#logan and tate
chloelovesu · 15 days
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hlfmoonshine · 3 months
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hell was breaking up with an asshole who only knew how to escalate and then meltdown. tate had thought about texting logan too many times after max had stormed out of the apartment in the early hours of morning. she managed to get a little sleep before life was back at her door, demanding that she kept going despite the surge of emotions and exhaustion she was wrangling.
she'd debated when to message, and what, but tate was too impulsive to allow uncertainty to hold her up. she was running a few errands in the late afternoon when she finally cracked and sent off a quick text, only two days past their original meeting. a preamble, tate hated to text, but calling out of the blue wasn't as acceptable socially anymore.
logan, do you know a good spot to have coffee with a new friend? i never get out, and neither of us enjoy texting, so meeting up is a better option. suggestions?
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thesillydoll · 5 months
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anavie-12 · 2 years
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I love miserable stoner men
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samasmith23 · 1 month
This interaction between Logan & Raven during the recent Mystique & Destiny Wedding Special issue was a nice callback reference to one of my favorite X-Men storylines, Wolverine: Get Mystique, even referencing specific lines of dialogue like Raven previously telling Logan that “people like us don’t get to put down roots and play nice”:
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It’s like I’ve always said, if Destiny is Mystique’s greatest lover, then Wolverine is her biggest rival…
From X-Men: The Wedding Special (2024) #1 — “Get Mystique… A Gift!” by Tate Brombal, Emilio Pilliu & Irma Kniivila, and Wolverine (2003) #65 — “Get Mystique, Part 4 of 4” by Jason Aaron & Ron Garney.
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waystarresourceco · 9 months
J. and Brian on Logan and Gerri's backstory (and whether they had an affair).
J. Smith-Cameron:  I Imagine that Gerri had a husband a little bit older than she was, or maybe significantly older – I don’t know, who might have been the way Laird was with you in Season 2. Someone who was like a colleague or a financial advisor, or someone you played golf with that you liked. And so you hired me kind of, as sort of a – I was part of his legal team, maybe as a young woman, and that maybe we never quite had an affair because of the husband. And that by the time he passed away, that moment had passed, but maybe there was a flirtation or an attraction or –there’s definitely a bond there that’s like-
Brian Cox: I absolutely agree. I think that’s so accurate, that’s exactly what I felt. I felt that we go back a long way and there was some kind of relationship there clearly.
Excerpt from Still Watching: Succession Season 3 "Secession" with J. Smith-Cameron and Brian Cox - Oct. 17, 2021
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moonytoony92 · 6 months
But I'm back so💅
Some updates on the character list, I'm adding American Horror Story characters!Such as:
Violet, Tate, Lana, Kit, Grace(?), jimmy, Mr March (James), Kai, Winter, Kyle, and most likely more.
I'm also adding X-Men characters, such as:Peter, Kurt, Scott, Logan, Storm, Jean, Rogue, and (probably) more.
I'm taking character requests, but only for the fandoms I write for.
Farewell 🫘
(Kai Anderson🤭)
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slutforgarlogan · 4 months
Request Rules !
➳ My reqs are always open unless my bio says otherwise
➳ You can request fluff, smut and angst. If it takes a while dont fret! i havent ignored it i just have college and i dont answer reqs until ive written the fic (organisational reasons)
➳ I will write anything except: shit, vomit, r@pe/sa, abuse, pedophilia. so like basic no one sane writes it typa stuff
➳ Characters u can request: Any ahs Evans, Finns and Codys, Luke Cooper, Peter Maximoff, Duncan Shepherd, any Cillian Murphy character (ive seen everyhthing hes in so literally go nuts)
➳ Characters i may add if anyones interested: Gar Logan, Charlie Dalton, Spencer Reid (pls tell me if u want this)
➳ ALSO!! feel free to put things in my inbox that aren't fic reqs, i would love to just chat w some of you guys and ur welcome to ask me anything!! <3
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poseysprostate · 1 year
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edupunkn00b · 1 year
It's 2001, Seattle, Washington.
Janus Pater has fought every obstacle - literally and figuratively - to survive as long as he has. Logan Croft is a young father and is married to his old college girlfriend, Kelly. Their law professor's flippant partner assignment has forced these two disparately orbiting men together.
Roman and Remus Prince are sophomores at the associated undergraduate college. To their fellow students, they're identical, however they approach life and solve their problems in very different ways.
Somehow, (most of) their paths cross in one way or another. Buckle up, because it's a bumpy ride.
Objections takes place chronologically before Happily Ever After but should be read after and contains spoilers for that story.
Spotify Playlist - [ AO3 ] Rated: M - CW: domestic abuse, swearing, homophobia, slow burn roceit, slow burn platonic loceit, referenced self harm, referenced suicidal ideation, consent questions, villain OC
Chapter List
Assumes Facts Not in Evidence Pt. 1
Assumes Facts Not in Evidence Pt. 2
Assumes Facts Not in Evidence Pt. 3
Best Evidence
Asked and Answered
More Prejudicial Than Probative
Cumulative Evidence
Privileged Communication
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Forest deities AU is back!! 
so bp told me that her and snowy are going to bring back this au and I was beyond excited!!! I love this au so I was really glad to hear the news!! >w<!!
I also wanted to do something for this au and since I can’t draw I just did most of the character in picrew!! this is not the last thing I’ll be doing for this au! expect some incorrect quotes, scenarios and more picrew!! but for the meantime can’t wait to see more of them!! ^^
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SHIPSS!! tate x ink and kema x north sky! I feel so bad for kema’s backstory in the AU qwq
(also I strongly apologize if the characters doesn’t look accurate from their original design! I tried to make it as close to it as possible I swear! qwq)
kema umi, north sky and sofia angel belongs to @alcohol1maid​
Tate, snowy, winter frost and this AU belongs to @mystique-flowers-and-sibling-duo​
Lunie and Ink belongs to @boiling-potato​
Lo, Logan and this AU belongs to @feelin-lo​
Meztli belongs to @aesopsbaby​
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anavie-12 · 2 years
I want what these bitches have
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myplace2fangirl · 1 year
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pancake-lovy · 1 year
back in the Hogwarts' days...
request: no
pairing: oc x HL!characters
content: their houses, blood status, friends, possible love interests, Hogwarts Legacy ending spoiler (sort of)
summary: how each of my original characters would act while going to Hogwarts during Silver Trio/Hogwarts Legacy era
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Ellie-Ann Logan:
She's a pureblood, but grew up with muggles. Once she went to Hogwarts, The Sorting Hat said she belongs to Ravenclaw. She becomes friends with Amit Thakkar, Samantha Dale, Zenobia Noke, Arthur Plummly, Lucan Brattleby, Garreth Weasley and Sebastian Sallow. She also starts dating Ominis Gaunt at some point. She's a good student. Her favorite subjects are Herbology and Potions. She has a hard time during Care of Magical Creatures.
As MC, she wouldn't turn in Sebastian, but she would end up keeping the Final Repository of Ancient Magic containted.
Blake Delgado-Stilinski:
He's half-blood and got sorted into Slytherin. He's friends with Anne and Sebastian Sallow, Ominis Gaunt, Natsai Onai, Nellie Oggspire and Samantha Dale. He dated Imelda Reyes and Amit Thakkar. But he ended up with Sebastian. He's very ambitious and excellent student. His favorite subject is Defense Against the Dark Arts. He has difficulties with Potions. He'd also be part of the Slytherin's Qudditch team. He'd play as a beater and later on a captain.
As MC, he wouldn't turn in Sebastian, but he would keep the Final Repository of Ancient Magic contained.
Gabrielle Tate:
She's a muggle-born and a Hufflepuff. She's friends with Poppy Sweeting, Arthur Plummly and Natsai Onai. Her boyfriend is Amit Thakkar. She's an excellent and gifted witch. Her favorite subjects are Astronomy and Care of Magical Creatures. She has difficulties in Charms and Flying classes.
As MC, she would turn in Sebastian and would keep the Final Repository of Ancient Magic contained.
Yvette Castro:
She's a half-blood and a Gryffindor. She was a student in Hogwarts only since year five. She quickly became friends with Natsai Onai, Nellie Oggspire, Poppy Sweeting, Lenora Everleigh, Charlotte Morrison, Imelda Reyes and Sebastian Sallow. She started dating Garreth Weasley at the end of their year six. She was an average but talented in sports witch. She loves Flying and Transfiguration classes. But she dislikes History of Magic. She played Quidditch as a chaser and was a captain of Gryffindor team.
As MC, she wouldn't turn in Sebastian and she'd open the Final Repository of Ancient Magic.
Azalea Argent:
She's a pureblood and she got sorted into a Hufflepuff. She's friends with Samantha Dale, Lenora Everleigh and Natsai Onai. She hasn't dated anyone during or after her years in Hogwarts. She was a good, but quiet student. Her favorite subject is Transfiguration and Astronomy. She's terrible in Herbology, but suprisingly good at flying.
As MC, she wouldn't turn in Sebastian and she'd keep the Final Repository of Ancient Magic contained.
Kathresse Storm:
She's a pureblood and a Gryffindor. She's friends with Anne and Sebastian Sallow, Ominis Gaunt, Nellie Oggspire, Lenora Everleigh and Poppy Sweeting. She's dating Garreth Weasley. She's a very mischievous but brilliant witch. Her favorite subjects are Transfiguration and potions. She trully hates Herbology and History of Magic. She plays a seeker for the Gryffindor Quidditch Team, a very good seeker.
As MC, she wouldn't turn in Sebastian and she'd open the Final Repository of Ancient Magic.
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amanda-young-piggy · 2 years
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What if.... they found out what really happened to Gideon
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mrjinx87 · 2 years
I would buy a pay-per-view to see Roman Reigns yeet Ben Shapiro into the sun.
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