#lol Heimerdinger
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gregrulzok · 3 months ago
I know logistically that Heimerdinger, with his refusal to actually focus on progress and evolution, is technically one of the more "conservative" parties in Arcane, but I can't perceive that man as anything other than aggressively sex positive and open about sexuality
Heimerdinger Voice "All these complications with Hextech are keeping you and Viktor apart my boy! You two just need to, how do the kids say it? Ah, yes, bone!"
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league-of-skins · 3 months ago
Professor Heimerdinger
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3dlove · 17 days ago
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✦ ; heimerdinger stimboard
> valentine's day gift for @sprinklina ! enjoy ur silly 🫶
x x x / x x x / x x x
reblogs appreciated.
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natrishy · 2 months ago
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What if they had a mausoleum in Piltover, but ended up being forgotten by all but their professor
I believe Heimerdinger is not dead, just lost in an other dimension or back in Bundle I wonder how he would feel in this situation
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i-is-v-tired · 3 months ago
Act 1
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Act 2
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Act 3
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silkinsketch · 4 months ago
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A miserable lesbian and a pathetic bissexual walk into a bar-
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stopiwanttotalkaboutcheese · 4 months ago
actually the best part of the new season is that the jayce/heimerdinger/ekko plotline is My Plant Is Dying And I Don't Want It To :( meanwhile jinx is on the run from the cops, mel is getting kidnapped by witches, viktor is becoming jesus, and caitlyn and vi are speedrunning fascism
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arcanescreencaps · 2 months ago
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All 76 Arcane Displate Posters Upscaled to 4x (most are in 2940x4096). Again, the upscaler isn't perfect, so don't expect too much. You can them find all of them in discord, or you can download them here. Enjoy!
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korraofthereef · 3 months ago
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fast-andthe-curious · 3 months ago
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“It was our affection that kept us together”
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ithinkimnormal · 5 months ago
Sorry but It's actually so annoying how much people downplay the crucial role piltover's corrupt council games played in derailing jayce/viktor's work and pretty much putting shackles around their lives. The council is directly responsible for and directly FUNDING so much of the misery that happens in this show, before the story has even started. Before Powder ever finds the gemstone. They single-handedly doom half of the region to death.
Just during the show: Jayce wanted to create magic to aid and uplift the common people, the council wanted trade route instant teleportators to make themselves richer.
Jayce & Viktor wanted to work on technology to help miners and steelworkers and artisans who are trying to survive in the industrial hellscape of piltover and zaun; the council wants it shelved for another 20 years. (yes, heimer is part of the corrupt council - no matter how much his image is laundered by the fandom.)
They are inept and self-serving leaders, elected by themselves and their blood inheritances, utterly obsessed with ultimate profit. You can really see how parasitic their relationship is to the people at the beggining of act 1. Jayce is a token nameless life, so disposable to them that they were going to burn down all of his research and throw out all of his titles, making him not just a lower-house vassal but an EXILE, and the only reason why that doesn't happen is because they realize how much money they can suck out of his work.
This applies to Viktor too. See the way that Heimerdinger tells him over and over again that no other paths can be taken, he has 'fulfilled his purpose' and he should be content to die. See how Mel looks at Viktor like a bug she wants to squash under her palm when he rejects the idea of making weapons for council. See how they speak over him and only address Jayce, as if he's worth less than nothing.
You are only as valuable as the profit you're willing to create. You are a problem that has to be dealt with as soon as you refuse their orders. They have the power to ruin your life, and if they find an excuse, they will. This is a direct threat pointed at Jayce & Viktor during ACT2, when Jayce is pressured into becoming one of them to protect 'the bottom line profit' and, personally speaking, to avoid that ire being redirected towards Viktor. He's pushed into compliance and told a target has been painted on his back.
Arcane jayvik are doomed in big part not for wanting to do harm, but being forced to exist under the beck and call of billionaire leeches. They are both immigrants. They are both struggling to get a degree and keep themselves afloat and they want to help people so goddamn much but they have to keep postponing their dreams to serve uncaring masters. I really wish there was more fan content focused on these very real bonds of understanding and solidarity between them.
When Viktor says 'Jayce will understand' that's not a fluke; he's lived in this environment for years. He knows Jayce is being pushed down the same way that he is and that deep down they've been kept captive by the exact same people. When Jayce agrees that Viktor should do whatever he needs to do to keep himself alive, he means that from the heart.
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league-of-skins · 2 years ago
Heimerdinger, the Revered Inventor
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League of Legends
Original Heimerdinger
Blast Zone Heimerdinger
Alien Invader Heimerdinger
Piltover Customs Heimerdinger
Hazmat Heimerdinger
Dragon Trainer Heimerdinger
Pool Party Heimerdinger
Wild Rift
None Yet
Legends of Runeterra
Original Heimerdinger
Pool Party Heimerdinger
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hexhomos · 3 months ago
Hello fellow Jayce defender.
First off, virtual kisses on both your cheeks for your Arcane analysis. They're refreshing to read, and insightful as well.
Something that's always bothered me about the way fans interact with Jayce is assuming that he's always the one making the mistakes in any of his relationships. It's almost funny in a way how they strip other characters of their autonomy and arcs just so they can point out how Jayce is failing his partners.
With Mel and Viktor especially, there's this narrative that Jayce simultaneously ignores both of their needs while also prioritising one over the other. Either he neglects Viktor to go and swoon over Mel, or he abandons his relationship with Mel to go play science with Viktor, or he neglects both to go do his own things while they suffer through their own plots.
And it's fascinating how incredibly mistaken these people are, and also how they reduce his character to only being important when he's in a relationship.
I'm here like, "hey, do you wanna discuss the reason for how Jayce seemingly knows how to navigate the ways of high class society very easily is probably because he's had to rely on sponsorships and donations for most of his youth to find his research because his house is too poor to be able afford it?"
Or "It's canonical that Jayce only ever had one friend in his youth before Viktor, and that was the daughter of his main sponsor, do you think it's interesting that this indicates he probably had difficulty making or maintaining friendships and that this is possibly a symptom of the Academy mainly housing elite and rich students so they couldn't relate to his struggles and he couldn't relate to theirs?"
But no, people just want to hate on him for not being the picture perfect boytoy in a relationship.
And I mean, it's not like it's just reduced to Jayce either. So many other characters have had similar treatments where they're reduced to either their most basic qualities or mischaracterised entirely. And I'm really not trying to be the fandom police or whatever - everyone interprets differently - I just find it frustrating is all.
Anyways, you're cool.
YES I never have time to talk about this bc people don't give a fuck but in Jayce's journals we even see him stewing with envy and petty rage at this star-rising student on the academy that he sees as the example of a perfect prodigy (in opposition to how much Jayce fucks things up...)
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It also strongly suggests he's on a scholarship, which ties into his suicide attempt.
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Jayce is keeping his experiments a secret from everyone to avoid the blowback and isolating himself further and further when they don't work. Jayce is flawed! He's proud of his dream pitch to the point of hilarity. Jayce doesn't like socializing, he does it out of obligation! Even when he's being raised to a councilor position in s1 he's PANICKING. He doesn't want the fucking job, he doesn't like the parties nor the people, his truest honest self is that moment in season 2 where he declares the lab was always his home, and so was Viktor.
But even then he subsumes his own wants spends most of s1 trying to attend to the needs of other people. He routinely asks Viktor if he's alright, if he wants to come up to do the presentation, if he's sure those experiments are safe, etc. He tries to make Heimerdinger proud despite his constant rejections of their projects, and only turns on him when he threatens viktor's wellbeing. The reason why he doesn't announce anything on progress day is that he Was listening to Heimers so-called wisdom and it only bit him in the ass. Jayce gets himself in trouble with the council by being too naive and assuming his new post will allow him to crackdown on Piltovan corruption aided by the Hexgates. Majority of the complaints wrt relationships I see people making of him are just wildly exaggerated. "He was neglecting viktor" bro he talks about viktor in nearly every scene he has with mel 😭 viktor is the one who isolates himself and randomly disappears at times bc he's a grown man with his own boundaries.
Jayce's entire life is defined by the transactional nature of his existence, his work, the patronage receives - all depending on how much he can play the showpony role without fucking it up. It's not a comfortable position. Jayce is stressing out the whole damn show because if one person isn't pissed at him, someone else will be, and it always comes down to revokable money, investments, social standing. if he really was as uncaring and well-off as some claim he wouldn't give a shit. He could just coast along life, but that's not what he's doing ever. He only 'frees' himself in season 2 by abandoning his life's dream and the rotten reality that existed around it. Which is kind of bleak, but at least its over.
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arcanegifs · 4 months ago
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Arcane Brawler Vi Skin Spotlight - Pre-Release - PBE Preview - League of Legends
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spicy-apple-pie · 25 days ago
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My friend said someone should make this so I did… I gave up with Heimerdinger
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nyxemisa · 2 months ago
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mel medarda
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