#lmao poor Inuyasha
clearwillow · 1 year
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New pages are up - click HERE to go to the site! Updates will be weekly, just like it is for patrons. Patrons on the Sparkling tiers and up get pages early.  
For a teaser of patreon’s update - with a very stupid censor - jump below the cut. It’s so dumb it makes me laugh but it’s also toeing the line and it’s amazing that it’s completely covering the bits 🤣
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anotherworldash · 8 months
Hi, it's been a long time. How are you xD?
Which post???
Wait a minute... O.o if it's SessRin, it's usually some sort of pedo allegations or something. Or you know .. the ol' ship war.. usually vs SessKagu or KohakuRin. No offense to them, all ships are valid and all fiction is just fiction after all.
Actually, I haven't been very invested in Inuyasha since 2010(?) when this blog was a InuKag, Inukik, and Narkik blog . but let me write a defend post for them since many attacks towards SessRin are from salty purists who cannot differentiate fiction from reality. And
I understand that reading comprehension has been very poor in the west, ppl keep bringing modern human moral standard to a story where the setting takes place in the feudal era or the fantasy era where many other races besides human exist soo...
Let the SessRin haters know that Sesshomaru is literally a dog demon so not only modern moral standards do not apply to him, it also does not exist because in feudal Japan, peasants usually marry as young as 16 y.o. (and Yashahime confirmed she marries him when she's an adult)
(don't get me talking about father-daughter relationship, grooming accusations and power balance because none of them are true at all. Especially when Sesshomaru never fed Rin, he told her to look food for herself. Parental figure PROVIDE basic needs for their child. Sesshomaru did not. They are just travelling companions who happened to saved each other before.)
Roasting SessRin over pedo debate is also useless because by the same logic, almost all Inuyasha ships are minor x adult , including InuKag, Inukik, Narkik , SessKago and even SessKagura (Inuyasha is 15 yo mentally but physically he is 150 yo. Anyway, Inuyasha is also a demon, modern moral does not apply to them)
(Inuyasha's age is confirmed in Inuyasha the Movie 3 where he was born in 1347. Sengoku-jidai aka the Japan warring period is the 15th century, 1543-1553)
Yes you did not read that wrong. Kagura is YOUNGER than Rin, literally! Kagura was created as Naraku's second incarnation AFTER Naraku gained the shikon no tama shards, which was originally in Kagome's body. Naraku waited 50 years after Kikyo's death for this power. So, Kagura is a one year old baby
Unironically InuKag InuKik and SessKagu and the rest are still valid ships despite the pedo-element because this is a story about demons who live in fantasy feudal era. And the most important point is, this is just a cartoon , no actual child or human is involved lmao
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energonbunny · 3 months
I'm getting back into Inuyasha and got to the part where Inuyasha gets scared and shoves Kagome into a well and I had forgotten Miroku was there and spectating that.
Imagine how wild that was for him to see! All of a sudden his comrade just pushing their female friend down a well for no discernible reason lmao I know Inuyasha explains right after but still poor Miroku just "?????????????????"
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kinmokusei-stars · 1 year
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As promised, here's my girl, Kouko!
Kouko Yoshida, Also known as 'The Sapphire Swordmaiden', is a stoic demon slayer wandering on her own with nothing but her sword, her horse, and her wits. Though her height, with her standing at about 6'2, and her closed off demeanor can make her look a bit cold if not downright intimidating, deep down she's actually just a warmhearted softy with a habit of feeding fish and other animals she comes across on her adventures and picking up pretty rocks. She's more of a gentle giant than anything else when it comes to people or animals, even if she harbors a deeply set grudge against near all demons for reasons she refuses to share.
She meets the main cast through a misunderstanding started through her having a jewel shard or two on her person that ends in the crew gaining two more shards, and a new party member.
She sticks near Kagome and Sango a majority of the time when she isn't alone, mostly because they seem the most trustworthy, with her being terrified of Shippo, and giving Miroku a near constant silent treatment after their first interaction. Though oddly enough Inuyasha seems to be more on her good side than either of the other guys on the team, with her seeing being half demon as being more trustworthy than a fullblooded demon.
They do end up falling in love, but that's only way later down the line after a long buildup- But that doesn't mean I won't post content about how they get there and what comes after LMAO
(I'll make a backstory post for her soon! :D Poor girl has baggage LMAO)
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wulvercazz · 6 months
mostly because I think your art is really awesome and I love it and you seem really cool as a person but I can be shy sometimes
That's fair, anon~! Thank uuu🥰
Tbh, I am naturally drawn to shy people, I've found :> Overly extroverted people can overwhelm me a bit, at times. But I become more extroverted around other intorverts, so I tend to befriend a lot of shy/reserved people 'w'✨
One of my best friends I just befriended out of nowhere during a school event, after years of attending the same school and not having ever spoken much. All bc she was next to me minding her own business quietly and ig I really felt like telling her all about me watching InuYasha 😂💕 now she's even more into anime than I ever was and it's great lmao
but yeah- I'm v reserved right until everyone else in the room is shy/quiet too, I chat poor, unsuspecting, introverts up 🥴
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keichanz · 2 years
hey i'm still alive
uh so. how's it going. thought i'd give a little life update in case anyone was curious or interested >> tho probs not ;lajdfk;l
yeah i know i've been mia for like. a long time now, and tbh there's no particular reason why. i know i've lost some followers because i've been so inactive and haven't written anything in a long ass time. i do apologize for that. a lot has happened in the last few months and i guess i just wanted to give my friends and follows a brief little overview of what's been going on in my life and to prove that i am indeed still alive lol.
so most of you all know by now that i finally landed a good paying remote job yeah? and at first it was amazing. now? not so much. the schedule sucks ass, the management is balls, and the actual work sucks even more. i'm not happy there anymore so i'm currently looking for a new job. and im so desperate to get out of there i'm looking outside of remote jobs as well.
right now i'm waiting to hear back from an office technician job right here in my town that pays $27 an hour. TWENTY. SEVEN. guys that's $8 more than what i'm making right now ($19 an hour.) oh my GOD if i made that money i'd be able to finally move out of this god awful house with a flea problem that i CANNOT get rid of (my poor babies :( i've legit tried everything, even fucking professionally treated this house with orkin to get rid of them, had both of them get flea baths by a groomer and STILL i cannot get rid of the damn fleas. it's so fucking stressful y'all you cant even begin to imagine), finally get new tires for my truck, and live comfortably with extra spending money without having to worry about paying rent or buying groceries for the month. i'm PRAYING i get this job. even if it's not remote that pay would make it SO worth it.
anyway. moving on.
i've also gotten into a relationship with someone i was desperately in love with, then got my heart broken because he ended things. it hurt a lot. i got over it though, with the help of some pretty amazing friends, and one of my best friends. and right now, i'm currently dating that best friend lmao. so i'm in another relationship, and i'm very happy with him. our relationship began at the end of june, i believe. (i'll never forget the day he asked me to be his. y'all my hearT MELTED 😍😍)
it's a long distance relationship as tom lives in canada, but he did recently come to see me as evidenced by the photo above. i love this man y'all. he's amazing. there is one thing i'm kinda worried about with our relationship, but i won't get into that because thinking about it upsets me. but anyway he makes my very happy. ❤️
so that's pretty much what's been happening. i just haven't really been inspired/motivated to write at all lately, and i do apologize for that. it's just been a very overwhelming few months, with dealing with this damn house, ending a relationship and starting a new one, stress from a job that i'm really beginning to hate, trying to find a new one, and just a few other small things that aren't worth mentioning.
i do hope you all know that this doesn't mean i've abandoned writing or abandoned any of my stories. it's just been difficult to write anything lately but that doesn't mean i don't want to. i still love inuyasha. it's still my favorite anime. i still read fanfic (on occasion, when i have the time as i'm pretty much in a 24/7 discord call with tom except right now because he's at a dentist appt which is why im taking the time to write this -3-) and i still do think about my stories. hell, sometimes i even get an idea for a good oneshot and think to myself "shit i need to write that down" but then i forget about it and hate myself for the next 24 hours -_-
so yeah. that's what's been going on. i'm still around. i still get on here and reblog a few posts, mostly the ones i'm tagged in or some nice fanart. i do miss y'all and i hope my absence hasn't upset anyone or made them think i'm done with the inuyasha fandom. i'm most definitely not. it's just...sort of taking a backseat for now until i sort some things out in my life. definitely not preferable, but it is what it is, y'know.
my dear readers, followers, and friends, i love you all so much and i'm glad you've stuck around this long even though i haven't been around. you're the reason why i'm still here, why i want to someday get back to writing and giving you more content to enjoy and gush over. thank you for your patience with me and still giving love to my stories after all this time. i still get the occasional review for one of my stories, and trust me, i read every single one of them and they make my entire day. it's so nice knowing people are still reading my work and enjoying it. maybe it's selfish, but i hope you never stop, because reading those reviews gives me a huge boost when i'm feeling down on a particular day and it makes me feel like i haven't been forgotten, though by every right i should have been.
okay i've rambled long enough. in short, i just want to say thank you. you're all rockstars. i love you all. ❤️
until next time, my lovelies.
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onboardsorasora · 10 months
2, 4, 16, 22, 56, 58, 70 & 74 😊
hey Bestie!! it took me a minute lmao but here we go!
2. Do you plan each chapter ahead or write as you go?
Short answer: I try to. Long answer: I try to have an outline where I might jot down ideas in the spaces I think they can go and then I just write and see what happens. That's why I don’t like posting my big fics til theyre done because I add a lot of stuff after the fact.
4. Where do you find inspiration for new ideas?
😂😂😂 I know a lot of my ideas are very… out there and wonky. And truly it could be a random thought or a conversation/media– anything and if it snags then I try to think ‘ok [idea] what comes next’ and if its something I get excited about, i have a whole lot of moments where I’m audibly going ‘ooh but what if…’ and then I take up my phone and make a note in a doc. Some ideas get chosen, some don’t.
16. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Share one of them?
So I’ll answer this in two ways: how many fic ideas do I have written down right that havent been fleshed out or posted: 9
How many of these ideas have more than just ‘idea au?’: 4
One of them is a music teacher au, where Daniel is a private music tutor and he’s supposed to be teaching Max how to play piano/cello (i haven't committed to any yet) and Max spends their tutoring time watching Daniel’s hands/fingers and how he feels the music and jacks off about it
22. Are there certain types of writing you won’t do? (style, pov, genre, tropes, etc)
I currently don’t have any because I’m willing to get out of my comfort zone to try new things (for example my new Dewis fic– terrified of doing a poor Lewis characterization)
56. What’s something about your writing that you pride yourself on?
I think I have to give myself some props on my ideas and being able to actually flesh them out into interesting stories. And my comedy. (and my ability to put angst in everything lmao)
58. What part of the writing process do you enjoy the most? (Brainstorming, outlining, writing, editing, etc)
I do love outlining. And then I procrastinate starting, because I find writing to be all encompassing, like I will ignore life if I’m trying to get an idea out. Editing is the part I like least, but it makes me giddy because that means I’m almost ready to share my idea
70. When asked, are you embarrassed or enthusiastic to tell people that you write?
I actually don’t tell people anymore. Because then they think it means I can write anything and that’s just not true. But I used to be embarrassed to tell people  when I wrote Inuyasha fanfiction haha so there are people that know and more than likely have forgotten. I don’t hesitate to tell people i read fic though, so idk 
74. You’ve posted a fic anonymously. How would someone be able to guess that you’d written it?
Oh this is hard because I truly don’t know if theres anything I that I do across fic. If there is, please lemme know!! I’ve managed to shoehorn a twilight (movie) reference in 2 of my big fics tho so that makes me giggle
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haleigh-sloth · 2 years
Does it matter narusasu narusasu shippers sent hate to kishimoto till this day shippers are going to hate sakura still get lashings and it been a decade and frankly I been in the naruto and inuyasha (this one is funny cause the girl was dead) fandom mha is like roses lol
Narusasu is easily just the funniest ship I’ve ever seen because I’ve never seen so many people who are actually genuinely indifferent to the ship say “yeah that was canon they were in love” with full seriousness 💀 (and I agree lmao)
Poor Kishi though I mean I’m afraid people will do that to Hori
They did it to Isayama too and it’s just….idk people should really have more shame tbh lol
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humanoidtyphoons · 2 years
LMAO, still thinking about that revenge quote, i know it’s been 20 seconds but
would you still love me if my revenge consumes me
- it’s a yes for leorio/kurapika (not my otp but i get it)
- it should be a no for sasusaku (never should have been canon istg); but honestly all sides of narusasusaku, i think it should be no. i will claim that sasuke should have died bc i don’t like him AT ALL
- it’s a yes for critical role for percy de rolo and vox machina, but i’m extremely hurt that the animated series went straight to the briarwood arc instead of building up to it (i get why but i’m still like. this is a terrible storytelling choice and it’s soured me on the show forever)
- it’s a yes for the count de monte cristo, how i love thee til the ends of the earth
- it’s a yes from mawang, oh seung ha and his poor meow meow tendencies that lead to tragedy
- it’s a yes for kikyo, haughty and proud and mocking, and inuyasha loves her anyway, and only wants her safe.
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fighting-these-demons · 4 months
So I couldn't blog a few episodes but now!!!
TOUDOU!!!! He's definitely racing to see Makishima!!!
Toudou and Onoda racing together to meet Makishima!!!! 😭😭😭💖💖💖
Toudou hasn't considered that Makishima wanted to see him alone lmao! 😂
SHOUJO SPARKLE SOUND EFFECT!!!! Onoda is so in love with him it's crazy!
"I could search the whole world over.... but you're the only one I'd find who rides with that form!"
That was SO CLOSE to what your heart really wants to say Onoda. SO CLOSE!!!
Lmao Makishima wanted a minute alone with Toudou! 😂 Poor guy!
Aw! Onoda is realizing that there might be something going in there! Subconsciously... deeply subconsciously.... but he senses it!
ONODA NOOOOOOO 😭 Don't third wheel them!!! He already told you he was leaving you behind for their race!
I'm glad he's putting in a bit of a fight in his own way but like.... maybe now is not the best time? He wasn't invited.... Love how he's still so polite and sweet and begging while stubbornly holding onto his feelings! It fits him.
His heart can't help from trying to throw his body in the way when someone might be confessing to Makishima. 💓
Toudou is so patient with him! What a good Rival Senpai! 💖 I can't help but think that PART of it is him feeling secure in letting Onoda watch as he confesses though.
He's still terminally allergic to Sincerity.
Yes Toudou. Deflect to how many letters Onoda sent that surely went unanswered as well. Lmao. Geez.
Real Inuyasha Kagome moment for sure.
The Time Honored Sports Anime Tradition of
Screaming Your Rival's Name During Competition Because They Can't Show You Screaming It In Bed.
Throwing sweat as a blown kiss and nearly grabbing hands with it and looking into each ithers eyes while doing it AUGH
Toudou if you don't buy a fucking plane ticket after this!!!!!!
What is this urge in your heart? Geez idk Onoda. Idk if you'll ever connect it.
---Literally transition could save her. I think her feelings would magically slot into place mentally and she'd realize how in love she is with everyone but I've gotten off track.---
Lord I hope his teammates rip into him for RACING ALL NIGHT WHEN HE SHOULD HAVE BEEN RESTING 😤
Jesus!!!!! I know he's in love but he's racing for his team! Nit just for Makishima!!!
Then again this is him maybe coming to terms with romantic feelings possibly so I guess it's a "let it slide" situation.... but still...
AUGH THE HUG!!!!!!! 😫😫😫😭😭😭 had they been alone that absolutely would have been a kiss!
Let's hope that the mark it left in your heart helps you to think things through Onoda!
Damn Toudou you're really gonna let Onoda gush and spill his feelings like that in front of you? Then again he knows on some level that Onoda still hasn't put a name to his feelings so he probably feels uncomfortable but not scared that he's gonna lose right then and there.
Lmao Toudous smug look at Makishima not caring a bit about Onoda's anime rambling! 😂
Well. Here comes the Canon Manamonoda.
PFFFFFFT OK Toudou DID get insecure when Makishima told Onida he was starting to look like a Second Year and had to jump in to reestablish the pecking order!!! 🤣
I know they're trying to frame the girls as after Onoda's heart but I ship them! They're so cute! 💖💖💖
I wish there was more Girl's Sports anime! 🥺 Surely the industry environment has grown enough to allow it now! They wouldn't even have to do the heartbreaking show ruining No Homo in the Last Episode or with a Whole No Homo Second Season! They could just give us the Sapphic overtones and then deliver on it!
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lady-of-disdain · 3 years
Well yeah, of COURSE Sunrise is reusing old clips of the OG show for their shitty sequel. They have to when this is the rest of the dollar store art they have to offer us.
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sailorstarr-chan4 · 3 years
Why the fuck do I not write more Sailor Moon fanfiction?
#Starling ramblings#the eternal struggle: wish to write but also wish to Not Actually Write#the eternal dilemma: want to write about the things I love but also do not want to Burn Out like with Inuyasha#I've come to the conclusion that Sailor Moon gives me A Lot of Feelings (both good and bad)#and it's just like Disney movies/animation that way#both are subjects I'm VERY passionate about if you get me going#the only major difference being time: I grew up with Disney and have an entire lifetime of passion towards it#whereas I literally went from lowkey hating Sailor Moon (while grudgingly acknowledging its influence and importance)#to the Sailor Moon manga be in my Top 5 faves and the Sailor Moon series as a whole in my Top 10-15 Faves#I have soooooo many scathing issues of the 90's anime (that is NOT connected to the infamous original dubbing)#and though I adore the manga I also have many many MANY issues with That One Subplot in the second arc................ you know the one >.>#and simultaneously I genuinely enjoy love and adore both!!!#I love my girls and my ships (both UsaMamo OTP level and the many lowkey side ships)#soooooooooo come on brain: let's write Sailor Moon fics!#brain: no I shan't it's Christmas#(I know it isn't Christmas lmao but that's what my mind thought of jhbdfjhgbjfbgjdjf)#hashtag: being a writer is HARD#hashtag: StarlingChild slowly losing her sanity the further she gets from her fics#hashtag: no I shan't it's Christmas is going to be my to-go refusal statement from now on khdcbgkjdnkbrfg#I apologize to the poor soul who actually went through and read all of my tags dsjgkjdfgdf
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theunknownmasks · 3 years
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“Don’t come cryin’ to me.”
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keichanz · 4 years
hey kei! just a quick random question cause im bored, what's a method of inspiration for you when you write? :)
................nothing in, uh, particular.....
it's @clearwillow's fault.
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aeroknot · 5 years
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another update to the height chart, now with.... an actual... height chart alisdjilsdjklw
i should just wait until all the characters i intend to include are done, but tonight, spread out over quick breaks from other projects, i drew inuyasha an’ he turned out so cute!!
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danaty-consolation · 5 years
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Mermaid Hunters- Crossdressing
Inuyasha: I want to fucking die.
Yuta:  I agree with Inuyasha.
I was talking with  @artistefish about how  Rinne, Ataru and obviously Ranma had canonically crossdressed before and how Inuyasha has never done it before, same with Yuta.
With Mao, we don’t know if he will at some point but for now no(?
not gonna lie I laughed drawing these 
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