miwiromantics · 4 months
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Rovickie <3
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arataki-neato · 1 year
Welt is surrounded by the faces of people he knows but they don’t recognize him
Dan Heng is surrounded by people who think they know him but he doesn’t recognize them
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cooltires · 5 days
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page 3 of my webcomic
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Parallelogram is such a fun word to say.
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tankbredgrunt · 8 months
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Or is there somethin’ else you’d like to rehash?
— Last of Us Part 2
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cuethemulti · 1 year
Will’s Blood is Vecna’s Key? (Spoilers for Evil Dead Rise)
I have my own little theory on what the duffers might have meant by Evil Dead Rise and s5 sharing something “small but awesome.” In beginning of the film, it was one Ellie’s kid Danny who found the Book of the Dead that is tied to the demonic entity. When Danny tries to open it, he gets hurts and cuts his finger.
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It’s not until the drop of Danny’s blood dropps is absorbed by the book that it finally opens.
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Maybe in next season Will’s blood will be a key to either opening or closing something (a gate?) that Vecna needs. It could connect to my other theory that Will’s nose will bleed the same way that El and Henry’s does at some point in the season. Will’s loss of blood not be the aftermath of using his powers like El and Henry, but it’s actually gonna show that his blood is part of his power: he embodies a deeper connection to the UD than anyone else.
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authenticaussie · 21 days
Welcome home Suren Darga?
“Hot, and cold,” Damian says, pointing to each side of the tap as required, and Suren squints. 
“And this is…a requirement?” he says dubiously. “To choose?”
“To bathe?” Damian asks, nose wrinkling in distaste. “Hygiene prevents infection - and I will not allow you to interact with the animals of the Manor if you will not, at minimum, remove the gore currently beneath your fingernails. They will not be made ill due to another's poor choices.”
“Then…which do you pick?” Suren asks. He shifts on the bathmat, and Damian can feel himself slowly frown.
“How do you mean?”
“Which is easier? Is better? The hot or the cold?”
“I-” Damian's words dry up in his mouth. It's hard to think, ideas forming through sticky correlation as memories poke the edge of his mind, and he breathes in slowly through his nose, feeling, oddly, how his chest rises with the movement. He isn't entirely disconnected from his body: but he hovers just within it, feeling too aware of the way his fingers flex against his shorts. “No,” he says, and turns the tap on before he takes Suren's hand, pulling their interlocked palms into the water. Suren jerks back, startled and afraid, and then his eyes go even wider and he leans forward, closer to the spray. “You just…pick,” Damian says quietly. “You get to pick what feels good for you. You can change it if it is too hot, or too cold, until it feels…good.”
“It is allowed to feel good,” Suren murmurs, like something he's had repeated to him before, and Damian flinches, quickly letting go of Suren's hand and stepping away.
“Bathe,” he orders. “There is soap - the bar - and the water does not stop until you decide. Pennyworth will have delivered clothes by the time you are finished, so do not return to your former garb. It-” he grimaces. “It can be cleaned, if requested.”
Suren glances down at his clothing, then back into the spray of water, obviously mesmerised, and shrugs. “It is not mine. I will accept your gift in this instance.” He cuts a sharp look at Damian from the corner of his eye, and Damian has to take a second to think through the slowly growing rumble in his ears before he can nod.
“Shelter, food, clothing.” He lists, feeling off-balance and ill, unable to stop thinking about how Richard had listed the same things when Damian had first moved into the penthouse after his father's death. It plays, overlaid on Suren, like looking into a parallel life. Is this how he had acted, when he first came to the manor? Expecting each thing offered to be paid for, to be a test? 
Unused to being offered a kindness, a nicety, without it being earned? 
He swallows, now glad that Suren has been fascinated by the shower, because he does not know what expression is on his face as he chokes out, “They are not denied. Shelter, food, and clothing will always be provided upon request or as required.”
“Ah,” Suren says, a soft noise that seems to escape him unbidden, and then he ducks his head and pulls back his scowl. “Fine. As long as it is not to excess as before - I do not care that your opinion on butterscotch ripple implied ability to mitigate genocide, food should not be extravagant to such an unnecessary degree.”
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il-predestinato · 2 years
Working on my spotify wrapped fic challenge for @just-an-inchident​ right now (yes, don’t worry, I see the rest of you in my inbox, you just have to bear with my slow ass writing because when I’m asked to write 5 sentences, it sometimes turns into 2000+ words oops) and well, this one is definitely longer than 5 sentences, aaaaand may include a secondary ship as well, because as much as I want to gatekeep Val d’Argenton for my deranged 1997 Libra babies... EXCUSE ME WHAT DO YOU MEAN:
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Are you telling me that Val d’Argenton witnessed the greatness of both Lestappen AND Brocedes?!?! Hold me I’m -
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wiitchkins · 11 months
hey yall times are tough I'm between gigs rn if anyone is interested in some of my classic fashion commissions I'm open for business & itd be a huge help.
Choose between:
Lineup of 3 for $50
Lineup of 5 for $100
(payment through v*nmo or z*llel)
Mix & Match characters as you like! (character references required! desired fashion can be exact reference, description, or a variety of inspo)
Choose between:
Style 1:
(old pic, style subject to minor differences- but ultimately a more cartoony/cuter style)
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Style 2 (not necessarily all in profile/side view- but this style of character design)
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dm if interested! <3
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bloodraven55 · 2 years
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👏 PA 👏 RA 👏 LLELS 👏
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bhilasar · 2 years
Breaking my silence about this. Even though I love how much potential W*llel have to be a great duo, most of the fanon content is so OOC, especially the way El is portrayed...
*Censoring it to not reach their tag
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bamfwizard · 10 months
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(sung aloud) PARA-LLELS!
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cooltires · 27 days
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chapter 1 page 1 of my webcomic, pair-a-llel. no idea where to host it though
credit to @museofwar for some background work
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arataki-neato · 1 year
Ok but the fact
the fACT
that both Dan Heng and March's e6s are them curled up in the fetal position, waiting to be "reborn" into their new life, her in the ice and him in the egg
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purelyhornyred · 4 months
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Para/lell is the eleventh band on the list! They are pop/rock themed.
Akira: Akira is the bubbly pop idol. She knows how to put a smile on her face for the audience. However, behind her smile is a woman filled with pure rage.
Nami: Nami is the sweet pop idol. Unlike Akira, Nami is slow to take offense and warms fans hearts. Nami is the token sweetheart.
Valor: Valor is the cool-headed rockstar. Valor doesn't waste their time with meaningless fights. Though Valor's words can often be preserved as vague or creepy.
Quetezal: Quetezal is the loud rockstar. Akira and Quetezal often get into fights due to their differences. Quetezal comes off as lazy or too laid-back. But their love for rock is real.
Background: These four are split right down the middle. Their glaring differences often lead to arguments between Akira and Quetezal. But, despite their differences, these four love each other.
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revenant-coining · 2 years
Dimensen (and concepts) Themed 1st and 2nd Person Pronouns
1st Person: i/me/my/mine/myself
Di/dim/dimen/dimensen or dimine or dimenine/dimen(sen)self (dimensen)
Al/alt/alter/alternative or alterine or alternine/alter(native)self (alternative)
Di/dimen/dimensi/dimension or dimine or dimenine/dimensi(on)self (dimension)
Un/uni/univer/universe or univine/univer(se)self (universe)
Ti/time/timeli/timeline/timeli(ne)self (timeline)
Mul/multi/multiver/multiverse or multine or multivine/multiver(se)self (multiverse)
The/theo/theor/theory or thine or theorine/their(y)self (theory)
Pa/par/para/parallel or parine or paralline/para(llel)self (parallel)
Fi/fa/fate/fine or fatine/fateself (fate)
Sou/soul/soulma/soulmate or souline or soulmine/soulma(te)self (soulmate)
2nd Person: you/you/your/yours/yourself
Dimen/dimen/dimener/dimeners/dimenerself (dimensen)
Al(t)/al(t)/alternater/alternaters/alternaterself (alternative)
Dimen/dimen/dimensioner/dimensioners/dimensionerself (dimension)
Uni/uni/univer/univers/univerself (universe)
Time/time/timeliner/timeliners/timelinerself (timeline)
Multi/multi/multiver/multivers/multiverself (multiverse)
Theo/theo/theor/theors/theorself (theory)
Para/para/paralleler/parallelers/parallelerself (parallel)
Fate/fate/faer/faers/faerself (fate)
Soul/soul/soulmater/soulmaters/soulmaterself (soulmate)
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