Hello all, I'm heavily consodering deleting this account and completely starting over. I'll likely stick with my OC's to be honest and make blogs for them. When i do that im probably only going to refollow a few people annd start over from there.
I am not sure yet if I will keep Damien as a Muse, mostly because the Dream Daddy Fandom is super quiet and Super Selective... which is okay?? But like... it makes it hard for me to find people who are willing to interact with me which is also frustrating.
I am definitelt dropping Hanzo as a muse because while I love him as a character, my muse for him is just.... dead i tried to hang on to him but he's long gone. RIP my Hanzo muse.
Im super sorry to anyone who actually enjoyed him.
When I make the new blog I'll keep this one for a week before I delete and give a link to my new one which the primary may be for OCs.
It's been fun writing with you all and I'll hopefully see you on thr other blog 😊
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You’re doing great, Robert <3
(+ a bunch of quick doods)
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why be unkind to people? there is so much power in kindness & sensitivity 
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I really need to bring this boy back
Im also going to start unfollowing people i dont interact with...
Also if you follow my hanzo blog he...hes a dead muse. I tried to bring him back but its not happening. If you followed me for my Hanzo sideblog then I'll understand if you unfollow.
However i do feel confident in writing Damien for the Most part, I just like writing him with Roberts a lot i guess ;;
But I would also love to write him with the other Dads, and wirh Mary and Dadsonas/Ocs and i dont mind doing crossovers/Aus
May rework this blog and work on promoing it some because i do adore this muse ❤
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I’m still alive and writing but I’ve got the best muse for my Oc’s @crewofoddities
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Send my character a ► and a command. They must obey.
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Like this for a wild Damien to appear in your inbox!
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various starters
❛  you’re a weapon and weapons don’t weep.  ❜
❛  hurt me once, I’ll kill you twice.  ❜
❛  never trust a survivor until you learn what they did to stay alive.  ❜
❛  death is the only god that comes when you call.  ❜
❛  I am teeth. I am royal. you are nothing to me.  ❜
❛  the sun will rise and we will try again.  ❜
❛  we’re just kids. we aren’t supposed to be heroes.  ❜
❛  I like my women like I like my Absinthe: bitter and intoxicating.  ❜
❛  what doesn’t kill me better run.  ❜
❛  she wasn’t looking for a knight. she was looking for a sword.  ❜
❛  don’t dehumanize bad people, because it’s their humanity which makes what they’ve done so terrifying.  ❜
❛  she isn’t just pretty. she is otherworldly and vaguely threatening.  ❜
❛  magic is not good or evil. is a knife evil? only if the wielder is.  ❜
❛  I don’t want your crown. see, I’ve come to burn your kingdom down.  ❜
❛  they broke my wings. they forgot I have claws.  ❜
❛  all that blood was never beautiful, it was just red.  ❜
❛  what do you do when there’s no hero in the story? simple. you kill the monster and crown yourself.  ❜
❛  how terrible it is, to love something that death can touch.  ❜
❛  you may not be interested in war, but it is interested in you.  ❜
❛  I feel divinity in my bones like aching. like fire.  ❜
❛  you make me feel and I don’t like it. I want it to stop. now.  ❜
❛  you are losing my interest and that is very dangerous.  ❜
❛  she will burn your kingdoms down, herself with it, if it means your ruin.  ❜
❛  it’s okay to be scared. it means your about to do something brave.  ❜
❛  she looks like divine absolution.  ❜
❛  I will not be another flower, picked for my beauty and left to die. I will be wild, difficult to find and impossible to forget.  ❜
❛  be careful with words. they can be forgive, but never forgotten.  ❜
❛  you not wanting me was the beginning of me wanting myself.  ❜
❛  I’m tired of fighting. for once, I want to be fought for.  ❜
❛  never run back to what broke you.  ❜
❛  I was quite, but not blind.  ❜
❛  your gut knows what’s up. trust that bitch.  ❜
❛  we all eat lies when our hearts are hungry.  ❜
❛  do not judge my story by the chapter you walked in on.  ❜
❛  I’m just a girl, standing in front of a salad, wishing it was a donut.  ❜
❛  you can miss something but not want it back.  ❜
❛  you can’t save people, you can only love them.  ❜
❛  I came, I saw, I made it awkward.  ❜
❛  we buy shite we don’t need, with money we don’t have, to impress people we don’t like.  ❜
❛  you’re always one decision away from a different life.  ❜
❛  my brain has too many tabs open.  ❜
❛  I’m not saying I hate you, just that you’re like the Monday of people.  ❜
❛  there’s no ‘we’ in fries.  ❜
❛  apology accepted, trust denied.  ❜
❛  death and I have been scandalously intimate for some time now.  ❜
❛  life happens. coffee helps.  ❜
❛  I am mine before I am ever anyone else’s.  ❜
❛  I rely a bit too heavily on alcohol and irony.  ❜
❛  very early in my life it was already too late.  ❜
❛  is that a threat or are you flirting with me.  ❜
❛  was the use of force necessary in completing your objectives?  ❜
❛  I’ll let you drag me to hell if it means you’ll hold my hand.  ❜
❛  I do bad things, and I do them very well.  ❜
❛  you drink too much, you cuss too much and you have questionable morals. you’re everything I ever wanted.  ❜
❛  they will kill you, but first they will have to catch you.  ❜
❛  drugs might kill you but they’ll never break your heart.  ❜
❛  good girls are just bad girls that haven’t been caught.  ❜
❛  a pretty face doesn’t guarantee a pretty heart.  ❜
❛  no airbag, we die like men.  ❜
❛  true evil is, above all, seductive.  ❜
❛  it takes more courage to suffer than to die.  ❜
❛  you must be lucky to avoid the wolf every time. but the wolf? he only needs enough luck to catch you once.  ❜
❛  justice is vengeance in prettier packaging.  ❜
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Damien shrugs “Rest in Piece gentle forest critter. You’ll make a good snack for a pack of coyotes. And food for plants.” He says as he drops some leaves over it “In your death, you’ll bring something else life” he says
He pauses sighs softly he’s hoping Robert doesn’t try to investigate too much. He’d have a hard time explaining the punctures on its jugular if Robert noticed.
“Thanks for the help..” he says with a small smile “It’s always a bit sad to see a dead animal like this. Especially one so gentle.” He says softly
“If you don’t mind my asking, what brings you out here? Wanting another run in with your Dover ghost” he lightly teases with a small smile.
The fresh air is nice though, maybe that’s all Robert needed to come out here.
Damien watches Robert as he moves towards the dead deer and he smiles wryly “I don’t think it was the Dover ghost that got this deer, Robert” he replies softly as he watches his friend, he noticed the look, Damien often played along with his little tall tales and such. It was fun sometimes.
He starts to relax a little and he hums softly “Well it seems I’m full of surprises. I don’t think anyone took me for a night lurker despite the community joke that I am some sort of cryptid.” He says softly, notnabke to completely relax in the presence of a dead deer.
Damien pales a little, you wouldn’t think he could but lo and behold- he can. “Ah yes I’m aware.” He replies quietly “Yes.. probably why I startled when you found me. A dead deer was unsettling enough and you sneaking up on me..”
He shuffles uncomfortably, he doesn’t want to linger here “I was going to bury it with the dead leaves… I didn’t want to leave it like this.” At least that was the truth. Robert didn’t need to know his dirty little secret. He made jokes about him being a vampire but Damien was worried how about the reaction to finding out that… yeah.. he actually was one.
“You can help if you’d like. I’d rather not linger around a dead animal like this.” He says, “At least cover it with leaves, then if you’d like we can go back to the cul-de-sac.” Or if Robert wanted to stay Damien would go back by himself.
Robert shrugs, with a vaguely De Niro might as well face. He tosses the stick over the deer and then bends to scoop up two handfuls of leaves. They’re wet and mulchy, and smell strongly of the woods. Not a bad thing to sink your hands into.
“You have any good eulogies?” Robert asks, quirking an eyebrow at Damien. Damien is acting oddly nervous, but then again Damien is a nice person who gives a crap, so maybe that’s just a more nervous type of person in general than Robert and Mary’s fare.
He dumps his leaf cluster over the deer’s rump, sorta sifting a little to get good coverage.
It is always a little sad to see a gentle animal dead, and you don’t get much gentler than a deer, but at least it’ll just be part of the forest now. It’ll get eaten and turn to bones and its own brand of mulch alongside the leaves. Not a bad way to die, either.
Robert scoops some more leaves.
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Sorry for the absence stuff has been a bit hectic.
I’m still around and I lurk!
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" let’s go or we could stay and ... i’ll kill him . " Is he joking? It was said with a blank face.
Damien narrows his eyes as he tries to figure out if Micheal is joking. He’s used to this from Robert, he’s known the man years. But Micheal? He’s still new.
“We can sacrifice him to chthulu.” Lucien deadpans without looking up from his phone. He does grin though.
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Damien was a bit surprised but also grateful that Lucien was willing to let Ithadel have some of his sodas. Even if Ithadel politely turns it down. Lucien simply shrugs, more for him. Damien nods “Of course, come now” he murmurs as he heads down stairs to the dinning room with Ithadel and Lucien. Lucien puts his phone away before taking his seat Damien gives him some water to have with dinner and then pours Ithadel and himself some wine.
“The wine was actually a gift from a good friend of mine. She has really good taste too..” he says with a small smile, although he does wish Mary would cut back significantly with Her consumption of it. A glass with dinner was one thing but...
He sighs and he sits down. The table was all set and the food placed in the center so they could make their own plates.
“I’m glad to see you two getting along.” He hums, he knew how his son could be sometimes. Going through his rebellious Teen phase. He behaved fine for Damien but he sometimes likes to give other adults or figures of authority a hard time.
“Talk about anything interesting?”
Lucien shrugs “Oh you know..” he says as he makes his plate “Gargoyle stuff. Books.” His gentle plea to Ithadel to find Damien some friends like himself. But Lucien wasn’t going to say that.
“Thanks for the food”
Lucien sighs softly “Hmm I’ve expressed that concern a few times” he confessed “Mostly because this other guy does have a life and sometimes vacations… if my dad runs out he usually takes to getting what he needs from deer and the like, but it’s not the same and doesn’t work for as long I’ve noticed.” He explains. “And then when it gets really bad he hides away in the basement until something comes through. It’s rare that it gets that bad but it’s happened once or twice. Robert, a friend of his, helped him through one of those times.” He murmurs softly
“Seriously, if you know anwhone like him you should introduce them… he could really use it. As far as I know, he didn’t have anyone to help him adjust when he first changed and he’s just been kind figuring it out…. and while he’s not doing too poorly I still worry about him sometimes and he gets lonely. Someone to show him the ropes might be good for him”
Lucien makes a face “ugh now I sound like him” he goes back to reading his book. He loves his dad, that much is clear, but as a human he’s not sure how to help his own father with his struggles sometimes and that kinda sucks. Seems like Ithadel was a blessing.
“Sweet, Dad will definitely enjoy the company. If you’re interested in botany definitely talk to him about it. He loves talking about plants and flowers, their different symbolism’s and what not.” He muses.
Almost as if on cue Damien appeared in the doorway, smiling warmly, “Supper is ready. I made enough for you Ithadel if you’d like to join. I’m uncertain as to what types of food you eat so I hope you don’t mind a vegetarian meal..” he says softly “We’ve got drinks as well, choices being water or wine… we have sodas but.. Lucien doesn’t like to share them..” he chuckles sheepishly.
Lucien sighs “I can’t imagine he wants a coke but if he does I guess he can have one.”
Ithadel listens to Lucien’s concerns, nodding quietly and reiterating his intention to speak to Damien. He’s prevented from speaking further by Damien’s appearance at the doorway, though, and turns to the man.
“I would be pleased to join you,” Ithadel replies, smiling faintly. “Vegetarian is fine.”
He sets the book he’d been holding aside and pushes himself to his feet, padding towards the doorway with a soft chuckle. “And you are correct, Lucien, I think I’ll pass on the coke. Too acidic for my tastes, I’m afraid. Your supply is safe from me, though I appreciate your willingness to share. I will take some wine, though.”
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‘  are  you  hitting  me  up  for  money  with  your  hand  on  my  uh—  ’
‘  are  you  here  to  save  me ?  ’
‘  are  you  sure  we  should  be  doing  this ?   it  kind  of  feels  like  cheating .  ’
‘  come  back  to  bed !  ’
‘  he  just  sent  me  flowers  that  you  send  to  someone  when  you’re  worried  they’ll  never  see  a  flower  again .  ’
‘  he  wore  the  perfume  of  death .  ’
‘  hi  there ,   little  future  train  wreck .  ’
‘  i  accept  that  you  will  be  a  little  intense   –   a  little  too  much  sometimes  because  you  care  so  much .  ’
‘  i  came  back  because  i’m  in  love  with  you .  ’
‘  i  couldn’t  have  you  find  out  without  me  being  there  to  hug  you .  ’
‘  i  don’t  think  there’ll  be  a  next  time .  ’
‘  i  hate  people .  ’
‘  i  knew  you  for  such  a  short  time   &   i’ve  missed  you  forever .  ’
‘  i  know  you’re  not  okay .   i  can  tell .  ’
‘  i  like  the  hat .   i  was  focused  on  that  most  of  the  time .  ’
‘  i  regretted  it  the  moment  i  said  it .  ’
‘  i  think  she’s  in  big  trouble .  ’
‘  i  wish  i  could  make  you  feel  dirty .  ’
‘  invitation’s  open .   you  can  come  along  if  you’d  like  to .  ’
‘  it’s  hard  to  face  the  truth  sometimes .   it’s  scary .  ’
‘  it’s  scary  not  knowing  what’s  coming  next ,   but  you’ve  got  the  worlds  best  safety net .  ’
‘  it’s  where  it  all  began .  ’
‘  i’ll  make  sure  you  get  your  jacket  back .  ’
‘  i’m  a  very  curious  person   &   i  try  not  to  underestimate  people .  ’
‘  i’m  not  here  to  see  you ,   i  have  a  life .   good  lord .  ’
‘  i’m  slowly  poisoning  my  father - in - law .  ’
‘  last  week  some  regrettable  utterances  were   .   .   .   uttered .  ’
‘  let’s  go .   or  we  could  stay   &   .   .   .   i’ll  kill  him .  ’
‘  majority  rules  might’ve  worked  in  medieval  times ,   but  we  live  in  a  civil  society  now .  ’
‘  please  don’t  help .  ’
‘  she  is  a  little  extra .   i  agree .  ’
‘  stay  here .   it’s  nice  here .  ’
‘  that  doesn’t  even  make  sense .  ’
‘  that’s  a  far  cry  from  cigarettes   &   sadness .   that’s  your  usual  m.o.  ’
‘  there’s  no  way  in  hell  that  you  should  have  a  baby .  ’
‘  this  is  unfortunate  timing .  ’
‘  was  that  anger  or  foreplay ?  ’
‘  we  are  lame .   we  are  so  lame .  ’
‘  we  have  a  text  chain .   it’s  mostly  gifs ,   but  sometimes  we  talk  about  how  messed  up  y’all  are .  ’
‘  well ,   if  you’d  let  me  demonstrate   .   .   .  ’
‘  whatever  you  need ,   i’ve  got  you .   all  hands  on  deck .  ’
‘  what’s  wrong  with  you ?   you  look  weird .  ’
‘  why  would  you  come  back ?  ’
‘  you  are  a  bad  girl .  ’
‘  you  are  so  lame .   you  are  both  so  lame .  ’
‘  you  came  across  the  country  to  say  you’re  sorry ?  ’
‘  you  can’t  go  into  marriage  thinking  about  ‘ forever ’ .   who  put  that  stupid  idea  into  your  head ?  ’
‘  you  dodged  a  very  slow  moving  bullet .   i’d  call  that  a  good  use  of  your  time .  ’
‘  you  don’t  need—-   you  don’t  need  an  explanation .  ’
‘  you  don’t  overthink  things  like  i  do .   that  could  be  a  good  thing  too .  ’
‘  you  feel  like  you  need  to  be  a  rock  for  them   &   that  apologizing  shows  vulnerability .  ’
‘  you  have  trouble  apologizing .  ’
‘  you  made  me  feel  dirty .   real  dirty .  ’
‘  your  affair  with  her  was  over .   you  should’ve  stayed  away .   why  did  you  come  back ?  ’
‘  you’re  just  saying  this  stuff  because  you’re  scared ,   or  i’m  scared ,   or  we’re  scared .  ’
‘  you’re  not  here  right  now   &   ,   trust  me ,   you  really  wanna  be .  ’
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Yay I got some replies done! Everything is replied to it’s just some are queued. I think it’s mostly the side blogs that have queues replied but yeh.
If I missed anything let me know because I’m horrible at tracking threads and it’s been a while since I’ve replied to stuff
If y’all wanna drop a thread and start a new one let me know also, or if you wanna start a new one- I’m always game >:3
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Damien closes his eyes, listening to Joseph talk about fresh blood makes him thirsty and he doesn’t like it much. He only has a limited supply to last the month and he needed to make it last. Needless to say he’s thankful when the conversation shifts, opening his eyes to look at Joseph
“The cookies are only ever too sweet when you allow the children to put the sugar in them” He chuckles softly “But it’s nice that you let them help you sometimes”
He sighs softly “Mmm, Perhaps that much is true. I’m not as open about it as you are. Having someone to talk to about it is... nice” He says. He’s honestly still getting used to it, and he didn’t want his friends to be afraid of him or treat him differently. Nor did he want to answer all the questions about if this was why he hated Garlic and how he could be outside during the day and if he could see his reflection or turn into a bat.
He honestly wasn’t sure about the bat thing. He couldn’t turn into one, but he wasn’t sure if that was because of how “young” he was or if it was just a false myth. He thought about asking Joseph but... decided against it.
“Speaking of such events hosting or Chaperoning anything interesting this week?” He asks “Lucien was talking about a fundraiser for the school’s drama club the other day. That had bakesale written all over it. Or they’ll be selling those chocolate bars.”
Damien sighs deeply at Joseph’s remark, he just doesn’t like Joseph talking about his friend as though he’s some kind of challenging prey to be outwitted. He comes back into the room and looks at Joseph “Yes you did, and I can see how well that’s working out for the two of you. You’re both miserable.” He sips his tea calmly. He sits down and listens to Joseph try to defend his ethics, “I never said you didn’t take the seriously. However they do make finding new sources easier” He murmurs
He chuckles softly “I also never said the way I do things was perfect. But that’s why I don’t take any unless they have more than enough. If they’re short then I just have to make do” he says with a shrug “still more trustworthy than getting people to trust me so I can sink my teeth into them”
Joseph wasn’t wrong about Damien’s age, he was a modern Vampire despite the Victorian look- that was purely an aesthetic he admired. Damien was born in this century. He’s been a vampire for less than 20 years so.. he was in fact very young and perhaps still trying to cling to what he felt he had left of his humanity. Besides if he’d known that being turned wouldn’t have saved his beloved… he’d have never agreed to it. Now he has to learn to live with it the best he can.
“Anyway.. the cookies are delightful, as always.” He says softly
Joseph whines and tilts his head back on the couch. He doesn’t want to talk about Mary with Damien, nor he wants to keep arguing on the way he feed himself but he is still convinced his way is better.  “It’s not my fault…To me blood bags taste so dull after a while…it can’t really compete with fresh blood. It’s just…the whole thing, the throbbing under your fangs when you bite…the hot feeling when it goes down your throat and- I don’t know. I can’t explain it.” Except he just did and now just thinking about it was making his mouth water already; there’s really no way someone would rather choose blood from hospital supplies over fresh one. How much he’d like to have a drink right now, something more substantial than the tea Damien kindly prepared. “Thank you, I was afraid they were too sugary” he smiles taking a bite in turn even if he can’t reallt appreciate the taste of them “and you’re not a party pooper Damien, you know that. I invite you because you’re my friend, and Mary’s friend and the kids love you and Lucien…And we should stick together, we’re birds of a feather, you and I”.
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Damien watches Robert as he moves towards the dead deer and he smiles wryly “I don’t think it was the Dover ghost that got this deer, Robert” he replies softly as he watches his friend, he noticed the look, Damien often played along with his little tall tales and such. It was fun sometimes.
He starts to relax a little and he hums softly “Well it seems I’m full of surprises. I don’t think anyone took me for a night lurker despite the community joke that I am some sort of cryptid.” He says softly, notnabke to completely relax in the presence of a dead deer.
Damien pales a little, you wouldn’t think he could but lo and behold- he can. “Ah yes I’m aware.” He replies quietly “Yes.. probably why I startled when you found me. A dead deer was unsettling enough and you sneaking up on me..”
He shuffles uncomfortably, he doesn’t want to linger here “I was going to bury it with the dead leaves... I didn’t want to leave it like this.” At least that was the truth. Robert didn’t need to know his dirty little secret. He made jokes about him being a vampire but Damien was worried how about the reaction to finding out that... yeah.. he actually was one.
“You can help if you’d like. I’d rather not linger around a dead animal like this.” He says, “At least cover it with leaves, then if you’d like we can go back to the cul-de-sac.” Or if Robert wanted to stay Damien would go back by himself.
Damien finishes with the dear and carefully lowers the lifeless animal to the ground. He feels pretty ashamed.
“I am truly sorry..” he whispers as he tries to cover it up with some dead autumn leaves. He becomes more aware of his surroundings now and he can sense someone’s approaching. He takes one of his kerchiefs from his pocket and wipes away any blood that could be lingering around his lips. And he hides until he sees someone.
“Robert…?” He slaps his hands over his mouth. Shit now he’s got busted in the woods alone and there was a dead deer. Ah Damien could probably just say he found it like that and tried to bury it out of respect. He comes out of hiding and sighs
“You startled me!” He says softly. “I’d ask what you’re doing out at this hour, however I realize that’s a hypocritical question to ask.” He crosses his arms over his chest and crinkles his nose. Someone’s been smoking. A lot. But for once Damien doesn’t smell alcohol, so that probably meant he was sober. Well that was good at least.
Well. The forest rustling wasn’t a horrifying beast thus far unconfirmed by science, so that’s a little disappointing.
It’s Damien, looking a little jumpy but that’s fair with how quietly Robert was walking. And with the fricken dead deer just hanging out between them. His neighbor is an unexpected sight, but the deer kinda takes the spotlight.
Robert puts his hands in his jacket pockets (alongside the wet cigarette butts, admittedly pretty gross even by his standards) and approaches carefully, hunching a little to examine the corpse. Any self-respecting outdoorsman has a partial interest in dead forest things. For Robert, he just appreciates getting a close up look at a deer, really. It’s kind of neat.
He gives a low whistle.
“Somebody must’ve run into the Dover Ghost,” he says ominously. He shifts his attention to Damien and gives a quick I’m fucking with you smile. “Sorry for sneaking up on you. I didn’t take you for a fellow night lurker, Damien.”
He looks back at the deer and, like a twelve-year-old boy scout, picks up a stick to poke at it. But then he stops.
“Hang on a second,” he says. “Come look at this. There’s blood. … A lot, holy shit. Did you just find it like this?”
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Hey Yall! Still alive, just a lot going on :’) I will try to get to replies as soon as I can <3 I promise!
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