#lmao what a sore loser (I'd do the same)
djevelbl · 1 month
I FELL ASLEEP YESTERDAY BC I HAVE SOMETHING RELATIVELY EARLY TODAY SO I HAVEN'T READ INKY MYSTERY'S NEW CHAPTER lemme actually go do that. It's not like I'm going to sleep anytime soon anyway 😋😋
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taifenggg · 2 months
The brain has been obsessing over pokémon lately again, and now I gotta ask the obligatory question:
What pokémon would be each character’s favourite/what type would they be a gym leader for?
Here's my basic rundown and explanation for why I made things the way they are for my own Pokemon AU. I'm probably not going to do Mephisto, Raphael, and Thirteen in this unless people ask for it lmao.
long post under the cut
The Brothers:
Lucifer: Since he's the strongest avatar of sin, and technically Diavolo's right hand man he would probably be an Elite 4 member. Lucifer would most likely specialize in fire type pokemon with his signature pokemon being Houndoom(which can mega evolve) because he has Cerberus.
Mammon: I struggled a bit with Mammon's but ultimately I settled on him being a dark type gym leader. His signature pokemon is Honchkrow because of its crow motifs and how it kinda fits into the mob boss aesthetic which I think Mammon would love. His gym puzzle would probably look like a casino, so if you've ever played Persona 5, the gym puzzle would probably look a lot like Sae's palace and you have to play your way up to Mammon in order to challenge him. Also if you start getting upset or look sad he'll most likely panic and go easier on you.
Leviathan: The most obvious choice here is a water type gym leader. He literally sleeps in a bathtub and has a giant fish tank in his room lmaoo. I could definitely see his signature pokemon being Milotic because he thought Feebas was just a little guy and took it. And then he got mad when Mammon said Feebas was useless, so out of spite leveled up his Feebas and got high friendship with it so he could wipe the floor with Mammon using Milotic. His gym puzzle most likely consists of a TSL quiz and if you get anything wrong you get doused with water and sent back to the beginning of his gym. He's a sore loser though so if you beat him he might refuse to give you his gym badge and Lucifer has to intervene.
Satan: I feel like he'd be a grass type trainer just to spite Lucifer because he has fire types and he wants to show that he can use grass types to beat Lucifer's ass(spoiler alert, Lucifer wins because of the type matchup). His signature Pokemon is Meowscarada because obviously Satan loves cats so he'd probably immediately pick Sprigatitio as his partner, but also I chose Meowscarada because its Pokedex entry states that it's sensitive and prone to jealousy. So in a way, kind of like how Satan is with MC when it comes to Lucifer lol. His gym is modeled after a library(so like Lenora's gym), and you're tasked with going around the library and finding certain books for Satan.
Asmodeus: For Asmo, I feel like he would be a fairy type gym leader! I feel like it suits him, and I think he would love how both elegant and cute fairy types are. His signature pokemon would most likely be Sylveon, also evolved via high friendship. Both Sylveon and Asmo have the ability to charm others which I feel is very fitting for him. Asmo's gym puzzle would probably consist of something like a fashion show or something of the like, because Asmo would probably love to garner the attention of his beloved fans whilst at the same time showing up any challengers that come to his gym.
Beelzebub: Beel would most likely be fighting type gym leader! He would probably have a Bewear as one of his signature because like Beel, it appears friendly, you shouldn't underestimate it. Also Beel to me is like a big bear, cuddly, adorable, friend-shaped, but definitely not something I'd want to piss off. Him and Belphie would probably have a joint-gym where you can challenge the twins, and once you beat one of them you can then proceed to challenge the other. His side of the gym looks kind of like a sports field and you have to make your way through an obstacle course, working together with your team to get past.
Belphegor: So like I mentioned before, Belphie would have a joint-gym with Beel most likely in this instance. His signature Pokemon would probably be Snorlax! Not just because Snorlax falls asleep in the most inconvenient places but also because it eats A LOT. He likes that because it reminds him a lot of Beel. He's also the type of trainer to have the tankiest Snorlax that just refuses to faint and it's super annoying to deal with. Belphie's gym is modeled after a planetarium, and he's also a part of the sore losers gang. So he won't give you his badge cause he's a petty bitch and Beel needs to step in.
The Dateables:
Diavolo: the Champion, probably the most obvious choice because he's literally the ruler of the Devildom, and wants to help the three worlds come together. So two things, a leader and he has a goal that he wants to achieve in mind. I feel like his signature Pokemon would be a pseudo legendary and I settled on Goodra because like Diavolo it's known to be very friendly towards anyone but will not hesitate to fuck you up if you enrage it LMAO.
Barbatos: Another member of the Elite 4, Barbatos would be a psychic type trainer. I definitely feel like he would have an Espeon because they're known for being extremely loyal to their trainers, kind of like how Barbatos is with Diavolo. He is not someone that you want to mess with and he's noted to be one of the harder Elite 4 members because he somehow manages to stay one step ahead of you at all times.
Simeon: 3rd member of the Elite 4, Simeon specializes in flying types. His signature Pokemon is Togekiss, and its pokedex entry states that it's extremely friendly and concerned for others. Kind of like how Simeon will always go out of his way and still cares deeply about the Brothers and Lucifer, even after they were rejected from the Celestial Realm. Togekiss like to avoid conflict so like Simeon, he also likes to stay out of trouble, operating behind the scenes and only stepping in when necessary.
Luke: Your rival! Luke's always one step behind you, trying to prove that he can keep up with you. Luke's signature pokemon is of course, Fidough/Dachsbun. He got it as a gift from Simeon and his goal is to become to Champion so he can impress Michael and Simeon.
Solomon: I struggled a bit with Solomon's mostly because I couldn't decide what would be the most fitting for him. It didn't really feel right to put him as your other rival because he's clearly much more knowledgable on a lot of things, and he's of course your teacher in the base game. And an ace trainer didn't feel fitting for him either because he doesn't really seem like the type of person that would constantly be out and about. Ultimately I figured that the professor would fit him best because again, he knows a lot of things, and not only this but he would most likely guide you on your journey to becoming the Champion. I feel like Solomon would definitely have an affinity for ice type Pokemon, but his team is pretty well-rounded. His signature Pokemon would probably be Froslass because of how mysterious(?) it is, and how Froslass can also be very protective towards those that it cares about, just like how Solomon is with MC.
That's all from me for now! Here's my brain dump lmao
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shzmluvrs · 1 year
I wanna start a small lil series of conversations that I think definitely happened between whoever (in the Shazamily + you and Anthea and whoever else I happen to mention) based on quotes from random shit I find funny lmao. I'll also put in the original post/picture that inspired me at the end so you get the full idea lol. Anyways, enjoy the first of hopefully many!
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Convos That Definitely Happened (CTDH) - Trivia
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Prompt: Freddy loves random trivia games. So does Billy, but he hates the way you play them. You, on the other hand, believe him to just be a sore loser🤷🏽‍♀️.
Timeline: Post S!:FOTG
TW/Content: You being... you🥴💀⚡️Short reference to a certain *cough🍆ahem* body part⚡️Billy not having any of your nonsense lmao
Reader: Non-specified! Any Pronouns! Possible Bimbo/Himbo, if you wanna take it that way🤔??
Requested By: Me🫶🏽✨️
Back to Billy Master List
Back to Freddy Master List
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Freddy: What is the thinnest layer of the earth called?
Billy: The foreskin😏.
Freddy: 💀.
Billy: 💀.
Y/N: ...The thinnest layer of the earth🤔?
Freddy: Correct.
Y/N: 😃Oh! Thank you. I got a point :)♡.
Billy: *flabbergasted* S o r r y ?
Freddy: No- Wait, what?
Billy: You didn't answer it...!
Y/N: You said I was correct!
Freddy: I was just clarifying-...!
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The way I'd probably do the same thing and then gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss, my way into keeping that point💀.
~ Star✨️
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death-in-a-handbasket · 8 months
A penny for your thoughts on Ranpo?
certainly! I am deeply enthused with his character and am pondering writing something for him at some point (I am a vague vague bastard I am so so sorry)(kind of)
the short of my thoughts is that this man is so silly and probably also autistic, 100% likely tism fr fr do you see how this man behaves
the long of my thoughts surround how I would like to sit down and expand more on his intelligence, I feel like for all the smart characters we have in bsd so many of them are highly intelligent but their different modes of being smart aren't talked about in length enough, I feel like Fyodor and Dazai have great minds for including emotional cards in their schemes and that's how their plots work out half the time, Dazai is very faith based in his and Fyodor is very bait and switch which tbh is why these recent chapters have felt like horseshit but that's it's own thing to unwrap
Ranpo feels very much solely strategy with more detachment on the emotional cards at play, similar in build to Louisa but with quicker processing, I think they would make a banger team if they ever were to meet. Ranpo seems specifically like he has extraordinary observational skills and a near photographic memory, he has a great database within his mind and he's simply parsing through the files at mach speed until enough dots line up LMAO which is where his occasional weakness comes in: if he doesn't have the information to parse through he's at a loss which is why Fukuchi is such a righteous pain in the asshole, how do you beef with a man that can get info from the future and more specifically info that YOU don't know, god bless
aside from fascinating mental mechanics I also think his love language is being a little shit and playful mental banter, I feel like he would love saltwater taffy and I feel like he's a sore loser if you beat him in any card/board game, throws a whole fit and everything and will challenge you repeatedly to the same game until he wins LMAO
for as childish as he is I feel people make him out to be more immature than he actually is, I feel like it's in his nature to be a petty and enthused little shit but once you peel back all the social layers I think half of the overconfidence he puts out is for others to believe in and for him to try and convince himself, cue the panels talking about how he does what he does because all his friends think he's the greatest
so yeah, I think he's more emotionally mature than he lets on and I think he figured out the glasses gimmick a while ago, poor public transportation abilities aside, I think he bare minimum would've put the pieces together after dead apple come on now
also after finding out his irl author counterpart was the founder of the eroguro genre, not only am I looking to read his works but I also think a stalker fic for him would be fun, after all, it's all a game for him isn't it? why don't you play along :)
if you want more specific thoughts I'd be happy to answer any specific lanes you want to go down, all is fair game anon >:)
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pixyys · 2 years
Please practice them a lot. I don't want to be the victim of your jokes and pickup lines anymore /j
And indeed, now thinking back to it, Lippmann's violin bowing sometimes didn't match the piece. I asked Silver about it, but I didn't expect her to give me such a long list on what Lippmann had done wrong and how he could've fixed it. I'm thinking of making Lippmann actually learn the violin.
Oh, and that reminds me. I was listening to the radio this morning when they played a Chopin piece. The only thing is, they transcribed it from piano to an orchestra. I don't know how to feel about it; it still sounded beautiful, but would this sort of thing be considered 'sacrilegious'? lmao this actually happened this morning
... That joke made me want to sever my head from my body, frankly speaking. You're lucky I considered not to tell Lippmann. But do that anymore and I might actually use piano wires to decapacitate myself.
I had to force Silver to take a break; aka threatening to pull out her piano wires if she didn't stop practising. She didn't seem very happy, but she understood that it was for her benefit. It still didn't stop her from slapping me though.
Oh? You were too distracted by Lippmann's charm that you forgot your own pickup line? No worries. I'll just tell Lippmann that that was your pickup line. He did look kind of red in the face on that night of the movie though. I wonder if it was because of the heat.
But please don't fake your death and fly to Paris. Otherwise, I'm telling Lippmann about all your corny jokes and pickup lines and how sometimes you felt 'hot' around him.
Although I do want you to meet our newest member. His name is Nakahara Chuuya; ever heard of him before?
P.S. I asked Silver about it. She seemed a bit surprised, but she said that it was because I had a 'crush'. I'm not that dense to not know what that means. It means that I have formed an attraction to someone, am I right? When I found out the meaning of it, I did become a bit red. Silver looked a bit sad though...
warnings. slight mention/ spoiler of fifteen novel
i won't count on myself if i were you, brother. i'm not done making everyone the victim of my jokes and lines/ lmao j
and oof, sending prayers for lippmann. silver can be ruthless when it comes to music and fine arts/ lmao j..right? making lippmann learn the violin sounds like a superb idea. he and i can have courses together you guys can be novice musician buddies!
for the chopin you heard on the radio, hmm i'm not sure. i don't mind orchestra adaptations, but i also don't have enough insight to comment on that. pray tell, does it really count as sacrilegious? we should ask silver later.
HA! but i see you didn't, in fact, decapitate yourself, brother/ oml i hope im not jinxing anything- please don't be shy to tell me if you want more. i want to start giving the same jokes to lippmann and everyone else, but my gut feeling is telling me not to. hm, weird.
oh dear, a slap? both of you are beginning to remind me to an old couple having a love quarrel. though one can't have true love without some quarrels, i suppose. so you're good. point being, it's relieving to know silver finally got deserved rest.
that's actually a very good idea. maybe i should call you genius man from now on. thank you, i can't owe you more than this. but tell lippmann or a single soul about my predicament, brother, and i might strangle you with those definitely-not-piano-wires-but-other-type-of-wires myself (affectionate). /lmaoo
nakahara chuuya? i'm not sure, but i did overhear some of your men talk about this newsletter saying "chuuya's a sore loser." i wonder if it's the same chuuya. poor guy, maybe some of my jokes can cheer him up, maybe.
p.s. oh no. oh no no no no. as expected of my brother, you're too cunning to be that dense, good. but still, i've read enough romance novels to see where this is going, at least i think so. i'm not a "crush" expert, but i'd say you should take her on a date sometime.
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so i tried to look further about chuuya in the fifteen novel, and i snorted lmao dazai is a menace
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