#loki will fess up and thor will be like I KNEW YOU WERE DOING IT ON PURPOSE YOU LTITLE SHIT
iamanartichoke · 3 years
One of my pre-canon Thorki headcanons is that Loki's always harbored feelings for Thor but, of course, intended on taking that secret to the grave ... but, that didn't mean he was willing to sit around and watch as Thor "courted" various women.
So he played up the little brother card in a major way, making it a point to get between Thor and any girlfriend he had whenever the opportunity presented itself, in such an innocuous way that Thor could never quite tell if Loki was being a little shit or if he was genuinely clueless. Like -
Thor and Girlfriend are sitting under an apple tree in Idunn's orchard? Oh, Loki just happened to be climbing trees that day - he swings down from a branch with a bright, "Oh, hi! Fancy meeting you two here," while Thor and Girlfriend jump ten feet. Loki, oblivious, just hops down to the ground and helps himself to one of their apples. "Don't mind if I do," he says, sitting down on their blanket. "It's a lovely day for apple picking, isn't it?"
Thor and Girlfriend have planned to attend the feast (what feast? Any feast, they have them like every weekend) together, but Loki manages to finagle the seat at the table in between them and when Thor says, "uh, Loki, about where you're sitting," Loki cuts him off and says, "Don't worry, I figured you two would fight over who got to sit next to me, so I made it easy, you're welcome."
Thor and Girlfriend have just returned from a romantic horse ride through the countryside and, as they're in the stables, putting away the horses and doing whatever else it is people do post-ride, they get distracted by each other and are leaning in when Loki swings open the stable door. His "oh! Sorry!" is falsely apologetic and teasing. "You were about to kiss, weren't you? That's so sweet, I'll just wait," and then he goes and stands directly outside of the stable door and after about ten seconds yells, "Are you guys done yet?" and there's no reply, and another five seconds goes by, and he yells, "Now are you done?" and Thor practically roars back, "We're done now!" and he's ready to throttle Loki, he really is. Loki continues to be oblivious as he saunters back in, all smiles, like, "I'm so glad you two are back, I have big plans for us this evening," and Thor is just like, internally, norns, give me strength.
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theravenclawlover · 2 years
Hiii could I possibly request and Angst #2 with Loki that might turn a bit steamy?
YES! YES YOU CANNNNNN 😩 I love me some Loki angst 🤌🏼
I know you asked for something steamy…but I got carried away with the angst…
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Warnings: Death. Yup.
(Loki x GN!Reader)
Unlike Loki, you didn’t get the opportunity to live a long life full of million of experiences you could only dream of or even read about, but when Loki had offered you that in a human lifespan, you took it blindly. Because that was your human flaw; to love blindly.
The first time you met Loki had the one of the most random nights of your life. You had been alone at the park across your house. You knew everyone that lived nearby, so when the handsome stranger had approached you, you had been inclined to run. But you didn’t. You stayed. You hear his supposed “story”. It all had been a lie, you found that out four months into your talking stage. He had fessed up after you had cornered him about how there was no traces of him in any systems.
You had almost called the police on him until he showed you he really was.
That had been two months before he had told you that he had to go back to his home and stay for a while and couldn’t come see you.
You waited.
And waited.
He never showed.
Then he did. Attacking New York and terrorizing the world.
He never came looking for you. You didn’t know if that had been a good thing or not.
But then he did. He came back for you after it all had happened. He had come back to tell you that he had faked his death to escape and get back to you.
You had slapped him across the face and told him to get fucked for thinking you were going to take him back after the stunt he had pulled in New York.
But then he “explained” everything. His silver tongue quick to have you seeing the side of his story.
So you blindly accepted him back.
He took you with him to Asgard. You had been fascinated. But you quickly realized the farce he was pulling to the people. Loki played Odin while you were hidden away in his quarters and only came out when “it was alright for him to be himself.”
You had fallen for that trick. You always fell for them. Because you loved him. You loved him so blindly.
But the Thor came back and exposed Loki to the people of Asgard. You three had ended up going back to earth to see their father. But like father like son—as much as Loki hated it—Odin had a secret. They had an older sister and when he died, it brought their sister Hela.
Chaos broke out. You had almost died as you and Loki ended up in a shit hole planet that ended up being the Space version of what you pictured was “funky gladiator city.”
Loki had managed to keep you safe. He kept reassuring you that everything was going to be fine. No more lies and no more crazy stuff. And it lasted.
Until Thor ended up in the same planet. Then things had taken a turn as Loki and you got roped into helping him leave the planet.
But, as usual, Loki had a plan of his own. He had tried to run it before heading back to Asgard, which had been something you both had agreed to do. He had fought you on it.
“You can’t go! You could get hurt!” He’d said.
“Then come with us!” You had said.
It had gone back and forth, but you had won. Or so you had thought.
At the end, Loki had come back. He had helped stop Hela.
But Asgard was gone. And everyone was stuck in a big space ship in search of a home.
You had been in your roll when Loki had come looking for you.
“I’m glad to see your alive,” he’d said softly.
“Yea,” you’d said. “I’m glad you did the right thing.”
He had smiled but it quickly dropped as you continued.
“You need to promise me that you will stop lying to me and just drag me along all the places you find yourself trapped,” you said. “I can’t spend the rest of my life hoping that you will stop making decisions like this is a one man show. Loki, you brought me into your life and promised me nothing but a joyful life. I left everything for you, but you can’t seem to do that for me. You keep thinking of you. Not us.”
Loki had promised you that very moment that it was going to be just fine. That once everything settled, it would be you and him. No one else. No more drama. No more danger. Just a life of peace.
But then Thanos had showed up, and killed half of the people in the ship while the rest had managed to escape. You stayed behind. Because it was supposed to be you and him. But it seemed all his promises were like the feeling in your chest. Hollow.
When he had offered Thanos his help, you had seen red. You had been betrayed just like Thor. But while Thor’s hurt had been in little words. Yours hadn’t.
“How dare you!” You shouted. Every eye on you. His blue eyes on you. “How could you look me in the eyes and tell me that things were going to be different?! No more of your selfish ways! Yet here you are! You lying bastard!”
It had brought a hush amongst the chaos. Loki turned to you.
“Darling, listen to me please,” he said as a small quiver was heard. But you couldn’t take it. You began to cry in your anger.
“YOU LIED! You lied and lied! And now you want me to listen to you?!”
It had shut him right up. And it seemed Thanos had had enough as he covered your mouth like he had Thor.
But then you had wanted to take your harsh words back.
Loki had had a plan. A stupid plan. He had tried to kill the Mad Titan. But instead, Loki had been the one to die. Your scream had been muffled but gut wrenching as you saw the man you had loved die as he had, for the first time, tried to truly fight the good fight. And the last thing he heard from you was your anger and resentment.
“No resurrection this time.” Those hand been the cruel words that Thanos had said as he threw Loki’s dead body in front you and Thor.
The rest of it had been a blur. You had gone numb. Your ears were ringing from the explosions around you. You couldn’t even move to lament your loss.
The pain you felt. The shame. Regret. Hatred. Grief. Everything faded. It quickly it all turned to a fusion of red, blue, purple, and even green as you lost consciousness when you had been thrown into space.
You blinked. Slowly. Eyes lost in the infinite depths of space.
And then it was all gone.
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A Crush's Body
Loki Odinson x reader
Summary: You have to dress up in burlesque attire for a mission, and it has Loki angered and worried.
Word Count: 3352
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"This is outrageous." Loki said as he shook his head and paced back and forth. "Who was the person to come up with such a stupidity of a plan?"
"Mm, Tony I think."
Loki quietly scoffed. "Of course."
You got up from the couch to stop Loki's pacing. "Really Loki, it's not that big a deal."
"Not that big a deal? Of course it is! They can't be treating you like some object! Have they no respect for you?!"
Loki learned a lot about respecting you over time. You met when Thor brought Loki back to the prison cell in the Avengers compound. You heard about Loki through Thor, and chose not to listen to any other bad renditions of him unless it was only from Thor. You could sympathize with Loki"s issues, and chose to befriend him.
"What are you doing?" He asked when you sat down next to the glass for the first time.
"I want to talk to you. Is there something wrong with that?" You smiled.
"Really? You want to talk to the big scary monster?" He mocked. "Why?"
"Because maybe you're not as evil as some people, including you, think. I think we have some things in common actually." He tsked at you and turned away, causing you to giggle in response. "If you don't want to talk, then that's okay. Just want you to know that I'm gonna come by a lot and it'd be a lot less boring if we did talk."
You then sat there for about an hour in silence. The next day you came back and did the same thing: sitting down with a smile in silence for a while before you'd leave again. You did it almost every day for three weeks before he finally did talk. "Why in Valhalla are you here again? What do you want from me?!"
"Not much. Just a conversation. Someone to talk to." You ignored his demanding tone and gently smiled.
"Why? People don't just want to have a conversation with me, so what do you really desire?!" He stomped over to the glass and glared at you.
"I don't like it when people feel lonely. I know what that's like, and I'm guessing it's something you had to deal with for a long time too. I don't see what's so bad about just talking."
He looked you up and down, both skeptical and curious. "What do you mean by you being lonely?"
You then talked to him almost every day. You told him about how your parents were ashamed of you for being born with your powers, and how you were always in the shadows of your siblings because they were normal. You both told each other a lot of stuff, and seeing you soon became the best part of his day.
One day Thor went to check up on his brother to see how mad he still was. This is when he saw you two. You were talking very animatedly, telling a story of some kind, and Loki was standing with his hands behind his back and a smile on his face. Thor then heard something he hadn't in a long time. He heard Loki burst into laughter.
"Am I interrupting something?" Thor asked as he came out of his corner.
You stopped what you were doing and looked at Thor. "Oh, no not at all. We were just talking. You two could talk now, I should actually have started on my paperwork sooner. I'll see you tomorrow Loki. Bye Thor."
Loki gave you a tight smile and a wave as you left. A frown replaced it once you were out of sight. "What is it now Thor?"
"I didn't know you were so well acquainted with Lady y/n." Thor smiled wide.
"Must you know everything about my life?" He bit back, though deep down he was happy that you didn't go blabbing your friendship with him to everyone. It made him feal like your friendship with him was real and not made by SHIELD to lower his guard.
"You seem smitten brother. She's a fair lady, with a good heart and a strong spirit."
"You don't need to be telling me things I already know brother!" He snapped, instantly regretting how that came out.
Thor paused, but his smile remained the same. "Maybe it's about time you left this cell. With supervision, of course. It is possible to pull some strings and have y/n be the one to supervise you." Of course Thor rooted for his brother, not that you knew.
By next week, you were in front of a crowd to watch Loki be release. Once he stepped out, he looked at you nervously, wondering if you'd be afraid of him now that nothing physically separated you two.
You smiled brightly and ran up to him instead, giving him a warm hug. You didn't care who or how many were watching. After a moment of hesitation, he reciprocated.
Pretty soon he didn't have to be supervised by you, and became an Avenger. Mainly for you. He had what midgaurdians would call a crush on you, as did you, but neither of you fessed up. This brings you to today, where you have to dress as a burlesque dancer and perform for a mission, which Loki hated.
"Loki, please. It's for the mission." His anger was starting to get you upset. "You know I have to do this. This is how I can help. Besides, I can really only be a either a freak or eye candy. There's no in between for me."
You averted his gaze, and he held up your chin to look you in the eye. "I only see you as a hero."
You put your hands on his shoulders and gently smiled. "You always know what to say to me." He returned the smile. "But I'm still doing it."
"You don't even want to actually do it!"
"Sometimes a hero needs to do something they don't like, for the greater good. Now I'm doing it no matter what and it'd mean a lot if I had some support from you."
He huffed. "Very well then. I just don't want someone to try and take advantage of you."
"You know I can handle myself. Me and Wanda have similar powers." He sighed and pulled you in for a hug, before letting you go and walking you outside to where the cars were waiting for you.
"I'm coming as well." Loki stated as he went into the car with you and Tony.
"And why is that?" Tony asked.
"Because you mortals don't know how to defend yourselves properly."
Tony huffed. "Just use your magic and don't be yourself."
As the three cars pulled up to the burlesque lounge around the back, you got out to hug the owner. "Hey Tess. Thanks again for letting me do this."
"Of course sweetheart. Anything for the neighbor who let me borrow some rent money. C'mon, let's get you dressed and ready."
Loki used magic to make himself unrecognizable, and sat at the same table as Tony, who was playing off as old him who just wanted to get drunk and pick up women. Wanda and Natasha were both waitresses, while everyone else hid and waited for their cue.
(This is what I picture as the outfit:)
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After Tess did your makeup and had you in a costume, you waited to get on stage. In truth, you were nervous. Not because a rich man selling alien tech was about to watch you, and probably call you over. Not because you had to lead that dangerous man on in order to imprison him under wraps. You were nervous for Loki to see you like this.
It was time, and two other girls ushered you on stage with them. You went over this multiple times with them, and had the song and dance memorized by heart. The curtains rose and your performance began. You had no time to be nervous, because right now you had to become a performer.
Loki and Tony waited for you to come out on stage, having eyes on the man. "You excited to see your girlfriend come out on stage?"
"Tony." Steve said over the earpiece.
"I have no idea what you're talking about." Loki scowled.
"Well, y'know, how you hover over her whenever she's doing something by herself and all. You'd figure that the two of you would be more than just friends."
"Tony leave it alone." Steve warned.
Loki glared away from him. "I came here because I was worried she was in incapable hands. You were the one who forced this idea upon her, were you not?"
"Look pal, at the end of the day, it was her choice. Nobody was going to force her to do anything. You just want an excuse to be around her; you want to swoop in and save the day. She lets you stick to her because kindness is her weakness, and you know it."
He snapped his head towards Tony. "Has it ever occurred to you that I'm around her because she makes me want to show kindness? Is it really wrong that I want to protect one of the very few people to actually care for me in my life?"
Wanda passed by the table to give them new drinks. "Really Tony, maybe it's not a bad thing that they're so close. Let them be friends."
Tony didn't have time to respond before the curtains went up and your show was starting. And what a show it was. None of them have seen you showing that much skin, and you were known for getting into your undercover character, so you were just really giving it your all.
Loki was astonished. He couldn't take his eyes off you. You were so beautiful. You had shared your insecurities with him about your body and yourself, but all he saw was perfection. You were perfection.
Soon your performance was over and you went to the bar to sit down. That was when he got up and sat down right next to you. They told you that the man had a type for girls who looked like you, and ones with innocent personalities.
Loki saw that you gave him a cute smile and giggled when he said something. All too soon you began to follow him up to the VIP lounge. He watched you happily walk up the stairs in front of him where he checked out your ass, and into a room where the doors closed. A few minutes later, everybody was signaled.
"Alright sweetheart, sit down on a couch." When you entered, the big room was aligned with body guards, guns in hand.
"Mkay." You gave him another smile. "What are we gonna do?"
He chuckled. "What do you want to do?"
"Mm, I don't know, but can you have your men lower their guns please? It's making me a little nervous."
One of his men whispered something to him, causing him to nod and face you. "How are you not getting scared mindless from all these men with guns sweetheart? That's awfully suspicious."
"I've seen my fair share violence. I might be a little used to it but that doesn't mean I like it." You gave him a pout. "Please put the guns away."
"Sweetheart, I like you, I really do, but no. My men don't back down for anyone. Now I'm not saying their suspicious of you, it's just in case for anyone else."
You heard from your earpiece that they took down everybody in the back. You sighed and got up. "Well that's a shame. I really thought I was getting into character."
You put up all their guns in the air, and flung it to the back wall. "You bitch! What the hell are you?"
"Do you have a problem with people that have powers? Is it because you feel powerless around them? Do you feel smaller than me right now?" You grinned.
"Shut up!"
"It's okay. As someone you have to look up to, it's only fair if I give you advice to cope with the fact that you're not special at all." He lunged at you, and you used your powers to slam him to the ceiling and drop him back to the floor, causing him to knock out. Everybody stared at you in shocked silence. "What? You can't tell me he wasn't being a creeper."
Everybody else then busted the door open to fight with all the men lined up. Loki appeared next to and gave you a warm smile, handing you his two blades. "Care to show me if you were actually listening to my teachings?"
You nodded and fought the guy charging at you. In a few moments you were standing over his unconscious body, and turned to Loki. "Did I do it right?"
"You excelled little one." His smile became a little wider.
"C'mon Loki I'm not even that short!" He laughed and put your cap over your eyes. You fixed it and gave him a pout. "You owe me Taco Bell now. I hope you're happy."
As the two of you walked to Taco Bell later on in the night, Loki conjured his fur cape and put it over your shoulders to keep you warm. "Why didn't you just get me a jacket?" You chuckled.
"Because... This will keep you warmer than some cheap jacket you own." He regretted saying it as soon as it came out. He hoped you didn't notice how heated his face felt.
You only laughed and shook your head. "Ouch!" You playfully pushed his shoulder gently. "We need to work on our wording."
"What I meant was that I want you to stay as warm as possible. I'm a naturally cold person so I don't know how to make you feel better." Loki blurted out. You smiled as he held open the door for you. Luckily there was nobody else inside since it was the middle of the night, and he wouldn't have to endure stares.
"Thank you Loki. Always considerate." You got to the cashier. "Hi! Can I have a number 10 with iced tea please?" He smiled at you and nodded, inputting your order. "What are you gonna get Trickster?"
"Just 2 hard shelled tacos please." He caught you snickering. "Why do you always laugh when I say that word?"
"What? You have a British accent, how can I not laugh when you say tacos? It's just so funny." You giggled as he huffed.
Just then three girls came inside, and laid their eyes on Loki. One of the girls whispered something before making her way to him as the other two watched and chuckled. "Hey! You're Loki right? Thor's brother?"
You and him glanced at each other. He hated it when people addressed him just as Thor's brother. He's his own person. "That is correct, yes. Is there a problem?"
"Of course not! Y'know I was so happy when it came out that you weren't evil. You were just being controlled, which I could tell deep in my heart. With a face like yours, I knew you weren't bad!"
She wrapped her arms around him, clearly invading more than one boundaries. Loki tried to gently push her off. "It would be of great service if you would please back up a bit."
She gave him a pout, "Why? Don't you wanna talk some more?"
"I'd rather not." He pushed her gently, and she stumbled a bit on her foot before putting her hands on Loki's shoulders.
"Y'know, I'll just be straight forward. It's on my bucket list to hook up with an Avenger, and right now I feel like the both of us can have a fun night."
"In Odin's name, no! I don't indulge myself with pure and utter harlotry. And besides, I'm with a friend right now."
She then looked at you, scowling. "Her? Really? Some girl having you buy fast food in the middle of the night for her? It's not like she needs any more food."
She looked you up and down. You frowned, wrapping your arms around your stomach. The cashier was ticked off from watching this. "Then what are you doing here?" He mumbled.
Loki pushed her arms away from him forcefully. "Don't talk about her like that! Leave, now." There was so much command in his voice, and it scared all three girls out of the Taco Bell.
The cashier looked at you hugging yourself. "Don't worry about people like her." He told you. I've seen thirsty people like that a lot more in this Taco Bell than you might think actually." He offered you a smile, and you gave him a half-hearted laugh.
"Thanks. It was nice meeting you." You said quietly, weakly smiling as you and Loki left.
You both walked in silence on the way to your apartment. Soon you took off the cape and handed it to Loki. "Y/n, are you–"
"I'm not cold." You said blankly. He didn't press, simply nodding as he made the cape disappear. You then made it to the steps of the apartment complex. "Good night."
You began to walk upstairs, but Loki grabbed your wrist. "What about your food?" He held up the bag.
You shrugged. "Not hungry anymore."
Loki stepped closer. "Let me in the apartment. We need to talk and I prefer we do it in private." You didn't want to get him upset so you weakly nodded, walking up the stairs together and into your small apartment. Loki shut the door. "Why are you upset?"
"I'm not–"
"You're not a liar, so don't become one. Now why are you upset?"
"Because what happens when you realize that girl's right? I mean, you saw my body today! I can't even try to hide it anymore since you've seen basically everything. I just feel like sooner or later you'll realize that I'm nothing special and eventually get bored or sick of me and–"
"Stop talking." He said as he grabbed your arms.
"Okay." You squeaked.
He then brought you in for a hug. "Love, how many times must I tell you to stop thinking so poorly of yourself? You know I don't see you that way, and never will. That woman was just... What the nice cashier man said... She was, um, thirsty."
You giggled, wrapping your arms around him. "Do you even know what that means?" You asked.
"A person who does bawdy actions to get someone to bed them?" He asked as he looked down curiously at you.
You smiled. "Yeah actually."
He drew his eyes to your lips, his thumb stroking your bottom lip. "I think you're the most gorgeous woman in all the nine realms. Everything about you draws me in. Not just your amazing looks, but your light aura, your laugh, your kindness and how genuine you are with me. How can anybody not love you?"
You looked up at him, shocked, and didn't say anything. You gently grabbed his wrist to move his hand away and stood on your toes to give him a short, soft kiss. You two looked at each other in silence before he grabbed your face and pulled you into a passionate kiss. Your lips fit so well with his, so right. This felt right.
He titled his head to deepen the kiss, licking your bottom lip as a request. You opened your mouth a little wider to let him slip his tongue into your mouth. He eventually left wet kisses on your jaw and trailed it down to your neck, nipping slightly. When you felt his hands feel under your shirt, you grabbed his arms to stop him. He pulled back immediately.
"Please forgive me! I don't know what came over me. I violated your trust and–"
"Loki, stop talking." You copied after him. You gave him a peck on the lips. "You're fine. I have really strong feelings for you, and you have no idea how happy I am right now. But I want to savour this. I want to take it slow."
"You do?" He looked at you sceptically. You excitedly nodded and grinned. He brought you in for a big hug. "I've never been wanted this way before. The feeling is intoxicating."
"That's just you feeling really happy. And you know you're always wanted with me." You gave him a bunch of pecks on the face, feeling the rumble of his chuckling. "C'mon, let's eat our food."
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The Stark Witch
Paring: Avengers X Reader
Request: Tony stark x little sister? She’s a natural witch but extremely powerful and the team don’t know but tony does and keeps it secret? She likes to mess with people from across the room and during a party she sets her sights on some out of control drunks. Plus she plays pranks on the team and tony is trying to hold it together cause it’s hilarious to him. They eventually fess up but with the promise she only helps with the team by healing and no field work. 
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Tony Stark’s little sister found her calling at a young age. She didn’t follow in her father and brother’s footsteps. She was claimed as a witch on December 16, 1991, the same day she learned of her parent's demise. Because of this, she is an extremely powerful witch. Her powers are directly linked to her emotions.
Y/N Stark grew up to be a world-renowned Surgeon, able to heal those that no other doctor could. No one could quite figure out how she was soo good at what she did. Y/N had a natural talent when it came to healing others, she only had to picture them healthy, and then bam! They were good as new! The only one who knew was her older brother, Tony. He promised to keep her true nature a secret.
Y/N was visiting her older brother in New York for his engagement party. She was drinking, laughing, even dancing with a very cute avenger. She was truly enjoying herself until some businessmen decided to be dicks.
“God, I wonder how you go from assistant to CEO? Oh, that’s right you sleep with the boss.”
Y/N loved Pepper dearly, and she wouldn’t allow anyone to speak poorly about her at Pepper’s own engagement party. So Y/N did what she did better than anything in the world. She used her magic. She felt her eyes grower darker and that’s when the real fun began.
The music that was previously playing came to halt. And suddenly The Banana Boat Song began to play. The men who had made comments towards her future sister-in-law were suddenly reacting the dance scene from Y/N’s favorite movie.
Everyone was laughing tremendously at the men’s actions. They all just thought it was planned as a surprise. Y/N and Tony made eye contact across the room and soon enough he was making his way toward’s her.
You know,” Tony said as he filled up his drink. “I think Beetlejuice was a nice touch, that might be a new personal favorite for me. What did those asshole’s do to anger my dear little sister?
“Let’s just say that some things are best left unsaid.” Y/N then finished her drink and went back to dancing the night away.
Y/N had been staying with the Avenger’s to help plan the wedding of the century. Pepper was stressed and Y/N was the best person around to heal a stressed person.
Sometimes after a mission, the members of the Avengers would return upset and gloomy. So Y/N decided that she could help with that too.
The first thing she did, turned Clint and Sam’s bedrooms in nests. FYI, Clint was cool with it, Sam, on the other hand, not so much.  Luckily, they blamed Bucky for everything
“Ah hell no. Barnes this isn’t fucking funny, where is all my shit?”
“Wilson, I only wish I would’ve thought of this.” The super soldier found the prank hilarious and walked off.
Steve was trying to be a good peer mediator but he couldn’t contain his laughter. Natasha Romanoff was not amused and walked away muttering something about how “men are savages”.
Y/N met Tony up in his lab later that day to laugh freely about messing with the team. So Y/N went on to mess Earth’s Mightiest Hero’s even more. She made turned all of Natasha’s bullets for target practice, into nerf bullets. She put an enchantment on Steve’s shield similar to Thor’s hammer. Steve wasn’t pleased when he was unable to pick up in a shield during training.
She may of went a little far when she messed with Peter and his friend. Peter had invited his best friend, Ned, over to work in the lab on a science project for school. Y/N happened to be strolling by when she heard Peter suggest to his friend that they play a game.
“Hey, Ned!”
The boy looked up from his work to acknowledge his best friend. “What?”
“The floor is lava!” And with that, Peter shot up to the ceiling and Ned climbed on top of a workbench.
Y/N whispered to herself, “Your wish is my command, spiderling.” And with a giggle, the floor of the lab was lava, only it wasn’t real, she would never hurt anyone. The best part of the prank was Peter trying to explain to Tony why he flooded the lab trying to put out an imaginary fire.
“Mr.Stark, I swear, I’m not making this up. The floor really turned into lava.”
Thor decides to call an emergency team meeting. He even had Friday help him set up a presentation.
“As you all know, strange things have been happening to this team and I know who is causing it.”
Y/N looked at her brother in shock. Did they figure it out.?
“The person behind this is well advised in magic. So the only possible person who could be behind this my brother, Loki.”
The whole team then watched in horror as Friday showed clips of Thor confronting Shield agents, forcing them to reveal themselves as Loki. The whole room erupted in panic at Thor’s actions.
“Enough!” Y/N demanded the whole room to pay attention to. “Loki isn’t behind any of this, it’s me. I’m a witch.”
Tony piped in with a “Thor you aren’t the only one who has a magical sibling”.
Rhodey was the first one to say anything. “Ok, now you are joking. I’ve know Y/N for years, she isn’t a witch.”
So Y/N just showed everyone the only way she knew how. She levitated the conference table, and the whole team, save for Tony, jaws hit the floor.
Steve stood up “I’d like to talk to you about the Avenger’s Initiative.”
Y/N was quick to turn down his offer. “Thanks, but no thanks. I fix hurt people, I don’t hurt them. Maybe I’ll stick around as the team doctor.”
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12} Darkness
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BIG THANKS TO @prettybubblesintheair for the aesthetic!
Keeper of Mischief & Thunder Masterlist
Vampire!Loki Laufeyson x Vampire Plus!Size Reader x Vampire!Thor Odinson
Warnings: Blood shed, violence, angst!
A/N: Strange didn't fix it, it gets worse and now they are going to lose her, or will they get her back?
Words: +2,200
It pained Loki to ask the metal armed soldier to help them find Y/N, but thankfully at least Bucky didn’t seem to remember the chaos that had already played out & was thought was fixed but here they stood with the team going over where & what the brainwashed creature may do. The soldier looking at Loki & wondering why he always looked at him like he had done offended the god personally but a urge to help Y/N made him push it down to do what he could.
“Well, for one she will probably lay low, especially if they had her on a cocktail that kept her compliant & helped with stasis. That means Y/N will be going through withdrawals, she will be so sick her body will almost shut down. That said she want make it far even if she is faster, we should concentrate around abandoned buildings, places where to hide with ease of escaping. It's what I did,” Bucky spoke looking over the map of the area that F.R.I.D.A.Y had pulled up, the team hadn’t left Germany, staying in a large penthouse not far from where they started.
“Y/N is fast, fierce, so I suggest if you find her before myself or Loki you wait for us. If she is coming down off of whatever they have her own she will be in a panic,” Thor spoke, the team nodding, remembering the god finally fessing up to the fact of what he & Loki had talked Strange into doing so they were no longer vampires.
“OK,” Steve began, looking over the map, “I say we get a start on it, Y/N has 19 hours on us but if Bucky is right & I don’t doubt he isn’t, then we need to find her while her senses are dulled, may make it easier to bring her in. But; I want all of you to take Thor’ advice if you find her wait for them understood?”
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A slight jitter to bare leg as aching body rocked in place, knees drawn to ample chest, hand over the back of scabbed over neck that was refusing to heal at the moment with the other arm wrapped around aching stomach, one moment burning hot the next freezing cold. Whimpering out to the old warehouse, every sound the disoriented creature made or heard echo through it to make the vampire paranoid, looking around with wide eyes to rock harder. The filling she was about to crawl out her skin at the paranoia, desperation giving the thought of alerting HYDRA to her presence to make it stop.
No, nonononononono, can’t go back, can’t, no, to much, hurt too much, I can make, I can do it, I will be OK, rambled thoughts bounced in throbbing skull as glittering eyes surveying the building from her perch on the top shelf of storage racks.
“We will find you dove, just survive for us,” the man, Thor, voice began making her look around wildly rocking more before burying muddled head back to scraped knees mumbling to herself.
“Listen pet,” Loki.
“No,” Y/N whimpered into her lap, fingers digging into the scabbed flesh of soft nape to break the skin filling blood trickle down her back & ruin the dress further.
“Pet, lover, it will be OK, do what you need to stay alive, we are coming for you,” Loki’ voice calmly spoke to Y/N once more.
“Stop, please stop…,” she whimpered, a chill, then sudden heating of aching body, trimmers finally easing & the buzzing in her ears to stop.
“Dove, we love you, we will do anything for you,” this time Thor, a whimper passing blood stained lips from the tears, tunnel vision clearing slowly as the vampire looked up to survey the room & the urge to rock ebbing.
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“If she comes off of the cocktail & out of withdrawal, what then? If we haven’t found her,” this time it was Tony asking over the comms but a very valid question.
“They are failsafe’s. Since Y/N is lose, odds are HYDRA will start running adds in the local papers that she will be programmed to look for, instructions on where to go & how to reach someone for pickup, but that want take effect until she fills she can’t survive on her own,” came Bucky’s voice over the comm, the soldier getting ready to step into a warehouse with Natasha close  behind him.
“Well, let’s say HYDRA is inpatient,” Tony continued, making it obvious he was picking up something on the monitors in his suit.
“What have you found,” came Steve’ voice now, the two ex-HYDRA agents delicately pushing open the factory door as easily as possible, braced for attack.
“I have cloaked inbound & looks like a fucking swat of over 100 or more in the convoy that is coming down the main streets of the city in a hurry & they are zoning in on you Barnes,” the billionaire spoke, Steve calling for the team to head to the building & the gods to get there first.
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Thunder why did that sound so calming, the vampire finally taking a wobbly stand in the rack she had climbed to the top of to hide in the old storage facility, the swinging of a door getting Y/N’ attention, keen hearing picking up on footsteps she wasn’t supposed to hear, followed by another. The vibration telling the creature one was male & the other female. Looking up to the exposed rafters over head to take a light leap to the I beam to perch for a better look, watching a brunet man & redheaded woman cautiously enter, the ones from the bar.
Ruby orbs having faded to topaz mercury, but Y/N didn’t know that as she remained deathly still, studying the two who moved like they had been trained by the same agents as she. Weapons at the ready as they made their way around the warehouse, pausing in an open area to lower riffles whole the brunet turned to lock his gaze on Y/N in the rafters & not knowing himself how he knew that was where she was perched.
The three studying each other, Y/N watching the ones bellow closely, obvious they were determining if she was an immediate threat& how to proceed. The metal armed man taking several calculated steps closer to look weary form over, gauging how beat up the vampire looked, noting it appeared Y/N was coming out of withdrawal by the way thick body looked to use all its strength to remain in the rafters.
“We’re only trying to help, HYDRA is on their way here. I know your confused, panicked, I’ve been through the same,” Bucky began calmly, trying to coax her out of the rafters, knowing the creature sensed HYDRAs approach, Thor’ booming voice coming through comms telling them they were on their way & to keep an eye on her.
“We want put you in stasis, you hate that, I know…,”Bucky continued slowly, putting the riffle over his shoulder & holding hands out to show he didn’t want a fight.
Body still aching from withdraw, Y/N’ legs shook as she crouched on the rafter, finally deciding to take the jump & land delicately in front of the two, topaz orbs raking over them. A familiarity to the metal armed man but not sure why as Y/N stood back, a jolt running up sore spine as she was stepping closer to Bucky to take him in when the door opened & the gods stepped into the room.
Everyone froze with Y/N in the middle looking panicked in the destroyed cocktail dress, bare feet dirty & blood drying to the back of the ruined dress & neck that matted hair to the wound they knew had to be uncomfortable. The young vampire watching the blond urge the black-haired god, the one she met as Mr. Smith to step forward to speak with her.
“We need you to come with us love,” the god began, keeping a close eye on the creatures posture as she turned to keep the four in sight, topaz eyes glittering in familiarity, trying to pull memories to the surface that were still refusing to make itself known.
“You're confused, we understand, but do believe you are safer with us,” Loki coaxed with one more step, noting thick aching body tense for a fight & pausing, sensing the swat getting closer.
“I told you we would find you no matter what didn’t I? Thor…,” Loki began hinting to the blond who smiled gently to her noting her panic at the recognition of the name & his brothers voice.
“You know you can take us if we are lying,” Natasha spoke up, the yelling of Steve in her ear to get out of there making it to Y/N who could feel the vibrations of the swat vans pulling up outside.
Y/N couldn’t go back to HYDRA & she really didn’t have the strength to fight. There was no way, these people, these Avengers, didn’t know the vampire enough to predict her move or how to handle one like her, so it should make an easy escape if she wanted to.
“Come love, let’s leave,” Loki spoke regaining her attention before the room was swarmed with swat, focus on the entire group, heart pounding in her chest & vision narrowing to focus on the fight ahead.
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A guttural scream for someone to stop had the vampire focusing on Natasha who was taken to the ground while Y/N watched a device that was used to keep her in check going to the redheads side. A blinding leap taking the handlers out that where attempting to place it on Natasha had the creature in the thick of the swarm & the sharp pain of the device latching onto her right side. Y/N looking up at the covered face that was inches from her own, knowing if she attacked, tried to run, the controller would blow the device in her side which would blow insides to pieces & spray shrapnel into anyone within a close enough radius.
Good, just what she needed to clear the room to get these guys, the good guys out of here, take out as many handlers she could & ruin their latest soldier. Quick thinking pin pointing the wielder of the control to take it, getting Natasha to wobbly feet to push her to Thor as Y/N ran back into the thick of it to pull Bucky out. The yells for the vampire to stop too late as she was sliding Bucky across the floor on his side & at Loki’ boots.
Slow motion, serene, it is odd how it calms the instant of your death, you hear & see things you never thought you would. Even with the jerking & pulling to get her body to the vans, whatever they had done to prevent the god Loki from reaching her was a nice touch, but not as nice as the handler screamed she had the control.
It hurt, the ripping of flesh, insides blown to pieces, the screeching of the men next to her as shrapnel hit tore through them & thinking they had no right to scream in pain as she did. They weren’t the ones whose insides where disintegrated as she fell to the gore drenched concrete, the blast having deafened Y/N & apparently taken care of what ever had kept the gods back, the blond one falling at her side or what was left of it.
Y/N knew it was bad by the paling of his face, the god pushed back as raven hair came into view, letting out a scream of pain as the gaping hole in her side warmed, no it seared, letting out shrieks the creature couldn’t hear. Like the argument she could see happening between the gods as the blond fell to his knees at her head it in his hands to make focus turn to him as he bowed over ruined body.
‘Stay with me Y/N,’ she watched his lips move, the god talking gently as she felt a presence to her left but not allowed to see who it was as she barely seen a can flash along with green.
The blond looking up to snap at Loki who, now that hearing was returning could hear snarling vicious obscenities at the one at throbbing head. Hands flailing, surprised she could control them as one managed to reach the god’ wrist  at her head to earn a look of shock while the other found the familiar fill of the one at her side trying to speak. Y/N really wasn’t sure what to tell them or what they wanted to hear but only came out as a gurgle as the vampire began to choke on bile that remained.
Darkens creeping into Y/N’ vision, knew the gods seen the hazing of topaz orbs while the words “hang on” bounced in her skull. Cool hands wrapping around bloodied soft neck lovingly as Loki came into view, tears riming beautiful emerald orbs as she looked back to Thor & his mismatched ones that caught the light perfectly. Troubled mind calming to think how it was the most wonderful sight to see before the finality of it all took her from the pain & chaos.
Don’t worry this isn't the end?
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jrubalcaba · 6 years
Worth It
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CHFIL - Worth It
author: jrubalcaba
featuring: OFC Evelyn “Evie” Collins x Steve Rogers
word count: 1421 words
Rating: PG
warnings: None?
A/N: Here’s another bonus chapter for CHFIL and Impact. This is set after Steve and Evie have gotten together, on Steve’s birthday
It was Steve’s birthday, and of course Tony just had to throw him a party, which was a wonderful idea, as it would be our first party as a couple.
I was nervous to say the least.
When you’re the girlfriend of Steve Rogers, aka Captain America, there’s suddenly a lot of focus on you and whether or not you’re ‘good enough’ for him.
According to the masses, it would appear that I am not.
When Steve and I walked in together, I was so excited to be celebrating his birthday with him, but now? All I want to do is curl up in my bed and cry.
From the moment I walked away from Steve to get a drink, I’ve been told in various ways that people could not understand how he could possibly be happy with someone like me. Which was actually a polite way of saying that I was nothing like her.
Peggy. Fuckin’. Carter.
Not to be rude but, that bitch is dead.
I am acutely aware that I’m nothing like her. I’ve dealt with that knowledge since I met Steve. The way he would tell stories about her and the look he’d get after visiting her in the nursing home was proof that he’d never be over her.
I was up on the roof now. After someone had come right out and said ‘You’re nothing like Peggy. What’s he doing with you?’, I had had enough and left the party. That was ages ago, and no one had come and found me yet. Steve probably didn’t even know I was gone.
“There you are,” Steve’s voice rang out from behind me, startling me. I glanced over my shoulder at him, and as I watched him walk to me, I realized that all those people were right.
I’m so inconsequential and there’s nothing special about me, so what on earth does he even see in me?
“Ya know,” he started as he sat next to me and pressing a kiss to my temple. “It’s kinda hard to celebrate my birthday with my amazing girlfriend when she disappears.” I snorted, rolling my eyes at his attempt at flattery.
“Yeah, okay. Just curious, but how long did it take you to even realize I wasn’t there?” I snapped, shaking his arm off. He frowned as I stood and walked to the railing and leaned against it.
“To be honest, no until about an hour ago,” he replied sheepishly as he joined me. “Why are you up here anyway? The party’s downstairs.” Big whoop.
“You seemed to be enjoying yourself, so why ruin it?” I countered. He sucked in a breath before turning me towards him.
“How could you possibly ruin anything for me?” I knew it was a rhetorical question, but I couldn’t help but answer.
“By not being Peggy.” The impact of those words was obvious. His mouth dropped open but no sound was coming out as his whole body froze. I shot him a pitiful look before going on. “All night long, I’ve been told told, in a myriad of ways, that I’m nothing like her and because of that, they don’t understand how you could possibly be happy with me and that you will eventually realize this and dump me.” I stopped to catch my breath and keep the tears from falling down my face.
“People have told you that?” Steve muttered, horrified. I nodded, not trusting my voice. “You believed them?” I nodded again and he grew exasperated. “Why?!” I shrugged at him.
“Why not? They’re right.” Before he had a chance to say anything, the door banged open, revealing Sam.
“Finally. Did you two sneak up here for a, what did you used to call it Steve? A ‘late night fondue’?” he teased. The resulting blush on Steve’s face was priceless and so worth seeing in person.
“No Sam, we didn’t. I was already up here when he found me,” I answered.
“Why were you up here?” he asked, shocked.
“Don’t worry about it,” I replied, waving the question aside. “Let’s go back downstairs.” I followed Sam through the door, Steve appearing behind me after a beat.
“Don’t let those idiots get to you, babe,” Steve assured me as he linked his fingers with mine. I rolled my eyes but remained silent as we got in the elevator and returned to the common room. Once we arrived, we got out and everyone stopped and let loose a sigh of relief.
“There you are!” Bruce  exclaimed as he hugged me. “We’ve been looking everywhere for you.” I huffed as he released me.
“You could’ve just asked F.R.I.D.A.Y. She knew where I was,” I shot back. Everyone groaned, as they had apparently forgotten about her. “Why were y’all looking for me anyway?” Steve put his arm around my shoulders and steered me toward the couches.
“Because, as I am the birthday boy, I wanted to celebrate with you, but you were nowhere to be found,” he explained as everyone began to sit down around us. I rolled my eyes again before glancing behind me to make sure my seat was clear. I saw Tony’s best attempt at creating his own Mjolnir sitting in my way, so without missing a beat I picked it up and held it out to him.
“Tony, you should probably quit leaving your toys everywhere. I know you own the place, but we’re not your maids,” I chastised. Everyone was staring at me in shock, except for Thor. He had the biggest smile on his face as he stared at the toy in my hand. “What?” I asked, a little perturbed. Tony stood, walking to the bar and pulling out the demolished remains of his hammer, his classic smirk on display. Slowly, my brain put two and two together as I came to realize that I was in fact holding the Mjolnir.
Oh. My. Freaking. God.
I felt my jaw drop, but I wasn’t able to make a sound. Steve grinned down at me as he took it from my hand to give it to Thor.
“See? Even Mjolnir knows that you’re worthy.” I couldn’t help but smile back at him as his words registered.
“Yeah, not everyone can lift it,” Tony whined. “So far, its Thor, obviously, Vision, Cap, Barnes, and now you.” I swelled with pride.
“So, out of the 7 billion people on this planet, I’m one of five that can wield Mjolnir?” I asked with glee. Thor walked to me, his grin growing as he held his beloved hammer out, to which I didn’t hesitate in grabbing it again. “That is awesome!” I squealed as I tossed it from hand to hand. It was much lighter than I thought it would be, but still weighty enough that I knew I could hurt someone with it.
“Lady Evelyn, Mjolnir has chosen a worthy ally in yourself! Drinks all around!” Thor bellowed. I handed it back to him as he and Tony went to get drinks for everyone.
“Alice, doll, come on. Just because someone said something bad about another teammate doesn’t give you the right to go off on that person in front of the entire party!” Bucky was chastising Alice as they walked in from the hallway.
“Oh whatever. I’m sure Evie wouldn’t mind, especially since that person told her, to her face, that she was nothing like Peggy and that Steve should just dump her,” Alice argued as they made their way to us. “Evie is ten times the woman Carter ever was, and if anyone says differently, I’ll chuck them off the roof.” I smiled at her, happy to hear that someone else thought I was good enough for Steve.
“Really Alice? Why thank you.” She looked over, not realizing that I had heard her.
“Winters, there’s no need for that,” Tony piped up then. “Evie is able to lift Mjolnir, so she knows that she’s worthy enough for Steve, ‘cause he can lift it too.” Bucky and Alice both stared at me for a bit before Bucky walked over and hugged me, lifting me off the floor.
“Aha! See? You can lift the hammer, which is something that Carter wasn’t able to do, so  all those naysayers can suck it!” Alice cried, clapping her hands in glee.
As Bucky released me, I finally felt at peace that I was good enough for Steve. I mean, if Mjolnir thinks I’m worth it, then surely I must be.
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loki-subterfuge · 6 years
Title: Irked Author: lokilover9 Chapter: #16 Rating: Mature After leaving the shop and discussing their interaction with the ladies, Loki silently revisited Shandis comment from the park. ‘Whenever possible, I avoided you.’ It struck him like an unforeseen, blow to the stomach he'd caused her such distress and vowed it mandatory to apologize for. Wanting the right moment and words, time would allow him to plan. Shandi had taken a cool shower, then suggested they call Tony while Loki poured himself a triple whiskey. The strength of Midgardian alcohol was nothing compared to Asgards and took several bottles to have any effect. “Soon, perhaps. Care for a drink?” He asked. “You don't think he'd wanna know everything, ASAP?” “I should start dinner first.” “Why? It's only just three.” Loki began gathering some salad ingredients and placing them on the kitchen island. “Perhaps he already knows.” “You called him without me?” She asked. “BOO!” Shandi nearly jumped out of her skin and spun around. “HOLY SH..Clint? Hey guys! What are you doing here?” Nat hugged her. “Hi beautiful. Tony knows all and is thrilled.” “He is.” Affirmed Loki. ...“Cactus, you tell that Doll, she's awesome.”... “Then he belched loudly into the phone and Pepper took it away from him again.” Shandi chuckled. “Oh no.” “Oh yes. At least this time he didn't threaten to suit up on her to retrieve it, but he seems heavily into the drink again.” “He what?” Clint amusedly, asked. Loki nodded. “I kid you, not. There's still no news from S.H.I.E.L.D about Shamus vending at the fair yet, either.” “Wait.” Said Shandi. “‘Tony’ called ‘you?’” “Yes, to warn of heavy rains and high winds, developing overnight here and remaining throughout tomorrow.” “So we've the day off.” Said Nat. “And now that we're friends, Cactus invited us to be bunkies for the night. We already received a tour of the main floor, might I have one of the upper?” Shandi enthusiastically, lead her up the back stairs. “Wait ‘till you see my jacuzzi tub, it's huuuge.” Clint looked at Loki. “That must've put Tony in the dog house.” After the tour, Shandi and Nat, collected some bed linen and headed to the guest room. “I wonder if Tony’s alright? I know he likes to indulge at times, but twice in one week?” Nat knew from the beginning, this mission weighed heavily on Tony’s mind. Seriously enraged after learning his Tasers still existed, he’d kept that well concealed from Shandi. This being her first big mission, why instill a sense of worry she’d disappoint were it unsuccessful? Being forced to use Loki as her partner, only added to his plight. As a result, he’d secretly consulted with Nat, prior to delegating everyone's roles. To help Shandi feel more valued as a new team member, she'd be placed as Elizabeth, then presented the option to switch. When she didn't bite, Tony panicked and ordered reports on Loki's behavior from Nat, whenever possible. Yet Kroshka had a secret all her own. A gut feeling, she'd never revealed to anyone. “He's probably just pissed at S.H.I.E.L.D.” She passively, remarked. The two began making up the bed. “You're quiet, beautiful.” “I'm fine.” “You sure? Nothing's gone awry between you and Cactus, has it?” Shandi sighed. “No, which presently has me perplexed.” “About?” “If I say, I worry you might think I'm naively letting my guard down.” Nat gestured for them to sit. “Your past doesn't permit you to let your guard down easily about anything, I know that. What are you referring to?” “The significant difference in Loki's behavior. He's gone from being a gargantuan dick towards me at the Tower, to being the opposite and it's..well, weird.” “Considering who you're referencing, define ‘weird.’” Shandi revealed everything from the food poisoning incident, to the peonies, including their discussion about the mission and her safety, positively confirming Nats gut feeling. These two stole each other's hearts, the moment they first met and had chemistry beyond comprehension. Yet amusingly, Shandi appeared intimidated by Loki's sex appeal. Being well educated in the art of seduction, Nat recognized a fellow dominant and felt Shandi could use another lesson in overcoming her shyness. Especially after receiving an A+, for the first. “I keep waiting for some hidden catch to appear.” Said Shandi. “One I'm going to feel like an idiot, not foreseeing.” “You worry too much.” Said Nat. “Personally, I think you should just fuck him already.” “Scuuuse??? I said hidden catch, not snatch, woman. Where did that come from?” “I'm your best friend, dummy. Do you think I'm blind?” Shandi walked to the nearby dresser and checked her hair. “I don't know what you're talking about.” Nat chuckled on approach and stared at her from behind. “You can ditch the facade, I know you want him. Why don't you live a little, beautiful?” “Really? I'm on a mission trying to discover if a Federal Court judge is selling dangerous weapons while pregnant by an Alien God, whose abilities far exceed the unusual. I'd say that's living a little.” “All the more reason for a stress release.” “Wouldn't that only complicate things? And what makes you think I want him?” Nat smiled slyly, her tone becoming sultry and alluring. “Instinct and how complicated could it be? Tall, dark and handsome. Always smells amazing. Oozes charisma and sensuality from every pore.” Holding Shandis gaze, Nat eased a hand up her inner thigh. “Remember what I taught you that night alone in my apartment, after drinking too much vodka?” Shandi nodded and bit her bottom lip when Nat moved beyond her panties, penetrating the warmth of her folds. “And what about this?” “Mm hm.” She began drawing languid circles over Shandis clit, watching as her eyes become hooded. “You're liking this aren't you, beautiful.” It was more a statement than a question and when Shandi expelled a soft moan, Nat didn't need an answer. “Shhhh, listen. Close your eyes and think of everything we did, but instead of me, picture Loki.” Her fingers moved faster and Shandis head fell back against her shoulder. “Music blaring in the background as you tease him with an intimate lap dance, your exposed flesh close enough to taste, yet he's forbidden to touch. Watching the alluring, seductive way you move, his cock begins hardening, aching to…” Nat stopped suddenly, retrieved her fingers and backed away, when hearing Clint call out. “Shit.” Shandi whispered, straightening herself. “Damn tease! I need fresh panties.” Nat whispered back. “I need a vibrator, but they'll both have to wait.” “You’re bad.” “Damn right. Really though woman, you need to let loose.” She snorted at Shandis arched brow, just as Clint knocked on the door. “Hello? We poured you girls drinks and Loki's making spaghetti and meatballs.” He opened it and eyed them, suspiciously. “One of these days I'm going to catch you two.” Shandi smirked and stepped into the hall. “Doing what?” Asked Nat, tucking her moist fingers into a pocket. “We were making your bed.” “Mine? But It's a single.” She kissed him. “I know baby cakes, but you like sucking the blinds off the windows after too much vodka. Remember?” “Then where are you sleeping?” Taking Shandis hand, Nat winked at him and started down the stairs. “With my woman.” “I'll spy on you!” He shouted. “I brought the spanking paddle, you've been warned!” Nat replied. They all reached the bottom to see Loki, curiously staring amidst rolling a meatball. “What the hell did I miss?” Clint took a big gulp of his drink. “Nothing in particular, they're just evil.” Loki noticed Shandis mischievous smirk and pointed a finger at her. “I knew you were far from innocent.” A hand went to her hip. “And how did you come to that conclusion? Was it me you heard threatening to give someone a spanking? Nooo.” “That has nothing to with it. I threatened to give you a spanking and I'm obscenely far from innocent.” Shandis face went scarlet and Nat coughed on her drink. “Fess up, beautiful. What the hell did ‘I’ miss?” “Nothing, he's kidding.” Loki snickered. “That's what you think.” “I can loan you the paddle.” Nat casually stated. “It's in my bag at the front door.” Shandi turned to Clint. “Care to ditch these bitches and set up some music for the night?” “I like the way you think darlin,’ lead the way.” Nat followed and after visiting the washroom, returned to help Loki. They'd rolled a couple of meatballs in silence, when she locked eyes with him. “You care about her, don't you.” “I suppose.” Loki casually replied. “We seem to be working well, together.” “Good to hear, but I think it's more than that.” “Oh? I think you speculate, Kroshka.” She smirked, sipping her vodka. “Liar. I've known for some time now.” Loki went quiet, struggling to conceal bewilderment at how the hell, she'd figured him out. “I see. ‘If’ your speculation were true, I gather like Tony, you intend to demand I treat her with respect and remind me she is not here for my ‘entertainment?’” “No, I don't believe I need to.” Suspecting he was being tested, Loki returned the gesture. “What if I were to act upon your ‘speculation?’ Are you insinuating, threatening to inform him?” “Only if you mistreated her.” “Natasha, please don't play me for a fool?” He kindly asked. “I know he's fond of her and you both think me vile.” Nat wasn't surprised Loki harbored such thoughts. He hadn't exactly been welcomed back, nor regarded with much decency, since. “I'll admit I once did, but you've changed quite a bit since returning. As for Tony, try to imagine being in his position. ‘Thee Allfather,’ drops in from outer space, requesting he shack you up for a chance at penance? He was intimidated, to say the least.” Loki seethed at the thought of Odin negotiating his return and responded, sharply. “Which appeased Odin's ego, I'm sure. Intimidation is a favorite past time.” From bits of conversations Nat had overheard between Loki and Thor after he'd return from visiting Asgard, anger, bitterness and resentment seemed deeply ingrained into the trickster. She'd come to suspect, Odin was the main reason why and the icy look in Loki's eyes, confirmed it. Hoping to refocus his thoughts, she lightly clinked their glasses together. “Hey, I didn't intend for this conversation to be offensive. This hasn't been easy for Tony either and this thing with Obadiah...” She sighed, heavily. “He's sick with worry over what else from Stark Industries that prick may have divulged.” Loki understood Starks predicament, more than letting on. Many were outraged by his return, forcing the Avengers to endure harsh local and international criticisms. Tony took the brunt of it, including some death threats and since, assigned Pepper, personal security. Observing how he adored her, treated coworkers like family and continued a valiant effort to help people, Loki came to respect him. “Tony's alright and I’m hoping our mission resolves some of his plight.” Nats smile returned. “That's good to hear too and regarding Shandi, you're right. He's very fond of her, in a big brother kind of way. Even Pepper’s never seen him take someone beneath his wing so much.” “Had he felt a need to?” Loki asked. Nat cautioned her reply. “Before I answer, can you guarantee our conversation will never leave this room?” “You have my word.” “He did and thought the world of her from the start. She tends to have that effect on people.” Nat went momentarily quiet. “Shandi hasn't had an easy life. Not by any means and that's all I'll say.” “Fair enough. Why are you telling me all this, Kroshka?” “Because her heart is more..beautiful, than any I've ever encountered. Please don't forget that?” Loki was grateful Nat confided in him. This was the longest conversation they’d ever engaged in and it wasn't like the little Russian to show sentiment. “I agree and again, you have my word.” Hearing footsteps, they ceased talking and Shandi entered, sipping her drink. “You guys done yet? Clint kinda lost himself in Mr. Prestons vinyl album collection.” Nat shot Loki a quick wink. “I should rescue him then. As a collector, he could be there for hours. The chef could use more help though, right?” “I could, indeed.” Ten minutes later, he was teasing Shandi about her meatball shaping abilities. “You cannot convince me those deformed orbs are edible.” “They appear so to me.” “Come now. I've seen five year olds of this realm, roll better snowballs.” “Excuse me? I'm doing my best.” She tossed one onto the baking sheet and it partially collapsed. “That's your best? It's a good thing both of us aren't culinarily challenged. We could starve.” “Pfft, well then. Take it away, oh master of meatballs. I’ll just pour another drink and watch.” “Eh he he he, perhaps I could teach you?” He stepped in behind her. “May I?” Shandi nodded and Loki positioned himself just close enough for warmth to emanate between them. “You're going too fast. Relax, hm?” “I’m relaxed. What makes you think I'm not?” He smirked at the subtle pulse increase in her neck. “Nothing in particular.” Finding her hands rigid, he gently tapped them. “Shandi.” “Hm?” “Open a bit?” She did a little too much and dropped the chunk of beef back into the bowl. “I hate to be the bearer of bad news darling, but you need to hold the meat in order to shape it.” ‘Mind out of the gutter Shandi, mind out of the gutter.’ “You said relax, so I relaxed.” “I assumed you already were. Am I making you nervous?” “What? No.” She scooped up the meat again. “There, see?” ‘You'll need to be a much better liar than that Pet, if our mission is to succeed.’ “Follow my lead then, hm?” Molding her hands into position, he guided them into a rhythmic, circular, motion, until a sphere began forming. Then he let go and she deformed it again. “You must require an entire winter to make a snowman.” “Do not...only part of it. I start right after Christmas and it's usually done by the end of January.” They chuckled together and Loki took her hands again. “Perhaps you’ll need extra lessons in sphere shaping.” “Then ‘you'll’ need a lot of patience.” “And I've plenty.” Luckily this was true as his heavenly scent and close proximity, were seriously messing with Shandis focus. Not to mention, his gorgeous hands. Capable of such strength, she was awed they could maneuver, so gently. Imagining what those dexterous fingers were capable of, wasn't helping either, nor was the sound of his voice. “That's it, keep going. Just enough pressure to shape it, without losing grip.” ‘Oh lord.’ Dinner took longer than expected, but no one minded and afterwards, the four decided to play darts. A few games in, Clint started losing and blaming it on Loki. “Are you fucking with me?” “I assure you, I am not.” His turn came again and this time he missed, completely. “Ya rigged the fucking thing, didn't ya?” “Let me guess.” Teased Loki. “You've shot arrows into people's asses or hats perhaps, after too much vodka?” “Okay, now you're being a dick.” Loki patted his shoulder. “Hush now baby cakes and I'll bake you a coconut cake.” The music became louder and when Clint got into a detailed discussion with Loki about varied Midgardian types, Nat and Shandi ventured to the kitchen, for refills. “Clint should keep him busy for a while, ya think?” “I suppose. Why do you ask, beautiful?” “Stay here, I've an idea.” She returned minutes later. “What are you up to, woman?” Shandi whispered. “I kinda feel like..havin’ a swim, but you know, the kind with bubbles?” Nat smiled, realizing she was drunk. “Are you running water up there?” “Yep, on low, but wait. Give things a wee minute.” It wasn't even that long, before Loki appeared in the hall and Shandi put a finger to her lips. He entered the kitchen and started pouring another drink. “Planning to rejoin us, ladies?” “Soon.” Said Shandi, resting her chin in her palm. “We're kinda havin’ a in depth conversation about..menstrual cramps.” “Ahh. Very well, I shall leave you to it.” Shandi waited until he vanished into the entertainment room, then gestured towards the back stairs. “You carry the drinkies, I got the bottle.” Nat obliged. “How did you time that so perfectly?” “I saw him almost empty before we left and took a chance. Hurry, before I flood me ensuite.” “I applaud your sneakiness.” Shandi stopped at the top stair and turned, almost knocking their drinks asunder. “Whyyy..thank you. Guess I'm gettin’ better at it. We’ve vanilla scented bubbles by the way and I found ya a big fluffy towel, too.” Her finger went to her lip again. “Oh and shhh, I've an orange chocolate stash we can enjoy some of too.” “How sweet of you beautiful, but weren't we hurrying?” Shandi glanced down the hall. “Uh oh.”
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veliseraptor · 7 years
it’s time for the 150 WORDS MEME, also known as “enable Lise’s writing habit, get her to write in all the things she should/you want her to work on”
way this works for those new around here: send me a number of any fic below the cut and I will write 150 words in that fic. 
there are ten fics eligible for this round below the cut; if you don’t know what a fic is you can consult the WIP list (titles are in parentheses).
1. Oh, Norns, Loki thought.
Or, more accurately and more pithily, oh, fuck. (Life in Reverse)
2. Val narrowed her eyes and set down her glass. “If you’re going to mope you can leave.”
Loki wrinkled his nose. “I am not moping.”
“Yes,” Val said. “You are.”
“I suppose you would know,” Loki said. “You probably spent a few centuries moping.”
“Nope,” Val said, the ‘p’ popping loudly. “I skipped right to the drinking and punching people stage.” She nodded at his bottle. “Are you going to drink that or just stare at it?”
Loki glared at her and picked it up. “Actually, I think I am going to go with my original plan.”
“Works for me.”
Loki got about halfway back to his room before he remembered that Thor might be there still. He went to Thor’s room instead, drank the entire bottle of alcohol, and fell asleep on Thor’s bed. (the ship at the end of the universe)
3. “You’re awfully bold,” the Grandmaster said, sounding less amused. “Waltzing onto my planet with nothing to offer. Refusing all my simple requests.” He seemed almost about to pout. Steve tensed, glancing around at the people surrounding them, looking for their best exit.
“Well,” Loki said, and Steve heard the shift in his voice and turned sharply back in his direction. “I might not refuse all your requests.”
“Loki,” Steve said, a prickle going up his spine. He recognized that tone, and hearing it directed at someone else - at this...pervert - made him feel ill.
“Well now,” the Grandmaster said, seemingly ignoring him. “An interesting proposition.”
“Loki,” Steve repeated, lower and a little louder. “Don’t.”
“Mouthy one, isn’t he,” the Grandmaster said, without even glancing in Steve’s direction. Loki did, his expression warning Steve to keep quiet. Steve’s nausea intensified.
“It’s part of his charm.” Loki’s eyebrows lifted, the quirk of his lips almost coy. Steve knew that expression, too. He’d seen it many, many times when Loki was teasing him. He wondered what the Grandmaster would do if Steve threw up on his feet. (the hills on fire for miles)
4. Steve followed Bucky inside. He and Loki were staring at each other, both rigid, Loki’s eyes a little wild. Bucky relaxed first and moved further inside. “Not gonna welcome me back?” He said, and again it was that flash of the Bucky Steve had known that hurt to hear.
Loki’s eyes narrowed. “No.”
“That hurts.”
“Everything all right?” Steve asked. One of Loki’s shoulders twitched in what was almost a shrug.
So something had happened, Steve translated, but Loki wasn’t going to say what. He held back the urge to sigh. He couldn’t quite keep his “glad to hear it,” from sounding a little dry. Loki’s eyes flicked away and Steve suppressed his grimace. (Steve Rogers’ Halfway House for Notorious Supervillains)
5. “Say this Thor, Lord of Thunder, wins tomorrow,” the Grandmaster said. “You get anything your little heart desires. Well, not quite anything. Gold, mostly. Bragging rights. Bigger room. Bragging rights.”
“And if you win?” Loki asked.
The Grandmaster’s grin was almost charming. “You stop being such a tease and give up what you keep dangling in front of my nose.”
Oh. Loki swallowed. “That doesn’t seem like a particularly fair wager.”
“I’m open to suggestions if you have anything else to bet. Not too open to suggestions, though. I like my idea better. Come on, it’ll be fun.”
Loki was less sure about that. But much as it grated, the Grandmaster was right: he didn’t really have anything else to offer.
Thor, he told himself, could beat any contender. He would be fine. And with money...he could do more, if he had some of his own money. People could be bought. He’d be fine without having to take his clothes off.
“All right,” he said, with a dazzling smile. “I’ll take that bet.” (what you want, not what you need)
6. “Loki,” Thor said. He did not feel any shame for the rawness in his voice, the layers of feeling: anger, relief, confusion. “Is it truly you?”
“An interesting question, semantically speaking,” Loki said, and it was his voice, caustic and clipped and achingly familiar. “What does it mean to be truly oneself?”
Thor worked moisture into his mouth. “You – you are alive.”
“Apparently.” Loki turned at last, though his eyes skated over Thor without meeting his gaze. “We need to get away from Asgard. It isn’t safe here. And apparently the door that used to be here is no longer viable, so-“
Thor reached out to grab Loki’s arm and held it fast. “Explain,” he said, his voice vibrating. “Explain to me. Did you – I felt you die. You did not breathe, your heart was still-”
“I know what death is, Thor,” Loki said, trying to shake his hand off. “I lived it. As it were.” (Sword Age, Wolf Age)
7. “Where is he,” Steve demanded. Coulson blinked placidly at him.
“Excuse me?”
Steve’s hands slammed down on the desk, leaning forward over it. “Don’t play games with me. What did you do with Loki?”
The hint of a frown appeared on that bland, inexpressive face. “What makes you think I did anything with him?”
Steve felt a surge of anger. “You, SHIELD - this was the last place he went before he just vanished. Because you called him in for more questioning. So fess up-”
Coulson leaned forward slightly. “We didn’t call Loki in.”
Steve’s heart stopped. His stomach plunged. He’s lying, he thought immediately, and stiffened. “I’m not an idiot, Agent Coulson.”
“I’m not lying to you, Captain Rogers.” (Thunderstorms)
8. Steve was pretty sure that was the first time Loki had ever actually thanked him. Here and now it just made his skin prickle uneasily. “You’re welcome,” he said slowly. “I’m happy to...come again. There are other games, too, or books...what kinds of things did you do on Asgard?”
Loki made a faint sound in the back of his throat and looked away. “Most recently, treason,” he said distantly, and stood. “Did you wish anything else of me?”
Steve felt his heart sink. “Do you need anything else?”
Loki made a quiet sound it took Steve a moment to register as a laugh. “Nothing you can give,” he said, and turned his back. (Tear My Castle Down)
9. Loki stumbled and fell in the thigh-deep snow, gasping for the cold that stabbed into his lungs like knives. His face burned for it, the wind howling in his ears. He took a moment to breathe, even if it hurt, his thoughts drifting to Asgard.
They must have found the guards by now, and the objects missing from the Vault. Hopefully someone would have put together who it had been. Had they summoned Thor back?
No. He could not think of Thor. Could not afford to think of Thor. Think of your blessings, slim as they are.
He had expected this, or something like. But Asgard was safe for at least another day. Thanos might have ordered him to Midgard, which would have been...problematic. He would have done it, but it would have required some quick thinking. But Thanos had been merciful.
(Was this mercy? Or was it Thanos toying with him, letting Loki tie his own noose?)
He pushed his doubts away. Jotunheim waited. (I’ll pull the devil down with me (one way or another))
10. Thor found Loki lounging with his back against a tree and apparently making notes in the margin of a book. “Loki,” he said, and Loki looked up slowly and blinked once, eyes ever so slightly too wide. 
Thor felt his lips twitch. “The mortal sorcerer Strange wishes me to ask you if you’ve been visiting his library.” 
“I would never,” Loki said, eyes still too wide. Thor narrowed his eyes. 
“You’re not even trying to lie, are you.” 
Loki pressed his lips together like he was just barely holding back a laugh. “Not really, no.” (Petty Vengeance)
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