#lizzie x gordo
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livelovecaliforniadreams · 2 years ago
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Favorite Otps/Pairings: Gordo Gordon & Lizzie McGuire (Lizzie McGuire) “Because there's nobody prettier than you or more fun to be with. You forgot smarter. Yeah, well, I was including myself in that one."
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couragehopelovefaith · 1 year ago
My favorite ships part 2
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Fergus and Marsali
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Claire x Jamie x John
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Jocasta and Murtagh
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Karppi and Nurmi
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Bill and Katie
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Mary and Adam
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Lizzie and Gordo
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Carter and Rosie
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Troy and Gabriella
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Chad and Ryan
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Arwen x Aragorn
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theofficialdramallama · 2 years ago
Seeing the Carly and Freddie slow-burn play out is making me so, so happy, but the Lizzie McGuire fan in me is thinking that we were robbed on having a brilliant modern, older Lizzie & Gordo friends-to-lovers like the iCarly writers have done so well with Creddie </3 <3 <3
One out of two of my fav childhood ships getting their well-deserved happy ending has to count for something~! <3
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private-bryan · 2 years ago
Christ, I'm old
As *someone* (no names mentioned) just pointed out to me, I apparently have a twenty year fandom cycle for shipping - a blonde haired wannabe writer and a curly haired brunet with a perchant for film making?
What's the fandom going to be in the 2040s?
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loupettes · 2 years ago
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miss-inkwell · 2 years ago
I’m not even an iCarly fan but I love all the Creddie I’m seeing they’re so cute 🥰 I really wish that if the Lizzie McGuire reboot happened that Lizzie and Gordo could have had that because they were my childhood but ships getting content is always the best
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genericruleroftheflies · 11 months ago
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Don’t piss me off.
They know Lizzie kissed Gordo right? Not the other way around…
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wickedwitchofwisterialane · 2 years ago
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genericruleroftheflies · 11 months ago
No one:
Lizzie: guess I’m marrying Gordo
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Lizzie + thinking about being married to Gordo
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vexic929 · 1 year ago
what was your first ship, and what fandom is it from? what is the most overrated ship, in your opinion? rate Reversevibe from 1-10 and explain why. rant about Reversepiper. realistically, do you think Supercorp will ever be canon? why or why not?
my FIRST ship if I really wrack my brain was probably Lizzie x Gordo from Lizzie McGuire (so, you know, really showing my age) also baby queer me didn't realize it at the time but I totally shipped Lizzie x Miranda too lol
I'm gonna get hate for this but imo, the most overrated ship is probably DickBabs or BatCat, I do ship both but they just oversaturate the fanspaces from what I've seen, all four characters have other better love interests - even canon ones! - that I think just get tremendously overshadowed
ReverseVibe is around a 6 or 7 for me, I like it and find it incredibly interesting but I definitely ship both men with different people more often, not a pairing I'd probably write but I'll definitely read it
ReversePiper gives me SO MANY FEELINGS, I'm always going on about how great Andy Mientus and Tom Cavanagh play off of each other, I wouldn't at all be surprised if I found out that when learning about their characters they both agreed to play Hartley and EoWells as exes before anything else lol there's a ton to explore in the relationship since they didn't go super deep into it in canon which means a lot of fun interpretation, especially in regards to Hartley's vulnerable state at the time which is excellent angst fodder (and we all know I live for that) and the way Hartley and Eobard mirror each other in personality, it's just SO GOOD
I really, honestly think that The CW is too cowardly at this point to have ever truly made SuperCorp canon but I feel like maybe there would have been a bit more hints towards it in the final season if it hadn't been filmed during COVID, I mean their interactions got increasingly more romantic and both characters' relationship statuses were left open-ended in the finale which feels rare, I feel like every time I watch a series it ends with the main character and company getting a probably straight love interest as their "happy ending"
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Hello.... If you don't mind me asking, who are your favorite romantic relationship's couples in books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series (can be canon or non-canon)? Feel free if you want to write the reasons or not of why you love them...Thanks if you want to answer....
That is a very broad ask and I am very bad at lists so I will only speaks of ships that I think have some formative long lasting impact for me.
Lizzie and Gordo were my first live action ship.
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My very first ship was from an anime, Their og names were Sana and Akito from Kodomo No Omocha. I knew it as Rossana (Italian name). This ships was my childhood!! When I was a baby that was basically the age of the actual characters. There are a few other anime with ships that got me, like Card Captor Sakura and Tokyo Mew Mew.
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Buffy x Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer
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There are a couple of misc Disney/Nick and Italian Shows ships that I loved but I wouldn't consider formative. Except for Logan and Quinn from s4 of Zoey 101. Unfortunatly the author that must no longer be named is in this as well. Originally Ron and Hermione then Draco and Harry later. There is also a few that I think are too obsocure like Wicked Sciene (Toby and Elisabeth) and Wildfire (Chris and Junior) or the Sleepover Club (Frankie and Mattew for s1 and Charlie and Jason for s2).
Veronica and Logan from Veronica Mars - They were everything to me, I remain devasted about the so called s4, I have not been able to watch this show again since I saw s4.
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Set and Summer from the OC (don't judge too much I was a teenager)
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Lovely Complex was also an anime I loved
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And Toradora
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Enjolras and Grantire (frist MLM ship I started reading fics for)
GMW Farkle and Riley + Styles and Lydia and Stranger Things (though I never shipped byler nothing against the ship I just don't see it) -> The first two fandoms that brought me on tumblr.
From early tumblr years we also have:
Evak (and various spin offs)
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Keith and Lance from Voltron
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Newsies (various ships)
Star Wars, Rogue One in specific. And Still Star Crossed which I will stay mad that they cancelled!!!! Benvolio and Rosaline were such a great ship.
Some famous YA Books: Red White and Royal Blue; Six Of Crows Ari and Dante; Simon VS.
There are obviously many many more. But these are the ones that I think made more of an impact. I used to be the kind of person that likes canon ships, and took me a while to understand non canon shipping and get on board with non-canon shipping. I was mostly over it by the time I got too tumblr. But it took a while longer, when I start to get into queer ships, that I started to see the appeal. I hesitated with queer ships at first because it didn't feel like I should be shipping that, since I thought I was straight at the time. So I was a late bloomer in terms of non-canon ships and queer ships.
Then of course there is the BL era (which I am still on) which honestly should be a list of it's own, there is way too many. But I have to shout out the very first BL ships I had, which are the ones that made me fall in love with the genre
DeanPharm from UWMA
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AePete from Love By Chance
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And shout out to this nice anime movie (I started watching Yaoi before we really had that many live action, but I kept finding list with raccomendation with problematic contents, which I am more ok with now but at the time it turned me off so this movie was a nice little change): Doukyuusei
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My favorite ships dynamics are friend to lovers, enemies to lovers, enemies to friends to lovers; Or anything that involves two characters having a deep bond/connection (rival, friends, bodyguard, savior, soulmate) before they start dating.
Thanks for the ask, I hope you enjoyed it, I tried to be as varied as I could.
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livelovecaliforniadreams · 6 months ago
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couragehopelovefaith · 2 months ago
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ambertea · 2 years ago
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What can I possibly say about this perfect lil human that could possibly fit within the 4,096,000 character limit for tumblr posts.
You are the other part of my brain and heart. The most interesting, clever and funny person I’ve ever come across. (look i know ur vomming here but pls bare with me) Also, Gordo told me that there’s no one prettier than you. No one more fun to be around. (Sorry I would say smarter, but he reckons he’s got you beat on this one.)
CRUCIALLY..............there’s no one else I would have written a Lizzie McGuire fanfiction for. 
do you remember? 
It's been five years since Rome, and Lizzie and Gordo are no longer friends, which is why he's so surprised when he receives an invitation to her 18th birthday party.
Read on AO3
Keep being awesome, you are a fucking legend and this new chapter of your life is undoubtably going to bring you so much fucking fun. wherever ur adventurous lil spirit takes you, i’ll probably end up walking behind you
love u, loser x 
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private-bryan · 1 year ago
20 questions game for fic writers
Thanks for the tag @areseebee!
How many works do you have on ao3? 8
What’s your total ao3 word count? 63,699
What fandoms do you write for? Derry Girls. I once had a Zootopia fic on AO3 from a few years ago, but that was expunged with predjudice when I blew the dust off my account for my Derry Girls fics!
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? Charming, To Travel, A Confederacy of Fathers, Ruminations for a Sleepless Night, Coming of Age
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I didn't use to, primarily because I'm quite a shy person, but I try to do it now (at least for the early part of a fic's lifespan if I'm otherwise busy in real life). I need to get better at responding to new ones left on older fics though
What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? "Tell me I was wrong"
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? "She" was literally written to have a happy ending, but I would personally say "A Confederacy of Fathers"
Do you get hate on fics? Not so far, and hopefully that continues
Do you write smut? If so what kind? No. The smuttiest thing I wrote was in the epilogue to "She", and that was just one or two paragraphs with several euphemisms.
Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve ever written? Niet! Not unless you count butchering Irish mythology
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not as far as I know
Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope
Have you ever co-written a fic before? I have a hard enough time writing by myself. I'll spitball and theorise with people about the plot, but the actual writing is all my own
What’s your all-time favorite ship? Jerin is my favourite, and I ship them hard and love to write them. I think my oldest one I can remember (and one I'm still slightly bitter that it never really left dock) was Ash and Misty from Pokemon. Honourable mentions to Lizzie x Gordo and T.J. x Spinelli too
What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? This depends on whether I can keep the writing impetus going or not, but "Mary Quinn's Cookery Book" has kind of reached a roadblock creatively. Hopefully I can get back to it once the current WIP is done, but we'll see.
What are your writing strengths? This question is highly anti-English, as we don't like to extoll our strengths! I like to think there's a flow to the stories I write, and that if there's little plot there's at least a good understanding of character. And I can weave in canon reasonably well
What are your writing weaknesses? I think know I can be florid - mainly in an effort not to continually repeat the same word, but it doesn't always feel natural. Also I can't plot for toffee; "She" notwithstanding, pretty much all of my fics are essentially single scenes, are un/strenuously connected scenes, or take place over a really short time period. Oh, and I seem to be having a love affair with the semicolon...
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I'm a monolinguist, unfortunately. One day I'd like to write in Irish (if Duolingo doesn't let me down), but for now it's good ol' Google Translate if I need another language.
First fandom you ever wrote for? Published? Lizzie Maguire, on fanfiction.net. Unpublished? Pokemon.
Favorite fic you’ve ever written? Probably "To Travel" - it's topical, exploring 2010s Northern Irish abortion rights in the wake of the 2022 Roe vs. Wade ruling, it was a challenge to write as person who the subject matter doesn't directly relate to, and it was fun to explore James and Erin on the cusp of getting together through the eyes of Anna.
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loupettes · 2 years ago
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LIZZIE MCGUIRE (2001 - 2004)
2.24. Bye Bye Hillridge Junior High
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