#loki bifrost has what loki marvel wants
oswildin · 1 day
Debated making this, but oh well, here we are…
I rewatched the Loki series.
Going to add here quickly that I have been a fan of Loki since 2012/2013, and I personally relate to his character for a multitude of reasons.
Now, I enjoy the series, but I wish they made it more character focused than they had. I do feel like they prioritised story in terms of making it fit the next phase over exploring and expanding on Loki’s character to some degree (a lot of it was surface level).
For example, I would’ve loved to have seen:
Exploring Loki’s Jotun heritage, even if it was a variant of him in the void that embraced it, dropped his aesir form, a conversation between Loki and his Jotun variant as they explain why they chose to embrace it, giving a different view to maybe how our Loki sees himself/the Jotuns. If ‘What If’ could have a frost giant Loki variant, why couldn’t the show?
Expanding upon what happened to Loki during that year after his fall from the Bifrost. The reason for this is self explanatory really, it would add more lore/depth to his experiences/actions during the Avengers. Maybe address the trauma he has from it.
Loki fighting with his so-called ‘desire’ for a throne more. By this I mean, I felt he flipped pretty quickly from his plan to overthrow the time keepers to just following along with Sylvie - which is fine, but I kinda thought there would be more push back from him. I get it was a life or death situation and Loki’s whole thing is ‘survival’, but it would’ve added to their dynamic and the fact the writers clearly wanted to push how Sylvie was different to other Loki’s.
Exploring Sylvie’s backstory more. It really did feel like it was an afterthought, which is a shame. I suppose they left it ambiguous for certain reasons, but I think they should’ve had more flashback scenes of what Sylvie could remember. I think it would’ve helped people understand and relate to her more. (I do love her though).
Actually showed Loki’s gender fluidity & shapeshifting ability more. Again, self explanatory really & important to his character, plus the whole implied only ‘woman variant’ thing with Sylvie should’ve not been a thing, like at all.
They should’ve given Loki more time to process everything. This show really should’ve had 8 episodes each season, I get that’s not the writers fault, likely Disney/marvel’s doing. Perhaps then the shift in his character wouldn’t have felt so jarring, especially considering he’s 2012 Loki. I do agree they wrote him as if he was Ragnarok!Loki, and that’s not necessarily a bad thing, but it just felt jarring considering the last we saw of this Loki was Avengers. But then I could also argue that maybe he thought ‘what’s the point of it’ because the TVA know everything about him, but I digress.
Used Sylvie more in S2. It did feel like they didn’t quite know what to do with her, her and Loki clearly just needed to sit and discuss the citadel fight, but the closest thing we got is in EP3 where Sylvie says ‘this is all rather familiar, isn’t it?’, referencing their different/opposing opinions on the TVA/He Who Remains. And also maybe the pie room scene, but it’s very vague/not directly addressed.
Explored the fact that Mobius is not a good guy more. Because, he isn’t. And that’s okay. To me, the whole point of the show is based on Loki’s quote of ‘no one good is ever truly good, and no one bad is ever truly bad’, and whilst they do reference Mobius’ own morally grey actions/traits, they don’t particularly make it clear and most just see him as this ‘happy go lucky old man who likes pie and loves Loki variants’. In fact, I actually really liked the scene where Sylvie confronts him - which is a very unpopular opinion to have it seems, lol.
Delved into the psychology of Loki further than surface level/what we already know about him. Yes, we know he’s the God of Mischief. Yes, we know he isn’t evil. Yes, we know he is redeemable. Yes, we know he’s cunning, manipulative and selfish. We get that he projects this ‘illusion’ of himself, but it was only really mentioned in S1 EP1, maybe slightly EP2, before it’s never really mentioned again. I suppose S2 does this to a degree with the bar scene and EP5 of S1 in the time cell with Sif - also I think they tried to take the narcissist angle from the pov that it’s because of his low self-esteem as to why he needs validation and it’s a defence mechanism, but they didn’t particularly make that clear and made it seem like he just thinks highly of himself.
I know it seems like I have a lot of issues with the show, and I do, but I still enjoyed it. It’s okay to be critical of a piece of media and still enjoy it.
I do prefer S2 to S1, mostly because I prefer the direction they took it in and whilst I, of course, wanted better for Loki, I can’t deny S2 EP6 is a stunning finale. I sobbed so hard during the ending and still feel the grief that I actually lost someone I knew personally. But I also have hope that this means Loki is now a main player in the next phase (am I delusional? Maybe).
I enjoyed the dynamics, the back and forth/chemistry, the story was interesting, the set & costume design, the acting, the directing/colour grading, the music (Natalie Holt, you are genius), the emotions, the fun, the characters…
So this is not a hate post by any means, I will once again state, I enjoyed the show. But, I do have issues with it, and that’s okay too.
Please, dni if you’re just going to be argumentative or confrontational. I also don’t want to hear that just because I enjoyed the show that I’m ‘not a real fan’ lmao. I’m sorry, but I’ve been a Loki stan for over a decade, and I will not have someone tell me I’m not a real fan because of a piece of fictional media. Also, please do not mention anything regarding ships on this post, I do not care for it because it always ends up in arguments and I am a multishipper so I don’t tend to fight for any side. Thank you! :) /gen
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beheworthy · 11 months
You know, I've put up with a lot when it comes to Thor.
They gouged his eye out. Broke him up with Jane for no reason. Made him a depressed alcoholic and laughed at his weight. Snatched kingship from him for no reason.
They ruined him in a new way seemingly permanently at the end of every film, yet I showed up for his next film first day first show because I had hope.
But what they've done this time - snatching Jane away from him and giving this rando kid as A PRIZE/SOLUTION FOR JANE - has just knocked the wind out of my sails.
For the first time in the 10 years of following his story, I genuinely don't want to see him again. Because it will be one of the two scenarios whenever he shows up next: they'll either age her up and the whole thing will be about how much better the new generation is while he's a bumbling buffoon (even more than he already is made). Or it will be this same dynamic where she's bullying him/being an annoying brat but it's presented as "cute uwu".
And it makes me so mad. There's just nowhere to go with this character weighing him down at all times now.
It's been over a year and I've still not been able to make peace with it. Probably because during the past screwups, his next outing was always announced. So, I knew I'd see him again and it will somehow fix the mess of the previous one. But this time, it's been over a year and no next outing is announced. So we don't know how we will see him again. That's just adding to my anxiety.
I see rumors that Thor might show up in the last two episodes of Loki Season 2. Captain Marvel's sequel teased someone coming to her via Bifrost in one of its trailer. Thor could show up in these and I just don't want it because that kid will be stuck to him everywhere he goes.
The fact that fans have rejected this character gives me hope that Marvel might retcon her the way they're scrapping whatever that doesn't work left right and center.
But as it stands, they've ruined my favorite character in such a final way that I just don't know what to do now. :(
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marvel-ousmondays · 8 months
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So, cards on the table, Thor was never a favorite of mine.
In terms of the "Chrises", Hemsworth isn't the one I find the most attractive. And a big part of the marketing appeal around Thor in this first film IS about his masculine attractiveness. So when I watched it the first time, I remember thinking "meh, okay" about the movie.
I did enjoy Natalie Portman's character of Jane, LOVED both Sif and Darcy, and Heimdall? C'mon man. No one is cooler than Idris Elba's Heimdall.
So how about this viewing?
This round I was really taken with the cinematography. I don't think I fully appreciated the majesty of Asgard in the first one (or the skill it took to create it), nor the Bifrost, or even Jotunheim. Say what you want about Kenneth Branagh but his films have a beauty to them. (How much of that credit belongs to the editors is up for grabs as obviously post-production is crazy for films like this.) If you are considering a re-watch, I'd strongly encourage you to really look at the environments created for Asgard and Jotunheim- they're gorgeous and unique.
I appreciated Thor's breakdown scene when he can't lift Mjolnir more than I did the first time, probably due to Thor's struggle with worthiness and general depression in Endgame.
I will say in general, I think I appreciated Hemsworth's acting more this round. He has to be this kind of old-timey knight figure among normal people and he has held to that well throughout his whole Avengers tenure. I imagine that is harder than it seems at times.
Despite having finished Loki Season 2 recently, Tom Hiddleston's performance in this first movie doesn't wow me. It's fine, good even, but doesn't stand out to the level one might expect, at least for me. Avengers is coming soon though and there our boy villain shines. I will say I think the problem here is the plot is actually a bit TOO convoluted. The writers couldn't quite decide, or so it appears, what to do with Loki. His anger at his father's deception would be logical but he seems to have turned all that on Thor in a way that didn't fully jive for me. I think there could have been a bit more to show his desire for a throne prior to the reveal OR a bit more of Thor being a bit of a jerk to him. Either would help me understand his motivations more clearly.
Portman, Kat Dennings (Darcy), and Heimdall all stand. I was more interested in Erik Selvig this round and love/hate the fact he was an original character for MCU. (He has since been added to the Marvel comic book universe as well). Coulson was his badass self as always and I had forgotten about Hawkeye's small but important part.
Probably the hardest part for ME with this movie is that the Jotuns were mostly painted as just bad. In some ways Loki is treated as proof that isn't true (never understood why he wasn't blue except when he was holding that casket thing- supposedly Odin magic/illusion I guess?) but then turns. Odin pays lip service to the idea that they can't just attack a whole race for the actions of a few, but we don't SEE any positive or even neutral examples of Jotun. I know people will say that some groups are supposed to be bad, but I think that goes against a core principle of Marvel. No group of beings that we are supposed to see as PEOPLE can be inherently all bad. Now if they had made them monsters, that's different- monsters can be bad or at least, indifferent. But monsters don't have coherent conversations with you either.
I guess I would have liked to see a few Jotun trading or conversing or a Jotun mother with a child or such. Anything of that nature would have "humanized" them more.
Overall, Thor was more beautiful to look at this time around (because I appreciated it more) and overall I'd say more enjoyable, but still not probably in my top 10 of all the movies. Maybe I'll make that list when I finished. Tomorrow- Captain America, with my favorite Chris.
Note for me:
Directed by: Kenneth Branagh
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arsenicflame · 1 year
hi i'm really interested in space lesbians! where are they, who are they? how can i see them? (shows, games, books?) also what are you most excited about in s2 of ofmd?
soooooo my space lesbian enthusiasm refers to 3 separate medias!! (it used to say gay space vikings bc that was an even more specific niche buuuut im way more into tihylttw these days s o) one day i am going to make a fuckin venn diagram of my girls because they all have so many similarities. (loki/sigyn and angela/sera are basically the same characters change my mind.)
this is about to get real long bc im unhinged about them <3 10/10 would talk about them all day if the communities were there
our first space lesbians are loki + sigyn from the bifrost incident! TBI is an album by the band the mechanisms which you can find wherever you listen to music (youtube here) its a norse mythology inspired rock/steampunk-esque album and it is SO GOOD- it takes place on a train in SPACE in the format of an incident investigation. its a story so you have to listen to the tracks in order :)
next up! this is how you lose the time war- our lesbians in this are called red + blue because we have deconstructed this trope to its most basic format at this point :') its a short book, and you may be familiar with it as it went viral from a trigun fan tweet a few months back. (my url (and sewing blog url) are actually references to a quote from this book!) you can get it wherever you get books and id recc the audiobook if youre into that i am also in possession of the pdf if you wantto try before you buy.
tihylttw is a story told through the exchange of letters between two agents on opposite sides of a war- it usually gets described as enemies to lovers but id personally use rivals as i think it describes them better. the book is known for being incredibly poetic and sometimes pretentious in its writing and i just think its the most beautiful thing ever. lesbians do it better
honestly theres nothing i could say for tihylttw better than it could say for itself, i just adore the universe theyve built and i want to KNOW MORE. i love you and i love you and i want to find out what that means together
saving the best for last is my girls angela + sera. the most of all time. nobody compares to them for me. they consume me
angela + sera are from marvel comics and you can find my complete reading list here, but if im talking about them positively, im usually talking about one of the titular Angela comics, and more often than not queen of hel.
honestly i love the angela comics so much that im making myself speechless trying to figure out where to start. Angela falls into the asgard side of marvel comics, though she is a lot more fluid in her affiliations, her whole thing being that she deals in deals- nothing for nothing everything has its price. she is at times described as emotionless and is generally quite a stoic character, especially around strangers. the major exception to this is her wife, sera. seras one of marvels few canon trans characters and i think she is just so wonderfully written. shes witty and cheeky and doesnt take shit from anyone, even when it gets her into trouble- and oh boy does sera find herself in some predicaments! the angela comics are often just as poetic as tihylttw for me, theyll drop an 'as long as you are with me, i am not afraid' and ill need to go smother myself in a pillow for a sec. in QOH they adopt a daughter who is Also a lesbian, shes an alternate version of leah of hel and i ALSO adore her.
im desperately trying to avoid plot points but god. the main arc is 21 issues of smooching Shakespearean space angels what more could you want?
(through sera & angela we get a lot of heven lore and honestly that could be its whole own thing for me im SO fascinated.)
my girls are currently in comic hell, i am praying they will get something good soon 🙏🙏
and what am i most excited about for season 2? can i just say izzy? can i just say anne + mary? dude im so ready for some lesbians you have no idea actually you probably have a very good idea if you made it this far down. im incredibly excited to be seeing izzy get a favourable arc this season, im really hoping to see him develop relationships with everyone else, see him grapple with feelings around ed (actually im really hoping he chooses not to forgive ed. for growth) im excited to see whats gonna go down with his leg, im excited to see wtf is going on w ed + stede because i have no idea what the continuity is at the moment, im just excited!!!!!! i honestly dont think theres anything im not excited about everything looks so good so far
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bubbleteycosplay · 2 years
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Instead of waiting around for Ragnarok to begin, it’s time for the EVER LOGYN APPRECIATION WEEK 2022, which will run from November 7/11 to 13/11
This is a week to show appreciation for the canon couple from Norse Mythology —Loki and Sigyn (Logyn) — whose story is iconic with Sigyn choosing to remain by her husband’s side and protect him from snake venom. However, it is often twisted or overlooked by Pop Culture Media and not much of their story survives from the texts. Hence, we want to show our love and appreciation for a couple whose story has more to it than we know. 
So, create content for Loki and Sigyn - gifsets, edits, visualosities/aesthetics, fanart, fanfiction, meta, headcanons, fanmixes/playlists, rec lists, videos, anything you like!
Please tag everything with #Logyn appreciation week. Also remember to tag your triggering content such as blood or gif sets for people who need to block them out for safe tumblr browsing!
Day 1: Favorite Comic/Book moment 
Day 2: Favorite Logyn Fanfiction/Literature
Day 3: Favorite Depiction (Marvel, Mythology, The Bifrost Incident, etc.)
Day 4: Favorite Logyn Fanart/Edit (Please be sure to GIVE ORIGINAL ARTIST CREDIT and link it back to them)
Day 5: Which song or piece of music makes you think of Loki and Sigyn?
Day 6: If you had the opportunity to make a film about Loki and Sigyn what would it look like (actor, film genre, book or comic template...)
Day 7: If you had the opportunity to speak with Loki and Sigyn in person or write them a letter, what would you tell them?
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thorarms · 1 year
Sorry i was referring to ur post hating on how mobius called loki a man of action. Why can't loki be also a man of action he grew up around THOR. Also maybe its a new thing loki is letting show instead of being cautious. He is the god of mischief and chaos after all
Ok ive taken a couple of days to have a think and give you a proper answer.
In short, because it's lazy and lets the writers avoid having to write loki with any consistent character traits.
Long answer below the cut
I have a lot of semi connected thoughts about this and this post might end up a bit of a ramble, uh so sorry i guess.
I think it's important to remember that loki as a marvel character has existed since the 1960s, and thus has 60 or so years of characterisation already there. Over the years this has varied a bit due to many different writers and their different visions for their stories, but they tend to stay fairly consistent. Loki is a villian (or is perceived as one by others), he plans elaborate schemes usually with the end goal of the destruction of asgard and/or thor, and he tends to play the long game. In short, he's been consistently characterised as a much more methodical and yes, cerebral character than thor.
In addition, theres 11 years of specifically mcu loki characterisation, which was originally constructed from the loki we see in the comics. This is the baseline of mcu lokis character, and thus should still be there in other stories and adaptations.
What's actually interesting to me though, is that loki HAS been shown as a man of action before. In Thor 2011. Specifically at the end of the movie, after his entire life has fallen apart at the seams and he's in the middle of an emotional breakdown. His actions get more impulsive as the movie progresses, and it ends with him trying to destroy Jotunheim, goading thor into an argument and a huge fight, then letting go of the bifrost and falling to his assumed death.
What makes this work and still feel in character is that lokis impulsive and reckless desicions come from his emotional instability. The viewer gets to see his facade break and watch him deteriorate from slowly and meticulously planning to ruin thors coronation and stop him from taking the throne, to deciding on the spur of the moment to point the bifrost at Jotunheim and, afterwards, decide to let go of gungnir and plummet into the void (i love this movie so much can you tell).
All of this really is to say that loki CAN be reckless and impulsive just like thor. It just has to be well written and considered. And season one of the show very much was Not That.
With the gift of hindsight, it's been very clear that the writers of season one were not interested in maintaining any of lokis previous characterisation and, given what we've seen so far in the trailer, im not exactly holding out hope that season two will be any different.
The last thing i wanna mention is that the way you phrased your ask, with loki deciding himself to become less cautious, is quite interesting to me. Im sure you dont need me to tell you that loki isnt real, hes a fictional character and thus has no autonomy of his own. Every thought, word and action was a deliberate decision from the writers and actors creating these stories (often with their own preconceptions and biases of the character subconsciously thrown in). What im trying to get at is that ultimately, loki as a character is a vehicle for telling an aspect of a story. And it's the writers job to tell that story well. And if loki suddenly has a change of heart and decides to start acting the complete opposite of his former self, the writers should have a damn good reason for choosing to do that. Otherwise, it's just poorly written. And frankly i dont want to watch a poorly written show.
Whoops this was way longer than i intended im so sorry anyways i hope this answers your question about why i wrote a silly post about a throwaway line in a trailer for a show im probably not even going to watch. Probably.
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woulddieforloki · 2 years
anyways, while I'm working on my Perry the Platypus cosplay, I still think the best fanfic I never wrote was the one where Loki falls from the Bifrost and crashlands on the rollercoaster from the first episode of Phineas and Ferb. how does Loki not break the rollercoaster while flying through space at hundreds or thousands of miles per hour? easy! it's a cartoon! you can do anything in a cartoon!
on one hand, Loki's lucky. Phineas doesn't make him pay for his ticket. on the other hand, he's just fallen through space for a solid hour at minimum and now he's going all up and down and upside down on this rollercoaster that's definitely not OSHA certified. needless to say, he does get off the rollercoaster and puke.
and then, because it's a cartoon and anything can happen in a cartoon, Loki ends up moving in with the Flynn-Fletcher family because he really has nowhere else to go. he ends up joining Phineas and Ferb and their friends with a bunch of their different inventions, his magic makes it a million times easier, and they have the time of their life. at no point does the kids' mom find out that Loki is a god, much to Candace's chagrin.
most important scene: the kids mention that Danville Pride is today, to which Loki replies, "What is pride? Pride in what?" so Phineas explains the concept of the LGBTQ+ community, and Loki's like O_O because he is every single letter of that acronym and he's always been taught that it's something that doesn't really need to be discussed. he can walk around as whatever gender he wants to (if he wants to face Asgard's misogyny), he can sleep with anybody he wants to, but he should do so without making any kind of big deal about it. and Phineas and Ferb share a look and Phineas goes "Ferb, I know what we're gonna do today!"
so, after a brief "Where's Perry?", the kids take Loki to their local Pride celebration, where they get him all decked out in all different kinds of pride merch and he gets his face painted with a rainbow and he's honestly living his best life rn
and then...
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so if you've never seen Mission Marvel, a) go do that what the fuck and b) Doofenshmirtz accidentally steals the superheroes' powers and the heroes think it was Phineas and Ferb who did because Reasons™ that make sense if you watch it so WATCH IT. it does take place in a different Marvel universe than the MCU but don't think too hard about it and it can totally work out
so the kids finish their activity for the day, and they're just kinda chilling inside when the doorbell rings, and Loki goes to get it because he's nothing if not a helpful bean!
and outside the Flynn-Fletcher house is Thor and his friends and Loki suddenly decides he is not a helpful bean and he closes the door and walks away.
so they ring the doorbell again (because they're the heroes and this is a kids' cartoon and they're not going to break in) and Phineas opens it this time and invites the heroes in, and shit hits the fan. Thor's pissed that this is how he finds out that his brother is still alive and he absolutely assumes that Loki stole the heroes' powers and Loki won't even deny it because he wants to piss his brother off even more, and it's Phineas who has to de-escalate the situation and assure the Avengers that Loki didn't do anything (except a little manual labor because they're ten and he's a god), but they promise to help the heroes get their powers back, much to Loki's chagrin.
but, even though Loki doesn't want to do this, he really doesn't want them to do it alone, so he reluctantly joins them in their SHEDquarters while they try to figure it out. Thor and Loki keep making passive-aggressive comments to each other, and Loki is as antagonistic as inhumanly possible. Thor crosses the line with one wrong remark, probably about Asgard or Jotunheim or something, and Loki storms out.
He shows up again when Phineas, Ferb, and the Avengers try to fight the bad guys in the mall and he basically singlehandedly saves their asses until superhero Perry shows up. As everyone's favorite shapeshifter, Loki has absolutely no problem figuring out that this beaver duck dude is the Flynn-Fletchers' platypus. He has no idea what to do with that information, but it sure is information that he now has apparently.
Loki's still mad at Thor and he still refuses to work with them, and he's convinced everyone will be happier for it. He ends up accidentally bonding with Candace and Isabella over feeling useless and unwanted (and he absolutely gets his own verse in Only Trying to Help because it's what he deserves goddammit), but unlike the two girls who are hell-bent on changing that, Loki is content wallowing in his own self-pity. He's tried this whole "being important" thing before and he ended up in self-exile on Midgard for it. He's not putting himself through that again.
But then the powerless heroes decide to face the villains again, and with Candace and Isabella in space and Perry nowhere to be seen, he realizes it is once again up to him to keep the tri-state area safe (which he knows is a stupid priority but he's gotten kind of attached to these stupid little humans and he doesn't want them to get hurt).
Then the heroes get their powers back and they join Loki (and Perry and the mysterious waffle gun in the sky) and beat the shit out of the villains. Thor and Loki work together in the heat of the battle which serves as a Great Bonding Moment™, and once the villains are gone, they have a nice lil heart-to-heart where they both apologize for their past. Thor remarks that Loki seems to have grown a lot over the last couple of months and tries to bring Loki home with him, but Loki refuses. He'll never be welcome back into Asgard, no matter what Thor may say.
But he is welcome with the Flynn-Fletchers, and there's nowhere else he'd rather be. Thor's a bit reluctant to leave him behind, but they do agree that this won't be the last time they see each other and that Thor will definitely come by to visit soon.
And early the next morning, before anyone else is awake, Perry gets an alert that he's needed in his headquarters (presumably to talk to or about Fury). He quietly sneaks off, only to find Loki waiting at the bottom of the stairs for him. They have a very nice "conversation" (not that Perry speaks) about the superhero Ducky Momo they saw the day before, and Loki assures him that his secret is safe, thus starting a much-needed bromance between Loki and Perry because as the proud owner of both the WouldDieForLoki URL and the @WouldDieForPerryThePlatypus URL, I think they should be besties.
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Rereading The God Who Fell to Earth again, because for some reason I cannot remember much of this comic no matter how many times I read it
Not a huge fan of this comic overall. Spoilers for The God Who Fell to Earth. And a little spoiler for the end of Loki.
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Now knowing that you technically know who Santa is...SIR.
Has the Bifrost been broken THIS WHOLE TIME, or has it broken multiple times?
If I ever play the Marvel Role-Playing Game, I'm creating Drrf. I love him so much. (Though I think my friends will only play with me if I DM, so he might have to be an NPC.)
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Sometimes my reaction cannot be translated into words. My reaction to this quote was a full-bodied, groaning sigh. Yes, let's mention the love of your life LIKE IT'S NOTHING and not mention her again. He implies this shit has happened to him but doesn't talk about her again.
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You know me. And you know your narrative. Even though this one really picks and chooses what it wants to recall from the AoA canon, it's very clear that Loki is at least on some level the God of Stories in this one, since he's so self-aware of the arc.
Oh my GOD I forgot about "Forsooth, I thought we were bros!" Lololololol I'm making a Quotes That Make Me Feral post now.
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How is it that I don't remember much of anything about this comic and yet some of its voice for Loki I've internalized and put into fics? Like this trope of him thinking something and then saying that exact thing in dialogue. Like I know that's a thing that happens, that's not something this writer invented, but I don't think Ewing does it much for Loki. But I do.
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"And what did your father say?" (Dad: Absolutely not.) "He said ask Mom." I'm dying.
Oh. Oh yes. Now I remember why I never remember this comic. It's the entire b-plot with Nightmare, and the fucking shit they did to the gay rep.
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This is BLATANT Verity erasure, and I take issue with it.
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You reference this story mere pages ago when mentioning Sigyn, and now that you relive it, SHE'S NOT EVEN THERE.
And yes, cropping Vote Loki out of this page was very much intentional. Fuck that comic, fuck President Loki, fuck the entire concept, fuck the real-life "politician" he was a stand-in for.
Listen, this comic just goes to show Nights on the Roof has the potential to be comic canon. No I will not elaborate.
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Absolutely FERAL over this proof that Scarlet Witch #8 is not the first time Loki has (maybe) referenced Batman.
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Hmm...that outfit looks vaguely familiar....
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I don't know how or when MCU Loki saw this movie, but he's seen this movie.
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stainedglassthreads · 3 years
💢 Magnus Archives and 🎥 The Bifrost Incident
🎥 do you have any favorite scenes from your hyperfixation?
A brief list of fave scenes:
-The Missile Two/Mistletoe pun.
-Exclusive to the live version but 'And then they all died. Cosmically and horribly.' and 'We just happen to come across a lot of tragic situations where everyone dies. Obvious there ARE stories where people live but we just... choose not to tell them.' 'Yeah, 'cause they're boring.' 'Yeah.'
-'And then she sees Loki. And all the hardness and misery falls away in an instant.'
-Losing Track, where they're all singing their motifs that were introduced earlier and it's glorious.
-There's been so little time to share. We've always had our loads to bear. I won't forget, I won't leave you, this time. This time.
-Goodbye my love, yet shed no tears. The lives we've shared have brought us here. I will stay by your side, I'll hold on through this time, this time.
And let us not forget:
Y'ai ng'ngah Yog-Sothoth h'ee l'geb f'ai throdog uaaah
Ogthrod ai'f geb'l-ee'h Yog-Sothoth ngah'ng ai'y zhro
Y'ai Yog-Sothoth...
💢 what do you NOT like about your hyperfixation? is there something you would want to change about it?
I do not like that you've not yet finished it and I cannot talk about THINGS--
In all seriousness I'm still a bit disappointed that my idea for the ending was never really... a thing. I think it could have been entirely plausible with how the world works.
Spoilers for TMA season 5 and finale but--
Okay so
1) We've established people can pass through the rift in the house at Hill Top Road completely safely and arrive in other worlds
2) We've established that it is possible for Melanie, Georgie, and Jon to remove people from their domains, the big issue is travelling with too large a group attracts attention
3) We've established that, if there are no more people in the world, the Fears will eventually starve and die
4) We've established that the Fears cannot travel through the rift on their own, and that in a world without the Fears, their avatars do not have powers.
So why not take the people of this world and bring them through the rift as refugees to other worlds, one at a time? It'd take decades and not everyone would survive, yes. People would be displaced in an unfamiliar world with no home, job, or connections, and a hell of a lot of trauma, yes. But it feels... a lot more optimistic than the other two options... Even if it's nowhere near a perfect solution and will be very hard and there's still a lot of suffering, it's slowly improving things, and makes a difference to some people. It feels more hopeful.
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Request status: OPEN
📝 Writing | 🎨 Drawing | ⭐ Last Posted: April 27th, 2024
🎨 Ticklish Loki Doodle: Sketch | Digital
Loki x Reader
📝 Laugh it Off ( 1 ) ( 2 ): You’re normally insecure, like any person, but today a breakdown got the worst of you, and when Loki finds you in the middle of it, he makes it his personal mission to cheer you up.
📝 Puppy Love: For the most part, dating Loki is a lot easier than anyone could imagine. But Loki’s clinginess often manifests in possessiveness and jealousy. So, when you adopt a new puppy, Loki has a hard time learning to share your attention.
📝 The God's Little Secret ( 1 ) ( 2 ) ( 3 ) ( 4 ) ( 5 ): When Loki is in a bit of trouble, you offer to help, you didn’t expect to discover an interesting little fun fact about your favorite mischievous scamp. But does he hate as much as he claims? Or could it be that maybe he was having just a little bit of fun?
📝 Push the Nightmares away ( 1 ) ( 2 ): Loki has been through a lot since the Bifrost. Even with his freedom earned, it still manifests as nightmares. But now he doesn’t have to face it alone.
📝 Admit it: Loki likes you, more than he’s liked anyone before, you make him laugh, you intrigue him and he’s very comfortable around you, but proud as he is, he won’t admit it. So when it turns out you already knew, will he be up to it and confirm it?
📝 Special Care: After all that’s been going on, the TVA not only hires Loki, but gives him a break, clear his mind and clean his wounds. And someone very interesting is gonna help him out with that.
📝 The sound of Love: Loki now an Avenger, is quite the reclusive and introverted member in the Avenger’s compound and for someone who likes peace and quiet, it’s ironic how smitten he is for the loudest member of the team.
📝Mischievous Matching: Loki is a trouble maker, always one to cause trouble, but he meets a mortal that is even worse than him and he finds himself absolutely powerless and victim of your stupid outdated pranks, but he finds himself to be putty in your hands.
📝Smile for me ( 1 ) ( 2 ): Loki was a perfectionist, and after all the mistakes he made he pushed himself even harder to earn his place as an Avenger. So when his first mission goes wrong he's going to need a lot of help from his darling to cheer you up.
📝How to Cure Pains and Heartaches: After such a bitter end, Loki has no choice but to fade away. To his surprise he awakens in bed where he will be taken care of. Why? What do they want of him? Who’s that lovely mortal?
📝Utterly Infuriating: Loki is very bad with people, so meeting anyone new just means a new enemy, and you didn’t seem to be the exception. And the way you start getting along seems to indicate so. But… perhaps that’s not entirely true.
📝⭐Mistakes and Regrets: Loki is a prisoner that sees his way out through pretending to you, but when he finds true love he doesn’t know how to deal with the guilt of making a very similar damage to the one that had been done to him when he was used for what originally were selfish reasons.
Requests Pending: 1
Drafts: 1
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skiller0dani · 3 years
With Love Comes Daggers | Loki Laufeyson
M A S T E R L I S T Marvel Masterlist
eventual smut | slow burn requests info w.c | 4.8k summary | Loki watches his file, and he sees a few future memories of you.
Hey, it's been a while. This feels like the beginning of a 'we broke up and haven't seen each other in 5 years' letter doesn't it? I've been working on my book, and I'm hoping to have it published by the end of 2022. Tumblr has always been a fun hobby of mine, but it was never something I was going to dedicate all of my time and energy to. There's over 2,000 of you now and that blows my mind! Thank you guys so much, and don't worry. I'm not setting up any sort of subscription price (that was offered to me and I don't want to lmao). I'm writing on here for fun, not for profit.
Ever since the Loki show came out, I've had this little idea sitting in my mind. I don't know if I'll finish it or if I'll ever write another part to this ever again, but enjoy it. Whatever the hell it is lmao.
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001 | Glorious Purpose
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Loki is hesitant to press play on his file. According to Mobius, Loki is destined to always fail. But the desperate curiosity clawing at the inside of his mind is too hard to ignore. His fingers hover over the keyboard, before finally resuming the tape. Watching with both nervous and excited eyes, Loki sees the first time he had ever met you. This was an event he already remembers, and it's currently the most recent memory he has of you. He was trapped in the cell that was built for the Hulk, and you had come to talk to him for reasons he has yet to understand. Loki scrolls the tape forward until he's met by another scene, the two of you face to face before Loki is taken to Asgard.
There are tears in your eyes, although you're not sure why you're crying over him. Loki hurt thousands of people, and killed hundreds of them. So why does your heart feel as though it's being ripped from your chest? You share a teary look with Loki, but his expression is unreadable. You can feel his eyes on you, and you know that he's studying you. You wished you knew what he was thinking, you wished you knew if he cared that he would never see you again. Does it hurt him the way it hurts you? Does he care?
How odd is it, to watch something that hasn't happened yet. Loki pauses it on your face, so he can properly see you. The pain in your eyes is unmistakable, did you truly care he was leaving? The connection he felt when he first met you was something he could hardly deny, he felt the way your proximity sent a chill down his spine. He remembers wanting to understand your complicated mind, wanting to understand the complexity behind each syllable you spoke to him. Loki studied the way your eyes hardly left him, how you shifted from foot to foot.
You wanted to go to him, to convince Thor to take you with them. You knew what the others would say if you did, you knew how they would look at you. You didn't care, you know how to listen to the desperate pleas of your heart. You could feel it pulling you towards him, you could feel it burning underneath your skin. You wouldn't take your eyes off him, not when the Bifrost came and swept him away, not when it disappeared into the sky and he was gone. You didn't wipe the stray tear as it trickled down your cheek, and nobody mentioned it. Which you were grateful for.
Loki watches the tear roll down your cheek before the tape shifts into the next scene. His eyebrows are furrowed together, his chest feeling tight and warm. A feeling he doesn't have a name for crawls to the front of his mind, begging to be felt and indulged. It makes tears burn at the back of his eyes and an emotion similar to joy make roots in his chest, before flowering into a garden. His trembling palm hits the button to play the next moment to happen with you. It starts with Loki sitting in a cell in the Asgard dungeons.
Imprisonment isn't as bad as Loki was anticipating, although he only feels that way because he is a Prince. He has been granted a nice beg, along with enough books to entertain him for the remainder of his days, courtesy of his mother. If Loki were much older, and didn't long so desperately to feel the wind on his face, or to feel your hands dragging their way along bare skin- then perhaps the books would have been enough. Loki turns his head when he hears the soft sound of footsteps behind him, watching as two guards approach his cell.
"The King requests your presence." They robotically inform him, preparing to remove Loki from his cell. They do so politely, acting as though Loki has a choice even though all three of them know that he doesn't. They walk him to the throne room and present him to Odin, who is sat upon his prestigious throne as if blood wasn't spilled to get him there. The worst part is that he acts as though he stands on moral ground, when in reality the two of them have spilled enough blood to drown nations in it. Loki however doesn't hide who he is, or pretends he's holier than he is truly. Odin views himself in a way that is warped by the shame of what he's done.
"I thank thee, for allowing me to be blessed by your mighty presence." Loki says sarcastically, offering a mocking bow. Odin ignores the teasing glint in Loki's eyes, and merely waves for Thor to be brought in along with the 'gift' prepared for Loki. Loki's eyes turn to Thor when he enters the room, but they're only on Thor for a moment before he notices who is standing beside him. Your eyes shine as they land on Loki, your flushed skin beautifully complimented by the soft lavender of the Asgardian dress you're wearing.
Loki pauses the tape on you wearing that dress, his chest warming at the sight. Even he can't deny how beautiful you look, but what's even more beautiful is the look in your eyes. The happiness behind the excitement, and all of that unbridled joy is for Loki. He is the reason your eyes are shining like that, he is the reason that smile is stretched across your face even though you bite down on your bottom lip to try and hide it. What could he have possibly done to warrant a smile like that from you? What could you have possibly seen upon looking at him that would ever make you smile that brightly?
Loki watches with confused eyes and a lump in his throat as the love builds behind your eyes. He watches as the emotions he's never experienced happen in front of him, and a part of him feels bitter. How could this have been robbed from him? It only feels right that witnessing such beautiful woman fall in love with him should only happen to him through a screen. Not something he'll ever be able to experience up close. He hits play, because his troubled heart can't help but yearn for more of the emotion that he's been starved of.
"Miss Y/L/N, couldn't stay away could you?" Loki smirks, attempting to hide the happiness he's feeling behind teasing remarks. Your feet itch to run across these beautiful golden floors right to Loki, but the disapproving gaze of Odin roots you in place.
"This is the mortal then?" Odin says, and the way he says 'mortal' instantly makes you feel inferior to him. Odin believes that mortals are inferior to them, but Loki could never see you that way. He would never believe himself superior over you, that's not how he viewed mortals, although that's what he's led you to believe. Thor hums, his eyes landing on his little brother. For once Thor can see joy safely hidden beneath the depth of Loki's eyes.
"You be allowed to see her given the understanding that you will behave. Should you fail to comply, I will have her executed." Odin's orders are clear and they make your heart stop in your chest. You glance back at Thor, who has a look of confusion across his face. His eyes meet yours and you know instantly that he would never let any harm come to you. You brave a glance at Loki, who has nothing but hatred pooling in the blue of his eyes.
Loki can feel the anger prickling at his skin, even now. It doesn't surprise Loki that Odin would ever allow anybody to visit him without threatening their wellbeing. He watches the fear bloom in your eyes before glancing over at him. Upon seeing him Loki can see the calm wash over you, the comfort you find in him renders him speechless. The safety you feel around him is obvious in your eyes, and Loki has never had anybody look at him like that before. Loki has the urge to protect you, even now, knowing he will never see you again. The sudden realization has tears threatening to spill over pale porcelain cheeks for the second time, Loki will probably never see you again. None of this has even happened to him yet so it shouldn't hurt as much as it does but Loki can't help but feel as though the two of you have been robbed.
When Loki scrolls forward, the two of you are sitting alone in his cell.
You spend the next few weeks spending every waking moment with Loki, or as much time as Odin would allow. Your cheeks heat as you lean away from Loki, his hand brushing against your neck as his lips chase yours. You can't help but laugh when he pulls you to him again, his lips landing on yours firmly. Your heart feels so full when you're near him that you fear it'll burst. You pull back from him once more, your hands holding him at a distance.
"My dear, do not deprive me." Loki says, whining playfully in protest. But the look in your eyes has him silenced as he sits up in the bed you're both laying on to look at you clearer. Your heart hardens to stone and crumbles in your chest when you meet his eyes again.
"I don't know what I'm going to do when I have to leave." You say softly, and Loki's throat tightens at the thought of you leaving.
"Nor do I, but I know our separation won't be forever." Loki tries his best to reassure her, but he doesn't know if what he says is true. The tears glisten in your eyes although you try to hide them. Loki spots them instantly, sitting up to pull you more firmly against his chest.
"Everything will be alright my love, you'll see." He whispers, and he tries as hard as he can to make himself believe those words are true. Even if you can't, he'll believe enough for the both of you.
Loki can see the genuine pain in your eyes, will you ever look at him and not be breaking a little? Is that the curse he had brought to your life? An eternity of missing him, and mourning a love that can never be? Perhaps that's how he's feeling now, watching a love bloom into fruition in front of him, knowing he'll never be able to feel it. That he'll never be able to love you like this, knowing that watching it happen is as close as he'll ever get. Loki wants you here in front of him, he wants to steal you away and disappear into the great big universe so you can live the life you deserve. He knows that he'll outlive you by a few thousand years, but Loki would happily suffer the heartbreak of watching you age and die if it means he gets to love you all those years before you go.
Your bare skin is pressed against his, flush and warm and it makes him feel at home. His hands are splayed over your back, his cloaking spell keeping the prying eyes in the dark. You're asleep next to him, your hands reaching for him even in your unconscious state. You trust him so completely, that Loki almost doesn't know what to do with it. It's only a matter of time before he lets you down, as he has let everyone down. It's still a complete mystery how he got you to be here with him. His fingers lightly drag up and down your spine, you look content laying there next to him. Loki leans over to press a kiss to your forehead, watching with fearful eyes as he begins to realize the depth in which he cares for you. He's never truly loved anybody besides his mother, but now he think he might.
Loki feels a heaviness in his chest that he can't explain. How is it that one foolish, hasty decision could have robbed him from all of this? He can see how relaxed you look, sleeping next to him. You trust him, wholly and completely. You somehow know that he won't hurt you, that instead he'll be a protector. Nobody has had such blind faith in him before, always treating him as a trickster. You apparently saw something others didn't see when you looked at him, and Loki wants to know what that feels like. To be looked at and to truly be seen.
Loki scrolls forward, and he isn't prepared for what he sees.
You're knelt next to Loki in Svartalfheim, tears streaking your cheeks. The blood pools around the wound on his chest, and his eyes are open but they look hollow. Everything in your mind screams at you to get up, to keep moving but you can't will yourself to do so. Your hands are cupping his cheeks, your entire body feels frozen in time. Frozen right here in this moment. You feel Thor's hands around your torso lifting you to your feet, you fight him. You struggle against his grasp as he pulls you away from Loki.
"N-No! We can't just leave him here. Thor, stop! Please! I love him!" You're crying, you're reaching for Loki. But he's gone, and you know that. You know he's gone but that doesn't make it hurt any less, leaving him here doesn't make any of it hurt less. Thor continues to guide you away until you can't see Loki anymore, but the image of him being stabbed through the chest will always be burned into your memory. Playing on repeat every time you close your eyes.
There are tears in Loki's eyes as he pauses the tape once more. There's more to watch so he obviously didn't die, how could he let you believe he was killed right in front of you? He knew he would let you down, because that's what he does best. You said to Thor that you loved Loki, was that real? The look in your eyes looked genuine, but Loki has never had somebody love him like that before. They always picked Thor, and it surprised Loki that you seemed to have no interest in Thor at all. How could Loki have finally found somebody who loved him, only to betray her by faking his own death? He can see the hope leaving your eyes, how dull in color they are now. They no longer sparkle when the light hits them right, they only shimmer when the light catches tears still building behind a broken gaze. Loki hits play, knowing in his gut that you probably won't forgive him for that.
Slap! Your hand makes contact with Loki's cheek as all three of you are stood in Doctor Strange's house. You'd been learning some self defense from him, and you needed something else to focus on. After Loki died, it felt like what was left of your life fell apart, and you needed something to get you out of bed again. But now he's stood here in front of you, after these long years he's made you think he was dead.
"How could you?" Your voice is broken, there is anger in your eyes but also pain. The look on Loki's face is hard to read, but there is one emotion you can detect easily. Guilt.
"My love-" You choose to ignore him as Stephen sends the three of you through the gate. You requested to join them, and Thor was all to happy to bring you along. He needed somebody else to interact with besides Loki, whom he was also still angry at. Loki catches your arm before you notice Odin sitting before you.
"Y/N, please just let me explain-" You rip your arm from his grasp as tears trickle down your cheeks. You turn to face Odin with Thor, and Loki begrudgingly follows behind. He wants to explain that he needed to fake his death to escape the confines of prison, now that he's free the two of you can be together in a way you couldn't before. But looking at you now, Loki underestimated how badly his death would hurt you. He didn't expect you to care as deeply for him as you do. Now watching your tense shoulders and the tears you're desperately trying to keep at bay he can see that it will take a lot of work for you to forgive him, if you ever will.
The anger doesn't surprise him, nor does the silent treatment. If he truly did fake his death and make you watch, then he's surprised you're standing anywhere near him. Loki wants to say that he can be a better man than that, that he can make the right choice but deep down he knows that he can't. He's a selfish man, he always has been. None of this has even happened to him yet, and still he wants to make it up to you, to tell you how sorry he is. That he never meant to hurt you, but all of this footage is what was supposed to happen, what has yet to come. But none of it is going to happen to this Loki, the variant. Loki scrolls forward again, and hesitantly hits play.
Overlooking Sakaar, you and Loki share a lush bedroom gifted by the Grandmaster. You lean against the balcony, you still haven't spoken to him, you're not sure what you're meant to say. You're angry, your heart is broken, you can't believe he would allow you to go through all those months of heartbreak just so he could escape the dungeons. You feel his presence behind you but you don't bother turning around. You have no idea how long the two of you will stay here, waiting for Thor. Apparently time works differently here, and it could even be years before Thor turns up.
"Still angry?" He asks, his voice nervous.
"Yeah." Your voice doesn't sound angry anymore, but Loki knows that you are still very angry with him.
"Would 'I'm sorry' change anything?" He asks, leaning against the balcony next to you. The sun is down, and the stars are shining brightly overhead.
"No." All your answers are short, but you don't want him to stop talking to you, you missed him so much. Loki looks over at you, he can see the tension ebbing away from your shoulders. If he wanted to make a play for your forgiveness, now would be the time to do it.
"I never wanted to hurt you, and being away from you all this time has felt like... torture." Loki's voice is soft, but you can here the emotion in it. You finally turn to look at him, your eyes studying his face.
"I know it wont change anything, but I am sorry. And I heard you, what you said to Thor on Svartalfheim." He said, the corner of his mouth pulling into a tiny smile. Your heart stills in your chest, did he hear you say you love him? Loki turns to look at you, and the two of you are barely an inch apart.
"I love you too." His voice is barely above a whisper but you hear him with perfect clarity. Your heart jumps in your chest as you reach forward to pull him against you. Your lips meet his and his hands circle around your waist to pull you more flush against him.
Watching himself experience a love he was supposed to have, but won't get to experience truly is torturous. You do love him, he can see that. It's love in it's truest and purest form, and Loki wishes with everything he has that he could feel that warm light of yours shine on him just once. When he met you on Fury's ship, there was anxiety, you were afraid of him but still curious. He saw the flame of your desire peaking through, begging to be felt but you didn't allow Loki to bask in it. You kept it from him, because you still saw him as everyone else did. A villain, a lunatic. But seeing you on the tape in front of him, he knows you quickly abandoned that thought. Loki feels tears wetting his cheeks, and he presses play.
"I'm proud of you, you know." You smile, reaching down to grab Loki's hand. You're both stood on the ship that was stolen from the Grandmaster, and you had just watched Asgard explode. You knew that hurt Loki to watch, but now all of you can start over somewhere else. Maybe Earth, if they'll allow Loki back on the planet. Who knows, but now you have a future in front of you, with the man you love. There is a smile on your face as you turn to look at him, and there is a smile on his face as well.
"This is starting to feel a little too mushy for my liking." Loki says with a grimace. You laugh, leaning up on your toes to press a kiss to his lips, your body warming at his touch when his hand lands on your lower back.
"Well if you're going to be with me, you'll have to get used to the mushy." You tease, pressing kisses to his cheeks until you hear a soft chuckle escape his lips. You smile triumphantly, turning when Thor comes in. You excuse yourself to give them some space, watching as Loki smiles at Thor. It's nice to watch them be brothers again, and what's even better is watching Loki let go of all that anger he's held onto for all these years. When you turn into the main room, the room where all of Asgard's people are gathered you freeze in place. Everyone is facing the largest window, their eyes open and fearful. Before you is the largest ship you've ever seen, and something tells you they didn't come to say hi.
Loki stands now, watching the large ship over before the now smaller ship Asgard was on. There's a pit in his stomach, and a bitter taste in his mouth. If this is who he fears it is, then he knows that this isn't going to have a happy ending. Mobius did tell him that it is his destiny to lose, so why would Loki allow himself to believe that he had a bright future with you? Fear turns in his gut, as he watches Thanos board your little ship with horror in his eyes. Loki watches, silently begging for you to run, to hide.
"Please, please hide." Loki whispers aloud, if he has to watch you die then that will break him in a way he's afraid he can't come back from. It's funny that he feels that way, he's only met you once but watching all of this makes him feel like he's known you his whole life.
Thor tells Heimdall to send you and Hulk back to Earth. You frantically look around for Loki, your eyes tearing at the sight of all those dead bodies.
"You and Loki are coming too, right?" You ask Thor, but he doesn't meet your gaze. You turn and lock eyes with Loki, who is hiding in the shadows for the opportune moment to emerge. He mouths three words that make tears fall over your cheeks. "I'm not leaving without you, both of you." You insist, tears steadily marring your beautiful cheeks.
'I love you.'
"Thor you're both coming, right?" You frantically ask Thor again, but by now Heimdall has summoned the Bifrost, and you were pulled into it. Your eyes are on Loki and everything feels like it's going in slow motion, you're reaching out for him. Tears are streaking down your cheeks, if he doesn't come with you, you're not sure you'll ever see him again. You land on Earth with Hulk, but by now he's turned back into Bruce. You stand on wobbly legs, ignoring when Tony comes into view. Your eyes are on the sky, watching with foolish hopefulness that the Bifrost will appear again and deliver Thor and Loki safe. Please let him be safe.
Loki takes slow steps towards the screen as he watches Thor being tortured, and the sounds of his screams makes tears push at the backs of his eyes. His heart is heavy in his chest when he watches Thanos wrap a hand around his neck, lifting him from the ground. He can see the pain in Thor's eyes, he can see the fear, the desperation. When Loki hears the sickening crunch, he turns his head, his eyes squeezing shut. His entire body is trembling as tears roll down his cheeks, and soon END OF FILE is what plays on the screen. He died, he was murdered by Thanos and it wasn't a trick. It was real, that's how his life ends, how his story ends. What draws Loki's attention back to the screen is one final moment, of you and Thor on the fields of Wakanda.
"Thor!" Your hands loop around his neck, relief flooding through you, but only for a moment. You pull away from him and see the look in his eyes, the hollowed look of a man who has lost everything.
"Where is he?" You ask softly, your voice trembling. Thor reaches behind him and pulls Loki's green cape free. He hands it to you, his eyes refocusing at the battle ahead.
"What- what does this mean? Where is he?" Your voice is frantic as tears choke you. Thor looks at you with sad eyes, he feels guilty that it's him stood before you and not Loki. Loki should be here, his brother should be here. Thanos murdered him. Rage like Thor has never felt before takes hold of him then, and he looks away from you.
"I'm sorry, he's dead. This time it's not a trick." With that Thor is gone, off presumably to kill Thanos. You clutch Loki's cape, tears rolling heavily down your cheeks. He's gone, and this time it's real. No surprise resurrections, he's gone and he isn't coming back. Everything feels numb, and your legs give out. Wakandans race past you to the battle ensuing ahead but you can't move. You clutch that cape to your chest like your life depends on it, and sobs wrack through your body. This isn't real, it can't be real. Your forehead presses against the grass as you crush that cape to your chest, it's all you have left of him.
Loki's eyes are red as the screen goes dark, and he knows exactly how his life is going to end. How he's going to leave behind everybody who needs him. Where are you now? Do you still miss him? Does it still hurt? Watching you cry in that field broke something inside him, watching you mourn for him changed him. Loki sits against the step in the viewing theatre, he can't move, he can't think about anything other than you. Is that really how his life is going to end? Is that all he gets?
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"Where are we going?" Loki's voice is impatient, as he follows behind Mobius.
"We'll there's a nexus event in 1985 that we need to investigate but before we leave I wanted to introduce you to another Loki 'expert' that we've recruited to help us. Normally we don't bring people in from the outside, but this Variant has been especially tricky so an exception was made." Mobius explains and Loki's eyebrows pinch together. Another Loki expert? Who on Earth could that be? When they turn the corner Loki's eyes land on this expert, and his heart stops in his chest.
"Y/N, thank you for agreeing to help us." Mobius says, a smile on his face as he shakes your hand. Your eyes are hollow, and it's odd having you stood here in front of him after all he's seen you two go through together. You don't meet his gaze, you don't even look in his direction until he's stood directly in front of you.
"Y/N..." Loki trails off, he feels as if he should say something but he knows there isn't anything to say.
"Please don't." You beg, and it catches Loki off guard.
"Don't pretend this is anything other than what it is. We're just two people who barely know each other working together to find this Loki Variant. So don't pretend you care, the love of my life is gone. You just look like him. If you have a heart somewhere in that chest, please don't pretend." You beg, tears falling down over your cheeks before you can stop them. Loki stands, stunned, and he doesn't know what else to say so he merely nods. You follow Mobius around the corner, and Loki slowly trails behind you.
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lokiondisneyplus · 3 years
'Loki' takes over: Tom Hiddleston on his new TV series and a decade in the MCU
Ten years after Hiddleston first chose chaos in Thor, Marvel’s fan favorite God of Mischief is going even bigger with his time-bending Disney+ show.
Tom Hiddleston is Loki, and he is burdened with glorious purpose: After playing Thor's puckish brother for over a decade in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, no one understands the mercurial Asgardian God of Mischief as well as the actor. He can teach an entire seminar on Loki if given the opportunity — which he actually did during pre-production on his forthcoming Disney+ show. In conversation, Hiddleston quotes lines from his MCU debut, 2011's Thor, almost verbatim, and will playfully correct you if you mistakenly refer to Asgard's Rainbow Bridge as the Bifrost, which is the portal that connects Loki and Thor's homeworld to the Nine Realms, including Midgard, a.k.a. Earth. "Well, the Bifrost technically is the energy that runs through the bridge," he says with a smile. "But nine points to Gryffindor!" And when he shows up to the photo shoot for this very digital cover, he hops on a call with our photo editor to pitch ways the concept could be even more Loki, like incorporating the flourish the trickster does whenever magically conjuring something. The lasting impression is that playing Loki isn't just a paycheck.
"Rather than ownership, it's a sense of responsibility I feel to give my best every time and do the best I can because I feel so grateful to be a part of what Marvel Studios has created," the 40-year-old Brit tells EW over Zoom a few days after the shoot and a week out from Thor's 10th anniversary. "I just want to make sure I've honored that responsibility with the best that I can give and the most care and thought and energy."
After appearing in three Thor movies and three Avengers, Hiddleston is bringing that passion to his first solo Marvel project, Loki, the House of Ideas' third Disney+ series following the sitcom pastiche WandaVision and the topical The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. Led by head writer Michael Waldron (Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, Heels), the six-episode drama sees Hiddleston's shapeshifting agent of chaos step out from behind his brother's shadow and into the spotlight for a timey-wimey, sci-fi adventure that aims to get to the bottom of who Loki really is. "I wanted to explore slightly more complex character questions," says Waldron. "It's not just good versus bad. Is anybody all good? Is anybody all bad? What makes a hero, a hero? A villain, a villain?"  
Even though Loki — who loves sowing mayhem with his illusion magic and shapeshifting, all with a major chip on his shoulder — has never been one for introspection, the idea of building an entire show around him was a no-brainer for Marvel. When asked why Loki was one of the studio's first Disney+ shows, Marvel president Kevin Feige replies matter-of-factly, "More Hiddleston, more Loki." First introduced as Thor's (Chris Hemsworth) envious brother in Kenneth Branagh's Thor, Loki went full Big Bad in 2012's The Avengers. That film cemented the impish rogue as one of the shared universe's fan favorites, thanks to Hiddleston's ability to make him deliciously villainous yet charismatic and, most importantly, empathetic. The character's popularity is one of the reasons he's managed to avoid death many times.
"He's been around for thousands of years. He had all sorts of adventures," says Feige. "Wanting to fill in the blanks and see much more of Loki's story [was] the initial desire [for the series]."
The Loki we meet on the show is not the one who fought the Avengers in 2012 and evolved into an antihero in Thor: The Dark World and Thor: Ragnarok before meeting his demise at the hands of the mad titan Thanos (Josh Brolin) in 2018's Avengers: Infinity War. Instead, we'll be following a Loki from a branched timeline (a variant, if you will) after he stole the Tesseract following his thwarted New York invasion and escaped S.H.I.E.L.D. custody during the time heist featured in Avengers: Endgame. In other words, this Loki hasn't gone through any sort of redemption arc. He's still the charming yet petulant god who firmly believes he's destined to rule and has never gotten his due.
Premiering June 9, Loki begins with the Time Variance Authority — a bureaucratic organization tasked with safeguarding the proper flow of time — arresting the Loki Variant seen in Endgame because they want his help fixing all of the timeline problems he caused while on the run with the Tesseract. So there will be time travel, and a lot more of it than in Endgame. As Loki makes his way through his own procedural, he'll match wits with new characters including Owen Wilson's Agent Mobius, a brilliant TVA analyst, and Gugu Mbatha-Raw's Judge Renslayer. The question in early episodes is whether Loki will help them or take over.
"One of the things Kevin Feige led on was, 'I think we should find a way of exploring the parts of Loki that are independent of his relationship with Thor,' or see him in a duality or in relationship with others, which I thought was very exciting," says Hiddleston, who also serves as an executive producer on the show. "So the Odinson saga, that trilogy of films, still has its integrity, and we don't have to reopen it and retell it."
Yet, in order to understand where Loki is going, it's important to see where he came from.
Hiddleston can't believe how long he and Loki have been connected. "I've been playing this character for 11 years," he says. "Which is the first time I have said that sentence, I realize, and it [blows] my mind. I don't know what percentage that is exactly of my 40 years of being alive, but it's substantial."
His time as Loki actually goes a bit further back, to 2009 — a year after Robert Downey Jr. big banged the MCU into existence with Iron Man — when he auditioned for Thor. It's no secret that Hiddleston initially went in for the role of the titular God of Thunder, but Feige and director Kenneth Branagh thought his natural charm and flexibility as an actor made him better suited for the movie's damaged antagonist. "Tom gave you an impression that he could be ready for anything, performance-wise," says Branagh, who had previously worked with him on a West End revival of Checkov's Ivanov and the BBC series Wallander. "Tom has a wild imagination, so does Loki. He's got a mischievous sense of humor and he was ready to play. It felt like he had a star personality, but he was a team player."
Hiddleston fully immersed himself in the character. Outside of studying Loki's history in the Marvel Comics, he also researched how Loki and the Trickster God archetype appeared across mythology and different cultures. "He understood that he was already in something special [and] it was a special character in a special part of that early moment in the life of the Marvel universe where [he] also needed to step up in other ways," says Branagh, who was impressed by the emotional depth Hiddleston brought to the part, especially when it came to how isolated Loki felt in the Asgardian royal family.  
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There was a lot riding on that first Thor feature. For one, no one knew if audiences would immediately latch onto a Shakespearean superhero movie partially set on an alien planet populated by the Norse Gods of legend. Second, it was integral to Feige's plans for the shared universe. Loki was supposed to be the main villain in The Avengers, which would not only mirror how Earth's mightiest heroes joined forces in 1963's Avengers #1 but also give Thor a believable reason for teaming up with Iron Man, Captain America (Chris Evans), and the rest of the capes. Feige first clued Hiddleston into those larger plans when the actor was in L.A. before Thor started shooting.
"I was like, 'Excuse me?' Because he was already three, four steps ahead," says Hiddleston. "That took me a few minutes to process, because I didn't quite realize how it just suddenly had a scope. And being cast as Loki, I realized, was a very significant moment for me in my life, and was going to remain. The creative journey was going to be so exciting."
Hiddleston relished the opportunity to go full villain in Avengers, like in the scene where Loki ordered a crowd to kneel before him outside a German opera house: "It's the unspoken truth of humanity, that you crave subjugation," says the Machiavellian god. "The bright lure of freedom diminishes your life's joy in a mad scramble for power, for identity. You were made to be ruled. In the end, you will always kneel."
"I just knew that in the structure of that film, I had to lean into his role as a pure antagonist," Hiddleston recalls. "What I always found curious and complex about the way Loki is written in Avengers, is that his status as an antagonist comes from the same well of not belonging and being marginalized and isolated in the first Thor film. Loki now knows he has no place in Asgard."
Loki did find a place within the audience's hearts, though. Feige was "all in" on Hiddleston as his Loki from the beginning, but even he couldn't predict how much fans would love him. Feige recalls the reaction at the 2013 San Diego Comic-Con: "Did we know that after he was the villain in two movies, he would be bringing thousands of people to their feet in Hall H, in costume, chanting his name? No, that was above and beyond the plan that we were hoping for and dreaming of." It was a dream Feige first got an inkling of a year earlier during the Avengers press tour when a Russian fan slipped past security, snuck into Mark Ruffalo's car, and asked the Hulk actor to give Hiddleston a piece of fan art she created. "That was one of the early signs there was much more happening with this quote-unquote villain."  
Despite that popularity, the plan was to kill Loki off in 2013's Thor: The Dark World, but the studio reversed course after test audiences refused to believe he actually died fighting the Dark Elves. Alas, he couldn't out-illusion death forever. After returning in Taika Waititi's colorful and idiosyncratic Thor: Ragnarok, Hiddleston's character perished for real in the opening moments of Infinity War. In typical Loki fashion, before Thanos crushed his windpipe, he delivered a defiant speech that indicated he'd finally made peace with the anger he felt toward his family.  
"It felt very, very final, and I thought, 'Okay, that's it. This is Loki's final bow and a conclusive end to the Odinson saga,'" says Hiddleston, who shot that well-earned death scene in 2017.  
But, though he didn't know it yet, the actor's MCU story was far from over.
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Credit: Charlie Gray for EW
When Hiddleston returned to film two scenes in Avengers: Endgame in 2017, he had no idea where Loki portaled off to after snatching the Tesseract. "Where'd he go? When does he go? How does he get there? These are all questions I remember asking on the day, and then not being given any answers," Hiddleston recalls. To be fair, it's likely the Powers That Be didn't necessarily have answers then. While Feige can't exactly recall when the writers' room for Endgame first devised Loki's escape sequence, he does know that setting up a future show wasn't the primary goal — because a Loki series wasn't on the horizon just yet.
"[That scene] was really more of a wrinkle so that one of the missions that the Avengers went on in Endgame could get screwed up and not go well, which is what required Cap and Tony to go further back in time to the '70s," says Feige. Soon after that, though, former Disney CEO Bob Iger approached Feige about producing content for the studio's forthcoming streaming service. "I think the notion that we had left this hanging loose end with Loki gave us the in for what a Loki series could be. So by the time [Endgame] came out, we did know where it was going."
As for Hiddleston, he didn't find out about the plans for a Loki show until spring 2018, a few weeks before Infinity War hit theaters. "I probably should not have been surprised, but I was," says the actor. "But only because Infinity War had felt so final."
Nevertheless, Hiddleston was excited about returning for his show. He was eager to explore Loki's powers, especially the shapeshifting, and what it meant that this disruptive figure still managed to find a seat beside the gods in mythology. "I love this idea [of] Loki's chaotic energy somehow being something we need. Even though, for all sorts of reasons, you don't know whether you can trust him. You don't know whether he's going to betray you. You don't why he's doing what he's doing," says Hiddleston. "If he's shapeshifting so often, does he even know who he is? And is he even interested in understanding who he is? Underneath all those masks, underneath the charm and the wit, which is kind of a defense anyway, does Loki have an authentic self? Is he introspective enough or brave enough to find out? I think all of those ideas are all in the series — ideas about identity, ideas about self-knowledge, self-acceptance, and the difficulty of it."
“The series will explore Loki's powers in a way they have not yet been explored, which is very, very exciting.”
The thing that truly sold Hiddleston on the show was Marvel's decision to include the Time Variance Authority, a move he describes as "the best idea that anybody had pertaining to the series." Feige and Loki executive producer Stephen Broussard had hoped to find a place for the TVA — an organization that debuted in 1986's Thor #372 and has appeared in She-Hulk and Fantastic Four stories — in the MCU for years, but the right opportunity never presented itself until Loki came along. "Putting Loki into his own procedural series became the eureka moment for the show," says Feige.  
The TVA's perspective on time and reality also tied into the themes that Waldron, Loki's head writer, was hoping to explore. "Loki is a character that's always reckoning with his own identity, and the TVA, by virtue of what they do, is uniquely suited to hold up a mirror to Loki and make him really confront who he is and who he was supposed to be," says Waldron. Hiddleston adds: "[That] was very exciting because in the other films, there was always something about Loki that was very controlled. He seemed to know exactly what the cards in his hand were and how he was going to play them…. And Loki versus the TVA is Loki out of control immediately, and in an environment in which he's completely behind the pace, out of his comfort zone, destabilized, and acting out."
To truly dig into who Loki is, the creative team had to learn from the man who knows him best: Hiddleston. "I got him to do a thing called Loki School when we first started," says director Kate Herron. "I asked him to basically talk through his 10 years of the MCU — from costumes to stunts, to emotionally how he felt in each movie. It was fantastic."
Hiddleston got something out of the Loki school, too. Owen Wilson both attended the class and interviewed Hiddleston afterward so that he could better understand Loki, as his character Mobius is supposed to be an expert on him. During their conversation, Wilson pointedly asked Hiddleston what he loved about playing the character.
"And I said, 'I think it's because he has so much range,'" says Hiddleston. "I remember saying this to him: 'On the 88 keys on the piano, he can play the twinkly light keys at the top. He can keep it witty and light, and he's the God of Mischief, but he can also go down to the other side and play the heavy keys. And he can play some really profound chords down there, which are about grief and betrayal and loss and heartbreak and jealousy and pride.'" Hiddleston recalls Wilson being moved by the description: "He said, 'I think I might say that in the show.' And it was such a brilliant insight for me into how open Owen is as an artist and a performer.'"
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Owen Wilson as Mobius and Tom Hiddleston as Loki in 'Loki.'| Credit: Chuck Zlotnick/Marvel Studios
Everyone involved is particularly excited for audiences to see Hiddleston and Wilson's on-screen chemistry. "Mobius is not unlike Owen Wilson in that he's sort of nonplussed by the MCU," says Feige. "[Loki] is used to getting a reaction out of people, whether it's his brother or his father, or the other Avengers. He likes to be very flamboyant and theatrical. Mobius doesn't give him the reaction he's looking for. That leads to a very unique relationship that Loki's not used to."
As for the rest of the series, we know that Loki will be jumping around time and reality, but the creative team isn't keen on revealing when and where. "Every episode, we tried to take inspiration from different things," says Waldron, citing Blade Runner's noir aesthetic as one example.
"Part of the fun of the multiverse and playing with time is seeing other versions of characters, and other versions of the titular character in particular," says Feige, who also declined to confirm if Loki ties into Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness and/or other upcoming projects.
Making Loki was especially meaningful to Hiddleston because they shot most of it during the pandemic, in late 2020. "It will remain one of the absolute most intense, most rewarding experiences of my life," he says. "It's a series about time, and the value of time, and what time is worth, and I suppose what the experience of being alive is worth. And I don't quite know yet, and maybe I don't have perspective on it, if all the thinking and the reflecting that we did during the lockdown ended up in the series. But in some way, it must have because everything we make is a snapshot of where we were in our lives at that time."
While it remains to be seen what the future holds for Loki beyond this initial season, Hiddleston isn't preparing to put the character to bed yet. "I'm open to everything," he says. "I have said goodbye to the character. I've said hello to the character. I said goodbye to the character [again]. I've learned not to make assumptions, I suppose. I'm just grateful that I'm still here, and there are still new roads to explore."
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alirhi · 3 years
*deep breath*
Okay, let's break this down once and for all.
What were Loki's "crimes"?
Thor (2011)
1) Snuck a small band of Jotuns into the vaults of Asgard as a prank, knowing full well that they would be stopped before they could do any real damage. His reasoning? Thor was brash, arrogant, reckless, and violent. Loki wanted to delay his unstable, genocidal brother taking power and leading Asgard into ruin. This is all fully established in the movie. He got those Jotuns killed, I'll give you that one (or would, if any of you even fucking cared about them). But from his (and any other Asgardians') perspective, not knowing they were his own people, having been raised for 1500 years in a racist society that viewed Jotuns as lesser and unworthy of humane treatment? Hardly a loss, especially in the service of protecting his home.
2) Being handed regency of the throne until Odin recovers, due to Thor's banishment. Loki never stole it, never wanted it, was stunned to be given it. As the other Prince of Asgard and the last remaining link in the chain of succession, there was absolutely nothing wrong with this move, on the advisors' part for handing him the power, or on Loki's part for claiming it.
3) Refusing to undermine Odin's authority while he's incapacitated. His own motives here are completely inconsequential. Loki is right not to immediately contradict the King the moment the crown changes heads.
4) Trying to kill Thor and his friends, destroying a small New Mexico town. I'll give you guys this one (though again... no one seems to mention it. Huh.)
5) That whole Kill Odin/Kill Laufey switcheroo. Here is where the difference between explaining and excusing becomes very important. Loki, having just learned that he's adopted and is the son of Odin's sworn enemy, is having a bit of an identity crisis and is desperate for some indication from the only father he's ever known that he's worthy of love and respect. Having been raised on racism and casual genocide, it makes sense that his idea to win Odin's love and prove his loyalty to Asgard is to eliminate that enemy. This does not excuse Loki's actions; I've never heard/read a Loki fan attempting to excuse his actual wrongdoings. But it's not difficult to understand what motivated him.
6) Trying to destroy Jotunheim with the Bifrost. This is really more of a 5.5 lol. Kind of more of the same shit - desperate to prove himself, lots of twisted, psychotic messages in his upbringing. Again, not excusing his actions, here. There is no excuse for attempted genocide.
Funny how all these arguments that Loki is evil and always has been center around the first three points, where he wasn't actually wrong, and rarely if ever bring up the last three, where he was clearly misguided at best.
Avengers (2012) ...lordy. Here's a doozy. Let's start with this, shall we?
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"Marvel confirms Loki was mind-controlled in The Avengers."
To anyone who actually watched Thor 1, this should have been obvious. Why? Because he's trying to fucking rule Earth. Loki. Never. Wanted. A. Throne.
If that's not enough, and Marvel directly confirming this isn't enough, look at the evidence: sickly blue light from the scepter in his eyes, same as Clint and Selveig when they were controlled. He's pale and sickly looking, clearly unwell. He can't stand or walk on his own and is clearly in pain. He was tortured.
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Yes, sure, this is absolutely a willing accomplice meeting with his buddy. Not at all a traumatized victim still under the thumb of his abusers and being forced to do their bidding. Don't all friends and allies threaten each other with unimaginable pain? 🙄
1) "He killed 80 people in 3 days!" Thanos shoving him through the Tesseract caused a power surge that obliterated the structural integrity of SHIELD headquarters and caused the building to collapse. That's it. That's the body count y'all can't fucking shut up about and keep mindlessly quoting Natasha, who spun the events to sway Thor to their side. Loki didn't kill 80 people. A building's inability to handle Loki traveling killed 80 people.
2) *chirp... chirp...* 🦗🦗 Y'all need some help? I never hear about anything else from this movie. Shall we just move on?
Oh, wait. There's one more...
2) "He stabbed Thor!" Yep. Finally free of the Mind Stone's control, Loki looks out over the destruction he helped cause, has a little freakout because he's not evil... and then stabs Thor to get free and a little bit to save face because he does have an ego. What's more damaging to it in the end - admitting he was someone else's puppet this whole time, or playing into Thor's bias that he will always betray him because that's just what he does? Also, he stabbed Thor with the tiniest blade in the history of blades. Like, there was no way that thing was ever going to hit anything vital. Thor was in no danger there. It hurt, I'm sure, but he's had worse. Loki did it to get away, not to harm him.
Thor: The Dark World (2013)
1) Still freshly liberated from Thanos' control, Loki is snarky and dismissive as he faces Odin, because he already knows nothing will sway the stubborn old bastard. His mind's made up and Loki has far too much pride to grovel, or to even admit the shit on Earth was never his plan. Oh, no. The God of Mischief is snarky! The horror!
2) Gives the bad guy directions. Not very good ones, at that. Every time I watched this movie, this moment came across as Loki just telling the Kursed how to slip past the guards swarming to round up the other escaped prisoners. Kursed went straight to the shield generator thingy and smashed it to pieces. Not straight to Frigga. Mobius and the shitty Loki series writer can retcon this all they want, but Loki did not murder Frigga. Loki did not lead the enemy to Frigga. He wasn't trying to lead him fucking ANYWHERE.
He was extremely helpful through the rest of this movie, right up until his "death." He was still chaotic and delightfully sarcastic and holy fuck I love this movie... Anyway, Loki was pretty much firmly on the Good Guy team in TDW. But I'll address it anyway...
3) Faking his death and pretending to be a guard to trick Odin, and then pretending to be Odin to trick Thor and the rest of Asgard. ooooo so evil! He sat in a chair and smirked. Someone call the cops! He didn't even hurt Odin!
In Thor: Ragnarok Loki saved the day. Twice. In Infinity War, he died a very stupid, avoidable death trying to save the day, or at least save his brother.
What, exactly, has he done that was so wrong as to paint him as evil and deserving of continued abuse and degradation? Find me one Avenger who hasn't done more damage than Loki ever has. Just one. I'll wait.
Don't even get me started on Sylvie or the TVA. 🤮
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starshipsofstarlord · 3 years
☘️ Remember to Like and Reblog! It really helps if you want more writing released! This is not free content to steal, so don’t! Thank you for reading ☘️
Summary: Loki was always afraid of death, squeamish about the concept, however once he dies he meets the fateful end he had always hoped for
Fandom: Marvel (MCU)
Pairing: Loki Laufeyson x reader
Warnings: death, angst, spoilers for IW, brief overview of smut (not gonna make 18+ because it’s really not in detail and doesn’t describe anything really), fluff
Word Count: 1534
Masterlist Link
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Thanos had a strong grasp around his neck, his hand coiled around the expanse, whilst Thor was restrained by Maul. "The sun will shine on us again brother." Loki spoke, unable to gouge his sibling's reaction, for that was his end. A crack, a vigilant snap, and that was it; he knew what had become of him. He was no more the figure of a god, merely an ideology that was to no longer walk upon the galaxy, and flying through a bifrost light until he came to be standing on a ground he had never seen before. It was so green, more so than his armour or his eyes, the ripest life he had ever seen in any ecosystem.
And in truth, there was a sun, brightly glaring down upon him as he succumbed to his death. Loki did not have it in mind to die, but it was the event that he had received for trying to save the last of his family. He was usually seen as the villain, but his last act had been one of a hero, and in the reality that he had lived, there had been no ambient bulb from the sky that shon and gave him peace. But seeing that his brother had not joined him in this land he was relieved; there was a chance that the God of Thunder still lived and breathed and that was all that he could hope for.
"I saw you coming." Heimdall appeared, his amber eyes boring into the God of Mischief as his head bowed. Apparently his tricks of his born trade had not parted well for him, or either of them. They had been foolish to ever believe that they could beat a Titan with his Black Order, and now here they were paying for their failures. A sad smile tugged at Loki's features, rather than being annoyed by the statement, he was comforted by it. It was something that had often irritated the Prince but now he no longer had a reason to showcase that behaviour.
Here there was no king that he could not become, there was no land that he was stolen from therefore proving him to be a true Odinson for ending up here, and there were no immortal wars and battles that he would get entangled in. "I know you did." Loki replied with a succumbed smile of sadness, seeing the world before him submerged in nothing but beauty and tranquility. "Where is my mother?" He asked, wishing to know of her whereabouts. Because of him, she was dead, and he wanted to ensure that she had no hard feelings about his crude, scheming mistake.
"On the lake with Odin." Heimdall managed a sturdy hand against Loki's shoulder to refrain him from running to them then and there. "They are fine Loki. However there appears to be someone else here that I am certain that you have not forgotten." The magician gulped, already presuming the name that would spill from the Bifrost Keeper's lips. "Y/n, goddess of fidelity. She is has been here all this time, waiting until you join her. It seems that she kept fidelity towards everyone but you; no one suspected that she would continue to remain loyal in the afterlife, but with you it appears that she is willing to go against her beliefs."
And there it was. Another whom he cared about that had been so ruthlessly torn from him. Y/n, his wife who has unfortunately parted from him in a rouse of angry soldiers who she chose not to defy. Life had been a strained prospect to continue without her, he had even doubted that their beliefs would allow her to pass onto this plain, however it appeared they had and he couldn’t have been more glad. Loki mirrored Heimdall’s stride and also placed a hand on his shoulder, as though they were family.
“Where might I find her?” He enquired, desperate to see his beloved for another time. It took a moment for the Norseman to answer, but when he did, Loki thanked him and bolted straight to said area. By the fornication of brambles that was peaking on the hill by the waterfall. Running through this world, Loki found he had the endurance of all other soldiers he had lived and died with, he wasn’t getting tired, it was like a rush of exhilaration passed through his veins during his adventure to rejoice in a reunion.
As he came significantly closer to the said area, smoke brewed, hinting at a fire. When he walked through the small woods that were in his way, he saw a woman seated by said flames, her head pulled back and eyes shut. There was no denying it, he recognised this woman, it was y/n! “I have been waiting for the time that you showed my love. The years have dragged by like the tail of a king’s cloak. I have-“ She couldn’t quite find it in herself to say that she had missed him, she had always had troubles expressing her emotions, but Loki came and sat behind her as her eyes peeled open, and placed his hand atop of her own.
“I know darling.” He spoke for her, each day that had passed without her presence being worse than torture itself. “But we made it to Valhalla, and now that is all that matters. And now I shall wait until my sibling breathes his last breath like the withering of a dying star, and I will have every person I care about here. No more death or suffering, for we cannot be demised or separated in this world. I remember as a child my father would tell me and Thor of it, and how beautiful it was supposed to be, and now I can finally see true gold as you my wife are here too.”
“It is good to see you once more Loki, and I am relieved that there will be no more parting from one another, and that we have stuck to our vows of finding each other in Valhalla when it is all over. It is rather strange, I find myself to be more optimistic here, we have eternity ahead of us and I don’t want to waste a single second, I want to make each one count.” His grip on y/n’s hand tightened, their fingers combing to pass into a hold together as the raven haired god leant in closer, his breath simmering against the complexion of her cheek.
“And we shall, how about we start our forever right this second?” His hand combed through her braided locks, running along the surface of her scalp as he lovingly turned her head, their noses accidentally bumping together. “Þú getur lyft hammanum mínum hvenær sem er, ef þú veist hvað ég meina.” Loki’s head dipped to capture her lips as they laid beneath the sun together, it setting into a beautiful set of oranges and beacons of diverted light as he leant atop of his wife, making up for all the time that they had lost throughout the last one hundred years.
Her hands peeled at his clothing, bearing him down to the same nudity that he had been born into the world to. He repeated the actions upon her, leaving their flesh in a crushing clash that remotely emitted their emotions to one another. Hands were thrown into long locks, ankles were held around waists, hands were knotted together in a matrimony as the world became lost to them, and they adorned each other in lustrous kisses to emphasises how much they had missed each other. They had truly found Valhalla, and it was an opportunity to see out their marriage together and make a copious amount of new memories that would spin within this realm for all time.
Whispers of pleasure sung among the birds, greeting the newcomer to his new home. Loki had always been scared of death but the outcome of a natural passing only proved that all along he had had nothing to fear, it had only lead to a warm fire and a wolf skin beneath him, as well as the company of almost everyone that he cared for. He’d wished he could have fought Thanos with smarter tactics but he held no regrets, he had a feeling that in the long run that the Titan would not spur a win, and that eventually the avengers would bring him to his own end.
And whilst he was not a particular fan of the mad executioner, he only wished that he could be brought this same peace, and realise that all that bad he did lead to no good in the nine realms. Like Loki, he would see his extinct family again, and regret the trouble that he had brought. Loki was no martyr, or hero, or soldier. He would always be a trickster and if this ending were a trick, if he were manipulated to think that he had made it to Valhalla, he was okay with that. He had everything that he had wanted right here, saying his name with no remnants of fidelity.
Þú getur lyft hammanum mínum hvenær sem er, ef þú veist hvað ég meina - You are my Valkyrie, and I would follow you across the nine realms and into eternity
Tags ~ @jimshandholder
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jbreenr · 3 years
Duuude, I suspected that Tony was gonna die but not because he was murdered. Like, I was expecting it to be the palladium.
I loved seeing Tony and Nat together again, but I wish they were voiced by Robert and Scarlet. Though it was nice yk? Having Iron Man 2 flashbacks.
Now, Nat was being accused for murdering Tony like… what?! How on earth?
When Fury said that S.H.I.E.L.D was compromised, I totally thought that Pierce was the bad guy here and that he changed the antidote.
Also, i loved seeing S.T.R.I.K.E again!
Thor is gorgeous, according to Colson. He has great hair and well, we know he looks like the son of a Pirate and and Angel.
My thoughts on the very next part: bARTON SLIPPED? WTF WHAT IS GOING ON?!??! THAT WAS HIS ARROW!!
And thought we know he was innocent, he was on a cell, but he apparently took a cyanide pill. Makes no damn sense! He was killed as well!!
Betty Ross. That's it. That's the point.
“Who do I kill?” –Natasha Romamoff. I mean, did you see her expression when Fury told her about Clint? My poor little assassin baby.):
Uatu's image while Colson is driving. Am I just blind or is that the first time it happens? Like, in an episode.
Loki and Co. coming through the Bifrost looking for vengeance because someone killed his brother. I--
Now, Bruce's situation with Nat. Like his predicament was so alike The Incredible Hulk. I. Love. It.
+ Nat's pose when Bruce was transforming and she jumped out of there? Yes. A hundred times yes.
I, and I am still speechless, can't get over the fact that Bruce freaking exploded. I'm struggling to find words.
As well as Rhode, Colson has some good ass passwords. #SteveSteveSteveIHeartSteve0704. I'd use it if it was not that long. Xd
And Nat's dead. Just like that. WHYYYYY?
Hope Van Dyme died two years ago in that time line. TWO YEARS BEFORE THE EVENTS OF IRON MAN 2 AND THOR. You realize that branch was formed two years before it all? Wooooow.
And, she was a S.H.I.E.L.D agent. She died doing S.H.I.E.L.D's work. Phew.
Now, I was totally not expecting Hank Pym to be the villain, but after assimilating it, it was soo cool to see him wearing the Yellow Jacket.
That scene, with dozens of Lokis looking like Furys and that smile before transforming. I want to watch Avengers now. Solely because of that.
Of course, he saves the day and decides to stay for a longer time on Midgard. What happens next? Well, he's ruling the world in a… more pacific way than the one we saw in the MCU before. It took him a day to accomplish that!!
Okay but, was I the only one who thought of Marvel Zombies with the coffins? I can't be the only one.
Now, Hank is dead, which means that he cannot kill Steve (yes, because Fury finds him). So he's still a part of the Avengers initiative, right?
And finally, Carol said “Where's the fight?” which may or may not be a reference to Bucky in Infinity War.
So, in conclusion, it was a busy week for Fury. Poor thing.
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❝ Elin Eriksdottir was proclaimed to be the goddess of chaos when she was only six Midgardian years old. A troublemaker almost from birth, the young Asgardian girl, a daughter of one of Odin's most trusted guards, was the subject of a prophecy by Queen Frigga, who had the gift of future sight along with her power of illusions. The prophecy stated that Elin would have the power to create all kinds of havoc, turning situations and even people's very souls to chaos with nothing more than a thought. And, barely a week after the queen's proclamation, Elin first showcased this strange and dangerous power, creating a scuffle between the royal princes that both boys insisted they hadn't really wanted to get into.
From that moment onward, Elin spent much of her life being trained and instructed by Queen Frigga on how to properly use and control her powers, along with the younger prince, Loki. Under the watchful eye of King Odin, who did not fully trust this young girl with powers so destructive, she became something of the daughter Frigga had never had, and formed a strong bond with Loki, the two young troublemakers rarely ever seen without each other.
That was, until what seemed like a harmless prank during a ball went wrong, and Elin's power to turn people's thoughts spiraled out of control, resulting in the death of a respected warrior. Furious, Odin ordered the young goddess banished to Earth, despite the heavy protests from his wife, his son, and Elin's own parents. Having barely blossomed into a young maiden, Elin was shoved through the Bifrost by rough-handed guards, crashing into the middle of a lonely desert in an insignificant New Mexico town.
Ten years later, Elin is still in that tiny corner of New Mexico, causing bar fights almost every night and flirting incessantly with every single road-tripper that passes through. And when two scientists and their cute intern come to town, looking to investigate recent strange weather patterns, Elin jumps at the chance to be their guide to the desert. After all, they're new and interesting, and the goddess of chaos cannot be expected to endure monotony for too long.
But then another Asgardian crashes into the desert. Specifically, Thor Odinson, prince of Asgard, stripped of his powers and mighty hammer, who recognizes Elin almost instantly. Elin has been trying to forget where she came from for the past decade, but now that Erik, Jane, and Darcy know that their guide is actually a fallen goddess, that seems like it's going to be impossible.
But if her lost friend Loki has taken over Asgard and is trying to murder his brother, well, maybe it's a good thing for Elin not to forget where she comes from. It might just help her save the people she's come to care about, after all. ❞
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General Taglist: @hiddenqveendom, @auxiliarydetective, @foxesandmagic, @stardustocs, @artemisocs.
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