#lloyd garmadon critical
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lloydkin-kinlloyd · 5 days ago
I know that in season 3 they are probably gonna make lloyd and arin get on good terms again and damn I'm dreading that. Like we're just gonna watch another one of Lloyd's mistakes get shoved to the side for no good reason in favor of making him stay perfect.
I feel bad for arin and I want him to stay against Lloyd and not be on the best of terms with him throughout the whole thing. I hate sensei Lloyd and if morro comes back he better beat the crap out if him.
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kindaasrikal · 8 months ago
Garmadon and Morro, and their unused dumbassery in the departed realm, part 5:
Part 4 - Part 6
*arguing with someone, maybe Chen*
Morro: yeah? Well why don’t you go SUCK MY-
Garmadon: *covers his mouth* he didn’t mean that.
Garmadon: Well, he did, and I share the sentiment, but in a more dignified manner.
Morro: Garmadon, what’s that.
Garmadon: what is what?
Morro: *pointing at the very fast flying object hurtling towards them.* that.
Garmadon: *turns around uninterestedly to see.* hm?-
Garmadon: *look up to see his father flying full speed ahead on top of a dragon, standing with a sign saying “WELCOME SON AND GRAND CHILD, WORDS WILL BE SHARED IN THE NEXT FEW SECONDS, BE PREPARED.” In bold.*
Garmadon: *blinks up at it*
Garmadon: *picks Morro up and makes a run for it* all of our mistakes hurtling towards us, child.
Morro:…why, is your father, the First Spinjitzu master, chasing us?
Garmadon: It’s punishment in the form of torture.
Fsm: *wishes to smother them* YOU CANNOT RUN, MY CHILDREN.
Garmadon: Morro, dear child, genuinely, what is wrong with you.
Morro: *standing being half alive half not (literally half alive half dead one side of his form has a body the other does not. You can see his insides.), glowing pink, and tied to a tree as he floats upwards. He has the most blank expression known to man.* I blame Wu, and only Wu.
Garmadon: He is not even dead.
Morro: yet.
Garmadon:….what did you do-
Garmadon: Morro.
Morro: mmshshh *laying face down on the ground, just cause he can*
Garmadon: No- Morro.
Morro: what? *muffled by the grass.*
Garmadon: Child, you had a bowl cut?
Morro: *shoots up* WHERE WHAT WHY HOW-
Morro: *having just entered the Departed realm, bumping into Garmadon for the first time since the other was chained up*
Garmadon: Morro, what a pleasure.
Morro: *jumps.* Garmadon, I see you made it out of-
Garmadon: *raises an eyebrow.*
Morro: ah
Morro: what…are you wearing?
Garmadon, who traded his clothes with Lloyd right before he left, as a last minute gift before they never see each other again: *scowls* it’s better than what you’re wearing.
Guys please im losing ideas i gotta scrounge up the worst ones imaginable in my head.
Anyways the Fsm defo jumped Garm and Morro, bullied them, and smothered them in love. He’s been lonely for the past few years. No i do not take criticism this is definitely the fsm.
I miss Morro. And Sensei Garmadon. I rlly want smth on these two.
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calypsolemon · 2 months ago
every day i think about the fact that early season garmadon found out lloyd was the green ninja and in reaction to lloyd rejecting that fact bc he didn't wanna fight his dad he was just like "no son, this is the right path for you, and I'm really proud of you. From this point on I'll fight you with all my will out of respect, but I fully expect that in the end you'll destroy me, and I will have deserved it because I'm irredeemably evil and incapable of controlling my actions" and then a little later Lloyd just blasts him with the anti evil juice proving that he was completely wrong.
And then two more seasons later he chooses to trade his own life and go to hell to atone for some different irredeemable sin he perceives himself to have committed anyways. Like none of that even mattered.
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fandomsnrambles · 9 months ago
Fucking sobbing at this meme i made some time ago 😭
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writer-room · 1 year ago
Obsessed with Lloyd never mentioning his grandfather is the First Spinjitsu Master, apparently to the point even Arin didn't seem to know, because "eh, it never came up". Cause like, yeah, sure, my grandfather is God, what of it? Normal day for me. Shit happens. My dad is also evil, you wanna talk about that? I sure don't.
It's also funny from a character arc perspective. Here's itty bitty baby first season Lloyd, loudly proclaiming he's the son of Garmadon, and probably also making sure everyone knows he's God part 3 electric boogaloo. And then one Tomorrow's Tea and a few more years later and he's doing everything physically possible to NOT care about his heritage. In fact he'd probably rather his parentage was literally anyone else. Dude could care so less he forgets about it most of the time. King behavior.
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pepmint-art · 2 years ago
okay so, misako sending lloyd to darkley's actually made the right decision and I understood it just yesterday
like, think, let's say that in ninjago is another boarding school but just for regular kids. and that's exactly the place where lloyd would be bullied and hated by everyone cuz he's Garmadon's child. everyone would look at him like he's the next villain and isn't worth even talking to. he is or will be dangerous. and kids are brutal so it's oblivious they would bully him just because of this.
in darkley's, which from a name, is a school for bad boys he wouldn't stand out from the rest. well, yeah, he was bullied for not being bad enough BUT FOR THE LOVE OF GOD WHO WOULD SUSPECT IT'S GOING TO HAPPEN THAT STILL SOUNDS ABSURDLY. IT'S LIKE THE CHANCE 1/1000, WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN HE'S NOT BAD ENOUGH?
ekhem... what I wanted to say is that lloyd just was safer in darkley's then in any other school
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sweetievel · 2 months ago
Dragons Rising is like TLOK all over - it's not bad but I like old Ninjago so much more Sons of Garmadon was peak please someone rewatch it with me I can't be alone in this PLEASE CAN WE REVIVE THE OLD SEASONS I BEG
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autistic-ben-tennyson · 7 months ago
Essay Topics I’m thinking of
Religious themes in Ben 10. Ultimate Alien, specifically, had a lot of Christian iconography and references.
How Makoto Shinkai does a way better job than George Lucas at portraying “letting go”, trauma and loss as well as a more nuanced view of “burning the world to save one person”.
A rant about Jedi stans from one who used to be part of their fandom but started to realize how toxic and puritanical I was acting.
Defending Steven in “Mr Universe”. May do a defense piece for Crystalized Lloyd as well.
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the-painted-siren · 2 years ago
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Does it count as survival shipping if the main focus of the fic is Lloyd and Garmadon?
Idk but Vinny is getting a name drop.
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squib-2006 · 2 years ago
Dragon rising spoilers! Click Read more at your own risk!
This is part two of my dragons rising random thoughts
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There is gunna be a part three wooooooooo!
Part 1, part 3
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lloydkin-kinlloyd · 19 days ago
Ok but the ninja have to have a world record for "most consistently turamatized". Like they all kept going after bad event after bad event and I feel so bad for kai, jay, cole, zane and nya man. They go through too much.
Take all their pain away, double it and give it lloyd.
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hollowflight-propaganda · 2 years ago
Lloyd would most certainly be the type of person to cry while watching Bluey
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thecatundertheladder · 3 months ago
The Spinjitzu family should be actual royalty and I will not be taking criticism on that. Like I’m talking they have the power to veto any government decision in all of Ninjago. Garmadon and Wu don’t get involved with politics that often since their prefer to leave it up to the mortals.
Lloyd doesn’t know about it. Like at all. He finds out one morning at breakfast because he was sitting and thinking to hard about his heritage.
Lloyd: Grandpa is literally the guy who created Ninjago.
Wu: Yes.
Lloyd: So like, shouldn’t we have more power then? Like why aren’t we royalty or something.
Wu, deadpan: Lloyd, we are royalty.
Lloyd: WHAT
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so-sures-blog · 1 year ago
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icebound definition: surrounded, obstructed, or covered by ice.
In which Zane uses his element against the Overlord to save the city and his friends. Because it wasn’t about numbers, it was about family.
It is the end, and Zane knows it.
The Overlord is conquering Ninjago City, webs of gold stringing across buildings like Christmas lights and tying up his friends like flies. They struggle, but it is useless under the might of the Overlord.
Zane flips out of the way of a golden band reaching to ensnare him and lands on a roof. All of his friends are tied up, and only Zane is free. He knows what he has to do. He is the only one who can.
“Support me, friends. For one last time.”
He takes a running leap off the ledge, and Jay flips midair so his feet plant squarely on top of his. Then Cole, Lloyd, Kai, Sensei Garmadon, and Wu.
He soars, flying straight at the Overlord, and grabs onto his golden fangs.
Immediately, he feels its power, and its agony. Pain rips into every crevice of his body; his jolts rattle and shake and his wires spark under his skin.
“Let my friends go!” Zane shouts.
“Go where, Doomed Ninja?” The Overlord sneers. Its eyes, red and hateful, glare into him.
Zane writhes under the immense pain and power. His body cannot handle it, he knows, and he feels himself falling apart under it.
“The Golden Weapons are too powerful for you to behold. Your survival chance is low.”
But Zane isn’t trying to hold them. He’s trying to destroy them.
He thinks of his brothers. He thinks of PIXAL. He thinks of his father. He thinks of an old man with long white hair as pure as snow and ice blue eyes that visited him a long time ago, who had come and left as quickly as winter did and had breathed that power into him because he saw him worthy of it.
“This … isn’t about numbers … It's about family!”
The golden webs holding the Ninja fall and they escape. He can hear them screaming, telling him to let go, and he thanks them for that. Wu and Garmadon grab onto them and yank them back, away from the oncoming destruction.
His core — his heart — started reaching critical mass. Frost began creeping upon the Overlord’s fangs. Something blue and blinding in his heart freezes under his power, and Zane embraces it. It's his power. His choice.
“I am a Nindroid. And Ninja never quit. Go Ninja … go!”
He is the Master of Ice. He was built to protect those who cannot protect themselves. He stands for peace, freedom, and courage in the face of all who threaten Ninjago.
Frostbite burns his skin away; jolt and wires freeze under the cold; until he is left completely bare.
The last glimpse they get of Zane is him surrounded by a blizzard of his own making, bright and beautiful like a supernova. Burning blue and white with the terrible brilliance of his own determined choice.
Zane died; not as a machine, not as a human, not as a tool of anyone or anything — but as himself. Zane died to save the ones he loves.
And woke up as something completely different.
PIXAL climbs her way up the steep cliff side, careful to place her foot in secure crevices in case she slipped and fell from the icy mountain. Heavy snow blinded her vision as the blizzard whipped around her, but she kept her pace steady and sure.
It had been months since she had left Ninjago City and began her search. Months since Zane’s death and memorial. PIXAL knew, logically, that she should be back there, properly mourning him. But she could not.
He had never given up on her, not when she was under the Overlord’s control or when she was struggling with the newness of emotions.
And that meant she could never give up on him.
When she had first met Zane, she became more than a machine meant to function. He was vital to her, and she was a part of him.
She carried half his heart, and against all logical explanations, she knew he was still alive.
She did not tell the Ninja of her suspicions: the immediate aftermath of Zane’s loss had been devastating. She’d watched as the team fractured, splitting at the seams as they all fled their separate ways, too heartsore and dizzy with grief to do much otherwise. She did not tell Cyrus Borg where she was going either, for she knew if he begged her to stay, she would.
If she had told them she had seen a snowy wraith emerge from the destruction of the frozen, apocalyptic atmosphere on the rooftop, she would have been told she had imagined it due to her grief.
And while she was grieving, she was not imagining it. She is a Nindroid, and she did not have an imagination. PIXAL was built to observe, to analyze, to collect data and gather information. She built theories and hypothesized, not assumed.
So she followed the signs. She kept track of all weather anomalies that happened across Ninjago — sudden snowstorms, cold drops in temperatures that swept through small villages and towns. It led her all across the country until it ended here, with her climbing up the frozen, snow-peaked mountain.
Finally, PIXAL arrived at her destination.
The Ice Temple.
Slowly, she makes her way towards it. Her sensors indicate the temperature dropping the closer she gets. For a normal human, they would have already gotten frostbite without the proper equipment and numb with it, but PIXAL was made of metal. The cold did not bother her.
She peers into the glacial architecture, but does not enter. Or more like, she is unable to. It feels as if there is some sort of force of winter that is keeping her at bay.
“Zane?” Hope finds its way into the desperation of her voice. Freezing winds whip her hair out of its ponytail and against the purple circuits on her cheeks, but she barely notices. “Is that you?”
There’s nothing except for the howling wind, then her eyes catch movement. Slowly, almost like a ghost, a figure starts to come closer, making a shape against the blizzard.
If PIXAL had lungs, all the air would have rushed out of them.
A being made of pure winter floated in front of her. Formed of ice and frost and molded by the wind, it stood there and looked at her. Opaque ice carved the face that has been imprinted in her memory drives, the one she had traveled across the entire world to see again.
It was frozen, and beautiful, and Zane.
Inside her neural drive, alarms were blaring into her system, flashing behind her eyes. Warning: Severe weather alert. Temperature reaching sub-zero levels. Retreat into a warmer climate —
PIXAL shut off the notifications.
“Hello,” she says. Zane does not move. She dares a step closer. “Do you recognize me?”
He says nothing, so PIXAL continues on. It feels like their roles were reversed when they first met: she, the one struck speechless by the other’s beauty. Him, stoic to it all.
“I’m PIXAL, the Primary Interactive X-ternal Assistant Lifeform. I’m a … friend. I came searching for you to bring you home. There are things about you that you don’t understand. That you have yet to discover. I am here to help you remember.”
Zane is quiet, but she senses that he is listening. Something glowing in her chest aches.
“It is alright if you don’t remember me,” PIXAL says. She cannot cry, but is she would she could. She is still new to emotions, and many are overwhelming her: joy and grief and something fierce and pure deep in her heart. “I remember you. And we are still compatible.”
Zane tilts his head and drifts closer. The snow slows its fall, the wind stopping altogether. Snowflakes gently coat her hair. Now that he is closer, she can see the differences that make him unlike the old Zane: he doesn’t have the one dimple on the right side of his cheek, or the small beauty mark on his collarbone, or the tiny scar on his index finger from his shuriken.
But he is still Zane, even as an icy spirit.
She held out a hand. “Your brothers miss you very much. Will you come back with me, Zane?”
He is silent, staring at her. Unlike before, it is impossible to know what he is thinking. She gazes up at him, imploring. His eyes have no irises or pupils, so she is simply staring up at pinpricks of pure blue light.
Slowly, his hand reaches out of her.
A loud sound echoes across the ice, and out of nowhere chains of Vengestone come flying out and capture him.
Fear slams into her. “Zane!” PIXAL cries.
Ice races out from his body and across the chains as Zane struggles, but no matter what, he can’t break them.
PIXAL whips around to face the assailant.
A man in his thirties, wrapped in a thick parka to prevent the cold and wearing a red mask. He has shoulder-length brown hair and is wearing a dyed red straw hat, and under it she can see he is hiding an eyepatch.
“What are you doing?” PIXAL shouts. Anger — an emotion she rarely feels — burns through her.
The man lowers his gun and pulls out another one before she can even blink.
“Sorry, sweetheart. Just following orders.”
Before she can question what that means, he fires. A net tangles her limbs together and brings her down against the cold snow. Before she can fight against it, electricity courses through her.
And then everything went black.
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evedent · 8 months ago
I told you, he's going to be fine! 2/4
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Or maybe he needs a little rest :')
This is part 2 to my previous post.
Lloyd is very concerned about his father's condition, given that everything has just got better.
Wu and Misako are also worried, especially Wu, he definitely doesn't want to lose his brother and see him suffer (as usual). Actually, Zane called the ambulance. He was the first to fully understand the criticality of garmadon's condition. (scanned him or smf like that)
On the other hand, the ninjas are discussing everything that happened somewhere in the temple... Considering all that has happened, it seems to me that they are not very good-natured towards Garmadon.
I wonder, what will happen when he wakes up?
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clockwork-krow · 8 months ago
I've been thinking a lot about Kai and Morro again, and specifically their parallels (dangerous thing, I know) and I just really wanted to ramble about what I've taken to calling the inferno of destiny parallel.
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As a beginner ninja, both Morro and Kai dealt with arrogance, recklessness, and anger. We see this in how Morro took extremely dangerous risks to get Wu to save him, with how he assumed he was to be the green ninja when Wu told him he believed Morro was to wear green, and how Morro reacted when the weapons didn't react to him (ripping off the sliding door). We see this in how younger Kai jumps into situations without a genuine plan, how he gets angry and often (literally) explodes with fire when something frustrates him, and how he kind of defaults to the coolest person on the team/the hot one/the center of attention/etc when that's just really the immature persona he's thrown up to try and be the best.
Both Morro and Kai want to be the best at what they can do, and when they heard about a chance to be even better than their original concepts of the best (becoming the Green Ninja), both of them jumped at it.
Morro trained so hard he ended up hurting the kids he was training against and worrying Wu
Kai tried so hard to be the green ninja he ended up placing unnecessary strain on his relationships and even went so far as to risk letting people get hurt/die because he was prioritizing what he thought might get him closer to being the Green Ninja (a competitive line of thinking that Kai's been known to buy into in addition to his constant needs to try to be the best in the situation before he matures) (btw I'm talking about him originally trying to get the fang blade instead of. yknow. the CHILD about to burn lol.)
So, where do we see the shift from heroic to villanous in these two suspiciously similar characters? Well, it's when both of them are placed in an inferno scenario where they have to choose between pursuing their perceived destiny and their true destiny; hence, the inferno of destiny parallel.
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When Morro searches so long to try and find a way to become the Legendary Green Ninja and rewrite destiny, he eventually finds himself in the Caves of Despair. We don't have the details of what happened, but we see the ninja try to escape Morro's fate in season 5 episode 7 titled "The Crooked Path". Here we see them encounter geysers that are releasing poisonous gases at an alarming rate, and they also spray boiling water/steam out in addition to rising the temperature to an unbearable level in the cave. It's reasonable to assume that Morro experienced a cave-in due to the caves' lack of structural integrity (also experienced by the ninja)* and then was killed either from burns from the hot steam and/or due to inhaling too much of the dangerous gasses.
The point of Morro's inferno: Morro couldn't accept the fact that he was not destined to be the Green Ninja, so he wasn't willing to turn away from his perceived destiny to save his own life. He wouldn't leave the cave because he couldn't let go of the fact that his perceived destiny wasn't his true destiny.
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When Kai trains and practices to become the Green Ninja, making rash decisions (like jumping down for the Fang Blade again) and reckless choices that hurt his relationships (like barricading himself into a room to fight Garmadon for… literally no reason other than his desire to be the Green Ninja), he eventually finds himself in a similar inferno: The Fire Temple. An ancient temple constructed inside a volcano that once held the Sword of Fire, this is where the fourth and final Fang Blade is located and where the ninja must fight against Pythor and the other Serpentine generals for it. The volcano begins to erupt and collapse in on itself, and Kai ends up with a choice: save young Lloyd from his inevitable death in the erupting volcano, or try to reach the Fang Blade before it ends up in the hands of Pythor. This is the critical moment* for Kai, as he has to choose between his percieved destiny (becoming the Green Ninja and getting the Fang Blade) or his true destiny (protecting Lloyd in the hopes of saving both of their lives). In the end, he chooses to give up the thing he'd been working towards for most likely months now to try and be the best in the favor of saving a kid that used to be a massive pain in the ass (no offense, little Lloyd).
The point of Kai's inferno: Kai gave up his perceived destiny in the end, and only then was he able to unlock his True Potential in addition to being able to escape the Fire Temple safely with Lloyd and himself still alive. He was able to save himself and Lloyd because he gave up something that had felt like such a core part of his being, that he believed was his destiny, even though it turned out not to be.
He even says this himself to Sensei Wu: "I knew when I had to make a choice. I wanted the Fangblade so badly, to prove I was good enough to become the Green Ninja. But then I figured it out. All of my training to become the best ninja wasn't in preparation to become the Green Ninja. It was… to protect him." (s1e10, titled "The Green Ninja")
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Kai and Morro both experience infernos that threaten their lives and rely on their ability to relinquish their percieved goals in favor of the objectively best choice in the moment. Morro was unable to give up what he truly believed was his destiny, and he ended up dead and sent to the Cursed Realm as a result. Kai was able to give up what he had been working towards for so long, and was able to save his life and Lloyd's life (especially entertaining when you remember that Kai had to give up trying to be the Green Ninja to… save the Green Ninja, lmao)
The critical moment I noted with a * for both Kai and Morro is that this point is the moment where each of them have to decide what's more important to them: what they believe is their destiny, or what would save their life. Morro tried to push through to his "destiny" and became too hurt or sick from the fumes to escape, and eventually died there. Kai gave up his "destiny" and just barely managed to escape with his life and Lloyd's.
So yes, I love the inferno of destiny parallel quite a bit! All three of these characters are very near and dear to my heart and they're rotating in my brain like a rotisserie chicken lmao
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