#loke and i kiss each other daily
bumblebeehug · 11 months
Imagine if the celestial spirits don't actually need to eat food and Loke, in his first few months being stuck in Earthland and joining fairy tail, gets strange looks from Gray, Cana etc. because they don't see him eat even once?
the guild thinking loke has an eating disorder, confirmed and canon?!?!? no jk but that makes a lot of sense. i kinda feel like the celestial spirits do eat though, idk if im remembering correctly, but i think there was a bunch of food when the guild members were in the celestial world, so perhaps the spirits eat but not as often? (like once every 6 earthland months or something lol) so i can imagine loke forgetting to eat in the beginning. just him going to the hospital every couple of days asking why his body is weak and he's feeling faint all of the time, and the doctor is like "when did you last eat" and loke just. doesn't even remember. bc it's not Something he Thinks About.
anyways the idea of loke running off and never being present at meal times is really funny when u don't think of how ed-like it is. dude's just. Disappearing. and no one knows why or where he goes. another girl to flirt with? who knows lol.
also gray teaching loke to eat certain foods (like he taught juvia in that episode) and gray just thinks he's from some werid place far away (which isn't technically wrong lol)
also cana either trying to get him drunk and it's Just Not Working, or cana getting him absolutely thrashed on accident bc loke's never drank before
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bebx · 4 years
romantic loki x tony? 🥺
Loki lowkey liked to keep things lowkey, but Tony wouldn’t have any of that.
Because he was Tony Stark. So each time they made their (almost daily) public appearance together, it was Tony taking Loki to a fancy restaurant — hands holding and lots of kisses.
Tony spoiled Loki rotten with various expensive gifts, whether it be Gucci outfits, diamond rings or customized daggers with their initial engraved on it.
Breakfast in bed. Tony cooked, and Loki never had it in his heart to say his boyfriend couldn’t cook (Loki liked to think he was a savage and he could tell Tony the food was bad. He failed every time he saw the excitement look on Tony’s face when he ate something Tony made)
Loki could cook, however. He was pretty good at it. So most of the time he insisted to cook for them and made sure he never slipped it was because Tony’s cooking skills were horrible.
Tony introducing Loki to pop culture
Loki explaining to Tony how his seidr worked
Dancing to classical music when they were alone
Kissing in the rain
Tony made sure Loki knew he liked how soft Loki’s hands felt
Movies night where they fought over who got to be the one who chose what to watch
Tony making sure Loki and his Avenger friends didn’t kill one another
Tony having to constantly assure Thor he truly loved Thor’s brother and that he would never hurt him.
Sometimes Loki thought he wasn’t good enough for Tony, and was sad.
When Loki was sad, Tony was one of the very few people who could comfort him.
Tony liked resting his head on Loki’s chest and listening to Loki’s heartbeats to help him sleep
Lots of cuddles — Because Loki had severe abandonment issues and Tony also had a pretty bad PTSD himself. They both needed each other more than they would admit.
Loki being unreasonably jealous every time Tony spent too much time with a man or a woman for Loki’s liking. Because with Loki’s abandonment issues, his own thoughts kept telling him Tony was going to leave him just like everybody else did. It was only a matter of time
But Tony was never angry about it because Tony understood what Loki went through. So instead Tony would sit Loki down and assure him he wasn’t going anywhere, and he would keep assuring Loki that a hundred time a day every day, if that was what it took to make Loki believe him.
Lots of nightmares, too. It was an unspoken rule between them that they would wake the other up if the other started thrashing in their sleep.
They never talked about what the nightmare was about because there was no reason to. Just them being in each other’s arms was more than enough.
Tony was the first to say “I love you.” In Loki’s part, it was never that easy to confess his feelings, something he considered weakness, so openly. So during the first few months of their relationship it was Tony keeping telling Loki he loved him and asking if he knew that, and Loki would nod.
Tony understood Loki’s issues and he was being super patient and supportive and never rushed Loki to say it back.
When Loki did say it back, it was when he was absolutely ready and certain Tony was the one.
It was when Tony least expected it. Or, it was when they were fighting about something stupid they didn’t even remember what it was about.
But Loki just blurted out.
The “I love you” that stunned Tony.
The look on Loki’s face was something Tony didn’t think he could forget, and it hurt him because Loki looked hurt — like he was afraid Tony would push him away.
But Tony just gently, slowly, pulled him into a hug.
Their previous argument was utterly forgotten.
“I love you too, Lokes.”
I’m currently accepting requests. If you have any, feel free to drop them in my inbox.
List of characters/ pairings I write for.
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eleathyra-art · 3 years
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Review by Jô P.: Fragments of your Soul by E. S. Erbsland
“Life gave Arvid a lemon, and she made a  Caipirinha.”
(The original review is in Portuguese, so below is a google translate version in English. Original far below, and link to the source here.)
The review:
Good Morning! I'm not one to comment or create posts... But I stayed up until 03:00 in the morning, reading Fragments of Your Soul.
I want to thank the PL and Shifters teams. Well I'll try to make a brief review, without spoilers. From now on, forgive me if I write or type something wrong. I only slept 3 hours tonight... Anyway, let's go.
Is the book worth reading? YEA! MUCH!
Is the book too big? YEA! But I guarantee you all: no page or scene is unnecessary.
Do you have hot scenes? Few.
It's romantic? It depends on what each reader means by romantic.
Does it have a happy ending? oh! This is the cat's jump!!!! What is happiness? Guimarães Rosa says that "...happiness, we find it in times of chance." AND? READ TO UNDERSTAND.
I'll try to explain...The book follows the structure of ALL books that recreate, or create new mythologies. Anyone who has read Tolkien, Lewis, Frank Herbert will understand. I think it follows the structure of Scandinavian sagas (beowulf type), but I could be wrong...
When I started reading the book I realized where the plot was going: first, the protagonist, Arvid is introduced in her world. His characteristics, mainly psychological (interesting that in her case, the physical doesn't matter, because we'll be very interested in Loke's physical characteristics, and only later, we'll notice his emotional characteristics....). Then how she ended up in the Shadow World. Then the Arvid saga begins: learning to live in a new world, new customs, new languages, finding a way to return to the World of Light. With that, we see her interacting with the other characters.
Eventually, we meet the antagonist, who is also the protagonist (read!). But we're STILL focused on Arvid's new life and the challenges and heartaches she has to go through. Halfway through the book we realize that NOTHING is what it seems, and the story shifts focus and we begin to follow Arvid and Loke's interaction. And from then on I can't say anything else, because I'll give spoilers.
But why is the book good? Because despite dealing with legends, myths, supernatural beings, all characters are in the same struggle as us: earning a living, getting a job, going to college, paying the bills, falling in love with the wrong person, falling in love with the person right, wrong with the right person, right with the wrong person, and, above all, live with every act and choice of everyday life. We've all done things we regret. We've all regretted that we didn't do some things. And we've all had to close the past and understand that when we make a decision, we must back it up and learn to put an end to what's over. And moving on, even when we're finished physically, emotionally, because the world won't stop because we're sad, desperate, or in mourning. The world goes on. The pain is ours but the happiness is also ours. That's why I liked the book: life gave Arvid a lemon and she made a caipirinha out of it. She did what she had to do, with what she could do at that moment. And Loke, the god of Chaos, was what he was: the chaos we all carry inside of us: unfulfilled wishes, or very well-fulfilled wishes that took us the wrong way.
I warn you here: Loke is straight-forward. Many will be bothered by things and revelations about them. I read it myself and said: what is it like? But keep an open mind. Accept the God of Chaos without prejudice. We all have a dark, chaotic little place inside us. Anyone who has done psychoanalysis knows what I'm talking about.
Loke represents the unconscious... Arvid the conscious. Only in this book, the id is stronger. It's up to Arvid to bring the balance... Have you read The Power of Myth? The Hero with a Thousand Faces? These books tell us that we are all on a lonely journey in search of ourselves. When we put together the fragments of our souls, we are whole and we can love each other and love each other. So... we can say that Arvid and Loke, each in their own way, were on a lonely journey that, at some point, they found each other. What were 2 paths merged into one. And they knew how to appreciate the beauty of this meeting, transforming the 2 paths into a single one...
For me, the ending is VERY ROMANTIC and the book is worth it. Insist. Read a different book. Books like that are good for the soul. They bring our fragments together and make us whole, with a smile on our lips, because in the end, we realize that we all just want the hope of being happy. I don't pretend to sound cultured, erudite, nor am I a psychologist/psychoanalyst, but this book reminded me of so many things I learned about psychoanalysis!
Loke is not immoral or chaotic: he is what he is. Someone with his power (shifter and that's the only spoiler I'm going to give) can appreciate life, sex, nature, in a way that we mere humans would never understand. What for us is immoral, chaotic, dirty, perverse, for him, is a fragment of his own soul. I believe his emotions are very basic. He kills because he can, he has sex and falls in love (in many ways - READ) simply because he can. That's why he's all emotion (ID).
As for Arvid, the human, theoretically like all of us, could do the same: kill, love, whatever. But what prevents and prevents us is the deep moral sense and innate charity (EGO). Not that Arvid is a completely rational being. She is passionate, violent and loyal. But her moral sense is what Loke lacks, and Loke's self-centeredness is what Arvid lacks. In other words: a soul is a jigsaw puzzle of fragments of light and shadows, of morality and immorality. Of good thoughts, and perverted thoughts. Of purity and perversity. Of goodness and badness. What makes us human is the ability to know that everyone has a light within them, even when we only see apparent darkness. Arvid saw the light within Loke and Loke saw the darkness within Arvid. Accepting this in yourself and in others is the great adventure of life.
But, more than that, I believe the great lesson of the book is: HAPPINESS IS A DAILY FIGHT. There is no such thing as an entirely happy period. Over 24 hours a day, we experience good, bad, bad, stressful, because life is like that. Alongside the passionate kiss of his partner (o), there is the perrengue of not having money to buy the shoe; beside the job approval, there is the hassle of waking up at 5 am to take the bus. That's life. It's knowing how to live: knowing when to invest with everything for a dream and when to put a stone on the subject, because the subject is over. That's Arvid's great virtue: knowing when to insist and when to give up. This is the lesson that we should take for life... because the subject is over. That's Arvid's great virtue: knowing when to insist and when to give up. This is the lesson that we should take for life... because the subject is over. That's Arvid's great virtue: knowing when to insist and when to give up. This is the lesson that we should take for life. Review of Jô P.
Original Portuguese text:
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Bom dia! Não sou de comentar ou criar posts....Mas fiquei acordada até às 03 horas da manhã, lendo Fragments of Your Soul. Quero agradecer às equipes do PL e do Shifters . Bom vou tentar fazer uma breve resenha, sem dar spoilers. Desde já, me perdoem se eu escrever ou digitar algo errado. Dormi só 3 horas essa noite....Enfim, vamos lá. O livro vale a pena ser lido? SIM! MUITO! O livro é muito grande? SIM! Mas eu garanto a todas vocês: nenhuma página ou cena é desnecessária. Tem cenas hot? Poucas. É romântico? Depende do que cada leitor entende por romântico. Tem final feliz? ah! Esse é o pulo do gato!!!! O que é felicidade? Guimarães Rosa diz que "...felicidade, a gente encontra em horas de acaso." E? LEIAM PARA ENTENDER. Vou tentar explicar...O livro segue a estrutura de TODOS os livros que recriam, ou criam novas mitologias. Quem leu Tolkien, Lewis, Frank Herbert, vai entender. Eu acho que ele segue a estrutura das sagas escandinavas (tipo Beowulf), mas posso estar enganada...Quando comecei a ler o livro eu percebi onde o enredo ia levar: em primeiro lugar, a protagonista, Arvid é apresentada em seu mundo. Suas características, principalmente psicológicas (interessante que no caso dela, o físico não importa, porque vamos ficar muito interessadas nas características físicas do Loke, e só depois, vamos reparar nas características emocionais dele....). Depois, como ela foi parar no Mundo das Sombras. Daí começa a saga da Arvid: aprender a viver num mundo novo, costumes novos, línguas novas, achar um jeito de voltar para o Mundo da Luz. Com isso, vemos ela interagindo com os outros personagens. Lá pelas tantas, conhecemos o antagonista, que também é protagonista (leiam!). Mas AINDA estamos centrados na nova vida de Arvid e os desafios e tristezas pelos quais ela tem que passar. Na metade do livro percebemos que NADA é o que parece, e a história muda de foco e começamos a acompanhar a interação de Arvid e Loke. E a partir daí eu não posso falar mais nada, porque vou dar spoilers. Mas por que o livro é bom? Porque apesar de tratar de lendas, mitos, seres sobrenaturais, todos os personagens estão na mesma luta que nós: ganhar o pão de cada dia, conseguir trabalho, entrar na faculdade, pagar as contas, se apaixonar pela pessoa errada, se apaixonar pela pessoa certa, errar com a pessoa certa, acertar com a pessoa errada, e, principalmente, conviver com cada ato e escolha do dia a dia. Todos nós já fizemos coisas das quais nos arrependemos. Todos nós já nos arrependemos de não termos feito algumas coisas. E todos nós já tivemos que encerrar o passado e entender que quando tomamos uma decisão, devemos bancá-la e aprender a colocar um ponto final no que acabou. E a seguir em frente, mesmo quando a gente está acabado fisicamente, emocionalmente, porque o mundo não vai parar porque estamos tristes, desesperados, ou em luto. O mundo continua. A dor é nossa mas a felicidade também é só nossa. É por isso que eu gostei do livro: a vida deu um limão pra Arvid e ela fez uma caipirinha com ele. Ela fez o que tinha que fazer, com o que dava pra fazer naquele momento. E Loke, o deus do Caos, era o que era: o caos que todos nós carregamos dentro de nós: desejos não realizados, ou desejos muito bem realizados que nos levou para o lado errado. Já aviso aqui: Loke é direto na fala. Muitos vão se incomodar com as coisas e revelações sobre eles. Eu mesma lia e falava: como é que é? Mas tenham a mente aberta. Aceitem o Deus do Caos sem preconceitos. Todos nós temos um lugarzinho escuro e caótico dentro de nós. Quem já fez psicanálise sabe do que eu estou falando. Loke representa o inconsciente....Arvid o consciente. Só que nesse livro, o id é mais forte. Cabe a Arvid trazer o equilíbrio.....Vocês já leram O Poder do Mito? O Herói de Mil Faces? Esses livros nos dizem que todos nós estamos numa jornada solitária em busca de nós mesmos. Quando juntamos os fragmentos de nossas almas, ficamos inteiros e podemos nos amar e amar o outro. Então...podemos dizer que Arvid e Loke, cada um a seu jeito, estavam numa jornada solitária que, em algum momento, se encontraram. O que eram 2 caminhos se fundiram em um. E eles souberam apreciar a beleza desse encontro, transformando os 2 caminhos em um único....Para mim, o final é MUITO ROMÂNTICO e o livro vale a pena. Insistam. Leiam um livro diferente. Livros assim fazem bem pra alma. Juntam os nossos fragmentos e nos tornam inteiros, com um sorriso nos lábios, porque no final, percebemos que todos nós só queremos a esperança de sermos felizes. Não tenho a pretensão de parecer culta, erudita, e nem sou psicóloga/psicanalista, mas esse livro me lembrou tantas coisas que eu aprendi sobre psicanálise! Loke não é imoral ou caótico: ele é o que é. Alguém com o poder dele (metamorfo e esse é o único spoiler que eu vou dar), pode apreciar a vida, o sexo, a natureza, de uma maneira que nós, meros humanos, jamais compreenderíamos. O que para nós é imoral, caótico, sujo, perverso, para ele, é um fragmento da própria alma. Eu acredito que as emoções dele são muito básicas. Ele mata porque pode matar, ele faz sexo e se apaixona (de diversas maneiras - LEIAM), simplesmente porque ele pode. Por isso ele é todo emoção (ID). Já a Arvid, a humana, teoricamente como todos nós, poderia fazer o mesmo: matar, amar, sei lá. Mas o que a impede e nos impede é o profundo senso moral e a caridade inata (EGO). Não que a Arvid seja um ser completamente racional. Ela é apaixonada, violenta e leal. Mas o senso moral dela é o que falta em Loke, e o egocentrismo de Loke é o que falta em Arvid. Ou seja: uma alma é um quebra-cabeça de fragmentos de luz e sombras, de moralidade e imoralidade. De bons pensamentos, e pensamentos pervertidos. De pureza e perversidade. De bondade e maldade. O que nos torna humanos é capacidade de saber que todos tem uma luz dentro de si, mesmo quando só vemos a escuridão aparente. Arvid viu a luz dentro de Loke e Loke viu a escuridão dentro de Arvid. Aceitar isso em si mesmo e no outro, é a grande aventura da vida. Mas, mais do que isso, eu creio que a grande lição do livro é: A FELICIDADE É UMA LUTA DIÁRIA. Não existe um período inteiramente feliz. Ao longo de 24 horas do dia, passamos por sensações boas, ruins, péssimas, estressante, porque a vida é assim mesmo. Ao lado do beijo apaixonado da companheira (o), tem o perrengue de não ter dinheiro pra comprar o sapato; ao lado da aprovação no emprego, tem a chatice de acordar às 05 horas pra pegar o ônibus. A vida é isso. É saber viver: saber quando investir com tudo por um sonho e quando colocar uma pedra no assunto, porque o assunto acabou. Essa é a grande virtude da Arvid: saber quando insistir e quando desistir. Essa é a lição que deveríamos levar para a vida..... Resenha da Jô P.
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su-reader-imagines · 4 years
Bluebird X Reader - Minific 1
You remember the party really well. Another Gem had arrived to Earth and everyone wanted to welcome them with open arms. You were a friend of Steven’s at the time so you found yourself at yet another one of his house parties.
The Gem in question called herself Bluebird Azurite. Having not met Aquamarine or Eyeball before, nothing seemed suspicious about Bluebird. So you weren’t sure why Steven was so nervous about her.
Your first meeting with her happened while you were sitting on the couch drinking a Loke and eating some chips. She sat down next to you and introduced herself.
“The name’s Bluebird Azurite, luv. What’s yours?”
You told her your name and the conversation evolved, at some point asking about the pranks. She responded by saying it was all just good and playful fun, giving a wink. You talked for a while and got to know each other. Along the way she was starting to grow on you. She seemed really cute and her accent was pleasant to listen to. At one point, she said this to you.
“Why, you’re the nicest looking human I’d ever seen!”
You immediately blushed and thanked her.
Later that day you saw her again, this time at Little Homeschool. You were on your daily afternoon walk when she saw you and flew towards you with some pretty blue flowers in her hand.
“Oh, there you are! I wanted to give you these. Pretty, aren’t they?”
She gave you the flowers and you felt your heart go light. You thanked her once more and she joined you on your walk.
During that time, she told you she was a fusion, which you knew. She was an Aquamarine and a Ruby. You told her that you’d seen Rubies around Beach City before, but never met an Aquamarine.
“I’d bet she’d love to meet ya!”
You smiled and said you’d like to meet her too some time.
The walk continued and occasionally Bluebird would drop a slightly flirty comment. You couldn’t tell if she was being overly friendly or something more. But the answer to that question came when it was time for you to go home.
As she wished you goodbye, she took your hand and kissed it, a cool feeling that sent your mind flying. You blushed like crazy as the two of you said goodbye.
When the night fell and you went to sleep, you dreamed about seeing her again.
Unfortunately that dream was shattered when you talked to Steven the next day.
It was all a lie.
Bluebird wasn’t a friend, she was plotting revenge against Steven, playing nice until she got her chance. As he told you the events of the evening prior, you felt your heart break, struggling to remain calm.
“_, are you alright?” he asked.
You nodded. “Y-yeah.” Looking out into the sunset, you sighed. “I just need some time to think.”
You ran back to your house and cried in your bedroom.
What were you thinking? You didn’t know who to blame for this, Bluebird, or yourself. It was a mixture of both, Bluebird for playing with your feelings like that, or you for trusting her in the first place.
At first you tried to reason with yourself. Maybe she was genuinely being nice to you, maybe she did like you back but still wanted revenge on Steven. But you had no idea what her motives could have been. Why did she go through all the trouble of spending time with you, giving you flowers, and kissing your hand?
There could be all sorts of whys and whats, but eventually you got exhausted on the matter and gave up...
Two weeks later, you were feeling much better. It was around 2 in the morning when you heard a noise coming from your living room. You were so groggy that you didn’t feel like getting up and assumed it was an animal or something until you heard a “woosh” noise coming closer.
You got up and grabbed a bat. Before you left the room, you noticed the flowers Bluebird gave you which you had put in a vase the day she gave them to you.
Somehow, there were now pink flowers alongside the blue ones. You stared at it for a moment until you heard another noise.
You slowly walked down the hall into the living room to find...
Bluebird Azurite sitting on your couch. On the coffee table sat a bunch of snacks you mentioned liking, and a wine class filled with Coke.
You stood there in shock.
“What’s with the face, luv? Don’t tell me you’ve already forgotten about me...”
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shibalen · 4 years
hi !! can i get a romantic haikyuu matchup with ♫︎ + 𑁍 please? she/her pronouns, i'm pan, infp, with a libra sun+moon ! i'm introverted, very chill and free spirited, also very patient, to the point that i'm sometimes a doormat :/ i'm in touch with my emotions, i'm usually quiet but can get really talkative when excited. i get in my own head a lot and have a hard time asking for help. cursed memes and playful banter are my cups of tea, and i'm not easily flustered (but that's probs partly bc i'm kinda dense oof). 🃏 [1/3]
i do competitive debate and it's kind of my sport! i'm a theatre kid too, i absolutely love performing! i'm bilingual and learning french, i love classic books, philosophy, and cats. i'm a pop culture nerd! i speak very animatedly. sharing songs is a love language for me. i think i'm very supportive towards my friends, i don't always give advice but i always try to be there for them as much as i can (even if i nag them sometimes).🃏 [2/3]
i love writing analyses on media i like! i'm especially into stuff that has lots of themes and focus on character psyche, i like picking them apart. i also like fashion and playing uke! i don't have an ideal type for an s/o, all i ask is they understand when i'm super busy and need to be alone to recharge, but also know when to call me out when i'm trying to burn myself out lol. i like spontaneous, spur of the moment dates! this got long hshs but thank you sm and hope you have a great day !! 🃏 [3/3]
♡ matchup for anon
haikyuu: i match you with . . .
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tetsurō kuroo !!
• i'm convinced you'd go great with Kuroo, and that you're exactly his type! relaxed and quiet yet fun, you'd catch his attention quickly.
• he adores your analytical, nerdy side but also your funny and free-spirited personality. definetly the type to playfully make fun of you for those traits to express his affection tho (until you point out he's just as much of a geek himself)
• being Kenma's friend, he has no problem getting you out of your head and laying out the facts. he'll help you focus on smaller goals to keep you from burning out. taking breaks is obligatory and if he's not there himself you guys will have video chats to take your mind off work. his dedication knows no bounds, trust me.
• boy is super vigilant about your health but not in an annoying naggy way. he sends you reminers to drink water and have a meal because he doesn't want his dearest person hurting herself (。╯︵╰。)
• you guys met at a debate competition. Kuroo didn't really want to be there but he was recruited by his peers to fill in for another person from the debate club who couldn't make it. he's always this kind, right?
• funny thing is that you never had an "official" debate but instead one in the corridor of the building the competition was held in. you were trying desperately to get a drink stuck in the vending machine when Kuroo came to your rescue.
• he taught you a useful hack how to get those things free but also teased you about not asking for help sooner you know he had to
• you ended up arguing over whether or not it was okay to ask strangers for help. it was dumb and far from any structured debate, but it was fun! Kuroo really had a bast seeing you switch from your polite ways to excitable chatter during your conversation and knew immediately he liked you.
• so, you exchanged numbers and social media before parting ways. getting together as an official couple no doubt took a while but that only resulted in a relationship that was all the more sound and comfortable for the both of you (*´▽`*)
• if anyone plans to take advantage of your politeness, Kuroo will just stare at them over your shoulder with that smile of his. i assure you no one is going to take advantage of you on his watch! "hmm? what was that you were about to say? let us hear it."
• you playfully tease each other on daily basis, light-hearted banter and snarky remarks, but by god when he tries to be the slightest bit more romantic you completely miss the point. rip Kuroo he's taken it as a challenge to make you flustered and will stop at nothing.
• you guys would have so much fun debating over everything from philosophy to ridiculous opinions such as whether cheese goes before or after the ham on a sandwich.
• gets all smug when you start being more talkative with him because you're showing a special side to yourself, hehe.
• has the s o f t e s t smile on his face when he listens to you talk !! like, resting his chin on his palm and leaning in, hanging on your each and every word while thinking how precious you are ♡︎
• can't forget about all the cursed memes you send each other in the middle of the night! not mention how you have entire conversations in them??
• it's completely all right if you don't have advice to give. when Kuroo's feeling down you being there is all be needs ♡︎ your presence alone is enough to remind him everything is going to be okay.
• !! sharing earbuds during bus, car and train rides !! change my mind. he especially likes it if you rest your head on his shoulder all the while, it makes him feel happy that you trust him so much. plus the fluffy intimacy.
• once he tried doing the same to you but he's kinda heavy so eventually you had to tell him to lift it. but in exchange, you let him lay his head on your lap. he actually prefers it that way now.
• such an overly dramatic couple honestly. if one of you starts acting dramatic, the other will jump the bandwagon no questions asked. yeah . . . your friends don't third-wheel on your dates much . . .
• your dates include shopping for fashion (imagine trying to style his hair to fit with the rest of his outfit but the last second it just goes poof), aimless "we'll figure out a date on the way there" drives, trying out funky science experiments from youtube, donating blood, pillow fort parties and childhood movie nights ♡︎
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♫︎ music box
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— Yellow by Coldplay
— Nicholas Sparks by Kinda Collective
— Sweet Talk by Saint Motel
— Backyard Boy by Claire Rosinkranz
— Dance, baby! by Pablo
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𑁍 jewellery box
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— favourite memory with you
afrer a big volleyball game victory Kuroo had decided to cofess to you. it was the perfect opportunity, he was feeling the most confident and ready. so, after the celebration with his teammates he invited you over to his place where you'd get some peace and quiet. however, before he got to say what he'd been agonising over for months now, you asked to play a song for him. you had written it yourself, especially for him, for this victory and your own confession! boy was absolutely shooketh but all the more smitten. he almost cried you were so perfect shh it was you both laughed as he said his confession right after ♡︎
— favourite activity to do together
i said it before and i'm gonna say it again: Kuroo loves playfully bantering with you. your wit never ceases to surprise him but it also gives him an excuse to throw an arm around your shoulder and get even closer to you ♡︎ as for actual activities i wanna say simply hanging out with you is more than enough for Kuroo because it's then when you're the most relaxed. it also leaves room for more spontaneous dates, your adventures are always new and exciting!
— favourite place to kiss you
Kuroo is a tease and will kiss you anywhere but the lips (or any other place you want him to). he loves giving you kisses but in most situations you might think he lives to see your pout or glare as he takes his time. in the end though, his kisses are the sweetest, meant only for you. in conclusion, i think his preferences very much shift according to yours.
— favourite nicknames to call you by
okay i know 'kitten' is very popular in the fandom, and i think since you like cats he enjoys calling you by it. but the nicknames he likes calling you by the most are usually in foreign languages, like 'chica' 'ma cherie' etc. if you like nicknames then do i have good news for you because cheesy ones as 'hunny bun' and 'boo' are also on his list!
— favourite thing about you
your sense of humour, among other things, is something Kuroo finds endearing about you! it's very similar to his own so he thinks of it as something that connects the two of you. also, the fact that you're in touch with your emotions is precious in his eyes. it's not common these days so you're a special treasure to him ♡︎
♡︎ runner up: Rintaro Suna
hihi! here i am doing requests hahahahaa . . . right. no excuses. i am terribly sorry for the wait so i'm trying to improve the quality of these in an attempt to make-up for the mega long wait. i sincerely hope you see and loke this!! stay safe and remember to be kind to yourself ♡︎
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she-is-tim · 5 years
I love hating you | Elu enemies to lovers AU | Ch.11
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Previous Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6.5, 7, 8, 9, 10
Lucas is an angry, closeted and frustrated gay teenager, while Eliott is the handsome, smart and popular guy in school. They hate each other… but not forever.
I don’t know what to do
The couch started to become Lucas’ best friend through the agonizing days. He spent most of his time laying on it, wrapped in a blanket, crying his eyes out, his mind replaying the events of saturday over and over again. He could see Eliott’s face looking at him from the side of the bed, all serious, then his naked body disappearing behind the door. He pulled the blanket over his head and tried to calm himself down. His breathing were uneven, his chest was hurting like never before. All he wanted is to just scratch off his skin and get rid of the pain inside his body. It was so hard.
His hand reached for the phone on the coffee table, despite all the effort trying to hold himself back, he just couldn’t. He opened his messages, ignoring everything coming from his friends, since he had no energy to deal with them. It took him almost a minute to finally press on the name, opening his chat with Eliott. He felt tears blurring his vision, but he didn’t needed to see the letters, because he knew well what was there on the screen.
From Eliott I think we should stop seeing each other for a while. I am sorry that I scared you, but I need time to recover and being around you wouldn’t help with that. I hope you understand. It’s not your fault, it’s mine.
To Eliott Can’t we just talk? I am fine we can get through this together Eliott, please don’t do this to me Say something Eliott, I’m begging you
From Eliott  Just leave me alone, I can’t do this
Lucas wanted to respond to that, but Eliott blocked his number. Then he blocked him on instagram too, cutting himself off completely. He felt like he was drowning, suffocating in his own tears. Dealing with such a heartbreak, being rejected by the person you love is the worst thing in this world. He didn’t understand this at all. They were so happy, things were perfect and even when all went downhill, Lucas couldn’t stop loving Eliott, he was worried, upset, but he wasn’t even thinking about leaving him. He just had a manic episode, he read a lot about it and was aware of what he has to face when being with Eliott, but it seems like the tall boy had different sight on things.
He closed the chat now, shoving his phone under his pillow and forcing himself to close his eyes. He wanted to sleep, but as soon as he was drifting off into the painless void, his mind started to show him memories. The most painful ones where he and Eliott were happy together, laughing, kissing, talking and just having fun in general. Hanging out with the boys, the girls, with everyone in the flat. The aching in his chest grew stronger, making him feel like something is pressing the oxygen out of his lungs. 
He got back to earth when Mika was shaking his body gently, calling his name multiple times. He was gasping, his vision was blurry, so he had to blink a few times while his breathing started to normalize. His lung was burning like hellfire and he hated that feeling, since his chest was already in pain. He looked at Mika and Manon, who were standing by the couch, looking at him worried. He probably had a panic attack, that’s why he felt like he was underwater with no oxygen. 
“I’m fine.” he mumbled, voice awfully hoarse and he could feel how chapped his lips were. He haven’t eaten anything or drink much since saturday, so he was kinda dehydrated. 
“Lucas, I get that you probably don’t wanna talk about it, but we are here for you.” Mika said softly, brushing a strand of hair out of the boy’s face. He could feel the tears building up again after that tender move. He didn’t want anyone to touch him, not like this. He pulled his head back, trying to melt into the back of the couch. 
 “Do you need a tea?” Manon asked softly now, grabbing Mika’s arm and pulling him away, seeing that the boy didn’t wanted any physical contact. Lucas pursed his lips and just shook his head. “Okay, we let you sleep now.” she said and shot a look at Mika.
“But Manon...”
“Come on, Mika.” She said seriously, pulling the man away now. He just let out a big sigh and followed the girl to the kitchen.
Lucas was really glad that it was spring break, because he was sure that going to school would not be an option to him. And somewhere in the back of his mind he was relieved that Eliott won’t be missing school yet again. He was already having troubles for staying home too much, so it wouldn’t be good for him to skip another week. Although he knew that Eliott’s parents informed the principal of his illness, it wasn’t an option to allow him to miss school too much. 
He wanted to smack his head into the wall for thinking about the tall boy again. Even with his best efforts, he just couldn’t not remember him and worry about him. It was hurting his feelings, yes, but Eliott was the person he loved, that was not something that goes away after a few days. He kept checking his phone from time to time, hoping that it was just a mistake, that Eliott is going to call him and ask him to come over. But it never happened. When he got a text from Lucille, though his heart skipped a beat. 
From Lucille Let’s meet at the coffee shop tomorrow at 10
To Lucille Is he okay? 
From Lucille  It’s not a topic for texts, see you tomorrow? 
To Lucille I’ll be there 
Lucas barely slept, he looked like a walking zombie when he saw himself in the mirror. He decided to take a shower, trying to fix his hair and refresh his face, though the redness in his eyes didn’t disappear. He put on jeans and a long sleeve shirt, pulling his jacket on, grabbing his keys and left the flat. He was nervous, but not like last time. This time it was because he was truly afraid of what Lucille is going to say. They haven’t talked since sunday morning and it was wednesday now. He was suffering for three whole days on that fucking couch, drowning in his tears and sorrows. But now he had to get his shit together, acting like he was a well-functioning teenager. The aching in his chest started to become part of his daily life, it didn’t bother him anymore.
When he got to the coffee place, Lucille was already sitting at a table outside, stirring her coffee. There was a latte, ready for Lucas to drink and two croissants on a white plate. He tried to stop his hands from shaking as he sat down and looked at the girl. She seemed exhausted too, dark circles around her eyes, but she was still beautiful, unlike the boy. There was clear worry in her eyes when she loked up and down on him, realizing how fucked up he was. She sighed. 
“He is having a difficult time.” she started and looked at the busy street now. “I don’t know what he said to you, or what...”
“He said nothing.” Lucas cut her off, being the rude little hedgehog he was. “He told me to leave him alone and then blocked me.” he said seriously, fighting back those damn tears yet again. Lucille sighed and ran her fingers through her curly locks. It was painful to see how similar it was to how Eliott used to do it. 
“He is so dramatic.” she mumbled and looked at the street again, then back at Lucas. “I don’t know what he’s thinking, because he’s not talking to anyone, not me, not Sofiane or Idriss. I told our parents that he’s having an episode, but asked them not to come back to Paris. I don’t think it would be helpful if they would be in his neck 24/7.” she explained and continued to stir her coffee that didn’t even seemed to be hot. 
“I don’t know what to do.” Lucas said suddenly, surprising even himself, but the girl just looked at him with anticipation in her eyes. “I was scared that night, yes, but I had no intentions to leave him... I knew what I have to deal with when I became his boyfriend. But all this... that he’s cutting me off his life is just too painful... I want to just stop trying and let it go sometimes, because it’s just too much.” he muttered, not even trying to stop his tears now. Lucille reached her hand over the table and grabbed Lucas’ softly, rubbing it with her thumb. 
“I know that it’s hard... After we found out what is going on with him... What is this that he has to live with, it was really difficult. Not just for him, but for us, his family. We were talking with doctors, looked up things online to make sure we are not pushing him to the wrong direction. Mom and dad were fighting a lot in those times and I had to stay with Eliott, making sure that he is okay. He was blaming himself for the fights, but that wasn’t true. They weren’t angry because of the situation, they were frustrated because their son was suffering and they couldn’t do anything about it. We learned through the years and now we know when to give him space, when ask him questions, when can we take him seriously and when we have to let his words just slip away.” she said, voice calm and soft, just like the look on her face. Lucas haven’t stopped crying and she raised her free hand to wipe off tears from his face, caressing it slowly. “Do you love him?” 
“Yes.” he answered without hesitation, nodding his head.
“Then don’t give up on him, okay?” she said softly. “I know he is a problematic person, not because of his illness, but because of his personality. He can be a real pain in the ass, but I saw how he’s looking at you, how he’s talking about you.” she paused for a moment, pulling her hands back to take a sip from her coffee. “He had flings, boys and girls after Sophie, but never anything serious. Then you came into his life and I’ve never seen him being happier.” 
“And now he’s in pain...” he mumbled, looking down at his lap.
“There will be times when he will be in pain, Lucas. He will suffer and you can’t do anything to make it easier.” she said, her voice cracking a little at the end and as the boy snatched his head up, he could see her wiping off a single tear from her cheek. “You just have to be strong enough to get through these times with him. Because after that everything will be perfect and it’s gonna make things worth it.” she finished and continued drinking her coffee now. 
Lucas didn’t know what to say, but her words were digging their way inside his heart, making him feel better. Suddenly he felt like he can actually breathe again, the constant pain in his chest were easing up. He decided to just sip on his latte too, enjoying the calm silence with this wonderful woman. If he ever had the chance to have a sister, he wanted her to be like Lucille. Then he remembered that he does have a sister, not by blood, but he still had her. Manon was always there for him when he needed someone, she was more understanding than anyone and seemed like she could read Lucas’ very soul. He just wanted to go home now and hug her, thank her for everything she had done, for putting up with all his bullshit and carrying through his worst days.
When they both finished their drinks and ate the croissants, not really talking to each other, they got ready to leave. Lucas wasn’t expecting from Lucille to pull him into a soft, careful hug, but he enjoyed nonetheless. After that they both went on their own ways, Lucas taking a little detour, buying some groceries and everyone’s favorite sweets too. When he got home he found Mika and Manon on the couch, talking about something, but they went silent when they saw Lucas entering, so he knew they were talking about him. 
“Hey guys!” he said softly, still holding the bag in his hand. Mika and Manon looked at him seemly in shock.
“Hey!” the girl said after thirty seconds of awkward silence. 
“I got some groceries.” he said and raised the bag. “Also got some sweets for you guys.” a soft smile appeared on his face, weak, but at least honest. 
“Oh that sounds awesome.” Mika jumped up from the couch, running to Lucas and wrapping him up in a bone-crashing hug. “I missed you, Kitten!” he mumbled. Lucas laughed and wrapped his free arm around Mika softly, it felt good to be hugged by him.
“I was away for just a few hours.” he said softly and glanced at Manon, who walked towards them with a soft smile on her face. 
“You know how he meant it.” she said and rubbed the short boy’s arm. “It’s good to have you back.” 
“It’s good to be back.” he whispered into the older guy’s shoulder now, dropping the bag and wrapping both of his arms around him. Manon decided to join in and hugged both of them from the side, burying her face into Lucas’ neck. 
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Lucas spent the rest of his day answering to his friend’s messages. All of them were concerned after he wasn’t responding for days. They had no idea what happened with Eliott and it was good like that. He only told Mika and Manon, because he trusted them, plus he made them promise not to talk about it to anyone else. He explained what happened exactly, how things went downhill, how scared he was when Eliott just ran off naked, how he felt when the police called him. What happened at the station, his fight with Lucille, Eliott’s texts, him blocking Lucas everywhere. He felt relieved after finishing the story. He got some hugs from his flatmates and they decided to watch a movie together. Lucas agreed, but he was mostly on his phone, reassuring the boys and the girls that he was fine. Then he saw the messages from Sofiane and he opened it with shaky hands. 
sofalaoui Lucille called me and told me what happened Is everything okay with you?  You must be in shock, but Eliott needs you  Answer, please
The first two messages were from sunday, the third from monday and then the last from tuesday. Lucas sighed and leant back on the couch, staring at his phone for a couple minutes, thinking about what he should say to Sofiane. He was Eliott’s friend, but he probably had no idea what he did after his episode. How he pushed Lucas away. The boy wasn’t blaming Eliott or anyone in fact, but he had the right to feel heartbroken. He took a deep breath and started typing.
lucallemant Hi, I’m sure you have no idea, but I think Eliott broke up with me 
The reply came within a minute and Lucas couldn’t stop himself from smiling. Sofiane was just like Eliott, texting back immediately.
sofalaoui What do you mean? Why would he do that? 
lucallemant I am not sure, he blocked my number and blocked me on instagram 
sofalaoui Woah, that’s extreme Did you talk to him? 
lucallemant I tried to, before he blocked me  I met Lucille today and she said that he’s not well 
sofalaoui I’m sorry, Lucas I wish I could help, but you know him... 
lucallemant  He is fucking stubborn...
sofalaoui Exactly You wanna meet up tomorrow maybe? 
lucallemant No, I’m meeting the boys tomorrow And I’m not sure if we should meet 
sofalaoui Why? Did I do something wrong? 
Lucas could feel the concern in those words and see the worrying frown on Sofiane’s face. He sighed and pulled up his legs, hugging them while texting back to him. Mika, Lisa and Manon were too busy watching some shitty romantic movie.
lucallemant No, of course not But you are Eliott’s best friend and he might not be happy if he would know that you were hanging out with his ex
sofalaoui You are not his ex
lucallemant Apparently, I am 
sofalaoui You’re just giving up on him like this? 
lucallemant I am not gonna give up I love him 
sofalaoui Does he know that? 
lucallemant  Not yet 
He sighed and put down his phone for now. He kept saying to people that he loves Eliott and it was burning his chest how he couldn’t tell him too. It wasn’t hard, not after all this. Realizing how terrified he was when Eliott disappeared in the night, not knowing what can happen to him, not knowing if he’s safe or if he gets hurt before the police finds him. These all combined made him sure that his feelings were strong, stronger than he ever expected them to be. It was something he never felt before, something he only read about in those shitty books that was required for literature classes. He had to smile when he remembered how much Eliott loved those sappy books. 
The next day he met up with the gang in the park. He was nervous and not sure what to tell them. He didn’t wanted to make Eliott be a bad guy, because he wasn’t, but he also wasn’t sure if he could speak about his bipolarity without him agreeing to it. That was something Lucas couldn’t just decide by himself. Suddenly he just wanted to run back home and not meeting the boys, maybe meeting up with Sofiane instead, since he could talk to him honestly, maybe even asking his opinion on things, but he got off the bus now and he could see them from far away. He took a deep breath and started walking. 
The boys were sitting on a bench, facing the small lake and were talking about some nonsense, laughing too much. Lucas slowly appreached them and just watched for a little, listening to all the stupid shit Basile was saying, smiling fondly when Arthur shut him off. He walked around the bench, smiling softly.
“Hey.” he greeted them. The boys jumped up, all of them at the same time and wil a loud “Lulu” they pulled him in a tight group hug. Lucas laughed and tried to wrap his arms around all three of them, he was a bit overwhelmed, but also really happy.
“We missed you, Lulu.” Arthur said and he rubbed the boy’s back softly.
“We really did.” Baz continued.
“And we were worried too.” Yann added, ruffling Lucas’ already messy hair with a gentle smile on his face. 
“I’m sorry, boys. Things just happened and I needed some time alone.” he explained and sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose with two fingers. 
“What things?” Arthur raised his eyebrows and they pulled back now, sitting on the bench again, while Lucas was standing in front of them. 
“There was... Things are difficult between me and Eliott right now. Something happened that was out of our control, so we’re... sort of taking a break.” he explained slowly, trying to keep his emotions inside. He was crying enough lately, it was time to be strong and fight for the person he loved. 
“Wait, did you guys break up?” Basile asked confused.
“Yeah.” Lucas answered shortly and sighed. “Things are hard for us now and I think he needs some time... he is... He’s depressed.” he said finally and looked at the trees nearby instead of looking at his friends.
“Wait a second... is Eliott bipolar?” Basile asked suddenly, shocking everyone with it. Lucas eyes opened widely, staring at his idiot friend in disbelief. 
“How do you...?” 
“My mom is also bipolar.” he said simply, shrugging and looking around to see that all the boys were looking at him surprised. “You guys never asked, so I didn’t tell.” he defended himself. “What happened with Eliott?” 
“He... he had a manic episode.” Lucas said now honestly, letting out a deep sigh. “He ran off naked in the middle of the night.” 
“He was naked?” Arthur asked shocked, while Basile started laughing.
“That’s so funny.” he said between two laughs, earning a deadly look from Lucas. “Okay, sorry.” he coughed. “So he’s depressed now... because you guys had a fight?”
“No.” Lucas shook his head. “After the police found him, his sister talked to the officers, while I brought our stuff from the hotel room...”
“Wait, hold on.” Yann said suddenly. “Hotel room?” 
“Yeah.” Lucas mumbled and felt his ears burning now. “We went to a hotel on saturday... it was his surprise for me.” he explained.
“Fuck, you really have the best boyfriend, huh?” Arthur said with a jealous look on his face. Lucas wanted to remind him that they weren’t a couple anymore, but he felt like if he says it too many times, it’s going to be real. That was something he wanted to avoid at all costs. 
“So what happened after?” Yann asked now, paying full attention to his best friend now. 
“He didn’t wanted to see me, so I went home... I was really worried, Lucille, his sister didn’t contact me at all, but then I got a message from Eliott. He said that he needs space, he wanna get well, but I would just hold him back... and then he blocked me.” he finished, sniffing a little to help holding back the tears. I can’t cry again. I can’t cry again. 
“Man, that’s tough shit.” Arthur sighed.
“But you aren’t going to give up on him, right?” Basile asked curiously. “I mean... My mom did stuff like this, yelling at me and throwing stuff when she was mad or depressed. It sure can get nasty, but We’ve all seen how Eliott looks at you.” 
“I’m not planning to.” Lucas said with a soft smile and he felt a sudden urge to just hug the shit out of Basile. He knew that with all the stupid stuff he was saying and doing, deep down he was a kindhearted boy, but right now he grew big in the short boy’s eyes. “I wanna talk to him once he’s feeling better.” he said honestly and seeing the proud look on his friends’ face made him feel happy.
“That’s the spirit, Lulu.” Yann said, smirking and got up from the bench. “Now let’s go and have some fun! We can borrow my sister’s electric scooter.” he offered, which made everyone excited now. 
“Let’s go then.” Lucas said laughing and he left the park with the boys, heading to Yann’s place. 
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This one might not have been as long as the previous ones, but I wanted to end it here, with that hilarious insta picture, because we all love le Gang! The next one might be from Eliott’s POV, so prepare for more angst before they actually get back together. I also feel like getting to the end of this story, so If you guys have suggestions for other AUs, feel free to tell me. I have some plans, but nothing is clear yet. Bisous
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newgeht · 5 years
Always for You - Aquarius
Position 146. Emmanuel - The Positions of the Kamasutra // NSFW under the cut
Summary: The water bearer had bore on Lucy for life, an everlasting impression. The doubt heavy in her search for the key anew, Minerva kissing every shadowed thougt away. Comfort in their bodily splendors and each other. Lucy could only hope for more peace in Aquarius's blessing. Pairings: Minlu  Characters: Lucy Heartfilia, Minerva Orlando, Aquarius Words: 1,610 Rating: M  AO3 | FFNet 
Life was always different than she expected it to be. Who thought that love would’ve fallen into her lap, even after her ceaseless chasing. But always after a man, not a woman. 
Her lips puckered up against the thick olive branches nestling against her cheeks. Thrice she suckled on the sweet skin. Her tongue laden with the sweetest salt and grime, licking so her mark was made known. Lucy’s incessant “warm-up” was for herself, she wanted more time. Her head thrown between pathways of rambling thoughts and insecurities. 
“Why don’t you have a boyfriend yet?” 
Lucy preached under the altar in voice. Hesitant to take action as the bud of flowers hovered closer, slick with it’s fruity nectar. But was this what Aquarius had wanted for her? 
She blew against Minerva’s folds, igniting the woman above. Her legs shifting, brushing her own  locks of corn against the sheets. Lucy felt trapped but not from the gates of heaven that surrounded her. 
A golden chain sat between her breasts, refusing to take it off in their hot flury. Lucy only needed it for the sake of judgement. Her desires unmatched to the spirit she had sacrificed. Judgement hanging from the long thread much as the look Aquarius shared daily. 
An invaluable item that unlocked the doors above. Which locked away her darkest secret and heart. But Lucy had failed at her stalling. 
Nails curving steadily into her scalp, a voice none other than Minerva’s vexed above. “Is it too much?” 
She could only lean into her touch. Closing her eyes so Minerva couldn’t see the shame she had been sulking in. This entire mission a bad idea. 
“I-I’m fine. We’ve just had a long day, don’t you think?” Lucy sounded small. Unable to meet the worried gaze from above. 
Minerva swiftly pulled her leg over, settling beside her. Her eyes never leaving her face as she fought for the hold of hands. Lucy’s fingers trembling within her hands. 
“Did I…,” eyes still scanning over her, taking her state into account. “For lack of a better word, trigger you?” 
Clutching the pendant Lucy shook her head. Everything has been smooth sailing, the rockiness only beginning. Maybe it was the net above them, so sheer that the stars shined upon them. Maybe even Loke was watching over her now. 
She could feel her cheeks warm, searching for the mesh’s cover. It was such a small space. “Where is it?” 
Minerva sat in the middle of the tent and fed off the restless energy. “I don’t know what you’re looking for.” 
“The thing- The top, people can see right in.” Lucy’s paranoia increasing as she thought Aquarius would laugh at such a frantic state. Most likely whispering to Scorpio about how disappointed she was. 
“Lucy,” the calmest the saber ever spoke. Arms threading under her own, to pull her back into a comforting embrace. The point of her nose daring to slide against her hair on its downward journey. Minerva caressing her curves as her mouth spoke against the nape of her neck.
She rumbled in understanding, “No one can see you here. Not even those bastards above. Just look.” 
Her fingers tilting her chin up, constellations of autumn shining bright. The water bearer most notable, as it correlated to the warmth ignited from the key. Lucy tried to look down but Minerva wouldn’t let go. Her arm tightening around her waist. 
“Tell me about them.” 
She could only blink, “Which one?” 
“I know you’re smarter than that. Whoever this,” Minerva’s hand snaking between her breasts to grasp the golden fragment, “is or was.”
Now she flinched as the memories burned. No choice given from the ruthless demon she choose to bed. But in fact it was the opposite. An angel sent to relieve her of the burdens she clutched onto so desperately. Though her look was far from it; dark hair with rigid horns in place of the buns she once bestowed. A  jagged scar that masked her face, Lucy was lucky she could keep hers hidden. Her gaze always similar to that of Aquarius’s, Minerva was beautiful.
“Make sure he can protect you.” 
“Was, still is. She,” Minerva’s lingering kisses halting, “was my mentor. My whole world for the longest time and I gave her away. Just to summon the stupid mustache man…” 
“You mean… The king didn’t come of free will?” 
“Of Aquarius’s…” Her chords strained as she choked her name out. Minerva’s arms securing around her waist. Those sparkling stars above securing their vanity in Lucy as they shone bright, the mermaid dull. 
“You’ll never marry with a posture like that.” 
She straightened, trying to peel away from Minerva. Doubt upon doubt piling still, looking for Aquarius was the last decision she should have made. The connection she felt from the broken key, severing with every disdain. 
But her lover help on tight, quietly shushing her cries. Humming in a soft candor as her fingers delicately wiped over her cheeks, kissing the trails her tears left. A wildfire spreading down her bosom, Minerva’s tongue attending to her breasts. Lucy only mewled, hands stuck to the covers beneath her. 
“I’ll take care of you,” Minerva murmured; along with many other sweet nothings. 
Lucy was on her back moments later, still trying to deny the pleasure she felt -received. Her eyes straying from the sky ever so often. The key burning as Minerva sank lower. Though she wasn’t so sure if it was a sign to stop. 
A year of loneliness, Lucy deserved this… The lightest gasp as she was filled. One slim digit pushed against her, curling in a delicate tease. Dark waves fell as Minerva leaned over searching for another level of clearance. 
She gave a small nod but the gaze narrowed. “I would love to hear your voice.” 
But Lucy only melted at the sound of hers, garbling on choked words. “Min-... I don’t think. I want to… You-” 
Her cheeks were reddened as her lips quirked in an odd fashion. They curved and shaped the beginnings of a smile, the most genuine she had received in a while. 
In awe she felt herself slip, moaning as another was added. Lucy felt elated as Minerva’s blush deepened, lowering herself to level with her nether lips. A man could never make her feel this way. 
She writhed under the steady pace of her fingers, the tip of her tongue across her sensitive bud. Lucy cried in ecstasy. Hips rearing back as Minerva blew softly against her (wonder where she learned that from?). 
“This won’t do…,” she muttered. 
A question slide to the tip of her tongue but was replaced by a surprised squeal. Minerva hoisting her up by the waist. One fluid turn and she was on top, the position they had started in. “Minerva…” Lucy was shaky, balling her hands into fists. 
Only for them to enveloped by the hands of her lover. Each pulled to the side, held in tenderness as her tongue flicked against her own sacred spot. Another content sigh as she did the same again. 
She strained to look down but Minerva stopped. Her fingers slowly lacing up with her own, cinching together as a corset. But the touch was needed, calming her. “Chin up. The heavens will bask in you… My star.” 
And Lucy was breathless, cheeks brighter than any ripe cherry apple. She felt freed, alive; bucking her hips down. Minerva accepted her and tugged on her hands. Her muscle hot as it slipped inside and out. Each of her folds caressed delicately as the heat bloomed evermore. 
Just as Minerva commanded, she looked up. Aquarius the brightest in the crest of sky. No words needed as she was filled with tranquility, piercing her through the golden key around her neck. It flushed brighter as her own insides tightened. 
Minerva groaning as her sweet juices flooded. Lucy crying out in the sweetest satisfaction, riding away. Her legs held Minerva in place, grip tightening as she pulled down. 
“Right there- Oh Mavis!” And the gates to her own starry venue opened, panting. Head falling back as the figures above gleamed, acceptance settling in. This is what Lucy always wanted and her oldest friend was happy. 
The aftershock of her climax apparent as she collapsed beside the dark haired beauty. One hand still threaded with her own as a lifeline. Lucy didn’t want to let go. 
“Do you still want to come with me?” A foreign doubt trickling through her as Minerva sighed. 
Her lips placed reverently against her own. She chuckled, her nose nudging against her. “I’m not sure I have enough energy for another round.”  
Lucy blushed, shaking her head. She was content herself. “No, I meant…” What did she mean? The waves of the ocean called to mind and siren’s singing. “To find her, Aquarius. I want you to meet her...” 
And silence proceeded. She hoped her request wasn’t odd but Lucy didn’t want to lose this connection -she couldn’t. 
Minerva shifted, resting on her side. A poker face as she searched over Lucy, as if in disbelief. A small smirk rising from her query. “And what would you introduce me as?” 
An audible gulp wretched from her throat, the question scaring her. Minerva’s fingers loosely twirling around a piece of her golden hair. She was aloof, words caught in her throat once more. Whatever they were, it would be her decision. 
Lucy only smiled as her mind bounced the word around. Aquarius would love this and would love Minerva. There was not one single question of it as her Lucy’s lips slowly forming each syllable, “My girlfriend.”
Buy me a coffee~ 
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unashamed-shipper · 7 years
Millionaire, Playboy, Philanthropist
Lories commission for @the-redhead-who-writes! Thank you so much for commissioning me, Ginger! <3
pairing: lories, mentions of gajevy
characters: loke, aries, gajeel, levy
word count: 1,100
“I’m a people watcher. I like to survey people and see what their lives are like on a daily basis. And you, my dear,” Loke said, kissing her hand, “are quite interesting. I’d love to spend some more time surveying your life...perhaps Friday over dinner?”
“Ugh. As if!” the blonde woman withdrew her hand from his grasp as if it were infected by his kiss, stomping away to her friends on the other side of the bar. Loke sighed heavily, tipping his glass toward him to peek inside once more. It was empty, just like his love life.
Ah well, so much for that one.
Taking a swig of his beer, Loke peered around the rest of the room to find his next plaything. Somewhat like a cat was he, ready to play at any time he pleased no matter if it was warranted or not. He would sometimes pounce on a victim of his choosing and discover that it was she that was more into it than he. Other times he would realize that she was just using him, which would wound him for a moment but he would get over it quickly.
Such was the game of love, and he found it invigorating. As he locked his eyes on his next target, he grinned and chugged the rest of his beer before sauntering over to her.
The woman’s eyes locked on his, and he saw something there that he hadn’t seen in some time. Empathy, but also an evenness that would rival his own. Oh, this was to be fun!
“Hello gorgeous,” he said, reaching out his hand to take hers, “to whom do I hold the honor of speaking?”
“Save it,” she said, and Loke’s eyebrows raised. Well, he hadn’t had that reaction in, well, ever.
“What?” he asked, and she now grinned.
“I know what you’re doing. You’re trying to trick me into bedding you. And do you know what, pretty boy?” the woman said, grasping his tie and pulling him down to her height. Turning his head, she whispered into his ear. “It won’t work.”
“Oh, but why not?” Loke’s shock had manifested itself into banter, which surprised him. The woman quirked a pink eyebrow. “I’m everything you could ever desire.”
“Ah, but you have a hubris. And I know exactly what it is.” she smirked, and Loke involuntarily gulped.
“What is that, may I ask?”
“Rejection. You think you’re too handsome to get rejected. You believe that women will fall for you because you’re rich. And you have confidence in your smooth words that you will not fail. But guess what?” She finger-gunned at him, which was one of the strangest reactions he’d ever gotten from a woman. “You just did.”
With that final blow, she sauntered past Loke towards the bar with a smile more gorgeous than he had ever seen.
Completely deflated, Loke flopped down on his bed alone, which wasn’t something he thought he would be tonight. Most nights he had company that would keep him up until the wee hours in the morning completing interesting tasks.
This was not one of those nights.
With a sigh, he tucked his proverbial tail between his legs and curled up in bed. Sleep came fast to him; a feeling unknown by the former playboy.
Morning came in what felt like moments, and his alarm woke him up. ‘Take Me to Church’ blasted on his stereo, and he slammed it with a fist. Groaning at the time, he cursed himself for his late night of meandering around the bar. Flashes of pink hair pressed at the front of his brain, and Loke hated that.
That woman should be banned from bars indefinitely. Who the hell goes to a bar to not be picked up by a gorgeous man in a suit?
Finding that Gajeel was calling him, he tapped the green answer button on his phone. “What?”
“Sorry to wake ya, yer highness,” Gajeel said, and Loke could hear his smirk over the phone. Why he had an asshole for a best friend, he would never know. “I found ya a new assistant.”
“Who are they?” Loke answered, and Gajeel sighed.
“I don’t have time to tell ya all the petty details. Just come to the lab and I’ll introduce ya to her.”
“Her?” The word came out inadvertently, and Loke grit his teeth. He hated that he was so damn predictable.
“Yup,” Gajeel said, and Loke could tell by the silence right after that Levy was either right next to him, or the man really did have nothing else to say.
“See you in a few,” Loke replied, his voice a little more chipper now. Clicking the button to hang up, he decided to get ready faster than normal.
He did have a job to do, after all.
“Good morning, Gajeel,” Loke greeted as he entered the lab, straightening his maroon tie with a grin.
“Mornin’,” Gajeel answered. He didn’t have to say much other than what that word implied.
“What? I’m ready to meet my new assistant is all.” Loke drank down a bit of his coffee as he turned toward the computer to check his messages, practically hearing Gajeel’s smirk from behind him.
After sitting down in the chair and checking his messages, most of them being emails from girls wanting to hook up again, he swiveled around like an evil villain. “Alright. Bring her out, Levy.”
Levy trotted out a few seconds later, and Gajeel’s eyes followed her behind as she walked past him with a self confident grin on her face. The two had been married for years and had twins together, but that didn’t stop them from humping each other with their eyes every day.
“May I present your new assistant, Miss Aries,” Levy said in an announcer voice and a soft giggle, and Gajeel even chuckled along.
Loke always started with the feet and moved his way up. That was the only way to assess a woman’s body for what it really was. He started at her feet, which she wore black pumps. A good choice. Her legs were toned, and her hips were shown off in her pencil skirt. Breasts were perfect.
But when he got to her face, his mouth dropped open.
“Pleasure to see you again, Loke. Or should I call you ‘pretty boy’?” Aries said snidely before lifting a hand. Snapping, she fingergunned at him once more.
That was the moment that Loke the Lion knew he was doomed.
Again, thank you for the commission, Ginger! :)
Commissions are open, and you can find my commission info here ;)
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bacomelon · 7 years
Gruvia AU - Strangers: Chapter 1
Summary:  "And suddenly we were strangers again..." What happens when a great love ends and lovers become mere strangers in each other's lives? Rated: M                                                               #                                                              #                                                              #
A few sunbeams streamed through the window that morning, lighting the room with natural light. Gray, who was asleep in his bed, felt his back warm up a little and groaned in his sleep from the uncomfortable heat. He tried to push away the sheet that covered him at the waist, but it did not help.
Lazily his eyes opened and he sat on the bed. Before he could think twice, his hands were quickly searching for his cell phone and he let out a defeated sigh when he saw that there was no new message in his inbox. After messing up his hair even more than they already were, Gray got up to take care of his morning hygiene, had a quick breakfast, and went out for his daily run down the block.
Near lunchtime, the cell phone vibrated in the pocket of his shorts and the brunette felt his heart racing in anticipation and nervousness beginning to grow inside him. But to his disappointment - or relief - the message was not from a bluenette in particular.
'Are you having lunch with your friends or not?' - Natsu.
'I completely forgot. I'll go next time, I promise.' - Gray.
'Juvia will be there.' - Natsu.
'One more reason why I shouldn't show up.' - Gray.
'Do whatever you want.' - Natsu.
'But I would reconsider if I were you.' - Natsu.
And he did.
For twenty minutes, Gray sat in front of his computer looking at the various photos he and Juvia had taken together on the screen. The brunette remembered each one of them and could see in his face - even in the photos where he had a frown - that he was genuinely happy in those days. In fact, for all the time they were dating, Gray could not think once that he was unhappy.
But now it all fell apart.
Gray took a deep breath before making the decision to send another message to Natsu.
'Fine, I'll go.' - Gray.
The restaurant was not crowded but with all the noise his friends were making, Gray was beginning to suspect they would be expelled at any moment. But he sure missed his noisy friends. For more than two weeks the brunette could not have fun and practically never left his house.
"So you finally decided to leave the den, Gray!" Cana spoke a little too cheerful to be completely sober. "Now it's Juvia who needs to appear. Where is she?"
Everyone looked at Lucy.
"She said she had some problems with the car, but Gajeel will bring her." The blonde said trying to look calm, but the look she gave Gray made him apprehensive about whether he made the right decision to be there.
Not long afterward, his metalhead friend came with the bluenette beside him. Gray felt a sharp pain in his chest to see her again and when the woman's big blue eyes fell on him, he could see the same pain in them.
It was then that Juvia turned around and ran out of the restaurant, causing Lucy, Gajeel, and Levy to go after her.
It was too early for them...
"I ... I'm leaving." Gray said, standing up. "Let's play video games at my place one of these days." He looked at Natsu and Loke.
"Gray... We did not think that-" Erza began to speak with a sad look.
"It's all right. It's only a matter of time, I guess." The brunette shrugged, trying his best to disguise how much he was suffering inside. "Sorry to have ruined lunch. See you later." He left in a hurry.
  ��                                                        #
Back at his apartment, Gray concentrated the entire afternoon on his video game. He had received several messages from his friends after the restaurant incident, but he didn't mind answering any of them. He did not even want to read them, to avoid looking at the wallpaper for a long time - which was a picture of Juvia lovingly kissing him on the cheek.
From the corner of his eye, the dark-haired man could see a teru teru bozu doll near the kitchen window. Raining or not, the amulet was always somewhere in the house because he could not simply get rid of something Juvia had given him. The same happened with the scarf she had knitted and countless other gifts that were stored in the apartment.
God was witness that he tried to throw it all away. But it didn't happen. He could not say goodbye to four years together yet.
Gray couldn't believe it was all over between them.
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