#lockdown 5 guidelines
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godlessondheimite · 2 years ago
Will and Emma are having relationship problems because Will is not taking COVID seriously enough ("Therapy"). The next day Will takes his frustration out on the glee club and accuses them of not taking COVID seriously enough (Finn doesn't understand germ theory and Brittany is QAnon.)
Will says, "You guys lack historical perspective. Back in the 80s and 90s there was a young gay composer named Jonathan Larson who saw disease and suffering all around him. When he found out he was afflicted with AIDS, he put all of his pain into the timeless and unreproachable work of art, RENT. RENT taught us about community and caring for one another and more importantly...it taught us that musicals can rock." Will sings the title song from RENT with Artie and Finn.
That night: Santana is fed up with lockdown restrictions and sneaks out of her house to visit Brittany ("Out Tonight"). Brittany is planning a big show that will blow the whole COVID conspiracy wide open. She previews it for Santana ("Over the Moon"). Santana is freaked out and breaks up with Brittany. Santana can excuse ignoring disease prevention guidelines but she draws the line at being Republican about it.
Also that night, Will tries to sleep with Emma but she's too COVID-cautious ("Green Green Dress"). She says maybe they need some time apart because of their different priorities.
While grocery shopping, Will runs into Holly Holliday. Holly is lighting scented candles in the middle of the store but for some reason all of them are defective/unscented ("Light My Candle.") Holly propositions Will. Will says he's seeing Emma, and Holly admits she also has a boyfriend.
"I'm sure we can work something out," Holly says. "Meet me at the basement of the swinger's club at 9:00."
Will shows up at the swinger's club and spots his old rival, Brian Ryan (the Neil Patrick Harris character). They glare at each other, then confront each other and it's revealed that Brian is Holly's boyfriend ("Tango Maureen.") She knew Brian and Will were old high school rivals and set all this up because she's into the whole enemies-to-lovers thing.
Will scolds her. "That is so cruel and manipulative of you. I can't believe you would do this."
Holly tries to convince him to live life to the fullest. ("Another Day.")
Eventually Will thinks about what proud openly gay icon Jonathan larson would do, and he has a threesome with Holly and Brian ("Contact," I'm afraid.)
The morning after, Will can't believe he kind of cheated on Emma/hooked up with Brian and really enjoyed it ("Real Life").
On Monday, Brittany and Santana are still broken up but sitting on opposite sides of the choir room is emotionally difficult for them ("Without You.")
On the way home from school, Kurt and Blaine are like "Aren't you glad we're not like Brittany and Santana, breaking up every 5 seconds over something stupid?" and they sing "I'll Cover You" but then they break up over something stupid.
Will contemplates his sexual awakening, torn between Holly+Brian and Emma ("Johnny Can't Decide/Come To Your Senses" mashup).
The tension in glee club is unavoidable.
"Mr. Shu, this is ridiculous," Rachel says. "Ever since you brought up RENT and Jonathan Larson, it's been nonstop hookups and fighting. Also, Jonathan Larson wasn't gay and he didn't die of AIDS! He was straight and died of some random heart thing."
"What? Jonathan Larson wasn't gay? So my sexual experimentation was under false pretenses?"
Will immediately calls and breaks it off with Brian and they argue ("What You Own").
The next day Santana says "I can't believe we caused this much fuss over a straight man, who died of a random heart thing."
"Wait, just because he was straight doesn't make his words less powerful," Finn says.
"You're right," Will says. "Maybe I'm bisexual." ("Louder than Words.") And then they all sing La Vie Boheme.
At some point Santana and Mercedes sing "Take Me or Leave Me" as their glee club presentation. (It's a four-part episode.) Also I think Gwyneth would have fun with Today 4 U, don't kill me.

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pandemic-info · 9 months ago
Web App: A guideline to limit indoor airborne transmission of COVID-19
This web app is based on this 2021 study: A guideline to limit indoor airborne transmission of COVID-19
The Six-Foot Rule is a social distancing recommendation by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, based on the assumption that the primary vector of pathogen transmission is the large drops ejected from the most vigorous exhalation events, coughing and sneezing (5, 19). Indeed, high-speed visualization of such events reveals that 6 ft corresponds roughly to the maximum range of the largest, millimeter-scale drops (20). Compliance to the Six-Foot Rule will thus substantially reduce the risk of such large-drop transmission. However, the liquid drops expelled by respiratory events are known to span a considerable range of scales, with radii varying from fractions of a micron to millimeters (11, 21).
There is now overwhelming evidence that indoor airborne transmission associated with relatively small, micron-scale aerosol droplets plays a dominant role in the spread of COVID-19 (4, 5, 7, 17–19, 22), especially for so-called “superspreading events” (25–28), which invariably occur indoors (29).
Finally, the fact that face mask directives have been more effective than either lockdowns or social distancing in controlling the spread of COVID-19 (22, 33) is consistent with indoor airborne transmission as the primary driver of the global pandemic.
This won't be news to anyone who already understands that COVID is airborne, and that minimizing viral load as much as possible via layered protection (vax + ventilation & filtration + well-fitted masks (n95)) is key to avoiding the worst possible outcomes — severe acute disease and post-acute damage.
Nevertheless it might be interesting to see it spelled out. With the IMPORTANT caveat that it shouldn't be taken too literally: i.e. you're neither perfectly safe nor totally at risk if the numbers are above or below these thresholds.
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foxsoulcourt · 2 years ago
Foxy, a villainess' 007 Fest 2023 masterpost
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One word: community
Everywhere I looked this year I saw community: the challenges + joys of participation; how much we learn from one another when we're in one; what it takes to be a beneficial participant; the value of structures + guidelines to keep them moving forward; appreciating stepping back to look at what's working well + what needs fine-tuning; learning how to clean up when there's conflict; holding one another accountable with compassion while navigating that conflict; the importance of honouring one who left the earth this year; and --ALWAYS!!!-- celebrating one another's joys + concerns along the way.
At the end of my second Fest I'm mulling on these questions: 
What are the qualities + experiences which draw people into Fest? Which aspects cause people to step back from it?
How do we-as-a-fandom support a more sustainable Fest in our post-lockdown lives? Could two weeks twice a year work better for more people than four weeks once a year?  
How might we stretch our ability + capacity to incorporate + support newcomers into the experience + the fandom? How about support for those who have been around for a longer time + could use a boost underneath their wings?
For some people earning points is a huge motivation. For others, not so much. How do we balance + reward time spent bEiNg ToGeThEr during Fest with creating + sharing fancreations?
How might team configurations + calculating points equitably support all types of fan creations? 
. . . Thanks to the many hands + hearts + brains who made this year's event run smoothly: @castillon02 , @spiritofcamelot for hosting Fest! All the mods of the 00Q Slack holding us steady during it! @teamofvillains for making room for me in the collective lair + to @3nigm4art for captaining us! . . .
POINTS (specifics below the cut) : 743
THE NON-POINTS POINT : Last year I said I wanted to Be braver: collaborate w/team-mates + create some of my own content in 2023. Guess what? Yes, yes + and, thanks to @ato-the-bean, yes! This year Watch Parties were a shining star. LoVeD chatting w/people while watching old favourites + new shows. Thanks to: @wambold for hosting weekly Bond content all year long! @anyawen for so.many.weekday parties! @kmk1701d for hosting The Hour! and @lapsang-and-earlgrey for answering m a n y of this US citizen’s questions about UK + European history!
2024 goals are simple:  host 1 watch party + post 1 gif + collaborate on something.
COMMENTS: 626 Fics commented on AO3 + Tumblr  -  456  Bonus points - 170
EVENT PARTICIPATION:  Productivity hour: 1 Watch Parties: 26
WRITING The Island (collab with @ato-the-bean​)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
OTHER FANCREATIONS The Island moodboards - 6
SCAVENGER HUNT  #2 Create a code #48 Collaborate with team-mate @eleanor-is-fine on Ch 6 of The Island
WORDS READ ON AO3: 316,468
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its-suanneschafer-author · 8 months ago
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Continuing my review and summarization of Project 2025, Chapter 14 covers the Dept of Health and Human Services.
1) Dedicate HSS to serve “all Americans from conception to natural death” and proudly state that “that men and women are biological realities that are crucial to the advancement of life sciences and medical care and that married men and women are the ideal, natural family structure because all children have a right to be raised by the men and women who conceived them” 
2) Protect the fundamental right to life, protect conscience rights, and uphold bodily integrity rooted in biological realities, not ideology.
3) Health care reform should be patient-centered and market-based and should empower individuals to control their health care–related dollars and decisions. NB: The GOP routinely tries to get rid of Obama-care; refuses to fix prices of medications at reasonable levels; always chooses big Pharma and big healthcare systems over people’s needs
4) Promote stable and flourishing married families
5) No more mandates for lockdowns, vaccines, or masking in the event of pandemics
6) Keep experts like Anthony Fauci from speaking out on health guidelines
7) Shut and lock the revolving door between government and Big Pharma. NB: the GOP-controlled House routinely refuses to fix prices of medications at reasonable levels and chooses big Pharma and big healthcare systems over people’s needs
8) CDC should eliminate programs that do not respect human life or that undermine family formation; should not promote abortion as health care; should fund studies into the risks and complications of abortion and ensure that it does not promote misinformation regarding the comparative health and psychological benefits of childbirth versus the health and psychological risks of intentionally taking a human life through abortion.
9) Prohibit use of aborted fetal cells lines to develop and test vaccines
10) HHS should ensure that “abortion tourism states” report exactly how many abortions take place within its borders, what method of abortion was used, the gestational ages of the fetuses, the mother’s state of residence as a condition of receiving federal aid
11) Support the development of generic drugs. NB: The GOP-controlled House routinely refuses to fix prices of medications at reasonable levels and chooses big Pharma and big healthcare systems over people’s needs.
12) Reverse the FDA approval of chemical abortion drugs and the week-after-pill, ulipristal acetate.
13) require the development of drugs and biologics that are free from moral taint and switch to cell lines that are not derived from aborted fetal cell lines or aborted baby body parts.
14) Create and promote a research agenda that supports pro-life policies and explores the harms, both mental and physical, that abortion has wrought on women and girls. NB: there is no mandate to create a research agency that explores the harms, both mental and physical, that carrying a child of rape, a severely-deformed child, a child incapable of living outside the uterus, raising an unwanted child, or being forced to remain in a violent or unhappy marriage to raise a child 
15) Fund studies into the short-term and long-term negative effects of cross- sex interventions, including “affirmation,” puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and surgeries
16) Add work requirements for Medicaid benefits
17) Child support in the United States should strengthen marriage as the norm, restore broken homes, and encourage unmarried couples to commit to marriage.
18) Limit HMRE (Healthy Marriage and Relationship Education Program) funds to children raised in homes aside from a heterosexual, intact marriage
19) Eliminate Head Start
20) Establish an advisory committee committed to women’s preventative programs and anti-abortion ideologues, including fertility-awareness contraceptive methods. NB: These are the rhythm or standard days methods which require a strong commitment to consistent use as well as the use of condoms or diaphragms during the fertile periods.
21) Withdraw funds used to pay for cross-sex transition support
22) Deny physicians and nurses training to perform abortions
23) Remove all guidance issued under the Biden Administration concerning sexual orientation and gender identity 
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marketsizereports · 1 year ago
The Impact of COVID-19 on Malaysia's Foodservice Market: Adaptations and Resilience
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on Malaysia's foodservice market, prompting significant adaptations and resilience efforts within the industry.
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For more channel insights in the Malaysia foodservice market, download a free sample report
Here's an overview of how the sector has been affected and the strategies adopted in response to the challenges posed by the pandemic:
1. Disruption to Operations:
Lockdowns and Movement Restrictions: The implementation of lockdowns and movement restrictions severely impacted the restaurant industry, leading to closures, reduced operating hours, and limited dine-in services.
2. Shift to Delivery and Takeout:
Rise of Food Delivery Services: To adapt to restrictions on dine-in services, many restaurants shifted their focus to food delivery and takeout services. This led to an increased reliance on food delivery platforms.
3. Digital Transformation:
Online Ordering and Contactless Payments: Restaurants embraced digital solutions, implementing online ordering systems and contactless payment methods to minimize physical contact and enhance safety for both customers and staff.
4. Menu Simplification:
Streamlining Operations: To cope with challenges such as supply chain disruptions and reduced staff capacity, many restaurants simplified their menus, focusing on core offerings to improve efficiency.
5. Hygiene and Safety Measures:
Enhanced Sanitation Protocols: Stringent hygiene and safety measures were implemented, including increased sanitation, temperature checks, and social distancing within dining spaces, to reassure customers and comply with health regulations.
6. Collaboration with Food Platforms:
Partnerships with Delivery Platforms: Many restaurants collaborated with food delivery platforms to reach a broader customer base and maintain revenue streams during periods of restricted dine-in services.
7. Government Support and Incentives:
Financial Assistance: The Malaysian government introduced various financial assistance programs and incentives to support businesses, including those in the foodservice sector, to weather the economic impact of the pandemic.
8. Adaptive Business Models:
Ghost Kitchens and Cloud Kitchens: Some businesses explored alternative models, such as ghost kitchens and cloud kitchens, to reduce overhead costs and focus on fulfilling delivery orders without the need for a traditional dine-in space.
9. Consumer Behavior Shifts:
Preference for Safety: Consumer preferences shifted towards establishments that prioritized safety measures, cleanliness, and transparency about their adherence to health guidelines.
10. Resilience and Innovation:
Menu Innovation: Despite challenges, some restaurants embraced innovation by introducing new menu items, promotions, and loyalty programs to maintain customer engagement and interest.
11. Reopening and Recovery:
Gradual Resumption of Dine-In Services: With the easing of restrictions, restaurants gradually resumed dine-in services, but many continued to prioritize safety measures and maintain an online presence.
12. Global Supply Chain Challenges:
Impact on Ingredients and Supplies: Disruptions in the global supply chain affected the availability and cost of certain ingredients, leading to menu adjustments and cost management strategies.
13. Vaccination Efforts:
Impact of Vaccination Rollout: The rollout of vaccination programs influenced consumer confidence, and the industry's recovery was influenced by the success of vaccination efforts in managing the spread of the virus.
The resilience of Malaysia's foodservice market during the COVID-19 pandemic has been evident through its ability to adapt to changing circumstances, embrace digital transformation, and implement innovative strategies. While challenges persist, the industry's response reflects its determination to navigate the evolving landscape and recover with a focus on safety, efficiency, and customer satisfaction.
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brendanjap · 1 year ago
Navigating the Pandemic: How Social Media is Shaping Malaysia's COVID-19 Response
In the era of digital communication, social media has become an indispensable tool for sharing information, connecting people, and shaping public opinion. When it comes to public health crises like the COVID-19 pandemic, the role of social media in disseminating information and fostering a sense of community cannot be overstated. In this blog, I will delve into how social media has been used to spread information about COVID-19 in Malaysia and its impact on the country's response to the pandemic. The Power of Social Media during the Pandemic Social media platforms have kept Malaysians informed and engaged during the COVID-19 pandemic. Here are some ways in which these platforms have been beneficial: 1. Real-time Updates Social media allows the dissemination of real-time information. Government healthcare agencies such as Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia and health experts like Noor Hisham Abdullah have used platforms like Twitter and Facebook to share updates on COVID-19 cases, vaccination schedules, and safety guidelines. This immediate access to information has empowered Malaysians to make informed decisions and stay safe.
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2. Community Support Online communities, such as "Caremongering Malaysia - Community Response to COVID19" (a Facebook group), have emerged as platforms where Malaysians share experiences, concerns, and support. These communities have helped individuals navigate the challenges brought on by the pandemic, from finding essential supplies to accessing mental health resources. This showcases the power of digital communities in fostering solidarity during times of crisis.
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3. Myths or Misinformation Debunking Social media has been instrumental in debunking COVID-19-related myths and misinformation. It has provided a platform for experts to counter false claims and share scientific knowledge, ultimately contributing to a more informed public. For example, "Sarawak Disaster Information" on their Facebook page has actively clarified misinformation, such as the false news claiming that the State Government of Sarawak initiated a challenge for the public to have 3 days of total lockdown.
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4. Government Engagement Malaysian government agencies and officials have actively used platforms like Instagram and YouTube to engage with the public. Through informative videos and interactive sessions, they have addressed concerns and explained the government's strategies to combat the pandemic. This interactive approach on social media highlights the government's commitment to transparent communication and building trust within the digital community, effectively bridging the gap between authorities and the public. 5. Vaccination Campaigns The rollout of COVID-19 vaccines in Malaysia received extensive coverage on social media. Vaccine selfies have encouraged others to get vaccinated, fostering a sense of community responsibility. These campaigns have increased vaccination rates and demonstrated the power of social media in creating a united front against the pandemic, showing how digital communities can unite for a common cause.
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Challenges and Dangers of Social Media
While social media has been an invaluable tool for spreading information about COVID-19, there are also challenges and dangers associated with its use: 1. Misinformation The same platforms that help debunk myths also spread them. Misinformation can be disseminated quickly, making it essential for users to critically evaluate the sources of information. Therefore, as users, we must be vigilant and responsible in curating and sharing information, recognizing the need for fact-checking within digital communities.
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2. Anxiety & Fatigue The constant influx of information can be overwhelming, leading to information fatigue and anxiety. Research shows that a significant portion of users experience panic attacks, and social media plays a substantial role in spreading inaccurate information (Lelisho et al. 2022, pp. 125-136). Therefore, as users, we must find a balance between staying informed and preserving our mental health.
The Conversation Aspect Public health campaigns on social media can be one-way communication and a conversation. While official channels primarily disseminate information, they often encourage user engagement through comments, likes, and shares. Interactive elements like Q&A sessions, polls, and live streams foster two-way communication and allow the public to seek clarification and share their concerns. This dynamic interaction within digital communities ensures that public health campaigns are not just about information dissemination but also about engaging with and addressing the community's concerns.
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Conclusion Social media has proven to be a powerful tool in spreading information about COVID-19 in Malaysia. It has enabled real-time updates, fostered a sense of community, and engaged the public in critical conversations. However, the reliance on social media also comes with challenges, such as the spread of misinformation and privacy concerns. To maximize its potential, it's essential to use social media thoughtfully, critically evaluate information, and engage in constructive dialogue, turning it into a force for positive change in public health campaigns.
Reference(s) Lelisho ME, Pandey D, Alemu BD, Pandey BK & Tareke SA 2022, 'The Negative Impact of Social Media during COVID-19 Pandemic', Trends in Psychology 2023; vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 123–142, viewed 16 October 2023, <https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9110023/pdf/43076_2022_Article_192.pdf.>
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drmaqazi · 2 years ago
HOW TO PERFORM EID-UL-ADHA PRAYER AT HOME Under the current circumstances of COVID-19 lockdown, Eid-ul-Adha prayers can be performed within homes in congregation with a minimum of three people together with the option of Khutbah (Sermon) and in compliance with health advice and government regulations. Eid prayer general guidelines within homes under the special circumstances of COVID-19 lockdown: 1. Eid prayer should be performed individually or in congregation within homes. 2. If three and more people are present then it should be performed in congregation led by the Imam. 3. If the Imam is capable of giving Khutbah, then Khutbah should be given after the prayer. 4. Health guidelines regarding physical distancing, cleanliness, and avoidance of hugging and shaking of hands should be adhered to. 5. External visitors joining the household for Eid-ul-Adha prayer must follow government regulations specific to your location. Time for Eid-ul-Adha (Prayer)  is 15 minutes after sunrise until mid-day. Further Eid-ul-Adha prayer guidelines according to Hanafi Madhhab 4 mature males including the Imam need to be present for the Khutbah and Eid-ul-Adha (prayer). Other members of the family may also join the Eid-ul-Adha (prayer) at home. 2 Rak’ah (Units) of Eid-ul-Adha prayer need to be performed. Eid Khutbah needs to be given after the Eid-ul-Adha (prayer). Further Eid-ul-Adha guidelines according to Shaafi’i Madhhab: A person may pray Eid-ul-Adha individually if alone, pray 2 Rak’ahs. No Khutbah should be given. If there are 2 or more persons there will be a Khutbah which will be given after the 2 Rak’ahs. How to perform Eid-ul-Adha Prayer according to Hanafi Madhhab: When you stand up to pray, first do Takbeeraat al-ihram (Allahu Akbar) to start the Eid-ul-Adha Prayer Say the takbeer 3 times before beginning to recite from the Holy Qur’an. Recite Surah Al-Fatiha followed by another Surah.(Sunnah was Surah Al-A’laa and Surah al-Ghashiyah or Surah Qaaf and Surah Qamar for first and second Rak’ahs, respectively. But it is okay to recite other Surahs.) Perform Ruku’u and two Sajdahs as normal. This concludes the first Rak’ah. After you come up from Sujood from the first Rak’ah, you recite Surah Al-Fatihah plus another Surah. After reciting the Surah, say the Takbeer 3 times, then 1 additional Takbeer to go to Ruku’. After Ruku’, you continue with two Sajdahs and the final sitting as normal to conclude the prayer. How to perform Eid-ul-Adha Prayer according to Shafi’i Madhhab Begin with 7 Takbeers and then Holy Quran recitation, Ruku’, and Sujood, as normal. When you get up from the first Rak’ah saying 1 Takbeer, then do 5 additional Takbeers. Continue on through the second Rak’ah as normal. How to perform Eid-ul-Adha Prayer according to Maaliki Madhhab Begin with Takbeeraat al-ihraam to open the prayer, then 6 additional Takbeeraat. It is better (Sunnah) to pause at this point for people behind you in order for them to repeat after you. Recite Surah Al-Fatihah plus another surah. Make Ruku’, Sujood, and come up from the first Rak’ah saying 1 Takbeer, as normal. Say 5 additional Takbeeraat before continuing on through your second Rak’ah as normal.
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snugsodium · 2 years ago
Getting Ready to Go Outside Post Quarantine
Ever since the pandemic has begun, we’ve been scrambling for answers and cures. And yet, despite the more than 5 billion Google search results that come up when you type in “COVID-19”, we’ve yet to understand every nook and cranny of this virus.
In an attempt to contain the spread of this virus, several governments from different countries have ordered a lockdown or a quarantine. We had originally thought that this would only last for a week. But then, we fast forward 1 year later and we’re still quarantining. The funny thing about this is that as time went by and we still couldn’t leave our home, we hated it. We needed to leave the confines of the 4 walls for our sanity. But then, when we can leave the house, we’re met with anxiety. Ending lockdown means socializing and we’ve become so used to spending time at home alone or with our families and so comfortable with it that stepping out of the house makes us overthink and anxious.
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memorizingthedigitsofpi · 1 year ago
Input 1: over the past 5-8 years, I've both observed and seen commentary from and about "fandom antis" - people within fandom who promote the idea that anything done in fiction must follow the strict moral guidelines most commonly associated with Evangelical American Christianity.
This commentary often points out, either directly or by implication, the fact that fans who are in the midst of these reactionary groups are often required to be hypervigilant about their own behaviour as well as constantly monitoring the behaviours of their peers. Anyone who is seen as imperfect or morally dubious according to the rules of the day (which often shift based on the preferences or ideals of one Big Name Fan or another within the community) is shunned or otherwise punished for seemingly stepping out of line.
Input 2: the near-constant conversation that there are fewer comments on fics than there used to be. While this conversation traces back literal decades and it waxes and wanes over the years, it is currently back at the forefront again - at least according to my tumblr dashboard.
I have previously attributed this seeming lack of comments to authors feeling a lack of community in their spaces. I have also attributed it to the way that social media sites are set up to not just disincentivize the sort of comment culture that authors are craving, but in some cases to make it almost impossible.
A third factor is also just the massive increase in the number of participants in fandom since the quarantines and lockdowns of 2020 and 2021 and the fact that there are more lurkers (and more visible to the creators lurkers) in fandom than previously. Hit:kudos ratios have shifted as a result, most particularly in megafandoms - which are also where the posts about lack of comments would get more traction because there are more people seeing them.
Input 3: tags on a post (forgive me, I can't find it and I don't recall the exact wording) that were talking about how the individual wouldn't comment or kudos on problematic works no matter how much they loved them.
They didn't define problematic. They didn't otherwise identify themselves as an "anti". They phrased it in such a way that made it sound like a universal truth or like a belief of their part of fandom rather than just their own idea.
Possibly faulty conclusion: Could some percentage of the perceived decrease in comments/kudos be attributable to fans who are existing in "anti" circles and are therefore too scared to comment/kudos because they fear they will be shunned, bullied, cancelled etc. as a result?
Do you ever have the experience where a bunch of separate inputs all collide inside your brain and suddenly you've got a theory with no real basis in anything but your own (possibly faulty) conclusions, but at the same time it makes so much visceral sense that it's hard not to just assume it's the truth?
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ddtvnews · 5 years ago
Coronavirus in Uttarakhand : इस हफ्ते उत्तराखंड के इन जिलों में शनिवार और रविवार को रहेगा लॉकडाउन
Coronavirus in Uttarakhand : इस हफ्ते उत्तराखंड के इन जिलों में शनिवार और रविवार को रहेगा लॉकडाउन
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प्रदेश के तीन मैदानी जिलों हरिद्वार, नैनीताल और ऊधमसिंह नगर में इस हफ्ते भी शनिवार और रविवार को लॉकडाउन जारी रहेगा। जबकि देहरादून को लेकर आज स्थिति साफ होगी।
Coronavirus In Uttarakhand: गुरुवार को मिले 145 कोरोना पॉजिटिव, 5400 पार पहुंची संक्रमितों की…
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rnewsworldenglish · 5 years ago
Uttarakhand: Relief news in lockdown, now shops will open till eight o'clock at night, people will also be able to do morning walk
Uttarakhand: Relief news in lockdown, now shops will open till eight o’clock at night, people will also be able to do morning walk
Information Desk, Amar Ujala, Dehradun Up to date Sat, 27 Jun 2020 07:16 PM IST
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Take heed to the information
Take heed to the information
The time to open retailers in Uttarakhand underneath lockdown has modified once more. Chief Minister Trivendra Singh Rawat held a…
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vilaspatelvlogs · 5 years ago
उत्तराखंड: कोरोना को लेकर फिर बदला प्लान, जानिए क्या हैं नए नियम और किसे मिली राहत
उत्तराखंड: कोरोना को लेकर फिर बदला प्लान, जानिए क्या हैं नए नियम और किसे मिली राहत
अगली खबर
साइकिल से मथुरा शहर में निकले मंत्री श्रीकांत शर्मा, विकास कार्यों का किया निरीक्षण
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unitysamachar · 5 years ago
आज से देश 'अनलॉक', जान लीजिए आपको मिलने वाली है कैसी और कितनी आजादी
आज से देश ‘अनलॉक’, जान लीजिए आपको मिलने वाली है कैसी और कितनी आजादी
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Image Source : PTI Unlock 1.0: Know whats open and from when
नई दिल्ली: आज से देश अनलॉक हो रहा है। कोरोना के संकट के बीच आज से कई नई चीजें शुरू होने वाली है। पिछले 68 दिनों से जो देश बंद था वो अब धीरे-धीरे पुरानी रंगत में लौटेगा। अनलॉक 1.0 के लिए केंद्र के गाइडलाइंस जारी करने के बाद राज्यों ने भी गाइडलाइंस जारी कर दी हैं। उत्तर प्रदेश में आज से एक…
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newsaryavart · 5 years ago
उत्तर प्रदेश में 30 जून तक लागू रहेगा लॉकडाउन 5, जानिए- क्या हैं दिशानिर्देश
उत्तर प्रदेश में 30 जून तक लागू रहेगा लॉकडाउन 5, जानिए- क्या हैं दिशानिर्देश
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Image Source : FILE PHOTO उत्तर प्रदेश के मुख्यमंत्री योगी आदित्यनाथ
लखनऊ: उत्तर प्रदेश सरकार ने लॉकडाउन 5 के लिए दिशानिर्देश जारी कर दिए हैं। इससे पहले शनिवार को केंद्र सरकार ने लॉकडाउन 5 के दिशानिर्देश जारी किए थे। बता दें कि फिलहाल लागू लॉकडाउन 4 की अवधि 31 मई तक ही थी। अब ऐसे में लॉकडाउन 5 के दिशानिर्देश भी आ गए हैं, जिसके मुताबिक उत्तर प्रदेश में 8 जून से…
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newscountryindia · 5 years ago
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UNLOCK 1: Maharashtra to announce lockdown 5; curbs to be tougher in Mumbai, Pune other red zones Image Source : PTI UNLOCK 1: Maharashtra to extend lockdown 5; curbs to be tougher in Mumbai, Pune other red zones…
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khabrisala · 5 years ago
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UNLOCK 1: Maharashtra to announce lockdown 5; curbs to be tougher in Mumbai, Pune other red zones Image Source : PTI UNLOCK 1: Maharashtra to extend lockdown 5; curbs to be tougher in Mumbai, Pune other red zones CM Uddhav Thackeray-led Maharashtra government is likely to announce lockdown extension across the state today.
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