#lmao to be fair
daftmooncretin · 9 months
my absolute favourite thing about the kirk and spock dynamic is that the whole time you’re watching the show spock is gaslighting you into thinking that kirk is this loose canon and spock is paragon of logic keeping his captain on the straight and narrow when its very clearly the other way round. aside from being turned on by everyone and fighting like an old-timey boxer…. kirk is just like.. quite a logical, stable guy. like yeah he rules with his emotions but he’s rarely reckless or erratic, even in situations of immense pressure he’s always calm and measured. sure kirk is unhinged and insane, but we knew that right off the bat. spock on the other hand tries to hide how insanely balls to the walls crazy he is by standing next to jim and hiding all his derangement with logic. i think the reason bones beefs with spock so much because he is the only one who has noticed that spock is an absolutely unhinged individual. (jim is too busy doodling <3 mr jim spock <3 all over his briefings to notice)
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arabellas · 2 months
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b0tster · 5 days
this turned out so gay what the fuck 🫠
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w/ @isthatyourmain
📸 @poolontheruf
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cyber-skeletons · 5 months
The differences between TFP and Earthspark Optimuses are sooooooo fucking funny. TFP OP is burdened with "I've never seen Prime laugh, cry, or lose his cool," he responds to "Hey Optimus you wanna see something funny?!" with the numbest dead-eyed Eeyore "No," he's just generally Haunted and Stoic every waking moment
Then we have Chuckles McGee with his looney toons ass face winking and making finger guns and giggling nervously and spamming the group chat with emojis and cracking jokes and making "graphic design is my passion" self-help pamphlets
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ofswordsandpens · 1 year
its funny because Percy has been spiraling ever since pjo and whenever he has a particularly bad episode you have other characters actively worried about it and you think to yourself surely they're going to intervene, surely someone is going to talk to him about it, and then like no one ever does lol
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mejkosmos · 1 month
no because people never shut up about how bad bill fumbled ford which,,, okay valid BUT can we talk about how bad ford fumbled //FIDDLEFORD//?!? FOR A DORITO?!?!??!?
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earlymodernlesbian · 9 days
the Jewish high holidays are coming up soon!!!!
goyim, these are days to avoid scheduling important events, meetings, etc:
Rosh Hashanah - evening of Wednesday, October 2nd - evening of Thursday, October 3rd (& some Jews will continue observing for an additional day, through the evening of Friday, October 4th)
Yom Kippur - evening of Friday, October 11th - evening of Saturday, October 12th
Jews, you do you and obviously your safety is paramount, but I really strongly recommend TAKING THESE DAYS OFF WORK even if you don't consider yourself particularly observant, even if you won't be spending the day in synagogue, even if you aren't fasting. Most Christians* don't go to work on Christmas even if they aren't going to church that day and are just having a secular celebration at home with family. Holidays mean different things to different people, but especially if your workplace has a policy supporting religious holiday observance, USE YOUR DAYS without guilt. Know that it actually makes it EASIER for other Jews when you do so, because it helps to prevent the whole conversation with a boss of "well that guy is Jewish and he said he doesn't need the day off because he's just going to go to evening services."
yes it sucks SO hard if you are in a type of job where you are put in a position where you are forced to use PTO or just lose pay for something that people of other religions get for free -- i'm more speaking to people who work in offices or similar type of jobs* where they may have holiday time off as a DEI initiative but feel guilty using it because i have been there!!!!! last year i was the only jew at my workplace who took off for yom kippur even though it was paid because the other jews said they didn't feel jewish enough to do it and they had a meeting that day!!!!!!
*obviously if you are an ER surgeon or something like that, YMMV here
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olessan · 4 months
Essek and the rest of Bells Hells: Okay, we're going to Eiselcross, an icy, glacially-locked wasteland. Everyone grab some stuff to dress accordingly.
Dorian, Imogen, and Ashton:
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sgt-tombstone · 3 months
the comedic potential of Simon Riley’s middle name being John is unparalleled
He doesn’t tell anyone at first, but it’s definitely why he calls Soap “Johnny” and Price by his last name or rank only, because it’s weird that two of his teammates have the same name as his middle name
When Gaz finds out, he’s livid. The 141 is 75% John; he can’t fucking get away from them. Price points out that his name is actually Jonathan, thinking he’s being helpful (he’s not) and Johnny thinks it’s the funniest thing in the world
Simon seriously considers a legal name change just to keep the peace; he’s always loved the way John Riley sounds, but the ring in his dresser will make sure he hears that particular combination for the rest of his life
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okay. imagine this. you're twenty. you're the highest that you've Ever been. most of the blood in your body has been drained. by a vampire. those are real. you can't move your own body. you're in an extraordinary amount of pain. and!! and. you're face to face with The scariest man in the world. he's super hot. he looks at you and says, "I'm told you've lived a fascinating life!" what do you say in response? nothing?? immediately plead for your life?? cry a little?? well, let me tell you something. that exact scenario happened to my good friend Daniel Molloy, and what HE said was, "...I never said that."
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bamsara · 3 months
I don't need to have kids when I'm an elder sibling with a 14+ year age gap between us and absent/busy parents. When was the last time you got a fresh toothbrush. What happened to your knee. The fuck you mean you don't have a swim suit. Get in the car.
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nellasbookplanet · 6 months
M9: "sometimes we don’t want to deal with a violent fight so we just polymorph our opponent into something harmless and embarrassing and leave"
BH: "we also have a non-violent method! We put our enemies in The Hole"
M9: "oh neat! And then you leave before they can climb out?"
BH: "what no we forget about them until they run out of air and die horribly"
BH: "there are so many bodies down there"
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Star Trek - Strange New Dumb Comics #75
Guess who's rewatching TOS for the gazillionth time ?????
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bowenoke · 1 year
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in scott's pov (ep7) he refers to scar as grian's husband. no one tells him this is not the case. this is because traffic!scott decides who is and is not married like some sort of contractually binding arbiter of love. to me anyways
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sea-buns · 5 months
it wasn't that long ago that i was in a high school math class and yet my eyes have never glazed over faster. i was good at math. i enjoy math. you want the fucking train question? in two minutes? omg i didn't know you were so funny haha
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arinmoss · 9 months
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