#local immigration lawyer
mylegalservice · 1 year
Do we need a PCC for a UK spouse visa for a long-term stay?
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There are many requirements that must be met for a successful UK Spouse visa application. However, you do not require a Police Clearance Certificate (PCC), which is required for overseas and other types of Tier 2 Work permit applications. The major requirement for a spouse visa is to ensure the relationship is genuine, subsisting, the applicant meets the English language test and the financial requirements.
My Legal Services are specialists in this field and aim to provide you affordable rates in your local area.
Original Source:- https://www.quora.com/Do-we-need-a-PCC-for-a-UK-spouse-visa-for-a-long-term-stay/answer/My-Legal-Services-1/log
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buttclench-ryugazaki · 4 months
i think the english localization making phoenix american actually really works, ie breaks the narrative less when taking ryunosuke into consideration. as we know, phoenix was written as Just Some Fucking Guy who becomes a renowned lawyer, but then retroactively making his great grandpa a legal legend who toppled the british judiciary somewhat lessens phoenix's charm as a complete rando. it can inadvertently support the vague idea that lawyering is in the naruhodo clan's blood, y'know what i mean? because ancestor veneration is valued in east asia, it's likely that ryuichi's parents would have put emphasis on ryunosuke being an admirable and aspirational figure. the naruhodos would have their in-house altar and be able to visit his grave and read about his exploits in whatever japanese public archives, on top of recounting their own personal memories of ryunosuke. retroactively, this makes it peculiar that ryuichi or any other lawyer never acknowledges his pioneer great grandfather
but the east asian diaspora tends to have a different relationship to its ancestors because our parents had no choice but to leave everything behind. we don't have access to those things anymore. some of us can't even speak the language, which is obviously a huge barrier. phoenix as a descendant of japanese immigrants would be far enough removed (temporally, geographically, and culturally) from ryunosuke and his legacy that i find it totally plausible that phoenix would never mention him. it would make sense if phoenix were mostly ignorant about who his ancestor even is because that's just realistic to the second-onward generation immigrant experience
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Armand's backstory and how I, your local bengali vampire fucker and armand's 24/7 defence lawyer, am going to make him bengali and muslim while still keeping it showcannon accurate
(Note: this is not meant to be taken seriously and is very much just written because I was bored and had time on my hands and if i have gotten anything wrong please correct me)
One thing that always annoyed me about IWTV showcannon is the fact that armand pre-marius days were either left majorly unexplored or made absolutely no sense to the time period. Which, I find pretty surprising considering the care and sensitivity Louis' new backstory was handled with by the same creators and show writers.
We know 3 things about Armand and who he is as a character in regards to his ethnicity:
His birth is Arun
He is Muslim
And that he was taken from Delhi somewhere around the early 15th century
For the purposes of this essay, we are going to assume all of this is true and not something Armand made up to get sympathy from both Louis and the audience.
Armand's birth name being Arun, while incredibly lazy, does make his identity as a bengali man much easier to confirm. My own full blooded formerly bangladeshi grandfather has the name Arun and Arun continues to be an incredibly popular bengali name for boys to this day. The problem arises when it comes to his religion.
The thing about the name Arun is that it's an incredibly *Hindu* first name, given that it is quite literally one of the names for the Hindu god of the sun (Source: I'm Hindu and confirmed with my mom who is sitting beside me scrolling on facebook). While muslim people can have the name Arun, given that Bengal was still an independent kingdom around the time which Armand would have been born in, his parents being hindu would have been likely.
However, around a similar time, the Mughals were setting up shop in, you guessed it, delhi and the surrounding region. Now, my proposal is as such: During the same time period, many parents sold their children to zamindars (land owners) for money or food or land. Young Arun's parents did the same thing. Now, this zamindar either sells armand to someone else immediately after who takes him delhi or takes young arun to delhi himself where he either sets up shop with him or once again sells arun to someone else.
Seperated from his parents and newly immigrated indenture (because yes, mughal era punjab and bengal were different kingdoms and as such this would count as immigration) to a kingdom which had just gone through a major political upheaval and had a new ruler forcibly converting people to islam, arun, who has no ties to hinduism given that a. he is a child and b. his hindu parents very much just sold him into slavery, converts to islam as well as a safety tactic.
Thus child arun grows into teen arun and he has never known anything of his life before delhi but those first few years that he spent in bengal and has definitely had no contact with hinduism and has been a devout muslim for the vast majority of his life. Here is where things get a bit iffy. There are two ways how the rest of this can now go.
Route no. 1, armand's indenture is sold to the portuguese, the portuguese take him to europe, marius buys him, everything proceeds as it must.
Route no. 2, the overly complicated, book and show canon accurate version which requires some significant suspension of disbelief and handwaving to accomplish but i like it so i'm still writing down this crack theory. Also we're doing this in dot points now because i'm getting tired:
We know armand speaks crimean because daniel mentions it after he catches fake rashid praying
crimea was part of the ottoman empire during this time period.
the ottoman empire had relatively friendly relations with the mughals because they were afraid of babur.
crimean ottoman merchants buy armand's indenture
armand ends up in crimea
crimea and kievan rus, book armand's original homeland's complex relation means armand ends up in kievan rus.
Things proceed as they did in the books for how armand goes from kievan rus to under marius's hold
and that's all i have, this has been your local crack theorist on tonight's armand show. see you next time.
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simply-ivanka · 26 days
Why Trump’s Conviction Can’t Stand
It rests on an intent to violate a state law that is pre-empted by the Federal Election Campaign Act.
By David B. Rivkin Jr. and Elizabeth Price Foley Wall Street Journal
Donald Trump runs no risk of going to prison in the middle of his campaign, thanks to Judge Juan Merchan’s decision Friday to postpone sentencing until Nov. 26. The delay gives his lawyers more time to prepare an appeal. Fortunately for Mr. Trump, his trial was overwhelmingly flawed, and a well-constructed appeal would ensure its ultimate reversal.
A central problem for the prosecution and Judge Merchan lies in Article VI of the U.S. Constitution, which makes federal law the “supreme law of the land.” That pre-empts state law when it conflicts with federal law, including by asserting jurisdiction over areas in which the federal government has exclusive authority.
Mr. Trump’s conviction violates this principle because it hinges on alleged violations of state election law governing campaign spending and contributions. The Federal Election Campaign Act pre-empts these laws as applied to federal campaigns. If it didn’t, there would be chaos. Partisan state and local prosecutors could interfere in federal elections by entangling candidates in litigation, devouring precious time and resources.
That hasn’t happened except in the Trump case, because the Justice Department has always guarded its exclusive jurisdiction even when states have pushed back, as has happened in recent decades over immigration enforcement.
The normal approach would have been for the Justice Department to inform District Attorney Alvin Bragg, who was contemplating charges against Mr. Trump, of the FECA pre-emption issue. If Mr. Bragg didn’t follow the department’s guidance, it would have intervened at the start of the case to have it dismissed. Instead the department allowed a state prosecutor to interfere with the electoral prospects of the chief political rival of President Biden, the attorney general’s boss.
Mr. Trump was indicted under New York’s law prohibiting falsification of business records, which is a felony only if the accused intended “to commit another crime” via the false record. Judge Merchan instructed the jury that the other crime was Section 17-152 of New York election law, which makes it a misdemeanor to “conspire to promote or prevent the election of any person to a public office by unlawful means.” Prosecutors alleged that Mr. Trump violated this law by conspiring with his lawyer, Michael Cohen, and Trump-related businesses to “promote” his presidential election by coding hush-money payments as “legal expenses” when they should have been disclosed publicly as campaign expenses or contributions—matters that are governed by FECA.
FECA declares that its provisions “supersede and preempt any provision of state law with respect to election to Federal office.” The 1974 congressional conference committee report accompanying enactment of FECA’s pre-emption language states: “It is clear that the Federal law occupies the field with respect to reporting and disclosure of political contributions and expenditures by Federal candidates.” Federal Election Commission regulations likewise declare that FECA “supersedes State law” concerning the “disclosure of receipts and expenditures by Federal candidates” and “limitation on contributions and expenditures regarding Federal candidates.”
The New York State Board of Elections agreed in a 2018 formal opinion that issues relating to disclosure of federal campaign contributions and expenditures are pre-empted because “Congress expressly articulated ‘field preemption’ of federal law over state law in this area” to avoid federal candidates’ “facing a patchwork of state and local filing requirements.”
In using New York’s election law to brand Mr. Trump a felon based on his actions with respect to a federal election, Mr. Bragg subverts FECA’s goal of providing predictable, uniform national rules regarding disclosure of federal campaign contributions and expenses, including penalties for noncompliance. Congress made its goals of uniformity and predictability clear not only in FECA’s sweeping pre-emption language but also in its grant of exclusive enforcement authority to the FEC for civil penalties and the Justice Department for criminal penalties. Both the FEC and Justice Department conducted yearslong investigations to ascertain whether Mr. Trump’s hush-money payments violated FECA, and both declined to seek any penalties.
Prior to Mr. Trump’s New York prosecution, it would have been unthinkable for a local or state prosecutor to prosecute a federal candidate predicated on whether or how his campaign reported—or failed to report—contributions or expenditures. In 2019 the FEC investigated whether Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign failed to disclose millions in contributions from an outside political action committee. The agency deadlocked, and no penalties were imposed. In 2022 the FEC levied $113,000 in civil penalties against Mrs. Clinton’s campaign for violating FECA because it improperly coded as “legal services,” rather than campaign expenditures, money paid to Christopher Steele for production of the “dossier” that fueled the Russia-collusion hoax. In neither instance did any state or local prosecutor indict Mrs. Clinton under state election law based on failure to disclose these contributions or expenditures properly. If New York’s Trump precedent stands, Mrs. Clinton could still be vulnerable to prosecution, depending on various states’ statutes of limitation and the Justice Department’s potential involvement.
Mr. Bragg’s prosecution of Mr. Trump is plagued by many reversible legal errors, of which the failure to accord pre-emptive force to FECA is the strongest grounds for its reversal on appeal. The prosecutor’s interference in the 2024 presidential election process has created legal and political problems. The Justice Department’s failure to intervene before the trial is a dereliction of duty.
The department aggressively prosecuted Mr. Cohen based on the same hush-money payments, so it was well aware that New York’s prosecution invaded its exclusive FECA jurisdiction. This is another stark example of the Biden administration’s incompetence—or, worse, the distortion of justice through a partisan lens. It is left to the appellate courts, and ultimately the Supreme Court, to clean up the mess Mr. Bragg and the Justice Department have made.
Mr. Rivkin served at the Justice Department and the White House Counsel’s Office during the Reagan and George H.W. Bush Administrations. Ms. Foley is a professor of constitutional law at Florida International University College of Law. Both practice appellate and constitutional law in Washington.
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f-ckingawful · 2 months
a vice president nominee has fallen from the coconut tree and your local autistic motherfucker is here to summarize Tim Walz's wikipedia page!
democrat (obv) from minnesota
worked in blue collar manufacturing and served in the army reserve national guard after graduating high school, then worked as a social studies teacher
policies as MN governor include free school meals, increased state infrastructure spending, codifying abortion rights, free college tuition for low income families, and gun background checks
volunteered for a democratic candidate in the 04 election because when he tried to attend a bush rally, the security staff harassed his students because one of them had a sticker on their wallet for a dem candidate
advocates for veterans rights
co sponsored a bill to raise minimum wage
supported by planned parenthood, aclu, american immigrant lawyers organization, and national organization for women, to name a few
ranked in 2013 as 7th most bipartisan member of congress
advocated and legalized recreational weed in MN
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voted against 2008 bill to offer 14 billion in loans for automobile manufacturer bailouts
denounced the nra after parkland and in 2023 signed MN laws that established universal background checks and red flag laws
supporter of labor/workers rights + public school staff rights
public supporter of the queer community and our rights, including banning conversion therapy and protecting gender affirming care in MN
condemned the oct 7 hamas attacks, but has since voiced that he supports the protestors, palestine's right to self defense, and the idea of ceasefire
supports abortion rights as stated multiple times. the national right to life committee (presumably pro life guys) rated him 0% and planned parenthood rated him 100% (these ratings are presumably "how much does this guy align with our organization's views")
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pepperf · 2 months
Lawyers’ offices shut down, high street shops were boarded up, GP practices closed early and MPs were told to consider working from home as 41 of the 43 local police force areas in England and Wales braced for potential disorder. About 6,000 riot-trained officers were drafted in to tackle the expected rallies and an estimated 30 counter-protests after immigration law firms and refugee centres were listed as potential targets in a far-right chat group on the encrypted messaging app Telegram. But instead, thousands of counter-protesters took to the streets of Liverpool, Birmingham, Bristol, Brighton and London to protect their communities. At 7pm in Liverpool, hundreds of people formed a human shield outside a targeted church that hosts an immigration advice centre while women held banners saying: “Nans against Nazis”. Similar scenes were witnessed in the east London boroughs of Hackney and Walthamstow as thousands of local people and anti-fascist activists came together and held placards saying “we are one human race” and “unite against hate”. In Brighton, the handful of anti-immigration protesters who gathered outside a targeted law office were surrounded by police for their own protection after they were outnumbered by about 500 counter-protesters who chanted: “Off our streets, Nazi scum.” Later, the gathering took on a street carnival atmosphere with a samba band and loud singing. But tensions flared in Aldershot in Hampshire after a group chanting “stop the boats” clashed with protesters holding “stand up to racism” placards who had been chanting “refugees are welcome here”. Dozens of police officers rushed onto the road to stop the groups from getting too close to each other. There were also reported skirmishes in Blackpool. Northamptonshire police said three people had been arrested for public order offences in Northampton, and were in custody, and no members of the public or police had been injured. The Metropolitan police said eight people had been arrested in Croydon for assaulting emergency workers, possession of offensive weapons and other offences after about 50 people gathered “to cause disruption and fuel disorder”. “They’ve dragged and thrown objects down the road and thrown bottles at officers. This is not linked to protest, this appears to be pure anti-social behaviour,” the force added on X. But by 9pm few far-right protesters were seen at the alleged targeted sites, although counter-protests continued to grow. A police source with knowledge of law enforcement’s view of the national picture said “no significant public order issues” had been reported by mid-evening, with no known events where counter protesters and the far right had turned up at the same time. The source said: “It’s not looking as widespread as expected yet but still very early.” Some 15 events across England and Wales were known of by police, mostly involving counter protesters. It was believed some far right led gatherings were taking place, though on a much smaller scale than expected.
Keep racists afraid!
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Heads up to any UK folks, there are a bunch of places where there may be more racist riots happening today.
Not an exhaustive list but:
Bedford - Immigration Inn at 93 Ford End Road MK40 4JT, at 20:00.
Birmingham - Unsure about location (as a local I'd guess the Immigration Advisory Service on New Street but that is just a guess), expected to start at any point past 12:00.
Cardiff - Unsure about location or time unfortunately.
Chelmsford - Only seen things about the "Immigration Centre", they may be on about Immigration Accomodation Surveys Writtle on/in the Green CM1 3DU?, at 20:00.
Derby - Immigration Advisory Service on 195 Normanton Road DE23 6US, at 20:00.
Durham - Durham Town Hall, Market Place DH1 3NJ, at 18:00.
Glasgow - Apparently something is happening at The Roma Cultural Centre which is on 43 Nithsdale Street G41 2PZ, unsure about time.
Glasgow - Also at George Square, starting at any point past 13:00.
Hull - Conroy Baker Ltd which has an office registered in Norwich House 104, 1st Floor, 1 Savile Street HU1 3ES, starting at 20:00.
Lincoln - The Carlton Centre on 2 Carlton Boulevard LN2 4FJ, starting at 20:00. (This protest is planned for the Immigration Lawyer Services in The Carlton Centre which does not physically exist FYI).
London - UK Immigration Help in/on The Mille at 1000 Great West Road in Brentford TW8 9DW, starting at 20:00.
London - Immigration and Nationality Services at Foundation House, 4 Percy Road in North Finchley N12 8BU, at 20:00.
Manchester - Windmill Street and Mount Street, not sure about time.
Northampton - Zenith Immigration Lawyers at 2 Talbot Road NN1 4JB, at 20:00.
Nottingham - East Midlands Immigration Services at 15 Stonesby Vale NG2 7UR, at 20:00.
Peterborough - Smart Immigration Solutions at Laxton House, 191 Lincoln Road PE1 2PN, at 20:00.
Preston - All I got for location here is UK Border Agency which I can find no such place in Preston? If any locals can lend help here, that'd be greatly appreciated. Starting at 20:00.
Southend - MNS Solicitors at 2 Ditton Court Road SS0 7HG, at 20:00.
Walthamstow - Waltham Forest Immigration Bureau, 187 Hoe Street E17 3AP, at 20:00.
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beardedmrbean · 5 months
A group of migrants are refusing to leave an encampment in Denver until the city meets a list of 13 demands.
The demands were sent to Denver Mayor Mike Johnston following a petition by city officials to move the group from the encampment to indoor shelters funded by the city, local TV station KDVR reported. The encampment is under a bridge and near train tracks.
The group said if its demands are met, it will leave the encampment and move to a city shelter. The demands include providing "fresh" and "culturally appropriate" ingredients to cook with, shower access with no time limits, medical visits and housing support.
Newsweek has contacted via email the mayor's office for comment.
The group's complete demands are as follows:
The migrants should be allowed to "cook their own food with fresh, culturally appropriate ingredients," including rice, chicken, flour, tomatoes and onions, instead of being served premade meals. They also want to ensure people are not punished for bringing and eating food from outside the shelters.
Have access to showers at all times and without time limits.
Visits by medical professionals will occur on a regular basis, with referrals for specialty care made as needed.
The group will receive the same housing support offered to others, and city officials will not "kick people out in 30 days without something stable established."
A "clear" and "just" process for removing someone, including verbal, written and final warnings.
Employment support, including work permit applications for those who qualify.
Free consultations with an immigration lawyer, as well as ongoing legal support provided by the city through immigration clinics and transportation to court.
Privacy for families in the shelter.
No verbal, physical or mental abuse by shelter staff and no 24/7 monitoring by law enforcement.
Transportation for children to and from school.
No separation of families, regardless of whether those families have children.
A meeting with the mayor and those involved in running the city's program to support migrants "to discuss further improvements."
All shelter residents will be provided with a document signed by a city official in English and Spanish and containing the list of demands and a number to call to report violations.
Jon Ewing, a spokesman for Denver Human Services, told KDVR that the city is "just trying to get families to leave that camp and come inside."
The city's offer will give families "three square meals a day," and they can cook their own meals if they wish, he said. He also said that the city will try to compromise and determine what assistance the migrants qualify for.
"What might be something that is a feasible path for you to success that is not staying on the streets of Denver?" he said. "We try to figure something out.... At the end of the day, what we do not want is families on the streets of Denver."
Denver is among the U.S. cities that have struggled to manage the rising number of migrants that have been transported from Texas and other states. Last month, Johnston announced the creation of the Denver Asylum Seekers Program, which his office billed as a sustainable response to the city's migrant crisis.
The program will place asylum seekers in apartments for up to six months and provide job and skills training, food assistance and free legal help with asylum applications.
However, the program is limited to those who were in the city's shelters on April 10 and capped at about 1,000 people. Those who arrived in Denver after April 10 will be provided with a short-term stay at a shelter and assistance with onward travel.
Nonprofits are also working to support migrants arriving in Denver and other parts of Colorado. One organization, Hope Has No Borders, is working to pair migrants with host families for short or longer-term stays in Denver and other parts of Colorado.
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buglovingbutch · 2 months
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Everyone stay safe and protect your local communities if you're able to. Below is leaked targets of planned attacks on our migrant advisory services.
This is being spread by the fascists:
This is what they've posted as next list of targets.🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
- Immigration Advisors Ltd, Victoria Road, GU11 1TH
- UK Immigration Clinic, Canterbury Innovation Centre, CT2 7FG
- Immigration Status UK, Maidstone Road, ME5 9FD
- UK Immigration Information Centre, Violet Close, CM1 6XG
- Immigration INN, Ford End Road, MK40 4JT
- Refugee and migrant centre, Frederick Street, B1 3HN
- Rafiq Immigration Services, Whalley Road, BB5 1AA
- Immigration Solicitors, Enterprise Centre, Lytham Road, FY1 1EW
- Deane & Bolton Immigration lawyers, Chorley new road, BL1 4QR
- UK Immigration Help, Great West End, TW8 9HH
- Raj Rayan Immigration, Queens Road, BN1 3XF
- Gya Williams Immigration, West Street, BS2 0BL
- Intime Immigration Services, Brooks Drive, SK8 3TD
- Immigration advisory Service, Normanton Road, DE23 6US
- Yes UK Immigration, Pinner Road, HA1 4HN
- Black Rock Immigration, Cambridge Gardens, TN34 1EN
- Conroy Baker Immigration Lawyer, Norwich House, Savile Street, HU1 3ES
- Kent Immigration and advice, Castle Hill Road, CT16 1QG
- Immigration Lawyer Services, Carlton Mews, LN2 4FJ
- Merseyside Refugee Centre, Overbury Street, L7 3HJ
- Immigration advice centre, Linthorpe Road, TS1 4AT
United Immigration Services - Westgate Road, NE4 9PQ
- Immigration and Nationality Services, Percy Road, N128BU
- Zenith Immigration Lawyers, Talbot Road, NN1 4JB
East Midlands Immigration Services - Stonesbury Vale NG2 7UR
- Expert Immigration - Ellen Street 0L9 6QR
- Asylum Welcome, Magdelen Road, OX4 1RE
- Smart Immigration Services, Lincoln Road, PE1 2PN
- UK Border Agency, Kettering Terrace, PO2 8QN
- Adriana Immigration Services, Church Street PR1 3BS
- Parker Rhodes Immigration Lawyer, The Point S60 1BP
- White Rose Visas, Wilkinson Street, S10 2GJ
- ZR Visas, Metcalfe Road, ST6 7AZ
- Y-Axis Immigration Consultants, Grosvenor Square, SO15 2BG
- MNS Immigration Solicitors, Ditton Court Road, SS0 7HG
- North of England Refugee Service, High Street East, SR1 2AX
- Lawrencia & Co immigration solicitors, Amber Business Village, B77 4RP
- Waltham Forest Immigration Bureau, Hoe Street, E17 3AP
- Support for Wigan Arrivals Project, Penson Street WN1 2LP
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therealgchu · 1 month
auntie kamala
i used to be a politics/policy wonk in my younger years. i'm an historian by education, lawyer by training. i've been involved in local politics since my mother used to drag me around to do canvassing when i was a very small kid.
that zeal and fervor grew cold in 2008 with the rise of the likes of the heritage foundation and outright racism against obama. i actually lost friends because they couldn't stand a world where a black man stood above a white man. then when trump was elected, i buried myself away. you can only take so much hate and vitriol hurled at you before it affects your mental health.
during covid, asians faced a >300% rise in racist violence against them, being blamed for covid. or, just general racism being allowed to run rampant. i know of adopted koreans that were deported because their parents didn't do the naturalization properly. my husband has been paranoid for me that i'd get hurt because i work in downtown denver.
i remember in 1984 when geraldine ferraro was nominated as mondale's (also from MN) running mate. my mother turned to me and said that in that world no woman would ever rise that high because sexism was so ingrained in our culture. then, when hillary clinton came on the scene, my mother pointed to her and said that hillary was the epitome of everything conservatives hate.
now, 40 years later, we have a woman of color, from immigrant parents, running for the highest office in, frankly, the world.
the DNC has been schmaltzy, i admit, but i'm a sucker for such things. but, for the first time since 2008, i actually have hope again that we are moving forward again for that more perfect union. i'm terrified of what will happen if trump wins. and, this isn't just, "oh, it's scary/bad." this is a real, existential fear.
let's say that again, a middle-class, brown woman, who didn't go to the ivy leagues, not some rich kid that had everything handed to her (bill clinton joked that kamala is prolly one of the few ppl that has spent more time in a mcdonalds than he), can rise to the highest job in the world.
as someone who was told growing up that because of my race, i could never do what i wanted to do, the symbolism of this for us is momentous.
and, as a middle aged WOC, i am SOOO here for an auntie to clean some goddamned house! cos, as all the brown, yellow, red, and black ppl know, you DO NOT FUCK WITH THE AUNTIES.
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mylegalservice · 2 years
What are the benefits of getting indefinite leave to remain in the UK?
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There are several benefits of getting indefinite leave to remain in the UK. The first is that you will become settled in the UK and are entitled to live, work and study in the UK for as long as you like. Secondly, when eligible you can apply for benefits if you qualify for them and thirdly you can apply for British citizenship. There are many other advantages than disadvantages in getting indefinite leave to remain in the UK.
Original Source:- https://www.quora.com/What-are-the-benefits-of-getting-indefinite-leave-to-remain-in-the-UK/answer/My-Legal-Services-1/log
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darkmaga-retard · 2 months
Joachim Hagopian
The rightwing riots being acted out across the United Kingdom have continued for more than a week now, ever since the July 29th deadly stabbings in northwest England that killed three young girls and injured another 10. We are told that the 17-year old murderer of Rwandan descent is a British born citizen from Cardiff, Wales, but alleged misinformation spreading like wildfire turned him into an illegal alien and Islamic foreign invader, and that lie led to the violent rightwing thuggery. If you believe the legacy media outlets, those vicious false lies spread on social media are to blame for all the far-right extremists and “domestic terrorists”’ rioting and destruction. Mainstream media’s portrayal of this lingering story would have us all concluding that it was deliberately driven, fanned and enflamed by the fake misinformation and racist “hate speech” lies maliciously spread by far-right, largely white British criminals, dangerously fomented and egged on by their false “conspiracy theories,” dangerously further promoted by the likes of billionaire Elon Musk proclaiming “civil war is inevitable” in Britain.
As this volatile breaking story continues unfolding to capture the world headlines in its second straight week of riots ostensibly taking place across the British Isles, it has all the earmarked “legs” of another planned psyops as the most expedient pathway to increased state tyranny and control, used to justify more legal acts to criminalize “hate speech” and “misinformation” censorship that in turn leads us to more police state top-down oppression. Anything to keep us safe from the criminal thugs committing domestic terrorism that possess so much violent hate, according to UK Prime Minister puppet Keir Starmer:
Those involved will feel the full force of the law, [adding,] nobody, but nobody, should be involved themselves in this disorder. 
To quell this violent British uprising that is targeting immigration centers, lawyers’ offices, charities and ethnic nonwhites alike, over 6,000 armed, militant police officers in full combat gear have been deployed, descending on at least 30 different identified municipal localities where violence has erupted.
This staged drama comes after numerous decades of traitors operating inside the British government at the behest of their globalist overlords, consistently putting forth policies and laws that logically have led to today’s violent outbreak of chaos edging closer to civil war. The worst mass migration crises in human history unfolding today is the intended design of the globalist controllers. And through the global pedophilia trafficking network, control of government puppet politicians through blackmail and extortion serve as the elites’ gatekeeping protectors. Worldwide pedo-operations are perpetrated most out of the City of London and the Vatican, which the City of London Rothchild central banking cartel controls the Vatican’s finances for two centuries.
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max1461 · 5 months
Hess was found dead on 17 August 1987, aged 93, in a summer house that had been set up in the prison garden as a reading room; he had hanged himself using an extension cord strung over a window latch. A short note to his family was found in his pocket, thanking them for all that they had done. The Four-Power Authorities released a statement on 17 September ruling the death a suicide. He was initially buried at a secret location to avoid media attention or demonstrations by Nazi sympathisers, but his body was re-interred in a family plot at Wunsiedel on 17 March 1988; his wife was buried beside him in 1995.[173] Hess's lawyer Alfred Seidl felt that he was too old and frail to have managed to kill himself. Wolf Rüdiger Hess repeatedly claimed that his father had been murdered by the British Secret Intelligence Service to prevent him from revealing information about British misconduct during the war. Abdallah Melaouhi served as Hess's medical orderly from 1982 to 1987; he was dismissed from his position at his local district parliament's Immigration and Integration Advisory Council after he wrote a self-published book on a similar theme. According to an investigation by the British government in 1989, the available evidence did not back up the claim that Hess was murdered, and Solicitor General Sir Nicholas Lyell saw no grounds for further investigation.[174] The autopsy results supported the conclusion that Hess had killed himself.[175][176][177] A report declassified and published in 2012 led to questions again being asked as to whether Hess had been murdered. Historian Peter Padfield wrote that the suicide note found on the body appeared to have been written when Hess was hospitalised in 1969.[178]
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A federal judge in Austin on Thursday halted a new state law that would allow Texas police to arrest people suspected of crossing the Texas-Mexico border illegally.
The law, Senate Bill 4, was scheduled to take effect Tuesday. U.S. District Judge David Ezra issued a preliminary injunction that will keep it from being enforced while a court battle continues playing out. Texas is being sued by the federal government and several immigration advocacy organizations. Texas appealed the ruling to the conservative 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.
Ezra said in his order Thursday that the federal government “will suffer grave irreparable harm” if the law took effect because it could inspire other states to pass their own immigration laws, creating an inconsistent patchwork of rules about immigration, which has historically been upheld as being solely within the jurisdiction of the federal government.
“SB 4 threatens the fundamental notion that the United States must regulate immigration with one voice,” Ezra wrote.
Ezra also wrote that if the state arrested and deported migrants who may be eligible for political asylum, that would violate the Constitution and also be "in violation of U.S. treaty obligations."
"Finally, the Court does not doubt the risk that cartels and drug trafficking pose to many people in Texas," Ezra wrote in his ruling. "But as explained, Texas can and does already criminalize those activities. Nothing in this Order stops those enforcement efforts. No matter how emphatic Texas’s criticism of the Federal Governments handling of immigration on the border may be to some, disagreement with the federal government’s immigration policy does not justify a violation of the Supremacy Clause."
Gov. Greg Abbott signed SB 4 in December, marking Texas’ latest attempt to try to deter people from crossing the Rio Grande after several years of historic numbers of migrants arriving at the Texas-Mexico border.
In a statement, Abbott said the state "will not back down in our fight" and that he expects this case would eventually be decided by the U.S. Supreme Court. On social media, he wrote that he is "not worried" because "this was fully expected."
"Texas has solid legal grounds to defend against an invasion," he added.
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State Attorney General Ken Paxton, whose office is defending SB 4 in court, said in a statement that he "will do everything possible to defend Texas’s right to defend herself."
The law seeks to make illegally crossing the border a Class B misdemeanor, carrying a punishment of up to six months in jail. Repeat offenders could face a second-degree felony with a punishment of two to 20 years in prison.
The law also seeks to require state judges to order migrants returned to Mexico if they are convicted; local law enforcement would be responsible for transporting migrants to the border. A judge could drop the charges if a migrant agrees to return to Mexico voluntarily.
In December, the American Civil Liberties Union, the ACLU of Texas and the Texas Civil Rights Project sued Texas on behalf of El Paso County and two immigrant rights organizations — El Paso-based Las Americas Immigrant Advocacy Center and Austin-based American Gateways — over the new state law. The following month, the U.S. Department of Justice filed its lawsuit against Texas. The lawsuits have since been combined.
During a court hearing on Feb. 15 in Austin, the Department of Justice argued that SB 4 is unconstitutional because courts have ruled that immigration solely falls under the federal government’s authority.
The lawyer representing Texas, Ryan Walters, argued that the high number of migrants arriving at the border — some of them smuggled by drug cartels — constitutes an invasion and Texas has a right to defend itself under Article I, Section 10 of the U.S. Constitution, which prohibits states from engaging in war on their own “unless actually invaded.”
Ezra said that he “is not unsympathetic to the concerns raised by Abbott,” but appeared unconvinced by Walters’ argument.
"I haven't seen, and the state of Texas can't point me to any type of military invasion in Texas," Ezra said. "I don't see evidence that Texas is at war."
Immigrant rights advocates around the state celebrated the ruling because they worried that SB 4 would lead to border residents' rights being violated.
"We celebrate today’s win, blocking this extreme law from going into effect before it has the opportunity to harm Texas communities," said Aron Thorn, senior attorney for the Beyond Border Program at Texas Civil Rights Project. "This is a major step in showing the State of Texas and Governor Abbott that they do not have the power to enforce unconstitutional, state-run immigration policies."
Edna Yang, co-executive director at American Gateways, said that SB 4 does not fix “our broken immigration system” and it will divide communities.
“This decision is a victory for all our communities as it stops a harmful, unconstitutional, and discriminatory state policy from taking effect and impacting the lives of millions of Texans," she said. "Local officials should not be federal immigration agents, and our state should not be creating its own laws that deny people their right to seek protection here in the U.S."
David Donatti, senior staff attorney at the ACLU of Texas, said the ruling is an "important win for Texas values, human rights, and the U.S. Constitution."
"Our current immigration system needs repair because it forces millions of Americans into the shadows and shuts the door on people in need of safety. S.B. 4 would only make things worse," he said. "Cruelty to migrants is not a policy solution.”
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Paul Blumenthal at HuffPost:
With a month and change to go before the election, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and his allies are already laying the groundwork to contest the results of the 2024 election if he loses by engaging in a false campaign around the threat of noncitizen voting.
Trump and Republican leaders, from House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) to GOP secretaries of state who oversee elections, have pushed the narrative that the 2024 elections are being intentionally corrupted by mass noncitizen voting. Noncitizen voting is “a clear and present danger,” Johnson claimed at a May press conference announcing federal legislation mandating proof of citizenship to register to vote. In his debate with Vice President Kamala Harris last month, Trump took things further, falsely claiming that Democrats allow immigrants into the country to get them to vote illegally. “They can’t even speak English. They don’t even know what country they’re in, practically. And these people are trying to get them to vote, and that’s why they’re allowing them into our country,” Trump said.
Meanwhile, GOP secretaries of state, including Ohio’s Frank LaRose and Alabama’s Wes Allen, and Texas’ GOP Gov. Greg Abbott, made headlines announcing purges of supposed noncitizens from their voter rolls. Texas has also mobilized law enforcement to crack down on voter registration activities by Latino activist groups, raiding their homes and intimidating them from engaging in politics. This strategy has been led by Trump and his allies in Congress and around his campaign. It has been joined by high-profile conservative voices like billionaire Elon Musk and former Fox News personality Tucker Carlson. And it has been organized by election deniers through the conservative election denial group Election Integrity Network, run by Cleta Mitchell, a conservative lawyer who backed Trump’s effort in 2020 to steal the election.
Now, with just weeks to go in the election, the noncitizen voting allegations have entered the courts. Beginning in August, the Republican Party, a Trump-allied legal nonprofit run by his adviser, Stephen Miller, and a grassroots election denial group filed a string of lawsuits seeking massive purges of voters they claim to be either noncitizens or otherwise illegitimately registered to vote while suggesting that elections cannot be certified if they don’t get their way. These lawsuits are not only riddled with unsubstantiated claims of noncitizen voting and faulty data analysis claiming mass voter fraud — they all seek a remedy that is illegal. Federal law prohibits election officials from removing registered voters from the rolls within a 90-day blackout period prior to an election, a period that began on Aug. 7. Courts cannot order voter purges after that date. These lawsuits could have been filed earlier in 2024, when a court could order officials to review voters’ citizenship status or other potential registration errors and remove them from the rolls. But the groups filing these suits all waited until this remedy was impossible. Instead, these lawsuits appear to be part of a concerted public relations campaign to cast doubt on the outcome of the election if Trump loses again, as well as provide a post-election justification to local officials to refuse to certify the vote.
The Lie
In 2020, Trump and the Republican Party pointed to election law changes enacted due to the COVID-19 pandemic that made it easier for voters to cast their ballots without appearing in person to claim President Joe Biden’s win was fraudulent. Trump’s “big lie” caused a chaotic rush following the election as he sought to toss out the valid votes of millions of Americans, culminating in the attempted insurrection on Jan. 6, 2021, Trump’s second impeachment and his indictment on multiple felony counts. Trump continues to embrace the lies about 2020, and Republicans have largely followed suit. More of them trust Trump’s word over government certification of election results, according to an Associated Press poll conducted this year. With no pandemic voting changes to rely on, Republicans are now hanging their hat on the issue of noncitizen voting to provide the narrative structure for false post-election fraud claims. Of course, like the lies around voting in 2020, Republicans’ claims of mass noncitizen voting are entirely made up. Noncitizen voting is already illegal in all federal and state elections under multiple laws. It is also vanishingly rare. A database maintained by the conservative Heritage Foundation, which has been promoting falsehoods about noncitizen voting, lists just 68 legal actions taken against noncitizens for voting in federal elections going back to the 1980s. Meanwhile, a study by the progressive Brennan Center found that election officials across 42 jurisdictions in 12 states found just 30 cases of suspected noncitizen voting following the 2016 election. For perspective, that accounts for 0.0001% of the votes cast in those jurisdictions. Even Trump’s own election fraud task force failed to find any evidence of systematic or widespread fraud, including involving noncitizens in elections.
[...] County clerks provided the board with lists of registered voters who claimed to be noncitizens to be excused from jury duty in August, according to Gannon. The board then compared those lists with state voter registration records and found a total of nine voters who matched. Those nine people will be checked against state and federal databases to see whether they are citizens. If they are indeed noncitizens, the board will send them letters inviting them to cancel their registrations. This is the process the board must follow because of the 90-day blackout period prohibiting voter purges so close to an election. [...] United Sovereign Americans is a grassroots group promoting the idea that every election across the country is effectively illegitimate due to its claims of corrupted voter rolls. It was founded in 2023 by election denial activist Marly Hornik, whose canvassing effort aimed at proving election fraud in the 2022 New York state elections led the state’s attorney general to issue a cease-and-desist letter. The group now claims that upward of 10 million votes cast in the 2022 elections across 20 states were illegitimate and should not have been counted. Its lawsuits in Colorado, Florida, Michigan, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Texas all make similar claims that the states’ voter rolls contain error rates that exceed the level allowed by federal law and that they should therefore not be certified. The group explicitly states that the number of lawsuits it has filed is in an effort to get their claim before the Supreme Court before the 2024 election.
A New Road To The Same Goal
When Trump lied about election fraud in 2020, it was only the first part of his push to overturn the election. He also sought to exploit the process for counting electoral votes, first by producing alternate slates of electors from key swing states, then by pressuring former Vice President Mike Pence to use those alternate slates to deny Biden the vote in states he won. Finally, when none of that worked, Trump incited a violent mob on Congress to derail the counting of those votes. This half-baked plan did not work — and it would be impossible to do again in 2024. Harris, not Pence or another GOP official, will preside over the counting of the electoral votes. Meanwhile, Congress has since reformed the Electoral Count Act to make it impossible for states to submit alternate electors. It’s also unlikely that any GOP electors would want to follow Trump’s plans after 35 of his fraudulent electors were indicted for their actions in 2020.
Instead, as the United Sovereign Americans lawsuits make plain, any effort to contest the outcome of the election this year would run through efforts by local GOP election officials refusing to certify the election. “[Certification] is the lever that election conspiracy theorists see as the best opportunity if they don’t like the choice the voters have made,” said Ben Berwick, head of litigation for Protect Democracy, a nonprofit that counters election denial. Election deniers first took aim at the certification process in 2020, when two Republican members of the four-member canvassing board in Wayne County, Michigan (which includes Detroit), initially decided on their own to refuse to certify the county’s election amid a flurry of false claims of voter fraud fueled by Trump.
First, it’s illegal for local officials to refuse to certify election results. In each previous case, courts have stepped in to force wayward officials to certify in no uncertain terms. And if those local officials still refuse, they can be indicted and prosecuted, as happened to two officials in Cochise County, Arizona. “We’ve got a little bit of a hammer here in Arizona in that we’re kind of operating under the FAFO rule — mess around and find out,” Fontes said, using an acronym for the phrase “fuck around and find out.” Second, county-level certification refusals do not impact state executive decisions to certify the statewide results, meaning states could go ahead and confirm their electoral votes no matter what the county officials choose to do. Third, the Electoral Count Reform Act details instructions for courts to hear cases involving certification that occur after the Dec. 11 deadline on an extremely expedited basis, giving officials yet another path to confirm the results despite opposition stalling. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, Trump-backed election deniers who ran for key offices overseeing elections in swing states in 2022 all lost.
Democratic and Republican officials across the swing states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin adamantly assert that they will fight certification refusals in the courts, seize the power to certify county election results if necessary and honor the actual winner of their states. Of course, Trump’s efforts to steal the 2020 election were laughable at the time — until they weren’t. Any attempt to illegally overturn the 2024 election could yet again cause chaos and violence where unlikely things can transpire. Still, election experts expect the dam to hold. “While their strategy will fail, there’s no line they won’t cross,” Becker said. “The period after the election could be very volatile, but I’m 100% confident the winner will have their hand on the Bible on Jan. 20.”
HuffPost’s Paul Blumenthal has an excellent report on how Donald Trump is pushing the bogus “noncitizen voting” issue to set up challenges to the 2024 election results if he loses in a redux of 2020.
See Also:
The Guardian: Republicans’ non-citizen voting myth sets stage to claim stolen election
Read the full story at HuffPost.
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April 3, 2024
APR 04, 2024
The election of 2000 was back in the news this week, when Nate Cohn of the New York Times reminded readers of his newsletter, using a map by data strategist and consultant Matthew C. Isbell, that the unusual butterfly ballot design in Palm Beach County that year siphoned off at least 2,000 votes intended for Democratic candidate Al Gore to far-right candidate Pat Buchanan. 
Those 2,000 votes were enough to decide the election, “all things being equal,” Cohn wrote. But of course, they weren’t equal: in 1998 a purge of the Florida voter rolls had disproportionately disenfranchised Black voters, making them ten times more likely than white voters to have their ballots rejected.
That ballot and that purge gave Republican candidate George W. Bush the electoral votes from Florida, putting him into the White House although he had lost the popular vote by more than half a million votes.
Revisiting the 2000 election reminds us that manipulating the vote through voter suppression or the mechanics of an election in even small ways can undermine the will of the people.  
A poll out today from the Associated Press/NORC showed that the vast majority of Americans agree about the importance of the fundamental principles of our democracy. Ninety-eight percent of Americans think the right to vote is extremely important, very important, or somewhat important. Only 2% think it is “not too important.” The split was similar with regard to “the right of everyone to equal protection under the law”: 98% of those polled thought it was extremely, very, or somewhat important, while only 2% thought it was not too important. 
Recent election results suggest that voters don’t support the extremism of the current Republican Party. In local elections in the St. Louis, Missouri, area on Tuesday, voters rejected all 13 right-wing candidates for school boards, and in Enid, Oklahoma, voters recalled a city council member who participated in the 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, and had ties to white supremacist groups. 
Seemingly aware of the growing backlash to their policies, MAGA Republicans are backing away from them, at least in public. Earlier this year, Florida governor Ron DeSantis called for making it harder to ban books after a few activists systematically challenged dozens of books in districts where they had no children in the schools—although he blamed teachers, administrators, and “the news media” for creating a “hoax.” 
Today, lawyers for the state of Texas told a federal appeals court that state legislators might have gone “too far” with their immigration law that made it a state crime to enter Texas illegally and allowed state judges to order immigrants to be deported. (Mexico had flatly refused to accept deported immigrants from other countries under this new law.) Nonetheless, Arizona legislators have passed a similar bill—that Democratic governor Katie Hobbs refuses to sign into law—and are considering another measure that would allow landowners to threaten or shoot people who cross their property to get into the U.S.
Indeed, the extremists who have taken over the Republican Party seem less inclined to moderate their stances than either to pollute popular opinion or to prevent their opponents from voting. 
While Trump is hedging about his stance on abortion—after bragging repeatedly that he was the person responsible for overturning Roe v. Wade—MAGA Republicans have made their unpopular abortion stance even stronger. 
Emily Cochrane of the New York Times reported today that the hospital at the center of the decision by the Alabama state supreme court that embryos used for in vitro fertilization have the same rights and protections as children has ended its IVF services. And on Monday, Florida’s supreme court, which Florida governor Ron DeSantis packed with extremists, upheld a ban on abortion after 15 weeks and allowed a new six-week abortion ban—before most women know they’re pregnant—to go into effect in 30 days. 
In the past, people seeking abortions had gravitated to Florida because its constitution upheld the right to privacy, which protected abortion. But now the Florida Supreme Court has decided the constitution does not protect the right to abortion. Caroline Kitchener explained in the Washington Post that in the past, more than 80,000 women a year accessed abortion services in Florida. This ban will make it nearly impossible to get an abortion in the American South. 
Anya Cook, who in 2022 nearly died after she was denied an abortion under Florida’s 15-week ban, gave Kitchener a message for Florida women experiencing pregnancy complications: “Run,” she said. “Run, because you have no help here.”
Extremist Republicans have managed to put their policies into place not by winning a majority and passing laws through Congress, but by creating cases that they then take to sympathetic judges. This system, known as “judge shopping,” has so perverted lawmaking that on March 12 the Judicial Conference, the body that makes policy for federal courts, announced a new rule that any lawsuit seeking to overturn statewide or national policies would be randomly assigned among a larger pool of judges. 
On March 29, the chief judge of the Northern District of Texas, where many such cases are filed, told Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) that he would not adhere to the new rules. 
Rather than moderating their stances, extremist Republicans are doubling down on their attempt to create dirt on the president. With their impeachment effort against President Joe Biden in embarrassing ruins, House Republicans are casting around for another issue to hurt the Democrats before the 2024 election. 
Jennifer Haberkorn of Politico reported today that in the last month, House Republican Committee chairs have sent almost 50 oversight requests to a variety of departments and agencies. Haberkorn noted that there is “significant political pressure on the party to produce results after months of promising it would uncover evidence of high crimes and misdemeanors involving Biden.”
But it is Trump, not Biden, who is in the news for questionable behavior. In The Guardian today, Hugo Lowell reported that Trump’s social media company was kept afloat in 2022 “by emergency loans provided in part by a Russian-American businessman under scrutiny in a federal insider-trading and money-laundering investigation.”
There is more trouble for the social media company in the news today, as two of its investors pleaded guilty to being part of an insider-trading scheme involving the company’s stock. They admitted they had secret, inside information about the merger between Trump Media and Digital World Acquisition Corporation and had used that insider information to make profitable trades. 
Meanwhile, Trump is suing Truth Social’s founders to force them out of leadership and make them give up their shares in the company. His is a countersuit to their lawsuit accusing him of trying to dilute the company’s stock. 
Of more immediate concern for Trump, Judge Juan Merchan denied yet another attempt by Trump—his eighth, according to prosecutors—to delay his election interference trial. The trial is scheduled to begin April 15.
Finally, in an illustration of extremists aiming not to moderate their stances but to impose the will of the minority on the majority, Republicans are putting in place rules to make it easier for individuals to challenge voters, removing them from the voter rolls before the 2024 election.
Marc Elias of Democracy Docket noted today that states and local governments have regular programs to keep voter registration accurate, while right-wing activists are operating on a different agenda. In one 70,000-person town in Michigan, a single activist challenged more than a thousand voters, Elias reported, and in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, right-wing activists have already challenged 16,000 voters and intend to challenge another 10,000.
One group boasted that their system “can and will change elections in America forever.” 
Rather like the election of 2000.
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