#lmao same finn
emblazons · 3 months
Y’all expecting everyone to demonize Henry and his whole story come S5 and only to have something like this end up on your screen for real?
Way more likely than the people might think
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frecklenog · 10 months
hey "farmworld finn is alive" truthers. pspspspspsps
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sickgraymeat · 1 year
Oh have I posted Pepp But’s chaise lounge
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floating-goblin-art · 2 years
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just guys being bros am i right
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My Swedish teacher complained how not that many people here studies German anymore. How do I tell her I want to study the language so badly because of a children’s cartoon from 2012
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will byers roasting his siblings
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kingdomoftyto · 9 months
I am taking all of you theorizing that Betty reincarnated into Finn and am swatting you with a rolled up newspaper
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flaringgoosebumps · 2 years
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gleesongtournament · 1 year
Glee Song Tournament Round 1
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mchiti · 1 year
also the most surreal thing happened to me last week where is my 1D LOVELY ANON THIS POST IS FOR YOU I MISS YOU. once a week I volunteer teaching italian to migrant kids and also assist italian kids with school work. And there is this 12 year old italian kid bless her she's so sweet, she had to write a little assignment on her favourite music band for school and she chose to write about bts. She LOOOOVES them. And I was like aw you know I get it I was like that with 1d I was such a massive fan back in the day. And she was like: who?. And I was like: what the fuck??????????????
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julie-finlay · 1 year
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Finlay Friday
13x01: "Karma to Burn", script extracts. Pt. 3/3. Unaired scenes under the cut.
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emblazons · 1 year
for your entertainment and ongoing analysis: Finn Wolfhard & Acting Consistency Across Roles, characters (awkwardly) flirting edition
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The voice cadence. The little inhale after the punchline. the goofy, lopsided smile when his joke works. the way the character across from him finds it a little (or a lot) endearing regardless.
All I'm saying is...If you missed it in one scene but knew what was happening in the other, might be less about Finn's acting and more about being heteronormative. 🤷🏽‍♀️
bonus enamored faces for the culture:
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lucy-ghoul · 1 year
Your point about the only thing Rey people being interested in was her relationship with Kylo and how that paralleled the Luke/Vader relationship is interesting. It would have added a lot of depth to the story if they'd been twins. Rey goes for the kiss. "No Rey, I'm your brother." lol. Awkward. Insanely awkward.
Hey, sorry but since I ship them and SW has already had enough soap opera-like "i'm your secret twin" last-minute revelations for my tastes I prefer them to be a romantic enemies to lovers pair - something that in SW (at least the movies; the EU was a bit different with Luke/Mara Jade and Revan/Bastila etc.) has never been seen before, so it adds an element of originality in what is basically Poor Man's OT. Same themes as Luke+Vader (love and compassion as a redemptive force) but not make it a family thing, please. That would have been uselessly redudant imo. What I meant with the Luke+Vader parallel is they're a similar brand of "the protagonist shares their most important relationship with an antagonist who turns to the Light thanks to their influence; said dynamic also challenges the main character's naive and black/white beliefs on evil&good, it challenges them to see the world under a different light". Rey didn't need to be a literal Skywalker, Kylo/Ben could have been enough for that as "one half of the protagonist/one side of the coin" - also because he has had to live with that legacy/lovable dysfunctional family for all his life while Rey struggled in a desert and Luke was "a myth" to her. She doesn't even know them; Vader&co. mean nothing to her (that's one of the many reasons the Rey Palpatine revelation feels so hollow - are we even sure she knew what a Palpatine was? lmao). The Vader Is Luke's Father plot works so well because he's the antagonist Luke has been fighting since Film 1, and Luke has been idolizing his dead dad since forever. This forces the kid to grow up - his world shatters, so he has to find a new sort of belief code. Similar to what her relationship with Kylo does (or should do) to Rey, but in a romantic key. Maybe a romance that redeemed the original star-crossed space lovers (Anidala) - this is all about Vader's legacy after all. In fact, it's all about that and how Leia couldn't (understandably) cope with it, and her son getting targeted by Snoke. Anakin's ghost should have definitely made an appearance in TROS and had an overdue talk with his grandson and his daughter but alas, "Palpatine somehow returned" but Anakin can't be bothered about his family I guess lol (that's deeply OOC of him - I'm saying this as a fan of the character).
But I agree with your point about Rey never failing/fucking things up/needing others' help. That's one of the reasons the audience feels like she's never really matured and changed. She needed to face her own demons, not someone else (specifically a man)'s. The angst about her parents abandoning her and treating her like shit should have sufficed: if she's shown her parents were Good People All Along and they were really coming back for her - well, that only reinforces her childish beliefs and never really puts her in the position to challenge them. Same as if Luke's dad had been a good guy, like he dreamed, and not literally Satan's right hand man. That's How To Write Protagonists 101 but I don't think Disneylucas ever cared about creating a somehow coherent story.
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lightsiided · 1 year
truly the one thing she never grows out of is having an emotional reaction to things like
rey has such a temper and we see her get overwhelmed and react without thinking so many times. and once she can take a minute to take a breath and collect herself she does the right thing and it all works out but sometimes she can't get there
and for as much as she matures i think that's one thing she'll never be able to shake. her instincts are always to react physically because so much of the formative years of her life made that a necessity so she's always going to be the person who swings first
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dontcallmeeds · 2 years
When You Finish Saving The World looks so gd good I am so so excited and god dude I just love Finn in coming of age whether or not it’s him almost getting eaten by other dimensional monsters
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4giorno · 1 year
omg now it makes sense why ive somehow gotten 2 welts and his lightcone with my standard warps 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯
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