#loki snake nails
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Inktober 2023- Day 9: Drip
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Long Snake Moan 8
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My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Character: Loki
Summary: your boss gives you a task you’re not prepared for.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging ❤️
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Your clothes hang off of your body, a slake of sweat running down your thighs and stomach. You’re not sure how you’ve ended up this way, legs curled around Loki as he pins you to the wall.
The office lights blaring outside your eyelids. His breath plumes into your scalp as he presses his nose into your hair. You tilt your hips as your overwrought nerves cluster and ping off each other.
Another orgasm swells in the ebb and flow of pleasure. Minutes, hours, days, you don’t know how long you’ve been at it. 
It’s another of his tricks. The way he uses your body against your mind. How he can twist your desire like a cage around your reticence. 
“Mm, darling,” he slithers, “shall we go home?” 
He doesn’t stop his steady thrust as he speaks, a hand under your ass and the other on the back of your neck. He dips his head down to nib at your ear lobe. 
“Home?” You murmur dumbly. What does he mean? 
“As man and wife...” he puffs along your throat, “yes, darling, I think it’s time.” 
You push your head back as his lips tease your skin. You hate how he makes your insides rend. You clutch his shoulder and whine. You squeeze him tighter with your legs, hooking your feet together to keep him locked in. 
“A little more,” you rasp to your own horror. 
He snickers, “I never said we’d stop.” 
Confounded by his words, you flick your eyes open and a sudden flash of green paints your world. You feel a lurch around you. It’s as if you’re plummeting for that split second, then the world still again.  
Loki falls onto you. A silky sheet tickles your back beneath the crumpled fabric of your loose blouse, hanging at your elbows. Your shorn skirt fans out under your legs as Loki carries his motion, not missing a beat as the walls around you appear anew. 
Your head lolls as you take in your new surroundings. Behind the green tint, there’s something family. You can’t think. You don’t care where you are, you just care about that spiralling coil inside of you. You clasp onto Loki’s neck and sink your nails in, pushing your pelvis up to take him in. 
You cum again. Shaking violently as you’re battered in the eruption of hot and cold. Your arm splays limp and dangles over the edge of the sofa. Loki persists as you tremble helplessly.  
As you wade in the afterglow, fighting the tiding of yet another orgasm, your eyes flit around. This... this is your apartment. How-- 
You slap his shoulder and cough, “Loki, stop--” 
“Darling, I’m nearly--” 
“I don’t care, get--” 
He rams into you and your voice shrivels up. You drop your head down and gnash your teeth. He ruts into you furiously as he snakes his hand up to cover your mouth. He pumps into you as he pants against your cheek, muttering a flow of sultry delight. 
“Mmm, darling, just you try to get away,” he snarls, “I feel you clinging to me. You want me, hmm?” His taunts peter out into thick grunts and groans and he sinks his head down to growl against the cushions. 
A warmth blooms in you as he spasms and pushes himself into his limit. You twitch at the fullness and claw at his back. Fuck. As much as you hate that he’s right, he is. You don’t think you could make him get off. 
He finally stills but that urgent need does not. It’s a low buzz in your pelvis but you feel it pulsing, waiting to thrum again. You blink and take in what you can of your apartment.
Your plain white curtains are now green satin, around a nightscape that assure you of hours of torture. The walls, usually just as bland, are painted with gold and green trim and your eyes narrow on the snake ornament mounted on the wall with-- 
You tap Loki’s shoulder frantically, “get off, get off.” 
“Darling?” He mutters. 
“I mean it, off.” You try to push him and groan at the effort as your walls squeeze him. “Ayeee.” 
“Mmm, as you wish, dear wife.” 
He slides out of you and a full-body shudder constricts your muscles. You grit through the emptiness and sit up. You nearly tumble off the edge of the couch at the dizziness. You look down at your ruined clothes, barely hanging onto your figure. Fuck. 
You stand and squeak at the tenderness between your legs. You cup your pelvis and limp, your other hand on your forehead. You squint at the metal plate on the wall with the snake curved in an infinity sign. Between each loop, are a set of initials; his and yours. 
You pause and glance around again. You look at Loki as he works at untangling his dark hair. He is entirely too comfortable right now. 
“What did you to my place?” You accuse. 
“Our place,” he insists and sends you a smirk. 
You stare back at him. Your eyes threaten to stray down. His shoulders and chest are forged in muscle and as much as you didn’t ask for any of this, you can’t deny his boasting is mostly true. It makes you hate him more that he was honest in that sense after being so deceitful. 
You press your hands to your temples and his own eyes drift down. A cold wash flows through you as he purrs and you drop your arms. You pull your blouse up your shoulders and do up the only remaining button. Then you wrap your torn skirt and wrap it around yourself.. 
“I need a shower,” you hobble across the floor. 
“A wonderful idea, I shall join you.” He stands, shamelessly naked. You can’t pick out in the chaos of the afternoon when he stripped off every piece. Given how he can throw you through time and space, it probably isn’t much effort for him. 
“That wasn’t an invitation,” you stay far from him as you walk faster. “I need space. I need to think.” 
You hurry down the hall and shut the door before he can catch up. You growl at the sight of the bathroom. Green tile, green towels. He’s taken over more than your body but your entire life. You huff and shuffle forward to the shower and pull open the curtain. As you do, you shriek in horror. 
He reaches up to grip the metal bar and smirks down at you, “dirty mortal,” he tuts. “Time to get washed up.” 
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xx-lemon-drop-xx · 7 months
Thor, Shiva, Poseidon, and Hades meeting their child, but they are created by humans using splices of their DNA during battle. Would they kill their child, or surrender the fight for their child?
💜 Anon <3
Thank you for the request! I ate this up like a fucking gourmet meal. I had a bit of a hard time on Hades part deciding, and like you asked in pms I didn't add in Shiva. Thank you for requesting!
Warnings: reader death, gn reader swearing, angst, Poseidon being Poseidon, wounds, ooc characters.
Request: Yes.
Words: 3,064.
Humans were distasteful, obnoxious and utterly shameless creatures. That was known to the gods as soon as they chose to pave their own paths and religions. And destroy the land granted to them by doing so. Ragnarok was a pointless arena full of boisterous clowns who’d assumed they had a chance. Thor was going to shatter those hopes.
The arena was deathly quiet as Thor was introduced as the first God up, Zeus’ plan to crush the hopes and dreams of fellow humans. On the god’s side of the arena, Goddesses, demi-gods, nymphs and others alike cheered at his arrival, despite his silent annoyance. 
Heimdal cleared his throat, speaking into the mic to introduce Thor’s opponent. “And on the human side we have a guest made specifically to mimic the humans creators. Using the DNA of the righteous Thor. A man-made god. Child against Father. Introducing (Y/n)!” 
It was a shushed silence of horror between man and god, a tense silence and a deadly aura. Zeus was shocked, though a look of slight interest was on his face. Aphrodite and Hermes had their hands over their mouths. And as expected Ares was yelling out a string of curses against the humans who dared defile godly presence. 
Brunhilde, ever the calm, had her arms crossed over her chest whilst Goll couldn't even bring herself to speak. A man-made god? It sounded distasteful and shockingly sad. 
The humans all had different reactions as well, Qin was overly interested, Adam was disappointed, Sasaki could only voice his thoughts in bitterness. “Their whole creation.. For a fight? How pitiful.” 
Of course, the norse gods were to be affected the most out of this. The room's atmosphere seemed to darken, Odin’s nails digging into the chair and crumbling it under his strength. Pesky humans, making a child out of Thor’s dna? The thought alone caused his blood to boil, soaking the others in his rage as the aura of the room grew dark. Of course he couldn't leave it to those human pests to play fair, rather to stoop low enough to challenge their pride.
Loki’s smile shaped across his face big enough to threaten to tear the skin at his cheeks, his fingers grasping at his cheeks and dragging them down his face, tongue snaking out as his eyes trend towards that damned Valkyrie. What an interesting specimen indeed. 
Thor had a straight face, though underneath that facade was a brewing storm. How.. Interesting. Facing what would be his child in a battle to the death. A kin he’d never met before, a kin he had no share of memories with. A kin he didn't even know he existed. Mjollnir felt heavier in his grasp for a moment. And he didn't quite understand why. You resemble him quite a bit. But was that something he should be proud of, as a person he’d never known existed. 
Then, why was he so hesitant? Even the birds flying ahead seemed to quiet right down, joining the silence in the stadium. 
“What is your name?”
You had his quiet atmosphere too. How intriguing. Or perhaps you were stripped of those emotions a long while ago? He would have those human heads on a rope after he finished this fight.
“Ready yourself. Show me what a child of thunder can possess.” 
Grabbing his hammer from its place next to him, he readied himself, and the clash between child and father began. You used no weapon, only the condensed electricity you created from fingertips. What an interesting being. No. How interesting his child was. You had complete control of lighting, redirecting his own power and using it back against him. You were quite fast too. Was this a branch of the power you controlled in that tiny body of yours, (Y/n)? 
The insane grin that nabbed at Thor’s face while he fought felt like parental bonding. If only for a fleeting moment. He wondered, did you enjoy fighting as much as he did? The adrenaline, the pain, the excitement? But nothing showed through those unperturbed serious eyes of yours. 
He of course noticed your changes. Your body couldn't handle the surplus of power. You were deteriorating. Such was the curse of a god being produced by a human. Your mortality would be your demise. So why did he want to stop despite all of the emotion of the fight running through his veins like smoldering lava? 
Stopping wasn't a possibility though. In this tournament of power it was kill or be killed, slay or be slain.
Somewhere deep down, Thor knew you knew this was it. The final remnants of battle. Your finishing move skewered the sky apart in a flurry of blinding light, The loud crackle of lightning hitting the ground had everyone but him closing their eyes and turning away as dust blew through the stadium. He felt it though. The pain you felt in your attack. Against your creators, your family, against him. Against the world. The bloodthirsty need for revenge.
As it died down hitched gasps of shock and whispers of sweet ignorance rang through the air. Thor could feel that damned Valkyries eyes cutting through him like razor blades. 
Falling to the ground, You broke apart into gorgeous green crystals that blew through the stadium in a soft wind. Through chill, glazing over eyes you saw Thor standing above you, nodding his head in proud approval. And what a wonderful emotion that was, flooding through your systems. The tears that filled your vision blurred out the world, hand outstretching in a final attempt to reach towards him but falling short. Your body stiffened, deteriorating. 
Maybe in another time, things would have been different. Things would've been happier. Maybe you would've survived. Maybe in a different universe you and him were close, maybe you knew each other. The world was full of unfilled and empty maybes. Like a tapestry of lies. 
“Rest, dear child of mine. I will seek the revenge your soul deserves.” 
This whole thing was an annoyance to Poseidon. A Valkyrie thinks humanity deserves a chance and the gods agreed? What petty foolishness. They should have wiped the floor with those pesky vermin without a second glance. Yet here he stood, with half the stadium full of them and the other half full of slightly smarter idiots.
Only one person here deserved any glaces; and that was his elder brother and Hades alone. 
After giving the obnoxious audience some time to calm down, Heimdal began to speak, “And for our humans side, produced from splices of the sea gods dna himself, I present to you, (Y/n!)”
The stadium went utterly silent. As if everyone was afraid to move a muscle, despite (Y/n) herself, walking up through the water with ease. The aura in the stadium was changing, darkening down in the belly of anger. Loki was ferocious, but amused all the while, hands coming up to cup his face as insane laughter echoed through from his place on one of the other thrones. Were these humans crazy or just stupid? Making a man-made god from one of the most feared to walk the mortal realm and Valhalla itself? Why of course they had to be, no one in their right minds would do such a desperate thing to win. Aphrodite and Shiva were in a silent state of shock and anger, while from a different room, Thor lifted his head in interest.
Brunhilde held a grin that showed her pearly whites, loving the gods' reactions. Did they truly think she wouldn't pull the strings as tight as they could go? “Sis.. That's.. That's terrible!” Goll was in a state of denial shock, looking down at the arena where the two fighters stood. 
 Sasaki’s hand rose to rub his chin in thought. “What matching auras those two have. I wonder, do they have the same mind, or were they carved into indifference differently?” Raiden laughed, one of borderline disbelief. “That poor kid. Made just for the fight huh?” The emotions ranged differently. Tesla wanted to know through what where you produced? How many failures were there before you? Science. 
Zeus’ aura threatened his temper, his muscles bulking up and his hand raising to stroke his beard in interest. Through what thought process did those humans thought they would get away with something like this? Hades was in a silence, deep in thought and emotions indecipherable. Ares was in an uproar and Hermes was sipping tea in amused interest.
Poseidon himself had no thoughts or words despite what he came here to do. It didn’t matter if you were made from his Dna or from his skin alone. Standing in front of him was another being unworthy of his time and his precense. Though, you both did look alike and share the same steely resolve. 
“Insolent pest.” You both shared a mirrored scowl, your head tilting to the side in mocking defiance. 
“Lily-livered snot sniffer.” 
Zeus let out a laugh of pure amusement. eyebrows shooting up, whilst a smirk curled up on Hades face. 
Poseidon faced what seemed to be a mirror image of himself. And that was not something he took kindly to. Especially not your attitude either. With a burst of speed Poseidon was on top of you, Trident already thrusting directly at your face. Although, you weren't his child for no reason at all. 
Poseidon narrowed his eyes ever so slightly as you parried his attack with water. That was his domain. Though it seemed now it ran through the blood relation you both had. How interesting it was, such an inadequate person could control such a sliver of water with a few twitches of fingertips. Blood splattered across the floor or the arena before anyone could muster up a gasp, eyes widening. 
“Th-There seems to have been blood dropped already! (Y/n) has sliced the Great Poseidon straight across the chest!” Heimdal screamed out, much to both of your annoyances. So this, this beast of a man was your father? No wonder you acted like a snob. The both of you disappeared from sight again, after images fleeting across the arena as you both taught toe to toe. Like a dance. Poseidon was almost impressed. But his copy was just a copy and the original was always the better of the options. 
He spun around his Trident, dripping with the blood from your cheek and shot forwards, releasing a barrage of attacks. Amphitrite. Though you weren't so slow not to catch up, even shooting past some of his attacks enough to make him back up. More blood splattered across the floor of the arena. The both of you now suffering wounds. 
You manipulated water with ease, he had picked up on, making weapons out of it and shields. Even waves to try and knock him around. Though you weren't the only one that could control water. Your movements were filled with underlying anger, he'd noted. Anger towards what? He didn't know and he didn't bother to ask either. He didn't come here for a sob story. 
You pierced him through the side with a spear of water, and he did the same to you, the both of you twisting around. You were beginning to get dizzy, blood loss affecting you. He'd noticed the rings on your hands seemed to be your divine weapon. Though you could likely control water just fine without it too. 
The fight ended three minutes after it started, his Trident plowing through your stomach. He let your body slide down towards him, your hands gripping onto the poke of the Trident. “Not bad.” He said bluntly, eyes widening as you raised a hand, severing his arm from his shoulder in a lasting rage before breaking apart into the air in a flurry of green. 
He moved off the arena with silence, leaving you to disperse into the rest of the air. Good enough to be his child, no. But.. A worthy opponent indeed. You'd even managed to take off his arm. 
“Not bad at all..”
Hades was here for one reason. To avenge his dear brother. He didn't bat an eye at the disputing differences between humans and the other gods, his eyes held a calmness as he was introduced into the arena. The crowd sounded excited to some extent, he'd noted. Yet again, it wasn't everyday you got to see the god of the underworld come up for a fight. He had business to attend to yes, but this was much a more important matter to handle. 
“Created by humans in the image of Hades, I present to you, (Y/n)! Representing humanity for this round of Ragnarok! Don't let them surprise you, made from Hades Dna, they're expected to pack a punch.” Heimdal introduced you to the field, much to his interest and the gods' anger. 
What did they mean, a human made god? What bullshit. Shiva laughed at the thought of it, hiding a bout of anger under it all. How annoying. Those humans really thought they could create a god of all things. Why, it was just laughable. Buddha's eyebrows shot up in keen interest, a smirk taking up on his lips. “Well well.. Looky here. Brunhilde, you sly Valkyrie, using Hades' love of family against him.” Loki and Aphrodite's mouths were slightly slack as they stared down at you. “Well.. Aren't they just gorgeous?” Aphrodite murmured. 
Brunhilde held a wicked grin as her and Hades shared eye contact, her smile only widening in amusement. Ah, the looks on their faces. It was something she could lounge in for days. 
The humans were filled with interest, Adam sitting up a bit against Eve's lap. “A man made god? But how?” Technology wasn't his thing, suffice to say the least. Qin was quite amused, leaning forwards to view the arena better. And Jack hummed. “I sense quite the amount of anger in that young one's veins.” “Anger?” Adam questioned, frowning. “Why of course, good sir.” Jack poured some tea, “Hoe would you like, being created simply for the purpose of war? A shame it would be, yes?” 
Zeus and Adamas stared down into the arena, eyes wide in utter shock. “What do those filthy pests think they're doing!? Using my brother's DNA to make.. Make a pawn!” Adamas bellowed out, making his anger known to the group. “Calm now, dear brother. Humans can stoop quite low when they feel threatened. I expected no less.” Zeus rasped, clearing his throat. “You're just okay with this!?” Ares choked out, “Why no, I'm quite.. Pissed, Ares.” Zeus responded, steam rolling into the air from his small noodle body. 
Hades held an expression nothing less of surprise, though it calmed almost immediately. So, this could be considered his child? Why, they both did look strikingly similar. From the nose to the eyes down to the tips of their toes. How interesting. He took a step towards, though not a threatening one, holding his weapon with a firm hand. “I am here to avenge my brother. My apologies, little one.” 
“I am here.. Because I have to be.” That didn't seem a reason that involved importance. Rather more than force. But could he really do this? Yes, his brother was family but this.. Spawn was as well. Hades wore he would protect his family to the best of his ability, wasn't that going against his words? 
He launched forwards, and you dodged him with ease, slicing your skin open with the iron claw-like ring you wore on your finger. And the blood transformed. How interesting. He dodged the incoming weapon, made from straight blood and twisted around to stab at your side, catching the skin of your shirt only. Well aren't you just a quick one on your feet?
That was something he could respect. You seemed well trained. Despite the blows dealt between the both of you, Hades could tell there was an underlying rage. Towards humans? He'd wondered. Well, that would make sense. You've been used from the day you were born. How much of that could you take though. 
He sent you flying back into the wall with a timed attack, watching you crawl back to your feet. “Not bad, for someone not trained by a god's hand.” 
“Not bad for a dead man.” Your words were blunt as you charged forwards, and Hades' side stepped, at this point just toying with you a bit. This was a hard decision. And Zeus and Adams were on their toes about what his answer would be. 
The fighting lasted for a good long while, the both of you covered in blood. You staggered forwards after a long while. Honestly, he was impressed. Hades never knew someone could withstand blood loss as long as he could. Perhaps it ran in the genes. His opponents' defenses were open. 
The tip of his bidet tore into your skin, and he watched you prepare through the ending blow. Pulling away his bidet with a drawn out hesitant breath, Hades knelt down, and brushed some hair from your eyes, before extending his hand. 
“Come on, (Y/n). Let's go home.” 
The series of words were weird and (Y/n) wasn't used to them. No, you weren't used to them at all. But his eyes held the gentleness of a warm bath after a long tiring day. He supported your weight as you both stood up, surrendering the fight to the humans. 
“I won't let you fall into their hands again, kid. We have a lot to learn about each other. You are angry. And you deserve to be angry. And you deserve to process.” 
Hades wondered what Poseidon would have thought of this? Would he think of him as a coward? That didn't matter now. He had a child to introduce to the family. His head raised, looking into the wide eyes of a stunned audience as the both of you walked on out of the torn apart stadium. 
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bean-bean2000 · 5 months
The Maid - Part 8
Pairing: Loki x reader
Warnings: Angst, mentions of violence, depression, mentions of suicide, despair, feeling trapped. Mentions of abuse and rape.
Please read at your own risk. Your own media consumption is not my responsibility. Please read and review the warnings before proceeding.
Thank you and enjoy!
Part 7
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You spin around the room, taking in your surroundings. You try pulling at the doors, but they're locked. You try the windows, they open but when you try pushing your hand out, an invisible wall materializes and keeps you in.
I can't blame him for not trusting I wouldn't jump....
What now?
Great... I swapped one cell for another... at least this one is luxurious
You sigh heavily as you flop onto the bed. The room is as large as the king's suite, with a joining bathroom. The closet alone in this suite is larger than any home you have ever stayed in.
Everything adorned the colours of Asgard, and of course Loki's emerald green and gold.
You go through the wardrobe, unsurprised to find it fully stocked with pristine gowns and attire fit for a royal.
This room is for a visiting princess or queen. He just put me here for now. I shouldn't get too comfortable...
You suddenly feel anxiety bubble within you.
Surely he will send me back to the maid's quarters... I'm not fit for such royal chambers... or chambers at all for that matter...I can't go back... not after what I just admitted to, i will be ostricized, treated and belittled far worse than ever before for being a traitor!
You begin to panic, circling the room while biting your nails and running your hands through your hair.
I have to get out of here!
You start pulling at the doors again but they won't budge.
Okay, you need to breathe. You take in a few deep slow breaths.
He said I'm safe here... just wait for him to come back... will he come back?
You go into the bathroom and wash your face with cold water to ground you. Admiring the bath tub you notice the intricate details on the tile floor. Standing back you notice they form a snake in the middle of the room.
You turn to the cupboard and notice the luxurious scented oils.
Surely I can take a bath? Will he be mad if I do? If I don't? Am I allowed or was I supposed to just stay in the room and wait for his return?
Before you can let your anxiety get the best of you, you turn the tap on and splash some lavender oils in the tub. You strip yourself of the silk pyjamas Loki provided earlier and soak in the tub.
You sigh as you realize you can't remember the last time you've been this relaxed and you were going to savour every second of it.
You scrub yourself down with the other multitude of bathing products stocked in the bathroom. Once finished, you slowly get out and brush out your wet hair. Relishing in the smell and the feel of how soft and clean it now is.
Going through the wardrobe, you can only find maiden night gowns, which you have always despised. You quickly pick up the green silk top and shorts that Loki originally gave you and put them back on.
You slip into the bed and sink into the soft mattress. Within seconds, you're asleep.
You wake up a few hours later to the sound of a crow cawing at your window. You groan as you sit up and stretch.
"Sleep well?" you hear a voice from the corner of the room. You scream in surprise and throw the first pillow you can grab towards the sound.
Loki chuckles and he dodges it "I think you're going to need more than a pillow if you really wanted to hurt me."
"I - sorry - I just- I thought I could take a bath while I waited and I - um this is inappropriate I'm sorry -" you ramble as you jump out of the bed and start making it.
"Stop." Loki interrupts your rambling.
" I never ordered you couldn't take a bath or nap or anything. You can do whatever you want. You're not a prisoner." he states slowly.
You look down sheepishly. Loki chuckles quietly again and sits up as he closes his book, from his position on the couch in the corner of the room.
"Lavender is my favourite too. I see you chose to keep my set of nightwear on rather than the ones provided..." a smug smirk forming on his lips and he looks you up and down.
"I - they were just more comfortable. I don't like night gowns." you admit to him, cheeks burning with embarassment.
"There are no rules here. You may do as you please. Whatever makes you comfortable. Do you like the room?"
Caught off guard by his warm approach and the casual conversation you reply but remain guarded.
"Yes. I do. It's bigger than any home I have ever been in."
"You don't trust me." he states matter of fact.
Shocked by his bluntness you stutter out your reply "I don't know what you want, your highness. I am but a maid."
"Oh, you are more than that, darling." he says to you as his eyes lock onto yours. Loki beings to approach you.
Nervousness waves over you. You swallow thickly.
He steps forward, once, twice... suddenly you get scared and take a step back, your arms circling your body. A defence mechanism.
"I understand the lengths at which you have helped me, your highness, and I know not what you desire in return. However, I cannot offer you my maidenhood... for it has been taken from me long ago..."
I will not be your toy to play with.
"Have I ever requested such? I know you are no toy, as you put it. I have never and will never treat you as such. Is that all you think you are worth?" Loki questions.
"Wait... I never said that out loud. How did you know what I was thinking?" you question him, your brows furrow.
"You forget I am a God, darling. I did not mean to read your thoughts, they're sometimes so loud I can hear them." he explains to you.
"Now, you never answered my question. Is that all you think you are worth? Is that all you think I want?" he asks you again.
You shift on your heels, "I have nothing else to give you in return." you reply quietly.
"I ask for nothing in return. I have a debt to pay you, for what you have endured within my castle's walls, which should have never happened to begin with. I am indebted to you." Loki says slowly.
You begin to stutter, unable to form a reply.
"When you said your maidenhood was taken from you long ago... taken is a precise word to use..."
"I know what I said. It has always been taken from me... it was never wanted... not once..." you whisper. You feel tears forming and quickly blink them away.
"I see..." Loki says, hands behind his back and he taps his foot on the tile floor.
"I would like for us to have an arrangement." he declares. "And before you interrupt and assume anything, hear me out. I only want you as my personal maid; and as the kings personal maid you will not stay in the maid's quarters as they are unfit. You will stay here, in these chambers, beside me."
You blink at him with a blank stare. "Um, I -..Yes, your highness -" you reply, knowing no other answer would be accepted anyway.
"Loki.. just Loki, please." he says to you as he walks closer and puts his hand over yours.
For a moment your eyes lock and you feel this spark jolt through your body. Electrifying to the point where goosebumps formed on your arms and you both jolt your hands back in surprise.
You shiver and wrap your arms around yourself.
Loki stares at his hands for a moment and hesitates.
"Care for some lunch?"
Part 9
Let me know what you all think of the story so far!! Feedback is welcome!
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stalkerofthegods · 11 months
Loki Deep dive
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Signs he's reaching out- seeing the Snaptun Stone, Large numbers of spiders, Fire seeing his symbols and things that remind you of him in a dream, a close brush with danger, Dreams of Loki speaking to you, Repeated appearances of any of the animals related to Loki, sudden obsession on him or seeing things related to him that you wouldn’t regularly notice
Days & holidays! - Autumn Equinox, Samhain, Yule, Sep 5 UPG (tumbler meme devoted to him day) , Julaften, Saturday, April fools, Lokablót
Equivalent- logi  (the personification of fire), Prometheus, Tantalus, Jesus, Pan, Cernunnos, Dionysus, anasi, Bacchus, Lugh, Hermes, Mercury, Elegua, Eshu, Prometheus, Veles, Coyote and Crow
Dislikes- in my experience he wasn’t a fan of Hermes, he doesn’t like Heimdall (Heimdall kills Loki ) 
Married- he is married to Sigyn! (the goddess of Victory)   Also, Loki’s first wife (Angrboda who was a Jotun ) taught Loki magic, later he devoured her heart because she was an ‘evil’ witch.
Zodiac- Aries and Gemini 
Siblings - Blood Odin, Hellblindi and Balyestyr
Devotional- volunteering to help survivors of trauma, helping with orphanages, and those who are in need, laughing at yourself.
Animal - Coyote, Salmon, Snakes, Foxes, vulture, Quiscalus quiscula, wolves, serpents, cats, falcon, butterfly, raven, flies, dragons, spiders.
colors - yellow , green , red, pink, neons, purple, gold, silver, Black, violet 
offerings - Candy, Atomic Fireball (he loves alcohol ex- tequila, rum, brandy, and mead, but he does get tired of it beacuse it’s offered so much), Pez, Pixie Sticks, cookies/pastries, caramel apples. Speaking of apples, He loves red food (ex-Red Velvet) He likes things with a lot of pepper spice, or even just the peppers themselves (habaneros seem to be a favorite), good whiskey, bread, knives, whatever reminds him of u, also baked goods, or anything really, you can give him just sugar or just food, whatever says “LOKI!!”, he also loves caffeinated drinks!, he likes cinnamon, chocolate, Tobacco, weed, cheesecake, especially with berries,  old granddad brand of alcohol, and hard cinnamon flavored or spicy liquor, and spicy runs and mulled wine! Carmel golden apples!  He also loves Nutella, I would recommend giving whatever you think he would like, he likes new things I heard.
Number - 13  and Kaunaz, Naudiz, Thurisaz, number 3, The Berkana rune, 
Planet- Pluto, Dark Moon
To do in his honor  - Inner Child work, Llaughing at yourself, Accepting that no one and self is perfect, and mistakes are okay, Feeling all of our feelings, drawing, coloring, singing, dancing, being creative, working with children or the elderly, collecting and sharing jokes, going on a walk, get lost, go on an adventure with friends or fellow outcasts, go clean up a local park in his honor, do something ur scared of, joke in their honor 
What he favors in devotes - Passion and drive, inc stubbornness, a go-getter, hunger for life, child like playfull Ness
God of - Celeverness, change, Creation, Cunning, Divine, Discovery, Humor, knowledge, sex, Seduction, shapeshifting, trickster (mischief), wit, truth,  temptation, the hearth, nature. 
Patron -outcasts (black sheep), earthquakes, changing cycles of the moon, nature, fire itself.
his weapon- Lævateinn
Herbs - daisy, mistletoe, Lavender, Patchouli, Cinnamon, Clove, Hemp, Holly, Mistletoe, Cedar, Juniper, Elder, “yellow rattle” plant, lokasjóður, “Loki’s Purse” (a plant), Loki oats, wild oats, birch, alder, mullein, acorns, Aspen trees (UPG)
Preferred coffee- very very sweet. (I also heard he likes mocha) 
Remind me of him - smiling, laughter, dancing, knives, horns, flowers, trees, flies, foxes, rings, black nail polish, masks, spiders, red hair, cat eyeliner look, eyeliner, blue eyes, plastic toys, nature 
Blessings - sharper knives (be careful they may be blunt one second and then sharp)
Tarot- The magician, Wheel of Fortune, the sun, the devil, the tower, the magician, 
Signs - spiders, vultures, snakes, seals, foxes, flies, wolves, Dandelions, coyotes 
Alter decorations - boats, kids' toys, anything listed here really.
Scents - He likes cinnamon, mulled wine, cotton candy, and peaty whiskey and yew, but nothing strong or overwhelming or alluring and anything too feminine, he also dislikes super masculine colognes. He likes Pine, cinnamon, sugar & spice, honey, and wild berry incense and dragons blood incense 
Animals• Fox, spiders,Flies, salmon horses, vultures 
Crystal• Volcanic and Sulfurous stones (ex. Obsidian Gypsum, Hematite, etc.)((is associated with tectonic activity)), pyrite (fools gold), color-changing stones, Bloodstone, Xlead calcite, Sunsgone, Stones associated with the air element, red stones, Stones of any other color you associated with Loki (ex- red Jasper, Garnet, Carnelian, Ruby), Stones that scream “LOKI!!”, but mostly - Red Jasper, Amber, Garnet, Goldstone; Plastic, Acrylic, Glass, Gold, Bronze, Silver, Magnesium, Orange calcite, hematite, fire agate, onyx, etc.), serpentine, fire quartz, smoky quartz, pyrite, multi-colored/color-changing stones (labradorite, fluorite, alexandrite, bismuth, etc.), carnelian, and tiger's eye, kambaba jasper, prehnite, garnet, green aventurine, malachite, and petrified wood, Yellow calcite
Symbols•fox, Knox, web, Tangles, snakes, Flies, salmon, horses, Mistletoe, (I've also heard vulture, hawk, skull
Names•known as sky traveler, Ve, or, father of monsters, Flamehair, “that bastard” (UPG), Lie-Smith, Sly-God, Shape-Changer, Sly-One, Lopt, Sky Traveller, Sky Walker, Wizard Of Lies, and Loftur and I'm sure there's more. (I’ve accidentally called him Taco Bell before myself.) 
Mortal or immortal • immortal, but has apples to live longer, suspected the Apple effects last YEARS (like more than 100+ years. Because he is not “old” or dead yet, and in mythology, they take it to stay young and live forever.) and ragnorok
Vows/omans• Blood brother with Odin, Loki swears oaths that he will devise a scheme to cause the builder (of the wall of the asier home) to forfeit the payment, whatever it may cost himself.
Morals• He's morally grey 
Personality• understanding, and fast going, can be jealous and has a quick temper.
Fact• He had a wife before Sigyn and he is in a cave until Ragnorok. I also heard he like farts a lot. And sends spiders, so beware, he made spiders in Sweden mythology 
Roots• Norse mythology 
Appearance in astral or gen• red hair and fair skin but not too red or too fair. Also, blue eyes I think or green. Or anything at all really.
Children- Hel, Jormangandr, Fenir, Sleipnir, Vanir, Narfi, (from sigyn) Svadilfari,  and Einmyria and Eisa (with Glut.) He also ate a woman’s heart and bore the first witch, some say also a HUGE cat. 
Season• the month of Gemini and Aries 
Status• God and Yotan
Element- Fire, air, nature.
Personality- Loki is not always the most mature and can sometimes act like a toddler. Also chaotic Neutral. he is not an omniscient Deity, but true to his word.
Parentage • The tree Lufey and farbauti
Flame-hair, your soul burning into the night, Throwing caution to the wind And casting the die of fate, Teach me your fearlessness. Lie-smith, your sharp words like daggers, Cutting through illusions to the bone And revealing the reality we refuse to see, Teach me your clarity. Silver-tongue, whispering carefully veiled truths, Sowing shrouded mystery in your wake, And leading only the clever onward, Teach me your secrecy. And leading only the clever onward, Teach me your secrecy. Gift-Bringer, recognizing all the overlooked, Giving rightly earned reward where it’s due, And in turn, blame as well, Teach me your justice. Scar-lip, ending silence in the face of injustice, Grinning down at the outcasts And rallying your voice with theirs, Teach me your anger. Pain-holder, accepting your punishment, Embracing the consequences of your deeds, And taking the fall of those who are weaker, Teach me your resilience. World-breaker, harbinger of chaos, Spitting fire upon the stagnant And carving the spear of change, Teach me your courage. Cruel-striker, slanderer of the gods, Burning the inefficient and stale, Revealing potential in the ashes, Teach me your insight. Sly-walker, throwing your mischievous grin about And casting laughter into the darkness Where before there was only despair, Teach me your joy. Shape-changer, manipulator of all walks of life, Confidently adapting to every situation, Commanding the strength of any form, Teach me your cunning. Hearth-fire, warmth of my heart, Your arms a sanctuary where none is found Light and life of the home I can always return to, Teach me your nurturing. Sky-treader, ever true to your wild heart,Letting none even try to contain your spirit As free as the sky itself, Teach me your passion. Hail Loki, And thank you, my God, For everything you bring to my life.I love you so.
- by @klawl
Links/websites/sources •
Links I recommend - 
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Loki is the Norse god of mischief, and the hard cold truth, even tho he may be cold, he is wise, and charming in many ways.
I use resources, I do not own the info, and most deep dives have UPG (that I use in my work.) And I only take some information from sources. I am 14, this is my hobby, I am learning but I spent many hours and days on this, and I am always open to criticism. I have been doing worship for 5 years. Please know you can use the info, I do not sue, but I will take action if this work is used without permission and not put as a resource if used in any work. without permisson and not put as a resource if used in any work, for the public.
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thirsty4villains · 1 year
Cool Heat | Chapter 3
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Summary: You're an assistant for the Avengers. Loki has been hiding up in his room for the past week. You go to check on him and he's reverted back to his Jotun form, but he's not quite himself. The two of you discover that Jotuns go into cycles of heat, and Loki hasn't been in his Jotun form for over a millennia...
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: This chapter will have dubcon/light noncon - please don't read if you are uncomfortable with this. Specifically, Loki has sex with the reader while she is asleep.
Tags: Loki lives in Stark Tower with the Avengers, PIV, smut, humor, romance, Jotun!Loki, dom!Loki, more tags to be added
Find me on AO3, Wattpad, and please support me on Patreon! Previous chapters/other Loki fics on Tumblr by me here.
Tagged users: @nyxxharmonia @mischief2sarawr @drunkbirdbug @lorelibrarianlizbit @strawberry--fawn @thenotoriouserg @hereforsmutbcicantgetenough @salvinaa @bellajg21
While you were asleep, you had a pleasant dream. You dreamt of cool, caressing hands on you, a man sliding up to you and spooning you; his chest on your back, his hips lined up to your behind.
You shivered a bit. His skin felt like he had been outside in winter without a jacket, but you allowed him to go on because he knew just where to touch you. His hands traveled underneath your shirt, gliding fingers up your stomach and then to your breasts. He captured them in his hands, kneading them with his cold digits. The added sensation of the low temperature when he pinched your nipples made you gasp, simultaneously wanting to flinch from the cold but pressing into him even more.
One of the hands moved to your thighs, causing another shiver. Then the man’s hands slid upward, stroking you through your underwear. After a few, deliberate strokes he hooked his fingers underneath the hem of your underwear and began to tug them down your legs. When those were disposed of, his fingers came back and coated themselves in your wetness. You shivered and bucked at the very sensitive contact in your private areas. It was cold down there, ice cold; nowhere so sensitive should be exposed to such low temperatures like these, and yet it felt so good.
He thumbed at your clit lazily, lining up his cold, hard cock with your vulva. It wasn’t as cold as his fingers, surprisingly. But what did surprise you was how big he was. He rubbed himself between your legs, then he grunted, and suddenly entered you with one swift motion. You moaned in shock at the motion, at how big he was, and the frigid feeling inside of you. It instantly made you clench around him, eliciting a guttural groan from your silent lover and he began to move desperately inside you. He moved his hands: one held your hips in place, fingernails lightly digging into your skin; the other snaked underneath your torso to grasp your breasts.
With every thrust the man grunted, like he was angry, or maybe trying to concentrate – but why? Sometimes he would dig his nails into your hips more before instantly correcting his grip to lighten again. It’s like he was holding back, trying to maintain control. The only thing he didn’t have as much control over was himself inside you. He didn’t start slowly; when he entered you he almost immediately began to pump quickly. But that was okay, you loved it, you loved how cold and big he was inside you. The shivers weren’t just chills anymore. And thankfully, despite his cold skin, the movement of sex helped to keep you from freezing over. 
You also loved how vocal he was. He grunted and sighed as he took your pleasure, gripping and ungripping your hips in this dance between feral and controlled. Why did he hold back? Couldn’t he tell how much you were loving this? You wanted him to be a wild animal inside of you, to come and claim you while you’re asleep.
You’re asleep.
This dream seems awfully real.
You slowly opened your eyes to the darkness of the night. 
A grunt behind you, cold fingernails on your hips. You were being moved. You were being fucked.
Out of surprise, you sat up, propping yourself up with your arm.
“Loki?! Is that you?!”
Instantly, he retracted himself from you. His fingers, his cock. He scrambled quickly off the bed and to his feet.
His voice spoke through the dark. “I have no excuse, I have no idea what came over me. It wasn’t right… I shouldn’t be…”
You pulled the chain on the nightstand lamp. Warm, yellow light filled the room and you turned to see Loki standing next to your bed. He was still blue and completely erect. His cock was a slightly darker blue than the rest of him, and the head a deep purple. Something inside you stirred.
Also, a new development since you last saw him a few hours ago. He had horns. Not his golden helmet horns but actual horns growing from his head. They were about six inches long, ridged, and twisted at the ends.
“Loki, what’s going on?”
“It’s becoming worse. My head burst into incredible pains, and when I went to look at myself in the mirror I saw these,” he said, pointing to the horns. “That was two hours ago, and since my libido has increased dramatically. Then I remembered your proposition… I came here to ask, but you were asleep.”
He was even worse than before. He seemed worried and nervous, but also his brow was furrowed in anger.
“I tried to leave. I tried to turn around and just ask you in the morning, but your skin looked so soft – and whatever hair products you use, I could smell them. My senses are on overdrive. I completely lost control of myself.”
“Loki –”
“I am a monster…” he said, looking at his hands in disgust.
“Loki, hey –”
“Odin was right.”
“Loki! I’m talking to you!” you shouted.
He looked up instantly, dropping his hands and shutting his mouth.
“I’m not mad at you, okay?” you continued. “Pretty shocked and surprised, but you’re obviously not doing okay right now. You’re not thinking straight, you’re angry and irritable, I’d say you’re the equivalent to an animal in heat. Sorry, I don’t mean to compare you to an animal by the way. My point is, I forgive you.”
“Why?” he asked.
You shrugged. “Like I said, you’re not yourself right now. I’ve never seen you like this. And obviously I don’t really know you, but this is not you. Besides… I offered.”
He nodded. His shoulders untensed and his expression relaxed slightly. 
“I think I should go back to Asgard. I need a healer. I need help, dignity or no.”
“Why?” You said.
“Because what if I hurt someone? I took advantage of you.”
“Hey, listen to me. You said that the only cure for this is to have sex, right?”
“How is an Asgardian healer going to help you other than stripping naked? You’re obviously going crazy. You need intercourse. My proposition still stands, Loki. You can have sex with me.”
“No, out of the question,” he said angrily.
“What do you mean out of the question? Five minutes ago you were just fucking me in my sleep.”
He curled his fingers into fists. “Fair point. But I am warning you of the dangers.”
“I know about the dangers, you’ve told me like six times. How many times do I have to tell you? I want you to fuck me!”
Loki whipped his head back, blinking. “What do you mean you want me to..?”
The blushing came back again. Was he not as smart as you thought, or was he just really stupid in this state? He was thinking with his other head, after all.
“You think you’re a monster, or that’s what Asgard led you to believe about the Jotuns. But believe me when I say you look like a sexy demon man from any Earth woman’s fantasies.”
You cringed a bit when you said it, but it was true.
The god was still processing the turn in the conversation. “You… are attracted to this form?”
“That, and also just the animalistic nature of you. I’m sorry you’re suffering and you’re confused and angry, but all of it is immensely attractive. I’ll even admit, I liked when you were inside me while I was asleep.”
Loki was completely stunned. He searched your face, perhaps for a hint of facetiousness or deception. After a moment, he spoke again.
“I don’t understand, but I am tired of feeling like this, and if you’re offering.”
I literally offered like ten times, you thought, but refrained saying it aloud.
“...then brace yourself,” Loki continued, and his tone, and the air around him grew very dark.
Something within you tingled; anticipation, fear, both?
Then Loki swooped in upon you, grasping your wrists and pinning you on the bed. As you spoke before he had grown softer, but in the instant he took your consent to use you as he pleased his cock grew fully erect again.
“Move your legs,” he demanded.
You shuddered, his red eyes boring into yours as he demanded your womanhood of you. You parted your legs for him.
“Are you still wet?” Loki asked.
“Y – yes.”
With that, he thrusted his cock into you, sheathing himself in one push. All the while still holding your wrists above your head to the mattress.
You shrieked, both out of shock of his girth and the coldness of it, and out of excitement. Loki’s eyelids fluttered close as you adjusted to him and moved quickly, pounding at you right away.
“I’ve been craving a woman to bed for days. Nay, nearly two weeks. And it has been maddening.”
He spoke like a crazed man, one who had been denied something that belonged to him. And underneath him, bound to your bed with his cock between your legs, you were completely at his mercy. As he moved atop you, his cock stretched you, filling you to your brim. After his declaration, he said little in the way of words – the only sounds coming from his lips were grunts and groans like an animal in heat.
Before, when he was inside of you while asleep, he held back, trying not to dig his claws into you. He relinquished much of this control now. His grip upon your wrists were like iron shackles and he moved inside you hurriedly and desperately. You had little in the way of movement, the only thing you could do was arch your back into him as he sent waves of pleasure through you. 
This was so much better than a dream.
You barely knew this man, speaking usually just a few sentences to him in the six months that you knew him. He was an asshole; rude, had a skyscraper tall superiority complex, a smartass. Apart from the charming accent and the cheekbones there wasn’t much you liked about him because he gave no reason for you to. So, how in the world did you get tangled up with him so quickly with this Jotun mess that he was bedding you? Obviously your judgment right now could use a bit of work, but that was a problem for later. Currently, the only thing you were worried about was being too loud for fear of waking the Avengers. There definitely had to be some kind of rule you were breaking regarding having sexual relations with the guy who tried to conquer the Earth.
Then you remembered. Wait, the Avengers aren’t here right now. They were on a mission, somewhere miles and miles away.
Loki then moved to hold both of your wrists underneath one hand and moved his other one to touch your clit. Then he thrust into you, hard.
You saw stars, and screamed underneath his touch. Your legs quivered underneath him as he delivered your pleasure.
“You like that, hmm?” He asked as he impaled you with his cock, rubbing your clit in circles just the way you like it. “Good, my little whore. Scream as I fuck you.”
After he said so, you opened your eyes to see his bright scarlet ones glowing through the dim light in the room. They were a flame in the night, igniting your own flame within. And atop his head the warm light of the lamp lit up his blue, twisting horns. You recalled the first time you saw him like this; with the horns now, he really was a devil. Or, more aptly, an incubus in the way he managed to bewitch you.
You wrapped your legs around him, hooking your ankles together to allow him a deeper angle. He groaned approvingly as he pushed himself in even more. Wet noises and moans of pure pleasure filled the room as Loki, the god who tried to enslave your planet, claimed your pussy for his own. So much better than a dream.
He drove even faster into you, removing his hands from your wrist and clit to either side of your head as he submitted to his own pleasure, focusing purely on the release he denied himself for days. His grunts filled your ears and his hips aggressively undulated into you. You began to see stars again, you growing wetter and wetter as you allowed him to take all of you. Underneath the blue god of mischief, you moaned his name as he fucked you again and again. He seemed to relish in that, a slight smile upon his face as you called the name of your god. Then, finally he snapped his hips into you, shouting into the darkness the declaration of his climax. Cool ropes of cum filled you, and with his final thrusts, you were lost too. Your walls clenched around Loki’s thick, cool cock and you screamed, reaching the peak of your orgasm with him. Waves upon waves of pleasure flooded from your cunt through your body.
When you came down from your highs both of you breathed hard. In fact, it was so good and tiring that there was a moment you thought you could have passed out. Loki’s full weight was on top of your chest, his cock expelling the last of his seed as he recuperated from the act. His breaths were cold on your face.
When he regained his strength, he pulled out from you and rolled over next to you on the bed. 
“You have no idea how much I needed that. I feared I was losing my mind.”
“No – no problem,” you responded, still catching your breath and coming back down to Earth.
“I’m hoping after this that this foolishness is all over now,” he gestured to his horns as he said it. “The texts said these periods of heat come and go quickly.”
“Hopefully, yeah,” you agreed. 
He magicked himself some clothes back on. “Anyway, it’s late and we both need sleep. Good night.”
“Good night,” you said.
You watched him as he left the guest room, closing the door behind him. His footsteps retreated back down the hall toward his own room.
You pulled the covers over your body. Not a minute passed and you were fast asleep.
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cyb3rsn4k3-sim · 1 year
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Milkis 28 Day CAS Challenge @mil-kis Day 23 - Health
Who's gonna take care of our sims if not Circe Beaker and Don Lothario?
- "What are you on about, snake-sim?" - you might ask. "They have absolutely nothing in common.", "They even live in different sim neighbourhoods for Plumbob's sake. Not to mention they work in different hospitals.", "But Circe is married to Loki!", "You should go to the Sacred Spleen Memorial Hospital in Sunset Valley to get checked", and so on. Well, they might have met at one of the medical sim-posiums and things might have taken a turn... Or have they?
Circe Beaker: SkinOverlay @pralinesims Eyelashes @kijiko-sims Eyes @remussirion Hair @aharris00britney
Eyeshadow @obscurus-sims Eyeliner @obscurus-sims Lips @crypticsim Glasses @aharris00britney @ayoshi Earrings @the-crypt-o-club Nails @joliebean Choker @the-crypt-o-club
Coat @dissiasims Vest @serenity-cc Trousers @serenity-cc Shoes @serenity-cc Syringe @sewersims Don Lothario:
Hair @aharris00britney Coat @nell-le Trousers @trillyke Shoes @caio-cc Stethoscope @dansimsfantasy
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pursuitseternal · 2 years
Dark Lord D*ck Measuring, Episode X: Fresh Blood
*door creaks open*
Loki: Sorry I’m late, but I couldn’t help but notice you were looking for some new members.
Dark Lord Collective: *jaw drops*
Darkling: Well, he passes for looks and swagger.
Sauron: Hold on, we have some questions first. Have you ever sought or held dominion over a whole country or better yet, world?
Loki: *sighs for affect* Yes, multiple times. In multiple realms.
Vader *breathes* Holy shit. *breathes*
Voldemort: Have you every sought the full destruction of your enemies no matter the cost?
Loki: *casually glances at nails* Of course.
Darkling: Have you ever made decisions considered morally grey, or slightly redeeming?
Loki: Naturally. I’m not without a heart. *eyes Voldy* but I see full possession of working body parts is not a requirement….
Voldemort: I HAVE a nose! *flares snake nostrils*
Sauron: Oh, I like you. *narrows eyes for matching affect with newbie* Have you ever possessed an object of great power and even greater control?
Loki: Of course. *full on sass mode* If some of you haven’t, then I’m not sure I’m in the right place.
Sauron: That completes your interview. Welcome to the Dark Lord Collective.
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One more for the collective of Dark Lord Drama and I’m pretty sure he will give everyone a run for their money 😏
@thegreatzombieartisan @eowyn7023 @myfavouritelunatic @trinuviel @jurassiclexie @iamstartraveller776 @rosalysaoirse @helenvader @tenebrouswhims @mixingpumpkins @penelopeisshipping @allpowerfulnarrator
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braveclementine · 4 months
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Steve; soulmated to you, Elizabeth, Sam, and Bucky. Tattoo located on right shoulder.
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Loki; soulmated to you. Tattoo located on hand, though I like to imagine the snake a little farther up, the tongue ending right before your nail.
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Bucky; soulmated to you, Elizabeth, Steve, and Sam. Tattoo located on left shoulder.
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Tony; soulmated to you, Elizabeth, and Stephen. Tattoo right above your breasts (like exactly where his is)
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Stephen; soulmated to you, Elizabeth, and Tony. Tattoo on the middle of your back. (Imagine blue snakes instead though)
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Sam; soulmated to you, Elizabeth, Steve, and Bucky. Tattoo on your stomach, above belly button.
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Clint; soulmated to you. Tattoo on arm, same as picture.
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Thor; soulmated to you and Sif. Tattoo on your ankle.
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Your tattoo on them; around their wrists.
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Elizabeth's tattoo on her soulmates; all but Sam and Hogun have theirs on their backs. Sam and Hogun have theirs on their stomachs.
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livealittleoc-cb · 1 year
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"Step up. Step up. One and all, feast your eyes on our local freak!"
"I'm venomous not poisonous. Do better-"
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:・゚✧:・.☽˚。・゚✧:・.: Loki [Rowan Cunningham]
⋆。°✩ God of Mischef, Trickery && Deception
⋆。°✩ He has multiple jobs, he can not sit still for the life of him; works as a fire eater, contortionist, aerial && gymnast during circus season, a streamer and hacker in the human realm also has an onlyfans; was a former assassin in the magic realm
⋆。°✩ They have one Siamese cat named LaLa and a Black Great Dane named Butch
⋆。°✩ He switches emotions quickly but mainly can go from really happy to super annoyed in a snap
⋆。°✩ When he's stressed, annoyed or mad he'll start making hissing sounds [sometimes you can hear rattling too]
⋆。°✩ He maybe very playful and sassy but he can also be very apathetic, insane and sadistic TAKE THIS INTO CONSIDERATION WHEN INTERACTING!
⋆。°✩ Will soften up when you get close, still will be a little shit and sassy as hell
⋆。°✩ In "Human" form he is from Ireland, in Astria he is from Aglus [Dublin, Ireland]
⋆。°✩ Goes by any pronouns | Unlabled, Poly | 22 [Human Years], is as old as deception itself | 11/29 [Sagittarius] / 5'10"
⋆。°✩ He is:
easily bored
manipulative, very manipulative
knows his self worth and won't take no shit from anyone
can be really soft when he wants to
God Information / Form Stuff
⋆。°✩ he feeds off of trickery, deception and mischief
⋆。°✩ deception && trickery are the most affective for him but mischief also helps
⋆。°✩ he loves casinos along with gambaling
⋆。°✩ in old times he was the reason for many acts of deception and trickery; in modern time he can be seen almost any where causing these acts along with just messing with people
⋆。°✩he can be found literally anywhere, litterally any. where.
⋆。°✩ when he feeds his eyes turn bright lime green the slits in his eyes becoming more prominent
⋆。°✩ as a god he can smell and sense emotions well but the smell/sensation of cunningness is the strongest he can depict
⋆。°✩ he can also shift into any form; he can turn into any gender and animal, he sticks to a snake form along with snake features, in snake form he likes to wrap around people's arms or throat/neck [if he's close to you its a way of showing his love, if he doesn't like you it's to choke/ harm you]
⋆。°✩ he has regenerative traits, it tends to depend on what form he's taking but in his normal snake form scales grow over his wound before covering in regular skin
⋆。°✩ he is considered a bad god, that shouldn't be trusted
⋆。°✩ he has more strength then a normal human and greater amount of strength compared to other gods
⋆。°✩ he can change his "human" apperance [height, eye color, hair color, etc.]
⋆。°✩ each god has a human name they go by, his is Rowan
⋆。°✩ in his god form he is 6'10"
⋆。°✩ in his god form, his eyes are fully jade green, his skin is pale with patches of green scales, has straight long hair, has sharp fangs [can inject venom through them] && a forked tongue, he carries around a bag with coins that he has stolen, his nails are permanently painted black and green, has no tattoos or piercings in this form, tends to be wear jester makeup and jester outfit
⋆。°✩ when not in astria or the human realm he resides in the asgard realm
⋆。°✩ in his half and half form he is his normal 5'10", has multiple piercings including a lip ring, a septum,a nose ring, a bar on this right ear along with other ear piercings, smiley piercing, surface piercings on top of his both his hands, double eybrow piercings on his left eyebrow, a nose bridge piercing, back piercings && hip piercings [because of his quick healing piercings heal really quickly so he always has a new piercing], his eyes are either their normal bright emerald green or white [he is colorblind && losing vision in his left eye], he is typically changing his appearance so his hair can be straight && shoulder length or short && wavey [is constantly dying his hair], his tongue is forked [one piercing on each side], his fangs are always out && scale patches are black [has scales across his face that look like black freckles], constantly wearing makeup
⋆。°✩ he can shift into full animal forms, in these forms his left eye is a milky white to show his loss of eye sight
⋆。°✩ natural eye color: jade green
⋆。°✩ eyes might shine neon green when amused or annoyed
⋆。°✩ heavily pierced: a lip ring, a septum,a nose ring, a bar on this right ear along with other ear piercings, smiley piercing, surface piercings on top of his both his hands, double eybrow piercings on his left eyebrow, a nose bridge piercing, back piercings && hip piercings [because of his quick healing piercings heal really quickly so he always has a new piercing]
⋆。°✩ they have multiple random tattoos on his chest, arms && legs
⋆。°✩ likes: choas, annoying people, cuddles, pain, roaming around, coffee, energy drinks, pick pocketing, heat lamps, blankets, piercings, tattoos, staying warm, sweaters, hoodies, lighters, fire, just general destruction, his hibernation period, fashion, murder && blood, animals, jewels, shiney things, being sexy, poison, cigarettes, alcohol
⋆。°✩ dislikes: staying in one spot, being bored, having people irritate them, police, the cold
⋆。°✩languages: gaeilge [irish] && english
⋆。°✩ switch with slight sub lean, can be a hard dom && a bratty or obedient sub; some of his kinks are pain kink [giving && receiving], blood play [giving && receiving], knife play [giving && receiving], primal [giving && receiving], bdsm [most elements], free use, bondage [receiving], gagging [receiving], choking [giving && receiving], oral [giving], size kink, sadism, masochism, humiliation [giving && receiving], degradation [giving && receiving], hair pulling [giving], public, diry talk, auralism, burning [receiving], edging [receiving], orgasam control [giving && receiving], over stim [receiving], impact play [giving && receiving], face sitting [giving && receiving], voyeurism, exhibitionism, hoisery, collaring
⋆。°✩ as much as he likes hard kinks loki would never force her partner to do anything they don't want to do
⋆。°✩ they are open to a variety of kinks as well just ask him about it and he most possibly will be down to try, he's pretty open and doesn't really mind
⋆。°✩ he might subdrop/domdrop depending on headspace
⋆。°✩ their eyes turn a dark military green when arroused
⋆。°✩ safe word: poison [loki needs their partner to have a safe word or use the traffic light system && be told which before sex]
⋆。°✩ he uses 🐍 on dash
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Relationship Statuses
⋆。°✩ at home and pissed off
⋆。°✩ happily dating [2/4] @evicted-oc Hodr [sexy prince💋] [06.12.23], @obsession-cb Seonghwa [dearest obsession❤️‍🔥] [11/29/23] [engaged on 02/14/24]; uninterested [open to having fwb if his partners are okay with it]
⋆。°✩ friends:
⋆。°✩ family: odin ["step dad"]
⋆。°✩ relationship tag(s): #🩵💚holo [beautiful darling ship tag], #🧊🌨️ice princess [beautiful darling ship tag], #🖤💚hwalo [the dark knight ship tag], #🍰🗡️dark knight [the dark knight ship tag], #💍engaged to tall dark and handsome [hwalo engagement tag]
⋆。°✩ friend tag(s):
⋆。°✩ family tag(s):
⋆。°✩ music tag(s):
⋆。°✩ inspo tag(s):
⋆。°✩ other tag(s):
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faceclaim: @/remingtonleith on ig
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earlgreydream · 2 years
October 1st: spanking / breathplay with Loki
cw: d/s, spanking, choking, overstimulation, nothing too wild
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“you’ve been so naughty,” he purred, an arm snaking around your waist, pulling you to his chest.
“I haven’t,” you lamely defended yourself, squirming in his grip as his hand dipped into your jeans.
“so, this rumor I hear about you getting yourself off while I’m gone on missions isn’t true?” Loki questioned, already having seen Jarvis’ footage of your indiscretions while the avengers were out saving the world.
he smirked when you froze against him, realizing your misbehavior had been caught. loki’s laugh made you shudder, his slender hand squeezing your throat, just lightly, enough to remind you of his unwavering authority.
“we’ve got a meeting. be polite to the others and for gods sakes, behave, little minx,” Loki commanded, releasing you before leading you into one of the many conference rooms in stark tower.
you greeted the others who said hello to you, taking a seat beside Loki, anxiety buzzing all the way to your fingertips as you were forced to sit in dread of your fate. he wasn’t one to let anything slide, and by the way his hands flexed as he crossed his arms, you knew he was displeased with you, and itching to do something about it.
you hated sitting still during the meeting, having to pretend to pay attention to Stark as he rambled on about nothing that seemed important when you were awaiting what was looking to be a very painful evening.
the meeting dragged on, making your dread that much more miserable, to the point you were squirming beside loki until he placed a warning hand on your thigh.
"settle down," he whispered, affectionately squeezing your leg before returning his focus back to the meeting.
by the time you were sulking back to your suite, Loki practically pushed you inside with a hand on your back.
"tell me darling, are you sorry at all for breaking the rules?"
"very sorry, i won't ever do it again," you swore, trying to pull loki into a kiss, despite both of you knowing that you were lying through your teeth.
"you're quite the brat," loki mused, squeezing your throat, pinning your frame to the wall with his, keeping you right on the edge of his golden stars dancing in your vision.
his knee was pushed between your thighs, his other hand making you come on his fingers as he restricted the oxygen from your lungs, letting you feel lightheaded, held up only by his strong grip on you.
"too much," you whined weakly, squirming against his hand as he fingered you past the point of orgasm, until the sensitivity grew painful and you were begging him to stop.
"oh come on, i thought you wanted to get off so bad?"
"i'm sorry, i swear," you pleaded, desperately wanting your punishment to be over, forgetting his earlier promise as he dragged you over his knee.
with a snap of his fingers, your wrists were bound in front of you, your clothes magically vanished with Loki's magic. a pathetic whimper escaped your lips when a leather flogger came down against your thighs, the sting leaving you jolting forward. he knew you hated it, so different from the way he spanked you during foreplay, with his palm before dipping between your thighs to help along your excitement.
this hurt. this was loki being mean. tiny licks of pain bit across your soft skin as he swat you harder, welts quickly raising to the surface. despite knowing loki rewarded you for not crying, tears spilled down your cheeks as he struck you with a force harder than before.
begging wouldn't help you, so you resigned yourself to burying your face in his silk-clothed thigh to muffle your cries as your ass stung like fire.
“Loki, I’ve had enough, please,” your nails dug into his ankle, wincing every time his paddle — which was worse on top of the pain — burned your skin.
he hushed you, gentle fingertips tracing over the welts and bruises, admiring his work as you collected yourself, trying to squirm onto his lap, whining for him to hold you.
Loki laid back with you on top of him, his thumbs brushing heavy tears off of your cheeks, encouraging you to be quiet and relax as he slowly filled you, giving you a little bit of pleasure to cut through the pain.
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starandcloud · 1 year
MCU Loki Headcannons
Uses all pronouns
His favorite season, he likes the delicate balance of "Will I burn or will I freeze?" of Earth
He loves to read those romance books with Gods and Goddess, not cause he wants to be put into the shoes of the MC but because he enjoys pointing out things wrong with the book. Fucking nit-pick
He really likes the wooded mountain sides, it feels like home
His favorite way to waste time is by fucking with people. Whether its a huge prank or a small one, he enjoys it Chaotic lil fuck
Dark Pop, Lo-Fi, Sing-Alongs, Ballet, Country, Dubstep, Pop, Rap, Hip-Hop, Pagan Metal, Viking Metal, Folk Metal, Pop-rock, Dance pop, Pop punk. All somehow fit in his playlists
He has small scars above, and below, his lips from when the dwarves sewed his lips shut for lying to them. A few smaller scars litter his skin, playful kids and one to many tumbles earned him his fair share of scars
When Loki becomes nervous he pick at his nails and cheeks on the inside of his cheeks
I can see him having ADHD, so they have a lot of soothing techniques. Like covering a sheet of paper with her favorite words or shape. Just Loki things
When they have nightmares, they tend to just walk the nerves and stress off
He has a fair share of collectibles from his devotees. Things that don't spoil are his favorite
Loki's most prized possession is a little, wittled, wooden horse a devotee gave him
They do this thing when they have to do something special. He fiddles with a small bottle of sand (shaking it three times) and then takes a hot bath. He says it "Melts away the nerves"
Rainy days he's either out in the rain, playing in it like a child OR bundled up in blankets by the fire. No in between
MASSIVE "doodler". His doodles are more of actual art pieces and he does write poetry, but not that often. It takes more brain power
This bitch starfish sleeps. Leg over there arm over his face one leg off the bed other arm under him chaotic sleeper, you cannot share a bed with him.
Loki hugs... protectively. Like he'll have both arms around your waist holding you close OR they'll have one arm around your waist and the other crossed over your back so his hand in almost on your shoulder
He's naturally flirty with everyone, but he's more-so with someone he genuinely likes. He'll leave everyone gifts and do small things around HQ to make peoples lives easier. EX: If Natasha's favorite cup was on the highest shelf *cough* Thor *Cough cough*
Loki would be able to finish a fucking project. Whether it's a small one or a huge one, he just doesn't have the attention span and/or patience to finish a project
If he found out he only had a day left to live, he'd keep is a secret. He wouldn't tell anyone and would spend the day making other's day happier, he'd spend the day at the park or just doing little things he enjoys or things he's always wanted to do. Like pottery or painting
Their spirit animal is a black cat or a white snake
He's definitely a Slytherin with Hufflepuff traits
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theangrykimchi · 7 months
Nice choice Anon! I hope you will enjoy this ficlet 😘
Also, to everyone:
I promise I haven't forgotten about these prompts, they are constantly on my mind, but it's uni finals for me right now and I barely have enough energy to study for my constant slew of exams as is🥲
Read on AO3
Thor was suddenly knocked back against the wall, gasping in surprise more than pain as the cobalt blue figure of Loki Laufeyson stood before him. Seething. Having accosted him as Thor was making his way back to his chambers.
“How dare you undermine me in front of the entire council,” Loki spat between clenched teeth. He looked beautiful and fierce, his body drawn tight in his anger, ready to strike like a snake—oh, did Thor love snakes.
Thor shook his head, trying to clear it a little, trying to hold back his smile. He wasn't successful in either.
“What are you smiling about?”
“I didn't undermine you, Loki,” Thor said, placatingly, “I simply didn't think you were being entirely honest of your intentions.”
“How would you even know, Odinson?” Loki said, his eyes burning with ire.
Thor laughed.
“You are so pretty when you're angry,” he said. “Still, beauty will get you nowhere in rebuilding that frozen realm of yours.”
Loki's expression changed between anger, shock and then anger again and, with a snarl he pushed Thor back again, making him knock his head against the gilded wall. Thor snarled and grabbed Loki by the front of his dark tunic, pulling him close until their noses touched.
“I could have you beheaded for this,” Thor threatened, but Loki's stance didn't falter. Instead, Thor felt the sharp edge of a dagger pressing under his jaw, too close to his throat.
“And I could have you dead in an instant, Your Majesty,” Loki drawled, a malicious smirk spreading against his face.
Thor gripped the Jotun Prince’s tunic tighter, pulling him in until they shared breath, their lips touching in a facsimile of a kiss.
“Do it. I dare you, little Prince,” he prompted, gripping at Loki's hip, smiling when Loki pushed forward against him, pressing their bodies together.
“You're insufferable,” Loki spat, like so many times before, closing the meager distance that separated their mouths in a biting kiss that bruised more than it conveyed anything else.
The dagger fell with a clang on the marble floor and Loki gasped when Thor pulled at his ebony hair, his nails raked under Thor's bare arms and before long Thor could taste blood in their mouths, his tongue stinging where it had scraped itself against Loki's sharp teeth. Loki smiled into their kiss, feral, driven by lust and anger as Thor gabbed at his waist and changed their positions, pressing Loki against the wall before tearing at his clothes.
“You're a beast, Allfather, how uncomely of you,” Loki mocked but still writhed his body this way and that to help Thor undress him, both of them uncaring of where they were.
“You make me one.”
Loki's laugh, mean and proud, rang under the corridor as Thor bit down hard on one blue shoulder.
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november-rayne · 1 year
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A/N: Loki faces the immediate consequences of his decision to flee from his responsibilities.
Word Count: 1100
Rating: Mature
Tags: Sick Loki, Epic hangover, Thor being a good brother
Chapter Index
*This story is for mature audiences only.* 18+ *Minors DNI*
Loki awoke to Thor slapping his face. “Wake up, you useless ass! I have let you sleep for as long as I could.”  Thor gave his cheeks a couple more slaps for good measure. “Wake up! It is time to start getting ready.”  Thor grabbed Loki’s wrists and swiftly pulled him to a sitting position.
He was in his bed back at the palace. Servants were bustling around the room, entering, and exiting the bathroom, cleaning, dusting, and fretting to get his apartment back in order. Loki watched the movement for a moment when his stomach suddenly lurched. He had no time to react before he vomited over the side of the bed, narrowly missing Thor’s boots.
“Fuck! Loki!” Thor quickly went to the other side of the bed and pulled him away from the putrid mess. “Loki! I need you to cooperate with me here.  Our parents are on their way. They will throttle me for letting you get this bad. I was supposed to be keeping an eye on you. You are going to get me into so much trouble!”
“Kill me. Put me out of my misery. Death would be a welcome relief. Oh…” Loki dropped his head into his hands.
“Don’t think I haven’t considered it. Get up! You need to bathe and dress. We may get away with this if we can keep you upright for the next couple of hours.”
“Can’t…  cannot move… dying.“ Loki squeezed his eyes closed and laid back down on the bed. “Tell Mother I am ill. Tell her it came on suddenly. Bring me some ale; it will make me feel better.”
“And Mother will send for the healers, and they will tell her you are not ill but drowning in your cups. What then, genius?” Thor pulled Loki up to sit again.
“Drink this!” Thor commanded, shoving a cup into his hand. He took a tentative sip and grimaced.
“What the bloody Hel is this?” he snarled, glaring down at the cup.
“It is water, you idiot! Drink!”
“The bath is ready, Your Highness,” a maid announced from the ensuite doorway.
“I can’t believe I am doing this.”  Thor pulled Loki to his feet and slung one arm around his waist. “Can you walk? Lean on me.”  He led him to the bathroom.
“I want him shining like a diamond. Wash his hair, trim his nails, and scrub him raw. And do it quickly. We do not have much time.”
“Yes, Your Highness,” the maids responded in unison and set to work.
When he emerged from the bathroom an hour later, his rooms were fresh, clean, and calm. Only Thor remained; Loki heard him pacing in the sitting room.
He stopped in the bedroom to admire his reflection in the full-length mirror next to his wardrobe. He was given black leather trousers and a heavy black tunic with gold and green patterns embroidered on the sleeves. He wore a wide, black leather belt with a large gold buckle and scabbard decorated with gold and green serpents twinning around the outside. A forest green cape hung from his shoulders, secured by two gold clasps shaped like snakes.
Loki thought this was the finest ensemble he had ever worn.
He bristled when his gaze finally landed on his face. His cheeks and eyes were sunken, his skin had a corpse-like grey tint, and the dark purple rings under his eyes were pronounced. His lips were chapped and flakey. His usually pretty eyes were lifeless and bloodshot.
He pushed aside the high neck of the tunic to see the bites and scratches that trailed down the slim column of his neck. His hair looked thin and dull as it hung just above his shoulders. At least it is clean, he thought.
The seiðr was all but exhausted from his body. He was healing at a snail’s pace. He needed a warm meal and a good night’s sleep. He could not recall the last time he had eaten food or much else after receiving his mother’s first message.
‘I meet my wife today.’ Loki’s stomach lurched. The mixture of nerves and an epic hangover threatened to do him in at any moment. He raked a hand over his face. He took a few deep breaths and squeezed his eyes closed while he waited for the nausea to pass. He could not recall a time when he felt worse. He would be expected to be charming, regal, and handsome in just a few minutes as he publicly met his betrothed in front of the entire realm.
He flashed himself his most devastating smile and immediately cringed. He shook his head and raked his hand over his face again. A stranger was staring back at him in the mirror.
‘What have I done to myself?’  he thought. ‘The girl will run screaming back to the countryside. Perhaps she will refuse the marriage after getting a good look at me.’
He did his best to stride confidently from his bedroom, but the sudden demand for his body to move made him lightheaded, and he slammed into the doorframe with a thud.
Thor, pacing in front of the fireplace, jumped at the sound. “Norns, Loki!”  He rushed to his brother’s side.
“I cannot do this today.” Loki rested his head on his forearm and pressed into the doorway.
“There is no choice! The entire palace, minus the two of us, is at the gate. All the realm has been invited to watch as Asgard welcomes the future princess! You could say it is kind of a big deal. Now,” Thor mimicked Loki’s hand gestures up and down his body, “seiðr yourself an illusion to make yourself look less… dead.”
“But if only I could, Brother.”  Loki’s normally velvet-smooth voice came out croaky. “My seiðr is dim. I could not summon an illusion if my life depended on it. If only I could rest. If only I had more time.”
Thor’s face softened, and he placed one big hand on Loki’s shoulder. “Time is the only thing we do not have now, baby brother. We must get moving. Half dead or not, you will meet your future this day.”
That is all it took for Loki’s stomach to lurch again. Thor noticed his face change color and quickly grabbed the waste bin next to Loki’s writing desk and thrust it under his face just in time.
Loki retched. He heaved and heaved even after all the contents of his stomach were long gone. Thor grabbed a towel from the bathroom and wiped the sweat beading on his brother’s forehead. “Mother and Father will be murderous. We are both dead men walking.”
Previous Chapter - Next Chapter
Tag List: @gigglingtiggerv2 @chantsdemarins @superficialdomina @lokischambermaid @lokisgoodgirl @acidcasualties @muddyorbsblr @smolvenger @trickster-maiden @simone818283
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michelleleewise · 2 years
Loki's Di-llama 🦙🦙🦙
Pairing: Eventual Loki x Reader but right now he thinks she's a stinky mess and she thinks he's a hot jerk. Together they're a hot mess.
Warnings: Some innuendos and euphemisms about what Loki is packing down under and the effect it may have on some people, also attempted poisoning, mild swearing, yelling.
Summary: In the land of Asgard, King Loki is selfish and vain. His arrogance causes others to plot against him. When he's turned into a llama, will humble peasant Y/N help Loki even though he plans to knock down her beloved village and build...a closet for his clothes?!
A/N: I loved this idea so so much and had to take it to the lovely @xorpsbane to coauthor!! I'm so excited to write this with her and share it with you all!!! *giddy laughing* she will be penning the next part! Also, I wanted to include that our wonderful himbo Thor's shoulder angel was inspired by the lovely @lokisgoodgirl Steve from her wonderful Satchel Steve tales! Definitely go check it out HERE!!! It is beeeeyond amazing!!! 💚💚😁😁
Part one -- Part two-
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"He can't get rid of me that easy!" Hela yelled, slamming the hammer down on a bust of Loki "who does that little brat think he is?" She yelled again, Thor placing another bust on the stool standing back. "Does he have any idea.." She said smashing the bust "who he's dealing with!?" She yelled again pacing back and forth. Thor placed another bust down "Well, it's good your taking it out on these instead of the real Loki." He said smiling. "Thor! Your a genius!" She yelled running up to him "i..I am?" He asked scratching his head. "To the secret lab!" She said waving her hand, Thor following behind her.
She walked up to a statue of a gargoyle holding two staffs "pull the lever Thor!" She said as Thor grabbed the one on the right, triggering a trap door "wrong leveeeeerrrrr." She called out as Thor looked down "woops." He said biting his nails. Suddenly the door opened revealing Hela soaking wet "Why do we even have that lever?" She asked stomping over "move you oaf." She said pulling the other lever triggering another trap door the two landed in a small cart as it slowly slid forward "weeee!" Thor yelled as it twisted and turned finally landing at the bottom. Hela walked over to the worktable covered in vials and beakers "now, let me see. Ah! I've got it! I could turn him into a snake, a harmless little snake....and then I'll put him in a box...and put that box into another box...and then I'll mail it to myself and when it arrives.." She started laughing maniacly "I'll smash it with your hammer!" She said rubbing her hands together.
"With Loki out of the way and no heir I'll take over....it's brilliant!" She said laughing. "But....you were fired." Thor said looking at her. "Only three people know about that....soon two." She smiled. "Am I one of the two?" He asked as Hela stared at him. "Are you sure you weren't dropped when we were children?" She asked. "I dunno." He said waving his hand knocking a vial over, the contents landing on a plant killing it instantly. "Hmm....I could instead poison him with this!" She said holding a beaker of green liquid. "Here, hold it Thor....feel the power." She said handing it to him "oh...I feel it." He said rubbing the glass. "It's...dinnertime!" She said laughing menacingly.
*cut to Thor lighting candles on the table.
"Is everything ready for tonight?" Hela asked smoothing out the front of her long black dress, fixing her headdress. "Yes! I found the recipe for these pastries that pop up when you cook them...I'm calling them.....pop tarts." He said smiling. "Uh..huh..." She said looking at him. "And the....you know..." She said winking "ooooooh the poison....the poison for Loki.....the poison chosen specifically to kill Loki....Loki's poison." He said staring at her "that poison?" He asked "yes you oaf that poison!" She snapped "I got you." He said winking pulling the vial out of his pocket. "You put it in his drink, and ill propose a toast and he'll be dead before desert." She smiled "which is sad because it's going to be delicious." He said looking down.
She was about to say something when the door flung open "don't worry, I have arrived." Loki said stalking inside, leaving a trail of panties in his wake. "Where's the food, I'm one hungry king of the world." He said plopping down in the chair "Thor, get the king something to drink." She said smiling "drink.....riiiiiiiight." he said winking running off to the bar. "So sis, what are you gonna do? I mean...you've been around a long time, I mean a looooong time." He said admiring his nails "are you sure someone of your....age can adjust to regular life?" He asked smiling "oh, I'm sure I'll make due...where's the kings drink Thor?" She asked gritting her teeth. "Coming right up." He said, adding the poison making a green cloud puff above him.
He walked over with three glasses on the tray "your drink....your highness." He said turning the tray "is something on fire?" Loki asked sniffing the air "aahh...my poptarts!" He yelled running off. Loki and Hela stared at eachother awkwardly waiting for Thor to return as Loki played with his fork when Thor came back holding a tray of pastries. "It's ok! I saved them" He said smiling "Good job big guy." Loki said smiling. "Thor, I think the king needs his drink now." Hela said "oh, riiiiiiiight." He winked. Walking to the tray he couldn't remember which was which "one second." Thor said going back to the bar he poured them all together stirring it before pouring each glass again, setting the tray on the table "a toast, to the king." Hela said holding up her glass "Long live Loki." She said as Loki downed his drink Thor looked at Hela whisper coughing "dont...drink...wine....poisoned." He said sticking his tongue out.
"Mmmm.....yummy." Loki said setting his glass down "now, what were we..." he started when he face planted onto his plate. "Finally, now.." She started when Loki sat back up "what were we saying?" He asked as Thor and Hela stared in horror "w..we were making a toast." She stared when two long ears sprouted from Loki's head "to your long and.." She stared seeing his neck lengthen "h..h..healthy rule." She smiled "oh, that's right...hey Thor, could you refill me?" Loki asked smiling, his nose jutting out, buck teeth sticking out "umm sure." He said looking at Hela as she brought her fist to her hand "hit him on the head." She whispered through gritted teeth. "Now, where's that food." Loki said rubbing his hands together as they turned into....hooves. Thor crept up behind him hitting him in the head with the tray knocking him out.
"A LLAMA! HE SUPPOSED TO BE DEAD!" She yelled "yeah, that's kinda weird" Thor said scratching his head "Let me see the bottle." Thor handed it to her, she peeled back the label "this isn't poison, it's extract of....Llama!" She groaned throwing the bottle at Thor. "Well honeslty all your poisons look the same, you really should organize them better." He said. "Take him out and finish this now!" She yelled "what about dinner?" He asked "seriously!? We need to take care of this before someone sees." She said rubbing her temples. "How about dessert?" He asked "well.....I supposed that wouldn't hurt." She said "and then finish this." She said storming off.
*cut to Thor sneaking across the palace with a large bag of Loki..
Guess where I am...yup, in the bag. Still think I'm not the victim in all this! All I did was be incredibly good looking, talented, and have a very large...purpose. but just wait....it gets better......
Thor stalked down the stairs, humming to himself as he came up to the canal that ran down the mountain, smiling as he tossed the bag over. "Welp, mission accomplished" He said smiling
"Heckers, your not just gonna let him die are you?" He heard "Oh, my shoulder angel." Thor said looking at the tiny blonde man in a white toga
"dude, don't listen to him, he's trying to lead you down the path of righteousness." He heard, seeing another tiny man with long dark hair and a shiny metal arm on his other shoulder "imma lead you down the path that rocks." He said fist pumping
"Jeepers, would you just not." His angel said
"pff..listen up punk, I'll give you three reasons to just walk away, one...look at that guy, he has that sissy little purse thing." His devil said
"we've been through this, it's a satchel...and you know it bucky!" The angel said
"oh right stevie, that's a satchel, and that's a dress." The devil said
"it's a robe you barbarian." The angel said. "Reason two...look what I can do.." the devil said jumping down doing a handstand with his metal arm
"What does that have to do with.." Thor started "no..he's got a point." The angel said watching intently. "Look, I don't need this, just..begone..or however I make you go away." He said as they both vanished. Thor watched as the bag got closer to the cliff, running towards it he jumped out, grabbing just as it was about to go over.
Running through the palace he chewed on his lip "come on Thor think, what do I do...what do I.." he started down the stairs stepping on a cats tail "sorry little fella, I didn't hurt...." he started when the cat hissed launching himself at Thor's face, turning into a whirling dervish of hair and claws as Thor cried out dropping the bag. "Unhand me you demon." He yelled trying to pull the cat from his face, missteping he tumbled down the stairs with the cat latched onto his face. Landing at the bottom with a thud he looked up seeing the bag on a cart being pulled by a young woman. "Miss...miss wait!" He called out prying the cat from his face he looked up seeing the woman gone in the crowd of people. "Uh oh...I hope that doesn't come back to bite me." He said biting his nails.
*cut again to y/n pulling the cart up to the village..
"What am I gonna tell everyone?" You asked the llama pulling the cart, seeing it stare off into the distance "good talk." You said sighing guiding him up the hill. "Y/n, your home! How was the trip? What did the king want?" Natasha asked "hey sis, he....couldn't see me." You said rubbing your arm "seriously? What an ass! You walked all the way there and he couldn't see you?" She asked crossing her arms "yeah...I guess so. Something about organizing his panties or something." You said "if I were you, I'd go give him a piece of my mind! King or not you don't need to be a jerk." She said stomping inside "yeah..." She sighed looking down. "You ok y/n?" Nat asked "yeah...I'm just gonna go put Oliver away." You said guiding the llama to the stable behind the house. You sat on a log next to the little pond, trying to memorize it as it may be one of the last times you'll see it...
Hey! Two seconds....Remember me? I'm the one unconscious in the cart....this story is about me...not her....good? Ok....moving on....
You got up walking back to the house when you heard a groan coming from the back of the cart, seeing a bag shifting around. "What the.." you said. Untying the bag you saw a a dazed black and orange llama. "Oh, hey little guy...are you ok?" You asked rubbing it's head. "Nooo....touchie...." it said making your scream "DEMON LLAMA!" You yelled jumping back "what..demon llama...where..." it said looking at your llama it screamed and tried running away but tripped and rolled hitting the wall "Uuuugghhhh." It said laying there. "It's ok demon llama, just calm down.." you said inching forward "what are you..wait! I know you..your that dirty smelly peasant girl who didn't want to kneel" He said sitting up. You stared in shock "k..king Loki?" You asked staring.
"Uh yeah...duh, has the fifth affected your brain as well?" He snarked "well you..you don't look like the king." You said walking closer. "What nonsense are you talking about?" He asked. "Um, well...do this." You said wiggling your fingers. He rolled his eyes lifting his hoof "what is this, some stupid game you peasants play.." he stopped seeing the hooves "wait..how.." he said looking around he ran to the pond screaming seeing his reflection "aaahh my face! My beautiful gorgeous face! I'm an ugly stinky llama!!" He yelled leaning against the wall crying "i have llama face!" He cried kicking his hooves. "Calm down..how did this happen?" You asked crouching down.
"I dont know ok.." he said trying to stand up, faceplanting on the ground. "I..I don't remember..i..wait!" He said turning around "You! I remember you, and telling you I was building my new closet where your house is and you...YOU TURNED ME INTO A LLAMA!" He yelled siting up "what!? Why.." you tried "and then you kidnapped me so I couldn't knock your house down!" He yelled "why would I kidnap a llama?" You asked crossing your arms "Hey, your the mastermind here...not me." He said grabbing the fence post "wait, that's giving you entirely too much credit." He said trying to walk.
"I have to get back to the palace, Hela has that "secret lab", I'll just order her to change me back" he said smiling "smelly peasant girl, I order you to take me back." He said standing up. You thought for a second looking at him "no.." you said sternly. I beg your pardon?" He asked glaring at you "I can't let you go back unless you build your "closet" somewhere else." You said fidgeting with your hands. "Hmm..come here." He said as you walked closer "closer.." he said. Coming face to face with him "wait, back up.." he said holding his nose "You really do assault the senses...anyway...I DONT MAKE DEALS WITH PEASENTS!" He yelled making you jump.
"Well then, I can't take you back." You said glaring at him. "Whatever...I don't need some whiny peasent anyway, I'll find my own way." He said walking towards the forest. "I wouldn't recommend that! It's pretty dangerous if you don't know your way." You said as he sauntered off "I mean it! There are jaguars, and snakes, and man eating plants!" You yelled "I'm not liiiiistening.." he sing songed continuing down the path. "FINE! GO AHEAD!..no Loki, no closet....doesn't bother me one bit." You said crossing your arms. You looked down the now empty path sighing "Dammit!" You yelled, following after him......
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daisybell17 · 11 months
day 89: Loki Season Finale
I write daily entries but today is an exception because im going to ramble about loki (ok besides getting taylor swift tickets today)
Something about this ending has left a sore ache in my chest (i literally had to leave the room because i watched with my mom)
As O.B. puts it best, it’s like a snake eating its own tail. Loki is burdened with glorious purpose…THIS was that, this NEEDED to happen, yes even Sylvie killing He Who Remains NEEDED to happen. i hope others agree with me when i say that i do NOT want a season 3, what would it even be about? THIS was the ending. Loki being Yggdrasil, him seeing, holding this role, this responsibility, is such an amazing end to a character that has had go grown and change,
mature and fulfil his glorious purpose…and can we talk about how Loki heard Mobius? he’s watching over the people he loves, the “who” in the equation, even if we did not get lokius…i’d like to think Loki watches over Mobius especially…there is a special place in Loki’s heart for him AND his friends
If anyone told 2012 avengers obsessed me that this is what Loki would turn out to be? i’d probably call you insane, something inside me both broke and healed from this ending
I have never loved a character as much as him in my entire life and to see that this is where his
story concludes? it’s a bittersweet ending that leaves you wanting more, but when you ask yourself what else do you want from this…it’s kind of hard to answer.
I still cannot articulate everything i feel, ngl i wand to cry my eyes out but my family is here
god…what a show. what a character. i love loki so much…and I LOVE TOM HIDDLESTON THIS MAN IS THE DEFINITION OF PERFECTION AND TALENT
and with that…this might be it, and i’m alright with that.
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