess everyone would be an appropriate answer haha. But more specifically, I would say Riley. Don't get me wrong, I liked her pretty much from the beginning, but if you told me when I first started watching the show that she'd be one of my favorite characters, I might not have believed you. She's incredible - smart, witty, able to hold her own, strong, capable, relatable, and her relationship with Jack might just be my favorite in the show. The way they care about each other just... UUUGGGHH!
Also, Murdoc. I loved Murdoc in the original show, but when he first showed up in the reboot, I thought he was going to be the standard "creepy serial killer" type. And while he was that for a bit, he blossomed into the lovable psycho we all know and love to hate today. He's a genuinely funny character, while still remaining a real threat and being legitimately scary at times. He's brilliantly written and acted, and I do believe Dalmastian's performance does Des Barnes's original Murdoc proud.
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: Leanna. Sorry, she just irritates me. By the time she was added to the show, I was getting a little dizzy from all the team changes anyway, and I was really wanting some OG Mac team action. Plus, the lengths she went to to get to Bozer in their final exam are just too far for me. Other than that, she's just kind of bland. I can't exactly put my finger on why, but she bores me. Maybe I feel like she's there as a tool to motivate Bozer or to inspire him or to give him more relationships, but that she's just not fully developed in her own right, which is a disservice to the viewer and to her. Either way, I know a lot of people really like her, but I just don't see it. Plus (spoiler alert), she gets fridged, which means she definitely becomes a tool rather than a person, used to impact Bozer's life and his relationship with Russ, but nothing more.
The character I love that everyone else hates: I don't know how many people actually hate him, but I've definitely seen a lot of negative discourse about him on Twitter. I love Russ Taylor. Yeah, he's made some really, really crappy decisions, but that's what makes him such a great character in my book. I often love a character with complicated morals and who camps out in gray areas more frequently than not but who is trying to do the right thing and slowly learns to be a better person. I love the complicated relationship he has with the rest of the team and the way he and Mac often butt heads but ultimately learn to respect each other in the end. He's a fascinating character, and I really wish we could have seen more of him.
The character I used to love but don’t any longer: I really did like Desi at the beginning. Of course, I was wary of her because she was "replacing" Jack, but the moment she clarified that she doesn't like using guns unless an animal had been hurt, I was on board. But as soon as they started to push the Mac/Desi pairing and especially once the love triangle with Riley started, her character became so intertwined with her relationship status that she ceased to become a full, strong character. She was also much more unlikable in general - moody, rude, grumpy, and in later seasons very judgmental, manipulative, and even at times physical in her anger with Mac. That's not to say that he was perfect in their relationship, far from it, but her character became so poorly written once the love triangle started. I adore Levy Tran, though, and just think the writing and direction was sour in this case. There were still moments that the real Desi would peek through later on, but they were few and far between, and definitely not enough to make me like her the way I once did.
The character I would totally smooch: Okay, let me clarify that I am a very happy married woman, but for the sake of this question, I mean, does it really even need to be asked? It would definitely be Mac haha! Sorry, Riles! :)
The character I’d want to be like: Definitely Riley. She's just amazing. She's one of the most realistic and relatable characters on the show, so smart, funny, and a fierce friend. See all my points about why she's so awesome above. :)
The character I’d slap: Nikki, honestly. I love the first season, but I do not care for her story arc at all. And I really can't stand her, even after we learn the truth about her. I also wouldn't mind giving Russ a hearty slap now and again, either, when he deserves it haha!
A pairing that I love: MacRiley, of course, which is kind of crazy, because for the longest time I saw them more as siblings, but the writers, though they dropped the ball in some areas, really did so well in building up this ship believably. The stolen glances - even dating back to early seasons, I'm now noticing! - the selflessness, the true friendship, the crackling chemistry. They're perfect together, and I hope the show gets picked up for a sixth season so we can see them together at last. We deserve that much.
A pairing that I despise: For all the reasons listed above, MacDesi. That relationship is toxic AF. They were much, much better as friends and I will die on this hill.
Thanks again for the ask! I had a blast with this! :)
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bourbon-ontherocks · 4 years ago
I was tagged many moons ago by @septiembrre  @00gangfriend00 and @lemoncupcake to share my favourite line from EACH ONE of my fic, which is the most sadistic tagging game that I have ever seen: not only does it take forever to complete, but also while it was extremely pleasant to rediscover old fics that I had completely forgotten about it was rather traumatic to realize that everything I’m writing these days thinking that I’m being original I’ve already written before and forgotten about.
- For Love and War
Oh boy, re-reading that was hella embarrassing, God! And you guys kept reading my stuff after that?? So I had a hard time at picking a fave line because I’m mostly meh about this whole fic and especially its writing style, but I guess this one’s worth an honourable mention?
Think you know someone, he thought, and then outta nowhere she shoots you, and then tells you she wants you to kill her before falling in your arms and calling you by your name with pleading eyes that just make you wanna kiss her.
- For Four seasons in one day
Oh oh oh, I know this one!
Life hadn't put Elizabeth Boland on his path, nah, it was way more than that, it had fiercely thrown her through the glassy walls of his life like some wake-up call wrapped in golden curls and giant baby eyes full of inner darkness.
I just like the imagery here!
- For A Reason To Fight
Ugh, this fic is wayyyyy more OOC than I remembered... But I still love the Rio POV chapter very dearly, and especially this line because it was a turning point in my style and the way I use adjectives in my writing:
It's clumsy but he responds, almost out of an automatism, and it's timid, and soft, the way the tips of their tongues meet.
- For While Your Lips Are Still Red
So this fic is actually a pleasant surprise to re-read even such a long time after, obviously the writing could be better but I didn’t die from embarrassment which is a start, I guess. And obviously my favourite line has to be the one about Rio’s handwriting lol
Above the key, with a handwriting that clearly suggested that the person had theoretically heard about the concept of alphabet but never actually seen one, three words were written.
- For Love of the game
God, you still read my stuff after this one?? You’re the real heros here. Honestly it wasn’t that bad on a re-read, like the plot was honourable and the dialogues were okay, but the writing overall... ugh! So it’s hard to pick a fave because nothing actually sparked a specific light, but I did really enjoy most of Annie’s lines in this so maybe
"Oh come on, get a room! I swear I could get pregnant just from the sparks of your eyefucking!"
- For Nauseous
Mhhh, probably
Pulling the trigger in the middle of a kiss definitely sounded like him. Although it had to be kind of messy, right? Probably a lot of pieces of brain and skull to clean off your face afterwards
Because practical yet mildly inappropriate Beth is one of my favourite!
- For He’s not dumb
Not much to see here, but yeah, this one made me raise a brow
The instant is deafening because the sound isn't.
- For Moose hunting
"It lacks small graduations,"
- For Something you love
[About Dean’s “you don’t kill something you love”:]
At the end of the day, the accuracy of Dean's epiphany was somehow upsetting.
I just think it’s a funny way to put it haha! Also this fic is actually funnier and less bland than I remembered lol!
- For Your husband won’t like it
Side note: this fic is absolutely hilarious, I should re-read myself more often lol
She mentally scans the sexual list she sent to Mick last night, trying to remember if there was anything in there suggesting that she was even remotely open to the idea of a threesome with him and his boss.
Because I think it’s funny
- For Don’t steal from me
Oh there are a lot of pretty ones in this, but I guess it’s still
The second seemed to stretch into an hour, two people losing their balance at the edge of a cliff and faltering for the excruciating eternity of an instant before falling into the void, swallowed by the ocean.
because I love the imagery so much! Also honorable mention to this foreshadowing of my Dean x Rio x wardrobe shenanigans crush though:
[Dean] developed a strange obsession for counting and recounting his clothes, convinced that Rio wouldn't have passed on an occasion to steal one of his suits
- For It’s all coming back to me now
NONE!!!! This fic is my personal nightmare and I just hate everything about it. Ask again when I’ve finally finished it...
That being said, after a quick scan of the scenes that I know I like, there’s this, which I think was kind of a turning point in my writing style
"Elizabeth." A statement, dipped in light sarcasm.
- For We’re living in a powder keg and giving off sparks
Okay I already knew the answer to this one
The bubble they're living in is as thin and fragile as the wings of the butterflies in her stomach, and she knows it will tear up as soon as she'll step back in the outside world
- For Take a dip
I hadn’t reread this fic in literal ages and turns out it’s way better than I remembered! There are so many cool things that I love about it and had  completely forgotten about oh my gosh!! Picking a fave line was HARD. But maybe
If she was meant to burn her wings, it would be against his flame
But really, there’s competition here
- For Envelopes comin’ in the mail
Obviously my favourite pun ever
He could get high on that sheet.
- For Please don’t remember me for my crimes
Honestly I just love this fic so freaking much I can’t tell, there are so many!!! The level of meta and the humour in this fic made me squeak every two sentence on a re-read... Mick x ghosts! All the easter eggs I planted there and forgot about and just re-discovered! The Stationery Fair!
I really love this one, which marks the beginning of the tense switch and the Encounter:
Something woke him up, a metaphorical clap of thunder
And also the ending which includes one of my favourite imagery - arbored and flowery cemeteries with old graves
But maybe it's just the wind, whispering through the apple trees, and carrying with it the perfume of blooming flowers.
Also honorable mention to this line from @missmaxime comment on that fic which is close to actually be my fave line
Omg Rio, what else is an appropriate reaction when someone switches from 'So, dying hurt or what?' to, 'Excuse me, do you have a vagina?'
- For It Hurts When I See You Struggle
My babbyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!! I love literally everything from it, I’m just such a proud mama bear about this one!! Now if I have to control myself, I’d say this one for sure:
Anger and hatred spill out of him, soak the sheets, leak down on the carpet, drip along the walls, pour over her head a shower of contempt and dissolve her like acid.
I just love the metaphor and the imagery! And also this one, because *metaphor* and also I just lovvvvvve it
It's as if every part of his body spoke a different language. But eventually these all weave in to create a tapestry of anger and desire, hate and affection, that she's not sure she's ever seen so clearly.
- For Pour me a drink and I’ll tell you some lies
I actually can’t believe that I wrote that, every sentence made me snort so hard!! I forgot about the pompousness AND the innuendos I put in there, and also Fed Up Mick packing the glass away... Man, what happened to me? Why can’t I write stuff like that anymore? God, me x writing were in a really good place last fall
So basically my fave line was all of it. But perhaps this?
Poor babbling ignoramus, so unaware of their divine essence, the millenary dignity of their heritage, too busy as they were wondering with excitement and — should he say it? — horniness about how sparkling drinks feel when they spill inside of you.
Oh wait no, I remember, this is my fave line
But the point is, the other occupants of the sinister cave talk, although he doesn't trust this chatty flute who claims that she's been the witness of Her sparkling glee, or the garbled tales of this garishly daubed mug — ceramics' memory is as porous as their clayey structure and he most certainly won't listen to this chaotic oddball's mish-mash.
- For When I got nothing but my aching soul
I honestly don’t have the energy to re-read the entirety of this fic right now, but I know that I raved in @00gangfriend00 DMs about this line even before it was even written in (and she called it a mic drop), so it must be in the top 3 anyway
Because here's the thing with broken hearts. They never stop beating.
- For I hear her scream (and I feel nothing)
I want to say all of them because I love this fic so much, but if I really need to pick faves, I’d say that it’s a tie between
It's the notion of an answer, rather than its content, that fuels his expectancy.
The thought of any Jimmy 2.0 getting off on the live broadcast of her little moans ricocheting against his ear to hit the mike somewhere is enough to give him the hard-on of the century.
I just love the imagery and implications of both!
Oh and also
Gratuitous honesty's never been Elizabeth's forte.
I just love this one too
- For Fifty Percent
Maybe eventually they'll find in each other their missing peace.
I just love word plays. Also this was literally a last-minute addition right before I clicked on ‘post’ and I love when inspiration strikes like that. Also I really like this one which was my initial pick:
But now? The butterflies ballet is nothing but phantomatic.
Tagging absolutely no-one because I wouldn’t wish my sworn enemy to go through this but also if you’re reading this and want to play just consider yourself tagged by me <3
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bonsai62 · 4 years ago
Part 1: The Compatibility between Pisces and Capricorn
Hello everyone! Today, since I am hella bored and have nothing to do this fine evening, I am going to talk about the relationship between our two boys; Yuji and Megumi and how much they represent their signs so much.
Before I get started, I am not going to talk about their sex life even though it’s kinda important if you are into astrology, however, for this case I won’t because both of them are minors. But if you want to read more about their comparability then be my guess and look at the underline links. I will provide links in the discussion so you can have a better understanding on how the signs are and use manga pages for you to visually see it.
Also, excuse my English. I am very bad at it! Even though it’s my first language I still have lots of errors in my writing!
Also beware of manga spoilers too!!
Let’s get started on this very long essay!
Traits of a Pisces: Itadori Yuji
Positive: Compassionate (top), empathetic (middle), & creative (bottom)
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We also have: Warm/gentle, caring, intellectual, animal lover, and romantic
Here we have the positive side of a Pisces and let me tell you it screams Yuji so damn much. Yuji is such a compassionate guy. I don’t think I have never seen a character who is very compassionate like Yuji (I have but we are talking about Yuji here lol). He can empathize with a whole lot of people and no matter what the situation is he understands. Yuji doesn’t need to have the same experience as someone because he can feel and get in their head to make him understand what their going through. Which brings me to that he has a really high empathy level when it comes to people (I can relate a lot because I have the same thing). However, having a lot of empathy isn’t all that’s cracked up to be but I’ll talk about it soon.
A Pisces is also very creative and they love hobbies. One of Yuji’s favorite hobbies is, I have a feeling is sports but that just based on what his old school thought of him + the baseball game. Plus cooking! Cooking is an amazing hobby and it lets you get creative with your hands and skills! I like to imagine that he is the best cook throughout the school and loves to share with his classmates and have them rate his cooking lol! Cooking is also a relief of stress so I can also imagine him having a bad day and just ends up being in the kitchen.
Negative: Overly emotional (top), impressionable (bottom), closed off (middle)
I messed up the order lol
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We also have: melancholy, lazy, stubborn, moodiness, etc
Yuji is a very emotional person. We have seen him at his best and at his worse. He is such an emotional person that he felt bad for killing Choso’s brothers. His emotions gets the best of him when Junpei died, Megumi was hurt, seeing what Sukuna has done in Shibuya, and Nanamin/Nobara getting destroyed by Mahito. It’s an unhealthy feeling because we’ve seen Yuji get distracted with his injured friends and him kinda fucking up on his fighting. Another unhealthy trait that Yuji had is not talking about himself. We’ve seen him not talk about his feelings and I mean personal deep feelings that’s always going to be in the back of his head. Like when Megumi knows that something happened to Yuji but Yuji simple doesn’t want to talk about and closes it. He doesn’t really like talking about himself and rather hear other people/helping other people rather than face his own demons. If he’s facing his own demons, he rather be doing it on his own.
I also want to point out that many people think that he gets over people’s death hella easily. No... that is not true whatsoever. The boy has been through so much trauma that eventually you just get so tired of crying about it and you don’t have the energy anymore, you eventually start telling yourself “it is what it is” or “what can I do now?”. Noabra is a perfect example. He didn’t need to cry because he had the biggest mental breakdown when it happened. So when he asked Megumi about her status... he just had to say “alright”.
In my theories... she is definitely alive. Again, Gege is playing half of you guys. She is gonna pop out in the next couple of chapters or even the one coming up next.
Another things that I find interesting in Yuji which according to the links I put, Pisces tend to trust people easily:
Ease of being cheated: A desire to see the best things in other people makes the Two Fish very impressionable individuals. They trust others without any suspicions and often suffer from their frivolity. Any pressure of stronger people is accepted as a command for them and they easily agree with them without any doubts.
For instant, Todo and Choso. Those two mf were about to kill him but they didn’t because of what Yuji’s mind fuck did (I know Gege sensei said that isn’t a theory but still it’s mind fuck lol) He instantly call Todo his best friend like I can hear Nobara (Big sis) twitching somewhere lol. Whenever I think of Yuji and Todo’s relationship, I think of Vinny and Paula D from Jersey Shore haha!
Any who, while trusting people isn’t a bad thing, you still don’t know what their intentions are and everything. It’s a very naive thing to do.
But I felt for Yuji and Choso... Yuji didn’t have much of a choice...
I would like to know what changed Yuji’s mind into staying with Choso. I’m curious how Yuji “trusted” being with Choso after everything that went down. Yuji is a very forgiving character too (minus Mahito). But now, I think we can see that Choso has no bad intentions towards Yuji because he “might” be his brother. And their so cute too!!
On to our other boy!
Traits of a Capricorn: Megumi Fushiguro
Positive: Resourcefulness (top), discipline/patient (middle: also thank @pantherbeamish for the photos!), and reliability (bottom)
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We also have: Responsibility, loyalty, diligence, team player, etc
Megumi is a very interesting character. Whenever I see him I get more interested in him. He is exactly what you would describe a Capricorn. We have seen Megumi be resourceful when it comes understanding how curse energy works thanks to him. He is very detailed when it comes to explaining and also a very patient man when Yuji, who doesn’t know jack shit about the Jujutsu world. Never, not once, does Megumi call Yuji an idiot for not knowing all these things. That’s what makes him amazing because if it were other Shonen mangas, the “rival” would’ve called Yuji an idiot. The only time Megumi ever calls Yuji an idiot is when Yuji literally does or says something stupid. To me, that is normal and not being a dick about it because we all know that if we had a friend like Yuji we would’ve stared at him like “why are you like this...”
It’s me... I’m a lot like Yuji lol
But no, he is very patient and tries to explain everything to Yuji as best as he can. I have this thing where almost everyone relies on Megumi a lot because he’s a serious guy + very responsible with his tasks. We see Maki trusting Megumi too. Like the time when Megumi was hyping Yuji up saying he can beat everyone in the Kyoto school if they didn’t use curse energy (something like that lol). Yuji also can confirm himself that Megumi is very reliable. He mentioned it while back at the prison because both sibling duo thought they were lost.
Negative: Sensitivity (top), seriousness (middle), reservation (bottom)
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We also have: Unforgiving, criticism, suspicion, pickiness, etc
Just like Yuji, we have seen Megumi’s negative side a lot but it’s simply because he’s sensitive and thinks logically. Sometimes, I also feel like he thinks through his heart as well but that’s just me. That is where the sensitivity comes along. Megumi is hella sensitive he doesn’t need to show it because you can feel it.
In the article:
Sensitivity: It is better not to offend Capricorns who are very sensitive people. They can’t stand being laughed at and remain serious in public but feel badly deeply in their souls. Even a minor joke can result in resentment from their side!
In many, many occasions we have seen everyone fucking around or getting on Megumi’s nerves, especially in our recent Jujustroll where Gojo is saying a bunch of nonsense and embarrassing tf out of Megumi. His seriousness gets in the way and that’s what makes him sensitive.
On the side note: I also wanted to add something. As I was reading a few articles, some mentioned that Capricorns are... bland. Please, Capricorns!! No me ataques! I just find it interesting that someone, like Todo, who thinks Megumi is boring. Todo honestly thought he was boring since he first asked him what was his type and while Megumi gave us the best answer, Todo expected something more fun. But no, it was boring. Also, Megumi lives a simple life. Now, I’m not saying that Megumi is boring because as a matter of fact I like how simple he is. He likes to keep things neutral. Personally, on his activities he is considered “bland” and honestly, I can see why but I would still go out my way to enjoy it with him if I was his significant other lol I also feel like he has a good sense of style in fashion. I’m saying that judging from the official arts + “Lost In Paradise” because in that ED Megumi be looking like a bowl of fruits. A bowl of snacks lmao!
But, anyways! Megumi is also reserved to himself. He does not like talking about himself at all (hon hon does that sound like someone?). He doesn’t open up to a lot of people but I kinda feel like he does with Gojo but that’s just because Gojo raised him and he just knows when Megumi is feeling a certain way. Also, I bet Gojo just knows when Megumi is having a bad day too. We witnessed him just being in his own bubble in the current arc that is happened in the anime. Yuji and Nobara calls him out about him being so reserved to himself. He does eventually tells them what is going on, but it takes a lot for a Capricorn to open up and it’s totally understandable. I feel as if you want a Capricorn to open up, you have to let them give you time for them to get to know you. Give them your intentions and put in the effort to make them trust you.
Now in to the fun part!!
1. Trust:
Articles 1: They will often understand each other well enough to respect their relationship and keep it clear of dishonesty
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I’m a use this imagine again btw because this speaks their relationship clearly
I think what I truly love about their relationship and love the idea of them being an endgame is the trust that they have for one another(even though someone is gonna die). They barely knew each other for 2 months and their chemistry is off the mf charts.
The picture above isn’t just them having an eye opening moment but the fact that they trust each other to save one another.
Megumi had saved Yuji so many time
Yuji had also saved Megumi so many times
Tbh, when I was thinking about Megumi coming in to save Yuji from Yuuta and Naoya, I thought it would be the same as when Yuji saved Megumi and Maki from Hanami, but we got something better. We got to see Megumi never doubting Yuji and always making sure that he gives him as many chances as he gives. I hope that sparks a realization for Yuji because sometimes I always felt that he doesn’t really acknowledges Megumi doing a whole lotta things for Yuji. I’m still complaining about it because if he can say “thank you, best friend” to Todo or “thank you, Kugisaki, for letting me know that I am not alone” to Nobara, then he should definitely see how much Megumi gives a fuck about him.
I expect a “thank for being by my side and never doubting me” for Megumi.
Articles 2: Pisces, who prefers to hand off important decision-making to dominant Capricorn, feeds into the goat’s need to be in control. On the flip side, Capricorn trusts Pisces to attend to its emotional needs—something that can be very difficult to allow at first.
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This is interesting because a lot of the time Megumi is always making the plans and the choices. I feel like Yuji tends to rely on Megumi a lot because Yuji respects the way Megumi thinks (I’m not saying he doesn’t do that with anyone either).
Another thing is that:
“Capricorn trust Pisces to attend to its emotional needs-something that can be very difficult to allow at first”
I want to use Yuji asking Yuuta to kill him if Sukuna comes out especially for Megumi’s sake as an example of “emotional needs” because we see that Yuji does not want to be anywhere near Megumi because of Sukuna. In Yuji’s emotional state, he would rather have Yuuta kill him than Megumi. A lot of people also have this head canon that the reason why he asked Yuuta to kill him instead of Megumi is because Megumi already has a lot on his plate or something. I forgot the theory lol
But... I have a feeling that Megumi is gonna end up killing Yuji at the end because it should be him...
But yes,
Let’s see where things end with the current event that is happening now.
But unfortunately, I have to stop right here because Tumblr only allows 10 images in one post. Tragic!
I do hope you guys enjoy and please comment if I’m missing anything with them! Let’s hope I won’t take long with part 2 because I’m hella busy at times! Overall, tell me what you guys think!
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dahniwitchoflight · 4 years ago
Homesquared Chapter 14
lol gotta love John’s enthusiasm of being part of the movers and shakers getting shot down cuz he hasn’t actually flexed his Main Character Muscles in quite a long time
though he’s honestly taking his mid life crisis very well all things considered, its good he cares more about his kids than anything else and I like the bond he’s getting to make with Harry, it’s nice!
Now what’s a million times funnier though is the same thing happening to Vriska, she is decidedly NOT taking her midlife “but but I want to be important too!!” crisis not nearly as well as John is haha
VRISSY: I guess you Did go Viral, 8ut the news moves so fast these days. I don’t think Any8ody is like...
VRISSY: Glued to their phones Waiting for your New Hashtag Resistance content.
Yeah Vriska, you’re so 15 minutes ago :P people have moved on
what, did you think you were going to be important forever?
VRISKA: What’s the point of me even coming to this shitty fake reality if I’m not supposed to fix it?
to have a mid life crisis about not being important anymore obviously :P
VRISSY: Yeah, they told me about That stuff, but a Lot of the Shit that Happened in the Session if just not in the History Books.
VRISSY: You weren’t Really mentioned that Much.
VRISKA: Excuse me?
I Am Living For This Whole Conversation
JOHN: uh, vriska, everything okay over there?
JOHN: okay.
JOHN: do you girls want a snack?
ASJHGFSHFHWE yeah calm down Vriska have a snack 
ahh, loving it
Turns out, History is written by the people who were left who decided to give a damn about writing it, and if those people Don’t Like you, they can just decide to not mention you, no matter who you are or what you did
All your “important” accomplishments are for naught and have become meaningless because you’re an asshole and other people didn’t like you enough to decide that you mattered in the long run
Congrats! Infamy doesn’t matter as much as Connection
Aww, cute with Annie getting hug bombed by her moms
Though, Rose definitely has a stronger bond with Annie than just being her surrogate it looks like
I understand this family situation just fine, if Annie really was just supposed to be a way for Jade to overcome her lonliness, and Rose was her only functional way and only person she could approach with this idea, and Rose responded out of care for her friend
Rose, shouldn’t really have a distinct mom attachment here, because then it implies a stronger than platonic relationship with Jade
but it could just be a great example of “this is why you don’t agree to create a child with your friend purely because said friend was crying out of lonliness out of failed relationship and wanted a child to fill that void of lonliness but who then shoves said child off the sidelines and doesn’t interact with her at all and leaves her in the hands and care of a supposed enemy and
yknow, I think I’m just gonna stop there before I remember Jake also knew about Yiffany existing so if the only ones who didn't know were John/Dave/Karkat and Kanaya then what was honestly the point of hiding her in the first place
Its not the fact that Yiffany exists that Im finding hard to believe, its just hows she treated narratively after she started existing thats stretching my rubber band into a dangerous area
“ROSE: Is it the libidinous power rush that comes from snapping your fingers at men with guns, or are you worried that you might accidentally do something heroic?
(its the latter)
“She stopped thinking about how she would be received, and more about how she could play to the people she knew would receive her favorably.
Looking up she sees Tavvy with tears in his eyes. Rage and guilt surge inside her. This situation is not her fault.”
Gotta Justify It. Gotta Justify It.
Doesn’t matter if I’m Right or Wrong, if enough other people validate me than Everything is Fine and I’m a Good Person.
JANE: So before you accuse me, take a look at yourself!
JANE: I'm the only one who has taken any interest in her upbringing or education!
JANE: Or have you forgotten who has been paying for her schooling and taking charge of her introduction into society?
JADE: i never asked you to do that!
JADE: you offered!
Okay but Jade, you DID let Jane have Annie in the first place and then presumably washed your hands of her, when supposedly the only reason Annie exists is because you wanted a daughter with whom you could have a loving relationship with
You gotta, explain you’re thinking there Jade cuz I still don’t get this bit
Though in thinking about it, I think I know why this happened
Jade grew up isolated from any person, but still loved her grandfather, despite his absence
to her, family relationships didn’t involve any sort of personal work, they were just things she had because she had them
did she just believe the same would happen for Yiffanny? that she could paradoxically still have a relationship despite long absences? Annie doesn’t seem to have any resentment here for Jade or Rose so I mean ???
“ If they were to kill Tavros, the entire world would see them commit this war crime. And weighed in the balance, Lalonde and Harley would be off the playing board. Saving your daughter certainly counted as a heroic death, and with the damage they'd done to humanity, it would also probably be just. “
She hates them both so much she’d let Tavros die for it
But also, she really does calculate everything in terms of how the Masses would view their actions as Just or Heroic
so yeah, she was absolutely about to let Tavros die, damn Jane
literally the only thing that stopped you was that Jake viewed the threat as a real threat and was about to do something stupendously Heroic to save Tavros and you decided you didn’t want Jake to die a heroic death
On the flipside, oh damn, Yeah Vriska’s going full throttle right on the nose ahead with the obvious audience expectation, that there gonna make another sburb session and get the obvious group of important 4 kids to god tier
that’s clearly the path vriska wants and expects, but hey, just imagine if what Vriska wanted to happen didn’t happen this time, imagine if the kids were just like “nah im good?” when it comes to a god tier
The narrative is making it super clear that at least 3 out 4 kids are kinda not feeling all the outdoorsy action and excitement of a game of life and death
Annie though I could hella see her down to play sburb and get a god tier, shes got that whole “isolated childhood trauma and parental issues pressure cooking her a strong will to take her life into her own hands” energy
Vriska, go see Annie, her strong willed butt is more of the action girl you’re looking for I think
At least if they do end up playing the game and getting the tiger, Annie feels like the first one to do it or the action catalyst of their session, like how Vriska was for hers, or Dirk for the alphas, or
hmm. who was is that kinda, moved things along for the Beta’s again? I think it was Rose, but Dave did a ton to move things along as well, but also their trolls like Terezi and them gave everything big nudges, I think Rose counts as the equivalent Beta in session mover and shaker though
Side note: the panels with vrissy and vriska here very feel cartoonish and light hearted, interesting choice
but it does give off Major “Play Game: Level 1″ vibes if that makes sense
What the fuck is with the Dave Soldiers
I mean, they look more like Red Johns?Jakes? with the black hair
the glasses throw me off though-
yeah he literally just went outside for a second to see where the V’s went and then the house gets bombed, and we get three whole panels dedicated to John slowly sitting down in the wreckage
Harry Anderson just got fucking killed holy shit.
oh my god, they were leading up to it too.
We just had three seperate death flags for the other 3 kids in a row
Brain Ghost Dirk warned Jake that Annie was gonna die via electrocution unless he stepped up
Jane was gonna let Tavros die vie neck snapping (even though Kanaya really wouldn’t have)
Vriska and Vrissy discuss god tiering, and what it would mean for Vrissy, death is a subtle implication there but still there
Now to see if Jane’s ever revived Harry Anderson before in the next update I suppose :o
They did not kill Harry Anderson, I saw pumpkins in front of the house that got exploded and didn’t see it looks different than the other bland white suburban house that John actually left, so no one died, Harry just got his implied death threat turn
Harry is at Roxy’s House, John sits in the smoldering ashes of his childhood home, languishing in the idea that Jane, the girl who might have in another reality been his loving grandmother, actually wants him and his kids dead for realsies
he never really got to sit and think about the hole where his home was that the meteor struck when he entered sburb huh? (I know his house came with him, giving the allusion all was well in the Medium, but a real meteor still struck the place that he stopped existing on OG Earth, to an outside observer, it would look like a meteor destroyed his home)
with Vriska talking about sburb to Vrissy, it is nice imagery to imagine the implications of the Kids god tiering from Earth C
and the destruction left in their wake
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the100hurtme · 4 years ago
Lol so I finished the second book a couple days ago but here were my thoughts cause I remember them clear as day lollll (this series makes me emo) soooooo A Court of Mist and Fury pt.1:
My autocorrect knew before I did and was trying to warn me 😒
I mean I didn’t like him that much anyway he was so bland and I swore he only communicated in grunts
She’s not a FREAKN toy oh my gosh 🙄
Wait it’s been months and Rhys hasn’t shown up??? How serious is this bargain thing
Wow these Books are🌶🌶
Awww poor Feyre 🥺 can no one here her puking her guts out at night????
Tampon just chillin on the bed can’t even hold her hair 😒
This “protective” stuff is def gonna be a bad shade on him
Who tf is Ianthe
Well Atleast she has a friend even tho sis just popping up out of nowhere
Noooooo Feyre doesn’t seem like herself is no one noticing how this she’s gotten??? Do they not have therapy in Prythian?
Ugh this writing is so good I can actually feel how hurt she was
Damn how do you cope with actually dying and seeing urself and turning into something you once hated???
Where tf is Rhys
Ok like I can cope with them being engaged, but are they really gonna get married???
Awww it hurts reading her cry for help
oh shut up tampon 🙄
Ianthe sus sus for dippin like that
Awww yes rhys take her away from this bitches 🥺
Ok like I know that I want rhys to take her away but seriously tamlin isn’t gonna put up more of a fight?
Ugh yesss Lucien must have been tired for carrying the sass of the book for so long
Wait how deep is this bargain bond (I’m still so confused about how that thing works)
I still stand by the their mates theory but idk how that works either and he hasn’t mentioned it
She’s so broken she can’t even push back at him damn her fire is really gone
Who’s the girl??? Pleaseeee no competition...
Lol Bruno Mars would def love the night court clothes
He’s having her read and put up shields wow. Also why did no one at spring court teach her how to read??? Like it’s not threatening or physically dangerous... lowkey annoyed with Lucien like the dude almost died cause she couldn’t read how come he’s not gonna teach her...
OH SHES HIS COUSIN aight that’s cool
Wow he’s actually giving her space idk I thought he would bug her a ton that’s really nice
Nooooo don’t make her go back she’s actually eating and sleeping 🥺
Bruh 🖕
Oop you just know something us about to go down at the tithe
Also for someone who said he doesn’t keep slaves the tithe is a bit sus there 😒
Dude that’s so glutinous to just keep taking and taking like that... if you have all that money why can’t you reduce their taxes!!! Also why is the Tithe so frequent tf
Are they not gonna discuss the wedding thing
Yeah what how are they supposed to pay in three days when there’s nothing??? Like most of the kingdom was under a damn spell
Is Feyre just supposed to be decoration???
Yes! There’s the backbone that we hadn’t seen from her in the last 7 chapters!
Damn tam don’t get your panties in a twist
Oh they are def gonna save her ass later
Sis should have given them her engagement ring 😌
Wait how many powers does Feyre have??? I need a catalogue to list which court can do what... like if autumn can do fire how come dawn and day don’t get fire??? Like I’m sure it makes sense but my mind is tired
Lolllll Alis is a whole mood
Yeah you better be saying sorry tampon 🙄
Does the mans not see she hasn’t painted anything in months??? Like read the room omg
Awww she has PTSD badddd someone come save her :(((
Atleast he shielded her somehow
Bruh wtf is Rhys?!? Or even Lucien or Ianthe do they not like Feyre or something
Sis you don’t owe him anything, but she’s so nice for trying I would have dipped so fast
Dang the clothes are even looser than before 😞
bruh these two are just wrapped in trauma aren’t they :(
Well that picture show must have kept him up at night oof
I expect if from tampon but damn Lucien is on some thin ice
Bro everytime I read “looks at me with worry” it physically hurts like ouch
Is this just gonna be a thing where she only gets checked on and fixed one week a month just for her to wither away again?
Yeah where is Mor? On the map the night court is so big how many Fae are in this court
The whole invading other people minds thing stresses me out.
Bruh Amarantha was bad and controlled all those courts how can something be worse than that
can someone find out what books Feyre is reading??? Like what kind of books would the High Lord of the Night Court give her to read?
Please don’t let her fall apart Rhys
Dang this book is so realistic that going through that shit can actually haunt you for a while. Most books just skip over it I like that she’s actually going through it thoroughly
Dude why can’t he train her??? Like she’s losing control of it might as well teach her how to wield it on purpose
Yes Lucien talk to him 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
They really don’t let her do anything at all, idk how do you live life when you feel utterly useless
Why can’t he just tell her where they’re going???
Ok Lucien earning some brownie points I guess for trying
I knew I liked Alis
How come Mor is the one getting her? Ohhhh some other weird court rules I dont understand
Damn that must have been so traumatizing for Feyre
Lolllll Rhys is about to lose his shit and I’m here for it
WE’RE GONNA MEET RHYS FRIENDS I think he has friends I hope he does
awwwww city do starlight sounds nice
Lol they must not know about this city if they think Rhys is terrible
HOW DOES SHE WRITE THIS WORLD my imagination isn’t even that big!!!
Aight so since this book is hella long expect multiple parts of your actually following along with this!
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kdramaanalyst · 5 years ago
Spoilers ahead!!! Read at your own risk. Once again, I am not an expert and these are my personal opinions. If you have disagreements, let's talk it over. Don't judge me, let's judge the show together instead and have an understanding.
For the first drama that I am going to review, I chose The King: Eternal Monarch. A lot of viewers who supported the show with all of their hearts could still not get over its ending. Others who like to binge-watch are relieved because they can finally watch the entire series without waiting for a new episode to air. While some are still mulling over about watching it. Well, I hope I could help you with this review.
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• Introduction to the Drama
Short gist:
The story revolves around Lee Gon, present King of Kingdom of Corea. He witnessed his father’s death when he was young, an incident that haunted him until he grew older. Due to unfortunate circumstances, a legendary flute with powers called Manpasikjeok that can open different worlds was cut in half. He was able to get hold half of the flute, while the other half was obtained by Lee Lim, his uncle who killed his father. Lee Lim had been going back and forth two different worlds, plotting foul pursuits to fulfill his evil desires, and disrupting the peace between the two worlds. In order to restore balance and order, Lee Gon also traveled between worlds, meeting Jeong Tae Eul who soon became a significant person in his life.
If you've been watching Korean Dramas for quite a while now, you must be familiar with some of the characters of The King: Eternal Monarch, especially the lead.
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If you call yourself a k-drama fan and you don't know who Lee Minho is, give yourself a slap (just kidding, please don't take that seriously). Lee Minho has a good reputation because of his experience, acting skills and obviously, his gorgeous face. He has an impressive list of successful dramas and movies! Most of us probably knew him through his breakthrough role in Boys Over Flowers.
Meanwhile, Kim Go Eun, despite being fairly new to small screen (she first started appearing in movies), is also highly distinguished by a lot of k-drama fans. In all three dramas she starred in, including The King, she always got the lead role. His leading men are no joke either. And because of Kim Go Eun, many of us still wants to be the goblin's bride.
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Among the cast also includes the familiar faces of Woo Do Hwan, Kim Kyung Nam, Jung Eun Chae, and Lee Jung Jin.
Anyway, I'll try to share every thought I have from the first time I watched it until it ended. I will also try not to give so much spoilers because the drama just ended. I will talk first about my experience watching it and then I will list at the very bottom some of the issues I have and that list contains major spoilers so watch out for that. As you notice, I always warn you with spoilers using red font color.
• The Experience
When I watched the first teaser of the drama, I got intrigued and a little confused. What worlds are they talking about? Do they have super powers? Is this a historical drama? Questions were instantly formed in my head.
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It also reminded me of the drama Queen In Hyun's Man because of a similar scene where the leading man is riding his horse in the middle of the city and finding his woman. But that's just it, the two dramas are completely different. I just mentioned it because others may have felt the same way.
I don't usually watch dramas while it's still fresh. I wait for about two to three weeks before the schedule of the ending so I can binge watch without waiting so much. When I watched The King, there were already 12 episodes available on Netflix. Usually, I would finish 12 episodes in 1-3 days, and if the drama is really good and it's MY STYLE (i said that in an obviously fake Korean accent), I could watch it for an entire day.
However, I finished those 12 episodes in 2 weeks...
Why??? Why did it take me that long???
I wouldn't say I was bored, it's just that during the first few episodes, nothing caught my interest yet. I wasn't convinced that it was a good drama. There was nothing special and I didn't know what to look forward to that's why I couldn't watch it continuously. I got lazy. The pace was slow and the story build up was a little stagnant. It was too slow that I even started watching a long length saeguk just so I can watch something else.
I could have skipped some parts and dropped it but I continued watching and gave it a chance. Though it was a good thing that I didn't stop because as I watched more episodes, the story actually became more exciting. Finally, I saw some progress. I started to get invested in the drama after the eighth episode. That's when the story felt more alive. Finally, there were revelations, more conflicts arose, more emotions were shown, and the story got deeper. I began to appreciate the drama. However, I still don't like the fact that it took me 8 episodes before I started to like it.
• Points that I Liked About the Drama
1. The plot seemed like it's going to be too science fiction-y but it's just the right amount. I was worried that it might be too much for me to handle but it was just okay (i am a potato who dislikes thinking so much, but that depends on my mood lololol). I liked how there's a mix of history in the drama, as well as of politics but it still feels modern. There is a balance.
2. The distinction between the Kingdom of Corea and Republic of Korea is impressive. It's obvious that they put a lot of effort in building their vision of KOC to life.
3. Many people were saying that it's hella confusing and so much was going on. I don't think so. They actually made it easy for viewers to understand about parallel worlds. You don't have to study science facts just to get this drama's concept. I think the slow pace did its job well in this part.
4. The story is unpredictable. You never know what's going to happen next, that's the strength of The King's concept. Because of the two different worlds and the crazy number of characters, there could be a lot of possibilities and backstories.
5. The action scenes are commmendable. I liked the action scenes, the one during the last episode is probably my favorite.
• Points that I Didn't Like About the Drama
1. The slow pace. I don't think I still need to explain more but it totally ruined my whole experience of watching the drama.
2. Many characters didn't leave much impact. Their acting was great, however, I don't see a lot of personalities that standout. The most remarkable ones for me are the characters played by Woo Do Hwan. The other characters, especially the lead, the prime minister and the traitor were okay, too. The others were just bland and years from now, I probably won't remember most of them.
• The Ending (spoiler alert!)
The ending was good. It didn't feel rushed and everyone had a separate ending of their own. I just wished there was more Nari and Eunsup / Yeong and Seung A moment in the end, the conclusion was fine though. I don't like that Prime Minister Koo ended up in jail but Luna became a cop...
I just have one issue regarding the ending that they decided on. In the end they didn't show if Tae Eul became a queen. Well, it would be weird if she became one considering there is Luna in KOC. They can't be together in ROK, too because Gon's counterpart was able to live. So... what? They just kept traveling whenever they have time? Because if that's the case, doesn't that mean they will hide their relationship forever??? I liked that they ended up together but I wish they also kept this in mind. Because it kinda makes me sad. Lol.
• Final Thoughts
Overall, it was alright. It was over-hyped by netizens due to the amazing casting and promotions, but it's not bad at all.
Would I watch it again? No.
Would I recommend it? Yes. Give it a try! I honestly thought I wouldn't like it but I still did, even if it took me 8 episodes, I wouldn't say it wasn't worth it. If you enjoy fantasy dramas with complicated twists and conflicts, this drama is for you. Just have patience and prepare yourself mentally when you've reached the middle. This drama is gloomy and a little heavy, too. It was serious and has a very few humorous scenes.
I am giving The King: Eternal Monarch a 7/10. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
• The King: Eternal Monarch OST Top 5
There are 13 songs in total and everything is so good! I wish I got to hear more of the songs in the drama, some were just played briefly. I swear every song makes me feel things. Choosing just 5 songs is really hard. If you don't watch dramas but love music, give these a listen!!!
My Day Is Full Of You by Zico, Wendy
Orbit by Hwasa
I Fall In Love by Ha Sungwoon
I Just Want To Stay With You by Zion.T
Please Don't Cry by Davichi
Now I'll move on to some of my "issues". This section isn't really what you think. The word "issues" is just intriguing ㅋㅋㅋ but this is just a compilation of my opinions, observations, feelings and other stuff no one might care about in the series. If you have answers for my questions or if you can explain it for me, please enlighten me. Major spoiler ahead!!!
• Issues
1. During the time when Lee Gon was time traveling and finally got back to Repuplic of Korea, it probably took him a lot of time, right? He even took his time to take care of Tae Eul in the hospital. I wish they also showed what was happening in Kingdom of Corea during that time because he's a king and his absence might have caused a ruckus in his kingdom. I can even picture the palace lady Noh getting really worried as Lee Gon travels. The moment he came back, they only gave him updates as if everything was okay.
But since they didn't show it, I guess it is safe to assume that nothing much happened in his kingdom back then. 🤷‍♀️
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2. When Gon and Tae Eul met again in Gwanghwamun, why did Tae Eul hug him? In my understanding, at that period of time, Tae Eul only met him twice—once when she was 5 and once when she was 27. So why did she hug him suddenly as if she knows he's going to be a significant person in her life? Their dialogue when they met again when she was 27 wasn't even enough for her to act that way.
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3. I hope they also gave Nari more lines and importance. Maybe it's just me, but at first, I thought she and her KOC counterpart would have more significant roles. When I think of it, even without her, the story could still go on. Though this is just a minor issue. ✌
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4. Prime Minister Koo. She was a villain, but I didn't really hate her until the last 4-5 episodes (can't recall the exact episode, sorry), though I wouldn't say I hated her so much. I actually liked her at first! She's ambitious, fierce, independent and intelligent. She just got blinded by greed.
My issue here is, am I really supposed to feel like that? In my opinion, her character has the potential to become more heinous and despiteful. I was wondering why they didn't turn her into someone like that? She was just greedy, bitchy, a little sly and annoying.
5. Lee Gon's and Tae Eul's love for each other was a little shallow. Sure, the man who saved Lee Gon when he was a child, had Tae Eul's ID. But how sure was Lee Gon that the woman who owns the I.D. is not a villain? The woman in the ID could lead him to the man who saved him, yes, but it still bugs me how easily they fell in love especially on Lee Gon's part. Maybe I'm just thinking too much. I am sorry. 😅
In spite of that, I still liked their love progression. I didn't ship them that hard but their chemistry wasn't cringey and forced.
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6. The scene where Lee Gon gave Tae Eul flowers and then left, was a little confusing. It didn't break my heart, too. I just felt a little sad while watching that scene because Kim Go Eun's acting was good.
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7. Who the f is thay yoyo boy??? My guts tell me he's a part of the flute or something because he knows a lot. But I wish it was explained more. It looked weird how he just suddenly appears sometimes and suddenly talks some sense. He remains a mystery.
8. Why the f is Jeong Tae Eul a flat earther??? Well, at least she had a character development in the end. It just annoyed me lmao
9. I don't get why people keep comparing The King: Eternal Monarch to Goblin. Why??? They don't even have the same plot or concept.
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10. Court lady Noh was from Republic of Korea... What? Was that necessary?
Don't mind me. Don't mind me. Don't mind me.
Anyway I hate how tumblr wasn't able to save my draft when I was writing additional content. I lost half of it and it makes me furious!!! I had to redo the draft but I can no longer remember some of the things I wrote. I am sad because I lost something that can't be brought back again. This experience earned me a lesson.
That's it for my first review. What are your thoughts? I am a horrible reviewer, I know, but I will do better in the future. Thank you for reading!!!
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gayregis · 5 years ago
Can I just say thank you for being one of the few people who doesn't ship Dettlaff and Regis, yanno, brothers. It's sooooo refreshing to see.
HELL yea this has been my MO since day one on this blog.
in ADDITION to the fact that “regis regenerated from dettlaff’s blood making them literally blood brothers,” i feel dettlaff is way underdeveloped in canon and since cdpr made him a one-dimensional villain of the story that’s insinuated to be controlling of syanna because “that’s just how vampires are” it’s really uncomfortable as a ship. he’s so fucking bland oh my god. he’s literally just there to pose conflict and you can’t even talk to him as a player. i’ve completely rewritten dettlaff in my head to be a better character/a good friend to regis/him and regis actually have a good siblingesque bond, so i can’t relate with cdpr’s idea of him anymore but jfc man i hate canon dettlaff lol he’s so boring and he’s just Angry White Man, i’ve never seen a star wars but he reminds me of kylo ren.
also because if dettlaff had to regenerate regis alone because that’s just a thing that vampires do now i guess, and regis was like unable to speak or move because his body was ??? regrowing ?? (this plot is so fucking weird and gross when you give it any thought at all, it focuses so much on the fantasy-biological aspect of regeneration lol), i think it gives them an weird power dynamic and imbalance because dettlaff at one point would have held all of the power in the relationship. also in blood & wine they aren’t even shown to communicate that much and you know around 2/3 of the endings are like “regis kills dettlaff even if it would alienate him from every other vampire ever :)” (which i guess is also a thing now that vampires do) so it’s really... just... not ship material.
people just ship regis and dettlaff because they need some kind of romantic ship for regis and dettlaff because they are vampires and as regis said in baptism of fire, humans are thirstier for vampires than any vampire ever has been for blood. and i feel like it gets accepted because it’s like, there’s no one else to really ship regis with besides geralt (or the succubus or the queen of the night, but honestly what are you doing if you ship regis with women...) but even though it’s changed now, geralt was for a long time mainly shippable with like, only yennefer or triss, lol. if you had another ship, people would proverbially look at you funny. i feel it was “easy” for people to “square away” regis and dettlaff together as an item because it’s like, “okay, they’re two white men, they looked at each other once, they have some things in common. if we make them gay, then regis never has to interact with geralt again and we can focus on the more important ships.” but then it got popular and p*rverts online realized they could make hella p*rn out of it, so they began to, and that just added to its popularity, cue like a billion ns/fw regis/dettlaff and regis/geralt/dettlaff explicit fics and shirtless drawings. LOL. it’s funny how hard any fandom will try to come up with sexual content for every character just to cover all of their bases. like. look at regis. why does he have to fuck. it’s just that you’re thirsty for like, what, the hairline blood & wine gave him? come on. plus they draw him super pale and gross vampire trope-y to make him look like an unseasoned bowl of oatmeal. i can’t STAND it. provide me content of regis being a good friend, mentor, and member of the hansa, and then we can think about giving him a romantic life. but quench your thirst with mandrake and read his rant in baptism of fire about how humans fetishize vampires, or this conversation will go NOWHERE i assure you
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