#lockedverse Cross
bluepallilworld · 2 years
Tidili 🎶 I'm proud to present my newest baby! ~(つˆДˆ)つ。☆
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Name: Palida
Age: 8
Birthday : 19/04 (19th of april)(2028 baby).
Ship: post dark cream (see @zu-is-here 's comic :D) lockedverse version
Likes: Bunny, her bunny plush, bunny-shaped snacks, everything that is remotely close to bunnies, pillow forts, too big clothes
Dislikes: tired days, mustard, snakes (since the day someone told her one could easily swallow whole a rabbit) and dirt in eye-sockets
Home multiverse: lockedverse
Timeline: future timeline (it means when most of my ocs are adults or late teens)
Name of the bunny plush: Barry or Vivian or Limi or Toko or Ful or...... It constantly changes
Magic: not bad at magic, can use bones, colored magic and gaster blasters... But refuses to use anything until she succeeds in shaping it like bunnies. So far she manages... Her magic usually feel a bit warm. Prefers orange magic over blue magic.
Particularity : Palida was born a bit weak, she tired easily. Her magic is showing through her eye sockets, her nose hole or the star shaped hole on her right cheek (she wasn't born with that hole, it was due to an accident when she was merely days old and her body was still a bit fragile). Looking at the color of her magic and feeling the temperature of her body (the more energy she has the warmer she is) is a good way to know when she needs a power nap or a snack. A bit of magic can be seen between her bones but it's hardly noticeable.
Glow in the dark. :)
Lil' story time :
Palida lives in a closed-off multiverse ("lockedverse" shall be the name) that only open its doors to multiverse travelers twice a year. It only has a few aus (only originals no copies) and outcodes are rare. Her family and she live in a small house in a meadow near a village and they rarely have visitors. Somehow multiverse travelers always end up at her house. They stay a few days before the multiverse just decides to yeet them out without warning.
Palida loves the company when people stay at home for a few days and listening to the stories.
Once she met a skeleton adult that seemed very determined to keep contact. Which Palida found silly since travelers never come back. But that woman came back the next time the doors opened and with two lil' devices that were meant to allow communication between them regardless of if they were in a different multiverse. She told her that she won a bet against a scientist and asked that he built that as a reward. Palida's parents weren't really fond of the project but after the first try and the discovery that the other device was set in an orphanage full of children, they let Palida kept it at the condition she always warned before using it and hang up immediately if it wasn't the orphanage's children or, as she learnt the traveler who gifted her that device was named, Lint. Now she often calls the children and it's nice.
Some doodles ✨
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Random outfits
Cross belongs to @/jakei95
How do I tag Dream post Shattered...? Dream belongs to @/jokublog, Shattered Dream to @/shattereddreamsau, post dark cream to @zu-is-here ?
Hug the Estrella (ask)
Palida's day (writing)
Meeting the "alternate siblings" (Drag')
Da bean among others (Yuri)
Girl says hi (Psy)
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