#loki voicelines
hammeh · 4 months
Loving Marvel Rivals interactions and voice banter! Here's something a bit new - check out Loki's chat with other heroes and villains, and let me know what you think! Who should be next?
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prince-toffee · 2 years
I have such a specific design idea for adult Atreus/Loki that I have to talk through it with somebody.
Like I mentioned in another post, Loki's horns are inspired by Mimir's because Atreus always thought he looked cool. But the horns are also vines, they're a part of a helmet, so when the helmet opens up the horn-vines pull back running down his back. The entire armour he wears is made of 'plants' tree bark mostly, that he can move and manipulate to his fitting due to the Vanir plant magic Freya taught him over the years. Maybe he can absorb whichever tree he touches to repair the damaged pieces his armour after battle, and each tree gives him a different effect.
Maybe some moss on the tree bark as well, mushrooms and flowers growing from it. Maybe a mossy back from which he can grow mistletoe arrows.
He has a cape, more exactly Freya's feather cloak, which allows her to transform into a falcon. In Norse myths Loki steals it from her, in here she gifts it to him.
His helmet mask has a skeletal design in honour of his daughter Hel, who always felt freakish when other kids were scared of her because the left side of her face looked like that of a corpse. So in a small step of many by Atreus and Angrboda to try to normalise it in their lives he decided to wear her face proudly on his journeys. Atreus goes from land to land helping gods and mortals alike, so the face becomes a symbol of good rather than fear.
Under the helmet Atreus has plenty of scars. He grows out his hair (I love that voiceline in the game). He has a mirror tattoo of the one Kratos has, only in yellow, his mother's colour, and on the right, not left like Kratos. After a deadly confrontation, a Mjiolnir to the face or what not, the left side of his face becomes horrendously scared. He doesn't mind. He jokes to his worried daughter, 'Hey, at least we match now, right?' The conversation ends with a warm hug. Atreus is a big hugger and carrier, Hel barely walks on her own, he just carries her everywhere.
On his chest plate, near his heart, he wears the Huldra Brothers family brand. Sindri disapproves of course. But it's a constant reminder to Atreus of his failures, to be better.
He wears high-heels, which are light elf crystals so he can form light bridges wherever he walks. It'd be a fun mechanic if his block was a kick, where he kicks his leg high in the air and it creates a barrier as it trails the foot. Not married to this idea, but I think it's neat.
He'd obviously inherits the axe. But Leviathan is the name of Loki's wand/staff in Norse Mythology so maybe the axe is broken, and then reforged into a staff, and Sindri's forgiveness arc can be weaved in with that. His obviously still has his bow and arrows, maybe he can run a chunk of Mjolinir across the bow string to create weather-arrows, helps with watering crops.
It'd be neat if his fighting styles represented his 'children' Fenrir, Jormie, Hel. Sharp wolf claws on his fingers. Choke holds and strangulation (you know, like a snake). And then for Hel he just lifts up Baby Hel and her touch desingrates enemies on contact... or something, I don't know.
Anyway, bye!
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justlarkin · 1 year
Some of Loki's lines are so goofy because there's no context for non JP speakers and all of us are just getting the impression he's just swearing every couple minutes 💀. I'm pretty sure he's just getting censored because he keeps spoiling things or he's saying things you don't want to hear. He's even censored in text, not just his voicelines.
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toestalucia · 7 months
hello quick anni pt1 thoughts but its not anything deep<3 will be spoilers tho
intro reaction went like this: 😐 -> 😃
U COULD NOOOTTT HAVE PREPARED ME.............THIS IS HOW I CAN STILL WIN also the differences in eye color too considering what happened when he met bahamut.........heavens!!!!!! im so happy!!!! (is on copium for mika loki byleistr mention rn)
sabrina is lovely. i will take the ship solely cuz sabrina is a comedy. also does sabrina rly use ore. im gonna pass out. playable right now move ceodric
Ceodric: I'm Ceodric, first prince of the kingdom of Radlith. Could we ask for your assistance if any trouble arises, captain? >If you can beat me in poker. Ceodric: In other words, you won't act without incentive. That's a skyfaring crew for you. Color me intrigued! Lyria: Um… I'm pretty sure captain was just kidding…
ceodric u....................also im so glad whenever captain can fool around but also coming to an island to party and then being met with 'hello help us out if things happen' like we JUST got here <-common occurence
Seofon: I want to see captain dueling up on stage sooo badly! I wanna, I wanna!
this voiceline is the greatest. thank u
also richards continuous 'i have a great idea. lets leave this to captain' or in general taking credit after, and vyrn being like HELLO?! LMFAO
also the anni event weapon texts,,,
Designed to celebrate a significant milestone, this ceremonial sword features a meticulously polished, mirrorlike blade that reflects the endless blue above. A velvety ribbon gently envelops your hand as you grasp its hilt, granting you the strength to soar into the future, where unseen skies yet await you on your journey. Endless Journey Bonds of Blue Always and Forever
T_^ buhu
also rly liked captains convo with the phoenix(???)....both the choices of time and again the whole 'your memories are correct'.....as well as the rest.....................
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mstrchu · 2 years
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recently learned that i am not immune to instagram ads ☠
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otvlanga · 3 years
what is ur fav part about neloth?
I just think he's hilarious tbh. I like him ironically, but also unironically. I think he's very fleshed out and he has so much personality to him in the game that it's really hard not to enjoy him as a character. I'm really into that morbid offbeat humor so literally all of his voicelines kill me. Is he a good person? Absolutely not, he's horrendous. But that's what makes him entertaining and unique. People like characters like Loki and Snape for the same reasons
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THE RE-UP: Tu’er Shen, the Leveret Spirit 🐇
“While other gods may proclaim endlessly over the power they have over their domains, causing no end of trouble for their fellow pantheon members and their followers as a result, Tu’er Shen patiently and quietly tends to those who request his services with unmatched loyalty and dedication.”
Name: Tu’er Shen, the Leveret Spirit​
​Pantheon: Chinese, Minor Diety​
Class: Hunter/Healer Hybrid, Medium Difficulty​
Positives: Healer, High Movement​
Negatives: Hybrid Specialisations​
please click on the read more for everything else lol
appearance details 🐇
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old (above) vs new (below)
so perhaps i made him a bara rabbit after all lmao. blame the new outfit and how much better it’d look if tu’er shen has big ol bitties to work with :^) it’s still the same hair as the ears work really well with that colour but the basically the whole face has changed to be a lil more Dramatic(tm). the makeup skills have also improved with new tu’er shen rocking more subtle eyeliner alongside some very pretty and shiny pink liner. the eyes are also another major change, they’re a pretty grey as it goes nice with his hair. i still love the idea of his eyes changing colour according to his mood and grey is just a neutral mood :^) anyways, yes he looks beautiful, yes you can compliment him!
outfit details 🐇
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tu’er shen now has an in-game outfit!! yay 🥳 it’s been a while coming mostly bc i have no art or visual character design skills but i’m pretty proud of how this turned out lol. it’s super cute and p goddamn chinese if i say so myself but it’s still very hoe and feels modern enough to fit smite’s standards i feel lol. big thanks to @izahunny​ (who is dead on that blog but a clown on twitter) for helping me with designing the outfit, the back layers and lil extra dress fabric for the front bottom left corner of the dress were his idea and they make everything much more balanced 🥰 i didn’t add a weapon but he’s just using a bow, i might update this later if i care enough to add that lmao
abilities 🐇
(please note that i am terrible with stats and don’t care about how viable in-game he actually is, these are just general ideas and the stats can be changed lol)
PASSIVE - Protector​
Tu’er Shen passively grants a medium range aura of regenation around him to his allies, increasing their HPS, MPS and magical and physical protections by 5% of their totals for each statistic. Additionally, Tu’er Shen gains a 3% movement speed bonus every 4 levels.​
40 unit aura radius, 5% increase of total HPS, MPS and protections​
3% bonus movement speed every 4 levels, total bonus is 12% at level 20​
ABILITY 1​ - Passion Arrow​
Tu’er Shen charges his arrows with passion, amplifying his next basic attacks with a small AOE on hit or at max basic attack range and causing them to go through minions. If Tu’er Shen hits an ally while Passion Arrow is active, he heals them for a flat amount. If an enemy is hit the charges deal increased damage on impact and if they are hit 3 times they are charmed and walk harmlessly towards Tu’er Shen for 1.5 seconds.​
Cooldown: 10 seconds
3/3/4/5/5 charges, Heal: 50/75/95/125/150 + 30% scaling​
Extra damage: 10/30/60/90/120, Mana cost: 55/60/70/75/85​
ABILITY 2​ - Matchmaker​
Tu’er Shen calls upon his matchmaking skills to select and connect two allied gods or one ally and one enemy god with each other in a 55 unit targeter. If two allies are linked then their damage is increased by 10% and they receive a heal over time. If an ally and an enemy are connected then the enemy is revealed to Tu’er Shen’s team and the enemy deals 20% less damage to their partner. Additionally, the connected ally receives 50% of their enemy partner’s healing.​
Cooldown: 20/19/18/17/16 secs​ 
Duration: 6 seconds, Heal over time: 20/25/30/35/40 + 20% scaling​
HOT ticks every 1 second, Mana cost: 50/55/60/65/70​
ABILITY 3​ - Bunny Hop​
Tu’er Shen hops in the direction he is currently travelling. If Tu’er Shen hits a wall, player-made deployable or god he bounces off the surface, doubling his movement. Additionally, enemy gods are stunned for 1 second upon impact. Tu’er Shen can store 1 charge of this ability.​
Cooldown: 14/13/12/11/10 secs
2 charges maximum, range of 55 with an amplified range of 110 units​
Damage: 100/150/200/250/300 + 100% scaling, Mana cost: 70/80/90/100/110 mana​
ULTIMATE​ - Romantic Rush​
Tu’er Shen, after a short duration, channels the full extent of his love powers, amplifying all of his basic attacks with the effects of Passion Arrow for 10 seconds. If an ally is hit and they are at full health they receive a a health shield equal to half of Passion Arrow’s healing. On enemy hit, the charm duration is doubled but they cannot be charmed again while Romantic Rush is active. The effects of Matchmaker are doubled and Tu’er Shen receives a 20% damage buff if he is linked with another male god.​
Cooldown: 80 seconds
Duration: 10 seconds​
Mana cost: 80/90/100/110/120 mana​
lore 🐇
While other gods may proclaim endlessly over the power they have over their domains, causing no end of trouble for their fellow pantheon members and their followers as a result, Tu’er Shen patiently and quietly tends to those who request his services with unmatched loyalty and dedication. For he is not a god who takes to the spotlight easily, but one who will see his responsibilities through to help and protect those who he serves, an opportunity he was once not afforded in his youth.​
​Such are the origins of Tu’er Shen, the Leveret God. ​
​Once a young man known as Hu Tianbao, he fell deeply in love with a handsome imperial inspector of Fujian Province. Such was the intensity of his love that he looked upon the inspector while he bathed, peering at him through a bathroom wall. Tianbao was caught in the act, confessing his sincere affections for the other man in hopes of reaching an understanding. The inspector was quick to retaliate in violence, sentencing him to death by beating.
Underworld officials, seeing his crime as one of love, sought to justify his death by appointing him the god and safe guarder of homosexual affections. A month after his death, he appeared in the dreams of a man from his hometown – not as Hu Tianbao but reborn as Tu’er Shen. From this came the erection of a humble shrine for his worship and Tu’er Shen has dutifully served those who seek him ever since.​
​The battlefield of the gods is a strange place to find Tu’er Shen, usually one so far removed from the world of ugly violence and mindless bloodshed. Even so, perhaps love can soothe and heal the wounds caused by the warring of pantheons, or maybe it can even help end the war in some way. Knowing firsthand the true cost of thoughtless hate and violence, Tu’er Shen picks up his bow in the hope that he can protect even one person of those who cannot protect themselves in the war of the gods.
voicelines 🐇
god selection
“Tu’er Shen!” (duh)
“Is anyone in need of my services?”
“Let’s see what I can do.”
“Wonder if there are any cute gods around? Wait, no! Work first, then play later!”
“In their own ways, everyone here is fighting for love.”
(this isn’t an official one but as a joke it was highly entertaining) “Come on Season 6 let’s get sickening!”
ability 1 - passion arrow
“Fallen for me yet?”
“I’ve got you!”
“Coming for your heart!”
ability 2 - matchmaker
self/ally match - male gods only
“Our connection is strong.”
“Let your heart speak to me.”
self/ally match - general
“Together we’re stronger.”
“I’ve got your back.”
ally/ally match
“You’d make a good pair.”
“Another successful match.”
“Swipe left next time!”
“This’ll end badly.”
ability 3 - bunny hop
“Excuse me!”
“Coming through!”
ability 4/ultimate - romantic rush
“Feel the love!”
low health
“I will not give in just yet.”
“I don’t mind playing rough, but this is a bit too much even for me…”
when placing wards
“Reveal their hearts to me little ward.”
“Any romantic confessions I should be aware of?”
when buying consumables
“Isn’t this interesting?”
“The colour is lovely.”
when buying offensive items
“I don’t want to harm others but if I must.”
“Love hurts indeed…”
when buying defensive items
“Will this protect my ears?”
“Hope this won’t slow me down.”
“Even the gods have to use a little protection.”
when in a killstreak
“I can heal them later on, right?”
“Love never misses its mark.”
when killing a jungle boss
“That creature was awfully big…”
“Thank you for your sacrifice.”
when destroying a tower
“Love conquers all, man and structure alike.”
“Ack, that’s so loud!”
“You’ll never kill my spirit…”
“Love is eternal…”
directed voicelines
Aphrodite - “It’s a great honour to finally meet the goddess of love, I have much to learn from you.”​
Cupid - “Speaking from... past experiences, it seems as though you should work on your aim.”​
Jing Wei & Xing Tian - “I admire your perseverance in the face of insurmountable odds, we are not too dissimilar in that way.”​
Loki - “If you haven’t already, I suggest you pay Chiron a visit at some point. He is single after all...”​
Bellona - “Any luck asking Amaterasu out yet? She’s still waiting for you to make a move you know..”​
Raijin - “I’m willing to bet you’re more satisfying in bed than you are an opponent on the battlefield.”​
Bacchus - “I’m not the drinking type... but perhaps you’d like to come in for tea?’​
Achilles - “How’s Patroclus doing? Maybe you should spar with him more often, you’ve gotten rusty.”​
Apollo - “Playing the lyre isn’t the only thing you make look easy.”​
Ravana - “When I see you, the term ‘rope bunny’ comes to mind...”​
“I hope Cupid doesn’t get jealous of all the time I’m spending with Aphrodite…”​
“Technically I’m not this closely associated with actual rabbits, but the aesthetic was too cute to pass up.”​
“Considering what I’ve been through, I think I’ve earnt the right to proud of who I am.”​
“It is technically homophobia if you hit me. Just saying.”​
“The Jade Rabbit? He’s certainly cute... but I think there’s another rabbit who’s cuter.”​
Animation: Tu’er Shen draws a neon heart in the air, shooting an arrow through it shortly after.
“[Yawns] I think I might have a nap, perhaps that’ll give you a chance to catch up.”​
“You have an awfully big weapon there, are you compensating for something?”​
“I’ll show you why they say love hurts.”​
“Fighting for your overblown ego isn’t a good reason to wage war.”​
“Take it from a matchmaker, I don’t think anyone’s standards are low enough for you.”​
skin concepts 🐇
new tu’er shen body
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floral fairy
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squeaky clean, night corps, bunny server
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country cowboy, casual, devilish
old tu’er shen body
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kitsune, spring revelry, leather bunny
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hello nurse, debonair devil 
old notes 🐇
this concept is super inspired by Kaios’ concept for Tu’er Shen (which you’ll find linked in the description of this post), i loved his ideas for rabbit lad and wanted to add more to the concept. my final kit concept is a lil bit similar but i think i’ve changed enough for it to not be a copy lmao. anyways, i’ve wanted a hunter support since i played tyrande a while ago in heroes of the storm. she was super fun and the mix of dealing strong consistent damage and still being able to support allies is something i’d kill to have in smite​
​tu’er shen is also a really cool god, and recently I’ve been prokoved by my mutuals making lots of god concepts when i haven’t made any in a very long time lol (if you remember my other smite oc you’re a real stan). obvs i don’t think hi-rez would do him justice and gamerbros would totally complain about the Gays™ shoving their unsatiable need for Representation™ down their throats and what not but it’s still a fun concept regardless!
new notes 🐇
he’s back and 10x beefier and sluttier looking than ever lmao. the self-insert squad may be missing plenty of people (y’all better come back like...) but it’d be a waste of time and effort to not do more with tu’er shen. also i love him so! i’m still kinda sad over twink tu’er shen being replaced by bara tu’er shen but it’s for the best, he’s v handsome now and big ol bitties in that dress? iconic. he does fit better into the male cast, the added beef makes him more attractive to basically everyone (he’s serving taric teas now lol) and he was a soldier so there’s plenty of reasons to make him a hunk. anyways... i don’t have much to say about the outfit than it’s flawless lol. it was interesting and p fun to make although i always feel awkward about posting drawn stuff in a serious context. it’s weird but i’m happy about the final product 🥰 i’ll try to write more stuff about him soon but don’t expect too much lol
links/resources 🐇
headcanons (they’re a lil outdated in reference to his body lol)
tu’er shen’s tag
original post
my smite oc tag
kaios’ super cool concept for tu’er shen you should check out as it’s cooler than mine lol. his art of tu’er shen goes full furry and it’s kinda cute ngl
other links you can read for more information about tu’er shen: 1, 2
a beautiful short film about tu’er shen helping a guy accept his sexuality, gore warning towards the end
thanks for reading if you got to the end! please send asks or whatever, i’m dying for any excuse to talk about him lmao 🐇
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voookster · 4 years
started going by loki simply because i am incredibly attached to akechi but im just realising that now i have canon voicelines of akechi saying my name 😳😳😳
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anankos · 6 years
In Spring!Loki's defense, she IS supposed to be an extremely fanservicey character. And those thin straps on the side of her "dress" might be much stronger than they look. But you are right in how awful it looks on her. I wanna see what her stats and skills will be when we get her from the upcoming Tempest Trials before I write her off as a total loss.
in spring loki’s defense, the character herself isn’t actually real and as such bears no responsibility for the outfits she’s being put into or her dialogues or voicelines. Her creators, writers and artists are the true culprits here: kusakihara ESPECIALLY
plus just looking at her makes my tiddies hurt. lord.
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sushiroll-kiku · 7 years
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SKETCH TO GET WARM! (thinking about making a comic) Character concept by @00-jackielantern-00
text:We don’t care for how you feel when attacking your family or another god. You are Loki. And thus you have to be an asshole without feelings, insecurities or sadness for the truth behind your past. You are an asshole, so you get voicelines that show it. If we’d consider your sadness as the reason you act like an ass, you’d be out of character! - SMITE
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ida-vollr · 7 years
“That was your best trick!?” is possibly my favorite (smite) loki voiceline.
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wyrm-off-string · 8 years
Could Sleipnr also be a god then? Then all of Loki's kids would be here :)
Oh my gods can he just have no voicelines? Like just whinny and neigh at everything? Maybe a directed taunt at Loki that's like a frustrated pbbbrrrrr.
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