tsoocblog · 10 years
Hey guys it's Candace! I know I haven't been around and I have been checking back and everything, but now that everything is closing on a very important chapter of my RP life I thought I'd give a small message just like you all to say how much I'm going to miss each and every one of you.
I have met some really amazing people here and now that it's all over I am a little sad to be honest. BUT if any of you still want to talk to lil ol' me I'm gonna also leave my personal stuff here so you can keep in contact. I don't even honestly know what to say this is so weird and I never thought I'd be saying things like this omg. 
Goodbye to you amazing people on here, but hopefully I'll see you around the place! I... I'm still at a loss for words so I'm gonna leave it now.
Personal: here
Skype: crimsonbutterflyx
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tsoocblog · 10 years
hello this wiz
bad timing ik
also if the typing is jumbled its because my brain got a lil shaken around earlier
but i had so much meeting you all!
if you wanna stay in contact
skype: galeofcastanet
main: ghiacciato
art/HM: animalsparading
lov u all bless
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tsoocblog · 10 years
????W?W? What is happening?
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tsoocblog · 10 years
I'm also posting this on the OOC blog, on the off chance someone will see this.
It was a shock to see the TS is finally closing its doors.
I came earlier this year, around February, and have stayed since. I was glad to have spent the time to be here, and meet a lot of great, and even interesting people.
Since TS is going away now…I’m not sure what I’ll do with this blog. Maybe someone will make a new group for all of us.
Goodbye, Town-Square. Thanks for the fun.
~Silver Kuroi
If you wish to contact me, please email me at [email protected] or silver3dragon on skype. My personal tumblr is silverkuroi.tumblr.com
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tsoocblog · 10 years
Not at all good with this sort of thing as well. =X This was my first Harvest Moon RP group and I'm SO GLAD to of gotten the chance to know you all, even if I wasn't a member for very long. =) 
That said... I think I might deactivate this and Nina's blog. I have an independent!Cam blog (floraleloquence) that I use to RP with multifandom -- though I haven't as of late since I've been uninspired/the main person I usually RP with has been in a funk. ... Feel free to hit me up there and send stuff my way regardless if you're looking for a Cam to RP with... =D
As far as where to find me... :O 
Personal: nintendohime
Art Tumblr: starduststarcrossed
Skype: nintendohime
My sister still has my 3DS, the brat. x.x;
Feel free to keep in touch if ya'd like! =) I wouldn't mind hearing from all of ya... ^__^;
Thanks for the memories~!
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tsoocblog · 10 years
I'm no good with this sort of thing, but I just wanted to say that even though I was only a part of this group for a short time, I really did absolutely love meeting all of you. You're all so funny, sweet, interesting, and kind, and I'm glad to have met you!
That being said, please feel free to keep in contact! My skype is mattieloo97, my personal tumblr is mintymew, and the blog that I'm on every day is michiko-onigiri-chan.
Thanks for the wonderful memories and friendship. ♥
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tsoocblog · 10 years
Hello Friends! This is Life here! This will be my final goodbye I suppose.
I'd like to thank the mods for well everything. Funny enough I was tryin' to go on hiatus. It was fun while it lasted. I hadn't been a member very long, maybe a couple months, but it was a blast.
Honestly when I first came I had left school and had almost zero contact with my friends. So it was great to make new friends here. At the beginning of my entry to ts, I said some awkward, slightly offensive things and I tried to leave, but was talked down by Claire. I'm very happy that I had stayed.
My skype is justsomebread. If you're from ts feel free to add me, just say who you are (well...were), even if we didn't really get to talkin. Also if ya wish contact Keira, just hit me up on my skype.
As for my blogs, I will not be rping anymore as I feel I'm not suited for it. But my blogs will remain open, and ya can contact me through those if ya like. I guess I can't really bare to get rid of them.
My online name will always be Life though. I like it much better than my real name, though it doesn't suit me well. 
Bye-bye everybody and good luck!
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tsoocblog · 10 years
Hey guys!
This was a little shocking to come back to. I've been with TS one month short of a year, and I've made some amazing friends through here! Before I joined TS, I was extremely hesitant to join an RP group due to rather negative past experiences with groups. However, everyone that has sailed to and from TS has always been extremely open and it honestly felt like a family over here.
I've had so much fun writing with you all! Blog-wise, I am currently planning on moving my characters to another group and see how things go from there (I don't think I would be able to do indie...). So if any of you guys are also planning on going to another group, then let me know and maybe I'll meet you there! 
Remember: if you ever want to contact me to do a little RP or just to talk things out, then my Skype is tatertotarmy and my Tumblr is also tatertotarmy. I definitely do not want the end of TS to also mean the end of our beautiful friendships!
Hope to see you guys on the flip side, Taylor (Sanjay, Violet, Riley)
P.S.  I would like to leave some Harvest Moon tracks here. Music is always the best for times of parting. boosh boosh boosh FRY HIGHER
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tsoocblog · 10 years
Hey guys.
In light of recent (and unfortunate) events I'd just like to let you all know that I love you. <3
I've been with TS for almost  year now and although it hurts my heart a little to watch the group close, I completely understand.
The mods are amazing and they've worked extremely hard to keep us happy and entertained and I'm totally appreciative of it. The members are amazing and everyone is so super nice and caring and sweet and really amazing friends to me.
So I'd just like to say thank you to everyone and I hope you all can find another group (or go indie) to satisfy all your rping needs.
Thank you guys, I love you all so much. If you ever need to reach me my skype is kittyrunning
(Below is just extra info on my blogs)
I've lost my muse for a lot of characters, so that's really unfortunate.
However, my blogs WILL be staying open and I'm going to make them "indie" blogs.
If anybody would like to rp with my characters or have short little drabbles or anything, feel free to send an ask my way. I'm almost always down for an rp on skype as well. Or even if you just want to chat. 
Thank you. ♥
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tsoocblog · 10 years
Attention Town-Square members!
The mods have come to the decision that it's time to close Town Square down. As much as it saddens us, we have lost the inspiration to keep this group running. Since we cannot substantially satisfy the members to standards that we prefer, it is better for you to be free. You guys deserve the best after all!
We'll be making a shorter official message on Town-Square's main site in order to take care of the last formalities.
We'll really miss you and the moments that we've had together.  And we've sure got quite a few stories tucked under our belt because of this group! 
Thank you for all the good memories!
-Posted by TS Staff
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tsoocblog · 10 years
Okay, okay... Internet speed is -FINALLY- decent and I feel somewhat better, so... Here I go! :D
[ on a totally unrelated note, someone decided to use the rest of my French Vanilla Cafe coffee powder. ;__; The world had forsaken me... ]
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tsoocblog · 10 years
Wow I just randomly fell off the map.
So does anyone want to rp?
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tsoocblog · 10 years
Sorry I kinda disappeared for a while. I know I still owe replies to people, but if anyone would like to start a thread feel free to let me know!
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tsoocblog · 10 years
Wow, it's been forever, but I'm finally feeling better! Does anyone want to start a thread? I'll be going through posts to find any replies I owe, let me know if I owe you one!! c:
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tsoocblog · 10 years
I didn't even realize i clicked on the acoustic one lol...
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tsoocblog · 10 years
i havent been on in months rip
im back now tho
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tsoocblog · 10 years
I'm sorry I don't know why but I keep leaving for a long time
Please forgive meeee
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