#lmao our band will have only one alto sax and two tenors
ALRIGHT tried the tenor sax time to ramble about it
first off the model that the music shop lended us was very nice. it was an oxford model with an antique-finish? so it had a nice flower engraving on the bell and also cost $1000.
second up, there was like, no resistance when playing. especially when i was playing high register which is crazy. like, the whole reason i switched to bass clarinet was because i had trouble with high register. so like. being able to play really fucking high notes with little trouble was insaneee
on the other hand, i had a lot of trouble with low register. like, couldn’t even get the note out without it switching to high register type of trouble. but i think that’s because of my embouchure so…
that leads us into embouchure. even though my form for clarinet SUCKS, it was still good enough to be able to play fairly well. which means it was tight, cause that’s the type you need for clarinet. but for sax you need a more loose embouchure??? which was impossible for me to do so i DEFINITELY need to work on that lol
also my ligature that i got isn’t great. but hey, it works as a ligature, so it’s fineeeee
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dank-and-dismal · 5 years
saxophone quartet rant to spice things up a little
Basically around a month ago one of my friends (the one who I played bohemian rhapsody with one time at lunch) came up to me and said that we should try and start up a saxophone quartet. I would be on soprano sax, and he would be on alto. We found a couple other people to play tenor and bari, and last week we had our first official rehearsal (we played “ I want it that way” lmao I’m living for it).
So, one of my friends that I’ve had a shit ton of drama with last year (if you’ve seen my other rants you’d know) also plays soprano sax, and we’re the only two soprano players in the school. Only for all of last year in the saxophone ensemble she pretended to play when really she wasn’t, and always said “omg stop being better than me” or something along those lines. She even gets nervous enough playing flute, which is her main instrument, and refuses to do solos on it.
Basically now she’s all pissy at me because my band director asked for people involved in the sax quartet so she could tell us about a performance opportunity, and she didn’t know that the quartet was a thing or that I was in it.
It’s just really frustrating because for one thing, I thought she already knew about it, and for another thing, she knows that she isn’t confident and just would not work in a quartet scenario where she’d be playing her part on her own (especially since sopranos nearly always have the melody). I understand that she’d be upset that I was asked instead of her, but I put in a lot more effort than she does and honestly feel like I deserve an opportunity like this after all the shit I’ve been through. And yet I’m considered a terrible person because I’m trying to improve my musicianship (if that’s a even a word), saxophone playing, and because I just want to have fun with other sax players
I’m not even annoyed at her, I’m just over the drama. This shit is exhausting
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crownstar · 5 years
ah it's really thoughtful of you, nice to meet you emily! :) it's so nice your sister is also into kpop, i have no friends irl who listen to it but sometimes i see ppl obsessing over lets say bts in public and i'm like... maybe it's for the best haha my biases are vernon, joshua and jeonghan! aaaand the teaser!!!???!!! i'm so excited wth they look so amazing and the preview is so promising let me sob in peace
my sister, that likes kpop, is like five years younger than me and never ever responds to messages lol so i dont get to talk to her much cuz i dont go home very often. also same at the friends irl (tho i do have one friend now who will listen to stuff i send them, so thats nice, but they also rarely respond..) and seeing kpop fans in public and just going… nah. like me when i was listening to these two girls i work with talk about bts and i went….. hmmmm im not gonna join this convo. tho i did once see a girl wearing a svt tshirt on campus, but it was as i was sprinting across campus cuz my class was starting and i was late. ah! and i once worked with this girl when i did overnights for a few months, who was really into shinee and she would show me stuff during our “lunch” break sometimes. she was mostly pretty chill. tho she did make a lot of impulse purchases, mostly contacts and plane/concert tickets lol. we didnt really stay in touch though after we both got different jobs though :/ 
yeah!!?? omg the teaser! it looks so cool!! im hype! also lmao why are they all looking at an alto sax?? i played that in band lol! also like most of the time if there is a sax in a song its a tenor so why an alto? probs doesnt mean anything but lol those are my thoughts on that scene. edit: its part of the reference to dead poets society i guess... ive only seen bits and pieces of that movie lol 
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