#lmao this finally resurfaced
jennifersminds · 2 years
🫀and 15. blood?
me when i held a gun to your head so you’d request this 🔫 🔫
everything is teeth
He’d dreamt of her hungry. A sick wish, a detestable longing. He found her starving, a macabre reality. Nightmare made flesh. Twisted, wretched, bone-lined flesh. 
He finds her beneath trees, thin limbs on crushed leaves. She doesn’t notice him, red neon lettering flashing in the dark of her eyes. Vacant. She’s a vision of tragedy, draped in loss like silk. Her hair blending into soil, prepared to burrow beneath it like roots, let her hide in the earth like she’s supposed to. 
He supposes it his biggest flaw, his last large transgression where she’s concerned. He’d unearth her, always. Dirt-caked cuticles dragging her from the depths, it's what he promised, quietly with no one to hear him. 
She’s small- below the trees; curled in white- stained with blood and dirt. Cherry-red rivers soaking the cotton of her dress. Caked around her lips and chin- it smells wrong; the blood. Putrid puked notes perfuming the clearing. Bunny blooded bile soaking the recently slain girl where she lies. He steps forward, shoes crushing deceased leaves. She startles at that, springing up in a ruckus of dust and bark. Her eyes find him immediately, bathed in blue. The doe depths still so full of life. Filling with questions like water as she stares at him in the arctic light. She looks cold, as do the woods. He can see now, as faint drops of dew slide along her, winter mornings sloth. Leaving lines in the blood as they run down her neck.
Her face is a fascinating cocktail of surprise and everything but. Mouth O’d but eyes squinted. She doesn’t say his name, that shatters him just a little. Shifting on her knees, pulling them from beneath her to lean against the bark, tucking them up to rest below her chin. She shifts her head to the side, a question to the untrained eye. He sees through her, through the shattered exterior where it truly lies. A demand, an order, a gift. 
He falls alongside her, propped shoulder to shoulder against the tree. He says nothing and waits, as good men should.
He doesn’t wait long as seconds after he aligns himself with the oak she tumbles. Still curled she slides sideways, landing easily in the cradle of his lap. Hair falling over his wrist and thigh to the dirt, strands begging to burrow. He wraps the mass in his hand under the guise of supporting her head. Thwarting her return, keeping her with him. 
She shakes, rattles like a snake in his arms. He lays a large hand on her side, calming, alarming. His fingers sliding between the prominent bones of her ribcage. Too much of her held in one palm. Too little of her left out of his hands. She soothes as he spirals, rage flowing with the blood in his veins. She turns into him, forehead burrowing into the base of his abdomen. He lets her hide, would let her slice him open and stay curled within him if she asked. Let himself grow roots around her. Be consumed by nature as he’s consumed by her. 
He brings his hand from her ribs, taking his handkerchief from his pocket while his hands rattle with stolen shakes. 
“Look at me please,” he says, fury absent from his tone. As soft as the fur on the bunny's still-warm corpse. She obeys, finding him with watered eyes. Misty as the surrounding clearing. His other hand stays submerged in her hair, tangled like dirt in the dark brown roots. He lifts her head, bending a knee upwards to support her torso as he wipes the rejected blood from her chin.
read on ao3
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limbel · 5 months
nice! a customer said something so awful to me today that i spent 10 minutes crying in the bathroom
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hymuk · 2 years
Reblog if you ship rivetra
It’s been a while since I’ve seen a post like this. Tb to @erurivetra‘s last post from a couple years ago. 
Doing the yearly roundup and wanted to get an updated count to see who’s still around
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alihightowers · 2 years
‘Bigger Than The Whole Sky’ is really giving me what if that had actually been their last dance and she did end up going back to India and they had to live with that silent, longing ache.
“You were more than just a short time, and I’ve got a lot to pine about, I’ve got a lot to live without.”
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nevernonline · 10 months
✧.* something borrowed; jww
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synopsis: planning events for your best friends wedding should be fun, until your old feelings for her fiancé resurface.
paring: wonwoo x fem! reader. (bestie jihoon)
genre/s: smut, f2l (kind of?)
warning/s: mentions of cheating, female genitalia, swearing, some mentions of alcohol
word count: 3.2k
note/s: just feeling v inspired by all my fav 90 minute movies lmao. def unedited sorry !! lmao. not much just wonwoo forever!!
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Y/N and Annie were always friends, best friends actually. Even when y/n was away at university half way across the country and Annie was at hers they found ways to always meet each other on holidays. 
It was New Years Eve, their senior year of college. Annie was basically begging her friend for a chance to meet a hot guy at her campus to take out for a midnight kiss at a party. 
Y/n hadn’t known many guys she’d consider to be her friend's type, well other than her own crush Wonwoo. 
Wonwoo was in her major, a tall reserved nice guy, who at first glance most girls would just pass off as another business major. But, behind the rims of his various glasses, he was soft and handsome. Y/n always knew her dream was to find a way to get him to ask her out or maybe muster up enough courage to do it on her own. 
“Y/n you must know at least like two hot guys, this is a fancy ass stuffy uni. I saw at least five at the coffee shop this morning.” 
“I mean, if you’re into that. Sure. Maybe you should’ve asked one of them.” 
“What about you? Don’t you want your final college new years experience to be full of fireworks?” 
“Technically it already will be. Fireworks are kind of the thing on new years.” 
“Ha-ha, funny.” 
Taking a spot on the bench outside of your dorm, Annie was scoping the area for two handsome enough men to ask out for the night. 
“What? Them?” 
A wave came from across the quad as Wonwoo and his friend Woozi approached y/n’s familiar face. 
“You know them? They’re perfect, why are you hiding them on me?” 
“Oh, well they don’t really party. Either of them actually, more like video games and take out types.” 
“Come on, don’t lie to me.” 
“I’m dead serious. I’ve seen them drink probably once?” 
“That’ll change, watch.” 
The boys finally reached their destination, standing in front of you and your friend who was twirling her pink bubble gum around her manicured finger. 
“Hey, y/n” 
“Hi guys, what are you up to-“ 
“Y/n aren’t you going to introduce me to your friends?” 
“I was getting to that, yes. Annie, this is Wonwoo and Woozi, Wonwoo, Woozi this is Annie.” 
“Wow, your name is Woozi, that’s interesting. What does it mean.?”
She had it all wrong, she assumed Woozi was Wonwoo and vice versa, but seeing the two guys laugh a little at her attempt to flirt was some sort of win for you all on its own. 
“Uh, actually I’m Wonwoo, this is Woozi.” 
“Jihoon actually, Woozi’s a nickname.” 
“Oh so cool, so Wonwoo and Jiwoozi, what are your plans for the night?” 
You noticed Jihoon’s expression changed when he realized Annie was only interested in talking to them because she wanted a chance with his friend.
“Annie, they’re probably busy.” 
“No actually, we got invited to a party at Gillies Bar, Seungkwan must have told you about it?” 
“Yeah, y/n. Come on, let’s go with them.” 
Annie knew you had kept the party a secret from her, she was unsure why since it was a tradition for you.
“We can pick you guys up at y/n’s room around 8? If that’s cool.” 
“That’s amazing, see you later tonight.” 
Annie blew a kiss to the tall male and pulled you along to your dorm.
“Why didn’t you tell me about them?” 
“Like I said they’re normally busy and not into parties.” 
“If you like Wonwoo you can tell me. I won’t go for him.” 
“Oh, no it’s fine. We’re just friends.” 
“Alright, amazing. His friend is handsome too you know, maybe you should go for him. He’s more your style, subtle, you know?” 
Sitting on the semi lofted bed, covered in your favorite throw blanket you sat and watched Annie try to find the perfect outfit rifling through your mountain of clothes. 
“Oh my god, I love this top. Can I wear it? Or do you want to wear it? I mean red goes way better with my skin tone, but it would look nice on your body.” 
“You’re good, I’m going to just wear whatever.” 
“No way, you have to wear something hot. Empress Jiwoozi or whatever.” 
“Yes, him. Let me help you.” 
“I don’t need help. I have something in mind.” 
“Aw, my girl is all grown up.” 
Something about that night changed the trajectory or your plan, well the plan you had made up in your head about how your life would turn out. Maybe if you were just honest about your feelings for Wonwoo yourself you’d never be in the position of being the maid of honor in their wedding party. 
You were happy planning their engagement party, but you couldn’t help but feel delusional almost like you were planning your own party for yourself and Wonwoo.
The night was perfect, white lilies, a champagne fountain, everyone dressed in black and white to leave room for the future bride and groom to be dressed to the nines, when it was over you were left alone with the catering team cleaning up. 
That was until Wonwoo came back through the front door of the restaurant. 
“Hey, what are you doing here? I thought you guys went home.” 
“We did, but Annie was freaking out. She told me she left her bag somewhere.” 
“The red Gucci?” 
“Yeah, red something.” 
“It’s here. I found it a while ago, I was going to call and drop it off but her phone was inside.” 
“Oh, you could’ve called me.” 
“I didn’t even think of that, well here you go.” 
“Y/n, want me to help you clean up? It’s late, there's so much to do.” 
“Doesn’t Annie need her purse?” 
“She can wait a few more hours, it’s alright. I’ll message her on Instagram, maybe she has her computer open.” 
“Alright, sure.” 
“Want another drink while we work?” 
“I have an open bottle of beer behind you, catch up.” 
Wonwoo and you spent a little over an hour finishing your cleaning duties and escaping the restaurant with two stolen bottles of champagne wrapped in brown take out bags, and started walking to your apartment just five blocks away. 
“So, you never told me you were such a good party planner.” 
“That’s because you never partied until you met Annie.” 
“I still don’t like it to be honest. She drags me out most of the time. You never seemed like the party type either. Except for that one time you were singing karaoke at that weird frat party when I met you. What was it? Living on a Prayer?” 
“Please don’t bring that up, I’m pretty sure I exclusively remember flashing my underwear to everyone.” 
“You did, I remember it well.” 
“No, not like that weirdo. You were just funny that’s all, everyone was so shocked that the perfect student y/n was also a grade a flasher.” 
“It was clearly an accident, hence why I do not wear skirts anymore.” 
“You should. You looked nice.” 
“Okay, what about you? That same night you threw up in the Kim kids room when you were making out with some girl.” 
“That’s not at all what happened.” 
“Oh really?” 
“Yeah, I was actually trying to take a break from the party and some girl followed me into his room and tried to kiss me, but vomit saved the day.” 
Laughing with Wonwoo talking about just five years before you were here today, you stumbled up to your stoop attempting to bid him goodnight. 
“Actually, do you mind if I use the bathroom, please.” 
“No it’s alright, come on.” 
While Wonwoo relieved himself in your bathroom, you quickly changed into your pajamas and slippers, needing relief from your heels and buttoned up pants. Not realizing you left your bra resting on the back of your couch. 
“Thank you. Oh- you’re ready for bed? I should head out.” 
“You left your fly undone.” 
“Shit. Actually, do you mind if I just sleep on your couch? My phone died and I don’t have my wallet to get an Uber?” 
“That’s fine, yeah.” 
“Cool, thank you y/n.” 
“Since you’re staying, do you want some hot chocolate or something? I need to have it before I go to bed, especially after drinking.” 
“Yeah, I would love some.” 
You sauntered into your kitchen, still in view of Wonwoo sitting in his sweater and nice tailored pants on your couch, warming up the two cups of hot milk before dumping the chocolate powder and mini marshmallows on top of the warm liquid. 
“Here you are.” 
“This smells amazing, thank you. I miss having you make hot cocoa for me and woozi when we would all game at night.” 
“How is Jihoon? I haven’t seen him in so long.” 
“He’s good. He was supposed to come tonight, but got stuck at work. He wanted to see you.” 
“Speaking of gaming by the way, we could play if you want?” 
“Are you serious? Annie gets so mad at me when I game at night and don’t come to bed with her.” 
“Well she isn’t here so come on.” 
“You’re going down, y/l/n.” 
“Okay, Jeon.” 
Wonwoo and you played various games over the next course of two hours, celebrating you beating him and when he would beat you, just laughing and enjoying your time together over two cups of cold chocolate. 
“Oh my god, you’ve gotten worse. I’ve never beaten you in Mario kart before.” 
“You cheated.” 
“How the fuck could I cheat? You cheated.” 
“Wait. You have chocolate on your lip. May I?” 
“Yeah, sure. Thank you.” 
Wonwoo’s finger gazed over your top lip, rubbing at the small chocolate stain slightly. Looking into his eyes you missed feeling this close to him and that your friend had gotten what you always wanted, like she always did. 
You inched closer and closer slowly into his touch and his lips before they crashed into him. 
Kissing Wonwoo was a dream you had for years before he had ever gotten with Annie, it made sense. 
“Fuck. I’m so sorry, holy shit. Okay, I’m going to go to bed, sleep well and uh- yeah, night.” 
“Wait, y/n. Stop. It’s okay.”
“It’s not okay. You’re engaged to my friend, I crossed a huge line.” 
“Can I tell you something bad? Well something I know? Annie has been cheating on me for years, with this guy she works with at her firm. I found his boxers in the laundry and I know they don’t belong to me because I’ve worn the same brand of underwear since high school. I looked on her phone and she has texts and calls from a person whose name is just a heart emoji. I don’t want you to think I’m just using you to get back at her, because if I’m honest I always loved you or liked you or whatever. I’ve wanted a chance to break up with her for a long time, but I keep letting her tell me what to do.” 
“She’s cheating on you?” 
“Yeah, it’s been going on for a long time I think.” 
“What the fuck, but you kissing me now doesn’t make up for that you can’t just get back at her with me and then stay with her.” 
“I don’t want that. I want to be with you. I always wanted to be with you.” 
“I want that too, but you have to break it off with her now. You guys got engaged, you’re going to get married.” 
“I’ll go now. I’m serious. I’ll come back tomorrow to see you, just wait for me?” 
“What do you think I’ve been doing for the last five years?” 
“Okay, just give me time to break it off with her.” 
It was safe to say you didn’t get that much sleep that night, but when the sun came back you were startled by a furious knocking on your door. 
Running to open it and hear how it all went down you expected Wonwoo to be on the other side of the door, but it was Annie. 
“What are you doing here?” 
“He broke up with me. Me! He said he found out I was cheating on him and I mean I did, but we’re human and mammals and we all cheat no?” 
“Wait, what happened?” 
“Wonwoo. Broke up. With me. He was supposed to run out and grab my purse from the restaurant and come right home, but he didn’t so I just assumed he was out with Jiwoozi or something drinking. But he never came home, until a few hours ago anyway. He told me he knows about my affair and he’s in love with someone else? Like what the fuck.” 
“Well I mean you can’t blame him, Annie. You did just admit you cheated on him.” 
“You’re not seriously taking his side are you?” 
“I’m just saying you can’t expect him to just not care. You guys are engaged, it's not like you just started dating.” 
“Oh come on. He’s so boring you know that, he’s either working all the time or playing childish games with his friends.” 
“So him not cheating on you or caring that you cheated makes him boring?” 
“Yes, I mean he has no fun. Ever. And when he was breaking up-“ 
Annie paused and looked at the jacket hanging by your door, she knew who it belonged to and her rage set off like a rocket. 
“Is that his coat?” 
“Oh yeah, I found it in the restaurant last night. He must have forgotten it.” 
“No. He was wearing it when he left to go find my bag. He was here.” 
“Well nothing. You’re taking his side because you’re the bitch he’s in love with right? Aw. Poor little y/n always losing to me and then trying to take my sloppy seconds. That’s so sad.” 
“What the hell is wrong with you? You have literally zero empathy for anybody else if they don’t fucking fall at your feet and feel bad for you.” 
“So he was here?” 
“Yes. He said we just talked about your infidelity and had hot chocolate.” 
“Did you fuck him?” 
“Hah. So you’re the bitch he’s in love with. Well you’re perfect for each other. You’re a bunch of clowns. I’m fucking done.” 
“Good. Get the fuck out of my apartment.” 
Annie opened the door prepared to make a run out of your apartment building but when she opened it Wonwoo was standing on the other side of the door, just listening to the intense conversation you were having. 
“Oh, of course you’re here.” 
“I came to tell y/n I broke up with you.” 
“Why? So you can be together finally? Have boring fucking kids and a boring fucking life together?” 
“No, so I can finally be with someone who understands me for who I am and doesn’t take advantage of me.” 
“God that’s rich.” 
“Yeah, I am. Now can you get the fuck out of the way so I can go inside and see my girl.” 
“God. Fuck you both.” 
Wonwoo walked past the girl who broke his heart into the arms of the girl who can piece it back together and slammed the door on his way in.
“I'm sorry she freaked out on you, y/n.” 
“I’m not. She doesn’t get to speak to people that way especially when she’s a hypocrite.” 
“That’s true. Come here.” 
Wonwoo’s arms wrapped around your frame and pulled you up, wrapping your legs around his waist and pulling you into a long kiss. 
The kiss had deepened into Wonwoo placing you on the edge of your bed and slowly unbuttoning your green pajama top, which revealed your soft skin underneath, he took his hands and placed them behind your head kissing you once again, trailing his lips from yours, to your neck, and down in between your breasts. 
You felt the need for more connection, something further. Maybe it was the adrenaline running through your body from having him this close to you, being this exposed to him for the first time. Maybe it was the fact you just blindsided someone you thought was your friend, but truly was the one holding you back and making you small. Maybe it was a little bit of both. 
You pushed yourself back on your bed towards your pillows and pulled his much larger frame on top of your half naked one, tugging away at the front of his sweatpants, trying to weave your hands around his dick. 
He swiftly pulled off his shirt now chest to chest with your bare skin. Still running your hands through his hair. 
It was quick and magical. Sending shockwaves down to your still clothed bottom region. 
Wonwoo tugged your pajama bottoms down your thighs to your ankles, still leaving the small piece of fabric covering your pussy. 
His fingers rubbed circles around your clothes clit, adding friction to the feeling and making it much harder to keep whatever cool you had left. 
He pulled his own pants off now, rubbing his clothed hard on on your thighs back to that center spot, working his lips around your hard nipples. 
Finally inching your panties down the same way he did your pants before, pressing his pointed finger near the spot for entrance, teasing you further.
You pressed your hips into his hand, forcing his fingers to enter you further and began fucking yourself on his fingers, while he nipped at the skin on your neck. 
Through the top of his boxers the top of his penis was peaking through begging for your fingers to be wrapped around it or even better your pussy. 
His precum was slipping out, making its way onto your mattress, waisting away as you contributed you ride your high against his long fingers. 
Wonwoo removed himself from your neck for a singular moment to pull the long friend from his pants and tease your hole, rubbing the tip of his penis from top to bottom, pretending he couldn’t find the spot to enter in. 
Finally euphora found you, as he slowly entered inside of you, pushing your legs further towards your head getting a good look at the girl he’s loved forever as he thrusted hard into her center. 
His balls were clapping up against the back end of your ass as the high you were riding starting stirring in your stomach, you knew you were reaching the moment of relief as he fucked you harder and faster. 
A sudden burst of cum whipped out of you all over his pelvis, and you watched as he smiled brightly proud of his work. 
He came down on top of you, pressing you legs closer together so he could get a tighter fuck as he rode out his final moments being inside you for the first time. 
Just before he finished he prompted you to sit up and opened your mouth wide with his fingers, lining up his perfectly pink throbbing penis with your mouth, pumping it with his hands until he reached his moment, filling you up and watching the smallest amount dribble down your chin. 
Going in for one final kiss, a long one, he smiled into it. It was less fierce and feral than the ones before and more sweet and loving. 
“I’m glad I finally got what I deserved.” 
“Mmm, me too.” 
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luneariaa · 8 months
just smth about you working at a cafe,, and higu pays you a visit. plot is almost going nowhere hshshs,, and yes this is as fluffy as it can get lmao.
. dividers by @/cafekitsune !! 🌻
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The sounds of the bells ringing from atop of the entrance door caught your attention, which is a signal that someone has walked into the cafe that you’re currently working at. The cafe itself was actually being run by one of your friends, which she had offered you a place to work there back then. 
Upon noticing the familiar face of your beloved, a happy smile immediately made its way to your face; hands automatically starting to brew some fresh hot coffee for him as usual. Higuruma didn’t need to tell you anything– you always knew his favourite drink whatsoever. 
Heck, even making some of his favourite sandwiches out of love for him. The dark-haired attorney always appreciates your efforts in ways that you possibly imagined.
By the time he’s about to make some order by the counter, you have already placed the coffee in front of him– which always, and always managed to catch him by surprise, before thanking you for your sweet and thoughtful gesture.
Higuruma sips on his coffee slowly after finding a rather reserved seat just nearby where you are; trying to savour the taste of it, yet his eyes couldn’t resist from glancing at your form occasionally. You were always so hardworking to him, and it’s one of your main traits that he finds captivating. 
“What’s with the stare?” You let a small chuckle out of you, now noticing how he begins to not shy away his constant gaze at you. He returns the same chuckle, propping one hand atop of the counter and rests his head there.
“What, I can’t appreciate looking at you and admiring your beauty?” Higuruma replies in a slightly lower tone, yet with a hint of teasing, as if to make sure you’re the only one who heard it closely.
“That’s kinda sappy,” you laughed humorously, yet also finding it actually sweet. “I appreciate that.”
His breath begins to hitch in his throat when you decide to do a bit of a bold move– gradually and slightly leaning your face closer to his, but still leaving some space for him to breathe.
“Could say the same to you, Mr. Lawyer.” 
His reaction actually satisfies you once you retreat from your initial stance; getting him all flustered that he had to loosen his tie a bit, and the clearing of his throat. Luckily, by some miracle, no one saw it.
But your co-worker friend has sent you a cheeky grin from afar, letting you have your moment alone with him, even though your shift is almost over. She’s the sweetest.
“Not so sappy when it’s just the truth.”
“But still..” You both shared a heartwarming laugh with one another. At least, you’re here to make him try to forget about his stresses from earlier cases.
“I’m not gonna take back what I’ve been saying though,” Higuruma grins lovingly at you. “I think your hard work alone would put even my skills to shame.”
“Nah, don’t sell yourself short!”
“Did anything happen today?” You finally changed the topic with another, wanting to know about your beloved instead as you gazed at him intently. All the while placing your hand atop of his as a sign of unspoken comfort.
“Got a quite difficult case today actually,” he shrugs and slouches over slightly; grasping back onto your hand with an equal affection underlying within it. 
“It’s just the usual client stuff, don’t worry. I’m handling it alright so far, but enough about me. How are things going here? How are you doing?”
A quiet exhale came from you by his answer. Even when his day isn’t really going well, he always has you in his mind instead– a trait that you find endearing, but it didn’t manage to stop the feeling of concern from resurfacing for his well-being.
“Everything’s going well here, don’t worry about me.”
“I’m so sorry that you had a rough day,” you gave your beloved a sympathetic smile. “Is there anything I can do about it?”
“Well–” His thumb brushes along your knuckles ever so tenderly, as if he’s afraid of possibly hurting you in the process. “--your presence alone is already enough for me, I promise you.”
“Just a little tired, that is. But it’ll pass soon; I’ve worked through tougher cases before.”
Knowing all too well that any attempt to shot back his statement will be futile, you eventually sighed in agreement. “Just don’t be too harsh on yourself.”
He merely nodded, not wanting to worry you any further, and lifts one of your hands up to his lips– pressing a soft kiss on it, which is enough to make you a bit of a flustered mess from his actions alone. You’re highly aware that it might be hard for him to try and do so; knowing how much of a passionate man he can be, especially anything about justice. 
“Are you able to wait for a bit more? My shift will end soon.” You tell while your eyes checked on the clock that’s hanging on the wall. “Or if you have to go back to work– I’m alright with it.”
The dark-haired attorney only gave a slight, comforting shake of his head. “Well, I do have to get some stuff back in the office.”
“I don’t think anyone’s around there at this time, so we can go there together. It won’t take long.”
“Then, we can grab some dinner outside tonight. How’s that sound?”
And who could’ve refuse such offer? It sounds amazing already for the both of you.
“That’s a deal then!”
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© 𝚌𝚊𝚜𝚜.
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blackmetalbats · 2 months
guys! guys! i LOVE shitposting and making memes about malevolent, but! we need to talk about two things from the last ep
this is probably a minor thing? but i loved all the allusions to giving birth. we have arhtur mpreg from last episode (lmao) we have the title of the episode (deliverance) we have arthur "being born again", or being resurrected from the dead and we have the scene of them going underwater, and then resurfacing "outside". i really liked it and it might come up again idk
Yorick calls the "combined force" of John and Arthur as Dies Irae. that is a medieval latin sequence that describes judgment day (i.e. the last day of the apocalypse in the christian scriptures). and it particularly describes the trumpets of god separating the saved and the unsaved.
the saved will be delivered (sounds familiar?) and the unsaved will be cast into eternal flames (the dark world?)
im so intrigued and i want to see where this is going to go, but i have a feeling that it is going to be resolved in season 6, as like the finale of the whole series, and Harlan is just mentioning it now to spread some seeds that he can collect later
i am so gonna make another post about this
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ssa-atlas-alvez · 1 year
Criminal minds team reaction to a super tall muscular agent with tattoos/piercings?
Um, yes? But like, gotta project a little bit so he's insecure lmao
You were a new agent, working for the BAU, finally getting the transfer from organised crime you had practically been begging for for the last two years. You had met Agent Hotchner (or Hotch as you had been told to call him) and Agent Rossi (or Rossi), both respectable men who seemed pleased to have you on the team. But today was your first official day working for them.
You weren't allowed to have the majority of your piercings in whilst at work, only the three in your ears and your septum, provided you took that one out should you need to talk to members of the public. Your tattoos started at the base of your neck and stopped just above your wrists, enough that a long sleeved shirt with a collar hid them.
You stepped out of the elevator, taking a small moment to try and gather yourself before you walked into the ballpen.
"Well who is this hunk of handsome?!" Penelope asked, jaw dropping as you walked into the room. Your shoulders curled inwards with embarrassment as you rubbed your neck, cheeks dotting with red.
"Er, I'm (Y/N)," You answered, "I'm looking for Hotch or Rossi?"
"(Y/N)," Rossi grinned as he walked up to you, patting your arm when he reached you. "Glad to see you made it okay,"
"Thank you sir," You nodded.
"What have I told you?" Rossi sighed.
"Sorry, Rossi." You correct yourself, Rossi gave a small nod as Hotch approached the group.
"(Y/N), nice to see you again."
"You too, s-" You cut yourself off, "Hotch."
Hotch turned to Garcia, "Garcia, play nice, he's joining the team."
"Oh really?" Garcia asked, seeing the unimpressed look on Hotch's face she sighed. "I'm Penelope Garcia, Knower of All."
"I'm (Y/N) (L/N), Agent of America?" You offer, unsure.
"I like you," Penelope grinned before she turned to Hotch, "We've got a case."
"Gather the team," Hotch said. Penelope nodded, before rushing off. When she left, he turned back to you, "You get used to her, she means well," He said fondly.
You nodded slightly, unsure of what exactly to say. "Come on, kid, you need to meet the rest of the team." Rossi said, patting your arm once more.
Derek's eyes widen as you walk into the room, when Garcia had told him that the new team member was tall and muscular he had been expecting maybe someone six foot, but you stood at about six foot five, built well (to say the least), with a septum piercing, stretchers in your ear lobe, a helix piercing, and an industrial piercing. And, based on the darker tones that showed through your shirt, you were inked too.
You all made quick introductions before you sat down, immediately turning your attention to Penelope before heading off to the case.
After the case was finished, Rossi had decided to hold a family dinner at his (with instructions to bring swimwear - apparently, he had recently had a pool installed). You agreed to go, despite feeling slightly out of place, making sure to wear the trunks under your jeans as it was easier and made sure that you brought clothes in your rucksack.
An hour after dinner (you didn't want to get cramp in the pool because you weren't sure whether or not that was a myth and you weren't about to embarrass yourself in front of your team just yet), you all went into separate rooms to get dressed. You kept your t-shirt on for a bit, planning on only taking it off when you went into the water.
Walking out into the garden, you plopped yourself on a chair, tuning in to the conversation. "I'm just saying that statistically speaking, the most common birthday in the US is September 9th,"
"Really?" You asked, "That's my birthday,"
"Seriously?" Morgan asked, you nodded.
"Yep," You said, "What can I say? I'm a Basic Bitch,"
When JJ and Emily joined the group, Emily grinned, "Pool time?"
Morgan grinned as he and Emily both cannon-balled in, when he resurfaced, he turned to you all, "You joining us?"
You stood up after the others, pausing for a moment before taking your shirt off and leaping into the pool.
"Oh my God, he has a nipple piercing?! Are you guys seeing this?!" Penelope exclaims, slapping her hand against Emily and JJ's arms.
"I did not see that coming..." Emily muttered, JJ nodding in agreement.
"Do you... do you reckon down there is...?" Penelope asked, giving them both raised eyebrows and a smirk. Emily and JJ both rolled their eyes.
"For God's sake, Penelope, focus," JJ laughed.
"I can't, he's too dreamy."
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wonjns · 2 years
uncanny ii. resemblance ∯
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♡° pairing. . .  lee heeseung x male reader
♡° genre. . . smut, fluff, angst
♡° summary. . . so you ended up with your twin sister’s boyfriend... what a turn of events. heeseung is definitely your dream guy, but little did you expect all of what exactly would unfold once you got him.
♡° includes. . . bottom!reader, even more horny bisexual hee!! lmao, lots & lots of kissing, dry humping, possessive heeseung, finger sucking, car sex (almost), blow job, orgasm prolonging, unprotected sex (dont irl!!)
♡° wc. . . 7k
°A/N. . . requested by many !! months & months later... finally 😮💨, i am so happy to be posting this!! i had no idea that so many of you would enjoy Uncanny, & i never intended on adding a second part. im just so mad it took me so long to write— so i’m sorry guys, i really hope its not awful !!!
                                  . . . .% Part 1 ♡ % . . . .
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“so.... you two are now... dating...?”  
three pairs of very beady yet confused eyes lingered before you in your family living room. their glances examined you head to toe, along with a certain 6' ft male who stood beside you. 
you could feel your palm growing clammy in heeseung’s hold as you both timidly nodded, desperate to read the intent behind the deadpanned expression on your parents’ faces.
despite heeseung’s tall and stronger build, he almost felt his weakening knees give from beneath him as he caught eye contact with your sister-- his ex-- who had an ominously suspicious look on her face. he had seen this expression on her quite often, but was never the recipient. it was less than ideal. 
“well, y/n, do you really like him?” your mother chimed, her puzzled tone cracking the silence. 
all you could do was nod once again, slightly more fervently at the question. if only ‘like’ was enough to describe your feelings for the equally-as-nervous boy who stood fiddling with your fingers.  
“and heeseung? do you really like my son?” your father spoke up this time, eyebrows transfixed as he sunk deeper into his leather recliner. 
heeseung found himself only able to offer a shy nod as well, the soles of his shoes feeling as if they were hovering over lava from the heat of the atmosphere. 
“words, son.” your dad sternly quipped. 
it was unbelievable to heeseung how these two adults, whom he'd usually seen as secondary parents, suddenly felt like stone cold, life-sentencing supremes.
“yes–” the poor boy coughed, clearing his throat. “yes sir.” 
the fluttering of your heart after hearing his confession out loud threatened to distract you from the anxiety that surged through your nerves, but one glance up at your sister snatched you back to reality.
you couldn’t believe any of this was actually happening. normally, you and your twin shamelessly spilled everything you thought and felt to one another without a second thought - but you could only feel like shit as your mind resurfaced flashbacks of heeseung working your body in ways you’d only dreamt about, while your sibling, who just so happened to be his former lover, lingered cluelessly outside your room.
you and the older male had debated often after your first hookup whether or not this was something you guys should make public, out of fear of what your sister would think. 
but you knew you were too in love with heeseung– and always have been, to keep things suppressed. especially since neither of you showed signs of leaving what happened as a simple one night stand. so you chose the route of honesty, which lead you to the painfully awkward confession in front of your high council of family members.
“okay.” your mother, sister, and father chirped in a perky unison.
the air shifted, the imaginary weight your shoulders bore suddenly vanishing into nothingness. 
“okay!?” you and heeseung blurted in an equally perplexed harmony.
“yeah, okay!” your sister responded, on her own this time.
she uncrossed her folded arms, picking up the laundry basket she was previously interrupted from lugging to her room. “whatever keeps mr. clingy out of my hair so often. he’s a lot like an abandoned puppy at times, you know... was starting to get a bit draining.” 
“i’m... right here, you know.” heeseung mumbled out in response to your sister’s teasing. you noticed the tint of his cheeks growing red and couldn’t help but softly chuckle.
“honey, don’t be a bully.” your dad replied before your parents emitted a couple giggles themselves. 
“i’m sure what she meant to say was,” your mother started, standing to grab her purse and approach heeseung. “we love having you around. you’ve been a part of this family for some time now, so as long as you take care of our son as well as you did our daughter, there’s no reason for us to not give you our blessing.” 
and with that, she gave heeseung and yourself a quick peck to the cheeks before sauntering out of the room. she was followed shortly by the others, leaving just the two of you motionless as mannequins; both dumbfounded. 
that was... easy. too easy.
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the back of your head landed gently against your pillows as heeseung pressed a deep kiss into your lips, giddy giggles escaping the both of you. 
the taller male’s hands casually roamed under your tank top as his mouth nearly swallowed you whole, pliantly groaning as he felt your fingers dance into his locks. his confidence was through the roof, the adrenaline from the confession still running ramped through his bones. 
he rolled his hips flush into yours, smirking into the makeout after absorbing one of your small whimpers. 
“what... even just happened?” you sighed out as heeseung moved to nip at your jaw. 
“i have no fucking clue.” he chuckled between nibbles on your sensitive skin, tracing over the area under your ear with his eager tongue.
you moaned, tugging his head back to reconnect your lips and feel that very tongue glide over yours. you reveled in the feeling of his hands massaging you beneath your shirt, not even the slightest bit surprised when he lifted it high enough to place kisses on your tummy.
“i just don’t- seriously... how did we pull that off??” you babbled, genuinely baffled while heeseung adjusted between your legs into an easier position for planting pecks along your hips.
he hummed into your skin, propping one of your legs around his torso. “i don’t know, i guess we’re way better than we thought.” 
heeseung’s kisses started growing hungrier, and he took the liberty to suck a few marks on the surface of your stomach amidst your confused rambling. your hips started instinctively rolling into his chest, and you bit back a moan from the friction of your member grinding against his solid pecs. 
“seunggie, wait, literally everyone is still home...” 
“so? we got the green light, didn’t we?” the boy taunts before playfully tugging on the waistband of your shorts. 
you chuckle before nudging his hands away, scooting yourself back to sit up against your bed’s headboard. “i think so... but let’s talk about that first.”
heeseung huffed while blinking his gorgeous lashes at you, dramatically hovering above the empty silhouette of where your body was. 
“talk about...?”
“well, the word my parents used. dating.” you uttered as if it were a curse word. 
“you... want to talk about the word ‘dating’?” he questioned, shifting to prop his head up with an elbow. 
“not the word itself, stupid- i just..... i think-” you stumbled, laughing to yourself while also resisting that familiar rosy blush from spreading on your cheeks. "i think if we’re officially a thing...”
heeseung hesitatingly nodded along with your words, his beautiful brown orbs watching you intently as if he was trying to read your mind. 
“then shouldn’t we, like, do the things people who date do before we keep messing around? like,, don’t we have to do that sappy couple stuff before sex?” 
heeseung couldn’t help but release a loud chuckle at your adorableness, attempting to muffle it in a nearby pillow. god, you wanted to at least pretend to be aggravated, but his laugh was just too damn cute. 
“you’ve never dated anyone, have you?” he asked when he eventually finished his cackles. 
“...is it that obvious?” you chime, your signature blush undeniably as present as ever. 
the older boy cooed at you, quickly sitting up and pulling you into the empty space between his lap. he pecked your lips, running his thumb along the bridge of your nose and fondly examining your flustered face, a little too long for your liking, before finally speaking up. 
“i mean, if my baby boy wants a date, then that’s what we’ll do. you’re right, we should get to know each other more first.”
you wanted to melt into a puddle and trickle all over his lap right then and there, and absolutely would if you physically could. you felt small, but protected, under heeseung’s gaze. something about the way he looked at you made your insides ignite with a feeling you’d never felt so intensely before, and you started to realize you were down… bad.
“okay!” you triumphed brightly.
you cupped your hands around his neck, leaning forward to place a soft kiss on his forehead before staring back into his eyes. 
“where do you wanna go?” heeseung inquired, nonchalantly leaning back on his arms propped behind him. 
“i don’t know? we just established i’m the one who’s never done this before!” you admitted while shifting your eyes down to his prominent adams apple, grazing your finger over it. 
“fine, it’ll be a surprise. and you’re gonna love it. this friday.”  
everything just sounded so cool coming from him, and he spoke in that careless manner that was just too hot to keep you focused. 
“perfect,” you feigned confidence, having transitioned to fiddling with his hoodie’s drawstrings. “and... no more kissing until then.” 
heeseung let out an exaggerated gasp, eyebrows furrowing at you.
you could only chuckle before being completely tackled back into your mattress, your boyfriend’s lips as relentless as ever. 
so much for that rule. 
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two weeks later, you and heeseung were sickeningly attached by the hips— and lips— more than ever. 
the boy had swooped you off your feet in every sense of the term. he took you on your first date, a dual movie-picnic date on his front lawn wrapped in warm blankets (all too cliché, but still didn’t fail to spark a storm of butterflies in your stomach), which led to your second. and then third. and then fourth... and they only got better each time.
after living a long, agonizing year of being secretly infatuated with him, you weren’t sure if it were physically possible to even fall for this guy any more.
yet, you were wrong. 
through solely a few mere weeks, myriad of walks around town, and late night drives, you were seeing so many more sides of heeseung than you could’ve imagined. his charms, humor, honesty, chivalry, and even his flaws. you were taking in all of it. and he was learning so much more about you, beyond the fact of being the former love of his life’s twin brother.
you were growing obsessed with each other, and it showed. at no point in the day could heeseung keep his hands to himself anymore, and you were hardly complaining.
it even came down to the time you had to actually pry his lips from your neck in a public restaurant so that a stunned waitress, the unfortunate soul to serve your table, could finally take your order.
he just loved to show you off;
no matter where you were. 
his tinge of possessiveness was a bit embarrassing at first, but god it was kinda hot. you were so caught up in the total package of lee heeseung that you hardly had sense to worry about anything else; not caring if you were in the seclusion of your rooms or a grocery store parking lot when he would snake one of his hands down your pants to greet your erection.
every little thing he did drove you crazy, and even more so vice versa.
little did you know, heeseung was operating from a slightly different source of obsession.
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you sat in the passenger seat of heeseung's red mercedes, soft rnb music playing through your boyfriend's speakers as one of his hands securely held the back of your neck while he lathered your lips in passionate, lustful kisses.
you moaned as heeseung swirled his tongue in your mouth, taking his sweet time in tasting you and using his free hand to guide yours down to his crotch. you were hesitant, but couldn't resist pressing your palm to his member to feel how hard he already was.
heeseung exhaled from the pleasure, wasting no time in maneuvering your hand beneath his waistband. he swallowed a gasp that escaped your lips once he started shamelessly bucking his hips up into your hold.
it took strength, but you willed yourself to break apart from the kiss and give him a nervous look, considering the two of you were parked in front of his parent's house in broad daylight.
"babe," you spoke, catching your breath. "we're about to go inside, we shouldn't."
your boyfriend smirked at you, hearing your warning but noticing how you still hadn't retracted your hand from inside his pants. his eyes also caught the slowly forming tent in your own jeans.
"exactly, that's why we should get this out of the way now." he half whined, needily leaning over into your space and tugging at your hips. "my mom takes forever to get dinner ready, you know I can't wait."
his plush lips were immediately on your neck before you could rebut, him aiming straight for your weak spot. damn, he knew exactly how to kill your resolve in an instant.
you rolled your eyes, partially from annoyance but also from the way he groaned while sucking on your soft flesh. you fumbled a bit, climbing over the center console and settling atop of his thighs. his satisfied grin only grew wider before rushing to capture your lips again, his kisses as addicting as ever.
heeseung's large hands roamed up and down your back as he widened his jaw to deepen the kiss, and quickly settled them on your hips to grind you forwards on his lap.
your arms found purchase on his broad shoulders as you molded your mouths more fervently. heeseung repeated the action in a rhythm, pleased by how simple it was to get reactions out of you.
jolts of excitement tingled through your legs as your clothed bulges ran along each other, the feeling heavenly as you began bucking your hips on your own accord without his assistance. heeseung's hands snuck their way under your shirt and returned to roaming your back. he gently dragged his short nails along your skin, causing goosebumps to grow array all over you.
your own hands began unbuttoning his flannel and dipping under his collar, the familiar smoothness of his shoulders warm on your fingertips, helping settle your anxieties of being seen by the neighbors, or worse– his own parents who were inside the house mere steps away.
you couldn't understand how heeseung always had you in these sort of positions, but judging from the rock hard length pressing between your thighs, he was clearly into it.
heeseung could still feel your nervousness, and leaned back amused as he watched the embarrassment and pleasure battle for dominance on your face. he kissed the tip of your nose and chuckled.
"your sister used to love making out to this song." he mumbled in a low tone, dipping down to wrap his lips around your adams apple while simultaneously turning up the radio's volume.
you could barely register the odd statement as you threw your head back, eyes fluttering closed when heeseung started suckling and licking on the column of your throat in sync with the melodic tune that filled the car. 
it was bliss, but just as you felt yourself drawing close to your high, the sentence rang through your head again.
your sister? this song? in this car?
suddenly, the image of your sister being in your exact same position– which she undoubtedly had been in several times before, flashed through your mind.
it caused you to jolt a little bit. heeseung paid no mind to the sudden action, thinking it was another one of your cute responses to his ministrations.
"uhm... hee?" your hips slowed to a halt, a bit of that familiar guilt settling into you again.
at first you thought it was just mindless sex talk, but as you had delved deeper into your official relationship with heeseung, you caught on to how often he would still talk about your twin, consistently making comparisons and recalling similarities between the two of you.
he wasn't necessarily wrong, but it was getting weirder as it progressed. you had just convinced yourself it was natural due to how similar you were with your sibling, and kept things pushing without dwelling on it for too long.
"hee?" you spoke again, opening your eyes when you hadn't gotten a response.
he hummed against your neck, sloppy kisses never ending in the crook of your neck. you managed to draw back, gently pushing his shoulders to disconnect from his lips. he looked at you quizzically, yet adoration still beaming in his eyes.
"i've been meaning to talk to you about-"
you were cut off by the abnormally loud ringing of his cell phone, which sat lodged in one of the car's cup holders. he sighed, telling you to wait just a moment when he read the caller id.
"hello? yeah mom, we just pulled up. we're coming in now." he exhaled, gently rubbing your thigh.
a huff of disappointment left your nose, but you were semi-grateful you didn't actually have to have the awkward conversion right before meeting his parents.
you gathered yourself back together, clasping the first few buttons of heeseung's shirt back together for him as he flattened the small wrinkles on yours.
he opened the car door, helping you climb out of his lap and onto the pavement, where you readjusted yourself in the reflection of the car's glass.
"after you, prince." heeseung gestured to his home's front door.
"but, it's your house." you responded.
"yeah, but... mom likes it when people make strong first impressions." the older boy grinned.
you took your bottom lip in between your teeth, a pool of nervousness returning to your gut as you realized you really had never met heeseung's parents before.
sure, they were all too familiar with your sister from their year together, but you were an entirely different story - an entirely more complicated story.
you knocked on the large glass front door nervously, heeseung standing just behind your shoulder. he leaned down to whisper.
"they don't take to strangers very well. if you get scared, tap my leg. they can be pretty tough."
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heeseung was a liar. 
you had received nothing but beaming smiles and suffocating hugs as soon as you stepped through the door. 
you had prepared to walk into a homophobic hellfire, not knowing what sort of glares and comments would be thrown your way. setting the fact that you were a boy aside, you still had plenty to worry about.
heeseung left a committed relationship, albeit not by his own choice, just to end up with his girlfriend’s brother was quite a unique situation - yet it seems his parents hadn’t even thought about that as they chattered away through dinner table conversation. shit, the wholesome smile you were met with the second his mom opened the door would be tattooed in your mind forever.
“so, y/n dear, heeseung hasn’t been giving you too much trouble now, has he?” his mother asked as she cut her steak into tiny pieces from across the table. 
“our son can be so lazy sometimes,” his dad chimed in with a chuckle. “gotta make sure he’s not constantly slacking off.”
you laughed, feeling like heeseung was being regarded as your new employee. you caught a slight frown on his face from his parents teasing, and you reached up to run your hand through his hair. 
“i guess you could say he isn’t too bad.” 
he looked to you quickly, an adoring smile growing, seemingly grateful you hadn’t joined in his parent’s shenanigans. or so he thought. 
“except for when he takes forever to get out of bed. or to go run errands. or to-”
“alright!” he huffed, frustratingly spooning some food together on his plate.
you all erupted with laughter, he was so cute when he pouted. it was nice seeing lee heeseung, the confident athlete, get all blushy and shy around his parents - his usual commanding demeanor nowhere to be found as he sheepishly shoveled broccoli into his cheeks. yet another side of him you hadn’t expected to see, but made you fall just a little more.
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you found yourself in heeseung’s room after dinner, a surprise to no one, after helping his parents clean the dishes afterwards. 
you had taken the opportunity to spend more time laughing and teasing heeseung alongside his parents, so it was no shocker that he quickly whisked you away to his own private space - desperate to have all of your attention fully on him.
you giggled as you were ushered into his bedroom, his hands never leaving your waist until the door was securely shut. 
“your parents are so much fun.” you beamed at the taller boy whose blush still lingered on his face. 
“yeah, probably a little too much fun.” he huffed, walking over and plopping on his bed.
your eyes fondly gazed around his bedroom, surprisingly still somewhat childlike, figurines and pictures of his youth still lining the shelves. a genuine smile grew on your face. you really shouldn’t be shocked, he did often have the tendencies of a big baby.
“you know, mr. lee, you’re not all that of a tough guy.” you commented, reaching up to examine one of his action figures.
“oh, really? what makes you think that?” he chuckled back, discreetly unbuttoning his shirt while you were distracted.
“yeah… i don’t know why you put up the act so often, you’re really just a little softie. like i remember whe-” the words halted in their tracks when you turned to taunt him more, but froze at the view of his toned abs glaring right at you, jeans slightly lowered on his hips. 
“is that so?” he responded lowly, tilting his head to the side. “why don’t you bring that little ass over here and see how much of a softie i really am?” 
his words sent a wave of arousal straight to your cock, which you immediately tried to will from springing to action so quickly.
you let out a half-spirited scoff, trying to appear unbothered as he sat there and widened his legs while staring you down. but damn, the golden evening light that shone through his window was hitting him in all the right places. his solid abdomen lured you in while he lolled his head back, teasing you with the prominent grooves of his neck that had you practically squeezing your legs together. 
damnit, he was temptation personified – too effortlessly hot for you to resist.
before you knew it your legs brought you to stand between his. he cocked an eyebrow before giving you another annoyingly sexy smirk and nodding his chin towards your own top. 
your face instantly surged with heat, but you couldn’t help but obey with the sudden authority he spoke with. in seconds your shirt was discarded and on the floor by his feet, a chill crawling across your topless chest. 
“you know, i’m not really a fan of how much you used my parents to tease me tonight,” he said monotonously, raking a warm hand up your exposed torso. “i think you were enjoying it wayyy too much.”
his thumb found one of your perked nipples, rubbing in firm circles. you moaned at the sensation, just to hurriedly cover your mouth with your own hand, the realization that you were at his parents’ house hitting you once again. 
“hee… wait.” you responded, attempting to take a step back. 
heeseung only chuckled before catching you still with his free arm, continuing to play with your sensitive bud. 
“where’s all the laughter now? you were having so much fun earlier, remember? let's keep that fun going.”
your boyfriend then leaned in to run his warm tongue over your other exposed nipple, causing you to hold back another whimper as your hands flew to his hair. he pulled your body closer as he started suckling on the bud, and you didn’t have it in you to fight it anymore. once he started working his mouth on you like this, you were puddy.
you cursed how weak you were to his actions, but even he could sense how badly you wanted him at all times.
“s-someones the jealous type, huh?” you stuttered, sounding way less intimidating than you wanted. “even over your parents, hm?”
he released your bud with a wet pop, dark eyes shooting straight up to yours before returning his lustful gaze to your body. your limbs started to quake with desire.
“how could i not be? when i have all of this just for me…”
both of his hands held your hips as he licked a long, teasing strip up your torso before finishing it with a peck to your chest. he locked eyes with you again, his determined pupils staring deep into your trembling, desperate ones. he enunciated his next words slow and smooth, like honey.
“just… for… me…” 
you pounced first. you couldn’t take it anymore, the alluring mischief in his eyes and addictive touch all over your physique had you grinding your topless bodies together like animals. your limbs entangled with his as your mouths waged war together, the possessive bites against your lips sending your mind into a daze. 
he effortlessly flipped you over, taking the advantage to grind down on you even stronger one last time before working the zipper of your jeans. he stripped the both of you down to your boxers in record time, licking his lips as he watched you begin to palm your own growing bulge - putting on a show for him. 
“you’re going to absolutely kill me.” heeseung muttered, trying to control the raging need surging throughout him.
“your parents might do that for me, if they catch us.” you speak with a newfound confidence, hiding the fact that you were completely mortified of that exact occurrence. 
heeseung chuckled before shimmying your last layer of underwear off, leaving you fully exposed for him as he lowered his own and started pumping his unbelievably large member. 
“we won’t have to worry about it if you can stay quiet, prince.”
you thought heeseung was about to just dive into you raw as he lowered his muscular body to yours, but relaxed when you felt him reach under his pillow to grab a bottle of lube. your eyes grew wide. 
“you planned this!” you gasped, fauxing a complaint.
“shh shhh.” heeseung hushed you, tapping his fingers against your lips. 
narrowing your gaze at him, you didn’t hesitate to trap his fingers between your lips, emitting a low groan from your throat as you ran your tongue over his digits. you successfully caught him off guard, if his quiet gasp was anything to go by, but a sly grin crept on his face.
“naughty boy, trying to do my job for me. are you that excited?” he commented before yanking his digits from your mouth, chuckling at your pout. 
he leaned down to swiftly place a flurry of pecks on your plump lips while lubing his fingers up, right before he reached down to push them into your entrance. you moaned into the air much louder than before, causing his other hand to toss the bottle of lube and clamp your mouth shut. 
“god, baby, do you want them to hear us? control yourself.” he smirked, finding all too much pleasure in the way your eyes rolled back when he began pumping his digits in and out of you.  
a mantra of muffled sounds flew from your mouth into heeseung’s palm, and thankfully so, since your body had already compromised your self control. when he finally pulled his fingers from your ass, you whined at the loss of contact. 
“heeseung, please fuck me already. please.” you breathlessly begged once he removed his palm from your mouth.
again, heeseung mercilessly chuckled down at your state. 
“such a needy boy… so fucked out and i haven’t even done much.” 
you wanted to banter back like you usually would, but this man had already reduced you into such a desperate mess with nothing but a couple minutes and his hands. he learned so quickly how your body worked, and how much of an affect his words had on you. once you were turned on by him, you wanted– needed every ounce of him as soon as you could have him. 
feeling merciful, heeseung lined up his girth with your entrance, pushing in slowly. this time, it was an equal struggle for both of you to keep yourselves quiet, the size of his length and intense look into your eyes causing you to melt while your hole sucked him in so desperately. 
“fuck, fuck. still such a tight ass. my boyfriend really loves my cock, hm?” heeseung grunted, trying to keep himself together when he saw tears of pleasure form at the corner of your eyes.
you nodded your head, unable to form words at the pleasurable pain you felt. your fingers curled into his dark locs as he lowered his head to sink his teeth into your neck, sucking marks there in order to keep quiet. you were fighting with everything in you to not scream and beg him for more, for him to fully consume you. 
“h-hee,” you whined, trying to keep it a whisper. “more.”
your hands sprawled along his toned back, feeling his muscles ripple as he began rutting his hips into yours, releasing deep moans into your neck. the vibration had you feel like you were levitating, a sensation only heeseung seemed to bring you. 
legs sliding along his strong thighs, you wrapped them around his torso as he picked up in speed, your vision blurring over at his power. 
“you’re so sexy, baby. sucking me in so well, making me lose my fucking mind.” he commented between the harsh nips along your jaw, sweat starting to bead around his forehead.  “what if my parents came in here and saw me wrecking you like this? would you like that? my mom seeing me do all of this to you right here after breaking up with your sister.”
you squeezed your legs tighter around his torso as he spoke, causing you to moan out loud once feeling your leaky cock rub against his solid abs. before heeseung could shush you, you clenched down on his fat length while your liquids shot out over his chest - him finding the moment so hot that it was only a second before he was emptying out in you as well. 
he collapsed on top of you after as you both silently gasped for breath, but you welcomed the crushing feeling. 
you couldn’t believe you just screwed him in his childhood room, with his parents just on the other side of the door, praying they didn’t hear you. but knowing how turned on heeseung was by risks, you should’ve known this was gonna be how the night would end.
after just sitting in eachothers embrace for a while, you finally sat up, heeseung leaning over to place even more kisses on your glossed over lips, never getting enough of you. 
“lets get cleaned up and head to bed, prince. my parent’s already know you’re staying the night.” 
“staying the night?” you questioned tilted your head. you saw another sinister glint in his eye as he kissed you one more time.
“yeah, you still gotta meet my grandparents tomorrow.”
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you drug your feet through the threshold of your home, utterly exhausted. it had been a long day of class, filled with a suspicious amount of exams and lectures compared to normal, but you were relieved to finally be done with the day. 
heeseung had texted you just as you had begun driving home, telling you he was already at your place helping your dad with chores around the house. you smiled to yourself, still giddy over how perfect he was and thankful for the loving relationship between him and your family – you couldn’t wait to finally see him after such a draining day. 
it was oddly silent as you walked through the house, failing to have found heeseung when visiting your parent’s room in hopes to collapse in his arms as soon as possible. 
you heard giggling rise in volume as you crossed the house and neared your room. you drew closer to your door, hearing muffled sounds just behind it. when you curiously turned the doorknob, the sight of heeseung looming over your twin sister, mouth practically devouring her, caused you to stand frozen - blood running cold under your skin. 
you stood speechless, tears beginning to well as you watched their lips passionately interlock in a noisy makeout just like they had done months before, tongues brazenly running along each other as wanton moans filling the atmosphere. 
you tried to speak but could only choke out a sob, your knees threatening to betray you. heeseung and your sister paused, turning their heads towards you after hearing the sound. they both stared at you pathetically, and simply chuckled before heeseung returned his grip on your own headboard, continuing to thrust his tongue into your sister’s mouth - the latter resuming to claw at your boyfriend’s naked back and moaning smugly.
you were stunned, and wanted to scream, cry, or throw anything you could get your hands on at them… 
but instead, you woke up. 
your body jolted up in bed, met with a dimmed room and a ray of moonlight beaming onto you - reflecting a sheen of sweat on your face. 
glancing around the darkened room, your eyes found the clock at read 1:25 am. not far from your line of sight was heeseung himself sprawled out beside you, softly snoring away with an arm draped over your waist. you noticed you were in one of his baggy shirts, the previously comforting smell almost causing you to grow nauseous. 
you couldn’t control your breathing, stinging feelings of betrayal and embarrassment still burning in your gut from your dream - rather, nightmare.
you let out a deep sigh once you finally realized everything you had seen in your sleep state wasn’t real… everything except the tears. you felt salty droplets drip from your chin and onto heeseung’s arm, who began to stir. 
humiliated, you tried to shuffle back down into your prior position in order to avoid waking up heeseung, failing to soften your fast breathing or stop your flow of tears. 
but alas, as if your uncomfortability set off an inner alarm of his, heeseung had awoken. you felt him lean up on his elbow, arm lazily pulling you towards him. 
“whats wrong, y/n?” he asked in a groggy voice. 
immediately, another stream of tears raced down your cheek at the sound of his voice. it was embarrassing how worked up you had managed to get from a simple dream, but you almost felt sick even being this close to him, although he had done nothing wrong. 
it had finally become too much; your insecurity and constant comparisons to your sister had caught up to you. the continuous chipping away at your rose-colored view of heeseung had ultimately found you, and it hurt like a bitch. your intrusive thoughts were convincing you that you were nothing but a rebound-by-blood, a second best option.
refusing to have heeseung see you like this - a sobbing mess in the middle of the night, you remained facing away from him, not answering his initial call. 
“y/n.” he spoke again, a little more cognisant. he turned your body over, squinting at you through the dim lighting, before his eyes gently widened. “what happened? bad dream?” 
he was right, but it was more so your subconscious so cruelly giving you a visionary of what you had secretly been scared of this whole time. sitting up, you wiped away the wet streaks on your face. 
“heeseung… do you like me?” 
the older male furrowed his brows. “babe, what? i-” 
“im serious. do you like, me?” you insisted, doubt slithering its way onto your expression. 
“where the hell is this coming from?” heeseung sighed, pushing himself to fully sit up. 
“everytime we’re together, you always talk about her. how much i look like her, sound like her, the things i do… the things we do…"
as much as it pained you to finally ask this question out loud, you couldn't keep it in anymore.
"you’re not over my sister, are you?” 
your beady eyes held a tundra of anxiety in them, with heeseung’s almost bulging out of his head. 
“you make me feel like i’m not even my own person, hee.” you continued, voice cracking between sobs. “you’re still hung up on her and you just use me, don't you? just to feel like you’re still close to her.”
heeseung was baffled at your accusation, and was ready to rebut everything, until a wave of awareness crashed over him. his gaze softened, hearing the doubt and self-consciousness in your voice. he turned his body to face you directly. 
“y/n. i won’t lie to you. when your sister dumped me, my entire world felt like it was shattering. i had gotten use to a life with her, and i did have genuinely strong feelings for her… i thought she was my everything.” 
you could feel yet another dam breaking behind your eyelids, closing them shut in order to keep the waterworks from flowing. 
“but,” he spoke firmly, taking both of your hands in his before you could retract them. “i love you, y/n. i love you. when i started seeing you, i did think it would just be a way for me to move on, but you are amazing. so fucking amazing. everything you do, all you've done for others,, i’ve fallen so fucking hard for the person that you are. you’ve made me feel things she never did, and never could. i’m sorry i’d been so caught up on your sister before, i guess i just wasn’t ready to move on as soon as i thought. but there is absolutely nobody i’d rather be with than you… right now, in this moment. i promise you that with every fiber of my entire being.”
with that, the well overflowed, streams of tears treading down your skin and landing on the interlocked knuckles of you and heeseung. you knew telling the truth, his words smashing down and easing away each wall of doubt you had in your mind. 
you were so unbelievably in love with this man, and a tender wave of relief radiated throughout your body when you caught the reassuring smile he gave you, closing the distance to attach your lips in a loving kiss.
the kiss deepened as you grabbed the sides of his face, pouring all of your emotions into the gates of his lips, melting into the comfort of his affection. his long arms wrapped around you and pulled you under him, meeting no resistance. 
he moaned into your mouth when you licked at his lips, letting you in easily. he kissed you sensually, slower than any other time before, refusing to detach your mouths until you absolutely needed to breathe.
“never gonna make you doubt how much i love you again,” he whispered into your neck as he started laying sweet kisses to your soft skin, hands gently roaming every inch of you. 
his supple lips felt like heaven as they followed his path down your body, taking his time to suck marks into every inch as he lowered himself. when he reached your hips he left wet open-mouthed kisses along the waistband of your boxers, looking up at you with his beautiful orbs for permission as his hands tugged at the seams. 
the butterflies returned when you nodded at him, running your hands along the grooves of his biceps. he removed your underwear, not wasting any time in placing kisses to your shaft, chills shooting up your spine at the sensation. his nose poked at your pelvis as he lightly dragged his lips up to your tip, before taking your length whole in his mouth. 
you gasped as the warmth of his mouth, hardly having the energy to react to the pleasure. your head fell to the side of the pillow as your erection was soothed over by heeseung’s talented tongue, flattening along your member licking up and down before he started bobbing his head. 
his large hands kept your body still from squirming as he showed your cock attention, occasionally humming and sending more waves of electricity through your legs. 
“feel s’good… gonna come.” you muttered not long after he started, only causing a satisfied groan to rumble through his throat. 
he released your member and lowered just to prod his tongue at your rim, before suckling gently on your balls and recapturing your cock in his mouth in one swift motion. a couple more strokes of his precise tongue and you were spilling into heeseung’s mouth, shuddering when he didn’t waste a drop. 
he repositioned back above your body, and you had only then noticed he’d slept in just his boxers, his neck chain dangling in front of your face. you ran your hands up his toned torso, once again growing obsessed with the feeling of his skin on yours.
the look of utter adoration in his eyes felt heavy on your form, and you could already feel yourself wanting more when he dipped down to place searing kisses to your jaw and grind your hips together.
“i love you baby, let me keep making you feel good.” he spoke, nipping at your earlobe while reaching down to stroke your member back to attention.
“please, baby. i love you too. and i want you so bad, forever.” you admitted, feeling the breath of a light chuckle against your cheek.
just as you wished, his thick length had entered you, gliding along your walls in no time with a delicious friction that you never got tired of. except this time, more than just desire and arousal, the friction brought a comfort, a feeling of love you could feel surging throughout your whole body.
“you can have all of me, whenever you want, prince. i belong only to you.”
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© 𝐟𝐥𝐰𝐫𝐛𝐨𝐢 — all rights reserved
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crow-raven-crow · 1 year
can you write a story where the reader has mommy issues and always got insulted by her mother for her stretchmarks, but she doesn’t seems insecure because she always wear revealing tops and has kind of a „reputation“, she’s still a virgin though because she’s afraid anyone would judge her for her stretchmarks especially on her chest.
larissa somehow finds out and the reader throws a tantrum about how she isn’t insecure and stuff.
ends up with comfort, fluff and maybe smut if you’re comfortable.
Thank you:)
𝐋𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐬
𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭 - [𝐧𝐬𝐟𝐰 𝟏𝟖+]
✧・.☽˚。・゚✧ :══════⊹⊹══════: ✧・゚。˚☾.・✧ Larissa Weems x f!reader words: ~3.2k
𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬/𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: description of stretch marks, mention of toxic parental relationship, insecurity, inner denial, some dread, mommy issues, COMFORT, FLUFF, nsfw: dom Larissa, sub reader, praise kink, virgin reader (slightly touched on), fingering, oral sex, reader receiving
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: see ask above
AO3 link in title
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as someone who dealt and still deals with that insecurity from time to time, I love being able to write about it because it gives me some comfort as well. it’s something I love and praise on others because it shows signs of life and being human but always had a hit or miss feelings about it when it came to myself - i’ve since learned from it lmao but it’s something i love shedding light on.
some things got changed slightly but trust when i say it’s gonna wrap up and be all so cute because pookie Larissa is gonna be all over it
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You couldn’t help but continue to seek validation from your mother, even if it was just a sliver of a complement. Your relationship with her has always been.. rocky.. to say the least. Ever since your body showed early traces of womanhood, comment after comment was thrown at you from the woman.
Stand up straight, wear this, do this, how do you expect anyone to like you when you present yourself this way, why don’t you do this instead, don’t you see how hard I try for you, cover up those ghastly marks before anyone sees..
That last one always seemed to hit more than the others. There was nothing you could do to change your body from growing let alone in which places it chose to grow. It was something you always threw to the back burner, never wanting to resurface every little comment your mother would bring your way about them..
Regardless of how you felt about the marks, once you moved away it didn’t stop you from expressing yourself. Since you opened your own little flower shop in Jericho, nothing was stopping you from dressing the way you liked - even if it was slightly revealing. But you were your own boss at this point, so who could stop you?
When you first moved to the small town, it was hard for you to adjust to the crowd.. well.. more like a bit hard for the crowd to adjust to you. As you walked down the streets, whether it was to open your floral shop for the day or go on a break at the Weathervane, there were always eyes taking in your form. At first, the looks made you a bit uncomfortable - it made every insecurity you had run to the fore front of your mind. After a while though, it didn’t fail to give you the kick of confidence you needed your entire life.
From then you almost fed into the stares, revealing every curve you slowly learned to love, bringing out colors that were more your style and brought your eyes out more - all these were like the steps you needed to feel better in your own skin, even if you still had your off days. Your looks gathered the attention of some, but after they finally got to know the woman behind the looks, you started to know a lot more people all around Jericho. Though, you’d hate to admit you got sad after some interactions had a little more intentions than purely getting to know you..
You loved that this town operated on a ‘help one for the sake of all’ type of motto. It wasn’t rare for you to help out in the library or for others to come by for a chat and help you put away your orders for the week. The boost of confidence in your skin also helped grab the attention of the beautiful principal of Nevermore, Larissa Weems.
You remember you went to the Weathervane during your lunch break one day, your mind filled with information about your incoming flower order - what kind of arrangements you could make and offer, which flowers were more in season than others, etc - that when you walked into the warm coffee shop, you ran right into the woman.
A hot liquid ran down your chest and soaked into the fabric of your lacy crop top causing you to take a few rapid steps back while taking in the damage that had been done. The fabric got heavy with the liquid, causing it to pull itself down and stick to your skin. When you began to look up with an apology already leaving your lips, you froze as your eyes met piercing, worried ones. You took in her form and were glad to see that nothing had gotten onto the woman - she looked expensive and you weren’t sure if you could replace even one piece of fabric she wore. Her eyes raked in your form, stopping at your chest before meeting your eyes again. A blush appeared on her features, before you both caught up with reality.
She helped you back to your shop to clean up, using her scarf to clean the spilled hot chocolate on the way, and you took her back and bought her a new drink to replace the one you accidentally ruined. That day was the start of your relationship with the woman and you couldn’t be happier that you got her number to give her back the scarf once it was cleaned - both of you coming up with excuses to see the other at the start of it all.
It’d been months into your relationship now and you both learned to adjust to each others lifestyles. As you turned the key to lock your shop up for the night, your chest filled with butterflies at the thought of going home to the woman that completely captured your heart.
You stepped into her office after giving your secret knock, something you talked about in case she was in a meeting, and took a deep breath of the smell of sandalwood and vanilla that filled the warm space. Your eyes landed on her form and you couldn’t help but smile as she came to meet you halfway, enclosing you in her arms and pulling you close.
Her lips met yours in a slow, soft kiss. You rested a hand on her cheek to deepen it, eliciting a low hum from your lover and your heart couldn’t help but swell in delight. She broke the kiss before leaving a slow trail down your neck, then stopping and pulling you flush against her. You were glad she was a patient woman, but you wouldn’t be lying if you said you grew to want more.
“Hello, my darling,” she said, her voice low and vibrating in her chest as she spoke. You both caught each other up on your day as you got settled - any issues you had, things you found fascinating, and… one thing your love thought was important to mention.
“Your mother called me today..” She said quietly, knowing you wouldn’t like the thought of the two talking. You let out a slightly frustrated groan as she finished her sentence. It wasn’t that you hated the thought, it was just that you knew your mother only approved because you were both successful, knowing that she would want a slice or more of the accomplishments you shared with your partner.
“What did she call about?” You asked while tending to some of the flower arrangements that sat on the bookshelf.
“She asked how we were doing, how your business was going.. She seemed very happy to hear all was well.” Her eyes were on you the whole time, loving the way you were so passionate about your job. It made her fall in love with you more and more whenever you brought her an arrangement home and explained what each flower meant and how they all went together.
“But?” A sigh left your lips, knowing that there was never only something good coming from the woman that raised you to have thicker skin. You turned your attention to the tall blonde and walked up to her desk, preparing yourself for anything hurtful to be thrown your way.
“She asked about your outfits.. if you’re covering up some things. Darling.. I’m sorry if this is a sensitive topic, but I need to ask.. Are you insecure about your stretch marks? She mentioned them a few times during the call and I-”
“No! I- no.. sorry..” Your gaze on your lover faltered and turned to anything else but her eyes as your voice weakened. Your mother never failed to mention your weak spots..
You heard slight shuffling come from in front of you and you closed your eyes, waiting for the worst - your mother had done a good job in making you expect nothing but that. Soft, gentle hands met your waist as one trailed up to capture your chin causing your eyes to flutter open. She moved your face to look at her, and her gaze translated nothing but love and concern - it pulled on your heartstrings.
“Love.. there’s nothing to be sorry about. Stretch marks are only-”
“No-” Your voice boomed slightly as your ripped yourself from her touch. You felt the dread your mother always managed to give you settle into your chest as you took a few steps back, tears threatening to fall from your eyes, but you pushed it down.
“I-I can’t- No. I’m not insecure about them. I-I can’t change that, I can’t help that my body created them..” Your voice was barely there towards the end of your small outburst. You hugged yourself tightly as you turned slightly away from Larissa.
She stepped towards you, placing her hands on your arms and guiding you to sit on one of the chairs in front of her desk. She ran her fingers up and down your arms and legs, tracing small patterns that brought you back to earth, brought you back to her. As your eyes fluttered open, she placed a hand on your cheek and stroked her thumb along the smooth skin. You let out a sigh and opened yourself up again as you leaned into her touch.
“I am insecure about them..” You whispered weakly, still avoiding to meet the sapphire gaze your love threw your way.
“They’re only natural, my darling girl.. If it makes you feel any better, I’ve always thought about them as blessings from the gods - their touch leaving beautiful, iridescent lightning strikes along your skin as they thought about your creation..” She spoke with a loving tone as she grabbed one of your hands and kissed along the skin softly.
She never failed to make you feel loved, and she always gave you new ways to think about things. You were lucky to have Larissa Weems as your lover.
“I’ve.. never thought about that before…” A small chuckle left your lips as your eyes fluttered shut, savoring her touch. “I’m sorry..”
“There’s nothing to be sorry for, my love.. Can I show you how beautiful I think they are?” She asked, your eyes opening and meeting hers. You let out a shuddering breath as a shiver ran through your body, a blush settling itself on your cheeks.
“Yes..” She took in your answer with a smile as she guided you up and out of the chair. She guided you to your shared bedroom that was attached to the office and sat you down on her lap as she sat on the bed.
“If at any point you become uncomfortable, feel free to say anything and we will stop. I want you to feel loved and beautiful, so if I’m doing anything to make you feel otherwise I want to know. Okay, my sweet girl?” She stroked your sides softly, moving her touch along your thighs and up your sides before going back down and repeating the process.
“Yes, Rissa.. I’ll tell you..” You couldn’t help but lean forward, wanting more of her touch to explore your body, after she settled some of your nerves.
“Good girl..” She whispered against your lips causing a whimper to leave your throat as your lips met.
The kiss started slow as your hands wandered each others bodies. She pulled you closer by your hips and you couldn’t help but let out a low groan at the slight friction. Her fingers trailed under your top, erupting goosebumps in their wake, as she slowly pulled the garment over your head and tossed it aside.
She took a moment to look at your form, her pupils dilating as she took in a breath. Her reaction alone caused your body to heat up and a deep blush to creep onto your features.
“You’re absolutely beautiful..” She whispered as she traced her fingers lightly along your sides, along the fabric of your bra and down your arms before capturing you in another kiss. The kiss was deeper this time, more hungry and slightly more urgent from the both of you. You both started to take off every piece of fabric that was between you, littering the floor around you in different pieces of clothing before she shifted you onto your back.
Your arms wrapped around her shoulders as you pulled her as close as you could, but it didn’t last long as she wanted to see everything she was about to worship. She kissed a trail down your jaw before pulling away, her gaze moving along every curve, every bone, every mark your body had on display, to commit it all to memory.
She moved a hand and softly ran her fingertips along the stretch marks that littered your chest, the cool touch leaving goosebumps in its wake as your nipples hardened. She took the opportunity to run her thumb over your left bud, erupting a whimper from your throat as your pushed your chest into her hand more.
“You’re breathtaking, my darling..” She said, her gaze meeting yours before shifting her attention to your chest again. Her right hand held onto your side, her thumb tracing along the bottom of your rips as the other continued to tease your left bud. She kissed down, making sure her lips met every stretch mark your body had to offer on your right side before licking your right bud, capturing it in her mouth.
The sensation sent chills through your body and a warm feeling to fill your lower abdomen as you let out a breathy moan, one that you quickly used your arm to cover up. Her ministrations along your body stopped as she moved up and pinned your hands on either side of your head gently. She leaned in close, her hot breath traveling along your skin.
“Don’t hide those intoxicating sounds from me, my dear.. I want to hear how good I’m making you feel - can you do that for me, love?”
Your eyes fluttered shut at her words before rapidly nodding your head yes. She would be the death of you, and, if there was a god in the afterlife, you were sure it was the woman above you as you continued to give into her every touch.
“Words, love.. I need words..” She whispered firmly as she squeezed your arms gently.
“O-ok yes.. yes just please-” You begged, your tone desperate causing her to slam her lips into yours. You moaned into the kiss as your back arched wanting more of her, needing and taking any and every new sensation she would give you.
Her lips trailed back down, this time leaving a trail of deep, purple marks in its path, covering your skin for the first time, as she gave your left bud the same attention she gave the other. She dragged out all her actions as her lips traced over every inch of your skin, making sure to praise every inch of your skin.
Her lips moved down as her arms hooked around your thighs. Her lips and tongue met your hips, touching every mark there and lower. She kissed down, avoiding where you needed her most as she kissed along one of your thighs and back up the other.
She took two fingers and gently ran them through your folds, letting out a loud groan at how wet you were. The slow touch was agonizing as you let out a low moan, curious as to how this could get any better.
“All of this for me?” She asked, moving her gaze to yours as she placed the fingers in her mouth and sucked, letting out a moan at your taste.
You couldn’t take it anymore - you wanted, no, needed more of the woman. The desire you felt for your lover was all consuming, and she could tell as you moved your body closer to her. She kissed your mound and down to your clit, leaving a trail along your slit. She paused for a moment, her hot breath slipping out and dragging out the moment causing you to whimper. She flattened her tongue against you before running it up through your folds and swirling around your sensitive bud. The action made a near pornographic moan leave your lips as her tongue sent waves of pleasure throughout your body.
You gripped the sheets underneath you as you threw your head back as wave after wave of pleasure coursed through your body, moving through your abdomen, to your chest, and to your fingertips and toes. Your legs were shaking with the ferocity she used as she sucked your clit. A finger teased your entrance, collecting your juices before plunging into your cunt.
Your back arched at the feeling, loving the stretch as she built you up to pure bliss. Another finger followed, slowing pumping in and out of you before curling at just the right spot. Each movement she graced your body with had you seeing stars as you were built closer and closer to the edge. Everything felt light as the world faded away, the only things existing in this moment were the two of you, intertwined.
“You’re doing so good for me, my darling girl..” She said before circling around your clit, shocks of pleasure shooting through you.
More moans left your lips as your chest heaved with every gasp that left it. You felt a tug in your lower abdomen, and, with a few more curls from her fingers, you came as her name left your lips. Hot pleasure coursed through you as she helped you ride out your high before pulling away, a whimper leaving you at the loss of contact.
She kissed your thighs before rushing to grab a glass of water and a towel to clean you up. When she came back, the bed shifted down and your eyes fluttered open, meeting hers. You drank some water as she cleaned the sensitive area gently. When you were done, she set the glass aside and captured you in her arms. She stroked your hair out of your face as she placed a kiss to your forehead.
“You did so good for me, my love..” Her voice was gentle and so full of love. You couldn’t help but cuddle into the crook of her neck, her words making your heart swell. She littered your face with small kisses as a smile grew on both of your faces. She traced her hand along your side and back, using the softest touch as she met every stretch mark underneath her fingertips.
You looked up at her before cupping her face in your hands and placing a long, loving kiss on her lips - your smile noticeable as you did so. Your thumbs stroked along the smooth surface of her skin as she leaned closer to you.
“I love you, Larissa.. thank you..” you whispered against her lips. “I’ll come to love them, I’m sure of that now..”
“Good,” she replied softly, her tone full of adoration. “I’ll be right here if you ever need a reminder.” She winked, causing you both to laugh in each others embrace.
You were already down that path to loving your lightning marks more. She helped you realize a lot about their beauty, after all..
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𝐚/𝐧: LOL HI
so this was my first smut HAHH UHHMMMMSAHSKFJB
i hope you guys liked it. there are some amazing writers out there so i’m hoping i did good????
it was so fun to see another ask in my inbox this morning and it’s nice to be able to shoot something out like i did this so fast guys it was so fun
i’m probably gonna work on my next series this weekend with some things in between - I posted the title of the next one on my masterlist already! this is the hella angst one i hinted at a bit ago and i’m so excited to start that. i don’t really know how many chapters its going to be (probably not long) but i think the deeper i get into it the more i’ll be able to update you
this was fun so i hope you enjoyed and FINN !! ty so much for the ask. it was nice to write something i related to :)
~ 𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐯𝐲𝐧
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𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬: (tagged anyone who asked/wanted to be on the "all works" taglist)
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fickleduster · 1 year
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DILUC ✧. ┊『Weak to my Knees』
※ bottom.sub, m.reader ➤ cw: there ain't no plot to be read, semi-public(?) masturbation, implied fwb situation, Diluc is down atrocious, not proofread at all lmao
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There was just something about your tanned skin that Diluc was absolutely enamoured by.
... How he adores that when simply moving around, as either sleeve of yours slightly folds and unveils the lighter complexion within the fabric, the mere implication drives Diluc into a wall (and the literal wall of the tavern in those rare nights of desperation,) that the memories of your bare body in those faithful encounters resurface... Memories of the nights when you layed together in his bedroom, exchanging pent-up passion.
He could still recall the familiar, sinful sight as if it'd merely happened yesterday; that as you undressed, Diluc begged the archons to have mercy for him and his palpitating heart. He could've sworn he'd cave in simply from your transparent, yearning gaze.
You knew well what a mere stare does to Diluc— knew that even when offering your body, Diluc would instead lose himself within your lidded eyes. That from the display of pure lust within them, Diluc wouldn't help but be lured in and only fall further.
It was no wonder he found himself falling in love with those nights, wondering when you'll be able to meet again. Since your rendezvous were few and far between, Diluc would savor and take the time to appreciate every surface on your beautiful skin when given the chance, caressing and engulfing your intoxicating scent.
Embarrassingly (yet also unsurprisingly) enough, Diluc would be breathless after simple foreplay, that when he's finally allowed entrance, he would dare say he's been welcomed to the gates of Celestia with how heavenly his beloved embraces him with every thrust...
It was nothing short of addicting; the way you would sigh out his name, how your warmth would generously envelope Diluc's, the way you'd touch him as your eyes tantalisingly gaze upon his bare body...
The memories prompt Diluc to unnecessarily grip the cloth he's been using to clean the same surface over and over. Luckily, the bar had already closed for the better part of the night, and there were no one to see him being so mindless with his work.
Diluc, agitated, sighs through the silence of it all, now looking down at the self-inflicted problem arising within his pants. He has dealt with this many times, although he still can't help the red humiliation that arouses whenever he touches himself to such indecent thoughts.
Mindlessly taking a chair just of reach, the loud scrape of it's legs reverberates almost as loud as Diluc's need to relieve himself.
... Having just slid his pants barely under his knees, Diluc then closes his eyes, now sliding a hand under the bindings of his underwear with a satisfied groan. That with a languid caress of his own hand, Diluc imagines you instead of his own rough hand, sensually taking his cock inside your gentle, velvety mouth with those captivating eyes.
If Diluc wasn't necessarily delirious before that moment, he most deifinitely was now, because fuck, he was already so close from a single touch.
Though he only continues stroking, desperate, as if to satiate his sudden carnal desire; pure, wanton need shattering through the gentlemanly exterior he so achingly tried to keep up around you.
You were the only man that could deprave Diluc into such a shameless and obscene mess, mumbling absolutely foul confessions as if you were actually in his presence.
Diluc has become lightheaded and irrational at that point, head hung back from the rest of the wooden seat. He's barely grasped the fact that he's already towards the end, dazed from his own hand's frenzied strokes. Envisioning a similarly salacious man under himself only incited a far more quick pace; your face, lips and hands... Oh, how you'd look absolutely divine when Diluc truly comes inside of your mouth— he'd imagine every bit of you chasing his orgasm as much as the he was...
And like that, Diluc stills with his hips bucking against his firm fingers, cum now staining the newly mopped floor.
... He could always clean later.
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➶-͙˚ ༘✶
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anneangel · 1 year
Timeline of the relationship between Sherlock Holmes and John H. Watson!
*I had already posted this, but I deleted. I found new information as flipped through my books. So, sorry who had rebloged the previous post that I deleted, but I prefer to delete and rewrite CORRECTLY, ok?
1881 - Sherlock and Watson meet each other, through for Stamford. As per A Study in Scarlet.
1881 to 1886 - Both continue to live together in Baker Street.
1887- Watson tells us that will marry a woman, whose name he never tells us. As per, The Adventure of the Noble Bachelor
1887- Watson is married to a, no name, woman. Although his friendship with Sherlock remains and Watson even stays at Baker's when his wife is out of town. As per The Five Orange Pips.
March, 1888 - Watson remains married to an unnamed wife, according to A Scandal in Bohemia.
September, 1888 - Watson meets Mary Morstan, falls in love with and becomes engaged to her, as read in The Sign of the Four. There is no mention of what happened to the previous wife, apparently he didn't have any children either with her (I think it unlikely that she died, after all Watson never mourns her, and is soon engaged again without bereavement). It's almost as if this previous girl did NEVER exist.
1888 or 1889 or 1890??? - Watson married Mary, as read in The Adventure of the Stockbroker's Clerk. Watson says his marriage took him away from Holmes. But curiously there are some cases after his marriage where Watson is with Holmes and makes no mention of his wife (strange, isn't it?)
*that's confused me in the post I deleted, regarding the date of Watson's marriage to Mary.
Watson mentions one of his weddings being in the summer/spring and another in the fall/winter. But he does not deign to say in which he married Mary. Having met Mary in September, if he married her in the same year then it was autumn, but if he married her in summer then it is 1889.
Still, Watson says that his marriage and return to the medical profession took him away from the Holmes cases, however there are some cases where he seems to live on Baker Street in 1888 and 1889!! And this confused me earlier, whereupon I said that perhaps he was married in 1890, for how can he be married in 1888 or 1889 and also live with Holmes? Lmao.
Yes! It could just be Watson/Doyle being an unreliable narrator. But do you agree that it leaves room for doubts and assumptions/subtext?? correct?
1890 to 1891- The point is that Watson married Mary, because in The Red-Headed League, which takes place in 1890, he is married! Well, as he mentions his marriage in The Final Problem, allegedly stating that his marriage alienated him from Holmes, a case that takes place in 1891, where Holmes supposedly dies.
1894- Holmes resurfaces, and we are briefly informed that Watson's wife has died, apparently he had no children with Mary. So he returns to live with Holmes in Baker Street. As per The Adventure of the Empty House.
1895 - They aren't on Baker Street, aren' t in London, Watson refuses to say why. They weren't out on a case! (Coincidence or not, this was the year of Oscar Wilde's trial who, although married and with children, was condemned for his relationship with men). They are back in end of April and July in the The Adventure of the Solitary Cyclist case and The Adventure of Black Peter case. But travel to norway after that. Return to Baker in September, as seen in the case of the Bruce-Padington plans case.
1894 to 1901 - Time they lived together in Baker Street again. In that time, Watson stops practicing his profession and sells his medical clinic (at Holmes' request), Watson does nothing more than follow Holmes on cases and write them down, curiously Holmes keeps Watson's checkbooks with him (not there is no explanation why, although assumptions are made that Watson had problems with overspending or bet) and Watson helps Holmes get off drugs too! As per The Return of Sherlock Holmes book.
*p.s: in the year 1896 there are cases where Watson says he does not live in Baker Street, as for example in The Adventure of the Veiled Lodger. However, these cases ALWAYS have narrative inconsistencies. And to other cases in 1897 where he LIVES with Holmes, as per The Adventure of the Abbey Grange.
Yes, Watson/Doyle is a miserable and unreliable narrator because many cases have DATES or DATA and inconsistent FACTS that don't fit, so that it's impossible to organize the 60 cases in chronological order, there comes a point where we get out of accuracy and we have to start to ASSUME/suppose/imagine where some several cases take place. As someone who has tried to organize, believe me, it's a never-ending headache, which is why there are different lists of Timelines. So I'm ignoring Watson's inconsistencies as a narrator in order to claim that he lived with Holmes from 1894 to 1901, okay? I'm just putting here the dates given by Watson that don't have apparent contradictions.
1902 - Watson left Baker Street, for reasons he does not tell us. Claims to live on Queen Anne Street. Although he still takes part in Cases and Turkish Baths with Holmes, as per The Adventure of the Illustrious Client.
1903 - Last cases. Sherlock regrets that Watson has left him to marry a woman (another nameless wife of Watson), so the detective is left alone to investigate the cases. As per The Adventure of the Blanched Soldier. And Watson returns to practicing medicine with a good clientele as per The Adventure of the Creeping Man.
1907 - Holmes is retired. He lives with his bees and a housekeeper he doesn't talk to much. He gets along well with the director and teachers of a school close to his house, to the point of visits, walks and swimming on the beach. Sherlock says he sees Watson on weekends. As per The Adventure of the Lion's Mane.
1908 to 1913 - Watson claims he rarely sees Sherlock, because Holmes prefers to send short telegrams rather than letters. Watson continues to write old Holmes cases whenever Holmes lets him. As per The Adventure of the Devil's Foot (which takes place in 1897, but Watson does just tell us until after Holmes is retired).
1914 -The last appearance of both at Canon. Date of the First World War. Watson had not seen Holmes for about 2 or 3 years, he thought that Holmes had become a hermit with his bees. But Holmes was actually undercover as a spy for 2 years on matters involving the war. As per His Last Bow case.
P.s: In the post I deleted mentioned that Watson got married 3 times and claims to have experience with women on 3 different continents. While Sherlock says he has never loved, has no interest in women and has his body as an appendage and is against emotions that undermine his reason. What they both think in terms of homoaffective relationships cannot be exposed since it was a crime at the time. Watson explicitly exposes to the public a fact that he is Heterosexual while Holmes seems to fit in Asexuality. However, narrative inconsistencies, narrative omissions and errors leave gaps for subtexts. Watson also admits to omitting data and facts that could expose clients or Sherlock and himself. So this also adds assumptions for subtexts.
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aachria · 3 months
Is ED very Chappell Roan coded or is it just me? Probably just me (specifically Pink Pony Club… Strawhats is their Pink Pony Club)
YOU. Your brain is a beautiful thing and I'm overjoyed we're thinking on the same plane. Ed IS the Pink Pony Girl. Lmao I've been working on a piece for one of the upcoming chapters and I zoned out while working on it and I resurfaced later having drawn to that song on repeat for multiple hours. And I think it genuinely affected the way I was drawing.
This is completely unrelated but y'all I watched the Muppet Movie yesterday and when I tell you I actually cried because every time they started singing I was like NOOOOO I COULD CONNECT THIS TO ED NOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
Like????? Especially Rainbow Connection, I'm Going Back There Someday and Finale: The Magic Store. Had me in tears and listening to them on repeat. LISTEN to the WORDS they're SAYING. AAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUGH. Nothing has ever touched me the way Muppets music does.
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kanmom51 · 1 year
I kind of feel it's time to bring this back
Seeing how 3D has resurfaced the JK is straight as a arrow claims are back, I guess it's time to bring back my 3 part "JK ain't gay" expose (and a little bit more too...)
Read these over peeps, if and when you are feeling a little down or doubtful. Cause we all know JK ain't gay...
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
This one kind of relevant once again, don't you think?
I said I have more, well here you are:
Different song, same logic.
I am going to end this with these two little points for you to mull over:
JK singing girl (in lyrics he didn't even write himself) means everything but him sucking on JM's ear in front of 10s of thousands of fans, him caressing on camera the hickey he let JM give him, JK sitting for 90 minutes mesmerized and watching JM content totally infatuated, JM flying to NYC to be with JK for his solo debut, going out to dinner for Silver day and then disappearing to CT together (oh, and soooooo much more), all that means nothing?
Ask yourselves why you are so fast to believe a 14 second blurry clip, which you may have watched a couple of times on your phone screen? Without proper fact checking. Ask yourselves why you are so quick to assume that whoever that is in that clip is JK? That it's his place? That you know, even if by some unexpected chance it's him (it isn't), that the person is his gf? That she's pregnant from him (this one tops the cake. Man is a baby daddy by this account)?
Please apply critical thinking. And most definitley don't just chuck aside 8 years of ongoing continual Jikookery for some lines in a song and a blurry clip.
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tomwambsgans · 5 months
if someone who's actually knowledgeable about star wars has already made a better version of this meta post pls link me but in the meantime. i'm up thinking about the rich vein of character implications and foreshadowing done by the star wars references in 1x3 lifeboats (and where it briefly resurfaces in 1x6)
like, firstly, upon rewatch this becomes a clear symbol of waystar being a fascist organization (prior to the audience seeing evidence of that) and tom's likely consciousness of the fact, as he ascends:
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i'd assumed that the "grill on the exhaust vent" line was directly from star wars for the longest time, only to search it and find that it comes 100% from succession lol. of course it's tom saying "all the death star needed was a grill on the exhaust vent and then the rebellion wouldn't have had anything to exploit." but even that alone, funnily enough, feels like a solid parallel to what's to come. whether he knows it or not, tom is accurately calling out waystar's very simple weaknesses for what they are. and he's right that he'll be the one fixing it, or at least trying to.
also you get the sense from this that tom has either recently watched the movies and/or that he's just a big nerd about them and has that reference on tap. which isn't part of the analysis as much as it's just fun but anyway,
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...kendall as vader/anakin is a pretty fun parallel, but tom as c3p0 is both fucking hilarious and perfect in the scheme of things.
the humor is that if tom was placing himself in a SW role in his head, here, it was likely a general or something. only for kendall to swiftly knock him down to something so much more accurate -- a protocol droid. you're built from scrap, tom. programmed for etiquette and it's made you high-strung and constantly anxious lmao. now, i've covered the robot thing in a more thorough parallels post, but with c3p0 specifically it's just so fun in particular not only bc of c3p0's personality (and how this scene hints what we'll learn about tom's), but bc of the matching roles that he and r2d2 play in star wars:
constantly together, basically immortal due to being droids, defectors from the republic, comic relief... and integral to very important events. these seemingly unimportant hunks of metal just keep lucking (or unlucking) into the most pivotal moments in history.
i also think it's important to note that tom immediately accepts his role as c3p0. because then, when he later says this,
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it's completely undeniable that greg is the r2d2 to his c3p0, not anyone else. therefore not mine as in "i'm his owner." therefore a different kind of mine.
and of course, it works. r2 is the droid between them who can act spontaneously. who may get them into more trouble but who can also get them out of it. who may not be able to speak basic, but who 3p0 can understand while most others can't. and who is EXTREMELY useful, with a lot of unexpected skills and tools under his belt. it's uncanny.
finally, these are basically the same image:
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tomfrogisblue · 4 months
watched a compilation of all the (canon) egg deaths throughout the server's lifetime and I got some thoughts
(cw - lots of death, lots of pain, if you watched this server you know what to expect but be warned anyway)
- fit's reaction to ramón's loss of his first life is so interesting - no reaction from him or phil that an egg had just gone down in the in-game chat. crazy concept compared to the rest of the future of the smp
- juana and tilin's deaths are so sad and accidental that it's kinda funny. Charlie and Mari just clearly have no idea the risky shit they're pulling (COZ HOW COULD THEY???). man, thank god for etoiles figuring out the sword bug
- foolish just stepping out and coming back to a whale'd leo - the poor doozers who tried to get his attention through donos
- poor fucking roier man. that man just went through it. the reaction of the rest of the server when Bobby went down... bruh the suppressed memories of egg trauma are resurfacing...
- i forgot the bulls were such a fucking problem at one point, hit one and they all come to beat your ass.
- i was there for only some of the egg deaths in the actual streams but i remember tallulah's one from the code monster and phil so fucking clearly. the code was soooooo fucking intent on killing her that day, it took so long and it was so frustrating when it finally succeeded. (AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA)
- oh my god i fucking straight up forgot how bad em's death to the eye workers was. that was so horrible. really fine with never hearing a scream like that ever again thanks 👍
- on that note - every single one of these are so not fun coz the qsmp perfected a level of story and character with the eggs where no one is really being a character or doing much acting. EVERY TIME AN EGG LOSES A LIFE EVERYONE IS ACTUALLY MISERABLE, THERE IS NO ACTING HERE, EVERYONE IS CRYING, IM CRYING, THE CHAT IS CRYING
- ahem. im fine.
- andddddddd i stopped watching when richas' final death was gonna play. i dont need to watch that again. it is tattooed in my brain. thanks but no ❤️
- and i didnt fully realise how many of the egg deaths that really fucked me up were the redacted ones, the nightmares. ramón getting chased out of his safehouse and dying alone in the bamboo as the server races to save him. Phil getting double tapped on the beach and watching pomme get one shotted by the code, totally helpless to do anything. richas disappearing for one (1) second and just showing up as dead, killed by a frenzied knight out of fucking nowhere. The Nightmare, the event that made the server remove a enemy mob mod for a while coz it was just too op compared to the players, just real fun memories of phil taking a boat back to the beach where it happened and debating on whether he's gonna straight up leave the server if chay is gone.
oh, and the Brazilians just blowing up on Vegetta's mines all the way through their first day, leading to richas just getting a redo of his lives lmao
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