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boschintegral-photo · 2 years ago
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Locomotor NS 103 (1930) Spoorwegmuseum (Railway Museum) Utrecht, Netherlands
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terribletrainphotos · 8 months ago
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Being in a railway museum means being able to take your time admiring various rail vehicles from all sides, then hastily producing quality content for your "worst-of" Tumblr blog.
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casualfoxwitch · 5 months ago
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jils-things · 5 months ago
I'm having the funniest pe class ever actually
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writteninart · 7 months ago
No Mary, you don't get it. I need a boyfriend so I can set up a nice, cozy date every autumn. As the leaves fall gold from the gray sky, my room, on a lift bed with candles and matching house shirts, pants and socks with a cup of tea we should marathoning the hell out of Harry Potter.
It pains me wholeheartedly that I'm single, really. I need this date.
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tronodiferro · 1 year ago
I've always wanted to use that spell.
Sound the horns!
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squonkinaswamp · 2 years ago
so! I write fics. specifically klance fics. yes we all know that. congratulations.
BUT I have a predicament. an issue. a complication, if you will.
I have too many wips and idk what to finish writing first so I’m making a poll for everybody to tell me what to finish writing first.
(mind you ALL of these will be written in due time I’m just very boring and I wanted to make a poll)
umm lol yeah this isn’t all of them but mostly the ones I’m most interested in writing/finishing(and you should be able to see which one I want to do most lol) so. take your pick! idk. some of these have more written than others so I will do my best!
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shadow-schemer · 1 year ago
sadly my strategy in solo wizard duels is still 'woe! Portkey be upon ye!', Ron Weasley, and Stupefy the moment i see units in a straight line
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solemn-siren · 1 year ago
Friendship ended with Hermione and Newt, Luna is my echo friend now
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terribletrainphotos · 8 months ago
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Something old, something new, something yellow, something blue. Locomotor and various EMUs at depot in Karlsruhe.
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demujeresblog · 2 years ago
Fundación Pro Integración, 40 años apoyando a personas con discapacidad
La Fundación Pro Integración (FUNPROI), organización sin fines de lucro, ayuda a las personas con discapacidad a mejorar su calidad de vida, principalmente a las de escasos recursos económicos y a las extremadamente pobres que viven en la República de Panamá. A la fecha, aproximadamente 60,000 personas con movilidad reducida y discapacidad auditiva, a nivel nacional, han sido beneficiadas a…
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babybatss-blog · 5 months ago
sirius black x reader, 1500 words
summary: if there’s one thing you know, it’s to always trust Professor McGonagall’s advice.
c/w: nerd-ish reader who gets in detention, friends to lovers, confession of love. Mentions of insecurities, but nothing too intense.
a/n: rest in piece to the darling dame maggie smith. I hope I did her and her wonderful character justice, I just wanted to appreciate her in the best way I knew how <3          
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You’ve always been a good student. You study hard, get good grades and never get in trouble, sometimes even getting made fun of by nasty students for being a nerd. Sirius never made fun of you though, he was always so sweet when you cancelled on him to study for a particularly hard test or ignore him because your too engrossed in writing your essay.
But why does that even matter now? Your strides through the stone hallway break your thoughts, internally cursing yourself for even slightly letting your mind drift from the problem at hand. You got a detention!
Well, not exactly a detention, but it’s as close as you’ll ever get. Your grades have been dropping below your usual impossibly high standards, and now the headmistress has asked to meet with you to discuss your current predicament. Unlike your Black family counterpart, you pride yourself on academic appearances, especially when it comes to higher up authorities like Professor McGonagall.
You knock on the hard wood door three times, the wood rumbling as it opens almost immediately. Before you sits this aforementioned professor, enveloped by a thick leather armchair and adorned in expensive jewellery. Truthfully, you aspire to be like her someday. Commanding and treacherous, yet simultaneously kind and beautiful. Her emerald broach shimmers in the sunlight pouring into her tiny study, and her slick back bun has a few curled whisps falling out. You wonder how she always gets her hair to sit so nice, and how long that must take every morning.
“Good afternoon Miss McGonagall.” You nervously state, quickly walking in and sitting primly in an armchair. She simply nods, going back to whatever letter she is writing with a soft smile. “I presume you know why I called you in today?” “Of course. And I’m very sorry I’ve fallen behind on my schoolwork professor. I promise I will get that transfiguration parchment to you once my defence against the dark arts test is done, and I’ve been studying tirelessly to get my scores to a more appropriate level, I promise.”
Despite the worry evident on your voice, she merely chuckles, acting as if you made a joke. You didn’t make a joke though, so you furrow your brow in concern. Did you say something wrong?
“No my dear. I was just calling you in to ask about your handwriting.” “My-? Oh yes, apologies for the messiness on my last assignment. I was in a bit of a rush, so I think some of my m’s turned into n’s.” Once again she laughs, this time straight from her belly, her head thrown back. You can’t help but feel your face burn up in embarrassment. “Messiness? Why I never! No darling, I meant to ask how it’s so neat! You see, I’ve been attempting to do those same loops you do on capitals, but I’m afraid I can’t replicate it!”
She slides over to you the parchment she was writing on, revealing random sentences repeated in order to practice replicating your font. Truthfully they are quite shaky, but you wouldn’t admit it to her face anytime soon. “Do you mind writing a few sentences for me? Maybe even casting piertotum locomotor on them so I can’t watch it back would be helpful!” You bashfully fulfill your task, writing some simple words on the page in swirling calligraphy. As you do this, your professor casually talks to you.
“I must say though, you were never much of the type to rush projects. What had you in such a hurry?”
“Nothing really, just a trip to Hogsmeade with Sirius Black.”
“Sounds lovely.”
“Oh yes, it really was. Sirius wanted to go into town because he ordered a record from the post office that was due to arrive. It was some muggle band, I think it was called The Beatles? He said they are quite popular, and I see why. The singer is dreamy! He played it for me when we got back to school, and he gave me some of his Berty’s Botts Beans. He knows I love them you see, and he always tries to inspect them before he hands them to me so I don’t get the bad ones. Sometimes he gets it wrong, and I have to suffer anyways. But I…” You eventually realise just how much you have been rambling, as the page is suddenly filled with words you didn’t remember writing and you need to take a deep breath to rid of your light headedness. “Yes, I thought it was nice.” You finish up, not wanting to bore her with your story of a typical day out. But she honestly seems quite intrigued, looking at you with a peculiar arched eyebrow.
“You and that Black boy make a strange pair. A good one at that though.” You chuckle along with her, reminiscing on your differences that complement each other perfectly. “Many do say that. He’s a good friend to me.”
“Friend?” She mirrors, an almost offended tone on her voice. She takes the page away from you and blows on it as to help to ink dry, before placing it in a draw of her desk. “I don’t know why, but I always thought you two were together. Never mind me, I’m a silly old lass now.” Usually you are completely and utterly respectful no matter what is thrown at you, but something in her statement sets off a spark in which you immediately regret. “No! no no no no no. Sirius and I would never! I mean, have you seen how he- no, it would never work.”
Professor McGonagall looks at you in a way that can only be described as utter disbelief, and a tiny hint of disappointment before she speaks. “If you say so. But I have to say, I was just like you back in my day. So naïve…” She sighs, looking blissfully off. “You know…” She twists to face you, a smirk causing her features to almost become young once more. “When I was your age, maybe a little younger I liked a guy. Now don’t tell anyone I told you this but… He was a real dashing man. So proper and smart, but he really knew how to dance when the jukebox started!”
Suddenly you feel like Minerva McGonagall’s best friend, gossiping about your childhoods now those days are long gone. Never would you have expected to see this side of her, but you cannot complain when you see that energetic sparkle in her eye.
“And I believe he like me back. When I was tired he would carry me up to my common room, and and would tuck me in real nice and tight. But I never went any further. I was too nervous. So he started dating my friend, and five years later they got married! I hate to admit it but sometimes I wonder how things would’ve turned out. You don’t have to listen to an out of touch woman like me, but you know I have your best interest at heart.”
It takes you a good minute to properly process her words, repeating them in your head and wondering how she could be so right. No one, not even any of your closest friends have ever realised your concealed feelings, the only being hearing them is your little diary under the moonlight, which knows they will never come true. But here is your teacher, completely demolishing your tiny sense of secrecy and legitimising every worry you’ve ever had. When he kisses some random girl at a party you worry it will last between them, when you can’t find him in his usual spots you worry he’s abandoned you and when you look in the mirror you see merely a friend, someone who will never amount to him. But maybe you could. Maybe there is some universe where he feels the same, and you are lucky enough to be in that universe right now. After all, there always is a chance.   
“Go and get him.” She orders, staring into your soul with her blue eyes. You nod, tears fighting to leave your eyes as the weight of emotion takes over you. You stand up, thanking her breathlessly before running out.
Professor McGonagall knows that she did the right thing, judging by the conversation she had with Sirius about the same subject just the other day.   
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amongemeraldclouds · 8 months ago
tongue tied
Lorenzo Berkshire could sweet talk his way into any situation he desired. So why couldn't he find the right words when it came to you? (fluff)
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Lorenzo Berkshire x f!Reader
My official entry for @thatdammchickennugget and @finalgirllx ‘s Jinxed July challenge using the water balloon prompt for week one.
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“Where are you off daydreaming to?” Mattheo approached Enzo, wrapping an arm around his shoulder as his other hand shook the water balloon.
He followed Enzo’s gaze to you as you peacefully read under a tree. “Oh, not what but who. I’ve got to give it to you, summer just started and you’ve already got a new girl in mind.”
“Shut it,” Enzo replied curtly, “it’s not like that.” It was always easy for Enzo to speak to anyone, but when it came to you, he always found himself dumbfounded.
He had meant to ask you out earlier in the year when he sat beside you in Charms class. He found you more magical than any spell he learned. You had been kind and patient, like the time he accidentally turned his hair pink with the coloravia charm and you helped him turn it back. You also had fun in class like when you used the locomotor charm to levitate your quills and make them race around class.
Each time he tried to ask you out, his tongue and stomach would be in knots. If only there was a charm for that. It wasn’t like him at all. He was supposed to be the one with the charming smile who said all the right words. And yet.
He never cared about losing. He could always change his strategy, be with different people, and get what he wanted in the end. But when it came to you, the stakes seemed higher. He couldn't afford to lose and it scared him just as much as it excited him. 
“Here’s a novel idea for you, why don’t you just approach her?”
Enzo elbowed Mattheo's side. “I’m working up to it,” he huffed. Perhaps if he played the words in his head several times, he could say them smoothly. 
“What? Did the heat fry your brain? You’ve never had to ‘work up’ to anyone,” he tilted his head to the side, studying Enzo’s face as a grin crept onto his friend’s face.
“No.” Enzo stated, reading into Mattheo’s grin. It never meant anything good. 
“I was just about to offer my help,” Mattheo said innocently despite the mischievous twinkle in his eyes.
“I didn’t say I needed—”
“Too late!” Mattheo declared as he swiftly swung his arm and hurled the water balloon at you. Splat! You yelped as something hit you below your neck and you felt water seep into your dress, the ink on your book melting into the pages until sentences were reduced to smudged lines. 
He winked at Enzo and mouthed, ‘you’re welcome’ before running away.
Enzo stood horrified as he watched Mattheo’s retreating figure. “That wanker!” He muttered under his breath, quelling the urge to run after him as he returned to your friends. He’d deal with him later, he had other priorities.
Taking a breath to calm his nerves, he rushed over to you. “Sorry about Mattheo.”
You looked over at him, shock and fury swimming in your nerves. Enzo forgot how to breathe. 
“H-hi,” he said weakly, clearing his throat. “It’s charms class from Enzo.” What? He felt his ears burn up with shame as he heard the words, wishing he were a leaf so the wind could carry him away.
You blinked, trying to process his words then broke out into a grin. You pointed at yourself, “it’s also charms class from y/n.”
He chuckled then, unknotting the tightness in his chest. “Can I help you with?” He motioned over to you, trying hard not to notice the way your wet dress hugged your figure. Just like that, the tightness in his chest returned. And it was also tight elsewhere.
“Yes, I want revenge,” you smirked. Salazar, he didn’t think it was possible to fall harder. He felt his heart hammering insistently, as if trying to escape his chest to leap over to you.
“Your book,” he said, trying to distract himself. “Maybe you would want to go a new one tomorrow and get a bookstore with me?” Who were words? How were sentences? What was he? It was all a mystery.
You laughed good-naturedly, he was adorable. “Whatever that was, yes.” You had liked him for a while and enjoyed spending time with him in class, but you always thought he was just being nice like he was with everyone.
Yet here he was, stumbling over his sentences. You had never seen him flustered like this before and wanted to put him out of his misery. “Now where can we get those water balloons?”
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A/N: I had a longer plot in mind, but last week was personally tough for me so this will do for now. The plot idea I'm referring to will be featured in a future fic instead so stay tuned.
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runningquill-art · 9 months ago
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“Feigning a sudden playfulness, Draco bounded towards the man and put his arse in the air (gods) and wagged his tail.
“What does Krotche want?” asked the Marquis. Then, seeing Draco’s bow, he gasped. “Oh, François, he thinks you have a stick! Silly boy, that’s a wand.”
Draco leapt and plucked the ‘stick’ out of François’ hand. He gambolled away – he was becoming quite an expert at gambolling – and then darted back towards François, the wand in his mouth.
François lunged at him. Draco darted away, then darted towards him again.
“He’s playing keep-away with you, François!” chortled the Marquis.
Draco and Granger had practised this particular bit over many hours. The key was to make it look unintentional and harmless.
Draco shook his head and a shower of sparks flew out of the wand, quite at random. Then he tossed the wand to himself and bounded away to catch it, at which point a small flock of birds jetted out of it.
François gave chase in earnest. Draco whipped the wand about and hit him with an Aguamenti, his tail a whirl of doggy delight.
The Marquis was laughing. François was terribly unamused. Granger-Draco made futile attempts to call Krotche to heel.
Draco waited for François to lunge and hit him with a Locomotor Wibbly – in a playful, gambolling sort of way.
François careened head-first into a wall.
The Marquis was hit by a Stunner.” - Draco Malfoy and the Mortifying Ordeal of Being in Love, Chapter 30: Samhain, by @isthisselfcare
DMATMOOBIL art 33/40
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chewnotchoke · 9 months ago
boynextdoor as rockstars
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warnings: the fruit of my sleepless night! , just a random (not really) brainrot, short
sungho - lead guitar
𓍯 very crazy with solos + insane tapping skills
𓍯 also him teasing fans while biting onto his guitar pick??!!
𓍯 strat player! sometimes switches to les paul (stratocaster and les paul are type of guitars! there's telecaster too)
𓍯 sometimes do back up vocals and harmonies
𓍯 check out this sungho fanart to better visualize !
riwoo - vocalist
𓍯 as much as i love sungho's voice, i think riwoo's vocal tone would fit more with band songs. we know he's a main dancer but this man is also a Singer
𓍯 doesn't do anything too crazy on stage but he would definitely maximize the platform while making sure everyone still gets the spotlight
𓍯 gets the most interactive with fans. stage flirting? he would point someone from the crowd and crouch down at the edge of the stage while singing to them.
𓍯 this ! is rockstar riwoo he's so hot wth
jaehyun - rhythm guitar
𓍯 grew up listening to lady gaga but his current favorite band would be arctic monkeys
𓍯 he's also good with lead guitar and making solos on the spot
𓍯 depending on the song, he would also be strat player or use acoustic guitar
𓍯 actually no definite position because he's an all-rounder. he sometimes fills in for sungho when the latter is busy. the first intrument he learned was the drums!
taesan - drums
𓍯 def the type of drummer who loves to show off his arms while playing + also likely to wear bandanas during performances and short-sleeved shirts
𓍯 his way to flirt with fans is poking the inside of his cheeks with his tongue while twirling the drumstick between his fingers + loves doing tricks with drum sticks
𓍯 cymbal addict lmao but he also loves halftime breakdowns (he's so hot for this) i think he'd hit the drums even when it isn't needed just to tease the members. (check here)
leehan - keys!!!
𓍯 used to take piano lessons as a kid, and leaning more into classical pieces when he was young
𓍯 very chill on stage but always hypes the crowd with cool ass riffs
𓍯 he doesn't need to do anything extravagant to be honest because his dimples would do the job
𓍯 never forgets to maintain contact with the crowd while playing. at this point he could perform and pull off a piece blindfolded
woonhak - bass guitar
𓍯 avril lavigne listener
𓍯 when he doesn't have enough practice, he plays along with the rhythm with lit improvised basslines. also doesn't play by the book. the rest of his hyungs can't argue with it bcs he's undeniably good.
𓍯 frequently sticks his tongue out when performing LOL + myungjae and sungho's student
𓍯 the most active member on stage, jumps a lot non-locomotor.
𓍯 would decorate his guitar like this!
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i hope you guys liked this! feel free to send me some request as well or slide into my dms <3 check my other works too !
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emmawithtwoms · 3 months ago
A Broom Closet
@wolfstarmicrofic day 28 -434 words
A.N: this is heavily inspired by Just Lovers, by Bizarrestars, when Regulus suggests to lock Pads and Moony in a closet to make them shag. The occasion was too golden
James was a man with an infinite patience, he would always forgive and listen to anybody, always offer a shoulder to cry on, and never complain about someone who is just feeling their emotions. But this time it was too much. 
The atmosphere in the Dorm Room had been tense for weeks: Padfoot and Moony couldn’t get their head out of their asses and just shag, and they decided to make it everyones’ problem. Especially James’. 
He and Peter had had enough, that’s why they created a foolproof plan to have those two sort their shit out: lock them in a broom closet together, For a whole hour. 
See, it was a genius plan, because the forced proximity mixed with a nice dose of sexual tension and a sprinkle of teenage hormones, meant a security of shagging of 98% (Obviously there was still that 2% possibility of those two cutting each other's heads off, but James believed in his good odds and his sheer dumb luck).
So, once their preys were in the right positions, snapping at each other in front of a very unsuspicious broom closet, he and Wormtail set their plan in action: Peter casted the locomotor spells on the ground below their feet, taking them by surprise, while James opened the closet door, letting them being thrown inside of it (the closet had been conveniently emptied beforehand), and closing the door. James locked the closet, casting his vicious anti-alohomora spell, Peter then threw the time delay spell on the lock, making sure to project a tempus charm inside the closet, to let their victims know that they weren’t gonna be locked inside forever. James, in the end, casted a silencing spell on the closet, to ensure them some privacy. 
And then they waited. 
And waited. 
Finally the hour passed, and with a loud thump the door was unlocked. 
Apparently Sirius and Remus didn’t pay too much attention to the tempus charm on the door, because when it opened, the two boys fell ungraciously to the ground, lips still attached, ties undone, hair ruffled, shirts unbuttoned and a nice set of purple marks on both the necks. 
When they fell to the ground, they fell right in front of James and Pete, who were standing triumphantly above them, grinning from ear to ear, with their hands on their hips. 
“James? Wormy? Wha?” 
Remus could only sputter those three words, before being whisked up by Sirius and dragged back in the closet, door shutted loudly behind them. 
Peter and James side-eyed each other, and had the best high five of their lives. 
Mission succeeded. 
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