#loki's writer ted talk
10 Questions for Writers
10 Questions for Writers tagged by @sunnysideprincess
1. how many works do you have on AO3?
156, but two or three of those are Round Robins I participated in, and two are collabfics. The rest are all mine, though.
2. what’s your total AO3 word count?
3. what fandoms do you write for?
Marvel is my main squeeze fandom, but I've got one Stranger Things fic up and I want to write a few more. I've got a tiny Hannibal fic up, one solitary M*A*S*H that had been a request of one of my besties (and that was definitely enough and I love that show), and there's a Contrarywise/Trickster's Touch ficlet up. Oh yeah, and I have a few Bill and Ted fics up and some other random old stuff that I finally stuck on my AO3 (Lost Boys, From Hell)
4. do you respond to comments? why or why not?
Always. First off, it's so rare these days to get comments because of all the reasons/excuses people give for not leaving comments on fics that to get comments is such a treasure and joy, so of course, I'm going to comment back. Second, if some of those reasons/excuses are true (shyness, anxiety, awkwardness) then I'm doubly grateful for the people who do comment - esp if they are commenting while anxious/shy/awkward - that I want to make sure they realize that their comments are appreciated and that they are not bothering me with their comments. Though I still don't understand that concern. If a writer doesn't want comments on their fics, they'll set it up so that no one will comment. If we've got our comments open, we want comments and you're never bothering us with them.
5. have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so. Given how wildly unpopular I seem to be as a writer, I can't imagine anyone wanting to steal what I've written.
6. have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yep. I've got two collabfics up on AO3 that I wrote with @scottxlogan, and we've got two more in the wings just needing to be finished so I can post them up.
7. what’s your all-time favorite ship?
No. I don't have one all-time favorite ship. I have many favorite ships - Loki/Tony Stark, Loki/Bucky Barnes, Loki/Steve Rogers, Loki/Emma Frost, Loki/Justin Hammer (don't give me that look, they're fun), Tony/Bucky, Tony/Steve, Tony/Scott Summers, Tony/Emma Frost, Steve/Bucky, Steve/Scott Summers, Steve/Emma, Scott/Logan, Scott/Bobby, Scott/Kurt... I mean, that's just the Marvel list, and it's not even a complete one. There's also Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, and so many others from other fandoms that I may not write for but I like to read.
8. what are your writing strengths?
Apparently humor, Easter Eggs, dialogue, fluff, sexy times, and making people hungry by including food into so many fics.
9. what are your writing weaknesses?
World building if I'm having to create a world from scratch. I can do it, but it's a lot of work and then I get stressed. I used to world-build in rp writing with my former roommate, and when we quit writing, I thought I might take some of our old rps and turn them into og fiction, but there are some that are so wildly extensive in the world building that I will probably stick to re-reading them and not actually trying to re-write them into og fiction.
10. first fandom you wrote for?
If we're talking the first time I ever wrote fanfiction without knowing that fanfiction was a word, that'd be the Children of the Corn fanfic I wrote when I was 12-13. It was in pencil, and it was big time Mary Sue, and I don't even have it anymore because over many decades, the pencil faded/smudged, and I'm pretty sure I tossed it into the trash. (It was sooooooooooooooooooo bad.) The first fandom I was in once I knew what fanfiction was - Jay and Silent Bob. Yes, I still have those fics, and no they aren't posted anywhere, and they won't be. With the exception of a Loki series fic I wrote that has a tiny crossover with Dogma (that was called a therapy fic), I won't go back to that fandom.
Thanks for the tag!
Tagging: @mistressofmuses, @stormxpadme, @soliloquent-stark, @whinysteve, @kleenexwoman, @mcfiddlestan, @chaotic-hypnotic-erotic, @chaoticgardenbread, and anyone else who wants to play!
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sighonaraa · 9 months
tagged by the wonderful @jamietarttdodododododo and the marvelous @asteria-argo to do my 2023 fic round-up!
1. How many stories did you post?
6! talked about a lot more!
2. Which ones were your favorites?
oh don't make me do thissssssss. i'm going to say my favorite was It's the Great Father's Day, Ted Lasso because that was not only the first fic i wrote for ted lasso, but the first fic i wrote and posted ever. it was also just so much fun to write!!! i love being silly and goofy.
3. Which one was the most satisfying to write?
and do not recognize us as we pass! writing the last paragraphs of that fic was truly cathartic in a way i can't quite express properly and i'm so glad i got to experience that.
4. The most difficult?
hear you calling from some lost and distant shore! up till that point, i'd written and posted exclusively for ted lasso. exploring the mcu through thor and loki was a challenge and experiment in branching out of a comfort zone i'd created for myself, but it was so fun and i'm very glad i made myself do it. expect me to continue as a multi-fandom writer (threat)!
5. Rec something that you're proud of.
hey, I'll be going today (but I'll be back home around the way) AKA the football kiddos au! i'm still muddling through this one, but it's a multi-chaptered fic and i'm very proud of the thought i've put into creating an au that still feels authentic to the source material.
6. Wow us with whatever big thing you might want to work on next!
i'm not sure how many people who follow me here are interested in daredevil, but here's a small wippet from the beginning of the post-blip fic i'm working on for it!
It happened like this: The pain erupted along every synapse, like each nerve had been lit on fire and set to burn, and Matt crumpled in on himself. In one ear, he listened as Hell’s Kitchen exploded simultaneously into a compressing silence and a cacophonous chaos. In the other, Foggy and Karen were telling him to breathe, breathe, please just breathe. But he couldn’t. He couldn’t. “Where does it hurt, Matty?” Foggy asked. The question came through muffled, as though Matt was underwater. Everywhere, he thought. Help. Help me. “Matty? C’mon, buddy, talk to me. Matt!”
7. Show us that word count stat!
*nervous laughter*
posted fics word count: 93,684
wip fics word count (total): 19,340
tagging @lady-of-the-spirit @antitheticaally @iguessyouregonnamissthepantyraid and @spodrick if any of you would like to participate! no pressure of course <3
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marvelights625 · 1 year
I loved the Loki show- it was such a good set up for the marvel multiverse. But god did I hate Sylki. It was so forced and annoying like wtf?! You just had do make Loki, the central male character, fall in love with the central female character! AND THEY WERE THE SAME PERSON. Falling in love with a variation yourself is narcissism? Loki is a narcissist? That’s not how I remember it😭. They literally pushed down Loki’s character to make Sylvie seem more authoritative and powerful. The god damn show is about Loki. She was so pissy and angry, she didn’t trust her teammates or care about them. Everything she does is okay because she had a rough past. Loki wasn’t so eased. First feeling outcasted but his family, living in Thor’s greatness, getting tortured by Thanos and being blamed for it. But they didn’t acknowledge that then, they didn’t now. Also, do writers have to romanticise everything? Even if they did, wouldn’t Loki and Mobius be a better pairing. They had so much chemistry and there was MUTUAL trust. Just because of homophobic fans, marvel imposed Sylvie and Loki on us. And I’m starting to think the writer’s put quality into the plot, but not where they were taking Loki’s character.
I want season 2 to go in depth with LOKI’S character. He deserved that. Make him powerful and angsty. Make him mischievous, but serious, like he’s the main character. And it’s a long shot, but please at least making Lokius partly canon. It’s a reasonable and beautiful ship.
thank you for listening to my ted talk.
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ceeceetv · 6 months
Has anyone read the short story Story of Your Life by science fiction writer Ted Chaing? Because I desperately want to talk about the brilliant use of shifting verb tenses to simulate a simultaneous experience of time. Language directly creating our reality etc etc.
Also it’s a fantastic and devastating story that has a lot of themes in common with Loki.
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Today's writer's Ted talk:
How to make a readmore cut. Every writer needs to use it and you reading- you're not an exception.
Especially new writers on Tumblr or more importantly- new Tumblr ppl. Don't roll your eyes and scroll past. Read this.
To open up: i would never reblog a fic that is longer than 1k that doesn't have a readmore cut, no matter how good it is. Why? Because i care about my followers too much to do it to them. Whenever i see it i go and dm/ask the writer and ask them to add a cut politely, i even supply how to do it in case they don't know how. Wanna know something? More often than not- they do not know how to do it and thank me for informing them. Some times they ignore me or make fake excuses, one time someone blocked me for it. Sometimes they just forget/Tumblr isn't working- which can happen to anyone(so it's okay if it happens to you), they then add it.
This is gonna be a little long but I'm not putting it under a cut because this is an informative post and i don't want people having to go onto my blog to get informed- if they are lazy then they won't reblog bc of laziness which is valid. So no cut will be used. If you are a new writer trying it out: you are welcomed to reblog this and write your reply using a readmore cut! 🖤
Why do you need to use a cut? Common courtesy. As simple as that. Be considerate and nice. If you know how to use it and don't use it just cause... then you are being not nice for no reason. Just be nice and use it. This is needed because no one wants to scroll through the dash and stumble onto a fic they do not want to read... And then have to scroll for soooo long just to get to the next fucking post. It wastes time and annoys ppl. This goes doubly so when a fanfic has sensitive elements- because i can try and scroll past but i might unintentionally read something that will trigger me- with all the right trigger warnings (i also have a post about that!) it still wouldn't be my fault because i couldn't protect myself from it properly which is why this would be on the writer.
When should you use a cut? It is best to use a cut if your fanfic's word count is over 250 words. However, if you write a drabble and it is below 1k words you don't have to use it, drabbles get a pass. Anything above it needs a readmore cut. I don't mind having to scroll once or twice through my screen but my finger would get tired if i have to do more.
Where should you put the cut? Ah excellent question my dear Watson, you should put the cut after all the informative things you have about your fic (summary, word count, warnings, a/n, header for no minors/reposts if you have one...). That is at the very least. You can also do what a lot of writers do- tease. Put the cut after the first couple of paragraphs of your story.
Now we got to the main thing: how to create a readmore cut!
On laptop: it's rather simple, make a new line where you want the cut to be, on the right side there should be either three dots where you have the option to add a readmore cut or simply a ~ line icon. Press on that. Congrats! You have created a readmore cut and made your fic more accessible and comfortable to have on the dash!
On mobile: this one is a bit more tricky and sometimes if your app isn't updated it won't work. You need to make a new line between the two lines that you want the cut to be in, and then write the following but without the quotation marks (only the highlighted part)
And then you press enter/create a new line and it will transform into a cut! No spaces between the words and the ::
Congratulations dear Watson, you have now observed how to make a readmore cut! Use it wisely and there are no excuses- so please use it. I wanna reblog your fics.
To all the new writers that have joined Tumblr- if you are informed on how to do it and yet you still knowingly refuse to do it- you're an asshole and you do not belong on Tumblr bc this is Tumblr and this is a Tumblr rule.
You're on Tumblr, adapt to how we do things here or leave and don't complain when you get blocked and people don't reblog your fics.
To all the actually nice people here: thank you for reading, I'm hoping you enjoy Tumblr, it's okay if you forget to add it sometimes and it is okay if it doesn't work because Tumblr has bugs sometimes. Tumblr is hard to navigate if you are new and as you can see- you have to manually use actual code to actually do some stuff like add a link in your bio or make a cut. You're welcome to talk to me if you have questions, or just if you wanna chat!
I hereby bless y'all with writing inspo ✨✨✨ as a graduation bonus for learning this😘🖤
PS. This post is a scroll and a half. So it's okay 😂😝
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woulddieforloki · 2 years
my level of dumbassery is getting 821 words into the final chapter of one of my fanfics and then deciding the chapter before would be the perfect ending and ditching the 3+ hours of work I've spent on this not-finale in favor of the chapter before
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kiichu · 6 years
hot take: villains don’t have to die to get redemption. 
it’s more admirable to see them live with their past choices and make better ones to show their growth.
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inglorious-purpose · 3 years
Clarity matters
This is really bugging me. People are passing around the Deadline article (source) about Benson and Moorhead directing Loki season 2. Here’s a quote from the article: 
Hiddleston and Michael Waldron, who wrote and served as showrunner in Season 1, will executive produce Season 2. Eric Martin is penning all six episodes.
I’ve already seen at least one person claim that this is “proof” that Tom wrote season 1. No no no no no. That little clause between the commas refers only to Waldron, not Tom. See how “showrunner” is singular? That’s the clue that tells you this phrase only applies to one person, namely Waldron.
If you need further convincing, you can simply google around or look at the Wikipedia page for the Loki series, which explicitly lists the writers for each episode (here). Tom didn’t write any of it.
Tom has also said in an interview that as executive producer, he got to attend a few meetings but they used maybe 5% of his ideas at most. Which might be his polite British way of saying that he was largely side-lined during the production process of his own show.
So, this illustrates a couple things. First of all, when you read something that seems a little off, unclear, contradictory, etc, do some digging and find other sources of info that either back up or refute what you think is being claimed. Also, clarity in writing matters. The author of the Deadline article didn’t do a great job bcs they named two people and then inserted a clause that referred to only one of those people. This should have been written more clearly, even if the result is clunky.
Other ways this could have been written:
“Hiddleston and Michael Waldron will executive produce Season 2. While Waldron wrote and served as showrunner in Season 1, Eric Martin is penning all six episodes of Season 2.”
“Hiddleson and Michael Waldron -- the latter of which  wrote and served as showrunner in Season 1 -- will executive produce Season 2. Eric Martin is penning all six episodes.”  
“Michael Waldron, who wrote and served as showrunner in Season 1, will  executive produce Season 2 along with Hiddleston.  Eric Martin is penning all six episodes of Season 2.”
Maybe these examples aren’t as smooth (hey, I’m not a writer), but they’re more clear. And this is important. Otherwise, people get the wrong idea, pass it around to their mutuals, and things get muddled up.
Tom didn’t write the script for season 1. Most of his input was ignored. I would be super curious to know how he would have handled Loki’s story -- what he liked, didn’t like, what he would have changed -- but we’re unlikely to get these answers.
Anyway, the point is: be clear in your writing. I’d rather read clumsy but clear prose rather than pretty but confusing prose. Conveying information clearly is important, especially in this age of everybody posting their (right or wrong) interpretations on the internet. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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tabloidtoc · 3 years
Entertainment Weekly, June
Cover: The Pride Issue cover 3 of 4 -- Lena Waithe
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Page 3: Contents, other covers featuring Lil Nas X, Mj Rodriguez, Bowen Yang
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Page 4: Sound Bites
Page 7: The Cold Open
Page 14: The Must List -- In the Heights
Page 15: Instructions for Dancing by Nicola Yoon, Iceage -- Seek Shelter, Ziwe
Page 18: Trying Q&A with Esther Smith and Rafe Spall, Day Zero by C. Robert Cargill
Page 20: Milestone Returns #0: Infinite Edition, In Treatment
Page 21: Brat: An '80s Story by Andrew McCarthy, The Empty Man
Page 22: My Must List Pride Edition -- Niecy Nash
Page 25: Pride 2021
Page 26: Lil Nas X -- the 22-year-old rapper is still breaking barriers one song and several clapbacks at a time
Page 29: St. Vincent -- the chameleonic singer-songwriter returns with Daddy's Home, an adventurous new album inspired by her father's prison time
Page 30: Olly Alexander -- after a lauded lead turn in It's a Sin, the artist returned with the single Starstruck, from his newly solo musical act Years & Years
* Rostam -- the new solo album from the multi-instrumentalist is rooted in society's fear of change
Page 32: Lena Waithe -- the producer and actor, and the new star of Master of None season 3, wants to create provocative art while elevating voices
Page 35: Josh Thomas -- the Australian creator-star of Everything's Gonna Be Okay is telling his story through his art
Page 36: Meet Your Maker -- Natalie Morales -- the queer star directs her first film(s), the sharp indies Plan B and Language Lessons. Here's what got her behind the camera
Page 37: Joshua Safran -- the man behind Alex Parrish's attitude and Blair Waldorf's one-liners shares how his sexuality helps him empathize with his characters
* Brandon Taylor -- coming off his explosive, best-selling debut novel Real Life, the lauded author is looking toward his second act and beyond
Page 38: Mj Rodriguez -- with the final season of the history-making FX drama Pose, it's leading lady is ready to claim what's hers
Page 41: Colman Domingo -- after decades of stellar work, the scene-stealer is front and center on Euphoria, Fear the Walking Dead, and more
Page 42: Auli'i Cravalho -- the star of Disney's Moana proved how far she'll go to be her authentic self, and is now focused on joy and inclusion
Page 43: Queen Supremes -- the international RuPaul's Drag Race winning class speaks power to the franchise's worldwide domination and looks ahead to a fab future
Page 44: Bowen Yang -- the Saturday Night Live breakout is defining funny for a whole new generation and pushing boundaries in the process
Page 47: Margaret Cho -- the stand-up comedian plays the lesbian pal we all wish we had in the comedy Good on Paper
Page 48: Molly Bernard -- after playing Younger's pansexual publicist, she's ready to explore the full spectrum of queerness
* Josie Totah -- from Disney's Jessie to the Saved by the Bell revival and Amy Poehler's Moxie, the actress has made a name for herself twice and Hollywood's paying attention
Page 49: Calendar -- 10 upcoming LGBTQ projects to get excited for --from eye-opening documentaries to sweeping romances, there is plenty to add to your Pride watch queue
* Pride season's 6 essential reads
Page 51: Summer TV Preview
Page 52: Loki with Tom Hiddleston
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Page 53: Panic, The Celebrity Dating Game, Gossip Girl
Page 54: September Mornings, Schmigadoon!, Masters of the Universe: Revelation, Ted Lasso
Page 55: Heels, The Good Fight
Page 56: Power Book III: Raising Kanan
Page 57: Sweet Tooth, Blindspotting, Kevin Can F**k Himself, Mr. Corman
Page 58: We Are Lady Parts, Love Victor, Sex/Life, Turner & Hooch
Page 59: Physical, Hit & Run, American Rust
Page 60: Bosch, Marvel Studios' What If...?, Lisey's Story -- Q&A with Julianne Moore
Page 61: Calendar
Page 62: The Fast and the Furious oral history -- how did a little movie about underground racing speed off to become one of the most profitable franchises in history? The cast and crew reminisce about 20 years of Fast, one quarter-mile at a time
Page 68: News + Reviews -- Nominate Them, You Cowards -- on July 13, the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences will announce the 2021 Emmy nominees. Here are some standout shows and performances we insist not be overlooked
Page 72: Movies -- Summer Star -- taking the lead in blockbusters A Quiet Place II and Jungle Cruise, Emily Blunt is the face of Hollywood's comeback summer
Page 74: Making the Scene -- Army of the Dead -- Zack Snyder explains how he bet big on destroying Las Vegas in his bloody zombie heist movie
Page 75: Oxygen, The Woman in the Window -- the journey from smash best-seller to star-studded streaming thriller was long and fittingly bizarre
Page 76: Meet the Fab G -- director Kay Cannon on how Billy Porter found a fresh, inclusive take on the fairy godmother in the new Cinderella
Page 79: My Favorite Shot Pride Edition -- Sebastian Lelio, A Fantastic Woman -- the Chilean director revisits a gravity-defying sequence in his groundbreaking Oscar-winning drama
Page 80: TV -- The Underground Railroad
Page 81: The Upshaws
Page 82: Oral History -- in 2011, Teen Wolf premiered on MTV. Ten years later, we look back at the pilot episode that introduced us to Scott, Stiles and the werewolves of Beacon Hills -- Jeff Davis, Tyler Posey, Russell Mulgahy, Dylan O'Brien, Crystal Reed
Page 84: What to Watch
Page 86: Music -- Miranda Lambert Q&A -- for The Marfa Tapes, Lambert decamped to the quiet artsy town in West Texas and recorded songs around a campfire. She talks to EW about the album and being an introverted superstar
Page 88: Ear Kandi -- Xscape member and current Real Housewives of Atlanta star Kandi Burruss reflects on the hits she's made for Destiny's Child, *NSYNC, TLC and more
Page 89: The Black Keys
Page 90: Books -- summer books special -- a comedy of eras -- in a sharp new essay collection, The Wreckage of My Presence, actor Casey Wilson weaves big feelings into even bigger laughs
Page 92: Poetic Justice -- prolific romance writer and political powerhouse Stacey Abrams bookend an incredible year with more thrills, this time in her first novel not written under her pen name Selena Montgomery
Page 93: Author Spotlight -- Silvia Moreno-Garcia -- Velvet Was the Night
Page 94: Fatal Attraction -- inside the intoxicating depravity of Animal, Lisa Taddeo's meaty follow-up to Three Women
Page 95: Critic's Pick -- The Great Mistake by Jonathan Lee
Page 96: Critic's Pick -- In the Country of Others by Leila Slimani
Page 97: The Conversation -- Taylor Jenkins Reid and Paula Hawkins -- the names behind Daisy Jones & the Six and The Girl on the Train are coming for your beach tote
Page 98: Q&A with Zakiya Dalila Harris -- The Other Black Girl, former book editor Zakiya Dalila Harris' genre-bending evisceration of workplace privilege, is set to become the debut of the summer
Page 99: Critic's Pick -- Afterparties by Anthony Veasna So
Page 101: Q&A with Billie Eilish -- in between winning Grammys and releasing her sophomore album, the pop star is publishing her first (self-titled) book, a collection of never-before-seen pics of her early life on the road
Page 103: Parental Guidance -- your crib sheet on the best entertainment for kids from toddlers to tweens
* Q&A with Gabrielle Union-Wade and Dwyane Wade -- the actress and her NBA legend husband, bring it on with their new children's book Shady Baby
Page 112: The Bullseye
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The idea that binge watching has rotted out brains, so we don’t know how to watch weekly tv anymore is a lazy analysis of why people take issue with certain elements on shows.
Weekly tv isn’t some thing of a bygone era. It still exists and many people still do watch it. In fact, personally, some of my favorite shows are weekly tv shows, such as succession, better call Saul, Barry, etc. I watched wandavision, the mandalorian, the falcon and winter soldier, and Loki in real time. Hell, I’ve watched many shows in real time.
My understanding on tv or even weekly tv hasn’t rotted because of binge tv, actually, it has added a more nuance perspective. It allows me to understand what works and doesn’t work with binge vs weekly.
With wandavision, it was a pacing issue and the storytelling not being right enough. I enjoyed the show and I don’t think binge watching would’ve improved it, it simply would’ve masked the problem. It’s noteworthy that the other MCU shows didn’t suffer from this and it’s not because WV trained us how to do such those shows.
Ted Lasso has a different “problem.” And I say “problem” because it’s more of a subjective nature. No matter how good a storyline is or will be, some people abhor certain topics and it being realized on screen. No matter how much you stick the landing, the fact that it exists is enough for people to either continue the show or question if they should.
I agree that the ted lasso writers are great! Phenomenal, but it’s very condescending and patronizing for some fans to assume that people either don’t know how tv works or forgot how due to binge watching when we express grievances.
It’s the same thing with the Nate situation, “you guys can’t be mad at him because he’ll redeem himself at the end of the season.”
Whether or not this is true, apart of the weekly tv culture is enflaming certain emotions in fans. This drives talk and engagement. This makes people want to stick around most of the time. The fact that some people are trying to silence others with this talking point tells me that they aren’t the ones familiar with how weekly tv works.
This writing would not work if people weren’t investing in developments, for better or worse, and not discussing it. You don’t just discuss the things you like, you discuss the things that makes you feel a certain way even if it’s negative emotions. You discuss plot threads that keep you on the end of your seat.
Most people don’t silently watch a show hoping it’ll all work out. They speculate and consider various scenarios. They discuss how developments make them feel.
The irony is: ive fucking quit mid binge on weekly shows that were completed or shows made to be binge due to boredom or not liking where the show was going. I’ve spoiled myself in both occasions and was glad I chose to stop.
Millions of people trusted the GOT writers and look what happened. People trusted the HIMYM writers and looked what happened.
We can say, “ted lasso writers are different” all we want, however, 1. People have been burned 2. If someone doesn’t like the existence of a thing, that’s their right and they can quit if they want 3. How it plans out is very important for some and they understand the things they’re okay with and what they aren’t.
Rather than assuming people don’t know how weekly tv works, instead, consider they may have a more nuanced take or certain hang ups, which is valid.
Because, for me personally, it’s about how the writers choose to execute the storyline that influenced if I’ll continue watching or not. Some people are talking about, “I believe Rebecca and Sam will agree that their relationship was a bad idea, but they were good for each other and learned a lot. 🥺 Sam showed Rebecca she was worthy of love.”
I do not want that and it would leave a sour taste in my mouth. That’s me, personally. So IF that’s where the shows lands, I’ll still see Ted lasso as a good show, but one I most likely won’t continue. The writers can write whatever the fuck they want, but it doesn’t mean I have to watch it. And that’s the part I think some aren’t understanding. No one is obligated to consume something because “just wait and see.”
However, I don’t think the show is going to do what that camp is speculating, which comforts me. But I’ll “wait and see” which is a decision I can make for myself and not one someone else should try to pressure anyone else to do.
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Hello Tumblr fam :)
My irl friend, Azure, aka @im-dancing-with-your-ghost has recently decided to join this hellhole, and I want u guys to help her feel welcome.
Here's a few people for you to follow and become friends with, , they can help u with any questions u have :D
@sir-sleeve-ripper is Dollop, one of my besties. Obsessed with Marvel and rly good at making moodboards
@xximaweirdoxx is Rae, she's an awesome writer and a super nice person in general.
@lokis-knives is Mira, she's fucking hilarious, bi disaster but its okay because aren't we all?
@karlimogenthau is Izzie, another Marvel fan (ik, theres a lot of us) and is also the most mature on in the friend group? idk it's weird
@beer-dont-sleep is Beer, makes lots of shitposts, we're all concerned about her mental health but we don't express it to her because she'll just chug more coffee
@wholesome-dragon-lady is Lauren, she's very talented and good at edits and art
Thank u guys for coming to my ted talk lmao
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hcrctic · 3 years
i demand @tvamobius & @iorast to be loki’s season two writers. thanks for coming to my ted talk.
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sighonaraa · 11 months
CHAOS SIBLINGS ROAD TRIP FT. THE UGLIEST VAN IN EXISTENCE Please tell me more I need to know everything about this ugly van
[vibrates] well this is excellent news because i want to talk forever about this ugly van and these chaos siblings and this unhinged road trip fic. (also. CONSOLIDATION. @readwing.)
i'm not sure how many people who follow me here will like. Actually Care about this fic sjdklfjd bc i am a ted lasso writer and this is. an mcu fic. but i still want to yell about it so here we go!
so this fic is a modern-day au because apparently i'm incapable of writing modern-day aus where our beloved blorbos are kiddos. loki is 15/16, thor is 18/19. one day, loki Just Happens to discover that they have an estranged older sister, hela, who their parents have never mentioned and who, according to a very intensive google search, lives somewhere on the most remote island in norway.
of course loki immediately has to drag thor out on a quest to find her. 1) if they have one sister their dad doesn't want to talk about, who's to say what else he's lying about? and 2) he's got an upcoming project for his psychology class that he absolutely Does Not want to think about currently. not that that's got any bearing on the situation whatsoever.
which means, at the very earliest beginnings of summer, the two of them pile into thor's friend steve's Ugliest Van In Existence with a stack of old cds, the mountain goat named korg they haven't managed to chase off, five more knives than have ever been necessary in any situation, and a massive map of norway, and then they drive. and drive. and drive.
(success of the adventure varies, depending on what you're looking for.)
i just. miss these bros and their horrifying murder sister and sometimes you gotta write 15k of unhinged chaos nonsense about it, y'know?
ALSO. see below the cut for Thee ugliest hippie van in existence. i want it more than anything in the world.
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It’s Friday, y’all. There’s a pandemic. I’m about to make myself a burrito. I feel like talking to internet friends or internet strangers. Ask me anything. I have hobbies/interests that I may or may not blog much...
musicals (mostly 1940ish-1965ish, then the last 4ish decades)
19th c. Brit Lit (Gaskell, Brontes, Austen)
Classic sitcoms with brilliant actors and brilliant writers (I Love Lucy, The Dick Van Dyke Show, MTM show)
Tudor history
true crime (mainly the psychology of serial killers and did you know that it was Ted Kaczynski’s SIL who said Uh, this dude is whack and he is probably the Unabomber AND SHE HAD NEVER ACTUALLY MET HIM??!!)
Breakfast (I made this a few days ago)
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Anyways... Reblog with interrogatives, send an Ask, do a good deed. I’m willing to bribe you with a free poncho or something (I make pretty stuff). And feel free to ask about Tom, I’m in the mood for being controversial, so I may be persuaded to give my opinion about his Loki hair. Oh yeah that’s right, it’s getting real and raw here tonight. 😛
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gingerwritess · 4 years
submitted by anon:
Ok imma go on a little rant coz quarantine has driven me crazy but I have thought about this a lot lately. Thor and Loki’s relationship is so weird. They r so opposing yet complementary u’d think them being brothers in whatever interpretation was on purpose. They both dominate their sphere so much that little is thought of the other brother in that sphere. Thor is obviously strong, his battle prowess and ability is amazing and unquestionable. He’s adaptable, battle technique comes easily to him and he’s well know for it. It’s something that comes naturally to him, and he loves doing it, for himself and for those that he loves. Loki’s sphere circles more around intellect and wit, to his manipulative and deceptive ability being the god of mischief and lies, his extensive intellect and knowledge, he can pick up when he’s being deceived, tricked or played in a heartbeat, and also the type of magic he uses in battle is intellectually selected. His tactics also follow this, he goes with caution and ready for anything physically and mentally. That’s not to discredit the other tho, which I think is often done, Thor isn’t stupid his battle tactics are apt, his knowledge is still far but find in light of Loki’s. Same with Loki, he’s not terrible in battle, he quite great but again in comprising to Thor it dims. Again not to say they are terrible out of their dominant sphere, their ability dims in comparison to the extent of experience and ability of the dominant brothers sphere. Their mentality, Thor goes in trusting and believing while loki is more reserved until finding someone’s motives. Their physique is complementary, Thor is big, bulky, blond hair, tanned skin, blue eyes. Whereas Loki is still tall, but lean, black hair, quite pale skin, green eyes, or in his jotun form blue skin red eyes. Even their chosen colours, Thor’s is red, a hot colour, Loki’s is green, a cool colour, both could be symbolic of their personality, Thor’s hot temper, Loki’s cool facade, AGAIN practically complementing. It just amazes me, absolutely mind blows me how they are so opposing yet so complementary to each other in almost every aspect, like they belonged at each others sides, what one lacks is what the other provides and balances and empowers their overall ability. I could go on and on about this but I wanted to share this and see what other ppl thought? I’m bored in quarantine. But seriously could u imagine the absolute powerhouse duo they would be if they truly, truly teamed up. Thanks for listening to this ted talk.
they are two awesome, intricate characters who suffer from bad ending arcs (in my opinion because a bunch of different writers tried to all change their characters instead of working together to add to the character....) :( excellent ted talk, thank you for sharing!
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doctorofmagic · 4 years
Prosecuting Waid’s Doctor Strange v5
“I’m not roasting it. I’m just bringing the truth to light”, I lie to myself.
The fact remains, Waid’s run is a huge copy+paste. It’s just not fair to the real writers who created these stories.
Well, first of all, I’m not against using a story as reference or inspiration to create something new. This is not the case here. Secondly, there are some good things that v5 brought, although they usually do not compensate.
And now, I present you, a full list of moments that v5 stole from other comics.
1. Last Days of Magic (v4)
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The very first issue introduces a concept that we’ve just seen in v4. It’s not quite the same because in Aaron’s run, magic was extinguished. But since Stephen is the protagonist and magic is failing him, it’s precisely the same premise: how Stephen is going to survive without magic?
2. Spending some time off with a technomancer (T&T)
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Of course, the reasons and narratives are different. But seriously, Waid writes Kanna as if she were the first technomancer Stephen has ever met. Really? When we have Doctor Doom as an ally?
3. Edgy protégé claims revenge (Batman: Under the Hood)
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A former apprentice/protégé who is presumably dead/forgotten somehow comes back in disguise with a bad attitude, claiming revenge upon their mentor. Sounds familiar? And I’m not even mentioning the real person behind both stories and the fact that they both wear green. Gods.
4. Lying to a friend (Loki: Sorcerer Supreme - v4)
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No, I mean. Seriously. Waid wrote the same freaking scene. There’s no defense to this. There’s no... Seriously.
5. Dark Omens (Loki: Sorcerer Supreme - v4)
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So Loki warned Stephen about terrible events. Casey did the same, except... Loki was right about every single event. We never managed to see this new villain Casey talks about. Maybe we’ll see them in Surgeon Supreme, but I’m not expecting it.
6. Herald Supreme (Sorcerer Supreme #42)
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Again... I don’t think there’s need to explain... This is not original at all.
7. Witnessing the recreation of the world (Marvel Premiere #14)
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Oh, the Earth was nearly destroyed so they decided to reset it. Everything is the same, except for Stephen. The only thing I’m giving credit here is the fact that Stephen did it in v5. Only this. But original? Not at all. Also, I’m not even mentioning Master of the Mystic Arts because I’ve pointed that it didn’t really happened. But the plot? It’s the same. Waid is doing it for the THIRD time!
8. A deal with the devil (One More Day - The Amazing Spider-Man #545)
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Here’s the pinnacle of Waid’s lazy work. He wasn’t satisfied with copying stories. He had to do it with one of the worst stories in Marvel’s history. Everyone hates One More Day. And what did Waid do? He... He wrote the... same... plot... He ruined Clea and Stephen’s possible reconciliation exactly the same way Joe Quesada did with Peter and MJ’s marriage. The same demon. The same pact. Erasing memories. It’s just... honestly? HONESTLY, WAID?
I’m probably forgetting some references I missed, so feel free to add them. Thank you @onerandomfurry, @stephenstrange-sorcerersupreme and @definitely-not-an-alb​ for supporting this post! I’ll definitely use the tag “v5 bashing” from now on haha.
One last thing, I’m enjoying Surgeon Supreme for now. So this is not blind hate, I can appreciate things Waid wrote. But v5 is not one of those things. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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