#loki: can't she just deal with it? it's just magic
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fatestouch · 2 years ago
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"...Morgan's magic is still gone, huh? How's she been doing?"
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[Physically, she's fine. Mentally... well. She's good at pretending she's fine in that regard, but it's not exactly something she can be expected to take well.]
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"I don't mean to seem like an asshole for saying this, and maybe it's because I don't have any powers that I don't really get it, but... is losing her magic really so bad? I mean, it'll come back eventually, right? Couldn't Morgan just... y'know, deal?"
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"Since I assume you like having your limbs attached to your body, I don't recommend letting her hear you say that." Seth shrugged. "I don't blame you for not understanding though; you're a normal human.
"It's like... well, let's say if Hayden lost his telepathy. He could deal, sure--he's always had other ways to communicate--but he's also had it pretty much his whole life. It's more than just an ability for him, just like for a witch, their magic is more than just magic. It part of their core, there since they were born. Losing that suddenly, and like that..."
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[Saying 'it sucks' would put it mildly.] Hayden shrugged. [And as much shit as they gave her, Cecil and Azrael are both worried about her.]
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"...Huh. I kinda get it, but... guess it's just one of those things I'll never really understand."
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sparklesandpudding · 8 months ago
Hello! How are you? Could I have some headcanons for Loki, Apollo, Poseidon and Adam (platonically) with a human reader who likes her own body but sometimes feels bad having such small breasts? She has a somewhat small build and is very thin due to genetics (I imagine with Adam the reader being his only daughter and being surrounded by men in the family they would not be able to understand her), sometimes it makes her feel very uncomfortable when someone He asks her why she is so thin and makes similar comments. Just soft and comforting things as sometimes it's hard for me to deal with that kind of comments. Thank you!
Sure thing💕, I believe what you mean is Loki,apollo,and Poseidon are romantic w reader, while Adam is platonic with reader? Don't be afraid ask me in the inbox to change anything if it isn't what you asked for. ^^
RoR characters (platonic and romantic) with a small darling.
Characters mentioned : Apollo, Adam, Loki, Poseidon.
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- he doesn't know why you're even insecure. He thinks you are mad pretty. With or without extra assets. But looking at Aphrodite, I guess he can understand why many women want big assets.
- your chest is nice, whether big or small. He likes them either way cus they're a part of you.
- whenever you're feeling down, he'll do stuff like turning into a butterfly, or do random magic tricks to make you laugh. Think of it as a way he shows you his love.
- when he sees you looking at your body, he'd rush in and try to make you feel better. Pretty sure he'd make sure his pranks are extra funny while you're around, so that he could cheer you up.
- when anyone tries asking about your body, and why you're so thin, he'd turn the question around with a "why are you so ugly?" With a mocking smile, tilting his head to the side while playing innocent. the person was left offended.
- and after that, he'd just take your hand and carry you. Floating around with you in his arms, leaving you stunned, but happy.
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- you KNOW this man. He is literally the epitome of beauty, alongside Aphrodite. We got to see how he finds beauty in basically anything that he seems beautiful.
- so seeing his own darling being insecure, bro was flabbergasted. You??? Insecure??? About your beloved body??? No way.
- I mean he wouldn't know what it's like to be insecure, c'mon, it's apollo. But seeing you in such a sad little bubble was hurtful.
- I'm sure he'd approach the situation carefully, giving so many compliments in a day, that with kisses. Cus he loves you.
- when he sees you sad, he'd be word vomiting multiple reasons why you are the most beautiful thing he's ever seen. listing down why it's a bad idea to doubt your own looks and body.
- he loves your chest, why do you feel different? He thinks they're cute.
- if anyone asks you why you're so small or thin, he'd immediately come in and sweep you off your feet, carrying you with him to his place and into his chambers.
- let him show you just how much he thinks you're beautiful.
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- what the hell. What the absolute hell are you talking about? How on earth are you still insecure about yourself when you literally managed to bag him? That's what he'd think.
- he doesn't get why women are always striving to be as pretty as Aphrodite or something, cus uhm...why? What's wrong with having a smaller build? Or being bigger. Either way, you made him fall for you.
- did some moron make you think that way? Tell him, and he'll cut their tongue off. Does he need to go on a killing spree to make you think differenly? You are the prettiest thing he's ever seen.
- he'd be so confused as to why you look so sad. Seeing you sad would make him more pissed than normal. There had to be someone in charge of putting you in that state of mind.
- why is it such a big deal if you have a small chest? They look fine to him. Not every woman needs a big chest, what's wrong with you? Can't you see that he likes your body?
- if anyone ever asked you about your body, he'd glare holes straight into their soul. If they say anything else, then I'm sorry, but they will be meeting hades down below 😞
- and you? In his chambers. Like apollo, he'll show you just how pretty he thinks you are.
Papa Adam
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- who on earth made you sad? His father protectiveness is kicking in and he's ready to kick some divine ass.
- being his only daughter, you are surrounded by mostly men in the family. Luckily, you have eve, who's there, well and ready to hug you and cook you food when you're feeling down.
- your brothers wouldn't understand since they're dudes. But when they question things about your body, Adam will interfere.
- eve had to give them a good lecture about why women have certain reasons for wanting their body to be extra. And how insecurities work for them. And since most people are morons, they wouldn't have any sort filter when it comes to asking dumb questions.
- yeah he gets it now. Your brothers are scratching their heads while he's patting your head and saying that you shouldn't be insecure about your body.
- eve will be making some good food that night, and your brothers would come up to you with berries and flowers they picked, as a way of saying sorry.
- Adam would be nodding his head in approval, "you shouldn't think about your body so much, kiddo. You have to learn to love it. Okay?"
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lokigodofaces · 15 days ago
Season 4 is my favorite season of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and there's a lot of reasons. I'm not going to go into all of them, and most of them you probably know. Everyone loves Ghost Rider, LMDs, and the Framework. Everyone knows the writing was amazing.
But this season demonstrates really well one of the things that first caught my eye about the MCU. I love the concept of magic and science being the same. This has always just clicked with me. The MCU is by no means the first to approach this (it full on quotes a fictional author) because if you think about it really makes sense. If you don't have the knowledge to explain something, it looks like magic. And the Thor movies in particular have demonstrated this well, but every movie with magic phases 1-3 has at least one mention of magic being advanced science.
But Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. took that concept and used it in a different way than normal which I found fascinating. Every time before when this concept was brought up in the MCU, it's because you have some magic user like Loki that we can't possibly understand how his magic works and we were told what he did was advanced science. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. doesn't start with a sorcerer. There's not a singe "magic wielder" in AoS s4, only a magic item. We're shown that the Darkhold shows the reader what it will understand, and since the only people to read the Darkhold are scientists, we never think of the Framework for example being magic. At the beginning the stuff with Eli seemed magical, but it was soon explained what he was doing. The entire season they have a book of dark magic used to create evil science experiments that are clearly scientific in the audience's eyes.
Other writers would have chosen to throw in Agatha Harkness or whoever they want to introduce the Darkhold and make it a story about a handful of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents stopping a sorcerer.
But no, I would argue that s4 is the best done example of magic and science being the same thing. There never is any doubt that the Darkhold readers are doing science, only a lack of understanding. I think it shows the concept so well because it's never questioned.
Then there's Ghost Rider, the resident magic person for the season. Makes it even better because he's made a deal with the devil and the Darkhold is dark magic so there's more of a connection. Between him and bits spoken by Aida and Ivanov, we know more about what the Darkhold did that draw on fantasy elements (they say that Aida post-Framework wasn't created out of nowhere, but rather she came from elsewhere which is part of the danger). But since we've seen the Darkhold being used scientifically, it only adds credibility to what Ghost Rider says.
I'm sorry, this is late so this probably makes no sense. But I just love their concept of magic and science being the same in season 4.
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mrsdesade · 1 year ago
strange creatures with soft fur (headcanons of Loki playing with your cat)
Timeline: unknown
TW: no one / just fluff
Pairing: Loki x female!y/n
Note: since I'm in my room, blocked with an unknown kitten on my lap (we found her on the street this morning) let's see If I can write something themed for our favourite God of Mischief; enjoy ~
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"what's that...black ball of fur?" is the first thing he said to you when he found that you have a female cat on your home on Midgard
you introduced your adult cat to him and you make both of them promise that they will be kind to each other
"little one, this is Loki. Be gentle with him."
"she's hissing at me? how dare you."
he pointed a finger to the cat and she slapped it with her paw
they have the same energy but they don't seem matching
it's just the first impression, it will get better with time
your cat loves waiting for Loki around corners and attach to his long robe to play and bite his coat
that's why he doesn't want you to bring your cat to Asgard
at the very beginning Loki wasn't used to the animals of Earth and everything is strange for him
"Loki, you have a wolf and a giant snake as a pet, and you find strange dealing with mine?"
"My pets are perfectly fine, is your cat that is unpredictable."
all of the clothes that he leaves around ended up covered in fur and full of little bites holes
Loki's body is cold because of his Frost Giant nature, so your cat doesn't like to go to sleep on him
but sometimes when he's studying beside the fire, she might decide to make the loaf on Loki's desk
of course, on his document and the books he was reading (after throwing to the ground everything she can just because)
he cannot stop himself to try little magic tricks on your cat when you're not in the room
one time he transformed her into a panther
"she's more fierce like this, and she's going to protect you better, that little ball of fur can't to nothing except hissing and biting my clothes."
"...alright I'll transform her back."
Loki's hand's are constantly covered of scratches and little red marks
after some times, one day you'll find them playing together with a strip of green fabric
you didn't interrupt the moment, you just look at them from the slightly open door
he was smiling so kindly and with a sincere tone on his voice, you perfectly know that Loki loves animals
he's even making her play creating small fireworks from his hand, and the cat is trying to chase them like soap bubbles
one day you'll hear Loki's voice calling from the other room because he needs to show you something
he was so proud to show you that your cat decided to fall asleep on his lap
"what can I say, everyone loves me...after a long period of disapproval."
from that day, she was purring everytime he saw him and the officially became friends
also Frigga find herself in love with that "exotic animal" you brought on Asgard
surprisingly after a couple of months he came back home with a little white kitten
"Loki, what's that?" you asked tenderly
"I thought she needed a little sister..."
so, at the end of the story, he has two little ball of fur and his girlfriend sleeping on him while he's trying to read
at least you will keep him warm
We're done for now~ It was so much fun writing this you've no idea! Hope you enjoyed as much I did. Kisses 💚
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reginaphalangelobster125 · 1 month ago
Little Braids
Peter Parker x Platonic Parent Figure Reader
Summary: You tell Peter about your braids and he wants some.
Warnings: very angsty, still mourning over major character deaths
Notes: This is set sometime after DSMOM, reader is some kind of immortal being (could just be a longer lifespan than humans, like Asgardians), reader has magical powers, reader and Peter live together
Word Count: 1,017
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You stood at the sink, washing some dishes when Peter came out of his room. He had just woken up so he was sleepy eyed and his hair was messy and fluffy. You looked at him and smiled for a moment.
"What?" He laughed out as he noticed you staring.
"How come you always put gel in your hair?"
"I don't really like the fluffy thing"
"Really? It's so cute!"
"Yeah, you look adorable when you come out in the morning with your fluffy bed hair"
"I have kinda thought about doing something different but I don't know"
"I think you'd look great"
"Thanks. While we're on the subject, why do you always have little braids in your hair?"
"They're for the people I've lost"
"Oh, I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything"
"No, it's okay. Most people don't care or sometimes don't even notice, it's nice to talk about them"
"Oh okay, well then, who are they for?"
"The two behind my ears are for Tony and Nat, the two at the top of the right side of my head are for two old friends from Asgard"
"You know people from Asgard, that aren't Thor?"
You laughed lightly at his intrigue "Yes, I knew many people in Asgard. These two are for Thor's mother and brother"
"Loki? The guy who invaded New York?"
"He wasn't always like that, something bad happened that made him snap. He was actually very sweet when he was younger"
"Did you spend a lot of time with him?"
"Yes, Frigga taught us magic, I can't even count the hours Loki and I practised seidr together"
"That's the magic you use?"
"Not all of the time, I used a variety of mixed magic. Some seidr, some mystical arts Doctor Strange magic, I never know what they call that, it's had a few names. I have magic naturally within me as well"
"Like Wanda?"
"Yeah, like Wanda"
You look down for a moment, remembering your old friend "See these two braids on my left, those are for Wanda and Vis, and the two smaller ones next to them are for Billy and Tommy"
"Who are Billy and Tommy?"
"Wanda wasn't very well after what happened to Vision, no one would be, and she used her magic on a small town"
"I remember that, it was on the news"
"Yes, well, she also created fictional children, Billy and Tommy"
"The thing is in every other universe they're real, just not this one"
"Oh, is that why Wanda went kinda...."
"Yeah, yeah it is"
You took a deep breath and gripped the kitchen counter tightly, sending a small crack through it.
"Shit, not again" You muttered under your breath.
"I can go to my room or go patrolling if you want"
"No, it's fine. I need to be able to deal with this eventually"
You took another deep breath and smiled at Peter "So, you wanna do something different with your hair?"
"Uh, yeah"
"What are you thinking? I used to be a hairdresser for a while so I can help"
"You were a hair dresser?"
"Yeah, I think it was the 1950s or 60s on earth at the time, I get a bit mixed up when I go from planet to planet"
"Wow, that's pretty cool"
"Thanks, so you got any ideas?"
"I kinda really liked your braids, you know, how they mean something. If that's okay, I'm sorry, I just shouldn't have said anything"
"No, no, that's fine, it's kind of one of the cutest things ever. You wanting to be like me, because I'm a super duper amazing role model"
He let out a small chuckle "Yeah, you're pretty fantastic"
"So, do you want one for Tony and one for May?"
"Yeah and um I though maybe two little ones for Ned and MJ, I know they didn't die but"
"I get it. To you they are gone. I'm sorry I couldn't do anything"
"I get it, there are universes to save and you were busy"
Neither of you said anything for a moment, the tension made the air feel thick.
"Wait, who's the other braid for, the one sorta near the middle?"
"Steve, I still visit him but, he-he's not the same. The Steve Rogers I knew has been gone for a long time"
"I'm sorry"
"Ah well, it's all a part of getting older I suppose" You joked as you bit back the tears forming in your eyes "So, four then?"
Peter sat down and you put the braids on the sides of his head, just above his ears. He got up to look in the mirror and came out with a big smile on his face.
"These are amazing, thank you"
"N-no problem, kid"
"What's wrong?" He saw you sitting on the couch fiddling with your hands and sniffling.
"Nothing, 's fine"
"Did I do something wrong? Is it the braids? I'm really sorry"
You looked Peter straight in the eyes and cupped his face in your hands "Peter, you never need to apologise to me, I'm here for you no matter what and I'll always be here for you. You are more than I ever could have asked for and you make everyday better. I want you to feel comfortable with me and I don't want you to feel like you need to apologise for everything"
"I just, I feel like I mess up everyone's lives just by being in them and I-I don't wanna lose you too"
"Sweetheart" You said softly, quietly.
You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and placed your hands on the back of his neck, stroking his hair gently. You planted a small, sweet kiss to the top of his head and rested your head on his, holding him close for a moment. His arms moved to your waist, hugging you back tightly, too afraid to let go.
"In case you hadn't noticed, my life can't get much more messy"
He laughed softly through quiet sobs.
"I love you Peter Parker and that will never change"
"I love you too"
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@impetusofadream @goldfishthegr8 @avengers-official-recruit-agent @goreygirl03 @xenasolos @sparklyturtlefox @rios-sythe @nekoannie-chan @ilovemarvel12 @hayneyney @n3ponen @8812-342. @everyonesfriend @pinkthick @craftytacopiecash @meryuniverse
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the-au-collector · 10 months ago
Scalan Names
So something I've noticed about Missing Link is the names. It's very interesting that they're Roman myth names when the rest of the times we've seen Scala, we've only seen Scalans having Norse names. Especially since we have characters like Freya, whose name does come from Norse Myth, walking around with characters like Remus (and Neptune). I doubt Nomura did this on accident, so I'm curious about the implications of the Norse vs Roman names in Missing Link.
So I went back through Dark Road and Union X and gathered up all the characters with mythological names (yes this includes Missing Link beta content and theorizing). It's a long post, but stay tuned for the end where I've thrown all my Remus thoughts:
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So in Norse Myth, Skuld is a Norn. Specifically, the Norn of the future. The Norns also closely resemble the Fates from Greek myth, which is interesting. I find it really interesting that Skuld is named specifically after the Norn of the future when her game takes place in the distant past. Obviously all the Union Leaders travel to the future--so why is Skuld the only one named after a myth figure that specifically has to do with that? I can't wait to see how this all lines up later, since so far we've only had one game with her in it.
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He's the important guy, both in Myth and in Dark Road. In myth, he's the son of Odin that's deceived and killed by Loki, however it is Hod who deals the fatal blow. I feel like his name lines up with his myth inspiration very nicely--he's tricked by darkness, which ultimately leads to his death. However, one really interesting thing is that Baldr is said to survive Ragnarok, so does that mean we'll be seeing Baldr again someday?
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So Bragi is interesting. In myth, he's actually a poet who was diefied as the god of poetry. He's also known for his wisdom. The really interesting thing though is that myth Bragi's wife, Idunn, had a tree with the apples of youth, which keep the gods from aging. Really interesting that Dark Road's Bragi is actually Luxu, a guy who does not die... Clues lying in plain sight, really.
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There really isn't much to find about Norse Myth's Vor, other than Vor was a minor goddess of wisdom. I just think it's cool that Vor's name is based off of a goddess of wisdom, since Vor's whole arc in Dark Road is figuring out who's right and what she wants to do.
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So in Norse myth, Hermod is the messenger god and a son of Odin. He also uses magic. In one particular myth, Hermod tried to rescue Baldr from the underworld, but ultimately failed. He has other myths where he acts like a messenger too. I don't really have much to say about Hermod's name inspiration and how it ties to Dark Road, but it is interesting how Hermod dies immediately after visiting the Underworld trying to find Baldr.
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I... I have the least to say about her (at least about the main DR cast). In myth, Urd is a fate like Skuld, but she's the fate of the past. It's just weird she's named after the fate of the past and not the present. Or maybe not since this game is technically Xehanort's past...
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Can you tell he was based off of Odin? He has the long beard, he's old, he's got a long coat, and a wide-brimmed hat (those are how Odin is usually represented). In myth, Odin is the god of war and also poets. He's got a horse named Sleipnir and was a magician. I know there are also theories floating around about Yen Sid potentially being Master Odin and honestly? Yen Sid fits the description.
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In myth, Heimdall is the protector of the rainbow bridge and the entrance to Asgard. He also had heightened senses and didn't need to sleep. He and Loki actually ended up killing each other in myth as well. I have even less to say about the upperclassmen, honestly, especially ones like Heimdall who are only in a few scenes anyways. It is ironic that Heimdall was killed by darkness, though (and darkness, in my eyes, takes up a very Loki-like roll).
Helgi and Sigrun
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I'm merging these two since their myths are very connected. So basically, Helgi was a Norse hero figure that is the son of Sigmund. He fell in love with a woman named Sigrun and ends up getting killed by her brother, Dragr. Sigrun eventually dies of sadness, but both she and Helgi are reborn. Sigrun is reborn into a Valkyrie named Kara whereas Helgi gets to keep his name. It's very interesting that their myths have aspects of reincarnation tied to them, which isn't true for any of the other DR characters. It's also very curious that Sigrun got a new name... and DR Sigrun looks like Strelitzia...
But that's just a theory a--
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So Vala isn't an actual mythological figure, though they do show up in myths a lot. Basically, a vala is a priestess/shaman. In myth, they could use magic, see the future, and influence battles. I don't have much to say about Vala despite her being one of the more interacted with members of the upperclassmen, but she does appear to be the most wise/level-headed of the group.
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I could have sworn Vali was a girl but Vali is, indeed, a guy in Dark Road. Anyways, in myth Vali is the son of Odin who was born to avenge Baldr and killed Hod. Vali does survive Ragnarok as well. It's just interesting how he has a reverse to his myth inspiration, considering be dies to Baldr and Darkness, though he does try to avenge Hod's death.
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The blind god of the night in Norse myth and son of Odin. Hod was actually tricked into killing Baldr and so was told by the other gods to avenge Baldr's death by fighting Vali. Vali won, Hod died, but when Ragnarok happened, both Hod and Baldr returned and survived Ragnarok. Very interesting implications when it comes to Kingdom Hearts...
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In myth, he's the son of Odin and was also fated to survive Ragnarok. He killed the wolf Fenrir, who's Loki's son who ate Odin. That's about all that's known about Vidar from myth. I do think it's very ironic that DR Vidar died to a Heartless when his myth inspiration killed Fenrir. Also interesting that his is the name of someone fated to survive Ragnarok despite him dying in DR...
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I nearly forgot him but here he is! His name in myth is Siegfried. He's a hero figure who fought a dragon and awakened a valkyrie from sleep. In some stories, he's of noble blood but was an orphan. He's also associated with the ancient Germanic princess, Brunhild, who had Old Norse origins. Basically the story of Brunhild is that she vowed to marry the man who could beat her in strength, and Siegfried was able too, but he won her for another person. Brunhild got vengeful, and Siegfried died. Not every story of Brunhild leads to his death though.
He's a lot more interesting than I thought, especially for a character who shows up for like 2 lines in Union X's secret ending lol. Likelihood is, he's from another Society or the people in charge, and he welcomed Brain in Scala ad Caelum (this we know). Judging from his myth and what we already know about him, he's likely of noble or blue blood and is probably a Keyblade wielder. I wonder if we'll see any grand feats like fighting a dragon or if he'll die in Missing Link, though?
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I can't really say much for Freya either since she's so new and her game isn't even out yet. She is the sister of Freyr in Norse Myth and is the goddess of love, fertility, battle, and death. So just keep in mind that she's an option for the tragic siblings trope.
Now for the really interesting guys!
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I've decided to start with Neptune since Remus is a whole can of worms. So Neptune is the Roman god of the sea, and used to be just the god of freshwater until the Romans identified him with Poseidon. His myths are the same as Poseidon's: get eaten by his dad, get vomited out, draw sticks to see which realm he gets, yada, yada, yada. He was loyal to the Roman Zeus, Jupiter, and married Salacia, though he had many affairs. He also created horses and bulls!
We really don't know much about Nept since he only has a few released scenes so far, but the fact that he's probably named after the Roman god of water is interesting (i've said it before but Aqua's ancestor??? Perhaps???). I'm a little worried about the loyalty aspect though...
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This. This fucking can of worms. Remus do you even know the implications of your own name?
So the myth of Remus and Romulus! Their mother, Rhea Silvia, was the daughter of the king of Alba Longa, Numitor. Numitor got removed from the throne by his brother, Amulius, who forced Rhea to take a vow of chastity by becoming a Vestal Virgin. Well she ended up having the god of war's, Mars', twin children: Remus and Romulus. They were cared for by Mars' sacred animals (she-wolf and woodpecker) and taken in by farmers, Faustulus and Acca Larentia. When the twins grew up, they killed Amulius and restored their grandfather to the throne. The twins then went on to found a city, and after Romulus built some walls around it, he killed Remus, and the city was named Rome after Romulus.
So this myth is interesting for a number of reasons. First and foremost: the siblings thing. Tragic siblings being a staple of the KH mobile games and all leaves Remus and Romulus perfect candidates for being the tragic siblings. This is also why I'm so worried about Remus being late to showing Player the Astral Realm because--is he already dead? His mythological self dies! It's practically written in the Book of Prophecies at this point!
However the second most important thing about the Remus and Romulus myth is how Remus and Romulus are the grandsons of a king who got overthrown. What if, somehow, the Baroque Society is the very last remnant of Ephemer's line/society? Somehow, what if Ephemer's line gets usurped and its last remains of his society dwindles down to at least 4 people (the question is if there's 5 members considering Freya's "another one" line)? After all, the scientists do say the founders' societies. Who are these other founders? Are they even real? What is going on with Scala ad Caelum's governing situation? We already know that it can't be good, but we don't know how bad it is.
Another really interesting thing is that Player specifically, very weirdly, reaches out to Remus when they're by Ephemer's statue. That scene was all shades of odd. Which begs the question--is Remus somehow connected to Ephemer? Is Remus is the descendant of Ephemer, and all these silver-haired characters are just there to throw us off? Did Ephemer's bloodline somehow get usurped? Is Missing Link going to be about reinstating his family line, or watching it all fall to ruin? Is Remus going to get killed by his own brother?
It's just. It's all shades of interesting and worrying at the same time. And I'm not even mentioning Remus' similarities to Lea!
Remus nearly made me forget this post had a point: the differences between Roman and Norse names. I thought maybe there was a connection between the "sons of Odin" thing going on, but no. Baldr and Hermod both are sons of Odin, but Baldr has a gold Master's symbol and Hermod doesn't. Even for the non-sons, Heimdall has a gold Master's symbol but Bragi doesn't.
It's also too early to really tell anything distinct about the new Missing Link characters, since a) we don't see much of them and b) the naming doesn't differentiate them either. Freya is a member of the Baroque Society alongside Remus and Nept. There's no distinction there either. There is no visual disctinction between Freya, Nept, and Remus except for their underclothes, and I'd say those design choices are more geared toward their personalities than anything else. They also don't have Master's symbols (which is another interesting thing. Sigurd doesn't have one either. Do they not exist yet? Are they the symbol of another society?). Even if they did, we still don't really know the difference between silver and gold ones, though one theory is gold = blue blood, silver = non-blue blood.
There is definitely a naming convention going on here, though. It's no coincidence that all of Dark Road's characters have Norse-inspired names, but not all of Dark Road's do. I just really want to crack why there's this distinction. I'm betting it has something to do with these noble houses/blue blood families, though (I'm willing to overlook Xehanort and Eraqus as they existed long before these concepts were even thought up.). For now I'll leave it at that and post this so that we have a bit of a collection of all the name inspirations for our myth-inspired Kingdom Hearts characters in one place.
Also, if anyone knows more about ancient myth than what Google could tell me, please let me know! I absolutely could have missed something!
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lucianalight · 4 months ago
Magic, storytelling, Time and Death
or my scattered thoughts on Agatha All Along 1x07
"The felow of time is an illusion."
"Your path winds out of time."
This is consistent world building. Sth mcu lacked for a long time. Now I don't know whether this was planned or not. But the way they handled Lilia's connection to time, is consistent with Loki Series and general world building of mcu.
For someone out of it, time is an ever changing chaotic tree. The flow of it is only felt by people who live in it. And for each of their choices a new timeline appears. And if someone go back in time, they can't really change their past because then their future becomes their past and a new timeline appears which wouldn't be theirs.
I spent some time thinking about whether what happened to Lilia was time slipping the same as Loki. It's not. Loki could move through time and space and could cause changes and control the events to a certain point.
Lilia's task is not to control but to see. She can glimpse through her life but can't change anything. Which brings us to one of the central themes of Loki series this episode touched: The connection between magic and storytelling. The safe passage spread is basically a cycle of hero's journey. And in this trial the hero is Lilia. As the coven are the travellers in the Road and as Agatha is the protagonist of the story.
What makes Loki the god of stories in mcu is his ability to rewrite the story, the story being the singular "sacred timeline", by letting everyone write their own stories. Therefore what a divination witch can do is reading others' stories as well as writing their own.
This connection to stories also shows itself with the theme of the trial. Sure it's because of the stereotypes Lilia hate too but it also speaks of the power of stories. I found it interesting that all of them were cosplaying as classic evil witches except Lilia who I assume is Glinda. A hint to their personality? Like the new Maleficent movies show her as a character who is both a hero and a villain. Perhaps hinting at the same potential for Billy/William and his identity issues? Not to mention there's sth weird going on with Billy and the Road as others mentioned before. Billy starting all the trials. Lilia appearing just a he wished she was there. The blue lighting in the road. Lilia's cryptic "because you need me now". It could simply be sarcasm but it could mean sth more.
But then this means Jen would be evil? And I'm highly doubtful of that. She isn't set up like that. It would be a good twist though. What is certain about her is that she is the path ahead. Seems like she plays a vital role in future episodes and possibly gets her powers back. (She's also Lilia's sister in craft. Not just as a witch. I think that broom exchange possibly creates a deeper bond. Another evidence against her being evil).
The destination is Death. I'm curious about how they're going to explore the concept of Death as the original green witch. She's set up to be an antagonist and seems like to be the big baddy at the end. I have some doubts though. All roads lead to Death(unless you're Loki :D) but it's not necessary a bad thing. Why Death would be the antagonist? Isn't meeting it what we all have in common as Lilia's teacher said? And that in a larger scale makes all of us, all the living, a coven? "We are one" etc? Someone said Rio Vidal means the river of life. It is such a poetic take on Death to make it what brings everyone to the hypothetical sea. I don't know why she would be a villain and not a neutral entity.
Speaking of Death, is Wanda really dead? Yes, no, maybe(Thor's answer every time someone asks him whether Loki's dead :P :D ). The only other person aside from Agatha who we are sure saw her body is Rio. But she never said Wanda's dead, she said "that witch is gone". Maybe this means the scarlet witch is gone but Wanda survived?
If she returns though she's going to have to deal with Billy's new mom, her ex bestfriend turned enemy turned adoptive mom to her son and Billy's mommy issues with two of his moms.
Before the destination though there will be a great transformation. It was about Lilia in this episode but also it's about Agatha our main protagonist who is being more truthful and visibly protective and lowering her walls and yet Billy doesn't trust her and questions everything and it hurts her. She represented the obstacles in tarot. Her grief, sorrow and heartbreak are her obstacles.
The episode takes us through the story of its hero in a nonchronological order as she experienes it. And the hero goes through her journey and bravely faces her fear and overcomes it as she forshadows what's about to come. It's starts and ends with falling. A full circle. A story arc within a story arc.
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freckled-words · 6 months ago
Animal Transformation
This took way too long, but that tends to happen when you don't have a really strong idea for the plot. I'm also super rusty, but I think I got my swing back towards the end.
Hope you enjoy the read, and let me know if you spot any spelling mistakes.
Turns out even frost giants have allergies, and it has the funniest effects on a certain trickster’s shapeshifting control.
Darcy watches as Loki loses control of his shapeshifting magic, and she just can't resist a furry face.
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“Community service” was the polite term used to describe Loki’s return to Earth.
“Doing whatever the Hell we say” is the more accurate description, as coined by Director Fury during the initial meeting.
Thanks to a curse/spell from Odin, Loki’s magic and strength was moderated by whichever task Loki was assigned to at the time.
When he was sent out to clean up trash in Central Park (disguised and under Natasha’s supervision) he was as strong as an average citizen.
If he went out with the Avengers to deal with a threat, he was allowed just enough magic and strength as was needed to defend himself.
In-between his assignments, and back in the Tower, he was set to about mid-level Godly might (just in case a Hulk suddenly appeared or an accidental arrow went flying his way.) 
The combination of ‘cursed weakness’ and menial labor, unsurprisingly, lead to a consistently pissy Loki. The closest thing Darcy had seen to a smile on him was the trademark smirk, right before he said something snarky.
Even though Darcy hated Loki’s guts for all the death and destruction he’d brought to New York, she also couldn’t stop herself from adding him onto her ‘Take Care List.’ Much to most everyone’s surprise (Jane had long since accepted that Darcy couldn’t help herself.)
She didn’t go out of her way to kneel and curtsey around him or anything, but she did make sure he got a mug of tea or coffee when she was doing the rounds in the morning. As well as a decent portion of food like the other bottomless pits that had to be fed (with Thor back on Earth, the grocery bills knocked up another couple hundred.)
Anytime Loki bothered to acknowledge Darcy, it was never in a polite fashion, and Darcy made sure to give just as good as she got.
“I see Midgardian cuisine is just as lacking as the people.”
“I see your manners didn’t make the trip from Asgard.”
“If you��re going to offer me food, at least make certain it's cooked.”
“Gee why didn’t I think of that? Oh right, dumpster fires don’t get a say in what they get.”
It became something of a routine for them to exchange barbs at least once or twice a day, and by Loki’s second month in residence, the other members in the Tower stopped bracing for Loki to lash out at Darcy.
Darcy just came to accept this as part of her new normal, and rolled with whatever weirdness that came along with it.
Right up until the weirdness took a detour into ‘omg wtf’ territory.
“...Avengers were seen fighting against what was described as a hoard of mutated bi-pedal flowers.”
Anytime the Avengers were called out for a mission Darcy kept the TV on in the background so she could get updates on what kind of mess she might be helping to clean up later. JARVIS was great for giving her updates on everyone’s physical well being, but he couldn’t necessarily predict how the team’s mood was going to be once they got home.(When there was a HYDRA mission, it was home-made pizza night. Apparently slamming around a massive ball of dough was very therapeutic for Bucky.)
The news being a bit slower than actual events, Darcy wasn’t surprised when JARVIS announced the team was returning in the next 10 minutes, along with a cryptic note of, “No major injuries to report, however Dr.Banner does advise no immediate physical contact.”
The last time JARVIS passed on this kind of note, the Avengers had gone up against a T-Rex made of enchanted septic waste (sometimes D&D nerds manage to get their hands on blackmarket magic, and it never ends well for anyone.)
Having (barely) survived Death-By-Foul-Poo-Stank, Darcy figured her nose could handle some overly strong floral perfume coming from the team’s gear. With Jane’s blessing, she was ready and waiting for them in the kitchen 20 minutes later. She’d brought out multiple boxes of kleenex, a handful of neti pots, and every brand of allergy medication in existence.
The first waft of thick flowery perfume drifted in with Steve, and nearly had her choking as her eyes watered, “Cripes Steve, how is this almost worse than the Fecal-Rex?!” Grabbing a handful of kleenex she blew her nose and dabbed at her eyes.
“Just be lucky you’re getting this, and not the full bouquet. There was every kind of flower there, and everyone but me, Bucky, and Bruce nearly dropped from an immediate allergic reaction.” Steve grabbed one of the neti pots and looked over the instruction card that came with it.
Darcy could just imagine Tony having to flip up his face visor to keep from coating it with his sneezes, while Clint cursed trying to zero in on his target with his eyes burning and watering.
“Wait so even Thor -”
What had to be the loudest sneeze in existence went off, followed by the lights flickering erratically throughout the room.
Thor entered a moment later blowing his nose into a wad of paper towels. The skin around his nose and eyes were bright red, evidence that he’d been rubbing at them for a while already.
“I didn’t think anything on Earth would be able to infect your whole Godly-Alien-Race?” She asked while pushing a box of lotioned kleenex towards him. 
Thor accepted the softer tissues and yanked out ten to hold in his hand, ready for the next sneeze, his voice was congested when he answered, “Nor did we. Banner believes their mutated state amplified their pollen’s properties.” He blew his nose again, and Darcy winced at the sound of his tortured sinuses.
“What about Loki? He’s not human or Asgardian, how is he faring?” Thor had explained his brother’s origins to everyone over drinks the night before Loki had been brought to the tower. A couple members of the team concluded that Loki’s destructive behavior must have been a kind of psychotic break, what with his whole life being flipped upside down and dipped in ice water.
Thor and Steve exchanged a look, one that nearly had them both coughing back a round of laughter.
Squinting Darcy pressed, “What happened to Frosty the Snow Giant? It was something good wasn’t it? Give me the deets ~” She crept closer to Thor, wiggling her fingers towards the box of kleenex as though she were going to snatch it back.
Thor grabbed the box and turned away, his smile spreading, “During the fray, Loki was met with the misfortune of having his entire head swallowed by one of the flowers.”
Steve’s smile curled towards ‘I enjoy trouble’ and added on, “Turns out getting a nose of the stuff is worse than just breathing it in.”
“So Loki is…?” She prompted already knowing the answer had to be good.
“Hiding in his room.” Natasha supplied, slipping around Thor to grab a box of lotioned kleenex herself. Unlike Steve and Thor, she’d gone straight to her room to shower and change into clean clothes.
Images of Loki with a purple rash all over his face, or icicle snot hanging out of his nose popped into Darcy’s mind. 
“Well if he’s feeling that rough, then I’m sure he’d appreciate some tissues and allergy meds. I’m just gonna…” Darcy grabbed the extra strength Benadryl, the last box of lotioned Kleenex and one of the Neti pots.
Her arms full she made a beeline for the elevator, and chose to ignore Steve’s question of, “Is she still safe?”
One quick elevator ride, and a hop-skip down the hallway had Darcy standing in front of Loki’s door. 
Since her hands were full, Darcy called out,“Loki, you in and decent? I’ve got a sniffles care package for you.”
“Go away, Serf.” 
Darcy rolled her eyes. ‘Serf’ was Loki’s default nickname when he couldn’t be bothered to think of a better insulting name. 
Even through the door she could hear the rapid fire sneezes that followed, as well as a muffled cough. 
“You can either let me in, and choose what state of dress you’re in, or JARVIS opens the door and I get to see just how much of a rash you have on your ass right now.” It was a shallow bluff at best, but she couldn’t just walk away without trying first.
The annoyed noise that traveled through the door sounded an awful lot like a growl, more so than the usual one she was able to get out of him when she pushed his buttons.
A second later the door opened.
Biting down on her lips to try and not smile too smugly Darcy marched in, “Good choice Frosty. You’ll thank me later when you’re not missing three layers of ski…nnnnyah?” 
With all the apartments in the tower having the same layout Darcy had gone straight for Loki’s small living room to place her bundle on the coffee table. 
She’d glimpsed Loki from the corner of her eye as she’d breezed into the room, and hadn’t spotted any bright red or pink on him. When she straightened and faced him properly, her brain and mouth had a disconnect. 
Loki still stood by the door, which he was still holding open, his battle gear was gone and his hair was damp from his shower. Like Thor the skin around his nose was chaffed from blowing, and his eyes slightly puffy, and for reasons that Darcy’s brain couldn’t fathom there were two black, white tipped fuzzy ears on his head and a twitching, fluffy, black, white tipped fox tail peeking out from his back. 
“Make your jokes, then leave.” Even congested Loki’s tone was clear in his frustration.
Darcy held her hands up, “Hey there’s no shaming here, just confusion. Last time I checked, allergies didn’t turn people into furries.”
“I am not…” He broke into a fit of sneezes, “Whatever nonsense term that is. I’ve simply…” More sneezing, “Been struggling with my Seidr.”
Darcy hummed and nodded, not really understanding but didn’t think it smart to push him into a more in-depth explanation. His sneezes were so close together and harsh, she was getting worried about the amount of air he was getting into his lungs.
“Regardless, maybe some meds will help. I suggest taking like, 4 of the Benadryl. If it works it’ll knock you on your ass, but it’ll also stop the sneezing and congestion.” She was making her way towards the door as she spoke and stopped just by the opening, “Any chance I can-” She reached towards his twitching tail.
“I’ll come check on ya in a couple hours!” As badly as Darcy wanted to touch the fluffy tail, she was not ready to die for the attempt.
~~~~ THREE HOURS LATER ~~~~~~~~
Darcy juggled the three tupperware containers of food in one arm while she did her best to knock with the other, “Loki you good? I’ve got food.”
She didn’t hear any approaching footsteps, and was startled when the door was opened.
Darcy barely got clear of the door before Loki shut it. Turning to face him, she just about dropped the food.
“I can’t tell if this means the Benadryl helped or not.” She offered as an opening for him to explain.
Loki still had the ears and tail, but now there was fur around the edges of his face, covering his hands and feet, his nails had blackened into claws, and there were definitely whiskers growing out of his cheeks.
Loki blinked down at her, his nose twitched (was he about to sneeze or was he testing her scent?) and she saw something shift in his mind as his pupils widened then shrank, he blinked and his usual scowl returned to his face, “How did you get in here?”
Darcy cocked her head to the side, “You let me in, just now, and almost hit me with the door. Did fur grow inside your brain too? Do I need to call Bruce?”
Her concern crossed from surface level to genuine as she watched Loki look down at his hands and wiggle his clawed fingers, his expression was hard to read with his eyebrows blending into his new furry hairline but she was certain he was looking confused himself. “Damn.” The word was uttered so quietly Darcy might have missed it if she weren’t standing so close.
“Loki, you’re seriously worrying me dude.” Again his ears twitched in her direction.
“I’m touched.” Darcy took the dry sarcasm as a good sign, “The only thing you should be concerned about is keeping your blithering trap shut. It was bad enough when it was just the ears and tail. If The Oaf hears of this, there will be no end to his ridicule.”
The more Loki said, the more Darcy relaxed. It was a sad reflection on her life when she was happy to have the mass murdering alien give her a hard time.
Opting to ignore his bluff (she’d long since realized that he could bark all he wanted, if he ever hurt her he’d immediately be kicked back to Asgard) Darcy went to his kitchen and put down the tupperware containers, “Don’t worry your fuzzy little head, I won’t tell anyone…” Faster than Loki could anticipate, she whipped up her phone and snapped a picture, “I will show everyone though, unless you let me touch your ears or tail.” She shoved her phone down the front of her shirt and between her boobs, uncaring of the extra cleavage she was flashing him in the process.
Loki’s upper lip drew back revealing some rather pointy canines, “Impudent wench.”
Darcy smirked as she rocked on her heels, “Oh come on Fuzz Butt, you can’t tell me no one’s ever wanted to see what your transformed fur feels like.”
“None have ever been so brazen or foolish to try.” Loki bit back. He was becoming so agitated his tail was swishing, and his ears had flattened on his head.
‘Dammit, now he’s just looking cute.’ 
He was also looking a little unsteady. With each swish of his tail, Loki wobbled the slightest bit, and his eyelids seemed to be struggling to stay open.
“How many of those Benadryl did you end up taking?” She hadn’t heard him sneeze once since she came in, and the skin around his nose and eyes had returned to normal.
“The four you recommended had no effect, so I added another five. The sneezing stopped just before…” Loki caught himself before he could finish outing himself. Shaking his head he staggered off towards the couch, “Leave Serf. I require rest.”
She really, really wanted to push her luck and remind him about the whole Fuzzy Picture threat, but it wasn’t as much fun if the other member of the party was spiraling towards a crash. Cause damn, NINE?! If one Benadryl was enough to turn a regular human into a zombie, then nine must be bordering on a coma.
“Fine, but don’t think this isn’t over. I’ll come back in an hour and make sure you’re still breathing.” 
She saw a feeble, black fuzzy hand lift up to acknowledge he’d heard her.
Darcy left but made sure to leave the door unlocked. Quietly she called out, “JARVIS keep an eye on his vitals and let Bruce or Thor know if his heart stops or something.”
“Of course Ms.Lewis…Shall I let you know when it’s been an hour?” 
Unsurprised that JARVIS had been listening in on the conversation in Loki’s room, Darcy gave a thumbs up to the nearest camera she could see, “That’d be great J.”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 45 MINS LATER ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“Ms.Lewis, I thought I should inform you that there has been a change in Prince Loki’s condition.” Darcy tried not to cringe too much from having JARVIS say this directly into her bluetooth headphones (a welcoming gift from Tony.)
Glancing over to where she could see Bruce working at his station she figured this wasn’t a life threatening change to Loki’s condition. Not many realized just how much intelligence Tony’s AI had, but Darcy was no fool. She grew up worshiping the internet, and treating ‘The Matrix’ and ‘The Terminator’ like prophecies. 
If JARVIS thought this was something only she needed to know about then she’d take it as the gift that it was.
A quick elevator ride later and she was back at his door.
She knocked lightly and let herself in, “Loki? JARVIS says you might need help.”
There came a slight whimper (or was that a whine?) from the living room.
This late in the afternoon the sunlight had moved away from Loki’s windows, and none of the lights had been turned on. Everything was cast in shadows and patches of darkness, making it hard to see anything.
Darcy hit the switch for the kitchen light so she didn’t accidentally blind/enrage the half-transformed frost giant.
Able to see Darcy watched as what she had initially thought to be a deep pocket of shadows uncurled from the bottom of the coffee table. 
A black fox the size of a St.Bernard stretched out like a cat as unfocused green eyes blinked in her direction.
“Oh my Gods.” 
She wanted to take all the pictures, but she also wanted to try touching him. When he was still humanoid the fur had looked silky, as a full fox it looked absolutely luxurious and Darcy just had to get her fingers into it.
She had never interacted with foxes before though, and didn’t know how unhinged Loki’s brain was going to be with all that Benadryl in his system.
Finished stretching he ventured a couple steps closer, his nose to the air to scent the new presence in his home. Some of Loki’s consciousness must have been working, cause the fox’ ears went down and it spun around to hop onto the couch.
‘I’ve just been brushed off by a fox.’ Loki could brush her off a million times and she wouldn’t bat an eye, but Fox-Loki showing her such little interest just felt like a bitch slap.
Going over to the couch she watched as Loki laid down with his head resting between his two front paws. His eyes closed and a rather un-fox like sigh came out through his nose. 
Darcy crouched down to eye level and told him, “You know you make a very pretty fox.” Other than his ear twitching Loki didn’t acknowledge her.
“May I please pet you, your Foxiness?” Murderous Asshole or not, Darcy wasn’t going to touch without consent. 
His eye cracked open, regarding her for a moment then closed and another long sigh was released. Darcy took it as one of resignation and beamed. Finally she could get this out of her system!
As gently as she could she placed her hand on his head; he didn’t move away or twist around to snap at her, confirming that he had given in. 
She stroked down along his spine, marveling at the feel of his thick, silky fur. Bringing her hand back to his head she lightly scratched around the base of his ears, the fur there was much softer and she had to bite her lip to keep from gushing out more praises to him. 
Her petting was kept strictly to his back and the top of his head, areas that most animals considered to be safe zones. As much as she wanted to touch his tail she didn’t know how sensitive it was and didn’t want to push it. 
Darcy cut herself off after about five minutes, plus her legs were screaming in protest from holding that crouched position so long. 
A woman of her word Darcy dug out her phone and deleted the picture of Loki the Were-Fox. Satisfied she whispered to Loki, “There now no one but me and JARVIS knows what a half fox, half Frost Giant looks like. I also won’t tell anyone that you totally lost control due to overdosing on allergy medicine. You’ll be back to your entitled asshole self by tomorrow morning.”
This got her a small indignant huff. 
Darcy let herself out and made sure the door locked behind her. 
It was only after the door’s lock had clicked that Loki released his animal shape. It took a bit slower than usual, but he wasn’t quite back in focus just yet. 
Back in his usual form he resettled on the couch. With not a single piece of clothing on his body, the material didn’t feel quite as comfortable as it had in his fox shape. 
The Midgardian medicine had thrown his control off balance, just not as much as he’d let Lewis believe. He could have reverted back to his proper state a half hour ago, and gone back to his bed for a proper rest. 
Instead he couldn’t resist seeing what the woman would do when faced with the full transformation. He’d been somewhat hoping she would startle or scream and flee, calling for Thor’s protection. Instead she’d looked at him like he was the most beautiful animal in existence. It was a delicious boost to his ego.
Loki chuckled to himself, picturing her face when she might learn that her ‘petting’ along his fur had translated to the feeling of a lover’s touch on his skin. 
There would be sputtering, possibly some shrieking and all the threats and profanities. 
The image was so entertaining he drifted off to sleep with a smile on his face. 
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mischiefprincess · 5 months ago
I can't be the only one who dreads watching s2e2
Loki comforting Mobius about losing his temper and telling a little avengers story? fine, Loki torturing Brad with a tiny cube? fine, Loki chasing Brad using his magic, conjuring illusions, having glowy green eyes and wearing a suit? A M A Z I N G, Loki going to McDonlad's to meet sylvie and being all shy and awkward making this face after SHE used his feelings against him and sent him trough a time door...
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...and being met with this smug, arrogant face?
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And when she goes to talk to him she says in a very cold way "It's a short break so talk fast" as if she couldn't care less about what he has to say, as if he's just some annoyance she has to deal with and not the man who helped her get her revenge, the man who risked his life so she could enchant alioth and have a chance at getting to the end of time, the man who wanted to talk about the consequences of a multiversal war before freeing the timelines and possibly starting said war
Seriously he was CRYING when she last saw him, saying with so much pain in his voice that he only wanted her to be okay, that he understood how she was feeling and that he didn't want to hurt her, hell she was crying too, just look at her face here:
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She was sad they weren't on the same page, she didn't hate him but she also couldn't let him stay in her way, her feelings were complicated but where's this complexity in s2? I'm not gonna be a hypocrite and say I'm sad that they dropped the romance in s2 (In fact I thank God every single day for it, I prayed so hard for that to happen, to this day I can't believe they did it, again, thank you God) but I also think they could've handled her better, fine erase the romance but you don't have to make her hate Loki, their scenes in s2e2 are painful to watch bc it's so clear she despises him and his presence there and we can see how nervous Loki is (When he says he knows he's the last person she wants to see and she agrees with him? what the fuck?)
You'd think they would try to make her more likeable in s2 after the hate she got in s1 but no, they made her even more unlikeable and hateful towards Loki, who in s2 is more heroic, kind and soft than ever
The post is getting longer than I planned but anyway, I just wanted to share how hard it is for me to watch the scene where they talk at McD's, I feel sick whenever she looks at him with arrogance in her eyes, the tone of her voice also distraughts me, she's the reason I can't watch that episode in its entirety again
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smolvenger · 1 year ago
A Court of Mischief and Purpose Chapter Seven (Loki x fem! Reader, Hiddlesverse A Court of Thorns and Roses Crossover AU)
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Word Count: 9K
Series Summary: Inspired by A Court of Thorns and Roses with the Tom Hiddleston characters. As you lay dying of consumption, You make a deal with Loki to heal you in exchange for staying with him every month. You are whisked to a world full of magic...and danger.
Warnings: Discussions of cheating (Not Loki, he'd never) and sex and death.
A03//My Ko-Fi//My Etsy Shop//Masterlist//Wattpad
Taglist: @evelyn-kingsley @jennyggggrrr @five-miles-over @fictive-sl0th @ladycamillewrites @villainousshakespeare @holdmytesseract @eleniblue @twhxhck @lokisgoodgirl @lovelysizzlingbluebird @raqnarokr @holymultiplefandomsbatman @michelleleewise @wolfsmom1 @cheekyscamp @mochie85 @muddyorbsblr @fandxmslxt69 (can't believe I almost forgot to tag you! But now tumblr is functioning and I can tag you🫡!)
Chapter One//Chapter Two//Chapter Three//Chapter Four//Chapter Five//Chapter Six
The next week, it was announced that Lady Sif agreed to train you. 
You had butterflies in your stomach walking into the room on the training room. It was normally used for Asgard’s soldiers and guards, but anyone was free to have it when needed. Loki’s clever lies to his parents were that he wanted the mortal guests to take advantage of the opportunities of exercise here to pass the time. He was with you when you walked out for one-on-one training with Lady Sif. Hal and Robert were the ones behind. Jonathan was going to go through the city to gather information about Grendel. Thomas had to be in his workshop, studying the designs of daggers. 
It shouldn’t have been a surprise to see another woman rechecking her gear and clothes on the floor. One who wasn't you. In your sportswear, you suddenly felt incredibly overdressed. Her shirt had such short sleeves! You could see all of her arms and she was wearing trousers! Leather ones with daggers sheathed at the sides! But was still every bit as beautiful if she wore a gown. Pale skin and long dark hair with piercing, blue eyes. She could have been Loki’s long-lost sister. 
Sister…you remembered the Prophet’s words. The blue skin and red eyes…why…he was a “son”? But no- now was not the time to ask. Especially as training was starting to begin. 
 She put strands of cloth around her hands. They looked like fingerless gloves, the kind that Jonathan and Robert would make when they sparred. She flexed her white fingers and checked the tightness. She muttered something and then looked up at you.
“Oh! Are you-”
“I am Y/N, it is nice to meet you,” you introduced with a curtsy out of habit.
“Why, dear Sif! Glad you are here!” Loki greeted.
“Of course! Why wouldn’t I be?” she asked. The Trickster god gave another of his theatrical gestures towards her. 
“This is the enchanting Sif. She was the first-ever female warrior here in Asgard! When they all said maidens could not fight- she was the first to prove them wrong!” Loki boasted.
Sif flared her nostrils, but she kept a half-smile.
“Eh, give or take a few thousand years,” she replied. 
She turned to the two others, cocking an eyebrow.
“And who are these men?” she asked.
Loki gestured to the guests.
“Why- this is his grace, Prince Hal…”
Hal made a gallant bow.
“And this- this is Robert Laing…” Loki continued.
“Oh- Doctor! Doctor Laing- Earned the degree ,” he said with a lick of his lips. He adjusted his tie on his suit. He could wear one since he was not training now. 
Sif dropped her smile.
“Oh- and how do those studies prove you’re better than anyone else?” she questioned him.
“Just wait until you’re the one bleeding out half to death,” Laing retorted with his grin still on her.
Sif shot him a glare.
“I don’t bleed. I make others bleed,” she replied.
There was a sudden chill in the room. Robert backed down and Hal chewed the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing. 
“Hmm- we have talked quite a bit. Well,  let’s begin-” she announced. “Get a practice sword.”
In the corner, there were wooden poles and then there were normal swords. You nodded and grabbed a pole that was stationed and ready. 
“No, Y/N! The ones with blades!” she requested.
Oh dear. That’s different. You had yet to try fighting with actual swords. You nervously took one and got it out, unsheathing it with a schliiiiiiick sound. You swallowed heavily as Sif easily grabbed the one next to you. You weighed it in your hand, watching the end of that blade and how many lives, even your own, could be ended with it. 
“I see the look on your face. Do you want to be a warrior? You must learn to fight with a real weapon. You have to be ready, Y/N.” she said.
“Alright…it’s only new…” you said though it was only half your voice.
You walked out into the middle of the floor. The three men stood by the sides with some chairs to watch you both. Hal, the expert on swords too, watched with an examining eye. Robert folded his arms. Loki rested a hand on his chin as he folded his arms. 
“Alright now parry-” Sif ordered.
You parried- moving the sword forward as she threw hers down in a heartbeat. You jumped a little from the impact. There was the sharp sound of the blades colliding that rang through your ears.
“Decent. Now don’t think too hard mortal lady- just act,” Sif instructed. 
She thrust her sword forward. You managed to block it by raising yours impulsively. She was fast and aggressive. When you tried to move forward she would find a weak point and raise it to you. Then you would jump back. You kept fleeing from her, dodging her. Blocking her constant, attacks, your feet shuffling further back. Would she even give you a second to attack her?  You backed up from her constant parries. Her attacks were forward and your defenses backward until your back foot grazed a wall. It then hit you- she has backed you into a corner.
“I’m not sure if you’re training or if Lady Sif wants another fight to win!” Robert quipped. 
Sif’s eyes turned towards the doctor, gritting her bared teeth. 
In a swift second, Sif reached into the side of her pants. She pulled out a small dagger. She looked at Robert and hurled it towards him. The three ducked out of the way. As Robert moved, it landed on the wall next to him, barely grazing his cheek. His eyes were wide and his face pink- as if he couldn’t tell if he hated this or actually secretly enjoyed it. 
You tried to wiggle out, think of a next move as Sif was distracted. Then- a feeling hit you. An odd feeling.
You could sense her. Sense her movement. Sense the movement of everyone. You felt their footprints- where they were. You could sense how many swords and poles were nearby. Everyone’s heartbeat. The other dagger in Sif’s pocket. The guards outside the door. You could feel the feet shuffling in the halls in the next room. As if you were asleep and now awake. You felt your head spin a little and put your free hand to your forehead.
“Sif, I feel…I feel a little odd…” you remarked. 
Her feet rumbled as you sensed her right before you and raised her sword in your direction. 
“Now- Y/N…what do you do?” she asked, raising your sword. It was right before your face. You backed further up to the wall. 
“I…I don’t know!” you confessed.
Sif kept her eyes on you and her sword still pointed at you. You tried to swipe hers away, but she countered it and thrust again forward. You raised the sword up to block it. She pushed forward and you backward. The blades slicing against each other. 
“Come on- focus. Hesitation is when the enemy will gut you open-”
“I really don’t!”  you cried.
“Come on! What’s your first instinct, mortal?!” Sif urged.
You couldn’t think straight. Only the humiliation of your defeat weighing on you. And the hotness of the room, the smells, and the rumbling of feet as someone walked in the next hall. It was too much, too much. In a wave of emotion, you pushed your sword in front of you to her on impulse with a slight shout. Sif snorted, raising an eyebrow at the weapon you stabbed forward.
You felt everything get white hot inside you. The feeling began at the top of your head and waved down to your hands- then to the sword
“Decent, but-”
It happened in a matter of seconds- so fast, you barely processed it. 
Fire shot out. It shot out of your hands and through the sword until it blazed before Sif. 
Sif let out a scream of surprise and backed off. Her sword jumped out of her hands and skittered across the floor. Still, the fire kept burning, blazing. Everyone jumped at the sight of it.
“Why…what…what is this?! What is going on?” Sif cried. The fire added another thing of heat to the room and its crackling was the only sound for a second. 
It then stopped. But the air still felt scorched and warm. It smelt of sulfur. When you checked the sword, it was partially burnt. You dropped it and checked your hands. Little twinges of flame jumped from it. But your skin was unhurt. Then they slowed down and they were as normal, the small star winking at you. 
“I…I don’t know- I don’t. I’m sorry, Sif.” you explained. 
Sif regained her composure. 
“The enemy is surprised, that’s good. Now what do you do- Y/N!? The enemy is surprised and unarmed. Don’t hesitate!”
As you thrust the partially burnt sword forward, Sif jumped back. Her eyes went to the sword she dropped. She reached for it.
With a bit of shock, you felt that sensation again- focusing on that little practice sword of Sif’s. The white-hot buzzing. Something else poured out - almost like a breath. A whiff of energy.
The sword skittered across the floor, unmoved. Far from Sif.
 There was utter silence for a second. The men all stood up with astonished looks on their face. Sif dropped her jaw and turned to you.
“Loki- is this another trick?” she asked.
He shook his head and shrugged.
“No…it seems as if…this was none other than our dear Mortal ladies doing…and there’s only one explanation….magic,” he answered, eyes scanning over every detail of the room and the sword. 
You felt dizzy again. You set aside your sword, feeling everyone’s eyes on you, making you uneasy.
“I’m so sorry but it’s…it’s never…never happened before…” you blubbered out. Now the source of all the attention. Like a child called out for trouble in school before her entire class.
Sif urged the men to come over. 
“Training is done. Please get the queen- she has something in her. It needs to be checked. Now!” she demanded. 
At once, all of you hurried to Frigga in her chambers. She was enjoying the view from her balcony when she turned her head. 
“Mother- hurry- we must talk! About our mortal girl-” Loki insisted.
She walked inside and sat down gracefully on a chair. In brief, all of you told her of what happened.
“Why…magic? Our Y/N?” she gasped.
You nodded. She then reached forward and took your hands. She studied the star marks, tracing them with her finger, her eyes bulging wide as she really took it in. She then turned upward, her eyebrows crossed. Her voice dropped to a sharp, strict tone. 
“Loki…there is only one spell that leaves a mark like that. Why is Y/N here? Not just out of the goodness of your heart? How did you meet her? Was she hurt or sick?” she asked. 
“Yes. Dying, in fact.” Loki reported. 
Frigga’s lips tightened.
“And you used that spell?” she asked.
“Yes, I did.” the prince admitted. 
“My son, did you read everything the book said about it.”
Loki shrugged. He put on his uneasy, half-laughing smile where only part of a chuckle escaped.
“Only the parts that were important!”
She gave him a stern look.  
“That I…thought were important,” Loki admitted. Smile dropping, he folded his hands and looked down, red with embarrassment. For no child was immune to a scolding from their mother, even gods. 
“Including the bargain to seal it?” she asked.
“Yes, mother.”
She let out a deep sigh. Then she walked to her bookshelf. She got out a large, ancient book bound in worn, tan leather. She moved it to her desk and flipped through the pages. Finding what she was looking for, she stopped at one. She read quietly for a minute and then looked at you. 
“You have Prince Loki to thank for this, Y/N. This spell…since the magic must go inside the person to heal them, it never leaves. In short, you now have magic, my dear,” she announced.
“Oh…oh dear god!” you gasped, moving a hand to your mouth. Glad at least flames did not burst out to burn your face. 
“Why, I do like to be called a dear, thank you,” Loki smirked. You gave him a look.
“This is not a joking matter!” you retorted to him.
Frigga folded her hands. Sif, Hal, and Robert all stood watching like they were the audience of a rather suspenseful play.
“Anything else? Other than what happened at training?” the queen questioned.
“I…I’ve had dreams of the future- possible futures…” you explained. 
Your mind drifted back to Stella. The dream you had of her future suicide attempt.  You did everything you could you took comfort in one fact. She made you a promise and Stella would always honor her promises. You wrote to her regularly as you did your parents, sending Thomas to deliver the letters and head back. Like she said, if she was engaged, you would know. Her letters were not of proposals, definitely, not of any men she had her eye on. They were of the ordinary daily life- visits, occasional dances, farmers with their crops, fishermen with their fish, the most tantalizing piece of news that a small town could offer. She was wise not to discuss what was happening at church with you. But no engagements, at least not for her. Perhaps her tragic future was avoided by now. 
Frigga checked the book and tapped her finger on the page. 
“It says right there- visions of the possible futures. Occasional-usually in dreams. And have you ever sensed someone near you- far away? Sensed everything around you? Their actions?”
You nodded.
“Yes. It happened today with Sif,” you confirmed.
Frigga looked at her son and then back at you. 
“Have voices appeared in your head?” she asked.
“One specific voice,” you answered. “Loki’s.”
“I’m not surprised. Do you hear her thoughts too?” she asked Loki.
He folded his arms and lifted his chin a little.
“As clearly as I hear your words, Mother. Even when I was in Asgard and she in Midgard,” he answered.
Frigga turned a page, her finger gliding down as she found a paragraph.
“Here it is listed- the thoughts of the one who cast the spell and the one healed are linked in their minds….” she read aloud. 
She scanned the rest of it, then closed the book. But she went to you, touching your cheek sweetly. 
“It could be worse. But this is a mere symptom of the spell. You will learn how to live with it.” she said.
“How? I don’t want to…to…hurt anyone!” you replied.
Frigga softened her face at your words.
“Oh, of course not! Do not blame yourself! No one has been hurt! You see…”
Her eyes turned to Loki with a small smile.
“My son should be the one to help you,” she suggested. 
Loki’s jaw dropped and he took a step forward.
“Help her? You’re the expert on magic- why can’t you do it?” he asked.
“My dear boy, you were the one who chose to do the spell on her. And you will face the consequences for it rather than running away,” she explained.
He put his hands on his hips and he opened his mouth to say something, then he closed. Frigga kept a smile as she looked between the two of you. Loki swallowed his Adam’s apple bobbing. You exchanged a look, then he turned to her. 
“Alright- then…then I will,” he said. 
Frigga clapped her hands together with a smile. 
“Good- begin tomorrow with the mind reading. It can be done to where two can speak to each other seamlessly would rather it be clear than disruptive. Now-dear Lady Sif, Hal, Robert- I am so sorry I haven’t spoken with all of you. I’ve been busy. How are all of you? Let’s call for some wine and a little bite to eat before dinner as we all chat, shall we?” 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It was when you woke up the next morning that it hit you. You were no longer some ordinary “mortal” woman. No- now you had powers! To think, if you could go back in time and tell yourself as a child, what would she think! Not to mention, what would everyone back home think of a woman who actually had powers by accident? Oh, they would all scream in terror if a flame shot out of your hands. Secretly, you were thrilled. As if winning some luck of the draw. 
You walked outside to the gardens. It was right at the start of the afternoon when the sun was the most warm. It wasn’t usually when you liked to walk outside due to the heat, but you wanted to test your newfound abilities. To see if you could figure anything out. You decided to head There was a middle valley in the palace garden grounds. A small grassy part amidst some hydrangea bushes with no trees for shade. 
There were many things you expected to walk into the garden to see. The buds open. Gardeners digging holes. Little bugs about the dirt. Pleasant, familiar, comfortable things. 
You weren’t expecting to see a naked man. 
Pale, and muscular with ripped abdominals and strong biceps despite his lean frame lying down on a bench. A towel on his head and a book over his crotch. They were the only thing on him. 
Ripped with shock, you let out a scream on instinct. To your increased horror, he got up the book shifted. You let out another shout and shielded your eyes with your arm. You thought you would see…that part of a man on your wedding night! Not unwarned and unwanted in a garden! 
But he scrambled up and set the towel and book over the most offending part of his body. When you peeked up, his hair had a redder sheen, and though he was in the sun he was pale. But you had to admit you did like the sight of all the muscles on him.
“Hello there!” Robert nervously chuckled. 
“What on earth are you doing?!” you cried. Your eyes trying very hard to focus on his face. 
“Uh- I just- I’m sunbathing! And I fell asleep!”
“People-people really sunbathe in the future in their free time?!” you questioned. 
“Well, uh, yes,” Robert replied.
“Bare naked as a babe?!” 
“Also yes.”
“Have you gone mad, Robert!?” you cried.
“Not for a month!”
You took a step back, Robert noting the look on your face. He blushed with embarrassment. 
“I am so immediately sorry, Y/N. I didn’t know you would be here! I’ll try to keep it in my room. I’ll talk to Loki. Ask him to conjure a-a-a-sun tan machine or something.” he tried to compromise. His feet started to shuffle to the bushes as if he were Adam after devouring the apple. 
“People make machines for sun tans?!” you asked.
“Oh, they do! I’ll tell you- my- my robe is near this rose bush-give me a minute…”
He leaned in and got it. You turned away as he put the white, cloth robe over himself. The electricity of the shock still running through you.
“Alright, Y/N, I’m decent!” he announced. 
You turned around. Robert tied a knot of the cloth around his waist.
“Sunbathing naked?! Goodness-and did you say…are you sure you’re not still mad?!” you cried.
Robert froze. The joking smile on his face dropped from the embarrassed, cheeky smile. 
“I’m not,” he replied sternly. 
He took a step towards you, his voice serious. 
“Please, don’t bring it up with the others. I don’t like other people discussing it.”
Shame flooded your system. 
“Oh-I…I am so sorry…I…I didn’t know…” you apologized, feeling your shoulders slump.
 He gathered the towel and book in his hands. 
“Well…now you do…Y/N, I….I…I’ll go to my room now,” the no-longer-madman said as he walked out. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Loki did not take you at once into either the indoor or outdoor training grounds. Instead, both of you merely went to a table in a dining hall. He plopped down, his smile never leaving his face as he looked at you. You were dressed in a white day dress with little pink dots all over it, moving your skirt as always so you could sit down on the chair. No one else was around to witness this, only the two of you. 
“Well then- to start. Let’s practice the whole thought business!” he announced. 
“Aren’t you scared I will scorch the table?” you asked.
He leaned back in his chair, folding his arms with a shrug.
“Why should it be? Tables can be replaced, but not you. And I’ve been able to access your own thoughts quite easily for a while. We both know that by now. You should learn how to send them and block mine. Unless you want to hear my voice in your ears to lull you to sweet dreams at night. I will be happy to oblige.”
You gave him a scowl.
“You’re a scoundrel,” you responded.
“Always have been and will be,” he replied with a smile. 
You looked forward at him. You folded your hands on your lap. It was a nice dining hall. Right near an open balcony with tall columns of marble around you. The bright sunlight shone down as it overlooked the skyline of Asgard.
“All right- I’m going to send my thoughts out. To you. I will make them clear.” Loki announced.
Then there was nothing. You heard nothing. You felt the rustle of the bustle on the back of your skirt as you leaned back in the chair. 
With a deep breath, you heard Loki’s voice in your head.
“Hello there, Y/N. It’s another lovely day here in Asgard. Wouldn’t it funny if I snipped off a bit of Sif’s hair when she isn’t looking!”
“Don’t do that! It’s mean! And she will scream at you!” you thought back.
He made a gesture with his hands and spoke out loud. 
“There you go! That’s far better! You hear mine- I hear yours!” he announced. “All because you let me in, my dear. I read it in the book.”
“What else did it say?” you asked, moving your hands to touch the table. It was long and wooden, carved with ancient runes. You nervously traced one with your fingernail. 
“Your thoughts are an instrument one can never stop playing. Only you may play them loudly or quietly. But one can muffle out the music of another., Y/N. Now- try to block out my thoughts to you.”
With a deep breath,  you clenched your body. Willing the invisible thoughts of his to not enter your own head.
“Not working.” Loki’s voice replied in your head.
You let out a huff of air through your nostrils.
“How does one block it?” you questioned him. 
Loki slightly tucked his chin. 
“Hmmm, yes, I see how stiff you are holding yourself, your body. And this time I know it’s not because of this ‘bustle’ thing.  Blocking does not mean bracing oneself- body or mind. Think of it like…like a shield…try to put a shield out. Imagine one. And relax a little.” he guided.
You imagined a shield. You saw many among the guards of Asgard. Tall, circular, and bronze. You imagined it up against you, protecting you, bundling up inside it. Warm and safe. Loki let out another small breath. He sat forward on the chair, leaning an elbow on it. His hand touching his chin and grinning. You braced for his voice in your head again. 
But the shield worked. You didn’t hear one of his. There was nothing. Finally! Your physical training was slow, but at least that was one thing you could get right!
You imagined lowering it down. Sure enough, there were thoughts of
“Y/N, the dress you have on today looks quite lovely, especially when the sunlight hits it.”
A little flutter began in your stomach. You couldn’t give into his flatter, no. You sent out another one, looking into his blue eyes. One of a pair of many you learned to get used to. 
“Trying to recover yourself over the remark about my breasts?” you thought back. 
He dropped his smile, lowering his head.
“I apologize. I knew it would rile you- get you to fight back.”
“Thank you for acknowledging that, Loki. You have quite the presumptuous nature- I’ve figured that out so far.”
Then there was no reply. You heard no thoughts. You tried to send something out to him, but there was nothing for a minute. Then two. Then three. You blinked and tried to send it out.
“Loki? Loki-what-”
He waved open with his hands and spoke aloud. 
“See, Y/N- now my shield was up. Let’s try this little back and forth, shall we?” he asked.
It went on like tennis. It was shaky- but at least you had a hand at it. It was a start.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The day came to announce the heir. It was all heralded that morning so quickly, that there wasn’t time to process it. It was the gatekeeper, Heimdall, who resounded it out before the city balcony. All of you standing in the back room as he looked down upon the people. Heimdall smiled at them and then announced with his rich, sonorous voice to all. 
“Odin has named Thor as his heir! Prepare for the ceremony later today at sunset!”
When you looked for Loki, he immediately left the room. Thor smiled wide before servants ushered him out the other door. 
There was so much bustle, servants running to and fro, platters of food delivered from the kitchen, your head spun. And Thor was never seen to discuss this. And not Loki either. It wasn’t that you didn’t want Thor to be happy. But…you knew today was going to be hard for the younger brother. Yes, Loki was cheeky and arrogant and flirted to get what he wanted and fond of getting into trouble- but you had to admit…you felt bad for him today.
The ceremony began as promised at sunset. You were astounded to see so many people about to watch.  To think this many people lived in Asgard! Were they gods too? Mortals like you who just lived in a different world? Curiosity bubbled inside you. You were just used to your plain little life in a plain little town where every house was white and you saw the same faces daily. But here- there was life. Excitement. Not even London, you imagined, had this much of a crowd for anything. They crowded around. They gathered around the large, open space before the throne with a walkway.
Everyone dressed for the occasion. Odin wore his silver armor and winged helmet, his eye patch seemed to gleam like a jewel. Frigga was beautiful in her golden dress, with a smile on her face. Loki stood in his deep green with his large, horned helmet. You were in your own russet velvet dress for parties. Jonathan wore his blue suit and Robert his grey one. Hal was dashing in dark velvet, his curls combed back. Thomas was in his black suit, the bronze chain of a pocket watch sticking out across his stomach. Sif herself remained in her armor but was placed to stand near the throne with the other Asgardian warriors.
“Let us now raise a cheer for my son- your future king, Thor!!” Odin announced.
Thor was brought down on a chariot, wielding a large hammer. His large red cape and long blonde hair flew in the wind. He had a giant smile as he showed it his hammer. The crowd roared for their future king. Everyone was smiling. Everyone…except the younger brother of the future king. 
You looked over at Loki. His hands folded before him, the usually mischievous gleam in his eyes dimmed. He seemed far away, small, and alone. 
“Loki…how are you? What are you thinking? You can tell me…” you sent your thoughts out.
There was no response.
You couldn’t bother with Hal and Sif trying to outdrink each other at the banquet after. Robert kept trying to flirt with her and she told him to bother off, only she didn’t say the word “bother.” The doctor backed away, hands up in defense. Thomas and Jonathan sat next to each other at the meal. It was hardly a wonder so many Asgardian women made their eyes toward the two handsome men. Many maids offered to refill their goblets with batting eyelashes. Jonathan was polite to them, but never seemed to return their attention. Thomas was a different matter, however. He was smiling, chatting, and charming all of them. Thor was at the center, telling stories and laughing as people lauded their upcoming ruler. 
 But you had no interest in the celebration going on in the hall. There was one gentleman in green who was missing from all this.
You felt your sensation again. Despite the rumble of everyone’s food digesting, you felt Loki’s presence. Locating him easily.  So you got up, going to the stone walkway in the next room. The cool air of the night washing over you. Seeing Loki in a marble corner, staring out at the city. He only looked out at the window at the starry sky and two moons shining through the window. He jumped a little when he turned and saw you.
“I’m not surprised….” he said.
“But it’s still disappointing…” you acknowledged. 
He let out a deep breath. You heard Thor’s large laughter from the other end of the hall. God of Thunder suited him- everything about him was thunderous. 
“I’m so sorry, Loki…you would have made a decent king,” you tried to console.
He arched up a dark eyebrow.
“Really? Me?” Loki asked. He seemed surprised, not like the other side of him that would say he knew. He turned around to look you in the eye.
You nodded. 
“Yes- you would have. You took pity on a dying woman and offered to heal her. You comforted her when her heart was broken. You’re teaching me how to control my magic. You’re planning a quest to defeat a villain to protect others. You…you sent Hal after me. And I hear Robert had...”
You stopped your words. You suddenly remembered Robert asked you not to discuss the time he went mad. 
“A…a hard time…” you finished.
Loki gestured with you to walk back to the dining hall. His eyes drifted towards the Baronet in black smiling as a maid refilled his jug for the third time.
“Oh, if you think Robert had a hard time, wait until you find out where Thomas came from,” he replied. 
‘Thomas?” you asked. 
From the smile, you saw Thomas pull out a small contraption for the maid. It was a music box that could fit in the pocket. The maid turned the knob, grinning to reveal its trickling tune. The maid laughed in delight. One would never guess he ever had a “hard time” at any point in his life. 
You turned your focus back to Loki.
“But you are suffering too. Don’t let Odin or a throne determine your worth. We all appreciate you,” you said. 
There was some music in the back and people raised their goblets. Many gulped it down and threw it on the floor, crying “Another!” You jumped a little at the sound of so many cups crashing on the floor at once. 
“Appreciation won’t make me a hero…or Thor’s equal…” he replied as he walked off. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You couldn’t fall asleep that night. Your heart was still breaking from the last line with Loki. He felt invisible. Unwanted. And it felt like there was nothing you could do about it. Wasn’t there a compromise? Why couldn’t there be two kings or couldn’t the kingdom be divided? 
Then there were the thoughts that shot out of you. Thoughts you tried to stifle. Memories you tried to stifle. But stifling them only made them stronger when they arrived. Memories of home. The letters, the field, the white shirt, the-
No, you had to distract yourself. Not dwell. It would only make you miserable. It looks like you would have to ask for the sleeping potion again. You got out of bed, wrapping a pink shawl around your nightgown for warmth, out you went into the halls. Perhaps it would be in the kitchens or you could ask a servant. Your bare feet touched the cold stone beneath, making you shiver. 
Then- there was a noise. A shuffling. Your powerful sensing was warning you. Someone was up-about. You turned around to look. No one. As you kept walking, you kept swearing you heard footsteps. Then a breath. 
There was someone up and close by. Awake. It wasn’t a servant.
Oh no- could it be a spy from Grendel!? You were going to scream, use what you could. Try to move something- you feel someone there. You felt your hands grip your shawl tighter. You were unarmed- could you somehow summon flames again? Make something move? Frantically looking around, frozen with fear.
Before you could even budge, out from the darkness, Jonathan Pine appeared. He put a hand before you to silence the idea of a scream. He put a hand before his face to shush you.
Like…like…like he would, like what Will would do- no! Y/N, don’t dwell on him. It’s over! you thought. The thought then slipped away in a second. You felt yourself relax knowing it was not a spy from Grendel.
“Shhh- Y/N! It’s okay! I’m here!” Jonathan whispered.
“You scared me to death!” you hissed back, placing a hand over your slowing heart.
“I’m sorry. It’s part of my duties.” Jonathan explained. 
“Duties?!” you asked, with a tilt of your head.
“Remember, I’m Loki’s spymaster. I am again- so very sorry about the scare. I’ll make it up to you. Let me take you downstairs- get you something to drink. Does that sound nice?” he asked.
“Yes, yes it does, Jonathan.”
Down you went to the kitchens of Asgard. They weren’t accustomed to tea as much. But they did have wine. And still whole bottles of the special wine that was made for the banquet today. He located two glasses and poured you both some of the red liquid. He handed it over to you.
“How did you become Loki’s spymaster? I’m curious…” you asked.
He paused. He leaned back against the counter, the glass in one hand. 
“I…I’ve never talked about it much…but…I’ll tell you,” he said.
He set down his glass on the counter and then turned to look right at you. 
“Y/N- you know I’m a soldier…” he began.
“Yes, I do,” you recalled. 
You took a sip of the Asgardian wine-rich and dry in its flavor. Jonathan left his abandoned. You his lips tightened, and then in took in a slow breath. His voice was soft, earnest. 
“I never had a family all of my life. I lost my parents. Grew up drifting in foster homes around England. The army at least was stable. It felt like I had a permanent family of my own. At first. But…but…the things I’ve seen…the things I was ordered to do…it was too much.”
He shook his short, blonde head.
“After it was done, I had to honorably leave the military. Start anew. I ended up living in Cairo, Egypt.”
“Egypt?! That sounds incredible!” you cut in. How different and far from England! It must have been hot, but he would have seen the pyramids every day!
He bobbed his head in acknowledgment. His eyes soft at your brief excitement.
“It was, Y/N. I worked at a hotel for their night shifts. Then was promoted to manager. That at least gave me something stable. A routine. It was a hotel owned by a gentleman named Freddie Hamid. Then one night…there was a woman who checked in. And this woman was his mistress…”
He looked at your face to observe your reaction. Back home, such things weren’t discussed so openly. But you swallowed the little bit of shock. 
Jonathan’s features softened. And his voice became softer, sweeter.
“Her name was Sophie…but her real name was Samira. She liked expensive clothes and coffee. She drank when she was stressed. She was chatty. She had a dog she carried everywhere. She loved to flirt with the staff- even me.”
This was far different, far more vulnerable and tender than you have ever seen Jonathan.
“Did you love her?” you asked.
After a pause, he answered.
“Yes. Yes, I did. I loved her. And she loved me too. Just for that brief time, I loved her.”
“Brief? How come?” you asked. 
There was one possible explanation for why. And it wasn’t good. There was a sudden heaviness in the air as he paused. He wrapped his arms around himself and looked down on the floor. Then back at you as he continued. 
“Sophie had documents with her. She handed it to me to make copies, but I saw them. Proof that Freddie and his friend, Richard Roper, had access to weapons. Destructive, powerful weapons. Bombs that would wipe out entire cities. Weapons only the army should own. So I alerted the authorities. Freddie found out and beat Sophie… I discovered he and his men were capable of doing more. She was in danger. Now that it was out, she was a target. They were going to kill her- because of something I did. I begged her forgiveness, and she said she would have reported it had she been braver. She asked me for help.  So…I hid her. Took her somewhere far away…made sure she was safe…I wanted to whisk her far away. To England…”
He hunched his shoulders.
“Those authorities said she would never be safe in England. That Roper had friends there. That returning her to the hotel was the best option. To curb suspicion. She returned with her head high, confident, and smiling as she checked into her suite. I went to work. I carried about my shift like normal. Then I got word from someone…she was in danger. But when I ran into the room…it was too late….there was…was…she was killed-her blood everywhere…”
A hand flew over your mouth.
“Poor Sophie!” you gasped. 
“It never left me. She never left me. She always haunted me…and she always might. The fact I brought her to death, I…I did…She would…would blame me, she probably did in her last moments…”
“But she told you herself that she didn’t resent you for the documents! That she would do the same as you! I…I don’t know if she would…you didn’t beat her like…like her….like Freddie! You were kind to her. You tried to protect her!” you commented, trying to comfort him.
He gripped the edge of the counter, his knuckles turning white. 
“Then one day…the British authorities spoke to me. Asked me to help in an operation to bring Roper and his allies down. So…I decided to become a spy to avenge her.”
 It was hard, I won’t bore you with the details. But to be brief,  I did it. I infiltrated him. Brought him down. I killed Freddie myself- drowned him in his own pool.”
You felt your eyes widen.
“I caught Roper and destroyed his stock. Caught him red-handed and brought him to the government. He ended up in jail, executed for his crimes.”
“How is it you managed to defeat Roper?” you asked.
You found that he smiled, both with his eyes and his smile. It was a smooth, handsome smile. He was elegant so easily and naturally. 
“Sheer determination and thorough thinking. That is what will get you through anything, Y/N.”
He put his hands in his pockets.
“And after that, it was done… Loki arrived to me. Told me that he was a copy of me from another timeline, another life. Asked me to be a spy for him. Fight Grendel with him. I had no home. No family. Not even a woman. Not since…since Sophie, no. Nothing to return to…so I have nothing to lose. That’s why I’m here- where I can be useful.” 
You cupped your wine glass with both hands.
“That’s quite a story, Jonathan!” you remarked. 
You took a step closer. His eyes were still glossy from mentioning her again.
“Jonathan…if Sophie were here…I think she’d be proud of you. For what you did. For avenging her…now that it’s done, and if she can’t be here for you…she’d want you to be at peace,” you consoled him.
His blue eyes shone a little bit, his chest rising and falling with his breaths. 
“Thank you, Y/N. If we survive, I hope I can be. I want to live a normal, peaceful life after this. No battles. No bloodshed. Just a quiet, normal life. I want to become a husband. A father. And not worry about anyone getting killed- just love my wife. Love my child. And pour all that love so they will never have to suffer what I did.”
A hand flew over your heart, and you felt your lips curve to a smile.
“That’s beautiful…I hope you do. If we’re careful…that could be your life, I know it.” you said.
He went back and got his wine glass, taking a careful sip. He kept it in his hand as he escorted you back to your room. Finishing your drink, and reflecting on Jonathan’s story, you fell right asleep.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Two days later, Loki brought you again to that wide training ground on the inside. He made no mention of the ceremony. In fact, there was a bounce in his step as you went with him into that room with just you two.
“Alright YN-let’s practice those other little gifts of yours! Starting with the sensing and tossing things around with your pretty little head!” he announced.
You rolled up your sleeves. He pointed at a red X that appeared on the floor with his magic. 
“Stay put on this,” he required.
You stepped over it. He conjured a wooden pole and set it several feet before you on the ground. 
“Now- move it without touching it,” he instructed. 
You concentrated on the pole. Squinted hard. Your body clenched- but nothing happened. Move little pole, please, come on, move- just an inch, please, please please- you urged silently.
Loki raised up a finger and your glance moved up to meet him.
“Ah, I see. You’re trying to force it! Sometimes forcing it will result in nothing- just allow it happen. As you are- breathe into it!” he advised.
You relaxed your body and returned your focus to the pole. Not losing sight of it, but you released your hand to your sides. It began to twitch a little.
Move, you merely thought.
It rolled right to you like a blast of wind. You caught it with your foot, rolling it carefully. You felt yourself smile in triumph. Loki raised an eyebrow, and he smiled.
“Not bad- now turn around, Y/N,” he instructed. 
You went around and to your shock, you saw Loki again staying right by a wall. A green door appeared on the wall that wasn’t there before. You turned your head to confirm  Loki there behind you- but another Loki in front of you! You didn’t hear him run, but you turned around. There were two of them?!?!
“You have a twin brother?” you asked nervously. 
“Oh no- my magic can make duplicates,” he explained.
One could imagine the sorts of trouble he could get into with that trick! The duplicate Loki gestured to the door and you stepped towards it. 
“Now- what do you sense is behind that door?” the duplicate asked,, his smooth, baritone ringing across the room. 
You did sense something behind it. You could see its outline in your mind. It was tall, thin, and long in shape. It had a sharp point and a handle. Then a picture in your head emerged.
“It’s a…a…a sword,” you answered. 
“That is right. The door is locked. Unlock and open it. Then get the sword,” he challenged you.
You concentrated on the doorknob. Relaxing your body and looking at nothing else. It fidgeted. It shook. But it didn’t open. You tried again, but it failed again. Letting out a huff of frustration, you then looked at the keyhole- sensing how it was kept locked. How the gears were turned to seal it. 
“Now- unlock,” you requested.
The little gears turned and there was a click. Then the door squeaked open. It revealed a dark room with no furniture or decorations. The light from the training room poured out to it- revealing the sword right on the floor before you. 
“Now wield the sword near you without touching it!” you heard the duplicate instruct. 
You concentrated, poking at it with your mind. Bringing it to move. Yet it did not. It stayed there. Dull and solid. When you really willed, it budged forward. Then it stayed put. 
“Dammit!” you cursed beneath your breath. “Just move to me!”
The light from the windows shining through stopped as if someone drew a curtain over them. Turning, you felt the frustration boiling in you as more grey clouds covered the sky. And out of nowhere for an idyllic, sunny day! The god looked up with an easy smile, laughter in his voice.
“Well, Y/N- you definitely did that! IT didn’t move the sword, but it did move the natural elements! Another effect you may thank me for!”
You felt yourself unclench, your shoulders lowering. The clouds rolled away quickly and there was sunshine again. You saw how if you focused on the light shining on the floor. Curiosity crept inside you. When you willed it, the light stretched towards your feet. Like the waves of the ocean when it would cradle and creep softly right before your toes.
“So your mother taught you?” you asked him.
The duplicate vanished into a bit of golden mist. You turned around to Loki and walked closer to him. He nodded his raven head. 
“Yes, she did, since I was small. I remember she’d start with little tricks. Like…like this one here…”
He opened his hand and out came little fireworks. Bright flashes of red, pink, yellow, and blue flying up and exploding into beautiful sparkles from over his hand. You gasped, admiring the bright colors. It was so sweet, so delicate, so lovely. So unlike the portrait of the devious trickster god who called himself anything but a wanted hero. 
“Loki, that’s beautiful!” you exclaimed, smiling in delight. 
He gave you a smile back. You admired the show as it went on and then it faded away. He folded his palm. 
“It’s all a matter of practice- and it will be like swimming to you soon,” he said. 
“I just hope so. It will have to be if I’m to fight Grendel….” you sighed.
“You will- just give yourself time.”
“Do we have time?” was something you wanted to ask. But you did not. You merely focused again on the sword, trying to get it to slide to you. It did not. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It was a nice rhythmic routine of your new life in Asgard- training so much in both body and magic. Even if it meant you were almost, always a little sore. Dining with these new people you had to call friends. Even Sif, despite her intense training sessions and sarcastic remarks every time she spoke. There was no report of any progress on Grendel. No news was good news, as the saying goes. It just left you more time to be prepared. It was hard to believe a month had passed by. In fact, you could hardly believe it when Thomas arrived one morning at breakfast.
“Forgive the intrusion, Miss Y/N, but I came to get your mail from home. Your parents begged me to send this over to you,” the baronet announced, handing you a letter. You opened it and read aloud. 
“Dear Y/N,
We have not seen you in a long time. Please return home. Just for a little.
All our love,
Your mother and father.”
You folded it in your hands. It was Loki and his variants who sat a the table, all looking at you dumbfounded.
“Do you think you can visit back, my lady? I wonder if you still are sad concerning your betrothal,” Hal said.
“I don’t know if I can bear it alone….” you commented. The others looked at you and each other.
“I doubt I would be much welcome after that wedding fiasco,” Loki commented.
Jonathan stood up from his table. 
“I will go with her. Y/N will not have to face it alone…” he volunteered.
You gave him a thanks as both of you beheld the portal to take you back. Trusting that you could alert Loki with your mind when you were ready to return. Just a bit of magic, the flash of rainbow colors bursting over you and the spy.
In a second, you both were right at the front door of your home. You knocked and were let in immediately. Sitting in the living room having an uneasy tea. They passed a plate of biscuits to Jonathan. He took a bite, keeping an uneasy smile on his face. A few crumbs fell on his pants which he wiped off. You felt your parents staring at the clothes from his time. Suppressing questions out of politeness. You only had one bite of your own biscuit, which tasted stale and bland. Looking over, you saw that the flowers in the vase on the table in the kitchen hadn’t changed since the would-be wedding. Shriveled, wilted, and dead.
“Now….Y/N, what is going on?” your mother asked.
“I am staying in Asgard. There is a great threat. A villain- he’s trying to invade. We are doing what we can to defeat him,” you explained plain and simple.
“When will you return home? Please, Y/N,” she begged.
“I don’t know, mama. Not for a while. This concerns all of our future, if not our safety. I…I wish I could…but I promised I would help them. And I will. I’m learning how to fight-”
“To fight!” cried your mother.
“Yes, and we have a clue on how to take care of it. Loki needs all the help he can get…”
Their frowns deepened at the sound of his name. Then your father leaned forward, his plate and tea untouched.
“Y/N- you are about to marry Reverend Ransome. We have to pick a new date already,” he said.
You set down your tea, feeling your hold on the saucer turn to a grip. Your breathing became sharp and your hands shook as the cup rumbled on the saucer. You set it down, but the shaking continued. Jonathan took out a hand of yours and held it in comfort.
“Mother, Father…I cannot be a vicar’s wife. Not anymore.” 
Your mother blinked rapidly.
“But Y/N- you love him so much and you’ve loved him for years. You told us yourself.  And he loves you!”
Your father looked down on you. His voice deep and serious. 
“I remember the day he asked permission to marry you. You should have seen him, Y/N. Heard his words then. I gave him my consent immediately. You should see how the reverend is now- hear how his sermons are lately. He’s eager for you to return. He misses you. He would run right here now if it wasn’t for his errands today!”
Yes, you forgot to ask him what errands he is doing. The bastard is probably pleasuring Cora against a tree again by now. Why hasn’t the bastard asked her to marry him yet and put us all out of our misery? I delivered that letter- plain and simple. He couldn’t miss it in his own stupid church. He must have read what it said… you thought bitterly. 
Your senses reached out to the woods. It confirmed what you thought happened in the past. You could sense the bodies. His fingers reached up. Then out. Could sense it when he brought it to his mouth and licked off the inside of Cora.
‘Cora, Cora- how perfect for her name. The first bit rhymes with ‘whore’ and begins with the same letter as ‘cunt,’’ your thoughts bit back impulsively. You swallowed the thought back.  
But you looked down into your cup on the tea tray. Fighting the urge to cry, your breathing even faster.
“I have…ended things with him,” you explained.
Your parents nearly jumped out of their seats.
“Ended things! Y/N- consider your future! A stable life with such a good, moral man who loves you! Why?!”
You gripped the arms of the couch with your free hand, Jonathan held you back from standing up. You saw his lips move, to contain getting involved. Only to support you. You felt your heart pick up and your throat tighten. You decided to make the explanation quick and simple. 
“Will slept with Mrs. Seaborne while betrothed to me. That was why”
Your father squinted his eyes, his nostrils flaring. 
“Y/N- Sarah gave her handmaiden to Jacob. It’s not noble for a wife to be upset when this happens. Your duty is to forgive him and make him happy,” he said. 
You glared at your father. Jonathan’s hand broke off from you as you stood up, raising your voice and meeting them where you stood. 
“Papa, Will had and consummated an affair. He kissed, wooed, and made love to another woman while engaged to marry me. He has broken my trust and crossed a line. It’s in the very Bible he studies and preaches not to do this- and he did anyway. Even as I was sick and dying, he preferred satiating his lust than comforting me. Is that who you want as your son-in-law? Or your rector? Don’t tell me he won’t do it after we’re married. I don’t trust him to. He has crossed a line once- and once is enough! I will not and cannot marry a man like that! And don’t tell me it’s my duty to let it go and be some perfect vicar’s wife! I will not make myself pure when he cannot be pure himself! I will not make myself into a perfect, pristine doll all for him to throw away for another!” 
There was silence. Only the ticking of the grandfather clock. Your mother put a hand to her mouth.
“Y/N…do you realize the scandal even the rumor of this would cause?” she asked hoarsely.
You had no time to respond, the door burst open. In were none other than Mr. and Mrs. Harris, and a neighbor, Mr. Brown. Everyone shot up out of their seats, even Jonathan.
“Please! Mr. Y/L/N! Where is she?” Mrs. Harris asked, her eyes full of tears.
“Who?” asked your father.
Their eyes turned to you. Mr. Brown’s face turned red as if he was about to explode onto you.
“Miss Harris has vanished. We fear the worst- a kidnapping. This is no doubt your daughter’s fault!” he said.
He pointed a finger at you. His voice was heavy with venom. 
“The Trickster’s God’s Whore,” he spat.
You felt sick again. 
“Stella’s gone missing. Where does he have her- where does Loki have Stella?!” Mrs. Harris pleaded, her lips quivering as tears twisted her face and fell down her cheeks.
“Another one to spoil her virtue to pleasure him?! The Trickster God has one- Why isn’t one enough?” Mr. Brown sneered.
“Please everyone- she is not in Asgard,” Jonathan reasoned, putting his hands out to calm everyone down. 
“What! Stella! Missing!” you urged. You went to her parents.
Mrs. Harris burst into heartrending sobs and her husband half embraced you. His blue eyes, just like his daughters, still looked at you with careful suspicion, but not outright hate as his neighbor. 
“Gone since this morning. We were out visiting, taking care of business. Her brothers were off at work. Her little sister was with a friend. Stella was left home alone. She told us she intended to stay today- letters to write. Our neighbors said they heard her screaming. When they rushed in, the house and her room were a mess…and she was gone.”
“Please, Y/N,  she must be with you. Talking of the place you are when we asked her, this Asgard! Every time since you visited! The Trickster god must have enchanted her!” Mrs. Harris fretted.
“Why would Loki do that?” you blurted. “No! I swear to you- as someone who friend of your family-Jonathan is right! Stella isn’t in Asgard! If she was, I would know!” 
The mother began to wring her hands. Then she brought out a scrap of paper from the pocket of her dress.
“But she…she must be enchanted…and abducted…why else would she leave a  scrap of paper behind with nonsense on it!” Mrs. Harris wailed.
“Nonsense? What nonsense? What’s on the paper?” you asked.
She handed you the scarp of paper. It was big and lined, written in a hurry. As if she was grabbed while writing it. But it was Stella’s handwriting. You exchanged too many letters to know it was her hand.
 There was only one word on it. But one word was enough.
It read: 
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lexycxndy · 8 months ago
What if 
Loki Won in 2012
Inspo- what if Loki won and MyaRR on twitter 
Since MCU Loki is kinda nerfed so I am combining both comic Loki and muc Loki before the whole god of Stories in the comics.
 The start of the battle goes all the same, Loki is teleported to earth via the tesseract, he mind controls Clint and erik selvig. But the battle in Germany goes a little different this time Loki does use his magic to defeat Steve Rogers in the fight which ofc steve called back up, so iron man joins the battle but i think loki would pretend to surrender so he can get in shield,  ofc thor grabs loki and then the fight with iron man and thor goes the same
Until the the part where Natasha talks to loki, but this time loki saw through Natasha's plan so he manipulates Natasha into thinking he would kill Clint once he is done with him, stalling her when he starts to to use his magic to control banner like he did with selvig in the thor end credits which worked, Natasha ofc being smarter she saw this but loki was already ahead of her so he had nothing to worry about 
So the fight with hulk and Natasha ends with nat getting hurt badly almost getting her killed by thor fights the hulk to help her, but with nat being injured she couldn't fight and hulk being under the control of Loki he can't be trusted, everything after goes the same but the battle with Clint and nat doesn't happen so Clint was still under loki's mind control 
Meanwhile Loki tricks thor in the helicarrier  but this time Loki drops the carrier with thor in it (he survived ofc) but he didn't kill Coulson but controls him, so the whole fight between iron man and captain America still stays but with nothing to encourage the heros to fight Loki and his army the heros split apart doing there on plans 
 thor wanted to take Loki back to asgard
Captain America wants to take down loki himself but after the Germany he knows he is too weak against a god 
Iron man goes to the stark tower knowing Loki would be there 
Nat stays in the background trying to come up with a plan that can take down loki from the inside.   
The whole avengers assemble never happens due to loki never killing Coulson 
While on the tower Loki and Tony still have that talk but this time Loki just doesn't try to control Tony but stabs Tony with the scepter through the arc reactor and throwing him off the building, 
The whole battle goes the same but thor and cap were only one  to fight the army but ofc with the amount of army there it was overwhelming to them which led to loki and thor fighting but loki used his illusion to fight thor while seeking behind thor killing thor from behind and the army were able to kill Steve rogers
Loki won the battle getting his end of his deal with him ruling earth and him getting the tesseract back to Thanos. 
Maybe I write one where tva captured Loki (maybe even a drawing?)
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tilltheendwilliwrite · 3 months ago
So just straight up promoted people come read the Norns Goddess on one of the Loki YouTube communities I follow. So just a heads up, you may or may not get more traffic here or on Patreon. Also have you thought of putting your stories on Audio? I ask because I have a friend who is blind and loves your books. But it kinda sucks she can't get a proper Audio that is not A.I. so she prefers listening to me and my husband read aloud to her. Would you be ok with us doing a proper Audio recording for her? At least then maybe the hubs won't get so red in the face when reading the naughty bits lol! The upside is now he wants me to try yoga. But I have a HUGE household to manage! 5 kids with one graduating this year and one still a toddler. 4 dogs, 3 cats, 3 houses on the property that I keep clean (one is my mom's and the other is for my 18 and 17yr old) the main house only has 4 bedrooms so it was easier to give them one of the houses plus it's close to the main and mom's house so if they need us or her they have a direct safety run to both. They are also both in their schools youth firearm club and archery club so they have protections if needed. Their back door opens to my mom's back door and hers is a 3 bed house as well, then her front door opens to our back door. Plus they have a rope slide majig that I can't remember at 4am in the morning going from their 2nd story to ours. It's a safety for the twins a d toddler as well. If something happenes where the doors aren't safe or accessible the twins can take their baby brother down the line to my oldest 2 and mom while hubs and I deal with any situation. Plus the line can't be seen from below with the awning and a few low laying trees. Idk why I'm sharing all this with you? Maybe because I'm wanting another mama bears opinion? We are new to country living and I'm pretty sure that has been your life. I'm not a fan of having two kids in their own house but they love it and they are smart enough to not worry about the stupid shit teens tend to get up to. I was a teen mom so they know the struggle and have good relationships with their religions, my daughter has a clear path she wants to follow and my son is currently being scouted so he won't screw that up! Lol. Alright imma try to get some sleep. If you want to ignore this please do. Have a good night hun!
I don't have a problem with people doing things for personal enjoyment. Make that recording, peach! And thank you for the recommendations! I'm so happy people enjoy Blessings of Magic.
And let me say, I've recently gotten back into yoga after years of struggling with my health. It's definitely not as easy as it used to be, but I had forgotten how good I feel afterward.
If you're looking for a great app or place to start, Down Dog app for IPad/IPhone is the best app I've ever used. It is a paid app ($80 ish Canadian for the year) but that subscription works across all their platforms (pilates, meditation, etc.) Which i just found out last night when I added plates to the mix.
I love how customizable it is! I have widespread osteoarthritis, basically if it has a joint, I have arthritis in it, and it took them ten years to figure out that's what is causing most of my pain, but the yoga and mobility training are helping.
Lol, so yes! Do some yoga, and if the price of the app isn't for you, there are a lot of great videos for beginners on YouTube.
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avesrinapproved · 1 year ago
all Asgardians are raised gender neutral until the age of 13 when they have a big ceremony and choose what they want to be. this fic is of a young Loki figuring themself out before their 13th birthday when they'll have to tell the whole of Asgard who they are.
Loki has always been a troublesome child, sneaking into Odin's vaults, playing pranks on the inhabitants of the castle, summoning a monster or too, and they've earned themselves quite a few scars for their trouble. But as they age it only gets worse, slacking off during training, skipping out of their royal duties, plotting bigger and worse things to do.
"Loki. We do not use magic in that manner.'' Odin scolds when he finds Loki snickering and hiding from a very angry Sif, after illusioning her to look like an ogre and having her chased by the guards. “Do you want the kingdom to hate you?"
"It was just Sif..." Loki argues, crossing their arms.
"Is Sif not part of the kingdom?"
"...no.. she is..” they admit “but she's my friend and it was funny" they don't see why this is such a big deal.
"Magic is to be used for bettering the kingdom and ourselves; not for foolish play. You are a prince Loki, start acting like it." Odin sneers
“Yes father.” they say, dipping their head.
“Good. You'll never be fit for the throne if you continue to act like this," he says, returning to his walk. Loki waits till he's left before going to Sif, kicking at the ground angrily.
“There you are, Loki! You're going to pay for this!” Sif says marching over to them
“Yeah, I know. I'm sorry Sif.” they grumble. “I didn't act very princely.”
Sif stops mid-step to stare at them. "It's fine. I'm not a pansy." she answers finally, crossing her arms.
“Are we still friends?”
“Of course. Want to come watch Thor fight the Squires?"
Loki smiles and nods, following her out to the sparing ground.
They just sit and watch Thor fight the squires for a while before Loki leans over “hey Sif… you know how to do some of those pretty braids right?”
“Yes. Why?" Sif asks defensively.
“Well… my hair is finally long enough to style... and I was wondering if you would braid it?”
".. braid your hair?" She looks at him, “why not just have your royal stylists do it?”
“I just want to try it... And if I tell the stylists they'll do it more than just once even if I don't like it.”
“Alright” she nods “turn around so I can braid”
They smile and scoot closer. Sif starts to braid small braids into their hair while she watches Thor spar, weaving the braids together before putting it all up into a ponytail. “There, all done” she says. Loki reaches up, running their fingers along the braids.
"You look like a girl." Sif informs
"You think?" Loki asks excitedly.
"Uh.. Yeah.. Why would you want that?" Sif asks wrinkling her nose
"...I think it's pretty?.." they say tentatively
"You can't do anything though if you're a girl."
"You do. You've been a girl for a whole 2 years now. And I don't want to be a girl... I just want my hair to be pretty." Loki tries to explain.
"Yes but I'm weird. I do things girls usually don't do." She looks at their hair, "... I guess you can have pretty hair and not be a girl."
They smile and nod, bouncing up "Thor! Look!" They say, running over to him when there's a pause in his sparing.
Thor looks over and smiles, "Ah, your hair! It's pretty!"
They smile and nod "I'm going to show mother!" They say excitedly, running to their mother and pulling on her dress slightly to get her attention.
She looks down at them, "Oh, hello my child."
"Sif did my hair, isn't it pretty mother?" they ask, spinning
"Yes, it's very pretty. She did a good job." Frigga agrees.
They nod and bounce a bit, going to go find a mirror to look in, running their fingers over their hair as they admire it, it is very pretty, definitely not as fancy as it could be, but its still very pretty, they look pretty, they look down at their clothes, illusioning themself into a pretty green dress to better match the hair before looking in the mirror, doing a little spin.
"Loki! What are you doing my son?" Odin growls. Loki jumps and spins around, illusioning themself to look normal hiding the braids too before looking up.
Odin looks down at them. "What are you doing?"
"Just playing...." Loki mumbles
".. Why don't you do something more.. Educational? Your brother is sparing, why don't you join him?" Odin huffs.
"Cause I'd hurt him. It's not fun when I have to hold back." They roll their eyes.
"Go spar with someone else then, just stop doing... this." Odin gestures to them.
They sigh and walk off dropping the illusion once they're out of sight, taking their hair down and going back to sit with Sif.
Sif looks at them "What happened to your braids?”
"I had to take them out." They say sadly
"Oh.. The Allfather?..."
They nod sadly, fidgeting with their hands. What's so wrong with wanting braids anyway?
She looks down before looking back up, "Wanna spar?"
"Sure..." they nod, tying their hair up out of their face and pulling out their knives.
She smiles and gets up.
"Do you want me to take it easy on you since you're new to this?" They ask as they head for more open ground to spar in.
".. We'll just see how it goes." Sif smirks
"Okay" they nod happily
She pulls her hair up and fixes her clothes before looking at them
They smile, "shall we begin?"
Sif is rather competent for having only started training a few years ago. Loki is better of course, but she’s still good. Loki lets her get some hits in and she even gets some they didn't let her, and they point out where she can improve every time they land a hit on her, just enjoying themself.
"Okay! okay, I yield!" Loki says from the ground where Sif has them pinned, both smiling and laughing as Sif helps them up, looking very proud.
"Loki! Sif!" Odin looks at them both, Sif lowering a bit
Loki straightens up dusting themself off "you told me to find someone to spar... didn't you father?..." they ask
".. Yes, that is true. But I expected someone more... Suitable." Odin sneers slightly
"I think I'd have to leave Asgard for that." Loki grumbles.
Odin shoots him a glare, "Loki. Follow."
They look to Sif before following
Odin takes them off, "Loki, what was that?"
"I don't understand what you mean father." Loki says, keeping their head down. They just can’t get it right…
"You are trained better than to lose to a girl." Odin scolds
"She's new to it all. I wasn't intending to fight her seriously." Loki says, taken aback. That's what he’s upset about? That Loki lost a play fight "I don't think me letting her win says anything about my abilities."
"It shouldn't even have been considered in the first place."
"Why?.. Older kids sparred with me when I was inexperienced… and they certainly let me win... I was only doing the same..." they explain, still confused.
"She's a girl, Loki. Girls don't spar."
He sighs, "Now you look like a fool, being beaten by a girl."
If that's what he’s upset about, Loki can fix that. They could ask for a rematch and put Sif on her ass. "Want me to redo the fight? I will, I'll fight Thor too" they say, turning back to the training fields.
He growls, "Do not get smart with me, boy."
"I.. I'm not?" they stop, confused. “Is that not what you want?”
"You're talking back to your king. Do you think that is smart?"
"I.. no.. I wasn't…"
"Then what was that?"
"...I... I don't know what you want..." Loki says, getting frustrated
"I want you to behave like a prince. To be a good example!"
"I am."
Odin sighs and shakes his head "You are not. A prince should act with grace and maturity; you are still playing silly games and making yourself look like a fool. How will anyone want that as a king?"
"I act just the same as Thor! And they never get scolded! So if both of your kids act this way maybe you're the problem!" they snap.
Odin grabs their arm tightly as they turn to storm off. "You never speak that way to your king! Do you know how thankful you should be that you are even my son? Do you have no grace?"
“I think I'd be much more thankful if I wasn't your son!” they yell, pushing against him.
Odin tightens his grip on their arm, sending pain all the way up to their shoulder, pulling a small whimper from Loki. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." they say quickly. Tears springing to their eyes as he squeezes tighter.
"An apology does not even begin cover this." Odin growls, throwing Loki's arm down. "Room. Now."
Loki nods and quickly runs off to their room, holding their injured arm close.
Odin has some books delivered to his room, mostly about the kingdom rules and how to honor your king.
Loki sits and reads through them bitterly. Looking for anything they could use against him, any rules they could point to next time. If father wants them to be perfect then fine. They'll be perfect
They're not allowed out until dinner, but that's fine with them. Not like they wanted to see anyone anyway. They go down to grab food eventually, loading up a plate and turning to leave before they catch sight of Odin glaring daggers at them. They shuffle and slowly sit by Thor, keeping their eyes on Odin.
Thor smiles, "Hello Brother." they say through a mouth full of food.
“Thor, it's rude to talk with your mouth full.” Loki informs, picking at their plate, their stomach twisting itself into knots.
"Are you not hungry?.." Thor asks, looking down at Loki's virtually untouched plate.
"Not very.. No." they admit.
".. Are you feeling unwell, brother?.." Thor asks, knitting his brows together in worry.
"A bit yeah.." they nod
Thor tilts his head, "Oh... "
Loki goes back to picking at their plate, even taking a few bites when they feel Odin's eyes piercing into them. Stopping as soon as Odin returns to his conversation with the other court members, feeling ill.
"Would you like me to walk you to your room, Brother?" Thor offers quietly.
“No, I'm fine Thor" Loki dismisses, taking a few more bites to try and placate Thor.
Thor lightly rubs their shoulder, before glancing up at Odin who's watching them again. Loki follows Thor's gaze, before scooting away from them. Thor finally returns to eating.
Loki stays much longer than the other kids that night, just sitting silently and listening to the adults talk, taking in as much information as they can and listening to the music the bards play after dinner. Odin looks over at them occasionally but doesn't say anything so it's alright. Loki finally heads to bed when all the adults do, falling into bed and letting sleep overtake them
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crossovershipstournament · 2 years ago
SIDE 2A: ROUND 2: Megaman (Megaman)/Pit (Kid Icarus) VS Selina Kyle (Catwoman) (DC Comics)/Loki (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
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Propaganda for Megaman/Pit:
This ask, which includes the art used in the bracket image!
Oh my god. This one came immediately to mind. Idk how big the ship is now, but I remember like seeing it everywhere back when Super Smash Bros Ultimate was like popular on Tumblr/Twitter. I think it was originally a crackship cause both of them were in Captain N (a cartoon), but it’s like a serious thing now. Literally all it took was one interaction between them (there’s like dialogue you can get if you do some combination when you play as Pit) which is just Pit gushing about Mega Man. It’s cute. And honestly kind of iconic
#MEGAPIT ?? good for them #go back in time and tell kid me the ship he came up with on a whim would be in a tumblr bracket :'3
#megapit sweep!
#megapit nation let's pokémon go to the polls #let's give it for a wholesome and iconic crackship
#c'mon megapit nation #sure they may lose but let's get them some votes anyways!
Propaganda for Selina Kyle (Catwoman)/Loki:
Two not quite villains who will never be content as heroes despite how much their friends and family would like them to be. They can sass each other and steal things together. In fact, Loki, being old as most artifacts, can claim that anything they steal technically belongs to him through some convoluted story that may or may not be true. So they've got this game going on with Batman. If he catches them, the museum can keep the object. Otherwise, Loki gets to keep "his stuff" and no one bothers them to avoid an incident with Asgard. It drives Batman up the wall. Loki and Selina are two beautiful Neutrals with a dash of chaos. He adores her and she loves his mystery and pizzazz. They bring out the best in each other. The Joker is dead and Loki has taken over his turf as the Crown Prince of Crime Alley. He sits on his ice throne with his darling Selina, finding new and vicious nonfatal ways of dealing with those who try to usurp them. They might intervene if they hear someone is doing something evil enough, so if you want to get rid of your enemies, feel free to snitch. Selina and Loki both think the other is sexy. Selina loves that Loki isn't quite evil but she doesn't feel bad for stealing when she's with him. He makes it fun. Loki loves that Selina has given him a chance and doesn't have grand expectations of heroics from him. That he doesn't need power to keep her.
Reasons why Batman does not like this ship:
-Selina knows Bruce Wayne is Batman, and by virtue of that fact, so does Loki. To keep things fun and remind the other rogues he's still a "villain" Loki likes to kidnap Bruce once a month and demand Batman come and rescue him. It's very annoying. The other Rogues assume Loki does this since Batman and Catwoman used to be a thing. Really Loki just thinks it's funny that Bruce can't escape without ruining his whole "Brucie" image. It's also a great way to clear a fancy restaurant and have a private date with Selina when she's called to "talk him down" until "Batman" shows up.
-Loki doesn't know how to drive. Selina has decided to teach him. And since Bruce is a family friend, she has decided that means she can "borrow" his cars any time. Bruce has lost track of how many times he's left the office to find his car isn't where he parked it. Loki is a madman on the streets. So ofc he gets pulled over a lot. Never fear! He just magics him and Selina to look like Bruce and his latest girlfriend. Bruce is this close to getting his license revoked.
-Loki and Selina wait until Batman is about to head from his patrol to rob the museum. They've made a game out of it with a point system and everything. Thankfully they only do it on relatively quiet nights to make sure the gets his steps in.
Reasons Batman likes the ship:
-Selina is happy. Really happy. She lights up whenever she's with Loki. Loki just melts in her arms. Any idiot could see they're in love. They banter and flirt with each other everywhere from the grocery store to the middle of a high speed chase.
-He knows Loki would tear the world apart for Selina. He would face down Thanos all over again if he had too.
-Any villain stupid enough to interrupt their date night will be swiftly returned to Arkham.
Reasons Robin likes the ship:
-Selina and Loki are going to adopt his best friend Colin Wilkes.
-Loki and Selina protect all the animal shelters.
-Loki and Selina are always down to help him sneak animals into the manor.
Reason Robin does not like the ship:
-Loki and Selina are firm believers in PDA and Damian is at the age when cooties are very much still a thing.
Lovely art~!
Art Credit: Megaman/Pit art by @/farraigeart Catwoman/Loki art by @/kannra-orhara
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ask-the-achs · 2 years ago
*the machine sputters on yet again*
@splatoonfan88 (here we go.)
Don't try us. We will make you regret it "Hero"
Mai's bio
Age:unsure, but is with her being around during the roman Empire, which means she might be 2000? But her being older then Bhudda makes her 2500
Hight:5' 8" claims to have some size changing properties.
Bio:the divine daughter of Yahweh, who embodies kindness, compassion, protection, and justice. With the powers of love, life, and unity. She rules the underworld, Valkyrie, and goddesses. The mistress of Unity, she seeks to reunite demons, humans, and angels in harmony. Guided by the wisdom of Athena, Aphrodite, and Persephone, she aims to create a future filled with love, understanding, and unity.she is many people's guardian angel. Now, of course, she became well known after she ascended after doing many heroic deeds like fighting demons and defeating monsters. Now of course she has immense fighting capabilities.
Weapons:any kind of scepter and the Murarasa blade.
Abilities:can copy any ability if she knows how it works. Can automatically get a boost in speed if needed through magic or her own skills(only works if she's in danger and isn't perfect. She can automatically counter most physical attacks. Can automatically reflect most projectiles. Teleportation (range is unknown but is inferior to Sunblood's Deku's or Tsugu's). Summoning (mostly used to get allies to her but no putside help so shell just get her gear). Godly strength (hurt Zues, who is the strongest God of her universe overpowered Cherub who shook his planet with a storm scared Loki and Set with her power. Apparently, she is strong enough to overpower Thor and steal his hammer. The hammer is 20 feet long and is strong enough to shake the earth, and according to Sunblood, it destroys a moon. Thor is also strong enough to break said hammer, meaning he might be stronger than it. She can swing the thing harder then he can and she threw it hard enough to hurt Thor who withstood LuBu's sky eater attack that split apart clouds without a devine weapon.) Godly speed (outspeed Kaito who can block and deflect an attack from every angle at such insane speed the god was leaving after images everywhere. Can dodge Zues's milliseconds and Picosecond punches can react to the Femtosecond) godly durability(can take a hit from Paradox who shook his home planet which is in fact a sleeping eldritch goddess the size of Jupiter one of the few beings who can take more then 3 hits from Shiva and took a blow from Sunblood which pulverized Olympus treated a blow from Sebek who could quote 'split the oceans' as no big deal.) Seems to possess some form of empathy and is resistant to most mental attacks. While not the brightest, she is still a cunning foe and knows the strongest healing spells of her world.
Weaknesses:A little too forgiving will leave a fight if she believes the opponent is too scared to fight back or can't fight back. Anything that is like Zues will cause her to fly into a rage. She becomes very predictable if she's mad. Can't get Völundr or her blessings. (So no eyes of the Lord or divine spear) often will revive her opponent and will keep doing so until she believes she redeemed them. Almost lost 2 fights because she got outsmarted.
Garou info:
Height: 5 foot 10
Weight: 145lbs
Weapons: Bare Hands
Bio:When he was a child, he was unpopular and can be seen reading a book, one day he played heroes with a popular kid named Tacchan and impersonated the role of the monster, when he was kicked in the face by Tacchan he called the teacher but other children defended Tacchan by saying to her that that's how the game worked. He later watched an episode of the Justice Man TV and was extremely irritated by the fact of all the monsters losing to him, he asked to his father when there would be a villain that could defeat Justice Man but he was denied by saying to him that all the monsters in the end will die because they are monsters. Unable to accept the fact he decided to become the strongest monster and never lose, and to change the scenario.
Strengths: Is currently the most powerful Villain that Saitama has ever faced, demigod strength (Can lift several tons with total ease, Defeated Metal Bat although he stated that if he let Metal Bat hit him he’d have lost, Punched holes in Senior Centipede, Defeated Black Sperm with a single punch, Sent Pig God flying with an elbow, Broke Puri Puri Prisoners arm, Gets even stronger in his Awakened forms which allowed him to karate chop a 80ft monster from half starting from the head down. Mind you HE WAS IN SPACE AT THE START AND MADE IT BACK TO EARTH outdid his old master Bang and Bomb Bang is capable of over powering dragon level enemieswho in his world can destroy multiple states he also and can easily destroy meteorite peices with little issue) Demi-Godlike durability (Is one of the very few characters that can take a punch from Saitama and survive, Shrugs off being shot, Survived a fight with Watchdog Man who is one of the strongest heros in universe, Survived a beating from Bang who could mess up several Dragon level momsters scaling to the dark matter thieves these shmucks must have been continent level but if you high ball and compare to Boros they might be moon level), Massively hypersonic speed (Can keep up with Saitama, Dodged Metal Bat’s attacks, Speed blitzed the likes of Puri Puri Prisoner and even Flashy Flash, Deflected hundreds of Death Gatling’s bullets with ease in a dark allyway and even kept up with Platinum Sperm [okay thats three Sperm monsters. Japan WTF? Their fight ment they went 4 times the speed of light]), Extreme healing factor/regeneration(can regrow limbs with little issue.) Is a martial arts master (Was Bang’s top student before turning to villainy), Possesses reactive evolution (Allows him to adapt his body to overcome challenging opponents he can also "Absorb" fighting styles which is just a fancy way of saying he can copy fighting styles.), His Fear Aura can paralyse most opponents in terror, Can judge his opponents moves via observing slight muscle movements, Can fly in his Awakened forms(and even do things like sprout extra limbs and even combined all his techniques into a fighting style is based on fast strong movements and strikes the other is to make him so damn quick and strong that he creates a whirlwind pressure sharp enough to cut people apart) resistant to fire acid and psychic attacks in his monster form. Can fight while asleep.
Weaknesses: His overconfidence can hinder him, Never actually tries to kill his opponents, His reactive evolution and awakened forms can wear off if the fight lasts too long. Can be overwhelmed even if he's copying someone else's moves or speed. Until he started using his strongest attacks he struggled with non humanoid and animalistic enemies.
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themculibrary · 11 months ago
Clint Barton Angst Masterlist
Dollhouse (ao3) - JinxQuickfoot clint/laura, wanda/vision M, 12k
Summary: The torture bingo card.
It was an old joke that had been passed around the SHIELD agents with a darker sense of humor. Phil had disapproved. Fury had pretended not to know. Clint had joined in right away, only to find he had been able to fill out half the squares before the game had even begun, courtesy of a life of bad cards, poor decisions, and worse luck.
No one was ever supposed to win. -------------------------------------- The Barton family gets an uninvited guest, and it has no intention of leaving.
Don't Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid (ao3) - samalander clint/natasha T, 8k
Summary: Even after Clint is freed, even after the battle is won and the villains vanquished, he can’t get warm. He can’t escape the little seed of Loki, and how it is killing him.
And his fingers are turning black and his chest is always numb.
Clint Barton is freezing to death from the inside out. And there is no one who can save him.
Evaluation (ao3) - CNWrites G, 3k
Summary: This time, Bucky looked up. He gave Clint a hard look. “In your own words, you took out three police cruisers and about half a block of the city. Care to explain things a bit further?”
Clint blinked, then blinked again. Bucky was still giving him that look, and it didn’t seem to be because he was playing a part. “Hey, wait a second. You don’t think I… wait, seriously, you’re not blaming this on me, right?”
In which Clint Barton gets arrested in the middle of a mission. Bucky Barnes gets sent undercover as his psych evaluator in order to help... at least, that's what Clint thought the goal was. Turns out the evaluation is less of a cover than he expected.
hard love (ao3) - myglassesaredirty N/R, 1k
Summary: It's not right. It's not fair.
All she wants is love. A father figure, a mother figure, a friend, a mentor. Just to know that she's loved, truly loved for all that she is and that she is not.
And he turns her away. She can't make sense of it.
I am split in half, but that'll have to do (ao3) - MANIAvinyl clint/bucky N/R, 4k
Summary: Bucky sits there for a while, at the grave that Clint picked for Natasha, staring out into rippling water with something heavy tugging at his heart. Something helpless.
Because he can’t fix Clint. Some things you have to figure out in your own, no matter how much it hurts for the ones around you to watch.
Or; One year after Natasha’s death, Bucky finally gets Clint to admit that something is wrong.
I'll Write Your Memories Until You Live Again (ao3) - macie_the_hero T, 2k
Summary: Clint doesn't know if he'll be able to ever forgive himself. No matter how much he writes, no matter how many journals he fills out, they'll still be gone, and he can't do a damn thing to save them.
I Wanted To Feel Again, But Not Like This (ao3) - incogniteau clint/natasha T, 1k
Summary: Clint returns to living the farm life after the defeat of Thanos, but is it really living without his wife, Natasha, there?
like sick flowers need the sun (ao3) - hoosierbitch clint/phil M, 7k
Summary: Clint hasn't felt this alone in a long time. Coulson's gone, SHIELD isn't a home anymore, and no one on his new team seems to like him. After a lifetime of being ignored, Clint's gotten good at demanding attention. He'll annoy and frustrate and piss everyone off until they notice him. To him, any attention—even the negative kind—is good attention.
This poses a problem when they all finally learn to just ignore him.
Monsters & Magic (ao3) - Night_Hawk G, 10k
Summary: “Natasha…?” Barton's voice is filled with near-tangible concern.
Well, this is delightful. “How touching,” Loki taunts in his smoothest voice. “You will listen to her, of course, Agent Barton. You always have had a soft spot for Tasha, haven’t you?”
Clint and Natasha deal with the aftermath of Loki's mind control
The Aftermath (ao3) - crazyinfj (orpahn_account) G, 1k
Summary: After being a puppet to Loki, Clint faces his fellow agents. For the first time since he first joined SHIELD, he feels utterly alone and misunderstood.
Febuwhump Day #26 Prompt: Recovery 
This isn’t so much recovery as it is Clint Barton gets the hug he deserves
The Love You Deserve (ao3) - flawedamythyst bucky/clint T, 8k
Summary: Clint had been in his aunt’s house for less than an hour when it became clear that this hadn’t been his greatest idea.
Clint tries to reconnect with his blood family over Christmas. It doesn't go well, but luckily Bucky's there to pick up the pieces.
this world is not meant for you (ao3) - wheelsupsevenup minor clint/laura T, 4k
Summary: Clint kind of hates the circus.
It’s a little late in the game to be making this realization, almost five years of carnie-ing and assorted archer-related performances under his belt. He’s made a real name for himself in the big wide world of carnival companies in the American Midwest, and he’s not even legally allowed to drink yet.
Not that anyone has to know that.
or; four times clint barton doesn’t miss. (and one time he does, on purpose.)
Turing Test (ao3) - Harishe bucky/clint M, 45k
Summary: In the aftermath of successfully protecting his apartment building from the Russian Mafia, Clint struggles with the loss of a friend and tenant, as well as his hearing. It all seems to be going according to plan until Bucky Barnes shows up in his motel room in the middle of the night. Bucky showing up is only the start of this new, begrudging adventure of revenge and discovering the truth.
Where My Demons Hide (ao3) -TheLittleMermaidDJ T, 13k
Summary: After New York and Loki, Clint is dealing with everything by NOT dealing.
But a mission gone to shit and the appearance of a lost friend might end up being just the thing to pull him back from the edge. Assuming it doesn’t kill him first.
Post first Avengers film.
worth fighting for (worth dying for) (ao3) - bumblewyn M, 2k
Summary: Clint had thought that it would finally be over, that he could finally go home, only to find his messed up mind unable to believe the truth of what he fought so hard for.
Turns out it’s not that easy coming back to a life you’ve mourned for five years, no matter how badly you wanted it back.
You Can Sit Beside Me When The World Comes Down (ao3) - KC_Polar_Bear clint/laura, phil/melinda T, 20k
Summary: "She was looking at him the way she’d looked at him earlier, him standing there in the street surrounded by dead Yakuza, telling her he had a job to do as though anybody had told him to be there except his own impotent rage. When he’d told her not to give him hope, not to give him a ladder to climb out of the hole he’d dug himself into because it was so much easier down there in the dark, where he couldn’t see all the things in his world he hadn’t been able to protect.
In all the years they’d known each other she had never looked at him like that. He hated that he’d put that look on her face."
you’re climbing out of yourself (you’re going to smash into the sky) (ao3) - andibeth82 clint/laura G, 4k
Summary: He goes to New York, he sees a show, he thinks about Natasha, he meets Kate Bishop. He takes her home under the guise of needing his suit back and makes sure she’s safe and meets the pizza loving dog she swears isn’t hers and he tries not to be a bitch about it all or think about how his kids are sleeping alone in a big hotel room, unaware that their dad has abandoned them for the night.
(She asks him to sign his bow and as he stares down at the recurve that’s clearly modeled after his old SHIELD weapon, all he can think of is how he should tell her never meet your heroes.)
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