#loki dad fluff
ashdreams2023 · 3 months
Hey there! I was wondering if I could request a cute little Loki x reader oneshot where Loki and reader just has a baby together and Loki is kinda like showing off how cute their baby is and how proud of reader he is??🙃 and maybe he’s like bragging and reader is kinda eavesdropping and giggling?
thank you :D
Daddy’s girl
Loki never thought he could be any happier after being with you but to his utter surprise everything changed when you gave birth to the bundle of joy.
He caressed the soft chubby cheek of his baby girl, she was curiously watching him with her big green eyes, a trait he was very proud of passing off but still very pleased that everything else came from your side.
She had just woken up from her nap, not hungry and her diaper just changed, enjoying the attention her daddy was giving her.
"Aren’t you the most gorgeous being I have ever seen" he kissed her forehead and walked out to the area where everyone was waiting to meet the new little princess.
Wanda hurried to be the first to hold her and squealed happily at the awaken baby "Oh great heavens she looks beautiful, the most precious little thing"
The other surrounded Wanda to take a look at the little girl, Loki felt a heave pang of pride as he heard everyone complement his baby.
His little one, the one you graced him of bringing to this world.
"She takes after her mother, a beautiful strong and delicate flower she will grow up to be"
The baby girl cooed at the many people staring at her adoringly, clearly enjoying all the attention and being the center of everyone’s conversation.
"And this right here is all you Loki, attention seeker" Natasha chuckled.
Loki grinned mischievously "And doing it with the most adorable little face, what can I say? She’s her daddy’s girl"
"Oh my god let’s hope you don’t inherit your daddy’s mischief behavior now" Wanda booped the baby’s nose.
The baby girl smiled softly, showing her little dimples, everyone awed at the sight before handing her back to Loki.
He looked adoringly down at her "I’m so happy you are finally here my little princess, my dove did a wonderful job of taking care of you inside her, I’m so proud and I hope you know, you will be loved to bits just like your dear mother" he whispered to his baby, unknowingly to him that you were standing near the doorway, hearing everyone word and clenching your chest in pure bliss with the stupidest grin on your face.
And maybe just maybe when time is right you’ll let him live the same feeling again, but for now, he can enjoying showing off your baby and dotting on you till you get sick of it.
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vbecker10 · 5 months
Loki's Silent Sentry (Part 5)
Part 6 / Part 7
Pairing: Loki x female reader (y/n)
Summary: You are not just a soldier in Asgard's Royal Army, you are Lieutenant Y/L/N, Prince Loki's personal guard, his sentry and you are not supposed to fall in love with him. If you followed your training properly, you should never have even spoken to him. As a sentry, you are expected to remain silent and invisible as you shadow your appointed member of the royal family or member of the court protectively throughout their daily tasks.
Rumors (that happen to be true) begin to circulate through the palace that you serve the younger prince of Asgard both outside and inside his chambers. There is little you can do once word of your off duty activities spread through every maid, cook, gardener and seamstress in the palace. You soon find even the soldiers in your own company are now questioning how exactly you had come to earn your seemingly quick rise to lieutenant.
As the annual Winter Solstice Ball approaches, you come to the heartbreaking realization that your relationship with Loki must come to an end if you are both to fulfill your duties.
Warnings: Angst, arguing, Thor trying to be a better brother, Odin being a terrible father... I lied about the fluff... it's not in this part lol but it's coming I swear 💚
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The throne room erupts at Thor's revelation, some council members shout questions at Odin and Thor while others speak to the people nearest them to find out what they know. You can barely hear yourself think as Odin demands quiet but is ignored. He is quickly losing control of the council but that is the least of your worries at the moment.
The raised voices fade into the background as you look to Loki, your heart breaks at how lost he appears. His hand slips from yours and he slowly takes a step backwards, then another as he distances himself from his father, his head shaking lightly.
"Council!" the queen calls to get their attention but they are too concerned with their own conversations to hear her.
She waves her hands towards the doors at the back of the room and a golden glow slams then open. The throne room becomes eerily silent in an instant and the guards who had been standing watch outside rush in.
She walks down the steps from the throne having regained her composure, "I'm afraid I must insist the council leaves the throne room at once. I find I need to speak with my husband," her eyes fall to Odin, "and my sons." She adds as she looks at Thor with a heavy mixture of disappointment and anger.
The members of the council begin to file out of the throne room, their conversations continuing in earnest even as they exit.
You ignore everyone moving and talking around you, you can only think about Loki. You put one arm around his waist, your hand on his back, while your other hand gently touches his cheek. You tilt his head so he is looking towards you but his eyes are unfocused as if he is lost in thought.
"Loki," you say quietly but he doesn't seem to hear you. His arms hang loosely at his sides instead of responding to your touch.
"Loki," you say again, a bit louder but not enough to startle him. You need him to come back to you.
"They've used me," he says but not directly to you, more as if he is thinking out loud. "My father and my brother..." he pauses, his eyes finally focusing on you. "I can't lose you," he tells you in a low voice. "I won't."
You move your hand up his cheek to wipe a single tear away, "It's going to be ok." You barely believe your own words but you can't bear to tell him anything else. You fight back a wave of nausea as the knowledge that Loki will be forced to marry another woman truly begins to sinks in.
Pulling away slightly you look towards the queen, worried she will make you leave when Loki needs you the most. She can clearly see the concern in your eyes and without needing to ask she says, "You may stay."
You don't miss the disapproving look from Odin but your fear of him continues to lessen as your hatred for him rises. You nod in thanks Frigga and take Loki's hand to pull him closer to his mother as the guards close the doors.
For the second time, you are left alone with the royal family while they argue over the validity and fate of your relationship with Loki.
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Thor stands between his mother and father, you and Loki face them, your hand still holding his. Loki looks from his father to you and you lean towards him to whisper, "I love you." At your words his eyes suddenly shift from dull and distant to alight with fury.
He pulls his hand free from yours and clenches his fists tightly as his focus finds his father. "When were you planning on telling me you had used me as a pawn in one of your political games? On my wedding night?" Loki asks Odin as he takes a step towards the king.
"When the time was right," he answers as if Loki's frustration means nothing to him and you fear it might not.
"The right time would have been when you and my oaf of a brother were conspiring to make this preposterous deal," Loki snaps as he looks from his father to his older brother. "It certainly is not after."
"There was no need for you to be involved in our discussion," the king states and you can feel your anger building, matching Loki's. "We arranged your marriage, not as your father and brother, but as the reigning king and heir to the throne," Odin adds.
You scoff, "You say that as if it makes this betrayal any less painful."
The king glares at you. "Why are you still here soldier? You are no longer relevant to this conversation," he says dismissively.
"Do not treat her as if she means nothing," Loki defends you. He takes your hand protectively and you hold his arm with your other hand. "She is one of the few people on Asgard who actually cares about me and my happiness."
"And that is the issue," the king counters. "You are far too concerned with being happy," he says almost as if he doesn't understand the concept.
"Your duty is to the throne, to protect and serve the realm, not to do as you wish. You have responsibilities as a prince, even if you are not the heir and you cannot throw them away for this," he waves his hand towards you much like he did when addressing you after the ball.
"This is why you despise Y/N so much," Loki says slowly as he comes to this sudden realization. "It is not because she is a soldier or because she isn't from some wealthy family," he says.
He looks at you as he continues, a faint smile on his lips, "It is because she makes me happy and that means you can't control me as you once could. My love for her is what brought about all of my questions regarding marriage law in the first place."
He looks back at Odin, "Without her, I would have simply obeyed your command to marry the woman you chose because I would have had no cause to think there was another choice."
"You will marry the woman I have selected because you do not have a choice," the king threatens.
"That might not necessarily be true," Thor says but before he can explain, Odin's look silences him.
You feel the smallest ray of hope and cling to Loki as he puts his arm around your waist.
"What do you mean?" you ask Thor, "Is there-"
"You will be quiet," Odin practically growls at you but you stand your ground.
You are done being scared of him. He may be the king and you owe him your allegiance but you don't deserve to be spoken to this way. You open your mouth to tell him so but the queen speaks first.
"You will not speak to her as if she is some common prisoner you can terrorize into obeying your orders," the queen demands. "She is as much a part of this conversation as anyone else in this room."
You close your mouth slowly and blink in shock as the queen defends you. Odin goes still but you can see he is seething. She smiles at you almost in spite of her husband and says, "What was your question?"
You swallow and look at Loki who nods encouragingly for you to continue. "I don't understand what Prince Thor meant when he said that might not be true? Is there something we can do to stop Loki from being forced into this marriage?" you ask, desperate for even the possibility of good news.
"The arrangement clearly hasn't been sealed by the council," the queen says and Loki smiles in response, pulling you close.
"I don't know what that means," you admit but you can tell by Loki's expression that it is the answer you were hoping for. You know know military procedures and protocol like the back of your hand but royal marriage law was not something you were familiar with.
"There is a reason these types of contracts are no longer made in secret," the queen begins to explain. "In the old days, the sons and daughters of the king and high court were treated as any other good to be traded. Their fates were in the hands of a few old men who stared at maps to redivide land while drinking their fill of wine."
You can't help but wonder if the queen herself was given to Odin in such a way, it was hard to envision them ever having been a love match.
She continues, "In order to ensure these marriages were truly for the good of the realm as a whole and not just for the personal gain of the members involved, all arrangements must be made public and approved by the council, thus sealing them."
"But since the council obviously didn't know about this arrangement..." you say slowly.
"The marriage pack is not yet finalized," Loki finishes, his eyes full of the hope you feel.
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"I assume, based on the council's reaction, they will not be approving the arrangement," the queen says.
Thor look to his father to gauge his reaction then says, "They most likely will not. There was a reason we kept our discussion between ourselves and the woman's father."
"There are no other council members who are aware of this, or who the woman is?" Frigga asks.
Thor shakes his head as Odin folds his arms across his chest. The king looks as if he is moments from defeat and there is nothing else to be said.
"If that is the case, I deem the arrangement void," Loki's mother says and your heart skips a beat with excitement.
Loki pulls you into a tight hug at the news and you close your eyes as you press yourself against him. He runs his hand up and down your back and kisses the top of your head. You look up and smile but realize you cannot celebrate yet. He looks back at his parents but doesn't let go of you.
"I am glad this is settled but there is still the matter of the current marriage law," Loki reminds everyone, not that you could forget.
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"Loki," you say, your voice suddenly shaking. He looks down at you concerned and you tell him, "The king is still going to change the law so I can never be with you."
He shakes his head but you can't see a way around it. "That's what he was going to do before... before we found out about the arrangement," you remind him.
"There are two ways a law such as this can be changed," Loki explains to you. "The king has the authority to create laws but not on a whim or out of anger as he tried earlier. If the council doubts the validity of the ruling, they can challenge it."
You look away from Loki for a moment to see his father's reaction but he remains silent with his arms crossed. "What is the second way?" you ask, hoping it is better then the first choice.
"We call the council back and hold a vote," he says. "The king will be required to either accept or reject their decision," he says then he looks at his father, "But the last king who repeatedly overruled the council had a shortened reign, if i remember correctly."
"What will it be, father?" Thor asks and you hold your breath as Loki's arms keep you close.
He is quiet for a moment, obviously weighing his options. Change the law himself and risk the council challenging him or allow them to vote and hope they make the decision he prefers.
He sighs deeply, "Call the council to reassemble."
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The throne room fills with council members again as the king, queen and heir take their places atop the stairs of the throne. You and Loki stand together, his arm around your waist. The king holds up his hand for silence and the voices gradually fade.
"We have discussed the matter of Prince Loki's marriage arrangement," he states and the whispers begin again. "Silence," he calls and they comply so he can continue. "The agreement has been revoked, Prince Loki is no longer bound to it."
A few light cheers are heard from council members who were against it. You assume there is one angry person in the council, the father of the woman chosen by Odin. You don't care though, you are trying to remain cautiously optimistic about the last obstacle that remains ahead of you.
"And what of the change in marriage law for the second child in the royal family?" someone asks.
Thor steps forward, "We will hold a vote." You hold back a smile as Thor explains how the members are to cast their vote. Aye for upholding the existing law which would allow Loki to choose a wife based on the same criteria as any other council member and nay to revise the law to be identical to that of the heir.
While the members briefly discuss their opinions Loki leans down and whispers, "I love you. No matter the outcome, I promise I will be with you."
"I love you so much, Loki," you tell him. You hope he will be able to keep his promise but you are terrified that the vote may not be in your favor.
Odin clears his throat and the room goes silent again. "We will begin-" he starts but Loki interrupts him.
"If I may, father," he says calmly and Odin nods for him to continue. "I will not beg the council to vote the way I want them to but I do have one thing I need heard."
He looks at you and smiles then looks around the room. "If the council does not vote to uphold the current law and requires me to follow the same rules as the heir..." he pauses and your heart beats faster, "I will give up my title and status as a prince of Asgard."
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@soubi001 @michelleleewise @harlequin-hangout @ace-of-gay @xorpsbane @mochie85 @sheris532 @lokiswife-dark-fox-queen @kkdvkyya @animnerd @peaches1958 @peachyjinx @lokiandbuckysdoll @winterfrostlovetriangle @high-functioning-lokipath @winniewings @pics-and-fanfics @cabingrlandrandomcrap @icytrickster17 @lokisgoodgirl @mischief2sarawr @stupidthoughtsinwriting @mjsthrillernp @holdmytesseract @lulubelle814 @crimson25 @goblingirlsarah @janineb86 @chantsdemarins @simone818283 @tonystank8 @im-briana-stan @foxherder @chantsdemarins @catsladen @alexakeyloveloki @siconetribal @lokidokieokie @dragonmurray @honeydew3064 @malfoycassimalfoy @kneelingformyloki @realmamabear79 @n30n-f43 @huntress-artemiss @meowmeow-motherfucker
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mymelodymia · 10 months
HELLO, hope you're having a great day. can I request a loki x daughter reader (age 16) where she has many insecurities and worries and he realizes it and helps her? If this is a hard limit, please ignore it 💘
Here for you // Loki laufeyson x daughter reader
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Summary: loki comforts you after finding out your insecure :(
Warnings: insecurities, hating body, being mean to loki (kinda),
Age: 16
🩰˚˖𓍢ִ໋ ♡🎧✧˚.🎀༘⋆+•°+💕*°•+
You frowned as you lifted your shirt up slightly in front of your mirror. Turning to see your side profile. Staring at your stomach.
You thought no boys/girls would ever show interest in you if you looked like this. Although your body was completely normal for your age. Sighing as you felt a tear fall down your cheek.
You continued staring at your body, to which you hated, when your father, loki, suddenly burst through the door. Usually he'd knock and you'd have a second to jump into your bed and put on a fake smile. But you didn't this time.
You took in a sharp breath, whipping around to face him. With his eyebrows scrunched, he tilted his head in confusion as to what you were doing.
"Ww-What are you doing?" He asked as you felt your cheeks turn red. With your head downcast, you felt tears come to your eyes. You backed up slowly until you sat down on your bed.
Your father walked over and sat down next to you. placing his hand over yours in order to comfort you. "What were you doing darling?"
You sniffed before letting out a small sob, loki threw his arms around you as a reflex to this. You continued to sob into his chest for a while. He rocked you back and forth as ran his fingers through your dark wavy hair. Shushing you from time to time.
Eventually you calmed down. Pulling away from your father, you looked at him tearfully. He looked deep into your emerald green eyes before asking the question again.
"What were you doing?" He asked in a soft tone, his asgardian accent ringing in your ears. You took in a deep breath before confessing.
"I...really, hate the way i look." Loki looked surprised at this, brushing a strand of hair away from your face. "Why?"
"Im afraid that if im too fat I'll never get a partner...and if i dont loose some weight no boy/girl will love me..." you said sadly. Your father again, looked shocked at this.
"Y/n, darling, your not fat, your not even overweight in the slightest...did, someone tell you these lies?"
"No, not really i just...i want boys/girls to like me, and i just, I just dont like the way i look. Its ugly and-"
"I beg your pardon?" Loki interrupted, 'Ugly' he hated that word. "Tell me, why in the world you would think that?"
"I dont know! Okay!?" You shouted, "i dont know why i feel this way! Just go away!" You yelled in frustration. He placed a hand on your shoulder. Remaining calm as your mood switched quickly.
He sighed and pulled you close to him, you again started to sob into him. He pulled away from this gentle touch for a moment to lie down on his back, extending and arm to invite you in.
You rested your head on his chest as he held you close to him as you both continued to stare at the ceiling.
You allowed yourself to drift off in his arms, your chest rising and falling as you slept.
He had a maid draw you a warm bath when you awoke from your deep slumber. He also made you your favorite meal when you got out of the tub.
Over a few weeks, you felt at peace with your body, with your soul, with your mind.
🩰˚˖𓍢ִ໋ ♡🎧✧˚.🎀༘⋆+•°+💕*°•+
A/N: i hope you liked this loveeeeee! P. S, please ignore my inactivity lol
@animealways // @white-wolf-buckaroo // @tonystark-au // @yummyangy // @zebralover // @carellmcu // @mariasabanahabanabana //
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wheredafandomat · 1 year
Based on this ask that I accidentally lost 😭
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@lulubelle814 I hope you enjoy it!!
Meant to be
Loki x female reader
18+ | TW: Infertility and problems associated with that including miscarriage, smut, use of drugs, alcohol
“Loki, Loki” you shake him awake trying to stop the trembling as your vision blurred “wake up, I need-I need to go to a hospital” you stuttered, Loki’s eyes flying open as he heard you.
“Y/n?” He questioned, cupping your face as he searched your expression in the dark room “what’s the matter?” He began, eyes widening as he noticed the crimson soaking into the sheets.
“I feel faint and I’m not due on” you tried to rationalise, not wanting to alarm Loki and trying to calm yourself down too.
“I’ll drive” he quickly stood up, flinging the duvet off of himself.
Loki helped you into the car before you both rushed to the hospital. You had been feeling abdominal pain for the past couple of days and you felt incredibly ill but you put it down to stress. Only now as Loki held your hand, frantically driving that you realised this was actually a lot more serious. When you made it to the hosptial, you were seen quickly.
“I wish I had known” you sniffled “if only I had known, I could have pretended, just for a while that we—we were going to be parents” you continued to cry as Loki rubbed soothing circles on your back, placing a kiss on your forehead. “I was a mother Loki and now—now I—” you sobbed, wanting the day to end as Loki bit back his own mournful tears. And just like that, another getaway, another attempt at normalcy.
It had been just over a month since you were at the hospital and already, you and Loki had spent all your weekends abroad, trying to have sex in as many different European countries as you could. Each country offered its own culture, its own fond memories and its own way of spicing up your sex life whether that was with aphrodisiacs or guided meditations. This weekend, you found yourselves in Amsterdam, a hotel overlooking a nearby canal as you each held a mushroom in your hand. It was on your way to get food that you stopped at a shop and picked the mushrooms up after an elderly lady working in the shop said that the mushrooms cured all that ails you. Turning towards each other, you smiled before eating them.
“When do they kick in?” Loki asked, wriggling his fingers as he held his hand in front of his face.
“Considering the fact that you’ve been staring at your hand for the past ten minutes, I think they already have” you answered, looking at him.
“Oh” he voiced, looking up at you “do they work?”
“Is your hair getting longer?” You questioned, squinting as you looked at Loki.
“Is yours getting shorter?” He replied, pointing at your hair before you stood up, making your way to the mirror.
“Oh my god!” You shrieked, Loki following behind you as you looked at yourself in the mirror.
“Norns!” Loki gasped, his hair long as he took in his appearance.
“Is this—do I have stubble?” You panicked, touching your face only it didn’t seem like your face. “Oh my god!” You yelped again as you felt an unfamiliar weight between your legs. Running your hand down your body, you almost passed out as you realised “I—I’m a man! Look Loki, look, I’ve got a—” you began to laugh, pulling your trousers down.
“Y/n, I fear I may have lost my—” Loki began before you interrupted, thrusting your hips.
“It’s so heavy” you chuckled.
“What on Midgard did we take?” Loki asked, his voice high.
“Who cares, the effects will probably wear off as the mushrooms do” you shrugged.
“Sooo, are you saying we should enjoy them whilst they last?” Loki grinned.
“Yes, besides, you do look irresistible as a woman. Very sexy” you purred, causing Loki to smile. “Your hair, your skin, I’m going to enjoy this” you smirked, your hand moving between Loki’s legs.
“Is there something you want to tell me?” Loki giggled, seemingly uncomfortable by how much you were enjoying this more feminine version of himself.
“No” you answered with the same giggle.
Both sated, a thin sheen of sweat clinging to your bodies as well as the aroma of sex lingering around the room, you rested your head against Loki’s chest as you took a deep breath.
“Thank you for this Loki” you murmured, kissing his chest.
“For what?” He queried.
“Taking us away, making me feel better, I’ve enjoyed it” you smiled. Sitting up a little, Loki kissed the top of your head before noting your hair growing again.
“Your hair” he pointed as you sat up, touching it.
“Oh yeah” you grinned before pulling the sheet that was covering Loki’s lower half away. “Oh how I’ve missed you!” You exclaimed, looking down at all eight inches of him.
“Could’ve fooled me” Loki joked.
“You think you’re funny?” You teased, straddling him.
“No thought, simply fact” Loki retorted.
“Mm?” You hummed questioningly as you guided his thick cock inside of you.
“Mhmm” Loki nodded in response as you lowered yourself onto him, eyes closing as he filled you to the hilt.
“Fuckk Loki” you moaned, rocking your hips forwards and backwards as his hands found purchase on your breasts.
“Just like that” Loki groaned as you clenched your walls around him “you feel so good.”
“Ughh Lokii” you whimpered, grounding your hips down against him as his cock throbbed inside of you.
“Keep doing that baby, fuckk” Loki pleaded as you circled your hips. “Feels too good” he almost mewled, rolling you over and switching your positions so that you were against the bed before he fucked into you with ardour, hitting that perfect spot as you thrashed against the bed, his pelvis rubbing against your clit.
“Loki” you almost screamed, the headboard banging against the wall as he pounded you.
“D’you want my cum? Tell me you want it” Loki growled, still thrusting hard into you.
“I need it Loki, fuckk” you moaned loudly.
“Want me to cum inside this pretty pussy?”
“Pleaseee” you near begged.
“Tell me to cum” Loki implored as your legs began to shake.
“C—fuckk—cum with me Lokiii” you exclaimed before Loki came, shooting his load inside of you as your climax shook you.
Collapsing down next to you, Loki kissed your shoulder.
“What time does the bar close?” You broke the silence.
“Not until 2AM, why?” Loki answered as you smiled at him.
“I THOUGHT THAT I HEARD YOU LAUGHING, I THOUGHT THAT I HEARD YOU SINGGG” you sang, on stage with an actual microphone after spending the past hour at the bar with Loki.
“I THINK I THOUGHT I SAW YOU TRY” Loki sang with you, his own microphone in hand.
“BUT THAT WAS JUST A DREAM” you both sang together as the audience you had accumulated cheered you both on.
“We’re really good Loki” you spoke to him.
“So so good, the best” he agreed, turning to kiss you as the cheers grew louder.
“I love you” you spoke against his lips, hands roaming one another’s bodies as the kiss deepened.
“Alright alright, that’s enough” you were both escorted off of the stage.
“Pool?” You asked once your microphones were taken off of you and losing my religion stopped playing.
“Pool” Loki nodded.
Running towards it, you were thankful that it was empty once you arrived. You began taking your clothes off before jumping into the water, Loki not far behind you in his boxers as you kissed, the water pooling around your waist.
“I love you so much, do you know that?” Loki asked, looking into your eyes as you wrapped your legs around his waist.
“You, Loki Laufeyson, are the love of my life” you smiled against his lips as you kissed him “now, do you want to take some more mushrooms and try on my dresses?”
“Yes,” Loki nodded.
“Great” you kissed him again.
The warm glow of the sunlight streaming into the room is what stirred you from your slumber. Stretching, you opened your eyes to find yourself in Loki’s arms. The feeling of you moving woke Loki.
“What happened yesterday?” You asked groggily.
“Why am I wearing a dress?” Loki spoke, looking down at his attire.
“And you’ve got lipstick on” you pointed out, looking at him.
“Well at least it’s yours” he smiled.
“How do you know it’s—” you began before Loki wiped some off of your lips. “Loki, are you wearing mascara?”
“Maybe” he shrugged.
“What a crazy weekend” you sighed.
“Indeed” he agreed and that was the end of that weekend. You both checked out of the hotel, flew home and continued your lives. The weeks turning into months.
Despite never admitting it to anyone, your favorite pastime was going to the park and reading a book with the sound of children in the background. It comforted you. It let you pretend that you were a mother, just for a moment, taking your child to the park. You’d get lost in the sound.
“Which one is yours?”
Looking up from your book, you turned to the elderly lady that sat down next to you. You felt a little embarrassed.
“Oh I don’t have a child” you tried to say nonchalantly.
“Yet” she smiled at you.
“No I-I can’t” you paused, falling silent as the lady looked you up and down.
“I wouldn’t be so sure dear” she smiled almost knowingly at you, a smile that sent shivers down your spine. Gathering your things, you left the park and headed home.
When you arrived home, you were greeted by Loki who was cooking. He kissed you on the cheek as you entered the kitchen and made your way to the fridge before getting the ingredients for a sandwich out.
“What are you doing? You’ll spoil your appetite” Loki tried to deter you.
“I’m starving” you excused.
“Wait for dinner then”
“Sorry mum” you laughed as Loki put the bread away. “Is that my apron?”
“My one is currently in the washing machine” he answered, wrapping his arms around the apron defensively.
“Okay” you continued to laugh.
After dinner, you still couldn’t get the encounter you had with the lady earlier on out of your head. You thought about it as you ate, as you showered, as you brushed your teeth and as you got into bed. You even thought about it as Loki’s lips traveled across your chest and down your body. You couldn’t keep it in anymore.
“I spoke to a lady today, she said some strange things” you finally let out.
“Like?” Loki prompted you to continue as his kisses met the hem of your panties before he began tugging them down.
“That she wouldn’t be so sure that I can’t have children” you admitted.
“Y/n” Loki began sadly.
“No I know I can't, it's just she said it with so much conviction” you explained as Loki’s expression turned into one of pity “anyways it’s not important, will you continue” you tried to dismiss. It didn’t take long for you to cum before falling asleep, Loki’s head still between your thighs.
“Y/n? Y/n?” He called to no avail.
The following morning, it was nausea that woke you up as you jumped out of bed and sprinted towards the bathroom and rid yourself of yesterday's dinner.
“Y/n?” Loki knocked the door as you flushed the toilet.
“NO! Don’t come inside. I’m hideous and vomity and—” you listed as Loki opened the door.
“Y/n” Loki smiled, cupping your cheeks “you’re beau” he started before retching and throwing up too.
“Have we got food poisoning?”
“Impossible” he insisted.
“Maybe it’s just a bug then”
“We should rest” Loki suggested.
“I actually feel quite alright now” you countered, standing up.
“Strangely so do I, but I’d never say no to a lazy day with you” he grinned.
“I would kiss you but we should probably brush our teeth first” you giggled.
The following month, you and Loki were invited to a gala. You had picked out a dress to wear a few weeks ago only now, it wouldn’t zip up. Noticing your struggle, Loki came up behind you and began pulling the zip up before he too was met with resistance.
“I think I’m gaining weight Loki” you sighed as you slumped down.
“I’ve been thinking the same” he answered, causing you to gasp as you straighten yourself out again “about me!” He quickly added “I’ve been gaining weight too.”
“It’s all the carbs Loki, we can’t keep having pasta dishes”
“Apart from tonight, I’ve made your favorite, carbonara for when we get back” Loki smiled.
“Can I have some now, I’m feeling a little peckish?” You asked before Loki led you both to the kitchen. Digging your fork into your plate, you ate a little before rushing to the bathroom to puke which is something you had been doing a lot recently.
“What if something is seriously wrong?” You asked, swishing listerine around your mouth.
“We’ll book you an appointment with a doctor in the morning, okay darling” Loki suggested, you nodding in response.
A few days later, you and Loki found yourselves back in the doctor's office as she looked through her notes before looking up at you both as you sipped your water, your nerves consuming you.
“Well good news, you’re fine and so is the baby.”
Spitting out your water, you told her to repeat herself which she did.
“You’re pregnant” she informed you.
“I—no-I can’t be” you stuttered, Loki holding your hand.
“Yes, almost four months now but we can scan you—”
“MONTHS!” You exclaimed.
“I mean, are you sure?” Loki finally spoke.
“Positive. Haven’t you noticed any changes to your cycle or any symptoms?” The doctor asked.
“I thought I was just going through the change” you whisper shouted.
“Y/n, this is amazing!” Loki cheered, kissing you. “We’re going to be parents” he spoke against your lips.
“I-I’m going to be a mother” you began to cry.
“I’ll give you both some time” the doctor spoke before leaving.
“Loki, how did this—when did this?”
“If you’re four months now, this must’ve happened almost five months ago” he figured.
“What did we do five months ago?” You questioned.
“We were on holiday, that’s when I woke up in the dress” he remembered.
“Yesss, we must’ve been pretty wasted because I can barely remember it.”
“That’s when we conceived,” Loki smiled fondly.
“That explains all the vomiting and the hunger, not your vomiting though Loki” you narrowed your gaze.
“Who cares, this is a joyous occasion” Loki kissed you again before the doctor walked in and scanned you.
“Hello baby” you smiled at the screen, tears in your eyes. “I want to call it Hope, Hope Laufeyson”
From then on, Loki had been very careful with you and extremely accommodating to the point where whenever you’d touch your stomach, he’d do the same, whenever your ankles would swell, so would his and whenever you’d vomit, he’d vomit too. He was taking sympathy pains to a whole new level.
“Yes love”
“I think we’re spending too much time together” you answered quietly.
“As if that’s a thing” he laughed off.
“No seriously, we’re doing the same things”
“Many couples find themselves—”
“I’m pregnant Loki”
“So we shouldn’t be acting the same way,” you explained.
“No we shouldn't,” he agreed.
“Loki!” You gasped, worrying him “come here” you called “I just felt a kick.”
Placing a hand on your stomach, Loki waited for another one before doubling over himself.
“Well this certainly shouldn’t be happening” he spoke.
“It puts a whole new spin on sympathy pains” he continued.
“I think—I think I just felt a kick too.”
“Impossible Loki, you have to actually be pregnant to—AHHHH!” You screamed.
“Whatt?” Loki yelped.
“I think I just saw the kick” you pointed to him.
“You don’t think I’m” Loki paused, stepping in front of a mirror and looking at his stomach.
“You can’t be, it’s not possible, is it?”
“What did we do on that weekend?” He worried.
“Well the best thing you can do is go to the doctors and get a scan just to check” you suggested.
“But I—I’m a-a man”
“Well, find a way of changing that”
“Like we did that weekend!” Loki gasped, remembering.
“Don’t you remember? We took something and it altered our genders. That’s when I must’ve conceived” he figured.
“I got you pregnant?”
“We need to wait for a scan but it appears so” he agreed.
Using a lot of his Seiðr, Loki managed to switch sexes again, transforming into who you liked to call Lady Loki.
“You should really do this more often, I like it”
“Look at the mess it’s gotten us into already” Loki answered before you both headed to the clinic.
“Good news, you’re pregnant” the doctor smiled, looking at you both.
“Can we have a moment please” you asked.
“Loki, how is this even going to work?” You began to panic.
“I’ll have to stay like this until after the pregnancy” she decided.
“We’ve gone from no children to two” you breathed.
“Isn’t it magnificent?” Loki beamed.
“Yeah?” You questioned.
“Yes! A miracle” she clapped.
“You’re right. You’re right!” You smiled, kissing her “we're going to be parents!”
“The best!” Loki agreed.
Four months later, Loki gave birth to a boy and you a girl. After watching you breastfeed for the first time, Loki changed back into a male and insisted on just being a dad. You really were the best parents.
“You know, we could go on another holiday soon considering the children are growing up” Loki suggested a few years later.
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I’m so happy for them 🥺
@lokisgoodgirl @thenotoriouserg @chantsdemarins @donaweasley @xorpsbane @mcufan72 @loz-3 @evelyn-kingsley @sailorholly @lovingchoices14 @lokiedokiee @noideakitten @mochie85 @mischief2sarawr @lokiprompts @lulubelle814 @fictive-sl0th @peaches1958 @gigglingtiggerv2 @tmilover1993 @lyds247 @dustychinchilla74 @lokis-dark-queen @november-rayne @12-pm-510 @vickie5546 @newtomofgods @eyesbluelikethetitanic @lokiestorch @somewhereinthegalaxi @beautyb1ade @angelilacsworld @lokidokieokie @mushypork @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @silver-tongue-taken-to-bed
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rt8815 · 2 months
Come Home
Dipping my toes back into writing with my very first Loki x OC fic, though she (Dr. Aspen Junge) only makes a brief appearance at the end of this piece.
It's post-Avengers canon divergent. I'll be jumping around non-chronologically, but perhaps not as much as my Criminal Minds OC fic.
A special thanks to @illegalcerebral for brainstorming names for my OC with me and for being an awesome sounding board ♥️
WC: 1,153
New York, 2030
Loki mumbled to himself, brow furrowed in concentration. He sat at his desk, sorting through forms and intelligence reports that Stark had sent earlier in the day. Being an Avenger involved a surprising amount of paperwork.
“Daddy?” a tiny voice called out from the study door. There stood Loki’s four year old daughter, her face slightly paled with tiredness.
Setting the papers aside, he opened his arms to her. “Why are you out of bed, lille venn?” he asked when she climbed into his lap.
“Fenny can't sleep,” she explained, handing him the wolf plushie that she had been clutching against her ribs.
“Mmm, and what's troubling him, Astrid?”
“We’re worried about Uncle Thor. Is he okay?”
“Why do you ask, love?”
She pointed at the window, which was getting steadily pelted with rain and sleet.
“His storm sounds sad, Daddy,” she explained, leaning her head against his shoulder. “It’s not loud like usual.”
Loki agreed that it looked rather miserable outside, all drizzly and gray.
“You miss him,” he stated simply, earning a solemn nod in response.
Placing a finger beneath her chin, he tilted her head back, revealing her melancholic face.
“It’s kind of you to be concerned about your Uncle Thor, but this,” he inclined his head toward the rain, “isn’t him. Asgard is too far away for him to influence the weather here.”
“Oh,” came her soft reply.
He brushed a few inky black, wavy locks off her face. “As for missing him...I know it’s hard to wait, but Thor will return soon.”
“How soon?”
“Two sleeps, darling.”
Astrid gazed blankly at the rain, digesting the information. “So...day after tomorrow.”
She buried herself in her father’s chest with a huff. “I suppose that’s acceptable.”
Loki chuckled, nuzzling her hair.
“All right, back to bed with you,” he ordered as he stood from his chair and carried her down the hall. “We have a busy day ahead of us, and if you aren’t well rested, you’ll be as ornery as a bilgesnipe.”
Kneeling, he gently placed Astrid on her bed, but she sat back up before he could tuck her in. Loki raised his brows at her questioningly.
“Daddy, can we sing “Come Home” for Uncle Thor? Please?” she begged.
Loki hesitated. The song he had written many years ago in a bout of homesickness was meant to be sung by the weary traveler, not those awaiting his return. Moreover, it held very complicated feelings for him. His daughter, however, knew none of that.
Astrid’s hazel eyes rounded and her lower lip jutted out ever so slightly, pulling at Loki’s heartstrings.
Norns, that child had him wrapped around her fingers. He sighed in resignation.
“Very well, but not too loudly. We mustn’t wake your Mother.”
“Okay,” she whispered, waving her hands about, leaving behind a trail of teal sparks. “And you can use your ‘llusions too?”
Loki carefully enveloped Astrid’s hands in his own. “With your help,” he said, smiling when her face lit up.
“Focus,” he instructed. “Think of the object you wish to project. See it in your mind's eye. Do you have it?”
Astrid stared with comical intensity at their joined hands, a little dent forming on her forehead. “Got it,” she announced after a few moments.
“Good, keep concentrating,” he instructed as he opened his hands, prompting her to do the same.
Resting in Astrid's palms was a narrow insect nearly an inch long, with black wings accented by yellow along the edges, and a yellow-red-black target pattern on its head. As Loki watched, the creature unfurled its wings and took off, hovering a few inches in the air.
There the black and yellow underbelly was exposed, the latter of which began glowing at regular intervals.
“It's a lightning bug!” Astrid announced proudly.
“I see! Very well done,” Loki congratulated her.
“Thanks! Your turn, Daddy.”
“I don't know how I could possibly follow that performance, but I shall try.”
Closing his eyes, Loki slowly raised his arms, palms upward. Rich green light emanated from them, spreading throughout the room, replacing the furniture and bookcases with a verdant forest, teeming with wildlife.
A (quietly) roaring waterfall appeared where a lamp stood moments before, the stream it emptied into bubbling alongside Astrid's bed. Above them towered a majestic apple tree, its branches populated with vibrantly colored birds.
“Ready, sweetheart?” he asked, opening his eyes.
Music softly swelled around them as they began the chorus, altering the tune to that of a lullaby:
Men trærne de danser og fossene stanser
Når hun synger, hun synger “kom hjem”
Men trærne de danser og fossene stanser
When she sings, she sings “come home”
When she sings, she sings “come home”
After a pause, Loki took the lead for the verse, his warm baritone voice settling over the room like a cozy blanket.
I stormsvarte fjell, jeg vandrer alene
Over isbreen tar jeg meg frem
I eplehagen står møyen den vene
Og synger…
Loki gestured to Astrid, inviting her to finish the line.
She looked skyward, her fledgling soprano filling the air as she sweetly sang, “når kommer du hjem?”
They repeated the chorus once more, softly clapping to the beat of the fading music.
Men trærne de danser og fossene stanser
Når hun synger, hun synger “kom hjem”
Men trærne de danser og fossene stanser
When she sings, she sings “come home”
When she sings, she sings “come home”
With a flick of Loki’s wrists, the illusion dissolved and Astrid’s room returned to normal.
“Right, you. Sleepy time,” he said firmly, pressing his index finger to her forehead, prompting her to fall back theatrically onto the pillows.
“Did Uncle Thor hear us, Daddy?”
Loki hummed as he tucked the covers around her.
“What do you think, Astrid?”
The little girl tilted her head, giving it careful consideration.
She nodded decidedly, hugging Fenny closely.
“I know he did.”
Loki smiled, lines crinkling around his eyes.
“That's what I believe too,” he agreed, kissing the top of Astrid's head.
Sleep finally began to win, Astrid’s eyelids drooping heavily.
“God natt, Pappa,” she yawned.
Loki’s chest squeezed hearing her speak in Frigga’s dialect.
He waved his hand once more, casting an illusion of stars and swirling galaxies on the bedroom ceiling.
“God natt, min skatt,” he replied as he closed the door softly.
He walked past the study on his way to the primary suite (the paperwork would keep), pausing outside the bedroom door.
“Heimdall?” he murmured. “Tell Thor a little girl is desperately missing her uncle.”
Creeping quietly, Loki made his way to the bed to slide under the covers and wrap his arm around Aspen.
“Ya big softie,” she mumbled, pointing to the silent video feed on the baby monitor.
Loki chuckled in response. There was no point in denying it.
He pulled her closer and burrowed his face in her hair.
“Only for the two of you.”
I headcanon that Asgardian sounds more Icelandic, and Vanir, which I assume Frigga would have spoken as a first language, would more closely resemble Norwegian, since that's the language they used in the Loki series.
Lille venn translates to "little friend," or in the context of a parent speaking to a child, it means "little darling."
God natt means "good night."
Min skatt means "my treasure."
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Next in line!!
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For who it might concern, I'm not dead! I'm still writing, just not as frequent as I would have liked.
But here it is, the sneak peek for my new Fic,
A story where you, the reader, are Tony's daughter. But hydra took you away from him when you were little. After years and years of torture, you managed to escape and return safely to the tower.
You shaped a bond with Loki, who due to a shortage on Asgard was sent to the tower for imprisonment.
How far will he go when he finds out your true colours right before Hydra found you for a second time, taking you back to turn back into the perfect soldier they had created of you.
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themessedupsonata · 2 years
Loki Laufeyson x Fem!Reader
Summary: You know Loki, your Husband, since you were kids and you both are extremely happy together. Then why do you still feel that something is wrong?
word count: 9.2 k (I'm sorry)
warnings: ANGST, Fluff, slight mentions of sex, a tiny bit of cursing, a couple of arguments between Loki and the reader and a slight mention of misogyny (not by Loki)
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You were on cloud nine.
You and Loki had just got married. He was driving a brand new Hudson Hornet with one hand on the steering wheel and the other on your knee, making you feel all warm inside.
God, you loved him so much.
When the car pulled up, you finally saw your new home, and it was perfect. Loki knew you wanted a big house with a big yard, so the dog and (you were still trying to convince Loki that this was a great idea) your future kids could have a place to play.
He opened the car door for you and held out your hand. You grabbed it and the second your feet hit the ground, Loki carried you bridal style, making you giggle. He used his magic to open the door and you two entered the house. He got you back on your feet again, and you both started exploring the living room, which had an open concept to the kitchen and the decor was cosy and luxurious at the same time. You were so happy that you jumped into your loving husband's arms and kissed him, and he immediately kissed you back.
"I love you, Y/n/n" He called you by your childhood nickname, which made you blush, and he pulled you in for another kiss just because he could. You were finally his wife, and he's never been happier.   ***
Frigga was teaching Loki magic in the study hall. The young Asgardian prince always had a spectacular gift for magic, and he was also very intelligent. Loki was decent at fighting but not as good as the heir to the throne, Thor. His older brother was extremely powerful, but he lacked Loki's brilliant mind or even any interest in the Asgardian arts of magic. Thus, from a very young age, everyone saw Thor as the future king of Asgard and the Nine Realms, a born fighter and 'The Golden Child', as Loki liked to call him. Loki was just the weird, introverted prince that a lot of people liked to pretend didn't exist.
Loki and his mother heard a knock on the door and Frigga answered with a simple 'Come in' and you appeared.
You were wearing a simple pink dress with purple accents, and your hair was tied up in typical Asgard braids.
Your mother, Halldis, was Frigga's best friend. Halldis and her husband were given the title of Lady and Lord of the royal court when Frigga became queen. They've lived in the palace ever since Lady Halldis got pregnant with you.
"Hello, sweetie. How may I help you?" the queen asked gently.
You gave her a sweet smile.
"Hi, Aunt Frigga. Thor and I were playing in the royal garden, and we wanted to know when Loki was going to finish his classes so he could play with us."
Loki immediately frowned.
He would rather die than admit it, but he always thought you were beautiful and sweet and Loki would love to be friends with you, especially when you always seemed so excited about interacting with him.
But you liked Thor better; just like everyone else. You were just feeling sorry for him, that's all. You probably didn't even like him. Nobody liked him, why would you? "I don't want to play your pathetic childish games, Y/n. Go away!" he exclaimed.
Loki saw your smile slide quickly into an expression of hurt disappointment and your eyes glistened with tears, even though you refused to let them fall.
The dark-haired prince had a bit of a mess of memories from then on. He could never be sure if you actually looked down at your feet while whispering something about how sorry you were for upsetting him or whether or not Frigga had given him a long speech about how extremely rude his behaviour was and that he was grounded for the next 20 years. The one thing he was sure would haunt him forever was that you, sunshine in person, were crying at that very moment because of him.
"Do we really need to do this, darling?" Loki whimpered as you applied lipstick to your lips.
You chuckled as you looked in the mirror to see the reflection of your husband who was with a grumpy face.
"Yes, my love, we do. Wanda and Vision are lovely people and they invited us to dinner tonight, so we will." You answered.
"But I hate people. Except you, everyone else just... pisses me off and bores me the hell out."
You rolled your eyes and stood up, walking over and stopping in front of him to tie his tie.
"Stop being so dramatic, Lo. We're going to have fun, I promise. But if you feel uncomfortable, just 'If'," You gave him a death stare. "We will come back home right away, okay?" He nodded, and you stood on tiptoe to kiss his cheek.
Loki knocked on the door and instead of being greeted by Wanda or Vision, you were both greeted by Agnes.
"Oh! Y/n, Loki! You both are right on time! Come in, come in!"
The two of you looked at each other before you simply walked into the house, following the raven-haired woman and Loki, in turn, followed you like a lost puppy.
Apparently, today Vision's boss - and Loki's too - and his wife came to visit your friend and her husband. You were about to comment to Loki that you two had better go home when Agnes discreetly commented (So Mr and Mrs Heart would not notice anything wrong) that Wanda needed as much help as possible in the kitchen. Loki swore under his breath but you chose to ignore him and followed Agnes into the kitchen. 
Upon entering the kitchen, Wanda immediately tried to disguise the floating plates and bowls while you and Agnes politely pretended to didn't see anything.
"Oh, Y/n! I'm so glad you came!" The redhead exclaimed, pulling you into a tight hug. She pulled away from you to explain her situation. "I completely forgot about dinner with the Heart's today. Please help me; I have absolutely nothing prepared!"
Meanwhile, Loki was sitting next to Vision and facing Mrs Heart. He didn't like his boss very much (Loki complained about Mister Heart every Wednesday night to you while you two did skincare together and he painted your toenails) But even though he didn't like the man, he was still his boss; and people were very easy to fall for Loki Laufeyson's charm and smooth talk. He knew exactly what to say and when to say it to get people in his good graces. He was irresistible. That's how he won you over.
Well… At least that was the story he told you.
The young prince was at Bifrost hall belonged to Heimdall, planning a massacre of the Midgardian city that Thor was sheltering in when he heard your voice calling his name, more furious than he had ever heard in his life.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?!?! Thor was banished from Asgard and you should be doing your best to help him and bring him back, but no! You're planning a coup d'état and I don't doubt that you're trying to kill my best friend!" you both were face to face now. Your breath was heavy and hot on his face. Even in low heels, you had to stand on tiptoe to face him in the eye. Loki's hands were clasped behind his back, his posture was straight, oozing confidence and superiority, and his facial expression was neutral. It was his way of disguising how much his heart was racing and how much his mind was screaming at him to just end the distance between the two of you. He wanted nothing more than to taste you on his tong-.
"I know you've never seen me this way, Loki, but I consider you my friend. You may never have confided in me, but I know you feel left out by Thor and I know you wanted to be king and I'm genuinely sorry, okay? You never deserved to be second. You're worth so much and I'm sorry you were never recognized as you deserve. Please, Loki. Thor has his flaws, but he loves you and he doesn't deserve it. Please…"
Before you could continue speaking, Loki subtly nodded and Heimdall sighed in frustration before drawing his sword to open the Bifrost Bridge and send you to join Thor in Midgard. Loki only had a few milliseconds to stare at the panic in your eyes as you realized what he was doing before you disappeared right before his eyes.
It was better this way, he tried to convince himself. You preferred Thor; always preferred. It was only right that you should be sent to him. Not to mention he didn't deserve all that empty flattery from you. You just wanted to save Thor and you were using your smooth talk to try to convince him to help his brother. But he couldn't deny that, deep down, he fervently wanted your words to be true.
Dinner went well. It had its unforeseen, but nothing too extreme. At some point, you felt your head spinning and you could have sworn that, suddenly, dinner had turned into a bizarre déjà vu, but your husband just kissed your knuckles and said you were just tired when you told him about it as you lay in your shared bed. He kissed you good night and you rested your head on his chest, quickly falling asleep.
You woke up with the feeling of several kisses being deposited on your neck. It tickled and you started to laugh. Your laugh was contagious and before you knew it, Loki was laughing with you. When you both calmed down, he buried his nose in the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent.
"Good morning my queen." Your husband murmured against your skin. Your hands began to caress his scalp and he sighed contentedly.
"You remember today is the talent show, right?" You asked.
"Of course, I remember, sweetheart. Would you like to practice one last time so you feel more confident?" Loki wasn't happy about participating in the show at all, but he knew it was pointless to argue with you. Not to mention that he knew it was important to you and that you got upset when he refused to do something with you or when he did things grudgingly. He needed to be the best husband in the world for you.
"I don't see the need. We're doing this for charity and fun. We don't have to be the best." You explained to him.
Normally, Loki was extremely competitive. However, he didn't even want to go to that show in the first place. If you were happy, so was he.
You both got out of bed. He always insisted on getting up after you and not in a thousand years would you have guessed he did that just so he could admire your ass. After putting a robe over your nightgown, you went downstairs to prepare breakfast.
Loki hated cooking. But even so, he always made a point of helping you in the kitchen. He always insisted that just because you were a housewife didn't mean he didn't have to help you too. You melted every time he said it because he meant every single word. You had so many neighbours who were mothers and housewives who spent the whole day doing their best for the family without any help and didn't receive a single affection or gratitude from the husband who spent the whole day 'Working too hard' as if those women work meant less. You loved to take care of your home, but you still loved it when your husband insisted on doing all the dishes because "Your cooking was great, my queen. It's the least I can do" or when he made the bed, set the table and did the laundry without you asking. Every time you thanked him, he would tell you to stop being ridiculous, as he was doing the bare minimum as a husband. You really couldn't have wished for a better partner.
Loki always said you made the best pancakes in the world. You thought they were good, but not the best in the world. You were grateful anyway.
"Darling, it's already 10:00 am! I need to go to the planning committee and you need to attend the neighbourhood watch meeting" You commented after checking the time on the kitchen clock.
You didn't let Loki join you in the shower (which he thought was absurd) and within 15 minutes you were both ready. He kissed you on the forehead and you both went your separate ways.
Wanda and Agnes arrived a few seconds before you. Wanda hugged you and Agnes followed suit. You didn't quite know what to feel about the brunette woman. But if your friend liked her, Agnes was probably an amazing person. Deep down.
Dottie was every bit as perfectionist and arrogant as Agnes had described, but there wasn't much you could do about it. You were sitting between Wanda and Agnes, so you can hear the conversation between Wanda and a girl named Geraldine. She seemed to be very kind, and it's always nice to make new friends, right?
"Hi! Sorry to interrupt you, but my name is Y/n, Wanda's friend. Nice to meet you!" You said, extending your hand friendly for her to shake.
Apparently, Geraldine hadn't noticed you before, because as soon as she did, she looked like she'd seen a ghost. Her jaw dropped and she was frozen for a few seconds before she pulled herself together and answered you.
"H-hi! I'm Geraldine. N-nice to meet you!" She finally shook your hand after getting completely lost in her own words.
You couldn't follow anything else for the rest of the meeting. Maybe you made a bad impression on Geraldine and you couldn't understand why. But you decided to put that aside. Not everyone was required to like you and there was nothing wrong with that.
The meeting had already started 20 minutes before Vision showed up. Loki rolled his eyes. The two of them interacted frequently because their wives were friends and Loki had no problem with their friendship. But Loki was as new in town as Vision and yet Vision always seemed so… out of place. It was always obvious that he was desperately trying to fit in while anyone would swear Loki has lived in Westview all his life. So much so that he was a member and Vision was unaware that it was a members-only meeting.
To be fair, Vision wouldn't have been interested in being a member if he knew that the "Meetings" were a great front for a kind of men's club where everyone ate and "talked about" the most talked about topics in town concerning the lives of others. Gossip, basically. But people said that "Gentlemen don't gossip". Midgardians were very strange.
Loki had to restrain himself from laughing as he watched Vision's dilemma over having food offered to him. Nobody in that town had noticed that Vision was a robot. But who was Loki to judge? It's not like he and his wife don't have their own secrets buried in their backyards.
There was nothing Loki could do to stop Vision from chewing the gum Herb had offered him, even though he knew the chance of something bad happening was extremely high. Everything related to Wanda Maximoff was chaos.
He was obviously right.
The gum got stuck between the inner gears of Vision and now he looked as drunk as a skunk. Fortunately, no one but Loki seemed to notice Vision's sudden strange behaviour. Loki looked at that ugly Strucker watch (which he only wore because it was a gift from you) and realized he was late for the damn talent show. He let the group of men know about the show and they all left the library. When there were exactly three blocks left for the place of the show, Loki realized that Vision wasn't walking with them, but the Asgardian kept walking, after all, that wasn't his problem.
Vision was acting very strangely (Correction: More than usual). In several moments he almost revealed who he and his wife really were, but Wanda managed to be creative enough to convince everyone that all the wonders of the show were just cheap tricks (And she still managed to amuse the audience and got a standing ovation). As soon as they finished their presentation, it was your turn to perform alongside Loki.
It's not that you sang badly, but Loki had a beautiful voice that he always refused to show the world. After spending three weeks begging him daily to sing, he eventually relented.
Geraldine positioned the two of you on the stage (She still wasn't looking you in the eye) and you sat down at the piano to play the song while Loki sang. Loki's only condition for singing in front of all of Westview was that he would be the one choosing the song. To your relief, he chose L-O-V-E, one of your favourite songs. Everyone was shocked when they realized that Loki Laufeyson was going to sing. Little did they know that unfortunately for Loki, he would hang the stars in the sky if you asked him to. You smiled encouragingly at him before starting to play on the piano that Wanda had discreetly created because she had destroyed the original. As you'd expect, everyone was enthralled by Loki's voice and you both got a standing ovation. You jumped into Loki's arms and hugged him. He returned the hug immediately, not caring who was watching.
''I'm so proud of you, Lo! you were fantastic up there on stage! – You said excitedly. Loki kissed your temple and dragged you to sit on his lap on the couch.
''You were amazing too, my queen. But I still can't believe I submitted to that.''
You rolled your eyes before leaning in to kiss him, but he stopped you.
''Y/n/n, wait. Are you…feeling it too?'' He asked, frowning slightly.
It was only then that you noticed a delicious tingle that spread over every inch of your skin, tickling. You immediately took to noticing your living room, your clothes, and your husband. Everything was… taking on colour.
That was undoubtedly one of the most wonderful moments of your life. Seeing something you were so familiar with turn into something so beautiful and surreal was just magical. Your husband got even more handsome (Something you didn't even know was possible) and his beautiful eyes, which you now knew were green, were looking at you as if you were the most perfect thing to ever walk the planet earth. You could already feel your cheeks starting to heat up when suddenly you felt… A kick?
Loki was still holding you, so he felt it too. You both glanced at your belly at the same time only to realize that you now had a baby bump.
You were pregnant.
*** Those damned Chitauris spread out like worms through a Midgardian city that you would have found divine in other circumstances. After stabbing three Chitauris at once with your sword, you watched Loki get blown up by one of Agent Barton's arrows with a satisfied smile. He landed on the roof of Stark Tower and you and Agent Romanoff made your ways to the roof intending to get to the God of Mischief, but the Hulk attacked him before either of you had the chance. The scene of that huge green creature slamming Loki to the ground several times as if he weighed nothing would forever be one of his favourite moments.
Dr. Selvig was still dazed on the ground beside the portal. He explained that Loki's sceptre would be able to close the portal and he and Agent Romanoff agreed that it would be best if you held it since you were an Asgardian. You were almost able to close the portal using the golden sceptre when Stark's voice protested through the listening devices, stating that it was necessary to get rid of one more bomb. To your horror, he entered the portal passage with the large explosive object.
You didn't know Tony Stark very well, but you knew he was a well-meaning and intelligent man, and you felt saddened by his death, even though you knew that thanks to his sacrifice the Chitauris were dead. Rogers asked you to close the portal. You hesitated for a second, but Agent Romanoff put her hand on your shoulder and gave you a sad smile in an attempt to comfort you. From what you observed in the redheaded woman, she was very closed off and extremely cold and rational, so seeing her trying to make things easier and more comfortable for you meant a lot. You closed your eyes to gain courage and the portal was finally closed. By some miracle, huge red and gold armour appeared falling from the skies and you felt strangely glad that a man you barely knew was all right.
Later that day, the other Avengers said goodbye to you and Thor, who needed to get Loki and the Tesseract back to Asgard. And at the same time that you missed home, you had a bad feeling that very soon everything you knew and loved would undergo drastic changes. Despite all the nightmares Loki caused and the optimism of all Midgardians that everything would be all right now, you couldn't silence the little voice in your head that warned you that this was just the beginning of something much worse to come.
Loki was dead.
For real this time.
In his first supposed death, you weren't there in his ''Final Moments'' and you were still blinded by rage at his betrayal, but now that he had sacrificed himself to save Thor and you were beside him when Loki breathed his last, you could feel your heart (which was already broken by the tragic death of the woman you saw as a second mother) shattering into a million pieces. You'd been stabbed before and you were sure the blade piercing your skin had hurt less than watching your childhood friend die.
When you were sure that you had already reached the apex of pain, Thor Odinson, the great God of thunder, heir to Asgard and the nine Realms threw his arms around your waist, buried his face in the crook of your neck and cried like a little kid. You would have given up anything to take away all the sadness and pain that big man who was actually a cinnamon roll was feeling. Your best friend had lost his brother and you would have gladly switched places with Loki if that made Thor happy.
But the only thing you could do at the moment was hug him tight and pray that his blond hair would dry your own tears of pain.
Doctor Nielson said you and the baby were healthy.
Of course, that information wasn't enough and the poor middle-aged gentleman was bombarded with dozens of questions from your husband who was more overprotective than ever now that you were carrying his child.
You and Loki had already decorated the baby's room, and right now Loki was reading the third parenting book for the month. Wanda had told you that Vision was acting the same way and that they were even exchanging and indicating books to each other.
Being pregnant at the same time as your best friend is just magical.
You were about to go shower when Loki came running up to you with his phone in his hand and a face that was full of animation. You've never grabbed a phone so fast in your life and a few seconds later, you're sure you'd be bouncing if you didn't have a baby inside you.
Wanda had twins. Billy and Tommy.
Loki took the two of you to Wanda's house and the first thing he saw was your friends looking exhausted because the twins wouldn't stop crying. They thanked you both immensely for your and Loki's help (Loki was slightly compelled to do this, but the important thing is that he helped).
A few hours later, Agnes knocked on the door and the four of you started chatting. When the five of you went to check on the twins, they had aged a good five years, but you chose not to question it.
The next day, your water broke.
After that, it all went so fast. You and Loki opted for hospital delivery, so he quickly grabbed the maternity bag and put you both in the car. The nurses were extremely kind and careful with you, and even though Loki called Wanda and Vision as soon as you two arrived at the hospital, your baby was already in your arms.
It was a girl.
She was the most beautiful thing you'd ever seen, even though she looked just like any other baby a few minutes old. Her little face was puffy and red, she was screaming and crying like crazy and she was so tiny, but you already loved her more than anything in this world.
When you looked at your husband, he was completely transfixed looking at your daughter. You'd seen him give that look of pure adoration just for you, but now he looked at that little pink package like all of a sudden the world made sense because she was in it.
Loki was too scared to hold her because he was afraid of letting the baby girl fall, but you helped him and he immediately started crying.
He sat next to you on the gurney and kissed your temple tenderly and looked into your eyes with so much emotion that you felt dizzy.
"I love you so much, Y/n Laufeyson. Every day I think about how you are the strongest, most wonderful woman I've ever known and I can never express how grateful I am to be able to be with you and... Now you've given me my little girl and I never thought it was humanly possible that my love for you could triple.'' He kissed you passionately before looking down at his daughter.
''Welcome to the world, my Astrid.''
*** ''So what you're saying is that my brother and Wanda Maximoff are in a world where Vision and Y/n are alive?'' Thor questioned Darcy.
The two hadn't spoken for a long time and technically he shouldn't be in a confidential area where SWORD was working, but the scientist thought Thor deserved to know what was happening.
''Jimmy described it as 'A sitcom starring two Avengers.' But apparently, Loki and Y/n are supporting characters. Not only that, apparently all the other 'Characters' are real people who seem to be under some mind control to act as if the fact that Vision and Y/n are alive and living married lives in the suburbs is something perfectly normal.'' Thor didn't have the heart to voice it, but he felt that Loki was definitely not under mind control. Thor wasn't blind, he knew his brother was in love with Y/n since they were kids and he knew Loki was suffering a lot from her death, but he would never expect anything like... this.
''As Wanda seems to be the 'Protagonist', we're trying to contact her to understand what's going on, but she hasn't responded to the radio, Agent Franklin has disappeared and our drone has been turned into a toy helicopter. They even censored the broadcast! It's like whoever is controlling this will do anything to keep these people captive.''
Thor had seen young Wanda's powers in action and knew she was very powerful. He also knew grief all too well. By then he has already greeted it like an old friend, so he knew what the pain of losing someone loved could do to a person's mind. He was sure that those responsible for this mess and Westview's captivity were Wanda or his brother. Maybe it was even both. But he knew that neither Wanda nor Loki wanted to be 'saved'.
Thor knew you were strong and powerful. You were an Avenger and a member of the Asgard army who had saved Thor's ass many times before and he knew you were an amazing team on the battlefield. Unfortunately, before he was a warrior, he was your childhood best friend, who always took advantage of the fact that you don't have siblings to claim the big brother role. He said it was a family matter, but you know he was just scared because Hela had destroyed the Mjölnir and since he didn't know how powerful she was, he sent you to help Heimdall protect the people of Asgard to make sure you wouldn't get hurt. Thor said that he and Loki (yes, the bastard was alive) would take care of Hela. You had your doubts.
You and Heimdall taking care of everything well. You two had already annihilated several of Hela's 'Soldiers' and were now protecting the Asgardians in a secret fortress hidden in the forest. You were helping an elderly lady relax when Heimdall made everyone's blood (including yours) run cold.
"She's here.''
Quickly you and the guardian worked hard to get the people of Asgard to evacuate through the back of the fortress towards Bifrost. You were almost there when you came across Hela's huge beast. Immediately, everyone retreated, but on the other side of the bridge was an enemy army. Even with a giant spaceship providing cover when shooting the beast, you, Heimdall and other Asgardians were forced to fight back. Suddenly, something fell out of the ship and… Wait a minute, was that Bruce Banner?!?! Someone tugged at your shirt sleeve. You looked down only to find a toddler pointing at something that, despite being partially covered in fog, was definitely huge.
"Your saviour is here!''
You were never so happy to see that stupid man in your entire life.
When the three of you got back home, you begged Loki to let you buy a puppy. It would be great for Astrid's development, you argued, of course, Loki was reluctant because he knew your own selfish motives, although you were right about dogs having a positive impact on babies' lives, so a few days later he showed up at the house with the cutest Corgi puppy you've ever seen. You two named him Argos and he and Astrid immediately fell in love with each other.
It didn't take long for Astrid to grow up. She was a very sweet little girl who looked exactly like you. The only thing she had inherited from her father was his mesmerizing green eyes. She was also best friends with Billy and Tommy, the three children spent hours just playing in the backyard with Argos every day.
Today, when Astrid went to play at the boys' house, they had adopted a puppy named Sparky. Loki preferred to stay at home to build a playground for Astrid, and the kids were already making thousands of plans to play in the backyard of your house with Argos and Sparky who would definitely be friends. When you asked Wanda where Vision was, she said he was at work. Today was Saturday, but you preferred not to comment on anything.
The twins freaked out, and Wanda had to explain how couples sometimes fall out before her kids thought Vision was tired of them.
You didn't know that Wanda and Vision were fighting, but you chose not to get involved. Instead, you asked Wanda if she'd like you to take the kids to the community pool. She quickly accepted and ten minutes later you and the kids were leaving Wanda home alone so she could put the gourd back in place. That was all the help you could offer her for now.
It was Halloween. Astrid wanted to dress up as Wednesday Addams, which you thought was weird, as the two of them couldn't have more opposite personalities, but you agreed. To match, you had Loki dress up as Gomez and you dressed up as Morticia. Your husband pretended he thought you all looked ridiculous, but you knew he loved it. Loki didn't want to go on patrol today, he preferred to 'Enjoy his girls'. All you can do is roll your eyes, leave more kibble in the pot for Argos, and take your little family to meet Wanda and the twins.
When you finally found them, you were introduced to Pietro, Wanda's brother. He tried to flirt with you, but a single deadly stare from Loki directed at him made the silver-haired man immediately shut up.
Billy, Tommy, Astrid and Pietro were causing real chaos around the neighbourhood, which drove you and Wanda crazy, but Loki said that mischief was always welcome on Halloween and had no problem letting his daughter terrorize the neighbours next door with her friends.
You and Wanda forced the children (Pietro included) to return all the stolen sweets. That took a few hours, but once they were done, Tommy used his super speed to take Astrid and Billy to get more candy (The right way this time), leaving You, Loki, Wanda and Pietro alone.
The four of you ate and talked as you made your way to the area where a Halloween pumpkin display was being held. Everything was going well until Pietro started commenting about how 'Thanks to Wanda' people were happier and that despite everything, they were having a good and peaceful life. You didn't notice when Loki and Wanda exchanged side-eye glances for a full three milliseconds before Loki got up so fast you were sure he got dizzy and dragged you away from the Maximoff twins claiming he wanted to buy toffee apples for you both.
You were so confused by his (and Pietro's) sudden bizarre behaviour that it took you approximately 30 seconds to react. When you finally snapped out of your befuddled state, you dug your feet into the ground and faced your husband.
"Loki, what the hell was that? What do you mean by buying toffee apples? You hate toffee apples. And I know Pietro is kind of weird but he seemed very sane at the tim-" You were interrupted.
"That was nothing Y/n, you're imagining things. Pietro Maximoff is a lunatic, we both know that.
"Something tells me you don't believe a single word you're saying yourself. I don't know what he means but I feel like you do." You confronted him.
Honestly, you never noticed anything strange around you. Your life and that of your neighbours appeared to be completely normal. But Pietro said something that bothered you. Of course, you had problems, but they were many... Simple. Just minor inconveniences that more seemed to be happening to give some sense of normalcy. People always said that some things were too good to be true.
Maybe Pietro wasn't a lunatic after all.
But you knew Loki long enough to know you weren't going to win that argument. So you let him lead you by the hand to the toffee apples stand and pretended not to notice how hard he was trying to look like he was genuinely enjoying the candy and that he was not wanting to throw up.
You had been decorated as the best warrior in Asgard countless times. You had protected Gods. You were a heroine adored by billions of people and had already survived so many adventures that you could have easily written a bestselling book about yourself (That's what the most epic books of all time were called according to Stark). And yet, how could you be so… useless?
You had lost your beloved home and on the same day you had to watch the brutal extermination of almost half of your people and you could barely defend them. You barely made it out alive, for Odin's sake!
All Thanos' fault. That titan son of a bitch you would have sold your soul just for the chance to execute and watch his scaphism. You knew he had an army of titans. You knew all the stories about how Thanos was considered practically invincible. But even so, you couldn't help hating yourself for not being enough and for letting your people down.
But by the time Thanos demanded Loki hand over the Tesseract or he'd kill Thor, you knew Loki well enough to know he'd try one last thing. But you no longer thought your life was worth much. All your instinct for self-preservation has long since disappeared.
If you had to die to protect the princes of your kingdom, that's exactly what you would do.
When the Titan pinned Thor and killed Heimdall right after defeating the Hulk, you did the first thing that popped into your head. You snatched the hypercube from Loki's hand at lightning speed and ran towards Thanos
''Here. Take the Tesseract and do whatever you want with it, just go away and leave us alone. I beg you.'' You looked pathetic like that. One of the most powerful elements in the galaxy was in your hands, and yet you were on your knees, weeping and begging for a monster to spare the rest of your people. Thanos looked at you like for a few seconds before taking the Tesseract.
''I have heard much about you, daughter of Halldis. You are known as a hero. You were wise to accept the fate of this galaxy and collaborate with the greater good.'' He said before taking his army with him and leaving you surrounded by corpses and wounded people. Thor and Loki were alive. You were useful for something.
But why did you feel so… selfish? Of course, you weren't a sociopath, but still, for a few seconds, Thanos saw you as an equal.
Hero, they called you.
But at that moment you knew you were a fraud. You felt a genuine disgust with yourself and stopped believing in the mercy of the gods. If they really were merciful, they would have let you die in that carnage.
The life of any Asgardian seemed worth a thousand times more than yours. You just didn't deserve to live.
Loki had left Astrid at Wanda's house to play with the twins. Astrid was always playing with the twins, so you wouldn't suspect a thing. Of course, it wasn't morally right of Loki to dilute sleeping pills in the milk on the cereal he gave you this morning. But in his defence, he was going through something he never thought he would.
He was freaking out.
Loki Laufeyson had never felt that in all his thousands of years of life.
He always had things planned out and always made sure everything went exactly as he had so meticulously envisioned. Of course, not even the most detailed man in the world could control every situation every time. But even when things didn't go as Loki had planned, he always managed to stay calm and most of the time he had a plan b. When he didn't have a plan b, he quickly found a way to save his ass. Cunning as a fox, you once remarked.
The problem is that Loki was always a completely rational person who never got into a situation without weighing all the pros and cons before giving a second thought to make sure it was worth it.
You were the first impulsive decision he made. He was crying hysterically as he felt his heart being torn apart and the next minute he was driving in a car with you holding his hand. He didn't think about what could go wrong, he was so distracted in his bubble of happiness with you that he completely forgot that something could go off the rails at any second.
And that's exactly what happened.
All the decorations in the house were changing every five seconds. Loki's magic and yours were out of control and the Asgardian God was beginning to sense that everything was about to fall apart. But he couldn't bear it, he just couldn't.
Not again.
So he had to do something that he always tried to avoid as much as possible, but unfortunately, it was his only alternative. He needed to talk to Wanda.
*** How the hell did he end up here?
He was at Wanda's house when one of those nosy agents Wanda had kicked out showed up. Wanda was starting to lose control, so Agnes took the redhead to her house. Loki still needed to speak with Wanda, so he followed the two women. The hostess made him and Wanda sit down on the sofa and then Loki slowly came to his senses. Why the hell did Agnes have so many peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in her living room while a children's cartoon was playing on TV?
Now that Loki had stopped to notice things, he really felt something was missing when he walked into Wan's house...
"Maximoff, where is my daughter?" he asked, staring at the woman with daggers in his eyes.
She was still a little flustered, so it took her a few seconds before she processed his words and shook her head.
''Oh… I-I…''
Loki immediately made a dagger materialize in his hand and placed the blade against Wanda's throat.
''I'll just repeat it one more time, Maximoff. Where…" He didn't have time to finish his threat because Agnes came back into the room.
''Mr. Laufeyson, there's no need for violence, for God's sake! Astrid and the boys are probably just playing in the basement.'' Agnes butted in before Loki committed murder. The man immediately grabbed Wanda by the collar (he wouldn't let her go until he was sure his little girl was okay) and dragged her down the basement stairs in search of the children.
Loki didn't know what he expected to find in that basement; but finding multiple vines-covered columns, elaborately macabre-looking stained-glass windows, and dozens of dark magic elements were definitely not on his list.
And then suddenly, the brunette woman Loki had never liked had locked the door with her… Magic.
''The name is Agatha Harkness. Lovely to finally meet you.''
''I still can't believe you of all people learned to cook. A voice behind you commented.
You rolled your eyes but couldn't help but smile.
As ironic as it seems, Loki was the one who helped you out of your self-hatred state after Thanos' victory and since then the two of you have put your differences aside and decided to try to help what's left of the world as much as possible. Thor named Valkyrie king of new Asgard and you became the Goddess of Fidelity.
You never felt you deserved the title.
Loki was the royal advisor and was doing an excellent job restoring Asgard alongside the new king. You and he spent all the Sundays with Thor to cheer him up and take care of his mental health. You helped Steve through every therapy session because you knew how difficult it was for him to try to maintain Sam's legacy like that. You and Loki also babysat Morgan one night a month so Pepper and Tony could go on dates, and even though he pretended to hate babysitting, you knew Loki was crazy about the little girl.
You two lived in the Avengers tower with Natasha to monitor the state of the galaxy in monthly meetings with Denvers, the raccoon, Rhodes and Okoye. Since the three of you lived alone and the last time Nat or Loki entered a kitchen they set the place on fire while trying to cook an egg, you were practically forced to learn how to cook. After five years of practice, you've become quite the cook.
At the moment you were making lasagna because Nat had been tired lately and that was her favourite dish.
''If I hadn't learned, the three of us would have starved to death years ago.'' You joked. So-so.
''Despite all the difficulties living in this nightmare causes, I feel strangely happy,'' Loki commented.
You both knew it was wrong. Billions of people had lost their families and friends, including you and Loki. But the two of you couldn't help but enjoy the chaotic routine you had built up together. He was far better company than you could ever dream of.
''After you're done with dinner, we could binge-watch Modern Family,'' he suggested.
''Loki we binge-watched Modern Family six times!'' You complained.
After putting the lasagna in the oven, you turned to face your friend, only to realize he was closer than you thought.
In the last few years that he's been by your side, you can get to know the real Loki. Not the man you've spent the last few years seeing as someone deserving only hatred or pity. He had changed a lot after the Snap, and you finally got to see what a caring, smart, funny, gentlemanly and occasionally kind man he was. And well, up close, you couldn't deny how handsome he was. His eyes looked at you adoringly and suddenly the air was very hot and the atmosphere had changed. He lowered his eyes to your lips and…
God, he was going to kiss you.
The man who has spent his entire life avoiding and infuriating you would kiss you and your stomach couldn't be more full of butterflies. Your heart was beating wildly in anticipation and you'd never wanted anything as badly as you wanted to feel his lips against yours.
But just as he was about to finally close the tortuous distance between you both, Natasha called you into the room to see to some business urgently. You and Loki reluctantly obey the redhead only to find her and Steve looking at the security camera footage. The shock was written on both of their faces and as you and Loki looked at the footage, you too were shocked as well.
Scott Lang was alive?!?!
Apparently, Wanda was wrong about the state of Westview's population. They were definitely not doing well in suburban life designed to be perfect. He hated to admit it, but Wanda needed to set them free, there was nothing Loki could do.
You wouldn't want any of this if you were alive.
He was also right about everything ending in chaos. You had woken up and gone to the square looking for him and despite wanting desperately to take you in his arms and assure you that everything was going to be okay, he was tired of lying to you. Agatha Harkness fought against the Scarlet Witch (Apparently the legend was very real and he felt stupid for not realizing the truth about Wanda Maximoff before) and Agatha was defeated.
Wanda took Loki's hand and pulled him away from his and Wanda's family so they could have some privacy.
''I-I'm sorry.'' The most powerful woman in the universe looked so small and vulnerable in front of him. Loki would never know what came over him, but he let her cry into his chest as he stroked her back.
''I'm also... sorry, Maximoff.''
Wanda and Loki weren't friends and probably never would be. But they carried the pain of a difficult past and having lost their lovers and with it their prospects for happiness in the future. He hated to admit it, but he would always feel a deep connection with Wanda and he knew she felt the same.
Wanda went to her house to enjoy her last moments with her family and Loki did the same. Astrid was sitting on his shoulders and you were holding his hand the whole way home. When he looked at you, you gave him a sad and reassuring smile at the same time and every time you did he could feel his eyes burning, his body desperate to curl up in the fetal position and cry.
You arrived home and while you sang an Asgardian lullaby to Astrid, who was hugging Argos, the little girl was falling asleep with her face buried in her father's chest. She might be young, but she could feel that this would be the end, but she needed to enjoy the last moments with her family the same way every other moment was spent: With a smile on her face.
You four deserved this.
When she and Argos were finally asleep, Loki settled her on the bed and kissed her on the cheek. He pretended not to notice the tear left on his daughter's face right after you kissed her.
You two went to your room and lay down on the bed so you could cuddle and simply feel the warmth of each other's bodies. So that the hearts of two lovers would beat in the same rhythm. You stayed that way for three minutes, three hours or three years; Loki could never tell. But then you cupped his face and kissed him. You kissed him with all the pure love you felt for him. It was a kiss so painfully sweet he wanted to cry for the twentieth time that day. You rested your head on his chest so his heartbeat lulled you to sleep. When Loki realized you were unconscious, he wanted to sleep too. All he wanted was to spend the rest of his life in your arms, in that bed. But he did not allow himself to fall asleep.
Loki knew you wouldn't be there when he woke up.
You thought you were used to the pain of losing people you loved. That your heart was already so broken that if someone else important to you died, it wouldn't hurt so much anymore.
When Barton came back alone and with that look in his eyes like he'd just seen his whole world destroyed, you knew Natasha was gone.
You cried for hours, shedding so many tears you could almost feel your body drying out. Natasha had suffered so much in her life and yet she knew how to be kind and give her all to help others. She always supported you and managed to comfort you when no one noticed you were not okay in the first place. One of the strongest and most wonderful women in the world had died as she had lived: Doing the impossible and beyond to save people who didn't even care about her.
And that's why all of you were here. On the battlefield in the most epic fight you've ever been on a mission to destroy Thanos and his army. Natasha had sacrificed her own life so that you all could save the world and none of you could let her die in vain.
That's how you ended up the same way you did five years ago. Kneeling at Thanos' feet as he won, as it was always meant to be.
''I am Inevitable'' He smiled sickly as he felt total victory as he snapped his fingers to finally get rid of humanity forever. Some things were just… Meant to be. Like Thanos' success in his mission. The universe was always in his favour for him to be succeeded.
But not today.
Excruciating physical pain shot through your body as you felt your right arm burn from the overwhelming amount of power coursing through your veins from the stones in your hand. You definitely wouldn't survive this.
But you had decided a long time ago that you didn't deserve to live.
''And I… Am…,'' You were making a superhuman effort to speak, but you ignored the pain and finished uttering your last words. It was time to finally find your way to Valhalla and find your parents. Aunt Frigga. Heimdall. Your Asgardian people.
''... The Goddess of Fidelity''. You snapped your fingers and then everything went dark.
Thor knew he had no right to interfere, but he couldn't help but rage as he saw the looks of scorn and disgust directed at his brother and Wanda Maximoff that the residents of Westview and the S.W.O.R.D agents were sending their way. Of course, the two were wrong to enslave an entire city, but they had just lost everything. Why couldn't people understand that by willingly destroying the barrier, Loki and Wanda had given up their last chance to be happy? Why couldn't they stop feeling sorry for themselves for a second to try and reflect that those two were grieving and desperately trying to deal with this horrible feeling that no one deserved to go through?
They were all so arrogant. As if they wouldn't use Wanda's powers to bring loved ones back if they had the opportunity.
But the God of Thunder swallowed his anger and went after Loki.
He was so busy with his own grief over losing his dearest friend that he completely forgot that he wasn't the only one grieving. Now Loki was even more broken than before and there was nothing Thor could do but try to comfort him.
While you were alive, you fought tirelessly for him and Loki to have a true brotherly relationship by loving each other unconditionally. And damn him if he let anything you've fought for in your life go to waste.
Thor found Loki sitting on a bench in a small square near Westview. He was admiring the setting sun with an unreadable expression on his face.
''There's nothing I can do, brother. Nothing in this world can bring her back. I… I just want you to know that I understand your pain and that I will be here with you for as long as it takes if it helps you feel better.'' Thor finally spoke after sitting down beside his brother and staying in silence for several minutes. He never needed to comfort people who were grieving before. Despite knowing it wasn't enough, the blond God was trying his best.
And Loki knew it.
He knew that Thor meant every word and that he would indeed be sitting beside him in silence, watching the sunset for the rest of eternity if that would make Loki feel any better. When he looked away from the west into Thor's baby blue eyes, Loki began to cry.
The Loki of a few decades ago would rather die than allow himself to be in such a vulnerable position in front of Thor. But this Loki could only feel gratitude for having a brother who loved him till the moon and back and would help him deal with his pain and his hysterical crying without the slightest bit of judgment. That he would let Loki stay in his embrace forever while trying to ease his pain, even if Thor himself was miserable.
He still hadn't made up his mind if he regretted going after Wanda the instant he heard about Westview. If he regretted asking for a happy life with Y/n to the redhead who accepted the proposal immediately because she understood Loki's pain and because you had been very sweet to her when you rescued her in Sokovia and she never had a chance to thank you or become your friend.
The only thing Loki was sure of was that his heart would never heal and that his biggest regret was spending more than a millennium being hopelessly in love with you and never telling you.
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lady-rose-moon · 2 years
Eeep! So exciting that you opened your requests! 😍
Well... Since I'm such big sucker for dad!Loki... What about a sweet bonding moment between Loki and his newborn baby? Maybe Haven, if you'd like? 🥰
Thank you, you are wonderful! ☺️
Our little Haven || Dad!Loki x reader || Requests open! ||
A/N: ahhhh I'm so excited to show you this! I fucking love dad!Loki and writing this helped me fall for him even more! Thank you for this request @holdmytesseract I truly loved writing it and I hope you like it too!
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After an agonising thirty hours in labour, you finally brought your child into the world. You were sweaty, shaking and crying but when you heard the shrill cry come from your baby you laughed in relief and rested your head in your husband’s shoulder. Loki watched as the midwife wrapped the babe in a blanket and smiled at you and Loki.
“It’s a girl,” the midwife whispered with a warm smile, the smile becoming wider when he saw the utter delight on Loki’s face and your own face. “Although, it was peculiar…” she trailed off as she looked down at your daughter.”
Instantly, Loki began to run through all the different possibilities of what could have been wrong. “What… what is wrong? What was… peculiar?” you whispered weakly, voicing what Loki was panicking about, “is something wrong with her?”
“Well…” the midwife began before pulling her lip between her teeth and then looking between you and Loki, “she came out a boy. She just changed before my eyes. It’s… peculiar.”
Loki’s shoulder relaxed at the revelation and he chuckled nervously, guiding the midwife’s attention to him, “that would be because of me. I am genderfluid and my shapeshifting abilities must have been passed on to her. That is nothing to worry about.”
The midwife seemed to accept that and walked towards you, guiding you on how to hold your daughter properly before laying the bundle into your arms and stepping back. Your eyes welled up with tears of relief when you gazed down at the infant in your arms, her face all scrunched up and crying to the gods above. 
“She’s perfect,” you whispered to Loki as he leaned over your shoulder to get a look at his little girl. You brushed some excess blood from the girl’s face and watched as she subtly settled, gazing up at you curiously and seeming to accept your touch before her eyes closed and she opened her mouth to release another cry.
Loki sat by your bedside as you breastfed your child and rocked her. “You need to rest, pet,” Loki whispered to you when he noticed your eyes starting to droop and your breathing start to become deeper as you rested your head against the pillow, “I shall look after our girl for a while.”
“But…” you protested, looking between Loki and your daughter before admitting to yourself that you really needed to rest after the pain of the last thirty-something hours. “Alright,” you whispered, gently handing your daughter over to your husband and giggling when he looked at you, half terrified, “it’s alright,” you assured him with a grin, “you won’t break her.”
Reassured by your smile, Loki leaned down and pressed a kiss to your forehead and whispered sweet nothings until he was sure that you were asleep and then he was alone with his baby for the first time. Sure, Loki was already a father but he hadn’t felt like this at the birth of his sons or his first daughter. Back then, their births had been tainted with the fear of Odin discovering his children and throwing them away in fear of Ragnarok. Now, gazing down at his sweet daughter with Odin dead and Thor as the Aesir King, he was allowed to breathe.
The God stood from the bed and smiled as he walked around the room with his daughter in his arms. There was something about her, this wonderful child who had already shown a mastery of his shapeshifting abilities and she was only seconds old, this little girl who had captured his heart since the moment he saw your belly start to bulge with his child, this little soul who had been given to him and you as a way to move on. Your safe haven.
“Haven,” Loki whispered into the silence of the room, watching Haven squirm in his arms as she tried to get comfy against him. That’s what she shall be called, a homage to what she is to you and Loki. Your safe haven, your blessing, your way of moving on. “Haven Lokidottir,” he whispered again, the name sounding so perfectly right on his tongue that he knew it was destined to be her name, “your mother will love it.”
Loki sat in the chair next to your bed for an hour after that and at every little shift of his daughter, he was brought back to attention and there if his daughter needed him. When he saw her nose start to scrunch and her mouth start to open, he was prepared for her cries and gently stroked down her nose with his pinkie finger, soothing her as he gently shushed her. 
“Don’t wake mummy, min lille trygge havn (my little safe haven),” the new father whispered, watching as his daughter opened her eyes and blinked up at him tiredly.
Green. Her eyes were green! She had his eyes! Utter joy filled Loki’s chest as he gazed down at the beautiful shade that Haven had for eyes and he felt himself teetering on the edge of crying again at the sight of her eyes. Haven seemed to sense his joy as her crying subsided and she wriggled in his arms, enjoying the attention from the man holding her.
“I’m dada, little one,” Loki whispered, standing from the chair and swaying with her in his arms. “I swear to you, little Haven, I won’t let anything happen to you,” the God whispered to his child, knowing that she wouldn’t understand his words yet but he knew that he would always show her that she was loved and protected, “mummy and daddy will always protect you.”
Haven gazed up at him and her lips spread into a goofy smile and she did her best to giggle, kicking her legs in delight. Loki watched with amusement and felt his heart squeeze at how wonderful today was, how lucky he was to have you and to have Haven, how lucky he was to have this second chance at a family.
From your place on the hospital bed, you watched as Loki bonded with his child and felt so blessed that you were the one to give Loki this opportunity.
Main tags:
@lokisgoodgirl @lokisninerealms @evelyn-kingsley @slpnbty2001 @jennyggggrrr @hahaha12123445 @ozymdias @holdmytesseract @itsybitchylittlewitchy @lovingchoices14 @xorpsbane @huntress-artemiss @muddyorbs @nerdy-fangirl-65 @lonadane @silverfire475 @chantsdemarins @iamsherlocked1479 @kittiowolf210 @just-someone11 @stupidthoughtsinwriting @loki-laufeyson-1054 @fictive-sl0th @coldnique
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kilikina34512 · 2 years
Have Some Tea
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I know it's been a long time since I posted. Life is kicking my butt badly. BUT! I was able to find a pocket of time to write this. Inspired by this TikTok, I decided to write a Loki story, a character I haven't touched in far too long. Also my first non-drabble posted to Tumblr. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did and that the fluff makes your heart warm on these cold, winter days. Divider courtesy of @firefly-graphics. Make sure to check them out!
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Pairing: dad!Loki x mom!reader
Summary: In an attempt to copy her father's habits, your daughter has what equates to an impromptu tea party with the King's diplomatic convoy.
Warnings: fluff, more fluff, Loki's heart melting, very minor angst (in the form of some sadness, but more sugary fluff than sadness by far)
Word Count: 1,253
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Days like these never got any easier.  When Thor became king of Asgard, he promoted Loki to be his second.  The job was one that fit the prince perfectly, however, it was never easy to watch him leave on diplomatic travels.  
A new round of negotiations needed to happen on Nidavellir and Thor, Loki, and their entourage were going to be gone for a week or two to settle the dispute of goods that went between both worlds.  You always missed your husband greatly whenever he went off world, but this time would be harder.
Your three-year old daughter, Asta, was usually attached to his hip with every free second he had.  If Loki was stuck in a meeting, she didn't want to eat dinner until he was seated with you both. She had to have tea just like him.  She pouted whenever they couldn't work on her steadily growing magic skills.  "Can we go see Daddy," was a question you heard at least five times a day easily.  
Your daughter, despite looking like a carbon copy of you, was your husband's mini-me.
You knew that the next several days would be hard on her.  Yet, despite knowing it'd be hard, you'd agreed to her request to see the convoy off.  You were waiting at the Bifrost as the convoy began their trek down the rainbow bridge, one hand holding your daughter's and the other twisting anxiously in your skirts.  As they began to get close, a flash of pastel green drew your attention.
Looking down at Asta, you saw she had summoned a child-sized teacup in her hand.  Between Loki's teachings and her own desires to be "just like Daddy," she'd started to summon items.  
Your brow furrowed as you asked, "What is that for, Asta?"
Your own eyes looked up at you as she replied, "Daddy has tea before he goes work.  They go to work, right?"  At your nod of confirmation, she continues, "They need tea before work too."
You couldn't fight the smile that pulled your lips up.  "I think that's a sweet gesture."  Before you could point out that the cup was empty though, the first of the convoy was about to pass you both.  You recognized them as two guards that you saw frequently.  Asta raised her cup to Dag and Folke, saying, "Have some tea."
Dag stopped, kneeled to the little princess, and took the cup and raised it as if to drink from it despite its lack of contents.  He sighed in satisfaction before passing it to Folke, who'd kneeled as well and repeated the same gesture as his fellow guard.  Passing the teacup back, the both bowed their head as they said, "Thank you, Princess Asta," before rising and heading into the Bifrost.  
Your heart filled with pure joy that the two had been so sweet as to entertain your daughter that way.  What you hadn't expected, and what had brought tears to your eyes and widened your smile, was for every other member of the convoy to do the same.  Asta continued to offer each one tea and guards, maids, pages, and advisers all repeatedly stopped to pretend to sip from her teacup and offer their gratitude for her kindness.  
At one point in the slow procession, you'd looked up the line as movement out of the corner of your eye drew your attention.  About halfway down the line, you saw Loki pop out from between people to see the scene in front of him.  One of Thor's handmaiden's was "sipping" from the cup and the pride and happiness on Asta's face was spreading joy and warmth amongst everyone.  The look of annoyance, you assumed at the line taking so long, quickly warped to softness and love.  You two were the lights of his life, and it was written on his face.
You both greeted and thanked each person as they passed until suddenly she beamed with excitement at the next person to kneel in front of her.  "Uncle Thor," she squealed as she jumped up to hug him.  Just as Thor wrapped his large arms around your daughter, engulfing her against him, a pair of cooler, very familiar, toned arms around your waist.  "Care to explain why our convoy took severely longer to enter the Bifrost than normal?"  The words could be taken as annoyance, but you could hear the smile in his voice.
"Asta's just emulating her father, as always."
You turned your head to meet jade eyes peering down at you with love.  "Well, our ever observant daughter noted how you never leave for work without having a cup of tea to start your day.  After explaining to her that everyone was leaving Asgard for work, she took it upon herself to summon a cup of tea to offer them.  She still can't quite summon the tea itself, but each person acted as if she had."
Loki's gaze shifted from you to Asta, affection shining in his eyes along with pride.  "Is that so, little flower?  Have you been serving tea as everyone departed?"
Asta looked up at her father and nodded her head eagerly.  "Just like you, Daddy!"
None of you commented at the sliver of water that pooled in Loki's eyes before he blinked it away.  You fell even more in love with your husband as he kneeled in front of Asta.  "I seemed to have forgotten my tea this morning.  Might I have a cup, please?"  
Not even considering that she could summon a new one, your daughter turned on Thor and said, "I need my cup.  Daddy needs tea."  She held out her hand expectantly, her face the picture of Loki's when he's impatiently waiting for something to be brought to him.
You stifle your laughter at the scene as Thor feigns incredulity.  "But Asta, I wish to take this tea with me.  I have not finished yet."
Asta's eyebrows furrow in thought before she finally responds hesitiantly, "Okay, Uncle Thor.  You may."
Loki's shoulders shake in silent laughter before he asks her to summon a new cup.  Eagerly, she does and thankfully doesn't notice the twitch of his fingers as he assists her in summoning the actual tea in the cup.  "Thank you, my heart," he leans forward and kisses her on her forehead before standing with his cup in hand.
Loki's face morphs into a serious one as he says, "You will behave and listen to your mother while I am away, yes?"
"Yes, Daddy," she responds in kind.
"And you will continue to practice your magic and work on the lessons you've been given."
"Of course, Daddy."
"Good.  I will miss you, my heart."  He looks at you, "You as well, my love."
Thor quickly hugs both you and Asta, saying a quick goodbye, before allowing your little family to have a loving, tearful goodbye.  As he pulls away from you both, you see how much of a struggle it is for Loki to do his duty and depart, but his little light leaves him smiling as she cheers, "Be a good dip'omat, Daddy!"
Suddenly, as you watch the king and prince depart, you feel more at ease with knowing that your daughter will make it through him being so far away from home alright.  In fact, before you can even miss him for long, Asta is already tugging you away from the Bifrost.
"Come, Mommy!  I need to go practice my magic so I can show Daddy when he gets home!"  With a chuckled, "Alright," you both go back to the castle to fill your time and await the return of your God of Mischief.
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ashdreams2023 · 1 year
Hiii, i was wondering if you could do some headcanons about Loki x femenine reader, who have a child together, i just like the thought of them being a family. I love your writting also <3
Of course!
Loki x fem reader with a child
The very few months we’re his favorite, he loved watching his baby sleep and warp it’s little hand around his finger
Was very attentive to you both, brushed your hair for you and took the child for you to shower
Buys tons and tons of tiny socks because he doesn’t know self control
When the baby starts teething he lets it sucking on his fingers because they feel cool and nice
Lots of group naps because when the baby sleeps everyone else does
You and Loki go on walks together every weekend, Loki wears those body strap baby carriers
You braid Loki’s hair because the baby always tries to pull on his hair
Will tease you about the baby say dada before mama
He will cry on the first day of kindergarten more than your child and you
"You know they’re coming back right?"
"That’s still my baby!"
Takes you on nice dates every once in a while if there is someone to baby, you trust
Thor is the worst because he keeps bringing things a child should not play with
"Loki he can’t have a sword!"
"You think I don’t know that?!"
Builds pillow forts and then magics them up to look realistic
The baby mimics your moves and goes running to Loki when he gets home to show him what you did all day
When the baby is sick he’s so stressed it’s not even funny, he can’t sleep or eat until the little one gets better
Floats the baby around just to mess with you and give you mini heart attacks
"Are you trying to kill me?!"
"Nah we die together"
When you get dressed up both him and the baby are just mesmerized
They are your number one fans
"Mommy looks beautiful doesn’t she?"
Loki’s favorite thing is when you and the baby lay on top of him and nap, it’s just comfortable weight
Halloween is crazy because you want to try every cute little outfit on your baby and Loki takes lots of photos
Overall Loki loves his little family, and appreciates every small thing about you both
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cherryc1nnam0n · 2 years
Hey!! I really like your stories, and would like to request one, if that’s alright. Well, basically, Loki realizes he wants to be a father, and tries to convince the reader of it. She tells him she does want to be a mother too, but not right now because she isn’t ready yet, and he gets a little sad and upset, but respects it. He then starts trying to convince her over time, and when he finally does, they start trying for a child. Bonus points if it has fluffy smut too! Hope you can write this, thank you so much! 💗
Hello! I am so sorry it took me so long but you requested when I closed requests
Hope you like it!
Let's have a baby | Fem!Reader x Loki
Summary: Loki wants to be a father, but do you?
Cw: Slight angst, fluff, lots of breeding and cum, exaggerated cumming
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Life was different for Loki now that he had you in his life... He had matured and changed his ways... After moving from Asgard to earth with you it was all different...
Getting used to Earth's customs, and how life went by here, it was all a new experience
You had been married since Loki was young, and you too, you were a princess from Alfheim, who was paired with Loki for marriage
Back on earth, you guys were living in a secluded cottage, it was different now doing chores, not having anyone to do everything for you
Months went by and Loki had a sudden urge of making you pregnant, he wanted a kid and he wanted it now, with you
"Dear... I want a baby"
You dropped your fork on your plate, making a loud noice that startled him
"Darling you okay?"
"Loki I... That sounds wonderful but... I'm not ready yet..." You said with a frown, feeling bad for making him sad
He felt his heart shatter, he looked down "But... You want to have a baby?"
"Yes, but... Not right now... And I don't know when to be honest..." He stood up "Honey please don't be mad"
"I'm not mad... I'm just... I'm okay, I'll respect it honey" he smiled at you, tears in his eyes and walked away to your shared room
You sighed when he left "Damn it..."
That night you felt bad about Loki being sad, so you planned something to cheer him up
"Loki...." You chanted his name seductively
He turned to look at you while reading a book, crooking an eyebrow, you opened your robe and let it fall, a sexy dark green lingerie on you, he grinned but looked down
"I'm sorry honey... I'm not in the mood..."
Your face fell, was he being serious? He never denied sex!
"Are you serious?" You scoffed
"I respected your desires in not having a baby, so now respect mine in not wanting to have sex..." He said blandly
You scoffed again, picking up your robe "If this is your way of talking me into agreeing it won't work!" You said huffing, going to change back
He just sighed, this was going to be hard...
Three months, three months Loki didn't touch you... Only soft kisses and caresses, but three months where Loki didn't have sex with you
You were going nuts, he might have blue balls all day but he didn't care, he wasn't going to get to pregnant if you didn't want a baby right now, but it was so annoying, you were craving some touch from him
So after thinking it through, you were ready for that baby to come to this world
"Loki... I think I'm ready now" you said to him, he put his book down, looking up at you
"Ready? For... A baby?"
You nodded, he kept staring at you
"Please don't tell me that if you don't mean it..." He said even though he didn't detect a lie from you
"I'm not lying! I'm serious" he didn't sense a lie, never
"Then let's do it sweetheart"
"Feels good right? Knowing I could get you pregnant right now, my fertile seed filling your insides?" Loki said in a raspy voice as he fucked into you
Since he entered you he set a brutal pace, his hips snapping against your's making you move up the bed, so he placed an hand on top of your shoulder on the bed to hold you, making his movements more centered and exact
"L-Loki... Fuck-" you choked on a moan as he kept fucking you
"That's right baby, say my name, say the name of the god that will make you pregnant" he growled in your ear "I'm so close baby, I've been keeping this cum for you, so so much of it so it will take"
"Loki... Please I'm so close" you moaned at him, his emerald staring at you "Breed me daddy"
That made him snap, with a last brutal thrust he came so much inside you, your orgasm came as harder than ever, his dick twitching violently as litters, literal litters emptied inside you, so much it made a bulge on your belly
"Fuck! Y/n!" He moaned as he kept cumming
"Loki it's- so much" you sobbed, feeling his cum seep out of you
"That's what happens when I don't cum for months..."
"It's so much Loki"
"I know baby, but this cum will make us a baby" he smiled at you
"A beautiful baby" you kissed him tenderly
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anonymousfiction211 · 2 years
Idk if you are taking requests but what if y/n and Loki are trying to have some adult time and thunder and mischief keep interrupting them.
A/N: Thunder&Mischief requests are always open :)! Hope you enjoy.
Warnings: mentions of sex
Interrupted Day 1 *Loki and Y/N heavily making out on the bed*
Loki *whispering seductively*: I can’t wait any longer
*Thunder&Mischief entering the room with a ball of yarn*: meow
Loki: Go away, we’re busy
Y/N: Awh, Loki stop! We can’t do that here in the same room with them
*Loki grumbling frustrated, while Y/N starts playing with Thunder&Mischief*
Day 2 *While watching a movie together, Loki starts distracting Y/N with kissing her neck and letting his hands wander*
Y/N: *moaning* hmm, Loki
*The sound of Mischief running from the catio inside. Dropping a dead mouse at Loki’s feet and meowing proudly*
Y/N: Well, that’s a.. surprise. I thought you had fixed the catio?
Loki: I did… 5 times, already.. but, where were we?
Y/N: You don’t think the dead mouse killed the mood a little?
Loki: *grumbling frustrated*
Day 3 *Loki fixing the catio again, hoping Mischief can’t find a way to escape*
Y/N: You look very sexy when you are busy with tools
Loki: Hmm, do I? *very slowly picking up one of the tools, so Y/N can get a good look at his ass*
*Y/N walking towards Loki, starting to kiss him*
*Thunder, suddenly meowing judginly*
Y/N: O, sorry didn’t see you there..
Loki: You know, we can take this to the bedroom
*Loki and Y/N entering the bedroom to see Mischief sleeping on there*
Y/N: Well, it was your idea to let them sleep in the bed…
Loki: I hate myself…
Day 4 *Y/N coming home to find Loki, Thor and the cats sitting on the couch together*
Thor: Great news lady Y/N, Loki has asked me to watch your precious children again. And he trusts me so much, he has dropped all the ridiculous check-in-rules.
Y/N *smirking*: Really? How surprising
Loki *feigning innocence*: Well, if you can’t trust your brother, who can you trust? Thanks for watching them, and remember you really don’t have to call how it’s going. I’ll see you in two days.
*Thor excitingly leaving with the cats*
Y/N: You really asked Thor to babysit, so we can have sex?
*Loki snapping his fingers, being completely naked*: Yes, now we only have two days, so we have to make the most of it.
*Thor re-entering the room*: I think I forgot….
*Seeing Loki naked and quickly closing the door again*: That was fast…
Thunder&Mischief taglist: @lokiestorch @shereighties @littlemortals @fandoms4life-always @high-functioning-lokipath @briarrose26 @lilyevans1 @cabingrlandrandomcrap @the-gods-gloted-but-they-burned @geeky-politics-46 @vbecker10
I recently started over with my taglists. If you want to stay in the Thunder&Mischief taglist, let me know. Otherwise, I will remove your name in future posts. No worries, no obligations :) Thanks for reading!
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wheredafandomat · 2 years
For Better or For Worse
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“Your daddy literally paid the airline to stop the flight from taking off. It must’ve cost him a fortune.” You laughed. “Anyways, hurry up, I want to finally be able to lay on my stomach again.” You added, looking down at your stomach as you ran your hand over it in a circular motion.
“Are you sure that’s all you want to do?” Loki questioned teasingly, walking into the hospital room in scrubs, ready for you to go into labour.
“Loki stop, she can hear.” You scolded.
“Well then tell her it’s time to come out” he smiled, leaning over the bed to speak to your stomach “come on sweetheart, time to meet your parents.”
It seems she did hear, Lokis words having an affect on her because you went into labour about twenty minutes later. Doctors began rushing in, preparing you for the final stages as you looked up at Loki, tears running down your cheeks.
“W-what if something goes wrong?” You questioned, squeezing his hand as your contractions grew closer together.
“It won’t, I’m right here.” He assured, using his free hand to wipe the sweat beading on your forehead.
“I don’t think I can handle losing another child Loki.” You sniffled.
“You won’t” he spoke, kissing your forehead “I promise.”
Within the next hour, you found yourself laying with your back against the headboard, completely exhausted as your eyes fell onto Loki holding the baby. Catching your eye, he placed her in your arms, a tear rolling down his cheek as he watched you hold her.
“My girls.” He murmured, blinking away his tears. You looked up at him, fighting away your own tears as he pressed his lips to yours in a gentle kiss. He eased away slowly, his expression changing. “Y/n, I’ve been waiting for the perfect time to ask and I can’t think of one better than right now.” He began.
“Loki love, what is it?” You asked, concern evident in your tone before you gasped slightly, Loki kneeling on the floor as he pulled out a small velvet box from his pocket. Who knew scrubs had pockets?
“Y/n, y/l/n, would you do me the honour of becoming my wife, again?” He asked almost nervously as if the answer wasn’t obvious. Before you could answer, the baby resting in your arms made a gurgling noise catching you and Lokis attention before she settled back to sleep.
“I think she’s in agreement” you smiled “get up off of the floor Loki, of course I’ll marry you. I love you so much. Come here.” You cheered as quietly as you could, Loki slipping an engagement ring onto your finger before kissing you.
You later fed her before falling asleep, Loki taking her from you and sitting with her, cooing at her. You were woken from your light slumber by a knock on the door. Opening your eyes, you grinned at Thor who was standing at the door with a bouquet of flowers as well as Logan who was now a toddler and also Rose and Lokis son; the same Rose that had tried to kill you and who slept with both Odinsons before giving birth to Lokis child. As soon as it was born, she was ordered to do a pregnancy test and it turned out that it was actually Lokis. After a very expensive custody battle, you and Loki were granted sole custody of him. Despite your grievances with Logan’s mother, you still adored him, he was still half Loki. Lokis jaw clenched seeing Thor, mentally cursing him for ruining this moment meanwhile you gestured for Logan to come in and meet his baby sister. They pushed the door open before Loki spoke.
“Get out.” He said sternly to Thor once Logan was beside your bed.
“I just wanted—” Thor began.
“Loki, let him say his peace.” You interjected. Despite what Thor had done, he was still Lokis brother, the children’s uncle. You knew that Loki would eventually forgive him even if it was for his own sanity so it was better to start the process early. Smiling at you, Thor walked further inside, placing the bouquet of flowers on the bedside table before looking down at the baby.
“She’s beautiful.” He spoke.
“Thanks Thor.” You answered.
“I also wanted to say that the sale for the house has been approved.” He added.
“Great, so we’ll have enough money for another spectacular wedding.” You smiled coyly at Loki.
“Oh, you’re engaged?” Thor asked.
“Yes.” Loki answered curtly as you flashed your engagement ring.
“Congratulations!” Thor beamed.
“Mhm.” Loki hummed in response.
“Well um, I better get going, I’ll drop Logan back at mothers.” Thor excused himself.
“Thank you.” You answered tiredly, giving Logan a side hug before they both left. “What’s got you all smiley?” You asked Loki, noticing his expression.
“Well other than the fact that I’m currently holding my daughter and you’ve said yes to my proposal, we’re finally done with the house. This really is a new start.” He replied.
“Yes” you agreed “time for a new start.”
“What do you think Esmé?” Loki spoke softly, looking down at the baby.
“Esmé” you grinned “you liked the name.”
“I loved the name.” He corrected.
“Logan and Esmé.”
Around the time of Esmés first birthday, you found yourself walking down the aisle again. You kept the ceremony small, only inviting a few guests. Luckily Rose stayed away. Once you reached Loki, the tears were already rolling down your cheeks.
“In the name of God, I, Loki take you, y/n to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until death do us part. This is my solemn vow.” Loki declared, holding your hands.
“You may now kiss the bride.”
Surprising you, Lokis arm wrapped around your back as he dipped you, kissing you passionately as everyone cheered. Frigga was holding Esmé, using her hands to clap as Loki brought you back to your feet again.
“I love you.” You affirmed against his lips.
The honeymoon, although delayed, meant that you and Loki did eventually make it to Paris. Together.
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Omggg I obviously couldn’t leave the fic with an unhappy ending, not when I love these two so much. Thank you all so so sooo much for reading and supporting!! This has been a fun couple of weeks seeing these twos journey from angst to romance 😁😁💓😘
@michelleleewise @ladymischief11 @vickie5446 @12-pm-510 @stupidthoughtsinwriting @somewiseguy @xorpsbane @wolfsmom1 @huntress-artemiss @kikster606 @ozymdias @crimson25 @bunny24sstuff @dillie60 @mcufan72 @lokisgoodgirl @mochie85 @lokiprompts @fictive-sl0th @peaches1958 @plokis @eyesbluelikethetitanic @blog-the-lilly @lovingchoices14 @johnmurphys-sass @lokibadguy @kingtwhiddleston @princess-ofthe-pages @elooo0ooo @lilibet261 @mischief2sarawr @simplyholl @marygoddessofmischief @thegardenerofeden @callxmexnadine
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lokiswifeduh · 2 years
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Bucky Barnes
Loki Laufeyson
Natasha Romanoff
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madame-midnight · 8 months
I have a big feeling that BoyDad!Loki won't raise a guy, but a man, but GirlDad!Loki will surely raise a Daddy's Girl✨️🥰
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fic-recs-by-mimi · 2 years
We’re Already Off To An Awesome Start! If Only I Could Make This A Full Time Job XD. Anyway, I Won’t Be Around To Make A Complete List For March, But Expect Me Back In April. If Anyone Expects Me.
🗝️ = I Loved The Style Of Writing
✈️ = I Loved The Plot/Idea
⭐️ = Well Portrayed/Written Characters
🔥 = It Stirred Something Deep Inside Me And I Cannot Recommend It More
🤍 = Fluff
♥️ = Angst
💕 = Seasonal
Peter Parker’s Photographer Girlfriend Blurb (Peter Parker X Fem!Reader) by @keeryshouse 🗝️✈️🔥🤍
Well Shoot ☺️ If This Isn’t This The Cutest Thing. I’m Majoring In Photography, And Boy, I Sure Wish I Had A Model Like Peter. Well Done, OP 🫱🏼♥️
doughnuts (TASM!Peter Parker X Fem!Afab!Reader) by @forourmoons 🗝️✈️🤍
Hell Yeah; Hold My Face And Kiss Me Please. Please? This Made Me Feel Very Warm Inside. Also, I Really Love Doughnuts. 🍩
Thrown, Part 31: A Failing Strategy (Eventual Loki X Reader) by @maple-seed 🗝️✈️⭐️🔥♥️
Part 31??!! OP Is Dedicated! I Definitely Don’t Have The Time To Read Through The Whole Thing, But It Was Pretty Darn Good On It’s Own. I Hope To Come Back To It Soon. It’s Very Nice. Excellent Writing, Ma’am. I Admire You. 👌🏽
Have Some Tea (Not Really A Pairing, Mostly Ft. Loki & Reader’s Child) by @kilikina34512 🗝️✈️🤍🤍🤍
Awwww, Gosh, This Is So Cute And Wholesome. We Love Our Little Toddlers.
Burning Words (Loki X Reader) by @lokiprompts ✈️🔥🤍♥️
Great Dialogue And Plots Come From Characters Who Can Say Anything But What They Want To Say. There’s A Post Floating Around With That Message, And I Like This Example Of It. Anyway, This Is My Exact Level Of Awkward LOL 😂
How Do You Think Peter Would Propose? (TASM!Peter Parker X Fem Reader) by @mrshipsmcgee 🗝️✈️⭐️🔥🤍
I Added A Tag That Read Slmething Along The Lines Of “smooooooth” When I Hit Reblog And I’ll Say It Again. Impeccable Timing, Sir!
*massive untapped potential* (Light X Y/N L/N) by @phantomrose96 🗝️✈️✈️✈️⭐️🔥
HOLY SMOKES I’m Not Even A Part Of The Death Note Fandom, But This Idea Is Absolutely Spectacular. This Is Brilliant Work, Here!
And, Of Course, The Incorrect Quotes. Go Give Them Love. They’re Ingenious.
The Frog Spider Vine, by @incorrect-marvelcinematic-quotes (I Think This One Will Be A Forever Favourite Of Mine)
Oh shit he’s about to be 17, by @ironrad (Oh Shit MCU’s Peter Parker Is Cannonically Only 16 And A Half)
The Sin Of Pi Is Zero, by @marvel-lous-guy (Very Clever!)
If You’re An Author Of One Of These Fics And Would Prefer I Take You/Your Work Off This List/My Blog, Pls Message &lt;3
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